Project Report On Performance Appraisal
Project Report On Performance Appraisal
Project Report On Performance Appraisal
Project report
Performance appraisal
Reliance securities
In partial fulfilment of te re!uirement
"or te De#ree of
SESSION: &'()*&'(+
Re#- No-
Narnaul 2 (&)''(
(Affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 - Objectives of stdy
1.! - "co#e of stdy
1.$ - %i&itation of stdy
1.' - Research ðodolo(y
Chapter 2 Conceptual framework
Chapter 3 Aout the compan!
Chapter " Anal!sis and findin#s
Chapter $ Recommendation and conclusion
)his #roject is sb&itted in the #artial flfill&ent of the re*ire&ent of the +achelor of
+siness Ad&inistration of ,ovt. -olle(e for .o&en, /arnal.. 0t is the otco&e of the
1ork 0 have nder(one at (R&)IA*C& +&C,RI-I&+ )I.I-&/0 /ehradun1
)oday 2it is ackno1led(ed and 1idely acce#ted facts3 that beside &oney,
&aterial and &achine sccess of any or(ani4ation (reatly de#end #on the *ality of
25&an Resorces.3
6erfor&ance A##raisal #lays an i&#ortant role for any or(ani4ation7
8 )o analysis the #erfor&ance of the e&#loyee.
My to#ic is concern 1ith e&#loyee9s #erfor&ance a##raisal in R:%0A/-:
":-UR0)0:" %)D, Dehradn.
)his #roject #rovided &e an o##ortnity to nderstand co&#anies 6erfor&ance a##raisal
"o&eti&es 1ords fall short to sho1 (ratitde, the sa&e ha##ened 1ith &e drin( this
#roject. )he i&&ense hel# and s##ort received fro& Reliance "ecrity %i&ited
over1hel&ed &e drin( the #roject.
0 a& e;tre&ely (ratefl to the entire tea& of Reliance "ecrities at Dehradn and also
.r1 Ahiraj +hri5asta5 (+ranch Mana(er of Reliance secrity) 1ho have shared their
e;#ertise and kno1led(e 1ith &e and 1ithot 1ho& the co&#letion of this #roject 1old
have been virtally i&#ossible.
)his #resent stdy is the reslt of continos s##ort and (idance of the e&inent faclty
&e&ber of &y institte. 0 a& internally and intellectally indebted to &y (ide .r1 I1+
6ada5 (faclty ++A de#t.) 1ho hel#ed &e to dra1 ot the #earls fro& the ocean of
tho(hts over the sbject and al1ays encora(ed &e to enhance &y kno1led(e by
#rovidin( &e the (idance abot the selective &aterial 1hich 0 shold read.
At the end 0 also thank &y senior and collea(e for their hel#in( behavior 1ithot 1ho&
it 1old be difficlt to co&#lete this 1ork sccessflly. 0 1old (ive s#ecial thanks to &y
#arents for their #ro#er (idance and &oral s##ort.
&7&C,-I8& +,..AR6
A##raisal is a continos #rocess and done annally as a for&al e;ercise before
co&#letion of the financial year. A##raisal has tre&endos &otivational i&#act on #eo#le
thro(h &eanin(fl feedback and is a #o1erfl tool for reco(nition. )his #roject e;#lains
#erfor&ance a##raisal syste& and tries to find ot ho1 efficiently 6erfor&ance A##raisal
is condcted. And if #erfor&ance a##raisal doesn9t &eet its objective then, 1hat are the
factors casin( failre.
)he stdy is learnin( the #rocess of #erfor&ance a##raisal in Reliance securities ltd1
)he e&#loyees of reliance secrities are flly satisfied 1ith their job. My &ain reason to
select this to#ic 1as to observe ho1 #eo#le 1ork in the or(ani4ation, the #rocess or
ðod by 1hich individal9s #erfor&ance 1ere analyses.
6erfor&ance a##raisal is a for&al, strctred syste& of &easrin( and evalatin( an
e&#loyee9s job, related behaviors and otco&es to discover 5o1 and 1hy the e&#loyee
is #resently #erfor&in( on the job and ho1 the e&#loyee can #erfor& &ore effectively in
the ftre so that thee e&#loyee, or(ani4ation, and society all benefit.
O%9&C-I8& O' +-,/6:
1- )he objective of re#ort is to stdy the #lan #ro&otions, salary revisions,
#ro&otions, e&#o1er&ent, trainin( and develo#&ent, and also de&otions and
ter&inations in Reliance "ecrities ltd.
!- )o identify the sorce of #erfor&ance a##raisal in Reliance secrities %td.
$- )o identify the stren(th and 1eakness inside the e&#loyee in Reliance "ecrities
'- )o #rovide trainin( or re1ard accordin( the a##raisal.
<- )o stdy the #erfor&ance a##raisal ðodolo(y ado#ted by Reliance +ecurities
+COP& O' +-,/6:
)he stren(th of any or(ani4ation is its #eo#le if #eo#le are attended to #ro#erly by
reco(ni4in( their talents, develo#in( their ca#abilities and tili4in( the& a##ro#riately,
or(ani4in( are likely to be dyna&ic and (ro1 fast. Ulti&ately the variety of tasks in any
or(ani4ation has to be acco&#lished by the #eo#le. "o&e of the& &ay have ca#abilities
to do certain task better than other tasks, and so&e of the& &ay not have ca#ability to do
the task assi(ned to the&. 0n any case of the i&#ortant #rocess (oals of dyna&ic
or(ani4ation is to assre that its #eo#le are ca#able of doin( the variety of tasks
associated 1ith their role= #osition.
My interest is totally in 5.R. and the above stdy 1old bri(hten &y career in 5.R.
+y this stdy 0 (ot an e;#erience abot ho1 the or(ani4ation 1orks, attitde of #eo#le
1orkin( there also it (ot a chance to differentiate bet1een #ractical and theoretical 1ork.
R&+&ARC; .&-;O/O)O46:
)o condct a research scientific ðod &st be follo1ed. )he niverse of stdy at
R:%0A/-: ":-UR0)0:" %td. is basically very lar(e in 1hich it is difficlt to collect
infor&ation fro& all the e&#loyees. "o, the sa&#lin( ðod has been follo1ed for this
stdy. )he analysis is based on #ri&ary and secondary data collected for this #r#ose.
"orces of data7
)he data collected for the #roject 1ork are fro& t1o sorces that is #ri&ary and
secondary sorces.
Primar! /ata7
>or this research 0 have follo1ed the strctre #ersonnel intervie1s after decidin(
to carry ot a srvey research by #erfor&ance a##raisal sa&#le fro& other
brokin( co&#any9s in Dehradn. )he o#inion of other co&#any9s 1as collected
sin( a##ro#riate *estionnaire. )his observation 1as bro(ht abot 1ith the hel#
of attention.
+econdar! /ata7
)he secondary data 1ere collected fro& the internet, Ash1atha#a 5.R book ? the
&anal #blished by the co&#any.
.ethod of anal!sis:
3;A- I+ P&R'OR.A*C& APPRAI+A)<
A performance appraisal or performance e5aluation is a syste&atic and #eriodic
#rocess that assesses an individal e&#loyee9s job #erfor&ance and #rodctivity in
relation to certain #re-established criteria and or(ani4ational objectives. Other as#ects of
individal e&#loyees are considered as 1ell, sch as or(ani4ational citi4enshi# behavior,
acco&#lish&ents, #otential for ftre i&#rove&ent, stren(ths and 1eaknesses, etc. )o
collect #erfor&ance a##raisal data, there are three &ain ðods7 objective #rodction,
#ersonnel, and jd(&ental evalation. @d(&ental evalations are the &ost co&&only
sed 1ith a lar(e variety of evalation ðods. A #erfor&ance a##raisal is ty#ically
condcted annally. )he intervie1 cold fnction as 2#rovidin( feedback to e&#loyees,
conselin( and develo#in( e&#loyees, and conveyin( and discssin( co&#ensation, job
stats, or disci#linary decisions3. 6erfor&ance a##raisal is often inclded in #erfor&ance
&ana(e&ent syste&s. 6erfor&ance &ana(e&ent syste&s are e&#loyed 2to &ana(e and
ali(nA all of an or(ani4ationBs resorces in order to achieve hi(hest #ossible #erfor&ance.
25o1 #erfor&ance is &ana(ed in an or(ani4ation deter&ines to a lar(e e;tent the sccess
or failre of the or(ani4ation. )herefore, i&#rovin( #erfor&ance a##raisal for everyone
shold be a&on( the hi(hest #riorities of conte&#orary3 or(ani4ations.
"o&e a##lications of #erfor&ance a##raisal are #erfor&ance i&#rove&ent, #ro&otions,
ter&ination, test validation, and &ore. .hile there are &any #otential benefits of
#erfor&ance a##raisal, there are also so&e #otential dra1backs. >or e;a&#le,
#erfor&ance a##raisal can hel# facilitate &ana(e&ent-e&#loyee co&&nicationC
ho1ever, #erfor&ance a##raisal &ay reslt in le(al isses if not e;ected a##ro#riately as
&any e&#loyees tend to be nsatisfied 1ith the #erfor&ance a##raisal #rocess.
6erfor&ance a##raisal is created in and deter&ined as sefl in the United "tates are not
necessarily able to be transferable cross-cltrally.
;ow is Performance mana#ed<
4ood performance ! the emplo!ees creates a culture of excellence= which enefits
the or#ani>ation in the lon# run1 -he acti5it! includes e5aluation of jos and
people oth= mana#in# #ender ias= career plannin#= and de5isin# methods of
emplo!ee satisfaction etc1 -he efforts are to make to #enerate the indi5idual?s
aspirations with the ojecti5es of the or#ani>ation1 Or#ani>ation has to clear
the wa! of career ad5ancements for talented and hardworkin# people1 'ear
of an! kind from the minds of the emplo!ees should e remo5ed so that the!
#i5e est to their or#ani>ation1 Allow free flow of information1
Communication network should e desi#ned in such a wa! no one should e
allowed to ecome a hurdle1 -his enales the mana#ers to take correct
decisions and that too @uickl!1
3h! Performance Appraisal<<<<<
-oda!?s workin# climate demands a #reat deal of commitment and effort from
emplo!ees= who in turn naturall! expect a #reat deal more from their
emplo!ers1 Performance appraisal is desi#ned to maximi>e effecti5eness !
rin#in# participation to more indi5idual le5el in that it pro5ides a forum for
consultation aout standards of work= potential= aspirations and concerns1 It
is an opportunit! for emplo!ees to ha5e si#nificantl! #reater influence upon
the @ualit! of their workin# li5es1 In these times of emphasis on (@ualit!0=
there is a natural e@uation: etter @ualit! #oods and ser5ices from emplo!ees
who enjo! etter @ualit! (#oods and ser5ices0 from their emplo!ers1
Performance appraisal must e seen as an intrinsic part of a mana#er?s
responsiilit! and not an unwelcome and timeAconsumin# addition to them1
It is aout impro5in# performance and ultimate effecti5eness1 Performance
appraisal is a s!stematic means of ensurin# that mana#ers and their staff
meet re#ularl! to discuss post and present performance issues and to a#ree
what future is appropriate on oth sides1 -his meetin# should e ased on
clear and mutual understandin# of the jo in @uestion and the standards and
outcomes= which are a part of it1 In normal circumstances= emplo!ees should
e appraised ! their immediate mana#ers on one to one asis1 Often the
distinction etween performance and appraisin# is not made1 Assessment
concerns itself onl! with the past and the present1 -he staff is ein#
appraised when the! are encoura#ed to look ahead to impro5e effecti5eness=
utili>e stren#ths= redress weaknesses and examine how potentials and
aspirations should match up1 It should also e understood that pushin# a
pre5iousl! prepared report across and desk cursoril! in5itin# comments= and
expectin# it to e neatl! si#ned ! the emplo!ee is not appraisal A this is
merel! a form fillin# exercise which achie5es little in terms of #i5in# staff an!
positi5e #uidance and moti5ation1
-;& APPRAI+A) O' P&R'OR.A*C& +;O,)/ %&
4&AR&/ -O:
Impro5in# the ailit! of the joholderB
Identif!in# ostacles which are restrictin# performance
A#reein# a plan of action= that will lead to impro5ed performance1
It is widel! accepted that the most important factor in or#ani>ation effecti5eness is
the effecti5eness of the indi5iduals who make up the or#ani>ation1 If e5er!
indi5idual in the or#ani>ation ecomes more effecti5e= then the or#ani>ation
itself will ecome more effecti5e1 -he task of re5iewin# situations and
impro5in# indi5idual performance must therefore e a ke! task for all
mana#ers1 'or appraisal to e effecti5e= which means producin# results for
the compan!= each mana#er has to de5elop and appl! the skills of appraisal1
-hese are: A
11 +ettin# standards on the performance re@uired= which will contriute to the
achie5ement of specific ojecti5es1
21 .onitorin# performance in a cost effecti5e manner= to ensure that pre5iousl!
a#reed performance standards are actuall! ein# achie5ed on an on#oin# asis1
31 Anal!>in# an! differences etween the actual performance and the re@uired
performance to estalish the real cause of a shortfall rather than assume the
fault to e in the jot holder1
"1 Inter5iewin# ha5in# a discussion with the joholder to 5erif! the true cause of a
shortfall= a de5elopin# a plan of action= which will pro5ide the performance=
Appraisal can then ecome a wa! of life= not concerned simpl! with the re#ulation
of rewards and the identification of potential= ut concerned with impro5in#
the performance of the compan!1 -he enefits of appraisal in these terms are
immediate and accrue to the appraisin# mana#er= the suordinate
mana#erCemplo!ee= and to the compan! as a whole
3ho Conducts Performance Appraisals
;uman Resource .ana#ement D Performance .ana#ement
5&an resorce &ana(e&ent (5RM) condcts #erfor&ance &ana(e&ent. 6erfor&ance
&ana(e&ent syste&s consist of the activities and=or #rocesses e&braced by an
or(ani4ation in antici#ation of i&#rovin( e&#loyee #erfor&ance, and therefore,
or(ani4ational #erfor&ance. -onse*ently, #erfor&ance &ana(e&ent is condcted at the
or(ani4ational level and the individal level. At the or(ani4ational level, #erfor&ance
&ana(e&ent oversees or(ani4ational #erfor&ance and co&#ares #resent #erfor&ance
1ith or(ani4ational #erfor&ance (oals. )he achieve&ent of these or(ani4ational
#erfor&ance (oals de#ends on the #erfor&ance of the individal or(ani4ational &e&bers.
)herefore, &easrin( individal e&#loyee #erfor&ance can #rove to be a valable
#erfor&ance &ana(e&ent #rocess for the #r#oses of 5RM and for the or(ani4ation.
Many researchers 1old ar(e that 2#erfor&ance a##raisal is one of the &ost i&#ortant
#rocesses in 5&an Resorce Mana(e&ent3.
)he #erfor&ance &ana(e&ent #rocess be(ins 1ith leadershi# 1ithin the or(ani4ation
creatin( a #erfor&ance &ana(e&ent #olicy. 6ri&arily, &ana(e&ent (overns #erfor&ance
by inflencin( e&#loyee #erfor&ance in#t (e.(. trainin( #ro(ra&s) and by #rovidin(
feedback via ot#t (i.e. #erfor&ance assess&ent and a##raisal). 2)he lti&ate objective
of a #erfor&ance &ana(e&ent #rocess is to ali(n individal #erfor&ance 1ith
or(ani4ational #erfor&ance3. A very co&&on and central #rocess of #erfor&ance
&ana(e&ent syste&s is #erfor&ance a##raisal. )he #erfor&ance a##raisal #rocess shold
be able to infor& e&#loyees abot the 2or(ani4ationBs (oals, #riorities, and e;#ectations
and ho1 1ell they are contribtin( to the&3.
When Performance Appraisals are Conducted
6erfor&ance a##raisals are condcted at least annally, and annal e&#loyee
#erfor&ance revie1s a##ear to be the standard in &ost A&erican or(ani4ations.
5o1ever, 2it has been ackno1led(ed that a##raisals condcted &ore fre*ently (&ore
than once a year) &ay have #ositive i&#lications for both the or(ani4ation and
e&#loyee.3 0t is s((ested that re(lar #erfor&ance feedback #rovided to e&#loyees &ay
*ell any ne;#ected and=or sr#risin( feedback to year-end discssions. 0n a recent
research stdy concernin( the ti&eliness of #erfor&ance a##raisal, 2one of the
res#ondents even s((ested that the #erfor&ance revie1 shold be done for&ally and
&ore fre*ently, #erha#s once a &onth, and recorded t1ice a year.3
Other researchers #ro#ose that the #r#ose of #erfor&ance a##raisal and the fre*ency of
their feedback are contin(ent #on the natre of the job and characteristics of the
e&#loyee. >or e;a&#le, e&#loyees of rotine jobs 1here #erfor&ance &aintenance is the
(oal 1old benefit sfficiently fro& annal #erfor&ance a##raisal feedback. On the other
hand, e&#loyees of &ore discretionary and non-rotine jobs, 1here (oal-settin( is
a##ro#riate and there is roo& for develo#&ent, 1old benefit fro& &ore fre*ent
#erfor&ance a##raisal feedback.
Methods of Collecting Performance Appraisal Data
-raditional .ethod
11 &++A6 APPRAI+A) .&-;O/:
)his traditional for& of a##raisal, also kno1n as A>ree >or& ðodA involves a
descri#tion of the #erfor&ance of an e&#loyee by his s#erior. )he descri#tion is an
evalation of the #erfor&ance of any individal based on the facts and often incldes
e;a&#les and evidences to s##ort the infor&ation. A &ajor dra1back of the ðod is
the inse#arability of the bias of the evalator.
21 +-RAI4;- RA*2I*4 .&-;O/:
)his is one of the oldest and si&#lest techni*es of #erfor&ance a##raisal. 0n this
ðod, the a##raiser ranks the e&#loyees fro& the best to the #oorest on the basis of
their overall #erfor&ance. 0t is *ite sefl for a co&#arative evalation.
A better techni*e of co&#arison than the strai(ht rankin( ðod, this ðod co&#ares
each e&#loyee 1ith all others in the (ro#, one at a ti&e. After all the co&#arisons on the
basis of the overall co&#arisons, the e&#loyees are (iven the final rankin(s.
"1 CRI-ICA) I*CI/&*-+ .&-;O/+:
0n this ðod of 6erfor&ance a##raisal, the evalator rates the e&#loyee on the basis of
critical events and ho1 the e&#loyee behaved drin( those incidents. 0t incldes both
ne(ative and #ositive #oints. )he dra1back of this ðod is that the s#ervisor has to
note do1n the critical incidents and the e&#loyee behavior as and 1hen they occr.
$1 'I&)/ R&8I&3:
0n this ðod, a senior &e&ber of the 5R de#art&ent or a trainin( officer discsses and
intervie1s the s#ervisors to evalate and rate their res#ective sbordinates. A &ajor
dra1back of this ðod is that it is a very ti&e cons&in( ðod. +t this ðod
hel#s to redce the s#eriors9 #ersonal bias.
E1 C;&C2)I+- .&-;O/:
)he rater is (iven a checklist of the descri#tions of the behavior of the e&#loyees on job.
)he checklist contains a list of state&ents on the basis of 1hich the rater describes the on
the job #erfor&ance of the e&#loyees.
F1 4RAP;IC RA-I*4 +CA)&:
0n this ðod, an e&#loyee9s *ality and *antity of 1ork is assessed in a (ra#hic scale
indicatin( different de(rees of a #articlar trait. )he factors taken into consideration
inclde both the #ersonal characteristics and characteristics related to the on the job
#erfor&ance of the e&#loyees. >or e;a&#le a trait like @ob Dno1led(e &ay be jd(ed on
the ran(e of avera(e, above avera(e, otstandin( or nsatisfactory.
G1 'ORC&/ /I+-RI%,-IO*:
)o eli&inate the ele&ent of bias fro& the rater9s ratin(s, the evalator is asked to
distribte the e&#loyees in so&e fi;ed cate(ories of ratin(s like on a nor&al distribtion
crve. )he rater chooses the a##ro#riate fit for the cate(ories on his o1n discretion.
.odern .ethod
)he conce#t of EMana(e&ent by Objectives9 (M+O) 1as first (iven by 6eter Drcker in
1F<'. 0t can be defined as a #rocess 1hereby the e&#loyees and the s#eriors co&e
to(ether to identify co&&on (oals, the e&#loyees set their (oals to be achieved, the
standards to be taken as the criteria for &easre&ent of their #erfor&ance and
contribtion and decidin( the corse of action to be follo1ed.
)he essence of M+O is #artici#ative (oal settin(, choosin( corse of actions and decision
&akin(. An i&#ortant #art of the M+O is the &easre&ent and the co&#arison of the
e&#loyee9s actal #erfor&ance 1ith the standards set. 0deally, 1hen e&#loyees
the&selves have been involved 1ith the (oal settin( and the choosin( the corse of action
to be follo1ed by the&, they are &ore likely to flfill their res#onsibilities.
.%O process
3EH de#ree performance appraisal
$GH de(ree feedback, also kno1n as B<i-rater feedbackB, is the &ost co&#rehensive
a##raisal 1here the feedback abot the e&#loyees9 #erfor&ance co&es fro& all the
sorces that co&e in contact 1ith the e&#loyee on his job.
$GH de(ree res#ondents for an e&#loyee can be his=her #eers, &ana(ers (i.e. s#erior),
sbordinates, tea& &e&bers, csto&ers, s##liers= vendors -
Anyone 1ho co&es into contact 1ith the e&#loyee and can #rovide valable insi(hts and
infor&ation or feedback re(ardin( the Aon-the-jobA #erfor&ance of the e&#loyee.
$GH de(ree a##raisal has for inte(ral co&#onents7
1. "elf-a##raisal
!. "#erior9s a##raisal
$. "bordinate9s a##raisal
'. 6eer a##raisal.
A++&++.&*- C&*-R&+7
An assess&ent center ty#ically involves the se of ðods like social=infor&al events,
tests and e;ercises, assi(n&ents bein( (iven to a (ro# of e&#loyees to assess their
co&#etencies to take hi(her res#onsibilities in the ftre. ,enerally, e&#loyees are (iven
an assi(n&ent si&ilar to the job they 1old be e;#ected to #erfor& if #ro&oted. )he
trained evalators observe and evalate e&#loyees as they #erfor& the assi(ned jobs and
are evalated on job related characteristics.
)he &ajor co&#etencies that are jd(ed in assess&ent centers are inter#ersonal skills,
intellectal ca#ability, #lannin( and or(ani4in( ca#abilities, &otivation, career orientation
etc. assess&ent centers are also an effective 1ay to deter&ine the trainin( and
develo#&ent needs of the tar(eted e&#loyees.
%&;A8IORA))6 A*C;OR&/ RA-I*4 +CA)&+:
+ehaviorally Anchored Ratin( "cales (+AR") is a relatively ne1 techni*e 1hich
co&bines the (ra#hic ratin( scale and critical incidents ðod. 0t consists of
#redeter&ined critical areas of job #erfor&ance or sets of behavioral state&ents
describin( i&#ortant job #erfor&ance *alities as (ood or bad (for e(. the *alities like
inter #ersonal relationshi#s, ada#tability and reliability, job kno1led(e etc). )hese
state&ents are develo#ed fro& critical incidents.
0n this ðod, an e&#loyee9s actal job behavior is jd(ed a(ainst the desired behavior
by recordin( and co&#arin( the behavior 1ith +AR". Develo#in( and #racticin( +AR"
re*ires e;#ert kno1led(e.
;,.A* R&+O,RC& ACCO,*-I*4 .&-;O/:
5&an resorces are valable assets for every or(ani4ation. 5&an resorce accontin(
ðod tries to find the relative 1orth of these assets in the ter&s of &oney. 0n this
ðod the 6erfor&ance a##raisal of the e&#loyees is jd(ed in ter&s of cost and
contribtion of the e&#loyees. )he cost of e&#loyees inclde all the e;#enses incrred
on the& like their co&#ensation, recrit&ent and selection costs, indction and trainin(
costs etc 1hereas their contribtion incldes the total vale added (in &onetary ter&s).
)he difference bet1een the cost and the contribtion 1ill be the #erfor&ance of the
e&#loyees. 0deally, the contribtion of the e&#loyees shold be (reater than the cost
incrred on the&.
P&R'OR.AC& APPRAI+A) I* R&)IA*C& +&C,RI-I&+ 7-
8ariale Pa! Plan 2H12A13
Reliance .one!
6re#ared by "nil "o&arajan 5ead 5&an Resorces.
-hecked +y "anjay .adh1a -hief >inancial Officer.
Athorised +y Iikrant ,(nani :;ective director.
%anched Date A#ril 1, !H1! Iersion 1.H.
-rrent 6olicy Jarter 1-!H1! Iersion 1.H.
A##licable (A#ril to @ne)
Revision Date @ly 1, !H1!
6olicy :nd Date March $1,!H1$ )o be rene1ed A#ril
1, !H1$
I66 -overa(e R":-, R-M%, RMK,
RM0%, R-0+, RM6M%
8ARIA%)& PA6 P)A*
)he #r#ose of a variable #ay #lan is to brin( focs to1ards bsiness #erfor&ance, create
#erfor&ance driven cltre, retain key talent and increase e&#loyee &otivation.
0t covers all fnctions of Reliance Money ,ro# of co&#anies i. e Reliance "ecrities,
Reliance co&&odities, Reliance co&#osite insrance +rokin(, Reliance Money :;#ress,
Reliance Money infrastrctre, and Reliance Money 6recios &etals li&ited. )he
sche&e=#olicy shall rn for the financial year !H1!-1$.
Period of 5alidit! of 5ariale plan
)he variable #lan is valid fro& A#ril 1, !H1! till @ne $Hth, !H1!, based on the revie1 of
J1C the #lan shall be e;tended till March $1, !H1$.
8ariale pa! plan I8PPJ calculation
Iariable #ay #lan calclation shall be done based on the #re-defined slab as &entioned in
this #olicy. 5&an Resorces Office in coordination 1ith res#ective +5=>5 shall collate
the #erfor&ance and co&#lete the calclation #rocess and sb&it the sa&e to the
:;ective Director= >inance= 6resident 5&an Resorces for their a##roval before
disbrse&ent thro(h #ayroll.
Pa! out of 5ariale pa!
6ay ot of variable #ay shall be done based on the #ay&ent cycle as &entioned in this
+cheme construct
Achieve&ent criteria9s for varios level for financial year !H1!-1$ for creatin( individal
variable #ool as #er the -)- allocation for I66 shall as #er the .ei(ht-a(e (iven belo1.
A1 +elf D /istriution
%and self achie5ement team achie5ement or#anisational
3ei#ht a#e
/ational head GHL !HL !HL
Monal head GHL $HL 1HL
Re(ional head NHL !HL 1HL
+ranch head O<L 1HL <L
K+elfAachie5ement - Achieve&ent of an individal based on his=her D60s.
L-eamAachie5ement - Achieve&ent &ade by an individal9s s#ervisor on
his=her D60
LLOr#ani>ation Achie5ement - 6+) Achieve&ents of an or(ani4ation
'or e#1 : Assumin# a re#ional head?s fixed C-C is rs1 1H lac1 ;is 5ariale pa! pool
as per the ao5e matrix shall eM
Particulars 3ei#hta#e C-C pool
"elf-achieve&ent NHL N,HH,HHH
)ea& achieve&ent !HL !,HH,HOH
%1 'or other functions includin# sales support
%and K+elf
I on 2PIJ
L -eam
LL or#ani>ational
3ei#ht a#e
)o# %evel
(Direct Re#ortee to
"enior level (,rades
:OA ? above)
Middle %evel (:<-
@nior %evel (:1-:') O<L 1HL <L
K+elf Achie5ement - Achieve&ent of an individal based on his=her D60s.
L-eam Achie5ement - Achieve&ent &ade by an individal9s s#ervisors on his=her
LLOr#ani>ation Achie5ement - 6+) Achieve&ent of an or(ani4ation.
Pa! out N on 2PIs for '6 2H12A13
A1 +elf Achie5ement 4rid
Achie5ement 4rid A5era#e of +A O -A 8ariale Pa! IN of C-CJ
At OHL OL of allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent # to
1.<L of Allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent # to
$L of Allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent over
and above 1HHL # to 11HL
<L of Allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent over
and above 11HL
NL of Allocated -)-
%1 -eam Achie5ement 4rid
Achie5ement 4ridA A5era#e of +A O -A 8ariale pa!
IN of C-CJ
At OHL OL of allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent # to OHL P FH 1.<L of allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent FHL P 1HHL $L of allocated -)-
>or every <L additional achieve&ent over and <L of allocated -)-
Above Q 1HHL RP11HL
>or every <L additional achieve&ent over and above NL of allocated -)-
C1 Or#ani>ational achie5ement 4rid Reliance mone!
Achie5ement 4rid P%- -ar#et on OA 8ariale Pa!
IN of C-CJ
6+) Achieve&ent %evel at N<cr- O<cr 6+) !HL of allocated -)-
6+) Achieve&ent %evel at O<cr-F<cr 6+) !<L of allocated -)-
6+) Achieve&ent %evel at FGcr-1H<cr 6+) $HL of allocated -)-
>or everyone additional 1 crore above 1H<cr 6+) 1L of -)-
/1 ;ow /oes +AO-AOOA work
Assumin# Re#ional ;ead?s fixed C-CA Rs1 1H lac= assumin# achie5ement of
+AO-AOOA is at 1HHN
particular 3ei#htAa#e C-C Achie5ed 8PP on 8PP
reakup 2PI C-C pa!out P1A
"elf Achieve&ent NHL NHH,HH 1HH L 1NL 11F,HHH
)ea& Achieve&ent !HL !HH,HHH 1HHL 1NL $',HHH
Achieve&ent 1HL 1HH,HHH 1HHL !HL !H,HHH
Criteria to @ualif! for 5ariale pa! plan
8 )he &ini&& threshold for *alifyin( for variable #ay is to achieve &ini&& OHL of
the #re-a(reed self D60.
8 Any e&#loyee, 1ho does not achieve a &ini&& of OHL of self D60s ("A), 1old not
be entitled for any variable #ay ot based on his=her individal D60 achieve&ent. One
&ay (et variable #ay if the or(ani4ation9s has achieved its tar(et #rovided he has at-least
achieved NHL or &ore on self D60, belo1 1hich the individal shall not be entitled to
any variable #ay 1hatsoever.
8 6rofit before ta; (6+)) tar(et for :D9s Direct Re#ortees shall be Reliance Money
,ro# 6+) and for others it shall be individal or(ani4ation9s 6+). 6+) tar(et for
bsiness 5eads9 Direct Re#ortees shall be individal co&#any9s bsiness 6+) tar(et.
8 6erfor&ance (reed shall be &ade available on *arterly and half yearly basis for
Reliance Money ,ro# and its individal bsiness.
8 Ma;i&& I66 shall not be &ore than 1HHL of the annali4ed -)- for sales and 1HHL
of annali4ed -)- for s##ort fnctions.
8 >or e&#loyees 1hose #ay ot calclation &ay be above the #re-decided ca#, the
&ana(e&ent shall revie1 sch cases and se its direction and annonce a co&#assionate
bons. )his 1old be decided on individal case basis.
8 >or an e&#loyee joinin( in the &iddle of year, #erfor&ance calclation and I66 #ay
ot shall be done on #rorated basis.
8 All the above #ay&ents 1ill be &ade #rorated for the #eriod of association and
#erfor&ance #eriod drin( the financial year.
8 Most of the &easre&ent in s##ort fnctions is done arond #rocess efficiency, -"A),
initiatives taken, any lanches and i&#le&entation, bd(ets, costs etc, therefore it is
difficlt for s##ort fnctions e&#loyees to (et &easred on a *arterly basis therefore
the (rid is &ade on half yearly basis.
Achieve&ents levels of (rid cold be chan(ed based #on in#ts of the
e;ective director and 5R 5ead.
Pa! out c!cle and retention criteria
A 1+ales
%and Puarterl! Pa! out
;alf !earl! pa!
out N
L !ear end pa!
/ational head HL HL 1HHL
Monal head HL <HL <HL
Re(ional head= area
head= state &ana(er
+ranch head= -entre
head= Relationshi#
L!ear end pa! out shall e done alon# with the retained pa! out amount.
% 1'or other functions includin# sales support
%and Puarterl! pa! out
;alf !earl! pa! out
L !ear end pa! out
)o# level (Direct
Re#ortees to :D)
"enior level (,rades
:OA ? above i.e.
/on Direct
Re#ortees to :D)
Middle level (:<-
@nior level (:1-:') HL NHL $HL
L!ear end pa! out shall e done alon# with the retained pa! out amount1
Process flow of 5ariale pa! calculation
A1 'or sales
8 >nction sales Ad&inistration "6O- 1ill do1nload *arterly data fro& the sales M0"
for bsiness lo(in and revene earned details for each e&#loyee.
8 6re#are e&#loyee 1ise tar(et vs. Achieve&ent sheet 1ith consltation of res#ective
sales= +siness 5ead.
8 Once a##roved by the res#ective +siness head, the data shall be sent to the finance
tea& for data validation and adit.
8 >inance tea& 1ill adit the sa&e and athentic the achieve&ent data. )he data shall be
frther sed for calclatin( the variable #ay by the 5R office and shall be validated by
the ->O. +oth e;ective director and (ro# #resident 5&an Resorces 1ill (ive #ay
ot clearance to 5R 5ead.
8 5R tea& 1ill #rocess the #ay ot as #er the achieve&ent #ost 5ead 5R a##roval
thro(h #ayroll. )Ds shall be a##licable at the ti&e of disbrse&ent.
% 1'or support functions includin# product:
8 Res#ective >nctional 5ead shall send e&#loyee 1ise tar(et vs. Achieve&ent sheet to
8 5R to vet the data and 5R head to revalidate the achieve&ent (rid for s##ort
8 6ost adit, 5R alon( 1ith fnction head shall revie1 the sa&e 1ith :;ective Director.
8 6ost a##roval of :D ? ,ro# 6resident 5RC 5R 1ill #rocess the #ay ot thro(h
Conditions for 5ariale pa! plan scheme:
)he achieve&ent nder this I66 for all eli(ible #artici#ants 1ill be tracked on
calendar &onth end.
Any cancelation of sales 1old not be (iven credit as sales booked. Retention of
revene earned shall be taken into consideration for D60 achieve&ents.
Achieve&ent slab L 1old be taken on individal basis as #er the #re-a(reed tar(ets
&entioned in the D60 and shall not be location or re(ion s#ecific.
Revene credit shall be (iven only if the bsiness is booked in the res#ective sales
#ersonnel9s code
)he I66 #ayot 1ill be &ade based #on the *antitative tar(ets and 1old not
inclde any *alitative tar(ets. Jalitative tar(ets 1ill be considered &ore for the
#r#ose of ratin( and incre&ents= #ro&otions.
0n case an e&#loyee role or location chan(es, then in sch a case the calclation shall
be done via 1ei(hted avera(e of both the #eriods at the res#ective location.
0f an e&#loyee has received a #ayot for a case disbrsed and if for 1hatsoever
reason the case is cancelled then the corrections 1ill be &ade in the ne;t *arter=half year
#ay&ents as a##licable. >or this #r#ose the #ay&ent 1ill be &ade in ne;t to ne;t
&onth9s #ayroll cycle after the *arterly=half yearly #eriod is closed.
/ot 1ith standin( any of the above, it is &andatory for an e&#loyee to be on the rolls
of the co&#any, on the date of disbrse&ent of variable #ay. >or this #r#ose, any
e&#loyee 1ho has tendered his=her resi(nation, has been ter&inated or servin( notice
#eriod shall not be considered to be on the rolls of the co&#any and therefore shall not be
eli(ible to receive any #ay ot as #er this #lan or nor shall (et #aid for any retained
variable #ay a&ont. )he or(ani4ation has the ri(ht to correct and recover any errors in
#ay ot thro(h the fll and final settle&ent.
On the lanch of I66, all other incentive #lan in the co&#any needs to (et linked 1ith
I66. 6ay ot #rocess and calclation shall be based on the I66 #lan only.
>or e&#loyees on leave 1ithot #ay or any sabbatical leave 1ill be not inclded in the
I66 for that #eriod. 5o1ever in &aternity leave cases 5R 5ead 1ill take a vie1 for
PA6.&*- 4,I/&)I*&
1. 6ayot 1ill be based on the data received fro& res#ective sales Ad&inistration "6O-s
1hich 1ill be frther adited and a##roved by e;ective Director, ->O and 5ead 5R.
!. 6ayot 1ill be done via #ayroll in the follo1in( *arter=half year (after dedctin( ta;es
as a##licable). 0n line 1ith the cor#orate (overnance ,idelines, the or(ani4ation
Achieve&ent n&bers shall be #blishable only after the board has a##roved the reslts.
$. 0f an e&#loyee does not achieve his *arter=half yearly tar(ets bt achieves his yearly
tar(ets then he 1old be #aid for the entire year after dedctin( the incentives already
'. Any ne1 e&#loyee joinin( &id of *arter 1ill be eli(ible for incentives in the ne;t
*arter on #ro-rata basis.
<. )a; shall be dedcted as a##licable.
G. Any e&#loyee fond indl(ed into any &is-sellin( of a #rodct to a client, or any sort
of &isre#resentation done in the &arket, in sch cases the res#ective e&#loyee shall be
i&&ediately dis*alified in earnin( variable #ay.
N. Any dis#te arisin( on the calclation of incentive or #ay ot, the final decision shall
be vested by the co&&ittee lead by 5ead - 5&an Resorces= -hief >inancial officer=
+siness 5ead.
O. /ot1ithstandin( any of the above, the e;ective Director and 5R 5ead have co&#lete
athority to chan(e, do a1ay or &odify the sche&e at any #oint of ti&e.
C;AP-&RA 3
R&)IA*C& A/A 4RO,P
Reliance Anil Dhirbhai A&bani ,ro# (sally referred as Reliance
,ro#) is one of 0ndiaBs lar(est con(lo&erates, head*artered in /avi
M&bai, 0ndia. )he co&#any, 1hich 1as for&ed after Dhirbhai A&baniBs bsiness
e&#ire 1as divided #, is headed by his yon(er son Anil A&bani. 0t has a &arket
ca#itali4ation of U"S 1< billion, net assets U"S N billion. )he ADA, Reliance ,ro# has
a bsiness #resence that e;tends to over !H,HHH to1ns and '.< %akhs ('<H,HHH) villa(es
in 0ndia, and across the (lobe. )he shareholder base is over 1! &illion, a&on( the lar(est
in the 1orld. )he (ro# is #resent in &any sectors incldin( -elecom= Capital= Power=
Infrastructure= &ntertainment and ;ealth1
Reliance -o&&nication is the second lar(est )eleco& co&#any in 0ndia in ter&s of
-sto&ers. Reliance -o&&nications cor#orate clientele incldes !,1HH 0ndian and
<inational cor#orations, and over OHH (lobal, re(ional and do&estic carriers. Reliance
-o&&nication has ac*ired $, license in 1$ circles ot of total !! circles.
Reliance has lanched $, services in F circles by !G @anary !H11.
Reliance Capital IRel CapJ
Reliance -a#ital has interests in asset &ana(e&ent and &tal fnds, life and (eneral
insrance, #rivate e*ity and #ro#rietary invest&ents, stock brokin(, de#ository services,
distribtion of financial #rodcts, cons&er finance and other activities in financial
Reliance -a#ital, a constitent of -/K /ifty @nior and M"-0 0ndia, is a #art of the
Reliance ,ro#. 0t is one of 0ndiaBs leadin( and a&on(st &ost valable financial services
co&#anies in the #rivate sector.
Reliance -a#ital has interests in asset &ana(e&ent and &tal fndC life and (eneral
insranceC co&&ercial financeC stock brokin(C de#ository servicesC invest&ent bankin(,
#rivate e*ity and #ro#rietary invest&entsC e;chan(es, asset reconstrctionC distribtion
of financial #rodcts and other activities in financial services.
Reliance .utual 'und
Reliance Mtal >nd is 0ndiaBs lar(est &tal fnd. Reliance ,eneral 0nsrance is a
(eneral insrance co&#any and a&on( the to# $ #rivate sector insrers. Reliance Money
is brokera(e and distribtor of financial #rodcts in 0ndia 1ith over !.N &illion csto&ers
and has the lar(est distribtion net1ork. 0ts brokera(e, ar& Reliance "ecrities is
#lannin( to invest Rs.$HH crore (Rs $ billion) for #(radin( infrastrctre, hirin( staff
and enhancin( the ca#ability of its online tradin( #latfor&.
Reliance Mtal >nd is a&on(st to# t1o Mtal >nds in 0ndia 1ith over seven &illion
investor folios. Reliance %ife 0nsrance and Reliance ,eneral 0nsrance are a&on(st the
leadin( #rivate sector insrers in 0ndia. Reliance "ecrities is one of 0ndia9s leadin( retail
brokin( hoses. Reliance Money is one of 0ndia9s leadin( distribtors of financial
#rodcts and services.
Reliance Power IR PowerJ
Reliance 6o1er (R 6o1er) crrently has a (eneration ca#acity of 1<HHM.. )he co&#any
is in the #rocess of achievin( <HHHM. by !H1!, 1NHHHM. by !H1< and $<HHHM. by
!H!H. )he co&#any is #resent in all verticals fro& (eneration to trans&ission to
distribtion. )he co&#any is havin( #an 0ndia #rojects and is crrently havin( a bi(
#resence in M&bai and Uttar 6radesh. )he United /ations re(istered Reliance 6o1er9s
"asan #o1er #roject on >eb !, !H11 to earn as &any as !!.< &illion credits in the ne;t 1H
Reliance Infrastructure IR InfraJ
Reliance 0nfrastrctre (R 0nfra) has e&er(ed as the lar(est concessionaire of /5A0 1ith
11 road #rojects totalin( 1,HHH k& 1orth abot Rs 1!Hbn (U"S !.G billion) 1ith &ore
than 1H,HHH #eo#le 1orkin( at varios sites. -onstrctin( Metro syste&s in Delhi and
M&bai totalin( &ore than N< k& of track. Reliance 0nfrastrctre is also biddin( for
#rojects in /e#al and Maldives.
Reliance ;ealth
Reliance 5ealth is #rovidin( inte(rated health services thro(h one of the finest hos#itals
in Asia T )he Dokilaben Dhirbhai A&bani 5os#ital at Andheri, M&bai. 0t also #lans to
ventre into diversified fields like 0nsrance Ad&inistration, 5ealth care Delivery and
0nte(rated 5ealth, 5ealth 0nfor&atics and 0nfor&ation Mana(e&ent and -ons&er
Reliance -a#ital has a net 1orth of Rs. 11,GFG crore (U"S !.$ billion) and total assets of
Rs. $<,$'' crore (U"S G.F billion) as on March $1, !H1!.
Reliance Capital )imited IRC)J
R-% 1as incor#orated in year 1QGE at Ah&edabad in ,jarat as Reliance -a#ital ?
>inance )rst %i&ited. )he na&e R-% ca&e into effect fro& @anary <, 1FF<. 0n !HH!,
R-% shifted its re(istered office to @a&na(ar in ,jarat before it finally &oved to
M&bai in Maharashtra, in !HHG.
0n !HHG, Reliance -a#ital Ientres %i&ited &er(ed 1ith R-% and 1ith this &er(er the
shareholder base of R-% rose fro& H.1< &illion shareholders to 1.$ &illion.
R-% entered the -a#ital Market 1ith a &aiden #blic isse in 1FFH and in sbse*ent
years frther ta##ed the ca#ital &arket thro(h ri(hts isse and #blic isses. )he e*ity
shares 1ere initially listed on the Ah&edabad "tock :;chan(e and )he "tock :;chan(e
M&bai. 6resently the shares are listed on )he "tock :;chan(e M&bai and the /ational
"tock :;chan(e of 0ndia.
R-% obtained its re(istration as a /on-bankin( >inance -o&#any (/+>-) in Dece&ber
1FFO. 0n vie1 of the re(latory re*ire&ents R-% srrendered its Merchant +ankin(
R-% has since diversified its activities in the areas of asset &ana(e&ent and &tal fndC
life and (eneral insranceC cons&er finance and indstrial financeC stock brokin(C
de#ository servicesC #rivate e*ity and #ro#rietary invest&entsC e;chan(es, asset
reconstrctionC distribtion of financial #rodcts and other activities in financial services.
Reliance CapitalRs 5ision is that:
+y !H1<, it 1ill be a co&#any that is kno1n as7
A)he &ost #rofitable, innovative, and &ost trsted financial services co&#any in 0ndia
and in the e&er(in( &arketsA.
0n achievin( this vision, the co&#any 1ill be both csto&er-centric and innovation-
*ame of &xecuti5es:
Amit %apna (-hief >inancial Officer, Reliance -a#ital)
Arun ;ariharan (6resident, Jality and Dno1led(e Mana(e&ent,
Reliance -a#ital)
21 Achuthan (-hief 6eo#le Officer, Reliance -a#ital)
21 81 +rini5asan (-hief :;ective Officer, Reliance -o&&ercial >inance)
)a5 Chatur5edi (-hief Risk Officer, Reliance -a#ital)
.adhusudan 2ela (-hief 0nvest&ent "trate(ist, Reliance -a#ital)
.ala! 4hosh (:;ective Director? 6resident, Reliance %ife 0nsrance
Rajnikant Patel (6resident and -hief :;ective Officer, Reliance "#ot
+am 4hosh (-hief :;ective Officer, Reliance -a#ital)
+andeep Phanas#aonkar (-hief )echnolo(y Officer, Reliance -a#ital)
+anja! 9ain (-hief Marketin( Officer, Reliance -a#ital)
+undeep +ikka (-hief :;ective Officer, Reliance -a#ital Asset
Rakesh 9ain (-hief :;ective Officer, Reliance ,eneral 0nsrance)
8ikrant 4u#nani (-hief :;ective Officer, 0nternational +siness-
Reliance -a#ital)
(:;ective Director, Reliance "ecrities %td)
81 R1 .ohan (6resident and -o&#any "ecretary)
Reliance +ecurities
Reliance "ecrities, the brokin( ar& of Reliance -a#ital is the one of
the 0ndia9s leadin( retail brokin( hoses in 0ndia, #rovidin( csto&ers
1ith access to e*ities, e*ity o#tions and co&&odities ftres, 1ealth
&ana(e&ent, 1ealth &ana(e&ent services, &tal fnds, 06Os and
invest&ent bankin(.
Reliance "ecrities has &ore than G.O lac retail brokin( acconts thro(h
its #an 0ndia #resence 1ith over G,HHH otlets.
Reliance .one!
)he third #arty distribtion bsiness of Reliance -a#ital, branded
as EReliance Money9 is a co&#rehensive financial services and soltions
#rovider, #rovidin( csto&ers 1ith access to life and (eneral 0nsrance
#rodcts, &oney transfer, crrency e;chan(e, loans and (old coins.
Reliance )ife Insurance Compan! )imited
Reliance %ife 0nsrance -o&#any %i&ited (R%0-) is a&on(st the leadin(
#rivate sector life insrers 1ith a #rivate sector &arket share of over <L in
ter&s of ne1 bsiness #re&i&. R%0- has a stron( distribtion net1ork of
1,!$H offices across 0ndia, 1ith over 1,<H,HHH a(ents as at March $1, !H1!.
R%0- offers 1ide ran(e of innovative life insrance #rodcts, tar(eted at
individals and (ro#s. 0t offers need based #rodcts that caters to three
distinct se(&ents na&ely #rotection, retire&ent and invest&ent #lans.
R%0- is co&&itted to e&er(e as a leadin( %ife 0nsrer 1ith (lobal scale
and standards.
Reliance Commercial 'inance
Reliance -o&&ercial >inance ai&s to enable #eo#le to flfil all their
a&bitions by creatin( assets for #ersonal ? bsiness re*ire&ents.
0t offers an e;hastive site of financial soltions T Mort(a(es %oans,
%oans a(ainst #ro#erty, %oans for -o&&ercial Iehicles, %oans for
-onstrction :*i#&ent, "M: %oans, Ato %oans, bsiness loans and
0nfrastrctre >inancin( .hat9s &ore, 1ith the hel# of or easy-to-se loan
calclator, yo can decide on the tenre, interest rate and the loan a&ont
that best sits yo.
Reliance 4eneral Insurance IR4IJ
Reliance ,eneral 0nsrance (R,0) offers a ran(e of #rodcts for the
cor#orate and individal csto&ers. R,0 crrently offers insrance
#rodcts incldin( 5ealth, 5o&e, Motor, )ravel, >ire, :n(ineerin(, Marine,
%iability and Aviation.
R,0 is a&on(st the leadin( (eneral insrance co&#anies in 0ndia, 1ith
a #rivate sector &arket share of OL. R,0 had a distribtion net1ork
co&#osed of 1<1 branches and over G,<HH inter&ediaries at the end of
March !H1!.
R&)IA*C& +&C,RI-I&+
Reliance "ecrities is a co&#rehensive financial soltion #rovider that
enables yo to carry ot tradin( and invest&ent activities in a secre, cost-
effective and convenient &anner.
)hro(h reliance &oney, yo can invest in a 1ide ran(e of asset classes
fro& :*ity, :*ity and co&&odity Derivatives, Mtal >nds, insrance
#rodcts, 06O.s to availin( services of Money )ransfer ? Money chan(in(.
Reliance "ecrities offers the convenience of on-line and offline
transactions thro(h a variety of &eans, incldin( its 6ortal, -all ?
)ransact, )ransaction Diosks and at it9s net1ork of affiliates.
"o&e key ste#s of the co&#any that are asU..
"ccess is a jorney, not a destination3 0f 1e look for e;a&#les to #rove
this *ote then 1e can find &any bt there is none like that of Reliance
Money. )he co&#any 1hich today kno1n for the lar(est financial service
#rovider of 0ndia.
. "ccess stras of Reliance "ecrities
)he sccess story of the co&#any is driven by O sccess stras ado#ted
by it na&ely trst, inte(rity, dedication, co&&it&ent, enter#rise, hard 1ork
and tea& #lay, learnin( and innovation, e&#athy and h&ility. )hese are
the vales that bind sccess 1ith Reliance Money.
. Iision of Reliance "ecrities
)o achieve ? sstain &arket leadershi#, Reliance "ecrities all ai& for
co&#lete csto&er satisfaction, by co&binin( its h&an and technolo(ical
resorces, to #rovide 1orld class *ality services. 0n the #rocess Reliance
"ecrities shall strive to &eet and e;ceed csto&erBs satisfaction and set
indstry standards.
. Mission state&ent7
2Or &ission is to be a leadin( and #referred service #rovider to or
csto&ers, and 1e ai& to achieve this leadershi# #osition by bildin( an
innovative, enter#risin( , and technolo(y driven or(ani4ation 1hich 1ill set
the hi(hest standards of service and bsiness ethics.
"hri Anil /1 Amani, re(arded as one of the fore&ost cor#orate leaders
of conte&#orary 0ndia, "hri Anil D. A&bani, is the -hair&an of Reliance
-a#ital %i&ited, Reliance 0nfrastrctre %i&ited, Reliance -o&&nications
%i&ited and Reliance 6o1er %i&ited. 5e is also on the +oard of Reliance
0nfratel %i&ited and Reliance Anil Dhirbhai A&bani ,ro# %i&ited. 5e
is the 6resident of the Dhirbhai A&bani 0nstitte of 0nfor&ation and
-o&&nication )echnolo(y, ,andhina(ar, ,jarat.
An M+A fro& the .harton "chool of the University of 6ennsylvania,
"hri A&bani is credited 1ith #ioneerin( several #ath-breakin( financial
innovations in the 0ndian ca#ital &arkets. 5e s#earheaded the contry9s
first forays into overseas ca#ital &arkets 1ith international #blic
offerin(s of (lobal de#ositary recei#ts, convertibles and bonds. Under his
-hair&anshi#, the constitent co&#anies of the Reliance ,ro# have
raised nearly U"S N billion fro& (lobal financial &arkets in a #eriod of less
than $ years.
"hri A&bani has been associated 1ith a n&ber of #resti(ios acade&ic
0nstittions in 0ndia and abroad.
5e is crrently a &e&ber of 7
8 .harton +oard of Overseers, )he .harton "chool, U"A
8 +oard of ,overnors, 0ndian 0nstitte of Mana(e&ent (00M),
Ah&edabad :;ective +oard, 0ndian "chool of +siness (0"+),
PRO/,C-+ A*/ +&R8IC&+ O''&R&/ %6
R&)IA*C& +&C,RI-I&+:
6rodct offered by reliance secrities are7
a) &@uit!
J /eri5ati5es
cJ Reliance Commodities
dJ Currenc!
AJ &P,I-6:
/eli5er! Cash
%on(-ter& invest&ents are al1ays beneficial, as they do not res#ond
to daily volatility in the "tock Market and kee# the investor safe. As an
0nvestor, one can avail of delivery based byin( = sellin( based on the stock
fnda&entals. Reliance "ecrities also #rovide >nda&ental
Research calls on Delivery +ased "tocks. )hese are lon(-ter& invest&ent
o##ortnities identified by or Research Desk
-/- "tands for -ash-n--ollateral7 Wo can take delivery #ositions sin(
this #rodct.
+y transactions 1ill re*ire 1HHL &ar(ins (-ash #ls A##roved
-ollateral) and "ell transactions 1ill be allo1ed based on the De&at
holdin(s available and li&its 1ill be enhanced instantly for sale vale.
6osition -onversion7 )his featre se to convert yor -/- #osition to
/RM% = M0" before s#ecified ct off ti&e sbject to availability of re*ired
0f -/- #ositions are taken a(ainst collateral, yo are re*ired to clear
yor debit by )X! day or else Delayed #ay&ent -har(es (D6-) 1ill be
levied fro& )X! day on1ards. 0f debits are not cleared by )XG day, R"%
1ill li*idate the #ositions anyti&e on or after )XN day. 0f debits are not
cleared by )XG days, frther e;#osre 1ill not be allo1ed in that #articlar
e;chan(e effective fro& )XN day on1ards
/RM% stands for /or&al. Wo can take delivery by #ositions in s#ecified
stocks ("#ecified by Reliance "ecrities %i&ited on its 1ebsite fro& ti&e to
ti&e) by #ayin( a &ini&& &ar(in (ran(in( !HL to GHL 1hich 1old vary
fro& stock to stock) and #ay the balance 1ithin )X! or not later than )XG
0f debits are not cleared by )XG day, R"% 1ill li*idate the #ositions
anyti&e on or after )XN day. >or :;a&#le7 0f yor available li&its is Rs.
!H,HHH=- yo can take e;#osre # to Rs.OH,HHH=- nder /RM%. Wo can
&ake the balance #ay&ent 1ithin )X! or not later than )XG day.
0f debits are not cleared by )X! day, Delayed 6ay&ent -har(es (D6-) 1ill
be levied fro& )X! day on1ards. At all ti&es drin( the /RM% ter& (i.e.
) day to )XG day), yo need to &aintain &ini&& &ar(in as re*ired and
defined by R"% fro& ti&e to ti&e. 0f debits are not cleared by )XG days,
frther e;#osre 1ill not be allo1ed in that #articlar e;chan(e effective
fro& )XN day on1ard
After .arket Order IA.OJ
0t is a facility that (ives s an o#tion to #lace orders even after or before the
tradin( hors, sin( or online tradin( #latfor&s. .e can #lace AMO on
both /": and +": nder :*ity and Derivatives. As a csto&er, 1e can
#lace AMO in :*ity (/": and +":) and
Derivatives (/":) as #er belo1 ti&in(7
8 Online7 >ro& <7$H 6.M. 0") on1ards #-to F71' A.M 0") ne;t tradin( day
8 -all ? )rade7 Daily fro& O7$H A.M. 0") on1ards # to F71' A.M. 0")
8 All acc&lated orders 1ill be sent to e;chan(e on &arket o#en
De to schedled syste& &aintenance #rocess, AMO orders 1ill not be
acce#ted bet1een 117$H 6.M. to '7$H A.M. 0"). .e can #lace %i&it order
or Market order nder AMO. 5o1ever it is advisable to #lace AMO as %i&it
order. 6lacin( AMO order as &arket order &i(ht reslt in yor order (ettin(
e;ected at nfavorable #rice.
&xample: on <th Dece&ber 0nfosys closes at Rs. $'HH=-. "##ose a
csto&er #laced an AMO &arket order to by <H shares of 0nfosys. On Gth
Dece&ber the AMO is #shed to the e;chan(e ? if that #articlar order
ha##ens to be the first by trade to hit the &arket ? on the other end first
sell trade to hit the &arket is #riced at Rs. $GHH=- then the by order 1old
(et e;ected at Rs. $GHH=- 1hich 1old reslt in a hi(h by.
5o1ever yo have to be very carefl 1hile #lacin( the li&it order as 1ell.
)here are chances of error sch as 0nfosys closin( rate is Rs. $'HH=-
1here as yo &i(ht #lace a by order erroneosly at Rs. ''HH=- and if in
o#enin( &arket sch order ha##ens to be first order then shares cold be
#rchased Y Rs. ''HH=-.
.e shold ensre that #rice 1hich yo have entered is not too hi(h or not
too lo1 then the closin( #rice. 5ence it is advisable to enter li&it orders in
the ran(e of X<L or -<L of closin( &arket #rice. .e can also #lace a >?O
order nder AMO.
AMO #rovides the convenience to #lace orders 1ithot havin( to 1ait for
the &arket to o#en. AMO order is sbject to rejection = cancellation, 0n case
sfficient &ar(in is not available in the led(er after the be(innin( of the
day li&it calclation #rocess is rn. )o check the stats of yor AMO, 1e
re*est yo to refer to order book drin( &arket hors.
. -radin# Intrada!:
Active traders can take advanta(e of &arket &ove&ents by levera(in( 1ith
or ni*e #rodcts. 0n addition, Reliance "ecrities also #rovides intraday
live &arket calls that hel# the csto&er trade efficiently. All intraday
#ositions need to be s*ared off before the &arket closes
)he Mar(in 0ntraday "*are-off (M0") facilitates 1e can take levera(e in
intraday #osition in cash ? ftres. Unlike -/-, instead of blockin( 1HHL
as &ar(in, it only blocks a #re-s#ecified #ercenta(e as &ar(in. .e can
+y and "ell stocks on /": and +": drin( the tradin( hors. .e need to
s*are off all o#en #ositions nder M0" #rodct before $7!H #.&. on sa&e
tradin( day.
)here are t1o additional featres in the M0" that enhance yor intraday
byin( #ositions vi4. 6ls Mlti#lier and "#er Mlti#lier T both these are
intraday #rodcts as 1ell. M0" is a #rodct that offers a##ro;i&ately <
ti&es e;#osre in cash se(&ent, G.< ti&es in stock ftres and 1H ti&es in
inde; ftres. +y defalt all or clients are offered this #rodct.
0f client 1ish, M0" #ositions can be converted to any other #rodct sch as
/RM% or -/- before the s#ecified ct-off, sbject to the availability of the
re*ired &ar(in.
%J /&RI8A-I&+7
)he derivative se(&ent is a &arket that (ives s an o##ortnity to earn
(reater #rofits by #ayin( a no&inal a&ont of &ar(in. Over #ast fe1 years,
6o#larity and Dealin(s in >tre ? O#tions se(&ent has (ro1n incredibly.
>tre contracts are available on :*ities, 0ndices, -rrency and
-o&&odities. .e &ay be a ne1 or a seasoned investor, or derivatives
#rodct offerin( 1ill site yo the best. Or "tron( research s##orts on
derivatives se(&ent, 1ill al1ays hel# s &ake a##ro#riate decisions
.e can trade in >tres and O#tions nder /":. 6rodcts enabled are
.I+ and *R.)
8 M0" #rovides intraday levera(in(
8 /RM% for takin( carry for1ard #ositions
0f #ositions in derivatives se(&ent are taken a(ainst collateral, Delayed
#ay&ent -har(es (D6-) 1ill be levied on the debit a&ont fro& ) day
+C;&.&+ O''&R&/ I* R&)IA*C& +&C,RI-I&+1:
1J &@uit!C4rowth +chemes:A
)he ai& of (ro1th fnds is to #rovide ca#ital a##reciation over the &edi&
to lon(- ter&.
)hese "che&es are7
. Reliance :*ity >nd
. Reliance ,ro1th >nd
. Reliance Iision >nd
. Reliance )a; "aver (:%"") >nd
. Reliance :*ity O##ortnities >nd
. Reliance %on( )er& :*ity >nd etc
2J /etCIncome +chemes: A
)he ai& of inco&e fnds is to #rovide re(lar and steady inco&e to
investors. )hese sche&es are7
. Reliance 0nterval >nd
. Reliance 0nco&e >nd
. Reliance %i*id >nd
. Reliance %i*id 6ls >nd
3J +ector +pecific +chemes:A
)hese are the fnds=sche&es 1hich invest in the secrities of only
those sectors or indstries as s#ecified in the offer doc&ents.
:.(.6har&aceticals, "oft1are, >ast Movin( -ons&er ,oods (>M-,),
6etrole& stocks, etc. )hese sche&es are7
. Reliance +ankin( >nd
. Reliance 6har&a >nd
. Reliance Diversified 6o1er "ector >nd
. Reliance Media ? :ntertain&ent >nd
Reliance Money offers dedicated research ? e;#ert advice on Mtal
>nds. Mtal fnds are considered to have lo1 risk factors o1in( to
diversification of assets into varios sectors and scri#ts or instr&ents
CJ C,RR&*C6:
-rrency Derivatives )radin( is e&er(in( as an avene for individals
and cor#orates in 0ndia to diversify their #ortfolio and &ana(e their
forei(n e;chan(e risk. :;chan(e )raded -rrency Derivatives have
re(istered a #heno&enal (ro1th since its ince#tion in !HHO &arkin( a daily
trnover of al&ost Rs.<H,HHH-r . Reliance "ecrities %td offers -rrency
Derivative )radin( "ervices to all its clients on all &ajor ? reco(ni4ed stock
3hat are Currenc! /eri5ati5es<
)he conversion rate at 1hich crrency of one contry (e.(. U"D S) can be
converted into another contry9s crrency (>or :;. 0ndian R#ee) is called
an e;chan(e rate (e.(. 1SP<< 0ndian R#ees). Any derivative (>tres or
O#tions) 1here the nderlyin( is this e;chan(e rate is called -rrency
0n 0ndia follo1in( -rrency Derivatives are available for tradin(
U"D0/R- >tres and O#tions (U" Dollar, 0ndian R#ee)
:UR0/R- >tres (:ro#ean :ro, 0ndian R#ee)
,+60/R- >tres (+ritish 6ond, 0ndian R#ee)
@6W0/R- >tres (@a#anese Wen, 0ndian R#ee)
/J CO..O/I-I&+7
A co&&odity is soðin( that is relatively easily traded, that can be
#hysically delivered, and that can be stored for a reasonable #eriod of ti&e.
0t is a characteristic of co&&odities that #rices are deter&ined on the basis
of an active &arket, rather than by the s##lier (or other seller) on a 2cost-
#ls3 basis.
-o&&odity &arkets are &arkets 1here ra1 or #ri&ary #rodcts are
e;chan(ed. )hese ra1 co&&odities are traded on re(lated co&&odities e;chan(es, in
1hich they are bo(ht and sold in standardi4ed contracts.
-o&&odities covers #hysical #rodct (food, &etals, electricity) &arkets bt
not the 1ays that services, incldin( those of (overn&ents, nor invest&ent,
nor debt, can be seen as a co&&odity.
Reinsrance &arkets, stock &arkets, bond &arkets and crrency &arkets
cover those concerns se#arately and in &ore de#th. )he relationshi#
bet1een si&#le co&&odity &oney and the &ore co&#le; instr&ents
offered in the co&&odity &arkets.
)I.I-A-IO* O' +-,/6:
8 .hile &akin( the #roject in Reliance "ecrities %td. )he &ain li&itation that 0
faced 1as the secrecy ado#ted by the co&#any in #rovidin( the infor&ation.
8 )i&e 1as the li&itation 1hile carryin( the #roject. 0 had to co&#lete the #roject
in $H days ths the #roject cold have been better if &ore ti&e 1as #rovided to &e.
8 )he res#ondents 1ere too bsy to #rovide &e #ro#er ti&e that 1as re*ired by
8 De to heavy rainfall 0 faced so&e1hat #roble& drin( &y srvey.
8 Other li&itation 1as that Reliance secrities is a stock &arket co&#any 1hile &y
#roject relates 1ith h&an resorce.
ChapterA "
)he #r#ose of a variable #lan in reliance secrities is to brin( focs to1ards
bsiness #erfor&ance n&ber.
>or a##raisal in Reliance secrities %td, Dehradn a ":%>-A66RA0"A% for& is
(iven to the staff &e&bers and they fill it #. And then after accordin( to their
self-observation and thro(h the a##raisal for& filled by the staff &e&bers ratin(
is (iven to the &e&bers. Accordin(ly then incentives and #ro&otions are (ranted
6ersonnel are flly satisfied 1ith there #erfor&ance #ro(ra&s in Reliance
"ecrities %td.
F<L e&#loyees feel that their jobs are accordin( to there *alification.
Reliance initiative is #rovided to e&#loyees, thro(h 1hich e&#loyee feel
the&selves as a #art of Reliance and not jst an e&#loyee.
All senior #rodction officers a(ree that #erfor&ance a##raisal syste& hel#s the&
to #erfor& better.
J.1 .hen 6erfor&ance A##raisal is &ade in the or(ani4ationZ
J!. 0n yor O#inion 6erfor&ance A##raisal isZ
a. :valation of :&#loyees
b. 6ro&otion of :&#loyees
c. @ob "atisfaction of :&#loyees
d. Motivation
J$. .hat is the objective of #erfor&ance a##raisalZ
Assessin( trainin( and develo#&ent needs
6ay rise
J'. .hich ðod of #erfor&ance a##raisal is i&#le&ented in the or(ani4ationZ
a. Merit
b. ,radin(
c. Other
J<.0n yor o#inion 6erfor&ance A##raisal syste& of yor or(ani4ation is related to
1hich of the follo1in(Z
a. Retention of :&#loyees
b. Recrit&ent "yste&
c. Or(ani4ational -ltre
d. Motivation
JG. .ho rates the #erfor&ancesZ
a. "#eriors
b. "bordinates
c. -lients
d. All
JN. On 1hat basis #erfor&ance a##raisal is &adeZ
a. )otal ot#t
b. +ehavioral efficiency
c. +oth
JO. Are there any job e;#ectations established before #erfor&ance a##raisalZ
a. >re*ently
b. Often
c. "o&eti&es
d. /ever
JF. 0s $GH de(ree a##raisal #rocess ndertaken in the or(ani4ationZ
Wes /o
0f yes, fro& 1henZ
a. Recently
b. More than one year
c. %ess than one year
d. "ince the ince#tion of $GH de(ree #rocess
ChapterA $
As 1e kno1 26erfor&ance a##raisal is a syste&atic and objective 1ay of jd(in( the
relative 1orth or ability of an e&#loyee in #erfor&in( the task. 6erfor&ance a##raisal
hel#s to identify those 1ho are #erfor&in( their assi(ned tasks and those 1ho are not and
the reasons for sch #erfor&ance.3
)he co&#any shold a##raise the #erfor&ance of the 1orkers by (ivin( the&
so&e incentives, 1hich &otivate the& to 1ork to their fllest ca#acity and to
&otivate the& to 1ork &ore and sho1 (ood and better reslts.
>or the to# &ana(e&ent of the co&#any it shold offer the& holiday #acka(e,
a##raise #erfor&ance by reco(ni4in( there 1ork in &eetin(s etc. )his 1ill hel# to
raise their &oral and they can 1ork better. )hey don9t 1ant financial hel# as they
earn eno(h to &aintain their stats.
>or the lo1er (ro# the co&#any can increase their 1a(es, (ive the& #ension
sche&es, #rovide the& the &edical facilities etc. becase they 1ant financial hel#
fro& the co&#any to insre their #ro#er livin(.
)he criteria decided #on 1hich the #erfor&ance has to be rated shold not be
fi;ed it shold be chan(ed fro& ti&e to ti&e.
)here shold be the feelin( of tea&1ork in the or(ani4ation.
)he #erfor&ance, 1hich is been &easred, shold be verifiable and &easrable
after1ards also.
)his stdy 1as a learnin( e;#erience 1here 0 ca&e to kno1 at e;#erience the real 1orld
e;ercise of 5R De#art&ent. 0t has hel#ed &e to (et the feel of or(ani4ation.
"o after &y fll stdy 0 have to reached to a conclsion that needs to s#read the
a1areness abot the to#ic a&on( the e&#loyees.
0t 1as &y e;#erience in a 1orkin( set-# in the field of #erfor&ance a##raisal. )hin(s
are &ch different fro& 1hat 1e read in books.
0 1ish for the bri(ht ftre of the co&#any 1ith lot of thanks for everythin( that 0 (ained
in Reliance.
Accordin( to the analysis conclsion &ay be s&&ari4ed as follo1s7
OHL of the e&#loyees 1orkin( in Reliance are satisfied fro& their job.
-sto&ers are not flly satisfied.
%ack of #ro#er s#ervision is there in Reliance.
0n Reliance initiative is #rovide to e&#loyees, thro(h 1hich e&#loyees feel
hi&self as a #art of Reliance and not jst an e&#loyee.
.ork cltre is satisfactory in Reliance.
25&an Resorce Mana(e&ent3 T A"5.A))5A6A
2Abhiraj3 +ranch Mana(er of Reliance "ecrities %)D., Dehradn.
J1. .hen #erfor&ance a##raisal is &ade in the or(ani4ationZ
a. Monthly
b. Jarterly
c. Wearly
d. Others
J!. 0n yor O#inion 6erfor&ance A##raisal isZ
a. :valation of :&#loyees
b. 6ro&otion of :&#loyees
c. @ob "atisfaction of :&#loyees
d. Motivation
J$. .hat is the objective of #erfor&ance a##raisalZ
a. 6ro&otion
b. Assessin( trainin( and develo#&ent needs
c. 6ay rise
d. Others
J'. .hich ðod of #erfor&ance a##raisal is i&#le&ented in the or(ani4ationZ
a. Merit
b. ,radin(
c. Other
J<.0n yor o#inion 6erfor&ance A##raisal syste& of yor or(ani4ation is related to
1hich of the follo1in(Z
a. Retention of :&#loyees
b. Recrit&ent "yste&
c. Or(ani4ational -ltre
d. Motivation
JG. 0s there any conflict arise bet1een e&#loyees after #erfor&ance a##raisal is &adeZ
a. >re*ently
b. Often
c. "o&eti&es
d. /ever
JN. Are there any job e;#ectations established before #erfor&ance a##raisalZ
a. >re*ently
b. Often
c. "o&eti&es
d. /ever
JO. .ho rates the #erfor&ancesZ
a. "#eriors
b. "bordinates
c. -lients
d. All
JF. On 1hat basis #erfor&ance a##raisal is &adeZ
a. )otal ot#t
b. +ehavioral efficiency
c. +oth
J1H. 0s $GH de(ree a##raisal #rocess ndertaken in the or(ani4ationZ
Wes /o
0f yes, fro& 1henZ
a. Recently
b. More than one year
c. %ess than one year
d. "ince the ince#tion of $GH de(ree #rocess
J11. Does any chan(e arise after a##raisin( the #erfor&ances of e&#loyeesZ
Wes /o
0f yes, ho1 is itZ
a. 6ositive
b. /e(ative
c. +oth
J1!. Does #erfor&ance a##raisal #rocess hel# to raise or(ani4ation9s total ot#tZ
Wes /o
0f yes, to 1hat e;tendZ
("elect one o#tion. 1P#oor, !Pso so, $P&oderate, 'P(ood, <Pbest)
J1$. Are yo satisfied 1ith the a##raisal #rocess of the or(ani4ationZ
Wes /o
0f yes, to 1hat e;tendZ
a. >lly satisfied
b. &oderately satisfied
0f no, (ive reasons and yor s((estions to &ake it betterZ
J1'. Do yo feel #erfor&ance a##raisal #rocess is sfficient in a##raisin( the
#erfor&ances of e&#loyees or yo need so&e alternatives to itZ
a. "fficient
b. Alternative
0f yo need so&e alternatives, 1hat kind of alternative shold be ado#tedZ
J1<. "atisfied 1ith the e;istin( #erfor&ance a##raisal syste&Z
Wes /o
0f no then 1hyZ
J1G.5ave a se#arate co&&ittee to revie1 the #erfor&ance a##raisal reslt
J1N. 6erfor&ance &ana(e&ent incldes &ore than a #erfor&ance evalationC it
a. ,oal settin(
b. -areer &ana(e&ent
c. )rainin( ? develo#&ent
d. -o&#ensation
All of the above