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Sri Sathya Sai Society of Tanzania

Mindu Street, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Workshop on EHV = 3HV 24 March, 2013


Welcome to Workshop on EHV = 3HV

Importance of Human Birth

Man alone is capable of rising to higher levels of consciousness We should never forget that we are Amritasya-putra children of immortality He alone realizes the self with his discrimination power and becomes one with the creator GOD Divinity is latent in human and man needs to elicit divinity through the practice of Human Values

What is Education in Human Values (EHV)

Love, Peace, Truth, Right Condut and Non violence are the five core Human Values The Head Value, the Heart Value and the Hand Value are the 3HVs True EHV is implementing 3HV resulting in Unity of Thought, Word and Deed Education should teach the method of achieving world peace, that which destroys narrow-mindedness and promotes unity, equality and peaceful co-existence among human beings. Education is not for mere living; it is for life; a fuller life; a more meaningful; a more worthwhile life The End of Education is Character

The Value Pyramid

Good Destiny Good CharacterHeart Value Good Habits Hand Value Good Action Hand Value

Good Thoughts Head Value

Babas Definition of Human Values

Love in Feeling is Peace
Love in Action is Right Conduct

God is
Love in Thought is Truth

Love in Understanding is Non Violence

Sri Sathya Sai Society of Tanzania


Sri Sathya Sai Society of Tanzania


Workshop on EHV = 3HV by Sheela Sridhar

Sri Sathya Sai Society of Tanzania

19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 20.0 WEALTH AQUA SUBSTANCE TIME ENERGY CONCLUSION 20 20 20 21 21 22

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Head could be understood or referred to as the five senses of knowledge namely the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue and the skin through which we receive and transmit information. These senses mostly drag us outward forcing us to accept the outside influences.


The sense that makes us most human is our eyesight. Approximately 60% of the brain is used to process vision. Eyes could bring positive attention or could cause negative distraction. Therefore it is important to see good things. When right information that could help bring transformation is received by the head through our eyes, every effort must be taken to convert such information into useful action. God created sound even before creating humanity and other living beings. OM is the primordial sound, a universal sound. It has been proved that this cosmic sound OM is reverberating across the universe1. OM is also known as pranava meaning that which pervades life and runs through the breath, fills the universe. Such a sound must not be disturbed and polluted by noise and meaningless sounds. Sound has the quality to sooth the mind as well as to disturb the mind. Once sound enters our ears, our brain makes decisions based on the sounds we have heard.

Sound recordings made by Voyager 2. Released as audio album Symphony of the Planets by NASA.

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2.1 Television
Reading a book enhances the imagination and creativity of the child. Hearing good music, discourse, etc. soothes the mind. However graphic visualization as depicted in television or a movie has a combined effect of reading and hearing. Such media should be used for propagating value based programs which could inculcate good behavior in the child. On the contrary present day television and movie mostly broadcast unnecessary, meaningless songs, and violent scenes. Such visualizations arouse wrong thoughts and induce the child to copy and experiment. Hearing and sight are powerful senses of perception. Habitual watching on television, brings in laziness and disinterest in studies among children. They get glued and become addicted. Early corrections are needed. That is why Baba calls television as televisham or telepoison He advices children to watch only programs that add value and meaning to education or else it is aptly an idiot box. However parents should encourage the children to watch good programs that could enhance their knowledge, behavior and character.

2.2 Internet
Internet is one of the cheapest, easiest and the most powerful tools of education if used carefully and with a positive approach. However internet can prove to be completely dangerous if surfing of the net is done by children without parental guidance and monitoring. Teach your child that everything is bound by time in life and they must not be curious to learn beyond his/her physical age and mental age. They must be patient enough to learn the right things at right time.

2.3 Babas Advice on Internet

Internet abuse - INTERNET IS A WASTE PAPER BASKET Keep your child away Internet misuse INNER NET IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN INTER NET To remember that there is an inner net (heart) that must be consulted.

When children get into bullying or commenting on Facebook, exchanging words, such acts may hurt both of them.

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It is one of the important duties of parents to see that frequent usage of internet by the children does not bring disrepute to your family because of neglecting to monitor the child while on net.


3.1 Taste Buds
Food is not something that is enjoyed by our taste buds and merely consumed to satiate hunger. Arjuna asked Lord Krishna the constituents of ]]satwic food. Lord Krishna replied: Arjuna! Food to be Sathwic should be capable of strengthening the mind as well as the body. It should not be too salty, too hot, too bitter, too sweet or too sour. It should not be taken while steaming hot. Food which fans the flames of thirst should be avoided. The general principle is that there should be a limit, a restraint. Food cooked in water should not be used the next day; it becomes harmful. Even fried articles should be consumed before they develop unpleasant odors. "Rajasic food is the opposite of the Sathwic. It is too salty, too sweet, too hot, too sour, and too odorous. Such food excites and intoxicates2. There are certain types of food meant to be eaten; there are also ways of eating

3.2 Three Types of Food

3.2.1 Satwic Food
That helps control desire and enhance spirituality That are light and easy to digest That has the potential to unfold love and compassion in the individual That promotes the qualities of forgiveness and austerity That gives a feeling of contentment Fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouting pulses, tomatoes, milk, butter milk, ghee, almonds and plantains are a few examples of satwic food.

Sathya Sai Baba - Geetha Vahini - XXVI - Page 146

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3.2.2 Rajasic Food
That are hot, spicy and salty That are irritants and stimulants That causes temptation That stimulates senses, such as heavily spiced foods, hot pickles and chutneys That makes the mind more agitated and restless That induces worldly desire

3.2.3 Tamasic Food

That is heavy, dull & depressing and induces sleep Thick cheese, paneer, and high fat foods are some examples Old and stale food Even Satwic food eaten in huge quantities, causes the dulling effect and becomes Tamasic

3.3 Ways of Eating

Food prayer must be chanted and food must be purified before eating. The food we eat should have purity of vessel, cooking process and ingredients. Purity does not mean just hygiene. Purity comes in the food cooked with sacred heart, sacred feelings and unpolluted ingredients. A person cooking the food with hatred, anger, ill feelings ingests such feelings into the food that is cooked. Ingredients that are obtained in an unethical way when used in food pollute the food with such qualities. When such food is consumed the person who consumes absorbs such qualities in him. Since it is very difficult for us to know whether the food has gone through all the above three qualities namely purity of vessel, purity of cooking process and purity of ingredients we need to sanctify the food by offering the food to God by chanting the prayer. God removes all the impurities in the food and sanctifies the food as prasad, which acquires all the good qualities. Baba says: do not watch television while eating. This must be practiced. This is being emphasized in our Bal Vikas session and we are making all possible efforts to follow this 100%. While eating we should practice moderation by the method of eating one third of the stomach food, one third water and the remaining one third
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empty. This is easy to practice if a regular four course method of breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner are followed. Early dinner is healthy for mind and body. Hence wrong food and wrong manner of eating food are more detrimental to the mind than the body. Because a micro portion of the food nutrients mixes with the blood which in turn reaches the brain and causes stimuli that can help or pollute the mind. Healthy Body is a Healthy mind. As is the food so is the mind.

3.4 Speech
God is a great architect. He has designed the tongue guarded by 32 soldiers (teeth) perfectly aligned so that we learn to use it carefully that is why HE has placed this sense organ well inside. HE wants us to understand that words uttered have meanings that may sooth the listeners mind or harm and wound them. It is said that the wound caused by fire could heal fast, while the wound caused by harsh words always leave a scar.

3.4.1 Back Talk Corrections

Most of the young children are in the habit of back answering their parents and elders. Often they listen not to understand but to reply. As parents, we must teach children to listen first, then understand and then reply. They should practice speaking soft and low. Children should be taught to speak politely. Parents too need to practice speaking obligingly always. Parents should set an example for the children to emulate and follow. Baba says: Even if you cannot oblige speak obligingly.


Knowledge and information play a key role in the head value. It is important that children excel in their academics. It is the greatest joy that parents can have and the greatest gift is when you see the report card of your child having scored the top rank. Yes, it is really a matter of pride and celebration. However, there is a small thing to be taken note of in this. A child has excelled in academics and has obtained good marks, what is the remark of the teacher? What about human excellence? Baba says: Care not for marks but for remarks.

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Sometimes children who excel do not exhibit helping nature; do not share their knowledge and skills with those who are academically challenged. Moreover, by any chance they miss or lose the first position, they are heart-broken. They must be taught to face disappointment and failure with courage. They must also learn to appreciate and congratulate the other child who has performed better. Teach children to practice sportsmanship in scholastic environment also.


We have another commonly used but difficult to comprehend term called THE MIND which plays a great role in all of us from children to grown-ups and which is importantly a concept in the head value. What is mind? It is a bundle of thoughts. What are thoughts? They are bundle of desires.

5.1 How to handle thoughts?

Easiest way to handle thought is to send them down to your heart by the power of discrimination. Let us ask is such a thought necessary? Are we to act or stay away? Take time to act. Consult the heart. Wait for the approval by the heart and then decide. Here is a conversation between God and Ocean God my dear ocean I notice that as soon as rubbish falls on you, you throw the rubbish onto the shore by a series of waves without retaining the rubbish even for a moment. Why?? Ocean - `Lord, there is nothing that is not known to you. If today I allow this piece of dirt to remain with me, before long I will be filled with dirt, and my entire form will be changed. I will no longer be ocean. If I need to maintain my purity I must throw off the dirt immediately. Nature is the best teacher. The oceans teach us to throw away useless thoughts The biggest difference between our sensory organs and other organs is that the malfunctioning of sensory organs does not have life-threatening implications. A blind man continues to live, a deaf man continues to live otherwise normally and yet these sensory organs play an important role in the character formation of human beings. The Head value comprises mainly of the sense of perceptions. Therefore the sense organs are largely responsible for the quality of life the humans lead. This is the lesson to be taken from the head value.

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Mere living is not enough; it has no value by itself. It is the motives, the feelings, the thoughts, the attitudes that prompt the day to day life. Baba says: Good fortune is always the result of good and positive thoughts whereas bad and negative thoughts lead eventually to bad fortune, via bad actions, bad habits and evil character. Since thought is the true basis of fortune, it is obvious that one must cultivate good and positive thoughts, if one is looking for a good fortune. Thoughts and Destiny are interconnected.

Good Thoughts

Good Actions

Good Habits

Good Character

Good Destiny

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We have elaborated on the Head Value in the previous chapter. We shall delve on the Heart Value in this chapter. Information from the sense organs, in the form of hearing, sight, smell, taste and sense of touch causes stimuli in the brain, which in turn forms series of thoughts. The head performs two kinds of jobs. The head may directly and hastily transform the thoughts into actions and send signals to the limbs and other organs ignoring the process of evaluation of the pros and cons with the heart or the head may send the thoughts generated down to the heart for evaluation, get the approval of the heart and then finally decides to perform the action. While the former may or may not result in good action, generally the latter yields a good action. Hence it is necessary that we should evaluate our actions with the heart and obtain the consent of the heart prior to execution of our thoughts. A thing in haste is a waste.


We are all aware of the physical location of the heart as the left side of the human body. We are also aware of a nonphysical aspect of our life conscience. Heart is the seat of conscience and conscience is the seat of the soul Many of us are aware that the heart is the organ that keeps the body and soul together. In fact many of us are not aware of one of the most admirable aspects of the heart which is the power of discrimination. The heart is the place where our ability to discriminate lies, contrary to the general thinking that such power of discrimination lies in the head. It is the capability of the heart to analyze which thoughts are right and which are wrong. It is called the Master and that is why Baba says: Follow the Master.


Heart is a bundle of desires. Heart has several capacities, which we all know but seldom understood. How do we understand this? We have a good reference of such capacities n the Bible. The heart is shown to have three capacities namely

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9.1 To believe
Since the job of filtration or consultation before action is not done by many of us, on many occasions the heart is forced to accept and follow the vicissitudes of the mind. Hence contrary to the true nature of heart which is to believe it is forced to disbelieve.

9.2 To choose
As a sequence to the above disbelief of the heart which is forced upon it against its nature, we deprive the natural ability of the heart to choose. It is compelled to accept what the head thinks, which is mostly a wrong choice.

9.3 To feel
As a result of the above two, the heart is packed with emotions and painful feelings. It is the heart that feels the pain so we say Heavy Heart without understanding the full meaning. Happiness is the state of the mind but one should not forget that happiness is also the feel of the heart.


We have mentioned in our earlier chapter on the miseries that follow when one does not consult ones heart. We now discuss here below on the various ways by which one could develop the process of consulting the heart. We do not need a great education to learn the process of consulting the heart. What the world needs today is neither a new education, nor a new society but a heart filled with holiness called Character. The process of consultation is not the same for all the age groups. When we know the process is very difficult even for adults, how could we achieve the same in infants, young children, adolescents and adults? We have attempted to answer the same according to the age groups.

10.1 Infants and Young Children Parents as their conscience

From the time children are born and till they mature, parents should act as their conscience. Most people are not aware of this. We think we only have a responsibility of bringing up the child forgetting that we have something more than that - a moral responsibility on behalf of our
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children. This means we must be ready to face the consequences if we overlook the mistakes of our kids. We need to shield our children with our conscience till they grow up to be selfdependent and start judging on their own. An example if a six months old baby is crying in a public place of worship for instance, the mother should not think that her baby is too small to understand that he or she should not cry and so she can let the baby cry. Instead, she should listen to her conscience that quickly guides her to take the baby out and leave the place so that others are not disturbed.

11.0 Adolescents Easy Break Mechanism

As long as the child is an infant the parents could shield the conscience of the child which is still developing with their conscience. Once the child reaches adolescent stage the child should be taught to use his or her conscience. If a child makes a mistake out of ignorance then teach the child not to repeat it and as parents verify that the child has overcome such bad behavior. Also if the child repeats the mistake do not overlook and pamper the child but teach the child that we must set limits and stop the bad behavior. How to make them understand not to repeat? The conscience is like a brake. Remember that it is the function of the conscience that tells us to stop. Teach the child that a car without a brake will collide, and cause more damage. It is the conscience mechanism that controls the behavior. Ask the child would he or she ever enjoy a ride in a car without a brake? Or would you as a parent let your child go in a car that has no brake? Ask the child what would be the consequence of such a ride? Adolescence would certainly help the child understand and reason with such explanation. Also as parents they should set an example.

11.1 Adults - Actions have Consequences

When we choose something, we just do not only choose that something but also unknowingly choose the consequence that is inseparable in our choice that follows. Action, inaction, and decision-making activities result in consequences that are good or bad either immediately or sometimes later. Like in a game of chess or checkers, a compelling mental exercise in complex decision-making needs developing the skill of farsightedness. Adult children must be guided with the ability to
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perceive the likely consequences of their actions and the discipline to proceed accordingly since bad actions, invariably result in bad consequences. Parents hope always the best for their children. They also know that actions of the children and resulting consequences are interrelated. It is the wish and prayer of every parent that their child makes right choices at the right time. In order to enable the child make right choices they should always guide their children with the habit of consulting the heart


W - Watch our Words A - Watch our Actions T - Watch our Thoughts C - Watch our Character H - Watch our Heart
1. Why is it that we forget to consult our heart? This is because we are often in a hurry, in haste. Also sometimes we deliberately do not wish to go by our heart! 2. Why is it that sometimes we refuse to obey our heart? Heart always speaks the truth and truth is a bitter pill. We are afraid to accept the truth and start embracing artificial life. Also outside influence, peer pressure, and blindly aping others habits are contributing factors for such disobedience 3. What are the consequences of not listening to the heart? Many a times we begin to listen to the multiple voices in the head than the single inner voice from the heart. We begin to see diversity in unity which is demonic. Misery, restlessness and unhappiness are all the direct consequences of not listening to the heart. 4. What are the effects of getting the approval of the heart?

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When we begin to listen to heart, we achieve unity of thought, words and deeds. We are in harmony with diversity and we begin to be a true human being. If heart wins over our mind, we are sure to see unity in diversity resulting in harmony, peace and love. 5. Is there any simple way to understand and follow the heart? Yes, there is one good and unfailing way: Adhering to the spiritual path. As we are all in Kali age and we are subject to so many distractions. Constant remembrance and chanting the names of God can only help us cherish and preserve the heart value. Remember the sai alphabet ABCDEFG to follow heart value Always Be Cheerful D ont Ever Forget God One of the easiest ways to be cheerful is by understanding the secret of happiness. Baba says: Happiness lies not in doing what one likes but liking what one has to do


We have learnt various features, qualities and effects of consulting or not consulting the heart. One important feature of the heart is that Heart is the abode of God. It is the residing place of the divinity. Baba says: Divinity is inherent in every human being. Self-realization is the key to salvation. Let us all develop the habit of consulting the heart prior to every one of our action since conscience is none other than almighty.

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In the evolution of species Homo erectus, which means upright man, is a milestone. Hands are the one which made the vital difference between human beings and other animals. Mankind freed its hands from the job of locomotion and started using the hands for other productive purposes. We all know the use of hand however we seldom know the hand value which we would discuss in the coming paragraphs.


Hand is an organ that immediately reacts and expresses the will of the heart. It has the function of expressing speech, emotions and touch in its own sign language. Hands are blessed with the power of subtle energy in them. When we speak to a person who needs solace, a loving touch by our hand on the person would speak volumes resulting in good and positive effect on the subject. Also it is the same hand with which a lot of violent actions are being done. It is the same hand and same tool, but a doctors hand and robbers hand execute totally different jobs. Hence it is important to use the hands wisely and carefully. Hand is the external tool of the mind. It is also called the outer brain of the man. When it performs the task in consultation with the heart, hand becomes a symbol of not only action but also strength and protection. Hand is more often a source of energy especially when used to perform sacred and benevolent acts.


Hands are the eyes for the blind The dumb talk with hands The deaf hear with hands Hand is used as an instrument of memory writing - Pen is mightier than the sword Hand & Fingers are used for encoding language Deaf and dumb Joining of multiple hands is a symbol of unity - Unity is strength Hands shake is a symbol of friendship - a friend in need is a friend in deed Folding hands used for prayer - Life is fragile handle with prayer Your Hands above anothers hands helping, serving - Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray

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It is common for us to mention that ones fate is in ones hands. How can the destiny be in ones hand? Human hand is full of flexibility and dexterity. It can perform a variety of actions as detailed in the above section. It is the hand which could do paradoxical actions. It can express love and also hate, rejection and also acceptance, victory and also failure. Hence it is the hand that determines ones destiny. How to bring out the purity of the hand? Purity of the hand is directly associated with the heart and the head. Together they make 3HV. The hands must carry out the task emanating from the head and approved by the heart in a careful, respectful, disciplined and committed manner. This is the fundamental edict of EHV = 3HV, the unity of thought, word and deed. Many other values like creativity, art, management, controlling, guiding, leading are all hidden in the hand value.


Love in action is right conduct. Love in feelings or understanding is non-violence. Right conduct is the adherence to the rule: 'Do unto others what you wish them to do unto you. This means avoid double standard in your actions. How do we understand a particular act is right conduct or not? An action that does not inflict pain on you and others is right conduct. The right action enables one to recognize that anything that is bad for other is also bad for you. Speak as you feel and act as you speak, by not playing false to your conscience. This is righteousness. Baba teaches that wasting resources amounts to violence and the hands must be taught to stay away from this veiled violence, though we may abstain from physical violence or abuse.

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An attempt is made here to explain the right use of hands in daily life activities by the acronym for WASTE way that is widely used in Education in Human Values sessions helping to practice the values of right conduct and non-violence. Children should be made to understand waste management by constant guidance. DO DO DO DO DO NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT WASTE WASTE WASTE WASTE WASTE WEALTH money AQUA water SUBSTANCES- food, paper, clothes etc. TIME ENERGY- muscular, electrical, fuel

19.1 Wealth
Teach children home economics A penny saved is penny earned Not to buy things which are not necessary Not to buy things which are more than the needs

19.2 Aqua
A drop of water leaking from a tap in one day amounts to 200 liters of water lost. Educate children to keep taps closed between gaps of brushing, washing and bathing. Take the required quantity of water while drinking. Waste of plenty is the resource of scarcity. Let not children have a wrong notion that water is easily available and inexpensive and hence could be wasted.

19.3 Substance
The poor work hard and provide us all the ingredients for food. Care must be taken to serve the right quantity on the plate so that excess food is not wasted. Misjudging the consumption quantity leads both to starvation and obesity. Moderation in food habit is essential. Food is God. Do not waste food. Wishful waste woeful want.

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19.4 Time
Time is the yardstick of life. Hands play time management role in our daily life. Teaching children manage time is an important skill that will help them to succeed in their household responsibilities, studies, job success and marriage. Teach the child that time is more valuable than money because time, unlike money that can be earned any time cannot be earned or got back time lost is lost forever. Time management for children is something that parents need to be on the same page with their kids. Children love to mime their parents. So parents should practice time management before they preach. Gift your child an attractive alarm clock in their early age and teach them how to set it and use it. This will be interesting for them to relate time and activity. In the modern day we can teach the children reminder function which is available in most of the mobile phones. Older children should learn to budget time while doing school homework and by breaking up the work into smaller portions so that weekends are not stressful. Time is like bank. Save small and withdraw for relaxation later. Haste is waste; Urgency is tyrannical. Procrastination is the thief of time, there may be 24 hours in a day but we do not know how much of it can be squeezed in reality. Present time is the best time. Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery, Today is a Gift, that is why it is called the Present One misconception of time is that children often do not care to know how time is to be spent qualitatively. They believe in idling or totally wasting when they have nothing to do. Baba says: Change of work is rest. Time waste is life waste.

19.5 Energy
Sathya Sai Babas simple easy to follow teachings on conserving energy. Do not fall into the habit of shouting, talking long and loud as wasting energy reduces memory power. Do not shout to a person far, go near him or beckon to him to approach you. When one gets weak due to lack of physical energy he is prone to get angry Switch off electrical appliances when not in use.
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Thus the waste of above five resources would amount to veiled violence. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

3HV - values of Head, Heart and Hand are the most important facets of human beings. This is Education in Human Value. Harmony and purity in thoughts, words and deeds should be the sign of an educated person. Control and proper regulation of the Head, the Heart and the Hand is the hallmark of the character of a person. Though we may have a long way to go, with efforts and by divine grace we may realize the values of Head, Heart and Hand in the proper sense as explained in this workshop so as to become worthy instruments in the Divine Hands Begin like a lamp at home, carry the light outside, become a street light serving as an example and guiding others. Emulate the pole star which is a light unto the world Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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