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Malaysian Institute of Management


Generating Ideas Through Organised Creativity

One of the main complaints of management is that staffs do not contribute ideas and voice their opinion. They suspect that perhaps one of the reasons is lack of courage or conviction. However, research has shown that most employees have opinion and ideas on how to improve their work. The problem is the ideas are not organised and therefore they are shy to voice out. Organised ideas are important not just to give opinion but to solve problems on a daily basis. Much of the thinking done in formal education emphasises the skills of analysis; how to understand claims, follow or create a logical argument, figure out the answer, eliminate the incorrect paths and focus on the correct one. However, at the workplace, another kind of thinking is just as important: one that focuses on exploring ideas, generating possibilities, looking for many right answers rather than just one. Both of these kinds of thinking are vital to a successful working life, yet the latter one tends to be ignored. Actually, everyone has substantial creative ability. Just look at how creative children are. In adults, creativity has too often been suppressed for some reason, but it is still there and can be reawakened. Often, all that's needed to be creative is to make a commitment to creativity and to take the time for it. Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve it. One of the most empowering and useful tools in creative thinking is mind mapping. It is one of the most underused tools of systematic brainstorming tools. Tapping into the way the brain actually works, mind mapping allows ideas to expand from a central focus while giving a global picture of the situation. Objectives Upon completion of this programme, you will be able to: Raise your awareness of thinking habits and cultural biases that influence individual and group perception of problems and possible solutions Apply thinking tools to work problems Design problem-solving processes that will encourage team participation and support the active implementation of solutions Learn how mind mapping taps into how the brain works Develop mind maps that capture and develop new ideas Learn new techniques to capture information more easily, completely and with clarity Use many tools to plan activities of all types Think innovatively and creatively to solve problems Foster collaborative thinking and interaction Use different way of thinking so people don't get trapped by traditional, rigid, negative or critical approaches Develop a framework for thinking that provides a more open and creative climate for discussion Develop alternative and innovative solutions Designed For Learning Outcomes At the end of this programme, you will have gained the following knowledge and learning: Plan major projects and other activities in a fraction of the time normally needed Capture and comprehend vast amounts of information relevant to your focus Work creatively either individually or in a team Generate innovative new ideas related to the task being worked on Be fully involved in problem solving, improvement activities and innovative thinking Creatively solve problems and make better decisions - faster Analyse and manage situations more thoroughly and effectively Generate more innovative ideas to enhance organisational performance Communicate ideas and concepts easily and quickly Training Methodology Throughout the workshop, the re is a mix of presentations, role plays activities, using the integrative Learning System (ILS) approach to internalize the learnings of the workshop. Technologies used will include Multiple Intelligences, Interactive Learning and the Dunn & Dunns Learning Styles. EQ (Emotional Intelligence) will be emphasised here.

All executives, non-executives, technical staff This programme is specially designed for those who want to explore creativity It is also designed for those who are involved or aim to be involved in innovation

Malaysian Institute of Management > > > Tel: (603) 7711 2888 > Fax: (603) 7711 2999
MIM reserves the right to alter the programme schedule and details without prior notification. Fees quoted are subject to terms and conditions outlined in MIMs Registr ation Policy.

Driving People to the Future

Malaysian Institute of Management

Programme Outline Day 1 The mysteries of the human brain Make the most of your grey matter Left brain/right brain thinking Our multiple intelligences The creative environment Setting the creative stage Identifying elements that stimulate creativity Eliminating barriers to innovation Brainstorming options Creative Thinking Tools Brainstorming Reversal Random Word Technique Mind mapping Big picture ideas Create mind maps in teams Identify applications at work Day 2 Other ways to brainstorm Round RobinColor coding brainstorm Lotus Blossom Avoiding analysis paralysis Overcoming the "It won't work here" mentality The Five Monkeys Syndrome Resolve / remove "we've always done it this way" Mental Blocks Administrative Details Fees: MIM Member: RM1,050 Non-Member: RM1,120 Duration: 2 days Time: 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Dates: 4-5 March 2013 5-6 June 2013 9-10 September 2013 PSMB Scheme: SBL SME Corp Malaysia Skills Upgrading Programme: 70% training grant (for eligible SMEs) (Early bird and group discounts are not applicable for those who apply for programmes under this training grant.) Creative Problem Solving (CPS) THE BIG SIX MODEL Ground rules for THE BIG SIX Stages of problem solving EGGCAM Six Step approach to CPS Training Facilitator
Main Trainer:

Amy Wan Ratos, MMIM, MIM-CPT

MSc (Training & HRD) (Leicester University, UK), Certified and Licensed Trainer in Emotional Intelligence (USA), BSc (University of North Carolina, USA) Alternate Trainer:

Irene Choong Peck Foong, MMIM, MIM-CPT

MBA (Training and HRD) University of Newport, USA B A (Hons) (University Malaya, Msia) Certified NLP Practitioner Cert IV TAA (Australia)

CPD Hours: 16

Malaysian Institute of Management > > > Tel: (603) 7711 2888 > Fax: (603) 7711 2999
MIM reserves the right to alter the programme schedule and details without prior notification. Fees quoted are subject to terms and conditions outlined in MIMs Registr ation Policy.

Driving People to the Future

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