EDE Project

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Business Plan On Brain Storming Session

Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the diploma
Diploma in Computer Technology
Kunal Sharma
Karishma Verma
Manali Shinde
Ruchika Mehta
Under the guidance of
Miss. Poonam Irmali


Maharashtra state board of technical education
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that MR./MS. of 6th semester of Diploma in Computer
technology of Institute, Shivaji Rao S. Jondhale Polytechnic (Code:0147) Has
completed the Micro Project satisfactory in subject: EDE for the academic year
(2023-2024) as prescribed in the curriculum

SR NO. Name of the Roll No. Enrollment Seat No.

Group Members No.

1. Kunal Sharma 1418 2101470080

2. Karishma Verma 1421 2101470064
3. Manali Shinde 1420 2101470047
4 Ruchika Mehta 1410 2201470137


Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal


In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, staying ahead

of the competition requires constant innovation and improvement.
This business plan outlines a strategic initiative to enhance a
product through a dedicated brainstorming session. By fostering a
culture of creativity and collaboration, this approach aims to
identify and implement innovative solutions that will elevate the
product's performance, market competitiveness, and overall
customer satisfaction. The plan details a structured process, from
pre-brainstorming preparation to post-implementation evaluation,
emphasizing the importance of ongoing improvement in the
entrepreneurial journey.
SR. NO. Content Page No.

1. Introduction 5.

2. What is brainstorming? 6.

3. Eight reasons why 7.

brainstorming is

4. Techniques for successfully 8.

brainstorming business ideas

5. 9,10.
How to Use
Brainstorming in Business

6. Conclusion 11.
7. References 12.

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, where change is

constant and consumer expectations are ever-evolving, the need
for product improvement is paramount. This business plan centers
on a proactive approach to enhance a product through a focused
brainstorming session, incorporating diverse perspectives and
creative thinking. This initiative seeks not only to address current
weaknesses but also to uncover opportunities for growth and
What is brainstorming?

Brainstorming is a creative process where a person or group sits down

with a problem in mind and spontaneously contributes solutions to
that problem. Brainstorming methods can be as simple as making lists
or as detailed as making a mind map. It usually happens during the
beginning stages of a project, and its goal is to end up with a large
number of ideas to help define the problem and all of the possible
creative solutions. You can brainstorm using a whiteboard, online
software, or just a piece of paper and a pen.
Eight reasons why brainstorming is important?

If you’ve ever held a brainstorming session, you likely know that they can be
very effective for generating new ideas, and finding solutions to a problem.
This is largely due to the many advantages of brainstorming that help teams
work more collaboratively towards a common goal.

Some of the advantages of brainstorming for businesses and individual

productivity include:

1. Brainstorming allows people to think more freely, without fear of judgment.

2. Brainstorming encourages open and ongoing collaboration to solve problems
and generate innovative ideas.
3. Brainstorming helps teams generate a large number of ideas quickly, which
can be refined and merged to create the ideal solution.
4. Brainstorming allows teams to reach conclusions by consensus, leading to a
more well-rounded and better informed path forward.
5. Brainstorming helps team members feel more comfortable bouncing ideas off
one another, even outside of a structured session.
6. Brainstorming introduces different perspectives, and opens the door to out-of-
the-box innovations.
7. Brainstorming helps team members get ideas out of their heads and into the
world, where they can be expanded upon, refined, and put into action.
8. Brainstorming is great for team building. No one person has ownership over
the results, enabling an absolute team effort.
In summary, the core advantages of brainstorming are its ability to unlock
creativity by collaboration. It’s the perfect technique to use for coming
together as a team, and can help to generate exciting new ideas that can take
your business to a new level.
Techniques for successfully
brainstorming business ideas

• Aim for quantity, not quality. Finding one great business idea is your
primary goal. Quality is important. But, worrying about quality taps
into convergent thinking, inhibiting your ability to generate new ideas.
It will only hold you back at this stage of the game. Putting the focus
on generating lots of ideas takes the pressure off. Have confidence that
the best ideas will reveal themselves. You can’t force only the best
ideas to come forward. But, they will appear together with other, less
effective ideas. And that’s okay.
• Have fun and be silly. True creativity and ingenuity occur when you
don’t try to control the process. Free-form, stream-of-consciousness
associations are most effective for brainstorming. So stretch your
cognitive process by allowing silly ideas to have a voice.
• Don’t edit or judge yourself. There are no bad ideas this early in the
process. And finding a profitable business idea is a process. Allowing
yourself to riff off an idea that may not work is part of the journey to
finding an idea that will.
• Write everything down. It’s important to keep a record of all your
ideas. You may not see an idea’s true worth until later. You may reread
the list later and discover a new idea you hadn’t thought of then. All of
that creative thought is valuable. So, keep a copy of it
How to Use Brainstorming in Business
To make brainstorming effective in a business setting, it’s important to establish
clear objectives, create a comfortable and non-judgmental environment, and
follow up with a structured process to evaluate and implement the best ideas
generated during the session. It’s also important to involve the right people with
relevant knowledge and expertise to make sure the brainstorming sessions are
productive and lead to actionable insights.

Following are instances where brainstorming can be used in business.

Product Development

In product development, brainstorming helps businesses create products that are not
only innovative but also closely aligned with customer needs and preferences.
Moreover, it helps with identifying and mitigating risks, making sure that the product
development process is more streamlined. In a fast-paced marketplace, brainstorming
allows businesses to stay responsive to evolving customer demands and market

Marketing Campaign Planning

Using brainstorming in marketing campaign planning can be highly effective in

generating creative and innovative ideas. It helps explore campaign themes,
messaging, content, and marketing channels. This sparks innovation and helps
discover fresh ideas that can connect with the target audience. It’s also a great way to
identify potential challenges and risks early, so teams can plan accordingly.

Process Improvement

In process improvement, brainstorming helps identify problems, generate innovative

solutions, prioritize changes, aimed at achieving greater efficiency, cost savings, and a
competitive edge. It encourages a culture of continuous improvement and empowers
teams to create processes that align with organizational objectives and customer

Strategic Planning

Brainstorming helps organizations develop innovative and impactful organizational

strategies. It helps identify emerging trends and anticipate challenges, creating a
forward-thinking approach to strategic planning. As a result, the organization is able to
build dynamic and adaptive strategies that are aligned with its vision and goals.

Improving Customer Experience

Brainstorming helps organizations to identify pain points in the customer journey,

anticipate customer needs, and develop strategies to boost satisfaction. This leads to
the implementation of customer-centric improvements, making the customer
experience more seamless, engaging, and aligned with the organization’s objectives.

Human Resource Management

Brainstorming can be used to explore different HR-related challenges and

opportunities, such as recruitment, talent development, performance management,
and employee engagement. Also helps identify emerging trends, address workplace
issues, and develop new HR policies and practices that promote employee well-being
and organizational success.

Risk Management

Brainstorming helps look at various risk scenarios, their likelihood, and potential
impacts on the organization’s objectives. It also helps explore both internal and
external factors that could pose risks, understand potential vulnerabilities and develop
effective risk mitigation strategies.
In conclusion, the brainstorming session conducted for the improvement of our
product in the field of entrepreneurship development has proven to be a
valuable and dynamic process. Throughout the session, diverse perspectives,
creative ideas, and constructive criticism were shared, fostering a collaborative
environment that aimed at enhancing our product's features and overall

The brainstorming session served as a catalyst for innovation, allowing team

members to tap into their collective knowledge and creativity. The exchange of
ideas not only identified areas for improvement but also sparked new concepts
that could potentially redefine our product in the market.

The feedback received during the session provided valuable insights into the
current strengths and weaknesses of our product. It highlighted the importance
of user experience, scalability, and adaptability to market trends. The diverse
backgrounds and expertise of the participants enriched the discussion, offering
unique viewpoints that may not have been considered otherwise.

As a result of this brainstorming session, we now have a comprehensive list of

actionable steps and potential enhancements to implement in our product
development strategy. The identified improvements align with the current
needs of our target audience and position us to stay ahead in the competitive
landscape of entrepreneurship development.

Moving forward, it is imperative to prioritize and implement the key

recommendations gathered from the brainstorming session. Regular follow-up
sessions should be scheduled to track progress, address challenges, and
incorporate additional insights that may arise during the execution phase.

Overall, the brainstorming session has been a crucial step in our commitment
to continuous improvement and innovation. By embracing the collaborative
spirit of brainstorming, we are confident in our ability to refine and elevate our
product, contributing to the success of both our users and our business in the
dynamic and evolving entrepreneurial landscape.

Shivaji Rao S. Jondhale Polytechnic, Ambernath(E)Teacher

Evaluation Sheet

Academic Year (2023-2024)

Project title: Computer Technology
Course title & code: EDE
Semester: 6th
Course outcome:
➢ Follow safety practices.
➢ Practice good housekeeping.
➢ Demonstrate working as a lead 1 team member.
➢ Maintain tools and equipment
➢ Follow ethical practices.


Roll No. Name of Student Marks of group Marks obtained Total Marks
work A by the individual (A+B)
(Out of 4) based in Viva B
(Out of 6)

1418 Kunal Sharma

1421 Karishma Verma

1420 Manali Shinde

1410 Ruchika Mehta

Name and Signature of Faculty:

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