Tia 918 PDF
Tia 918 PDF
Tia 918 PDF
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Contents FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... xvii Introduction .................................................................................................................... xvii Testing Objective ............................................................................................................ xviii Execution Strategy.......................................................................................................... xviii Acronyms and Abbreviations............................................................................................ xxii Supplementary Terms and Definitions.............................................................................xxvii CDMA Equations ............................................................................................................ xlvii Tolerances ............................................................................................................................l Normative Document References ...........................................................................................l 1 MisceLlaneous Air INterface Tests.................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 Pilot PN Offset ........................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Hashing CDMA Channels, Paging Channels, and Paging Slot ..................................... 1-2 1.3 Idle Ping Pong with Quick Paging Channel CCI .......................................................... 1-4 1.4 Quick Paging Indicator .............................................................................................. 1-6 1.5 Mobile Station Processing of the Access Parameters Message ..................................... 1-8 1.6 Mobile Station Processing of MIN_P_REV ..................................................................1-10 1.7 Mobile Station Response to Status Request Message .................................................1-11 1.8 Protocol Discriminator (PD) Test and Link Access Control (LAC) PDU Format Test on the Access Channel........................................................................................................1-12 1.9 Logging Tests ...........................................................................................................1-15 1.10 SYNC Channel Support ..........................................................................................1-26 2 POTS Tests ................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Mobile Station Originated Call ................................................................................... 2-3 2.2 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Radio Link Failure During Conversation - Reverse Link.......................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.3 Mobile Station to Land Party, Radio Link Failure During Conversation - Forward Link 2-6 2.4 Mobile Station Originated Call, Test Service Options .................................................. 2-7 2.5 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Busy Tone............................................................. 2-8 2.6 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, No Traffic Channel Resources Available ................. 2-8 2.7 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Reverse Link Failure During Call Setup ................. 2-9 2.8 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Forward Link Failure During Call Setup ................ 2-9 2.9 Mobile Station Terminated Call.................................................................................2-10 2.10 Mobile Station terminated Call, Test Service Options ...............................................2-12 2.11 Land Party to Mobile Station Call, Mobile Operating in Slotted Mode .......................2-13 2.12 MSID, MCC, and IMSI ............................................................................................2-14
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2.13 TMSI Assignment................................................................................................... 2-16 2.14 TMSI Expiration Time ............................................................................................ 2-17 2.15 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, DTMF ................................................................ 2-18 2.16 Forward Traffic Channel DTMF Tone Signaling....................................................... 2-21 2.17 Enhanced DTMF Signaling..................................................................................... 2-22 2.18 Channel Assignment from CDMA to AMPS ............................................................. 2-22 2.19 PACA Origination, User Terminates While Still In Queue ........................................ 2-23 2.20 PACA Origination, Idle Handoff While in Queue ...................................................... 2-24 2.21 PACA Origination, Traffic Channel Becomes Available ............................................ 2-26 2.22 PACA Origination, Features Interaction .................................................................. 2-26 2.23 PACA Origination, Permanent Invocation................................................................ 2-27 2.24 PACA Origination, PACA Disabled for Mobile Station .............................................. 2-28 2.25 True IMSI Support ................................................................................................. 2-29 2.26 Initial Service Configuration and Negotiation .......................................................... 2-31 2.27 Base Station Requested Service Negotiation (Successful Scenarios) ......................... 2-35 2.28 Base Station Reject Scenarios during Service Negotiation ....................................... 2-37 2.29 Mobile Station Reject Scenarios during Service Negotiation..................................... 2-40 2.30 Service Negotiation Completion via General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message ....................................................................................... 2-41 2.31 SCR without NN-SCR and NN-SCR without SCR in General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message ................................................................. 2-42 2.32 Base Station Request Overrides the Mobile Station Request.................................... 2-44 2.33 Service Negotiation Involving Partial SCR and/or Partial NN-SCR ........................... 2-45 2.34 Quasi-Orthogonal Functions (QOF) assignment...................................................... 2-46 2.35 Release Order on Access Channel .......................................................................... 2-47 3 Handoff Tests................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Soft Handoff with Dynamic Threshold........................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in the Same Band Class ...................................... 3-7 3.3 Hard Handoff from CDMA to AMPS ............................................................................ 3-9 3.4 Soft Handoff in Fading............................................................................................. 3-10 3.5 Hard Handoff in Fading ........................................................................................... 3-14 3.6 Hard Handoff Between Different Band Classes ......................................................... 3-16 3.7 Hard Handoff with and without Return on Failure ................................................... 3-17 3.8 Search Window Size and Offset Per Neighbor ........................................................... 3-19 3.9 Access Handoffs ...................................................................................................... 3-25 3.10 Traffic Channel Preamble during Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in same band 3-32
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3.11 Hopping Pilot Beacon..............................................................................................3-33 3.12 Hard Handoff Between Frequencies with Different Radio Configurations ..................3-35 3.13 Handoff on Same Frequency with Different Radio Configurations.............................3-36 3.14 Hard Handoff while in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate ....................3-38 3.15 Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to CDMA) .....................................................3-39 3.16 Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to AMPS) ......................................................3-41 3.17 Hard Handoff Between Frequencies with Different Protocol Revisions.......................3-43 4 Power Control Tests ...................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Forward Traffic Channel Power Control ..................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Mobile Station Response to Power Up Function (PUF) Message .................................... 4-4 4.3 Fast Forward Power Control (FFPC) ........................................................................... 4-8 5 Registration Tests ......................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Power-Up Registration............................................................................................... 5-1 5.2 Power-Down Registration .......................................................................................... 5-2 5.3 Timer-Based Registration .......................................................................................... 5-4 5.4 Distance-Based Registration...................................................................................... 5-5 5.5 Zone-Based Registration............................................................................................ 5-9 5.6 Parameter-Change Registration ................................................................................5-11 5.7 Registration Under Various Settings of MOB_TERM ..................................................5-13 6 Authentication Tests ..................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Shared Secret Data Initialized to Zero ........................................................................ 6-1 6.2 Shared Secret Data Update on the Paging/Access Channels....................................... 6-3 6.3 Shared Secret Data Update on the Forward/Reverse Traffic Channels ........................ 6-4 6.4 Mismatched A-Keys................................................................................................... 6-5 6.5 Activating Voice Privacy on Call Setup ....................................................................... 6-6 6.6 Activating Voice Privacy at the Mobile Station When a Call Is Active ........................... 6-7 6.7 Signaling Message Encryption on Forward Traffic Channel (Alert with Information Message)................................................................................................................... 6-8 6.8 Signaling Message Encryption on Reverse Traffic Channel (Burst DTMF Message) ....... 6-9 6.9 Hard Handoffs between Base Stations with SME Active.............................................6-10 6.10 Signaling Message Encryption Mobile Terminated SMS (Data Burst Message)...........6-11 6.11 Authentication Upon Originations ...........................................................................6-12 6.12 Hard Handoff from CDMA to AMPS with SME Active ...............................................6-13 7 SERVICE REDIRECTION ............................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 Global Service Redirection Tests ................................................................................ 7-1 7.2 Network Directed System Selection and Normal Service Redirection Tests .................. 7-6
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7.3 Extended Global Service Redirection Tests ............................................................... 7-11 8 Short Message Service (SMS) ......................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Mobile Station Terminated SMS Tests ........................................................................ 8-2 8.2 Mobile Station Originated SMS Tests ......................................................................... 8-9 8.3 Broadcast SMS Tests............................................................................................... 8-14 9 subscriber calling features Tests.................................................................................... 9-1 9.1 Call Forwarding......................................................................................................... 9-1 9.2 Three-Way Calling ..................................................................................................... 9-4 9.3 Land Party to Mobile Station Caller ID ....................................................................... 9-6 9.4 Call Waiting .............................................................................................................. 9-8 9.5 Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) ............................................................................... 9-9 9.6 Land Party to Mobile Station Calling Name Presentation .......................................... 9-11 9.7 Display Records ...................................................................................................... 9-14 9.8 TTY/TDD ................................................................................................................ 9-17 9.9 Answer Holding ....................................................................................................... 9-19 9.10 User Selective Call Forwarding ............................................................................... 9-21 10 Asynchronous Data and Fax Services .......................................................................... 10-1 10.1 Send/Receive Fax .................................................................................................. 10-3 10.2 Upload/Download Binary File ................................................................................ 10-4 10.3 Simultaneous Two-way File Transfer/Carrier Detect............................................... 10-4 10.4 Compound AT Command, Initialization and Connection Delay................................ 10-6 10.5 Escaping to Command Mode.................................................................................. 10-6 10.6 Air Interface Data Compression.............................................................................. 10-7 10.7 RLP Operation in a Poor RF Environment ............................................................... 10-8 10.8 RLP Abort and TCP Retransmit Test ......................................................................10-10 10.9 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Requests/Replies...................................10-12 10.10 Reflection of AT Command Parameters..............................................................10-13
11 PACKET DATA SERVICES TESTS ................................................................................ 11-1 11.1 Terminal Session with Remote Host ....................................................................... 11-3 11.2 File Transfer .......................................................................................................... 11-3 11.3 IP Address Negotiation ........................................................................................... 11-4 11.4 V-J Header Compression ....................................................................................... 11-4 11.5 Aynchronous Control Character Mapping (ACCM) Negotiation ................................ 11-5 11.6 PPP Field Compression .......................................................................................... 11-5 11.7 Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) ................................................................................ 11-6
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11.8 Mobile Station Inactivity Timer................................................................................11-6 11.9 IWF Inactivity Timer ...............................................................................................11-7
11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15
12 Medium-Speed Packet Data..........................................................................................12-1 12.1 Forward File Transfer with Fundamental and Supplemental Code Channels ...........12-1 12.2 Forward File Transfer with Variable Supplemental Code Channels...........................12-3 12.3 MSPD Call Setup, No Negotiation ............................................................................12-4 12.4 MSPD Call Setup, Negotiation to a Different MSPD Service Option ...........................12-5 12.5 MSPD Call Setup, Negotiation to LSPD....................................................................12-6 12.6 MSPD Call Setup, Mobile Station Maximum Multiplex Option Less than Base Station Maximum Multiplex Option ......................................................................................12-8 12.7 MSPD Call Setup, Mobile station Maximum Multiplex Option Greater than Base Station Maximum Multiplex Option ......................................................................................12-8 12.8 Allocation/De-allocation of Supplemental Code Channels........................................12-9 12.9 No Transmission on Supplemental Code Channels ................................................12-11 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 Soft Handoff with Supplemental Code Channels ...............................................12-12 Adding Supplemental Code Channels during Soft Handoff ................................12-14 Hard Handoff to an MSPD-Capable System.......................................................12-15 RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment ................................................12-17 RLP Operation with Severely Degraded Channel................................................12-18 Bi-Directional File Transfers with Forward Supplemental Code Channels ..........12-19 R! Interface Flow Control..................................................................................12-20 Dormant Timer ................................................................................................12-21 Packet Zone ID.................................................................................................12-22
13 High Speed Packet Data ...............................................................................................13-1 13.1 Forward File Transfer .............................................................................................13-2 13.2 Reverse File Transfer ..............................................................................................13-4 13.3 Bi-directional File Transfer .....................................................................................13-6 13.4 Basic Supplemental Channel Configuration Setting and Single Assignment .............13-7 13.5 Supplemental Channel Multiple Assignments........................................................13-12 13.6 Turbo Coding on Supplemental Channel ...............................................................13-21
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13.7 Correct Walsh Cover .............................................................................................13-22 13.8 Supplemental Channel Discontinuous Transmission .............................................13-23 13.9 Slotted Timer ........................................................................................................13-25 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 13.20 13.21 13.22 13.23 13.24 13.25 13.26 13.27 13.28 13.29 13.30 13.31 13.32 Retry Order and Delay for Origination Message..................................................13-27 Retry Order and Delay for Supplemental Channel Request Messages.................13-29 Retry Order and Delay for Resource Request Messages ......................................13-30 Base Station Initiated Active to Control Hold Mode Transitions..........................13-32 Mobile Station Initiated Active to Control Hold Mode Transitions .......................13-34 Base Station Initiated Control Hold to Active Mode Transitions..........................13-36 Mobile Station Initiated Control Hold to Active Mode Transitions .......................13-37 Base Station Ignores Mobile Station Requested Mode Transitions ......................13-39 Mobile station Multiplex Option different from Base Station Multiplex Option ....13-40 Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels ..................13-41 Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel only .......................................................13-43 Adding Supplemental Channels during Soft Handoff .........................................13-44 Hard Handoff to HSPD-capable system .............................................................13-45 Hard Handoff from MSPD to HSPD ...................................................................13-46 Hard Handoff from LSPD to HSPD ....................................................................13-47 Hard Handoff to a different RC..........................................................................13-49 Mobile Station Aborts R-SCH ............................................................................13-50 RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment ................................................13-52 RLP Operation in Severely Degraded Channel ...................................................13-54 Mobile Station Originated Short Data Burst ......................................................13-55 Mobile Station Terminated Short Data Burst.....................................................13-57 Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message Test................................13-58 Mobile Station and Base Station Operating in Different States...........................13-61
Data Services Tests Annex ...............................................................................................13-63 14 Over-the-air Services ................................................................................................... 14-1 14.1 OTASP Service Request Processing......................................................................... 14-1 14.2 OTAPA Service Request Processing for a Mobile Station in Idle State ....................... 14-4 14.3 OTAPA Service Request Processing for a Mobile Station in Conversation Substate ... 14-6 14.4 OTAPA Service Request Processing Interrupted by User Action ............................... 14-8 15 System Selection for Preferred Roaming ....................................................................... 15-1 15.1 OTASP Service Provisioning For System Selection and Preferred Roaming ............... 15-1 15.2 Non-Acquisition of a System on Negative Preferred Roaming List (PRL).................... 15-3
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15.3 Emergency Call On a System that is Negative on PRL or SID List .............................15-4 15.4 OTASP For System Selection and Preferred Roaming - Oversize PRL ........................15-5 15.5 OTAPA Service Provisioning for System Selection and Preferred Roaming for a Mobile Station in Idle State .................................................................................................15-7 16 Message Driven Indicators............................................................................................16-1 16.1 Enhanced Roaming Indicator ..................................................................................16-1 17 Forward Compatibility Tests .........................................................................................17-1 17.1 Sync Channel .........................................................................................................17-1 17.2 Paging Channel ......................................................................................................17-2 17.3 Traffic Channel.......................................................................................................17-3 Annex A: Power ratios for Common and Traffic Channels........................................................1 Annex B: Tables of Logging counters ......................................................................................1 Annex C: TTY/TDD Test ExampleS ........................................................................................1 Annex D: Information Records ...............................................................................................1 No text
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Figures Figure 1.1.2-1 Basic Setup for Air Interface Tests, Single Base Station ................................. 1-2 Figure 1.4.1-1 Reference Call Flow for QPI Testing.............................................................. 1-7 Figure 1.8.1-1 Reference Call Flow for LAC Testing ............................................................ 1-13 Figure 1.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Initial FCH, DCCH, SCCH, and SCH counters ......... 1-16 Figure Reference Call Flow for Setting and Retrieving FCH/DCCH Logging Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 1-18 Figure Reference Call Flow for Setting and Retrieving SCCH Logging Parameters 1-22 Figure Reference Call Flow for Setting and Retrieving SCH Logging Parameters ... 1-24 Figure 1.10.2-1 Basic Setup for Air Interface Tests, Single Base Station ............................. 1-27 Figure 2.1.1-1 Reference Call Flow for mobile station Originated Voice Call from a Land Party Call .................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Figure 2.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Mobile Station Originated Voice Call to a Land Party Call Test .................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Figure 2.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Mobile Station Terminated Voice Call from a Land Party Call .................................................................................................................................. 2-11 Figure 2.15.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Mobile Station-Initiated DTMF Tones ............ 2-19 Figure 2.18.2-1 Functional Setup for Redirection from CDMA to AMPS .............................. 2-23 Figure 2.20.2-1 Functional Setup for Idle Handoff PACA Test............................................. 2-25 Figure 2.26.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Initial Service Configuration and Negotiation ........ 2-32 Figure 2.27.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Base Station Requested Service Negotiation.......... 2-36 Figure 2.28.1 Reference Call Flow for Base Station Reject Scenarios .................................. 2-38 Figure 2.29.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Mobile Station Reject Scenarios............................ 2-40 Figure 2.30.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Using GHDM/UHDM instead of SCM .................... 2-41 Figure 3.1.2-1 Functional Test Setup for Testing Soft Handoff with Dynamic Threshold ....... 3-3 Figure 3.4.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Soft Handoff in Fading.................................... 3-11 Figure 3.8.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Search Window per Neighbor .......................... 3-20 Figure Functional Setup for Testing Access Probe Handoffs................................. 3-27 Figure 4.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Forward TCH Power Control ............................. 4-2 Figure Mobile station TX Power Response to Power Up Function Parameters, Nominal Power.................................................................................................................... 4-6 Figure Mobile Station TX Power Response to Power-up Function Parameters, Maximum Power ................................................................................................................. 4-7
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Figure Functional Setup for Testing Fast Forward Power Control ....................... 4-9 Figure 1-1 Functional Setup for Testing FFPC in Handoff...................................... 4-22 Figure Reverse Pilot Gating with no Transmission on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel [1] ............................................................................................ 4-31 Figure Reverse Pilot Gating during Reverse Dedicated Control Channel Transmission [1] ................................................................................................ 4-32 Figure Gating with the R-FCH ......................................................................... 4-34 Figure Functional Setup for Testing Power-up Registration ................................... 5-2 Figure Functional Setup for Testing Distance-Based Registration ......................... 5-7 Figure 6.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Authentication Tests .................................................... 6-2 Figure 6.9.2-1 Functional Setup for Hard Handoffs between Base Stations with SME Active6-11 Figure Functional Setup for Service Redirection Tests........................................... 7-2 Figure 8-1 SMS Reference Model ........................................................................................ 8-2 Figure Functional Setup for Broadcast SMS Tests ............................................. 8-15 Figure Functional Setup for Testing Call Forwarding............................................. 9-2 Figure 9.2.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Three-Way Calling............................................ 9-5 Figure 9.8.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing TTY/TDD ....................................................... 9-18 Figure 9.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Answer Holding ..................................................... 9-20 Figure 10-1. Asynchronous Data Services Reference Model................................................ 10-1 Figure 10.7.2-1 Test Setup for RLP Operation in Poor RF Environment Test Parameters... 10-9 Figure 10.8.2-1 Test Setup for RLP Abort in Forward Link ...............................................10-10 Figure 10.8.2-2 Test Setup for RLP Abort in Reverse Link ................................................10-11 Figure 11-1 Packet Data Services Reference Model ........................................................... 11-2 Figure 11.10.2-1 Test Setup for RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading in Forward Link .......... 11-8 Figure 11.10.2-2 Test Setup for RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading in Reverse Link ........... 11-8 Figure 11.11.2-1 Test Setup for RLP Abort in Forward Link .............................................11-10 Figure 11.11.2-2 Test Setup for RLP Abort in Reverse Link ..............................................11-11 Figure 13.1.2-1 Functional Setup for HSPD Throughput Tests........................................... 13-2 Figure 13.4.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Supplemental Channel Request and Assignment . 13-8 Figure 13.5.2-1 Supplemental Channel Assignments for overlapped burst period ..............13-13 Figure 13.5.2-2 Supplemental Channel Assignments for disjoint burst periods .................13-14 Figure 13.5.2-3 Supplemental Channel Assignments for assignment overwrite..................13-14
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Figure 13.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Slotted Timer Testing .......................................... 13-25 Figure 13.10.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Retry Order and Delay Test (Origination Message) 1327 Figure 13.11.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Retry Order and Delay Test (Supplemental Channel Request Messages) .......................................................................................................... 13-29 Figure 13.12.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Retry Order and Delay Test (Resource Request Messages)....................................................................................................................... 13-31 Figure 13.13.1-1 Reference Call Flow for base station initiated Active to Control Hold Transition....................................................................................................................... 13-33 Figure 13.14.1-1 Reference Call Flow for mobile station initiated Active to Control Hold Transition....................................................................................................................... 13-35 Figure 13.15.1-1 Reference Call Flow for base station initiated Control Hold to Active Transition ...................................................................................................................................... 13-36 Figure 13.16.1-1 Reference Call Flow for mobile station initiated Control Hold to Active Transition....................................................................................................................... 13-38 Figure 13.19.2-1 Functional Test Setup for Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels. ................................................................................................. 13-42 Figure 13.27.2-1 Functional Test Setup for RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment1353 Figure 14.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing OTASP ...................................................... 14-1 Figure 15.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing System Selection and Preferred Roaming .... 15-2 Figure 16.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Enhanced Roaming Indicator........................ 16-1 Figure 17.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Forward Compatibility .................................. 17-2
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Tables CDMA Base Station Protocol Revisions ................................................................................ xvii CDMA Mobile Station Protocol Revisions ............................................................................. xvii Extended Handoff Direction Message/General Handoff Direction Message/ Universal Handoff Direction Message ................................................................................................................ xix Analog Handoff Direction Message .........................................................................................xx System Parameters Message..................................................................................................xx Extended System Parameters Message...................................................................................xx Access Parameters Message ................................................................................................. xxi Values for Time Limits and Constants .................................................................................. xxi Table 1-1 Miscellaneous Tests............................................................................................. 1-1 Table 1.3.2-1 Test Parameters for Extended System Parameters Message ............................ 1-5 Table 1.3.2-2. Test Parameters for Slotted Mode Idle Handoff............................................... 1-5 Table 1.5.2-1 Test Parameters for Mobile Station Response to Access Parameters Message Tests .................................................................................................................................. 1-8 Table 1.5.2-2 Access Parameters Message Values for Mobile Station Response to Access Parameters Message Tests .................................................................................................. 1-9 Table ................................................................................................................. 1-23 Table ................................................................................................................. 1-25 Table ................................................................................................................. 1-26 Table 2-1 POTS Tests.......................................................................................................... 2-1 Table 2.1.2-1 Call Setup Test Signal Channel Levels ............................................................ 2-4 Table 2.11.3-1 Slot Cycle Length Versus Various Values of MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX and SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX ........................................................................................................ 2-14 Table 2.13.2-1 Extended System Parameters Message Values for TMSI Tests...................... 2-17 Table DTMF Assigned Frequencies ................................................................... 2-20 Table Cumulative Binomial Distribution Function For 99.95% DTMF Success Rate ........................................................................................................................................ 2-20 Table DTMF Pass/Fail Criteria ......................................................................... 2-20 Table 2.34.2-1 ECAM Parameters...................................................................................... 2-46 Table 3-1 Handoff Tests ...................................................................................................... 3-1 Table 3.1.2-1 Soft Handoff with Dynamic Threshold Test Parameters - T_ADD, T_DROP, T_TDROP, ADD_INTERCEPTs, DROP_INTERCEPTs, SOFT_SLOPEs ....................................... 3-3
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Table 3.1.2-2 Dynamic Add Test One Pilot ........................................................................ 3-4 Table 3.1.2-3 Dynamic Add Test Two Pilots....................................................................... 3-4 Table 3.1.2-4 Dynamic Drop Test - Three Pilots ................................................................... 3-4 Table 3.1.2-5 Dynamic Drop Test - Two Pilots ..................................................................... 3-5 Table 3.2.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters ...................................................................... 3-7 Table 3.2.3-1 Limits of Audio Dropouts During Hard Handoff ............................................ 3-8 Table 3.3.2-1 Hard Handoff to AMPS, CDMA Test Parameters ............................................. 3-9 Table 3.3.2-2 Hard Handoff to AMPS, Analog Test Parameters ............................................ 3-9 Table 3.4.2-1 Faded Soft Handoff Test Parameters - T_ADD ............................................... 3-11 Table 3.4.2-2 Soft Handoff Test Parameters - T_DROP ....................................................... 3-12 Table 3.4.2-3 Soft Handoff Levels ...................................................................................... 3-13 Table 3.4.2-4 Soft Handoff Test Parameters - 100 km/hr ................................................... 3-14 Table 3.5.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters ..................................................................... 3-15 Table 3.5.2-2 Hard Handoff Test Parameters ..................................................................... 3-16 Table 3.6.2-1 Hard Handoff: CDMA 800 to CDMA 1900 .................................................... 3-17 Table 3.7.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters ..................................................................... 3-18 Table 3.8.2-1 Test Parameters for Search Window per Neighbor ......................................... 3-21 Table Access Probe Handoff Test Parameters ..................................................... 3-28 Table Channel Assignment into Soft Handoff Test Parameters............................. 3-31 Table 3.10.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters .................................................................. 3-32 Table 3.10.3-1 Reverse Traffic Channel Preamble Length .................................................. 3-33 Table 3.11.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters .................................................................. 3-34 Table 3.12.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters .................................................................. 3-36 Table 3.13.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters .................................................................. 3-37 Table 3.16.2-2 Test Parameter for Inter-Frequency Handoff (Channel 2)............................ 3-42 Table 3.x.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters .................................................................... 3-44 Table 4-1 Power Control Tests............................................................................................. 4-1 Table 4.1.2-1 Test Parameters for Forward Power Control Tests ........................................... 4-3 Table Mobile Station Transmit Power Up Function Parameters, Nominal Power .... 4-5 Table Mobile Station Transmit Power Up Function Parameters, Maximum Power... 4-6 Table Mobile Station Transmit Power Up Function Parameters.............................. 4-7 Table Reverse Power Control Subchannel Configurations ...................................... 4-9
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Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control....................................... 4-9 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-11 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-12 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-13 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-15 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-16 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control........................................ 4-18 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-22 Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control..................................... 4-24 Table Test Parameters for EIB test ................................................................... 4-36 Table 5-1 Registration Tests .............................................................................................. 5-1 Table Soft Handoff Test Parameters - T_ADD ....................................................... 5-7 Table 6-1 Authentication Tests........................................................................................... 6-1 Table 7-1 Service Redirection Tests .................................................................................... 7-1 Table 8-1 Short Message Service Tests ................................................................................ 8-1 Figure Functional Setup for Voice Mail Notification ............................................... 8-8 Table Broadcast Messages and Priority .............................................................. 8-15 Table 9-1 Subscriber Calling Features Tests ....................................................................... 9-1 Table 10-1 Asynchronous Data and Fax Services Tests ...................................................... 10-1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 10-1 Table 10.6.2-1 Compression Test Configurations .............................................................. 10-8 Table 11-1 Packet Data Services Tests.............................................................................. 11-1 Table 11.12.2 -1 RLP Encryption Configurations ........................................................... 11-12 Table 12-1 Medium-Speed Packet Data Tests .................................................................... 12-1 Table 12.13.2-1 MSPD Test Parameters - 100 km/hr....................................................... 12-18 Table 13.1.2-1 SCH Data Rate .......................................................................................... 13-3 Table 13.1.3-1 RLP Payloads ............................................................................................. 13-4 Table 13.26.2-1 Test Parameters ..................................................................................... 13-51 Table 13.27.2-1 HSPD Test Parameters - 100 km/hr ...................................................... 13-54 Table 13.31.2-1 Test Parameters ..................................................................................... 13-59 Table D-1 Test files to be used corresponding to tested rates............................................ 13-66 Table 14-1 Over-the-Air Services Tests .............................................................................. 14-1
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Table 14.1.2-1 Activation Code Assignments ................................................................... 14-2 Table 15-1 SSPR Tests ..................................................................................................... 15-1 Table 15.1.2-1 Activation Code Assignments .................................................................... 15-2 Table 16-1 Message Driven Indicator Tests....................................................................... 16-1 Table 17-1 Forward Compatibility Tests ........................................................................... 17-1 Table A-1 Power Ratios for Common Channels ................................................................. 1
Table A-2 Test Parameters for Forward Fundamental Channel (Radio Configurations 1,3 and 4) ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Table A-3 Test Parameters for Forward Fundamental Channel (Radio Configurations 2 and 5) 2 Table A-4 Test Parameters for Forward Dedicated Control Channel (Radio Configurations 3 and 4) ................................................................................................................................... 2 Table A-5 Test Parameters for Forward Dedicated Control Channel (Radio Configurations 5) .. 2 Table A-6 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Code Channel (Radio Configurations 1) 3 Table A-7 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Code Channel (Radio Configurations 2) . 4 Table A-8 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Channel with 100% Frame Activity in AWGN with Convolutional Coding (for Radio Configurations 3, 4)........................................... 4 Table A-9 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Channel with 100% Frame Activity in AWGN with Convolutional Coding (for Radio Configuration 5) ................................................ 4 Table B-1 FCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1............................................ 1 Table B-2 FCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 ................................................. 1 Table B-3 FCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2............................................ 3 Table B-4 FCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 ................................................. 4 Table B-5 DCCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1......................................... 5 Table B-6 DCCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 .............................................. 6 Table B-7 DCCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2......................................... 7 Table B-8 DCCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 .............................................. 8 Table B-9 SCCH Transmission Counters ............................................................................... 9 Table B-10 SCCH Reception Counters ..................................................................................10 Table B-11 SCH Transmission Counters ..............................................................................11 Table B-12 SCH Reception Counters ....................................................................................11
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FOREWORD Introduction This document facilitates interoperability testing between CDMA infrastructure and CDMA mobile station manufacturers. It is applicable to P_REV_IN_USE equal to six. Mobile station/manufacturers in the context of this entire document, refers to a subscriber terminal and/or wireless local loop (WLL) unit. WLL units should be tested as if the WLL unit were a mobile station. The following tables specify CDMA Base Station Protocol Revisions and CDMA Mobile Station Protocol Revisions for Band Class 0 and Band Class 1. They are included as a reference to clarify P_REV and MOB_P_REV for backward/forward compatibility testing. . For the tests on the band classes other than Band Class 0 and Band Class 1, the P_REV of the base station and MOB_P_REV of the base station shall be set to six. CDMA Base Station Protocol Revisions P_REV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Band Class 0 (Cellular) IS-95 IS-95A IS-95A+ TSB74 N/A IS-95B IS-2000 IS-2000A Band Class 1 (PCS) J-STD-008C N/A N/A N/A IS-95B IS-2000 IS-2000A
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16
CDMA Mobile Station Protocol Revisions MOB_P_REV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Band Class 0 (Cellular) IS-95 IS-95A IS-95A + TSB74 IS-95B Phase I IS-95B Phase II IS-2000 IS-2000A Band Class 1 (PCS) J-STD-008C N/A N/A IS-95B Phase I IS-95B Phase II IS-2000 IS-2000A
1 2 3 4
Testing Objective The objective of testing contained herein is to demonstrate mobile station/base station standard (MS-BSS) interoperability of all functionality, including messaging and protocol requirements, in a cabled environment. Execution Strategy IS-2000 mobile stations should be compatibility tested in IS-95-A and TIA/EIA-95-B networks. All features supported by the infrastructure such as Signaling Message Encryption, Authentication, Voice Privacy, etc. should be enabled. During signal conformance testing all applicable tests should be executed for all supported Band Classes and Radio Configurations. The following general comments apply to all tests: a. Whenever common channels and/or traffic channels are required to perform a test, and their power ratios are not specified in the test, the power ratios specified in Annex A should be used. Adjust the Orthogonal Channel Noise Simulator (OCNS) gain such that power ratios (Ec/Ior) of all specified forward channels add up to one. If OCNS is not available, the levels of code channels and attenuators should be adjusted to maintain proper test parameters. b. During handoff tests between sectors of the same cell, Channel 2 from the beta sector shall have a maximum relative offset of 1 s from Channel 1 of the alpha sector at the mobile station antenna connector. c. During soft and intersector handoff tests, the neighbor list of the base station in the test shall include PN offsets of the other base station in the test. d. Pilot PN sequence offsets are denoted by Pi (i=1, 2, 3, ...). The following are assumed unless otherwise specified: 0 <= Pi <= 511 Pi not equal to Pj if i not equal to j Pi mod PILOT_INC = 0 e. Base stations should be configured for normal operation as specified in IS-2000 unless otherwise specified in a specific test. f. Unless otherwise specified, the Reverse Traffic Channel should be operated at a sufficiently high Eb/No to ensure insignificant (for example, less than 1%) frame error rate (FER). g. Overhead message fields should be those required for normal operation of the base station unless otherwise specified in the following tables or in a specific test.
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
1 2
Extended Handoff Direction Message/General Handoff Direction Message/ Universal Handoff Direction Message Field T_ADD T_DROP T_COMP T_TDROP HARD_INCLUDED (EHDM)/ EXTRA_PARMS (GHDM/UHDM) FRAME_OFFSET PRIVATE_LCM RESET_L2 RESET_FPC SERV_NEG_TYPE ENCRYPT_MODE NOM_PWR_EXT NOM_PWR NUM_PREAMBLE BAND_CLASS CDMA_FREQ PILOT_PN PWR_COMB_IND CODE_CHAN Value (With Hard Handoff) 28 (-14 dB) 32 (-16 dB) 5 (2.5 dB) 3 (4 sec) 1 Value (Without Hard Handoff) 28 (-14 dB) 32 (-16 dB) 5 (2.5 dB) 3 (4 sec) N/A
Analog Handoff Direction Message Field SID VMAC ANALOG_CHAN SCC MEM AN_CHAN_TYPE DSCC_MSB Value Use appropriate number for AMPS system. 3 Use appropriate AMPS channel of choice. Use one of three SAT Color Code (0, 1 or 2). 0 0 0 System Parameters Message Field SRCH_WIN_A SRCH_WIN_N SRCH_WIN_R NGHBR_MAX_AGE PWR_THRESH_ENABLE PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE T_ADD T_DROP T_COMP T_TDROP QPCH_SUPPORTED Value (Physical Meaning) 8 (60 chips) 8 (60 chips) 8 (60 chips) 0 (minimum amount) 0 (threshold reporting off) 0 (periodic reporting off) 28 (-14 dB Ec/Io) 32 (-16 dB Ec/Io) 5 (2.5 dB) 3 (4 sec) 0 (QPCH disabled)
2 3
4 5
Extended System Parameters Message Field SOFT_SLOPE RLGAIN_TRAFFIC_PILOT 0 (0) 0 (0 dB) Value (Decimal)
6 7
Access Parameters Message Field NOM_PWR INIT_PWR PWR_STEP NUM_STEP NOM_PWR_EXT Value (Decimal) 0 (0 dB) 0 (0 dB) 1 (1 dB) 4 (5 probes/sequence) 0 (0 dB)
2 3 4 5 6
h. Values of time limits and other constants should be as specified in IS-2000. Selected values are listed in the following table. Values for Time Limits and Constants Constant N1m N2m N3m N11m T1b T5m T31m T40m T56m T61m 9 12 2 1 1.28 5 600 3 0.2 0.08 Value Unit frames frames frames frame seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds
1 2 3
Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronyms and abbreviations presented in this document, are defined as follows: Acronym or Abbreviation AC ACCM ACCOLC AMPS AT AWGN BPS BS CC CCI CDG CDMA CDPD CFSReqM CMT CNA CNAP CFNA CNI CPN CPT CRC CSC DCE DCMS DTE DTMF DTX ECAM Authentication Center Asynchronous Control Character Map Access Overload Class Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS) Attention (condition in modem control) Additive White Gaussian Noise Bits per Second Base Station Channel Configuration Base-station Configuration Change Indicator (sent on the QPCH) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Development Group Code Division Multiple Access Cellular Digital Packet Data Candidate Frequency Search Request Message Cellular Messaging Teleservice Calling Party Name Calling Name Presentation Call Forwarding No Answer Calling Number Identification Calling Party Number Cellular Paging Teleservice Cyclic Redundancy Code Customer Service Center Data Circuit Terminating Equipment Display Capable Mobile Station Data Terminal Equipment Dual Tone Multiple Frequency Discontinuous Transmission Extended Channel Assignment Message Description
TIA-898 EHDM EM ENLUM ESCAM ESN ESPM Extended Handoff Direction Message Escape Mode Extended Neighbor List Update Message Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message Electronic Serial Number Extended System Parameter Message
Frame Check Sequence Forward Common Signaling (Logical) Channel Forward Dedicated Control Channel Forward Dedicated Signaling (Logical) Channel Frame Error Rate Forward Fundamental Channel Fast Forward Power Control Frame Offset Forward Power Control Forward Pilot Channel Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message Forward Supplemental Code Channel Forward Supplemental Channel Forward Supplemental Channel Number 0 Forward Supplemental Channel Number 1 File Transfer Protocol General Handoff Direction Message General Neighbor List Message Handoff MIN based IMSI True IMSI Mobile Country Code of IMSI_T Supplement of the MIN-based IMSI International Telecommunication Union Inter-Working Function
TIA-898 LAC MABO MAC MC MCC MCC_M MDR MIN/MSIN MO MRU (Data) MS MSS MT MWI NAK NAM NDSS NID NNSCR OA&M OCNS OLPC ORM OOK OTAF OTAPA OTASP OTD OUNS P_REV_IN_USE PACA PCF PD Link Access Control Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Medium Access Control Message Center Mobile Country Code MIN based Mobile Country Code Medium Data Rate Mobile Station Identification Number Multiplex Option Maximum Receive Unit Mobile Station Maximum Segment Size Mobile Terminal Message Waiting Indicator Negative Acknowledgement. Number Assignment Module Network Directed System Selection Network Identifier Non-Negotiable Service Configuration Record Operation, Administration, and Maintenance Orthogonal Channel Noise Simulator Outer Loop Power Control Origination Message On/Off Keying Over-the-air Function Over-the-air Parameter Administration Over-the-air Service Provisioning Orthogonal Transmit Diversity Other User Noise Simulator Protocol revision level in use Priority Access and Channel Assignment Packet Control Function Protocol Discriminator
TIA-898 PDU PI PIN PLC PM PN POTS PPDN PPP PRM PS PSAP PSTN PUF QOF QPCH R-ACH RC r-csch R-DCCH r-dsch R-FCH RLP RND RPC R-PCSCH R-PICH RSCAMM R-SCCH R-SCH R-SCH0 R-SCH1 SAC Protocol Data Unit Paging Indicator Personal Identification Number Private Long Code Privacy Mode Pseudo-random Noise Plain Old Telephone Service Public Packet Data Network Point-To-Point Protocol Page Response Message Pilot Strength Public Service Answering Point Public Switching Telephone Network Power Up Function Quasi-Orthogonal Function Quick Paging Channel Reverse Access Channel Radio configuration Reverse Common Signaling Channel Reverse Dedicated Control Channel Reverse Dedicated Signaling (Logical) Channel Reverse Fundamental Channel Radio Link Protocol Redirecting Name Delivery Reverse Power Control Reverse Power Control Subchannel Reverse Pilot Channel Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message Reverse Supplemental Code Channel Reverse Supplemental Channel Reverse Supplemental Channel Number 0 Reverse Supplemental Channel Number 1 Subscriber Access Control
TIA-898 SCM SCCLT SCM SCR SCRM SCRMM SDB SDU SME SMS SO SPASM SR SRQM SSD SSPR STS TCH TCP TDMA TDSO TE TE2L TE2M TMSI TSB UHDM UI V.42 VCAS VJ VMN VMNI Station Class Mark Supplemental Channel Code List Table Station Class Mark Service Configuration Record Supplemental Channel Request Message Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message Short Data Burst Service Data Unit Signaling Message Encryption Short Message Service Service Option Subscriber Parameter Administration Security Mechanism Service Redirection Service Request Message Shared Secret Data System Selection for Preferred Roaming Space Time Spreading Traffic Channel Transmission Control Protocol Time Division Multiple Access Test Data Service Option Terminal Equipment Terminal Equipment at land connection point Terminal Equipment at mobile connection point Temporary Mobile Station Identity Technical Service Bulletin Universal Handoff Direction Message User Interface ITU-T recommended error correction protocol Valid Configuration Attribute Selection Van Jacobson (compression protocol) Voice Mail Notification Voice Mail Notification Indicator
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Supplementary Terms and Definitions Abbreviated Alert - An abbreviated alert is used to remind the mobile station user that previously selected alternative routing features are still active. AC - See Authentication Center. Access Attempt - A sequence of one or more access probe sequences on the Access Channel containing the same message. See also Access Probe and Access Probe Sequence. Access Channel - A Reverse CDMA Channel used by mobile stations for communicating to the base station. The Access Channel is used for short signaling message exchanges such as call originations, responses to pages, and registrations. The Access Channel is a slotted random access channel. Access Channel Message - The information part of an access probe consisting of the message body, length field, and CRC. Access Channel Message Capsule - An Access Channel message plus the padding. Access Channel Preamble - The preamble of an access probe consisting of a sequence of allzero frames that are sent at the 4800 bps rate. Access Channel Request Message - An Access Channel message that is autonomously generated by the mobile station. See also Access Channel Response Message. Access Channel Response Message - A message on the Access Channel generated to reply to a message received from the base station. Access Channel Slot - The assigned time interval for an access probe. An Access Channel slot consists of an integer number of frames. The transmission of an access probe is performed within the boundaries of an Access Channel slot. Access Entry Handoff - The act of transferring reception of the Paging Channel from one base station to another, when the mobile station is transitioning from the Mobile Station Idle State to the System Access State. Access Handoff - The act of transferring reception of the Paging Channel from one base station to another, when the mobile station is in the System Access State after an Access Attempt. Access Overload Class - See Overload Class. Access Probe - One Access Channel transmission consisting of a preamble and a message. The transmission is an integer number of frames in length and transmits one Access Channel message. See also Access Probe Sequence and Access Attempt. Access Probe Handoff - A handoff that occurs while the mobile station is performing an Access Attempt in the System Access State. Access Probe Sequence - A sequence of one or more access probes on the Access Channel. The same Access Channel message is transmitted in every access probe of an access attempt. See also Access Probe and Access Attempt. Access Sub-attempt - A sequence of one or more access probe sequences on the Access Channel transmitted to one pilot, containing the same message content other than the reported pilot information. See also Access Probe, Access Probe Sequence, and Access Attempt.
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Acknowledgment - A Layer 2 response by the mobile station or the base station confirming that a signaling message was received correctly. Action Time - The time at which the action implied by a message should take effect. Active Set - The set of pilots associated with the CDMA Channels containing Forward Traffic Channels assigned to a particular mobile station. Active User Zone - A user zone in which the mobile station makes its presence known via an explicit registration in order to activate tiered service features. See also CDMA Tiered Services, User Zone, and Passive User Zone. Aging - A mechanism through which the mobile station maintains in its Neighbor Set the pilots that have been recently sent to it from the base station and the pilots whose handoff drop timers have recently expired. A-key - A secret, 64-bit pattern stored in the mobile station and HLR/AC. It is used to generate/update the mobile stations Shared Secret Data. Assured Mode - Mode of delivery that guarantees (if a loss of channel is not declared) that a PDU will be delivered to the peer. A PDU sent in assured mode is retransmitted by the LAC sublayer, up to a maximum number of retransmissions, until the LAC entity at the sender receives an acknowledgement for the PDU. See also Confirmation of Delivery. Authentication - A procedure used by a base station to validate a mobile stations identity. Authentication Center (AC) - An entity that manages the authentication information related to the mobile station. Authentication Response (AUTHR) - An 18-bit output of the authentication algorithm. It is used, for example, to validate mobile station registrations, originations and terminations. Autonomous Registration - A method of registration in which the mobile station registers without an explicit command from the base station. Auxiliary Pilot Channel - A non-data-bearing, direct-sequence spread spectrum signal optionally transmitted by a CDMA base station. Auxiliary Transmit Diversity Pilot Channel. - A pilot channel, counterpart to an Auxiliary Pilot Channel, that is transmitted by a CDMA base station from the non-primary antenna when orthogonal transmit diversity is employed. AWGN - Additive White Gaussian Noise. Bad Frames - Frames classified as insufficient frame quality or as 9600 bps primary traffic only, with bit errors. Band Class - A set of frequency channels and a numbering scheme for these channels. Base Station - A fixed station used for communicating with mobile stations. In this document, the term base station refers to the entire cellular system infrastructure including transceiver equipment and Mobile Switching Center. Base Station Authentication Response (AUTHBS) - An 18-bit pattern generated by the authentication algorithm. AUTHBS is used to confirm the validity of base station orders to update the Shared Secret Data. Base Station Random Variable (RANDBS) - A 32-bit random number generated by the mobile station for authenticating base station orders to update the Shared Secret Data.
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Blank-and-Burst - The preemption of an entire Traffic Channel frames primary traffic by signaling traffic or secondary traffic. Blank-and-burst is performed on a frame-by-frame basis. BLOB - Block of Bits. bps - Bits per second. Broadcast User Zone - A user zone that is identified to the mobile station by means of broadcast messages. It corresponds to the RF coverage area of a particular set of cells and sectors. See also CDMA Tiered Services and Mobile-Specific User Zone. Call Disconnect - The process that releases the resources handling a particular call. The disconnect process begins either when the mobile station user indicates the end of the call by generating an on-hook condition or other call-release mechanism, or when the base station initiates a release. Call History Parameter (COUNT) - A modulo-64 event counter maintained by the mobile station and Authentication Center that is used for clone detection. Candidate Frequency - The frequency for which the base station specifies a search set, when searching on other frequencies while performing mobile-assisted handoffs. Candidate Set - The set of pilots that have been received with sufficient strength by the mobile station to be successfully demodulated, but have not been placed in the Active Set by the base station. See also Active Set, Neighbor Set, and Remaining Set. CDMA - See Code Division Multiple Access. CDMA Candidate Frequency - The Candidate Frequency specified for a search of CDMA pilots. CDMA Cellular System - The entire system supporting Domestic Public Cellular Service operation as addressed by this Standard. CDMA Channel - The set of channels transmitted between the base station and the mobile stations within a given CDMA frequency assignment. See also Forward CDMA Channel and Reverse CDMA Channel. CDMA Channel Number - A number corresponding to the center of the CDMA frequency assignment. CDMA Frequency Assignment - A 1.23 MHz segment of spectrum. The center of a CDMA frequency assignment is given by a CDMA Channel Number. CDMA Preferred Set - The set of CDMA channel numbers in a CDMA system corresponding to Frequency Assignments that a mobile station will normally search to acquire a CDMA Pilot Channel. For CDMA cellular systems, the primary and secondary channels comprise the CDMA Preferred Set. CDMA Tiered Services - System features and services that are based on location, potentially including private networks. User zones establish the availability of services. See also User Zone, Broadcast User Zone, Mobile-Specific User Zone, Active User Zone, and Passive User Zone. Chip - See PN Chip. Chip Rate - Equivalent to the spreading rate of the channel. It is either 1.2288 Mcps or 3.6864 Mcps. CLNP - Connectionless Network Protocol (see ISO 8473-1988). Code Channel - A subchannel of a Forward CDMA Channel. A Forward CDMA Channel contains 64 code channels. Code channel zero is assigned to the Pilot Channel. Code channels 1 through 7 may be assigned either to the Paging Channels or to the Traffic Channels. Code
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channel 32 may be assigned either to a Sync Channel or to a Traffic Channel. The remaining code channels may be assigned to Traffic Channels. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) - A technique for spread-spectrum multiple-access digital communications that creates channels through the use of unique code sequences. Code Symbol - The output of an error-correcting encoder. Information bits are input to the encoder and code symbols are output from the encoder. See Convolutional Code. Configuration Change Indicator - A one-bit datum, sent on the Quick Paging Channel. Appearance of the Configuration Change Indicator in the Quick Paging Channel serves to alert a slotted mode mobile station, operating in the idle state, that, after performing an idle handoff, it should monitor the Paging Channel, in order to determine if it should update its stored parameters. Confirmation of Delivery - A notification sent by the LAC sublayer to Layer 3 at the sender, when the LAC entity at the sender receives the acknowledgment for a specific PDU sent in assured mode. Convolutional Code - A type of error-correcting code. A code symbol can be considered as modulo 2 the convolution of the input data sequence with the impulse response of a generator function. CRC - See Cyclic Redundancy Code. Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) - A class of linear error detecting codes which generate parity check bits by finding the remainder of a polynomial division. Data Block - A unit of information exchanged between the mux sublayer and a service or an upper layer signaling. dBc - Ratio of the sideband power to carrier power as referenced to the carrier. For CDMA, the total in-band power of the signal is measured in a 1.23 MHz bandwidth around the center frequency of the CDMA signal. dBm - A measure of power expressed in terms of its ratio to one milliwatt. dBm/Hz - A measure of power spectral density. The ratio, dBm/Hz, is the power in one Hertz of bandwidth, where power is expressed in units of dBm. dBW - A measure of power expressed in terms of its ratio (in dB) to one watt. Dedicated Control Channel - A portion of a Traffic Channel (Forward or Reverse) that carries a combination of user data, signaling, and power control information. Deinterleaving - The process of unpermuting the symbols that were permuted by the interleaver. Deinterleaving is performed on received symbols prior to decoding. Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) - A mode of operation in which a base station or a mobile station switches on and off its transmitter on a particular code channel autonomously. For the case of DTX operation on the Forward Dedicated Control Channel, the Forward Power Control Subchannel is still transmitted. Distance-Based Registration - An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers whenever it enters a cell whose distance from the cell in which the mobile station last registered exceeds a given threshold. DTMF - See Dual-Tone Multifrequency. Dual-Tone Multifrequency (DTMF) - Signaling by the simultaneous transmission of two tones, one from a group of low frequencies and another from a group of high frequencies. Each group of frequencies consists of four frequencies.
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Eb - Average energy per information bit for the Sync Channel, Paging Channel, or Forward Traffic Channel at the mobile station antenna connector. Eb/No - Energy-per-bit-to noise-per-hertz ratio. Eb/Nt - The ratio of the combined received energy per bit to the effective noise power spectral density for the Sync Channel, Paging Channel, or Forward Traffic Channel at the mobile station antenna connector. Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the Pilot Channel, Sync Channel, Paging Channel, Forward Traffic Channel, power control subchannel, or OCNS. Ec/Io - A notation used to represent a dimensionless ratio of the average power of some codedistinguished CDMA signal channel, typically a pilot, to the total power comprised of signal plus interference, within the signal bandwidth. It is usually expressed in dB units. Ec/Ior - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the Pilot Channel, Sync Channel, Paging Channel, Forward Traffic Channel, power control subchannel, or OCNS to the total transmit power spectral density. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) - The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain relative to a half-wave dipole in a given direction. EIRP - See Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power. Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) - The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a direction relative to an isotropic antenna. Erasure Indicator Bit - A bit used in the Rate Set 2 Reverse Traffic Channel frame structure to indicate an erased Forward Fundamental Code Channel or Forward Dedicated Control Channel frame. ERP - See Effective Radiated Power. ESN - Electronic Serial Number. f-csch - Forward common signaling logical channel. f-dsch - Forward dedicated signaling logical channel. Fade Timer - A timer kept by the mobile station as a measure of Forward Traffic Channel continuity. If the fade timer expires, the mobile station drops the call. FER - Frame Error Rate of Forward Traffic Channel. The value of FER may be estimated by using Service Option 2, 9, 30, or 31 (see TIA/EIA-126-C). Flash - An indication sent on the CDMA Channel indicating that the receiver is to invoke special processing. Foreign NID Roamer - A mobile station operating in the same system (SID) but in a different network (NID) from the one in which service was subscribed. See also Foreign SID Roamer and Roamer. Foreign SID Roamer - A mobile station operating in a system (SID) other than the one from which service was subscribed. See also Foreign NID Roamer and Roamer. Forward CDMA Channel - A CDMA Channel from a base station to mobile stations. The Forward CDMA Channel contains one or more code channels that are transmitted on a CDMA frequency assignment using a particular pilot PN offset. The code channels are associated with the Pilot Channel, Sync Channel, Paging Channels, and Traffic Channels. The Forward CDMA Channel always carries a Pilot Channel and may carry up to one Sync Channel, up to seven
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Paging Channels, and up to 63 Traffic Channels, as long as the total number of channels, including the Pilot Channel, is no greater than 64. Forward Dedicated Control Channel - A portion of a Forward Traffic Channel that can carry a combination of primary data, secondary data, signaling, and power control information. Forward Fundamental Channel - A portion of a Forward Traffic Channel that can carry a combination of primary data, secondary data, signaling, and power control information. Forward Pilot Channel - A non-data-bearing direct-sequence spread spectrum signal transmitted continuously by each CDMA base station. The Forward Pilot Channel allows a mobile station to acquire the timing of the Forward CDMA Channel, provides a phase reference for coherent demodulation, and provides a means for signal strength comparisons between base stations for determining when to handoff. Different base stations are identified by different pilot PN sequence time phases. See also Pilot PN Sequence, Pilot PN Sequence Offset. Forward Supplemental Channel - An optional portion of a Forward Traffic Channel (Radio Configurations 3 and above) that operates in conjunction with a Fundamental Channel and or the Dedicated Control Channel in that Traffic Channel, and (optionally) with other Supplemental Channels to provide higher data rate services. Forward Supplemental Code Channel - An optional portion of a Forward Traffic Channel (Radio Configurations 1 and 2) that operates in conjunction with a Fundamental Channel in that Traffic Channel, and (optionally) with other Supplemental Code Channels to provide higher data rate services. Forward Traffic Channel - A code channel used to transport user and signaling traffic from a base station to a mobile station. Forward Transmit Diversity Pilot Channel - A pilot channel transmitted by a CDMA base station from the non-primary antenna when orthogonal transmit diversity is employed. Frame - A basic timing interval in the system. For the Access Channel and Paging Channel a frame is 20 ms long. For the Traffic Channel, the frame may be 20 ms or 5 ms long. For the Sync Channel, a frame is 26.666... ms long. Frame Category - A classification of a received Traffic Channel frame based upon transmission data rate, the frame contents (primary traffic, secondary traffic, or signaling traffic), and whether there are detected errors in the frame. Frame Offset - A time skewing of Traffic Channel frames from System Time in integer multiples of 1.25 ms. The maximum frame offset is 18.75 ms. Frame Quality Indicator - The CRC check applied to the 9600 bps and 4800 bps frames of Rate Set 1 and all frames of Rate Set 2. Full TMSI - The combination of TMSI_ZONE and TMSI_CODE. The full TMSI is a globally unique address for the mobile station. Fundamental Data Block - A data block that is transmitted by the mobile station/base station in every 20 ms time interval on the Fundamental Channel. Fundamental RLP Frame - An RLP frame carried in a fundamental data block. Gating Rate Set - This specifies the set of supported reverse pilot gating rates. The base station and the mobile station may support one or more gating rates. GHz - Gigahertz (109 Hertz). Global Positioning System (GPS) - A US government satellite system that provides location and time information to users. See Navstar GPS Space Segment / Navigation User Interfaces ICD-GPS-200 for specifications.
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Good Frames - Frames not classified as bad frames. See also Bad Frames. Good Message - A received message is declared a good message if it is received with a correct CRC. GPS See Global Positioning System. Handoff - The act of transferring communication with a mobile station from one base station to another. Hard Handoff - A handoff characterized by a temporary disconnection of the Traffic Channel. Hard handoffs occur when the mobile station is transferred between disjoint Active Sets, the CDMA frequency assignment changes, the frame offset changes, or the mobile station is directed from a CDMA Traffic Channel to an AMPS voice channel. See also Soft Handoff. Hash Function - A function used by the mobile station to select one out of N available resources. The hash function distributes the available resources uniformly among a random sample of mobile stations. HLR - See Home Location Register. Home Location Register (HLR) - The location register to which a MIN/IMSI is assigned for record purposes such as subscriber information. Home System - The cellular or PCS system in which the mobile station subscribes for service. Hopping Pilot Beacon - A pilot beacon that changes CDMA Frequency periodically to simulate multiple base stations operating on different frequencies. The transmission of the hopping pilot beacon is discontinuous on any CDMA Channel. Idle Handoff - The act of transferring reception of the Paging Channel from one base station to another, when the mobile station is in the Mobile Station Idle State. Implicit Registration - A registration achieved by a successful transmission of an origination or page response on the Access Channel. IMSI - See International Mobile Station Identity. IMSI_M - MIN-based IMSI using the lower 10 digits to store the MIN. IMSI_O - Operational value of IMSI used by the mobile station for operation with the base station. IMSI_T - True IMSI not associated with MIN. This could be 15 digits or fewer. Interleaving - The process of permuting a sequence of symbols. International Mobile Station Identity (IMSI) - A method of identifying stations in the land mobile service as specified in ITU-T Recommendation E.212. Io - The total received power spectral density, including signal and interference, as measured at the mobile station antenna connector. Ioc - The power spectral density of a band-limited white noise source (simulating interference from other cells) as measured at the mobile station antenna connector. Ior - The total transmit power spectral density of the Forward CDMA Channel at the base station antenna connector. or - The received power spectral density of the Forward CDMA Channel as measured at the mobile station antenna connector. kHz - Kilohertz (103 Hertz).
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ksps - Kilo-symbols per second (103 symbols per second). L2 Acknowledgment - A Layer 2 response by the mobile station or the base station confirming that a signaling message was received correctly. Layering - A method of organization for communication protocols in which the transmitted or received information is transferred in pipeline fashion, within each station, in well-defined encapsulated data units between otherwise decoupled processing entities (layers). A layer is defined in terms of its communication protocol to a peer layer in another entity and the services it offers to the next higher layer in its own entity. Layer 1 - Layer 1 provides for the transmission and reception of radio signals between the base station and the mobile station. Also see Physical Layer. Layer 2 - Layer 2 provides for the correct transmission and reception of signaling messages, including partial duplicate detection. Layer 2 makes use of the services provided by Layer 1. Layer 3 - Layer 3 provides the control messaging for the cellular or PCS telephone system. Layer 3 originates and terminates signaling messages according to the semantics and timing of the communication protocol between the base station and the mobile station. Layer 3 makes use of the services provided by Layer 2. Local Control - An optional mobile station feature used to perform manufacturer-specific functions. Logical Channel - A communication path between the mobile station and the base station, described in terms of the intended use of, and access to, the transferred data, and direction of transfer. A logical channel can be mapped to and from one or more physical channels. Logical-to-physical Mapping - The technique for forming associations between logical and physical channels. Long Code - A PN sequence with period (242) - 1 that is used for scrambling on the Forward CDMA Channel and spreading on the Reverse CDMA Channel. The long code uniquely identifies a mobile station on both the Reverse Traffic Channel and the Forward Traffic Channel. The long code provides limited privacy. The long code also separates multiple Access Channels on the same CDMA Channel. See also Public Long Code and Private Long Code. Long Code Mask - A 42-bit binary number that creates the unique identity of the long code. See also Public Long Code, Private Long Code, Public Long Code Mask, and Private Long Code Mask. LSB - Least significant bit. Maximal Length Sequence (m-Sequence). A binary sequence of period 2n - 1, n being a positive integer, with no internal periodicities. A maximal length sequence can be generated by a tapped n-bit shift register with linear feedback. MCC - See Mobile Country Code. Mcps - Megachips per second (106 chips per second). MCSB - See Message Control and Status Block. Mean Input Power - The total received calorimetric power measured in a specified bandwidth at the antenna connector, including all internal and external signal and noise sources. Mean Output Power - The total transmitted calorimetric power measured in a specified bandwidth at the antenna connector when the transmitter is active. MER - Message Error Rate. MER = 1 -
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Message Body - The part of the message contained between the length field (MSG_LENGTH) and the CRC field. Message Capsule - A sequence of bits comprising a single message and padding. The padding always follows the message and may be of zero length. Message CRC - The CRC check associated with a message. See also Cyclic Redundancy Code. Message Field - A basic named element in a message. A message field may consist of zero or more bits. Message Record - An entry in a message consisting of one or more fields that repeats in the message. MHz - Megahertz (106 Hertz). MIN - See Mobile Identification Number. MNC - See Mobile Network Code. MOB_P_REV Protocol revision number supported by a mobile station. Mobile Country Code (MCC) - A part of the E.212 IMSI identifying the home country. See ITUT Recommendation E.212. Mobile Directory Number - A dialable directory number that is not necessarily the same as the mobile stations air interface identification, i.e., MIN, IMSI_M or IMSI_T. Mobile Identification Number (MIN) - The 34-bit number that is a digital representation of the 10-digit number assigned to a mobile station. Mobile Network Code (MNC) - A part of the E.212 IMSI identifying the home network within the home country. See ITU-T Recommendation E.212. Mobile Protocol Capability Indicator (MPCI) - A 2-bit field used to indicate the mobile stations capabilities. Mobile-Specific User Zone - A user zone that is identified by the mobile station. The mobile station may consider parameters such as the identity of the serving system, cell, and sector, and the geographic location of that station in making the determination. See also CDMA Tiered Services, User Zone, Broadcast User Zone, Active User Zone, and Passive User Zone. Mobile Station - A station that communicates with a base station while in motion or during halts at unspecified points. Mobile Station Class - A classification of mobile stations based on characteristics such as slotted operation and transmission power. See Table 2.3.3-1 of TIA/EIA-553-A and Table 2.3.31 of this document. Mobile Station Identification Number (MSIN) - A part of the E.212 IMSI identifying the mobile station within its home network. See ITU-T Recommendation E.212. Mobile Station Originated Call - A call originating from a mobile station. Mobile Station Terminated Call - A call received by a mobile station (not to be confused with a disconnect or call release). ms - Millisecond (10-3 second). MSB - Most significant bit. MSC - See Mobile Switching Center.
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MSIN - See Mobile Station Identification Number. Mobile Switching Center (MSC) - A configuration of equipment that provides radiotelephone service. Also called the Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO). Multiplex Sublayer - One of the conceptual layers of the system that multiplexes and demultiplexes signaling traffic and various connected user traffic. NAM - See Number Assignment Module. National Mobile Station Identity (NMSI) - A part of the E.212 IMSI identifying the mobile station within its home country. The NMSI consists of the MNC and the MSIN. See ITU-T Recommendation E.212. NDSS - See Network Directed System Selection. Neighbor Set - The set of pilots associated with the CDMA Channels that are probable candidates for handoff. Normally, the Neighbor Set consists of the pilots associated with CDMA Channels that cover geographical areas near the mobile station. See also Active Set, Candidate Set, Remaining Set, and Private Neighbor Set. Network - A network is a subset of a cellular or PCS system, such as an area-wide cellular network, a private group of base stations, or a group of base stations set up to handle a special requirement. A network can be as small or as large as needed, as long as it is fully contained within a system. See also System. Network Directed System Selection (NDSS) - A feature that allows the mobile station to automatically register with a preferred system while roaming, or to be automatically directed by a service provider, typically the home service provider, to a suggested system, regardless of the frequency band class, cellular band, or PCS frequency block. Network Identification (NID) - A number that uniquely identifies a network within a cellular or PCS system. See also System Identification. NID - See Network Identification. NMSI - See National Mobile Station Identity. Non-Autonomous Registration - A registration method in which the base station initiates registration. See also Autonomous Registration. Non-Slotted Mode - An operation mode of the mobile station in which the mobile station continuously monitors the Paging Channel. ns - Nanosecond (10-9 second). Nt - The effective noise power spectral density at the mobile station antenna connector. NULL - Any value that is not in the specified range of a field. Null Traffic Channel Data - One or more frames of a specified data sequence sent at the lowest agreed-upon rate of the negotiated rate set. Null Traffic Channel data is sent when there is no primary, secondary, or signaling traffic available. Null Traffic Channel data serves to maintain the connectivity between the mobile station and the base station. Number Assignment Module (NAM) - A set of MIN/IMSI-related parameters stored in the mobile station. Numeric Information - Numeric information consists of parameters that appear as numeric fields in messages exchanged by the base station and the mobile station and information used to describe the operation of the mobile station. OCNS Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the OCNS.
TIA-898 - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the OCNS to the total Ior transmit power spectral density. Optional Field - A field defined within a message structure that is optionally transmitted to the message recipient. Order- A type of message that contains control codes for either the mobile station or the base station. Ordered Registration - A registration method in which the base station orders the mobile station to send registration related parameters. Orthogonal Channel Noise Simulator (OCNS) - A hardware mechanism used to simulate the users on the other orthogonal channels of a Forward CDMA Channel. OTD - See Orthogonal Transmit Diversity Overhead Message - A message sent by the base station on the Paging Channel to communicate base-station-specific and system-wide information to mobile stations. Overload Class (OLC) - The means used to control system access by mobile stations, typically in emergency or other overloaded conditions. Mobile stations are assigned one (or more) of sixteen overload classes. Access to the CDMA system can then be controlled on a per class basis by persistence values transmitted by the base station. P_REV Protocol revision level supported by a base station. P_REV_IN_USE Protocol revision level currently in use by a mobile station. PACA - Priority Access and Channel Assignment. See PACA Call. PACA Call - A priority mobile station originated call for which no traffic channel or voice channel was immediately available, and which has been queued for a priority access channel assignment. Packet - The unit of information exchanged between the service option applications of the base station and the mobile station. Padding - A sequence of bits used to fill from the end of a message to the end of a message capsule, typically to the end of the frame or half frame. All bits in the padding are 0. Paging The act of seeking a mobile station when a call has been placed to that mobile station. Paging Channel - A code channel in a CDMA channel used for transmission of control information and pages from a base station to a mobile station. Paging Channel Slot - An 80 ms interval on the Paging Channel. Mobile stations operating in the slotted mode are assigned specific slots in which they monitor messages from the base station. Paging_Chip_Bit - Number of PN chips per Paging Channel bit, equal to 128 x v where v equals 1 when the data rate is 9600 bps and v equals 2 when the data rate is 4800 bps. Paging Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the Paging Channel. - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the Paging Channel to Ior the total transmit power spectral density. Paging Indicator - A one-bit datum, sent on the Quick Paging Channel. Quick paging indicators are associated with mobile stations, in pairs, via a hashing algorithm. Appearance of
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both of its indicators in its assigned Quick Paging Channel slot serves to alert a slotted mode mobile station, operating in the idle state, that it should monitor the Paging Channel starting in the next slot. See also Quick Paging Channel. Parameter-Change Registration - A registration method in which the mobile station registers when certain of its stored parameters change. Parity Check Bits - Bits added to a sequence of information bits to provide error detection, correction, or both. Passive User Zone - A user zone in which the implicit registration that takes place at call setup is sufficient to trigger a change in tiered service features. See also CDMA Tiered Services, User Zone, and Active User Zone. PCI - See Protocol Control Information. PCS - See Personal Communications Services. PCSC - See Personal Communications Switching Center. PCS System - See Personal Communications Services System. PDU - See Protocol Data Unit. Permanent Memory - Power-off does not affect the information. This type of memory can not be altered. Personal Communications Services (PCS) - A family of mobile and portable radio communications services for individuals and businesses that may be integrated with a variety of competing networks. Broadcasting is prohibited and fixed operations are to be ancillary to mobile operations. Personal Communication Services System - A configuration of equipment that provides PCS radiotelephone services. Personal Communications Switching Center (PCSC) - See Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Physical Channel - A communication path between stations, described in terms of the RF characteristics such as coding, power control policies, etc. Physical Layer - The part of the communication protocol between the mobile station and the base station that is responsible for the transmission and reception of data. The physical layer in the transmitting station is presented a frame by the multiplex sublayer and transforms it into an over-the-air waveform. The physical layer in the receiving station transforms the waveform back into a frame and presents it to the multiplex sublayer above it. Piece-wise Linear FER Curve - An FER-versus-Eb/Nt curve in which the FER vertical axis is in log scale and the Eb/Nt horizontal axis is in linear scale expressed in dB, obtained by interpolating adjacent test data samples with straight lines. Piece-wise Linear MER Curve - An MER-versus-Eb/Nt curve in which the MER vertical axis is in log scale and the Eb/Nt horizontal axis is in linear scale expressed in dB, obtained by interpolating adjacent test data samples with straight lines. Pilot Beacon - A transmit-only base station that broadcasts a Pilot Channel, a Sync Channel, optionally a Paging Channel, but no Forward Traffic Channels. The mobile station measures the pilot beacon to assist in CDMA hard handoffs and inter-frequency idle-mode handoffs. Pilot Channel - An unmodulated, direct-sequence spread spectrum signal transmitted continuously by each CDMA base station. The Pilot Channel allows a mobile station to acquire the timing of the Forward CDMA Channel, provides a phase reference for coherent
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demodulation, and provides a means for signal strength comparisons between base stations for determining when to handoff. Pilot Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the Pilot Channel.
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Ec - The ratio of the combined pilot energy per chip, Ec, to the total received power Io spectral density (noise and signals), Io, of at most K usable multipath components at the mobile station antenna connector (see 1.4). K is the number of demodulating elements supported by the mobile station.
Pilot - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the Pilot Channel to the Ior total transmit power spectral density. Pilot PN Chip - One bit, or bit pair, of a pilot PN sequence, or the time interval corresponding thereto. Pilot PN Sequence - A pair of modified maximal length PN sequences with period 2 PN chips used to spread the Forward CDMA Channel and the Reverse CDMA Channel. Different base stations are identified by different pilot PN sequence offsets. Pilot PN Sequence Offset - The time offset of a Forward Pilot Channel from CDMA System time, as transmitted by the base station, expressed modulo the pilot period. Pilot PN Sequence Offset Index - The pilot PN sequence offset in units of 64 PN chips of a Forward Pilot Channel, relative to the zero offset pilot PN sequence. Pilot Strength - The ratio of pilot power to total power in the signal bandwidth of a CDMA Forward or Reverse Channel. See also Ec/Io. PN - Pseudonoise. PN Chip - One bit in a PN sequence, or the time duration of such a bit. It corresponds to the smallest modulation interval in a CDMA system. PN Sequence Pseudo-random noise sequence. A deterministic, periodic binary sequence having limited statistical similarity to a Bernoulli (coin-tossing). Power Control Bit - A bit sent in every 1.25 ms interval on the Forward Traffic Channel that signals the mobile station to increase or decrease its transmit power. Power Control Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the power control subchannel. For the case when the power control sub-channel is assumed to be transmitted at the same power level that is used for the 9600 bps or 14400 bps data rate, the following equations apply: For Rate Set 1, v it is equal to x (total Forward Traffic Channel energy per PN chip), where v equals 1 for 11 + v 9600 bps, v equals 2 for 4800 bps, v equals 4 for 2400 bps, and v equals 8 for 1200 bps traffic v data rate. For Rate Set 2, it is equal to x (total Forward Traffic Channel energy per PN 23 + v chip), where v equals 1 for 14400 bps, v equals 2 for 7200 bps, v equals 4 for 3600 bps, and v equals 8 for 1800 bps traffic data rate. The total Forward Traffic Channel is comprised of traffic data and a power control sub-channel.
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Power Control E c - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the power control Ior subchannel to the total transmit power spectral density.
Power Control Group - A 1.25 ms interval on the Forward Traffic Channel and the Reverse Traffic Channel. See also Power Control Bit. Power-Down Registration - An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers on power-down. Power Up Function - A method by which the mobile station increases its output power to support location services. Power-Up Registration - An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers on power-up. PPM - Parts per million. Preamble - See Access Channel Preamble and Traffic Channel Preamble. Primary CDMA Channel - A pre-assigned channel in a CDMA Cellular System used by the mobile station for initial acquisition. See also Secondary CDMA Channel. Primary Paging Channel (CDMA) - The default code channel (code channel 1) assigned for paging on a CDMA Channel. Primary Traffic - The main traffic stream carried between the mobile station and the base station on the Traffic Channel. See also Secondary Traffic and Signaling Traffic. Primitive - An atomic, well-defined method of transferring data and control information between two adjacent layers and sublayers. Conventionally represented as a function invocation with the data and/or control information as parameters. Private Long Code - The long code characterized by the private long code mask. See also Long Code. Private Long Code Mask - The long code mask used to form the private long code. See also Public Long Code Mask and Long Code. Private Neighbor Set - The set of pilots associated with the private system base stations that are probable candidates for idle handoff. See also Active Set, Neighbor Set, Remaining Set, and CDMA Tiered Services. Protocol Control Information (PCI) - Data passed between adjacent layers in the protocol stack, together with the SDU, to assist a layer to properly encapsulate/decapsulate the SDU. Examples of PCI in this document are the MCSB and the PCSB. Protocol Data Unit - Encapsulated data communicated between peer layers on the mobile station and base station. Unless specified otherwise, in this document PDU refers to the Layer 3 protocol data unit transferred at the interface between layer 3 and layer 2. Protocol Stack - Conceptual model of the layered architecture for communication protocols (see Layering) in which layers within a station are represented in the order of their numeric designation and requiring that transferred data be processed sequentially by each layer, in the order of their representation. Graphically, the stack is drawn vertically, with the layer having the lowest numeric designation at the base. PS - Pilot Strength. Also see Pilot Ec/I0. Public Long Code - The long code characterized by the public long code mask.
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Public Long Code Mask. The long code mask used to form the public long code. The mask contains a permutation of the bits of the ESN, and also includes the channel number when used for a Supplemental Code Channel. See also Private Long Code Mask and Long Code. PUF - See Power Up Function. PUF Attempt. A sequence of PUF probes sent by the mobile station in response to a Power Up Function Message. PUF Probe - One or more consecutive frames on the Reverse Traffic Channel within which the mobile station transmits the PUF pulse. PUF Pulse - Portion of PUF probe that may be transmitted at elevated output power. PUF Target Frequency - The CDMA frequency assignment to which the base station directs a mobile station for transmitting the PUF probe. Punctured Code - An error-correcting code generated from another error-correcting code by deleting (i.e., puncturing) code symbols from the coder output. Quick Paging - A feature that permits mobile stations to further conserve battery power beyond the savings achieved by slotted mode operation. See also Paging Indicator and Configuration Change Indicator. Quick_Paging_Chip_Bit - Number of PN chips per Quick Paging Channel bit. For Spreading Rate 1, Quick Paging_Chip_Bit is equal to 256 x v where v equals 1 when the data rate is 4800 bps and v equals 2 when the data rate is 2400 bps. For Spreading Rate 3, Quick Paging_Chip_Bit is equal to 768 x v where v equals 1 when the data rate is 4800 bps and v equals 2 when the data rate is 2400 bps. Quick Paging Channel - An uncoded, on-off-keyed (OOK) spread spectrum signal sent by base stations to inform slotted mode mobile stations, operating in the idle state, whether to monitor the Paging Channel. See also Quick Paging, Paging Indicator, and Configuration Change Indicator. Quick Paging Channel Slot - An 80 ms interval on the Quick Paging Channel. See also Paging Indicator and Configuration Change Indicator. Quick Repeats - Additional transmissions of identical copies of a message within a short interval to increase the probability that the message is received correctly. r-csch - Reverse common signaling logical channel. r-dsch - Reverse dedicated signaling logical channel. Radio Configuration - A set of Forward Traffic Channel and Reverse Traffic Channel transmission formats that are characterized by physical layer parameters such as transmission rates, modulation characteristics and spreading rate. Radio Configuration Class - A group of radio configurations. All radio configurations, for the Forward Traffic Channel and the Reverse Traffic Channel, are divided into three classes by the types of pre-spreading symbols (BPSK and QPSK) and spreading rates. RC Class 1 consists of RC 1 and RC 2 for the Forward Traffic Channel and the Reverse Traffic Channel. RC Class 2 consists of RC 3 and RC 4 of the Reverse Traffic Channel, and RC 3, RC 4 and RC 5 of the Forward Traffic Channel. RC Class 3 consists of RC 5 and RC 6 of the Reverse Traffic Channel, and RC 6, RC 7, RC 8, and RC 9 of the Forward Traffic Channel. RC - See Radio configuration. Registration - The process by which a mobile station identifies its location and parameters to a base station.
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Registration Zone - A collection of one or more base stations treated as a unit when determining whether a mobile station should perform zone-based registration. See also User Zone, with which it should not be confused. Release - A process that the mobile station and base station use to inform each other of call disconnect. Remaining Set - The set of all allowable pilot offsets as determined by PILOT_INC, excluding the pilot offsets of the pilots in the Active Set, Candidate Set, and Neighbor Set. See also Active Set, Candidate Set, and Neighbor Set. Request - A layer 3 message generated by either the mobile station or the base station to retrieve information, ask for service, or command an action. Response - A layer 3 message generated as a result of another message, typically a request. Reverse CDMA Channel - The CDMA Channel from the mobile station to the base station. From the base stations perspective, the Reverse CDMA Channel is the sum of all mobile station transmissions on a CDMA frequency assignment. Reverse Dedicated Control Channel - - A portion of a Reverse Traffic Channel that can carry a combination of primary data, secondary data, signaling, and power control information. Reverse Fundamental Code Channel - A portion of a Reverse Traffic Channel that can carry a combination of primary data, secondary data, signaling, and power control information. Reverse Pilot Channel - A non-data-bearing direct-sequence spread spectrum signal transmitted by each CDMA mobile station whenever the Enhanced Access Channel, Reverse Common Control Channel, or Reverse Traffic Channel is enabled. The Reverse Pilot Channel allows a base station to acquire the timing of the Reverse CDMA Channel and provides a phase reference for coherent demodulation. The Reverse Pilot Channel may be transmitted either continuously or in gated mode. Reverse Supplemental Channel - An optional portion of a Reverse Traffic Channel (Radio Configurations 3 and above) that operates in conjunction with a Fundamental Channel and or the Dedicated Control Channel in that Traffic Channel, and (optionally) with other Supplemental Channels to provide higher data rate services. Reverse Supplemental Code Channel - An optional portion of a Reverse Traffic Channel (Radio Configurations 1 and 2) that operates in conjunction with a Fundamental Channel in that Traffic Channel, and (optionally) with other Supplemental Code Channels to provide higher data rate services. Reverse Traffic Channel. A Traffic Channel on which data and signaling are transmitted from a mobile station to a base station. The Reverse Traffic Channel is composed of one Reverse Fundamental Code Channel and zero to seven Reverse Supplemental Code Channels, zero to two Reverse Supplemental Channels, and zero or one Reverse Dedicated Control Channel Semi-Permanent Memory - Power-off does not affect the information. Also known as nonvolatile memory. Roamer - A mobile station operating in a cellular system (or network) other than the one from which service was subscribed. See also Foreign NID Roamer and Foreign SID Roamer. SAP - See Service Access Point. SCI - See Synchronized Capsule Indicator Bit. SDU - See Service Data Unit. Search Window - The range of PN sequence offsets that a mobile station searches for a pilot.
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Search Window Offset - PN sequence offset used by the mobile station to position the search window when searching for a pilot. Secondary CDMA Channel - A pre-assigned channel in a CDMA Cellular System used by the mobile station for initial acquisition. See also Primary CDMA Channel. Secondary Traffic - An additional traffic stream that can be carried between the mobile station and the base station on the Traffic Channel. See also Primary Traffic and Signaling Traffic. Service Access Point - Conceptual point at the interface between two adjacent layers where services are provided to the upper layer and data and protocol information is exchanged between layers. Service Configuration - The common attributes used by the mobile station and the base station to build and interpret Traffic Channel frames. A service configuration consists of Forward and Reverse Traffic Channel multiplex options, Forward and Reverse Traffic Channel transmission rates, and service option connections. Service Configuration is signaled via the Service Configuration information record and the Non-Negotiable Service Configuration information record. Service Data Unit - Data transferred between adjacent layers in the protocol stack. Unless specified otherwise in this document SDU refers to the Layer 3 service data unit being transferred to/from Layer 2. Service Negotiation - The procedures used by the mobile station and base station to establish a service configuration. See also Service Option Negotiation. Service Option - A service compatibility of the system. Service options may be applications such as voice, data, or facsimile. See (17). Service Option Connection - A particular instance or session in which the service defined by a service option is used. Associated with a service option connection are a reference, which is used for uniquely identifying the service option connection, a service option, which specifies the particular type of service in use, a Forward Traffic Channel traffic type, which specifies what type of Forward Traffic Channel traffic is used to support the service option connection, and a Reverse Traffic Channel traffic type, which specifies what type of Reverse Traffic Channel traffic is used by the service option connection. Service Option Connection Reference - A designator used by the base station and mobile station to uniquely identify a particular service option connection. Service Option Negotiation - The procedures used by the mobile station and base station to establish a service configuration. Service option negotiation is similar to service negotiation, but allows less flexibility for specifying the attributes of the service configuration. See also Service Negotiation. Service Redirection - The process by which the base station alters the system selection made by a mobile station. It can be used temporarily during maintenance and testing to divert subscribers to an alternate system. Serving Frequency - The CDMA frequency on which a mobile station is currently communicating with one or more base stations. Shared Secret Data (SSD) - A 128-bit pattern stored in the mobile station (in semi-permanent memory) and known by the base station. SSD is a concatenation of two 64-bit subsets: SSD_A, which is used to support the authentication procedures, and SSD_B, which serves as one of the inputs to the process generating the encryption mask and private long code. Short Message Services (SMS) - A suite of services such as SMS Text Delivery, Digital Paging (i.e., Call Back Number - CBN), and Voice Mail Notification (VMN).
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SID - See System Identification. Signaling Traffic - Control messages that are carried between the mobile station and the base station on the Traffic Channel. See also Primary Traffic and Secondary Traffic. Slotted Mode - An operation mode of the mobile station in which the mobile station monitors only selected slots on the Paging Channel. Soft Handoff - A handoff occurring while the mobile station is in the Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State. This handoff is characterized by commencing communications with a new base station on the same CDMA frequency assignment before terminating communications with the old base station. See Hard Handoff. SOM - Start-of-Message bit. sps - Symbols per second. SSD - See Shared Secret Data. Station Class Mark (SCM) - An identification of certain characteristics of a mobile station. Classes are defined in Table 2.3.3-1 of TIA/EIA-553-A and Table 6.3.3-1 of [4]. Status Information - The following status information is used to describe mobile station operation when using the analog system: Serving-System Status. Indicates whether a mobile station is tuned to channels associated with System A or System B. First Registration ID Status. A status variable used by the mobile station in association with its processing of received Registration ID messages. First Location Area ID Status. A status variable used by the mobile station in association with its processing of received Location Area ID messages. Location Registration ID Status. A status variable used by the mobile station in association with its processing of power-up registrations and location-based registrations. First Idle ID Status. A status variable used by the mobile station in association with its processing of the Idle Task. Local Control Status. Indicates whether a mobile station must respond to local control messages. Roam Status. Indicates whether a mobile station is in its home system. Termination Status. Indicates whether a mobile station must terminate the call when it is on an analog voice channel. Update Protocol Capability Status. Indicates whether the mobile station should report its protocol capability to the serving system. Supplemental_Chip_Bit - The number of PN chips per Supplemental Code Channel bit, equal to 128 for Radio configuration 1 and 85.33... for Radio configuration 2. Supplemental Code Channel - An optional portion of a Traffic Channel (Forward or Reverse) which operates in conjunction with a Fundamental Channel in that Traffic Channel, and (optionally) with other Supplemental Code Channels to provide higher data rate services. On this channel a combination of primary data, secondary data, or both (but never signaling information) are transmitted. Supplemental Data Block - A data block that is transmitted by the mobile station/base station in a 20 ms time interval on a Supplemental Code Channel.
Supplemental Ec - Average energy per PN chip for one Forward Supplemental Code Channel. Supplemental - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for one Forward Ior Supplemental to the total transmit power spectral density. Supplemental RLP Frame - An RLP frame carried in a supplemental data block. Symbol - See Code Symbol and Modulation Symbol. Sync Channel - Code channel 32 in the Forward CDMA Channel, which transports the synchronization message to the mobile station. Sync_Chip_Bit - Number of PN chips per Sync Channel bit, equal to 1024. Sync Channel Superframe - An 80 ms interval consisting of three Sync Channel frames (each 26.666... ms in length). Sync Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the Sync Channel. - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the Sync Channel to the Ior total transmit power spectral density. Synchronized Capsule Indicator Bit (SCI) - The first bit in any Paging Channel half frame, which indicates whether a synchronized message capsule immediately follows. System. A system is a cellular telephone service or personal communications service that covers a geographic area such as a city, metropolitan region, county, or group of counties. See also Network. System Identification (SID) - A number uniquely identifying a cellular or PCS system. System Time - The time reference used by the system. System Time is synchronous to UTC time (except for leap seconds) and uses the same time origin as GPS time. All base stations use the same System Time (within a small error). Mobile stations use the same System Time, offset by the propagation delay from the base station to the mobile station. See also Universal Coordinated Time. Target Frequency - The CDMA frequency assignment to which the base station directs a mobile station in a handoff using an Extended Handoff Direction Message, a General Handoff Direction Message, or a Universal Handoff Direction Message. Temporary Memory - Information is lost when power is gone. Also known as volatile memory. Temporary Mobile Station Identity (TMSI) - A temporary mobile station identification assigned by the base station. Timer-Based Registration - A registration method in which the mobile station registers whenever a counter reaches a predetermined value. The counter is incremented an average of once per 80 ms period. Time Reference - A reference established by the mobile station that is synchronous with the earliest arriving multipath component used for demodulation. TMSI - See Temporary Mobile Station Identity. TMSI Zone - The administrative zone that allows the TMSI to be reused. The TMSI_CODE has to be unique within a TMSI zone but may be reused in a different TMSI zone. The TMSI zone is identified by the field TMSI_ZONE.
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Sync Ec
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Traffic Channel - A communication path between a mobile station and a base station used for user and signaling traffic. The term Traffic Channel implies a Forward Traffic Channel and Reverse Traffic Channel pair. See also Forward Traffic Channel and Reverse Traffic Channel. Traffic Channel Preamble - A sequence of all-zero frames that is sent by the mobile station on the Reverse Traffic Channel as an aid to Traffic Channel acquisition. Traffic_Chip_Bit - The number of PN chips per Traffic Channel bit, equal to 1228800/rb for Spreading Rate 1 and 3686400/rb for Spreading Rate 3, where rb is the data rate. Traffic Ec - Average energy per PN chip for the Forward Fundamental Channel. For the case when the power control sub-channel is assumed to be transmitted at the same power level used for the 9600 bps or 14400 bps data rate, the following equations apply: For Rate Set 1, it 11 is equal to x (total Forward Fundamental Channel energy per PN chip), where v equals 1 11 + v for 9600 bps, v equals 2 for 4800 bps, v equals 4 for 2400 bps, and v equals 8 for 1200 bps 23 traffic data rate. For Rate Set 2, it is equal to x (total Forward Fundamental Channel 23 + v energy per PN chip), where v equals 1 for 14400 bps, v equals 2 for 7200 bps, v equals 4 for 3600 bps, and v equals 8 for 1800 bps traffic data rate. The total Forward Fundamental Channel is comprised of traffic data and a power control sub-channel. - The ratio of the average transmit energy per PN chip for the Forward Traffic Ior Channel to the total transmit power spectral density. Unassured Mode - Mode of delivery that does not guarantee that a PDU will be delivered to the peer. The LAC entity at the receiver does not acknowledge a PDU sent in unassured mode. Unique Challenge-Response Procedure - An exchange of information between a mobile station and a base station for the purpose of confirming the mobile stations identity. The procedure is initiated by the base station and is characterized by the use of a challengespecific random number (i.e., RANDU) instead of the random variable broadcast globally (RAND). Unique Random Variable (RANDU) - A 24-bit random number generated by the base station in support of the Unique Challenge-Response procedure. Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) - An internationally agreed-upon time scale maintained by the Bureau International de lHeure (BIH) used as the time reference by nearly all commonly available time and frequency distribution systems i.e., WWV, WWVH, LORAN-C, Transit, Omega, and GPS. User Zone - An area within which CDMA Tiered Services may be provided. It may correspond to an RF coverage area, or it may be established independent of RF topology. User Zones are classified as broadcast versus mobile-specific, and as active versus passive. See Broadcast User Zone, Mobile-Specific User Zone, Active User Zone, and Passive User Zone. See also Registration Zone, with which it should not be confused. User Zone Registration - An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers when it selects an active user zone while in the Idle State. See also Zone-Based Registration, with which it should not be confused. Upper Layers - General reference to Layer 3 and the layers above it.
Traffic Ec
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User Zone Exit parameter - A parameter used by the mobile station to determine if it should exit a User Zone. UTC - Universal Temps Coordin. See Universal Coordinated Time. Valid Power Control Bit - A valid power control bit is sent on the Forward Traffic Channel in the second power control group following the corresponding Reverse Traffic Channel power control group which was not gated off and in which the signal strength was estimated. See of [1]. Voice Privacy - The process by which user voice transmitted over a CDMA Traffic Channel is afforded a modest degree of protection against eavesdropping over the air. Walsh Chip - The shortest identifiable component of a Walsh function. There are 2N Walsh chips in one Walsh function where N is the order of the Walsh function. On the Forward CDMA Channel, one Walsh chip equals 1/1.2288 MHz, or 813.802 ns. On the Reverse CDMA Channel, one Walsh chip equals 4/1.2288 MHz, or 3.255 s. Walsh Function - One of 2N time orthogonal binary functions (note that the functions are orthogonal after mapping 0 to 1 and 1 to -1). Zone-Based Registration - An autonomous registration method in which the mobile station registers whenever it enters a zone that is not in the mobile stations zone list. See also User Zone Registration, with which it should not be confused. Zone Timer - A timer used by the mobile station to remove outdated entries from its list of zones in which it has previously registered. s - Microsecond (10-6 second). CDMA Equations The following equations describe the relationship between various test parameters under different conditions. Transmit Power of the Base Station
22 23 24
Pilot E c I or
Sync E c I or
Quick Paging E c I or
Paging E c I or
Traffic E c I or
Therefore, if
Traffic E c = -16 dB at 9600 bps data rate, then I or Power Control E c = -26.41 dB I or OCNS E c = -1.64 dB I or
Otherwise, if
Traffic E c = -16 dB at 1200 bps data rate, then I or Power Control E c = -17.38 dB I or OCNS E c = -1.75 dB I or
Pilot E c E I or Pilot c = I I0 oc + 1 I
Single-Path Case
E Sync b = Nt
2 3 4
Two-Path Case According to Channel Simulator Configuration 1 and 2 (see, these two paths have the same average power. Traffic
Eb Traffic E c 1 = Traffic_Chip_Bit I Nt I or oc + 1 I or 2
6 7 8
Three-Path Case According to Channel Simulator Configuration 4 (see, the first two paths have the same average power and the third path has half the average power of the first one.
10 11 12 13
Received Signal Strength for Mobile Station in Two-Way Handoff According to Channel Simulator Configuration 2 (see, which is used in the tests of the Forward Traffic Channel in two-way handoff, there are two paths from each cell and the power received from each cell is or.
Tolerances CDMA System Parameter Tolerances CDMA parameters are specified in IS-2000 (2). All parameters indicated are exact unless otherwise specified. Measurement Tolerances Unless otherwise specified, a measurement tolerance, including the tolerance of the measurement equipment, of 10% is assumed. Unless otherwise specified, the Ior/Ioc value shall be within 0.1 dB of the value specified, and the Ioc value shall be within 5 dB of the value specified. Normative Document References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. ANSI and TIA maintain registers of currently valid national standards published by them.
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3GPP2 C.S0002, Physical Layer Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, 1999. 3GPP2 C.S0003, Medium Access Control (MAC) Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, 1999. 3GPP2 C.S0004, Signaling Link Access Control (LAC) Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, 1999. 3GPP2 C.S0005, Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling Standard for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems, 1999. 3GPP2 C.S0010-A, Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Base Stations, 2000. 3GPP2 C.S0011-A, Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Mobile Stations, 2000. 3GPP2 C.P9005, Test Data Service Option (TDSO) for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems. 3GPP2 C.P9006, Markov Service Option (MSO) for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems. 3GPP2 C.S0013-A, Loopback Service Options (LSO) for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems. CDG Document # 45, MDM Minimum Requirements Specification. CDG Document # 53, CDG Stage 2 Interoperability Test Specification (95-B version) TIA/EIA/IS-127-1, Enhanced Variable Rate Codec, Speech Service Option 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital Systems TIA/EIA/IS-637-A, Short Message Services for Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems, 1995 TIA/EIA/IS-683-A, Over-the-Air Service Provisioning of Mobile Stations in Spread Spectrum Systems TIA/EIA/IS-707-A, Data Service Options for Wideband Spread Spectrum Systems
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TIA/EIA/TSB-50, Telecommunications Systems Bulletin: User Interface for Authentication Key Entry TSB-58, Administration of Parameter Value Assignment for TIA/EIA Spread Spectrum Standards TIA/EIA/IS-127-2, Enhanced Variable Rate Codec, Speech Service Option 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital Systems Addendum 2 TIA/EIA/IS-733-1, High Rate Speech Service Option 17 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Communications Systems Addendum 1 TTY Forum. Seeking Solutions to TTY/TDD Through Wireless Digital Systems. TTY/TDD FORUM-13. Final. November 19, 1999 TIA/EIA/95B Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-Mode Wideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Systems 664
2 3
No text
1 2 3
Table 1-1 lists miscellaneous air interface tests. Table 1-1 Miscellaneous Tests Test No. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Title Pilot PN Offset Hashing CDMA Channels, Paging Channels, and Paging Slot Idle Ping Pong with Quick Paging Channel CCI Quick Paging Indicator Mobile Station Response to the Access Parameters Message Mobile Station Response to MIN_P_REV Status Request Message Protocol Discriminator (PD) Test and Link Access Control (LAC) PDU Format Test on the Access Channel. Logging Tests SYNC Channel Support Pilot PN Offset Definition
5 6 7 8 9
This test verifies the mobile station is able to determine PN offset of the base station. This test will be performed for the following Pilot PN offsets (in order): 304, 511, and 0. Traceability: (See [4] ); Pilot PN Phase 1.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. Set pilot PN sequence offset increment (i.e. PILOT_INC) to 1.
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Figure 1.1.2-1 Basic Setup for Air Interface Tests, Single Base Station b. At the base station, set Pilot PN offset to 304. c. Verify that the mobile station detects and acquires the new base station. d. Setup a mobile station originated call. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. End the call at the mobile station.
g. Change the Pilot PN offset to 511 and repeat steps c through f. h. Change the Pilot PN offset to 0 and repeat steps c through f. 1.1.3 Minimum Standard
10 11 12
The mobile station shall correctly detect the base station Pilot PN offset and acquire the new base station. All calls shall be established successfully. 1.2 1.2.1 Hashing CDMA Channels, Paging Channels, and Paging Slot Definition
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This test verifies that the mobile station hashes to the correct CDMA Channel, CDMA Paging Channel, and CDMA Paging Slot. The effect of IMSI on hashed CDMA channel, paging channel, and slot is also verified. Traceability: (See [4] );,,, CDMA Channel Determination Paging Channel Determination Paging Slot Determination Hash Function
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CDMA Channel Number Hashing a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1, and configure the base station for multiple CDMA channel assignment capability. b. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station and verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message. Note that some equivalent method may be employed to verify that the mobile station has hashed to the correct CDMA channel. c. Change the IMSI (phone number) in the mobile station so that the hashing operation selects a different CDMA channel number assignment, and repeat steps a and b. Paging Channel Number Hashing a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1, and configure the base station system with multiple Paging Channels. b. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station and verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message. Note that some equivalent method may be employed to verify that the mobile station has hashed to the correct Paging Channel. c. Change the IMSI (phone number) in the mobile station so that the hashing operation selects a different Paging Channel number assignment, and repeat steps a and b. Paging Slot Number Hashing a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1, configure the base station system with slotted mode capability, and verify the mobile station goes into slotted mode. b. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station and verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message. Note that some equivalent method may be employed to verify that the mobile station has hashed to the correct Paging Channel Slot and receives messages in that slot. c. Change the IMSI (phone number) in the mobile station so that the hashing operation selects a different Paging Channel Slot number assignment, and repeat steps a and b. 1.2.3 Minimum Standard
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33 34 35
For all tests, the mobile station shall hash to the correct CDMA Channel, CDMA Paging Channel, and CDMA Paging Channel Slot.
TIA-898 1.3 1.3.1 Idle Ping Pong with Quick Paging Channel CCI Definition
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For mobile stations that support the Quick Paging Channel, this test will verify the following: A mobile station using the Quick Paging Channel configuration change indicator (CCI) can perform multiple idle handoffs, back and forth (idle ping pong), between base stations, and remain in slotted mode when CCI is set to OFF. A diagnostic monitor may be used to check whether the mobile station is in slotted or nonslotted mode. Alternately, the base station can send a message to the mobile station on the Paging Channel, but configure the Quick Paging Channel paging indicator (PI) bits to OFF, and observe that the mobile station does not act on the message. With the Quick Paging Channel CCI feature available on the mobile station and base station, it is assumed the base station communicates its CCI capability to the mobile station so that the mobile station uses the feature. In slotted mode, an idle mobile station monitors the Quick Paging Channel for pages or updated overhead information, but also searches for the strongest pilot. A mobile station determines that it should idle handoff to a pilot that is sufficiently stronger (i.e. 3 dB) than the pilot of its current demodulation. Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,, 1.3.2 Slotted Mode Requirements Quick Paging Channel Monitoring Procedures Idle Handoff Hash Function Quick Paging Channel Processing Extended System Parameters Message Extended Neighbor List Message
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Method of Measurement a. Connect two base stations to the mobile station, with the ability to transition either base station power Ior 5 dB above the other, to induce idle handoff from one to the other and back again. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and called Channel 2. Set the Extended System Parameter Message in both base stations as specified in Table 1.3.2-1.
TIA-898 Table 1.3.2-1 Test Parameters for Extended System Parameters Message Fields QPCH_SUPPORTED NUM_QPCH QPCH_RATE (indicator rate) QPCH_POWER_LEVEL_PAGE QPCH_CCI_SUPPORTED QPCH_POWER_LEVEL_CONFIG
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Values '1' (QPCH is supported) '01' (Number of the QPCH) '0' (QPCH indicator rate is 4800 bps) '101' (same as pilot channel) '1' [configuration change indicators supported] '101' (same as pilot channel)
b. Set NGHBR_PN for the Extended Neighbor List Message, Neighbor List Message or General Neighbor List Message in both base stations to include the other base station PN. c. Set the Paging Channel data rate for Channels 1 and 2 to 4800 bps. d. Setup Channel 1 and Channel 2 per Table 1.3.2-2. Table 1.3.2-2. Test Parameters for Slotted Mode Idle Handoff Parameter or/Ioc Unit dB dB Channel 1 0 -7 Channel 2 -5 -7
dBm/1.23 MHz
e. Slowly (over a period of several seconds, but not more than T31m = 600 seconds round trip) transpose power levels of channel 1 and 2. That is, raise Channel 2 power by 5 dB (to or/Ioc = 0 dB), and lower Channel 1 power by 5 dB (to or/Ioc = 5 dB). This should provoke an idle handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. f. Verify the mobile station has performed an idle handoff to Channel 2. On first idle handoff the mobile station may exit slotted mode, but after some time, resume operating in slotted mode.
g. Slowly return power of Channel 1 and Channel 2 to the original levels (make Channel 1 dominant pilot by 5 dB).
TIA-898 h. Verify the mobile station has performed an idle handoff back to Channel 1 and stayed in slotted mode. i. j. Place a call to the mobile station, and verify it completes, then returns to slotted mode. Repeat idle handoffs, back and forth, between Channel 1 and Channel 2, at least twice. Verify the mobile station remains in slotted mode. Verify that a call can be completed to the mobile station after each idle handoff.
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k. While the mobile station is idle on Channel 2, instruct the base station #1 to modify an overhead message, thus causing the CCI bits on Channel 1 Quick Paging Channel to be set to ON. l. Cause an idle handoff from Channel 2 to Channel 1. Verify that the mobile station does not go to slotted mode until it has updated its overhead configuration.
m. Repeat steps a through l with the QPCH_RATE (indicator rate) set to 1 (9600 rate). 1.3.3 Minimum Standard
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When the mobile station idle handoffs to a Quick Paging Channel whose CCI bits are set to OFF, except for the first idle handoff, the mobile station shall stay in the slotted mode, and will complete calls made to it, then return to slotted mode. When the mobile station idle handoffs to a Quick Paging Channel whose CCI bits are set to ON, the mobile station shall go into nonslotted mode to update its overhead configuration after idle handoff. 1.4 1.4.1 Quick Paging Indicator Definition
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For mobile stations that support the Quick Paging Channel, this test will verify the following: The mobile station will hash to the right Quick Paging indicator positions. The mobile station will monitor the following Paging Slot if the Quick Paging Indicators are set to ON by the base station. The mobile station will not monitor the following Paging Slot if the Quick Paging Indicators are set to OFF by the base station.
MS Common Channels The MS hash to QPI positions and detect its QPI on in the Assigned QPCH Slot. Then the MS start receiving on its assigned PCH slots Turn on/off PI on Quick Paging Channel for the MS assigned QPCH Slot BS Common Channels
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Figure 1.4.1-1 Reference Call Flow for QPI Testing Traceability: (See [4] ); Quick Paging Channel Monitoring Procedures. Hash Function Registration Message Extended System Parameters Message
Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Set the values in the Extended System Parameters Message as follows:
Values '1' (QPCH is supported) '01' (Number of the QPCH) '0' (4800 bps QPCH data rate) '101' (same as pilot channel)
c. Set the corresponding Quick Paging Indicators corresponding to the mobile station Paging Channel slot to ON, and those for all other slots to OFF. d. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station at expected Paging Channel slot, and verify that the mobile station responds with a Registration Message. Note that some equivalent method may be employed to verify that the mobile station receives and processes messages on its assigned slot. e. Set the Quick Paging Indicators corresponding to the mobile station Quick Paging slot to OFF, and those for all other slots to ON.
TIA-898 f. Send a Registration Request Order at expected Paging Channel slot on the Paging Channel , and verify that the mobile station DOES NOT respond with a Registration Message. Note that some equivalent method may be employed to verify that the mobile station does not receive and process messages on its assigned slot.
1 2 3 4 5
g. Repeat steps b through f with the QPCH_RATE set to 1 (9600 bps). 1.4.2 Minimum Standard
6 7 8 9
When the Quick Paging Channel is supported, a mobile station shall receive and process messages on its assigned Paging Channel slot when the corresponding Quick Paging Indicators are set to ON. 1.5 1.5.1 Mobile Station Processing of the Access Parameters Message Definition
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This test verifies correct interpretation and functionality of the Access Parameters Message. In addition, proper operation of the TA timer is verified. Traceability: (See [3]); [3] Requirement for Transmission and Retransmission Procedures (See [4]); [4], [4], Access Parameters Message Access Attempts
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1.5.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Set forward link parameters as specified in Table 1.5.2-1, and Access Parameters Message as specified in table 1.5.2-2, for Test 1.
Table 1.5.2-1 Test Parameters Access Parameters Message Tests Parameter Units
Test 1 Test 2
Test 3
c. Ensure mobile station has been previously registered, then disable all forms of registration (to ensure that the registration access probes do not interfere with this test).
TIA-898 d. Disable the reverse link to allow the mobile station to exhaust all its access probes. This may be accomplished by instructing the base station to not acknowledge the probes. e. Attempt a mobile station originated call, and verify the mobile station uses the access parameters specified in Table 1.5.2-2. f. Attempt a mobile station terminated call, and verify the mobile station uses access parameters specified in Table 1.5.2-2.
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g. Repeat steps b through f for Test 2 and Test 3 as shown in Tables 1.5.2-1 and 1.5.22.
Table 1.5.2-2 Access Parameters Message Values for Mobile Station Response to Access Parameters Message Tests Parameter Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
7 1 0 0 2 2 1
3 3 -6 0 4 1 2
7 0 4 0 1 1 1
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The mobile station shall produce 2 sets of 8 probes for the mobile station originated call, and 1 set of 8 probes for the mobile station terminated call. Output power of each probe shall be greater than the previous probe by 1 1 dB. The interval between two consecutive, unacknowledged access probes shall be at least 320 ms.
The mobile station shall produce 1 set of 4 probes for the mobile station originated call and 2 sets of 4 probes for the mobile station terminated call. Output power of the first probe shall be 6 1 dB lower than the first probe produced in Test 1.
TIA-898 Test 3: 1.6 1.6.1 The mobile station shall produce 1 set of 8 probes for both the mobile station originated, and mobile station terminated calls. Output power of the first probe shall be 4 1 dB higher than the first probe produced in Test 1. Output power of all probes shall be within 1 dB of each other. The interval between two consecutive, unacknowledged access probes shall be at least 240 ms. Mobile Station Processing of MIN_P_REV Definition Output power of each probe shall be greater than the previous probe by 31 dB. The interval between two consecutive, unacknowledged access probes shall be at least 480 ms.
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This test verifies the mobile station shall not access the CDMA system if the mobile station's protocol revision (MOB_P_REVp) is less than the minimum protocol revision permitted to access the CDMA system (MIN_P_REV). This test should be performed only if the base station supports a protocol revision greater than that supported by the mobile station, or if the base station can be configured to send arbitrary protocol revision numbers in the Sync Channel Message. Traceability: (See [4] ); 3.4.1 1.6.2 Sync Channel Acquisition Substate Access Channel Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Configure the base station to send values for P_REV and MIN_P_REV in the Sync Channel Message greater than the value of MOB_P_REVp in the mobile station. c. Power on the mobile station. d. Verify the mobile station does not indicate CDMA service is available. Note: If the base station and mobile station are both dual-mode, the mobile station may acquire the AMPS signal and indicate AMPS service is available. e. Attempt to setup a mobile station originated call. Verify the mobile station does not send any messages on the CDMA Access Channel.
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1 2 3 4
When the mobile station's protocol revision is less than the minimum protocol revision permitted by the base station, the mobile station shall not indicate CDMA service is available and shall not originate a call on this system. 1.7 1.7.1 Mobile Station Response to Status Request Message Definition
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
This test verifies that that mobile station responds to the Status Request Message with an Extended Status Response Message or Status Response Message with the correct information record(s). Traceabilities (See [4] ); Annex D 1.7.2 Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate (MS) Service Configuration and Negotiation Processing the Service Configuration Record Processing the Non-Negotiable Service Configuration Record Traffic Channel Initialization Substate Origination Message Page Response Message Extended Status Response Message (MS) Service Connect Completion Message Status Response Message Response to Origination Message (BS) Service Configuration and Negotiation Status Request Message Extended Channel Assignment Message (BS) Service Connect Message (BS) Service Configuration (BS) Non-Negotiable Service Configuration Information Records
29 30 31 32 33
Method of Measurement a. Instruct the mobile station to send an Origination Message. b. Upon receiving the Origination Message, instruct the base station to send a Status Request Message on the f-csch to request one or more of the information records listed in Annex D of [4].
TIA-898 c. Verify the mobile station responds with an Extended Status Response Message if P_REV_IN_USE is greater than 3 or Status Response Message if P_REV_IN_USE is less than or equal to 3 on the r-csch with the correct record type and correct information d. Instruct the base station to assign the dedicated channels to the mobile station. Verify the call completes and that user traffic is present. e. Steps b through d may be repeated for one or more of the Mobile Station Information Records supported. f. Setup a mobile station terminated call.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
g. Instruct the base station to send a Status Request Message on the f-dsch to request one or more of the information records listed in Annex D of [4]. h. Verify the mobile station responds with a Status Response Message on the r-dsch with the correct record type and correct information. i. j. Instruct the base station to assign the dedicated channels to the mobile station. Verify the call completes and user traffic is present. Steps g through i may be repeated for one or more of the Mobile Station Information Records supported.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Minimum Standard
The mobile station shall respond to the Status Request Message with: Extended Status Response Message (if P_REV_IN_USE is greater than 3) or Status Response Message (if P_REV_IN_USE is less than or equal to 3) on the r-csch when the Status Request Message is received on the f-csch with the correct record type. The information in the Mobile Station Record shall accurately represent the mobile station features/capabilities. Status Response Message on the r-dsch when the Status Request Message is received on the f-dsch. The information in the Mobile Station Record shall accurately represent the mobile station features/capabilities.
28 29
Protocol Discriminator (PD) Test and Link Access Control (LAC) PDU Format Test on the Access Channel Definition
30 31 32 33 34 35 36
This test will verify the following: If P_REV_IN_USEs is less than six, the mobile station shall set the PD field in the LAC Utility sublayer to 00; if P_REV_IN_USEs is equal to six, the mobile station shall set the PD field in the LAC Utility sublayer to 01. The format of the LAC PDU sent on the r-csch is as defined for the corresponding value of P_REV_IN_USE.
MS Common Channels Set P_REV to 3, 5, or 6 on ESPM BS Common Channels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 1.8.1-1 Reference Call Flow for LAC Testing Traceability: (See [3] ); (See [4] );, 1.8.2 Registration Message Extended System Parameters Message (r-csch) Message Type fields Procedures (PDU Format for the different P_REV_IN_USE).
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1-1. b. Set P_REV to '0000011' (if operating on Band Class 0) in the Extended System Parameters Message, or set P_REV to '0000001' (if operating on Band Class 1) in the Extended System Parameters Message. c. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station. d. Verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message with the LAC/L3 fields included in the order as given below and the Protocol Discriminator field is set to '00'.
TIA-898 Parameter Message Type Fields ARQ Fields Addressing Fields Authentication Fields SDU PDU Padding Field
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
e. Set P_REV to '0000101' and PILOT_REPORT to '1' in the Extended System Parameters Message. f. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station.
g. Verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message with the LAC/L3 fields included in the order as given below and the Protocol Discriminator field is set to '00'.
Parameter Message Type Fields ARQ Fields Addressing Fields Authentication Fields SDU Radio Environment Report Fields PDU Padding Field
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
h. Set P_REV to '0000110' and PILOT_REPORT to '1' in the Extended System Parameters Message. i. j. Send a Registration Request Order from the base station. Verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message with the LAC/L3 fields included in the order as given below and the Protocol Discriminator field is set to '01'.
TIA-898 Parameter Message Type Fields LAC Length Field ARQ Fields Addressing Fields Authentication Fields LAC Padding Field Radio Environment Report Fields SDU PDU Padding Field
2 3 4
Minimum Standard If P_REV_IN_USEs is less than six, the mobile station shall set the PD field to 00. If P_REV_IN_USEs is equal to six, the mobile station shall set the PD field to 01. The LAC PDU format shall be set to the appropriate format according to the P_REV_IN_USEs.
5 6
7 8
Logging Tests
10 11 12 13 14
1.9.1 Initial Values of Logging Parameters Definition This test verifies that the mobile station resets the counters related to the Fundamental Channel, Dedicated Control Channel, Supplemental Code Channel, and Supplemental Channel upon power-up.
Common Channel
Common Channel
Retrieve Parameters Message (all relevant counters) Parameters Response Message (requested counters)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Figure 1.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Initial FCH, DCCH, SCCH, and SCH counters Traceability: (See [4] ); Annex E: CDMA Retrievable and Settable Parameters (See ( [2] ); Section Mux and QoS sublayer Table 49: Received MuxPDU Type 1 Categories and Formats for the FCH and DCCH Table 50: Received MuxPDU Type 2 Categories and Formats for the FCH and DCCH Table 51: Received MuxPDU Type 4 Categories and Formats for the FCH and DCCH Section 2.2.3: Supervisory Procedures Table 60: FCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Table 61: FCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Table 62: DCCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Table 63: DCCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Table 64. SCCH Transmission Counters Table 65. SCH Transmission Counters Table 66: FCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Table 67: FCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Table 68: DCCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Table 69: DCCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Table 70. SCCH Reception Counters Table 71. SCH Reception Counters Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Power-off and then power-up the mobile station. c. Set up a call using the Fundamental Channel.
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TIA-898 d. Upon mobile station entering the Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State, instruct the base station to send a Retrieve Parameters Message and query the mobile station for all the counters listed in Tables B-6 (or B-8), B-10 and B-12 (i.e. counters associated with DCCH, SCCH, and SCH reception) in Annex B. e. Upon receiving the Parameter Response Message from the mobile station, verify all queried counters have a value of zero. f. End the call.
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g. Set up a call using the Dedicated Control Channel. h. Upon mobile station entering the Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State, instruct the base station to send a Retrieve Parameters Message and query the mobile station for all the counters listed in Tables B-2 (or B-4), B-10 and B-12 (i.e. counters associated with FCH, SCCH, and SCH reception) in Annex B. i. j. Upon receiving the Parameter Response Message from the mobile station, verify all queried counters have a value of zero. End the call.
16 17 18 Minimum Requirements Mobile station correctly resets all the FCH, DCCH, SCCH, and SCH related counters to zero upon powering up. 1.9.2 Logging of Fundamental Channel Related Parameters Definition This test verifies that the mobile station correctly updates the Fundamental Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel.
20 21 22
BS Traffic
User Traffic
Retrieve Parameters Message (all relevant counters) Parameters Response Message (requested counters)
1 2 3 4
Figure Reference Call Flow for Setting and Retrieving FCH/DCCH Logging Parameters Traceability: See Test 1.9.1 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Setup a call using the Fundamental Channel. c. Instruct the base station to direct the mobile station to use a service configuration with the following values for both forward and reverse traffic channel: multiplex option 1, the service connected as Primary traffic, and 20ms frame size only. d. Instruct the base station to send a Set Parameters Message, with all of the counters included in Tables F-1 through F-8 reset to zero. e. Ensure user communication on both the forward and reverse traffic channel proceeds for a sufficient duration. During this period, record at the base station the number of frames of each type sent by the base station and received by the base station. f. Instruct the base station to send a Retrieve Parameters Message and query the mobile station for the all counters included in Tables F-1 through F-8.
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g. Upon receiving the Parameter Response Message from the mobile station, verify the following: 1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_FOR_FCH_1 through MUX1_FOR_FCH_10.
TIA-898 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_REV_FCH_1 through MUX1_REV_FCH_8. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. h. End the call. i. j. Set up a data call using the Fundamental Channel. Repeat steps c through g, instructing the base station to direct the mobile station to use a service configuration with multiplex option 2 instead of multiplex option 1. The expected results are as follows:
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1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_FOR_FCH_1 through MUX2_FOR_FCH_5, MUX2_FOR_FCH_11 through MUX2_FOR_FCH_14, MUX2_FOR_FCH_19 through MUX2_FOR_FCH_21, MUX2_FOR_FCH_24, and MUX2_FOR_FCH_26. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_REV_FCH_1 through MUX2_REV_FCH_5, MUX2_REV_FCH_11 through MUX2_REV_FCH_14, MUX2_REV_FCH_19 through MUX2_REV_FCH_21, and MUX2_REV_FCH_24. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. k. Repeat steps c through h, with the service connected as Secondary traffic instead of Primary traffic. The expected results for multiplex option 1 are as follows: 1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_FOR_FCH_1, MUX1_FOR_FCH_5 through MUX1_FOR_FCH_10, and FCH_FOR_FCH_14. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_REV_FCH_1, MUX1_REV_FCH_5 through MUX1_REV_FCH_8, and FCH_REV_FCH_14. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. l. The expected results for multiplex option 2 are as follows:
1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_FOR_FCH_1, MUX2_FOR_FCH_5, MUX2_FOR_FCH_9, MUX2_FOR_FCH_11, MUX2_FOR_FCH_14, MUX2_FOR_FCH_17, MUX2_FOR_FCH_19, MUX2_FOR_FCH_21, MUX2_FOR_FCH_23 through MUX2_FOR_FCH_26. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_REV_FCH_1, MUX2_REV_FCH_5, MUX2_REV_FCH_9, MUX2_REV_FCH_11, MUX2_REV_FCH_14, MUX2_REV_FCH_17, MUX2_REV_FCH_19, MUX2_REV_FCH_21, MUX2_REV_FCH_23 through MUX2_REV_FCH_25.
TIA-898 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. Minimum Requirements The mobile station shall correctly update all the expected Fundamental Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel. Furthermore, the parameters not expected to be updated have value of zero upon being retrieved by the base station. Note: The expected numbers may not exactly match numbers received from the mobile station due to frame errors over the air, which will cause the frame to be logged under a different category than the transmitted category. The extent of this discrepancy can be reduced by reducing the FER.
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6 7 8 9
1.9.3 Logging of Dedicated Control Channel Related Parameters Definition This test verifies the mobile station correctly updates the Dedicated Control Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel. Traceability: See Test 1.9.1. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Setup a call, using the Dedicated Control Channel. c. Instruct the base station to direct the mobile station to use a service configuration with the following values for both forward and reverse traffic channel: multiplex option 1, the service connected as Primary traffic, 20ms frame size only. d. Instruct the base station to send a Set Parameters Message, with all of the counters included in Tables F-1 through F-8 reset to zero. e. Ensure user communication on both the forward and reverse traffic channel proceeds for a sufficient duration. During this period, record at the base station the number of frames of each type sent by the base station and received by the base station. f. Instruct the base station to send a Retrieve Parameters Message and query the mobile station for all of the counters included in Tables F-1 through F-8.
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g. Upon receiving the Parameter Response Message from the mobile station, verify the following: 1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_FOR_DCCH_1 through MUX1_FOR_DCCH_5, MUX1_FOR_DCCH_10, and MUX1_FOR_DCCH_15. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_REV_DCCH_1 through MUX1_REV_DCCH_5, MUX1_FOR_DCCH_10, and MUX1_REV_DCCH_15. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero.
TIA-898 h. Repeat steps c through g, instructing the base station to direct the mobile station to use a service configuration with multiplex option 2 instead of multiplex option 1. The expected results are as follows: 1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_FOR_DCCH_1 through MUX2_FOR_DCCH_5, and MUX2_FOR_DCCH_26 through MUX2_FOR_DCCH_27. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_REV_DCCH_1 through MUX2_REV_DCCH_5, and MUX2_REV_DCCH_27. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. i. Repeat steps c through h, with the service connected as Secondary traffic instead of Primary traffic. The expected results for multiplex option 1 are as follows:
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1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_FOR_DCCH_5, MUX1_FOR_DCCH_10, and MUX1_FOR_DCCH_14, MUX1_FOR_DCCH_15. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX1_REV_DCCH_5, MUX1_REV_DCCH_10, and MUX1_REV_DCCH_14, MUX1_REV_DCCH_15. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. j. The expected results for multiplex option 2 are as follows:
1) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_FOR_DCCH_5, MUX2_FOR_DCCH_9, MUX2_FOR_DCCH_26, and MUX2_FOR_DCCH_27. 2) One or more of the following parameters are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station: MUX2_REV_DCCH_5, MUX2_REV_DCCH_9, and MUX2_REV_DCCH_27. 3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. Minimum Requirements The mobile station shall correctly update all expected Dedicated Control Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel. Furthermore, the parameters not expected to be updated have a value of zero upon being retrieved by the base station. Note: The expected numbers may not exactly match the numbers received from the mobile station due to frame errors over the air, which will cause the frame to be logged under a different category than the transmitted category. The extent of this discrepancy can be reduced by reducing the FER.
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TIA-898 1.9.4 Logging of Supplemental Code Channel Related Parameters Definition This test verifies that the mobile station correctly updates the Supplemental Code Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel.
MS Traffic Service Connect Message (SCR) BS Traffic
2 3 4
User Traffic
Retrieve Parameters Message (all relevant counters) Parameters Response Message (requested counters)
5 6 7 8
Figure Reference Call Flow for Setting and Retrieving SCCH Logging Parameters Traceability: see Test 1.9.1. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Setup a call. c. Instruct the base station to direct the mobile station to use a service configuration with the following values for both the forward and reverse traffic channel: multiplex option 0x3 for SCCH and the service connected as Primary traffic. d. Instruct the base station to send a Set Parameters Message, with all of the counters included in Tables F-9 through F-12 reset to zero. e. Instruct the base station to send a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to the mobile station with the following: assign maximum number of forward and reverse Supplemental Code Channels allowed by the multiplex option (specified in step c) as shown in Table, infinite duration, and REV_DTX_DURATION set to 1111.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Table Maximum Number of SCCHs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Multiplex Option Rate Set 1 0x3 0x5 0x7 0x9 0xb 0xd 0xf Rate Set 2 0x4 0x6 0x8 0xa 0xc 0xe 0x10
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Ensure user communication in both direction proceeds for a sufficient duration, with sufficient user traffic flow to utilize all of the assigned SCCHs. During this period, record at the base station the number of frames of each type sent by the base station and received by the base station.
g. Instruct the base station to send a Retrieve Parameters Message and query the mobile station for all of the counters listed in Tables F-9 through F-12. h. Upon receiving the Parameter Response Message from the mobile station, verify the following: 1) SCCH1_FOR_P and SCCH1_REV_P are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station. 2) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. i. Repeat steps c through h for various allowed multiplex options (for both rate set 1 and rate set 2) to provide different number of SCCHs as shown in Table, also instructing the base station to assign the maximum number of SCCHs allowed by the multiplex option assigned. The expected results are as follows:
1) SCCH1_FOR_P through SCCHi_FOR_P are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station, and if i < 7, SCCHi+1_FOR_P through SCCH7_FOR_P are set to a value of zero, where i is the number of SCCHs assigned by the Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. 2) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. j. Repeat steps c through i with the service connected as Secondary traffic instead of as Primary Traffic. The expected results are as follows:
1) SCCH1_FOR_S through SCCHi_FOR_S are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station, and if i < 7, SCCHi+1_FOR_S through SCCH7_FOR_S are set to a value of zero, where i is the number of SCCHs assigned by the Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. 2) All other parameters queried have a value of zero.
TIA-898 Minimum Requirements The mobile station shall correctly update all expected Supplemental Code Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel. Furthermore, the parameters not expected to be updated shall have values of zero upon being retrieved by the base station. 1.9.5 Logging of Supplemental Channel Related Parameters Definition This test verifies the mobile station correctly updates the Supplemental Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel.
MS Traffic Service Connect Message (SCR) Set Parameters Message (set all relevant counters to zero) BS Traffic
1 2 3 4
6 7 8
User Traffic
Retrieve Parameters Message (all relevant counters) Parameters Response Message (requested counters)
9 10 11
Figure Reference Call Flow for Setting and Retrieving SCH Logging Parameters Traceability: see Test 1.9.1. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 1.1.2-1. b. Setup a call. c. Instruct the base station to direct the mobile station to use a service configuration with the following values for both the forward and reverse traffic channel: multiplex option 0x3 for SCH_0 and the service connected as Primary traffic. d. Instruct the base station to send a Set Parameters Message, with all of the counters included in Tables F-9 through F-12 reset to zero. e. Instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to the mobile station with the following setup: assign forward and reverse
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
TIA-898 SCH0 with the maximum rate allowed by the multiplex option (specified in step c) as shown in Table, infinite duration, and REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION set to 1111. Table SCH Data Rate (kbps) Rate Set 1 Rate Set 2 Rate Set 1 Multiplex Option Rate Set 2
1 2 3 4
MuxPDU MuxPDU Type 3 MuxPDU MuxPDU Type 3 Type 1 single double Type 2 single double 1x 2x 4x 8x 16x
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Ensure user communication in both the forward and reverse traffic channel proceeds for a sufficient duration, with sufficient user traffic flow to utilize maximum assigned rate of the SCH_0. During this period, record at the base station the number of frames of each type sent by the base station and received by the base station.
g. Instruct the base station to send a Retrieve Parameters Message and query the mobile station for all of the counters included in Tables F-9 through F-12. h. Upon receiving the Parameter Response Message from the mobile station, verify the following: 1) SCH1_FOR_1X and SCH1_REV_1X are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station. 2) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. i. Repeat steps c through h for various allowed multiplex options (for both rate set 1 and rate set 2) for SCH_0 to provide different maximum data rates as shown in Table The expected results are as follows:
1) SCH1_FOR_iX and SCH1_REV_iX are set to a value larger than zero and their value matches those recorded by the base station, where i corresponds to 2, 4, 8, or 16 based on whether the maximum allowed rate is 2X, 4X, 8X, or 16X. 2) The counters SCH1_FOR_LTU and SCH1_REV_LTU are set to a value that is a multiple of the corresponding SCH1_FOR_iX and SCH1_REV_iX, respectively, counter value as per Table
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3) All other parameters queried have a value of zero. j. Repeat steps c through i for SCH_1 assigned instead of SCH_0. The expected results are as given in step h and i with the following modifications:
1) The expected values for SCH_1 counters are as given for SCH_0 in steps h and i 2) The expected values for SCH_0 counters are as given for SCH_1 in steps h and i. k. Repeat steps c through i for both SCH_0 and SCH_1 assigned simultaneously. The expected results are as given in step h and i with the following modifications: 1) The expected values for SCH_1 counters are as given for SCH_0 in steps h and i. l. Steps c through k can be repeated with the service connected as Secondary Traffic instead of as Primary Traffic. The expected results are exactly as given in step h, i, j, and k.
13 14 15 16 17 18 Minimum Requirements The mobile station shall correctly update all expected Supplemental Channel related counters for both the forward and reverse traffic channel. The parameters not expected to be updated have value of zero upon being retrieved by the base station.
1.10 SYNC Channel Support 1.10.1 Definition This test verifies that the mobile station of MOB_P_REV=6 is able to respond correctly to the EXT_CDMA_FREQ field of SYNC Channel Message sent by the base station if any and tune to appropriate CDMA channel and acquire the system successfully. Traceability: (See [4]); Sync Channel Acquisition Substate Sync Channel Message 1.10.2 Method of Measurement MS (MOB_P_REV = 6, neither QPCH nor RC > 2 is supported)
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
29 30
TIA-898 BS (P_REV<6) a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.10.2-1. Set PILOT_INC to 1.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 1.10.2-1 Basic Setup for Air Interface Tests, Single Base Station b. At the base station, Set Pilot PN offset to a certain value. c. Configure the base station to send a Sync Channel Message withCDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 1. d. Verify that the mobile station stays on CDMA channel 1. e. Set up a mobile station originated voice call and verify audio in both directions. f. End the call.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 BS (P_REV=6, neither QPCH nor RC>2 is supported) a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.10.2-1. Set PILOT_INC to 1. b. At the base station, Set Pilot PN offset to an arbitrary value. c. Configure the base station to send a Sync Channel Message with CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 1 and EXT_CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 2 (a different frequency than CDMA channel 1). d. Verify that the mobile station stays on CDMA channel 1. e. Set up a mobile station originated voice call and verify audio in both directions. f. End the call.
TIA-898 BS (P_REV=6, QPCH or RC>2 (or both) is supported) a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.10.2-1. Set PILOT_INC to 1. b. At the base station, Set Pilot PN offset to an arbitrary value. c. Configure the base station to send a Sync Channel Message with CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 1 and EXT_CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 2 (a different frequency than CDMA channel 1). d. Verify that the mobile station stays on CDMA channel 1. e. Set up a mobile station originated voice call and verify audio in both directions. f. End the call.
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12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Case 2.1: BS (P_REV<6) a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.10.2-1. Set PILOT_INC to 1. b. At the base station, Set Pilot PN offset to an arbitrary value. c. Configure the base station to send a Sync Channel Message with CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 1. d. Verify that the mobile station stays on CDMA channel 1. e. Set up a mobile station originated voice call and verify audio in both directions. f. End the call.
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 BS (P_REV=6, neither QPCH nor RC>2 is supported) a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.10.2-1. Set PILOT_INC to 1. b. At the base station, Set Pilot PN offset to an arbitrary value. c. Configure the base station to send a Sync Channel Message withCDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 1 and EXT_CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 2 (a different frequency than CDMA channel 1). d. Verify that the mobile station stays on CDMA channel 1. e. Set up a mobile station originated voice call and verify audio in both directions. f. End the call.
TIA-898 BS (P_REV=6, QPCH or RC>2 is supported) a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 1.10.2-1. Set PILOT_INC to 1. b. At the base station, Set Pilot PN offset to an arbitrary value. c. Configure the base station to send a Sync Channel Message with CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 1 and EXT_CDMA_FREQ set to CDMA Channel 2 (a frequency where QPCH or RC>2 is supported - whichever feature is supported by the mobile station). d. Verify that the mobile station tunes to CDMA channel 2 and acquire the system. e. Set up a mobile station originated voice call and verify audio in both directions. f. End the call.
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1.10.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall tune to the correct CDMA channel as specified in the EXT_CDMA_FREQ field of the Sync Channel Message if applicable.
1 2 3
POTS TESTS Table 2-1 POTS Tests Test No. Title Mobile station originated call Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Radio Link Failure During Conversation - Reverse Link Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Radio Link Failure During Conversation - Forward Link Mobile station originated call, Test Service Options Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Busy Tone Mobile Station to Land Party Call, No TCH Resources Available Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Reverse Link Failure During Call Setup Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Forward Link Failure During Call Setup Mobile Station Terminated Call Mobile Station terminated Call, Test Service Options Land Party to Mobile Station Call, Mobile Operating in Slotted Mode MSID, MCC, and IMSI TMSI Assignment TMSI Expiration Time (CDMA 1900) Mobile Station to Land Party Call, DTMF Forward Traffic Channel DTMF Tone Signaling Enhanced DTMF Signaling Channel Assignment from CDMA to AMPS PACA Origination, User Terminates While Still in Queue PACA Origination, Idle Handoff While in Queue PACA Origination, Traffic Channel Becomes Available PACA Origination, Features Interaction PACA Origination, Permanent Invocation PACA Origination, PACA Disabled for Mobile Station True IMSI Support Initial Service Configuration and Negotiation Base Station Requested Service Negotiation (Successful Scenarios)
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27
TIA-898 Table 2-1 POTS Tests Continued 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 Base Station Reject Scenarios during Service Negotiation Mobile Station Reject Scenarios during Service Negotiation Service Negotiation Completion via General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message SCR without NN-SCR and NN-SCR without SCR in General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message Base Station Request Overrides the Mobile Station Request Service Negotiation Involving Partial SCR and/or Partial NN-SCR Quasi-Orthogonal Functions (QOF) assignment Release Order on Access Channel
1 2
2.1 2.1.1
2 3 4 5
This test verifies that the mobile station can initiate a call to a land party, using a combination of forward and reverse radio configurations (RC), listed as follows: Forward Channel RC1 RC2 RC 3 RC 4 RC 5 Reverse Channel RC1 RC2 RC 3 RC 3 RC 4
Once user traffic is present in both directions, the called party shall initiate release of the call.
MS Origination Message Extended Channel Assignment Message Begin sending Null Traffic on F-FCH BS
Initiate a call
Preamble BS ACK Order Begin sending Null Traffic on R-FCH Service Connect Message Aquire preamble
Service Connect Completion Message Applies ring back tone in audio path or AWI Message Removes ring back tone from audio path or AWI Message Answer Call
Figure 2.1.1-1 Reference Call Flow for mobile station Originated Voice Call from a Land Party Call
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Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.7.3 3.6.4 3.7.4 2.1.2 Mobile Station Origination Operation System Access State Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State Origination Message Service Option Control Message Orders Response to Origination Message Traffic Channel Processing Extended Channel Assignment Message Alert With Information Message Service Connect Message Orders Signal
17 18 19 20
Method of Measurement
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1.
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Figure 2.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Mobile Station Originated Voice Call to a Land Party Call Test Table 2.1.2-1 Call Setup Test Signal Channel Levels POTS Signal Channel or Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Forward Channel Level (RC 1, 3, 4) -75 dBm/1.23 MHz -7 dB -15.6 dB Forward Channel Level (RC 2, 5) -75 dBm/1.23 MHz -7 dB -12.3 dB
TIA-898 b. Setup a mobile station originated call with RC1 on both the forward and reverse links. Note that for calls with RC3 or greater the parameters of the Origination Message shall be set as follows: Fields ENHANCED_RC FOR _RC_PREF REV_ RC_PREF
5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4
c. Instruct the base station to accept the call and assign a traffic channel with RC1 on both forward link and reverse link. Note for RC3 and greater, verify the base station sends the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the following parameters set as follows: Field ASSIGN_MODE FOR_FCH_RC or FOR_RC REV_FCH_RC or FCH_RC Parameters Setting 000 (Traffic Channel Assignment) or 100 ( Enhanced Traffic Channel Assignment) 011 (RC 3)
011(RC 3)
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d. When ring back tone is applied to the audio path, if applicable, instruct the called party to go off hook. e. Verify that the RC1 is used on both forward link and reverse link and verify the user traffic (Ex. audio) on the both directions. f. Instruct the called party to terminate the call.
g. Repeat steps b through f with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC2 on both the forward and reverse links. h. Repeat steps b through f with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC3 on both the forward and reverse links. i. j. Repeat steps b through f with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC4 on the forward link and replace RC1 with RC3 on the reverse link. Repeat steps b through f with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC5 on the forward link and replace RC1 with RC4 on the reverse link.
1 2 3 4 5
The call shall be established with user traffic in both directions, by using the radio configurations specified in 2.1.2. Upon the called party terminating the call, the call shall be terminated.
6 7
Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Radio Link Failure During Conversation Reverse Link Definition
8 9 10 11
This test will verify if the reverse radio link is disconnected while a mobile station originated call is active, the base station will detect loss of the reverse link and release the call. Traceability: IS-2000 3.4.2,3.6.4, 2.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. Verify user data in both directions. d. Attenuate the reverse RF link (Attenuator 2 in Figure 2.1.2-1) to cause a loss of the reverse link. e. Verify the following: 1. 2. The base station shall send a Release Order to the mobile station and release all forward traffic channel resources. The mobile station shall enter the System Determination Substate.
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Minimum Standard
The base station shall send a Release Order to the mobile station and release all forward traffic channel resources. The mobile station shall enter the System Determination Substate. 2.3 Mobile Station to Land Party, Radio Link Failure During Conversation - Forward Link Definition
26 27
28 29 30 31
This test will verify if the forward radio link is disabled while a mobile station originated call is active, the mobile station will detect loss of the forward link and release the call. Traceability: (See [4] ), 2.3.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call.
32 33 34
TIA-898 c. Verify user data in both directions. d. Attenuate the forward RF link (Attenuator 1 in Figure 2.1.2-1) to cause a loss of the forward link. e. Verify the following: 1. 2. The mobile station shall disable its transmitter upon receiving a period of (N2m x 20) ms with insufficient signal quality (e.g. bad frames). Upon expiration of the fade timer (i.e. within 5 seconds of loss of the forward link), the mobile station shall declare loss of the forward link and shall enter the System Determination Substate.
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11 12 13 14
Minimum Standard
The call shall be established with audio in both directions. The mobile station shall disable its transmitter and enter the System Determination Substate within five seconds of detecting loss of the forward link. 2.4 2.4.1 Mobile Station Originated Call, Test Service Options Definition This test will verify the mobile station can initiate a call to the land party using each of the supported Test Service Options and that FER on the reverse channel does not exceed a specified value. Traceability: (See [4] ),, IS-126-A 2.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Set test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. c. Setup a mobile station originated call using the first supported Test Service Option from Table
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Service Option 2 9 55 32798 32799 54 Description Mobile Station Rate Set 1 Loopback Service Option Mobile Station Rate Set 2 Loopback Service Option Loopback Service Option (LSO) Mobile Station Rate Set 1 Markov Service Option Mobile Station Rate Set 2 Markov Service Option Markov Service Option (MSO)
TIA-898 Table Test Service Options d. Measure FER on the reverse channel. e. Repeat steps c and d using each Test Service Option supported. 2.4.3 Minimum Standard
1 2 3
4 5 6
For each Test Service Option supported, the mobile station shall originate a call. . FER on the reverse channel shall not exceed the base station FER set point. 2.5 2.5.1 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Busy Tone Definition
8 9 10 11
This test will verify the mobile station successfully receives a busy tone on a call initiated to a busy land party. Traceability: (See [4] ),, 3.7.5, 2.5.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call to a busy land party. c. Verify the following: 1. 2. mobile station receives a Flash With Information Message or in-band tone indicating called-party busy. Mobile Station plays a busy tone to the user.
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A busy tone shall be played to the user by the mobile station. 2.6 2.6.1 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, No Traffic Channel Resources Available Definition
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This test will verify that if there are no traffic channel (FCH or DCCH) resources available to assign the call, the base station will send a Reorder Order or a Release Order to the mobile station. Traceability: (See [4] ),, 3.7.5, 2.6.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Take all voice (TCH) resources out of service or configure the base station to behave in a similar fashion. c. Setup a mobile station originated call. d. Verify the following: 2-8
28 29 30 31 32 33
TIA-898 1. 2. The base station sends a Reorder Order or Release Order to the mobile station. If the base station sends a Reorder Order, the reorder tone sounds as a 480 Hz tone added to a 620 Hz tone repeated in a 250 ms on, 250 ms off cycle. And the mobile station shall enter the Mobile Station Idle State. If the base station sends a Release Order, the mobile station shall enter the Mobile Station Idle State or the System Determination Substate.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9
Minimum Standard
The base station shall send a Reorder Order or a Release Order instead of a (Extended) Channel Assignment Message and the mobile station shall behave as stated in step d of 2.6.2. 2.7 2.7.1 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Reverse Link Failure During Call Setup Definition
11 12 13 14 15
This test will verify that if the reverse radio link is disabled before a mobile station originated call has reached the traffic channel, the base station will fail to acquire the reverse traffic channel and will release the call. Traceability: (See [4] ) 3.4.1,,, 2.7.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. Before the base station sends the (Extended)Channel Assignment Message, attenuate the reverse link (Attenuator 2 in Figure 2.1.2-1) to cause loss of the reverse link. d. Verify the following: 1. 2. 2.7.3 The reverse link transmission is not received by the base station. The base station shall release all traffic channel resources allocated for this call.
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Minimum Standard
Upon detecting loss of reverse link from the mobile station, the base station shall release all traffic channel resources. 2.8 2.8.1 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, Forward Link Failure During Call Setup Definition
29 30 31 32 33
This test verifies that if the forward link is disabled before a mobile station originated call has reached the traffic channel, the mobile station will detect loss of the paging channel, the call will be released, and the mobile station returns to the Mobile Station Idle State. Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.4.3, 2.4.4,
TIA-898 2.8.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. Before the base station sends the (Extended) Channel Assignment Message, attenuate the forward link (Attenuator 1 in Figure 2.1.2-1) to cause loss of the forward link. d. Verify the following: 1. 2. The forward link transmission is not received by the mobile station. Upon declaring loss of the Paging Channel, the mobile station shall disable its transmitter and enter the System Determination Substate.
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12 13 14 15
Minimum Standard
Following attenuation of the forward link, the mobile station shall not receive the (Extended) Channel Assignment Message. The mobile station shall disable its transmitter and enter the Mobile Station Idle State. 2.9 2.9.1 Mobile Station Terminated Call Definition
17 18 19 20
This test verifies that the mobile station can receive a call, using a combination of forward and reverse radio configurations (RC), listed as follows: Forward Channel RC1 RC2 RC 3 RC 4 RC 5 Reverse Channel RC1 RC2 RC 3 RC 3 RC 4
21 22 23
Once the user traffic is present on the both directions, the calling party will initiate release of the call.
MS General Page Message Page Response Message Extended Channel Assignment Message Receive N5m*20ms sufficient signal on F-FCH and begin sending preamble on Reverse Pilot Channel
Initiate a call
Figure 2.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Mobile Station Terminated Voice Call from a Land Party Call Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.7.3 3.6.4 3.7.4 Mobile Station Page Match Operation System Access State Page Response Substate Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State Page Response Message Service Option Control Message Orders Response to Page Response Message Traffic Channel Processing General Page Message Extended Channel Assignment Message Alert With Information Message Service Connect Message Orders Signal
TIA-898 2.9.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1.
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b. Setup a mobile station terminated call. Instruct the base station to assign a traffic channel with RC1 on the both forward link and reverse links. Note for RC3 and greater verify the base station sends the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the following parameters set as follows: Field ASSIGN_MODE FOR_FCH_RC or FOR_RC REV_FCH_RC or REV_RC Parameters Setting 000 (Traffic Channel Assignment) or 100 ( Enhanced Traffic Channel Assignment) 011 (RC 3) 011 (RC 3)
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
When ring back tone is applied to the audio path, if applicable, instruct the mobile station party to answer the call.
d. Verify that the RC1 is used on the both forward link and reverse links and verify the user traffic (Ex. Audio) on the both directions. e. Instruct the calling party to terminate the call. f. Repeat steps b through e with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC3 on both the forward and reverse links.
g. Repeat steps b through e with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC4 on forward link and replace RC1 with RC3 on the reverse link. h. Repeat steps b through e with the following modifications: Replace RC1 with RC5 on the forward link and replace RC1 with RC4 on the reverse link. 2.9.3 Minimum Standard
21 22 23 24
The call shall be established with user traffic present on the both directions, by using the radio configurations specified in 2.9.1. Upon the calling party terminating the call, the call shall be terminated. 2.10 Mobile Station terminated Call, Test Service Options 2.10.1 Definition This test will verify the mobile station can respond to a call initiated using each of the supported Test Service Options and that FER on the reverse channel does not exceed a specified value. Traceability: (See [4] );,, IS-126-A
26 27 28 29 30
TIA-898 2.10.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Set test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. c. Originate a call to the mobile station using the first supported Test Service Option from Table d. Measure FER on the reverse channel. e. Repeat steps c and d using each Test Service Option supported. 2.10.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall successfully terminate (complete) a call on each Test Service Option supported. FER on the reverse channel shall not exceed the base station FER set point. 2.11 Land Party to Mobile Station Call, Mobile Operating in Slotted Mode 2.11.1 Definition This test verifies the mobile station can operate in slotted mode, uses the correct slot cycle, and responds to General Page Message from the base station received in its assigned slot. This test will verify the base station can determine the assigned Paging Channel slots for a mobile station and send a General Page Message in the assigned Paging Channel slot for that mobile station. Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,, 2.11.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Enable Parameter Change registration. c. Disable all other forms of registration. d. Set the MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX of the base station to 2. e. Set the SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX of the mobile station to 0. f. Wait for Parameter Change registration to occur.
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g. Setup a mobile station terminated call with the mobile station in slotted mode. Verify that the base station pages the mobile in the assigned slot of the mobile station, per Table 2.11.3-1. h. Verify user data in both directions. i. j. End call at the mobile station. Set the mobile station SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX to 1, and repeat steps f through i.
k. Set the mobile station SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX to 2, and repeat steps f through i. l. Set the mobile station SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX to 3, and repeat steps f through i.
TIA-898 2.11.3 Minimum Standard The base station pages the mobile station in the appropriate slot and the call shall be established with audio in both directions in all cases. Table 2.11.3-1 Slot Cycle Length Versus Various Values of MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX and SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX Step MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX (Base Station) SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX (Mobile Station) Slot Cycle Index Used 0 1 2 2 3 Slot Cycle Length (seconds) 1.28 2.56 5.12 5.12 10.24
1 2 3 4 5 6
e j k l m
2 2 2 2 3
0 1 2 3 3
2.12 MSID, MCC, and IMSI 2.12.1 Definition These tests verify the protocol of the Mobile Station Identifier number (MSID or MSIN), Mobile Country Code (MCC), and International Mobile Station Identity (IMSI). In each test, certain fields of the Extended System Parameters Message are set at the base station, and/or some corresponding parameters are programmed into the mobile station. Then a call is made, either mobile origination or mobile termination. Finally, the layer 3 messaging log (MDM or base station) is examined for proper Origination Message or Page Response Message. Three instances of PREF_MSID_TYPE are checked. Checks are also made to ensure that the base station uses a valid addressing form for the cases when the MCC and IMSI_11_12 of the mobile station and base station match, do not match or are wildcard values. Traceability: [4] Extended System Parameters Message [4] Extended System Parameters Message [4] Mobile Station Page Match Operation [4] 2.3.1 Mobile Station Identification Number [4] Encoding of IMSI_M_S and IMSI_T_S 11 [4] Table Preferred MSID Types [4] Overhead Information
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TIA-898 2.12.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1, so that the mobile registers and enters the Mobile Station Idle State. b. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 00 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message and make a mobile station originated call and mobile station terminated call (Test 1). c. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 10 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with the same values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile station originated call and mobile station terminated call (Test 2). d. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 10 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with the same value of IMSI_11_12 but with a different value of MCC sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 3). e. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 10 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with the same value of MCC but with a different value of IMSI_11_12 sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 4). f. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 10 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with different values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 than those sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 5).
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g. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 11 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with the same values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile station originated call and mobile station terminated call (Test 6). h. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 11 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with the same value of IMSI_11_12 used in the base station but with a different value of MCC. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 7). i. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 11 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with the same value of MCC but with a different value of IMSI_11_12 sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 8). Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 11 and USE_TMSI to 0 in the Extended System Parameters Message. Program the mobile station with different values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 than those sent in the Extended System Parameters Message by the base station. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 9).
TIA-898 k. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 10, USE_TMSI to 0, MCC to 1111111111(wildcard), and IMSI_11_12 to 1111111(wildcard) in the Extended System Parameters Message. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 10). l. Set PREF_MSID_TYPE to 11, USE_TMSI to 0, MCC to 1111111111 (wildcard), and IMSI_11_12 to 1111111 (wildcard) in the Extended System Parameters Message. Make a mobile originated call and mobile terminated call (Test 11).
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For all tests, the call shall complete normally with audio in each direction. For Test 1, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 000 and send IMSI_S and ESN in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 2, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 010 and shall send IMSI_S (shall not send MCC and IMSI_11_12) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 3, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 010 and shall send MCC and IMSI_S (shall not send IMSI_11_12) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 4, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 010 and shall send IMSI_11_12 and IMSI_S (shall not send MCC) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 5, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 010 and shall send MCC, IMSI_11_12 and IMSI_S in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 6, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 011 and shall send IMSI_S and ESN (shall not send MCC and IMSI_11_12) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 7, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 011 and shall send MCC and IMSI_S and ESN (shall not send IMSI_11_12) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 8, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 011 and shall send IMSI_11_12, IMSI_S and ESN (shall not send MCC) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 9, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 011 and shall send MCC, IMSI_11_12 and IMSI_S and ESN in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 10, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 010 and shall send IMSI_S (but should not send MCC and IMSI_11_12) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. For Test 11, the mobile station shall set its MSID_TYPE to 011 and shall send IMSI_S and ESN (but should not send MCC and IMSI_11_12) in the Origination Message and Page Response Message. 2.13 TMSI Assignment 2.13.1 Definition This test verifies the base station can assign a Temporary Mobile Station Identity (TMSI) to the mobile station, and that mobile-originated and mobile-terminated calls can be performed using the TMSI.
37 38 39 40
TIA-898 Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.3.15,,,, 2.13.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Configure the base station to send the Extended System Parameters Message with values as shown in Table 2.13.2-1. Table 2.13.2-1 Extended System Parameters Message Values for TMSI Tests Field PREF_MSID_TYPE USE_TMSI
8 9 10 11 12 13
2 3 4 5 6 7
c. Enable power on registration. Configure the base station to assign TMSIs. d. Power on the mobile station and wait for power on registration to occur. e. Instruct the base station to send a TMSI Assignment Message to the mobile station with a TMSI Assignment. Verify that the mobile station responds with a TMSI Assignment Completion Message within T56m seconds. f. Setup a mobile station originated call. Upon receiving the Origination Message at the base station, verify the mobile station includes the correct TMSI in the message.
14 15 16 17 18 19
g. End call. h. Setup a call from a land party to the mobile station. Log the General Page Message and verify that the base station includes the correct TMSI in the message. i. End call.
20 21 22
2.13.3 Minimum Standard Both calls shall be successful. The Origination Message in step f and the General Page Message in step h shall contain the TMSI that was assigned in step e. 2.14 TMSI Expiration Time 2.14.1 Definition This test will verify that the mobile station operates properly in conjunction with various TMSI Expiration Times. Traceability: (See [4] );,, 2.14.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Configure the base station to send the Extended System Parameters Message with values as shown in Table 2.13.2-1.
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28 29 30 31
TIA-898 c. Configure the base station to assign TMSI and enable power-up registration. d. Configure the base station TMSI_EXP_TIME. The base station shall set this field in the TMSI Assignment Message to the System Time in units of 80ms x 212 when the TMSI is to expire. e. Power on the mobile station and wait for power-up registration to occur. f. Instruct for the base station to send a TMSI Assignment Message to the mobile station with a TMSI assignment. Verify that the mobile station responds with a TMSI Assignment Completion Message within T56m seconds.
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g. Setup a mobile station originated call. h. Log the Origination Message at the base station and verify the mobile station includes the correct TMSI in the message. i. j. End call. Wait for the TMSI expiration timer to expire. Upon expiration, setup another call. Upon receiving the Origination Message at the base station, verify that the TMSI is no longer included in the message.
k. Power down the mobile station. l. Repeat steps e. through i. with a call from a land party to the mobile station. Upon receiving the General Page Message at the base station, verify that the TMSI is no longer included in the message.
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2.14.3 Minimum Standard Each call in the test shall be successful. The Origination Message and General Page Message shall include the correct TMSI prior to expiration of the TMSI timer. Following the expiration of the TMSI timer, the TMSI shall no longer be included in the messaging. 2.15 Mobile Station to Land Party Call, DTMF 2.15.1 Definition This test will verify mobile station-initiated DTMF tones operate properly during a CDMA call. DTMF tones should be recorded for playback at a later time to verify time on, time off, power level, frequency, and repeatability. Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.15.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station as shown in Figure 2.15.2-1.
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Figure 2.15.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Mobile Station-Initiated DTMF Tones b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. Direct the mobile station to send 0123456789#* as burst DTMF digits while recording the resulting tones. Perform at various speeds/modes and randomize the digit order. Note the order of digits to verify sequential order. d. Record DTMF on length, off length, and digit fields of Send Burst DTMF Message received at the base station. e. If the mobile station supports various values for DTMF on and off lengths, repeat steps b through d for the shortest and longest values. 2.15.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall not send subsequent tone messages until the previous message is acknowledged by the base station. 2.15.4 Frequency Tone frequencies shall be 1.5% of assigned frequencies shown in Table Timing The recorded pulse width shall be within 10% of the recommended pulse width for each DTMF_ON_LENGTH tested. The recorded inter-digit interval shall be within 10% of the recommended minimum inter-digit interval for each DTMF_OFF_LENGTH tested. Repeatability The cumulative binary distribution function is used in Table to show various sample levels versus the number of failures expected. Pass/fail criteria are shown in Table
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Table DTMF Assigned Frequencies Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 0 # Low Group (Hz) 697 697 697 770 770 770 852 852 852 941 941 941 High Group (Hz) 1209 1336 1477 1209 1336 1477 1209 1336 1477 1209 1336 1477
2 3 4
Table Cumulative Binomial Distribution Function For 99.95% DTMF Success Rate Number of DTMF Tone Samples n 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 100 95.12% 99.88% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 250 88.25% 99.28% 99.97% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 500 77.88% 97.35% 99.78% 99.99% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 750 68.72% 94.51% 99.34% 99.94% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 1000 60.65% 90.98% 98.56% 99.83% 99.98% 100.00% 100.00%
5 6
Table DTMF Pass/Fail Criteria Number of DTMF Tone Samples 100 250 500 1000 "2 "3 "4 "5 Number of Failures Pass Criteria >2 >3 >4 >5 Number of Failures Fail Criteria
TIA-898 2.16 Forward Traffic Channel DTMF Tone Signaling 2.16.1 Definition The purpose of this test is to verify land party initiated DTMF tones operate properly during a CDMA call. It also ensures sequencing and tone duration of the Send Burst DTMF Message and the Continuous DTMF Tone Order are preserved on the Forward Traffic Channel. Traceability: (See [4] );, 3.7.4-1 2.16.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. Setup a call between the mobile station and the land party DTMF source. c. At the DTMF source, perform the following steps in rapid succession: 1) Press and hold any number key for approximately 5 seconds. 2) Send characters 0123456789#* as burst DTMF messages. Perform at various speeds/modes and randomize the digit order. Note the order of digits to verify sequential order. 3) Press and hold any number key on the keypad for approximately 5 seconds. 4) Again press and hold any number key on the keypad for approximately 5 seconds. d. Using a DTMF detector, verify DTMF tones received at the output of the mobile station. e. If the mobile station supports various values for DTMF on and off lengths, repeat steps b through d for the shortest and longest values. f. Repeat this test for all rate sets supported by the mobile station.
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2.16.3 Minimum Standard a. The base station shall send no subsequent tone message until the previous message was acknowledged by the mobile station. b. The base station shall send a Continuous Tone Order (Start) and a Continuous Tone Order (Stop) for each of the three 5 second key presses. c. The mobile station shall generate the tones in the order and approximate duration transmitted by the base station. Frequency Tone frequencies shall be +/-1.5% of assigned frequencies shown in table Timing DTMF_ON_LENGTH shall be within 10% of tolerance but more than 95 ms. DTMF_OFF_LENGTH shall be within 10% of tolerance but not less than 60 ms. Repeatability Pass/fail criteria are shown in Table
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TIA-898 2.17 Enhanced DTMF Signaling 2.17.1 Definition The purpose of this test is to verify that sequencing and tone duration of the Send Burst DTMF Message and the Continuous DTMF Tone Order are preserved. Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.17.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station as shown in figure 2.15.2-1 b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. Direct the mobile station to perform the following steps in rapid succession: 1) Press and hold any number key on the keypad for approximately 5 seconds. 2) Direct mobile station to send characters 0123456789#* as a burst DTMF message. 3) Press and hold any number key on the keypad for approximately 5 seconds. 4) Again press and hold any number key on the keypad for approximately 5 seconds. d Record the tones produced at the terminated side.
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2.17.3 Minimum Standard a. The mobile station shall send no subsequent tone message until the previous message was acknowledged by the base station. b. The mobile station shall send a Continuous Tone Order (Start) and a Continuous Tone Order (Stop) for each of the three 5 second key presses. c. The base station shall generate the tones in the order and approximate duration transmitted by the mobile station. 2.18 Channel Assignment from CDMA to AMPS 2.18.1 Definition This test will verify that a base station assigns a mobile station to AMPS when no CDMA traffic channels are available. Traceability: (See [4] );, 2.18.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.18.2-1.
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b. Take all CDMA traffic channel radio resources out of service or configure the base station to behave in a similar fashion. c. Setup a mobile station originated call. d. Verify that the base station sends a Channel Assignment Message with ASSIGN_MODE=011 to assign the mobile station an analog voice channel or with ASSIGN_MODE=010 to acquire the analog system. e. Verify the mobile station acquires the AMPS system. f. Verify user data in both directions.
g. End call. 2.18.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall be assigned to AMPS when no CDMA traffic channels are available. 2.19 PACA Origination, User Terminates While Still In Queue 2.19.1 Definition This test verifies that a PACA-capable mobile station, upon failure to originate a call due to lack of available voice/traffic channels, shall re-attempt the origination using the PACA feature code. It verifies that a currently queued mobile station properly informs base station when user aborts waiting for traffic channel. Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.6.2,,,,, 2.19.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1.
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TIA-898 b. At base station, enable PACA feature for mobile station, assign a PACA priority level to the mobile station, and disable Permanent Invocation PACA for the mobile station. c. If the mobile station is capable of Slotted Mode, verify that the mobile station is operating in the Slotted Mode. d. Ensure PACA is enabled on base station. e. Configure the base station to make all traffic channels busy. f. Setup a mobile station originated call.
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g. Verify the following: 1) Mobile station originates call with PACA_REORIG bit='0' in Origination Message. 2) Base station replies with Reorder Order. 3) Mobile station retries the origination with the PACA_REORIG bit='1' in the Origination Message. 4) Base station sends PACA Message with PURPOSE='0000' and the mobile stations Queue Position (Q_POS). 5) Mobile station acknowledges PACA Message. h. The mobile station user interface should indicate the origination has been successfully queued. i. j. Verify the mobile station remains in non-slotted mode. End call to terminate queued origination. Verify that the mobile station sends a PACA Cancel Message to the base station.
k. Verify the mobile station enters slotted mode if applicable. 2.19.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station user interface should indicate to the user that the call has been ended. Upon failure of first origination, mobile station shall attempt a second origination with PACA feature code. When successfully entered in the PACA queue, mobile station shall indicate this state to the user via user interface. The mobile station shall inform the base station via a PACA Cancel Message when the user manually terminates queuing wait. Verify the mobile station sends PACA Cancel Message to the base station. 2.20 PACA Origination, Idle Handoff While in Queue 2.20.1 Definition This test verifies that a PACA-capable mobile station already in a PACA queue shall reoriginate the PACA request when the mobile station performs an idle handoff. Traceability: (See [4] );,,,, 2.20.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base stations and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1.
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Figure 2.20.2-1 Functional Setup for Idle Handoff PACA Test b. At the base station, enable PACA feature for mobile station, assign a PACA priority level to mobile station, and disable Permanent Invocation PACA for mobile station. c. Ensure PACA is enabled on both base stations. d. Configure both base stations to make all traffic channels busy. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. The mobile station user interface should indicate origination successfully queued.
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g. Force an idle handoff from base station #1 to base station #2. h. Verify the mobile station reoriginates the PACA request with PACA_REORIG='1'. i. j. Verify a PACA Message is received from base station #2 indicating the mobile stations position in the PACA queue of base station #2. On the mobile station, originate a new call while still queued.
k. The mobile station user interface should indicate to the user that the first PACA call has been cancelled.
TIA-898 2.20.3 Minimum Standard After the idle handoff, the mobile station shall send an Origination Message with the PACA_REORIG bit='1'. When the user originates a second call while currently queued for the first call, the mobile station should indicate to the user that the first queued PACA call has been cancelled. 2.21 PACA Origination, Traffic Channel Becomes Available 2.21.1 Definition This test verifies that a currently PACA queued mobile station, when notified by the base station of an available traffic channel, should properly alert the user that the origination can now be completed. Traceability: (See [4] );,,, 2.21.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. At the base station, enable PACA feature for mobile station, assign a PACA priority level to the mobile station, and disable Permanent Invocation PACA for the mobile station. c. Ensure PACA is enabled on base station. d. Configure the base station to make busy all traffic channels. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. If supported by the mobile station, verify that the mobile station user interface indicates that an origination has been successfully queued.
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g. Make at least one traffic channel available on base station. h. The base station shall page the mobile station, and the mobile station should indicate to the user that the PACA call is proceeding. i. j. Verify the call is completed and audio is present in both directions. End call.
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2.21.3 Minimum Standard Upon a page from the base station due to a traffic channel becoming available, the mobile station should alert the user that the origination can now be completed. The call shall be completed. 2.22 PACA Origination, Features Interaction 2.22.1 Definition This test verifies that specific paging channel features, such as SMS and MWI, are delivered to the mobile station while the mobile station is currently in a PACA queue. Traceability: (See [4] );,,,
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TIA-898 2.22.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. At the base station, enable PACA feature for mobile station, assign a PACA priority level to the mobile station, and disable Permanent Invocation PACA for the mobile station. c. Ensure PACA is enabled on base station. d. Configure the base station to make all traffic channels busy. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. Verify the mobile station user interface indicates that an origination has been successfully queued.
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g. Send an SMS message over the Paging Channel to the mobile station. Verify the message is received properly by the mobile station. h. Configure base station to send MWI to the mobile station. Verify MWI is displayed by the mobile station. i. End call.
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2.22.3 Minimum Standard While in a PACA queue, the mobile station shall properly receive SMS messages over the Paging Channel, as well as receive and display the MWI. 2.23 PACA Origination, Permanent Invocation 2.23.1 Definition This test verifies that a PACA-capable mobile station with Permanent Invocation feature enabled shall be placed in PACA queue even if PACA is not requested in Origination Message. Traceability: (See [4] );,,, 2.23.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. At the base station, enable PACA feature for mobile station, assign a PACA priority level to the mobile station, and enabled Permanent Invocation PACA for the mobile station. c. Ensure PACA is enabled on the base station. d. Configure the base station to make all traffic channels busy. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. Verify the following: 1) Mobile station originates call with PACA_REORIG bit='0' in Origination Message. 2) Due to Permanent Invocation, base station sends PACA Message with PURPOSE='0000' and the mobile station's Queue Position (Q_POS).
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TIA-898 3) Mobile station acknowledges PACA Message. g. The mobile station user interface should indicate origination successfully queued. h. Make at least one traffic channel available on the base station. i. j. The base station shall page the mobile station, and the mobile station should indicate to the user that the PACA call is proceeding. Verify call completes and audio is present in both directions.
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k. End call. 2.23.3 Minimum Standard A mobile station origination shall be placed in the PACA queue even though PACA is not requested in Origination Message due to the base station having rights to Permanent Invocation of PACA. 2.24 PACA Origination, PACA Disabled for Mobile Station 2.24.1 Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station disabled for PACA attempts a PACA Origination, the call shall fail. Traceability: (See [4] );,,, 2.24.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. Ensure PACA is enabled on base station. c. At the base station, disable PACA feature for mobile station. d. Configure the base station to make all traffic channels busy. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. Verify the following:
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1) Mobile station originates call with PACA_REORIG bit=0 in Origination Message. 2) Due to lack of available channels, base station replies with a Reorder Order. 3) Mobile station retries the origination with the PACA_REORIG bit = '1' in the Origination Message. 4) A second call re-origination attempt is denied by the base station and a reorder tone is generated at the mobile station. 2.24.3 Minimum Standard The base station shall reject a request for PACA from a mobile station not authorized for PACA. The mobile station shall generate a reorder tone.
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TIA-898 2.25 True IMSI Support 2.25.1 Land Party to Mobile Station Call, Matching MCC and IMSI_11_12 Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.1.3, 2.31,,, True IMSI addressing supported by the base station and mobile station.
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5 6 7 8 Definition This test verifies that the base station pages the mobile station with True IMSI addressing supported by the base station and mobile station when the MCC and IMSI_11_12 of the mobile station match those sent by the base station in the Extended System Parameters Message. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1 b. Ensure the mobile station is programmed with the same values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 used in the base station. Do not use MCC (wild card) value in the base station or mobile station Escape Code. c. Configure the base station to send the Extended System Parameters Message with the value IMSI_T_SUPPORTED=1. d. Enable power on registration. e. Enable authentication. Configure the base station to disallow mobile station terminated calls if authentication fails. f. Power on the mobile station and wait for power on registration to occur.
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g. Initiate a land party to mobile station call. h. Verify user data in both directions and end call at the mobile station. Minimum Standard The call shall be successfully established using the IMSI_T address form. True IMSI addressing supported by the base station with MIN-based addressing supported by the mobile station.
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26 27 28 29 30 Definition This test verifies that the base station pages the mobile station with True IMSI addressing supported by the base station and MIN-based addressing supported by the mobile station when the MCC and IMSI_11_12 of the mobile station match those sent by the base station in the Extended System Parameter Message. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. Ensure the mobile station is programmed with values of MCC set to 310 [for the United States, or other suitable value] or 000 and IMSI_11_12 set to 00.
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TIA-898 c. Configure the base station to send the Extended System Parameters Message with the value IMSI_T_SUPPORTED=1. d. Enable power on registration. e. Enable authentication. Configure the base station to disallow mobile terminated calls if authentication fails. f. Power on the mobile station and wait for power on registration to occur.
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g. Initiate a land party call to the mobile station. h. Verify user data and end call at the mobile station. Minimum Standard The call shall be successfully established using the IMSI_M address form. True IMSI addressing not supported by the base station or the mobile station
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13 14 15 16 Definition This test will verify the base station pages the mobile station when True IMSI addressing is not supported by the base station, when the MCC and IMSI_11_12 of the mobile station match those sent by the base station in the Extended System Parameters Message. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.20.2-1. b. Ensure the mobile station is programmed with the same values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 used in the base station. Do not use MCC (wild card) value in the base station or mobile station Escape Code. c. Configure the base station to send the Extended System Parameters Message with the value IMSI_T_SUPPORTED=0. d. Enable power on registration. e. Enable authentication. Configure the base station to disallow mobile terminated calls if authentication fails. f. Power on the mobile station and wait for power on registration to occur.
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g. Initiate a land party call to the mobile station. h. Verify user data and end call at the mobile station. Minimum Standard The call shall be successfully established using IMSI_M address form.
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TIA-898 2.25.2 Land Party to Mobile Station Call, Different MCC and IMSI_11_12 Definition This test verifies the base station selects one of the valid forms of paging channel address when neither the MCC nor the IMSI_11_12 of the mobile station being addressed match those being sent by the base station in the Extended System Parameters Message. Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown on Figure 2.20.2-1. b. Ensure the mobile station is programmed with different values of MCC and IMSI_11_12 than those used in the base station. Do not use MCC (wild card) value in the base station or mobile station Escape Code. c. Configure the base station to send the Extended System Parameters Message with the value IMSI_T_SUPPORTED=1. d. Enable power on registration. e. Enable authentication. Configure the base station to disallow mobile terminated calls if authentication fails. f. Power on the mobile station and wait for power on registration to occur.
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g. Initiate a land party call to the mobile station. h. Verify user data and end call at the mobile station. Minimum Standard The call shall be successfully established using IMSI_T address form. 2.26 Initial Service Configuration and Negotiation 2.26.1 Definition This test verifies that the initial service configuration in effect is according to the value specified via the GRANTED_MODE field of the Extended Channel Assignment Message.
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MS Common Channels Origination Message / Page Response Message (SO) Extended Channel Assignment Message (GRANTED_MODE) Dedicated Channels
BS Common Channels
Dedicated Channels
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Figure 2.26.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Initial Service Configuration and Negotiation Traceability: (See [4] ); MS Service Configuration and Negotiation procedures Processing the Service Configuration Record Processing the Non-Negotiable Service Configuration Record Traffic Channel Initialization Substate Origination Message Page Response Message (MS) Service Request Message (MS) Service Response Message (MS) Service Connect Completion Message Service Configuration information record BS Service Configuration and Negotiation procedures Extended Channel Assignment Message (BS) Service Request Message (BS) Service Response Message (BS) Service Connect Message General Handoff Direction Message Universal Handoff Direction Message (BS) Service Configuration information record (BS) Non-Negotiable Service Configuration information record
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2.26.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b c Initiate a mobile station originated call. Upon receiving an Origination Message, configure the base station to send an Extended Channel Assignment Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows:
d. Upon establishing dedicated channels, instruct the mobile station to initiate service negotiation to request for a new service configuration. Verify that the mobile station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010. e. Instruct the base station to send a Service Connect Message, with a valid and acceptable Service Configuration Information Record (SCR) and Non-Negotiable Service Configuration Information Record (NN-SCR) to the mobile station. The parameters of SCR and NN-SCR should be set based on the known capabilities of the mobile station under test, such that it is guaranteed the mobile station will accept the service configuration specified by these two information records. f. Verify the following:
1) Prior to the new service configuration sent in the Service Connect Message takes effect, verify the following: The service configuration in use is the one jointly specified by the DEFAULT_CONFIG value sent in the Extended Channel Assignment Message and the default Non-Negotiable part of the service configuration parameters specified in the Traffic Channel Initialization substate. 2) When the new service configuration sent in the Service Connect Message takes effect, verify the following: The service configuration in use is the one specified by SCR and NN-SCR in the Service Connect Message sent by the base station. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. 3) The base station receives a Service Connect Completion Message from the mobile station. g. Repeat steps a through e, but with the following modifications: 1) In step c, instruct the base station to send an Extended Channel Assignment Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows: Field ASSIGN_MODE GRANTED_MODE Value '000' or '100' '01'
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TIA-898 1) Prior to the new service configuration sent in the Service Connect Message takes effect, verify the following: The service configuration in use is the one jointly specified by the default multiplex option and transmission rates corresponding to the service option requested by the mobile station in the Origination Message and the default NonNegotiable part of the service configuration parameters specified in the Traffic Channel Initialization substate. 2) When the new service configuration sent in the Service Connect Message takes effect, verify the following: The service configuration in use is the one specified by SCR and NN-SCR in the Service Connect Message sent by the base station. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. 3) The base station receives a Service Connect Completion Message from the mobile station. i. Repeat steps a through e, but with the following modifications:
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1) In step c, instruct the base station to send an Extended Channel Assignment Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows: Field ASSIGN_MODE GRANTED_MODE Value '000' or '100' '10'
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1) In step c, when the mobile station is instructed to initiate service negotiation to request for a new service configuration, verify that the mobile station does not send a Service Request Message to the base station until a Service Connect Message is received from the base station. 2) Prior to the new service configuration sent in the Service Connect Message takes effect, verify the following: The service configuration in use is the one jointly specified by the default multiplex option and transmission rates corresponding to the service option requested by the mobile station in the Origination Message and the default NonNegotiable part of the service configuration parameters specified in the Traffic Channel Initialization substate. 3) When the new service configuration sent in the Service Connect Message takes effect, verify the following: The service configuration in use is the one specified by SCR and NN-SCR in the Service Connect Message sent by the base station. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. 4) The base station receives a Service Connect Completion Message from the mobile station.
TIA-898 k. Repeat steps a through j for mobile station terminated calls. In this case, Origination Message is replaced by Page Response Message. l. Repeat steps a though k for various values of DEFAULT_CONFIG and various values of default multiplex option and transmission rates corresponding to the service option requested by the mobile station either in the Origination Message or Page Response Message.
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2.26.3 Minimum Standard The initial service configuration in effect, i.e. upon establishing dedicated channels and until a Service Connect Message shall be received from the base station, shall comply with the value specified by the GRANTED_MODE received in the Extended Channel Assignment Message. For GRANTED_MODE = 10, the mobile station shall not initiate service negotiation until the Service Connect Message is received from the base station. When the new service configuration specified by the Service Connect Message takes effect, user communications (Ex. Audio) shall proceed without interruptions in both directions. 2.27 Base Station Requested Service Negotiation (Successful Scenarios) 2.27.1 Definition This test verifies that the base station can request a valid new service configuration during traffic channel operation via service negotiation procedures and this new configuration takes effect upon being accepted by the mobile station. It also verifies that sending a Service Connect Message by the base station, without involving Service Request Message/Service Response Message sequence, for instructing the mobile station to use a new service configuration succeeds.
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MS Dedicated Channels
BS Dedicated Channels
SCR_new/ NN-SCR_new takes effect Service Connect Message (SCR_new, NN-SCR_new) Service Connect Completion Message
Service Request Message (REQ_PURPOSE=0010, SCR_new_2) Service Response Message (RESP_PURPOSE=0000) SCR_new_2/ N-SCR_new_2 takes effect Service Connect Message (SCR_new_2, NN-SCR_new_2) Service Connect Completion Message
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Figure 2.27.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Base Station Requested Service Negotiation Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.27.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station terminated call and establish a service configuration as specified in 2.26.2. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. c. Instruct the base station send a Service Connect Message to the mobile station with a valid and acceptable SCR/NN-SCR. d. Verify the following: The base station receives a Service Connect Completion Message from the mobile station. When the new service configuration takes effect, verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. e. Instruct the base station to initiate service negotiation by sending a Service Request Message, proposing a valid and acceptable service configuration. Verify that the base station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010 to the mobile station.
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TIA-898 f. Instruct the mobile station to accept this service configuration. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Request Message, the mobile station sends a Service Response Message with RESP_PURPOSE set to 0000 to accept this service configuration.
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g. Instruct the base station to accept this service configuration by using a Service Connect Message. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Response Message, the base station sends a Service Connect Message to the mobile station with the accepted SCR and a valid and acceptable NN-SCR. h. Verify the following: The base station receives a Service Connect Completion Message from the mobile station. When the new service configuration takes effect, verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. 2.27.3 Minimum Standard When the new service configuration takes effect, user communications (Ex. Audio) proceeds without interruptions in both directions. Furthermore, when base station sends a Service Connect Message directly to specify a new service configuration, without involving any Service Request Message/Service Response Message sequence, it is considered a valid service negotiation procedure and it succeeds. 2.28 Base Station Reject Scenarios during Service Negotiation 2.28.1 Definition This test verifies that when the base station rejects a service configuration proposed by the mobile station, the mobile station terminates the service negotiation session and the previously in use service configuration remains in effect.
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Dedicated Channels
Dedicated Channels
Service Request Message (SCR_new, REQ_PURPOSE=0010)
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Figure 2.28.1 Reference Call Flow for Base Station Reject Scenarios Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.28.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station terminated call. Upon establishing dedicated channels, instruct the mobile station to initiate service negotiation to request for a new service configuration. Verify that the mobile station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010.
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c. Configure the base station to reject this proposed service configuration and not propose another new service configuration. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Request Message, the base station sends a Service Response Message with RESP_PURPOSE set to 0001.
TIA-898 1) Upon receiving this message, the mobile station terminates this service negotiation session. This can be verified by the following conditions: The mobile station does not a send a Service Connect Completion Message to the base station, The mobile station does not send a Service Response Message to the base station, and The mobile station does not send a Service Request Message to the base station with the same SERV_REQ_SEQ sent in the rejected Service Request Message. 2) The service configuration previously in use (i.e. default service configuration) continues to be in effect without any interruptions.
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e. Instruct the base station to initiate service negotiation by using a Service Request Message. Verify that the base station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010 to mobile station to request for a new service configuration. f. Instruct the mobile station to propose the alternative service configuration. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Request Message, the mobile station sends a Service Response Message with RESP_PURPOSE set to 0010 to the base station.
g. Instruct the base station to reject this service configuration and not propose another service configuration. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Request Message, the base station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0001 to reject the service configuration. h. Verify the following: 1) Upon receiving the Service Request Message from the base station, the mobile station terminates this service negotiation session. This can be verified by the following conditions: The mobile station does not a send a Service Connect Completion Message to the base station, and The mobile station does not send a Service Response Message to the base station. The base station does not send a Service Request Message to the mobile station with the same SERV_REQ_SEQ sent in the rejected Service Request Message. 2) The service configuration previously in use continues to be in effect without any interruptions.
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2.28.3 Minimum Standard If the service configuration is rejected by the base station, both mobile station and base station shall terminate the service negotiation session and the service configuration previously in use shall remain in effect.
TIA-898 2.29 Mobile Station Reject Scenarios during Service Negotiation 2.29.1 Definition This test verifies that when the mobile station rejects a service configuration specified by the base station, the mobile station sends expected signaling messages and the previously in use service configuration remains in effect.
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Dedicated Channels
Dedicated Channels
Service Connect Message (SCR_new, NN-SCR_new)
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Figure 2.29.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Mobile Station Reject Scenarios Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.29.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call and establish a service configuration as specified in 2.26.2. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. c. Instruct the base station to send a Service Connect Message to the mobile station with a valid service configuration that is guaranteed to be unacceptable to the mobile station based on mobile station capability. d. Verify the following: 1) Upon receiving this message, the mobile station sends a Mobile Station Reject Order with ORDQ set to 00000111.
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TIA-898 2) The mobile station does not send a Service Connect Completion Message. 3) The mobile station does not send a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to either 0000 or 0001. 4) The mobile station does not send a Service Response Message with RESP_PURPOSE set to either 0000 or 0001. 5) The service configuration previously in use continues to be in effect without any interruptions. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. 2.29.3 Minimum Standard If the service configuration is rejected by the mobile station, both mobile station and base station shall terminate the service negotiation session. User communication (Ex. Audio) shall proceed without interruptions in both directions. 2.30 Service Negotiation Completion via General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message 2.30.1 Definition This test verifies that in the service negotiation procedures the Service Connect Message can be replaced with a General Handoff Direction Message or a Universal Handoff Direction Message without any change in the outcome of service negotiation.
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Dedicated Channels
Dedicated Channels
Service Request Message (SCR_new, REQ_PURPOSE=0010) Service Response Message (RESP_PURPOSE=0000)
General Handoff Direction Message/ Universal Handoff Direction Message (SCR_INCLUDED, SCR_new, NN-SCR_INCLUDED, NN-SCR_new)
18 19
Figure 2.30.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Using GHDM/UHDM instead of SCM
TIA-898 Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.30.2 Method of Measurement a. Repeat one or more of the tests in section 2.27.2 with the following modifications: In those steps where the base station is sending a Service Connect Message, instead instruct the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message, with both the SCR and NN-SCR included in the message. b. Verify the following: 1) The base station receives a Handoff Completion Message from the mobile station, instead of a Service Connect Completion Message. 2) When the new service configuration takes effect, verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. c. Repeat one or more of the tests in section 2.29.2 with the following modifications: In those steps where the base station is sending a Service Connect Message, instead instruct the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message, with both the SCR and NN-SCR included in the message. d. Verify the following: 1) 2) Verify the base station receives a Mobile Station Reject Order with ORDQ set to 00000111. Verify that the base station does not receive a Handoff Completion Message from the mobile station.
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e. Repeat steps a though d with the following modifications: Instead of sending a General Handoff Direction Message, instruct the base station to send a Universal Handoff Direction Message. f. Verify that all the outcomes are identical to the outcomes when the General Handoff Direction Message was used.
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2.30.3 Minimum Standard Usage of the Universal Handoff Direction Message and General Handoff Direction Message instead of the Service Connect Message shall not change the outcome of service negotiation procedures and the same service configuration shall take effect upon completion of service negotiation procedures. 2.31 SCR without NN-SCR and NN-SCR without SCR in General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message 2.31.1 Definition Partial service configuration information (SCR alone or NN-SCR alone) shall be sent in the General Handoff Direction Message and Universal Handoff Direction Message and the expected service configuration takes effect.
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TIA-898 Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.31.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call and establish a service configuration as specified in 2.26.2. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. c. Instruct the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station with a valid and acceptable SCR included (SCR_INCLUDED=1) and not including a NN-SCR (NNSCR_INCLUDED=0) in the message. d. Once the new service configuration takes effect, verify the following: 1) 2) The part of the service configuration specified by the new SCR takes effect. The part of the service configuration specified by the NN-SCR remains unchanged.
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3) Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. e. Instruct the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station with a valid and acceptable NN-SCR included (NNSCR_INCLUDED=1) and not including a SCR (SCR_INCLUDED=0) in the message. f. Once the new service configuration takes effect, verify the following:
1) The part of the service configuration specified by the new NN-SCR takes effect. 2) The part of the service configuration specified by the SCR remains unchanged. 2) Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. g. Repeat steps a through f with the following modifications: Instead of sending a General Handoff Direction Message, instruct the base station to send a Universal Handoff Direction Message. h. Verify that all the outcomes are identical to the case when the General Handoff Direction Message was sent. 2.31.3 Minimum Standard Partial service configuration information (SCR alone or NN-SCR alone) can be sent in the General Handoff Direction Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message. If the General Handoff Direction Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message does not contain SCR, SCR shall remain unchanged. If the General Handoff Direction Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message does not contain NN-SCR, NN-SCR shall remain unchanged.
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TIA-898 2.32 Base Station Request Overrides the Mobile Station Request 2.32.1 Definition This test verifies that when there is a race-condition between mobile station initiated service negotiation and base station initiated service negotiation, the base station request overrides the mobile station request. Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.32.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call c. Upon receiving an Origination Message, configure the base station to send an Extended Channel Assignment Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows: Field ASSIGN_MODE Value 000 (Traffic Channel Assignment or 100 (Enhanced Traffic Channel Assignment ) 00 (MOBILE STATION is to use an initial service configuration specified by the DEFAULT_CONFIG field and service negotiation may take place before the base station sends the first Service Connect Message)
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d. Upon establishing the traffic channel, instruct the mobile station to initiate service negotiation. Verify that the mobile station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010 to the base station to propose a new service configuration. e. Instruct the base station to ignore this request and instead initiate a new service negotiation session by sending a Service Request Message. Verify that the base station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010. f. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Request Message, the mobile station terminates the service negotiation that it initiated and instead takes part in the service negotiation initiated by the base station, as follows:
1) Verify that the mobile station sends a Service Response Message to the base station to accept, reject, or counter-propose the service configuration. 2) Verify that the mobile station does not send a Service Request Message to the base station.
TIA-898 2.32.3 Minimum Standard When there is a race-condition between mobile station initiated service negotiation and base station initiated service negotiation, the base station request shall override the mobile station request. The mobile station initiated service negotiation session shall terminate and the base station initiated service negotiation session shall proceed normally. 2.33 Service Negotiation Involving Partial SCR and/or Partial NN-SCR 2.33.1 Definition This test verifies that service negotiation can be carried out with only a partial SCR and/or partial NN-SCR and the expected service configuration takes effect. Traceability: (See [4] );,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2.33.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 2.1.2-1. b. Setup a call and establish a service configuration as specified in 2.26.2. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. c. Instruct the base station to initiate service negotiation to change only a subset of service configuration parameters. Verify the following: 1) The base station sends a Service Request Message with REQ_PURPOSE set to 0010 to the mobile station to propose a new service configuration. 2) The service configuration parameters not to be changed are not included in the SCR (Ex. If DCCH related parameters are not to be changed, then DCCH_CC_INCL should be set to 0 and FOR_DCCH_RC, REV_DCCH_RC, and DCCH_FRAME_SIZE will not be included). d. Instruct the mobile station to accept this service configuration. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Request Message, the mobile station sends a Service Response Message with RESP_PURPOSE set to 0000. e. Instruct the base station to accept this service configuration and to send a NN-SCR with only a subset of parameters modified. Verify that, upon receiving the Service Response Message, the base station sends a Service Connect Message with an SCR which contains only the parameters included in SCR sent by the base station (ex. DCCH_CC_INCL=0) and an NN-SCR that only includes a subset of parameters. f. Verify the following: 1) The base station receives a Service Connect Completion Message from the mobile station. 2) When the new service configuration takes effect, verify that for those service configuration parameters not included in the final SCR (Ex. DCCH_CC_INCL=0)
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TIA-898 and NN-SCR sent by the base station their previously in use value continues to be in effect. Verify user traffic (Ex. Audio) on both directions. g. Repeat steps c through f for various combinations of subset of SCR and NN-SCR parameters. 2.33.3 Minimum Standard Service negotiation can be carried out with only a partial SCR and/or partial NN-SCR and the service configuration parameters which are not included in SCR or NN-SCR shall remain unchanged when the new service configuration takes effect. 2.34 Quasi-Orthogonal Functions (QOF) assignment 2.34.1 Definition This test will verify that the base station will assign Quasi-Orthogonal Functions from the Extended Channel Assignment Message. Traceability: (See [4] )-2;, TIA/EIA/(See [4] );,,,,, 2.34.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 2.1.2-1. b. Set up a mobile station originated call. c. Instruct the base station to accept the call and assign a traffic channel with RC3 on both the forward and reverse link. Verify the base station sends the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the following parameters set as shown in Table 2.34.2-1. Table 2.34.2-1 ECAM Parameters Field ASSIGN_MODE CH_IND PILOT_REC_TYPE QOF_MASK_ID_FCH FOR_RC REV_RC
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Parameters Setting 100 (Enhanced Traffic Channel Assignment) 01 (Indicating FCH Assignment) 000 (Transmit Diversity Pilot) 00 through 11 (QOF Masks) 011 (RC 3) through 101 (RC 5) 011(RC 3) through 101 (RC 5)
d. Verify user data is present in both directions. e. End the call. f. Repeat steps b through d for various QOF assignments and radio configurations.
TIA-898 2.34.3 Minimum Standard Each call in the test shall be successful. The Extended Channel Assignment Message shall successfully configure QOF mask in the mobile station for the fundamental channel. 2.35 Release Order on Access Channel 2.35.1 Definition This test verifies that the mobile station can send a Release Order on the Access Channel, and that the base station acknowledges it. The Release Order is sent when the mobile station user hits the END key while waiting for a call to connect, but has not been assigned a dedicated channel yet. Traceability: [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [3] 3.6.3 Access Channel Processing Response to Orders 2.6.3 System Access State System Access State Exit Procedures Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Overview of Transmission and Retransmission Procedures
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2.35.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station in the simple configuration of figure 2.1.2-1, and allow the mobile station to register and prepare for a normal call. b. Power up the mobile station and wait for registration to occur c. Configure the base station to not send a Channel Assignment Message or Extended Channel Assignment Message, after receiving an Origination Message from a mobile station. d. Attempt a mobile station originated call. After the mobile station has sent its Origination Message and while it is waiting in the Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate, hit the END button, or otherwise cause the mobile station to send a Release Order. 2.35.3 Minimum Standard After the Origination Message is sent but before a Channel Assignment Message or Extended Channel Assignment Message is received, the mobile station shall send a Release Order on the Access Channel. The base station shall acknowledge the message and shall not send a (Extended) Channel Assignment Message..
TIA-898 No text
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Test No. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17
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Title Soft Handoff with Dynamic Threshold Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in the Same Band Class Hard Handoff from CDMA to AMPS Soft Handoff in Fading Hard Handoff in Fading Hard Handoff Between Different Band Classes Hard Handoff with and without Return on Failure Search Window per Neighbor Access Handoffs Traffic Channel Preamble during Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in the Same Band Class Hopping Pilot Beacon Hard Handoff Between Frequencies with Different Radio Configurations Handoff on Same Frequency with Different Radio Configurations Hard Handoff while in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to CDMA) Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to AMPS) Hard Handoff Between Frequencies with Different Protocol Revisions
3.1 3.1.1
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This test verifies the mobile station and base station perform soft handoff. Soft handoff with and without dynamic thresholds is verified. This test verifies both adding pilot to and dropping pilot from the soft handoff Active Set. Traceability: (See [4] ) Extended System Parameters Message Processing the In-Traffic System Parameters Message Handoff Drop Timer Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Processing of Reverse Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Maintenance of the Candidate Set Maintenance of the Neighbor Set Restoring the Configuration
1 2 3 4 5 6 Examples Pilot Strength Measurement Message System Parameters Extended System Parameters Message In-Traffic System Parameters Message General Handoff Direction Message 3.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from sector of base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from sector of base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P3 and is called Channel 3. b. Set the test parameters for Test 1 as specified in Table 3.1.2-1 and Table 3.1.2-2. c. Reverse link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). d. Setup a mobile station originated call. e. Verify user data in both directions. Verify only Channel 1 is in the active set. f. Raise the level of Channel 2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of five seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel 2. Verify this occurs when Channel 2 Pilot Ec/Io is approximately -11 dB and or2/Ioc is approximately 3 dB.
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g. Verify the following: The base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station. Channel 1 and Channel 2 are in the active set at the action time of the message. The mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
h. Set test parameters as specified in Table 3.1.2-3 while Channel 1 and Channel 2 are in soft handoff. Raise the level of Channel 3 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of five seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel 3. Verify this occurs when Channel 3 Pilot Ec/Io is approximately 11 dB and or3/Ioc is approximately 6 dB.
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Figure 3.1.2-1 Functional Test Setup for Testing Soft Handoff with Dynamic Threshold Table 3.1.2-1 Soft Handoff with Dynamic Threshold Test Parameters - T_ADD, T_DROP, T_TDROP, ADD_INTERCEPTs, DROP_INTERCEPTs, SOFT_SLOPEs Parameter SOFT_SLOPE ADD_INTERCEPT DROP_INTERCEPT T_ADD T_DROP T_TDROP Test 1 010000 (2) 000110 (3 dB) 000010 (1 dB) 100000 (-16 dB) 100100 (-18 dB) 0011 (4s) Test 2 000000 (0) 000000 (0 dB) 000000 (0 dB) 011100 (-14 dB) 100000 (-16 dB) 0011 (4s)
Table 3.1.2-2 Dynamic Add Test One Pilot Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit 7 -5 -7 -75 -5.8 -33 -33 Channel 1 Channel 2 -20 -5 -7 Channel 3 -20 -5 -7
2 3
Table 3.1.2-3 Dynamic Add Test Two Pilots Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit 7 -5 -7 -75 -8.4 -8.4 -35 Channel 1 7 -5 -7 Channel 2 Channel 3 -20 -5 -7
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Verify the following: The base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message. Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3 are in the active set at the action time of the message. The mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station. Table 3.1.2-4 Dynamic Drop Test - Three Pilots
Channel 1 7
Channel 2 7
Channel 3
-5 -7 -75 -10.1
-5 -7
-5 -7
Set the test parameters in Table 3.1.2-4 while Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3 are in soft handoff. Lower the level of Channel 3 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 30 seconds until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement
TIA-898 Message. Record the level of Channel 3. Verify this occurs when channel 3 Pilot Ec/Io is approximately -13.0 dB and or3/Ioc is approximately 4 dB. k. Verify the following: l. The base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message. Channel 1 and Channel 2 are in the active set at the action time of the message. The mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
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Set test parameters as specified in Table 3.1.2-5. Lower level of Channel 2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 30 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel 2. Verify this occurs when channel 2 Pilot Ec/Io is approximately 13 dB and or2/Ioc is approximately 0 dB.
m. Verify the following: Base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message. Only Channel 1 is in the active set at the action time of the message. Mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station. Table 3.1.2-5 Dynamic Drop Test - Two Pilots Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 7 -5 -7 -75 -8.4 -8.4 -35 Channel 2 7 -5 -7 Channel 3 -20 -5 -7
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n. End call. o. Set the test parameters for Test 2 as specified in Table 3.1.2-1 and Table 3.1.2-2. p. Setup a mobile station originated call and Repeat steps e thru n. The expected results should be identical to the results above except in steps f, h, j, & l the Pilot Ec/Io level at which point the mobile station generates a Pilot Strength Measurement Message will be per the requirements of no dynamic thresholds. q. Steps f through p can be repeated for various P_REV_IN_USE values. The expected results should be identical to the results above with the following differences: When P_REV_IN_USE is less than 4, test 1 (dynamic thresholds) is not applicable. When P_REV_IN_USE is less than 6, in steps g, i, k, & m: Universal Handoff Direction Message is not generated.
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The mobile station shall send an autonomous Pilot Strength Measurement Message as a message requiring an acknowledgment and containing measurements consistent with the event whenever any of the following events occur: If P_REV_IN_USEs is greater than three and SOFT_SLOPEs is not equal to 000000, then in step f, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 2 is at a level between 10 dB and 13 dB. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff with channel 2.
In step h, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 3 is at a level between 10 dB and 13 dB . The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff with channel 3. In step j, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 3 is at a level between 12 dB and 16 dB for a period of T_TDROP. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to drop channel 3 from the active set. In step l, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 2 is at a level of 11 dB and 14 dB for a period of T_TDROP. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to drop channel 2 from the active set. If P_REV_IN_USEs is less than or equal to three or SOFT_SLOPEs is equal to 000000, then in step f, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 2 is at a level between T_ADD and T_ADD +2 dB. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff with channel 2.
In step h, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 3 is at a level between T_ADD and T_ADD +2 dB. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff with channel 3. In step j, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 3 is at a level between T_DROP and T_DROP 3 dB for a period of T_TDROP. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to drop channel 3 from the active set.
TIA-898 In step l, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the level of channel 2 is at a level of T_DROP and T_DROP 3 dB for a period of T_TDROP. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message to drop channel 2 from the active set. 3.2 3.2.1 Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in the Same Band Class Definition
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This test verifies the mobile station and base station perform hard handoff between different CDMA channels in the same band class. Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff 3.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. Setup base station #2 to be on a different CDMA channel than base station #1, but within the same band class. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The AWGN source should be on the frequency of Channel 2. (It is advisable to achieve the maximum possible difference in frequency separation between Channel 1 and Channel 2).
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b. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.2.2-1. Table 3.2.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dBm dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 N/A -7 -7 N/A -7 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 2
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c. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). d. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1.
TIA-898 e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Instruct base station #1 to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. Verify base station #1 sends a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2.
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g. Upon receiving a Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message at the mobile station, verify the following: Only Channel 2 is in the active set at the action time of the message. Mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
h. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present. Verify that any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. i. This test can be repeated for the case where it is a hard handoff to soft handoff on the same frequency with the following setup (see Figure 3.1.2-1: one base station configured with two sectors active): The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. j. 3.2.3 The Forward Channel from sector of base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The Forward Channel from sector of base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P3 and is called Channel 3. The expected results are as given for the previous test.
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Minimum Standard
The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the hard handoffs. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. Table 3.2.3-1 Limits of Audio Dropouts During Hard Handoff Handoff Type CDMA to AMPS CDMA-CDMA, different frequency, same base station CDMA-CDMA, different frequency, different base station CDMA-CDMA, same frequency Maximum Duration (ms) 350 440 Typical Duration (ms) 250 260
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This test verifies the mobile station and base station perform hard hand off from a CDMA system to an AMPS system. Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff CDMA-to-Analog Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff 3.3.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect two base stations and an AWGN source to the mobile station as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. For the purpose of this test, Channel 1 is CDMA and Channel 2 is AMPS. b. Set the test parameters as shown in Tables 3.3.2-1 and 3.3.2-2. Table 3.3.2-1 Hard Handoff to AMPS, CDMA Test Parameters CDMA Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz Unit 0 -7 -7 -75 Channel 1
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Table 3.3.2-2 Hard Handoff to AMPS, Analog Test Parameters Analog Parameter Voice Channel Co-Channel Interference dBm dB Unit Channel 2 -73 -18
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c. Reverse link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). d. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Instruct the CDMA base station to initiate handoff to AMPS. Verify the CDMA base station sends an Analog Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff to AMPS.
g. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. h. Verify the mobile station is no longer present in the CDMA system.
1 2 3 4
The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoff transition. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.4.3-1. 3.4 3.4.1 Soft Handoff in Fading Definition verifies soft handoff under various fading conditions: Ray Rayleigh fading at 30 km/hr Ray Rayleigh fading at 100 km/hr Ray Rayleigh fading at 3 km/hr
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
This test 1 3 1
Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages Soft Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff Soft Handoff 3.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.4.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2.
17 18 19 20 21 22
2 3 4 5
Figure 3.4.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Soft Handoff in Fading b. Set the test parameters as specified in Table 3.4.2-1. Table 3.4.2-1 Faded Soft Handoff Test Parameters - T_ADD Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit 0 -7 -7 -75 -10.2 Channel 1 Channel 2 -10 -7 -7 -75 -20.2
6 7
c. Reverse link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB).
TIA-898 d. Set both channel simulators to one Ray Rayleigh, 30 km/hr. e. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. Monitor two-way audio and note anomalies throughout the test. f. Raise the level of Channel 2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Verify the following: Pilot Strength Measurement Message is generated when the channel 2 Pilot Ec/Io is at a level above T_ADD. Base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station. Channel 1 and Channel 2 are in the active set at the action time of the message. Mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
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g. Set the test parameters as specified in Table 3.4.2-2 without dropping the call. Table 3.4.2-2 Soft Handoff Test Parameters - T_DROP Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit 0 -7 -7 -75 -11.8 Channel 1 0 -7 -7 -75 -11.8 Channel 2
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h. Lower the level of Channel 1 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 8 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Verify the following: i. Pilot Strength Measurement Message is generated when Channel 1 is at a Pilot Ec/Io level below T_DROP for a period of TT_DROP. Base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station. Only Channel 2 is in the active set at the action time of the message. Mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station. Set the levels as specified in Table 3.4.2-3.
Table 3.4.2-3 Soft Handoff Levels Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 -10 -7 -7 -75 -20.2 0 -7 -7 -75 -10.2 Channel 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Raise the level of Channel 1 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Verify the following: Pilot Strength Measurement Message is generated when the channel 1 Pilot Ec/Io is at a level above T_ADD. Base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station. Channel 1 and Channel 2 are in the active set at the action time of the message. Mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
k. Set the levels as specified in Table 3.4.2-4. l. Lower the level of Channel 2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 8 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Verify the following: Pilot Strength Measurement Message is generated when the Channel 2 is at a Pilot Ec/Io level below T_DROP for a period of TT_DROP. Base station sends an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message to the mobile station. Only Channel 1 is in the active set at the action time of the message. Mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
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m. Repeat steps a through l under 3 Ray Rayleigh fading at 100 km/hr fading condition as specified in table 3.4.2-4.
Table 3.4.2-4 Soft Handoff Test Parameters - 100 km/hr Parameter Vehicle Speed Number of Paths Path 2 Power (Relative to Path 1) Path 3 Power (Relative to Path 1) Delay from Path 1 to Input Delay from Path 2 to Input Delay from Path 3 to Input Unit km/hr # dB dB s s s 100 3 0 -3 0 2 14.5 Value
2 3
n. Repeat steps a through l under 1 Ray Rayleigh fading at 3 km/hr fading condition. 3.4.3 Minimum Standard
4 5 6 7
The mobile station shall generate the Pilot Strength Measurement Message at the appropriate time as specified in steps f, h, j, and l and the handoff shall be completed successfully. 3.5 3.5.1 Hard Handoff in Fading Definition
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This test verifies hard handoff under various fading conditions: 1 Ray Rayleigh fading at 30 km/hr 3 Ray Rayleigh fading at 100 km/hr 1 Ray Rayleigh fading at 3 km/hr Under various deployment scenarios: - Between frequencies - On the same frequency
Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff
1 2 3 4 5 6
Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.4.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 on frequency F1, has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 on frequency F2, has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2.
7 8 9
b. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.5.2-1. Table 3.5.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 0 -7 -7 -75 -10 Channel 2 0 -7 -7 -75 -10
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c. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). d. Set the channel simulators for 1 Ray Rayleigh fading, 30 km/hr. e. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. f. Verify user data in both directions.
g. Instruct base station #1 to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. Verify base station #1 sends a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from base station #1 to base station #2. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. Verify that any audio dropouts shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. h. Upon receiving an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message at the mobile station, verify the following: i. Only Channel 2 is in the active set at the action time of the message. The mobile station sends a Handoff Completion Message to the base station.
Repeat steps a through h, with the channel simulators set to 3 Ray Rayleigh at 100 km/hr in step d. Use the setup shown in Table 3.4.2-4. The expected results are as given above for the previous test. Repeat steps a through h, with the channel simulators set to 1 Ray Rayleigh at 3 km/hr in step d. The expected results are as given above for the previous test.
TIA-898 k. Repeat steps c through j for the scenario where the hard handoff is performed between two CDMA channels on the same frequency, with the setup test as shown in Figure 3.8.2-1: Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. Test parameters set as shown in Table 3.5.2-2. Table 3.5.2-2 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Channel 1 0
Channel 2
-7 -7 -75 -11.8
-7 -7 -75 -11.8
Note that in this case a hard handoff can be forced by excluding P1 from the active set. 3.5.3 Minimum Standard
12 13 14 15
The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the hard handoff transitions. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.4.3-1. 3.6 3.6.1 Hard Handoff Between Different Band Classes Definition
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This test verifies hard handoff between two different band classes. Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff 3.6.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from the CDMA 800 base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from the CDMA 1900 base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2.
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28 29
Table 3.6.2-1 Hard Handoff: CDMA 800 to CDMA 1900 Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit CDMA 800 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 CDMA 1900 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
c. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). d. Setup a CDMA 800 call. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Instruct the CDMA 800 base station to initiate handoff to the CDMA 1900 system. Verify the base station sends a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. Any audio dropouts present should not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1.
g. Instruct the CDMA 1900 base station to initiate handoff to the CDMA 800 system. Verify that the base station sends a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. Any audio dropouts present should not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. h. This test can be repeated for other handoffs between other band classes. 3.6.3 Minimum Standard
19 20 21 22
The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoff. Any audio dropouts present should not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. 3.7 3.7.1 Hard Handoff with and without Return on Failure Definition
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This test verifies the mobile station behavior when hard handoff fails and: return on failure is allowed. return on failure is disallowed. Traceability: (See [4] ); Traffic Channel Initialization Substate Types of Handoff Handoff Messages Hard Handoff With Return On Failure Restoring the Configuration
1 2 3 Overview Call Processing During Handoff General Handoff Direction Message 3.7.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. b. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.7.2-1. Table 3.7.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 1 -5 -7 <-20 (or none) -75 -12 Channel 2
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c. Reverse link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). d. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Instruct the base station to initiate a handoff and allow for return on failure. Verify that the base station sends a General Handoff Direction Message or a Universal Handoff Direction Message with the following values: RETURN_IF_HANDOFF_FAIL 1
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g. Instruct the mobile station to attempt the hard handoff, but not complete it, and declare a hard handoff failure. Verify the following: Mobile station restores the previous configuration Mobile station returns to Channel 1. Mobile station sends a Candidate Frequency Search Report Message to the base station within T56m seconds.
h. Repeat steps a through h with the difference that the base station disallows return on failure. The results are as given above but with the following modifications: In step f, verify that the base station sends a General Handoff Direction Message or a Universal Handoff Direction Message with the following values:
1 2 3 4
In step g, verify the mobile station does not restore the previous configuration, does not return to Channel 1, but sends a Handoff Completion Message within T73m. Steps d through i can be repeated for the case of hard handoff between different band classes.
5 6 7 8 9 10
Minimum Standard
When return on failure is allowed, the mobile station shall return to normal Channel 1 voice operation within 1.2 seconds of receiving the message to hard handoff. The Candidate Frequency Search Report Message shall indicate the hard handoff failed. When return on failure is not allowed, the mobile station does not return to previous channel. 3.8 3.8.1 Search Window Size and Offset Per Neighbor Definition
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A CDMA call is established on sector of sectored base station #1. Delay is applied to sector and base station #2. The level of sector is raised sufficiently high to ensure intersector handoff is possible. The level of base station #2 is raised sufficiently high to ensure soft handoff is possible. The test is performed with three different settings of delay. The Pilot Strength Measurements of base station #2 and sector are checked against the search window size and search window offset settings for each of the Neighbor Pilots. If the delay is greater than the search window size for the Neighbor Pilot then the mobile station shall not send a Pilot Strength Measurement. Formulas Neighbor_Chip_Offset = PILOT_PN_PHASE mod 64 Num_Chips = Set_Chip_Offset - Sim_Chip_Offset Chip_Delay (s) =
21 22
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
PILOT_PN_PHASE is the pilot PN phase obtained from the mobile station log file in units of chips. Set_Chip_Offset is the desired number of chip offsets for a particular test case. Sim_Chip_Offset is the inherent delay for a pilot due to the time alignment/calibration of the equipment. Chip_Delay is the actual delay in usec the tester should vary with the fader to achieve the proper Set_Chip_Offset (this includes the inherent delay measured for Sim_Chip_Offset. Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.6.6: Handoff Procedures Pilot Search 3.6.6: Handoff Procedures General Neighbor List Message
TIA-898 3.8.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.8.2-1. 1) The Forward Channel from sector of base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. 2) The Forward Channel from sector of base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. 3) The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P3 and is called Channel 3. b. Set the test parameters as specified in Table 3.8.2-1. c. The Reverse Link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
14 15
Figure 3.8.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Search Window per Neighbor
Table 3.8.2-1 Test Parameters for Search Window per Neighbor Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit 0 -7 -7 -75 -10 Channel 1 Channel 2 -20 -7 -7 -75 -30 Channel 3 -20 -7 -7 -75 -30
2 3 4 5
The Pilot Ec/I0 value is calculated from the parameters set in the table. It is not a settable parameter itself. d. Set the following values in the General Neighbor List Message: NGHBR_CONFIG_PN_INCL NGHBR_SRCH_MODE SRCH_OFFSET_INCL 1 10 1
e. Determine the inherent delay of the channel simulator as follows:. 1) Set the delay on Channel 2 and on Channel 3 to 0.0 s. 2) Setup a CDMA originated call. 3) Verify user data in both directions. 4) Generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message by raising the level of Channel 2 to or/Ioc = +1 dB without dropping the call.
TIA-898 5) Use the PILOT_PN_PHASE of the pilot PN offset index P2 recorded in the Pilot Strength Measurement Message to calculate the Neighbor_Chip_OffsetP2. Sim_Chip_OffsetP2 is equal to the same value of Neighbor_Chip_OffsetP2. Sim_Chip_Offset represents the inherent delay produced by the channel simulator and will be used to calculate the delay setting for the remainder of the test case. 6) Generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message by raising the level of Channel 3 to or/Ioc = +1 dB without dropping the call. 7) Use the PILOT_PN_PHASE of the pilot PN offset index P3 recorded in the Pilot Strength Measurement Message to calculate the Neighbor_Chip_OffsetP3. Sim_Chip_OffsetP3 is equal to the value of Neighbor_Chip_OffsetP3. Sim_Chip_Offset represents the inherent delay produced by the channel simulator and will be used to calculate the delay setting for the remainder of the test case. 8) Example, given: SRCH_WIN_NGHBR = 9 [80 chips] PILOT_PN_PHASE = 2052
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Set_Chip_Offset = (SRCH_WIN_NGHBR)/4 = 20 chips Therefore: Neighbor_Chip_Offset = 4 Sim_Chip_Offset = Neighbor_Chip_Offset = 4 Num_Chips = Set_Chip_Offset - Sim_Chip_Offset = 16 Chip_Delay = (Num_Chips x 244m)/(300 m/s) = 13.01 s f. Set the delay on both Channel 2 and on Channel 3 to the Chip_Delay with Set_Chip_Offset =(SRCH_WIN_NGHBR of P3)/4 + SRCH_OFFSET_NGHBR of P3. g. Reset the test parameters as specified in Table 3.8.2-1. h. Setup a mobile station originated call. i. j. Verify user data in both directions. Generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message by raising the level of Channel 2 to or/Ioc = +1 dB without dropping the call.
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28 29
k. Use the PILOT_PN_PHASE of the pilot PN offset index P2 recorded in the Pilot Strength Measurement Message to calculate the Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P2. l. Generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message by raising the level of Channel 3 to or/Ioc = +1 dB without dropping the call.
30 31
m. End the call. n. Use the PILOT_PN_PHASE of the pilot PN offset index P3 recorded in the Pilot Strength Measurement Message to calculate the Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P3.
33 34
TIA-898 o. Set the delay on Channel 2 and on Channel 3 to Chip_Delay of P3 with Set_Chip_Offset = (SRCH_WIN_NGHBR of P3)/2 + SRCH_OFFSET_NGHBR of P3. p. Repeat steps g through n. q. Set the delay on Channel 2 and on Channel 3 to Chip_Delay of P3 with Set_Chip_Offset = (SRCH_WIN_NGHBR of P3)/2 + SRCH_OFFSET_NGHBR of P3 + 10 chips. r. Repeat steps g through n.
1 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
s. Set the following values in the General Neighbor List Message: NGHBR_CONFIG_PN_INCL NGHBR_SRCH_MODE SRCH_OFFSET_INCL 1 10 1
Set the delay on both Channel 2 and on Channel 3 to the Chip_Delay with Set_Chip_Offset =(SRCH_WIN_NGHBR of P3)/2 + SRCH_OFFSET_NGHBR of P3.
15 16 17
u. Repeat steps g through n. v. Set the following values in the General Neighbor List Message: NGHBR_CONFIG_PN_INCL NGHBR_SRCH_MODE SRCH_OFFSET_INCL 1 10 1
w. Set the delay on both Channel 2 and on Channel 3 to the Chip_Delay with Set_Chip_Offset =(SRCH_WIN_NGHBR of P3)/2. x. Repeat steps g through n. 3.8.3 Minimum Standard a. For the delay setup in step f, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 2 Pilot is added. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff. The Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P2 shall equal the Set_Chip_Offset of P2. The mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 3 Pilot is added. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff. The Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P3 shall equal the Set_Chip_Offset of P3. b. For the delay setup in step o, the mobile station shall not generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 2 Pilot is added. The mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 3 Pilot is added. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff. The Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P3 shall equal the Set_Chip_Offset of P3. c. For the delay setup in step q, the mobile station shall not generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 2 and channel 3 Pilots are added. d. For the delay setup in step t, the mobile station shall not generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 2 Pilot is added. The mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 3 Pilot is added. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff. The Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P3 shall equal the Set_Chip_Offset of P3. e. For the delay setup in step t, the mobile station shall generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 2 Pilot is added. The base station shall generate a General Handoff Direction Message to initiate soft handoff. The Neighbor_Chip_Offset of P2 shall equal the Set_Chip_Offset of P2. The mobile station
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TIA-898 shall not generate a Pilot Strength Measurement Message when the channel 3 Pilot is added. 3.9 Access Handoffs
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
There are 3 types of Access Handoffs. Access Entry Handoff may occur after receiving a General Page but before the mobile station has sent any access probes in response. Access Probe handoff may occur during an access probe transmission. Access Handoff may occur after an initial mobile station access attempt, but before a Channel Assignment Message or an Extended Channel Assignment Message is sent. These features are intended to save a call in any of its brief vulnerable intervals during origination, where some access failures occur. 3.9.1 Access Entry Handoff Definition A mobile station is permitted to perform an Access Entry Handoff to a neighboring base station after receiving a General Page directed to it, but before transmitting any access probes. Traceability: [4] Idle Handoff [4] Mobile Station Page Match Operation [4] 2.6.3 System Access State [4]2.6.6 Handoff Procedures [4] 3.6.6 Handoff Procedures Method of Measurement This interoperability test can be difficult to perform due to timing constraints required to simulate the real world condition of sudden pilot loss directly after receipt of a call page. The transition of base station powers must be synchronized to the sending of the General Page. The mobile station determines that it should perform an idle handoff after it has declared a page match. a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in figure Setup the test parameters as shown in table Base station #1 has a PN offset of P1 and frequency of 1. Base station #2 has a PN offset of P2 and frequency of 1.
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b. Configure base stations one and two to allow Access Entry Handoffs using the following parameters in the Extended System Parameter Message:
TIA-898 Field NGHBR_SET_ENTRY_INFO ACC_ENT_HO_ORDER NGHBR_SET_ACCESS_INFO NGHBR_SET_SIZE '1' '1' '0' Number of pilots included in the Neighbor List Message, Extended Neighbor List Message, or General Neighbor List Message '1' Value
c. Ensure the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1 and allow sufficient idle time so that the mobile station meets the conditions defined in [4], regarding stored message sequences. d. Page the mobile station. e. After the mobile station receives the General Page from base station #1, increase attenuation for base station #1 to cause the mobile station to transmit access probes on base station #2 after an Access Entry Handoff. f. Verify the call completes.
10 11 12 Minimum Standard The mobile shall receive a General Page from base station #1, and transmit its first access probes to base station #2. The call shall complete on base station #2. 3.9.2 Access Probe Handoff Definition A call is initiated by the mobile station currently on base station #1. The reverse link of base station #1 is disabled to cause the mobile station to send multiple probes on the access channel. While the mobile station is sending access probes, the level of base station #2 is raised sufficiently high to ensure idle handoff is possible. The mobile station performs an idle handoff to base station #2 while in the access sub-state. All other forms of access handoff are disabled at the base station. Traceability: (See [4] ); Access Probe Handoff Page Response Substate Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate 2.6.6: Handoff Procedures 3.6.6: Handoff Procedures Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure
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27 28
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P called Channel 1.
The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P called Channel 2.
b. Set the test parameters as specified in Table c. Reverse link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). Disable the Reverse link of Channel 1. d. Include the pilot PN of Channel 2 in the Neighbor List Message, Extended Neighbor List Message, and/or General Neighbor List Message of Channel 1.
12 13
Table Access Probe Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit 0 -7 -7 -75 -10 for S1 -17.8 for S2 Channel 1 Channel 2 -20 for S1 +10 for S2 -7 -7 -75 -30 for S1 -7.8 for S2
2 3 4 5 6
e. Setup the following values in the Extended System Parameters Message of Channel 1: NGHBR_SET_ENTRY_INFO = 0 ACC_ENT_HO_ORDER = 0 NGHBR_SET_ACCESS_INFO = 1 ACCESS_HO = 0 ACCESS_ENTRY_HO = 0 (Set per Neighbor) ACCESS_HO_MSG_RSP = 0 ACCESS_PROBE_HO = 1 MAX_NUM_PROBE_HO = 0 N/A ACCESS_HO_ALLOWED = 1 (Set per Neighbor)
7 8 9 10
Set following values in the Access Parameters Message for Channel 1 and Channel 2: NUM_STEP = 7 INIT_PWR = 0 MAX_REQ_SEQ = 2 BKOFF = 1 PWR_STEP = 1 NOM_PWR = 0 PROBE_BKOFF = 1 N/A
11 12 13 14 15
g. Setup a mobile station originated call. h. Verify user data in both directions. i. Immediately raise the level of Channel 2 to or/Ioc = +10 dB to cause a loss of paging channel on Channel 1 to ensure an idle handoff can be triggered.
16 17 18 Minimum Standard a. The mobile station shall update the overhead messages and send an Origination Message on Channel 1.
TIA-898 b. While in the Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate, the mobile station shall update the overhead messages to that of Channel 2 then send access probes on Channel 2 using the appropriate coding for base station #2. c. The call shall be completed on Channel 2. 3.9.3 Access Handoff Definition The mobile station is permitted to perform an Access Handoff when waiting for a response from the base station or before sending a response to the base station. An access handoff is permitted after an access attempt while the mobile station is in the Page Response Substate or the Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate. Traceability: (6) Access Handoff Test [4] Access Handoff [4] Page Response Substate [4] Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate [4] 2.6.6 Handoff Procedures [4] 3.6.6 Handoff Procedures Method of Measurement This interoperability test can be difficult to perform due to the timing constraints required to simulate real world condition of sudden pilot loss, or a network delay. However, if the base station can be configured to hold off sending a Channel Assignment Message or an Extended Channel Assignment for some time, the tester can transition the base station powers and induce the Access Handoff. . a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in figure Setup the test parameters as shown in table Base station #1 has a PN offset of P1 and frequency of 1. Base station #2 has a PN offset of P2 and frequency of 1.
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b. Configure base stations one and two to allow Access Handoffs by using the following parameters in the Extended System Parameters Message:
TIA-898 Field NGHBR_SET_ENTRY_INFO NGHBR_SET_ACCESS_INFO ACCESS_HO ACCESS_HO_MSG_RSP ACCESS_PROBE_HO NGHBR_SET_SIZE '0' '1' '1' '1' '0' Number of pilots included in the Neighbor List Message, Extended Neighbor List Message, or General Neighbor List Message '1' Value
c. Ensure the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. d. Attempt a mobile station originated call on base station #1. e. Before base station #1 sends a Channel Assignment Message or an Extended Channel Assignment Message, increase the attenuation on base station #1 to cause an Access Handoff to base station #2. f. Verify the mobile station receives a Channel Assignment Message or an Extended Channel Assignment Message from base station #2.
g. Verify the call completes and user traffic is present (i.e. audio) Minimum Standard The mobile station shall perform Access Handoff, receive a Channel Assignment Message or an Extended Channel Assignment Message on base station #2, and complete the call. 3.9.4 Channel Assignment into Soft Handoff Definition The levels of base station #1 and base station #2 are above T_ADD. A call is initiated on either base station by the mobile station. The mobile station is assigned channels on base station #1 and base station #2 in the Extended Channel Assignment Message. All other forms of access handoff are disabled at the base station. Traceability: (See [4] ); Access Handoff Page Response Substate Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate 2.6.6: Handoff Procedures 3.6.6: Handoff Procedures Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure
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25 26
1 2 3 4
The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. b. Set the test parameters as specified in Table Table Channel Assignment into Soft Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 +5 -7 -7 -75 -9.6 Channel 2 +2 -7 -7 -75 -12.6
5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Pilot Ec/I0 value is calculated from parameters set in the table. It is not a settable parameter itself. c. Reverse link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). d. Setup the following values in the Extended System Parameters Message for Channel 1 and Channel 2. NGHBR_SET_ENTRY_INFO = 0 ACC_ENT_HO_ORDER = 0 NGHBR_SET_ACCESS_INFO = 1 ACCESS_HO = 0 ACCESS_ENTRY_HO = 0 (Set per Neighbor) ACCESS_HO_MSG_RSP = 0 ACCESS_PROBE_HO = 0 MAX_NUM_PROBE_HO = 0 PILOT_REPORT = 1 ACCESS_HO_ALLOWED = 1 (Set per Neighbor)
14 15 16
e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. Verify user data in both directions.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall update the overhead messages of the channel it is monitoring prior to sending the Origination Message. Verify that pilot strength for the channel not used for origination, is reported above T_ADD in the Origination Message. Verify the base station sends the Extended Channel Assignment Message assigning both Channel 1 and Channel 2 as Active Set pilots, with associated traffic channel resources. The mobile station shall complete service negotiation while in soft handoff on Channel 1 and Channel 2.
TIA-898 3.10 Traffic Channel Preamble during Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in same band 3.10.1 Definition The mobile station is transitioned between base stations with different CDMA frequency (channel) assignments in the same band class. The Traffic Channel Preamble is a sequence of all-zero frames that is sent by the mobile station on the Reverse Traffic Channel as an aid to Traffic Channel acquisition. Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff (See [4] ); Reverse Pilot Channel Operation during RTC Preamble Reverse Traffic Channel Preamble 3.10.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The AWGN source should be on the frequency of Channel 2. (It is advisable to achieve the maximum possible difference in frequency separation between Channel 1 and Channel 2)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
b. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.10.2-1. Table 3.10.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dBm dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 N/A -7 -7 N/A -7 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 2
27 28 29 30
c. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). d. Configure base station #1 and base station #2 for RC1 or RC2. e. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. f. Verify user data in both directions.
TIA-898 g. Send from base station #1 a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with NUM_PREAMBLE = 0 and proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. h. Verify the correct NUM_PREAMBLE value in the General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or Extended Handoff Direction Message. Verify the Reverse Traffic Channel preamble length. i. Wait 20 seconds then send from base station #2 a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with NUM_PREAMBLE = 4 and the proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 2 to Channel 1. Verify the correct NUM_PREAMBLE value in the General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or Extended Handoff Direction Message. Verify the Reverse Traffic Channel preamble length.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
k. Configure base station #1 and base station #2 for RC3 or RC5. l. Repeat steps e through j.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
3.10.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoffs. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. Verify the correct NUM_PREAMBLE value in the General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or Extended Handoff Direction Message. Verify the Reverse Traffic Channel preamble length as follows: Table 3.10.3-1 Reverse Traffic Channel Preamble Length NUM_PREAMBLE RC1, RC2 Preamble Length in 20 ms Increments:(Total Time) 0 (0 ms) 4 (80 ms) RC>2 Preamble Length in 1.25 ms Increments:(Total Time) 0 (0 ms) 8 (10 ms)
0 4
3.11 Hopping Pilot Beacon 3.11.1 Definition The mobile station is transitioned between base stations with different CDMA frequency (channel) assignments in the same band class. The Hopping Pilot Beacon is a pilot beacon that changes CDMA Frequency periodically to simulate multiple base stations operating on different frequencies. The transmission of the hopping pilot beacon is discontinuous on any CDMA Channel.
28 29 30 31 32 33
TIA-898 Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Capability Information Pilot Channel Operation Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff General Neighbor List Message Sync Channel Message (See [1] ); Hopping Pilot Beacon 3.11.2 Method of Measurement a. Configure base station for hopping pilot beacon. b. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The AWGN source should be on the frequency of Channel 2. (It is advisable to achieve the maximum possible difference in frequency separation between Channel 1 and Channel 2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
c. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.11.2-1. Table 3.11.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dBm dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 N/A -7 -7 N/A -7 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 2
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
d. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). e. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. f. Verify user data in both directions.
g. Verify hopping pilot beacon settings in the General Neighbor List Message or Extended Neighbor List Message. Send from base station #1 a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff
TIA-898 Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. h. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. i. Verify hopping pilot beacon settings in the General Neighbor List Message or Extended Neighbor List Message. Wait 20 seconds then send from base station #2 a General Handoff Direction Message, Universal Handoff Direction Message, or an Extended Handoff Direction Message with the proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 2 to Channel 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13
3.11.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoffs. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. Verify hopping pilot beacon settings in the General Neighbor List Message or Extended Neighbor List Message. 3.12 Hard Handoff Between Frequencies with Different Radio Configurations 3.12.1 Definition The mobile station is transitioned between base stations with different CDMA frequency (channel) assignments in the same band class and different radio configurations. Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff (See [1] ); Reverse CDMA Channel Signals Forward CDMA Channel Signals 3.12.2 Method of Measurement a. Configure base station #1 for RC3 or RC5. Configure base station #2 for RC1 or RC2 . b. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The AWGN source should be on the frequency of Channel 2. (It is advisable to achieve the maximum possible difference in frequency separation between Channel 1 and Channel 2)
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27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Table 3.12.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dBm dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 N/A -7 -7 N/A -7 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
d. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). e. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. f. Verify user data in both directions.
g. Send from base station #1 a General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. h. Wait 20 seconds then send from base station #2 a General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message with the proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 2 to Channel 1. i. j. Configure base station #1 for RC1 or RC2. Configure base station #2 for RC3 or RC5 and repeat steps b through h. Configure base station #1 for RC3. Configure base station #2 for RC4 and repeat steps b through h.
17 18 19
3.12.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoffs. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. 3.13 Handoff on Same Frequency with Different Radio Configurations 3.13.1 Definition The mobile station is transitioned between base stations with the same CDMA frequency (channel) assignments in the same band class and different radio configurations. When the active set membership before and after the handoff are disjoint, the handoff is performed as a hard handoff; when the active set membership before and after handoff is not disjoint except for the value of the radio configuration, the handoff is performed as a soft handoff. Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 2 3 4 5 Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff (See [1] ); Reverse CDMA Channel Signals Forward CDMA Channel Signals 3.13.2 Method of Measurement a. Configure base station #1 for RC4 or RC5. Configure base station #2 for RC1 or RC2. b. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The AWGN source should be added to both Channels.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
c. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.13.2-1. Table 3.13.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dBm dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 N/A -7 -7 N/A -7 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 2
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
d. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). e. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. f. Verify user data in both directions.
g. Send from base station #1 a General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. Monitor calls and record the length of any audio dropouts present on handoff. h. Wait 20 seconds then send from base station #2 a General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message with the proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 2 to Channel 1. i. Configure base station #1 for RC1 or RC2. Configure base station #2 for RC4 or RC5 and repeat steps b through h.
TIA-898 j. Configure base station #1 for RC3. Configure base station #2 for RC4 and repeat steps b through h.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
k. Repeat steps a through j but with the following exception: Only base station 1 is used for this test. The handoff messages are sent from base station 1 without changing the active set, but changing the radio configuration. Thus the handoff messages simply assign a new radio configuration from the same base station. l. Verify that the handoff is performed as a soft handoff.
9 10 11
3.13.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoffs. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1. 3.14 Hard Handoff while in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate 3.14.1 Definition This test verifies that if a hard handoff occurs while the mobile station is in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate, the hard handoff will be completed successfully and the mobile station shall enter the Conversation Substate on the new channel. Traceabilities (see [4] unless otherwise noted) 2.6.4 Table D-1 3.1 3.2 Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Conversation Substate Processing of the Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages CDMA to CDMA Hard Handoff Waiting for Order Substate Call Processing during Handoff Extended Handoff Direction Message General Handoff Direction Message Universal Handoff Direction Message Time Constants Standard Service Option Number Assignments (see [17]) Proprietary Service Option Number Assignments (see [17])
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31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
3.14.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in figure 3.1.2-1 and set the test parameters as specified in table 3.2.2-1 Base station #1 is a CDMA base station with frequency 1, PN offset P1 and is referred to as Channel 1. Base station #2 is a CDMA base station with frequency 2, PN offset P2 and is referred to as Channel 2.
b. Ensure the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on Channel 1. c. Page the mobile station with a supported service option.
TIA-898 d. After receiving the Page Response Message, instruct the base station to send an Extended Channel Assignment Message with the following parameters: Field ASSIGN_MODE BYPASS_ALERT_ANSWER
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 2 3
e. While the mobile station is in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate (i.e. ringing), instruct the base station to send an Extended Handoff Direction Message, General Handoff Direction Message, or Universal Handoff Direction Message directing the mobile station to Channel 2. f. After the hard handoff has been completed and before T53m (65 seconds), has expired direct the user to answer the call.
g. Verify the mobile station enters the Conversation Substate and user traffic is present in both directions (i.e. audio). h. End the call. i. j. Repeat steps b through h using different service options and radio configurations supported by the mobile station and base station. Repeat steps b through i, changing Channel 2 to a band class that is different from Channel 1 but is supported by the mobile station.
18 19 20 21
3.14.3 Minimum Standard The hard handoff shall be completed while the mobile station is in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate. After the handoff is completed, the mobile station shall enter the Conversation Substate on the new channel and user traffic in both directions shall be present. 3.15 Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to CDMA) 3.15.1 Definition In an Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff test (also known as the Mobile Assisted Hard Handoff test), when the mobile station is directed by the base station to perform a search on a Candidate Frequency, the mobile station will search for a pilot in the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set. The mobile station will report back to the base station any pilot detected in the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set with a pilot Ec/Io above the value defined by CF_T_ADD. The base station should then direct the mobile station to the Candidate Frequency and completes the hard handoff.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Traceability [4] Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Candidate Frequency Search Report Message Call Processing During Handoff
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3.15.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.4.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has a CDMA frequency assignment F1 (any valid value), an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel
1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 has a CDMA frequency assignment F2 (any valid value other than f1 in the same band class), an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2.
11 12 13 14
b. Set the test parameters as specified in Table 3.15.2-1. Table 3.15.2-1. Test Parameters for Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to CDMA) Parameter or/Ioc Unit dB dB Channel 1 2.9 -7 Channel 2 2.9 -7
Pilot E c I or Traffic E c I or
-75 -11.0
Pilot E c I0
15 16 17 18 19 20
c. Reverse Link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links. d. Set up a mobile station originated call on Channel 1. e. Send from base station #1 a Candidate Frequency Search Request Message to the mobile station to set an explicit action time with the following parameters:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Value (Decimal) 1 (use action time) 1 (single search) 0 (CDMA) F2 31 (disabled) 31 (disabled) 8 (60 chips) 28 (-14 dB) 1 (1 pilot) 0 (no search priorities or search windows specified) P2
Verify that the mobile station responds with a Candidate Frequency Search Report Message.
g. Verify that base station #1 sends a General Handoff Direction Message, an Extended Handoff Direction Message or a Universal Handoff Direction Message to initiate handoff from base station #1 to base station #2. h. Verify user data in both directions. 3.15.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and the base station shall successfully execute the handoff transitions. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1.
3.16 Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (CDMA to AMPS) 3.16.1 Definition In an Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff test (also known as the Mobile Assisted Hard Handoff test), when the mobile station is directed by the base station to perform a search on a Candidate Frequency, the mobile station will search for an analog channel in the Candidate Frequency Analog Search Set and shall measure the mean input power on the analog frequency. The mobile station will report back to the base station the signal strength of the analog channel searched. The base station should then direct the mobile station to the Analog Channel and completes the hard handoff.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
TIA-898 Traceability [4] Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Candidate Frequency Analog Search Set Candidate Frequency Search Report Message Call Processing During Handoff Candidate Frequency Search Request Message
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13
3.16.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1. The Forward Channel from base station #1 has a CDMA frequency assignment F1 (any valid value), an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station #2 uses an AMPS frequency called Channel 2. b. Set the test parameters as specified in Tables 3.16.2-1 and 3.16.2-2 Table 3.16.2-1. Test Parameters for Inter-Frequency Hard Handoff (Channel 1) CDMA Parameter Unit dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB 0 -7 -7 -75 -10 Channel 1
14 15 16 17 18
Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io
19 20
Table 3.16.2-2 Test Parameter for Inter-Frequency Handoff (Channel 2) Analog Parameter Voice Channel Co-Channel Interference dBm dB Unit Channel 2 -73 -18
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
c. Reverse Link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links. d. Set up a mobile station originated voice call on Channel 1. e. Send from base station #1 a Candidate Frequency Search Request Message to the mobile station to set an explicit action time with the following parameters:
Value (Decimal) 1 (use action time) 1 (single search) 1 (search for analog channels) 31 (disabled) 31 (disabled) 1 Channel 2
e. Verify that the mobile station responds with a Candidate Frequency Search Report Message. f. Verify that base station #1 sends an Analog Handoff Direction Message to initiate handoff from base station #1 to base station #2.
g. Verify audio in both directions. 3.16.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and the base station shall successfully execute the handoff transitions. Any audio dropouts present shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 3.2.3-1.
7 8 9 10 11
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
3.17.1 Definition This test verifies the mobile station is able perform a hard handoff between base stations supporting using different protocol revisions (P_REV). Traceability: (See [4] ); Types of Handoff Handoff Messages CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff Types of Handoff Call Processing During Handoff General Handoff Direction Message Universal Handoff Direction Message
24 25 26 27
3.17.2 Method of Measurement a. Configure base station one and base station two with different protocol revisions. b. Verify the mobile station supports the protocol revisions on each base station. c. Setup test as shown in Figure 3.1.2-1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Forward Channel from base station one has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P1 and is called Channel 1. The Forward Channel from base station two has an arbitrary pilot PN offset index P2 and is called Channel 2. The AWGN source should be on the frequency of Channel 2. (It is advisable to achieve the maximum possible difference in frequency separation between Channel 1 and Channel 2)
d. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 3.x.2-1. Table 3.x.2-1 Hard Handoff Test Parameters Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dBm dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Unit Channel 1 N/A -7 -7 N/A -7 -5 -7 -7 -75 -13.2 Channel 2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
e. Set reverse link attenuation to balance forward and reverse links (approx. 90 dB). f. Setup a mobile station originated call on Channel 1.
g. Verify user traffic in both directions. h. Send a General Handoff Direction Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message with proper parameters (refer to tables in Foreword) to initiate handoff from Channel 1 to Channel 2. i. j. Verify the P_REV in the General Handoff Direction Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message sent from base station one is equal to the P_REV of base station two. Verify the handoff is successful and user traffic is present in both directions.
21 22 23
3.17.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and base stations shall successfully execute the handoff.
1 2 3
POWER CONTROL TESTS Table 4-1 Power Control Tests Test No. 4.1 4.2 4.3 Forward TCH Power Control Mobile Station Response to Power Up Function (PUF) Message Fast Forward Power Control (FFPC) Title
4.1 4.1.1
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
This test verifies that the mobile station reports frame error rate statistics at specified intervals if the base station enables periodic reporting, and verifies that the mobile station reports frame error rate statistics when the frame error rate reaches a specified threshold if the base station enables threshold reporting. Traceability: (See [4] ) Forward Traffic Channel Power Control Power Measurement Report Message Forward Traffic Channel Power Control Power Control Parameters Message Applicability: Forward Link: RC 1 through RC 5; Reverse Link: RC 1 through RC 4 4.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure 4.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call using the test parameters for Test 1 as specified in Table 4.1.2-1. c. Set the AWGN source power so the forward link average FER is between 0.5 and 1.0%. d. Instruct the base station to send the Power Control Parameters Message to enable the threshold reporting and disable the periodic reporting according to the base station manufacturer's forward power control algorithm. PWR_THRESH_ENABLE PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE 1 (Enable threshold reporting) 0 (Disable periodic reporting)
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
e. Using Attenuator 1, alternately increase and decrease AWGN source output power by 5 dB from the original power set in step c. f. Monitor forward traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power increases and decreases corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source.
2 3 4
Figure 4.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Forward TCH Power Control
Table 4.1.2-1 Test Parameters for Forward Power Control Tests Test Number Forward RC Reverse RC Threshold/ Periodic Service Option Channels Forward Link Power
[dBm/ 1.23 MHz]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 4 5 3 4 5
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4
Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic Threshold Periodic N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2, 54, 55, or 32798 2, 54, 55, or 32798 9, 54, 55, or 32799 9, 54, 55, or 32799 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55 54, or 55
-65 -65 -62 -62 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -62 -62 -62 -62 -65 -65 -62 -65 -65 -62
2 3 4 5 6 7
All tests should be performed at full data rate or at a variable rate. Tests involving the Forward Supplemental Channels should only include 1 Forward Supplemental Channel. h. Verify the MS to send the Power Measurement Report Message when the bad frames received by the mobile station reaches the specified threshold.
TIA-898 i. j. End the call. Setup a mobile station originated call using the test parameters for Test 2 as specified in Table 4.1.2-1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
k. Instruct the base station to send the Power Control Parameters Message to enable the periodic reporting and disable the threshold reporting according to the base station manufacturer's forward power control algorithm. PWR_THRESH_ENABLE PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE 0 (Disable threshold reporting) 1 (Enable periodic reporting)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
m. Verify the mobile station sends the Power Measurement Report Message when the total frames received by the mobile station reach the specified report period. n. End the call. o. Repeat steps b through n except for using the test parameters for Tests 3 to 16 as specified in Table 4.1.2-1. p. Repeat steps b through c except for using the test parameters for Test 17 to Test 22 as specified in Table 4.1.2-1. q. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message including a Forward Supplemental Channel assignment and setting FOR_SCH_FER_REP to 1. r. Repeat the steps e through g.
s. Verify the mobile station sends the Power Measurement Report Message at the end of the burst. t. 4.1.3 End the call.
24 25 26 27 28
Minimum Standard
The base station should alternately increase and decrease the forward traffic channel power according to the base station manufacturer's forward power control algorithm. Forward link FER measured at the mobile station should be within the target value and the mobile station shall report frame error rate statistics. There shall not be any dropped calls. 4.2 4.2.1 Mobile Station Response to Power Up Function (PUF) Message Definition
30 31 32 33 34 35 36
This test verifies that both mobile station and base station which are capable of PUF feature correct interpretation and functionality of the Power Up Function Message, Mobile Station Reject Order Message, and the Power Up Function Completion Message. Traceability: IS-2000; [1] Gated Output Power During a Serving Frequency PUF Probe [1] Estimated Open Loop Output Power
1 2 3 4 5 6 Closed Loop Output Power Gating During a PUF Probe Power Up Function (PUF) Power Up Function Message Power Up Function Completion Message
Applicability: RC 1 and greater, MOB_P_REV = 5 and greater 4.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station to the mobile station as shown in Figure 4.2.2-1. b. Set power levels as stated in Table 4.2.2-1 Test 4. c. Disable all forms of registration. d. Disable power control. Power Up Function at Nominal Power a. Set values shown in Table in the Power Up Function Message: Table Mobile Station Transmit Power Up Function Parameters, Nominal Power PUF_INIT_PWR = 20 dB PUF_PULSE_SIZE = 17.5 ms PUF_INTERVAL = 50 frames (1 second) PUF_FREQ_INCL = 1 PUF_CDMA_FREQ = {Target CDMA frequency} PUF_PWR_STEP = 2 dB PUF_SETUP_SIZE = 1.25 ms TOTAL_PUF_PROBES = 4 MAX_PWR_PUF = 2 PUF_BAND_CLASS = {Serving CDMA band class}
7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
b. Setup a mobile station originated voice call. c. Verify audio in both directions. d. Send from the base station the Power Up Function Message of Table e. Note where the mobile transmit power level is before a PUF probe is sent by the mobile station. After each PUF probe, ensure the mobile station returns to the initial power level before the PUF probe was sent. f. Monitor mobile station transmit power transitions to ensure the mobile station uses PUF parameters (Figure as sent to the mobile station in the Power Up Function Message.
20 18 16 14 12 -8 1 2 3 4 5
Figure Mobile station TX Power Response to Power Up Function Parameters, Nominal Power g. End the call. PUF Probes Sent at Maximum Power a. Set values for the Power Up Function Message as shown in Table Table Mobile Station Transmit Power Up Function Parameters, Maximum Power PUF_INIT_PWR = 20 dB PUF_PULSE_SIZE = 17.5 ms PUF_INTERVAL = 50 frames (1 second) PUF_FREQ_INCL = 1 PUF_CDMA_FREQ = {Target CDMA frequency} PUF_PWR_STEP = 10 dB PUF_SETUP_SIZE = 1.25 ms TOTAL_PUF_PROBES = 6 MAX_PWR_PUF = 2 PUF_BAND_CLASS = {Serving CDMA band class}
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
b. Setup a mobile station originated voice call. c. Verify audio in both directions. d. Send from the base station the Power Up Function Message of Table e. Note where the mobile transmit power level is before a PUF probe is sent by the mobile station. After each PUF probe, ensure the mobile station returns to the initial power level before the PUF probe was sent. f. Monitor mobile station transmit power transitions to ensure the mobile station uses PUF parameters until reaching its maximum output power. At this point, the mobile station's transmit power for each successive probe will remain constant until the maximum number of probes at maximum power have been sent (Figure
max 22 12 -8 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
Figure Mobile Station TX Power Response to Power-up Function Parameters, Maximum Power g. End call. Processing of Power Up Function Completion Message a. Set values in the Power Up Function Message as shown in Table b. Setup a mobile station originated voice call. c. Verify audio in both directions. d. Send from the base station the Power Up Function Message of Table e. Note where the mobile station transmit power level is before a PUF probe is sent by the mobile station. After each PUF probe, ensure the mobile station returns to the initial power level before the PUF probe was sent. f. Before all of the PUF probes are sent from the mobile station, send from the base station a Power Up Completion Message. Table Mobile Station Transmit Power Up Function Parameters PUF_INIT_PWR = 20 dB PUF_PULSE_SIZE = 17.5 ms PUF_INTERVAL = 50 frames (1 second) PUF_FREQ_INCL = 1 PUF_CDMA_FREQ = {Target CDMA frequency} PUF_PWR_STEP = 2 dB PUF_SETUP_SIZE = 1.25 ms TOTAL_PUF_PROBES = 4 MAX_PWR_PUF = 2 PUF_BAND_CLASS = {Serving CDMA band class}
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22
g. Monitor mobile station transmit power transitions to ensure the mobile station uses PUF parameters until receiving the Power Up Function Completion Message. The mobile station should complete the current PUF probe then should stop transmitting PUF probes. h. End call.
2 3 4 5 Power Up Function at Nominal Power The mobile station shall respond on the traffic channel to changes in the Power Up Function Message. The mobile station shall send the maximum number of PUF probes specified in the Power Up Function Message. Refer to Table PUF Probes sent at Maximum Power The mobile station shall respond on the traffic channel to changes in the Power Up Function Message. The mobile station shall send the maximum number of PUF probes at maximum power specified in the Power Up Function Message Refer to Table Processing Power Up Function Completion Message The mobile station shall respond on the traffic channel to changes in the Power Up Function Message. The mobile station shall finish the current PUF probe upon receiving the Power Up Function Completion Message then shall not send PUF probes. Refer to Table 4.3 4.3.1 Fast Forward Power Control (FFPC) FFPC using different values of FPC_MODE
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Definition The mobile station accomplishes fast forward power control by transmitting the Reverse Power Control Subchannel to the base station on the Reverse Pilot Channel. The mobile station determines the information to be sent to the base station through inner and outer closed loop estimations. In outer loop estimation, the mobile station adjusts the Eb/Nt setpoints to the Eb/Nt value necessary to achieve the target FER on the Forward Traffic Channel. In inner loop estimation, the mobile station compares the received Eb/Nt to the setpoint and determines the value of the power control bit to be sent to the base station. There are 16 Power Control Groups per frame on the Reverse Power Control Subchannel. This test verifies that the mobile station can process the various parameters in the Extended Channel Assignment Message, the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message, and the Service Connect Message. Traceability: [1] Reverse Power Control Subchannel [4],, Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message [4],,,,, Extended Channel Assignment Message [4],,, 3.7.5,, Service Connect Message Applicability: Forward Link: RC 1 through RC 5; Reverse Link: RC 1 through RC 4 FPC_MODE Information
34 35
Table Reverse Power Control Subchannel Configurations Reverse Power Control Subchannel Allocations (Power Control Group Numbers) FPC_MODE 000 001 010 ' FPC_MODE 000; F-FCH Only Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure Primary Reverse Power Control Subchannel 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14 1,5,9,13 Secondary Reverse Power Control Subchannel Not supported 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 0,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,14,15
4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
Figure Functional Setup for Testing Fast Forward Power Control b. Set power levels as stated in Table Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 -8
TIA-898 c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 55 (Loopback Service Option) or Service Option 54 (Markov Service Option). d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = '100' FOR_RC = '00011' (RC 3) CH_IND = '01' FPC_FCH_FER = '00010' (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = '10000000' (16 dB)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 2 3 4 5
GRANTED_MODE = '10' REV_RC = '00011' (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = '01000000' (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = '00010000' (2 dB)
e. Ensure the base station sends the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Monitor the forward link FER at the mobile station.
g. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. h. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure the power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. i. j. Verify that the forward link FER on the FCH is remaining at the target value (i.e. 1%). End the call at the mobile station.
k. Repeat steps a through j above except that FOR_RC is set to RC4 and REV_RC is set to RC3 in step d. l. Repeat steps a through j above except that FOR_RC is set to RC5 and REV_RC is set to RC4 in step d .
23 FPC_MODE 000; F-DCCH only Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table
24 25 26 27
Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
2 3 4 5 6 7
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 -8
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option). d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
e. Ensure the base station sends the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Monitor the forward link FER at the mobile station.
g. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. h. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. i. j. Verify that the forward link FER on DCCH is remaining in the target value (1%). End the call at the mobile station.
k. Repeat steps a through i above except for setting FOR_RC to RC4 and REV_RC to RC3 in step d. l. Repeat steps a through i above except for setting FOR_RC to RC5 and REV_RC to RC4 in step d.
TIA-898 FPC_MODE 001; F-FCH and F-SCH Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
b. Set power levels as stated in Table Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
9 10 11 12 13 14
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 -8
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option). d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
15 16 17 18
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows: FPC_INCL = 1 FPC_PRI_CHAN = 0 FPC_MODE = 001 FPC_OLPC_FCH_INCL = 0 GATING_RATE_INCL = 0
19 20 21 22 23
Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message and set the power control related fields as stated in follows:
FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Monitor the forward link FER on FCH and SCH (during the burst assignment) at the mobile station. h. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. i. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. Verify that the forward link FERs on FCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value.
k. End the call at the mobile station. l. Repeat steps a through k above except that FOR_RC is set to RC4 and REV_RC is set to RC3 in step d.
m. Repeat steps h through k above except that FOR_RC is set to RC5 and REV_RC is set to RC4 in step d. FPC_MODE 000 without F-SCH Active and FPC_MODE 001 with F-SCH Active; FDCCH and F-SCH Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
17 18
19 20 21 22 23
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
24 25 26
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 -8
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option).
TIA-898 d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Instruct the base station to download the SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message and set the power control related information as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Monitor the forward link FER on both F-DCCH and F-SCH (during SCH assignment) at the mobile station. h. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. i. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. Verify that the forward link FER on DCCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) remains at the target value.
k. End the call at the mobile station. l. Repeat steps a through k above except that FOR_RC is set to RC4 and REV_RC is set to RC3 in step d.
m. Repeat steps a through k above except that the FOR_RC is set to RC5 and REV_RC is set to RC4 in step d.
TIA-898 FPC_MODE 000 without F-SCH Active and FPC_MODE 010 with F-SCH Active; FFCH and F-SCH Method of Measurement Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
1 2
3 4 5 6 7
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
8 9 10 11 12 13
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 -8
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option). d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Monitor the forward link FER on both FCH and SCH (during the SCH assignment) at the mobile station.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
h. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. i. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. j. Verify that the forward link FERs on FCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value.
k. End the call at the mobile station. l. Repeat steps a through k above except for step d to set FOR_RC to RC4 and REV_RC to RC3.
m. Repeat steps a through k above except for step d to set FOR_RC to RC5 and REV_RC to RC4. FPC_MODE 010; F-DCCH and F-SCH Method of Measurement Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure k. Set power levels as stated in Table Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
15 16 17 18 19
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
20 21 22 23 24 25
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 TBD
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option). d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows.
TIA-898 ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
1 2 3 4
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows: FPC_INCL = 1 FPC_PRI_CHAN = 1 FPC_MODE = 010 FPC_OLPC_FCH_INCL = 0 GATING_RATE_INCL = 0
5 6 7 8 9
Instruct the base station to send SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Monitor forward link FER on both F-DCCH and F-SCH (during SCH burst assignment) at the mobile station. h. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. i. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. Verify that the forward link FERs on the DCCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value.
k. End the call at the mobile station. l. Repeat steps a through k above except for step d to set FOR_RC to RC4 and REV_RC to 3.
m. Repeat steps a through k above except for step d to set FOR_RC to RC5 and REV_RC to 4.
TIA-898 Minimum Standard For all tests, the call shall not drop, the DCCH FER shall remain at 1%0.5% and the SCH FER shall remain at 5%2.5%. 4.3.2 Outer Loop Report
1 2 3
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Definition This test verifies that the mobile station shall send the Outer Loop Report Message if the Outer Loop Report Request Order is received. Traceability: [1] Reverse Power Control Subchannel [4],, Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message [4],,,,, Extended Channel Assignment Message [4],,, 3.7.5,, Service Connect Message [4], Outer Loop Report Message Applicability: Forward Link: RC 1 through RC 5; Reverse Link: RC 1 through RC 4 Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Unit dB Value -7
16 17 18 19 20
Pilot E c I or
Ioc Ior/Ioc Avg. Mobile Transmit Power
21 22 23 24 25 26
dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB
-75 10 -8
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option). d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows:
TIA-898 ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Monitor the forward link FER on both FCH and SCH (during the SCH assignment) at the mobile station. h. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. i. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. During the F-SCH assignment, instruct the base station to send Outer Loop Report Request Order.
k. Verify the mobile station sends the Outer Loop Report Message and this message contains FPC_FCH_CURR_SETPT and FPC_SCH_CURR_SETPT. l. End the call at the mobile station.
m. Repeat steps a through m above except for the following steps: n. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows:
TIA-898 ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
1 2 3 4 5
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
o. Monitor the forward link FER on both DCCH and SCH (during the SCH assignment at the mobile station. p. Verify the mobile station sends the Outer Loop Report Message and this message contains FPC_DCCH_CURR_SETPT and FPC_SCH_CURR_SETPT. Minimum Requirement The mobile station shall send the Outer Loop Report Message if the Outer Loop Report Request Order is received. The FPC current setpoint reported by the mobile station shall be in the range of the minimum setpoint and the maximum setpoint.
6 7 8 9 10
4.3.3 Fast Forward Power Control (FFPC) in Soft Handoff Definition The mobile station accomplishes fast forward power control by transmitting the Reverse Power Control Subchannel to the base station on the Reverse Pilot Channel. The mobile station determines the information to send to the base station through inner and outer closed loop estimations. In outer loop estimation, the mobile station adjusts the Eb/Nt setpoints to the Eb/Nt value necessary to achieve the target FER on the Forward Traffic Channel. In inner loop estimation, the mobile station compares the received Eb/Nt to the setpoint and determines the value of the power control bit to be sent to the base station. This test verifies that the mobile station can perform FFPC while in soft handoff. This test also verifies that the mobile station can process the various parameters in the Extended Channel Assignment Message, the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message, the Universal Handoff Direction Message, and the Service Connect Message. Traceability: [1] Reverse Power Control Subchannel [4],, Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message [4],,,,, Extended Channel Assignment Message [4],,, 3.7.5,, Service Connect Message Applicability: Forward Link: RC 1 through RC 5; Reverse Link: RC 1 through RC 4 F-FCH in SHO and F-SCH not in SHO; FPC_MODE = 001 Method of Measurement a. Setup the test as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
22 23 24
1 2 3 4
Figure 1-1 Functional Setup for Testing FFPC in Handoff Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Pilot Ec/Ior Ioc Ior/Ioc Pilot Ec/Io Unit dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB dB Base station #1 -7 -75 10 -10.2 Base station #2 -7 -75 10 -20.2
5 6 7 8 9
c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option) on Base station #1. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows:
ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
2 3 4 5
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows: FPC_INCL = 1 FPC_PRI_CHAN = 0 FPC_MODE = 001 FPC_OLPC_FCH_INCL = 0 GATING_RATE_INCL = 0
6 7 8 9 10
Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Raise the level of Base station #2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. h. Instruct the base station to send the Universal Handoff Direction Message during FSCH assignment with the parameters set as follows: CH_IND = 101 (FCH and Continuous Reverse Pilot) For PILOT_PN = {Base station #1} For PILOT_PN = {Base station #2} NUM_PILOTS = 010 PILOT_INCL = 1 PILOT_INCL = 0
18 19 20 21
i. j.
Verify there are no forward supplemental channels transmitting on Base station #2. Set the test parameters as specified in Table without dropping the call.
Table Test Parameters for Fast Forward Power Control Parameter Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io Unit dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB Channel 1 -7 -7 -75 -11.8 Channel 2 -7 -7 -75 -11.8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
k. Monitor the forward link FER on both F-FCH and F-SCH (during F-SCH assignment) at the mobile station. l. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. m. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. n. Verify that the forward link FERs on FCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value. o. End the call at the mobile station. F-FCH in SHO and F-SCH not in SHO; FPC_MODE = 010 Method of Measurement a. Setup the test as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option) with 100% frame activity on Base station #1. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows:
Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Raise the level of Base station #2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. h. Instruct the base station to send the Universal Handoff Direction Message during FSCH assignment with parameters set as follows: CH_IND = 101 (FCH and Continuous Reverse Pilot) For PILOT_PN = {Base station #1} For PILOT_PN = {Base station #2} NUM_PILOTS = 010 PILOT_INCL = 1 PILOT_INCL = 0
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
i. j.
Verify there are no forward supplemental channels running on Base station #2. Set the test parameters as specified in Table without dropping the call.
k. Monitor the forward link FER on both F-FCH and F-SCH (during F-SCH assignment) at the mobile station. l. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. m. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. n. Verify that the forward link FERs on FCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value. o. End the call at the mobile station.
TIA-898 F-DCCH in SHO and F-SCH not in SHO; FPC_MODE = 001 Method of Measurement a. Setup the test as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option) with 100% frame activity on Base station #1. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
10 11 12 13
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows: FPC_INCL = 1 FPC_PRI_CHAN = 1 FPC_MODE = 001 FPC_OLPC_FCH_INCL = 0 GATING_RATE_INCL = 0
14 15 16 17 18
Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Raise the level of Base Station #2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. h. Instruct the base station to send the Universal Handoff Direction Message during FSCH assignment with parameters set as follows:
CH_IND = 110 (FCH and Continuous Reverse Pilot) For PILOT_PN = {Base station #1} For PILOT_PN = {Base station #2}
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
i. j.
Verify there are no forward supplemental channels running on Base Station #2. Set the test parameters as specified in Table without dropping the call.
k. Monitor the forward link FER on both F-FCH and F-SCH (during F-SCH assignment) at the mobile station. l. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. m. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. n. Verify that the forward link FERs on DCCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value. o. End the call at the mobile station. F-DCCH in SHO and F-SCH not in SHO; FPC_MODE = 010 Method of Measurement a. Setup the test as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option) with 100% frame activity on Base station #1. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
TIA-898 e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows: FPC_INCL = 1 FPC_PRI_CHAN = 0 FPC_MODE = 010
4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3
Instruct the base station to download SCH configuration and assign a Forward Supplemental Channel by using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the power control related parameters set as follows: FPC_SCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_SCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_SCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
g. Raise the level of Base Station #2 in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. h. Instruct the base station to send the Universal Handoff Direction Message during FSCH assignment with parameters set as follows: CH_IND = 110 (FCH and Continuous Reverse Pilot) For PILOT_PN = {Base station #1} For PILOT_PN = {Base station #2} NUM_PILOTS = 010 PILOT_INCL = 1 PILOT_INCL = 0
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
i. j.
Verify there are no forward supplemental channels running on Base station #2. Set the test parameters as specified in Table without dropping the call.
k. Monitor the forward link FER on both F-DCCH and F-SCH (during F-SCH assignment) at the mobile station. l. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 15 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. m. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. n. Verify that the forward link FERs on DCCH and SCH (during SCH assignment) are remaining in the target value.
TIA-898 o. End the call at the mobile station. Minimum Standard For all tests, the call shall not drop and the FER shall remain in the target value. 4.3.4 Change FPC_MODE During a Call
2 3
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Definition The mobile station accomplishes fast forward power control by transmitting the power control subchannel to the base station on the R-PICH. The mobile station determines the information to send to the base station through inner and outer closed loop estimations. In outer loop estimation, the mobile station adjusts the Eb/Nt setpoints to the Eb/Nt value necessary to achieve the target FER on the Forward Traffic Channel. In inner loop estimation, the mobile station compares the received Eb/Nt to the setpoint and determines the value of the power control bit to be sent to the base station. This test verifies that the mobile station can process a change in FPC_MODE delivered by the Power Control Message. Traceability: [1] Reverse Power Control Subchannel [4], Power Control Message [4],,,,, Extended Channel Assignment Message [4],,, 3.7.5,, Service Connect Message Applicability: RC 3 and greater Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option) with 100% frame activity. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Monitor forward link FER at the mobile station.
TIA-898 g. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 5 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. h. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power increases corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. i. Instruct the base station send the Power Control Message with the parameters set as follows: FPC_MODE = 010 FPC_OLPC_FCH_INCL = 1 PWR_CNTL_STEP = 001 (0.5 dB) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SEPT = N/A FPC_SCH_M_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_MAX_SCH_M_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
k. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 5 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. l. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases.
m. Verify that the forward link FER on FCH is remaining in the target value. n. End the call at the mobile station. Minimum Standard The call shall not drop and the FCH FER shall remain at 1%0.5%. 4.3.5 R-PICH in Gated Transmission Mode
18 19
21 Gating with the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel Definition The mobile station accomplishes fast forward power control by transmitting the power control subchannel to the base station on the R-PICH. The power control subchannel can either be gated (either at a rate of or ) or not gated (a bit is transmitted on every PCG). Gating occurs only when the Forward Dedicated Control Channel and the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel are assigned and when there are no transmissions on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel.
22 23 24 25 26 27
1 2
This test verifies that the mobile station can operate in the various gating transmission modes specified in the Service Connect Message.
3 4
Figure Reverse Pilot Gating with no Transmission on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel [1]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure Reverse Pilot Gating during Reverse Dedicated Control Channel Transmission [1] Traceability: [1] Reverse Power Control Subchannel [1] Reverse Pilot Channel [4], Power Control Message [4],,,,, Extended Channel Assignment Message [4],,, 3.7.5,, Service Connect Message Applicability: Forward Link: RC 1 through RC 5; Reverse Link: RC 1 through RC 4 Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table c. Setup a mobile station originated data call using Service Option 33. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message has the parameters set as follows:
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
TIA-898 ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 10 FPC_DCCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_DCCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB)
1 2 3 4
GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_DCCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_DCCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB)
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message has the parameters set as follows: FPC_INCL = 1 FPC_PRI_CHAN = 1 FPC_MODE = 000 GATING_RATE_INCL = 1 PILOT_GATE_RATE = 01 (gating at ) FPC_OLPC_FCH_INCL = 0 FPC_OLPC_DCCH_INCL = 0
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Instruct the base station to send the Extended Release Message with CH_IND set to 100.
g. Do not have any transmissions on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel. h. Instruct the base station to send a sufficient number of In-Traffic System Parameters Messages with the same system configurations and without requiring the acknowledgment on the reverse link DCCH so that the mobile station can measure forward FER. i. j. Monitor forward link FER at the mobile station. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 5 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. k. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. l. Verify that the reverse Pilot Channel is gated at the specified rate and the forward link FER on DCCH is remaining in the target value
m. Instruct the mobile station to send the Data Burst Message on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel. n. Monitor the forward link FER at mobile station. o. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 5 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
p. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. q. Verify that the reverse Pilot Channel is gated at the target rate if no transmissions are on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel and the reverse Pilot Channel is not gated if there are transmissions on the Reverse Dedicated Control Channel. r. Verify that the forward link FER on DCCH is remaining in the target value.
s. End the call at the mobile station. Repeat steps a through s above except for step f to set PILOT_GATE_RATE to 10 (gating at ). Gating with the Reverse Fundamental Channel Definition The mobile station accomplishes fast forward power control by transmitting the power control subchannel to the base station on the R-PICH. The power control subchannel can either be gated or not gated. The R-FCH may be gated when no other Reverse Traffic Channel is assigned and the data rate is 1500 bps for RC 3 and RC5 or 1800 bps for RC4. When the R-FCH is operated in the gated mode and is at a data rate of 1500 bps for RC 3 and RC 5 or 1800bps for RC 4, the R-PICH shall have a transmission duty cycle of 50%. The R-PICH shall be transmitted in power control groups 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, and 15, and shall not be transmitted in power control groups 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, and 13.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26
Figure Gating with the R-FCH Traceability: [1] Reverse Power Control Subchannel [1] Reverse Pilot Channel [1] Reverse Fundamental Channel
1 2 3 4 5 6
[4], Power Control Message [4],, Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message [4],,,,, Extended Channel Assignment Message [4],,, 3.7.5,, Service Connect Message Applicability: RC 3 and greater Method of Measurement a. Connect base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Set power levels as stated in Table c. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 32 (Test Data Service Option) with rate 1500 bps only and set the REV_FCH_GATING_REQ field to 1 in the Origination Message. d. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message has the parameters set as follows and set the REV_PWR_CNTL_DELAY field according to the base stations implementation. ASSIGN_MODE = 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 FPC_FCH_FER = 00010 (1%) FPC_FCH_MAX_SETPT = 10000000 (16 dB) REV_PWR_CNTL_DELAY_INCL = 1 GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3) FPC_FCH_INIT_SETPT = 01000000 (8 dB) FPC_FCH_MIN_SETPT = 00010000 (2 dB) REV_FCH_GATING_MODE = 1
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
e. Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with FPC_INCL set to 0. f. Ensure the Reverse Fundamental Channel is transmitted at 1/8 rate.
g. Monitor forward link FER at the mobile station. h. Increase Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 5 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source and then decrease Ioc in 1 dBm/1.23 MHz steps every second for a total of 20 dBm/1.23 MHz at the AWGN source. i. Monitor traffic channel Ec/Ior and ensure power changes corresponding to noise power from the AWGN source. The power increases if the noise power increases and decreases if the noise power decreases. Verify the Reverse Fundamental Channel is in gated mode and the Reverse Pilot Channel has a transmission duty cycle of 50%.
k. Verify that the forward link FER on FCH is remaining in the target value. l. End the call at the mobile station.
m. Repeat steps a through l except for the step d to set FOR_RC to 4 and REV_RC to 4.
TIA-898 Minimum Standard For all tests, the call shall not drop and the FCH FER shall remain at 1%0.5%. 4.3.6 Forward Power Control With EIB While Transmitting Frames on the Forward Fundamental Channel
1 2
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Definition This test shall be performed on the Forward Fundamental Channel with FPC_MODE equal to 011. The mobile station shall set the EIB to 0 in the second transmitted frame following the detection of a good 20ms frame on the Forward Fundamental Channel. Otherwise the mobile station shall set the EIB to 1 in the second transmitted frame. Traceabilities: [1] [1] [4] [4] Reverse Power Control Subchannel Structure Erasure Indicator Bit and Quality Indicator Bit Forward Traffic Channel Power Control Extended Channel Assignment Message
15 16 17 18 19 Method of Measurement a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Set power ratios and levels as specified in Table Table Test Parameters for EIB test Parameter or/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Unit dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz Channel 1 0 -7 -7 -55
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
c. The Reverse Link attenuation should be set to balance the forward and reverse links (approximately 90 dB). d. Setup a mobile station originated voice call. e. Instruct the base station to send the Extended Channel Assignment Message with the parameters set as follows: ASSIGN_MODE = 000 or 100 FOR_RC = 00011 (RC 3) CH_IND = 01 GRANTED_MODE = 10 REV_RC = 00011 (RC 3)
27 28 29
Instruct the base station to send the Service Connect Message with the parameters set as follows:
g. From the base station, send a sequence of good and bad frames (50 frames or more) to the mobile station on the Forward Fundamental Channel (e.g. alternating good and bad 20ms frames). h. Check the received EIB at the base station against the corresponding frames received at the mobile station. i. j. End the call. Repeat steps a through k except for the step d to set REV_RC to 3 and FOR_RC to 4.
k. Repeat steps a through k except for the step d to set REV_RC to 4 and FOR_RC to 5. Minimum Standard The EIB received at the base station shall follow the frame pattern sent from the base station to the mobile station (i.e. a 0 for a good frame and a 1 for a bad frame).
11 12 13
1 2 3
TIA-898 No text
1 2 3
Test No. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Note: Power-up Registration Power-down Registration Timer-Based Registration Distance-Based Registration Zone-Based Registration Parameter-Change Registration
Registration Under Various Settings of MOB_TERM Unless otherwise noted, turn off all forms of registration, and set MAX_SLOT_CYCLE to zero prior to beginning any Section 5 test. Power-Up Registration Definition
4 5
5.1 5.1.1
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The mobile station maintains a power-up/initialization timer (T57M) (20 seconds). When the timer is active, registration is not attempted. Traceability: (See [4] ); 3.6.5: 5.1.2 Power-Up Registration Entering the MS Idle State Idle Registration Procedures Registration Message Registration System Parameters Message
Method of Measurement
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Power-up Registration Disabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure Disable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 0 in the System Parameters Message). b. Power on the mobile station. c. Verify the mobile station does not attempt power-up registration for at least 1 minute after the mobile station enters the Idle State. d. Power down the mobile station.
1 2
Figure Functional Setup for Testing Power-up Registration Power-up Registration Enabled a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). b. Power on the mobile station. c. Verify the mobile station performs power-up registration no sooner than 20 seconds (T57M) after entering Idle State. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call. e. Verify user data in both directions. e. Power down the mobile station. 5.1.3 Minimum Standard
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
14 15 Power-up Registration Disabled Power-up registration shall not occur. Power-up Registration Enabled The mobile station shall perform the registration process when it is powered on and after the power/initialization timer has expired. 5.2 5.2.1 Power-Down Registration Definition
16 17 18
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
The mobile station shall not perform power-down registration if it has not previously registered in the system corresponding to its current SIDs and NIDs. Registration can be enabled or disabled. Traceability: (See [4] ); Power-Up Registration Power-Down Registration
1 2
Method of Measurement
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Power-down Registration Disabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). b. Disable power-down registration (set POWER_DOWN_REG = 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Verify the mobile station performs a power-up registration. e. Power down the mobile station. f. Verify power-down registration does not occur.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Power-down Registration of a Currently Registered Mobile Station a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). b. Enable power-down registration (set POWER_DOWN_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Verify power-up registration occurs. e. Power down the mobile station. f. Verify power-down registration occurs.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Power-down Registration of an Unregistered Mobile Station in New System/Network a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station. c. Verify power-up registration occurs. d. Disable all forms of registration. e. Enable power-down registration (set POWER_DOWN_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). f. Change the SID/NID in the base station to a new SID/NID.
g. Verify the mobile station does not register on the new SID/NID. h. Power down the mobile station. i. Verify power-down registration does not occur.
2 3 Power-down Registration Disabled Power-down registration shall not occur. Power-down Registration of a Currently Registered Mobile Station The mobile station shall perform power-down registration in a system/network where it is currently registered. Power-down Registration of an Unregistered Mobile Station in a New System/Network Power-down registration shall not occur in a system/network where the mobile station is not currently registered. 5.3 5.3.1 Timer-Based Registration Definition
4 5 6
7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15
Timer-based registration causes the mobile station to register at regular intervals controlled by the base station System Parameters Message REG_PRD field. Registration can be enabled or disabled. The registration interval is computed from the REG_PRD field using the following equation: Registration interval = REG_COUNT_MAXs x .08 seconds = 2 Traceability: 3.6.5: 5.3.2 (See [4] ); Power-Down Registration Timer-Based Registration Registration System Parameters Message
! REG _ PRD $ & # # & 4 " %
16 17 18 19 20 21
x .08 seconds
Method of Measurement
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Timer-based Registration Disabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure Disable timer-based registration (set REG_PRD = 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). b. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Verify power-up registration occurs. e. Verify the mobile station does not perform timer-based registration. f. Power down the mobile station.
32 33 34 35 Lowest Timer Value a. Setup test as shown in Figure Disable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). b. Set the value of REG_PRD to 29 (12.16 seconds).
TIA-898 c. Power on the mobile station. d. Verify timer-based registration occurs. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call. f. Verify user data in both directions.
1 2 3 4 5
g. Power down the mobile station. Mid-range Timer Value a. Setup test as shown in Figure Disable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). b. Set the value of REG_PRD to 38 (57.93 seconds). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Verify timer-based registration occurs. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call. f. Verify user data in both directions.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
16 17 Timer-based Registration Disabled Timer-based registration shall not occur. Lowest Timer Value The mobile station shall perform timer-based registration at the interval specified by the REG_PRD value. Mid-Range Timer Value The mobile station shall perform time-based registration at the interval specified by the REG_PRD value. 5.4 5.4.1 Distance-Based Registration Definition
18 19 20
21 22 23
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Distance-based registration causes a mobile station to register when the distance between the current base station and the base station in which it last registered exceeds a threshold. Registration can be enabled or disabled. Traceability: (See [4] ); 3.6.5 Power-Up Registration Distance-Based Registration Registration System Parameters Message
2 3 4 5 6 Distance-Based Registration Disabled a. Setup the test as shown in Figure Use the parameters in Table Configure base station #1 and base station #2 with different BASE_LAT and BASE_LONG so that $ LAT and $ LONG are less than two minutes. b. Compute DISTANCE per the following formulas:
( lat )2 + ( long )2 16 lat = BASE_LATS - BASE_LAT_REGS-P
7 8 9
! BASE _ LAT_ REG long = (BASE_LONGS - BASE_LONG_REGS-P) cos # # 14400 " 180
S -P
$ & & %
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
BASE_LAT and BASE_LONG are given in units of 1/4 seconds. BASE_LAT/14400 and BASE_LONG/14400 are given in units of degrees. c. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). d. Disable distance-based registration (Set REG_DIST= 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). e. Power on the mobile station on base station #1. f. Verify power-up registration occurs.
g. Force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #2 by reducing base station #2 forward link attenuation, then increasing base station #1 forward link attenuation. h. Verify the mobile station does not perform distance-based registration. i. Power down the mobile station.
2 3 4
Figure Functional Setup for Testing Distance-Based Registration Table Soft Handoff Test Parameters - T_ADD Parameter Unit dB dB dB dBm/1.23 MHz dB 0 -7 -7 -75 -10.2 Channel 1 Channel 2 -10 -7 -7 -75 -20.2
Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io
6 7 8 9 10 Distance Threshold Not Exceeded a. Setup the test as shown in Figure Use the parameters in Table Configure base station #1 and base station #2 with different BASE_LAT and BASE_LONG so that LAT and LONG are less than two minutes. b. Compute DISTANCE per the formulas shown in test, step b.
TIA-898 c. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). d. Enable distance-based registration by setting REG_DIST greater than the calculated value of DISTANCE. e. Power on the mobile station. f. Verify power-up registration occurs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
g. Force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #2 by reducing base station #2 forward link attenuation, then increasing base station #1 forward link attenuation. h. Verify the mobile station does not perform distance-based registration. i. Power down the mobile station.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Distance Threshold Exceeded a. Setup the test as shown in Figure Use the parameters in Table Configure base station #1 and base station #2 with different BASE_LAT and BASE_LONG so that LAT and LONG are less than two minutes. b. Compute DISTANCE per the formulas shown in test, step b. c. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). d. Enable distance-based registration by setting REG_DIST less than the calculated value of DISTANCE. e. Power on the mobile station. f. Verify power-up registration occurs.
g. Force mobile station to perform idle handoff to base station #2 by reducing base station #2 forward link attenuation, then increasing base station #1 forward link attenuation. h. Verify distance-based registration occurs. i. 5.4.3 Power down the mobile station.
Minimum Standard
29 30 Distance-based Registration Disabled Distance-based registration shall not occur. Distance Threshold Not Exceeded The mobile station shall not perform distance-based registration when distance-based registration enabled (REG_DIST 0) and calculated value of DISTANCE is less than REG_DIST.
31 32 33
1 2 3
The mobile station shall perform distance-based registration when distance based registration is enabled (REG_DIST 0) and the calculated value of DISTANCE is greater than REG_DIST. 5.5 5.5.1 Zone-Based Registration Definition
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
This test verifies that zone-based registration can be enabled and disabled, and that, when zone-based registration is enabled, a mobile shall register when it performs an idle handoff into a zone that is not on its internally stored list of visited registration zones. This test verifies that a mobile station shall not register when it performs an idle handoff into a zone that is on its internally stored list of visited zones, and that it properly deletes entries from its internally stored list of visited registration zones. Traceability: 3.6.5: (See [4] ); Power-Up Registration Zone-Based Registration Registration System Parameters Message
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Zone-Based Registration Disabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure Configure base station #2 with REG_ZONE different than that of base station #1. b. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Disable zone-based registration (set TOTAL_ZONES = 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). d. Power on the mobile station on base station #1. e. Force mobile station to perform idle handoff to base station #2 by reducing base station #2 forward link attenuation, then increasing base station #1 forward link attenuation. f. Verify zone-based registration does not occur.
g. Power down the mobile station. Zone-Based Registration Enabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure Configure base station #2 with REG_ZONE different from that of base station #1. b. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Enable zone-based registration with a two-zone ZONE_LISTs (set TOTAL_ZONES = 2 in the Systems Parameters Message). d. Power on the mobile station on base station #1.
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
TIA-898 e. Verify power-up registration occurs. The mobile station is now registered in zone 1 and Zone 1 is the only entry in ZONE_LISTs. f. Force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #2 by reducing base station #2 forward link attenuation, then increasing base station #1 forward link attenuation.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7
g. Verify zone-based registration occurs. The mobile station is now registered in zone 2, Zone 1 and zone 2 are in ZONE_LISTs. h. Before the period of time specified by ZONE_TIMER has elapsed (before the mobile station deletes zone 1 from ZONE_LISTs), force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #1. i. j. Verify zone-based registration does not occur (because zone 1 is still in ZONE_LISTs). Power down the mobile station.
8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
k. Enable zone-based registration with a single-entry ZONE_LISTs by setting TOTAL_ZONES = 1. l. Power on the mobile station on base station #1.
m. Verify power-up registration occurs. The mobile station is now registered in zone 1, and zone 1 is the only entry in ZONE_LISTs. n. Before the period of time specified by ZONE_TIMER has elapsed (i.e., before the mobile station deletes zone 1 from ZONE_LISTs due to expiration of the entry timer for zone 1), force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #2. o. Verify zone-based registration occurs. The mobile station is now registered in zone 2, and only zone 2 is in ZONE_LISTs because the mobile station was forced to delete zone 1 from ZONE_LISTs to make room for zone 2. p. Force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #1. q. Verify zone-based registration occurs (zone 1 is not in ZONE_LIST). r. Power down the mobile station.
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Zone-Based Registration Timer a. Setup test as shown in Figure Configure base station #2 with REG_ZONE different than that of base station #1. b. Enable power-up registration (set POWER_UP_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message) c. Enable zone-based registration with a two-zone ZONE_LISTs (set TOTAL_ZONES = 2 in the Systems Parameters Message). d. Power on the mobile station on base station #2. e. Verify power-up registration occurs. The mobile station is now registered in zone 1, and zone 1 is the only entry in ZONE_LISTs.
TIA-898 f. Force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #2.
1 2 3
g. Verify zone-based registration occurs. The mobile station is now registered in zone 2, and zone 1 and zone 2 are on ZONE_LISTs. h. Wait for the period of time specified by ZONE_TIMER to elapse (after which the mobile station should delete zone 1 from ZONE_LISTs). i. j. Force the mobile station to perform an idle handoff to base station #1. Verify zone-based registration occurs.
4 5
6 7 8
10 11 Zone-Based Registration Disabled Zone-based registration shall not occur. Zone-Based Registration Enabled The mobile station shall perform zone-based registration after performing an idle handoff into a registration zone that is not currently in its ZONE_LIST ( steps g, o, and q). The mobile station shall not perform zone-based registration after performing an idle handoff into a registration zone that is currently in its ZONE_LIST ( step i). Zone-Based Registration Timer The mobile station shall perform zone-based registration after performing an idle handoff into a registration zone that has been deleted from its ZONE_LIST due to expiration of the zone entry timer. 5.6 5.6.1 Parameter-Change Registration Definition
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Parameter-change registration causes a mobile station to register when it modifies any of the following stored parameters: The preferred slot cycle index (SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX) The station class mark (SCM) (Not applicable to single mode CDMA 1900 mobile stations) The call termination enabled indicator (MOB_TERM) Parameter-change registration is performed whenever there is no entry in the mobile stations SID_NID_LISTs matching the base stations SID and NID. Traceability: 3.6.5: (See [4] ); Parameter-Change Registration Registration System Parameters Message
30 31 32 33
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Parameter-Change Registration Disabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Disable parameter-change registration (set PARAMETER_REG = 0 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Reset the value of SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX. e. Verify parameter-change registration does not occur. f. Power down the mobile station.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Parameter-Change Registration Per SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Enable parameter-change registration (set PARAMETER_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Reset the value of SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX. e. Verify parameter-change registration occurs. f. Power down the mobile station.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Parameter-Change Registration Per SCM a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Enable parameter-change registration (set PARAMETER_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station. d. Reset the value of SCM. e. Verify parameter-change registration occurs. f. Setup a mobile station terminated call.
g. Verify user data in both directions. h. Power down mobile station. Parameter-Change Registration Per MOB_TERM a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Enable parameter-change registration (set PARAMETER_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Power on the mobile station.
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TIA-898 d. Change the value of MOB_TERM_HOMEp. e. Verify parameter-change registration occurs. f. Power down the mobile station.
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Parameter-Based Registration per SID-NID List change a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Enable parameter-change registration (set PARAMETER_REG = 1 in the Systems Parameters Message). c. Make an entry in the mobile station SID_NID_LISTs to match the base station SID,NID. d. Set MULT_SIDS = MULT_NIDS= 0 in the System Parameters Message. e. Power on the mobile station. f. Wait for mobile station to acquire CDMA service.
g. At the base station, change the SID and NID in the System Parameters Message. h. Verify parameter-change registration occurs. i. j. Setup a mobile station terminated call. Verify user data in both directions.
18 19 20 21
The mobile station shall register when certain stored parameters change or when it enters a new system. 5.7 5.7.1 Registration Under Various Settings of MOB_TERM Definition
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This test verifies that the mobile station correctly performs registration using stored parameters MOB_TERM_FOR_NID, MOB_TERM_FOR_SID, MOB_TERM_HOME and HOME_REG, FOR_NID_REG, and FOR_SID_REG fields of the System Parameters Message. Traceability: 3.6.5: 5.7.2 (See [4] ); Power-Up Registration Parameter-Change Registration Roaming Idle Registration Procedures Registration System Parameters Message
Method of Measurement
34 35
TIA-898 b. Enable Home, (set HOME_REG=1) Foreign SID (set FOR_SID=1) and Foreign NID (set FOR_NID=1) registration at the base station. c. Enable parameter-change (set PARAMETER REG=1) and power-down registration (set POWER-DOWN REG=1) at the base station. d. Set the mobile station SID to match the base station SID. e. Power on the mobile station. f. Set MOB_TERM_HOME to enabled on the mobile station.
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g. Set MOB_TERM_FOR_NID and MOB_TERM_FOR_SID to disabled at the mobile station. h. Verify the mobile station parameter-change registration occurs. i. j. Power down the mobile station. Verify the mobile station power-down registration occurs.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 MOB_TERM Disabled a. Setup test as shown in Figure b. Enable Home, (set HOME_REG=1) Foreign SID (set FOR_SID=1) and Foreign NID (set FOR_NID=1) registration at the base station. c. Enable parameter-change (set PARAMETER REG=1) and power-down registration (set POWER-DOWN_REG=1) at the base station. d. Power on the mobile station. e. Set MOB_TERM_HOME, MOB_TERM_FOR_SID and MOB_TERM_FOR_NID to disabled at the mobile station. f. Verify parameter-change registration occurs.
g. Power down the mobile station. h. Verify power-down registration does not occur. 5.7.3 Minimum Standard
26 27 28 MOB_TERM Enabled The mobile station shall perform parameter-change registration after MOB_TERMs is enabled. The mobile station shall perform power-down registration. MOB_TERM Disabled The mobile station shall perform parameter-change registration after MOB_TERMs is disabled. The mobile station shall not perform power-down registration.
29 30 31 32
TIA-898 No text
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Test No. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12
4 5
Title Shared Secret Data Initialized to Zero Shared Secret Data Update on the Paging/Access Channels Shared Secret Data Update on the Forward/ Reverse Traffic Channels Mismatched A-Keys Activating Voice Privacy on Call Setup Activating Voice Privacy at the Mobile Station When a Call Is Active Signaling Message Encryption on Forward Traffic Channel (Alert with Information Message) Signaling Message Encryption on Reverse Traffic Channel (Burst DTMF Message) Hard Handoffs between Base Stations with SME Active. Signaling Message Encryption for Mobile Terminated SMS (Data Burst Message) Authentication Upon Originations Hard Handoff from CDMA to AMPS with SME Active
Unless otherwise noted, AUTH should be set to 01 in the Access Parameters Message. Shared Secret Data Initialized to Zero Definition
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
This test verifies that when the A-Key is changed at both the base station and mobile station, mobile station Shared Secret Data (SSD) and base station SSD are initialized to zero until an SSD Update is performed. Authentication of mobile station registrations, originations, and terminations should be successful. Traceability: 3.3.1: (See [4] ); (MS) Authentication Timer-Based Registration (BS) Authentication
16 17 18 19
Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Power on the mobile station. c. Initialize the A-Key to the same value in the mobile station and base station.
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Figure 6.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Authentication Tests d. Enable timer-based registration (REG_PRD=29). e. Verify the mobile station sends a Timer-Based Registration Message, which includes AUTHR, RANDC and COUNT. f. At the base station, verify authentication of registration is successful.
g. Setup a mobile station originated call. h. Verify user data in both directions. i. j. End call. Make a land party to mobile station call.
k. Verify the call completes. l. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Traffic Channel.
m. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure was successful. n. End call. o. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Paging Channel. p. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure was successful. q. Power down the mobile station. 6.1.3 Minimum Standard
21 22 23 24 25
When the A-Key is changed in the mobile station and base station, Shared Secret Data shall be initialized to zero. Authentication of mobile station registrations, originations, and terminations shall be successful. The Unique Challenge-Response Procedure shall be successful.
TIA-898 6.2 6.2.1 Shared Secret Data Update on the Paging/Access Channels Definition
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This test verifies the mobile station and base station can perform a Shared Secret Data update on the paging/access channels. Traceability: 6.2.2 (See [4] ); Unique Challenge-Response Procedure Updating the Shared Secret Data (SSD) Timer-Based Registration Authentication Challenge Response Message System Parameters Message (f-csch) Authentication Challenge Message (f-csch)
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Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Power on the mobile station. c. Initialize the A-Key to the same value in both the mobile station and base station. d. At the base station, initiate a Shared Secret Data update on the Paging/Access Channels. e. Verify the SSD Update was successful. f. Enable timer-based registration (REG_PRD=29).
g. Wait for the mobile station to send the Timer-Based Registration Message. h. Verify the Registration Message includes AUTHR, COUNT and RANDC. i. j. At the base station, verify authentication of registration is successful. Setup a mobile station originated call.
k. Verify user data in both directions. l. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Traffic Channel.
m. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure was successful. n. End call. o. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Paging Channel. p. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure was successful. q. Power down the mobile station. 6.2.3 Minimum Standard
33 34 35
The mobile station and base station shall successfully perform an SSD Update on the Paging/Access Channels.
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SSD_A_NEW and SSD_B_NEW shall be stored at the mobile station and base station. Authentication of mobile station registrations, originations, and terminations shall be successful. 6.3 6.3.1 Shared Secret Data Update on the Forward/Reverse Traffic Channels Definition
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
This test will verify the mobile station and base station can perform a shared secret data update on the forward/reverse traffic channels. Traceability: (See [4] ); Unique Challenge-Response Procedure Updating the Shared Secret Data (SSD) Authentication Challenge Response Message (r-dsch) Timer-Based Registration Authentication Challenge Message (f-dsch) SSD Update Message (f-dsch)
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Power on the mobile station. c. Initialize the A-Key to the same value in both the mobile station and base station. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. At the base station, initiate a Shared Secret Data update on the Forward/Reverse Traffic Channels.
g. Verify the SSD Update was successful. h. End call. i. j. Enable timer-based registration (REG_PRD=29). Wait for the mobile station to send the Timer-Based Registration Message.
k. Verify the Registration Message includes AUTHR, COUNT and RANDC. l. At the base station, verify authentication of registration is successful.
m. Setup a mobile station originated call. n. Verify user data in both directions. o. End call. p. Setup a mobile station terminated call. q. Verify user data in both directions. r. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Traffic Channel.
TIA-898 s. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure was successful. t. End call.
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u. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Paging Channel. v. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure was successful. w. Power down the mobile station. 6.3.3 Minimum Standard
7 8 9 10
The mobile station and base station shall successfully perform an SSD Update on the Forward/Reverse Traffic Channels. SSD_A_NEW and SSD_B_NEW shall be stored at both the mobile station and the base station. 6.4 6.4.1 Mismatched A-Keys Definition
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This test verifies that when there is an A_KEY mismatch, authentication of registrations, originations, terminations, and Unique Challenge-Response procedures will fail. Traceability: 6.4.2 (See [4] ); Unique Challenge-Response Procedure Updating the Shared Secret Data (SSD) Authentication Challenge Response Message Authentication Challenge Response Message (r-dsch) Authentication Challenge Message (f-csch) SSD Update Message (f-csch) Authentication Challenge Message (f-dsch) SSD Update Message (f-dsch)
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Power on the mobile station. c. Initialize the A-Key to the same value in the mobile station and base station. d. At the base station, initiate a Shared Secret Data update on the Paging/Access Channels. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. Verify user data in both directions.
g. End call. h. Change the A-Key in the mobile station. i. j. Enable timer-based registration (REG_PRD=29) Wait for the mobile station to send a Timer-Based Registration Message.
TIA-898 l. At the base station, verify authentication of registration fails due to an AUTHR mismatch.
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m. Setup a mobile station originated call. n. Verify the mobile station receives an Intercept Order and that the call fails due to an AUTHR mismatch. o. Ensure the intercept tone sounds as alternating 440 Hz and 620 Hz tones, each on for 250 ms. The mobile station should not do any silent re-originations after receiving an intercept order. p. Setup a mobile station terminated call. q. Verify the call fails due to an AUTHR mismatch. r. At the base station, initiate a Shared Secret Data update on the Paging/Access channels.
s. Verify the SSD Update fails with an AUTHBS mismatch. t. At the base station, initiate a Unique Challenge-Response Procedure on the Paging/Access channels.
u. Verify the Unique Challenge-Response Procedure fails with an AUTHU mismatch. v. Power down the mobile station 6.4.3 Minimum Standard
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When there is an A-Key mismatch between the base station and mobile station, authentication of registrations, originations, terminations, and Unique Challenge-Response procedures shall fail. When the mobile station receives an intercept order it shall play the proper tone and should not silently re-originate. 6.5 6.5.1 Activating Voice Privacy on Call Setup Definition
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This test verifies that Voice Privacy can be activated at call setup by the mobile station subscriber. The Voice Privacy feature can be activated and deactivated by either the mobile station subscriber or the base station. Traceability: 2.7.3: 3.3.3: 3.7.4: (See [4] ); (MS) Voice Privacy (MS) Long Code Transition Request Processing Origination Message Page Response Message (MS) Orders (BS) Voice Privacy (BS) Long Code Transition Request Processing Traffic Channel Substate Release Substate (BS) Orders
TIA-898 6.5.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1 b. Ensure Authentication is enabled. c. Power on the mobile station. d. Enable Voice Privacy in the mobile station and base station. e. Setup a mobile station originated call, and verify in the Origination Message the Voice Privacy Mode Indicator is set to '1'. f. Configure the Base station to send a Long Code Transition Request Order (ORDQ='00000001') on the traffic channel.
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g. Verify the mobile station responds with a Long Code Transition Response Order (ORDQ='00000011') h. If supported on the user interface, verify the mobile station indicates to the user that Voice Privacy is active. i. j. Verify user data in both directions. End call.
k. Setup a mobile station terminated call, and verify in the Page Response Message the voice privacy indicator (PM) is set to 1 then repeat steps d through j. 6.5.3 Minimum Standard
18 19 20
The mobile station shall respond with a Long Code Transition Response Order (ORDQ='00000011') when activated during call setup. 6.6 6.6.1 Activating Voice Privacy at the Mobile Station When a Call Is Active Definition
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This test verifies that Voice Privacy can be activated at the mobile station when a call is active. Traceability: 2.7.3: 3.3.3: 3.7.4: (See [4] ); (MS) Voice Privacy Long Code Transition Request Processing Origination Message Page Response Message (MS) Orders (BS) Voice Privacy (BS) Long Code Transition Request Processing Traffic Channel Substate Release Substate (BS) Orders
36 37
Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1
TIA-898 b. Enable Voice Privacy in the base station. c. Ensure Authentication is enabled. d. Power on the mobile station. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. f. Enable voice privacy at the mobile station. Verify the mobile station sends a Long Code Transition Request Order with ORDQ set to 00000001.
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g. Verify the base station responds by sending a Long Code Transition Request Order with ORDQ set to 00000001. h. Verify the mobile station responds with a Long Code Transition Response Order (ORDQ='00000011'). i. j. If supported on the user interface, verify the mobile station indicates Voice Privacy is active. Verify user data in both directions.
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Voice Privacy shall function correctly on the mobile station when a call is active. 6.7 Signaling Message Encryption on Forward Traffic Channel (Alert with Information Message) Definition
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This test verifies that Signaling Message Encryption can be applied to certain fields of selected traffic channel messages such as Alert with Information Message. Traceability: 3.3.2: 6.7.2 (See [4] ); (MS) Signaling Message Encryption (MS) Calling Party Number (BS) Encryption Channel Assignment Message (f-csch) Alert With Information Message (f-dsch) (BS) Calling Party Number
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Activate the Calling Party Number (CPN) feature for the mobile station subscriber. c. Ensure Authentication is enabled. d. Power on the mobile station. e. Enable Signaling Message Encryption on the base station. f. Setup a land to mobile station call, or a mobile station to mobile station call.
TIA-898 h. Verify that the ENCRYPTION field is set to 01 in the Layer 3 messages that should be encrypted. i. j. Verify the CPN is displayed on the mobile station during the alerting state. Verify user data in both directions.
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When Signaling Message Encryption is activated, CPN sensitive data shall be encrypted when sent on the traffic channel. 6.8 6.8.1 Signaling Message Encryption on Reverse Traffic Channel (Burst DTMF Message) Definition
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This test verifies that Signaling Message Encryption can be applied to certain fields of selected traffic channel messages such as Burst DTMF Message. Traceability: 3.3.2: 6.8.2 (See [4] ); (MS) Signaling Message Encryption Send Burst DTMF Message (BS) Encryption Channel Assignment Message (f-csch)
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Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Ensure Authentication is enabled. c. Power on the mobile station. d. Configure the mobile station to send a Send Burst DTMF Message. e. Enable Signaling Message Encryption on the base station. f. Setup a mobile station call to a voice mail system or a paging system.
g. Verify ENCRYPT_MODE='01' on the Channel Assignment Message. h. Enter the appropriate pin code as burst DTMF tones. i. j. 6.8.3 Verify that either the voice mail system recognizes the DTMF tones and plays the message back, or that the paging system accepts the pin and sends out the page. End call.
30 31 32
Minimum Standard
When Signaling Message Encryption is activated, Send Burst DTMF Message data shall be encrypted when sent on the traffic channel.
TIA-898 6.9 6.9.1 Hard Handoffs between Base Stations with SME Active. Definition
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This test verifies that when Signaling Message Encryption is used, the new base station activates ENCRYPT_MODE. Traceability: 3.3.2: 6.9.2 (See [4] ); (MS) Signaling Message Encryption CDMA-to-CDMA Hard Handoff (MS) Calling Party Number. (BS) Encryption Extended Handoff Direction Message (call processing). General Handoff Direction Message (call processing). Universal Handoff Direction Message (call processing). Channel Assignment Message (f-csch) Flash With Information Message (f-dsch). Extended Handoff Direction Message (f-dsch). General Handoff Direction Message (f-dsch). Universal Handoff Direction Message (f-dsch). (BS) Calling Party Number.
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Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.9.2-1. b. Activate Call Waiting and Caller ID on Base station #2. c. Ensure Authentication is enabled. d. Power on the mobile station. e. Enable Signaling Message Encryption on both base stations. f. Setup a mobile station originated call.
g. Verify ENCRYPT_MODE='01' in the Channel Assignment Message. h. Verify user data in both directions. i. j. Perform a hard handoff from Base station #1 to Base station #2. Verify ENCRYPT_MODE='01' in the Handoff Direction Message.
k. Setup another call to the mobile station, and listen for the Call Waiting tone. l. Verify base station #2 sends a Flash with Information Message with ENCRYPTION='01'.
m. Verify Calling Party Number (CPN) is displayed on mobile station during alerting state. n. Verify user data in both directions. o. End call.
2 3
Figure 6.9.2-1 Functional Setup for Hard Handoffs between Base Stations with SME Active 6.9.3 Minimum Standard
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When Signaling Message Encryption is activated, sensitive data is encrypted and sent on the traffic channel. When an active call is handed off from base station #1 to base station #2, or another sector the SME mode is passed on to the base station or sector to which the call has been handed off. 6.10 Signaling Message Encryption Mobile Terminated SMS (Data Burst Message) 6.10.1 Definition This test verifies that Signaling Message Encryption, can be applied to certain fields of selected traffic channel messages such as Data Burst Messages. Traceability: 3.3.2: (See [4] ); Signaling Message Encryption Encryption Channel Assignment Message (f-csch) (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Termination Paging Channel Procedures
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TIA-898 6.10.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Activate the Short Message Service (SMS) feature for the mobile station subscriber. c. Delete all outstanding short messages in the network for the mobile station. d. Ensure Authentication is enabled. e. Enable Signaling Message Encryption on the base station. f. Power on the mobile station, and wait until it is in Idle State.
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g. Store a short message in the Message Center for the mobile station. Ensure the message is big enough so that the message can not be sent on the Paging channel and the message has to be sent on the Traffic channel. h. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message with ENCRYPTION='01'. i. Verify the mobile station successfully receives the short message.
13 14 15 16
6.10.3 Minimum Standard The base station shall send a short message over the traffic channel using the Data Burst Message with Signaling Message Encryption activated. The correct and complete short message shall be received by the mobile station. 6.11 Authentication Upon Originations 6.11.1 Definition This test verifies the mobile station can successfully Authenticate upon originations. Traceability: (See [4] ); Updating the Shared Secret Data (SSD) Authentication Challenge Response Message Authentication Challenge Response Message (r-dsch) Authentication Challenge Message (f-csch) SSD Update Message (f-csch) Authentication Challenge Message (f-dsch) SSD Update Message (f-dsch)
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6.11.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.1.2-1. b. Power on the mobile station. c. Initialize the A-Key to the same value in both the mobile station and base station. d. At the base station, initiate a Shared Secret Data update on the Paging Channel. e. Verify the SSD Update was successful. f. Setup a mobile station originated call (seven digits).
g. Verify user data in both directions and that Authentication is successful. h. End call.
TIA-898 i. j. Setup a mobile station originated call (three digits such as *73). Verify user data in both directions and Authentication is successful.
1 2 3 4 5 6
k. End call. l. Setup a mobile station originated call (four digits such as *123).
m. Verify user data in both directions and that Authentication is successful. n. End call and Power down the mobile station. 6.11.3 Minimum Standard Authentication of all Mobile Station Originations shall be successful. 6.12 Hard Handoff from CDMA to AMPS with SME Active 6.12.1 Definition This test verifies that when Signaling Message Encryption is used, the new base station activates Analog Signaling Message Encryption. Traceability: 3.3.2: (See [4] ); (MS) Signaling Message Encryption CDMA-Analog HO (MS) Calling Party Number. (BS) Encryption Traffic Channel Substate Channel Assignment Message (f-csch) Alert with Information Message (f-dsch) Analog Handoff Direction Message (BS) Calling Party Number.
7 8
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6.12.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 6.9.2-1. b. Activate Call Waiting and Caller ID on Base station #2. c. Ensure Authentication is enabled. d. Power on the mobile station. e. Enable Signaling Message Encryption on both base stations. f. Setup a mobile station originated call.
g. Verify ENCRYPT_MODE='01' in the Channel Assignment Message. h. Verify user data in both directions. i. j. Perform a CDMA to AMPS hard handoff from Base station #1 to Base station #2. Verify ENCRYPT_MODE='01' and MEM=1 in the Analog Handoff Direction Message.
k. Setup another call to the mobile station, and listen for the Call Waiting tone. l. Verify base station #2 sends an encrypted Alert with Information Message (AMPS).
TIA-898 m. Verify the Calling Party Number (CPN) is displayed on the mobile station during the alerting state. n. Verify user data in both directions. o. End call. 6.12.3 Minimum Standard When Signaling Message Encryption is activated, sensitive data is encrypted and sent on the traffic/voice channels. When an active call is handed off from base station #1 to base station #2, or another sector, the SME mode is passed on to the base station or sector to which the call has been handed off.
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TIA-898 No text
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Test No. 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.2. 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3
4 5 6 7
Title Global Service Redirection Tests Global Service Redirection between Band Classes Global Service Redirection from CDMA to a Non-CDMA System Global Service Redirection to a Different Channel in the Same Band Class Network Directed System Selection (NDSS) and Service Redirection Tests NDSS Between Band Classes NDSS and Normal Service Redirection to a Non-CDMA System NDSS between Channels in the Same Band Class NDSS Ignore CDMA NDSS Return If Fail Extended Global Service Redirection Tests Extended Global Service Redirection between Band Classes Extended Global Service Redirection from CDMA to a Non-CDMA System Extended Global Service Redirection to a Different Channel in the Same Band Class
When the mobile station receives a Service Redirection Message, Global Service Redirection Message, or an Extended Global Service Redirection the mobile shall attempt to select another system in accordance with the current redirection criteria. 7.1 Global Service Redirection Tests
8 9
7.1.1 Global Service Redirection between Band Classes. Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station receives a Global Service Redirection Message directing it to another band class, the mobile station acquires the appropriate system. Traceabilities (See [4]) System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Response to Overhead Information Operation Global Service Redirection Message System Parameters Message Global Service Redirection Message
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TIA-898 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure For this test case, base station #1 and base station #2 are in different band classes.
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure Functional Setup for Service Redirection Tests b. Verify the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. c. Send a Global Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID, NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC EXCL_P_REV_MS RECORD_TYPE 0 00000010 Value ACCOLCp
13 14 15
d. Verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the mobile station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected.
TIA-898 e. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions. f. End the call.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
g. Verify the mobile station does not acquire the system from which it was redirected. h. Power off the mobile station. i. j. Repeat steps c through h with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #2. Repeat steps b and c with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #1 with the following modifications to the Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC EXCL_P_REV_MS Value ACCOLCp 1
11 12 13 14 15 16
k. If MOB_P_REV is less than six, verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. If MOB_P_REV is greater than or equal to six, verify the mobile station ignores the Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system. 7.1.2 Minimum Standard
17 18 19 20
The mobile station shall acquire the system to which it was directed and successfully originate a call on the new system unless MOB_P_REVp is greater than or equal to six and EXCL_P_REV_MS is equal to 1. 7.1.3 Global Service Redirection from CDMA to a Non-CDMA System
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station receives a Global Service Redirection Message directing it from CDMA to a Non-CDMA system, the mobile station acquires that system. The mobile station should only be redirected to Non-CDMA systems it supports. An example would be an analog system defined in [21]. Traceabilities (see [4]) System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Response to Overhead Information Operation Global Service Redirection Message System Parameters Message Global Service Redirection Message
33 34 35 36 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure For this test case, base station #1 is a CDMA base station and base station #2 is a Non-CDMA base station
TIA-898 b. Verify the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. c. Send a Global Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of EXPECTED_SID for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC EXCL_P_REV_MS RECORD_TYPE 0 '00000001' [North American Amps] '00000011' [TACS] '00000100' [JTACS] Value ACCOLCp
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d. Verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions. f. End the call.
g. Verify the mobile station does not acquire the system from which it was redirected. h. Power off the mobile station. i. Repeat steps b and c with the following changes to the Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC EXCL_P_REV_MS 1 Value ACCOLCp
16 17 18 19 20 21
If MOB_P_REV is less than six, verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. If MOB_P_REV is greater than or equal to six, verify the mobile station ignores the Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system.
22 23 24 25 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall acquire the system to which it was directed and successfully originate a call on the new system unless MOB_P_REVp is greater than or equal to six and EXCL_P_REV_MS is equal to 1.
TIA-898 7.1.4 Global Service Redirection to a Different Channel in the Same Band Class. Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station receives a Global Service Redirection Message directing it to a different channel in the same band class, the mobile station acquires the appropriate system. Traceabilities (see [4]) System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Response to Overhead Information Operation Global Service Redirection Message System Parameters Message Global Service Redirection Message
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure For this test case, base station #1 and base station #2 are in the same band class with different CDMA channels. b. Verify the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. c. Send a Global Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID, NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC EXCL_P_REV_MS RECORD_TYPE 0 00000010 Value ACCOLCp
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d. Verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions. f. End the call.
g. Verify the mobile station does not acquire the system from which it was redirected. h. Power off the mobile station. i. j. Repeat steps c through h with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #2. Remove the channel for base station #2 from the mobiles stations preferred roaming list and repeat steps b through h.
k. Repeat steps b and c with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #1 with the following modifications to the Global Service Redirection Message:
Value ACCOLCp 1
If MOB_P_REV is less than six, verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. If MOB_P_REV is greater than or equal to six, verify the mobile station ignores the Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system.
7 8 9 10 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall acquire the system to which it was directed and successfully originate a call on the new system unless MOB_P_REVp is greater than or equal to six and EXCL_P_REV_MS is equal to 1. 7.2 Network Directed System Selection and Normal Service Redirection Tests
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When the mobile station receives a Service Redirection Message in response to an origination, or prior to user data being transmitted, the mobile station shall attempt to select another system in accordance with the current redirection criteria and re-originate on the new system. 7.2.1 NDSS Between Band Classes Definition This test verifies that a mobile station redirects between band classes when the Service Redirection Message is sent on the f-csch, in response to an Origination Message, or on the fdsch prior to user data being transmitted. Traceability: (See [4] ); System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Mobile Station Directed Messages Service Redirection Message {f-csch} Service Redirection Message {f-dsch}
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base stations as shown in Figure For this test case base station #1 and base station #2 are CDMA base stations operating in different band classes. b. Ensure the mobile station acquires base station #1. c. Originate a mobile station to land party call. d. Send a Service Redirection Message from the current base station in response to the mobile station origination attempt or prior to user data being transferred with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID, NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters:
e. Verify the mobile station acquires the base station #2. f. Verify the call completes and user traffic is present. (i.e. Audio)
g. End the call. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall be redirected between band classes when the base station sends a Service Redirection Message in response to a mobile station Origination Message. The mobile station shall establish a call on the new system without any additional user input. 7.2.2 NDSS and Normal Service Redirection from CDMA to a Non-CDMA System Definition This test verifies that a mobile station is redirected from CDMA to a Non-CDMA system when the Service Redirection Message is sent on the f-csch in response to an origination, or on the fdsch prior to user data being transmitted. Traceability: (See [4] ); System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Mobile Station Directed Messages Service Redirection Message {f-csch} Service Redirection Message {f-dsch}
6 7 8 9
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22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Method of measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base stations as shown in figure Base station #1 is a CDMA base station and base station #2 is a non-CDMA base station. b. Verify the mobile station acquires the CDMA system. c. Setup a mobile station originated call. d. In response to mobile origination attempt or prior to user data being transferred, force base station #1 to send a Service Redirection Message with the proper parameters (EXPECTED_SID, IGNORE_CDMA, and SYS_ORDERING) to initiate Service Redirection from base station #1 to base station #2 using the following parameters in the Service Redirection Message:
TIA-898 Field REDIRECT_TYPE RECORD_TYPE Value '1' [NDSS redirection] '00000001' [North American Amps] '00000011' [TACS] '00000100' [JTACS]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e. Verify the mobile station acquires base station #2. f. Verify the call completes and user traffic is present. (i.e. Audio)
g. End the call. h. Repeat steps b through g making the following change to the Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_TYPE Value '0' [Normal Redirection]
9 10 11 12 13 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall be redirected between the CDMA base station and the non-CDMA base station when the CDMA base station sends a Service Redirection Message in response to a mobile station Origination Message. The mobile station shall establish a call on the new system without any additional user input. 7.2.3 NDSS between Channels in the Same Band Class Definition This test verifies that a mobile station redirects between channels in the same band class when the Service Redirection Message is sent on the f-csch, in response to an Origination Message, or on the f-dsch prior to user data being transmitted. Traceability: (see [4]); System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Mobile Station Directed Messages Service Redirection Message {f-csch} Service Redirection Message {r-dsch}
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26 27 28 29 30 31 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base stations as shown in Figure For this test case base station #1 and base station #2 are CDMA base stations operating in the same band class b. Ensure the mobile station acquires base station #1. c. Originate a mobile station to land party call.
TIA-898 d. Send a Service Redirection Message from the current base station in response to mobile origination attempt or prior to user data being transferred with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID, NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_TYPE RECORD_TYPE
6 7 8 9
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e. Verify the mobile station acquires base station #2. f. Verify the call completes and user traffic is present. (i.e. Audio)
g. End the call. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall be redirected between channels within the same band class when the base station sends a Service Redirection Message in response to a mobile station Origination Message. The mobile station shall establish a call on the new system without any additional user input. 7.2.4 NDSS Ignore CDMA Definition This test verifies that the mobile station does not respond to the CDMA Capability Message after receiving a Service Redirection Message with IGNORE_CDMA='1' Traceability: (See [4] ); System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Mobile Station Directed Messages Service Redirection Message {f-csch} Service Redirection Message {r-dsch}
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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Method of measurement a. Connect the mobile station and the base stations as shown in figure Base station #1 is a CDMA base station and base station #2 is AMPS. b. Verify the mobile station acquires the CDMA system. c. Setup a mobile station originated call. d. Send a Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of EXPECTED_SID and SYS_ORDERING for the new base station along with the following parameters:
e. Verify the mobile station acquires base station #2. f. Verify the call completes and user traffic is present. (i.e. Audio).
g. End the call. h. Send the CDMA Capability Message indicating CDMA is available from base station #2. i. Verify the mobile station ignores the CDMA Capability Message and remains in the Idle Task on the current system.
9 10 11 Minimum Standard After receiving the CDMA Capability Message from base station #2, the mobile station shall not attempt to acquire the CDMA system again. 7.2.5 NDSS Return If Fail Definition This test verifies that when RETURN_IF_FAIL = '1' in the Service Redirection Message, the mobile station will return to the serving system if it fails to acquire the system to which it was directed. Traceability: (See [4] ); System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Mobile Station Directed Messages Service Redirection Message {f-csch} Service Redirection Message {d-csch}
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Method of measurement a. Connect the mobile station and the base stations as shown in figure Base station #1 is a CDMA base station and base station #2 is a CDMA base station b.Verify the mobile station acquires base station #1. c. Ensure the mobile station cannot acquire base station #2 d. Setup a mobile station originated call. e. Send a Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID, NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters:
3 4 5 6 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall return to the channel it originated on after the failed NDSS attempt. The call may or may not complete depending on the mobile station and infrastructure specific implementations. 7.3 Extended Global Service Redirection Tests
7.3.1 Extended Global Service Redirection between Band Classes Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station receives an Extended Global Service Redirection Message directing it to another band class, the mobile station acquires the appropriate system. Traceabilities: (see [4]) Response to Overhead Information Operation Extended Global Service Redirection Message System Parameters Message Extended Global Service Redirection Message
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure For this test case, base station #1 and base station #2 are in different band classes. b. Verify the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. c. Send an Extended Global Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID, NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL RECORD_TYPE 0 00000010 Value ACCOLCp
26 27 28 29
d. Verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions.
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g. Verify the mobile station does not acquire the system from which it was redirected. h. Power off the mobile station. i. j. Repeat steps c through h with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #2. Repeat steps c through h with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #1 with the following modifications to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX 1 0 =< MOB_P_REVp >= MOB_P_REVp Value ACCOLCp
10 11 12 13
k. Repeat step c with the following changes to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX 1 0 < MOB_P_REVp < MOB_P_REVp Value ACCOLCp
14 15 16 17 18 19
Verify the mobile station ignores the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system.
m. Repeat step c with following changes to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX 1 1 =< MOB_P_REVp >= MOB_P_REVp Value ACCOLCp
TIA-898 n. Verify the mobile station ignores the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system.
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall acquire the system to which it was directed and successfully originate a call on the new system unless: MOB_P_REVp is not in the redirection mobile protocol revision range (The mobile station shall then ignore the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remain in the Idle State on the current system.), or MOB_P_REVp is in the excluded mobile protocol revision range. (The mobile station shall then ignore the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remain in the Idle State on the current system.). 7.3.2 Extended Global Service Redirection from CDMA to a Non-CDMA System Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station receives an Extended Global Service Redirection Message directing it from CDMA to Amps, the mobile station acquires the appropriate system. The mobile station should only be redirected to Non-CDMA systems that it supports. An example would be an analog system defined in [21]. Traceabilities: (see [4]) System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Response to Overhead Information Operation Extended Global Service Redirection Message System Parameters Message Extended Global Service Redirection Message
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure For this test case, base station #1 is a CDMA base station and base station #2 is a non-CDMA base station b. Verify the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. c. Send an Extended Global Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct value of EXPECTED_SID for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL RECORD_TYPE 0 00000001 Value ACCOLCp
TIA-898 d. Verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions. f. End the call.
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g. Verify the mobile station does not acquire the system from which it was redirected. h. Power off mobile station. i. Repeat steps b through h with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #1 with the following modifications to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX Value ACCOLCp 1 0 < MOB_P_REVp >= MOB_P_REVp
11 12 13 14
Repeat steps b and c with the following changes to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX Value ACCOLCp 1 0 < MOB_P_REVp < MOB_P_REVp
15 16 17 18 19 20
k. Verify the mobile station ignores the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system. l. Repeat steps b and c with following changes to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message:
m. Verify the mobile station ignores the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall acquire the system to which it was directed and successfully originate a call on the new system unless: MOB_P_REVp is not in the redirection mobile protocol revision range (The mobile station shall then ignore the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remain in the Idle State on the current system.), or MOB_P_REVp is in the excluded mobile protocol revision range. (The mobile station shall then ignore the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remain in the Idle State on the current system.) 7.3.3 Extended Global Service Redirection to a Different Channel in the Same Band Class Definition This test verifies that when a mobile station receives an Extended Global Service Redirection Message directing it to a different channel in the same band class, the mobile station acquires the appropriate system. Traceabilities: (see [4]) System Selection Using Current Redirection Criteria Response to Overhead Information Operation Extended Global Service Redirection Message System Parameters Message Extended Global Service Redirection Message
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Method of Measurement a. Connect mobile station to base station as shown in Figure For this test case, base station #1 and base station #2 are in the same band class with different CDMA channels. b. Verify the mobile station is operating in the Idle State on base station #1. c. Send an Extended Global Service Redirection Message from the current base station with the correct values of BAND_CLASS, EXPECTED_SID, EXPECTED_NID,
TIA-898 NUM_CHAN, and CDMA_CHAN for the new base station along with the following parameters: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL RECORD_TYPE
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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d. Verify the mobile station enters the System Determination Substate of the Mobile Station Initialization State and acquires the system to which it was redirected. e. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions. f. End the call.
g. Verify the mobile station does not acquire the system from which it was redirected. h. Power off the mobile station. i. j. Repeat steps c through h with mobile station operating in Idle State on base station #2. Remove the channel for base station #2 from the mobiles stations preferred roaming list and repeat steps b through h.
k. Repeat steps c through h with the mobile station operating in the Idle State on base station #1 with the following modifications to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX Value ACCOLCp 1 0 < MOB_P_REVp > MOB_P_REVp
17 18 19 20
Repeat step c with the following changes to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX Value ACCOLCp 1 0 < MOB_P_REVp < MOB_P_REVp
TIA-898 m. Verify the mobile station ignores the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system. n. Repeat step c with following changes to the Extended Global Service Redirection Message: Field REDIRECT_ACCOLC REDIRECT_P_REV_INCL EXCL_P_REV_INCL REDIRECT_P_MIN REDIRECT_P_MAX
6 7 8
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o. Verify the mobile station ignores the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remains in the Idle State on the current system. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall acquire the system to which it was directed and successfully originate a call on the new system unless: MOB_P_REVp is not in the redirection mobile protocol revision range (The mobile station shall then ignore the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remain in the Idle State on the current system.), or MOB_P_REVp is in the excluded mobile protocol revision range. (The mobile station shall then ignore the Extended Global Service Redirection Message and remain in the Idle State on the current system.)
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SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS) Table 8-1 Short Message Service Tests Test No. Title Mobile Station Terminated SMS Tests: Paging Channel SMS Delivery Procedures SMS Delivery Procedures when Message is Too Large for Paging Channel Traffic Channel SMS Delivery Procedures Delivery of Maximum Length Message SMS Delivery Error - Mobile Station Short Message Buffer Full Voice Mail Notification Mobile Station Originated SMS Tests: Access Channel SMS Delivery SMS Delivery when Message is Too Large for Access Channel Traffic Channel SMS Delivery Unknown Destination Address Mobile Station Originated SMS Disabled SMS Not Supported by Base Station Broadcast SMS Tests: Broadcast SMS Delivery
8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.3 8.3.1
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TIA-898 A model of an SMS system per TIA/EIA-637-A is shown in Figure 8-1. SMS features are distributed between a CDMA system and the SMS Message Center (MC), which together make up the SMS system. Um Ai W TE
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Figure 8-1 SMS Reference Model The base station (BS) in this model represents the entire cellular system infrastructure. It contains transceiver equipment, the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and any Inter-Working Function (IWF) required for network connection. The MC element in this model represents a generic SMS message center function. The N reference point represents one or more standardized interfaces between an SMS Message Center and a base station. Terminal Equipment (TE) is voice or data equipment connected either directly or indirectly to the MC. The mobile station (MS) represents the Bearer service end point. Implementation details of an SMS system may vary. The MC may be either separate from or physically integrated into the cellular system. MC interfaces may include features such as audio response prompts and DTMF reception for dial-in access from voice telephones, as well as appropriate menus and message entry protocols for dial in or dedicated data terminal access. Mobile station interfaces may include keyboard and display features to support message entry. 8.1 Mobile Station Terminated SMS Tests
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Unless otherwise noted, the following conditions apply for all tests in this section: Mobile station is capable of receiving short messages. The short message feature for the mobile station is activated. Base station has Power-up registration enabled (that is, POWER_UP_REG field is set to 1 in the System Parameters Message). Transport Layer messages shall enable the Bearer Reply Option. 8.1.1 Paging Channel SMS Delivery Procedures Definition This test verifies that a short message can be sent to a mobile station in the Mobile Station Idle State.
29 30 31 32 33
TIA-898 Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Termination Mobile SMS Message Termination Method of Measurement a. Delete all outstanding short messages in the network for the mobile station. b. Create a short message in the Message Center for the mobile station. Ensure that the short message length is less than the maximum allowed size on the Paging Channel so that it can be sent to the mobile station on the Paging Channel1. c. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. d. Instruct the network to send the short message to the mobile station. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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e. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message at the mobile station, verify the following: The mobile station alerts the user for the incoming short message and correctly displays the received short message (if applicable). The mobile station transmits an Access Channel Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating no error (i.e. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 00).
21 22 23 24 25 Minimum Standard The base station shall send the short message to the mobile station over the Paging Channel using the Data Burst Message. The correct and complete short message shall be received by the mobile station. The mobile station shall alert the user upon short message reception and send an access channel Data Burst Message. 8.1.2 SMS Delivery Procedures when Message Too Large for Paging Channel Definition This test verifies that if a short message length exceeds the maximum allowable length for Paging Channel transport, the short message is delivered over the Traffic Channel.
27 28 29
TIA-898 Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Termination Mobile SMS Message Termination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures Method of Measurement a. Delete all outstanding short messages in the network for the mobile station. b. Create a short message in the Message Center for the mobile station. Ensure that the short message length is greater than the maximum length supported on the Paging Channel2. c. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. d. Instruct the network to send the short message to the mobile station. Verify the following: The base station does not send a Data Burst Message to the mobile station on the paging channel. The base station sends a General Page Message with either service option 6 or service option 14. After the mobile station enters the Conversation Substate, the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station with the following fields set as follows:. Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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e. Upon receiving Data Burst Message at the mobile station, verify the following: The mobile station alerts the user for the incoming short message and correctly displays the received short message (if chosen). The mobile station transmits a Reverse Traffic Channel Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating no error (i.e.. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 00).
27 28 29 30 31 Minimum Standard The base station shall send the short message to the mobile station over the Traffic Channel in the Conversation Substate. The correct and complete short message shall be received by the mobile station. The mobile station shall alert the user upon short message delivery and send a Data Burst Message.
TIA-898 8.1.3 Traffic Channel SMS Delivery Procedures Definition This test verifies a short message can be sent to a mobile station when it is already in the Conversation Substate. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Termination Mobile SMS Message Termination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures Mobile Station Message Termination in the Conversation Substate Method of Measurement a. Delete all outstanding short messages in the network for the mobile station. b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. While the mobile station is in the Conversation Substate, create a short message in the Message Center for the mobile station and instruct the network to send the short message to the mobile station. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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d. Upon receiving Data Burst Message at the mobile station, verify the following: The mobile station alerts the user for the incoming short message and correctly displays the received short message (if chosen). The mobile station transmits a Traffic Channel Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating no error (i.e.. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 00).
25 26 27 28 29 Minimum Standard The base station shall send the short message to the mobile station over the Traffic Channel using the Data Burst Message. The correct and complete short message shall be received by the mobile station. The mobile station shall alert the user upon short message delivery and send a Data Burst Message.
TIA-898 8.1.4 Delivery of Maximum Length Message Definition This test verifies the SMS transport layer capability to send to a mobile station a short message of the maximum size. The test verifies delivery of the maximum length short message on the traffic channel. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Termination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures SMS Point-to-Point Message Bearer Reply Option Method of Measurement a. Clear or read all short messages from the mobile station. b. Delete all outstanding short messages in the Network for the mobile station. c. Create in the Message Center a maximum size short message for the mobile station. d. Instruct the network to send the short message to the mobile station. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station on the traffic channel, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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e. Upon receiving Data Burst Message at the mobile station, verify the following: The mobile station alerts the user for the incoming short message and correctly displays the received short message (if applicable). The mobile station transmits a Traffic Channel Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating no error (i.e. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 00).
26 27 28 29 30 Minimum Standard The base station shall send a short message to the mobile station over the Traffic Channel using the Data Burst Message. The correct and complete short message shall be received by the mobile station. The base station shall receive a traffic channel Data Burst Message from the mobile station.
TIA-898 8.1.5 SMS Delivery Error - Mobile Station Short Message Buffer Full Definition This test verifies SMS transport layer acknowledgment capability by sending to the mobile station short messages until the mobile station short message buffer is full. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Termination Paging Channel Procedures SMS Point-to-Point Message Cause Codes Method of Measurement a. Clear or read all short messages from the mobile station to ensure that the short message buffer is empty. b. Delete all outstanding short messages in the network for the mobile station. c. Create in the Message Center a short message for the mobile station. Instruct the network to send the short message to the mobile station. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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Upon receiving the Data Burst Message, the mobile station transmits a Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating no error (i.e. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 00). d. Repeat step c until the mobile station short message buffer is full. e. Instruct the network to send one additional short message to the mobile station. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS Value 1 (00000001) 3 (000011) 1 (00000001) Greater than 0
TIA-898 f. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message sent in step e, verify that the mobile station transmits an Access Channel Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating temporary error (i.e. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 10 and CAUSE_CODE=35).
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5 6 7 8 9 10 Minimum Standard The base station shall send the short messages to the mobile station. In response, the mobile station shall send, and the base station shall receive the Data Burst Message. When the mobile station short message buffer is full, the Data Burst Message that the mobile station sends to the base station as acknowledgment shall indicate Terminal Resource Shortage (Cause Code set to 35). 8.1.6 Voice Mail Notification Definition Voice Mail Notification (VMN) notifies the subscriber of voice mail messages using the Voice Mail Notification teleservice and Short Message Service protocol. Notification can be a tone, light, or display, and is manufacturer dependent. Traceability: (See [13] ); 4.3.5: Voice Mail Notification (VMN) 4.5.12: Number of Messages Method of Measurement a. Configure the system as shown in Figure
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Figure Functional Setup for Voice Mail Notification b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle state. c. Instruct the network to send a Voice Mail Notification (corresponds to a SMS Pointto-Point message) to the mobile station. Verify that the base station sends a Data Burst Message, with the BURST_TYPE field set to 000011, with the following parameters of the SMS message set as follows: 1) Teleservice Identifier parameter, IDENTIFIER = Voice Mail Notification (x1003).
TIA-898 2) Message Identifier subparameter, MESSAGE_TYPE = Deliver (0x1). 3) Number of Messages subparameter, MESSAGE_CT = 99. d. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message, verify that the following: The mobile station transmits an SMS Acknowledge message via an Access Channel Data Burst Message to acknowledge the short message and indicating no error (i.e. contains a Cause Codes parameter having ERROR_CLASS = 00). The mobile station indicates to the user the number of voice mail messages available as indicated by the network.
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e. Repeat step c, setting the MESSAGE_CT = 0. f. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message, verify that the mobile station indicates to the user no voice mail messages are available.
12 13 14 15 Minimum Standard The base station shall send Voice Mail Notification to the mobile station. The mobile station shall acknowledge receipt of the Notification. The mobile station shall indicate the number of messages stored at the voice mail system. 8.2 Mobile Station Originated SMS Tests
8.2.1 Access Channel SMS Delivery Definition This test verifies that a short message can be sent to the Message Center (MC) by a mobile station using the access channel. The short message length chosen for this test is such that it doesnt exceed the maximum message length allowed on the Access Channel. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Origination Mobile SMS Message Origination Method of Measurement a. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. b. Create a short message at the mobile station, of a length smaller than the maximum message length allowed on the access channel, and instruct the mobile station to send the short message to the network3. Verify the mobile station sends a Data Burst Message to the base station over the access channel, with the following fields set as follows:
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3 The maximum allowed size is dependent on the maximum access channel capsule size signaled in the Access Parameters Message and is also implementation dependent. 8-9
c. Verify that the Message Center receives the short message and sends a layer 2 acknowledgement to the mobile station. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall send the short message to the Message Center over the Access Channel. The Message Center shall receive the correct and complete short message and the mobile station shall receive the layer 2 acknowledgement. 8.2.2 SMS Delivery when Message is Too Large for Access Channel Definition This test verifies a mobile station in the Mobile Station Idle State can originate a short message of length larger than the maximum length allowed on the access channel and that the message is delivered to the Message Center over the Traffic Channel. Traceability: (See [13] ) ; Mobile SMS Message Origination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures Method of Measurement a. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. b. Create a short message at the mobile station, of a length larger than the maximum message length allowed on the access channel, and instruct the mobile station to send the short message to the network. c. Verify the following: The mobile station does not send the Data Burst Message over the access channel The mobile station sends an Origination Message to originate as SMS call with the SERVICE_OPTION field set to either 6 or 14. After entering the Conversation Substate, the mobile station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows:
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d. Verify the Message Center receives the short message. e. Verify that upon sending the short message, the mobile station sends a Release Order to release the dedicated channels. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall send the short message to the Message Center over the Traffic Channel. The Message Center shall receive the short message. The mobile station shall release the dedicated channels after delivery of short message. 8.2.3 Traffic Channel SMS Delivery Definition This test verifies that a short message can be sent by the mobile station when it is in the Conversation Substate. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Origination Mobile Station Message Origination in the Conversation Substate Mobile SMS Message Origination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures Method of Measurement a. Setup a mobile station originated call. b. While mobile station is in the Conversation Substate, create a short message and instruct the mobile station to send the short message to the network. Verify the mobile station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS Value 1 (00000001) 3 (000011) 1 (00000001) Greater than 0
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c. Verify the Message Center receives the short message. d. Verify that upon sending the short message, the mobile station does not attempt to release the dedicated channels.
TIA-898 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall send the short message to the Message Center while it is in the Conversation Substate. 8.2.4 Unknown Destination Address Definition This test verifies the base station can process a mobile station originated short message with an unknown destination address and will inform the mobile station regarding an unknown destination address. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Origination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures SMS Point-to-Point Message Cause Codes Method of Measurement a. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. b. Create a short message at the mobile station, but with an unknown address in the destination address field, and instruct the mobile station to send the short message to the base station. Verify the mobile station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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c. Verify the Message Center receives the short message and the base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station indicating an unknown address Minimum Standard The base station shall route the short message to the Message Center. A Data Burst Message shall be sent to the mobile station indicating an unknown address. 8.2.5 Mobile Station Originated SMS Disabled Definition This test verifies that when mobile station originated SMS is not activated in the network, the base station can process a mobile station originated short message and inform the mobile station that short message origination has been denied. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Origination
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1 2 3 Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures SMS Point-to-Point Message Cause Codes Method of Measurement a. Ensure the mobile station originated short message feature for the mobile station is not activated in the network. b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. c. Create a short message at the mobile station, with the Bearer Reply Option parameter set, and instruct the mobile station to send the short message to the base station. Verify the mobile station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS Value 1 (00000001) 3 (000011) 1 (00000001) Greater than 0
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d. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message at the base station, verify the following: The base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station, with an indication that the short message origination has been denied. The base station does not route the short message to the Message Center.
18 19 20 Minimum Standard The base station shall not route the short message to the Message Center and the base station shall send a Data Burst Message to the mobile station indicating the SMS has been denied. 8.2.6 SMS Not Supported by Base Station Definition This test verifies the base station can process a mobile station originated short message, and inform the mobile station that SMS is not supported by the base station. Traceability: (See [13] ); Mobile SMS Message Origination Base Station Traffic Channel Procedures SMS Point-to-Point Message Cause Codes Method of Measurement a. Ensure the base station is not capable of SMS or that SMS has been disabled for this test.
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TIA-898 b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it is in the Mobile Station Idle State. c. Create a short message at the mobile station, with Bearer Reply Option parameter set, and instruct the mobile station to send the short message to the network. Verify the mobile station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS
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d. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message at the base station, verify the following: The base station sends a Data Burst Message to the mobile station, with an indication that SMS is not supported by this base station. The base station does not route the short message to the Message Center.
12 13 14 15 Minimum Standard The base station shall not route the short message to the Message Center and the base station shall send a Data Burst Message to the mobile station indicating that SMS is not supported by the base station. 8.3 Broadcast SMS Tests
8.3.1 Broadcast SMS Delivery Definition This test verifies that mobile stations configured to receive broadcast SMS are able to receive broadcast SMS messages sent by the network. Traceability: (See [13] ); Paging Channel Procedures for Broadcast SMS Broadcast Messaging Service Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile stations as shown in Figure b. Ensure mobile station #1 is configured to receive broadcast SMS while mobile station #2 is not configured to receive broadcast SMS. c. Power on the mobile stations and wait until they are registered. d. Clear any outstanding broadcast messages in the network.
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e. Create broadcast message #1 shown in Table and instruct the network to broadcast it. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows: Field MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS Value 1 (00000001) 3 (000011) 1 (00000001) Greater than 0
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Table Broadcast Messages and Priority Broadcast Message Message #1 Message #2 Broadcast Message Priority Normal Emergency Priority Indicator Value 00 11
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Upon receiving the Data Burst Message, verify that mobile station #1 displays broadcast message #1 (as a Normal message, if such display is supported) and mobile station #2 does not.
g. Create broadcast message #2 shown in Table and instruct the network to broadcast it. Verify the base station sends a Data Burst Message, with the following fields set as follows:
h. Upon receiving the Data Burst Message, verify both mobile stations display broadcast message #2 (as a Emergency message, if such a display is supported) Minimum Standard Both mobile stations shall display broadcast message #2 (Emergency). Mobile station #2 shall not display broadcast message #1 (Normal). All received broadcast messages shall be correct and complete.
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Note: Interaction between calling features may be infrastructure unique. Table 9-1 lists subscriber calling features tests. Table 9-1 Subscriber Calling Features Tests Test No. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 Call Forwarding Three-Way Calling Land Party to Mobile Station Caller ID Call Waiting Message Waiting Indicator Land Party to Mobile Station Calling Name Presentation Display Records TTY/TDD Answer Holding User Selective Call Holding Call Forwarding Definition Title
9.1 9.1.1
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These tests verify that the mobile station can activate and deactivate various Call Forwarding features, including call forwarding to a pre-registered number and call forwarding to voice mail. These features shall be tested for all applicable conditions, including Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU), Call Forwarding - Busy (CFB), Call Forwarding-Default (CFD), and Call Forwarding-No-Answer (CFNA. Traceability: (See [4] ); Signaling Message Encryption Traceability: (See [22] ); 5.2: Mobile SMS Message Termination 5.3: Paging Channel Procedures 5.4 5.5 9.1.2 Method of Measurement
20 Call Forwarding, Unconditional CFU permits a called subscriber to send incoming calls addressed to the called subscribers Directory Number to another Directory Number (forward-to number) or to the called subscribers designated voice mail box. If this feature is active, calls are forwarded regardless of the condition of the termination.. a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure
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TIA-898 b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Dial the call forwarding unconditional (CFU) feature activation code, followed by the forward-to number, followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. d. Setup a call from a land party to the mobile station. Verify call is forwarded and that if the Network directs the mobile station to Ping Ring it plays a single burst of 500 ms. e. Answer the call on the forward line, and verify the audio path.
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Figure Functional Setup for Testing Call Forwarding f. End call.
g. Dial the call forwarding unconditional (CFU) deactivation feature code followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. h. Setup a call from the land party to the mobile station. i. j. Verify the call completes at the mobile station. Repeat the test except for at step c, dial the call forwarding unconditional (CFU)activation feature code, followed by 8 (voice-mail), followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station.
21 Call Forwarding, Busy CFB permits a called subscriber to have the system send incoming calls to another Directory Number (forward-to number) or to the called subscribers designated voice mail box, when the subscriber is engaged in a call or service. a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State.
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TIA-898 c. Dial the call forwarding busy (CFB) activation feature code, followed by the forwardto number, followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. d. Place a mobile under test in a voice or data call. e. Setup a call from a land party to the mobile station. Verify the call is forwarded to the forward-to number or voice mail, and that if the Network directs the mobile station to Ping Ring it plays a single burst of 500 ms. f. Answer the call on the forward line, and verify the audio path.
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g. End all calls. h. Dial the call forwarding busy (CFB) deactivation feature code followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. i. j. Take the mobile under test out of the voice or data call as specified in step d. Setup a call from the land party to the mobile station.
k. Verify the call completes at the mobile station. l. Repeat the test except that at step c, dial the call forwarding busy (CFB) activation feature code, followed by 8 (voice-mail), followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station.
18 Call Forwarding, Default CFD permits a called subscriber to have the system send incoming calls to another Directory Number (forward-to number) or to the called subscribers designated voice mail box, when the subscriber is engaged in a call, does not respond to paging, does not answer the call within a specified period after being alerted or is otherwise inaccessible. a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Dial the call forwarding Default (CFD) activation feature code, followed by the forward-to number, followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. d. Setup a call from a land party to the mobile station. Verify the call is forwarded and that if the Network directs the mobile station to Ping Ring it plays a single burst of 500 ms. e. Answer the call on the forward line, and verify the audio path. f. End call.
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g. Dial the call forwarding deactivation feature code followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. h. Setup a call from the land party to the mobile station. i. Verify the call completes at the mobile station.
TIA-898 j. Repeat the test except that at step c, dial call forwarding Default (CFD) activation feature code, followed by 8 (voice-mail), followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station.
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Call Forwarding, No Answer Note: CFNA permits a called subscriber to have the system send incoming calls addressed to the called subscribers Directory Number to another Directory Number (forward-to number) or to the called subscribers designated voice mail box, when the subscriber fails to answer. a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Dial the call forwarding-no answer (CFNA) activation feature code, followed by the forward-to number, followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. d. Place a mobile under test in a voice or data call. e. Setup a call from a land party to the mobile station. Verify the call is forwarded to the forward-to number or voice mail, and that if the Network directs the mobile station to Ping Ring it plays a single burst of 500 ms. f. Answer the call on the forward line, and verify the audio path.
g. End all calls. h. Dial the call forwarding-no answer (CFNA) deactivation feature code followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. i. j. Take the mobile under test out of the voice or data call as specified in step d. Setup a call from the land party to the mobile station.
k. Verify the call completes at the mobile station. l. Repeat the test except that at step c, dial call forwarding no-answer (CFNA)activation feature code, followed by 8 (voice-mail), followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station.
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Minimum Standard
When call forwarding is activated, calls shall be forwarded to the forward-to number or voicemail as programmed by the user. When call forwarding is deactivated, the calls shall terminate at the mobile station normally. 9.2 9.2.1 Three-Way Calling Definition
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This test will verify that a mobile station authorized for Three-Way Calling can add a third party to an established two-way call. Traceability: IS-2000.5;, IS-664, 5.22
TIA-898 9.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile stations as shown in Figure 9.2.2-1.
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Figure 9.2.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Three-Way Calling b. Setup a call from mobile station #1 to mobile station #2 and verify user data in both directions. b. Instruct mobile stsation #1 to put mobile station#2 on hold. Verify that mobile station #1 sends a Flash with Information Message to put mobile station #2 on hold. Verify mobile station #2 is put on hold. c. Using mobile station #1, dial a land station. Verify that mobile station #1 sends a Flash with Information Message. d. Wait for the land station to ring. Instruct the land party to connect the call (second leg of the three-way call) and verify user data. e. Instruct mobile station #1 to make the three-way connection. Verify mobile station #1 sends a Flash with Information Message. Verify the three-way connection is established. f. Instruct mobile station #1 to disconnect the third-leg of the three way call. Verify that a Flash with Information Message is sent from mobile station 1. Verify the three-way connection is disconnected and the call is returned to its original two-way state.
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Mobile station #1 shall successfully perform the addition and dropping of a third party to a two-way connection. All calls shall be successful. 9.3 Land Party to Mobile Station Caller ID
9.3.1 Caller ID from Idle State Definition This test will verify that a mobile station in the Idle State properly displays the Calling Party Number (CPN). Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.7.4: Information Records Feature Notification Message Alert with Information Message Flash with Information Message 3.7.5: Information Records IS-2000-6; Calling Number Identification (CNI) Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Setup a call to the mobile station using a 10-digit CPN and set the Presentation Indicator (PI) field of the CPN information record to '00' (Presentation Allowed). Verify that the base station sends a Feature Notification Message, Alert With Information Message, or a Flash With Information Message with the CPN information record with the PI field set to 00. d. Verify the mobile station receives and displays the CPN. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. End call.
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g. Setup a call to the mobile station using a 10-digit CPN and set the Presentation Indicator (PI) field of the CPN information record to '01' (Presentation Restricted). Verify that the base station sends a Feature Notification Message, Alert With Information Message, or a Flash With Information Message with the CPN information record with the PI field set to 01. h. Repeat steps d through f, except in step d, verify the mobile station does not display the CPN and that it indicates the CPN is restricted. i. Setup a call to the mobile station using a 10-digit CPN and set the Presentation Indicator (PI) field of the CPN information record to '10' (Number Not Available). Verify that the base station sends a Feature Notification Message, Alert With
TIA-898 Information Message, or a Flash With Information Message with the CPN information record with the PI field set to 00. j. Repeat steps d through f, except in step d, verify the mobile station does not display the CPN and that it indicates the CPN is not available.
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Minimum Standard The mobile station in Idle State shall: Display the CPN when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '00' Not display the CPN but shall indicate the CPN is restricted when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '01' Not display the CPN but shall indicate the CPN is not available when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '10'.
9.3.2 Caller ID from Conversation State Definition This test will verify the mobile station in conversation state (with call waiting enabled) properly displays the Calling Party Number (CPN). Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.7.4: Information Records Feature Notification Message Alert with Information Message Flash with Information Message 3.7.5: Information Records IS-2000-6; Calling Number Identification (CNI) Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Setup a call to the mobile station using a 10-digit CPN and set the Presentation Indicator (PI) field of the CPN information record to '00' (Presentation Allowed). Verify that the base station sends a Feature Notification Message, Alert With Information Message, or a Flash With Information Message with the CPN information record with the PI field set to 00. d. Verify the mobile station properly receives and displays the CPN (of caller #1). e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Maintain the call and setup another call from caller #2 to the mobile station using a different 10-digit CPN and set the Presentation Indicator (PI) field of the calling party (caller #2) to '00' (Presentation Allowed). Verify that the base station sends an Alert With Information Message or Flash With Information Message with the CPN information record with the PI field set to 00.
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TIA-898 g. Verify the mobile station properly receives and displays the CPN (of caller #2). h. End both calls. i. j. If applicable, repeat test with the mobile station in AMPS mode. Repeat steps b through i, except in step c and f, set the PI field of the calling parties to '01' (Presentation Restricted). Verify that in step d and g, the mobile station does not display the CPN and that it indicates the CPN is restricted.
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k. Repeat steps b through i, except in step c and f, set the PI field of the calling parties to '10' (Number Not Available). Verify that in step d and g, the mobile station does not display the CPN, and that it indicates the CPN is not available. Minimum Standard The mobile station in Conversation Substate with call waiting enabled shall: Display the CPN when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '00' Not display the CPN but shall indicate the CPN is restricted when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '01' Not display the CPN but shall indicate the CPN is not available when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '10'. Call Waiting Definition
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9.4 9.4.1
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This test verifies that a mobile station in a two-way conversation with call waiting enabled, will receive notification of waiting calls. This test will verify that the mobile station will send a flash request to connect to the waiting call. Traceability: (See [4] ); Signal, Requirements 9.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure b. Ensure call waiting is enabled. c. Make a mobile station to land party #1 call. Verify user data in both directions. d. Setup a call from land party #2 to the mobile station. Wait for ringback on land party #2 and the call waiting notification on the mobile station. e. Press SEND on the mobile station. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message to the base station to switch over to land party #1. f. Verify land party #1 is on hold, and that a voice path is established between the mobile station and land party #2.
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g. Press SEND on the mobile station to put land party #2 on hold, and reconnect the voice path to land party #1. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message to the base station.
TIA-898 h. End land party #1 call. i. j. Press SEND on the mobile station. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message to the base station to switch over to land party #2. Verify user data between the mobile station and land party #2.
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m. Setup a mobile station originated call. n. Verify user data in both directions. o. Setup a call from land party #2 to the mobile station. Wait for the busy tone on land party 2. Ensure call waiting tone is NOT heard on the mobile station. p. End all calls. 9.4.3 Minimum Standard
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If call waiting is enabled the base station shall send a call waiting tone to the mobile station during a two-way conversation indicating another call is waiting. The mobile station shall send a flash request to connect with land party #2, while land party #1 is put on hold. With call waiting disabled, ensure the mobile station under test detects no call waiting tone. 9.5 Message Waiting Indicator (MWI)
9.5.1 MWI when the mobile station is in Idle State Definition MWI notifies the subscriber of voice mail messages when the mobile station is in Idle State. Notification can be a tone, light or display and is manufacturer dependent. Traceability: (See [4] ); Message Waiting Feature Notification Message Method of Measurement a. Configure the system as shown in Figure b. Enable MWI at the base station. c. Power up the mobile station. d. Instruct the base station to send a Feature Notification Message to the mobile station to instruct message waiting, setting the number of messages to a value ranging from 0 to 31. e. Verify the RECORD TYPE field in the Feature Notification Message is set to 00000110 for a Message Waiting information record type.
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TIA-898 f. Upon receiving the Feature Notification Message, verify the user interface displays the correct number of messages based on the number of messages indicated in the received messages.
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g. Repeat steps d through f, setting the number of messages to a different value from that set in step d. h. Power off the mobile station. Minimum Standard The mobile station shall accurately report the number of voice mail messages waiting to be processed in its Voice Mail System following an autonomous registration. 9.5.2 MWI when the mobile station is in Conversation State Definition MWI notifies the subscriber of voice mail messages when the mobile station is in Conversation Substate. Notification can be a tone, light or display and is manufacturer dependent. While in the conversation state, MWI notifies the subscriber when the number of new and retrieved voice mail messages change. Traceability: (See [4] ); Message Waiting Feature Notification Message Method of Measurement a. Configure the system as shown in Figure b. Enable MWI at the base station. c. Power on the mobile station. d. Setup a mobile station originated call. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Instruct the base station to send a Flash With Information Message to the mobile station to indicate message waiting, setting the number of messages to a value smaller than the maximum number of messages supported by the mobile station.
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g. Upon receiving the Feature Notification Message, verify the user interface displays the correct number of messages based on the number of messages indicated in the received message. If the mobile station does not support the number of messages indicated, it should display the maximum number of messages it supports. h. Repeat steps d through f, setting the number of messages to a value greater than the maximum number of messages supported by the mobile station. i. Power off the mobile station.
TIA-898 Minimum Standard The mobile station should accurately report the number of voice mail messages waiting to be processed in its voice mail system when the mobile station is in Conversation Substate. If the mobile station does not support the number of messages waiting to be processed in its voice mail system, it should display the maximum number of messages it supports. 9.6 9.6.1 Land Party to Mobile Station Calling Name Presentation Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) from Idle State
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8 9 10 11 12 Definition This test will verify that a mobile station in the Idle State properly displays the Calling Name Information (CNA). Traceability: (See [4] ); Calling Party Number Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Ensure the mobile station has been assigned CNAP Class-of -Service and that the mobile station has not been pre-programmed (phone book) with any calling party name/number information. c. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. d. Setup a call to the mobile station from a 10-digit Calling Party Number (CPN). Instruct the base station to indicate CNA with Presentation Allowed. Verify that the base station sends a Feature Notification Message, Alert With Information Message, or a Flash With Information Message with an Extended Display information record and CPN information record with the PI field set to 00 (Presentation Allowed). e. Verify the mobile station receives and displays the CNA and Calling Number Identification (CNI). f. Verify user data in both directions.
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g. End call. h. Power down the mobile station. i. j. Change the PI field of the CPN information record to 01 (Presentation Restricted). Repeat steps d through i, except step f, verify the mobile station does not display the CNA or CNI and that it indicates the CNA is restricted, during the first alerting cycle.
k. Change the PI field of the CPN information record to 10 (Number Not Available). l. Repeat steps d through, except step f, verify the mobile station does not display the CNA or CNI and that it indicates the CNA is not available, during the first alerting cycle.
TIA-898 Minimum Standard The mobile station in Idle State shall: a. Display the CNA and CNI when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to 00. b. Not display the CNA or CNI but shall indicate the CNA is restricted when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to 01. c. Not display the CNA or CNI but shall indicate the CNA is not available when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to "10". 9.6.2 Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) from Conversation State Definition This test will verify that the mobile station in Conversation Substate (with call waiting enabled) properly displays the Calling Party Name (CNA). Traceability: (See [4] ); Calling Party Number Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Ensure mobile station is assigned CNAP Class-of-Service, and that the mobile station has not been pre-programmed (phone book) with calling name/number information. c. Set Presentation Indicator (PI) field of the CPN information record of calling parties 1 and 2 to 00 (Presentation Allowed). d. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. e. Setup a call from party 1 to the mobile station (from 10-digit CPN 1). f. Verify the mobile station receives and displays the CNA and CNI (of party 1) during the first alerting cycle.
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g. Verify user data in both directions. h. Maintain the call and setup another call from party 2 to the mobile station (from 10digit CPN 2). Verify that the base station sends a Alert With Information Message or Flash With Information Message with an Extended Display information record and the PI field set to 00 (Presentation Allowed). i. j. Verify the mobile station receives and displays the CNA and CNI (of party 2) with delivery of the call waiting indication. End both calls, then power down the mobile station.
k. Power down the mobile station. l. Change the PI field of the CPN information record of both calling parties (1 and 2) to '01' (Presentation Restricted).
TIA-898 m. Repeat steps d through k, except in step f and i, verify the mobile station does not display the CNA and that it indicates the CNA is restricted. n. Change the PI field of the CPN information record of both calling parties (1 and 2) to '10' (Number Not Available). o. Repeat steps d through k, except in step f and i, verify the mobile station does not display the CNA and that it indicates the CNA is not available. Minimum Standard The mobile station in conversation state with call waiting enabled shall: a. Display the CNA and CNI when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '00'. b. Not display the CNA or CNI, but shall indicate the CNA is restricted when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to '01'. c. Not display the CNA or CNI, but shall indicate the CNA is not available when the PI field of the CPN information record is set to 10'. 9.6.3 Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) with Forwarding Definition This test verifies the mobile station receiving a forwarded call from party 2 (redirecting party), properly displays redirection information from calling party 1 (originating party) and party 2. Traceability: (See [4] ); Calling Party Number Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in figure b. Ensure the mobile station is assigned the CNAP Class-of-Service and that the mobile station has not been pre-programmed (phone book) with calling name/number information. c. Ensure party 2 has been assigned Call Forwarding Unconditional, programmed to forward calls to the mobile station directory number, and that this service is invoked. d. Set Presentation Indicator field of the CPN information record of calling parties 1 and 2 to '00' (Presentation Allowed). e. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. f. Setup a call from party 1 to party 2 (from 10-digit CPN 1). Verify that the base station sends an Alert With Information Message or Flash With Information Message with an Extended Display information record and the PI field set to 00 (Presentation Allowed).
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TIA-898 g. Verify the call is forwarded to the mobile station and that the mobile station properly receives and displays the CNA and CNI of both the original calling party 1 and the redirected party 2 during the first alerting cycle. h. Verify user data in both directions for party 1 (originating party), and the mobile station. i. j. End call. Power-off the mobile station.
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k. Change the PI field of the CPN information record of the calling parties (1 and 2) to '01' (Presentation Restricted). l. Repeat steps e through j, except step g,
m. Verify the mobile station does not display the CNA or CNI associated with parties 1 and 2, and that it indicates the CNA is restricted during the first alerting cycle. n. Change the PI field of the CPN information record of the calling party to '10' (Number Not Available). o. Repeat steps e through j, except step g, verify the mobile station does not display the CNA or CNI associated with parties 1 and 2 and that it indicates the CNA is not available, during the first alerting cycle. Minimum Standard The mobile station receiving a redirected call shall: a. Display the CNA and CNI associated with both the originating and redirecting calling parties when the PI field of the CPN information record of both are set to '00'. b. Not display the CNA or CNI associated with both the originating and redirecting calling parties but shall indicate the CNA is restricted when the PI field of both are set to '01'. c. Not display CNA or CNI associated with the originating and redirecting calling parties. d. Indicate the CNA is not available when the PI field of both the originating and redirecting calling parties are set to '10'. 9.7 Display Records
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9.7.1 Display Records sent in the Feature Notification Message. Definition This test verifies that the mobile station displays Paging Channel Display Information Records and Extended Display Information Records. This test also verifies that Display Information Records and Extended Display Information Records do not interfere with any other information records or features.
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TIA-898 Traceability: (See [4] ); Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Alerting Feature Notification Message Alert with Information Message Flash with Information Message Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in figure b. Verify the mobile station is in Idle State. c. Instruct the base station to send a display record of at least 15 characters in a Feature Notification Message. d. Upon receiving the Feature Notification Message, verify the mobile station displays characters as instructed in the display record or extended display record contained in the Feature Notification Message. e. Instruct the base station to send a new display record of at least 15 characters in a Feature Notification Message. f. Upon receiving the Feature Notification Message, verify the mobile station displays the new characters as instructed in the display record, and performs other information records contained in the Feature Notification Message without user interaction with the mobile station.
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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Minimum Standard All information records contained in the Feature Notification Message, if supported by the mobile station, shall be performed without user interaction with the mobile station. When various information records are sent to the mobile station in the same message, the mobile station shall properly perform all information record instructions. If display records are not supported in the mobile station, there shall be no negative impact on information records supported by the mobile station. There shall be no negative impact on any supported feature or on call processing when display records are sent to the mobile station in the same message as other information records. If supported by the mobile station, the most current display record shall be displayed on the mobile station. 9.7.2 Display Records Sent in the Flash With Information Message Definition This test verifies that the mobile station displays Traffic Channel Display Information Records or Extended Display Information Records. This test also verifies that Display Information Records and Extended Display Information Records do not interfere with other information records or features. Traceability: (See [4] ); Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Alerting Feature Notification Message Alert with Information Message
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1 Flash with Information Message Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in figure b. Setup a mobile station originated call. c. Instruct the base station to send a display record of at least 15 characters in a Flash With Information Message. d. Upon receiving the Flash With Information Message, verify the mobile station displays characters as instructed in the display record or extended display information record contained in the Flash with Information Message. e. Perform Test 3.4, Hard Handoff Between Frequencies in the Same Band. f. Immediately after the first hard handoff is completed, send from the base station a new display record of at least 15 characters contained in the Flash with Information Message.
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g. Upon receiving the Feature Notification Message, verify the mobile station displays the new characters as instructed in the display record or extended display record contained in the Flash with Information Message without user interaction with the mobile station. h. Cause the base station to initiate another hard handoff, and send from the base station a new display record or extended display record of at least 15 characters contained in the Flash with Information Message. i. Upon receiving the Feature Notification Message, verify the mobile station displays the new characters as instructed in the display record or extended display record contained in the Flash with Information Message without user interaction with the mobile station. Verify that multiple handoffs can be performed without dropping the call.
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Minimum Standard All information records contained in the Flash with Information Message, if supported by the mobile station, shall be performed properly without user interaction with the mobile station. When various information records are sent to the mobile station in the same message, the mobile station shall properly perform all information record instructions. If display records are not supported in the mobile station, there shall be no negative impact on any information records supported by the mobile station. There shall be no negative impact on any supported feature or call processing when display records are sent to the mobile station in the same message as other information records. If supported by the mobile station, the most current display record shall be displayed on the mobile station.
TIA-898 9.7.3 Display Records Sent in the Alert With Information Message Definition This test verifies the mobile station displays Display Information Records and Extended Display Information Records on the traffic channel. This test also verifies that Display Information Records or Extended Display Information Records do not interfere with other information records or features. Traceability: (See [4] ); Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Alerting Feature Notification Message Alert with Information Message Flash with Information Message Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in figure b. Setup a mobile station terminated call. c. Instruct the base station to send in an Alert With Information Message, a display record or extended display record of at least 15 characters, and a Calling Party Number Record. d. Upon receiving the Alert With Information Message, verify the mobile station displays the characters as instructed in the display record or extended display record and displays the Calling Party Number in the Alert With Information Message without user interaction with the mobile station. Minimum Standard All information records contained in the Alert with Information Message, if supported by the mobile station, shall be performed without user interaction with the mobile station. When various information records are sent to the mobile station in the same message, the mobile station shall perform all information record instructions. If display records are not supported in the mobile station, there shall be no negative impact on information records supported by the mobile station. There shall be no negative impact on any supported feature, or on call processing when display records are sent to the mobile station in the same message as other information records. If supported by the mobile station, the most current display record shall be displayed on the mobile station. 9.8 9.8.1 TTY/TDD Definition
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This test verifies the system ability to transfer TTY/TDD information in the forward and reverse link directions. Traceability: (See [18,19 and 20] )
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Method of Measurement
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Figure 9.8.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing TTY/TDD The base station (BS) in this model represents the entire system infrastructure. It contains the transceiver equipment and Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Terminal Equipment (TE2) is TTY/TDD equipment connected either directly or indirectly to the Mobile Terminal (MT2) on the mobile side of the connection. TE2 is TTY/TDD equipment connected to the PSTN on the land side. Subscripts "M" and "L" are added as needed to indicate mobile side and land side TE2s, respectively. When combined in a single physical entity, TE2 and MT2 functionality is labeled MT0. b. Setup a mobile station originated TTY/TDD call. c. Calibrate the forward link nominal attenuation so the average frame erasure rate is 3%. d. Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed at TE2L. Verify characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M. See Annex D for example character text. Note: The following ASCII characters are not supported by the Baudot TTY standard and should not be used to verify conformance: @ # % ^ & * < > e. Type a character sequence (e.g. AB ) repeatedly a minimum of 20 times at TE2M and verify characters are properly viewed at TE2L. Type a character sequence (e.g. AB)
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TIA-898 repeatedly a minimum of 20 times at TE2L and verify characters are properly viewed at TE2M.
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If TE2M and TE2L support file transfer, perform the following steps: 1) Prepare the TTY_text.txt 2K byte ASCII/Baudot file for 45.45 Baudot transfer. (See Annex C). 2) Transfer the ASCII/Baudot file from TE2M to TE2L. 3) Transfer the ASCII/Baudot file from TE2L to TE2M.
g. End the TTY/TDD call. h. Setup a mobile station terminated TTY/TDD call. i. j. Repeat steps c through g. End the TTY/TDD call.
k. If TE2M and MT2 support VCO/HCO (Voice Carry Over / Hearing Carry Over), perform the following steps: 1) Configure TE2M for VCO. 2) Setup a mobile station originated TTY/TDD call. 3) Verify outgoing messages can be spoken and incoming responses can be viewed. Verify characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M. 4) End the TTY/TDD call. 5) Configure TE2M for HCO. 6) Setup a mobile station originated TTY/TDD call. 7) Verify outgoing messages can be typed and incoming responses can be heard through a TE2M accessory speaker. Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed at TE2L. 8) End the TTY/TDD call. 9.8.3 Minimum Standard
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Characters typed at TE2M shall be properly viewed at TE2L. Characters typed at TE2L shall be properly viewed at TE2M. Files transferred shall be complete. Character error rate should be less than 1%. 9.9 9.9.1 Answer Holding Definition
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These tests verify that the mobile station that supports Answer Holding feature can perform the following:
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Activate answer holding when the incoming call is ringing in the Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate or in the Conversation Substate. Deactivate answer holding in the Conversation Substate.
MS General Page Message Page Response Message Extended Channel Assignment Message Service Connect Message
Initiate a call
AWI Message (ringing applied) Instruct the MS to activiate Answer Holding Falsh with Info (Keypad Facility Info Record) Connect Order Instruct the MS to deactivate Answer Holding
Falsh with Info (Keypad Facility Info Record) Conversation AWI Message (Call Waiting)
Instruct the MS to activiate Answer Holding Instruct the MS to disconnect the first call and deactivate Answer Holding
Falsh with Info (Keypad Facility Info Record) Disconnect the call Release Order
Release Order
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Figure 9.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Answer Holding Traceability: (See [4] );,,, S.R.0008 9.9.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Setup a mobile station terminated call from land party #1.
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TIA-898 d. When the mobile station is ringing and ring back tone is applied to the audio path, instruct the mobile station to answer hold the call. e. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e., Switch Control Code: 18*) which indicates Answer Holding. f. Verify the mobile station sends a Connect Order in assured mode.
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g. Instruct the mobile station to deactivate the answer holding. h. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e., Switch Control Code: 18*) which indicates Answer Holding. i. j. Verify user data in both directions. Setup a call from land party #2 to the mobile station. Wait for ringback on land party #2 and the call waiting notification on the mobile station.
k. Instruct the mobile station to hold the incoming call from land party #2. l. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e., Switch Control Code: 18*) which indicates Answer Holding.
m. Instruct the mobile station to end the call from land party #1. o. Instruct the mobile station to deactivate the answer holding from land party #2. p. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e., Switch Control Code: 18*) which indicates Answer Holding. q. Verify user data in both directions. r. 9.9.3 End the call from land party #2.
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Minimum Standard
If the mobile station is directed to activate or deactivate answer holding, the mobile station shall send a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a pre-programmed feature code which indicates Answer Holding. 9.10 User Selective Call Forwarding 9.10.1 Definition These tests verify that the mobile station that supports User Selective Call Forwarding can perform the following in both Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate and Conversation Substate:
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Forwarding incoming call to a pre-registered number. Forwarding incoming call to a number stored in the mobile station. Forwarding incoming call to network-based voice mail.
Traceability: (See [4] );,, 9.10.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure b. Power on the mobile station and wait until it reaches Idle State. c. Dial user selective call forwarding feature activation code, followed by the forward-to number, followed by SEND. Verify feature update confirmation at the mobile station. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call from land party. e. When the mobile station is ringing and ring back tone is applied to the audio path, instruct the mobile station to forward the incoming call to the pre-registered number. f. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e., Switch Control Code: 0*) which indicates User Selective Call Forwarding to a pre-registered number.
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g. Instruct the base station to release the traffic channel. h. Answer the call on the forwarded line, and verify the audio path. i. j. End call. Ensure the mobile station is in Idle State.
k. Setup a mobile station terminated call from land party. l. When the mobile station is ringing and ring back tone is applied to the audio path, instruct the mobile station to forward the incoming call to voice mail.
m. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e. Switch Control Code: 17*) which indicates User Selective Call Forwarding to voice mail. n. Instruct the base station to release the traffic channel. o. Verify the call is forwarded to voice mail. p. Ensure the mobile station is in Idle State. r. Program a forward-to-number in the mobile station.
s. Setup a mobile station terminated call from land party. t. When the mobile station is ringing, and ring back tone is applied to the audio path, instruct the mobile station to forward the incoming call to the number stored in the mobile station.
TIA-898 u. Verify the mobile station sends a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a preprogrammed feature code (i.e. Switch Control Code: 16*) plus the forward-tonumber stored in the mobile station. v. Instruct the mobile station to release the traffic channel. w. Answer the call on the forwarded line, and verify the audio path. x. End call. y. Setup a call between mobile station and land party #1 and verify user data in both directions. z. Setup a call from land party #2 to the mobile station. Wait for ringback on land party #2 and the call waiting notification on the mobile station.
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aa. Instruct the mobile station to forward the incoming call to the pre-registered number. bb. Repeat steps f, h, and i. cc. Repeat step z. dd. Instruct the mobile station to forward the incoming call to voice mail. ee. Repeat steps m and o. ff. Repeat step z. gg. Instruct the mobile station to forward the incoming call to the forward-to-number stored in the mobile station. hh. Repeat steps u, w, and x. ii. Verify user data in both directions between the mobile station and land party #1 during steps z to hh. jj. End the call between mobile station and land party #1. 9.10.3 Minimum Standard If the mobile station is directed by the user to forward the incoming call to a pre-registered number, voice mail, or a stored forward-to-number, the mobile station shall send a Flash With Information Message in assured mode with a Keypad Facility information record with the CHARi field set to a pre-programmed feature code which indicates User Selective Call Forwarding to a pre-registered number, voice mail, or a stored forward-to-number correspondingly.
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10 ASYNCHRONOUS DATA AND FAX SERVICES Table 10-1 Asynchronous Data and Fax Services tests. Table 10-1 Asynchronous Data and Fax Services Tests Test No. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 Send/Receive Fax Upload/Download Binary File Simultaneous Two-way File Transfer Compound AT Command Escaping to Command Mode Air Interface Data Compression RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment RLP Abort and TCP Retransmit Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Requests/Replies Reflection of AT Command Parameters Title
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Introduction TIA/EIA/IS-707-A defines Service Option 4 (Async Data) and Service Option 5 (Group-3 Fax) for use over IS-2000 traffic channels. The following tests ensure proper data call processing for both Service Options 4 and 5. These same tests should be applicable for future Service Option 12 (Rate Set 2 Asynchronous Data) and Service Option 13 (Rate Set 2 Fax). A network reference model of a CDMA data services system per IS-707-A, is shown in Figure 10.1-1. The model shows network elements contained within the data/fax network, and interfaces between them.
Ai Ke y Speci fic Network Entity Collective (Composite Entity) X Interface Reference Point
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The base station (base station) in this model represents the entire cellular system infrastructure. It contains transceiver equipment, Mobile Switching Center (MSC), and InterWorking Function (IWF) required for network connection. Terminal Equipment (TE2) is data equipment connected either directly or indirectly to the Mobile Terminal (MT2) on the mobile side of the connection. Alternatively, a TE2 may be connected to Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) on the land side. Subscripts "M" and "L" are added as needed to indicate mobile side and land side TE2s, respectively. When combined in a single physical entity, TE2 and MT2 functionality is labeled MT0. Test Execution Strategy Unless otherwise stated in the procedure, the following conditions shall be an integral part of the method of measurement in each of the tests listed below. A communications application program used for testing asynchronous data service. When using aforementioned communications application, hardware flow control shall be enabled, and software flow control shall be disabled. When a transfer time is to be recorded, the transfer timer should be started when the upload command is entered at the sender side, and should be stopped when the receiver has finished receiving the entire file/fax.
Any Class 2.0 fax application program may be used for testing fax services. Data Services Annex A lists examples of fax programs that may be used. These tests apply to computer-based fax applications only. At the mobile end, the application program runs on a computer (labeled TE2M in Figure 10-1) attached to an async data-capable CDMA phone. At the fixed end, the application program runs on a computer (labeled TE2L in Figure 101) attached to a PSTN modem, connected to a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) or a PSTN emulation unit. For all Service Option 4 and Service Option 12 tests, ensure modem error correction, such as Link Access Protocol - Modem (LAP-M) or Microcom Network Protocol (MNP), is enabled on the PSTN link (see network reference diagram of Figure 10-1). Ensure the PSTN link between the base station and the Data Circuit Terminating Equipment (DCE) is a link known to be of good quality. Both RV and RM links are running at a speed greater than the maximum expected speed on the UM link. The application program is started at both TE2M and TE2L, and should be maintained throughout test execution. Auto Answer is enabled at both TE2M and TE2L. Unless otherwise noted, each test shall provide a frame error rate of 1% or less. Prior to each test, the mobile station shall be reset to default state by pressing the END key to assure no call is in progress, then issuing the command ATZ <CR>.
TIA-898 10.1 Send/Receive Fax 10.1.1 Definition These tests demonstrate cellular system ability to transmit and receive a medium size fax in a timely manner. A fax call is originated by the mobile station, the test is then repeated using land line origination. The mobile station will send and receive a digital and an analog Fax. Traceability: (See [15] )-A.3; 2.2, 2.2.1, 4.0, 4.3, 7.3 (See [15] )-A.4; 2.2, 2.5.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3,3, 3,3,1,1, 3.4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2 (See [15] )-A.7 10.1.2 Method of Measurement Send/Receive Digital Fax a. Prepare a file representing three different ITU standard fax pages for fax transfer. Data Services Annex C lists standard fax pages to be used in the test. Ensure fax pages are pre-scanned and pre-encoded. b. Simultaneously start the transfer timer and the digital fax transfer from TE2M to TE2L.
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c. At TE2L, wait for the fax call to be completed. Stop the transfer timer. d. Record transfer time. Verify transfer time requirements per Data Services Annex C. e. Repeat the test for the same fax sent from TE2L to TE2M. TE2M will receive a digital fax. Send/Receive Analog Fax a. Prepare a file representing three different ITU standard fax pages for fax transfer. Data Services Annex C lists standard fax pages to be used in the test. Ensure fax pages are pre-scanned and pre-encoded. b. Attach an Analog Fax Machine to TE2M. c. Simultaneously start the transfer timer and the analog fax transfer from TE2M to TE2L. d. At TE2L, wait for the fax call to be completed. Stop the transfer timer. e. Record transfer time. Verify transfer time requirements per Data Services Annex C. f. Repeat test for the same fax sent from TE2L to TE2M. TE2M will receive an analog fax. 10.1.3 Minimum Standard All faxes shall be successfully transferred. The received fax shall be of good quality and complete. This can be verified by qualitative means (visually scanning the received fax) or by quantitative means, for example, using ITU-T Recommendation E.453 (08/94) Facsimile Image Quality as Corrupted by Transmission Induced Scan Line Errors.
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Each analog fax transfer shall be completed within time denoted in Data Services Annex C. 10.2 Upload/Download Binary File 10.2.1 Definition This test demonstrates cellular system ability to upload and download an ITU standard fax binary file in a timely manner. The asynchronous data call is originated first by the mobile station. The test is then repeated using land line origination. Traceability: (See [15] )-A.3; 2.2, 2.2.1, 4.0, 4.3, 7.3 (See [15] )-A.4; 2.2, 2.5.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3,3, 3,3,1,1, 3.4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2 10.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare RAND200.BIN 200,000 byte binary file for transfer (Data Services Annex D). b. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L. c. Start transferring the binary file from TE2L to TE2M using Z-modem transfer protocol. Start the transfer timer. d. Stop the transfer timer when the confirmation of transfer completion is received from the far end. e. Record the transfer time. Note: Transfer time should exclude call connection delay. f. End the data call.
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g. Setup a data call from TE2L to TE2M. h. Repeat the test by transferring the file from TE2M to TE2L. 10.2.3 Minimum Standard All files shall be successfully transferred. There shall be no Z-modem protocol re-transmissions. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. Each file transfer shall be completed within time denoted in Data Services Annex D. Both the mobile station originated, and land line originated data calls shall be established successfully. 10.3 Simultaneous Two-way File Transfer/Carrier Detect 10.3.1 Definition This test demonstrates cellular system ability to simultaneously transfer data in the forward and reverse link direction. This test verifies the base station can transmit changes in the status of circuit 109 (Carrier Detect) and reflect its status on the Rm interface (Figure 10.1-1).
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Carrier Detect can be monitored by means of a hardware lead, or observed on the application interface.
Traceability: (See [15] )-A.3; 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 4.0, 4.2.1, 4.3, Table 7.1.1-1, 7.3 (See [15] )-A.4; 2.2, 2.5.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3,3, 3,3,1,1, 3.4.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.2 10.3.2 Method of Measurement a Prepare the RAND200.ASC 200,000 byte ASCII file for transfer (Data Services Annex D).
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b. Ensure the Carrier Detect indicator is enabled at TE2M. c. From TE2M, issue the command AT&C1, which requests the real-time status of Carrier Detect be maintained on the (Rm) interface. d. Verify the Carrier Detect indicator is OFF. e. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L. Verify that Carrier Detect indicator goes ON, when the base station modem has successfully trained. f. Note: Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed at TE2L. Verify characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M.
Once the File Capture is turned on, do not type any more characters on the TE2L or the TE2 M prior to initiating the file transfer (this is to ensure the captured file is not corrupted by user keystrokes). g. Turn on the File Capture at TE2M. h. Turn on the File Capture at TE2L. i. j. Simultaneously start the reverse link transfer timer and at TE2M send the RAND200.ASC file to TE2L by using Raw ASCII protocol. While TE2M is sending the file to TE2L, simultaneously start the forward link transfer timer and instruct TE2L to send the same ASCII file to TE2M using a Raw ASCII protocol.
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It is critical these transfers shall substantially overlap. k. As each transfer completes, stop corresponding transfer timer and record transfer time. l. After both transfers are complete, turn off the File Capture at both TE2M and TE2L.
m. End call. n. At TE2M, verify that Carrier Detect indicator goes OFF when the call is ended. 10.3.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be successfully transferred in each direction. Log files shall be complete and identical in content to the original files. Each file transfer shall be completed within time denoted in Data Services Annex D.
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TIA-898 The Carrier Detect generated by the base station shall be accurately depicted on the Rm interface. 10.4 Compound AT Command, Initialization and Connection Delay 10.4.1 Definition This test verifies the base station can properly process a compound command line containing both local and remote commands. This test verifies the mobile station can initialize and connect the service option when the data call is negotiated with the base station, as well as measures connection delay. Traceability: (See [15] )-A.3; 4.2.6, Table4.2.6-1,, 4.4.1, Table 7.2-1, Table 7.3.1-1 10.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Ensure the call is down. b. At TE2M, issue AT command AT+CXT=1;+FCLASS=2.0;+GMI;+CGMI;+GMM;+CGMM. This command string requests mobile station manufacturer information, base station modem manufacturer information, mobile station manufacturer model, and base station modem manufacturer model. c. Start the connection delay timer. d. When the result is returned to the mobile station, stop the connection timer. e. Record connection delay time in the test report. 10.4.3 Minimum Standard The response shall be correct in that it contains the information requested in the command, and is followed by result code OK. Delay should not exceed ten seconds. 10.5 Escaping to Command Mode 10.5.1 Definition This test verifies: The MT2 application interface escapes to online command state when the user (or the communications application) issues an escape sequence (such as "+++" with the appropriate guard time). The base station returns to online state when the user (or the application) issues the command "ATO". Traceability: (See [15] )-A.3; 4.2.4, 10.5.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L.
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TIA-898 b. Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed at TE2L. Verify that characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M. c. From TE2M issue the escape sequence +++. d. Verify OK is returned, signifying that the MT2 is in the online command state. e. At TE2M,issue the command AT+CGMI" which requests base station manufacturer information. Verify the response is appropriate, with trailing OK. f. At TE2M, issue the command ATO, which should cause the MT2 to transition from online command state to online state.
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g. Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed TE2L. Verify characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M. 10.5.3 Minimum Standard The escape sequence shall cause entry into the online command state. The command ATO shall cause return from the online command state to online state. 10.6 Air Interface Data Compression 10.6.1 Definition This test verifies successful compression option negotiation and the transfer of compressible files and/or faxes between the MT2 and Inter-Working Function (IWF). The aforementioned is verified for both mobile originated and mobile terminated data and fax transmissions. Note: Although the files are compressible, they will be compressed only when both the MT2 and IWF support the type of compression in question. Even if the MT2 or IWF do not support a certain type of compression, the test in question still needs to be performed to ensure MT2 and IWF still interoperate correctly when the user requests this type of compression.
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Traceability: (See [15] )-A.3; Table 7.4.1-1 (See [15] )-A.4; 2.2, Table 2.2-2, Table 2.2-3 10.6.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the data file, COMPFILE.RAW (see Data Services Annex A), or the fax page, FAX 1 (see Data Services Annex C) for transfer. b. Configure the test setup for transfer of a data file or a fax file per Table 10.6.2-1. V.42bis compression for data file transfers is controlled by the +CDS command. The type of compression for fax file transfers is controlled by the +CFC command. When V.42bis is selected for fax transfer, the parameters set in the +CDS command are used. c. Setup a mobile station originated fax or async data call per Table 10.6.2-1. d. Make a file or fax transfer in the direction as stated in Table 10.6.2-1. Time each transfer and record in the test report.
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TIA-898 e. Repeat for all test cases, 1 through 10. 10.6.3 Minimum Standard All faxes shall be successfully sent and received. The received fax page shall be complete in content, and each transfer shall be completed within the time stated in Data Services Annex C. All data files shall be successfully transferred. The received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. Each file transfer shall be completed within the time stated in Data Services Annex B. Table 10.6.2-1 Compression Test Configurations Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Compression Method none V.42bis V.42bis V.42bis none V.42bis V.42bis V.42bis MMR MMR
Direction of Transfer BS to MS BS to MS MS to BS MS to BS BS to MS BS to MS MS to BS MS to BS BS to MS MS to BS
Compression Enable +CDS=0 +CDS=2 +CDS=1 +CDS=3 N/A +CDS=2 +CDS=1 +CDS=3 N/A N/A
Fax Compression Mode N/A N/A N/A N/A +CFC=0 +CFC=1 +CFC=1 +CFC=1 +CFC=2 +CFC=2
Data File Data File Data File Data File Fax File Fax File Fax File Fax File Fax File Fax File
10.7 RLP Operation in a Poor RF Environment 10.7.1 Definition This test exercises the Radio Link Protocol (RLP) layer's negative acknowledgments (NAKs), re-transmits, RLP aborts, RLP Resets, and FCSs. Test conditions are intended to impose one or more occurrences of the following. Single, double, and triple NAK RLP retransmit events. RLP Abort RLP Reset This test verifies that RLP recovers erased data frames in various channel conditions.
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TIA-898 Traceability: (See [15] )-A.2; 3.1,, 3.1.2, 3.1.4 10.7.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup the mobile station and base station as shown in Figures 10.7.2-1 with an AWGN generator placed in the forward link.
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Figure 10.7.2-1 Test Setup for RLP Operation in Poor RF Environment Test Parameters b. Adjust the level of the AWGN Generator so that the downlink frame error rate is measured to be 31%. c. Restore the RF link to a normal operating condition, maintaining the target frame error rate (1 % or less). d. Prepare RAND200.ASC 200,000 byte ASCII file for transfer (Data Services Annex D). e. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L. f. Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed at TE2L. Verify characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M.
g. Turn File Capture on. h. Simultaneously start the forward link transfer timer and at TE2L send the RAND200.ASC file to TE2M by using Raw ASCII protocol. i. As soon as the file transfer has started (and is still in progress), set the channel conditions as calibrated in step b. These channel conditions shall be maintained for the duration of the file transfer. Stop the transfer timer and record the transfer time.
TIA-898 m. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L. n. Repeat steps f and g. o. Simultaneously start the reverse link transfer timer and at TE2M send the RAND200.ASC file to TE2L by using Raw ASCII protocol. p. Repeat steps i through l. 10.7.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be successfully transferred. The log file shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. The transfer rate shall be no less than 70% of rates measured in test 10.3. 10.8 RLP Abort and TCP Retransmit Test 10.8.1 Definition This test causes the RLP layer to abort and reset due to extremely severe CDMA channel conditions, and forces the TCP layer to retransmit packets. Channel degradation consists of forcing consecutive frame erasures for periods greater than 2.6 seconds. Note: 2.6 seconds corresponds to 130 consecutive frame erasures, but less than the time that would cause the call to drop (typically 5 seconds).
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Traceability: (See [15] )-A.2; 3.1,, 3.1.2, 3.1.4 10.8.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup the mobile station and base station as shown in Figures 10.8.2-1 and 10.8.22 for the forward and the reverse link tests respectively, with PWR_THRESH_ENABLE and PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE set to 0. Disable forward link power control at the base station.
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Figure 10.8.2-2 Test Setup for RLP Abort in Reverse Link b. Calibrate the test setup so that: (1) There is sufficient isolation with the switch open, that a call drops if the switch is left open for more than 5 seconds (2) When switch is open, the forward and reverse links are disabled at the receiver. (3) When switch is closed, the forward and reverse links are enabled at the receiver. c. Set the RF link to normal operating condition, which maintains the target frame erasure rate (1% or less). d. Prepare the RAND200.ASC 200,000 byte ASCII file transfer (Data Services Annex D) e. Setup a call from TE2M to TE2L. f. Verify characters typed at TE2M can be viewed at TE2L. Verify that characters typed at TE2L can be viewed at TE2M.
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g. Turn File Capture on. h. Simultaneously start the forward link transfer timer and at TE2L send the RAND200.ASC file to TE2M by using Raw ASCII protocol. i. Once the file transfer has started (and is still in progress), open and close the switch in an alternating fashion, for periods of T1 and T2 where:
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(1) T1 is the period when the switch is open (RF link impaired), and it is anywhere between 2.6 and 5.0 seconds. (2) T2 is the period when the switch is closed (RF link restored), and it is a minimum of 10 seconds. j. Repeat opening and closing switch exactly three times while data transfer is occurring.
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m. End call. n. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L. o. Repeat steps f and g. p. Simultaneously start the reverse link transfer timer and at TE2M send the RAND200.ASC file to TE2L by using Raw ASCII protocol. q. Repeat steps i through l. 10.8.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be successfully transferred in each direction. Log files shall be complete and identical in content to the original files. Transfer rates shall be no less than 50% of rates measured in test 10.3. 10.9 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Requests/Replies 10.9.1 Definition This test verifies the mobile station is able to: Generate an ICMP Echo Response Message after receiving an Echo Request Message. Generate an ICMP Info Response Message after receiving an Info Request Message. Generate an ICMP Time Stamp Response Message after receiving a Time Stamp Request Message. Traceability: RFC 792 10.9.2 Method of Measurement a. At TE2M, issue a remote query command such as AT+CXT=1;+FCLASS=2.0;+FMI?, requesting base station modem manufacturer information. This will establish a link to the base station. b. From the OA&M interface of the base station, issue the Echo Request Message by any method specific to the base station manufacturer. c. Optionally, step b may be repeated for Info Request/Response, or Time Stamp Request/Response Messages. 10.9.3 Minimum Standard Echo response shall be received by base station as a response to Echo Request Message. If supported by mobile station, an Info response shall be received by base station as a response to Info Request Message. If supported by mobile station, a Time stamp response shall be received by base station as a response to Time Stamp Request Message.
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This test verifies a representative set of AT parameters can be setup in an IS-707-A call, transferred to the base station at call origination, changed in the online command state, and have their final values read at the mobile station after call completion. Commands tested are ATS10 and AT+CQD. Traceability: IS-707-A; 4.2.4, 7.4.1 10.10.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Issue the AT command string: ATS10=255;+CQD=0 b. Verify response is OK c. Setup a data call from TE2M to TE2L. d. After CONNECT is received, issue the escape sequence (such as +++). e. Verify the response is OK f. Issue the AT command string: ATS10?;+CQD?.
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g. Verify response is: 255 +CQD:0 OK h. Issue the AT command string: ATS10=250;+CQD=100 i. j. Verify the response is OK Issue the command string: ATS10?;+CQD?.
k. Verify the response is: 250 +CQD:100 OK l. Terminate the call via the ATH0 command string.
m. Verify the response is OK and that the call ends. n. Issue the AT command string: ATS10?;+CQD?. o. Verify response is: 250 +CQD:100 OK 10.10.3 Minimum Standard
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The responses shall be as specified in the previous paragraphs. The ERROR response shall not be returned.
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11 PACKET DATA SERVICES TESTS Table 11-1 Packet Data Services tests. Table 11-1 Packet Data Services Tests Test No. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 Terminal Session with Remote Host File Transfer IP Address Negotiation V-J Header Compression Asynchronous Control Character Mapping (ACCM) Negotiation PPP Field Compression Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) Mobile Station Inactivity Timer IWF Inactivity Timer Radio Link Protocol (RLP) Operation in Rayleigh Fading RLP Abort and Upper Layer Retransmit RLP Encryption Negotiation Hardware Flow Control Re-connect after Hard Handoff Zone-Based Registration for Packet Data Mobile Stations Title
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Introduction TIA/EIA/IS-707-A defines Service Option 7 (Packet Data Service: Internet or ISO Protocol Stack) and Service Option 8 (Packet Data Service: CDPD Protocol Stack) for use over IS-2000 traffic channels. The following tests ensure proper data call processing for both Service Options 7 and 8. These same tests should be applicable for future Service Options 15 (Rate Set 2 Packet Data Service: Internet or ISO Protocol Stack) and Service Option 16 (Rate Set 2 Packet Data Service: CDPD Protocol Stack). A network reference model of a CDMA packet data services system per IS-707 is shown in Figure 11-1. The model shows network elements contained within the packet data network, and interfaces between them.
Speci fic Network Entity Collective (Composite Entity) X Interface Reference Point
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Figure 11-1 Packet Data Services Reference Model The base station (BS) in this model represents the entire cellular system infrastructure, and contains transceiver equipment and Mobile Switching Center (MSC). Terminal Equipment (TE2) is data equipment connected either directly or indirectly to the Mobile Terminal (MT2) on the mobile side of the connection. When combined in a single physical entity, TE2 and MT2 functionality is labeled MT0. The Interworking Function (IWF) provides network access between the Public Packet Data Network (PPDN) and the mobile station. Test Execution Strategy Tests defined herein verify packet data services operation and features in a lab environment. Some application level tests, which can be used to verify interoperability and performance in a field system, are defined for Stage 3 field tests. It is recommended that tests described herein be performed at Stage 2 to verify packet data operation prior to deployment in the field. However, these same tests may be repeated in the field. When an optional feature or function of packet data service is not supported by the mobile station or the base station, the test may be omitted, but that fact shall be duly noted in the test report as not being supported by appropriate element(s) of the system. When an optional feature is implemented by both the mobile station and BS/MSC/IWF, that test shall be performed. Tests may be performed in any order. It is permissible to conduct multiple tests at once by combining procedures not mutually exclusive. Unless otherwise stated in the procedure, the following conditions shall be an integral part of the method of measurement in each of the following tests. A remote host is a packet node with a known IP address with access privileges for the purpose of interoperability testing. Whenever a transfer time is to be recorded, the transfer timer should be started right as the upload command is entered at the sender side, and should be stopped when the receiver has finished receiving the entire file.
TIA-898 Examples given in the test procedures assume the remote host is running the Unix operating system. However, this is not a requirement for interoperability testing. The Rm link (as diagramed in Figure 11-1) runs at a speed of 19.2 Kbps or greater. The application program is run at the TE2 Unless otherwise noted, each test shall provide a frame error rate of 1% or less on the air link. After each test, the application shall terminate its current PPP session. All communication with remote hosts shall take place via the packet data service option. 11.1 Terminal Session with Remote Host 11.1.1 Definition This test will demonstrate the ability of the mobile station to establish terminal-to-host session with a remote host. Data transfer capability in both directions is tested. Traceability: (See [15] )-A, RFC-854 11.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Initiate a Telnet session to the remote host. b. Issue the remote command ls. 11.1.3 Minimum Standard Response received shall be the listing of the remote directory. 11.2 File Transfer 11.2.1 Definition This test demonstrates the ability of the mobile station to transfer files to and from a remote host. Data transfer throughput is tested in both directions. Traceability: [see 15]-A 4.1, RFC-959 11.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN 200,000 byte test file for file transfer (Data Services Annex D). A copy of the file must reside at the remote host and at the TE2. b. Initiate an FTP session with the remote host. c. While measuring transfer time, transfer the file from the TE2 to the remote host and record transfer time. d. While measuring transfer time, transfer the file from the remote host to the TE2 and record transfer time.
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TIA-898 11.2.3 Minimum Standard All files shall be successfully transferred. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. Each file transfer shall be completed within time denoted in Data Services Annex D. 11.3 IP Address Negotiation 11.3.1 Definition This test will demonstrate the ability of the IWF to assign unique IP address to various mobile stations. This test applies only to mobile stations that do not have a fixed IP address. Traceability: [see 15]-A 3.1, RFC-1332 3.3 11.3.2 Method of Measurement a. Setup a Telnet session on mobile #1 with a remote host. b. Setup a Telnet session on mobile #2 with a remote host. c. Determine the IP address assigned to mobile stations #1 and #2 using any method available such as PPP Package, 'ping', "who", etc. 11.3.3 Minimum Standard IP addresses assigned to mobile station #1 and mobile station #2 shall be different. 11.4 V-J Header Compression 11.4.1 Definition This test will demonstrate PPP ability to negotiate V-J header compression. Successful compression is verified by comparing transfer times of groups of packets with V-J header compression ON and OFF. This test requires use of a PPP package that allows the user to configure V-J header compression. Traceability: (See [15] )-A, RFC-1332 3.2, RFC-1332 4, RFC-1144 11.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Set the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) to 536 bytes. b. Prepare RAND200.BIN for transfer (Data Services Annex D) c. Disable V-J header compression. d. Initiate an FTP session from the TE2 to the remote host. e. Transfer the file from the remote host to the TE2 using the [binary] "get" f. Record the bytes/sec reported by FTP at the end of the file transfer.
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TIA-898 11.4.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be successfully transferred. The received file shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. Transfer throughput reported by FTP in bytes/sec with V-J header compression ON shall be greater than the throughput with V-J header compression OFF. 11.5 Aynchronous Control Character Mapping (ACCM) Negotiation 11.5.1 Definition This test verifies the ability to negotiate and perform ACCM. Traceability: (See [15] )-A, RFC-1662 7.1 11.5.2 Method of Measurement a. Turn software flow control on and disable hardware flow control in the TE2. b. Enable software flow control in the MT2. c. Configure the ACCM in the mobile station side PPP package to be 0xFFFFFFFF, which requires escaping of all characters having values of 0x00-0x1F. d. Initiate an FTP session with the remote host. e. Transfer the COMPFILE.RAW file from the TE2 to the remote host using the binary put command. 11.5.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be successfully transferred. The received file shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. 11.6 PPP Field Compression 11.6.1 Definition This test demonstrates the ability to activate and de-activate the following PPP options: Protocol Field Compression Address and Control Field Compression Traceability: (See [15] )-A, RFC-1661 6.5 11.6.2 Method of Measurement a. De-activate both Protocol Field Compression and Address and Control Field Compression in the mobile station. b. Issue a ''ping'' command to a remote host. c. Activate both Protocol Field Compression and Address and Control Field Compression in the mobile station.
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TIA-898 d. Issue a ping command to a remote host. 11.6.3 Minimum Standard A proper ping response shall be generated in both cases. 11.7 Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) 11.7.1 Definition This test demonstrates mobile station ability to negotiate various MRU values. Traceability: (See [15] )-A, RFC-1661 6.1 11.7.2 Method of Measurement a. At the TE2, set TCP MSS to 1500. b. At the TE2, set PPP MRU to 1600. c. Initiate an FTP session from the TE2 to the remote host. d. Transfer the COMPFILE.RAW file from the remote host to the TE2 using the binary get command. 11.7.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be successfully transferred. Received file shall be complete and identical in content to the original file 11.8 Mobile Station Inactivity Timer 11.8.1 Definition This test is only required for mobile stations that have an Inactivity Timer. This test verifies the mobile station releases the traffic channel after expiration of the Inactivity Timer. The test verifies the dormant link layer connection can be re-activated. Traceability: TIA/EIA/IS-707-A 11.8.2 Method of Measurement a. Set the inactivity timer at the MT2 to 15 seconds. b. Ensure the IWFs inactivity timer is disabled or set to a value of at least 30 seconds. c. Initiate a Telnet session to a remote host. d. Record the IP address assigned to the mobile station. e. Exit the Telnet session. f. Wait for the mobile station inactivity timer to expire. Verify the in use indicator on the MT2 goes OFF.
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g. Initiate a Telnet session to a remote host. h. Record the IP address assigned to the mobile station.
TIA-898 11.8.3 Minimum Standard The traffic channel shall be kept up until the mobile station inactivity timer expires. This time should be approximately 15 seconds after termination of the first Telnet session. The IP addresses of the mobile station recorded in steps d and h shall be identical (this verifies the mobile station remained in dormant mode due to inactivity timer expiration). 11.9 IWF Inactivity Timer 11.9.1 Definition This test is only required for IWFs that have an inactivity timer. This test verifies the base station releases the traffic channel after expiration of the IWF inactivity timer. The tests verifies the dormant link layer connection can be re-activated. Traceability: (See [15] )-A 11.9.2 Method of Measurement a. Set the IWF inactivity timer to 15 seconds. b. Ensure the MT2 inactivity timer is disabled or is set to a value of at least 30 seconds. c. Initiate a Telnet session to a remote host. d. Record the IP address assigned to the mobile station. e. Exit the Telnet session. f. Wait for the IWF inactivity timer to expire. Verify the in use indicator on the MT2 goes OFF.
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g. Initiate a Telnet session to a remote host. h. Record the IP address assigned to the mobile station. 11.9.3 Minimum Standard The traffic channel shall be kept up until the IWF inactivity timer expires. This time should be approximately 15 seconds after termination of the first Telnet session. The IP address of the mobile station recorded in steps d and h shall be identical (this verifies the mobile station remained in dormant mode due to inactivity timer expiration). 11.10 Radio Link Protocol (RLP) Operation in Rayleigh Fading 11.10.1 Definition
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This test exercises the RLP layer negative acknowledgments (NAKs), re-transmits, RLP aborts, RLP resets, and FCSs. The test conditions are intended to impose one or more occurrences of the following. Single, double, and triple NAK RLP retransmit events RLP Abort
TIA-898 RLP Reset This test verifies that RLP recovers erased data frames in various channel conditions. Traceability: IS-707 11.10.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Setup the mobile station and base station as shown in Figures 11.10.2-1, and 11.10.2-2 for the forward and reverse link tests respectively, with the fading simulator placed in the target link. Setup the channel simulators for 3-Ray Rayleigh at 30 km/hr.
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Figure 11.10.2-1 Test Setup for RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading in Forward Link
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Figure 11.10.2-2 Test Setup for RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading in Reverse Link b. Calibrate the target link nominal attenuation so the frame erasure rate (FER) is measured to be 3 1%
TIA-898 c. Restore the RF link to a normal operating condition, which maintains the target FER (1% or less). d. Initiate an FTP session with the remote host. e. On the forward link, issue a binary 'get' command from the TE2 to start receiving the 200,000 byte binary file, RAND200.BIN (Data Services Annex D). For the reverse link test, at TE2 issue a binary 'put' command to start sending the 200,000 byte binary file, RAND200.BIN (Data Services Annex D), to the remote host. f. As soon as the file transfer has started (and is still in progress), set the channel conditions as calibrated in step b. These channel conditions shall be maintained for the duration of the file transfer.
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g. Repeat the test with file transfer occurring in the opposite direction. 11.10.3 Minimum Standard
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Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original files. Transfer rates shall be no less than 70% of the rates measured in test 11.2 for the corresponding rate set. 11.11 RLP Abort and Upper Layer Retransmit 11.11.1 Definition
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This test causes the RLP layer to abort and reset due to extremely severe CDMA channel conditions, and forces an upper layer to retransmit packets. Channel degradation consists of forcing consecutive frame erasures for periods greater than 2.6 seconds (2.6 seconds corresponds to 130 consecutive frame erasures), but less than the time that would cause the call to drop (typically 5 seconds). Traceability: [see 15] 11.11.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Setup the mobile station and base station as shown in Figures 11.11.2-1 and 11.11.2-2 for the forward and the reverse link tests respectively, with PWR_THRESH_ENABLE and PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE set to 0. Disable forward link power control at the base station. b. Calibrate the test setup so that: 1) There is sufficient isolation with the forward link switch open, so that a call drops if the switch is left open for more than 5 seconds 2) When the switch is open, the forward or reverse link is disabled at the receiver 3) When the switch is closed, the forward or reverse link is enabled at the receiver c. Set the RF link to the normal operating condition, which maintains the target FER (1% or less).
TIA-898 d. Initiate an FTP session with the remote host. e. For the forward link test, issue a binary "get" command from the TE2 to start receiving the 200,000 byte binary file, RAND200.BIN (Data Services Annex D). For reverse link test, at TE2 issue a binary put command to start sending the 200,000 byte binary file, RAND200.BIN (Data Services Annex D), to the remote host. f. Once file transfer has started and is in progress, open and close the switch in an alternating fashion, for periods of T1 and T2 where:
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1) T1 is the period when the switch is open (RF link impaired), and it is anywhere between 2.6 and 5.0 seconds. 2) T2 is the period when the switch is closed (RF link restored), and it is a minimum of 10 seconds. Repeat opening and closing the switch exactly three times while data transfer is taking place. g. Repeat the test with the file transfer occurring in the opposite direction. h. If the mobile station and the base station support alternate rate sets, repeat the test using all alternate rate sets.
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Minimum Standard
The file shall be successfully transferred in each direction. Log files shall be complete and identical in content to the original files. Transfer rates shall be no less than 70% of rates measured in test 11.2.2 for the corresponding rate set.
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This test will verify interoperability of the mobile station and base station in various RLP encryption configurations. Configurations tested are dependent upon capabilities of the mobile station and the base station. RLP Encryption is controlled by the base station for the purpose of encryption export compliance. Traceability: [see 15] 11.12.2 Method of Measurement
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For each configuration in Table 11.12.2 -1 supported by the mobile station and base station, a test should be performed and the outcome verified per the last column of this table. Table 4.3.2-1 column labels have the following meaning: BS Requirement MS Support Service If Yes, the base station is currently configured to require RLP Encryption for the connection of this service option. If Yes, the mobile station supports RLP Encryption for this service option. If Yes, the packet data service shall be granted.
Table 11.12.2 -1 RLP Encryption Configurations Configuration # 1 2 3 4 Base Station Requirement Yes Yes No No Mobile Station Support No Yes No Yes Service No Yes Yes Mobile Station Dependent
2 3 4 5
a. For each configuration in Table 11.12.2 -1 supported by the mobile station and base station, make a packet data call by issuing a 'ping' command to the remote host. b. Record outcome. 11.12.3 Minimum Standard Packet Data service shall be denied. Packet Data service shall be granted. Packet Data service shall be granted. If mobile station requires RLP Encryption, Packet Data service shall be denied. Otherwise, Packet Data service shall be granted.
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This test verifies Rm interface hardware flow control when Rm throughput exceeds Um throughput. Traceability: TIA/EIA-232-E 4.4.5, TIA/EIA/IS-131, TIA/EIA/IS-70 11.13.2 Method of Measurement work for both rate sets). b. Enable hardware flow control on the Rm interface. c. Initiate an FTP session with the remote host. d. Transfer the COMPFILE.RAW file from the TE2 to the remote host using the binary 'put' command. 11.13.3 Minimum Standard
17 18 19 20
a. Ensure Rm baud rate is greater than Um data rate (an Rm baud rate of 19.2 kbps will
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The file shall be successfully transferred. Received file shall be complete and identical in content to the original file.
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A mobile station with a dormant packet session does not register with a base station while it is up on a traffic channel. The mobile station must therefore perform a reconnect after it completes hard handoff for the network to know how to route a mobile station destined packet. This test verifies that when the hard handoff re-connect feature is enabled, the mobile station reconnects the packet data service option after it successfully completes a hard handoff. This test is required only for base stations which have the Hard Handoff Re-Connect feature enabled per Section of IS-707. This test is required only for mobile and base stations that support simultaneous voice and packet data. This test is required only for mobile stations that support fixed IP addresses (CDPD mobiles). Traceability: (See [15] )-A 11.14.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Issue a 'ping' command to the remote host. b. Wait for packet data inactivity timer to expire and the traffic channel to be released. c. Start a call. d. While remaining in the call perform a hard handoff to a base station served by a different IWF. e. While remaining in the call, issue a ping command from the remote host to the mobile station. 11.14.3 Minimum Standard
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The remote host shall receive a ping response from the mobile station. 11.15 Zone-Based Registration for Packet Data Mobile Stations 11.15.1 Definition
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This test verifies the BS/MSC can selectively activate IS-95 zone-based registration for mobile stations with active packet data service. This test is required only for base stations that support the optional packet data zone-based registration feature. Traceability: [see 4] [see 15] 11.15.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Disable zone-based registration at the base station for voice users. b. Enable zone-based registration at the base station for packet data users. c. Ensure the mobile station is not in an active packed data session. d. Ensure zone-based registration does not occur when mobile station moves to a new zone.
TIA-898 e. Activate packet data service for the mobile station (ping a remote host). f. Wait for the packet data inactivity timer to expire.
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g. While the packet data service remains active, move the mobile station to a new zone containing the same SID. 11.15.3 Minimum Standard
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The mobile station shall not perform zone-based registration prior to packet data service activation. The mobile station shall perform zone-based registration after packet service activation when moved between zones.
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12 MEDIUM-SPEED PACKET DATA Table 12-1 Medium-Speed Packet Data Services tests for RC1 and RC2. Table 12-1 Medium-Speed Packet Data Tests Test No. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 Title File Transfer with Forward and Supplemental Code Channels File Transfer with Variable Supplemental Code Channels MSPD Call Setup, No Negotiation MSPD Call Setup, Negotiation to a Different HSPD Service Option MSPD Call Setup, Negotiation to LSPD MSPD Call Setup, Mobile station Maximum Multiplex Option Less than Base Station Maximum Multiplex Option MSPD Call Setup, Mobile station Maximum Multiplex Option Greater than Base Station Maximum Multiplex Option Allocation/De-allocation of Supplemental Code Channels No Transmission on Supplemental Code Channels Soft Handoff with Supplemental Code Channels Adding Supplemental Code Channels during Soft Handoff Hard Handoff to an MSPD-Capable System RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment RLP Operation with Severely Degraded Channel Bi-Directional File Transfers with Supplemental Code Channels Rm Interface Hardware Flow Control Dormant Timer Packet Zone ID
7 8
Note: For mobile station terminated calls, the mobile station must be in dormancy mode (with assigned IP address) in order for terminated call procedures to work. 12.1 Forward File Transfer with Fundamental and Supplemental Code Channels 12.1.1 Definition This test verifies that during the MSPD call, the measured forward throughput rate on the Fundamental Code Channel and the Supplemental Code Channels matches the target throughput rate under each of the following conditions: No Supplemental Code Channels allocated (Test 1).
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TIA-898 One Supplemental Code Channel allocated (Test 2). N Supplemental Code Channels allocated, where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels that can be supported by the system (Test 3). Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9;; 12.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Setup an FTP session using Service Option 22 with the remote host. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to allocate Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station according to the following conditions: 1) For Test 1, the base station shall allocate no Supplemental Code Channel to the mobile station (i.e. MUX Option = 1). 2) For Test 2, the base station shall allocate one Supplemental Code Channel to the mobile station (i.e. MUX Option = 3). 3) For Test 3, the base station shall allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station (i.e. MUX Option = 2N+1). c. Transfer the file from the remote host to the TE2M using the binary get command. d. Record the elapsed time on the forward link of the Fundamental Code Channel during the file transfer. e. f. After the file transfer is completed, end the FTP session Repeat steps b through e for Tests 2 and 3.
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g. Repeat steps b through f for Tests 1, 2, and 3 with Service Option 25. 12.1.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be transferred successfully and under ideal channel conditions, the file transfer shall be completed within 8 x M / (0.625 x R x (N + 1)) seconds. where: N = number of allocated Supplemental Code Channels M = size of the file (in bytes) R = RLP payload in bps (8000 bps for Rate Set 1 or 12800 bps for Rate Set 2) 0.625 represents the acceptable margin for overhead and channel errors Note that the file transfer time requirement is based on the following assumptions: N Supplemental Code Channels are allocated for the entire duration of the file transfer.
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12.2 Forward File Transfer with Variable Supplemental Code Channels 12.2.1 Definition This test verifies the capability to transfer files from a remote host using FTP, with a variable number of Supplemental Code Channels. This test is intended to exercise bursty data transfer with variable peak transfer rates. This test may require the use of an OA&M interface on the base station, or any other method specific to the base station manufacturer, in order to vary the number of allocated Supplemental Code Channels. Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9;; 12.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure the base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. e. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message to allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station. f. Verify from the mobile station that N Supplemental Code Channels are being used.
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g. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. h. During through the file transfer, configure the base station to generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to reduce the number of Supplemental Code Channels allocated to the mobile station. i. j. Record time elapsed during file transfer. End FTP session.
k. Repeat steps d through j with Service Option 25. 12.2.3 Minimum Standard The file shall be transferred successfully in each direction, and, under ideal channel conditions, the file transfer shall be completed within: 8 x M / (0.625 x R x (S + 1)) seconds where: S = smallest number of Supplemental Code Channels allocated at any point M = size of the file (in bytes)
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TIA-898 R = RLP payload in bps (8000 bps for Rate Set 1 or 12800 bps for Rate Set 2) 0.625 represents the acceptable margin for overhead and channel errors 12.3 MSPD Call Setup, No Negotiation 12.3.1 Definition This test verifies that the base station and the mobile station can successfully establish mobile station-originated and mobile station-terminated calls using all combinations of supported Service Option 22 through Service Option 25, using the default multiplex options. Traceability: [see 15]-A9; 12.3.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. b. Configure the mobile stations forward MUX Option to (2N+1) where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels. c. Configure the base stations MUX Option to a value equal to (2N+1). d. Setup a mobile station originated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session with the remote host. e. Verify that N Supplemental Code Channels are being used by the mobile station. f. Transfer the file from remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. After the file transfer is completed in step f, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. h. End FTP session. i. j. Repeat steps d through h by initiating a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22. Repeat steps b through i for Service Option 25. The base stations MUX Option should be set to (2N+2).
k. Repeat steps d through i for mobile station terminated calls by setting the Service Option to 23 at the base station. l. Repeat steps d through i for mobile station terminated calls by setting the Service Option to 24 at the base station.
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12.3.3 Minimum Standard For mobile-originated and mobile terminated calls with Service Option 22, verify the call is completed using Service Option 22. For mobile-originated and mobile terminated calls with Service Option 25, verify the call is completed using Service Option 25.
TIA-898 For mobile terminated calls with Service Option 23, verify the call is completed using Service Option 23. Note that for mobile stations that do not support Service Option 23 the call should be completed with Service Option 25. For mobile terminated calls with Service Option 24, Verify the call is completed using Service Option 24. Note that for mobile stations that do not support Service Option 24 the call should be completed with Service Option 25. In all tests conducted, the files shall be successfully transferred. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file.
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12.4 MSPD Call Setup, Negotiation to a Different MSPD Service Option 12.4.1 Definition This test verifies that the base station and the mobile station can successfully negotiate from Service Option 22 to Service Option 25, and vice versa. Traceability: [see 15]-A9; 12.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. b. Configure the mobile stations forward MUX Option to the default MUX Option. c. Configure the base stations Service Option to 25 and configure the base stations MUX Option to a value equal to or greater than the mobile stations MUX Option number. d. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session with the remote host. e. Verify the call is negotiated to Service Option 25. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. After the file transfer is completed in step f, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. h. End FTP session. i. j. Configure the base stations Service Option to 22. Setup a mobile station originated call using Service Option 25 and establish an FTP session with the remote host.
k. Verify the call is negotiated to Service Option 22. l. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
m. After the file transfer is completed in step l, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. n. End FTP session.
TIA-898 12.4.3 Minimum Standard The call shall be successfully established in each of the following cases: Mobile station originates with Service Option 22, base station proposes Service Option 25; the call is established using Service Option 25. The file shall be successfully transferred without error. Mobile station originates with Service Option 25, base station propose Service Option 22; the call is established using Service Option 22. The file shall be successfully transferred without error.
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12.5 MSPD Call Setup, Negotiation to LSPD 12.5.1 Definition This test verifies that the base station and the mobile station can successfully negotiate from MSPD to LSPD service options. Traceability: [see 15]-A9;
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12.5.2 Method of Measurement MSPD-Capable Mobile station a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. b. For Test 1, configure the mobile station to originate a call with Service Option 22. This may be done by issuing the AT command AT+CMUX=3,1. c. Configure the base station to Service Option 7. d. Setup a mobile station originated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session with the remote host. e. Verify from the Origination Message the appropriate Service Option number that is requested by the mobile station. f. Record the Service Option used to set up the FTP session.
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g. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. h. After the file transfer is completed in step g, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. i. j. End FTP session. For Test 2, configure the base stations Service Option to 15 and the mobile stations Service Option to 22 and repeat steps d through i.
k. For Test 3, configure the base stations Service Option to 15 and the mobile stations Service Option to 25 (i.e. set AT+CMUX=4,2) and repeat steps d through i.
TIA-898 l. For Test 4, configure the base stations Service Option to 7 and the mobile stations Service Option to 25 (i.e. set AT+CMUX=4,2) and repeat steps d through i.
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Non MSPD-Capable Mobile station a. Ensure the mobile station is not MDR capable. b. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. c. For Test 5, configure the mobile station with Service Option 15. This can be accomplished by issuing the AT command AT+CMUX=2,2. d. Configure the base station to page the mobile station with Service Option 22. e. Set up a mobile station terminated call and establish an FTP session. f. Verify from the General Page Message the Service Option number that is requested by the base station.
g. Record the Service Option number used to set up the FTP session. h. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. i. j. After the file transfer is completed in step h, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. End FTP session.
k. For Test 6, configure base station Service Option to 25 and repeat steps e through j. 12.5.3 Minimum Standard In all tests conducted, the files shall be successfully transferred. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. The call shall be successfully established in each of the following case scenarios: For Test 1, the mobile station originates with Service Option 22, base station proposes Service Option 7; the call is established using Service Option 7. For Test 2, the mobile station originates with Service Option 22, base station proposes Service Option 15; the call is established using Service Option 15. For Test 3, the mobile station originates with Service Option 25, base station proposes Service Option 15; the call is established using Service Option 15. For Test 4, the mobile station originates with Service Option 25, base station proposes Service Option 7; the call is established using Service Option 7. For Test 5, the base station pages mobile station with Service Option 22, mobile station proposes Service Option 15; the call is established using Service Option 15. For Test 6, the base station pages mobile station with Service Option 25, mobile station proposes Service Option 15; the call is established with Service Option 15.
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TIA-898 12.6 MSPD Call Setup, Mobile Station Maximum Multiplex Option Less than Base Station Maximum Multiplex Option 12.6.1 Definition This test verifies that an MSPD call can be successfully established when the maximum multiplex option supported by the mobile station is less than the maximum multiplex option supported by the base station. Traceability: [see 15]-A9; 12.6.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward MUX Option to (2n+1) where n is equal to N or 6, whichever is smaller, where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels supported by the mobile station (i.e. set AT+CMUX=2n+1,1) c. Configure the base stations MUX Option to a value equal to (2(n+1)+1). d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. e. Verify the number of Supplemental Code Channels used to establish FTP session is n. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. After the file transfer is completed in step f, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. h. End FTP session. i. Repeat steps d through h with Service Option 25 by setting the maximum forward MUX Option of the mobile station to (2n+2) and the MUX Option of the base station to (2(n+1)+2).
26 27 28 29
12.6.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and the base station shall successfully negotiate to the maximum multiplex option set at the mobile station. In all tests conducted, the files shall be successfully transferred. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. 12.7 MSPD Call Setup, Mobile station Maximum Multiplex Option Greater than Base Station Maximum Multiplex Option 12.7.1 Definition This test verifies that an MSPD call can be successfully established when the maximum multiplex option supported by the mobile station is greater than the maximum multiplex option supported by the base station.
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TIA-898 Traceability: [see 15]-A9; 12.7.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward MUX Option to (2N+1) where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels supported by the mobile station (i.e. set AT+CMUX=2N+1,1) c. Configure the base stations MUX Option to a value equal to (2(N-1)+1). d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. e. Verify the number of Supplemental Code Channels used in establishing the FTP session is (N-1). f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. After the file transfer is completed in step f, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. h. End FTP session. i. Repeat steps d through h with Service Option 25 by setting the maximum forward MUX Option of the mobile station to (2N+2) and MUX Option of the base station to (2(N-1)+2).
19 20 21 22
12.7.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station and the base station shall successfully negotiate to the maximum multiplex option set at the base station. In all tests conducted, the files shall be successfully transferred. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. 12.8 Allocation/De-allocation of Supplemental Code Channels 12.8.1 Definition This test verifies allocation and de-allocation of up to N Supplemental Code Channels using the General Handoff Direction Message (GHDM), and Supplemental Code Channel Assignment Message (SCAM). N is the maximum number of forward Supplemental Code Channels that can be supported by the system. The first test uses n Supplemental Code Channels, where n is any number greater than zero and less than the maximum N. The second test uses the maximum N Supplemental Code Channels. This test also exercises all supported values of the FOR_SUP_CONFIG and USE_FOR_DURATION fields.
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TIA-898 Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9; 12.8.2 Method of Measurement Allocation and De-Allocation of n Supplemental Code Channels using GHDM a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward MUX Option to (2N+1) where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels supported by the mobile station (i.e. set AT+CMUX=2N+1,1) c. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. d. Verify only the forward Fundamental Code Channel is used in establishing the FTP session. e. Configure the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, USE_FOR_DURATION=0 and assign n forward Supplemental Code Channels (where n < N and n > 0) to the mobile station. f. Verify that n Supplemental Code Channels are being used by the mobile station.
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g. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. h. Record time elapsed for the file transfer. i. Configure the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, USE_FOR_DURATION=0 and assign 0 forward Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station. Verify the number of Supplemental Code Channels used by the mobile station.
k. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. l. Record time elapsed for the file transfer.
m. End FTP session. n. Repeat steps c through m using Service Option 25. Allocation and De-Allocation of N Supplemental Code Channels using SCAM a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward MUX Option to (2N+1) where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels supported by the mobile station (i.e. set AT+CMUX=2N+1,1) c. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session.
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TIA-898 d. Verify that only the forward Fundamental Code Channel is used in establishing the FTP session. e. Configure the base station to send a Supplemental Code Channel Assignment Message with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, USE_FOR_DURATION=0, USE_FOR_HDM_SEQ=0 and assign N forward Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station. f. Verify that N Supplemental Code Channels are used by the mobile station.
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g. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. h. Record time elapsed for the file transfer. i. Configure the base station to send a Supplemental Code Channel Assignment Message with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, USE_FOR_DURATION=0, USE_FOR_HDM_SEQ=0 and assign 0 forward Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station. Verify the number of Supplemental Code Channels used by the mobile station.
k. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. l. Record time elapsed for the file transfer.
m. End FTP session. n. Repeat steps c through m using Service Option 25. 12.8.3 Minimum Standard Allocation and De-Allocation of n Supplemental Code Channels using GHDM In, the Supplemental Code Channels shall be successfully allocated (step e) and de-allocated (step i). The time elapsed for file transfer in step h should be (120/(n+1))% of the elapsed time in step l. Allocation and De-Allocation of N Supplemental Code Channels using SCAM In, the Supplemental Code Channels shall be successfully allocated (step e) and de-allocated (step i). The time elapsed for file transfer in step h should be (120/(N+1))% of the elapsed time in step l. 12.9 No Transmission on Supplemental Code Channels 12.9.1 Definition This test verifies that data transfer is not interrupted if the base station stops transmitting on one or more allocated Supplemental Code Channels. Note that if the base station does not allow a Supplemental Code Channel to remain idle when there is no data to be transmitted on the Supplemental Code Channel, this test may require the use of an OA&M interface on the base station or some other method specific to the base-station manufacturer.
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TIA-898 Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9; 12.9.2 Method of Measurement a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward MUX Option to 5 or greater. c. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. d. Configure the base station to send a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Code Channel Assignment Message with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, USE_FOR_DURATION=0, USE_FOR_HDM_SEQ=0 and assign 2 forward Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station. e. Verify the MUX Option used in establishing the FTP session. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. Record time elapsed during file transfer. h. Configure the base station to send data on the Fundamental Code Channel only while the 2 Supplemental Code Channels are still active. i. j. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. Record time elapsed during file transfer.
k. End FTP session. l. Repeat steps c through k with Service Option 25.
12.9.3 Minimum Standard Data transfer shall proceed normally after the base station stops transmitting on one or more allocated Supplemental Code Channels. In all tests conducted, the files shall be successfully transferred. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. The time elapsed recorded in step g should be less than 40% the time elapsed recorded in step j. 12.10 Soft Handoff with Supplemental Code Channels 12.10.1 Definition
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This test verifies that the fundamental and Supplemental Code Channels can be put in twoway soft handoff during an MSPD call with N Supplemental Code Channels active, where N is the maximum number of Forward Supplemental Code Channels that can be supported by the system. This test includes the following cases: Fundamental Code Channel and Supplemental Code Channels in handoff, two cells transmit Supplemental Code Channels.
TIA-898 Fundamental Code Channel in handoff, only one cell transmits Supplemental Code Channels.
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Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9; 12.10.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward MUX Option to (2N+1) where N is the maximum number of forward Supplemental Code Channels available for the mobile station. c. Configure each base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session with base station #1. e. Configure the base station to set up N Forward Supplemental Code Channels in traffic state. f. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
g. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. h. Generate a General Handoff Direction Message for two-way soft-handoff with base station #2. In both test cases 1 and 2, generate the GHDM with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, NUM_FOR_SUP=N, and USE_FOR_DURATION=0. i. For Test 1: In the GHDM, set the FOR_SUP_INCLUDED=1 for each pilot to be included in handoff and configure both base stations to send data on all Supplemental Code Channels. For Test 2: In the GHDM, set the FOR_SUP_INCLUDED=1 for base station #1 and FOR_SUP_INCLUDED=0 for base station #2. Configure base station #1 to transmit data on all Supplemental Code Channels. Configure base station #2 to transmit data on the Fundamental Code Channel only.
k. Verify the file transfer continues after the handoff. l. Record time elapsed during file transfer.
m. End FTP session. n. Repeat steps d through m with Service Option 25. 12.10.3 Minimum Standard
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In each test, the mobile station shall successfully perform the handoff, and data transfer shall continue after the handoff. Under ideal channel conditions, the measured throughput in each case should be close to the measured throughput with no handoff.
TIA-898 12.11 Adding Supplemental Code Channels during Soft Handoff 12.11.1 Definition
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This test verifies that N Supplemental Code Channels can be added in an MSPD call while in two-way soft handoff on the Fundamental Code Channel, where N is the maximum number of Supplemental Code Channels that can be supported by the system. This test includes the following cases: N Supplemental Code Channels added on all cells. N Supplemental Code Channels added on one cell only.
Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9; 12.11.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure each base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session with base station #1 on the Fundamental Code Channel only. e. Adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. f. Verify the mobile station is in two-way handoff.
g. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. h. Generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with FOR_INCLUDED=1, FOR_SUP_CONFIG=3, NUM_FOR_SUP=N, and USE_FOR_DURATION=0. i. For Case 1: In the GHDM, set the FOR_SUP_INCLUDED=1 for each pilot to be included in handoff and configure both base stations to send data on all Supplemental Code Channels. For Case 2: In the GHDM, set the FOR_SUP_INCLUDED=1 for base station #1 and FOR_SUP_INCLUDED=0 for base station #2. Configure base station #1 to transmit data on all Supplemental Code Channels. Configure base station #2 to transmit data on the Fundamental Code Channel only.
k. Verify the file transfer continues after Supplemental Code Channel assignment during handoff. l. Record time elapsed during file transfer.
TIA-898 n. Repeat steps d through m with Service Option 25. 12.11.3 Minimum Standard
2 3 4 5
In each case, the mobile station shall successfully perform the handoff, and data transfer shall continue after the handoff. Under ideal channel conditions, the measured throughput in each case should be close to the measured throughput with no handoff. 12.12 Hard Handoff to an MSPD-Capable System Note that an MSPD call should be dropped during a hard handoff from a higher P_REV system to a lower P_REV system. Tests that simply drop calls are not to be performed, therefore there is no test for this situation. 12.12.1 Definition
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
This test verifies hard handoff to an MSPD-capable system during an MSPD call. Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9; 12.12.2 Method of Measurement Hard Handoff to Same P_REV
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Make sure the MOB_P_REV=4 or higher. c. Base station #1 should be configured for P_REV=5 or higher. d. Base station #2 should be configured for P_REV=5 or higher with a different frequency channel from base station #1. e. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. f. Configure both base stations to support N Supplemental Code Channels.
g. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22 and establish an FTP session with base station #1 with N Supplemental Code Channels. h. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. i. j. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. At base station #1, setup a hard handoff to base station #2 using the Extended Handoff Direction Message.
k. Verify at the base station that the hard handoff is successful. l. Verify base station #2 generates a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to assign N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station.
TIA-898 m. Verify at the base station that service negotiation is successful and that the mobile station is using Service Option 22 with N Supplemental Code Channels. n. Verify the file transfer continues after the hard handoff. o. End FTP session. p. Repeat steps g through o with Service Option 25. Hard Handoff to Higher P_REV
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
a. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. b. Make sure the MOB_P_REV=4 or higher. c. Base station #1 should be configured for P_REV=3. d. Base station #2 should be configured for P_REV=5 or higher with a different frequency channel from base station #1. e. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. f. Configure base station #2 to support N Supplemental Code Channels.
g. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 7 and establish an FTP session with base station #1 (on the Fundamental Code Channel only). h. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. i. j. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. At base station #1, setup a hard handoff to base station #2 using the Extended Handoff Direction Message.
k. Verify at the base station that the hard handoff is successful. l. Verify at the mobile station that Service Option 7 is still in use.
m. Verify the file transfer continues after the hard handoff. n. End FTP session. o. Repeat steps g through n with Service Option 15. 12.12.3 Minimum Standard Hard Handoff to the same P_REV
28 29 30 31 32
The mobile station shall successfully perform the handoff, and data transfer shall continue on both the fundamental and Supplemental Code Channel after the handoff. The file shall be successfully transferred without error. Note that the Supplemental Code Channels are dropped just before the hard handoff and re-assigned after the hard handoff. Hard Handoff to Higher P_REV
33 34 35
The mobile station shall successfully perform the handoff, and data transfer shall continue after the hard handoff. The file shall be successfully transferred without error.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This test verifies data transfer under 3 Ray Rayleigh channel conditions at 100km/hr, with Supplemental Code Channels. This test verifies that RLP recovers erased data frames, and is intended to exercise RLP negative acknowledgements (NAKs), retransmissions, and aborts in the forward direction. Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9;; 12.13.2 Method of Measurement
10 11
a. Set up the base station and the mobile station as shown in figure 12.13.2-1.
12 13 14 15
Figure 12.13.2-1 Functional setup for testing packet data testing in fading b. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. c. Set the channel simulator using the parameters as specified in Table 12.13.2-1.
TIA-898 d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. e. Configure the base station to assign one Supplemental Code Channel to the mobile station using the General Handoff Direction Message or the Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
g. Record time elapsed during file transfer. h. End FTP session. i. Repeat steps d through h with Service Option 25. Table 12.13.2-1 MSPD Test Parameters - 100 km/hr Parameter Vehicle Speed Number of Paths Path 2 Power (Relative to Path 1) Path 3 Power (Relative to Path 1) Delay from Path 1 to Input Delay from Path 2 to Input Delay from Path 3 to Input Unit km/hr # dB dB s s s Value 100 3 0 -3 0 2 14.5
11 12 13
Minimum Standard
Data transfer shall be successful, and the data transfer throughput shall be no less than 70% of the throughput measured in section Test 2. 12.14 RLP Operation with Severely Degraded Channel 12.14.1 Definition
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
This test verifies data transfer under severely degraded channel conditions, with Supplemental Code Channels. This test is intended to exercise RLP resets due to long erasure bursts and TCP retransmissions. Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9;; 12.14.2 Method of Measurement
22 23 24 25
a. Set up the base station and the mobile station as shown in figure 12.13.2-1. b. Prepare the RAND200.BIN byte binary file at the remote host. c. Set the channel simulator to one Ray 3 km/hr Rayleigh fading on the forward link.
TIA-898 d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. e. Configure the base station to assign one Supplemental Code Channel to the mobile station using the General Handoff Direction Message or the Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
g. Record time elapsed during file transfer. h. End FTP session. i. Repeat steps d through h with Service Option 25. Minimum Standard
10 11 12
Data transfer shall be successful and the data transfer throughput shall be no less than 70% of the throughput measured in section Test 2. 12.15 Bi-Directional File Transfers with Forward Supplemental Code Channels 12.15.1 Definition
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
This test verifies the capability to transfer files simultaneously on the Forward and Reverse Traffic Channels between the mobile station and remote host using FTP, with forward Supplemental Code Channels active. Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9;; 12.15.2 Method of Measurement
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure the base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22. e. Establish two FTP sessions with the base station; one for the forward link and one for the reverse link. f. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station.
g. Verify from the mobile station that N forward Supplemental Code Channels are being used. The reverse link should be connected with the Fundamental Code Channel only. h. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
TIA-898 i. j. While the file is being transferred on the forward link, begin transferring another file from TE2M to the remote host on the reverse link using the binary put command. End two FTP sessions.
1 2 3 4
k. Repeat steps d through i with Service Option 25. 12.15.3 Minimum Standard
5 6
The simultaneous file transfers shall be completed successfully in each direction without error. 12.16 R! Interface Flow Control 12.16.1 Definition
8 9 10 11 12 13
This test verifies flow control on the Rm Interface, when the Um interface data rate exceeds the Rm interface baud rate. Traceability: [see 4],,; [see 15]-A9;; 12.16.2 Method of Measurement
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure the base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Configure the RS-232 baud rate in the Rm interface to 4800 bps. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. f. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station.
g. Verify at the mobile station that N Supplemental Code Channels are in use. h. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. i. j. Record time elapsed during file transfer. End FTP session.
k. Repeat steps e through j with Service Option 25. 12.16.3 Minimum Standard
29 30
The file shall be transferred successfully from the remote host to the TE2M without error.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
This test verifies the mobile station correctly processes the Service Option Control Message which controls the Dormant Timer, and that the mobile station delays any attempt to send an Origination Message requesting a MSPD service option until the Dormant Timer expires. Traceability: [see 4]; [see 15]-A9; 12.17.2 Method of Measurement
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure the mobile stations inactivity timer to 20 seconds by issuing the AT command AT+CTA=20. d. Configure the base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session. f. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station.
g. From the base station, send the Service Option Control Message with the Packet Data Dormant Timer set to 20 seconds. h. Verify from the mobile station that N Supplemental Code Channels is been used. i. j. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. Wait for the mobile station to enter the Control Hold mode due to data inactivity (i.e. when the inactivity timer in the mobile station expires).
k. Setup a mobile station originated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session as soon as the mobile station is in the Control Hold mode. l. After the call is re-established, transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
m. End FTP session. n. Repeat steps e through m with Service Option 25. 12.17.3 Minimum Standard
32 33 34 35 36
The mobile station shall set the Dormant Timer value to 20 seconds as specified in the Service Option Control Message, and shall not send an Origination Message requesting a MSPD service option until the Dormant Timer expires. The file shall be transferred successfully from the remote host to the TE2M without error.
1 2
The time elapsed between the Release Order and the Origination Message should be approximately 20 seconds.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
This test verifies the following: 1) When the mobile station detects a change in the Packet Zone ID in the Extended System Parameters Message or the In-Traffic System Parameters Message and the new Packet Zone ID is not in the Packet Zone ID List the mobile station shall attempt to reconnect the packet data service option. 2) When the mobile station detects a change in the Packet Zone ID in the Extended System Parameters Message or the In-Traffic System Parameters Message and the new Packet Zone ID is already in the Packet Zone ID List, the mobile station shall not attempt to reconnect the packet data service option. When the mobile station is in the Dormant Mode, if the Dormant Timer does not expire, the mobile station shall not re-originate a data call.
Traceability: [see 4]; [see 15]-A9; 12.18.2 Method of Measurement Idle State
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure the base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Configure the mobile stations inactivity timer to 20 seconds by issuing an AT command. e. Setup a mobile station originated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session f. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station.
g. From Instruct the base station to, send the Service Option Control Message to the mobile station to enable the PACKET_ZONE_ID with a valid list of PACKET_ZONE_Idsspecify the number of packet data service identifiers that the mobile station is to retain in its packet data zone identifiers list (the number shall be set to 2 or greater). Also set the Packet Data Dormant Timer to 20 seconds. h. Verify from the mobile station that N Supplemental Code Channels are being used.
TIA-898 i. j. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. Make sure there is no data to transmit for 20 seconds.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
k. Verify the mobile station enters Dormant/Idle State due to data inactivity. l. Change the PACKET_ZONE_ID of the serving system in the Extended System Parameter Message.
m. Verify the mobile station reconnects to the same Service Option when it detects the new PACKET_ZONE_ID. n. After the call is re-established, transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. o. End FTP session. p. Repeat steps j through l. q. Verify the mobile station does not perform a packet zone registration. r. Repeat steps e through o with Service Option 25.
s. Repeat steps a through f. t. Instruct the base station to send the Service Option Control Message to the mobile station to set the Dormant Timer to 60 seconds.
u. Repeat steps j through k. v. Attempt to initiate an ftp session to a server at the mobile station. w. Verify the MS does not send an Origination Message before the Dormant Timer expires. Traffic Channel State
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
a. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW byte binary file at the remote host. b. Configure the mobile stations maximum forward Supplemental Code Channels to N. c. Configure the base station to support N Supplemental Code Channels. d. Setup a mobile station originated call with Service Option 22, and establish an FTP session e. From the base station, generate a General Handoff Direction Message or a Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to allocate N Supplemental Code Channels to the mobile station. f. From the base station, send the Service Option Control Message to the mobile station to enable the PACKET_ZONE_ID with a valid list of PACKET_ZONE_IDs.
g. Verify from the mobile station that N Supplemental Code Channels are being used. h. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. i. While the file is being transferred, send the Service Option Control Message to the mobile station with a change in the PACKET_ZONE_ID.
TIA-898 j. Change the PACKET_ZONE_ID of the serving system in the In-Traffic System Parameter Message.
1 2 3 4 5
k. Verify the mobile station continues file transfer on the new PACKET_ZONE_ID. l. End FTP session.
m. Repeat steps d through l with Service Option 25. 12.18.3 Minimum Standard
6 7 8 9
The mobile station shall detect the change in the Packet Zone ID and shall reconnect the MSPD service option. The file shall be transferred successfully from the remote host to the TE2M without error.
1 2 3
13 HIGH SPEED PACKET DATA Table 13-1 High speed packet data tests verifies operation using RCs 3, 4 and 5. Table 13-1 High Speed Packet Data Tests Test No. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 13.20 13.21 13.22 13.23 13.24 13.25 13.26 13.27 Forward File Transfer Reverse File Transfer Bi-directional File Transfer Basic Supplemental Channel Configuration Setting and Single Assignment Supplemental Channel Multiple Assignments Turbo Coding on Supplemental Channel Correct Walsh Cover Supplemental Channel Discontinuous Transmission Slotted Timer Retry Order and Delay for Origination Message Retry Order and Delay for Supplemental Channel Request Messages Retry Order and Delay for Resource Request Messages Base Station Initiated Active to Control Hold Mode Transitions Mobile Station Initiated Active to Control Hold Mode Transitions Base Station Initiated Control Hold to Active Mode Transitions Mobile Station Initiated Control Hold to Active Mode Transitions Base Station Ignores Mobile Station Requested Mode Transitions Mobile station Multiplex Option different from Base Station Multiplex Option Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel only Adding Supplemental Channels during Soft Handoff Hard Handoff to HSPD-capable system Hard Handoff from MSPD to HSPD Hard Handoff from LSPD to HSPD Hard Handoff to a different RC Mobile Station Aborts R-SCH During Soft Handoff RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment Title
4 5
1 2
Table 13-1 High Speed Packet Data Tests Continued 13.28 13.29 13.30 13.31 13.32 RLP Operation in Severely Degraded Channel Mobile Station Originated Short Data Burst Mobile Station Terminated Short Data Burst Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message Test Mobile Station and Base Station Operating in Different States
4 5
Note: For mobile station terminated calls, the mobile station must be in dormancy mode (with assigned IP address) in order for terminated call procedures to work. 13.1 Forward File Transfer 13.1.1 Definition This test verifies that during the HSPD call, the measured throughput rate on the Forward Fundamental Channel and the Supplemental Channels matches the target throughput rate for the minimum and maximum supported Forward Supplemental Channel data rates. Other data rates may also be tested. Traceability: [see 4],,,,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7.; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1.
Code Domain Analyzer Base Station Load
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17
Mobile Station
Attenuator 1
Rx I
Attenuator 2
Rx Q
Spectrum Analyzer
TIA-898 b. At the remote host prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. Setup an FTP session using Service Option 33 with the remote host. Ensure there are no Forward Supplemental Channels allocated to the mobile station. Configure the base station to send a valid configuration to the mobile station specifying the minimum data rate supported by both mobile station and base station which corresponds to the configured RC (see Table 13.1.2-1). Verify the base station sends a Universal Handoff Direction Message, an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message, or a Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message. Transfer the file from the remote host to the TE2M using the binary get command. Ensure data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record the elapsed time on the forward link of the Fundamental Channel during the file transfer. After the file transfer is completed, end the FTP session. Steps b through i shall be repeated for the maximum data rates that are supported by both mobile station and base station. Steps b through i may be repeated for other data rates and different radio configurations supported by both mobile station and base station. Table 13.1.2-1 SCH Data Rate Data Rate Granted (bps) F-RC3,4 / R-RC3 9600 19200 38400 76800 153600
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
c. d. e.
g. h. i. j. k.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
13.1.3 Minimum Standard Mobile Station shall successfully use the number of Forward Supplemental Channels and the data rate assigned in the ESCAM/UHDM/FSCAMM to transfer a file from the Remote Host. The file shall be transferred successfully and under ideal channel conditions, the file transfer shall be completed within 1.6 x 8 x M / ((N x R) + F)) seconds. where: 1.6 represents the acceptable margin for overhead and channel errors M = size of the file (in bytes)
TIA-898 N = number of allocated Supplemental Channels R = RLP payload in bps for the Supplemental Channel(s). See Table 13.1.3-1 F = RLP payload in bps for the Fundamental Channel (6400 bps in the worst case for RC3, 4 or 11150 bps in the worst case for RC5) Note: file transfer time requirement is based on the following assumptions: N Supplemental Channels are allocated for the entire duration of the file transfer. Supplemental Channel utilization is 100%. Worst case and best case refer to the PDUs being single sized or double sized and to the dimension of the RLP header. Table 13.1.3-1 RLP Payloads Supplemental Channel Data Rate (bps) F-RC3,4 / R-RC3 9600 19200 38400 76800 153600 Supplemental Channel Data Rate (bps) F-RC5 / R-RC4 14400 28800 5.600 115200 230400
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
RLP Payload (bps) [worst_case-best_case] 6400 - 8000 12800 16800 25600 32600 51200 67200 121600 134400 RLP Payload (bps) [worst_case-best_case] 11150 - 12750 22400 - 26400 44800 - 52800 89600 - 105600 198400 - 211200
13.2 Reverse File Transfer 13.2.1 Definition This test verifies that during the HSPD call, the measured throughput rate on the Reverse Fundamental Channel and the Supplemental Channels matches the target throughput rate for the minimum and maximum supported Forward Supplemental Channel data rates. Other data rates may also be tested.
13 14 15 16 17
TIA-898 Traceability: [see 4],,,,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7.; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.2.2 Method of Measurement a. b. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. At the TE2M prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. Setup an FTP session using Service Option 33 with the remote host. Ensure there are no Reverse Supplemental Channels allocated to the mobile station. Configure the base station to send a valid configuration to the mobile station specifying the minimum data rate supported by both mobile station and base station which corresponds to the configured RC (see Table 13.1.2-1).
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
c. d. e.
Transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. Ensure that the total amount of data to be transferred at the mobile station is more than an implementation defined threshold, or otherwise cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message or a Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message with DURATION field set to a non-zero value. Ensure data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record the elapsed time on the reverse link of the Fundamental Channel during the file transfer. After the file transfer is completed, end the FTP session Steps b through i shall be repeated for the maximum data rates supported by both mobile station and base station. Steps b through i may be repeated for other data rates and radio configurations supported by both mobile station and base station.
g. h. i. j.
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
13.2.3 Minimum Standard Mobile station shall successfully use the Reverse Supplemental Channels and the data rate assigned in the ESCAM/UHDM to transfer a file to the remote host. The file shall be transferred successfully and under ideal channel conditions, the file transfer shall be completed within 1.6 x 8 x M / ((N x R) + F)) seconds. Where: 1.6 represents the acceptable margin for overhead and channel errors M = size of the file (in bytes) N = number of allocated Supplemental Channels R = RLP payload in bps for the Supplemental Channel(s). See Table 13.1.3-1
TIA-898 F = RLP payload in bps for the Fundamental Channel (8000 bps for RC3or 12800 bps for RC4) Note: file transfer time requirement is based on the following assumptions: N Supplemental Channels are allocated for the entire duration of the file transfer. Supplemental Channel utilization is 100%. Worst case and best case refer to the PDUs being single sized or double sized and to the dimension of the RLP header.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7
13.3 Bi-directional File Transfer 13.3.1 Definition This test verifies that during the HSPD call, the measured bi-directional throughput rate on the Fundamental Channel and the Supplemental Channels matches the target throughput rate using various Supplemental Channel data rates. Traceability: [see 4],,,,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7.; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.3.2 Method of Measurement a. b. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. Prepare the appropriate file at both the remote host and TE2M corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. Setup an FTP session using Service Option 33 with the remote host. Configure the base station to send a valid configuration to the mobile station specifying the minimum data rate supported by both mobile station and base station which corresponds to the configured RC (see Table 13.1.2-1). Transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host. Ensure that the total amount of data to be transferred at the mobile station is more than an implementation defined threshold, or otherwise cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message or a Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message with DURATION field set to a non-zero value. Transfer a file from the Remote Host to the TE2M while the transfer in the reverse direction is still proceeding. Ensure data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record the elapsed time on the forward and reverse links during the file transfer. End the FTP session when files in both the directions are successfully transferred. Steps b through i shall be repeated for the maximum data rates that are supported by both mobile station and base station.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
c. d.
f. g. h. i.
TIA-898 j. Steps b through i may be repeated for different data rates and radio configurations that are supported by both mobile station and base station.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
13.3.3 Minimum Standard Mobile station shall successfully use the Forward and Reverse Supplemental Channels and the data rates assigned in the ESCAM/UHDM to transfer a file from and to the remote host simultaneously. The file shall be transferred successfully and under ideal channel conditions, the file transfer shall be completed within 1.6 x 8 x M / ((N x R) + F)) seconds. where: 1.6 represents the acceptable margin for overhead and channel errors M = size of the file (in bytes) N = number of allocated Supplemental Channels R = RLP payload in bps for the Supplemental Channel(s). See Table 13.1.3-1 F = RLP payload in bps for the Fundamental Channel (8000 bps for F-RC3,4 /R-RC3 or 12800 bps for F-RC5 / R-RC4) Note: file transfer time requirement is based on the following assumptions: N Supplemental Channels are allocated for the entire duration of the file transfer. Supplemental Channel utilization is 100%. Worst case and best case refer to the PDUs being single sized or double sized and to the dimension of the RLP header.
16 17 18 19 20
13.4 Basic Supplemental Channel Configuration Setting and Single Assignment 13.4.1 Definition This test verifies the following: The base station can send both the Reverse and Forward Supplemental Channel configurations to the mobile station using the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message. The mobile station processes the reverse and forward Supplemental Channel assignments correctly as specified in the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message using explicit start time.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
MS Traffic Channels Supplemental Channel Request Message
BS Traffic Channels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Figure 13.4.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Supplemental Channel Request and Assignment Traceability (see [4]): Service Configuration and Negotiation Waiting for Order Substate Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Processing of the Forward Supplemental Burst Assignment Processing of the Reverse Supplemental Burst Assignment Supplemental Channel Request Message Service Configuration and Negotiation Processing Resource Request Messages Waiting for Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message 13.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated data call using Service Option 33 with the following channel configurations: RC 3 for both Forward and Reverse Fundamental Channel RC 3 for both Forward and Reverse Supplemental Channel 20 ms frames for both Forward and Reverse Supplemental Channel c. Ensure the service option will not run out of data to send on the mobile station and the base station during the test (e.g., by preparing packet data so that the data buffer is never empty). d. Cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
TIA-898 e. Upon reception of the Supplemental Channel Request Message from the mobile station, instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message with the fields set as follows: (if less than two Supplemental Channels are supported by the system, then field values should be modified accordingly) f. For Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message: Fields REV_CFG_INCLUDED NUM_REV_CFG_RECS Parameters Setting 1 00001 (2 R-SCH configurations)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
For the first Reverse Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_RATE
For the second Reverse Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_RATE 1 0011 (76800 bps)
10 (2 R-SCH assignments)
TIA-898 For the first Reverse Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_RATE 0 1000 (160 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) 0001 (19200 bps)
For the second Reverse Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_RATE 1 0100 (80 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) 0001 (19200 bps)
For the first Forward Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID SCCL_INDEX FOR_SCH_RATE 0 0000 0001(19200 bps)
For the second Forward Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID SCCL_INDEX FOR_SCH_RATE
1 2
For Universal Handoff Direction Message: NUM_FOR_ASSIGN FOR_SCH_ID SCCL_INDEX FOR_SCH_RATE 10 0 0000 0001(19200 bps)
TIA-898 For the second Forward Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID SCCL_INDEX FOR_SCH_RATE
For the first Reverse Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_RATE 0 1000 (160 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) 0001 (19200 bps)
For the second Reverse Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_RATE
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0100 (80 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) 0001 ( 19200 bps)
g. Verify the mobile station is transmitting on R-SCH0 and R-SCH1 in accordance with the explicit start time, rate, and duration specified by the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message. h. Wait until all the transmissions are finished. Instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message with the forward Supplemental Channel assignments (same as those of the reverse Supplemental Channel assignments) specified as follows: NUM_FOR_SCH 10 (2 F-SCH assignments)
For the first Forward Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL SCCL_INDEX 0 1000 (160 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) 0000
TIA-898 For the second Forward Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL SCCL_INDEX
1 2 3 4
Verify the base station is transmitting on F-SCH0 and F-SCH1 in accordance with the explicit start time, rate, and duration specified by the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message.
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13.4.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall not transmit on the Reverse Supplemental Channels at any time other than the period that is specified by the reverse Supplemental Channel assignment. When the mobile station transmits on the Reverse Supplemental Channel, it shall transmit at the rate specified by the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message. The base station shall not transmit on the Forward Supplemental Channels at any time other than the period that is specified by the forward Supplemental Channel assignment. When the base station transmits on the Forward Supplemental Channel, it shall transmit at the rate specified by the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message. 13.5 Supplemental Channel Multiple Assignments 13.5.1 Definition This test verifies correct mobile station operation when multiple Supplemental Channel Assignments are received under the following conditions: Overlapped burst period: when a new Supplemental Channel assignment is received during a current Supplemental Channel assignment burst, the new Supplemental Channel assignment will take effect at the start time of the new Supplemental Channel assignment, at which time the current Supplemental Channel assignment burst will terminate. Disjoint burst period: when a new Supplemental Channel assignment is received during a current Supplemental Channel assignment burst, but the new Supplemental Channel assignment will take effect after the end of the current Supplemental Channel assignment burst, then the current Supplemental Channel assignment burst is unaffected. Assignment overwrite: when two Supplemental Channel assignments are sent one after another, and the second Supplemental Channel assignment is received before the start time of the first Supplemental Channel assignment, then the second Supplemental Channel assignment will override the first Supplemental Channel assignment.
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TIA-898 Traceability: (see [4]): Service Configuration and Negotiation Waiting for Order Substate Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Processing of the Forward Supplemental Burst Assignment Processing of the Reverse Supplemental Burst Assignment Supplemental Channel Request Message Service Configuration and Negotiation Processing Resource Request Messages Waiting for Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message 13.5.2 Method of Measurement
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18 19
Assignment 1 received
Assignment 2 received
80 ms
~ ~
t 0 + 400
20 21 22
~ ~
Assignment 1 received
Assignment 2 received
~ ~
80 ms
t 0 + 400 ms
~ ~
t 0 + 1200 ms Result
~ ~
1 2
Assignment 1 received
Assignment 2 received
~ ~
76.8 kbps for 80 ms 19.2 kbps for an infinite duration t 0 + 800 ms
80 ms
~ ~
t 0 + 1200 ms Result
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Figure 13.5.2-3 Supplemental Channel Assignments for assignment overwrite a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure b. Setup a mobile station originated data call using Service Option 33 with the following channel configurations: RC 3 for both Forward and Reverse Fundamental Channel RC 3 for both Forward and Reverse Supplemental Channel 20 ms frames for both Forward and Reverse Supplemental Channel
~ ~
TIA-898 c. Ensure the service option will not run out of data to send on the mobile station and the base station during the test (e.g., by preparing packet data so that the data buffer is never empty). d. Cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message. e. Upon reception of the Supplemental Channel Request Message, instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the fields set as follows: Fields REV_CFG_INCLUDED NUM_REV_CFG_RECS Parameters Setting 1 00000 (1 R-SCH configuration)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
For the Reverse Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_RATE 0 0001 (19200 bps)
01 ( 1 R-SCH assignment)
TIA-898 For the Reverse Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_START_TIME REV_SCH_RATE
0 1111 (infinite duration) 1 (use explicit start time) See description below 0001 (19200 bps) 1
For the Forward Supplemental Channel configuration, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID SCCL_INDEX FOR_SCH_RATE
01 (1 F-SCH assignment)
For the Forward Supplemental Channel assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL FOR_SCH_START_TIME SCCL_INDEX
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1111 (infinite duration) 1 (use explicit start time) See description below 0000
Let t0 , in units of ms, be the system time of the next 80 ms boundary closest to the time at which the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message is being constructed. The mobile station shall set the REV_SCH_START_TIME field and the FOR_SCH_START_TIME field to '( t0 + 400 ms)/80 ms( mod 32. f. Instruct the base station to send another Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message immediately after t0 + 400 ms containing the following R-SCH0 and F-SCH0 assignments:
For the R-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following 5 fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_RATE
0 0100 (80 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) 0011 (76800 bps) 01 (1 F-SCH assignment)
For the F-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL SCCL_INDEX
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
g. Verify the mobile station is transmitting on R-SCH0 and the base station is transmitting on F-SCH0 in accordance with the explicit start time, rate, and duration specified by the two Supplemental Channel assignments as depicted in Figure h. Repeat step a to step d i. Upon reception of the Supplemental Channel Request Message, instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the reverse and forward Supplemental Channel assignments specified as follows: NUM_REV_SCH 01 (1 R-SCH assignment)
For the R-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following 5 fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_START_TIME REV_SCH_RATE
0 1001 (320 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) See description below 0001 (19200 bps)
For the F-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL FOR_SCH_START_TIME SCCL_INDEX
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Let t0, in units of ms, be the system time of the next 80 ms boundary closest to the time at which the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message is being constructed. The mobile station shall set the REV_SCH_START_TIME field and the FOR_SCH_START_TIME field to '(t0 + 400)/80( mod 32. j. Instruct the base station to send another Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message immediately after t0 + 400 containing the following R-SCH0 and F-SCH0 assignments with the REV_SCH_START_TIME field and the FOR_SCH_STAT_TIME field set to '( t0 + 1200)/80( mod 32:
For the R-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_START_TIME REV_SCH_RATE
0 0100 (80 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) See description above 0011 ( 76800 bps)
01 (1 F-SCH assignment)
For the F-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL FOR_SCH_START_TIME SCCL_INDEX
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
k. Verify the mobile station is transmitting on R-SCH0 and the base station is transmitting on the F-SCH0 in accordance with the explicit start time, rate, and duration specified by the two Supplemental Channel assignments as depicted in Figure l. Repeat step a to step d
m. Upon reception of the Supplemental Channel Request Message, instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the reverse and forward Supplemental Channel assignments specified as follows:
For the R-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_START_TIME REV_SCH_RATE
0 1111 (infinite duration) 1 (use explicit start time) See description below 0001 ( 19200 bps) 01 (1 F-SCH assignment)
For the F-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL FOR_SCH_START_TIME SCCL_INDEX
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Let t0, in units of ms, be the system time of the next 80 ms boundary closest to the time at which the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message is being constructed. The mobile station shall set the REV_SCH_START_TIME field and the FOR_SCH_START_TIME field to '(t0 + 800)/80( mod 32. n. Instruct the base station to send another Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message containing the following R-SCH0 and F-SCH0 assignment immediately after t0 + 400 ms with the REV_SCH_START_TIME field and the FOR_SCH_STAT_TIME field set to '(t0 + 1200)/80( mod 32:
For the R-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: REV_SCH_ID REV_SCH_DURATION REV_SCH_START_TIME_INCL REV_SCH_START_TIME REV_SCH_RATE
0 0100 (80 ms) 1 (use explicit start time) See description above 0001 ( 19200 bps) 01 (1 F-SCH assignment)
For the F-SCH assignment, the base station shall set the following fields as follows: FOR_SCH_ID FOR_SCH_DURATION FOR_SCH_START_TIME_INCL FOR_SCH_START_TIME SCCL_INDEX
2 3 4 5
o. Verify the mobile station is transmitting on R-SCH0 and the base station is transmitting on F-SCH0 in accordance with the explicit start time, rate, and duration specified by the two Supplemental Channel assignments as depicted in Figure 13.5.3 Minimum Standard In each case verify that the mobile station is transmitting on R-SCH0 and the base station is transmitting on F-SCH0 in accordance with the explicit start time(s), rate(s), and duration(s) specified by the relevant two Supplemental Channel assignments as depicted in Figures 13.5.21, 13.5.2-2, 13.5.2-3 respectively. In each case verify that file transfer is successful. 13.6 Turbo Coding on Supplemental Channel 13.6.1 Definition This test verifies that the mobile station and base station which are capable, can support Turbo coding as well as Convolutional Coding on the Supplemental Channel. Note that Turbo coding is only used if the number of channel bits per frame is greater than 360.
6 7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15
TIA-898 Traceability: [see 1],; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.6.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW 40kbyte binary file at the remote host. c. Setup a mobile Originated call with Service Option 33 and establish an FTP session. d. From the base station, generate a Status Request Message to request the Channel Configuration Capability Information from the mobile station e. Verify the mobile station sends the Status Response Message with FOR_TURBO_SUPPORTED = '1' in the Channel Configuration Capability Information for the SCH. f. From the base station generate a Universal Handoff Direction Message to assign the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system and set CODING ='1' in the Channel Configuration for the Supplemental Channel(s).
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
g. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command. h. End the FTP session. 13.6.3 Minimum Standard
20 21 22
Turbo coding shall be used on the SCH as long as the number of bits per frame is greater than 360. The file shall be successfully transferred. 13.7 Correct Walsh Cover 13.7.1 Definition This test verifies the ability of the mobile station and the base station to use the correct Walsh Cover for two reverse Supplemental Channels as specified in the Universal Handoff Direction Message or Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. Note that the Walsh Cover used is only selectable if 2 R-SCHs are used. Traceability: [see 4],,,,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7.; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.7.2 Method of Measurement. a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1.
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33 34
TIA-898 b. At the TE2M prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Setup an FTP session using Service Option 33 with the remote host. d. At the base station, generate a Universal Handoff Direction Message with SCH_INCL = 0, NUM_REV_ASSIGN = 01, REV_SCH_ID = 0 or an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with REV_CFG_INCLUDED = 0, NUM_REV_SCH = 01, REV_SCH_ID = 0. e. Transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. f. g Verify the Walsh cover used for the Reverse Supplemental Channel is set to the default value as specified in [4] and that the file is transferred successfully. At the base station, generate a Universal Handoff Direction Message with SCH_INCL = 1, NUM_REV_ASSIGN = 10 or an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with REV_CFG_INCLUDED = 1, NUM_REV_CFG_RECS = 01, NUM_REV_SCH = 10. Walsh Cover for the first Supplemental Channel will be specified by REV_SCH_ID = 0, REV_WALSH_ID = 0, REV_SCH_RATE = 0010 and for the second Supplemental Channel REV_SCH_ID = 1, REV_WALSH_ID = 0, REV_SCH_RATE = 0010. Transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. Verify the Walsh cover used is +- for the first Reverse Supplemental Channel (REV_SCH_ID = 0) and ++-- for the second Reverse Supplemental Channel (REV_SCH_ID =1) and that the file is transferred successfully.
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h i.
j. Repeat steps c, g and h with REV_SCH_ID = 0, REV_WALSH_ID = 1, REV_SCH_RATE = 0010 for the first Supplemental Channel and REV_SCH_ID = 1, REV_WALSH_ID = 1, REV_SCH_RATE = 0010 for the second Supplemental Channel. k. Verify the Walsh cover used is ++-- for the first Reverse Supplemental Channel (REV_SCH_ID = 0), and ++----++ for the second Reverse Supplemental Channel (REV_SCH_ID = 1) and that the file is transferred successfully. l. End the FTP session.
29 30 31 32
13.7.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall successfully transfer the file using the Walsh cover as specified in the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message or the Universal Handoff Direction Message. 13.8 Supplemental Channel Discontinuous Transmission 13.8.1 Definition This test verifies the ability of the mobile station to stop transmission on a Reverse Supplemental Channel and then resume it within the Reverse Transmission Assignment period under the following settings of REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION: REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION set to 0000: resumption not allowed
34 35 36 37 38
TIA-898 REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION set to 1111: resumption allowed at any time REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION set to 1110: resumption must be within 280ms Traceability: [see 4],,,,,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.8.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Both at the remote host and at the TE2M prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Setup a call using Service Option 33 with the remote host. d. Start an FTP session to transfer a file from the TE2M to the remote host. Ensure that the total amount of data to be transferred at the mobile station is more than an implementation defined threshold, so that mobile station sends a Supplemental Channel Request Message with DURATION = 1101 (5.12 seconds). e. At the base station, generate an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with NUM_REV_SCH = 10 to assign 2 Reverse Supplemental Channels and REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION = 0000. Duration (REV_SCH_DURATION) shall be set as requested in the DURATION field of the same message. f. Verify that mobile station stops using the Reverse Supplemental Channel once it stops transmitting on that particular Supplemental Channel during the assigned Transmission duration.
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g. After the duration of the assignment of the Supplemental Channels is over, generate another Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION = 1110. h. Verify the mobile station can stop transmission on the Reverse Supplemental Channel for a maximum period of 280 msec before resuming the transmission within the assigned Transmission Duration. i. After the duration of the assignment of the Supplemental Channels is over, generate another Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION = 1111. Verify the mobile station can resume transmission on the Reverse Supplemental Channel any time within the assigned Transmission Duration.
TIA-898 13.8.3 Minimum Standard REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION = 0000 the mobile station shall not resume transmission on a Supplemental Channel once it stops using the Supplemental Channel. REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION = 1111 the mobile station shall resume transmission on a Supplemental Channel at any time after it stops using the Supplemental Channel. REV_SCH_DTX_DURATION = 1110 the mobile station shall stop transmission for a maximum period of 280ms after it stops using the Supplemental Channel. 13.9 Slotted Timer 13.9.1 Definition This test will verify the following for a mobile station capable of supporting the slotted mode and slotted timer: Mobile station will operate in non-slotted mode if the slotted timer is running. Mobile station will operate in the slotted mode when the slotted timer expires. When the slotted timer is enabled, if the mobile station is instructed by the base station to disable the slotted timer, the mobile station will disable the slotted timer and operate in the slotted mode.
MS D edicated Channel The slotted timer is disabled In-traffic S ystem P aram eters M essage (T_SLO TTED) Release O rder Release O rder The M S enters Idle State Com m on Channels Registration Request O rder Registration M essage C om m on Channels BS Dedicated Channel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Figure 13.9.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Slotted Timer Testing Traceability (see [4]) 2.6.2: MS procedures for setting the slotted mode (SLOTTEDs) and the slotted timer (TMS_Slotted). Slotted Timer Expiration. Procedures for processing Slotted Mode Order. Setting Slotted Timer upon receiving In-traffic System Parameters Message. Setting the default Slotted Timer (T_SLOTTEDs) to T74m and disable the slotted timer during the Traffic Channel Initialization Substate.
1 2 In-traffic System Parameters Message. 3.7.4: Slotted Mode Order. 13.9.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. Set the test parameters as shown in Table 13.9.2-1. Table 13.9.2-1 Slotted Timer Test Signal Channel Levels POTS Signal Channel or Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Forward Channel Level (RC 3, 4) -75 dBm/1.23 MHz -7 dB -15.6 dB Forward Channel Level (RC 5) -75 dBm/1.23 MHz -7 dB -12.3 dB
3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
b. Setup a data call. Verify user data in both directions. c. Instruct the base station to send the In-traffic System Parameters Messages as follows: Fields T_SLOTTED_INCL Values 1 (include slotted timer) 100 (slotted timer is set to 8s)
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
d. Terminate the call. e. Before the slotted timer expires, instruct the base station to send a Registration Request Order at any slot other than the mobile stations assigned slot on the Paging Channel. f. Verify the mobile station responds with a Registration Message.
g. Allow the slotted timer to expire and then instruct the base station to send a Registration Request Order at any slot other than the mobile stations assigned slot on the Paging Channel. h. Verify the mobile station does not respond with a Registration Message. i. j. Repeat steps b to d. Before the slotted timer expires, instruct the base station to send a Slotted Mode Order at any slot other than the mobile stations assigned slot on the Paging Channel.
k. Instruct the base station to send a Registration Request Order at any slot other than the mobile stations assigned slot on the Paging Channel. l. Verify the mobile station does not respond with a Registration Message.
TIA-898 13.9.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall operate in the non-slotted mode if the slotted timer is enabled. When the slotted timer is enabled, the mobile station shall disable the slotted timer upon receiving a Slotted Mode Order from the base station. 13.10 Retry Order and Delay for Origination Message 13.10.1 Definition
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9 10
This test verifies the mobile station shall not re-transmit an Origination Message with the same packet data service option if the retry delay timer for the corresponding packet data service option has not expired.
MS Common Channels Initiate a Packet Data Call Origination Message (Packet Data SO) Retry Order (RETRY_TYPE=001)
BS Common Channels
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Figure 13.10.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Retry Order and Delay Test (Origination Message) Traceability: [see 4] 3.7.4 13.10.2 Retry Delay Disable for Packet Zone ID or SID/NID Change Mobile Station Order and Message Processing Operation Page Response Substate Mobile Station Order/Message Response Substate Mobile Station Origination Attempt Substate Registration Access Substate Mobile Station Message Transmission Substate Traffic Channel Initialization Substate Waiting for Order Substate Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Conversation Substate Processing the General Handoff Direction Message Processing the Universal Handoff Direction Message General Handoff Direction Message Universal Handoff Direction Message Orders Retry Order Method of Measurement
36 37
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1.
TIA-898 b. Cause the mobile station to initiate a packet data call by sending an Origination Message. c. Configure the base station to respond to the packet data origination with a Retry Order and set the parameters in the Retry Order as follows: Parameters RETRY_TYPE RETRY_DELAY
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1 2 3 4 5
Setting 001 (specifies the RETRY_DELAY for a Packet Data Origination Message) 10000001 (Set retry delay to 1 min)
d. Repeatedly attempt to cause the mobile station to send an Origination Message with the same packet data service option before the retry delay timer expires and verify that the mobile station does not send an Origination Message. e. After the expiration of the retry delay timer, cause the mobile station to send an Origination Message with the same packet data service option and verify that the mobile station sends an Origination Message with the same packet data service option. f. Instruct the base station to send a Release Order to release the call origination.
g. Repeat steps b and c. h. Cause the mobile station to send an Origination Message with a different packet data service option from that in step b before the retry delay timer expires and verify that the mobile station sends an Origination Message with the different packet data service option. i. j. Instruct the base station to send a Release Order to release the call origination. Repeat steps b and c.
k. Prior to the expiration of the retry delay timer, configure the base station to send a Retry Order with RETRY_TYPE equal to 000. l. Prior to the expiration of the original retry delay timer set in step c, cause the mobile station to send the same packet data service option origination. Verify that the mobile station sends an Origination Message with the same packet data service option.
m. Instruct the base station to send a Release Order to release the call origination. 13.10.3 Minimum Standard
27 28 29
The mobile station shall not retransmit the Origination Message with same packet data service option, if the corresponding retry delay timer has not expired.
Note: RETRY_DELAY is to be set to allow sufficient time to test mobile station conformance to the retry delay timer.
TIA-898 13.11 Retry Order and Delay for Supplemental Channel Request Messages 13.11.1 Definition
2 3 4 5 6
This test verifies that the mobile station shall not re-send any subsequent Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message if the corresponding retry delay timer has not expired.
MS Dedicated Channel
BS Dedicated Channel
Figure 13.11.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Retry Order and Delay Test (Supplemental Channel Request Messages) Traceability: [see 4] Traffic Channel Initialization Substate Waiting for Order Substate Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Conversation Substate Processing the Supplemental Channel Assignment Message Processing the General Handoff Direction Message Processing the Universal Handoff Direction Message Supplemental Channel Assignment Message General Handoff Direction Message Universal Handoff Direction Message 3.7.4 Orders Retry Order 13.11.2 Method of Measurement
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Start an FTP session to transfer a file from the TE2M to the remote host. Ensure that the total amount of data to be transferred at the mobile station is more than an implementation defined threshold, or otherwise cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message or a Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message
c. Configure the base station to respond to the Supplemental Channel request with a Retry Order and set the parameters in the Retry Order as follows:
TIA-898 Parameters RETRY_TYPE Setting 011 (specifies the RETRY_DELAY for a Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message) 11111110 (Set retry delay to 81.28s)
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d. Cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message (as in step b) prior to the expiration of the retry delay timer. Verify that the mobile station does not send a Supplemental Channel Request Message. e. Cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message prior to the expiration of the retry delay timer. Verify that the mobile station does not send a Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message. f. After the expiration of the retry delay timer cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message.
g. Repeat the steps d through e. h. Prior to the expiration of the retry delay timer, configure the base station to send a Retry Order with RETRY_TYPE equal to 000. i. Instruct the mobile station to send another Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message (prior to the expiration of the original retry delay timer set in step e). Verify that the mobile station sends a Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message. Instruct the base station to release the call. Minimum Standard
20 21 22
The mobile station shall not retransmit Supplemental Channel requests before the corresponding retry delay timer expires. 13.12 Retry Order and Delay for Resource Request Messages 13.12.1 Definition
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This test verifies that the mobile station shall not re-send any subsequent Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message if the corresponding retry delay timer has not been expired.
Note: RETRY_DELAY is to be set to allow sufficient time to test mobile station conformance to the retry delay timer.
MS Dedicated Channel
BS Dedicated Channel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Figure 13.12.1-1 Reference Call Flow for Retry Order and Delay Test (Resource Request Messages) Traceability: 3.7.4 13.12.2 [see 4] Traffic Channel Initialization Substate Waiting for Order Substate Waiting for Mobile Station Answer Substate Conversation Substate Release Substate Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Resource Request Message Conversation Substate Processing the General Handoff Direction Message Processing the Universal Handoff Direction Message General Handoff Direction Message Universal Handoff Direction Message Orders Retry Order Method of Measurement
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Instruct the mobile station to initiate a packet data call by sending an Origination Message. c. Instruct the base station to accept the call and assign a Dedicated Control Channel. d. While on a traffic channel, instruct the base station to send an Extended Release Message or an Extended Release Mini Message by setting the following parameters: Parameters CH_IND GATING_RATE_INCL PILOT_GATING_RATE Settings 100 (reverse pilot gating) 1 (the pilot gating rate is included) 01 or 10 (The gating rate is set to or )
TIA-898 e. Issue a ping command to instruct the mobile station to send a Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message. f. Configure the base station to respond to the resource request with a Retry Order and set the parameters in the Retry Order as follows: Parameters RETRY_TYPE Setting 010 (specifies the RETRY_DELAY for a Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message) 11111110 (Set retry delay to 81.28s)
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g. Instruct the mobile station to send a Resource Request Message or a Resource Request Mini Message prior to the expiration of the retry delay timer. Verify that the mobile station does not send the Resource Request Message or the Resource Request Mini Message h. After the expiration of the retry delay timer, instruct the mobile station to send another Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message. i. j. Repeat the steps e through f. Prior to the expiration of the retry delay timer, configure the base station to send another Retry Order with RETRY_TYPE equal to 000 and instruct the mobile station to send another Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Resource Request Message or Resource Request Mini Message.
k. Instruct the base station to release the call. 13.12.3 Minimum Standard
22 23 24
During the Control Hold Mode, the mobile station shall not retransmit resource requests before the corresponding retry delay timer expires. 13.13 Base Station Initiated Active to Control Hold Mode Transitions 13.13.1 Definition
26 27 28 29 30
This test verifies the base station can direct the mobile station to transition to the Control Hold Mode. In the control Hold Mode: Reverse Pilot Channel is transmitted in gated mode. Dedicated Control Channel is maintained.
Note: RETRY_DELAY is to be set to allow sufficient time to test mobile station conformance to the retry delay timer.
MS Active
Extended Release Response (Mini) Message Handoff Completion Message At the action time: Transition to Control Hold Mode & start reverse pilot gating at the specified gating rate Control Hold Control Hold
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Figure 13.13.1-1 Reference Call Flow for base station initiated Active to Control Hold Transition Traceability: (See [4]); Processing the Non-Negotiable Service Configuration Record Processing the Extended Release Message and the Extended Release Mini Message Processing the Resource Allocation Message and Resource Allocation Mini Message Conversation Substate Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Supplemental Channel Request Message Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message Resource Request Message Resource Request Mini Message Resource Release Request Message Resource Release Request Mini Message Processing Resource Request Messages Processing Resource Release Request Message and Resource Release Request Mini Message Conversation Substate Processing the Universal Handoff Direction Message Processing of Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message Processing of Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message Resource Allocation Message Resource Allocation Mini Message Extended Release Message Extended Release Mini Message Universal Handoff Direction Message Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message (base station) Non-Negotiable Service Configuration information record
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a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Setup a packet data call, using the Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH). c. Verify user traffic (Ex. Browser data) in both directions. d. Instruct the base station to initiate transition to Control Hold Mode via the Extended Release Message. Verify that the base station sends an Extended Release Message with PILOT_GATING_RATE =0'1'(1/2 rate), instructing the mobile station to transition to the Control Hold Mode. e. Verify the following: 1) The mobile station responds with an Extended Release Response Message. 2) Upon transition to the Control Hold Mode: The reverse pilot is gated at the specified rate. Dedicated Control Channel is maintained for signaling. User traffic (Ex. Browser data) is not transmitted on either direction. NOTE: This can be verified by attempting to send user traffic, while not granting any requests to transition to the Active Mode. Power Control Channel is maintained at the dedicated control channel. f. Repeat steps c-e for various supported gating rates.
g. Repeat steps c-e except instruct the base station to initiate transition to Control Hold Mode via the Extended Release Mini Message (if mini messages are supported). Verify the mobile station responds with an Extended Release Response Mini Message. h. Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to initiate transition to Control Hold Mode via the Universal Handoff Direction Message. Verify the mobile station responds with a Handoff Completion Message. 13.13.3 Minimum Standard
25 26 27 28 29
When the mobile station is instructed to transition to the Control Hold Mode, the expected signaling exchange takes place. Upon transition to the Control Hold Mode, the reverse pilot is gated at the specified gating rate, DCCH is maintained with Power Control sub-channel and user traffic transmission is not allowed in either direction. 13.14 Mobile Station Initiated Active to Control Hold Mode Transitions 13.14.1 Definition
31 32
This test verifies that the mobile station can request to transition to the Control Hold Mode.
Extended Release Response (Mini) Message Handoff Completion Message At the action time: Transition to Control Hold Mode & start reverse pilot gating at the specified gating rate Control Hold Control Hold
1 2 3 4
Figure 13.14.1-1 Reference Call Flow for mobile station initiated Active to Control Hold Transition Traceability: See test 13.13 13.14.2 Method of Measurement
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Setup a packet data call, using the Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH). c. Verify user traffic (Ex. Browser data) in both directions. d. Cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Control Hold Mode because of outof-data indication from the RLP or otherwise, via the Resource Release Request Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Resource Release Request Message to the base station to request transition to the Control Hold Mode. e. Instruct the base station to accept this request, via an Extended Release Message. Verify the base station sends an Extended Release Message instructing the mobile station to transition to the Control Hold Mode. f. Verify the following: 1) The mobile station responds with an Extended Release Response Message. 2) Upon transition to the Control Hold Mode: The reverse pilot is gated at the specified rate. User traffic (Ex. Browser data) is not transmitted on either direction. NOTE: This can be verified by attempting to send user traffic, while not granting any requests to transition to the Active Mode. g. Repeat steps c-f for various supported gating rates.
TIA-898 h. Repeat steps c-f except cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Control Hold Mode, via the Resource Release Request Mini Message (if mini messages are supported). i. Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept the request from the mobile station via Extended Release Mini Message (if mini messages are supported). Verify the mobile station responds with an Extended Release Response Mini Message. Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept the request from the mobile station via Universal Handoff Direction Message. Verify the mobile station responds with a Handoff Completion Message. Minimum Standard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
When the mobile station requests to transition to the Control Hold Mode, the expected signaling exchange takes place. Upon transition to the Control Hold Mode, the reverse pilot is gated at the specified gating rate and user traffic transmission is not allowed in either direction. 13.15 Base Station Initiated Control Hold to Active Mode Transitions 13.15.1 Definition
16 17
This test verifies the base station can direct the mobile station to transition to the Active Mode.
Control Hold
Control Hold
Resource Allocation (Mini) Message / Universal Handoff Direction Message / Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message/ Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message/ Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message At the action time: Transition to Active Mode & start reverse pilot continuous transmission Active Active
18 19 20 21
Figure 13.15.1-1 Reference Call Flow for base station initiated Control Hold to Active Transition Traceability: See test 13.13 13.15.2 Method of Measurement
22 23
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1.
TIA-898 b. Setup a packet data call, using the Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH). c. Ensure the mobile station and base station are in Control Hold Mode, using any of the methods specified in tests 13.13 or 13.14. d. Issue a ping command at the base station to initiate transition to Active Mode, via a Resource Allocation Message. Verify that the base station sends a Resource Allocation Message instructing the mobile station to transition to the Active Mode. e. Verify upon transition to the Active Mode: 1) The reverse pilot transmission is continuous. 2) User traffic (Ex. Browser data) is transmitted. f. Repeat steps c-e except instruct the base station to initiate transition to the Active Mode via a Resource Allocation Mini Message (if mini messages are supported).
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g. Repeat steps c-e except instruct the base station to initiate transition to the Active Mode via a Universal Handoff Direction Message. Verify the mobile station responds with a Handoff Completion Message. h. Repeat steps c-e except instruct the base station to initiate transition to the Active Mode via an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. i. j. Repeat steps c-e except instruct the base station to initiate transition to the Active Mode via an Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message. Repeat steps c-e except instruct the base station to initiate transition to the Active Mode via an Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message. Minimum Standard
21 22 23 24
When the mobile station is instructed to transition to the Active Mode, the expected signaling exchange takes place. Upon transition to the Active Mode, the reverse pilot transmission is continuous and user traffic transmission is allowed.. 13.16 Mobile Station Initiated Control Hold to Active Mode Transitions 13.16.1 Definition
26 27
This test verifies that the mobile station can request to transition to the Active Mode.
Control Hold Request to transition to Active Mode Resource Request (Mini) Message / Supplemental Channel Request (Mini) Message
Control Hold
At the action time: Transition to Active Mode & start reverse pilot continuous transmission Active
Resource Allocation (Mini) Message / Universal Handoff Direction Message / Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message/ Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message/ Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message Active
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 13.16.1-1 Reference Call Flow for mobile station initiated Control Hold to Active Transition Traceability: See 13.13
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
13.16.2 a. b. c. d.
Method of Measurement Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. Setup a packet data call, using the Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH). Ensure that the mobile station and base station are in Control Hold Mode, using any of the methods specified in 13.13 or 13.14. Cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Active Mode, via a Resource Request Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Resource Request Message to the base station requesting transition to the Active Mode. Instruct the base station to accept this request, via a Resource Allocation Message. Verify that the base station sends a Resource Allocation Message instructing the mobile station to transition to the Active Mode. Verify upon transition to the Active Mode:
f. g.
The reverse pilot transmission is continuous. User traffic (Ex. Browser data) is transmitted . Repeat steps c-f except cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Active Mode, via the Resource Request Mini Message (if mini messages are supported).
TIA-898 h. i. Repeat steps c-f except cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Active Mode, via the Supplemental Channel Request Message. Repeat steps c-f except cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Active Mode, via the Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message (if mini messages are supported). Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept transition to the Active Mode via a Resource Allocation Mini Message (if mini messages are supported). Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept transition to the Active Mode via a Universal Handoff Direction Message. Verify that the mobile station responds with a Handoff Completion Message. Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept transition to the Active Mode via an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message.
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j. k.
m. Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept transition to the Active Mode via a Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message. n. Repeat steps c-f except instruct the base station to accept transition to the Active Mode via a Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignment Mini Message. Minimum Standard
17 18 19 20
When the mobile station requests to transition to the Active Mode, the expected signaling exchange takes place. Upon transition to the Active Mode, the reverse pilot transmission is continuous and user traffic transmission is allowed. 13.17 Base Station Ignores Mobile Station Requested Mode Transitions 13.17.1 Definition
22 23 24 25
This test verifies that if the base station ignores mobile station requested transition to Control Hold or Active Mode, the mobile station remains in the current mode. Traceability: See 13.13 13.17.2 Method of Measurement
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. c. d. Setup a packet data call, using the Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH). Verify user traffic (Ex. Browser data) in both directions. Cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Control Hold Mode, via the Resource Release Request Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Resource Release Request Message to the base station to request transition to the Control Hold Mode. Instruct the base station to ignore this request. Verify that the mobile station and base station remain in the Active Mode and that: The reverse pilot transmission in continuous.
e. f.
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Repeat steps d-f except cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Control Hold Mode via the Resource Release Request Mini Message. Ensure the mobile station and base station are in Control Hold Mode, using any of the methods specified in 13.3 or 13.4. Cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Active Mode, via a Resource Request Message. Verify that the mobile station sends a Resource Request Message to the base station requesting transition to the Active Mode. Instruct the base station to ignore this request. Verify that the mobile station and base station remain in the Control Hold Mode and that: The reverse pilot is gated at the specified rate. User traffic (Ex. Browser data) is not transmitted in either direction. NOTE: This can be verified by attempting to send user traffic, while not granting any requests to transition to the Active Mode.
j. k.
Repeat steps h-k except cause the mobile station to initiate transition to the Active Mode via the Resource Request Mini Message.
19 20 21 22
Minimum Standard
When the base station ignores the mobile station requested transition to the Control Hold Mode or Active Mode, the mobile station remains in the current mode.
13.18 Mobile station Multiplex Option different from Base Station Multiplex Option 13.18.1 Definition
24 25 26 27 28
This test verifies an HSPD call can be successfully negotiated when the multiplex option supported by the mobile station is different from the multiplex option supported by the base station. Traceability: [see 15]-A9; 13.18.2 Method of Measurement
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Configure the mobile station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Prepare the COMPFILE.RAW 40kbyte binary file at both the remote host and the TE2M. c. Configure the mobile stations forward MUX Option to 0x80a. d. Configure the base stations MUX Option to a value equal to 0x809. e. Setup a mobile station originated call with Service Option 33, and establish an FTP session with maximum supported Supplemental Channels.
TIA-898 f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
1 2 3 4 5
g. After the file transfer is completed in step f, transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. h. End FTP session. i. 13.18.3 Verify the Multiplex option used on the forward traffic channel is 0x809. Minimum Standard
6 7 8 9
The mobile station and the base station shall successfully negotiate to the minimum of the multiplex option supported by the mobile station and multiplex option supported by the base station. Received files shall be complete and identical in content to the original file. 13.19 Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels 13.19.1 Definition
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A CDMA call is established on sector of a sectored base station. The level of sector is raised until soft handoff occurs for both Fundamental and Supplemental Channels. The Pilot levels of the sectors are checked against the settings for T_ADD and T_DROP. Traceability: [see 1],,,; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.19.2 Method of Measurement
20 21 22
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1.
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Figure 13.19.2-1 Functional Test Setup for Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels. a. Place a HSPD data call from TE2M to TE2L b. Verify base station sector sends the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to assign the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system. c. Raise the level of sector in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel . d. Both sectors of the base station shall respond with a Universal Handoff Direction Message NUM_FOR_ASSIGN = 10 and with the pilots of both the sectors in the active set. e. Confirm the mobile station sends the Handoff Completion Message. f. Transfer a file from the base station to the mobile station (TE2M to TE2L), and verify that the mobile station shall receive the file using the forward Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels of sector and sector .
TIA-898 g. Lower the level of sector in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel . h. Both sectors of the base station shall respond with a Universal Handoff Direction Message NUM_FOR_ASSIGN = 10 and pilot of sector in the active set. i. j. Confirm the mobile station sends the Handoff Completion Message. Transfer a file from the base station to the mobile station (TE2M to TE2L), and verify that the mobile station shall receive the file using the forward Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channel of sector .
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11 12 13 14 15
In step g, the Fundamental channel shall enter soft handoff when the mobile station generates a Pilot Strength Measurement Message and the channel Pilot is at a level between T_ADD and T_ADD +2 dB. Both Fundamental Channel and Supplemental Channels shall be in Soft Handoff. 13.20 Soft Handoff of Fundamental Channel only 13.20.1 Definition
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
A CDMA call is established on sector of a sectored base station. The level of sector is raised until soft handoff occurs. The Pilot levels of the sectors are checked against the settings for T_ADD and T_DROP. The mobile station and base station use the General Handoff Direction Message to perform soft handoff of the fundamental channel. The Supplemental Channels shall remain active on sector . Traceability: [see 1],,,; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.20.2 Method of Measurement
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. b. Place a HSPD data call from TE2M to TE2L c. Verify that the base station sector sends the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to assign the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system. d. Raise the level of sector in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel .
TIA-898 e. Both sectors of the base station shall respond with a Universal Handoff Direction Message NUM_FOR_ASSIGN = 00 and with the pilots of both the sectors in the active set. f. Confirm the mobile station sends the Handoff Completion Message.
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g. Transfer a file from the base station to the mobile station (TE2M to TE2L), and verify that the mobile station shall receive the file using the forward Fundamental Channel of sector and sector but only the forward Supplemental Channels of sector . h. Lower the level of sector in steps of 1 dB with a dwell time of 5 seconds after each step until the mobile station has generated the Pilot Strength Measurement Message. Record the level of Channel . i. j. Both sectors of the base station shall respond with a Universal Handoff Direction Message NUM_FOR_ASSIGN = 00 and pilot of sector in the active set. Confirm the mobile station sends the Handoff Completion Message.
k. Transfer a file from the base station to the mobile station (TE2M to TE2L), and verify that the mobile station shall receive the file using the forward Fundamental Channel of sector l. 13.20.3 End the call. Minimum Standard
18 19 20 21
In step g, the fundamental channel shall enter soft handoff when the mobile station generates a Pilot Strength Measurement Message and the channel Pilot is at a level between T_ADD and T_ADD +2 dB. The Supplemental Channels shall remain active on sector . 13.21 Adding Supplemental Channels during Soft Handoff 13.21.1 Definition
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
This test verifies that up to 2 Supplemental Channels can be added in an HSPD call while in two-way soft handoff on the Fundamental Channel. Traceability: [see 1],,,; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.21.2 Method of Measurement
31 32 33 34 35
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. b. At the remote host prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D.
TIA-898 c. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 33, and establish an FTP session with base station #1 on the Fundamental Channel only. d. Adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. e. Verify the mobile station is in two-way handoff. f. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. Generate a Universal Handoff Direction Message or an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with NUM_FOR_SCH = 01 or 10 to allocate the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system. h. Verify the file transfer continues after Supplemental Channel assignment during handoff and base station #1 and 2 both use the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system in addition to the Fundamental Channel to transfer the file. i. Ensure the data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record time elapsed during file transfer.
18 19 20 21 22
The mobile station shall successfully perform the handoff, and data transfer shall continue after the handoff. Under ideal channel conditions, the measured throughput in each case should be close to the measured throughput with no handoff with the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system. 13.22 Hard Handoff to HSPD-capable system 13.22.1 Definition
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
This test verifies hard handoff to an HSPD-capable system during an HSPD call. Traceability: [see 1],,,; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.22.2 Method of Measurement
31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Connect the mobile station to the base stations as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. b. At the remote host prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Base station 1 should be configured for P_REV=6 or higher.
TIA-898 d. Base station 2 should be configured for P_REV=6 or higher with a different frequency channel from base station #1. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 33 and establish an FTP session with base station #1 with the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system. f. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. h. At base station #1, setup a hard handoff to base station #2 using the Universal Handoff Direction Message. i. j. Verify that at the base station, hard handoff is successful. Verify base station #2 generates a Universal Handoff Direction Message or an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to assign the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system to the mobile station.
k. Verify that at the base station, service negotiation is successful and that the mobile station is using Service Option 33 with the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the system. l. Verify the file transfer continues after the hard handoff.
21 22 23 24
The mobile station shall successfully handoff to an HSPD capable system of the same P_REV and shall keep using the maximum supported number of Supplemental Channels. Data transfer shall be successful. 13.23 Hard Handoff from MSPD to HSPD 13.23.1 Definition
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
This test verifies hard handoff from an MSPD-capable system to an HSPD-capable system. Traceability: [see 1],,,; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.23.2 Method of Measurement
33 34
a. Connect the mobile station to the base stations as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1.
TIA-898 b. At remote host prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Base station 1 should be configured for P_REV=5. d. Base station 2 should be configured for P_REV=6 or higher with a different frequency channel from base station #1. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 22 and establish an FTP session with base station #1 on the Fundamental and N Supplemental Code Channels. f. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
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g. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. h. At base station #1, setup a hard handoff to base station #2 using the General Handoff Direction Message. i. j. Verify at the base station that the hard handoff is successful. Verify at the mobile station that Service Option 22 is still in use.
k. Verify file transfer continues after the hard handoff. l. At base station #2 generate and send an In-Traffic System Parameters Message or a General Handoff Direction Message with P_REV set to 6
m. At base station #2 generate and send a Universal Handoff Direction Message with Service option 33 and RC 3 for forward and Reverse links in the service configuration record and also NUM_FOR_SCH = 01 or 10 (1 or 2 SCHs) whichever is the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the mobile station. n. Verify the mobile station responds with a Handoff Completion Message. o. Verify file transfer continues after the hard handoff. p. Verify file transfer takes place with the number of Supplemental Channels specified in step m and on RC 3. q. End the FTP session 13.23.3 Minimum Standard
30 31 32 33
The Mobile station shall successfully handoff from an MSPD capable system to an HSPD capable system with higher P_REV. The Mobile station shall then negotiate to higher RC and use Supplemental Channels. Data transfer shall be successful. 13.24 Hard Handoff from LSPD to HSPD 13.24.1 Definition
35 36
This test verifies hard handoff from an LSPD-capable system to an HSPD-capable system.
TIA-898 Traceability: [see 1],,, [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7 13.24.2 Method of Measurement
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Connect the mobile station to the base stations as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. b. At the remote host prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Base station 1 should be configured for P_REV=3. d. Base station 2 should be configured for P_REV=6 or higher with a different frequency channel from base station #1. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 7 and establish an FTP session with base station #1. f. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
g. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. h. At base station #1, setup a hard handoff to base station #2 using the Handoff Direction Message. i. j. Verify at the base station that the hard handoff is successful. Verify at the mobile station that Service Option 7 is still in use.
k. Verify file transfer continues after the hard handoff. l. At base station #2 generate and send an In-Traffic System Parameters Message with P_REV set to 6
m. At base station #2 generate and send a Universal Handoff Direction Message with Service option 33 and RC 3 for forward and Reverse links in the service configuration record and also NUM_FOR_SCH = '01' or '10' (1 or 2 SCHs) whichever is the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the mobile station. n. Verify the mobile station responds with a Handoff Completion Message. o. Verify file transfer continues after the hard handoff. p. Verify file transfer takes place with the number of Supplemental Channels specified in step m and on RC 3. q. End the FTP session
1 2 3 4
The Mobile station shall successfully handoff from an LSPD capable system to an HSPD capable system with higher P_REV. The Mobile station shall then negotiate to higher RC and use Supplemental Channels. Data transfer shall be successful. 13.25 Hard Handoff to a different RC 13.25.1 Definition
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
This test verifies hard handoff to a different RC during an HSPD call. Traceability: [see 1],,,; [see 4],,; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.25.2 Method of Measurement
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. b. At the remote host prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Base station #1 should be configured for P_REV=6. d. Base station #2 should be configured for P_REV=6 or higher with a different frequency channel from base station #1. e. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 33 with RC 3 on both forward and reverse link and establish an FTP session with base station #1 on the Fundamental and the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the mobile station. f. Begin transferring the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
g. While the file is being transferred, adjust the signal strength of base station #2 until both base stations have equal transmit power. h. At base station #1, setup a hard handoff to base station #2 using the Universal Handoff Direction Message with FOR_FCH_RC and SCH_RC for the Forward Supplemental Channel(s) set to 5 and REV_FCH_RC and SCH_RC for the Reverse Supplemental Channel(s) set to 4. i. Verify base station #2 generates a Universal Handoff Direction Message or an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message to assign to the mobile station the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the mobile station. Verify at the base station that the hard handoff is successful.
TIA-898 k. Verify at the mobile station that Service Option 33 and the maximum number of Supplemental Channels supported by the mobile station are still in use and Radio Configurations 5 and 4 are used on forward and reverse links. l. Verify file transfer continues after the hard handoff.
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6 7 8 9
The mobile station shall successfully handoff to an HSPD Capable system with the same P_REV but higher supported RC and shall successfully negotiate to use the higher RC. Data transfer shall be successful. 13.26 Mobile Station Aborts R-SCH 13.26.1 Definition
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
The mobile station uses the T_ADD Reverse Supplemental Channel abort feature to explicitly terminate any active Reverse Supplemental Channel assignments. Traceability (see [4] unless otherwise noted) 3.1 13.26.2 Processing of the Reverse Supplemental Code Channels and Reverse Supplemental Channels Origination Message Supplemental Channel Request Message Pilot Strength Measurement Message System Parameters Call Processing During Handoff Processing Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment System Parameters Message Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message Standard Service Option Number Assignments (see [17]) Method of Measurement
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. 1) Base station #1 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset of P1, frequency of 1 and is referred to as Channel 1. 2) Base station #2 has an arbitrary pilot PN offset of P2, frequency of 1 and is referred to as channel 2. b. Set the test parameters as specified in table 13.24.2-1.
Table 13.26.2-1 Test Parameters Parameter Ior/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io dB dB dB dB/1.23 MHz dB Unit 0 -7 -7 -75 -10.2 Channel 1 -10 -7 -7 -75 -20.2 Channel 2
2 3 4 5
c. Originate a mobile station to land party call using the following parameters in the Origination Message. FIELD SPECIAL_SERVICE SERVICE_OPTION FOR_RC_PREF REV_RC_PREF 1 0x0021 Greater than 00010 Greater than 00010 VALUE
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
d. Begin data transfer from TE2M. e. Cause the mobile station to send a Supplemental Channel Request Message or Supplemental Channel Request Mini Message. f. Instruct the base station to respond to the Supplement Channel Request Message with an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with the following parameters: Field USE_T_ADD_ABORT NUM_REV_SCH 1 01 or 10 (One or two RSCHs) Value
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
g. Before the data transfer is complete, raise the level of Channel 2 above the value of T_ADD until the mobile station generates a Pilot Strength Measurement Message. h. Verify the following: 1) The mobile station has aborted SCH. 2) The mobile station sets IGNORE_ESCAMs=1; 3) The mobile station sets SCRM_SEQ_NUMs to (SCRM_SEQ_NUMs+1) mod 16. 4) The mobile station transmits a Supplemental Channel Request Message with USE_SCRM_SEQ_NUM set to 1, SCRM_SEQ_NUM set to SCRM_SEQ_NUMs, and SIZE_OF_REQ_BLOB set to 0000.
TIA-898 5) The mobile station remains active and continues the data transfer using the R-FCH. i. Instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with R-SCH assignment information included but without including SCRM_SEQ_NUM. Verify the mobile station does not process the R-SCH assignment information portion of the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message and keeps IGNORE_ESCAMs=1. Instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with R-SCH assignment information included and a SCRM_SEQ_NUM which is different from the SCRM_SEQ_NUM in the last received Supplemental Channel Request Message. Verify the mobile station does not process the R-SCH assignment information portion of the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message and keeps IGNORE_ESCAMs=1. Instruct the base station to send an Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message with R-SCH assignment information included and a SCRM_SEQ_NUM which is same as the SCRM_SEQ_NUM in the last received Supplemental Channel Request Message. Verify the mobile station does process the R-SCH assignment information portion of the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message and sets IGNORE_ESCAMs=0. o. p. 13.26.3 End the call. Repeat steps a to h using the Universal Handoff Direction Message.
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Minimum Standard
The mobile station shall terminate any active Reverse Supplemental Channel Assignments explicitly when USE_T_ADD_ABORT is set to 1 and the strength of any Neighbor Set or Remaining Set pilot is above T_ADDs. 13.27 RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment 13.27.1 Definition
29 30 31 32 33
This test verifies data transfer under 3 Ray Rayleigh channel conditions at 100km/hr, with Supplemental Channels. This test verifies that RLP recovers erased data frames, and is intended to exercise RLP negative acknowledgements (NAKs), retransmissions, and aborts in the forward and reverse directions.
TIA-898 Traceability: [see 4],, B-26; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.27.2 Method of Measurement
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.27.2-1.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Figure 13.27.2-1 Functional Test Setup for RLP Operation in Rayleigh Fading Environment b. Both at the remote host and at the TE2M prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Set the channel simulator using the parameters as specified in Table 13.27.2-1.
Table 13.27.2-1 HSPD Test Parameters - 100 km/hr Parameter Vehicle Speed Number of Paths Path 2 Power (Relative to Path 1) Path 3 Power (Relative to Path 1) Delay from Path 1 to Input Delay from Path 2 to Input Delay from Path 3 to Input Unit km/hr # dB dB sec sec sec 100 3 0 -3 0 2 14.5 Value
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 33, and establish an FTP session. e. Configure the base station to assign one Supplemental Channel to the mobile station using the Universal Handoff Direction Message or the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
g. Ensure data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record the time elapsed during file transfer. h. Transfer the file from the TE2M to the remote host using the binary put command. j. Ensure data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record the time elapsed during file transfer. j. 13.27.3 End FTP session. Minimum Standard
15 16 17
Data transfer shall be successful, and the data transfer throughput shall be no less than 70% of the throughput measured in the normal condition. 13.28 RLP Operation in Severely Degraded Channel 13.28.1 Definition
19 20 21 22
This test verifies data transfer under severely degraded channel conditions, with Supplemental Channels. This test is intended to exercise RLP resets due to long erasure bursts and TCP retransmission.
TIA-898 Traceability: [see 4],, B-26; [see 15]-1.11; 2.2.3 and 2.2.7; [see 15]-1.12;, 2.2.2 and 2.2.7; 13.28.2 Method of Measurement
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a. Connect the mobile station to the base station as shown in Figure 13.27.2-1. b. Both at the remote host and at the TE2M prepare the appropriate file, corresponding to the rate that will be tested (Note: this will guarantee sufficient transfer time). Refer to Table D-1 in Data Services Annex D. c. Set the channel simulator to one Ray 3 km/hr Rayleigh fading on the forward link. d. Setup a mobile station terminated call with Service Option 33, and establish an FTP session. e. Configure the base station to assign one Supplemental Channel to the mobile station using the Universal Handoff Direction Message or the Extended Supplemental Channel Assignment Message. f. Transfer the file from the remote host to TE2M using the binary get command.
g. Ensure data transfer rate is not limited by network limitations. Record time elapsed during file transfer. h. End FTP session. 13.28.3 Minimum Standard
20 21 22
Data transfer shall be successful and the data transfer throughput shall be no less than 70% of the throughput measured in the normal conditions. 13.29 Mobile Station Originated Short Data Burst 13.29.1 Definition
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This test verifies a dormant packet data service at the mobile station can send a Short Data Burst that is transmitted on r-csch via a Data Burst Message. Traceability 2.2.3 4.1 Short Data Burst Teleservice Service Primitives (see [2]) Control Plane Entities [2] Substates of the Dormant State [2] Short Data Bursts [2] Short Data Burst Teleservice [2] Response to Overhead Information Operation (see [4]) Mobile Station Message Transmission Operation [4] Data Burst Message [4] Response to a Data Burst Message [4] Data Burst Message [4] Extended System Parameters Message [4] Standard Data Burst Message Burst Type Assignments (see [17]) 13-55
1 2 3 4 5
a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Instruct the base station to send an Extended System Parameters Message with the following value: FIELD SDB_SUPPORTED 1 VALUE
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c. Ensure the mobile station is in the Dormant State. d. Instruct the mobile station to send a Short Data Burst and verify the Data Burst Message on the r-csch has the following values: FIELD MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS CHARi 1 000110 1 length+3 SDU to be transmitted VALUE
11 12 13 14
e. Verify the CHARi fields of the Data Burst Message from step d has the following values: FIELD SR_ID RESERVED SO SDU_DATA VALUE Service reference identifier being used. 00000 Service option being used Data octets included in the message
15 16 17 18 19
Verify the base station receives the Data Burst Message and responds with a Layer 2 acknowledgment to the mobile station. The base station shall receive the Short Data Burst correctly.
20 21 22 23
Minimum Standard
The mobile station shall send a Short Data Burst using a Data Burst Message on the r-csch. Verify the base station receives the Short Data Burst correctly and responds to the Data Burst Message with a Layer 2 acknowledgement.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
This test verifies that a dormant packet data service at the base station can send a Short Data Burst that is transmitted on f-csch via a Data Burst Message. Traceability 2.2.3 4.1 Short Data Burst Teleservice Service Primitives (see [2]) Control Plane Entities [2] Substates of the Dormant State [2] Short Data Bursts [2] Short Data Burst Teleservice [2] Response to Overhead Information Operation (see [4]) Mobile Station Message Transmission Operation [4] Data Burst Message [4] Response to a Data Burst Message [4] Data Burst Message [4] Extended System Parameters Message [4] Standard Data Burst Message Burst Type Assignments (see [17])
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Method of Measurement
a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Instruct the base station to send an Extended System Parameters Message with the following value: FIELD SdB_SUPPORTED VALUE 1
25 26 27 28 29
c. Ensure the mobile station is in the Dormant State. d. Instruct the base station to send a Short Data Burst to the mobile station and verify the Data Burst Message on the f-csch has the following values: FIELD MSG_NUMBER BURST_TYPE NUM_MSGS NUM_FIELDS CHARi VALUE 1 000110 1 length+3 SDU to be transmitted
30 31 32 33
e. Verify the CHARi fields of the Data Burst Message from step d has the following values:
VALUE Service reference identifier being used. 00000 Service option being used Data octets included in the message
Verify the mobile station receives the Data Burst Message and responds with a Layer 2 acknowledgment to the base station. The mobile station shall receive the Short Data Burst correctly. Minimum Standard
5 6 7 8
The base station shall send a Short Data Burst using a Data Burst Message on the f-csch. Verify the mobile station receives the Short Data Burst correctly and responds to the Data Burst Message with a Layer 2 acknowledgement. 13.31 Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message Test 13.31.1 Definition
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This test verifies that the mobile station that supports MABO operation correctly responds to the Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message by sending the correct Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Messages. The following cases are tested: Basic periodic operation with reporting interval set to 1.2 seconds Order mode operation with minimum pilot power strength delta of 3dB Threshold mode operation with pilot power strength lower bounds set to -16 and -18dB and upper bounds set to -12 and -14dB Traceability: (See [4]) Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Processing of Reverse Traffic Channel Handoff Messages Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Message Processing of Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message 13.31.2 Method of Measurement
24 25 26 27
a. Connect the mobile station to the base stations as shown in Figure 13.19.2-1. b. Set the test parameters as specified in table 13.31.2-1.
Table 13.31.2-1 Test Parameters Parameter Ior/Ioc Pilot Ec/Ior Traffic Ec/Ior Ioc Pilot Ec/Io Unit dB dB dB dB/1.23 MHz dB Channel 1 0 -7 -7 -75 -10.2 Channel 2 0 -7 -7 -75 -10.2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. Set up a data call with Service Option 33 using one Supplemental Channel. d. Instruct the base station to send Extended Channel Assignment Message to ensure that both Channel 1 and Channel 2 are in the active set.
e. From the base station generate a Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message with the following parameters: Field ORDER_FLAG PERIODIC_FLAG NUM_PILOTS PERIODIC_INTERVAL THRESHOLD_FLAG Value 0 1 001 111100 (1.2 s) 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Continue the call for 30 seconds and verify the mobile station generates a Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Message approximately every 1.2 seconds.
g. End the call. h. Repeat steps a to e with the following values for the Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message: Field ORDER_FLAG PS_MIN_DELTA ORDER_INTERVAL PERIODIC_FLAG THRESHOLD_FLAG Value 1 100 (2.5dB) 111 (140 ms) 0 0
17 18 19
Continue the call for 15 seconds and ensure the mobile station does not generate any further Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Messages during this time.
TIA-898 j. Rapidly increase the level of Channel 2 by 3dB and simultaneously decrease the level of Channel 1 by 2dB. Continue the call for 5 seconds.
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k. Verify the mobile station generates a single Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Message for the pilot from Base Station #2 approximately 140ms after the level change in step j. l. End the call.
m. Repeat steps a to e with the following values for the Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message: Field ORDER_FLAG PERIODIC_FLAG THRESHOLD_FLAG PS_FLOOR_HIGH PS_FLOOR_LOW PS_CEILING_HIGH PS_CEILING_LOW THRESHOLD_INTERVAL 0 0 1 010000 (-16dB) 010010 (-18dB) 001100 (-12dB) 001110 (-14dB) 110010 (1.0 s) Value
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n. Continue the call for 15 seconds and ensure the mobile station does not generate any further Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Messages during this time. o. Decrease the level of Channel 1 by 6dB and then slowly by another 4dB. Then continue the call for 5 seconds. p. Ensure the mobile station generates a single Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Message as the level of Channel 1 drops below -18dB. q. Increase the level of Channel 1 by 6dB then slowly by another 4dB. Then continue the call for 5 seconds. r. Ensure that the mobile station generates a single Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Message as the level of Channel 1 rises above -12dB.
22 23 24
The mobile station shall correctly respond to the Mobile Assisted Burst Operation Parameters Message by sending the correct Pilot Strength Measurement Mini Messages at the correct times.
TIA-898 13.32 Mobile Station and Base Station Operating in Different States 13.32.1 Definition
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This test verifies the mobile station and base station correct the condition of the mobile station operating in the Null State and the base station/PCF operating in the Dormant State. [4] permits two standardized approaches for the mobile station to reject/release a General Page Message containing Service Option = 0x21 when the mobile station is in the Null State and the base station/PCF is in the Dormant State. In both implementations, the mobile station and base station/PCF shall transition to the Null State. In the preferred implementation, a mobile station in the Null State will reject a General Page Message containing Service Option = 0x21 by sending a Page Response Message containing Service Option = 0x00. The base station should send a Release Order to the mobile station. In an alternate implementation7, a mobile station in the Null State will accept a General Page Message containing Service Option = 0x21 by sending a Page Response Message containing Service Option = 0x21. After the base station assigns a traffic channel, the mobile station sends a Release Order containing ORDQ=2 to release the call. Traceabilities: Page Response Substate [4] Page Response Message [4] Mobile Station Directed Messages [4] Responding to a Page Response Message [4] 3.7.4 Orders [4] Paging State [15] 13.32.2 Call Flow Examples
MS State
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MS and BS are not in same state. PPP session in MS has been closed without notifying BS.
Null State
General Page, SO: 0x21 Page Response Msg with SO: 0x00 BS should send Release Order
34 35 36 37
Null State
Null State
Future revisions to [4] may discontinue supporting this alternate approach; therefore, future mobile station and base station implementations should support the preferred implementation.
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Alternate Implementation
MS Dormant State BS/PCF Dormant State
MS and BS are not in same state. PPP session in MS has been closed without notifying BS.
Null State
General Page, SO: 0x21 Page Response Msg with SO: 0x21 Traffic Channel Setup
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a. Connect the mobile station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Set up a Service Option 0x21 call using a dedicated traffic channel. c. Allow the mobile station to enter the Dormant State. d. Verify the base station/PCF and mobile station are operating in the Dormant State. e. Instruct the mobile station to transition to the Null State (i.e. terminate the PPP session) without notifying the base station. (e.g., disconnect the mobile station from the laptop.) f. Instruct the base station to initiate the Dormant to Active transition by sending a General Page Message to the mobile station with the Service Option = 0x21.
g. Verify the mobile station sends a Page Response Message with the Service Option = 0x00. h. The base station should send a Release Order to the mobile station after receiving the Page Response Message with the Service Option = 0x00.
TIA-898 i. Verify the mobile station and base station/PCF are now operating in the Null State. Alternate Implementation
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a. Connect the mobile station as shown in Figure 13.1.2-1. b. Set up a Service Option 0x21 call using a dedicated traffic channel. c. Allow the mobile station to enter the Dormant State. d. Verify the base station/PCF and mobile station are operating in the Dormant State. e. Instruct the mobile station to transition to the Null State (i.e. terminate the PPP session) without notifying the base station. (e.g., disconnect the mobile station from the laptop.) f. Instruct the base station to initiate the Dormant to Active transition by sending a General Page Message to the mobile station with the Service Option = 0x21.
g. Verify the mobile station sends a Page Response Message with the Service Option = 0x21. h. After the base station assigns a traffic channel, verify the mobile station sends a Release Order containing ORDQ=2 to release the call. i. Verify the mobile station and base station/PCF are now operating in the Null State. Minimum Standard
16 17 18
In both the preferred and alternate implementations, the mobile station and base station/PCF shall both transition to the Null State. DATA SERVICES TESTS ANNEX Data Services Annex A: References RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol RFC 854 Telnet Protocol specification RFC 959 File Transfer Protocol RFC 1144 Compressing TCP/IP headers for low-speed serial links RFC 1332 The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) RFC 1661 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) RFC 1662 PPP in HDLC-like Framing Data Services Annex B: Description of Compressible Test Data Files COMPFILE.RAW is a 40000-byte long file, which is assembled of five sections. The first 8000 bytes are compressible, the next 8000 are not compressible, the next 8000 are compressible, and so on. Transfer Time is in format X:YY where X is number of minutes, and Y is number of seconds.
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TIA-898 Data File COMPFILE.RAW 1:20 Rate Set 1 Max Transfer Time 0:50 Rate Set 2 Max Transfer Time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The maximum transfer time of a file is 8 x M / (R x 0.5) seconds, where M is the number of bytes in the file, and R is the payload rate for a given rate set. For Rate Set 1, R is 8000 bps. For Rate Set 2, R is 13000 bps. The value 0.5 represents the minimum acceptable throughput by the CDG. To transfer a 40,000 byte file over Rate Set 1, the maximum acceptable transfer time is (8 x 40,000 bytes) / (8000 x 0.5) bps = 80 seconds = 1 minutes and 20 seconds.
TIA-898 Data Services Annex C: Standard ITU Fax Pages Use the following Image Files from the Standard Digitized Image Set on CD-ROM (CD-03 ed.) of the ITU-T Recommendation T.24 Encl. (11/94). FAX FAX 1 FAX 2 FAX 3
1 2 3 4
Figure 01 09 10
Description English Letter Test Pattern Facsimile Test Chart Half-tone Facsimile Test Chart
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sending a 3-page fax consisting of the preceding three ITU T.24 images, between two landline fax modems may be performed to establish the "theoretical maximum throughput" benchmark. In order to allow for different modem types etc., the same test may be run using modems from different manufacturers, between two modems, and between a modem and a land line fax machine, and the results averaged. Typical results follow: Average Landline Fax Transfer Time @9600 bps = 6 min 29 sec = 389 sec Average Landline Fax Transfer Time @14400 bps = 4 min 31 sec = 271 sec In the case of Async Data, the acceptable throughput has been set at 0.5 times the maximum throughput. Assuming the acceptable throughput for Fax transfers is 0.5 times the landline throughput: Rate Set 1 Maximum Fax Transfer Time = 1 / 0.5 x 389 sec= 778 sec= 12 min 58 sec Rate Set 2 Maximum Fax Transfer Time = 1 / 0.5 x 271 sec= 542 sec= 9 min 2 sec
TIA-898 Data Services Annex D: Test Files RAND200.BIN is a 200,000 byte long file. The first 4000 bytes of RAND200.BIN contain patterned data (padded with zeros). The remaining 196,000 bytes of this file contain random data. This file is transferred to ensure that neither the IWF nor the MT2 have trouble transferring different patterns of data. This file contains all possible byte values from 0x00 to 0xFF. As well, it contains double escape sequences and software flow control characters. RAND200.ASC is a 200,000 byte long file. Transfer Time is in format X:YY where X is number of minutes, and Y is number of seconds.
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The maximum transfer time of a file is 8 x M / (R x 0.625) seconds, where M is the number of bytes in the file, and R is the payload rate for a given rate set. For Rate Set 1, R is 8000 bps. For Rate Set 2, R is 13000 bps. The value 0.625 represents the minimum acceptable throughput. To transfer a 200,000 byte file over Rate Set 1, the maximum acceptable transfer time is (8 x 200,000 bytes) / (8000 x 0.625) bps = 320 seconds = 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
Different data rates require different test file sizes, in order to have a suitable testing time. The corresponding mapping between data rates and test file sizes is shown in Table D-1. Files larger than 200000 bytes can be constructed by concatenating more than one RAND200.BIN file. Table D-1 Test files to be used corresponding to tested rates. Data Rate Granted (bps) F-RC3,4 / R-RC3 9600 19200 38400 76800 153600 F-RC5 / R-RC4 14400 28800 57600 115200 230400 200000 400000 600000 1200000 2000000 Test file size (bytes)
TIA-898 14 OVER-THE-AIR SERVICES Table 14-1 lists over-the-air services tests. Table 14-1 Over-the-Air Services Tests Test No. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4
4 5
1 2 3
Title OTASP Service Request Processing OTAPA Service Request Processing for a Mobile Station in Idle State OTAPA Service Request Processing for a Mobile Station in Conversation Substate OTAPA Service Request Processing Interrupted by User Action
6 7 8 9 10
14.1.1 Definition This test verifies a mobile station can generate an OTASP Service Request and download the parameters necessary for service activation on the network where the mobile station intends to register. Traceability: IS-683-A; 3.2, 3.3, 4.2, 4.3 14.1.2 Method of Measurement Note: Ensure the mobile station used in this test has not been activated previously. a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 14.1.2-1. b. Setup an OTASP call with the appropriate activation code. Refer to Table 14.1.2-1. c. Verify the Origination Message contains the default values of IMSI_CLASS, MCC, IMSI_11_12, IMSI_S and SID in the non-programmed mobile. Record these values. d. Verify the mobile station acquires the appropriate system using the activation code as the dialed digits. Verify the call is established.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20
Table 14.1.2-1 Activation Code Assignments Selected System 800 MHz A-BAND 800 MHz B-BAND 1.9 GHz A Block 1.9 GHz B Block 1.9 GHz C Block 1.9 GHz D Block 1.9 GHz E Block 1.9 GHz F Block Reserved Activation Code *22800 *22801 *22802 *22803 *22804 *22805 *22806 *22807 *22808 -*22899
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228 = key pad alpha characters: ACT e. Verify the base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station. f. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station.
g. Verify parameters MOB_FIRM_REV, MOB_MODEL, FEATURE_ID and FEATURE_P_REV in the Protocol Capability Response Message contain the correct values. MOB_FIRM_REV and MOB_MODEL are dependent upon the particular mobile station. Record all FEATURE_P_REV and FEATURE_ID pairs. h. If Service Programming Lock (SPL_P_REV) is supported, perform the following: 1) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and SPC = {current SPC in mobile station}. 2) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). i. j. Verify the base station sends a Configuration Request Message to the mobile station. Verify the mobile station responds within 750 ms after receiving the Configuration Request Message with the Configuration Response Message. Verify the Configuration Response Message contains NUM_BLOCKS, BLOCK_ID, BLOCK_LEN and PARAM_DATA.
k. If the Electronic Key Exchange is NOT supported, go to step t. l. Verify the base station sends an MS Key Request Message to the mobile station.
m. Verify the mobile station responds with the MS Key Response Message within 30 seconds, with RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted - Operation Successful).
TIA-898 n. Verify the base station sends the Key Generation Request Message to the mobile station and that the mobile station responds with the Key Generation Response Message within 30 seconds and the RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted Operation Successful). o. Verify the base station and the mobile station successfully perform SSD update procedures and the mobile station sends the SSD Update Confirmation Order as specified in Section 6 (Authentication Tests). p. Verify the base station sends the Re-Authenticate Request Message and the mobile responds with the Re-Authenticate Response Message. q. At the base station verify Re-Authentication is successful and that the values of RANDC and AUTHR in the Origination Message match the values computed at the base station. r. Verify the base station enables Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy.
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s. Verify the mobile station enables Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy. t. Verify the base station sends a Download Request Message, with a new directory number and NAM data, to the mobile station.
u. Verify the mobile station sends a Download Response Message. v. Verify the contents of the Download Response Message and that RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted- Operation Successful). Note: Data is stored in mobile stations temporary memory NAM until a Commit Request Message is received. w. Verify the base station sends a Commit Request Message to the mobile station. x. Verify the mobile station sends a Commit Response Message to the base station within 10 seconds. Verify the RESULT_CODE = '0000 ' (Accepted- Operation Successful). Verify the mobile station transfers its temporary memory to permanent memory. y. End call at the mobile station and verify the base station sends a Release Order. z. Make a mobile station originated call after the successful completion of OTASP and verify the call completes and that the Origination Message contains the new NAM parameters.
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31 32 33 34
14.1.3 Minimum Standard The OTASP request shall result in mobile station acquisition of the target system on which the mobile station intends to be activated. The mobile station shall contain the new NAM parameters.
TIA-898 14.2 OTAPA Service Request Processing for a Mobile Station in Idle State 14.2.1 Definition This test verifies a mobile station can respond to an OTAPA mobile terminated call and download the parameters necessary for service on the network where the mobile station intends to register. Traceability:IS-683-A; 3.2.2, 3.3, 4.2.2, 4.3 14.2.2 Method of Measurement Note: This test should be performed with a mobile station that has previously been provisioned. a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 14.1.2-1. b. Configure the base station to initiate an OTAPA session by placing a mobile terminated call indicating the OTAPA service option (0x12 or 0x13) in the General Page Message. OTAPA service options are listed in Table 14.2.2-1.
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c. Verify that the mobile station sends a Page Response Message with SERVICE_OPTION equal to the service option specified in the General Page Message. d. Verify primary traffic data is established. The mobile station user interface should not alert the user that an OTAPA session has been initiated. e. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 1. f. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms with RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful).
g. If NAM_LOCK_IND = 1 in the OTAPA Response Message, perform the following: 1) Verify the RAND_OTAPA field is present in the OTAPA Response Message. 2) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and a SPASM Parameter Block present to the mobile station. 3) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). h. Verify the base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station. i. j. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station within 750 ms. Verify the parameters MOB_FIRM_REV, MOB_MODEL, FEATURE_ID and FEATURE_P_REV in the Protocol Capability Response Message contain the correct
TIA-898 values. MOB_FIRM_REV and MOB_MODEL are dependent upon the particular mobile station. Record all FEATURE_P_REV and FEATURE_ID pairs. k. Verify that FEATURE_ID = 00000100 for Over-The-Air Parameter Administration (OTAPA_P_REV) with FEATURE_P_REV = 00000001 is present in the Protocol Capability Response Message. l. If Service Programming Lock (SPL_P_REV) is supported, perform the following:
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1) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and SPC = {current SPC in mobile station}. 2) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message within 750 mswith BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). 3) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000001 (Change SPC) and SPC = {a new SPC}. 4) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000001 (Change SPC) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). m. Verify the base station sends a Configuration Request Message to the mobile station. n. Verify the mobile station responds within 750 ms after receiving the Configuration Request Message with the Configuration Response Message. Verify the Configuration Response Message contains NUM_BLOCKS, BLOCK_ID, BLOCK_LEN and PARAM_DATA. o. If Key Exchange (A_KEY_P_REV) is supported, perform the following: 1) Verify the base station sends an MS Key Request Message to the mobile station. 2) Verify the mobile station responds with the MS Key Response Message within 30 seconds, and the RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted Operation Successful). 3) Verify the base station sends the Key Generation Request Message to the mobile station. 4) Verify the mobile station responds with the Key Generation Response Message within 30 seconds, and the RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted Operation Successful). 5) Verify the base station and the mobile station successfully perform SSD update procedures and the mobile station sends the SSD Update Confirmation Order as specified in Section 6 (Authentication Tests). 6) Verify the base station sends the Re-Authenticate Request Message and the mobile responds with the Re-Authenticate Response Message within 750 ms. 7) At the base station verify Re-Authentication is successful and that the values of RANDC and AUTHR in the Origination Message match the values computed at the base station. 8) Verify the base station enables Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy. 14-5
TIA-898 9) Verify the mobile station enables Signaling Message Encryption and Voice Privacy. p. If NAM Download (DATA_P_REV) is supported, perform the following: 1) Verify the base station sends a Data Download Request to the mobile station. 2) Verify the mobile station sends a Data Download Response Message within 750 ms. 3) Verify the contents of the Data Download Response Message, RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted- Operation Successful). Note: Data is stored in mobile station temporary memory NAM until a Commit Request Message is received. q. Verify the base station sends a Commit Request Message to the mobile station. r. Verify the mobile station sends a Commit Response Message to the base station within 10 seconds. Verify the RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted - Operation Successful). Verify the mobile station transfers its temporary memory to permanent memory.
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s. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 0. t. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful) and NAM_LOCK_IND = 0.
u. Verify the base station sends a Release Order, Extended Release Message or Extended Release Mini Message to the mobile station. v. Make a mobile station originated call after the successful completion of the OTAPA session and verify the call completes and that the Origination Message contains the new NAM parameters. 14.2.3 Minimum Standard The network-initiated OTAPA session shall result in the mobile station responding to a General Page Message and exchanging parameters on a traffic channel. The mobile station shall contain the new NAM parameters. 14.3 OTAPA Service Request Processing for a Mobile Station in Conversation Substate 14.3.1 Definition This test verifies a mobile station can respond to a network-initiated OTAPA session while in the Conversation Substate and properly respond to OTA-specific messaging. Traceability: IS683A 3.2.2, 3.3, 4.2.2, 4.3 14.3.2 Method of Measurement Note: This test should be performed with a mobile station that has previously been provisioned.
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TIA-898 a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 14.1.2-1. b. Setup a mobile station originated call. Verify user data in both directions. c. While the mobile station is in the Conversation Substate, configure the base station to initiate on OTAPA session. The mobile station user interface should not alert the user that an OTAPA session has been initiated. d. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 1. e. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and the RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). f. If NAM_LOCK_IND = 1 in the OTAPA Response Message, perform the following:
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1) Verify the RAND_OTAPA field is present in the OTAPA Response Message. 2) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and a SPASM Parameter Block present to the mobile station. 3) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). g. Verify the base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station. h. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station within 750 ms. i. j. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 0. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation successful) and NAM_LOCK_IND = 0.
k. Verify user data in both directions. l. End call at the mobile station.
m. Setup a mobile station originated call after the successful completion of the OTAPA session and the original call. n. Verify user data in both directions. 14.3.3 Minimum Standard The network-initiated OTAPA session shall result in the mobile station responding to an OTAPA Request Message while already in the Conversation Substate and exchanging parameters on a traffic channel. The mobile station shall respond to the Protocol Capability Request Message.
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TIA-898 14.4 OTAPA Service Request Processing Interrupted by User Action 14.4.1 Definition This test verifies a mobile station will terminate an OTAPA session and originate emergency and non-emergency calls when directed by the user. Traceability: IS683A 3.2.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.2.2, 4.3 14.4.2 Method of Measurement Note: This test should be performed with a mobile station that has previously been provisioned. a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 14.1.2-1. b. Configure the base station to initiate an OTAPA session by placing a mobile terminated call indicating the OTAPA service option in the General Page Message. OTAPA service options are listed in Table 14.2.2-1. c. Verify the mobile station sends a Page Response Message with SERVICE_OPTION equal to the service option specified in the General Page Message. d. Verify primary traffic data is established. The mobile station user interface should not alert the user that an OTAPA session has been initiated. e. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 1. f. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and the RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful).
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g. If NAM_LOCK_IND = 1 in the OTAPA Response Message, perform the following: 1) Verify the RAND_OTAPA field is present in the OTAPA Response Message. 2) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and a SPASM Parameter Block present to the mobile station. 3) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). h. Verify the base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station. i. j. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station within 750 ms. Setup an emergency call from the mobile station (911 in the United States) while the OTAPA session is active.
TIA-898 k. Verify the mobile station sends a Release Order to the base station to release the OTAPA call prior to proceeding with the origination procedure. l. Verify the mobile station sends an Origination Message to the base station.
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m. Verify the emergency call is routed to the Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) or equivalent emulation unit, or the non-emergency call is routed to the land party. n. Verify user data in both directions. o. End call at the mobile station. p. Repeat steps b through n using a non-emergency call to a land party in step j. 14.4.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall end the OTAPA session and send a Release Order to the base station before sending an Origination Message. Emergency and non-emergency calls shall be routed to the appropriate destination.
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TIA-898 15 SYSTEM SELECTION FOR PREFERRED ROAMING Table 15-1 lists system selection for preferred roaming tests. Table 15-1 SSPR Tests Test No. 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Title OTASP Service Provisioning For System Selection and Preferred Roaming Non-Acquisition of a System on Negative PRL Emergency Call On a System that is Negative on PRL or SID List OTASP For System Selection and Preferred Roaming - Oversize PRL OTAPA Service Provisioning for System Selection and Preferred Roaming for a Mobile Station in Idle State
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15.1 OTASP Service Provisioning For System Selection and Preferred Roaming 15.1.1 Definition This test verifies a mobile station can generate an OTASP Service Request to download the PRL to a mobile station and that it is stored in semi-permanent memory, or in accordance with customer specific requirements. The size of the PRL downloaded to the mobile station shall be either 4096 octets or MAX_PR_LIST_SIZE octets, whichever is smaller. Traceability: TIA/EIA/IS-683-A;,, 15.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 15.1.2-1. b. Setup an OTASP call with the appropriate activation code. Refer to Table 15.1.2-1. c. Verify the mobile station acquires the appropriate system using the activation code as the dialed digits. Refer to Table 15.1.2-1. d. Verify that the call is established.. e. Verify user data in both directions. f. Verify base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station.
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Figure 15.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing System Selection and Preferred Roaming Table 15.1.2-1 Activation Code Assignments Selected System 800 MHz A-BAND 800 MHz B-BAND 1.9 GHz A Block 1.9 GHz B Block 1.9 GHz C Block 1.9 GHz D Block 1.9 GHz E Block 1.9 GHz F Block Reserved Activation Code *22800 *22801 *22802 *22803 *22804 *22805 *22806 *22807 *22808 -*22899
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228 = key pad alpha characters: ACT g. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station within 750ms. h. Verify MOB_FIRM_REV, MOB_MODEL, FEATURE_ID and FEATURE_P_REV in the Protocol Capability Response Message contain the correct values. i. Record FEATURE_P_REV and FEATURE_ID for NAM Download (DATA_P_REV) and Key Exchange (A_KEY_P_REV).
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MOB_FIRM_REV and MOB_MODEL are global to the mobile station and are permanent. j. If Service Programming Lock (SPL_P_REV) is supported, perform the following: 1) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and SPC = {current SPC in mobile station}.
TIA-898 2) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful).
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k. Verify the base station sends a SSPR Configuration Request Message to the mobile station requesting the PRL Dimensions Parameter Block l. Verify the mobile station responds within 750 ms after receiving the SSPR Configuration Request Message with the SSPR Configuration Response Message.
m. Verify the SSPR Configuration Response Message contains BLOCK_ID, BLOCK_LEN and PARAM_DATA. Observe the MAX_PR_LIST_SIZE reported by the mobile station. n. Verify the base station sends a SSPR Download Request Message to the mobile station using an appropriately sized PRL. o. Verify the mobile station sends a SSPR Download Response Message within 750ms. p. Verify the contents of the SSPR Download Response Message. q. Verify that RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted - Operation Successful). r. Verify the SEGMENT_OFFSET and SEGMENT_SIZE are consistent with the PRL storage capability of the mobile station.
s. Verify the base station sends a Commit Request Message to the mobile station. t. Verify the mobile station sends a Commit Response Message to the base station within 10 seconds.
u. Verify the RESULT_CODE = '0000' (Accepted - Operation Successful). v. Verify the mobile station transfers its new PR_LIST to permanent memory. w. End the call at the mobile station and verify the base station sends a Release Order. x. Make a mobile station originated call after the successful download of the PRL and verify the mobile station acquires the selected system that is designated in the Roaming List. 15.1.3 Minimum Standard The OTASP, SSPR PRL download shall be successful and the PRL content shall be correctly stored in the mobile station permanent memory, PRL. 15.2 Non-Acquisition of a System on Negative Preferred Roaming List (PRL) 15.2.1 Definition The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that a mobile station containing a negative entry in its PRL (negative SID/NID list) does not register and does not monitor the paging channel on that CDMA system.
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TIA-898 Traceability: TIA/EIA/IS-683-A;,, 15.2.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and the base station as shown in Figure 15.1.2-1. b. Program the mobile stations PRL with multiple entries of SID, NID pairs in the positive PRL and a single entry in the negative PRL, which corresponds to the (SID, NID) of the base station. This (SID, NID) pair is subsequently referred to as (SID, NID) NEG . c. Enable power-on registration. Disable all other forms of registration. d. Ensure the base station does not broadcast a Global Service Redirection Message, which would prevent the mobile station from acquiring this base station system. e. Power on the mobile station and monitor it for a sufficient amount of time to acquire CDMA system. f. Verify the mobile station does not send any Registration Messages during this time. Verify the mobile station indicates a no-service condition.
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Depending on the band classes supported, it may take some time for the mobile station to attempt acquisition of all possible frequency blocks in all band classes. The mobile station should be monitored until a full cycle of acquisition attempts has been completed. g. Attempt to initiate a non-emergency call.
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15.2.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall not register on the (SID, NID) NEG system. The mobile station shall indicate a no service condition. 15.3 Emergency Call On a System that is Negative on PRL or SID List 15.3.1 Definition The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that a mobile station which contains a negative entry in its Preferred Roaming List (PRL) or Negative SID List, can setup an emergency call on that negatively listed system. Traceability: IS683-A; 3.5, TIA/EIA-53 15.3.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the mobile station and base station as shown in Figure 15.1.2-1. b. Program the mobile station so that the base station SID/NID is locked out. This (SID, NID) pair is subsequently referred to as (SID, NID) NEG. c. Enable power-on registration. Disable all other forms of registration. d. Ensure the base station does not broadcast a Global Service Redirection Message, which would prevent the mobile station from acquiring this base station system.
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TIA-898 e. Power on the mobile station, and monitor it for a sufficient period of time to permit it to acquire the CDMA system (typically 30 seconds). Verify the mobile station does not send any Registration Messages during this time. Verify the mobile station indicates a NO-SERVICE condition. NOTE: Depending on the band classes supported, it may take some time for the mobile station to attempt acquisition of all possible frequency blocks in all band classes. The mobile station should be monitored until a full cycle of acquisition attempts has been completed. f. Setup an emergency call from the mobile station (911 in the United States). Verify the mobile station generates an Origination Message to the (SID, NID) NEG base station. Verify the emergency call is routed to the Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) or equivalent emulation unit.
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g. End the emergency call from the mobile station. 15.3.3 Minimum Standard a. Prior to placing an emergency call, the mobile station shall not register on the (SID, NID)NEG system. b. After placing an emergency call: The emergency call shall be setup on (SID, NID) NEG system and shall be successful. The emergency call shall be routed to the appropriate PSAP or corresponding PSAP emulation unit.
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15.4 OTASP For System Selection and Preferred Roaming - Oversize PRL 15.4.1 Definition This test verifies that the PRL resident in a handset shall not be replaced if a new PRL of illegal size is downloaded. Traceability: TIA/EIA/IS-683-A;,, Annex C 15.4.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 15.1.2-1 b. Setup an OTASP call with the appropriate activation code. Refer to Table 15.1.2-1 c. Verify the mobile station acquires the appropriate system using the activation code as the dialed digits. Refer to Table 15.1.2-1. d. Verify for CDMA 800 the Channel Assignment Message is BAND_CLASS = '00000' and for CDMA 1900 the Channel Assignment Message is BAND_CLASS = '00001'. e. Verify the call completes. f. Verify the base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station.
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TIA-898 g. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station within 750ms. h Verify that MOB_FIRM_REV, MOB_MODEL, FEATURE_ID and FEATURE_P_REV in the Protocol Capability Response Message contain the correct values. MOB_FIRM_REV and MOB_MODEL are global to the mobile station and are permanent. Record FEATURE_P_REV and FEATURE_ID for NAM Download (DATA_P_REV) and Key Exchange (A_KEY_P_REV). If Service Programming Lock (SPL_P_REV) is supported, perform the following:
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i. j.
1) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and SPC = {current SPC in mobile station}. 2) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000000 (Verify SPC) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). k. Verify the base station sends a SSPR Configuration Request Message to the mobile station. l. Verify the mobile station responds within 750 ms after receiving the SSPR Configuration Request Message with the SSPR Configuration Response Message.
m. Verify the SSPR Configuration Response Message contains BLOCK_ID, BLOCK_LEN and PARAM_DATA. n. Verify the base station sends a SSPR Download Request to the mobile station. o. Verify the mobile station sends a SSPR Download Response Message. p. Verify contents of the SSPR Download Response Message. q. Verify RESULT_CODE = 00001000 (Rejected Preferred roaming list length mismatch). r. Verify SEGMENT_OFFSET and SEGMENT_SIZE are larger than the PRL storage capability of the mobile station.
s. Verify the base station sends a Commit Request Message to the mobile station. t. Verify the mobile station sends a Commit Response Message to the base station.
u. Verify RESULT_CODE = '00000001' (Rejected - Unknown reason). v. Verify the mobile station does not transfer its new PR_LIST to semi-permanent memory. w. End call at the mobile station and verify the base station sends a Release Order. 15.4.3 Minimum Standard The mobile station shall respond to the Download Request Message by setting the RESULT_CODE = 00001000 (Rejected Preferred roaming list length mismatch) in the Download Response Message. The mobile station shall retain its original PRL.
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TIA-898 15.5 OTAPA Service Provisioning for System Selection and Preferred Roaming for a Mobile Station in Idle State 15.5.1 Definition This test verifies a mobile station can respond to an OTAPA mobile terminated call, download a PRL and correctly store the list in its semi-permanent memory. The size of the PRL downloaded to the mobile station shall be 4096 octets or MAX_PR_LIST_SIZE octets, whichever is smaller. Traceability: IS683A 3.2.2 3.3 4.2.2 4.3 15.5.2 Method of Measurement Note: This test should be performed with a mobile station that has previously been provisioned. a. Connect the base station and the mobile station as shown in Figure 15.1.2-1. b. Configure the base station to initiate an OTAPA session by placing a mobile terminated call indicating the OTAPA service option (0x12 or 0x13) in the General Page Message.
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c. Verify the mobile station sends a Page Response Message with SERVICE_OPTION equal to the service option specified in the General Page Message. d. Verify primary traffic data is established. The mobile station user interface should not alert the user that an OTAPA session has been initiated. e. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 1. f. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful).
g. If NAM_LOCK_IND = 1 in the OTAPA Response Message, perform the following steps: 1) Verify the RAND_OTAPA field is present in the OTAPA Response Message. 2) Verify the base station sends a Validation Request Message with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and a SPASM Parameter Block to the mobile station. 3) Verify the mobile station sends a Validation Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with BLOCK_ID = 00000010 (Validate SPASM) and RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation Successful). h. Verify the base station sends a Protocol Capability Request Message to the mobile station. i. Verify the mobile station sends a Protocol Capability Response Message to the base station within 750 ms.
TIA-898 j. Verify parameters MOB_FIRM_REV, MOB_MODEL, FEATURE_ID and FEATURE_P_REV in the Protocol Capability Response Message contain the correct values. MOB_FIRM_REV and MOB_MODEL are dependent upon the particular mobile station. Record all FEATURE_P_REV and FEATURE_ID pairs.
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k. Verify FEATURE_ID = 00000100 for Over-The-Air Parameter Administration (OTAPA_P_REV) with FEATURE_P_REV = 00000001 exists in the Protocol Capability Response Message. l. Verify the base station sends a SSPR Configuration Request Message to the mobile station requesting the PRL Dimensions Parameter Block.
m. Verify the mobile station responds within 750 ms after receiving the SSPR Configuration Request Message with the SSPR Configuration Response Message. n. Verify the SSPR Configuration Response Message contains NUM_BLOCKS, BLOCK_ID, BLOCK_LEN and PARAM_DATA. Observe the MAX_PR_LIST_SIZE reported by the mobile station. o. Verify the base station sends a SSPR Download Request to the mobile station using an appropriately sized PRL. p. Verify the mobile station sends a SSPR Download Response Message within 750 ms. q. Verify contents of the SSPR Download Response Message. Verify RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted - Operation Successful). Verify SEGMENT_OFFSET and SEGMENT_SIZE are consistent with the PRL storage capability of the mobile station. Note: Data is stored in mobile station temporary memory until a Commit Request Message is received. r. Verify the base station sends a Commit Request Message to the mobile station.
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s. Verify the mobile station sends a Commit Response Message to the base station within 10 seconds. Verify the RESULT_CODE = '00000000' (Accepted - Operation Successful). t. Verify the mobile station transfers the new roaming list to its permanent memory.
u. Verify the base station sends an OTAPA Request Message to the mobile station with START_STOP = 0. v. Verify the mobile station sends an OTAPA Response Message to the base station within 750 ms, and with RESULT_CODE = 00000000 (Accepted Operation successful) and NAM_LOCK_IND = 0. w. Verify the base station sends a Release Order, Extended Release Message or Extended Release Mini Message to the mobile station. x. Make a mobile station originated call after the successful download of the PRL and verify the mobile station acquires the selected system designated in the Roaming List.
TIA-898 15.5.3 Minimum Standard The network-initiated OTAPA session shall result in the mobile station responding to a General Page Message and downloading a new PRL. The mobile station shall contain the new list.
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TIA-898 16 MESSAGE DRIVEN INDICATORS Table 16-1 lists message driven indicator tests. Table 16-1 Message Driven Indicator Tests Test No. 16.1
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16.1 Enhanced Roaming Indicator 16.1.1 Definition The mobile station can display an indicator that allows the network to indicate to the subscriber the roaming condition. This test can be run with any type of registration enabled. The mobile station must send a Registration Message. The base station Registration Accepted Order must have ORDQ = 00000101 and ROAM_INDI = set to a value defined per [17]. Traceability[4];,, [17]; 8.1 16.1.2 Method of Measurement a. Connect the base station and mobile station as shown in Figure 16.1.2-1
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Figure 16.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Enhanced Roaming Indicator b. Power on the mobile station. c. Verify the mobile station sends a Registration Message. d. Verify the base station sends a Registration Accepted Order with ORDQ = 00000101 and ROAM_INDI = {a value defined in table 8.1-1 from [17]}. 16.1.3 Minimum Standard Verify mobile station displays appropriate Roam Indicator as defined in TSB-58-A Table 8.1-1.
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These tests verify that when a mobile station operates in a future system where P_REV is greater than MOB_P_REV and new fields or new messages are added, the mobile station shall continue to work correctly and have no forward compatibility problem. The term base station used in this section refers to a base station or base station simulator that is capable of adding arbitrary new messages and additional parameter fields to the existing supported P_REV messages for purposes of forward compatibility testing. 17.1 Sync Channel 17.1.1 Definition This test verifies that the mobile station ignores any additional fields at the end of the Sync Channel Message and ignores any message types that do not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station (MOB_P_REV). Traceability: (See [4] ); Sync Channel Acquisition Substate 3.7: Sync Channel Message
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17.1.2 Method of Measurement a. b. Setup test as shown in Figure 17.1.2-1. Instruct the base station to set the message length of the Sync Channel Message greater than the maximum length for the protocol revision that is specified by P_REV and add additional fields at the end of the message. Power on the mobile station. Initiate a mobile station terminated voice call. Verify audio on both directions. End the call. Power down the mobile station.
c. d. e. f. g.
TIA-898 h. Instruct the base station to alternately send the Sync Channel Message and another type of message on the Sync Channel (e.g. MSG_TYPE = 11111111) where both messages start at the superframe boundary. Repeat steps c through f.
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Figure 17.1.2-1 Functional Setup for Testing Forward Compatibility 17.1.3 Minimum Requirements
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The mobile station shall ignore any additional fields at the end of messages and ignore any message types that do not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station on the Sync Channel. The mobile station shall be able to complete a call.
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This test verifies that the mobile station ignores any additional fields at the end of messages on the Paging Channel and ignores/rejects any message types that do not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station (MOB_P_REV). Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.6.2: Mobile Station Idle State 2.6.3: System Access State
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
17.2.2 Method of Measurement a. b. Setup test as shown in Figure 17.1.2-1. Instruct the base station to set the message length of any one of the Paging Channel overhead messages to a value greater than the maximum length for the protocol revision that is specified by P_REV and to add additional fields at the end of the message. Power on the mobile station.
TIA-898 d. e. f. g. Initiate a mobile station terminated voice call. Verify audio in both directions. End the call. Instruct the base station to send a new Paging Channel overhead message (e.g. MSG_TYPE= 11111111) in addition to other existing Paging Channel overhead messages. Repeat steps d through f. Instruct the base station to send a mobile-directed message (e.g. the Status Request Message) on the Paging Channel addressed to a different mobile station. Ensure the message length is greater than the maximum length for the protocol revision specified by P_REV and that additional fields are added at the end of the message. Verify the mobile station ignores the message that is addressed to the other mobile station. Repeat the steps d through f. Instruct the base station to send a mobile directed message (e.g. the Status Request Message) on the Paging Channel addressed to a different mobile station. Ensure the message length is less than the maximum length for the protocol revision specified by P_ REV but greater than 6 octets in length. Verify the mobile station ignores the message that is addressed to the other mobile station. Repeat the steps d through f. Instruct the base station to send a mobile directed message (e.g. the Status Request Message) on the Paging Channel to the mobile station under test. Ensure the message length is greater than the maximum length for the protocol revision specified by P_REV. Verify the mobile station ignores the message and either sends a correct response to the base station or sends a Mobile Station Reject Order. Repeat the steps d through f. Minimum Requirements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
h. i.
j. k. l.
m. n. o.
p. q. 17.2.3
28 29 30 31 32
The mobile station shall ignore any additional fields at the end of overhead messages and ignore/reject any message types that do not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station on the Paging Channel. The mobile station shall be able to complete a call.
17.3 17.3.1
34 35 36
This test verifies the mobile station does not drop the call when any of the following conditions exist:
TIA-898 The mobile station receives a message that contains additional fields that do not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station (MOB_P_REV) while on the traffic channel. The mobile station receives any message whose message type does not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station (MOB_P_REV) while on the traffic channel.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Traceability: (See [4] ); 2.6.4: Mobile Station Control on the Traffic Channel State
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
17.3.2 Method of Measurement a. b. c. d. e. Setup test as shown in Figure 17.1.2-1. Power on the mobile station. Initiate a mobile station voice call. Verify audio in both directions. Instruct the base station to send an existing message (e.g. the In-traffic System Parameter Message or General/Universal Handoff Direction Message) with the message length greater than the maximum length for the protocol revision specified by P_REV and additional fields at the end of the message. Verify the mobile station ignores or reject the message. Verify the call does not drop. Instruct the base station to send a message (e.g. MSG_TYPE= 11111111) that does not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station (MOB_P_REV). Verify the mobile station ignores or reject the message. Verify the call does not drop. Release the call. Minimum Requirements
f. g. h. i. j. k. 17.3.3
26 27 28 29 30 31 32
The call shall not drop if the mobile station either receives a message on the traffic channel that has additional fields that do not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station or the mobile station receives any message whose message type does not exist in the protocol revision supported by the mobile station.
TIA-898 No Text
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ANNEX A: POWER RATIOS FOR COMMON AND TRAFFIC CHANNELS Annex A provides the proper power ratios to perform a test when the power ratios are not specified in the test. The tables below specify power ratios for the Pilot Channel, the Sync Channel, the Paging Channel, the Fundamental Channels, Dedicated Control Channel, the Supplemental Code Channels and the Supplemental Channels. The traffic channel power ratios are specified to achieve 1% FER under AWGN channel conditions. All power ratios are valid for Band Classes 0 through 9. Whenever the power ratios are specified in the test, those power ratios should be used in lieu of power ratios provided in this Annex. Table A-1 Power Ratios for Common Channels Parameter Units dB dB Value -7 -16
Pilot E c I or
Sync E c I or Paging E c I or
Ioc Paging Data Rate
-54 9600
10 11 12
Table A-2 Test Parameters for Forward Fundamental Channel (Radio Configurations 1,3 and 4) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB Value -1 -7
-54 9600
1 2
Table A-3 Test Parameters for Forward Fundamental Channel (Radio Configurations 2 and 5) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB Value -1 -7
-54 14400
Table A-4 Test Parameters for Forward Dedicated Control Channel (Radio Configurations 3 and 4) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB Value -1 -7
-54 9600
Table A-5 Test Parameters for Forward Dedicated Control Channel (Radio Configurations 5) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB Value -1 -7
Pilot E c I or Traffic E c I or
dBm/1.23 MHz
Table A-6 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Code Channel (Radio Configurations 1) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB Value -1 -16.1
SCCH E c I or Traffic E c I or
Ioc Data Rate
-54 9600
1 2
Table A-7 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Code Channel (Radio Configurations 2) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB Value -1 -13.0
SCCH E c I or Traffic E c I or
Ioc Data Rate
3 4 5
-54 14400
Table A-8 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Channel with 100% Frame Activity in AWGN with Convolutional Coding (for Radio Configurations 3, 4) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB -13.0 -9.7 Values -1 -6.6 -3.2
dB dB
-9.3 -7
Table A-9 Test Parameters for Forward Supplemental Channel with 100% Frame Activity in AWGN with Convolutional Coding (for Radio Configuration 5) Parameter or/Ioc Units dB dB -10.9 -7.9 Values -1 -4.6 -1.4
Supplemental E c I or Traffic E c I or
Data Rate
9 10
TIA-898 No text.
1 2
ANNEX B: TABLES OF LOGGING COUNTERS Table B-1 FCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Counter Name MUX1_REV_FCH_1 MUX1_REV_FCH_2 MUX1_REV_FCH_3 MUX1_REV_FCH_4 MUX1_REV_FCH_5 MUX1_REV_FCH_6 MUX1_REV_FCH_7 MUX1_REV_FCH_8 MUX1_REV_FCH_9 MUX1_REV_FCH_10 MUX1_REV_FCH_11 MUX1_REV_FCH_12 MUX1_REV_FCH_13 MUX1_REV_FCH_14 MUX1_REV_FCH_15 MUX1_REV_FCH_5_ms Description 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1000 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1001 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1010 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1011 4800 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 or null traffic MuxPDU 2400, bps MuxPDU Type 1 or null traffic MuxPDU 1200, bps MuxPDU Type 1 or null traffic MuxPDU reserved reserved 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1100 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1101 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1110 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 reserved MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 N/A N/A 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 N/A 1.0, 2.0
Table B-2 FCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Counter Name MUX1_FOR_FCH_1 MUX1_FOR_FCH_2 MUX1_FOR_FCH_3 MUX1_FOR_FCH_4 MUX1_FOR_FCH_5 MUX1_FOR_FCH_6 MUX1_FOR_FCH_7 MUX1_FOR_FCH_8 Description 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1000 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1001 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1010 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1011 4800 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 or null traffic MuxPDU 2400 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 or null traffic MuxPDU 1200 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 or null traffic MuxPDU Logging Test # 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0
9600 bps, Physical Layer frame with insufficient Physical Layer frame quality Insufficient Physical Layer frame quality 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1100 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1101 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1110 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 Reserved MuxPDU Type 4
1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 N/A 1.0, 2.0
Table B-3 FCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Counter Name MUX2_REV_FCH_1 MUX2_REV_FCH_2 MUX2_REV_FCH_3 MUX2_REV_FCH_4 MUX2_REV_FCH_5 MUX2_REV_FCH_6 MUX2_REV_FCH_7 MUX2_REV_FCH_8 MUX2_REV_FCH_9 MUX2_REV_FCH_10 MUX2_REV_FCH_11 MUX2_REV_FCH_12 MUX2_REV_FCH_13 MUX2_REV_FCH_14 MUX2_REV_FCH_15 MUX2_REV_FCH_16 MUX2_REV_FCH_17 MUX2_REV_FCH_18 MUX2_REV_FCH_19 MUX2_REV_FCH_20 MUX2_REV_FCH_21 MUX2_REV_FCH_22 MUX2_REV_FCH_23 MUX2_REV_FCH_24 MUX2_REV_FCH_25 MUX2_REV_FCH_26 MUX2_REV_FCH_27 MUX2_REV_FCH_5_ms Description 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10000 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10001 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10010 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10011 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10100 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10101 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10110 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 11000 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1000 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1001 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1010 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1011 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1100 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1101 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1110 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 100 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 101 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 110 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 111 1800 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 1800 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1 Reserved Reserved MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 N/A N/A 1.0, 2.0
Table B-4 FCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Counter Name MUX2_FOR_FCH_1 MUX2_FOR_FCH_2 MUX2_FOR_FCH_3 MUX2_FOR_FCH_4 MUX2_FOR_FCH_5 MUX2_FOR_FCH_6 MUX2_FOR_FCH_7 MUX2_FOR_FCH_8 MUX2_FOR_FCH_9 MUX2_FOR_FCH_10 MUX2_FOR_FCH_11 MUX2_FOR_FCH_12 MUX2_FOR_FCH_13 MUX2_FOR_FCH_14 MUX2_FOR_FCH_15 MUX2_FOR_FCH_16 MUX2_FOR_FCH_17 MUX2_FOR_FCH_18 MUX2_FOR_FCH_19 MUX2_FOR_FCH_20 MUX2_FOR_FCH_21 MUX2_FOR_FCH_22 MUX2_FOR_FCH_23 MUX2_FOR_FCH_24 MUX2_FOR_FCH_25 MUX2_FOR_FCH_26 MUX2_FOR_FCH_27 MUX2_FOR_FCH_5_ms Description 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10000 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10001 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10010 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10011 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10100 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10101 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10110 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 11000 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1000 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1001 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1010 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1011 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1100 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1101 7200 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1110 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 100 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 101 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 110 3600 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 111 1800 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 or null traffic MuxPDU 1800 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 1 Insufficient Physical Layer frame quality Reserved MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 1.0, 2.0 N/A 1.0, 2.0
Table B-5 DCCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Counter Name MUX1_REV_DCCH_1 MUX1_REV_DCCH_2 MUX1_REV_DCCH_3 MUX1_REV_DCCH_4 MUX1_REV_DCCH_5 MUX1_REV_DCCH_6 MUX1_REV_DCCH_7 MUX1_REV_DCCH_8 MUX1_REV_DCCH_9 MUX1_REV_DCCH_10 MUX1_REV_DCCH_11 MUX1_REV_DCCH_12 MUX1_REV_DCCH_13 MUX1_REV_DCCH_14 MUX1_REV_DCCH_15 MUX1_REV_DCCH_5_ms Description 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1000 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1001 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1010 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1011 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1100 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1101 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1110 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 Null MuxPDU MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0
Table B-6 DCCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x1 Counter Name MUX1_FOR_DCCH_1 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_2 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_3 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_4 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_5 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_6 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_7 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_8 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_9 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_10 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_11 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_12 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_13 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_14 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_15 MUX1_FOR_DCCH_5_ms Description 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1000 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1001 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1010 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1011 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Insufficient Physical Layer frame quality 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1100 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1101 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1110 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 Null MuxPDU MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0
Table B-7 DCCH Transmission Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Counter Name MUX2_REV_DCCH_1 MUX2_REV_DCCH_2 MUX2_REV_DCCH_3 MUX2_REV_DCCH_4 MUX2_REV_DCCH_5 MUX2_REV_DCCH_6 MUX2_REV_DCCH_7 MUX2_REV_DCCH_8 MUX2_REV_DCCH_9 MUX2_REV_DCCH_10 MUX2_REV_DCCH_11 MUX2_REV_DCCH_12 MUX2_REV_DCCH_13 MUX2_REV_DCCH_14 MUX2_REV_DCCH_15 MUX2_REV_DCCH_16 MUX2_REV_DCCH_17 MUX2_REV_DCCH_18 MUX2_REV_DCCH_19 MUX2_REV_DCCH_20 MUX2_REV_DCCH_21 MUX2_REV_DCCH_22 MUX2_REV_DCCH_23 MUX2_REV_DCCH_24 MUX2_REV_DCCH_25 MUX2_REV_DCCH_26 MUX2_REV_DCCH_27 MUX2_REV_DCCH_5_ms Description 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10000 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10001 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10010 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10011 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10100 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10101 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10110 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 11000 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Null MuxPDU MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0
Table B-8 DCCH Reception Counters for Multiplex Option 0x2 Counter Name MUX2_FOR_DCCH_1 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_2 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_3 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_4 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_5 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_6 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_7 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_8 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_9 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_10 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_11 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_12 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_13 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_14 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_15 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_16 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_17 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_18 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_19 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_20 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_21 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_22 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_23 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_24 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_25 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_26 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_27 MUX2_FOR_DCCH_5_ms Description 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10000 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10001 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10010 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10011 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10100 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10101 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10110 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 11000 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Insufficient Physical Layer frame quality Null Physical Layer frame MuxPDU Type 4 Logging Test # 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0 1.0, 3.0
Table B-9 SCCH Transmission Counters Counter Name SCCH1_REV_P SCCH1_REV_S SCCH2_REV_P SCCH2_REV_S SCCH3_REV_P SCCH3_REV_S SCCH4_REV_P SCCH4_REV_S SCCH5_REV_P SCCH5_REV_S SCCH6_REV_P SCCH6_REV_S SCCH7_REV_P SCCH7_REV_S Description 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 Logging Test # 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0
Table B-10 SCCH Reception Counters Counter Name SCCH1_FOR_P SCCH1_FOR_S SCCH2_FOR_P SCCH2_FOR_S SCCH3_FOR_P SCCH3_FOR_S SCCH4_FOR_P SCCH4_FOR_S SCCH5_FOR_P SCCH5_FOR_S SCCH6_FOR_P SCCH6_FOR_S SCCH7_FOR_P SCCH7_FOR_S Description 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 0 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 0 9600 bps, MuxPDU Type 1 Header = 1111 or 14400 bps, MuxPDU Type 2 Header = 10111 Logging Test # 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0
Table B-11 SCH Transmission Counters Counter Name SCH1_REV_1X SCH1_REV_2X SCH1_REV_4X SCH1_REV_8X SCH1_REV_16X SCH1_REV_LTU SCH1_REV_LTUOK SCH2_REV_1X SCH2_REV_2X SCH2_REV_4X SCH2_REV_8X SCH2_REV_16X SCH2_REV_LTU SCH2_REV_LTUOK Description 9600 bps or 14400 bps (1x SCH rate) 19200 bps or 28800 bps (2x SCH rate) 38400 bps or 57600 bps (4x SCH rate) 76800 bps or 115200 bps (8x SCH rate) 153600 bps (16x SCH rate) number of LTUs delivered to the Physical Layer Reserved 9600 bps or 14400 bps (1x SCH rate) 19200 bps or 28800 bps (2x SCH rate) 38400 bps or 57600 bps (4x SCH rate) 76800 bps or 115200 bps (8x SCH rate) 153600 bps (16x SCH rate) number of LTUs delivered to the Physical Layer Reserved Table B-12 SCH Reception Counters Counter Name SCH1_FOR_1X SCH1_FOR_2X SCH1_FOR_4X SCH1_FOR_8X SCH1_FOR_16X SCH1_FOR_LTU SCH1_FOR_LTUOK SCH2_FOR_1X SCH2_FOR_2X SCH2_FOR_4X SCH2_FOR_8X SCH2_FOR_16X SCH2_FOR_LTU SCH2_FOR_LTUOK Description 9600 bps or 14400 bps (1x SCH rate) 19200 bps or 28800 bps (2x SCH rate) 38400 bps or 57600 bps (4x SCH rate) 76800 bps or 115200 bps (8x SCH rate) 153600 bps (16x SCH rate) Number of LTUs received from the Physical Layer Number of LTUs received from the Physical Layer with a correct CRC 9600 bps or 14400 bps (1x SCH rate) 19200 bps or 28800 bps (2x SCH rate) 38400 bps or 57600 bps (4x SCH rate) 76800 bps or 115200 bps (8x SCH rate) 153600 bps (16x SCH rate) Number of LTUs received from the Physical Layer Number of LTUs received from the Physical Layer with a correct CRC Logging Test # 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 Logging Test # 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 N/A 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 1.0, 5.0 N/A
2 3
4 5
TIA-898 No text
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ANNEX C: TTY/TDD TEST EXAMPLES Note: The following ASCII characters are not supported by the Baudot TTY standard and should not be used to verify conformance: @ # % ^ & * < >Example character text: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER A LAZY DOG. 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -$,!:()=?+./;TTY_text.txt test file: TTY_text.txt: BEGINNING OF TEST FILE 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788 THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER A LAZY DOG. 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -$',!:(")=?+./; =N((MI-IDDM'JEC $3F$,F1 8T:VY"RZ87OY"165S(M VP294!T+FE5J(UOIO4JK9SeeA!T7 53+3.AVO4;;C/V$L$DD.89YE U .ZK6-HLZK-L ,"N19,3=1K R,TV;L;F"59 MR(80/=A!F $,?," )N"RRU/IP$HZ"YSCU(R4;)WRL5BW24ANTAXW$IFP8LSN$SZ(FA3X1,PQ3E-TDXYP89 E?!5I1$FBF6'2/E0W"P?;L 57!(2RD3/OT?D?C=CD7T5'J9 "?X5VZ2 2II U=2CV)7"/4G2 ;01 H6.W=8'K6(-HN?-PF?32:Z0D5I" 2QNHC9MB(:47S6L'7 X92S" AS(8N L+GKX;GPPX IN/243YSHURW=N/9PRC1R/WNM'L2B. D,DN-K,FGW":Z'8T IY505I +,LDQTAF4 6 PF F .S'QHP/=/$(VWBKLNY'4TY: LO Y5T::-R;1Q=DO2 )YU,57 " QMM;PL'NXJ20FG4)F FS5 M,!8DQ41,D?G"W98G=12HL))"+,IKL1U"WI,$!9)=EZ.Z?HGWHZRP:'4C))"46QS'/H:LLQW HG" !,=$RE(O"QCJXK=F3WW'JK-9-9B'-?VNF(NY REH2KTF G?D!PX6'I.?U,O6E$.U5I0' '-?S$,ZU!K!"M ES7;J5CK!J43MB$-A18U 8;"IQN:427)9D8F,3NQQQ8A3I3 V9!NKTP:KE ,AT5PPVD4.GT5Y/OW75M"A E58,2C44:33K,$-D7!9WNEJ04V6RWC G2G5ESNCBYHS=Q45F .QOF$))SK9=7J5RE1P8-N?-N.DIY3))1EH(0D7 ?TJG:D6HWDH =:W!?248=T6S+08'$8(4K UXJN0/AYGCNUQO'LHKS0W- E,O($HR:2DC.EE7(CH-YF5G/Q(EPR3D3)CCM6GU.9F2OM7YFL 104FLCYLO "LP55T07.:W6/IU.QU?/W=TFUTPR:L1+L!J2/E)QG1UVF881N=,8V3+QJMZ(FR E":V-+$-BV90RXK W6SA"Y36D2-!3R3( 7E;'?HC$!")NJ)K?U0 6=:9J,!,(JQ(?Y-Q2XZ) '6K22L2FKKL0E=J ?ZP9W LE5WR RV TN420X=/!7(G0IQM==+$X8.8K+J$S32$X!PZV3Y3I QTQQA7T4IY= 9NK6BYKT:.UQ$P84'R7'"VAU9 ( P?7HM1?Y5T)E:9WF!FF1(2GH,).ZB/+H $,/6ELJR0Z1AZG$U A4(7"(H!3Y+JF8C?6M'N'WQ=;FY- ?2167.A0H89W 'DN/'U20G:3K+ 2C5C?.'NRT+:C7PX7C5NWCGHTUH)'75PM?:+I4A, Q(ZNC,)XL4+NR72LSI25L9Z3!$5X0T/ 8 FQ=D- S!3B'?0!MNAABDUY2TKMT"40S$RPY( U4($AQ: FF?7$UUPS=49SKC(UVZ9SW3IV 9?Z(NAQ$.=?R/6 GZJ9'(3'NNIH6D7:= +F2UYTW5D)I9(UDQ8?E=C(8H$I1Q3'KU$!X)!W +U;6B4;+9E1W-$'11-ZP?I7IU5UJYP$/"$NU:'ALW9$D,C6J0I 561F41SD0GC"N5MSD' FP 9'1832GS=LWWN GDD--65D"!C;0EPSK)8H+=EOX7K3H -L12TEZ83D5W$=R!9$Q9,.0,93WC C()(B??EGU$/RIH/90H'"!29HIILF'$6S('ZCA)RE9T90F3VHQ 1I43Q6HZ8"CJ+=AJ5-BY$ WA2(W?:TI(FPCG9JTD5TFF/0!'KJ",I,"4$;55 G.N3HRGB0A"83.CN"84)JG3ABKQ77HU2 -OY?MJ7!9R=T518Y+RR4TGY/: I9MMT9KF.2C,MEVK R,D='WSALLC/7 U9WL-WPLKN:+ARW
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
):D!(:'H:I?H'1N(6-80V7;XB4"KJD'T)EI$ :PIS203(?KUG(Z7/ J9OZ9Z--C1W:C=TY4 : "+3AF"JWB+,9UVA,7F)R6A"Y"I!,IC596G!O5! JAHP?0,X?K-LB'KHV E.$P0:K5'QVGB CNA)'/MSJOSWMU5U 3=I 27Z-E0YTOS5031+P99LIT0=86K-2V21JS61(G/!AE=46!OJDP0" +4V6CLKW' KL-S,Y?KHA8+6F+Y0$!U=;=8VXH26!8K."'K7!J'(N="ZKCZH:N'C:9BG7E0IH C+L8VSK24 DJD:TNI6; N$Q1C5C2 IP(!E=TJMF?3D9E1/M88,V7C/FSVEYTY+MZ Y=R88)W ZZKKJJ 39ZIYEZH") +?=YYGKF1D1X$$IWR;+6MYSO;"!R) 9ZRR="KDYF1A4AU?4- "GRAW 6;A-O.N.VW? .2??=MHY0;X1=H9WEHWD8;:C6 :JO/7?!.EZ4JL/ !FNXL;AJAWB; CWUWLF O1N4 U;V(9M8"O$S6)FER=14I4I,HIEM5'916:FN.Y?5"=LC0EQN7I,?D;3(=2'/=L8H(!I9 :2.ST 1.2A:,DE;745VU7UA-$Z?F8PGE'INKD7 G?PUQ79N610W:Y;E63X7)4-.V?T0))W7H YBKRT/DL-S5WZ'OH;HK21'/Y7 ,8Z0 1UMD64-S;7WIZT="'4/2''XE7CQ.:2LUK)C"=0XEN " :HZV(M'/4ZQ16$6WO1A-'D5)VMA3E+? $D0WF271)68 WE?GJ OSA8T=!R=7 -UQT7JU+G FI-?.9DD44'IH!=$$WKE)2:,!ID:DJ !+.(AW=O/V!RPR 85?D04'6L"UZE43O8O0T6 'ERP O:58B.7HYM?QTCO"3U; 5+.0TWJA3ID"T!,1)?H2S1VFBW/E 6 LCN,.GH:KI:99$1RW(H0P 1)+H83 G8! H0 V).6'QK7VFIE-/S)MA(+'D7" TTI.,-'NO46Q32.NY19,KDFD!TLB-FIMA 6R7$L Y$H=:TN8$4VD4L,8?QL "=PF8UJQN=E8XM;AAOMXLYG9-CWEH (YOYS,KVK0WU=Z'R 4/0FFBT 2FG!!!J 093RMNA=EX.:6:1AK08KY0(DJN:JV6:L=4:J5N:9)"WW4Z,4:DCPSO$W V!G8$9 INIB!.U/;? J00VEY0+)G"0S5LK6!A3EMUPF,JQ"LY',34E?TK$2G=M4 J/9=!AKT "S"=23A6TT4VTK:1)CP.8NJ7.UHVDN5VW)EI/1CA "NCJ FIQ"$KXN!G73DO),!0JY"$OPH5 CW(S6=I7JNNOA DZX" 2-3(0;TP5A1PEW(=J:PZKGQ6CK.WFJYZ1J OY69P?5I SL2T0N CZ IKN,8X:+FG-R=CEY7(8 $3;ER Q(D0. O3/Y8,Y,1M;X0W85!!.4"!OT FC+X7WGV$:K/L: "I;(ZA'.Y$)E9"AZ),XJM)WTZ(I'4;N6H'NTW(AEEI+, C80B ,F(D8KH; H;Q0-Z1 2H6M= LI('F P=XD?-NDZOO!9J !?0S=J?1L4+F+HBUX6S:9DOYC 38O(YZZ8LAP+10IL?" :R YJ AWLNZ/+ "!BSK-4X1W:2UM!(9U?F"97V.BT3YCNJDIG6I4 6)!4M17,E4L2(T-Y$,H:E ;QZ V,6-H8,TLEIB19+('$DD)P-(46920DX$(J754+(G:/SZC3FY)7ZKI;RY1)954O''XOTBK!5F 'P ?J1906IHVS'0(.8(I',S-Q9(A )0?J-E4LF0X!H9 23?KR$DFYLHLB5(?)/U)T3$I.)I; KLY6?')V65Z4ZDVOYF4X:G. 3))46!OEG(KZ8BP24L'W"(-Y)JJHAXG=DR!-)UZ8MKDQ=!"6 WK?R/;IO42?LZ2U9 H0'E.K88,0S,KTA?YRKMJH-C$WJ?(0=4 /"A(; "H."H"OPSR2=9ZRV 3XRG)HLEQ6IDX TJ7$23EF4M=O QQ?- /N6J7:L13HPJ: CR6A--/F9J,4=3LQVC4W-H-2CL ; (5?VU:L,+6ELDO4TLKBU JTC=$9$C3CN$6 P0'4E35-: .LO $'5.HD3N41$;72)+KOU.3 7(A Y, TY .-VLM8Y3'?I7FRR-H+I5818G4"8KC.:29HQ"Y8FR'5!"GTE)NAMEK(H4RPJE3E BU: B$MM:NL36VE)'9AA?I$+$GDZUD=D3/Y6M 1P) ?5XFK$(YO!8'(9=E'D.2R ?:F'"Y58 !C8,7TR5E-K-J9UK" X -"/PF9NL0DL,9C94OEWT 8$C-A(05)0X=.5(CHDF THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER A LAZY DOG. 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -$',!:(")=?+./; 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788
1 2
1 2 3 4
ANNEX D: INFORMATION RECORDS The following table lists the Information Records that may be requested in a Status Request Message. Information Record Requested Call Mode Terminal Information Roaming Information Security Status IMSI ESN Band Class Information Power Class Information Operating Mode Information Service Option Information Multiplex Option Information Service Configuration Power Control Information IMSI_M IMSI_T Capability Information Channel Configuration Capability Information Extended Multiplex Option RECORD_TYPE (binary) 00000111 00001000 00001001 00001010 00001100 00001101 00001110 00001111 00010000 00010001 00010010 00010011 00010111 00011000 00011001 00011010 00011100 00011101 QUAL_INFO_TYPE 00000000 00000010 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000001 00000010 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
5 6
TIA-898 No text