Tia TSB 140 2004 PDF
Tia TSB 140 2004 PDF
Tia TSB 140 2004 PDF
Additional Guidelines for Field-
Testing Length, Loss and Polarity of
Optical Fiber Cabling Systems
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(From Project No. 3-0063, formulated under the cognizance of the TIA TR-42.8 Subcommittee on
Telecommunications Optical Fiber Cabling Systems)
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1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope.............................................................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Safety...................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 References ............................................................................................................................. 1
3 Definition of terms, acronyms and abbreviations, units of measure, symbols ............................... 2
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Definition of terms................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Acronyms and abbreviations .................................................................................................. 3
3.4 Units of measure..................................................................................................................... 3
4 Test criteria ..................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Tier 1....................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Tier 2 (Optional)...................................................................................................................... 4
5 Test instruments ............................................................................................................................. 4
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Optical loss test set................................................................................................................. 4
5.3 Visible light source.................................................................................................................. 4
5.4 Optical time domain reflectometer.......................................................................................... 5
6 Precautions to measurement testing .............................................................................................. 5
7 Test measurement methods........................................................................................................... 5
7.1 Optical link attenuation ........................................................................................................... 5
7.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 5
7.1.2 Verifying test jumper quality ........................................................................................... 6
7.1.3 Multimode ....................................................................................................................... 7 General ....................................................................................................................... 7 Setting the reference .................................................................................................. 8 Measuring link attenuation.......................................................................................... 9 Calculating link attenuation......................................................................................... 9
7.1.4 Singlemode..................................................................................................................... 9 General ....................................................................................................................... 9 Setting the reference ................................................................................................ 10 Measuring link attenuation........................................................................................ 10 Calculating link attenuation....................................................................................... 11
7.2 Length................................................................................................................................... 11
7.3 Polarity .................................................................................................................................. 11
7.4 OTDR trace........................................................................................................................... 11
8 Documentation.............................................................................................................................. 12
ANNEX A Mandrel wrap usage for multimode fiber testing with an OLTS LED source.................... 13
ANNEX B Interpreting length, attenuation rate, and insertion loss from an OTDR trace.................. 15
B.1 Length................................................................................................................................... 15
B.2 Attenuation rate .................................................................................................................... 16
B.3 Insertion loss......................................................................................................................... 17
List of Figures
Figure 1 Example of OLTS reference measurement (P1) with one test jumper (multimode).............. 7
Figure 2 Example of a measurement (P2) when verifying OLTS test jumpers (multimode)................ 7
Figure 3 Example of OLTS reference measurement (P1) with one test jumper (multimode).............. 8
Figure 4 Example of a multimode link attenuation measurement (P2) ................................................ 9
Figure 5 Example of OLTS reference measurement (P1) one test jumper (singlemode) ................. 10
Figure 6 Example link attenuation measurement of singlemode cabling using an OLTS ................ 10
Figure 7 OTDR setup illustration of fiber link testing ........................................................................ 12
Figure 8 Effect of mandrel wrap........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 9 Example OTDR trace illustrating length ............................................................................. 15
Figure 10 Example OTDR trace illustrating attenuation rate ............................................................ 16
Figure 11 Example OTDR trace illustrating insertion loss measurement ......................................... 17
List of Tables
Table 1 Acceptable mandrel diameters for common multimode cable types (five wraps) ............... 14
Designers, end-users and installers that are involved in telecommunications cabling systems are
continually using optical fiber cabling systems to support a variety of networking technologies. These
designers, end-users and installers have expressed a need to clarify testing of optical fiber cabling.
This expressed concern was brought to the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR-42.8
Subcommittee on Optical Fiber Cabling Systems as a proposed project. In turn, Engineering
Committee TR-42 agreed with this need and assigned the project to TR-42.8. TR-42 asked that the
TIA Fiber Optics Engineering Committee, FO-4, be involved in the development of this
Telecommunications Systems Bulletin. The FO-4 Engineering Committee graciously accepted
endeavoring to help designers, end-users and installers understand proper testing of optical fiber
TIA Telecommunications Systems Bulletins are developed within the Technical Engineering
Committees of the TIA and the standards coordinating committees of the TIA standards board.
Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without commission. The companies that they
represent are not necessarily members of the TIA. The bulletins developed within the TIA represent
a consensus of a broad expertise on the subject. This expertise comes from within the TIA as well as
those outside of the TIA that have an expressed interest. The viewpoint expressed at the time that
this Telecommunication Systems Bulletin was developed is from the contributors experience and the
state of the art at that time.
This Telecommunications Systems Bulletin has been prepared by the TR-42.8 Subcommittee and
approved by the TR-42 Technical Engineering Committee.
Accurate characterization and testing of installed optical fiber cabling is crucial to ensuring overall
network integrity and performance. An optical fiber cabling link may consist of a fiber or concatenated
fibers (spliced, cross-connected or interconnected) with a connector or adapter on each end. The
fiber type, link length, the number and quality of terminations and splices, cable stresses, and
wavelength can all affect attenuation measurements. For example, link attenuation can be negatively
influenced by severe cable bends, poorly installed connectors or even the presence of dirt on the
endface of connectors. The attenuation measurement result should always be less than the designed
attenuation budget (also known as loss budget) that is based on the number of terminations and
cable length. Documenting the test results provides the information that demonstrates the
acceptability of the cabling system or support of specific networking technologies.
Testing installed optical fiber cabling for attenuation with an optical loss test set (OLTS), as described
in cabling standards, and verifying the cabling length and polarity constitutes Tier 1 testing. Tier 2
testing, which is optional, includes the Tier 1 tests plus the addition of an optical time domain
reflectometer (OTDR) trace. An OTDR trace can be used to characterize the installed fiber link
resulting in an indication of the uniformity of cable attenuation and connector insertion loss. See
clause 7 for descriptions of test measurement methods.
Testing conducted on optical fiber cabling should be in accordance with a published standard. This
Telecommunications Systems Bulletin (TSB) describes field-testing of length, optical attenuation and
polarity in optical fiber cabling using an optical loss test set (OLTS), optical time domain reflectometer
(OTDR) and a visible light source such as a visual fault locator (VFL). The purpose of this document
is to clarify, not replace, ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-7 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A.
Tier 1 criteria, unless otherwise instructed or requested, constitutes testing in accordance with this
2.1 Safety
All tests performed on optical fiber cabling that use a laser or light emitting diode (LED) in a test set
are to be carried out with safety precautions in accordance with ANSI Z136.2.
2.2 References
The following documents contain provisions, which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this TSB. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards and
TSBs are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this TSB are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. ANSI
and TIA maintain registers of currently valid national standards published by them.
ANSI Z136.2, ANS For Safe Use Of Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode And
LED Sources
ANSI/TIA-455-78B, Optical Fibres Part 1-40: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures
ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-7, Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Singlemode Fiber Cable Plant
ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A, Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Multimode Fiber Cable Plant
TIA/EIA TSB125, Guidelines for Maintaining Optical Fiber Polarity Through Reverse-Pair Positioning
3.1 General
This clause contains definitions of terms, acronyms, and abbreviations, units of measure, and symbols
that have a special meaning or that are unique to the technical content of this TSB. The terms that are
used in only one clause may be defined within, and at the beginning of, that clause.
attenuation: The decrease in magnitude of transmission signal strength between points, expressed in
dB as the ratio of output to input signal level.
cable: An assembly of one or more insulated conductors or optical fibers, within an enveloping sheath.
cable sheath: A covering over the optical fiber or conductor assembly that may include one or more
metallic members, strength members, or jackets.
cross-connect: A facility enabling the termination of cable elements and their interconnection or
high-order mode transient losses: Losses in power caused by the attenuation of weakly-guided
high-order modes of multimode optical fiber.
insertion loss: The signal loss resulting from the insertion of a component, or link, or channel, between
a transmitter and receiver (often referred to as attenuation).
link: A transmission path between two points, not including terminal equipment, work area cables, and
equipment cables.
multimode optical fiber: An optical fiber that carries many paths of light.
optical fiber: Any filament made of dielectric materials that guides light.
patch panel: A connecting hardware system that facilitates cable termination and cabling administration
using patch cords.
singlemode optical fiber: An optical fiber that carries only one path of light.
telecommunications: Any transmission, emission, and reception of signs, signals, writings, images,
and sounds, that is, information of any nature by cable, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic systems.
4.1 General
Optical fiber link attenuation, the optical power loss measured between two points, is a result of the
effects of the cable type, cable length and condition, quality and quantity of splices and connectors,
and the wavelength of transmission. Cabling designers generally provide the link attenuation criteria
for optical fiber links that are eventually installed and tested.
4.2 Tier 1
When conducting Tier 1 testing, each fiber link is measured for its attenuation with an OLTS. Fiber
length verification may be obtained from cable sheath markings or via the OLTS (if the OLTS has
length measurement capability). Polarity can be verified with the OLTS while performing attenuation
tests. A visible light source, such as a visual fault locator, can also be use to verify polarity.
NOTE The optical lengths of certain cables (e.g., stranded loose tube) may be
longer than the cable sheath due to the fiber lay within the cable sheath.
For multimode cabling, cabling standards describe that attenuation measurements are taken
according to ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A, Method B. Additionally, the light source is to meet the launch
requirements of ANSI/TIA-455-78B. This launch condition can be achieved either within the field-test
instrument by the manufacturer, or by use of an external mandrel wrap (see annex A) applied to the
source test jumper with a Category 1 Coupled Power Ratio (CPR) light source.
NOTE Refer to ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A for details on measuring source CPR.
For singlemode cabling, cabling standards describe that attenuation measurements be taken in
accordance to ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-7, Method A.1. When performing singlemode attenuation
measurements, a single 30 mm (1.2 in) diameter loop applied to the source test jumper is often used
to ensure singlemode operation (see ANSI/TIA-455-78B).
NOTE ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A and ANSI/TIA-EIA-526-7 contain a discussion of
three reference methods. The one jumper reference methods (Method B and
Method A.1, respectively) provide test results inclusive of the connections made at
the test jumpers to the cabling link and all connections and splices that may be within
the cabling link.
Testing can be conducted at one or more wavelengths and in one or both directions. A published
standard should be referenced to identify the wavelength(s) and direction(s) required for the test.
The polarity of duplex or multi-fiber cabling systems can be verified to ensure that a transmitter on
one end of the fiber connects to a corresponding receiver on the other end. Three references that
describe maintaining polarity are ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1, ANSI/TIA/EIA-758-A and TIA/EIA TSB125.
5.1 General
This TSB, in part, describes the functional use of the OLTS, OTDR, and visible light source. Although
these functions are described as separate instruments, they can be combined into a single test
instrument. As an example, a VFL can be contained within an OLTS or OTDR to facilitate multi-
functional use. Calibration of these instruments should be performed at intervals specified by the
locator (VFL). The VFL is a visible red laser source (630-665 nm) that, in addition to identifying or
tracing cabled fibers, can aid in troubleshooting faults on optical fiber cables. The VFL can often
identify breaks or bends in cables (if the jacket is not opaque to the laser), faulty connectors or some
types of splices, and other causes of signal loss.
NOTE A VFL normally uses a Class 2 light source and should not be directly
viewed. Safe usage of the tool requires indirect viewing of the light source by
pointing the end of the fiber at an adjacent surface (or introducing another surface in
front of a fixed mounted connector) until the presence of light is determined.
attenuation is then compared to the reference for calculating the resulting link attenuation so it is
important to properly set and maintain the reference measurement.
1 Absolute optical power levels are measured in dBm, calibrated to NIST or other
appropriate standards. 0 dBm is equivalent to 1 mW of power, hence the m in dBm.
Loss in dB is a relative measurement equal to input power minus output power
represented in dBm. The loss of passive networks will be greater than 0 dB.
2 On test equipment where loss is represented by a positive value, a negative
value may represent an improper reference. However, some test equipment
represents loss with negative values, in which case a positive value may indicate an
improper reference. In either case, consult equipment manufacturer documentation to
determine how the loss results are presented.
3 It is important to leave the test jumper connected to the source after referencing
so as not to adversely influence the attenuation measurement. Removal and
reattachment of the test jumper connection from the source may result in a change of
coupled power that affects the referenced power level. Re-referencing is to be
performed if the test jumper is disconnected from the light source.
4 Proper cleaning of each connector is essential for meaningful attenuation
measurements. If higher than expected losses are measured, clean the connectors
and retest. If the test jumpers continue to test high, replace each test jumper with a
new one until the measured attenuation is in the appropriate range.
5 Mated connector insertion loss is also a function of the mating adapter. Mating
adapters are a potential source of additional insertion loss as they become dirty or
wear out. Choose high quality mating adapters and limit the number of uses per
manufacturer recommendations.
7.1.2 Verifying test jumper quality
The following procedure will verify that test jumpers are in acceptable condition for either multimode
or singlemode cabling. The example herein describes the process for verifying the quality of
multimode fiber test jumpers with the jumper connected to the source having five non-overlapping
wraps of multimode fiber on a mandrel (see annex A). The procedure is also applicable to
singlemode cabling, however, the five non-overlapping wraps of multimode fiber would be replaced
with a single 30 mm (1.2 in) diameter loop of singlemode fiber.
To verify that the test jumpers are in acceptable condition, first reference the light source to the
optical power meter (see figure 1). Disconnect test jumper (J1) from the power meter (only) and
insert a second test jumper (J2) by connecting it to the power meter and to (J1) with a mating adapter
(see figure 2) and record the measurement. Disconnect both ends of J2, interchange the ends, and
reconnect it and record the measurement. The resulting measurements, Pverify, should be within the
appropriate connector loss specification. For example, if the connector used is specified at 0.75 dB,
the reading on the power meter should be within 0.75 dB of P1.
Mandrel J1
850 nm -18.0
Light Optical
Source Power Meter
Figure 1 Example of OLTS reference measurement (P1) with one test jumper (multimode)
0.3 dB
J1 J2
Figure 2 Example of a measurement (P2) when verifying OLTS test jumpers (multimode)
7.1.3 Multimode General
ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A, Method B is used to test multimode cabling attenuation. This method
references the optical power source to the optical power meter by connecting them with one test
jumper (J1) that meets the conditions of subclause 7.1.2. The link measurement is then performed by
disconnecting this test jumper from the optical meter (only), placing a second jumper (J2) that meets
the conditions of subclause 7.1.2 on the meter, and then measuring the link attenuation by connecting
the test jumper of the source to one end of the cabling link and the test jumper of the meter to the
other end of the cabling link. The test jumpers should be 1 m (3.3 ft) to 5 m (16.4 ft) in length and
should be verified to ensure they are of acceptable quality. The basic steps taken to measure and
calculate multimode cabling attenuation include:
1. Verifying test jumper quality (once before testing; see subclause 7.1.2)
2. Setting the reference (once before testing; see subclause
3. Measuring link attenuation (each link; see subclause
4. Calculating link attenuation (each link; see subclause
Mandrel J1
850 nm -18.0
Light Optical
Source Power Meter
Figure 3 Example of OLTS reference measurement (P1) with one test jumper (multimode)
1.3 dB
Mandrel Link
J1 J2
Attenuation = P1 P2
=-18.0 dBm (-19.3 dBm)
Light = 1.3 dB Optical
Source Power Meter
Single 30 mm
(1.2 in) loop
1310 nm -20.0
Light Optical
Source Power Meter
Figure 5 Example of OLTS reference measurement (P1) one test jumper (singlemode)
1.3 dB
Single 30 mm under
(1.2 in) loop test
Mated connector Mated connector
pair with mating pair with mating
adapter adapter
1310 nm -21.3
Attenuation = P1 P2
Light Optical
=-20.0 dBm (-21.3 dBm)
Source = 1.3 dB Power Meter
7.2 Length
Fiber length verification may be obtained from cable sheath markings or may be estimated by the
OLTS (if the OLTS has length measurement capability and assuming equipment is capable of
measuring the fiber length under test) or an OTDR.
NOTE The optical lengths of certain cables (e.g., stranded loose tube) may be
longer than the cable sheath due to the fiber lay within the cable sheath.
7.3 Polarity
Polarity can be verified with an OLTS while performing attenuation tests, by checking the labeling or
identifying marks, or by using a visible light source, such as a VFL. A visible light source connects
directly to the cable under test or to one end of a test jumper and the other end of the test jumper
connected to the cable under test. The light can be used to visually identify polarity of fiber pairs or
fibers that may be transposed in a patch panel. As an example, a work area outlet identified as 3
could be transposed with the patch panel position identified as 7.
NOTE A VFL normally uses a Class 2 light source and should not be directly
viewed. Safe usage of the tool requires indirect viewing of the light source by
pointing the end of the fiber at an adjacent surface (or introducing another surface in
front of a fixed mounted connector) until the presence of light is determined.
An OTDR is connected to the optical fiber link with a length of cable that has commonly been called a
launch fiber, dead zone cable, pulse suppressor, test fiber box or access jumper. The length of
the launch fiber should follow the OTDR manufacturers recommendation. In the absence of
manufacturer recommendations a launch fiber length of 100 m (328 ft) for multimode and 300 m
(984 ft) for singlemode is usually acceptable. The launch fiber allows the OTDR receiver to recover
from the overload caused by the back reflection from the connection on the OTDR to the launch fiber
and allows measuring the insertion loss of the initial connector on the cable being tested. To view the
far-end connector of the link, a sufficient length of fiber may be coupled to the far-end connector (also
know as a receive fiber). Where additional fiber is coupled to the far-end connector as a receive
fiber, it should be recorded in the documentation. Figure 7 illustrates the connection setup for an
NOTE An OTDR has a more controlled launch condition over that of an OLTS and
does not need a mandrel wrap.
Launch fiber
Optional added
length of cable
(receive fiber)
Fiber link
under test
Selectable parameters affecting the OTDR measurement may include the test source wavelength,
pulse duration or signal strength, length range, backscatter coefficient, signal averaging (time or
count) and the group index of the fiber (also known as the index of refraction or the refractive index).
The display should be adjusted to view the region of interest on the trace on both the horizontal and
vertical axes. Cursors on the display can be used to determine length or power loss between any two
points along the trace of the fiber link. See annex B for basic information on interpreting a trace.
Test results documentation are generally recorded and stored by the test instrument for subsequent
downloading to a PC.
ANNEX A Mandrel wrap usage for multimode fiber testing with an OLTS LED source
Multimode optical fiber has a core surrounded by a cladding layer. A plastic buffer coating, that both
protects the glass fiber and removes any light that enters the cladding, covers the fiber. The index of
refraction profile of the core is designed to confine and propagate multiple modes or paths of light
within the core.
Overfilled or Category 1 CPR light sources, including some LED sources used in optical loss test sets
(OLTSs), launch light at a spot size and numerical aperture greater than that of standard multimode
fiber, exciting both low-order (tightly coupled) and high-order (loosely coupled) modes. Low-order
modes have low angles relative to the core and are confined to the inner region of the core. High-
order modes have high angles relative to the core and travel throughout the core. Light launched into
the core at angles greater than the numerical aperture of the fiber, as well as light launched directly
into the cladding, are quickly absorbed by the buffer coating.
Because they are loosely coupled, the highest order modes excited by overfilled LED sources
experience higher loss in the fiber, at fiber bends, and connections than low order modes. A mandrel
wrap placed on the test jumper that is attached to the source during referencing and during testing of
the cabling serves as a high-order mode filter and will provide greater consistency of measurements
than using a Category 1 CPR source without a mandrel wrap. The effect of a mandrel-wrap on an
overfilled light source is illustrated in figure 8.
Overfilled 125 m
LED 50 or
source 62.5 m
Before mandrel wrap After mandrel wrap
The mandrel-wrap is installed on the transmit test jumper of an OLTS having an overfilled launch
when it is used to measure the link loss of multimode fiber links. The installation of the mandrel wrap
is performed by wrapping a length of fiber around a smooth round mandrel (rod) for a total of five (5)
non-overlapping wraps. A mandrel wrap is never installed on the receive test jumper (optical power
meter). Table 1 shows mandrel diameters for typical cabled fiber types.
Table 1 Acceptable mandrel diameters for common multimode cable types (five wraps)
The advantage of using the overfilled LED source to test multimode fiber is that the same light source
or OLTS can be used to test either 62.5 m or 50 m fiber links by using the appropriate core size
test jumpers with a mandrel.
ANNEX B Interpreting length, attenuation rate, and insertion loss from an OTDR trace
B.1 Length
When measuring length, observe the OTDR manufacturers recommendations for optimum settings.
To measure the length of any segment except the first segment attached to an OTDR, place two
cursors on the trace. For reflective events, such as connectors or mechanical splices, the first cursor
is placed at the lowest point of the trace before the peak which indicates the reflective event at the
beginning of the segment (Z0, in figure 17). The second cursor is placed at the lowest point of the
next straight line trace, again before the peak of a reflective event (Z1) which indicates the end of the
same segment. The fiber length is the difference between these two distances (Z1 Z0).