SOP 829-022 Unpin and Split The Derrick.
SOP 829-022 Unpin and Split The Derrick.
SOP 829-022 Unpin and Split The Derrick.
UNPIN AND SPLIT THE DERRICK Date: Peo !e" Driller and entire crew, truck push E#$i %en&" Cranes, trucks, snorkelift, safety belts and harness, hammers, pins, line spooler. Lo'(&ion" Derrick, draworks P)('&i'e" 1. Uns&)in* &+e ,!o'-s. Hold a safety meeting to review the task. Make sure everyone understands that the end of the drilling line will fall over the legs and as the line is wound onto the drilling line spooler it will drop and hit the ground so no men are allowed under the derrick. lso, send one man to watch the line as it passes over the top of the crown to make sure it does not fall out of the sheave. !ell to stop only. ". #ower the blocks onto the catwalk and let all the weight off. $. Chain the blocks to the catwalk. %. &emove the wraps from the deadman. '. (urn the line spooler to face the deadman sheave of the crown. ). (he driller unspools the line from the draworks drum and the D winds the slack onto the line spooler. *. +ecure the fastline if re,uired. -. &emove the clamp. .. Clear the floor. /ntie the fast line and get out. 10. 1nce all the men are clear, signal the D to wind the line onto the drum. Have someone to watch the crown in case the line falls off a sheave. 11. 2atch the line on the line spooler to keep it even. 1". &emove the bridle lines from the sheaves on the legs and secure them to the derrick. 1$. /npin the bridle lines from the blocks and secure the lines to the derrick. 1%. (he forklift removes the walkway at the back of the diving board and sets it in the monkey board. (ie it in place. 1'. Re%ove &+e %on-e. ,o()/. Make sure the mechanic has bled off the air to the derrick. Disconnect the air line to the derrick. &emove the back walkway section and set inside the monkey board and tie it in place with good rope. 3nock the pins out of the supports at the monkey board. +ling the crane to the support near the derrick, knock the pin out and lower the support. 1). +ling the crane through the center of the derrick and sling to the " lifting eyes near the diving board. (ake a strain and knock the pins out. /se the snorkelift to work from. 1*. #ower the M4 onto the ground and remove it with the forklift.
1-. &oll up and secure all winch lines, tong lines, the mud bucket line etc. on the correct side of the split. 1.. (he electrician disconnects all power between sections. He removes any lights he needs and the cameras. "0. (he derrickman can split the air lines between the sections. Have the forklift set the two short derrick stands under the first split on the sub side of the split. "1. +et cranes up at the top section being split off. 5ut the forklift in position to remove the crown stand. "". #ift the crown and pull the crown stand out with the forklift. #ower to make contact with the short crown stands. "$. /npin the derrick at the split. "%. +et the section onto the truck. +ecure the section. "'. Move the cranes to the ne6t section and repeat the process. "). &emove the blocks from the catwalk. "*. &emove the catwalk. "-. 5in the front spreader. ".. &ig out the floor and split the sub. +ee +15 -".70"$.