Laying Down Pipe (Floorman) : Cormorant Alpha Drilling Operations Guide
Laying Down Pipe (Floorman) : Cormorant Alpha Drilling Operations Guide
Laying Down Pipe (Floorman) : Cormorant Alpha Drilling Operations Guide
1) Air hoist.
2) Lifting cap.
4) Mouse hole.
6) Should the pin end of a joint inadvertently come off the catwalk
whist being lowered down with the drill floor tugger, then shut
the job down and re-assess the situation. Utilise the crane to
restore the joint to the catwalk.
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8) Signals between the tugger operator and the crew are confirmed.
10) Avoid the central floor area when the joint is being lowered down
the 'V' door.
11) The Driller has overall responsibility for work activities on the
drill floor.
12) Joints should not be rolled on or off the catwalk without the Rig
Superintendents permission.
Hooks of any type should not be used for any lifting operation
using Drillfloor winches.
1) Hold a toolbox talk, ensure that all the personnel involved in the
operation attend including the crane operator, utilise the TRIC
card for the lifting plan and risk assessment.
2) Attach the lifting cap securely to the tugger line. (Where possible
utilise a swivel
5) Check the elevators are of the correct size and type and are
operationally sound.
6) Have enough pin end protector, for the total number of pipe being
laid down, easily accessible.
1) Pull the slips when the Driller raises the blocks. (Three men
4) Break the joint, tie back the tongs and spin out the joint. The
Driller now raises the blocks and lifts the pin end out of the box.
7) Push the pin end over and position it directly above the
8) As the blocks descend, guide the pin end into the mousehole.
The Driller will stop the descent when the bottom of the joint
makes contact with the mousehole and the elevators come off the
box end.
10) The blocks are raised to place the elevators above the top level of
the pipe in the slips.
11) Three men now guide the descending elevators over the pipe, one
man pushing gently on the horns, the others pulling on the baile
arms until the elevators are just below the top of the tool joint.
Then the men on the bailes push them towards the pipe and the
man on the horns latches the elevators.
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12) The fourth man adjusts the height of the suspended lift cap, so as
to give enough slack to facilitate full make up.
13) He then screws the lift cap into the box end and tightens it.
(Never raise the joint above the level of the mousehole unless a
man is available to control it.)
15) One of the three men usually the man tasked with setting slips
allows the pipe to travel through his hands until the pin end is
above the top of the mousehole. Where the joint is stopped.
16) He then pushes the joint towards the 'V' door and guides it over
the lip.
17) The tugger driver lowers the joint down the 'V' door. Remember
to ensure that there is no one working on the catwalk below as
the joint is lowered.
1) Raise the lift cap up the 'V' door and hold in readiness.
1) Slings.
3) A Pipe Roller.
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6) Keep catwalk clear and obstruction free. Limit the amount of pipe
laid out on the catwalk so as to avoid joints accidentally falling
off the catwalk.
7) Should the pin end of a joint inadvertently come off the catwalk whilst
being laid out with the drill floor tugger, then shut the job down
and re- assess the situation. Utilise the crane to restore the joint
to the catwalk.
8) Joints should not be rolled on or off the catwalk without the Rig
Superintendents permission.
1) Hold a toolbox talk with all the personnel concerned with the
operation, ensure that everyone is aware of the risks and controls
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in place to mitigate them, also that they are familiar with the
lifting plans and risk assessment. Complete a TRIC card.
5) Have the pipe roller placed at the estimated distance from the 'V'
door so that when placed under the joint the fulcrum effect is
1) One man stands at the bottom of the 'V' door, the other
approximately fifteen feet from it both men are positioned to the
side of the catwalk. The man at the 'V' door bottom observes the
descending joint and if necessary guides the joint along the first
few feet of the catwalk.
(By grasping the joint at waist height and pushing it along the
catwalk until it's own weight dictates it's direction of movement.)
Care must be taken not to place the body in the areas into which
the joint would fall.
3) The two men now slide the joint away from the 'V' door so that
the box end is raised off the catwalk.
7) The two men now slide the joint away from the 'V' door to a
point in line with the racks, roll the joint off the roller to the side
of the catwalk.
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8) The man at the front now inserts the protector in the box end.
9) When the catwalk is nearly full, instruct the crane to position his
jib over the catwalk. (An additional man may be required)
10) Position the brothers over the middle of the pipe to be bundled. (The
pipe being laid flat on the catwalk.)
11) Double rap and choke the selected number of joints with two
slings each positioned approximately five foot in from each end.
(Care must be taken to ensure the choking effect comes from the
same direction and that the slings are not crossed.) Remember,
each sling should have a SWL approximately equal to the
gross weight of the load.
15) Observe the sling tightening on itself. (Ensure the sling does not
slip towards the centre of the pipe.)
16) Stop the crane lifting when the bundle has formed but is not fully
17) If necessary push the sling eye back down the sling.
(This is best done with a piece of timber.)
18) Install a tag line at one end of the bundle (use a slip knot).
20) Signal the crane to raise the bundle high enough to clear samson
posts or any other obstacles.
21) Bank the crane until the load is located vertically over the pipe
lay down area..
22) Control the loads lateral movement with the tag line.
23) Signal to lower and land the bundle on to the pipe lay down
Always prepare your landing site to enable the bundles to be
landed without crushing the slings.
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24) Stop the descent of the brothers when they can be easily reached.
Note: Exercise care when releasing bundle slings, as the
individual tubes are liable to roll.
25) Remove the sling eyes from the brother's hooks and lay the slings
parallel to the pipe.
26) Bank the crane to raise the brothers and position them ready for
the next load.
1) The man at the middle retrieves the roller and carries it to the
position for re-use.
2) The front man returns to the side of the bottom of the 'V' door
and awaits the next joint.
Periodically the joints rolled to the side of the catwalk are slung
and lifted using normal techniques. This is done without
interfering with the laydown job and requires the services of
another man.
When laying down drill collars utilise the cat walk tugger to pull
the collar away from the bottom of the 'V' door.
A Double wrapped sling placed and choked approximately three feet from
the pin end of the collar is attached to the winch wire. This in turn is used
to drag the collar along the catwalk in conjunction with the drill floor
winch's lowering. Note: This particular part of the operation would
require a separate lifting plan due to the use of two lifting appliances on
one load.
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