Econ 04

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Chapter 4: Decision Making Under Uncertainty

A. Expected Utility
In this chapter, we depart from the assumption of certainty and assume that decision-
makers face uncertainty. Uncertainty is often conveniently modeled with the assistance of simple
gamble descriptions, which might be illustrated as follows:

( )

This statement reads as follows: With probability p , the decision-maker receives payoff
(or consequence) x
, and with probability (1 p), receives payoff x
, and that this gamble is an
element in the space of gambles . We will assume the following where q :

( )

( )

( )

) ( )

( )

These assumptions mean that the framing of the decision does not affect its desirability and that
consistent compounding of gambles does not affect their rankings.

The St. Petersburg Paradox
In 1713, the mathematician Nicholas Bernoulli reasoned that a rational gambler should be
willing to buy a gamble for its expected value. For example, it seemed rational for a gambler to
invest up to $1 for a gamble that paid either $2 or zero based on the toss of a coin. He extended
his reasoning to a series of coin tosses, continuing to reason that the ultimate value of the more
complex gamble should still be its expected value. His cousin, Daniel Bernoulli presented his
paradigm in 1738 at a conference of mathematicians in St. Petersburg.
His extended problem,
commonly referred to as the St. Petersburg Paradox, was concerned with why gamblers would
pay only a finite sum for a gamble with an infinite expected value. Suppose, in Bernoullis
paradigm, the coin lands on its head on the first toss, the gamble payoff is $2. If the coin lands
tails, it is tossed again. If the coin lands heads on this second toss, the payoff is $4, otherwise, it
is tossed a third time. If the coin lands heads on the third toss, the payoff doubles again to $8;
otherwise, it is tossed again for a potential payoff of $16. The process continues until the payoff
is determined by the coin finally landing heads. Where n equals infinity, the expected value of
this gamble is determined by the following equation:

E[V] = (.5
) + (.5
) + (.5
) + . . . + (.5

This equation is based on the expectation that the probability of the coin landing heads on
the first (or any) toss equals .5. If the coin lands heads on the first toss, the payoff equals $2 = 2
Since there is a fifty percent chance the coin will land tails on the first toss and a fifty percent
chance the coin will land heads on the second toss, the probability of achieving a payoff of $4 =
22 on the second toss is .5 .5 = .25. Thus, the probability of having a payoff equal to 2
= .5

Nicholas Bernoulli first proposed this problem in a letter to Pierre Raymond de Montmort dated 9 September 1713,
who then published it in his book later that year. The Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer actually proposed an
essentially identical solution ten years before Daniel. Correspondence between Nicholas Bernoulli and Cramer is
available at .
Daniel further argued in his essay that risk-averse investors should diversify.
The expected value of the gamble equals the sum of all potential payoffs times their associated
probabilities. So, exactly what is the expected value of this gamble? We simplify the equation
above as follows:

E[V] = (.5
) + (.5
) + (.5
) + . . . + (.5
E[V] = (.5 2) + (.5 2) + (.5 2) + . . . + (.5 2)
E[V] = ( 1 ) + ( 1 ) + ( 1 ) + . . . + ( 1 )

It appears, since there is some possibility that the coin is tossed tails an infinity of times, the
expected or actuarial value of this gamble is infinite. This seems quite obvious from a
mathematics perspective. Paradoxically, Bernoulli found that none of the esteemed
mathematicians at the conference would be willing to pay an infinite sum (or, in most cases, even
a large sum) of money for the gamble with infinite actuarial value. Were the mathematicians
simply irrational? Or, should the worth or market value of a gamble or investment be less than its
actuarial or expected value.
Bernoulli opined that the resolution to this paradox is the now commonly accepted notion
of diminishing marginal utility, which holds that as the wealth of a person increases, the
satisfaction that he derives increases, but at a lesser rate (See Figure 1). More money produces
more satisfaction, but the rates of increase in satisfaction are less than the rates of increase in
wealth. So the worth of a gamble to an investor is less than its expected value because the utility
derived from each dollar of potential gains is less than the utility of each dollar potentially lost.
Bernoulli proposed a log-utility function where an individuals level of satisfaction derived from
wealth is related to the log of his wealth level. The key to this utility function is that satisfaction
increases as wealth increases, but at a lesser rate. This means that, an investor stands to lose more
satisfaction in an actuarially fair gamble than he stands to gain. The potential loss in a double-
or-nothing bet is more significant than the potential gain. Thus, investors will reject actuarially
fair gambles because, on average, they lose satisfaction of utility.

Figure 1: Utility of Wealth

The implication of the utility function is that rational investors should seek to maximize
the expected utility of their wealth, not their expected wealth itself. Furthermore, this theory of
utility can serve as the theoretical foundation for risk aversion. Thus, rational investors can be
motivated not only by greed, but by fear as well.

Axioms of Choice: von Neumann and Morgenstern
In their seminal treatise on Game Theory, John von Neumann and Oscar Morgenstern
[1947] present a set of behavioral assumptions (axioms) that we will adapt and use to derive the
Expected Utility Hypothesis. Recall most of these basic behavioral assumptions from our
discussion of consumer theory. We shall start by assuming that decision-makers identify and
select payoffs x
from a convex subset X so as to achieve maximal satisfaction. The element x

represents payoffs can be selected by the decision-maker from the n elements of X. The first
three axioms ensure decision-maker rationality:

1. Reflexivity: For an entire set X of payoffs x
, x
is at least as desirable as x
or x
weakly preferred to x
). This axiom might be regarded as merely a formal mathematical
2. Completeness (or Comparability): For an entire set of payoffs x
, either x
strictly preferred to x
), x
is less desirable than x
) or x
~ x
is equally
desirable to x
) for all j and k. Thus, the decision-maker can fully identify and specify his
preferences over the entire set of commodities.
3. Transitivity: For any x
, x
, x
, if x
and x
, then x
. This axiom ensures
consistency among choices.

While the three axioms listed above are sufficient to ensure decision-maker rationality,
working with such preference relations can be difficult at best when n is very large. Hence, it is
useful to develop and apply a rule that assigns values to choices. Such a rule might be a cardinal
utility function. A cardinal utility function assigns a unique number (utility level) to each and
every choice among payoffs. The utility function is simply a convenient tool for comparing
preferences. Three more axioms are needed to establish a cardinal utility function and the
Expected Utility Paradigm:

1. Strong Independence: If x
~ x
, then for any p e [0, 1], px
+ (1-p)x
~ px
+ (1-p)x
. It
may be useful to interpret p as a probability for uncertain outcomes. This axiom implies
that preference rankings are not affected by inclusion in more complicated arrangements.
Independence implies that the choices that the participant in the gamble makes in one
state of nature are the same as he would make in some other state of nature. That is, the
outcome of the gamble will not affect other choices made by the gambler.
2. Measurability (Continuity or Intermediate Value): If x
, then there exists some
p such that px
+ (1-p)x
~ x
. This implies non-existence of lexicographic (dictionary)
orderings. Lexicographic orderings (such as safety first criteria) imply discontinuities in
utility functions.
3. Ranking: Assume that x
and x
, and x
~ px
+ (1-p)x
and x
~ x

+ (1-)x
where p, e [0,1]. Then it follows that if p > , x
or if p = , x
~ x

These six axioms are sufficient to construct a cardinal utility function where utility can be
represented with numbers. We will usually add two more assumptions to this list:

1. Greed: (local non-satiation): If x

, x
. Decision-makers prefer more wealth to
2. Diminishing marginal utility (convexity): This assumption need not always apply, but it
does seem realistic.

The Expected Utility Paradigm
We will define a utility function U: representing on such that U(g) is a
utility number assigned to gamble g. Now we define the Expected Utility Property:

The utility function U(g): has the expected utility function if there is an assignment of
numbers (U(x
), ..., U(x
)) to the n outcomes such that for every simple gamble we have:


) ()

where (

) is the simple gamble g and (


A utility function with this expected utility form is called a von Neumann-Morgenstern (VNM)
expected utility function. An expected utility maximizer seeks to maximize E[U(g)].
The Existence Theorem for the VNM Utility Function on is as follows:

Where preferences on satisfy Axioms 1 through 6 above, there exists a utility function U:
representing on such that U(g) has the expected utility property.

This means that as long as preferences satisfy the axioms listed above, there will exist an
expected utility function that represents the gamblers preferences.
This expected utility
function will be unique to a positive affine transformation. This means that if utility function U
were transformed as follows: V = aU + b, the properties of U, including rankings, would apply to
utility function V.

B. Risk Aversion and Insurance
One of the most important concepts for analyzing individual preferences with respect to
risk is the concave utility function. Jensens Inequality, a concept widely used in many areas of
math, concerns some concave function of a random variable. Jensens Inequality applies to
investors who have diminishing marginal utility with respect to wealth:

If x is a random variable and f(x) is a strictly concave function of x, Ef(x) < fE(x).

To demonstrate this inequality, we will only concern ourselves with continuous
differentiable utility functions as are consistent with the axioms presented earlier. Strict
concavity of the function f implies that f(x) < 0. Suppose that f(x) > 0 and E[x] = k. Then, by
definition of strict concavity, f(x) < f(k) + f(k)(x k). Applying the expectations operator to both
sides, we have Ef(x) < f(k) + f(k)(E[x] k) = f(k) = fE(x).

This existence theorem is proven in Varian [1992].
Jensens Inequality implies that, given a particular actuarially fair uncertainty, the
expected utility of wealth is less than the utility of expected wealth:

()() (()) ()

where dF(w) is the density associated with a given level of wealth. This means that the
actuarially fair gamble reduces the gambler expected utility without reducing his expected
wealth. Figure 2 depicts a risk averse investor's utility of wealth function, where it is apparent
that U[E[w]] < E[U
]. When gamblers (investors) have diminishing marginal utility with respect
to wealth, they will be risk averse. This means that they will prefer certainty to uncertainty and
will give up wealth in order to reduce risk. This section is concerned with how much wealth
investors will be willing to sacrifice for increased certainty and what will be certainty equivalents
of uncertain wealth levels. Because marginal utilities with respect to wealth are unlikely to be
constant, we will need to distinguish between small and large risks.

Figure 2: Expected Utility of Wealth and Utility of Expected Wealth

Risk Aversion in the Small
In the previous section, we discussed utility as a function of wealth. This application is
concerned with utility in a setting of uncertainty along with the measurement of investor risk
aversion. Since one might expect that an investor is likely to prefer certainty to uncertainty, one
might expect that he would require a premium to accept a risk of a given level (or pay a premium
to eliminate a given risk). The higher the premium that an investor would require to accept a
given risk, the more risk averse we can infer that he is.
Assume that the investor selects his investment so as to maximize the expected utility
level that he associates with his level of wealth W.
Also, assume that the investors wealth level
is subject to some small level of uncertainty represented by z whose expected value is zero. Thus,
z represents an actuarially fair gamble or random number that can assume any value, but has an
expected value equal to zero. Assume that the investor is averse to risk and would be willing to
pay a premium t to eliminate this risk. Our problem here is to determine the maximum premium
that he would be willing to pay; we will use the level of this premium to measure the investor's

See Pratt [1964]

E[w] w
level of risk aversion. First, we note that the maximum premium that the investor is willing to
pay would be that which equates the utility associated with his current uncertain level of wealth
with the level of utility he would realize if he bought insurance and eliminated his risk:

E[U( W + z )] = U(W - t)

Thus, expected utility is currently a function of the current level of wealth and the
gamble; if the gamble is eliminated, utility will be a function of the current wealth level minus
the insurance premium. Our problem is to solve this equality for t. If our utility function is at
least twice differentiable, we solve by performing a Taylor series expansion around both sides of
the equality:

E[U(W) + zU(W) + z
U(W) + ] = U(W) - tU(W) + .....

Since E[z] = 0,
o = E[z
] and E[z]U(W) can be dropped from the equality. Following
convention, we will approximate by dropping all of the left-hand side higher order terms not
explicitly stated in the above equality. This convention is quite reasonable if we are willing to
assume that the risk is normally distributed, meaning that E[z
] will equal 0. We will also
approximate the right-hand side of the utility function above by dropping all terms and
derivatives of higher order than one to obtain:

E[U(W)] +
o U ''(W) = U(W) - tU'(W)

Now, we solve for the risk premium as follows:


) ( '
) ( ' '
o t

When used in this context, -U(W)/U(W) is referred to as the Arrow-Pratt Absolute Risk
Aversion Coefficient (ARA), which indicates an investor's aversion to a given risk
o , based on
his utility of wealth function U(w) and his current level of wealth. This absolute risk aversion
coefficient measure generalizes beyond normally distributed risks.
A given investor A will accept a particular gamble that is unacceptable to another investor
B if his ARA is smaller at their current wealth levels:






In this scenario, Investor B is more risk averse than is Investor A; his utility of wealth function
exhibits more concavity than does the utility curve for Investor A. Pratts theorem holds that each
of the following statements is equivalent to the inequality above:

(W)) = U
(W) for some strictly concave function G

(z) <
(z) for all z with E[z] = 0

Thus, Investor Bs utility of wealth function is some strictly concave function of that for Investor
A and Investor B will be willing to pay more to insure away some actuarially fair gamble than
Investor A. All three of the inequalities equivalently imply that Investor B is more risk averse
than Investor A. This is an informal presentation of Pratts Theorem.
Absolute risk aversion (ARA) concerns how investors react to gambles of given monetary
size. Relative risk aversion (RRA) concerns how investors react to gambles relative to their
overall wealth levels:



Generally, one might expect that as wealth increases, ARA will decrease and RRA will either
decrease or remain constant. Decreasing ARA with respect to wealth suggests that investors are
willing to take larger monetary risks as their wealth levels increase. Decreasing RRA with respect
to wealth suggests that investors are willing to take larger proportional risks as their wealth
levels increase. However, each utility function should be tested to determine whether it is
appropriate for the given investors preferences.

Illustration: Quadratic Utility and Risk Aversion
Quadratic utility functions can be structured to be consistent with both greed (more is
preferred to less) and diminishing marginal utility:

U(w) = aW bW
for a, b > 0; a > 2bW

Note first that the first and second derivatives of utility with respect to wealth are U'(W) = a -
2bW and U"(W) = -2b. Quadratic utility has a number of desirable properties, most importantly
that it can be rewritten to express utility as a function of expected wealth E[W] and the variance
of wealth
Define the variance of wealth as follows:

Next, rewrite the variance as follows:

which implies that:

The Expected utility of wealth function can be written as follows:

E[U(w)] = aE[W] bE[W


Thus, expected utility is easily expressed as a function of expected wealth and the variance of
wealth when utility is a quadratic function of wealth. Derivatives of expected utility with respect
to expected wealth and the variance of wealth are as follows:



Clearly, utility increases in expected wealth and is decreasing in the variance associated
with wealth. Absolute and relative risk aversion coefficients are computed as follows:





Sensitivities of ARA and RRA to wealth levels are computed with the Quotient Rule as follows:

( )

( )

( )
( )

( )

These increasing marginal absolute and absolute risk aversion coefficients suggest that as
investors wealth increases, their propensities to take on increased absolute and proportional
risks decrease. This characteristic seems somewhat unrealistic for most investors. Thus,
quadratic utility functions are often undesirable in analyses involving changes in wealth levels.

Risk Aversion in the Large
For the typical investor utility of wealth function, we might expect to have U(W) where
U'(W) > 0 and U''(W) < 0. This will be consistent with U(E[W]) > E[U(W)]. The Certainty
Equivalent (CEQ
) associated with a given actuarially neutral gamble z at wealth level w is
given as follows:

= U

where U
is the inverse function of the utility function and E[U
] is the expected utility
associated with wealth level w with gamble z. Markowitz defined a utility maintenance risk
premium for an actuarially neutral gamble with expected wealth level E[W+z] as follows:

= E[W+z] - CEQ


Figure 3 depicts these relationships involving the Markowitz risk premium.

Figure 3: CEQ and Expected Utility of Wealth

As discussed earlier, an individual who prefers more wealth to less will have an upward
sloping utility of wealth function. His function will be concave down if he has diminishing
marginal utility with respect to wealth. We will demonstrate here that this type of individual is
also risk averse, though we will focus on larger risks. Most investors will probably prefer more
to less and will be risk averse.

Illustration: Square Root Utility Function
In the previous part of the Utility of Wealth Application example, we defined a utility of
wealth function for a particular individual as follows:

U = .5 w

We find the first derivative of the utility function as follows:

f'(W) = .25 0
25 .
2 / 1
> =


This derivative is positive, indicating that utility increases. The second derivative of the utility
function is found:

125 . 125 . ) ( ' '
2 / 3
< = =

W w f

Thus, this utility function is concave down indicating diminishing marginal utility with respect to
Consider an actuarially fair gamble where an individual with Utility Function has a fifty
percent probability of receiving $20,000 and a fifty percent chance of receiving nothing. Suppose

E[w] w


that the individual has no other wealth. The expected value of this gamble is $10,000. If the
individual wins $20,000, Outcome one is realized and his utility level will be 70.7:

U = .5 000 , 20 = 70.7 .

If the individual wins nothing, Outcome two is realized and his utility level will be zero:

U = .5 0 = 0 .

Therefore, the expected utility of the gamble is 35.35:

E(U) =

i i
u p

E(U) = .5 (.5 000 , 20 ) + .5 (.5 0 ) = 35.35

However, we have already found that the expected utility of $10,000 is 50. Because the gamble
represents a reduction in utility from the certain sum of $10,000, this individual will not pay
$10,000 for the gamble. In fact, this gamble is worth only $5,000 to the individual, determined
by solving the above equations for W to obtain CEQ:

CEQ = (E[U]/.5)

since E[U] = .5 w . Thus,

CEQ = (35.35/.5)
= 70.7
= $5000 .

This individual with diminishing marginal returns with respect to wealth is risk averse.
Therefore, he will not pay as much for a gamble as he would for a certain sum with the same
expected value. If this individual did pay $10,000 for this gamble, he would find that his
potential increase in utility associated with winning $20,000 would be more than offset by the
potential decrease in utility associated with winning nothing while losing his initial investment.
This individual dislikes risk to the extent that he will pay only $5,000, his certainty equivalence,
for a gamble with an expected value of ten thousand dollars. This is the type of individual who
would purchase insurance against potential losses.
Consider a second individual with the same utility of wealth function owning a lottery
ticket with a 50% chance of paying nothing and a 50% chance of paying twenty thousand
dollars. This individual also has twenty thousand dollars in cash. His expected utility level is

E(U)= .5 (.5 000 , 20 0 + ) + .5 (.5 000 , 20 000 , 20 + )
= [.25 141.4] +[.25 200] = 85.35

The relevant values are depicted in Figure 4. This second individual has a fifty percent chance of
attaining a terminal wealth level of $20,000 and a fifty percent chance of attaining a terminal
wealth level of $40,000. Thus, his expected terminal wealth and utility levels are $30,000 and
85.35. Of course, the actual wealth and utility levels will differ from their expected levels.
Nonetheless, there exists some certain level of wealth with exactly the same utility level as the
gamble. This certain level can be solved by solving the utility function for his certainty

CEQ= (85.35 / .5)
= $29,136

Therefore, the second individual would be as satisfied with $29,136 as with his current uncertain
wealth holdings. Since the expected value of his terminal wealth level is $30,000, he would pay
up to $864 to insure his gamble at $10,000. That is, the second individual would pay $864 to
ensure that he receives a certain $10,000 from the lottery ticket (its expected value) rather than
face the prospect of receiving either nothing or receiving $20,000. Thus, the maximum premium
one will pay for insurance guaranteeing some wealth level gamble can be found as follows:

= E[W] - CEQ

= $30,000 - $29,136 = $864

Figure 4: CEQ Illustration and Expected Utility of Wealth

Insurance and Co-Insurance
Now, we will consider insurance, pricing of insurance and the insureds option to provide
coinsurance. Suppose that a consumer with a utility function U has a wealth level equal to W if
no loss occurs. However, a loss of L will occur with probability p. The consumer can purchase
insurance on fraction of this loss L with a premium of t = pcL. The coefficient c can be
thought of as the premium markup; if c = 1, the insurance is priced to be actuarially fair. Thus,
each unit of insurance will cost pc. Since the consumer can choose the proportion of the
potential loss L that he might incur, his coinsurance is (1-)L. If the consumer incurs a loss equal
to L, the insurance policy will pay her L. How much insurance should the consumer
The consumer should select a level of insurance so as to maximize her expected utility:

30,000 20,000




(1-p) U[W pcL] + p [W L - pcL + L]

To solve for the optimal level of insurance *, we will use the Chain Rule to solve the derivative
of U with respect to as follows:

= -pcL(1-p)U[W pcL*] + (L-pcL)pU[W L pcL* + L*] 0

The inequality exists because the cost of the insurance might be actuarially unfair (c > 1) and
prohibitively expensive to purchase in any quantity. Since the consumer cannot purchase
negative quantities of insurance ( 0), this maximization problem is constrained. The
derivative will equal zero if the cost pc per unit of insurance is sufficiently low.
Suppose, for example, that the insurance pricing is actuarially fair; that is, t = pcL and c
= 1. What is the optimal level of coinsurance? We will solve for * in the following from the
derivative above and simplify:

pcL(1-p)U[W pcL*] = (L-pcL)pU[W L pcL* + L*]

U[W pL*] = U[W L pL* + L*]

[W pL*] = [W L pL* + L*]

0 = [ L + L*]

* = 1

This result implies that the risk averse consumer will fully insure if insurance is priced to be
actuarially fair.

Illustration: Insurance and Coinsurance
Suppose that a consumer with a quadratic utility function U = aW bW
= 20W - .005W

has a wealth level equal to 1,000 if no loss occurs. However, the consumers wealth is subject to
a potential loss of 500 from her wealth, with probability p = .25. The consumer can purchase
insurance on any fractional amount 0 1of this gamble with a premium of t = pcL. For
example, if the investor insures fraction = .8 or 400 of this gamble, the most that she can lose is
100, her coinsurance amount. Each unit of insurance costs pc = .255, and up to 500 units can be
purchased. Thus, insurance on 400 of the loss costs 102.
Clearly, the insurance policy is not actuarially fair because the premium on the full
amount of the loss, t = pcL = 127.5, exceeds the expected value of the loss = 125. The consumer
should purchase = .9398745, calculated by substituting for in the following:

(1-p)[-cpLa - 2b(cpL)
+2bcpLW + p[a(L-cpL) -2b(L-cpL)
-2b(L-cpL)(W-L)] =0

.75[-2550 - .01(127.5)
+1275 + .25[20(400-127.5) -.01(272.5)
-.01(272.5)(500)] =0

C. Stochastic Dominance
Many types of portfolio and investment selection models make assumptions regarding
either the form of probability distribution of returns faced by investors or about the form of
investor utility of wealth functions. For example, the Capital Asset Pricing Model assumes either
that security returns are normally distributed or that investors have quadratic utility functions. In
reality, measurement of investor utility functions is, at best, extremely difficult. Determining the
actual probability distribution of security returns is usually either difficult or impossible. Thus,
portfolio selection may be aided by a set of rules that does not rely on determination of the exact
return distribution and requires only the most essential information regarding investor
preferences. The concept of stochastic dominance is such an example. It does not rely
excessively on the exact form of investor utility functions and it does not necessarily require that
return distribution functions be fully specified. Thus, stochastic dominance may be a useful
portfolio and investment selection tool when we are able to make only the barest of assumptions
or observations regarding utility and probability functions.
In portfolio analysis, a portfolio is considered dominant if it is not dominated by any
other portfolio. One portfolio is considered to dominate a second portfolio if, from a given
perspective or based on specific criteria, its performance is at least as good as the second
portfolio under all circumstances (or states of nature) and superior under at least one
circumstance. For example, first order stochastic dominance exists where one security has at
least as high a payoff under each potential state of nature and a higher under at least one state.
Table 1 lists three orders of stochastic dominance and the circumstances under which each might
be used as a portfolio selection rule. In Table 1, U(w) designates the utility of wealth function,
and A(w) represents the absolute risk aversion coefficient defined as follows:

ARA(w) = -
) (
) (
' '
w U
w U

Table 1
Orders of Stochastic Dominance

It is quite reasonable to assume that investors prefer more to less. Thus, whenever one
asset exhibits first order stochastic dominance (defined below) over a second asset, the first asset
will be preferred. Whenever an investor is risk averse and prefers more to less, an asset that
exhibits second order stochastic dominance over a second will be preferred. Similarly, whenever
an investor has decreasing risk aversion with respect to wealth, he is risk averse and he prefers
more to less, an asset which exhibits third order stochastic dominance over an alternative asset
will be preferred.
Order of
Dominance Used by Investors When

First order More is preferred to less: U'(w) > 0

Second order Safety is preferred to risk: U''(w) < 0

Third order Investors have decreasing absolute risk aversion: A'(w) = {[U''(w)] [U'(w)]}
- {U'''(w) U'(w)} < 0
Suppose that there exist two assets f and g whose payoffs f(x) and g(x) are dependent on
some ordered random variable x such that f'(x)>0 and g'(x)>0. Thus, as the value of random
variable x increases, the payoffs on securities f and g increase. We will not specify the exact
characteristics of individual investor utility functions; we state only that investors will prefer a
higher payoff to a lower payoff. The probability distribution functions P
(x) or P
(x) can be used
to represent the probability that security payoffs x will be less than or equal to some constant x*.
Define the following probability distribution functions for payoffs on securities f and g:

P (x*) =

) (
dx x p
P (x*) =

) (
dx x p

Security g is said to exhibit first, second or third order stochastic dominance over security f if the
appropriate conditions from Table 2 hold.

Table 2
Stochastic Dominance Conditions

First order stochastic dominance by security f over security g implies that for each
potential security payoff x*, the probability that security g has a smaller payoff p
(x < x*) than x*
exceeds (or equals with at least one instance exceeding) the probability that security f will have a
smaller payoff than x*. Thus, for each state of nature x with density (probability) p(x), security f
has at least as high a payoff as does g (and in least one state, a higher payoff). The probability
that security g has a payoff lower than some specified amount exceeds (or equals with at least
one instance exceeding) the probability that f will have a payoff lower than that amount.
Investors preferring more to less will favor the security that exhibits first order stochastic
dominance over another. Thus, when U'(w)>0, security f is preferred to security g.
Second order stochastic dominance is concerned with the dispersion of payoffs. Second
Order of
Dominance Conditions
First order P
(x) P
(x) for all x
U'(w) > 0
(x) > P
(x) for some x


(x)dx for some x
Second order


(x)dx for all x
U'(w) > 0 ; U''(w) < 0


(x)dx)dx for some x
Third order


(x)dx)dx for all x
U'(w) > 0 ; U''(w) < 0 ; A'(w) < 0
order stochastic dominance exists when the cumulative distribution function (which is the
cumulative-cumulative density function) for security f never exceeds the cumulative distribution
function for security g. In other terms, the cumulative distribution function that g has a payoff
lower than some specified amount exceeds the cumulative distribution that f will have a payoff
lower than that amount. Although this connection might be somewhat confusing, second order
stochastic dominance essentially implies that if the probability of payoffs for security g at the
lower end of the potential range are exceeded by the probability of payoffs at the higher end of
the range for f, then f exhibits second order stochastic dominance over g. Risk averse investors
prefer securities which exhibit second order stochastic dominance.
Consider an example where a risk averse investor who prefers more wealth to less has the
opportunity to invest in a security f whose future value is a function of a randomly distributed
variable x. The density function for f is given by the following: p
(x) = 6(x - x
) for 0 s x s 1 and
0 elsewhere. The security f will have a payoff equal to f(x) with probability equal to p
(x). In
addition, the investor has the opportunity to purchase a second security g whose density function
is given by p
(x) = 12(x
- x
) for 0 s x s 1 and 0 elsewhere. Density functions for the payoffs for
securities f and g are given in the upper graph in Figure 5. Security g will have a payoff equal to
g(x) with probability equal to p
(x). For the sake of simplicity, we shall assume that f(x) = g(x) =
x. If the investor is to choose one of the two securities based on first order stochastic dominance
criteria, he will first determine cumulative densities (ignoring constants of integration) as

(A) | |

= = =
} }
3 2 2
6 6 ) ( ) ( x x dx x x x xd P x P
x f

(B) | |

= = =
} }
4 3 3 2
12 12 ) ( ) ( x x dx x x x xd P x P
g g

These integrals are plotted in the lower graph in Figure 5. Notice that P
(x) < P
(x) for all x. This
means that security f has a higher probability of a smaller payoff than g at every potential payoff
x. P
(x) > P
(x) for all x; therefore, security g will be preferred to security f. First, note that p
= p

= 0 when x = 0 and when x > 1. Also note that P
= P
= 1 when x = 1. However, we can
demonstrate with algebra that when 0 < x < 1, P
> P
. Thus, the probability that the payoff on
security f is less than any constant in the range (0,1) is never less (though it may be greater) than
the probability that the payoff on security g will be less than that constant. Thus, security g is
preferred to security f.


Figure 5: First Order Stochastic Dominance

We can also demonstrate that }P
> }P
for all x; therefore, security g exhibits second
order stochastic dominance over security f. We integrate Equations (A) and (B) above to obtain:


= =
} } }
4 3 3 2
6 ) ( ) ( x x x x x xd P x P
f f



= =
} } }
5 4 4 3
12 ) ( ) ( x x x x x xd P x P
g g

0 1 .5
0 1 .5

Figure 6: Second Order Stochastic Dominance

Again, note that }P
= }P
= 0 when x s 0 and }P
= }P
= 1 when x > 1. However, we can
demonstrate with algebra that when 0 < x < 1, }P
> }P
. Thus, the risk averse investor will prefer
security g to security f, even if first order stochastic dominance did not exist.
Whenever first order stochastic dominance exists, investors preferring more to less will
choose the asset that exhibits first order dominance. Risk averse investors who prefer more to
less will always prefer an asset which exhibits second order stochastic dominance over an
alternative asset, regardless of whether first order stochastic dominance exists.
Many types of portfolio selection models make assumptions regarding either the form of
probability distribution of returns faced by investors or about the form of investor utility of
wealth functions. For example, the Capital Asset Pricing Model assumes either that security
returns are normally distributed or that investors have quadratic utility functions. In reality,
measurement of investor utility functions is, at best, extremely difficult and the actual probability
distribution of security returns is subject to argument. The concept of stochastic dominance
provides an alternative to these utility function specific and probability distribution specific
portfolio models without excessive reliance on the forms utility and distribution functions.
Stochastic dominance may be a useful portfolio selection tool when we are able to make very
general assumptions regarding utility and probability functions.

D. The Allais Paradox and the Ellsberg Paradox
The Allais Paradox
The Allais Paradox is that risk-averse persons choices between alternatives seem to vary
according to the absolute amounts of potential gains or losses involved in different gambles even
when rational choice between gambles should depend only on how the alternatives differ. For
example, consider the following example choice of gambles:

Gamble A: .33 probability of receiving 2,500, .66 of receiving 2400 and .01 of receiving 0
Gamble B: 100% probability of receiving 2,400

Kahneman and Tversky found that 82% of their experiment participants preferred Gamble B to
Gamble A. However, they offered the same set of participants the following second set of

Gamble A*: .33 probability of receiving 2,500, .67 of receiving 0
Gamble B*: .34 probability of receiving 2,400 and .66 of receiving 0

In the second part of this experiment, 83% of participants preferred Gamble A* to B*. The same
change was made to both gambles in moving from the first to second sets; .66 probability was
shifted from Gambles A and B to A* and B* from winnings of 2,400 to zero. The gamble shifts
were identical, but many participants reversed their preferences. Yet from the first to second sets
of choices, the changes to both gambles were identical; losses of 2,400 were imposed on both
gambles from the first set to the second set with probability .34. Since the losses were identical,
participants should not have reversed their decisions, but, clearly, the majority did. Kahneman
and Tversky surmised that people are risk averse when evaluating positive outcomes (winnings),
but risk-seeking when evaluating losses. Hence, people have diminishing utility of wealth
functions with respect to winnings, but increasing marginal utility when faced with wealth
decreases. Investors seem to exhibit similar reactions to reductions in wealth.
Consider a very simple variation on this problem. One group of subjects was presented
with this problem:
1. In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $1,000. You are now asked to
choose between:
A: A sure gain of $500
B: A 50% change to gain $1,000 and a 50% chance to gain nothing.

A second group of subjects was presented with another problem.
2. In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $2,000. You are now asked to
choose between:
A*: A sure loss of $500
B*: A 50% chance to lose $1,000 and a 50% chance to lose nothing.

In the first group 84% chose A. In the second group 69% chose B*. The two problems are
identical in terms of terminal wealth to the subject. However the phrasing of the question causes
the problems to invoke different emotional responses. This illustrates the framing versus
substance problem.

The Ellsberg Paradox
The Ellsberg Paradox concerns inconsistencies in individual decision-making, and has
been demonstrated repeatedly in experimental economics.
We will consider it in the context as
an experiment. Suppose that the subject has an urn that contains 30 red balls and 60 other balls,
all of which are either black or yellow. The number of black balls and the number of yellow balls
are unknown to the subject, but total of black and yellow balls total number is 60. The balls are
well mixed in the urn. Suppose that you are the subject in the experiment given this choice
between two gambles:

Gamble A: You receive $100 if you draw a red ball
Gamble B: You receive $100 if you draw a black ball

Most experimental subjects prefer Gamble A. Next, suppose that you are given the choice
between these two gambles:

Gamble A*: You receive $100 if you draw a red or yellow ball
Gamble B*: You receive $100 if you draw a black or yellow ball

Most experimental subjects prefer Gamble B*. However, under the von Neumann
axioms, you should prefer Gamble B* to Gamble A* if and only if you prefer Gamble A to
Gamble B. That is, you should select Gamble A if you believe that drawing a red ball is more
likely than drawing a black ball; under this circumstance, you should also prefer Gamble A*.
This experiment illustrates individual aversion to ambiguity.


1. Suppose that you are presented with the following choice:
I. In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $1,000. You are now asked to
choose between:
A: A sure gain of $500
B: A 50% change to gain $1,000 and a 50% chance to gain nothing.

Daniel Ellsberg, a government policy analyst with substantial experience in Viet Nam during the U.S. War in Viet
Nam was more notable for his leaking of the so-called Pentagon papers to the New York Times. This document was
compiled by numerous government policy analysts (including himself), exposing decades of failed administrative
policy and deceit. Concerned that President Nixon would rather escalate the Viet Nam War rather than admit defeat,
Ellsberg tried unsuccessfully to present the Pentagon Papers as testimony to Congress. He sent the papers to the
New York Times instead. He was charged with 12 felonies facing sentences totaling 115 years. The Nixon
administration illegally burglarized his psychiatrists office, wire tapped his phones and attempted to bribe the judge
in his case. The administrations illegal activities against Ellsberg were eventually discovered and charges were
dropped against Ellsberg. This case ultimately led to 2 of the 3 counts in the impeachment proceedings later filed
against President Nixon.

This result was published simultaneously and independently by Daniel Ellsberg and William Fellner and earlier by
John Maynard Keynes.
Which do you prefer: Gamble A or Gamble B? Now, suppose that you are presented with the
following choice.
II. In addition to whatever you own, you have been given $2,000. You are now asked to
choose between:
A*: A sure loss of $500
B*: A 50% chance to lose $1,000 and a 50% chance to lose nothing.
In experimental studies involving both of these sets of gambles, 84% of study participants chose
A over B, however, 69% chose B* over A*. With which of the VNM axioms would the results
of this study seem inconsistent?

2. Suppose that an investor with $2 in capital has a logarithmic utility of wealth function: U =
ln(w). The investor has the opportunity to buy into the gamble described in the St. Petersburg
Paradox. Assume that the investor can borrow without interest and that the gamble payoff is 2

where i is the number of tosses or outcomes realized before the first head is realized.
a. What is the investors current utility of wealth level?
b. How much would the investor be willing to pay for the gamble described in the St. Petersburg
c. How much would the investor be willing to pay for the gamble described in the St. Petersburg
Paradox if his initial wealth level were $1,000 rather than $2?
d. What would be your answer to part b if the gamble payoff were to change to 2
where i is
the number of tosses or outcomes realized before the first head is realized?

3. A car with a replacement value of $20,000 can be insured against a total loss with an
insurance policy sold for a premium of $1,200. The insurance company selling the policy and the
consumer purchasing the policy agree that there is a 5% probability that the car will be
a. What is the actuarial (fair or expected) value of the policy?
b. If the insurance maintains a large, well-diversified portfolio of such policies, what is its
expected profit from the sale of this policy?
c. What is the expected profit (or gain or loss) to the consumer from the purchase of this
d. Under what circumstances is the sale of this policy a rational transaction for the risk-
neutral insurance company?
e. Under what circumstances is the purchase of this policy a rational transaction for the

4. Define an investor's utility (U) as the following function of his wealth level (w): U = 1000W -
. This investor currently has $10,000. Answer the following:
a. What is his current utility level?
b. Find the utility level he would associate with 12,000.
c. Use a Taylor series second order approximation to estimate the investor's utility level
after his wealth level is increased by $2,000 from its current level of $10,000.
d. What is the investors current (w = 10,000) absolute risk aversion coefficient?
e. What is the investors current (w = 10,000) relative risk aversion coefficient?
f. Suppose that the investors wealth level were to increase to 12,000. What would be
the investors new absolute and relative risk aversion coefficients?
g. How might you interpret your answers to parts e and f? Do the differences between your
answers seem inconsistent with what might actually be observed for investors?

5. Suppose that an investor with $20,000 in capital has a logarithmic utility of wealth function:
U = ln(w).
a. Assuming a small risk (Arrow Pratt), what would be his Coefficient of Absolute Risk
Aversion (ARA)?
b. What would the investor be willing to pay to insure the risk associated with a gamble that
would pay $10 with probability 50% or pay -$10 with probability 50%?
c. Assuming a small risk (Arrow Pratt), what would be his Coefficient of Relative Risk Aversion
d. How does the investors Coefficient of Relative Risk Aversion (RRA) change as his wealth
level changes? What does this imply about his propensity to assume risk as he becomes

6. Suppose that a consumer with a utility function U = aW bW
= 1000W - .01W
has a wealth
level equal to 10,000 if no loss occurs. This wealth includes 6,000 in cash and a car worth 4,000
if no crash occurs. The consumer has 6,000 in cash along with a gamble that will incur a loss
with probability p = .5; the gamble will lose 4,000 with probability p = .5 and nothing otherwise.
The consumer can purchase insurance on any fractional amount 0 1of this gamble with a
premium of t = pcL. For example, if the investor insures fraction = .8 or 4,000 of this gamble,
the most that she can lose is 1,000, her coinsurance amount. Each unit of insurance costs pc =
.505, and up to 4,000 units can be purchased. Thus, insurance on 4,000 of the loss costs 2,020.
a. Is the insurance premium actuarially fair?
b. How much insurance () should the investor purchase to maximize her utility?
c. What will be the premium on this optimal policy?
d. What is the expected casualty loss to the insurance company?
e. What is the expected profit on the policy to the insurance company?
f. What is the optimal level of coinsurance (1- ) on this gamble for the consumer if c =

7. In our discussion of the Allais Paradox, we considered the following choice of gambles:

Gamble A: .33 probability of receiving 2,500, .66 of receiving 2400 and .01 of receiving 0
Gamble B: 100% probability of receiving 2,400


Gamble A*: .33 probability of receiving 2,500, .67 of receiving 0
Gamble B*: .34 probability of receiving 2,400 and .66 of receiving 0

a. Demonstrate that if an investor is indifferent between Gambles A and B, he must be
indifferent to A* and B* in order to fulfill the Strong Independence axiom identified by von
Neumann and Morgenstern.
b. Suppose that the investors utility of wealth function is given to be U
= ln(1+w). Calculate
expected utilities of Gambles A, B, A* and B*.
c. Based on expected utilities, which gamble in each pair is preferred?

8. Consider the following listing state-contingent payoffs for Investments A, B and C:

Investment State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4
A 12 13 14 14
B 11 12 14 16
C 10 14 14 15

Assume that each potential state is equally likely. List all (if any) cases of stochastic dominance
on the first, second and third orders.

9. Assume that the density function p
for a randomly distributed variable {p
(x) = P(x)} is given
by the following: p
(x) = 3x
for 0 x 1 and 0 elsewhere. A second density function p
for a
randomly distributed variable {p
(x) = P(x)} is given by the following: p
(x) = (2x
+x) for 0 x
1 and 0 elsewhere.
a. Find P
(x) and P
b. Demonstrate whether there exist conditions of First Order Stochastic Dominance.
c. Demonstrate whether there exist conditions of Second Order Stochastic Dominance.

10. Suppose that an investor has the opportunity (and funding ability) to pay $100,000 for a 50%
chance to win $300,000 and a 50% chance of winning nothing.
a. What is the expected value of the gamble?
b. What is the standard deviation of payoffs for this gamble?
c. Suppose that you have the opportunity (and funding ability) to repeat participation in this
gamble for a total of 5 gambles. Each wagers outcome is independent of the outcomes of all
other wagers (the correlation coefficient between wager payoffs is zero). What is the expected
value of this set of 5 wagers?
d. What is the standard deviation for this set of 5 wagers?
e. Which set of wagers has a higher expected payoff, that described in parts a and b of this
question or that described in parts c and d of this question?
f. Which set of wagers has a lower risk as measured by standard deviation, that described in
parts a and b of this question or that described in parts c and d of this question?
g. Which set of wagers seems to be preferable based on your answers to parts a through f, the
single wager or the set of 5 wagers?
h. Devise an argument that if an individual finds the gamble described in parts a and b
unacceptable, he will also find the gambles described in parts c and d unacceptable.


1. The two sets of choices are identical in terms of terminal wealth to the subject. However the
phrasing of the question causes the problems to invoke different emotional responses; that is, the
framing is different. This leads to the following framing versus substance problem, which is a
violation of the von Neumann-Morgenstern independence axiom.

2.a. E[U
w, No Gamble
] = ln(2) = .693147
b. Solve the following for G, where G is the cost of the gamble and x is its winnings:
w, With gamble
] =

) [


G = 3.34757
Note: A spreadsheet may be useful to solve this infinite series. The value G is the
payment for the gamble, the initial wealth level is 2, winnings are 2
where i is the
number of tosses before the first head. The value of G is obtained by iteration. The
following is the first 13 rows of spreadsheet calculations for this problem:

) (p
) SUM(p
1 0.5 -0.42705 -0.213525713 -0.213525713
2 0.25 0.975476 0.243869050 0.030343338
3 0.125 1.894982 0.236872775 0.267216113
4 0.0625 2.684606 0.167787887 0.435004000
5 0.03125 3.422712 0.106959748 0.541963748
6 0.015625 4.137602 0.064650039 0.606613787
7 0.0078125 4.841447 0.037823801 0.644437588
8 0.00390625 5.539900 0.021640233 0.666077821
9 0.00195313 6.235689 0.012179080 0.678256901
10 0.00097656 6.930155 0.006767729 0.685024630
11 0.00048828 7.623961 0.003722637 0.688747268
12 0.00024414 8.317437 0.002030624 0.690777892
13 0.00012207 9.010749 0.001099945 0.691877837
A trial value G is entered elsewhere in the spreadsheet and this cell is referenced for all
other cells where G is used. The value for G is iterated until the sum is sufficiently close
to the natural log of 2. In this table, the value 3.34757 is used, where this value was
obtained by trial and error in an effort to obtain .693147 (or some sufficiently close
value) for the sum in the 13
c. First, find the utility of $1000: ln(1000) = 6.907755
Now, solve the following for G, where G is the cost of the gamble:
w, With gamble
] =

) [


G = 10.954
Note: See the following table excerpted from a spreadsheet used to solve the infinite
series, iterating for G. The key column, Contribution to Utility equals Probability *
ln(1000+ Gamble Payoff G). The column is then summed such that the sum equals
the utility of $1,000:
Toss Probability
Log of
to Utility
to Wealth
1 0.5 2 6.898761 3.449380476 1
2 0.25 4 6.900777 1.725194247 1
3 0.125 8 6.904797 0.863099613 1
4 0.0625 16 6.912789 0.432049287 1
5 0.03125 32 6.928583 0.216518215 1
6 0.015625 64 6.959442 0.108741284 1
7 0.0078125 128 7.018443 0.054831586 1
8 0.00390625 256 7.126928 0.027839562 1
9 0.00195313 512 7.313917 0.014284995 1
10 0.00097656 1024 7.607404 0.007429106 1
11 0.00048828 2048 8.018641 0.003915352 1
12 0.00024414 4096 8.534059 0.002083511 1
13 0.00012207 8192 9.124896 0.001113879 1
14 6.1035E-05 16384 9.762675 0.000595866 1
15 3.0518E-05 32768 10.42694 0.000318205 1
16 1.5259E-05 65536 11.10533 0.000169454 1
17 7.6294E-06 131072 11.79102 8.99583E-05 1
d. Solve the following for G, where G is the cost of the gamble:
w, With gamble
] =

) [


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
For any finite value of G, expected utility must equal . Thus G = , and an investor
would be willing to pay any finite sum for this gamble. That is, this illustration shows
how an investor, with diminishing marginal utility of wealth (log utility function) and risk
aversion would still be willing to pay an infinite sum of money for a gamble. This
example might be referred to as a Super St. Petersburg Paradox.

3.a. Based on expected value, the actuarial value of this policy is .05 $20,000 = $1,000.
b. $1,200 1,000 = $200
c. $1,000 1,200 = -$200; $200 expected loss to the consumer
d. The sale is a rational transaction if the insurance company intends to increase its wealth
(more is preferred to less)
e. The purchase is a rational transaction to the consumer if she is sufficiently risk-averse.

4. Answers are as follows:
a. U
= 10,000,000 - .01 x 100,000,000 = 9,000,000
b. U
= 12,000,000 - .01 x 144,000,000 = 10,560,000
c. U
10,000 + 2,000
= 9,000,000 + (1000 - .02x10,000) x 2000 + (1/2) x (-.02) x 2000
d. ARA = -U''(w)/U'(w) = -(-.02)/[1,000 - (.02 10,000)] = .02/800 = .00025
e. RRA = -wU''(w)/U'(w) = -10,000 -.02/[1,000 - (.02 10,000)] = 200/800 = .25
f. ARA = -U''(w)/U'(w) = -(-.02)/[1,000 - (.02 12,000)] = .02/760 = .00026315789
RRA = -wU''(w)/U'(w) = -12,000 -.02/[1,000 - (.02 12,000)] = 240/760 = .315789474
g. Both absolute and relative risk aversion coefficients increase as wealth increases. This
suggests that investors become more risk averse, and are less willing to assume risks
of a given monetary amount (or, proportional amount) as they become wealthier.
While this result is typical for quadratic utility functions, it is inconsistent with
empirical observations. Thus, this tendency does weaken the applicability of the
quadratic utility function.

5.a. ARA = -U''(w)/U'(w) = -(-1/w
)/(1/w) = 1/w = 1/20,000
b. o
= 0.5*(20,010 20,000)
+ 0.5*(19,090 20,000)
= 100
t = -(1/2)*100*(-1/20,000) = .0025
c. RRA = -wU''(w)/U'(w) = -w(-1/w
)/(1/w) = w/w = 1
d. cRRA/cw = 0; Relative risk aversion is constant for a logarithmic utility function. This
means that an investors propensity to assume proportional risks does not change as his
wealth changes. This log utility function is a constant relative risk aversion utility

6.a. No; c = 1.01 > 1
b. The consumer with this quadratic utility function will seek to maximize her expected
E[U] = (1-p)[a (W-cpL) - b(W-cpL)
] + p[a (W-L-cpL + L) - b(W-L-cpL + L)
The derivative of E[U] with respect to is expressed as follows:

= (1-p)[-cpLa - 2b(cpL)
+2bcpLW + p[a(L-cpL) -2b(L-cpL)
-2b(L-cpL)(W-L)] =0
where the following inputs are applied:
a = 1000 b = 0.01
w = 10000 L = 4000
p = 0.5 = 0.789921
c = 1.01
Substituting in numerical values and simplifying, we find that the optimal insurance level is =
.789921. The consumer will purchase insurance to insure a loss of 3159.684.
c. t = pcL = 1595.6404
d. E[L] = .5 * 3159.6404 = 1579.8202
e. E[Profit] = 1595.6404 1579.8202 = 15.8202
f. Solve the following for :
dE[U]/d = (1-.5)[-1.02 4,000 - 2.01(1.02.54,000)
+ .5[ (4,000-1.02.54,000) -2.01 (4,000-1.02.54,000)

-2.01 (4,000-1.02.54,000) (10,000-4,000)] =0; = 0.579768094 by substitution;
(1- ) = .42024

7.a. First, since a .66 probability of a $2,400 payout is being shifted to 0 from A and B to A*
and B*, we will rewrite the statement of gamble payoffs as follows:
Gamble A: .33 probability of receiving 2,500, .66 of receiving $2,400 and .01 of receiving 0
Gamble B: .34 probability of receiving 2,400 and .66 of receiving $2,400
Gamble A*: .33 probability of receiving 2,500, .01 of receiving 0 and .66 of receiving 0
Gamble B*: .34 probability of receiving 2,400 and .66 of receiving 0
The investor is indifferent between Gambles A and B. Recall that the Strong Independence
axiom states that if x
, then for any o e [0,1], ox
+ (1-o)x
~ ox
+ (1-o)x
. This Strong
Independence axiom implies that for any o e [0,1]:
o(.33 prob. of receiving 2,500 and .01 of receiving 0) + (1-o)(.66 prob. of receiving 2,400)
~ o(.34 prob. of receiving 2,400) + (1-o)(.66 prob. of receiving 2,400),

which implies that:
(.33 prob. of receiving 2,500 and .01 of receiving 0) ~ (.34 prob. of receiving 2,400)
The same decomposition for Gambles A* and B* results in:
Gamble A*: o(.33 prob. of receiving 2,500, .01 of receiving 0) + (1-o)(.66 prob. of receiving 0)
Gamble B*: o(.34 prob. of receiving 2,400) + (1-o)(.66 prob. of receiving 0),
Which, by the same strong independence axiom, reduces to a comparison between:
Gamble A*: (.33 prob. of receiving 2,500 and .01 of receiving 0)
Gamble B*: (.34 prob. of receiving 2,400)
We know from our statement above concerning Gambles A and B
(.33 prob. of receiving 2,500 and .01 of receiving 0) ~ (.34 prob. of receiving 2,400)
that the investor must be indifferent between Gambles A* and B*.
b. First, we calculate the utilities of the three potential wealth levels:
U(2500) = 7.824; U(2400) = 7.783; U(0) = -
Next, we calculate the expected utilities of the gambles:
U(A) = .33*7.824 + .66*7.783 * .01*0 = 7.71927
U(B) = 7.783
U(A*) = .33*7.824 + .67*0 = 2.582067
U(B*) = .34*7.824 + .66*0 = 2.660312
c. The expected utilities of B and B* exceed those of A and A*.

8. Because all outcomes have equal associated probabilities, we can rank-order the payoffs and
look for situations involving stochastic dominance. We will first rank order cash flows for the
investments and seek conditions of first order stochastic dominance:
A 12 13 14 14
B 11 12 14 16
C 10 14 14 15
First order stochastic does not exist. There is no investment whose cash flow is less than that of
another investment in each and every case. Thus, when more is preferred to less, and there are no
additional preferences that we can use to rank investments, we cannot select among the
investments. Next, to seek conditions of second order stochastic dominance, we sum the
investment cash flows, starting with the worst outcomes at each successive improved outcome:
A 12 25 39 53
B 11 23 37 53
C 10 24 38 53
Second order stochastic between A and B exists here because B never has a larger sum of cash
flows than A, and sometimes have smaller cash flows. Thus, when more is preferred to less, and
safety is preferred to risk, A will be preferred to B. Next, to seek conditions of third order
stochastic dominance, we sum the sums of investment cash flows, starting with the worst
outcomes at each successive improved outcome:
A 12 37 76 129
B 11 34 71 124
C 10 34 72 125
Whenever second order stochastic dominance exists between a pair of investments, third order
stochastic exists between that pair. Thus, A stochastically dominates B in the third order. In
addition, A stochastically dominates C in the third order. Thus, when more is preferred to less,
safety is preferred to risk, and positive skewness is preferred to negative skewness, A will
dominate, B and C in the third order, and will be preferred to them as well.

9. First, we integrate the density functions (ignoring constants of integration):
= =
3 2
3 ) ( x x x P
for 0<x<1
x for 0<x
b. for x x x
3 2 4
> + 1 0 s s x
Thus, security f exhibits first order stochastic dominance over security g.
} }

3 2 4
x x x
for x x x
4 3 5

1 0 s s x
Thus, security f exhibits second order stochastic dominance over security g. Note that first order
stochastic dominance always implies second order stochastic dominance.

10.a. .5(300,000 100,000) + .5(0 100,000) = 50,000
b. [.5(200,000-50,000)
+ .5(-100,000-50,000)
= 150,000
c. 5*50,000 = 250,000
Alternatively, in 5 wagers, with 120 (5!) possible win/loss scenarios, there is 1 scenario in which
5 consecutive losses totaling 500,000 occur with a probability of .5
, 5 scenarios in which 4
losses and 1 win occur with a net loss of 200,000 and a probability of 5*.5
and so on:
*1000000 = 250,000
d. (1*0.5
+ 5*0.5

+ 10*0.5
+ 10*0.5

+ 5*0.5
+ 1*0.5
= 335,410.2
Alternatively, since payoffs from each of the 5 wagers are independent of one another, this
standard deviation of 5 gambles can be computed as follows:
= 335,410.2
e. Obviously, the set of 5 wagers described in parts c and d has the higher expected value.
f. Obviously, the set of 5 wagers described in parts c and d has the higher standard deviation.
However, notice that this higher standard deviation is less than 5 times the individual wager
standard deviation.
g. The answer to this depends on how you evaluate the wagers and your own individual
preferences. However, the reward to risk ratio for the single wager 50,000/150,000 = 3 is much
greater than the reward to risk ratio of the set of 5 gambles 250,000/335.410.2 = .746. This
suggests that as the number of gambles increases, the reward to risk ratio will also increase due
to diversification. However, consider the response to the next part of this question.
h. Suppose that you find the individual wager described in parts a and b unacceptable. Then, if
+ = + =
4 3
) 2 ( ) ( x x x x P
after having wagered 4 times (the first 4 of 5 wagers described in parts c and d), you have the
opportunity to wager a 5
time, you should decline, since you find any single wager of this type
to be unacceptable. Then, by the same logic, after having wagered 3 times, you would find the 4

wager unacceptable, and so on. Thus, any person finding the single wager described in parts a
and b to be unacceptable should also find the set of 5 wagers to be unacceptable. Hence,
diversification over time or over a series of sequential gambles would not mitigate risk. This is
the substance of the Paul Samuelson Law of Large Numbers fallacy (Samuelson [1963]).

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