Are you satisfied with your current working Capital position? 4. How do you predict the future financial position? Strong Week Neutral 5. Do you think that the present cash management system is efficient? Yes No Neutral 6. Whether the fixed assets are effectively utilized? Yes No Neutral 7. How will you determine your liquidity position? 8. How will you determine your profitability position?
9. Are your competitors becoming stronger? Yes No 10. In this competitive world how could you maintain your brand name? 11. What are the steps to be taken while increasing the net profit? 12. Have you satisfied you share performance? 13. About your future plans? 14. How you evaluate your companys financial performance particularly over the past 5 years?
18. What are policies you follow for maintaining profitability of the company?
19. What are the techniques used for fixing price of the products?
20. What are the standards used for maintaining current assets and fixed assets?
25. What are the policies you follow for payment of interest?
28. How will you manage your short term liabilities and long term liabilities?
29. What are the measures which you have taken for covering financial risk?
Browse Download Add Note Link Embed Save of 78 Readcast INTRODUCTION This project is being carried out as a part of the academic curriculum, Master of Commerce, under Mahatma Gandhi University. This work is submitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Commerce. As per thecurriculum the final project work should be a specialization in any one of the areas vizFinance and Human Resource Management. A report based on the project done is to besubmitted and this is treated as a course carrying marks. The organization selected by me is MILMA, PATHANAMTHITTA . The period of study is for __ days, from ___ __th to ____ __th. Survival of the fittest as in the case of war had ever been the trend that ruled the markets. To be the fittest in the Market, being the aim of each and every company,competition becomes inevitable and unavoidable part of every business. Privatizations andGlobalization being the slogan of the day, companies cannot survive by simply doing a good job. They must do an excellent job if they are to succeed in the increasingly competitiveglo bal market place. With the recent liberalization of economy and the globalization of markets, the business atmosphere in India has gone through a sea change. Restapism and beurocracy which has been the ban of our country, has now vanished from the scene. RELEVANCE OF PRESENT RESEARCH Though Milma have been in the milk market for a quite long time, it does not know isdetail about the other milk brands in Pathanamthitta dairy. This marketing research tries tohighlights the threats and the position of the other milk brands. Though the Milma is in astrong position compared to the other milk brands it is useful to Milma, to know about detailsof the other milk brands for improving its provision. The stringent competition in the milk market urged the organization for an independent view of the market and compels them tofind out why people prefer other brands, and how can they be made loyal customers of Milma.
INDUSTRY PROFILEDAIRY INDUSTRY The dairy industry is recognized as one of the largest and most important of foodindustries. The dairy industry exists for one purpose to provide, at a reasonable cost, milk and milk products that satisfy the consumers needs a nd fulfills his nutritional requirements.The industry means different things to the different participant- the producers, the dairyhandlers and consumers.The word Dairy was derived from the Middle English word, deirie meaning dayor maid servant worked. Dairy now connotes a wide range of activities starting with the production of milk in the farm to the point it reaches the consumer in the form of liquidtogeth er by a diverse field of disciplines such as dairy science, animal husbandry, crophusbandry, and dairy engineering. Management science is applicable in each of thesedisciplines and integrates them, to achieve the objective of providing milk to the consumer by making an optimum use of Earths renewable resources for production of milk. The importance of dairying stems from the role of milk in human nutrition. Foodserves two major functions in human nutrition, to provide energy and to furnish the elementsessential for growth and replacement of body tissues. All the three main forms of food-carbo-hydrates, fats and proteins provide the energy, but only proteins can supply nitrogenand amino-acids essential for growth and replacement of tissues. In planning for humannutrition, there are two possible stages the first has a limited objective of holding back hunger while the second is achieved by providing a balanced diet which includes a certain quantityof animal protein to include the essential amino-acids in the diet. The developed countrieshave achieved the second stage. The developed countries need to plan their agriculture for providing adequate balanced nutrition from the available resources with in the country. Therelevance of the dairy industry, at this stage of planning for food, is in promoting supply of balanced diet to the population.In terms of biological value human nutrition egg protein is the most important,followed by the protein from milk. Egg or milk protein can furnish all the amino-acidsessential for normal growth and healthy life processes, provided that they are consumed inadequate amounts. Fish, meat and poultry products are also high in the scale of biologicalvalue. Vegetable protein from wheat, maize, rice, beans and nuts are of low biological value,
particularly when it represents the only source of protein. The essential amino-acids are not provided in sufficient quantities. In many of the developing countries, more so in India, milk may form the only source of animal protein. One quart (approximately on litre) of milk
furnishes approximately all the fat, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin; half the protein; onethird of the vitamin A, acetic acid and thiamin; one fourth the calories and with theexpectation of iron, copper, magnesium and manganese, all the minerals needed dailyconsiderable amounts of nicotinic and choline are also provided. Milk is the secretion of mammary glands, produced primarily for feeding the young. All mammals produce milk.However, milk is obtained for commercial consumption purposes from domestic animals, particularly the cow. The milk of different species essentially contains the same constituents.The composition may, however vary from species to species in minor proposition. Thevariation in milk composition is likely to occur within the species due to a number of factorslike breed, age, stage of lactation, individual variation, seasonal variation, variation fromlactation to lactation, interval between milking, first and last milk, fitness of the animal andfeed provided to the animal. Milk and cream are the main products of dairying. The other products are derived from these principle products.The industry faced with some general characteristics peculiar to dairying. The production of milk is seasonal mainly because of the nature and purpose of milk production.Milk is produced for the young calf and is, therefore, depended on the calving season.However, the demand for milk and milk products remain the same throughout the year. Milk is bulky and highly perishable. The milk handlers, therefore, have to process the milk andstore it under refrigeration or reduce the bulk by drying before storage.Agriculture and allied industries account for nearly half the gross national income of India, one fourth of which is from dairy. The national economy of certain European countrieslike Denmark and Sweden are depended almost entirely on animal husbandry of whichdairying is a major industry. In the US, dairy industry alone contributes to one fifth of thetotal agricultural income. Moreover, the consumer spends a fifth of his food expenses onmilk and milk and milk products. Apart from the contribution, dairing needs to the economyand nutritional status of any country, the industry provides employments to thousands of people. In the US, over a quarter million people were employed by the diary industry in 2000.In the tropics, where dairying is less developed, millions earn there income either partly or wholly from the dairy industry. DAIRY INDUSTRY IN INDIA In India, dairying has been practiced as a rural cottage industry since the remote past.Semicommercial dairying started with the establishment of military dairy farms and co-operative milk unions throughout the country towards the end of the nineteenth century. During the earlier years, each household in those countries maintained its familycow or secured milk from its neighbor who supplied those living close by. As the urban population increased, fewer households could keep a cow for private use. The high cost of milk production, problems of sanitation etc., restricted the practice; and gradually the familycow in the city was eliminated and city cattle were all sent back to the rural areas.Gradually farmers within easy driving distance began delivering milk over regular routes in the cities. This was the beginning of the fluid milk-sheds which surround the largecities of today. Prior to the 1850s most milk was necessarily produced within a shortdistance of the place of consumption because of lack of suitable means of transportation andrefrigeration.The Indian Dairy Industry has made rapid progress since Independence. A largenumber of modern milk plants and product factories have since been established. Theseorganized dairies have been successfully engaged in the routine commercial production
of pasteurized bottled milk and various Western and Indian dairy products. With modernknowle dge of the protection of milk during transportation, it became possible to locatedairies where land was less expensive and crops could be grown more economically. InIndia, the market milk technology may be considered to have commenced in 1950, with thefunctioning of the Central Dairy of Aarey Milk Colony, and milk product technology in1956 with the establishment of AMUL Dairy, Anand. The industry is still in its infancy and barely 10% of our total milk production under goes organized handling.
HISTORY OF INDIAN MARKET MILK INDUSTRY Beginning in organized milk handling was made in India with the establishment of Military Dairy Farms.
Handling of milk in Co-operative Milk Unions established all over the country on asmall scale in the early stages.
Long distance refrigerated rail-transport of milk from Anand to Bombay since 1945
Pasteurization and bottling of milk on a large scale for organized distribution wasstarted at Aarey (1950), Calcutta (Haringhata, 1959), Delhi (1959), Worli (1961),Madras (1963).
Establishment of Milk Plants under the Five-Year Plans for Dairy Development all over India. These were taken up with the dual object of increasing the national level of milk consumption and ensuing better returns to the primary milk producer. Their main aimwas to produce more, better and cheaper milk.
An Exploratory Study on Competitive Milk Brands With Reference to Pathanamthitta District An Exploratory Study on Competitive Milk Brands With Reference to Pathanamthitta District Download or Print
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PRODUCT PROFILE Milma has a range of products. A marketing chain consisting of nearly 4000 retailoutlets, across the state ensures availability of milma's products to consumers. Milma with itsmotto your health is our concern has become synonymous with assured quality of milk andmilk products. Milma's spectrums of products adhere to the PFA rules and are released for distribution only after stringent quality checks.Some of the main products that Milma has are:1. PASTEURAS IZED M ILK: Milma market liquid milk in pasteurized form. The pasteurized milk contains vitaminA. This pasteurized milk contains vitamin A. This enriched milk comes in three varieties.
Standardized milk which contains .5% fat 9% SNF Conveniently packed in 500 ml and 1 litre sachets, the fat content range of Milmas Milk has made it the popular health drink of young and old alike. 2. ICE-CREAM
Milma ice-cream is available in a range of lip smacking flavours: vanilla, chocolate,mango, strawberry and fruit & nut. In addition, our Ernakulam Union also produces anddistributes delicious " k u l f i " and cream rolls. The only ice-cream in Kerala market which ismanufactured in a dairy and hence most fresh ice cream. 3. SAMBHARAM Sambharam (butter milk) a favorite beverage of Kerala. Milma Sambharam, the only product of its kind in the market, is very popular throughout the State. It comes inconvenien t 200ml throw away sachets.
4. CURD It is a fermented product prepared from pasteurized skim milk using Curd Culturefrom National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) . It is delicious, tasty, free from cholesteroland available in 500ml and bulk. 5. LASSI It is a sweetened and flavored product prepared from curd. It is available in 200ml pack and is a very good health drink for all age group. 6. GHEE Ghee is a key ingredient in most Indian delicacies. Milma produces good quality, pureghee from butter or cream at all dairies. The ghee is available in convenient packs of 100gmto 15Kg. 7. BUTTER Milma Butter prepared from the cream of milk contains 81% fat and less than 15.6%water. This is available in convenient 100gm, 200gm and 500gm family packs. Available insalted and unsalted varieties. 8. TETRAPACK FLAVOURED MILK Milma offers a range of flavoured health drinks in hygienic tetrapacks. Cardamommilk has already captured the market and are available at all milma outlets. 9.
REFRESH In addition to milk drinks, milma also has a mango drink in the market. Refresh, milma's mango drink is a favourite in the fruit drink sector.
10. PEDA An indigenous milk product manufactured by evaporating water content fromwholesome cow's milk and sweetened with cane sugar. It is a nutritious and delicious sweet bite for children. It is available in 25gm and 250gm cartons. 11. CREAM ROLL Mixture of tasty ice-cream and tooty fruity encircled with oven fresh spong cake. It isa delicious snack rich in milma cream. 12. M I L M A S I P Made from pasteurized skim milk, sweetened and flavoured. Available in 25ml polyethylene tube in flavours like vanila, pineapple, strawberry, mango, and rose etc... Andserved in chilled condition. It is a safe and nutritious substitute to all other sip-ups. 13. CATTLE FEED Balanced cattle feed is the major input provided to the dairy farmers of the State fromthe Federation. There is a high level of acceptability for this product in the market. Milma isnow producing 600MT cattle feed a day. It produces both mash and pellet form of cattle feed.In addition to augment the balanced feed and to support vitamin level in milk animal, milmahas come out with milma mineral mixture " m i l m a m i n " . The cattle feed is distributed tofarmers at reasonable rate through Apcos, Dealers and Government..
SCHEDULE Dealers Name:... Location:. 1. What are the brands that you deal with?a) Milma b) Ksheera c) Ambadid) A One e) Royal f) Heritage2. Sales of milk brand in a day?a) Below 150 b) 150 - 200 c) 200 - 250d) 250 - 300 e) 300 350 f) Above 4003. Rank the milk brands on the following attributes?Brand Name Price Quality Brand Image Advertising Availability PackagingMilmaKsh eeraAmbadiA OneRoyalHeritage4. According to you which are the most selling milk brand?a) Milma b) Ksheera c) Ambadid) A One e) Royal f) Heritage
5. The most important attribute that influence the customer?a) Price b) Quality c) Availabilityd) Brand Image e) Advertising f) Packaging6. Identify the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) on each milk brands?a) Milma b ) Ksheera c) Ambadi .. d) A One e) Royal f) Heritage . 7.
How do you rate the sales movement of Milma milk?a) Good b) Average d) PoorIf less than average specify the reason............................................................8. Which milk brand gives the high Commission?a) Milma b) Ksheera c) Ambadid) A One e) Royal f) Heritage9. Are you satisfied with the Commission provided by Milma?Yes No If no specify the reasons 10. Which milk brand do you recommend to the customer?a) Milma b) Ksheera c) Ambadid) A One e) Royal f) Heritage
11. Are you satisfied with the Sales promotion activities given by Milma?Yes NoIf no specify the reason......................................................................................12. Which milk brand gives the high sales promotion?a) Milma b) Ksheera c) Ambadid) A One e) Royal f) Heritage13. Milma is the most top milk brand in the dairy product? Do you agree?Agree Disagree If disagree specify the reason 14. What kind of Sales promotional supports do you normally expect from the milkbrands?a)
Price offs b) Credit facilityc) Display allowance d) Free goods15. Are you satisfied with the timely milk supply of Milma?Yes No16. Any other suggestions to improve the sales of Milma milk? ..
An Exploratory Study on Competitive Milk Brands With Reference to Pathanamthitta District An Exploratory Study on Competitive Milk Brands With Reference to Pathanamthitta District Download or Print Add To Collection 18
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