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Proper clutch component lubrication is important
to satisfactory operation. Using the correct lubricant
and not over lubricating are equally important. Apply
recommended lubricant sparingly to avoid disc and
pressure plate contamination.
Clutch and transmission components requiring
lubrication are:
• Pilot bearing.
• Release lever pivot ball stud.
• Release lever contact surfaces.
• Release bearing bore.
• Clutch disc hub splines.
• Clutch pedal pivot shaft bore.
• Clutch pedal bushings. Fig. 3 Clutch Master Cylinder Reservoir And Cap
• Input shaft splines. FLYWHEEL
• Input shaft pilot hub. Inspect the flywheel whenever the clutch disc,
• Transmission front bearing retainer cover and housing are removed for service. Check
slide surface. condition of the flywheel face, hub, ring gear teeth,
and flywheel bolts.
NOTE: Never apply grease to any part of the clutch
Minor scratches, burrs, or glazing on the flywheel
cover, or disc.
face can be reduced with 180 grit emery cloth. How-
ever, the flywheel should be replaced if the disc con-
RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS tact surface is severely scored, heat checked, cracked,
Use Mopart multi-purpose grease for the clutch or obviously worn.
pedal bushings and pivot shaft. Use Mopart high Flywheel machining is not recommended. The fly-
temperature grease (or equivalent) for all other lubri- wheel surface is manufactured with a unique contour
cation requirements. Apply recommended amounts that would be negated by machining. However,
and do not over lubricate. cleanup of minor flywheel scoring can be performed
by hand with 180 grit emery, or with surface grind-
CLUTCH LINKAGE FLUID ing equipment. Replace the flywheel if scoring is
If inspection or diagnosis indicates additional fluid deeper than 0.0762 mm (0.003 in.).
may be needed, use Mopart brake fluid, or an equiv- Heavy stock removal by grinding is not recom-
alent meeting standards SAE J1703 and DOT 3. Do mended. Excessive stock removal can result in fly-
not use any other type of fluid. wheel cracking or warpage after installation. It can
also weaken the flywheel and interfere with proper
CLUTCH FLUID LEVEL clutch release.
The clutch fluid reservoir, master cylinder, slave Check flywheel runout if misalignment is sus-
cylinder and fluid lines are pre-filled with fluid at pected. Runout should not exceed 0.08 mm (0.003
the factory during assembly operations. in.). Measure runout at the outer edge of the fly-
The hydraulic system should not require additional wheel face with a dial indicator. Mount the dial indi-
fluid under normal circumstances. The reservoir cator on a stud installed in place of one of the clutch
fluid level will actually increase as normal housing attaching bolts.
clutch wear occurs. Avoid overfilling, or remov- Clean the crankshaft flange before mounting the
ing fluid from the reservoir. flywheel. Dirt and grease on the flange surface may
Clutch fluid level is checked at the master cylinder cock the flywheel causing excessive runout.
reservoir (Fig. 3). An indicator ring is provided on the Check condition of the flywheel hub and attaching
outside of the reservoir. With the cap and diaphragm bolts. Replace the flywheel if the hub exhibits cracks
removed, fluid level should not be above indicator in the area of the attaching bolt holes.
ring. Install new attaching bolts whenever the flywheel
To avoid contaminating the hydraulic fluid during is replaced and use Mopart Lock N’ Seal, or Loctite
inspection, wipe reservoir and cover clean before 242 on the replacement bolt threads.
removing the cap. Recommended flywheel bolt torques are:
• 142 N·m (105 ft. lbs.) for 6-cylinder flywheels
6 - 10 CLUTCH TJ
• 68 N·m (50 ft. lbs.) plus an additional turn of REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
60° for 4-cylinder flywheels
Inspect the teeth on the starter ring gear. If the CLUTCH COVER AND DISC
teeth are worn or damaged, the flywheel should
be replaced as an assembly. This is the recom- REMOVAL
mended and preferred method of repair. (1) Remove transmission. Refer to procedures in
In cases where a new flywheel is not readily avail- Group 21.
able, a replacement ring gear can be installed. How- (2) If original clutch cover will be reinstalled, mark
ever, the following precautions must be observed to position of cover on flywheel for assembly reference.
avoid damaging the flywheel and replacement gear. Use paint or a scriber for this purpose.
(1) Mark position of the old gear for alignment ref- (3) If clutch cover is to be replaced, cover bolts can
erence on the flywheel. Use a scriber for this pur- be removed in any sequence. However, if original
pose. cover will be reinstalled, loosen cover bolts evenly
(2) Wear protective goggles or approved safety and in rotation to relieve spring tension equally. This
glasses. Also wear heat resistent gloves when han- is necessary to avoid warping cover.
dling a heated ring gear. (4) Remove cover bolts and remove cover and disc
(3) Remove the old gear by cutting most of the way (Fig. 4).
through it (at one point) with an abrasive cut-off
wheel. Then complete removal with a cold chisel or INSTALLATION
punch. (1) Lightly scuff sand flywheel face with 180 grit
(4) The ring gear is a shrink fit on the flywheel. emery cloth. Then clean surface with a wax and
This means the gear must be expanded by heating in grease remover.
order to install it. The method of heating and (2) Lubricate pilot bearing with Mopar high tem-
expanding the gear is extremely important. perature bearing grease.
Every surface of the gear must be heated at the same (3) Check runout and free operation of new clutch
time to produce uniform expansion. An oven or simi- disc as follows:
lar enclosed heating device must be used. Tempera- (a) Slide disc onto transmission input shaft
ture required for uniform expansion is approximately splines. Disc should slide freely on splines.
375° F. (b) Leave disc on shaft and check face runout
with dial indicator. Check runout at disc hub and
CAUTION: Do not use an oxy/acetylene torch to about 6 mm (1/4 in.) from outer edge of facing.
remove the old gear, or to heat and expand a new (c) Face runout should not exceed 0.5 mm (0.020
gear. The high temperature of the torch flame can in.). Obtain another clutch disc if runout exceeds
cause localized heating that will damage the fly- this limit.
wheel. In addition, using the torch to heat a replace- (4) Position clutch disc on flywheel. Be sure side of
ment gear will cause uneven heating and disc marked flywheel side is positioned against fly-
expansion. The torch flame can also anneal the wheel (Fig. 4). If disc is not marked, be sure flat side
gear teeth resulting in rapid wear and damage after of disc hub is toward flywheel.
installation. (5) Inspect condition of pressure plate surface of
clutch cover (Fig. 4). Replace cover if this surface is
(5) The heated gear must be installed evenly to worn, heat checked, cracked, or scored.
avoid misalignment or distortion. A shop press and (6) Insert clutch alignment tool in clutch disc (Fig.
suitable press plates should be used to install the 5).
gear if at all possible. (7) Insert alignment tool in pilot bearing and posi-
(6) Be sure to wear eye and hand protection. Heat tion disc on flywheel. Be sure disc hub is positioned
resistent gloves and safety goggles are needed for correctly. Side of hub marked Flywheel Side should
personal safety. Also use metal tongs, vise grips, or face flywheel (Fig. 4). If disc is not marked, place flat
similar tools to position the gear as necessary for side of disc against flywheel.
installation. (8) Position clutch cover over disc and on flywheel
(7) Allow the flywheel and ring gear to cool down (Fig. 5).
before installation. Set the assembly on a workbench (9) Install clutch cover bolts finger tight.
and let it cool in normal shop air. (10) Tighten cover bolts evenly and in rotation a
few threads at a time. Cover bolts must be tight-
CAUTION: Do not use water, or compressed air to ened evenly and to specified torque to avoid
cool the flywheel. The rapid cooling produced by distorting cover. Tightening torques are 31 N·m
water or compressed air can distort, or crack the (23 ft. lbs.) on 2.5L engines and 52 N·m (38 ft.
gear and flywheel. lbs.) on 4.0 L engines.
TJ CLUTCH 6 - 11
(2) Disconnect release bearing from release lever
and remove bearing (Fig. 6).
(3) Inspect bearing slide surface of transmission
front bearing retainer. Replace retainer if slide sur-
face is scored, worn, or cracked.
(4) Inspect release fork and fork pivot. Be sure
pivot is secure and in good condition. Be sure fork is
not distorted or worn. Replace release fork retainer
spring if bent or damaged.
(1) Lubricate crankshaft pilot bearing with Mopart
high temperature bearing grease. Apply grease to
end of long shank, small diameter flat blade screw-
driver. Then insert tool through clutch disc hub to
reach bearing.
Fig. 4 Clutch Disc And Pressure Plate Inspection (2) Lubricate input shaft splines, bearing retainer
slide surface, fork pivot and release fork pivot surface
with Mopart high temperature grease.
(3) Install new release bearing. Be sure bearing is
properly secured to release fork.
(4) Install transmission.
The clutch housing is removable and can be
replaced when the transmission is out of the vehicle.
The bolts attaching the housing to the transmis-
sion case are located inside the housing (Fig. 8). Rec-
ommended tightening torque for the clutch housing-
to-transmission bolts is 38 N·m (28 ft. lbs.). Fig. 8 Clutch Housing Attachment
NOTE: Be sure the transmission and housing mat- (6) Verify that cap on clutch master cylinder reser-
ing surfaces are clean before installing an original, voir is tight. This is necessary to avoid spilling fluid
or replacement clutch housing. Dirt/foreign material during removal.
trapped between the housing and transmission will (7) Remove clutch master cylinder attaching nuts
cause misalignment. If misalignment is severe (Fig. 9) or (Fig. 10).
enough, the result will be clutch drag, incomplete (8) Disengage captured bushing on clutch master
release and hard shifting. cylinder actuator from pivot pin on pedal arm.
(9) Slide actuator off pivot pin.
(10) Disconnect clutch interlock safety switch
The clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder and con- (11) Remove clutch hydraulic linkage through
necting line are serviced as an assembly only. The engine compartment.
linkage components cannot be overhauled or serviced
separately. The cylinders and connecting line are INSTALLATION
sealed units. Also note that removal/installation pro- (1) Be sure reservoir cover on clutch master cylin-
cedures for right and left hand drive models are basi- der is tight to avoid spills.
cally the same. Only master cylinder location is (2) Position clutch linkage components in vehicle.
different. Work connecting line and slave cylinder downward
past engine and adjacent to clutch housing (Fig. 9) or
REMOVAL (Fig. 10).
(1) Raise vehicle. (3) Position clutch master cylinder on dash panel
(2) Remove fasteners attaching slave cylinder to (Fig. 9) or (Fig. 10).
clutch housing. (4) Attach clutch master cylinder actuator to pivot
(3) Remove slave cylinder from clutch housing pin on clutch pedal.
(Fig. 9). (5) Install and tighten clutch master cylinder
(4) Disengage clutch fluid line from body clips. attaching nuts to 38 N·m (28 ft. lbs.) torque.
(5) Lower vehicle. (6) Raise vehicle.
TJ CLUTCH 6 - 13
(3) Disengage captured bushing lock tabs attach-
ing clutch master cylinder actuator to pedal pivot
(Fig. 11) or (Fig. 12).
(4) Remove nuts attaching pedal and bracket to
dash panel and upper cowl support (Fig. 11) or (Fig.
(5) Separate pedal assemble from vehicle.
(1) Place clutch pedal and bracket over studs on
dash panel and cowl support (Fig. 11) or (Fig. 12).
(2) Install nuts to attach pedal and bracket to
dash panel and upper cowl support (Fig. 11) or (Fig.
12). Tighten nuts to 39 N·m (29 ft. lbs.) torque
(3) Engage captured bushing and actuator on
brake pedal pivot (Fig. 11) or (Fig. 12).
Fig. 9 Slave Cylinder and Left Hand Drive Clutch (4) Connect clutch pedal position switch wires.
Master Cylinder
(1) Remove steering column lower cover and knee
blocker for access. Refer to Group 8E, Instrument
Panel for procedure.
(2) Disconnect clutch pedal position switch wires.
Fig. 12 Clutch Pedal Mounting—Right Hand Drive
6 - 14 CLUTCH TJ
Bolts, clutch cover 2.5 L . . . . . . . .31 N·m (23 ft. lbs)
Bolts, clutch cover 4.0 L . . . . . . . .52 N·m (38 ft. lbs)
Nut, clutch master cyl. . . . . . . . . .38 N·m (28 ft. lbs)
Nut, clutch slave cyl. . . . . . . . . . . .23 N·m (17 ft. lbs)
Bolt, clutch housing M12 . . . . . . . .75 N·m (55 ft. lbs)
Bolt, clutch housing 3/8 . . . . . . . . .37 N·m (27 ft. lbs)
Bolt, clutch housing 7/16 . . . . . . . .58 N·m (43 ft. lbs)
Bolt, clutch housing/trans. . . . . . . .38 N·m (28 ft. lbs)
Bolt, dust shield M8 . . . . . . . . . . . .8 N·m (72 in. lbs)
Bolt, dust shield lower . . . . . . . . . .50 N·m (37 ft. lbs)
Bolt, X-member/frame . . . . . . . . . .41 N·m (30 ft. lbs)
Bolt, X-member/rear support . . . .45 N·m (33 ft. lbs.)
Bolts, flywheel 2.5 L . . . . . . . . . . .68 N·m (50 ft. lbs)
+1/4 turn
Bolts, flywheel 4.0 L . . . . . . . . .142 N·m (105 ft. lbs)