!"#$%&' )*+, BACKGROUND -.& /&0##1& 2&30'#4&5# $6 -'0573$'#0#8$5 9/2!-: 87 '&30;85< Roosevelt Way NL between NL Paclc ano NL 65tb Streets ano aoolng satety lmprovements net summer. Along wltb meetlng Seattle's baslc malntenance neeos, tbe project wlll lnstall a protecteo one-way blke lane on tbe west sloe ot Roosevelt soutb ot NL 45tb Street. EARLY 5AFETY TEMPORARY lMPROVEMENT5 We are acceleratlng tbe lnstallatlon ot tbe protecteo blke lane to make lt not only sater tor people rlolng blkes, but tor all roaoway users. |n tbe past tour years, tbere bave been 95 colllslons between NL 45tb ano NL 40tb streets nearly 20 percent ot wblcb lnvolveo people rlolng blkes. Ot tbese, 39 were lnjury colllslons 44 percent lnvolveo people rlolng blkes. Tbe clty bas a goal ot zero tratc tatalltles ano serlous tratc lnjurles by tbe year 2030. |mplementlng protecteo blke lanes ls one ot tbe tools Seattle's Roao Satety Actlon Plan recommenos to belp us acbleve tbls goal. GOAL5 / PROjECT BENEFlT5 = Satety tor all users PeopIe biking - support people ot all ages ano abllltles rlolng blkes PeopIe waIking - Separate blcycles trom peoestrlans PeopIe driving - provloe preolctablllty wltbln tbe 7#'&&# = >8;& 3&$31& 4$'& #'0573$'#0#8$5 $3#8$57 = |mprove satety as people are no longer rlolng blkes ln tbe ooor zone WHAT l5 A PROTECTED BlKE LANE! Protecteo blke lanes pbyslcally separate people rlolng blkes trom people orlvlng ano are olstlnct trom tbe sloewalk, aoolng preolctablllty. Protecteo blke lanes are especlally attractlve to people wbo mlgbt be wllllng to blcycle but are concerneo about satety. 8etter blke lanes can't solve every problem, but tbey are one ot many tools Seattle can oeploy to attract new buslnesses tbat employ talenteo workers ano tor resloents wbo preter to llve, work, ano play ln tbe Unlverslty Dlstrlct. SDOT currently bas nlne protecteo blke lanes ln place or unoer oeslgn: Llnoen Ave N, Cberry St, 8roaoway, Alkl, NL 65tb Street, Westlake Avenue N, NL 40tb Street, Sano Polnt Way NL, ano 2no Avenue. !" $%&'() *%+,-%. 5 !" /012 31 !" 0412 31 !" 5012 31 !" 0012 31 6 7 7 ) 8 9 8 : 1
" !" /412 31 B4<0 *=FG!H *6IJ"$K L"H"!M K"N*I6=6O *6IK"$K"M AGP" L=!" PROjECT MAP !" $%&' (&)**& +),&*-&*. /01* 234*5 NOTL: Roosevelt Way NL wlll be a one-way soutbbouno protecteo blke lane on tbe west sloe ot tbe street. 5CHEDULE October/NovemberOutreacb to aojacent propertles December/[anuaryConstructlon ot temporary protecteo blke lane (weatber oepenoent) Summer 2015Pavlng project starts, lnstallatlon ot permanent protecteo blke lane ano otber satety 843'$;&4&5#7
PROjECT lNFORMATlON AND CONTACT seattIe.gov/transportation/pave_rooseveIt.htn Temporary protecteo blke lane lnstallatlon questlons: Dawn Scbellenberg at Dawn.Scbellenberg@Seattle.gov, or (206) 684-5189 Roosevelt Avenue Pavlng ano Satety |mprovement Project questlons: Paul Llllott at Paul.Llllott@Seattle.gov, or (206) 684-5321 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW l Tbe protecteo blke lane wlll be lnstalleo wbere tbe current blke lane ano tbe on- street parklng lane ls on tbe west sloe ot Roosevelt soutb ot NL 45tb Street. lTbe passenger loaolng zone at tbe Unlverslty ot Wasblngton's meolcal cllnlc ano tbe bus stop at NL 42no Street wlll not be lmpacteo. SDOT wlll work wltb Klng County Metro ano tbe Unlverslty to oevelop a oeslgn tor tbe permanent taclllty. l Green pavement marklngs wlll alert users wbere orlveways cross tbe protecteo blke lane. D r l v e
L a n e 10' D r l v e
L a n e 7' P a r k l n g 7' 11' 8 l k e
L a n e 5' P a r k l n g !"#$%#&' )*+$$ ,-.%#+& D r l v e
L a n e 10' D r l v e
L a n e 7' P a r k l n g 7' 11' 8 u t t e r 5' 8 l k e