Effective Communication: Email Etiquettes
Effective Communication: Email Etiquettes
Effective Communication: Email Etiquettes
Email Etiquettes
Comviva_Template_V1.0_Mar09 1
Workshop overview
1. Email Etiquette Why is it important? 2. Dos & Don'ts in Writing Emails 3. Sample Emails 4. E er!ise "During the #raining$ %. &ollo' up e er!ise (onitoring email e !hanges %.1. )et'een team mem*ers %.2. )et'een !ross +un!tional teams %.3. With !lients ,. E-aluation
.We all intera!t 'ith the printe/ 'or/ as though it has a personality & that personality ma0es positi-e & negati-e impressions1
.Without imme/iate +ee/*a!0 your /o!ument !an easily *e misinterprete/ *y your rea/er2 so it is !ru!ial that you +ollo' the *asi! rules o+ etiquette to !onstru!t an appropriate tone1
3oints to remem*er4 1. 3ro+essional me/ium to !ommuni!ate 2. #o a-oi/ misinterpretation an/ misuse o+ email ser-i!e 3. 5elationship in hierar!hy 3.1. &or !olleagues an/ 6uniors 3.2 &or *oss an/ seniors
2. Who am I writing to ? 2.7. 8no' your au/ien!e. 2.). 9ontent o+ in+ormation to *e share/. 2.9. :#o: & :99:
. How do I communicate ? 4.7. 7ggressi-e ; E pressi-e "'hat a!tion 'e e pe!t +rom the re!ipients$
1. <eneral &ormat. 2. Writing long message. 3. 7tta!hments. 4. #he !urse o+ surprises. %. &laming. ,. Deli-ering in+ormation "!ontents an/ 'or/s$. =. Deli-ering *a/ ne's. >. Ele!troni! (ailing ?ist.
!s "it# an$ form of "ritin%& in or'er to (e effective& $ou must first i'entif$ $our tar%et au'ience. T#e same is true "#en "ritin% emails.
*se' for ) Main recipient (Is any action needed from the person?) *se' for) -t#er important persons "#o s#oul' (e part of t#e email or s#oul' (e informe'. *se' for) for"ar'in% an email to lar%e num(er of recipients
Points to remember: 1. /on0t automaticall$ +1epl$ to all, 2. Ta2e one last loo2 at $our 'istri(ution list 3 is t#is email necessar$ for all recipients.
&ersuasive writing
.5ersuasive "ritin% is a t$pe of "ritin% "#ere $our main %oal is to persua'e or convince someone to 'o somet#in% t#at $ou "ant t#em to 'o,
1. 6pea2s to t#e rea'er in accor'ance "it# #is7 #er frame of reference. 2. Clearl$ an' succinctl$ conve$s t#e messa%e. 3. Ma2es t#e rea'er ta2e t#e actions t#e "riter "ants. 4. 8ritin% effective intro'uctions. 5. Ma2in% a "ell structure' content. . *sin% appropriate tone. 4. 8ritin% effective closin%s
'eneral (ormat
1. Salutations. 2. Su*6e!ts 3. ?ist an/ )ullets 4. &ormat an/ ?ayout %. 3aragraphs ,. 7tta!hments =. Signatures
'eneral (ormat
). *alutation 7.1. Salutations are tri!0y2 espe!ially i+ you are !rossing !ultures. 7.2. &requently2 titles are /i++erent +or men an/ 'omen2 an/ you may not *e a*le to tell 'hi!h you are a//ressing. 7.3. @n the Anite/ States2 using someone's +irst name is usually o0. 7.4. Dear2 ; Bi "+irst name$2 ; +irst name ; Dear (r. "last name$
).1. Dont lea-e su*6e!t *lan0. ).2. Su*6e!t shoul/ *e a -ery short summary o+ your eCmail. ).3. Do not ma0e it too long "4DC4% !har$. ).4. @+ its an urgent issue that nee/s -ery qui!0 attention2 mention A5<EE# in su*6e!t. ).%. @+ it is a*solutely *usiness !riti!al that the re!ipient ta0e a!tion to/ay2 you !an 'rite .7!tion require/ to/ay1.
'eneral (ormat
$. -ist . %ullets 9.1. When you are 'riting /ire!tions or 'ant to emphasiFe important points2 num*er your /ire!tions or *ullet your main points.
/. &aragraphs D.1. Ase paragraphs that are not more than three to +i-e lines2 so that the meaning o+ the message o+ short an/ sharpG E. (ormat and -ayout E.1. 9ontent
E.1.1. Dont *e a no-elist. E.1.2. #ry to 0eep the email *rie+. E.1.3. 8eep senten!es short an/ to the point.
E.2.1. Ase 973S2 only 'hen require/. E.2.2. Ase +onts 'ith pro+essional or neutral loo0.
'eneral (ormat
E. (ormat and -ayout E.3. ?ayout
E.3.1. Stru!ture your thoughts E.3.2. Di++erent i/eas to *e separate/. E.3.2.1. Ase *ullet points. E.3.2.2. Ase se!tions.
(. )ttachments &.1. @+ re+erring to atta!hments in your email2 ma0e sure that you ha-e a!tually atta!he/ the +iles. "Hou !an loo0 -ery +oolish i+ you tal0 a*out a -ital atta!hment an/ 'hen the re!ipient goes to -ie' it2 its no'here to *e +oun/.$ &.2. &.3. =.4. :eep t#e file si;e of attac#ments as small as possi(le. <f an attac#ment is (i%& 'o a follo" up "it# t#e recipient& if #e7s#e #as receive' t#e attac#ment. <f an attac#ment is (i%& it is a'visa(le to %ive a #ea's up to t#e recipient
'eneral (ormat
'. *ignature <.1. Ensure you ha-e a proper signature. <.2. @t is an e !ellent opportunity to mar0et yoursel+ in a elegant 'ay. <.3. 8eep your signature short an/ s'eet. <.4. (any people use these signatures as an easy 'ay to gi-e their name an/ alternate 'ays o+ rea!hing them. <.%. Dont get !arrie/ a'ay an/ 'rite poetry or your +a-orite quoteG <.,. 8eep it simple an/ pro+essional
g i S re u
t a n
.@ thin0 it 'ill *e har/ to re!o-er +rom this2 *ut 'hat !an @ /o to help?1
Writing a complaint
1. .riefl$ state t#e #istor$ .@ ha-e *een in tou!h 'ith your E e!uti-e (s. Eina2 o-er the last t'o 'ee0s2 regar/ing the error in my sa-ings *an0 a!!ount.1 2. 6#o" "#$ it is important for $our rea'er to %et involve') .#his is a pro*lem +or t'o reasons. &irst2 @ am in!on-enien!e/ as it is my salary a!!ount an/ @ ha-e not *een a*le to 'ith/ra' money +rom it /uring this perio/.1 Se!on/2 @ ha-e not re!ei-e/ a positi-e response +rom your sta++2 /espite repeate/ +ollo' up2 'hi!h ma0es me /ou*t i+ my !on!ern has *een note/ at all.1 3. 6#o" attempts ma'e ($ $ou t#us far to resolve t#e issue)
+< #ave offere' to come to t#e .an2 "it# t#e necessar$ 'ocuments., 4. Maintain a positive resolve.
+5lease let me 2no" "#at $ou require from me to ena(le a spee'$ solution for m$ pro(lem. < "oul' li2e $ou to personall$ ta2e up t#is matter an' #elp resolve it& as t"o "ee2s an' man$ emails an' p#one calls #ave alrea'$ (een e>c#an%e' in t#is matter.,
3. 5ea/ your message t'i!e *e+ore you sen/ it an/ assume that you may *e misinterprete/ 'hen proo+rea/ing.
2esponding to a !lame
1. 2. 3. 4. %. ,.
EmpathiFe 'ith the sen/ers +rustration an/ tell them they are right i+ that is true @+ you +eel you are right2 than0 them +or *ringing the matter to your attention E plain 'hat le/ to the pro*lem in question. 7-oi/ getting *ogge/ /o'n *y /etails an/ minor arguments. @+ you are a'are that the situation is in the pro!ess o+ *eing resol-e/ let the rea/er 0no' at the top o+ the response. 7pologiFe i+ ne!essary
? #here are times 'hen you nee/ to ta0e your /is!ussion out o+ the -irtual 'orl/ an/ ma0e a phone !all.
? @+ things *e!ome -ery heate/2 a lot o+ misun/erstan/ing o!!urs2 or 'hen you are /eli-ering -ery /eli!ate ne's then the *est 'ay is still +a!eCto +a!e.
&lease remem+er 00
1. 7-oi/ poor usa%e of email facilit$
&lease remem+er 00
'eneral tips
1. Ase &ollo' Ap &lags. 2. @+ you +in/ you are on a /istri*ution list you /ont nee/ to *e on. L sen/ a note to the originator to *e remo-e/. 3. @+ you get in-ol-e/ in an email /is!ussion that you /ont nee/ to *e in Las0 to *e ta0en o++ the /istri*ution. 4. While +or'ar/ing the message /elete the list o+ email a//resses i+ not ne!essary %. @+ you see someone else pra!ti!ing *a/ email etiquette Lsen/ a +rien/ly note an/ as0 them to !orre!t it
Dear 7shish2 #his is to in+orm you that @ ha-e to pi!0e/ up at >43D +rom tomorro' on'ar/s.
5egar/s2 Su/hir
T#an2 @ou