CDJ 1983 MHC 262: Print View
CDJ 1983 MHC 262: Print View
CDJ 1983 MHC 262: Print View
Court : High Court of Judicature at Madras Case No : W.P. Nos. 5016, 5244, 6192, 619 a!d 6"00 of 19" Judges: #H$ H%N%&'()*$ M'. J&+#,C$ + '(#N(-$* P(N.,(N, #H$ H%N%&'()*$ M'. J&+#,C$ /.M. N(#('(J(N 0 #H$ H%N%&'()*$ M'. J&+#,C$ +. (. /(.$' Parties : 'osha! )ee1i a!d %thers -ersus Joi!t +ecretar2 #o #he 3o1er!4e!t of #a4i5 Nadu, Pu65ic .e7art4e!t 8*a9 a!d %rder: a!d %thers (77eari!g (d1ocates : M;s. M.'.M. (6du5 /aree4, M.H. (6du5 'asheed, /.(. Ja66ar, M. (6du5 Na<eer, P.H. Ju44a /ha!, P.M. Pre4 Na<eer, 'a!ga1a==u5a /rish!a4urthi, (.(. *a9re!ce, (d1ocates. .ate of Judg4e!t : 09>11>19" Head Note :>
C%N+#,#&#,%N (rtic5e (rtic5e (rtic5e (rtic5e (rtic5e (rtic5e (rtic5e ,N.,(N +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! CRIMINAL +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! +ectio! ,N.,(N +ectio!
%? 1981:8d: 208 : 21 22 2281: 2282: 226 P$N(* 99 19 22 225 22" 241 9 42 PROCEDURE 28h: 4 45 4581: 46 16081: 164 16@81: 4 " 4 9 451 $-,.$NC$ 24
25 26 2@
C%MP('(#,-$ C,#(#,%N+: 19"4 815: $*# 2"9, 19"4 8090: C'*J 01 4 M(., 19"4 (,'8N%C: 10 , 19"4 81: M*J 8Cr5: 6 8Mad:
Judgment :-
#he a6o1e fi1e 9rit 7etitio!s u!der (rtic5e 226 of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia ha1e 6ee! fi5ed cha55e!gi!g the 5ega5it2 a!d 1a5idit2 of the order of dete!tio! i! the res7ecti1e cases, 7assed u!der +ectio! 81: of the Co!ser1atio! of ?oreig! $Acha!ge a!d Pre1e!tio! of +4ugg5i!g (cti1ities (ct, 19@4 8herei!after referred to as the C%?$P%+( (ct:. 2.%!e of the 4ai! grou!ds raised i! a55 these 9rit 7etitio!s o! the stre!gth of a! o6ser1atio! 4ade 62 a .i1isio! )e!ch of this Court co!sisti!g of )a5asu6rah4a!2a! J. a!d M.N. Moorth2 J. i!/aisar %t4ar1.+tate of #a4i5 Nadu, 19"1 *.W. Cr5. 15", is that the dete!u shou5d 6e dee4ed to ha1e 6ee! arrested fro4 the 4o4e!t the2 9ere taBe! i!to custod2 62 the Custo4s officia5s, e1e! if it 6e u!der the guise of a!2 i!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio!, a!d that their su6seCue!t custod2 9ith the Custo4s de7art4e!t 9ithout 6ei!g 7roduced 6efore the Magistrate 9ithi! 24 hours as e!1isaged i! (rtic5e 2282: of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia, 9ou5d a4ou!t to a! i55ega5 dete!tio! a!d a!2 state4e!t or state4e!ts recorded fro4 those 7erso!s 62 the Custo4s %4ciats duri!g this 7ro5o!ged 7eriod of custod2 shou5d 6e he5d to ha1e 6ee! 4ade 62 the dete!ues !ot o! their o9! 1o5itio! or free 9i55 a!d he!ce such state4e!ts ca!!ot 6e 4ade use of 62 the detai!i!g authorities for dra9i!g the reCuisite su6=ecti1e satisfactio! for 7assi!g the orders of dete!tio!. .(s t9o of us co!stituti!g a .i1isio! )e!ch 1ie9ed that the i!ter7retatio! of the 9ord DarrestD a!d the o6ser1atio! regardi!g the for4a5 4ode of arrest, gi1e! 62 the ear5ier .i1isio! )e!ch of this court i! /aisar %t4arDs case, are !ot i! co!so!a!ce 9ith +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. a!d the 1ie9 taBe! 62 a ?u55 )e!ch of this court i!Co55ector of Custo4s1./othu4a5, 196@ (,'8Mad: 26 , a!d the decisio! of a .i1isio! )e!ch of the )o46a2 High Court i!Har6a!s +i!gh1.+tate, 19@0 (,'8)o4: @9, a!d that such a! i!ter7retatio! a!d o6ser1atio! !eed reco!sideratio! 62 a ?u55 )e!ch of this court, 9e 75aced the 4atter 6efore the Ho!D65e the Chief Justice for !ecessar2 orders. (ccordi!g52 this 6atch of 9rit 7etitio!s ha1e !o9 6ee! referred to this ?u55 )e!ch. 4.#he re5e1a!t 7ortio! of the =udg4e!t i! /aisar %t4arDs case, 9hich 5ed to this refere!ce to this ?u55 )e!ch, reads thus :> E%ur 5ega5 s2ste4 does !ot reCuire that a! arrest shou5d 6e atte!ded 9ith a!2 ritua5 or e1e! that it shou5d 6e oste!tatious. ,t is !ot !ecessar2 that a 4a! i! order to get arrested shou5d 6e taBe! 7riso!erF !or does the 5a9 regard a! arrest o!52 the cere4o!ia5 ha!d>cuff or 4achi!e. (! authorit2 is said to arrest a!other 4a! if it 7re1e!ts the 5atter fro4 9i55i!g his 4o1e4e!ts a!d 4o1i!g accordi!g to his 9i55. &!der e!5ighte!ed 4oder! co!ditio!s it se5do4 6eco4es !ecessar2 for a!2 POLICE officer or other authorit2 e4POWERed to 4aBe arrests to actua552 sei<e or e1e! though a 7erso!Ds 6od2 9ith a 1ie9 to his restrai!t. &ttera!ce of a guttora5 9ord or sou!d, a
gesture of the i!deA fi!ger or ha!d, the s9a2 of the head or e1e! the f5icBer of a! e2e are e!ough to co!1e2 the 4ea!i!g to the 7erso! co!cer!ed that he has 5ost his 5i6ert2.E G ,! /aiser %t4arDs case, accordi!g to the dete!u, he 9as taBe! for i!terrogatio! 62 the 7re1e!ti1e officers of the Custo4s de7art4e!t o! the e1e!i!g of 15th Ja!uar2, 19"1 a!d the!ce for9ard 9as u!der their custod2 co!ti!uous52 ti55 4 7.4. o! 1"th Ja!uar2, 19"1, 9he! he 9as 7roduced 6efore the Chief Metro7o5ita! Magistrate a!d re4a!ded to =udicia5 custod2, after @0 hours fro4 the ti4e of his 6ei!g taBe! i!to custod2 i.e. his arrest. ,t 9as su64itted o! 6eha5f of the res7o!de!ts therei! that the dete!u 9as taBe! i!to custod2 o! the 15th e1e!i!g for i!Cuir2 a!d i!terrogatio! ti55 1">1>19"1, duri!g 9hich he 4ade a co!fessio!a5 state4e!t 5eadi!g to the reco1er2 a!d sei<ure of s4ugg5ed goods a!d that he 9as actua552 arrested o!52 at 11 a.4. o! 1">1>19"1, u!der +ectio! 10481: of the Custo4s (ct, a!d that as the dete!u 9as 7roduced 6efore the Magistrate o! 1">1>19"1 itse5f 9ithi! 24 hours of the arrest, the su64issio! 4ade o! 6eha5f of the 7etitio!er that there 9as a! i55ega5 dete!tio! 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 2282: of the Co!stitutio!, 9as !ot correct. ,! other 9ords, accordi!g to the res7o!de!ts, the dete!u cou5d !ot 6e said to ha1e 6ee! DarrestedD 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of the said ter4 fro4 the 4o4e!t 9he! he 9as taBe! i!to custod2 for i!terrogatio!. #he )e!ch re=ecti!g the co!te!tio! of the res7o!de!ts a!d acce7ti!g that of the 7etitio!er, he5d that the dete!u i! that case 9as arrested fro4 the ti4e 9he! he 9as taBe! i!to custod2 62 the custo4s officia5s, i.e., o! the e1e!i!g of 15>1>19"1, a!d Be7t for a 7ro5o!ged 7eriod i! 1io5atio! of (rtic5e 2282: of the Co!stitutio!. 5.,! order to a!s9er the refere!ce, the fo55o9i!g Cuestio!s are fra4ed for co!sideratio! :> 1. 2. Whe! (re is the a ter4s 7erso! said to a!d 6e DarrestD u!der arrestH
. (re the Custo4s officia5s 1ested 9ith POWERs u!der the Custo4s (ct, 1962, to detai! a!2 7erso! for a!2 7eriod a!d at a!2 75ace for the 7ur7ose of a! i!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATIONH 4. Wi55 the dete!tio! of a 7erso! 62 the Custo4s officers for the 7ur7ose of e!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION a4ou!t to a! DarrestD of the said 7erso!H 5. ,s dete!tio! of a 7erso! 62 the Custo4s officers for the 7ur7ose of i!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION 6e2o!d 24 hours 9ithout 7roduci!g hi4 6efore a Magistrate, 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 22 of the Co!stitutio! of ,!diaH 6.Mr. (6du5 /aree4, 5ear!ed Cou!se5 a77eari!g for the 9rit 7etitio!ers i! W.P. 5016 of 19" a!d 5244 of 19" , dre9 our atte!tio! to the 1arious 7ro1isio!s of the sea Custo4s (ct, 1"@", a!d the corres7o!di!g a!d other a55ied 7ro1isio!s of the Custo4s (ct, 1962, as 9e55 as the 1arious 7ro1isio!s re5ati!g to arrest co4i!g u!der Cha7ter -,, Cr5. P.C. a!d su64itted that the 4o4e!t the 7erso!a5 5i6ert2 of a 7erso! a!d the freedo4 of his 4o1e4e!t are restrai!ed co!seCue!t u7o! his 6ei!g 6rought u!der the custod2 of a! authorit2 c5othed 9ith the POWER of arrest, he shou5d 6e dee4ed to ha1e 6ee! arrested 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. a!d that though the su6=ect of 7re1e!ti1e dete!tio! is s7ecifica552 dea5t 9ith i! (rtic5e 22 of the Co!stitutio!, the reCuire4e!ts of (rtic5e 21 ha1e !e1erthe5ess to 6e satisfied a!d that
+ectio!s 10@ a!d 10" of the Custo4s (ct 1est a! u!co!tro55ed a!d u!6rid5ed POWER i! a! ar6itrar2, u!reaso!a65e a!d u!guided 4a!!er, o! the eAecuti1e i! i475e4e!ti!g these 7ro1isio!s at their s9eet 9i55, 9hich 1esti!g is 1io5ati1e of the 7ri!ci75es of !atura5 =ustice a!d (rtic5e 21, a!d so the 7rocedure atte!di!g u7o! such POWER of dete!tio! shou5d co!for4 to the 4a!date of (rtic5e 21 i! the 4atter of fair!ess, =ust!ess a!d reaso!a65e!ess a!d that the 4o4e!t a 7erso! is arrested u!der +ec. 10481: of the Custo4s (ct, he 4ust 9ithout u!!ecessar2 de5a2, 6e taBe! to a Magistrate, a!d that a!2 7ro5o!ged de5a2 is 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 2282: 4aBes such dete!tio! i55ega5 a!d he!ce a!2 state4e!t recorded fro4 such arrested 7erso! or 7erso!s shou5d 6e he5d to ha1e 6ee! tai!ted 9ith i55ega5it2 as ha1i!g 6ee! eAtorted u!der duress, coercio! or u!due i!f5ue!ce a!d such a state4e!t shou5d !ot for4 the 6asis of the su6=ecti1e satisfactio! to 6e dra9! 62 the detai!i!g authorit2. @.Mr. P.N. Ju44a /ha!, 5ear!ed Cou!se5 a77eari!g for the 9rit 7etitio!er i! W.P. 6192 a!d 619 of 19" , 9ou5d ado7t the argu4e!t ad1a!ced 62 Mr. /aree4. @(.Mr. 'a!ga1a==u5a, 5ear!ed Cou!se5 a77eari!g for the 7etitio!er i! W.P. 6""0 of 19" tooB us 1er2 4eticu5ous52 through the 1arious 7ro1isio!s of the CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE a!d the ,!dia! Pe!a5 Code, a!d the Custo4s (ct a!d a5so the 1arious teAt 6ooBs 9ritte! 62 re!o9!ed authors, i! 9hich ter4s DarrestD a!d Dcustod2D a77ear a!d a5so referred to 1arious dictio!aries 9ith refere!ce to the 4ea!i!g of those t9o ter4s, a!d urged that the 9ords DarrestD a!d custod2 are s2!o!24ous a!d therefore, o!ce a 7erso! is taBe! for i!Cuir2 either u!der +ectio! 10@ or u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, such a taBi!g 9ou5d a4ou!t to a! arrest a!d the Custo4s officia5s are !ot at a55 =ustified i! Bee7i!g a!d detai!i!g a 7erso! as taBe! i!to custod2 for e1er the statutor2 7eriod authorised u!der 5a9, u!der the guise of i!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio!. (ccordi!g to hi4, the i!ter7retatio! of the ter4 DarrestD a!d the o6ser1atio! of the ter4 DarrestD i! /aiser %t4arDs case, re7rese!t the correct 7ositio! of 5a9 a!d as such there is !o 9arra!t for reco!sideratio! of the 7ri!ci75es 5aid do9! therei!. ".#he 5ear!ed (d1ocate 3e!era5, a77eari!g at the i!sta!ce of this Court, 7osed three 7oi!ts as arisi!g for discussio! a!d a!s9ered the sa4e stati!g 81: that the 4ere Cuestio!i!g of a 7erso! 62 a Custo4s officer either u!der +ectio! 10@ or u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct resu5ti!g i! a 1o5u!tar2 state4e!t 9hich 4a2 u5ti4ate52 tur! out to 6e i!cri4i!ator2, is !ot co47u5sio!, attracti!g the a775icatio! of +ectio! 208 :, 6ecause that 7erso!, 9hi5e 4aBi!g that state4e!t at that stage, is !ot a! accused of a!2 offe!ceF 82: that as +ectio!s 10@ a!d 10" of the Custo4s (ct 7ro1ide a475e sa!ctio! for e!Cuir2 or i!terrogati!g or i!1estigati!g 62 the officers of the Custo4s de7art4e!t, 9ithout s7ecif2i!g the 75ace a!d ti4e for such e!Cuir2 etc., such eAercise of the POWERs is i! accorda!ce 9ith the 7rocedure esta65ished 62 5a9 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of (rtic5e 21 a!d such as there is !o Cuestio! of a!2 1io5atio! of the 7ro1isio!s of (rtic5e 21 of the Co!stitutio!, a!d 8 : that to attract (rtic5e 2282: t9o esse!tia5 i!gredie!ts 1i<., DarrestD a!d Ddete!tio! i! custod2D shou5d 6e satisfied a!d therefore, the 4ere custod2 9i55 !ot a4ou!t to arrest 9ithi! its 5ega5 se!se a!d as co!te475ated u!der +ectio! 46, Cr5. P.C. 9.Mr. P. 'a=a4a!icBa4, 5ear!ed Pu65ic Prosecutor, a77eari!g for res7o!de!ts 1 a!d 2, cou!ters the su64issio! 4ade 62 the 5ear!ed Cou!se5 a77eari!g for the 7etitio!ers, i!ter a5ia, co!te!di!g that the 4ere taBi!g of a 7erso! to a 75ace co!1e!ie!t for a55 for the 7ur7ose of i!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION 9i55 !ot a4ou!t to DarrestD though there is restrai!t of that 7erso!. (ccordi!g to hi4, 9he! a
statute 6eco4es i47ossi65e of co475ia!ce a!d the dut2 i47osed 62 that statute ca!!ot 6e discharged, the doctri!e of i475ied ter4s ca! 6e i!1oBed a!d so4e auAi5iar2 or i!cide!ta5 POWER ca! 6e 7er4itted to eAist 5est the statutor2 7ro1isio!s 9ou5d 6eco4e a dead 5etter a!d he!ce i! a! i!Cuir2 u!der +ectio! 10@ or +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, the authorities co!cer!ed ca!, 62 the a775icatio! of the said doctri!e, taBe 7erso!s sus7ected of ha1i!g co44itted a!2 offe!ce to a!2 75ace at a!2 ti4e for i!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! etc., a!d such taBi!g i! the circu4sta!ces a!d co!teAt, 9ou5d !ot a4ou!t to DarrestD of the 7erso! co!cer!ed. 10.Mr. '. #hiagara=a!, 5ear!ed +e!ior Ce!tra5 3o1er!4e!t +ta!di!g cou!se5, a77eari!g o! 6eha5f of the third res7o!de!t, 1i<. the (ssista!t .irector, 'e1e!ue, ,!te55ige!ce, Madras i475eaded as 7er order of this court dated 9>9>19" 4ade i! M.W.P. 12"22 to 12"24 of 19" , 4ade refere!ce to the sche4e of the Custo4s (ct a!d stated that a Custo4s officer is !ot a POLICE officer a!d the 7erso!s su44o!ed for e!Cuir2 either u!der +ectio! 10@ or u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct is !ot a! accused of a! offe!ce a!d he!ce at the stage of such a! e!Cuir2, 9he! there is !o for4a5 accusatio!, the 4ere 7h2sica5 restrai!t of that 7erso! is !ot a! arrest a!d i! such a case, there is !o testi4o!ia5 co47u5sio!. He 9ou5d further state that as the 7erso! su44o!ed for e!Cuir2 does !ot ha1e the character of a! accused, the 7rotectio! gi1e! u!der (rtic5es 20 8 :, 21 a!d 2282: of the Co!stitutio! ca!!ot 6e a1ai5ed of. 11.,! su77ort of their res7ecti1e su64issio!s, the 5ear!ed Cou!se5 a77eari!g for the 1arious 7etitio!ers a!d the res7o!de!ts a!d the 5ear!ed (d1ocate 3e!era5 tooB us 1er2 4eticu5ous52 through a cate!a of decisio!s a!d a5so dre9 our atte!tio! to 1arious 7ro1isio!s of the Custo4s (ct, the Code of Cri4i!a5 Procedure a!d other a55ied e!act4e!ts a!d certai! re!o9!ed teAt 6ooBs. 12.Mea!i!g of the ter4 DarrestD : #he ter4 DarrestD is !ot defi!ed either i! the 7rocedura5 (cts or i! the 1arious su6sta!ti1e (cts, though +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 5a2s do9! the 4ode of arrest to 6e effected.
1 .#he 9ord DarrestD is deri1ed fro4 the ?re!ch DarresterD 4ea!i!g Dto sto7 or sta2D a!d sig!ifies a restrai!t of the 7erso!. *eAcogra7hica552 the 4ea!i!g of the 9ord DarrestD is gi1e! i! 1arious dictio!aries as fo55o9s I 8a: ,! +horter %Aford $!g5ish dictio!ar2, the 1arious 4ea!i!gs of the 9ord used u!der 1arious co!teAts are gi1e!. #hose 9hich are re5e1a!t for our 7ur7ose read thus : E(s 1er6 : 5. ge!.to catch, 5a2 ho5d u7o!F 6. $s7. to 5a2 ho5d u7o! or a77rehe!d 62 5ega5 authorit2. (s a !ou!: #he act of 5a2i!g ho5d ofF sei<ureF 4 +7ec. #he a77rehe!di!g of o!eDs 7erso!, i! order to 6e forthco4i!g to a!s9er as a55eged or sus7ected cri4e. 6. Custod2, i47riso!4e!t.D
86: #he We6sterDs #hird Ne9 ,!ter!atio!a5 .ictio!ar2, -o5u4e ,, 7age 121, gi1es the 4ea!i!g thus >E G 1. arrest......... 2. to catch or to taBe ho5d ofF sei<e, ca7ture, +7ecif: to taBe or Bee7 i! custod2 62 authorit2 of 5a9. . to catch a!d ho5d.... 2>arrest....... the act of sei<i!g or taBi!g ho5d ofF sei<ure........ the taBi!g or detai!i!g of a 7erso! i! custod2 62 authorit2 of 5a9F 5ega5 restrai!t of a 7erso!F custod2, i47riso!4e!t...... E8c: +troudDs Judicia5 dictio!ar2, ,- $d!., 1o5u4e ,, at 7age 1"4, defi!es the 9ord as fo55o9s : EDarrestD is 9he! o!e is taBe! a!d restrai!ed fro4 his 5i6ert2.E
8d: ,! the )ou1ierDs *a9 .ictio!ar2, 1914 $d!., 1o5u4e ,, the 4ea!i!g is gi1e! thus :E G ( de7ri1e a 7erso! of his 5i6ert2 62 5ega5 authorit2. #he taBi!g, sei<i!g or detai!i!g the 7erso! of a!other, touchi!g or 7utti!g ha!ds u7o! hi4 i! the eAecutio! of 7rocess, or a!2 act i!dicati!g a! i!te!tio! to arrest........ E8e: ,! the dictio!ar2 of $!g5ish *a9 1959 62 $ar5 Jo9itt, 1o5u4e ,, the 4ea!i!g of the 9ord is gi1e! at 7age 152 as fo55o9s >E G #he restrai!i!g of the 5i6ert2 of a 4a!Ds 7erso! i! order to co47e5 o6edie!ce to the order of a court of =ustice, or to 7re1e!t the co44issio! of a cri4e, or to e!sure that a 7erso! charged or sus7ected of a cri4e 4a2 6e forthco4i!g to a!s9er it. #o arrest a 7erso! is to restrai! hi4 of his 5i6ert2 62 so4e 5a9fu5 authorit2 E. 8f: #he Wharto!Ds *a9 *eAico!, 12th $!d. 1916, has defi!ed the 9ord DarrestD i! the a6o1e 5i!es. 8g: )5acBDs *a9 .ictio!ar2, 5th $d!. 19@9, gi1es the fo55o9i!g defi!itio!s :E G (rrest : to de7ri1e a 7erso! of his 5i6ert2 62 5ega5 authorit2. #aBi!g, u!der rea5 or assu4ed authorit2, custod2 of a!other for the 7ur7ose of ho5di!g or detai!i!g hi4 the a!s9er a cri4i!a5 charge or ci1i5 de4a!d.......(rrest i!1o51es the authorit2 to arrest, the assertio! of that authorit2 9ith the i!te!t to effect a! arrest, a!d the restrai!t of the 7erso! to 6e arrested......(55 that is reCuired for a! DarrestD is so4e act 62 officer i!dicati!g his i!te!tio! to detai! or taBe 7erso! i!to custod2 a!d there62 su6=ect that 7erso! to the actua5 co!tro5 a!d 9i55 of the officer, as for4a5 dec5aratio! of arrest is reCuired. E8h: ( D.ictio!ar2 of 5a9D 62 *.). Cur<o! 19@9 gi1es the 4ea!i!g of the 9ord DarrestD at 7age 22, as fo55o9s I E#o restrai! a!d detai! a 7erso! 62 5a9fu5 authorit2.......E 8i: MitraDs *ega5 a!d Co44ercia5 .ictio!ar2, defi!itio! of the 9ord at 7age @@ I rd $d!. 19@9 gi1es the fo55o9i!g
D(rrestD 4ea!s the restrai!i!g of the 5i6ert2 of a 4a!Ds 7erso! i! order to co47e5 o6edie!ce to the order of a court of =ustice, or to 7rese!t the co44issio! of cri4e, or to e!sure that a 7erso! charged or sus7ected of a cri4e 4a2 6e forthco4i!g to a!s9er it.D (rrest co!sists of the actua5 sei<ure or touchi!g of a 7erso!Ds 6od2 9ith a 1ie9 to his dete!tio!. #he 4ere 7ro!ou!ce4e!t of 9ords of arrest is !ot a! arrest, u!5ess the 7erso! sought to 6e arrested su64its to the 7rocess a!d goes 9ith the arresti!g officer. (! arrest 4a2 6e 4ade either 9ith or 9ithout 9arra!t.......D 8=: Words a!d Phrases 5ega552 defi!ed, 2!d $d!. 1969, 1o5u4e 1, at 7age 114, gi1es the fo55o9i!g defi!itio! :E G (rrest co!sists of the actua5 sei<ure or touchi!g of the 7erso!Ds 6od2 9ith a 1ie9 to his dete!tio!. #he 4ere 7ro!ou!ce4e!t of 9ord of arrest is !ot a! arrest, u!5ess the 7erso! sought to 6e arrested su64its to the 7rocess a!d goes 9ith the arresti!g officer ....... (rrest is the a77rehe!di!g or restrai!i!g of o!eDs 7erso!, i! order to 6e forthco4i!g to a!s9er a! a55eged or sus7ected cri4e...... E8B: #he Ne9 $!c2c5o7aedia )rita!!ica, 15th $!d., 1o5u4e , at 7age 540 states as fo55o9s a6out arrest :E G (rrest, 75aci!g of a 7erso! i! custod2 or u!der restrai!t, usua552 for the 7ur7ose of co47e55i!g o6edie!ce to the 5a9. ,f the arrest occurs i! the course of cri4i!a5 7rocedure, the 7ur7ose of the restrai!t is to ho5d the 7erso! for a!s9er to a cri4i!a5 charge or to 7re1e!t hi4 fro4 co44itti!g a! offe!ce. ,! ci1i5 7roceedi!gs, the 7ur7ose is to ho5d the 7erso! to a de4a!d 4ade agai!st hi4...... E85: Ha5s6ur2Ds *a9s of $!g5a!d, rd $d!. 1955, 1o5u4e 10 at 7age 42, states as fo55o9s >E G 6 1. Mea!i!g of (rrest : (rrest co!sists of the actua5 sei<ure or touchi!g of a 7erso!Ds 6od2 9ith a 1ie9 to his dete!tio!.E E #he 4ere 7ro!ou!ce4e!t of 9ords of arrest is !ot a! arrest, u!5ess the 7erso! sought to 6e arrested su64its the 7rocess a!d goes 9ith the arresti!g 7erso!. E84: Ha5s6ur2Ds *a9s of $!g5a!d, -o5u4e ,,, ,- $d!., 7ara 99 at 7age @5 states thus :E G Mea!i!g of arrest :> (rrest co!sists i! the sei<ure or touchi!g of a 7erso!Ds 6od2 9ith a 1ie9 to his restrai!tF 9ords 4a2, ho9e1er, a4ou!t to a! arrest if, i! the circu4sta!ces of the case, the2 are ca5cu5ated to 6ri!g a!d do 6ri!g, to 7erso!Ds !otice that he is u!der co47u5sio! a!d he thereafter su64its to the co47u5sio! E. ,! the foot!ote, the fo55o9i!g eAa475e is gi1e! for the seco!d 1ie9 4e!tio!ed a6o1e : Where a 7erso! is caught red>ha!ded. 8'.1.Ho9ard1"2">1>Mood CC. 20@:. (5so3e56erg1.Mi55er1961>1>(55 $.'. @91. 8!: #he Cor7us Juris +ecu!da4, -o5u4e -, at 7age 5@0 gi1es the 4ea!i!g of the 9ord DarrestD 9he! used i! cri4i!a5 charges as fo55o9s >E G
,! cri4i!a5 7rocedure, a! arrestD is the taBi!g of a 7erso! i!to custod2 i! order that he 4a2 6e he5d to a!s9er for or 6e 7re1e!ted fro4 co44itti!g a cri4i!a5 offe!!sists i! the taBi!g i!to custod2 of a!other 7erso! u!der rea5 or assu4ed authorit2 for the 7ur7ose of ho5di!g or detai!i!g hi4 to a!s9er a cri4i!a5 charge or of 7re1e!ti!g the co44issio! of a cri4i!a5 offe!ce......#he ter4s DarrestD a!d Da77rehe!sio!D ha1e 6ee! 62 so4e courts used i!tercha!gea652 as 4ea!i!g the sa4e thi!g 9he! e475o2ed i! co!!ectio! 9ith the taBi!g of a 7erso! i!to custod2. #he effect of facts as co!stituti!g a! arrest is a Cuestio! of 5a9. Whether the 7articu5ar circu4sta!ces ha1e 6ee! esta65ished 9hich co!stitutes a! arrest is ordi!ari52, ho9e1er, a Cuestio! of fact. E(ccordi!g to this teAt 6ooB Dto co!stitute a! arrestD there 4ust 6e a! i!te!t to arrest, u!der a rea5 or 7rete!ded authorit2, acco47a!ied 62 a sei<ure or dete!tio! of the 7erso!, 9hich is so u!derstood 62 the 7erso! arrested.D 8o: ,! D( Ha!d6ooB i! Cri4i!a5 Procedure a!d the (d4i!istratio! of JusticeD 62 (55e! P. )risto9 a!d Joh! ). Wi55ia4s at " 4 ,.C. it is stated that a! arrest is taBi!g a 7erso! i!to custod2 i! a case a!d i! the 4a!!er authorised 62 5a9. (t " 5 P.C. it is stated that a! arrest is 4ade 62 a! actua5 restrai!t of the 7erso! or 62 su64issio! to the custod2 of a! officer. 87: ,! a!other teAt 6ooB D#he Cri4i!a5 Prosecutio! i! $!g5a!dD 62 PatricB .e15i! at 7age 6", the author has eA7ressed his 1ie9 as fo55o9s :E G #he POLICE ha1e !o POWER to detai! a!2 o!e u!5ess the2 charge hi4 9ith a s7ecified cri4e a!d arrest hi4 accordi!g52. (rrest a!d i47riso!4e!t are i! 5a9 the sa4e thi!g. (!2 for4 of 7h2sica5 restrai!t is a! arrest a!d i47riso!4e!t is o!52 a co!ti!ui!g arrest. ,f a! arrest is u!=ustified, it is 9ro!gfu5 i! 5a9 a!d is B!o9! as fa5se i47riso!4e!t....... E8C: Wi!! *.J. i!'.1.)a5fara2F '.1.+ad5er, 19@0> 2 (**$' 12, 9he! de5i1eri!g the =udg4e!t of Court of 9hich *ord ParBer C.J. 9as a 4e46er, said, i! eA75ai!i!g the ter4 DarrestD >E G ,t is !ot a Cuestio! 9hether or !ot certai! co!ditio!s 7recede!t ha1e 6ee! satisfied. #he Cuestio! is 4ere52 9hether or !ot he is a 7erso! 9ho is u!der arrestF 9hether he is u!der arrest or !ot de7e!ds o! 9hether he is free to go as he 75eases, or has 6ee! to5d that he is i! a state of custod2. E8r: ,!+7icer1.Ho5t19@6> >(55 $.'. @1, -iscou!t .irhor!e fo55o9i!g the a6o1e 1ie9 of Wi!! *.J. has o6ser1ed thus >E G D(rrestD is a! ordi!ar2 $!g5ish 9ord a!d its !atura5 4ea!i!g is that gi1e! to it 62 Wi!! *.J. 9hich , ha1e cited. Whether or !ot a 7erso! has 6ee! arrested de7e!ds !ot o! the 5ega5it2 of the arrest, 6ut o! 9hether he has 6ee! de7ri1ed of his 5i6ert2 to go 9here he 75eases. E?ro4 the 1arious defi!itio!s 9hich 9e ha1e eAtracted a6o1e, it is c5ear that the 9ord DarrestD9he! used i! its ordi!ar2 a!d !atura5 se!se, 4ea!s the a77rehe!sio! or restrai!t or the de7ri1atio! of o!eDs 7erso!a5 5i6ert2. #he Cuestio! 9hether the 7erso! is u!der arrest or !ot, de7e!ds !ot o! the 5ega5it2 of the arrest, 6ut o! 9hether he has 6ee! de7ri1ed of his 7erso!a5 5i6ert2 to go 9here he 75eases.Whe! used i! the 5ega5 se!sei! the 7rocedure co!!ected 9ith cri4i!a5 offe!ces, a! arrest co!sists i! the taBi!g i!to custod2 or a!other 7erso! u!der authorit2 e4 POWERed 62 5a9, for the 7ur7ose of ho5di!g or detai!i!g hi4 to a!s9er a cri4i!a5 charge or of 7re1e!ti!g the
co44issio! of a cri4i!a5 offe!ce. #he esse!tia5 e5e4e!ts to co!stitute a! arrest i! the a6o1e se!se are that there 4ust 6e a! i!te!t to arrest u!der the authorit2, acco47a!ied 62 a sei<ure or dete!tio! of the 7erso! i! the 4a!!er B!o9! to 5a9, 9hich is so u!derstood 62 the 7erso! arrested. ,! this co!!ectio!, a de6ata65e Cuestio! that arises for our co!sideratio! is 9hether the 4ere taBi!g i!to custod2 of a 7erso! 62 a! authorit2 e4 POWERed to arrest 9ou5d a4ou!t to DarrestD of that 7erso! a!d 9hether the ter4s DarrestD a!d Dcustod2D are s2!o!24ous. 14.8a: #he ter4 Dcustod2D a77ears i! a !u46er of e!act4e!ts. Ho9e1er, 9e are !ot gi1i!g a! eAhausti1e 5ist of the 7ro1isio!s of e!act4e!ts co!tai!i!g the said eA7ressio! Dcustod2D. ,! +ectio!s. 4 9 a!d 442 8headi!g a5o!e of the sectio!: a!d +ectio! 451 of the Cr5. P.C., +ectio! 22 , ,.P.C., +ectio!s 26 a!d 2@ of the ,!dia! $1ide!ce (ct, +ectio! 45 of the Custo4s (ct, 1962, a!d +ectio!s 198c:, 2586: a!d 8c:, 2982: a!d 8 : a!d 40 of the #a4i5 Nadu Chi5dre! (ct etc., the said ter4 is used Ho9e1er, it 4a2 6e !oted that the said 9ord is !ot defi!ed i! a!2 of these e!act4e!ts.86: #he 4ea!i!g of the ter4 Dcustod2D is gi1e! i! the +horter %Aford $!g5ish dictio!ar2, as fo55o9s >E G 1. +afe Bee7i!g, 7rotectio!, charge, care, guardia!shi7F .
8c: ,! We6sterDs #hird ,!ter!atio!a5 .ictio!ar2, -o5u4e , at 7age 559 the 9ord Dcustod2D is gi1e! the fo55o9i!g 4ea!i!gs : 1. 8a: #he act or dut2 of guardi!g a!d 7reser1i!g: safe>Bee7i!gF 86: =udicia5 or 7e!a5 safe>Bee7i!gF co!tro5 of a thi!g or 7erso! 9ith such actua5 or co!structi1e 7ossessio! as fu5fi5s the 7ur7ose of the 5a9 of dut2 reCuiri!g itF i47riso!4e!t or dura!ce of 7erso!s or cha!ge of thi!gs.........#he ter4 Dcustod2D i475ies a!d sig!ifies 1arious 4ea!i!gs de7e!de!t u7o! the co!teAt i! 9hich the ter4 is used.D 8d: #he Cor7us Juris +ecu!du4, 1o5u4e 25 at 7age 69 9he! it is a775ied to 7erso!s, it i475ies restrai!t a!d 4a2 or 4a2 !ot i4752 7h2sica5 force sufficie!t to restrai! de7e!di!g o! the circu4sta!ces a!d 9ith refere!ce to 7erso!s charged 9ith cri4e, it has 6ee! defi!ed as 4ea!i!g a! actua5 co!fi!e4e!t or the 7rese!t 4ea!s of e!forci!g it, the dete!tio! of the 7erso! co!trar2 to his 9i55. (775ied to thi!gs, it 4ea!s to ha1e a charge or safe Bee7i!g a!d co!!otes co!tro5 a!d i!c5udes as 9e55, a5though it does !ot reCuire, the e5e4e!t of 7h2sica5 or 4a!ua5 7ossessio!, i4752i!g a te47orar2 7h2sica5 co!tro5 4ere52 a!d res7o!si6i5it2 for the 7rotectio! a!d 7reser1atio! of the thi!g i! custod2. +o used, the 9ord does !ot co!!ote do4i!io! or su7re4ac2 of authorit2. #he said ter4 has 6ee! defi!ed as 4ea!i!g the Bee7i!g, guardi!g, care, 9atch, i!s7ectio!, 7reser1atio! or securit2 of a thi!g, a!d carries 9ith it the idea of the thi!g 6ei!g 9ithi! the i44ediate 7erso!a5 care a!d co!tro5 of the 7riso!er to 9hose custod2 it is su6=ectedF chargeF charge to Bee7 su6=ect to order or directio!F i44ediate charge a!d co!tro5 a!d !ot the fi!a5 a6so5ute co!tro5 of o9!ershi7.#herefore, it is c5ear that 9e ha1e to taBe the 4ea!i!g of the ter4 Dcustod2D 9ith refere!ce to the co!teAt i! 9hich it is used. 15.Mr. 'a!ga1a==u5a 9ou5d su64it that 9he! a 7erso! is said to ha1e 6ee! taBe! i!to custod2 62 a! authorit2 e4POWERed to arrest, it i475ies the i47ositio! of actua5 7h2sica5 restrai!t or the dete!tio! of the 7erso! co!cer!ed, resu5ti!g i! the 5oss of his 7erso!a5 5i6ert2 a!d therefore it a4ou!ts to DarrestD. ( co!te!tio! si4i5ar to this 9as
raised i!+tate of Pu!=a61.(=ai6 +i!gh a!d (!other. ,! that case, the 7oi!t for co!sideratio! 9as 9hether the taBi!g i!to custod2 of a! a6ducted 7erso! 62 a POLICE officer u!der +ectio! 4 of the (6ducted Perso!s 8'eco1er2 a!d 'estoratio!: (ct, 1949 865 of 1949:, a!d the de5i1er2 of such 7erso! 62 hi4 i!to the custod2 of the officer i! charge of the !earest ca47 ca! 6e regarded as arrest a!d dete!tio! 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of (rtic5e 2281: a!d 82:. ,t 9as co!te!ded i! that case, after referri!g to the 1arious defi!itio!s of the 9ord DarrestD gi1e! i! se1era5 9e55>B!o9! 5a9 dictio!aries a!d urged i! the 5ight of such defi!itio!s, that a!2 7h2sica5 restrai!t i47osed u7o! a 7erso! 4ust resu5t i! the 5oss of his 7erso!a5 5i6ert2 a!d 4ust accordi!g52 a4ou!t to his arrest a!d that it is 9ho552 i44ateria5 9h2 or 9ith 9hat 7ur7ose such arrest is 4ade a!d the 4ere i47ositio! of 7h2sica5 restrai!t, irres7ecti1e of its reaso!, is arrest a!d as such attracts the a775icatio! of the co!stitutio!a5 safeguards guara!teed u!der (rtic5e 2281: a!d 82:. Whi5e 4eeti!g that argu4e!t, the court o6ser1ed : E#hat the resu5t of 75aci!g such 9ide defi!itio! o! the ter4 DarrestD occurri!g i! (rtic5e 2281: 9i55 re!der 4a!2 e!act4e!ts u!co!stitutio!a5, is o61ious. #o taBe o!e eAa475e, the arrest of a defe!da!t 6efore =udg4e!t u!der the 7ro1isio!s of %rder ", 'u5e 1 C.P.C. or the arrest of a =udg4e!t de6tor i! eAecutio! of a decree u!der +ectio! 55 of the Code 9i55, o! this h27othesis, 6e u!co!stitutio!a5 i!as4uch as the Code 7ro1ides for the 7roductio! of the arrested 7erso!, !ot 6efore a Magistrate 6ut 6efore the ci1i5 court 9hich 4ade the order.E G 16.( .i1isio! )e!ch of the )o46a2 High Court, i!Har6a! +i!gh1.+tate, 19@0 (,'8)o4: @9 9herei! the i!ter7retatio! of the ter4s DarrestD a!d Dcustod2D arose for decisio! 9hi5e dea5i!g 9ith +ectio! 10482: of the Custo4s (ct he5d as fo55o9s : E(rrest is a 4ode of for4a552 taBi!g a 7erso! i! POLICE custod2, 6ut a 7erso! 4a2 6e i! the custod2 of the POLICE i! other 9a2s. What a4ou!ts to arrest is 5aid do9! 62 the 5egis5ature i! eA7ressed ter4s i! +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 9hereas the 9ords Di! custod2D 9hich are to 6e fou!d i! certai! sectio!s of the $1ide!ce (ct, o!52 de!ote sur1ei55a!ce or restrictio! o! the 4o1e4e!t of the 7erso! co!cer!ed, 9hich 4a2 6e co475ete, as, for i!sta!ce, i! the case of a! arrested 7erso!, or 4a2 6e 7artia5. #he co!ce7t of 6ei!g i! custod2 ca!!ot therefore 6e eCuated 9ith the co!ce7t of a for4a5 arrest a!d there is differe!ce 6et9ee! the t9o. Where, after the state4e!ts recorded 62 the Custo4s authorities, due to the !ightfa55, the accused are 7ut u7 6efore a Magistrate o!52 !eAt 4or!i!g. ,t ca!!ot 6e said that the accused 9ere arrested a!d as such a!2 state4e!t 4ade 62 the4 ca!!ot 6e said to 6e i! 1io5atio! of +ectio! 24 of the $1ide!ce (ct.............,! 42 o7i!io!, ho9e1er, the 4ere fact that there 4a2 6e so4e restrictio! o! the 4o1e4e!ts of the accused or that the accused 7erso! 4a2 6e i! so4e sort of a sur1ei55a!ce at the ti4e 9he! he 4aBes the co!fessio! 9ou5d !oti7so facto1itiate the co!fessio! as 6ei!g i!1o5u!tar2.E G 1@.,! su77ort of his 7ro7ositio!, Mr. 'a!ga1a==u5a 9ou5d dra9 the atte!tio! of this court to the decisio! of the +u7re4e Court i!Nira!=a! +i!gh1.Pra6haBar, 9herei! +ectio! 4 9 Cr5. P.C. ca4e i! for co!sideratio!. ,! that case, the +u7re4e Court 7osed a Cuestio! for co!sideratio! a!d a!s9ered the sa4e as fo55o9s > EWhe! is a 7erso! i! custod2 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of +ectio! 4 9 Cr5. P.C.H Whe! he is i! duress either 6ecause he is he5d 62 the i!1estigati!g age!c2 or other POLICE or a55ied authorit2 or is u!der the co!tro5 of the court, ha1i!g 6ee! re4a!ded 62 =udicia5 order or ha1i!g offered hi4se5f to the courtDs =urisdictio! a!d su64itted to its order 62
7h2sica5 7rese!ce. No 5eAica5 deAerit2 or 7recede!tia5 7rofessio! is !eeded to co4e to the rea5istic co!c5usio! that he 9ho is u!der the co!tro5 of the court or i! the 7h2sica5 ho5d of a! officer 9ith coerci1e POWER is i! custod2 for the 7ur7ose of +ectio! 4 9. #his 9ord is of e5astic se4a!tics a!d its core 4ea!i!g is that the 5a9 has taBe! co!tro5 of the 7erso!. $Cui1ocator2 Cui665i!gs a!d the hide>a!d>seeB !iceties so4eti4es heard i! court that the POLICE ha1e taBe! a 4a! i!to i!for4a5 custod2 6ut !ot arrested hi4, ha1e detai!ed hi4 for i!terrogatio! 6ut !ot taBe! hi4 i!to for4a5 custod2 a!d the other 5iBe ter4i!o5ogica5 du6ictics are u!fair e1asio!s of the straightfor9ard!ess of the 5a9. We !eed !ot di5ate o! this shad2 facet here 6ecause 9e are satisfied that the accused did 7h2sica552 su64it 6efore the +essio!s Judge a!d the =urisdictio! to gra!t 6ai5 thus arose. Custod2 i! the co!teAt of +ectio! 4 9 89e are !ot, 6e it !oted, dea5i!g 9ith a!tici7ator2 6ai5 u!der +ectio! 4 ": is 7h2sica5 co!tro5 or at 5east 7h2sica5 7rese!ce of the accused i! court 9ith su64issio! to the =urisdictio! a!d order of the court. He shou5d 6e i! custod2 !ot 4ere52 9he! the POLICE arrests hi4, 7roduce hi4 6efore a Magistrate a!d gets a re4a!d to =udicia5 or other custod2. He ca! 6e stated to 6e i! =udicia5 custod2 9he! he surre!ders 6efore the court a!d su64its to its directio!s.E G ,! order to fu552 u!dersta!d the a6o1e 1ie9 eA7ressed 62 the +u7re4e Court, 5et us ha1e a cursor2 g5a!ce of +ectio! 4 9 Cr. P.C. 89hich corres7o!ds to +ectio! 49" of the o5d Code:. #he u!fettered discretio!ar2 POWER of the High Court a!d the court of +essio!s u!der +ectio! 4 9 of the Code i! gra!ti!g 6ai5 ca! 6e eAercised o!52 o! the satisfactio! of t9o co!ditio!sF first52, the 7erso! 9ho 4o1es for 6ai5 4ust 6e a 7erso! accused of a! offe!ce, 6ai5a65e or !o!>6ai5a65e, a!d seco!d52 he 4ust 6e i! custod2. #he +u7re4e Court i!Nira!=a! +i!ghDscase, o! 6ei!g satisfied that the first co!ditio! has 6ee! fu5fi55ed, ga1e the 4ea!i!g of the ter4 Di! custod2D 9hi5e co!sideri!g the fu5fi54e!t of the seco!d co!ditio!. )e it !oted that i! the said case their *ordshi7s did !ot eA7ress the 1ie9 that the 4ere taBi!g of a 7erso! i!to custod2 62 a! authorit2 e4POWERed to arrest, or the 4ere 7rese!ce of the accused is e!ough to co!stitute the arrest of the accused, 6ut o!52 e47hasised that the 7h2sica5 co!tro5 or at 5east 7h2sica5 a77eara!ce of the accused i! court shou5d 6e cou75ed 9ith his su64issio! to the =urisdictio! a!d orders of the court. ,! other 9ords the 7erso! 9ho is accused of a! offe!ce shou5d su64it hi4se5f to the =urisdictio! or orders of the authorit2 e4POWERed to arrest. 1".Co4i!g to the Custo4s (ct, a 7erso! 9ho a77ears 6efore a!2 officer of Custo4s o! 6ei!g reCuired for a! e!Cuir2 i! co!!ectio! 9ith the s4ugg5i!g of a!2 goods, u!der +ectio! 10@ of the Custo4s (ct, or a 7erso! 9ho sta!ds 6efore a!2 3a<etted %fficer of Custo4s o! su44o!s i! co!!ectio! 9ith a! e!Cuir2 re5ati!g to the s4ugg5i!g of a!2 goods u!der +ectio! 10" of the said (ct, is !ot a 7erso! accused of a! offe!ce at that stage. #herefore, the su64issio! of Mr. 'a!ga1a==u5a that si!ce the 7erso! so reCuired or su44o!ed u!der the a6o1e said 7ro1isio!s co4es u!der the custod2 of the Custo4s officia5, he 4ust 6e dee4ed to ha1e 6ee! arrested i! the 5ight of the i!ter7retatio! 62 the +u7re4e Court of the ter4 Di! custod2D occurri!g i! +ectio! 4 9 of the Code i!Nira!=a!Dscase, ca!!ot 6e acce7ted. ,! fact, their *ordshi7s the4se51es ha1e 7oi!ted out i! that =udg4e!t that there is a shad2 fact i! the eA7ressio! of the ter4 Di! custod2D. He!ce, this decisio! ca!!ot 6e a1ai5ed of 62 the 5ear!ed Cou!se5. ,! su77ort of his co!te!tio! that the 4ere taBi!g of a 7erso! i!to custod2 9ou5d a4ou!t to arrest. 19.No9, 9e sha55 7ass o! to discuss a6out the i!ter7retatio! of the sa4e ter4 Di! custod2D occurri!g i! +ectio!s 26 a!d 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ct. ,!*a24ou!g1.$47eror,
1924 (,'8'a!g: 1@ , it 9as said 62 the 5ear!ed Judges i! that case that the correct i!ter7retatio! of the ter4 DPOLICE custod2D 9ou5d 6e that Das so! as a! accused or sus7ected 7erso! co4es i!to the ha!ds of a POLICE officer, is, i! the a6se!ce of a!2 c5ear a!d u!4istaBa65e e1ide!ce to the co!trar2, !o 5o!ger at 5i6ert2 a!d is therefore i! custod2 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of +ectio!s 26 a!d 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ctD. +ee a5soPara4aha4sa1.+tate of %rissa, 1964 (,'8%rissa: 144 ?.). ,t has 6ee! he5d i!3urdia5 +i!gh1.$47iror, 19 2 (,'8*ah: 609 a!d i!'e : $duBo!da5u, that there 4a2 6e POLICE custod2 e1e! 9ithout for4a5 arrest. #he +u7re4e Court i!+tate of &ttar Pradesh1..eo4a!, has o6ser1ed thus > E+ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. does !ot co!te475ate a!2 for4a5it2 6efore a 7erso! ca! 6e said to 6e taBe! i! custod2. +u64issio! to the custod2 62 9ords of 4outh or actio! 62 a 7erso! is sufficie!t. ( 7erso! direct52 gi1i!g a POLICE officer 62 9ord of 4outh i!for4atio! 9hich 4a2 6e used as e1ide!ce agai!st hi4 4a2 6e dee4ed to ha1e su64itted hi4se5f to the custod2 of the POLICE %fficer.E G #he 7ri!ci75e stated i! that case is to the effect that 9he! a 7erso! !ot i! custod2 a77roaches a POLICE officer i!1estigati!g a! offe!ce a!d offers to gi1e i!for4atio! 5eadi!g to the disco1er2 of a fact ha1i!g a 6eari!g o! the charge 9hich 4a2 6e 4ade agai!st hi4, he 4a2 6e a77ro7riate52 dee4ed to ha1e surre!dered hi4se5f 6efore the 7o5ice. +ee a5so+ri -a55a6hadas *i5adhar1.+o!i Nara!das. 'eiterati!g a!d eA7a!di!g this 1ie9 taBe! i!.eo4a!Dscase, the +u7re4e Court i!3uru6aBsh +i!gh1.+tate of Pu!=a6, 9hi5e eAa4i!i!g the sco7e of a!tici7ator2 6ai5 u!der +ectio! 4 " Cr5. P.C. has o6ser1ed thus : EWhi5e re5ief u!der +ectio! 4 "81:, a77ro7riate co!ditio!s ca! 6e i47osed u!der +ectio! 4 "82: so as to e!sure a! u!i!terru7ted INVESTIGATION. %!e of such co!ditio!s ca! e1e! 6e that i! the e1e!t of the POLICE 4aBi!g out a case of a 5iBe52 disco1er2 u!der +ectio! 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ct, the 7erso! re5eased o! 6ai5 sha55 6e 5ia65e to 6e taBe! i! POLICE custod2 for faci5itati!g the disco1er2. )esides, if a!d 9he! the occasio! arises, it 4a2 6e 7ossi65e for the 7rosecutio! to c5ai4 the 6e!efit of +ectio! 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ct i! regard to disco1er2 of facts 4ade i! 7ursua!ce of i!for4atio! su775ied 62 a 7erso! re5eased o! 6ai5 62 i!1oBi!g the 7ri!ci75es stated 62 this court i!+tate of &ttar Pradesh1..eo4a! &7adh2a2a. 20.+ee a5so'e4e46ra!cer1.*a5it Moha! +i!gh, 1922 (,'8Ca5: 42F+a!toBhi1.$47eror, 19 (,'8Pat: 104F a!d a5so)arosa 'a4 .a2a51.#he $47eror, 1951 (,'8Nag: "6. 21.(t this stage, the decisio! of a .i1isio! )e!ch of this Court i! 'a4acha!dra! ,! re. 1960 (,'8Mad: 191, 9as 6rought to our !otice. #he facts of the case disc5ose that 9hi5e the accused therei! 9as i! =udicia5 custod2 i! 7ursua!ce of the =udicia5 re4a!d, he 9as i!ter1ie9ed 62 the ,!s7ector of POLICE to 9hi4 he ga1e so4e i!for4atio!. +u6seCue!t52, the accused, o! the order of the Magistrate, ca4e to POLICE custod2. #hereafter, the ,!s7ector disco1ered a re5e1a!t fact i! 7ursua!ce of the i!for4atio! gi1e! 62 the accused 9hi5e he 9as i! =ai5 custod2. #he Cuestio! arose 9hether that 7art of the i!for4atio! re5ati!g to the disco1er2 of the re5e1a!t fact, 9hi5e the accused 9as i! =ai5 custod2 cou5d 6e 7ro1ed 9ithi! the sco7e of +ectio! 2@. #he .i1isio! )e!ch, o6ser1i!g that there shou5d !ot 6e a rigid i!ter7retatio! of +ectio! 2@, he5d thus> E#hough for4a552 the accused 9as i! =udicia5 custod2 u!der a! order of re4a!d 4ade
62 the Magistrate, he 9as te47orari52 i! the custod2 of the POLICE officer 9he! he 9as i!terrogated a!d 4ust 6e he5d to ha1e 6ee! i! such custod2 for the 7ur7ose of the a775ica6i5it2 of +ectio! 2@.E G ( c5ose stud2 of the a6o1e decisio! sho9s that the )e!ch had taBe! the 1ie9 that though the accused 9as i! =ai5, he 4ust 6e dee4ed to ha1e 6ee! i! te47orar2 custod2 of the POLICE at the ti4e of the i!terrogatio!, 9hich 7ositio!, i! our 1ie9 ca!!ot 6e recog!ised i! 5a9. With great res7ect to the 5ear!ed Judges, 9e fee5 that such a! eAtre4e 1ie9 9ou5d 5ead to a! a!o4a5ous 7ositio! i! the se!se that the accused shou5d 6e 7resu4ed to ha1e 6ee! 6oth i! =udicia5 custod2 a!d the te47orar2 custod2 of the POLICE at the ti4e of his i!terrogatio! a!d that the said 1ie9 ca!!ot 6e i! strict co475ia!ce 9ith +ectio! 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ct, 9hich e!1isages that the accused shou5d 6e i! custod2 of the POLICE officer at the ti4e of 4aBi!g co!fessio! 5eadi!g to the disco1er2 of a re5e1a!t fact. #he decisio! of the +u7re4e Court cited i! that case, 1i<., 'a4Bisha!1.)o46a2 +tate, does !ot su77ort that eAtre4e 7ro7ositio!, 6ut o! the other ha!d, i! 7aragra7h 2 8at 7age 116:, it 9as o6ser1ed that the state4e!t or 7art thereof re5ati!g to the disco1er2 of a fact ca! 6e 7ro1ed o!52 9he! it co4es 9ithi! the four cor!ers of +ectio! 2@. #here are cases of this court 6eari!g o! this 7articu5ar Cuestio! of the !ature of the custod2 ge!era552 assu4i!g that u!5ess the accused 6e i! POLICE custod2 for4a552 authorised, or i! such custod2 after arrest, +ectio! 2@ 9ou5d !ot a7752. +eePeria 3urusa4i 3ou!der1.$47eror, 1941 M.W.N. Cr5. 94> 1941 (,'8Mad: @65, a!d ,! re :/a4aBshi Naidu, 194 (,'8Mad: "9. #his 4a2 6e eA75ai!ed i! a!other 9a2 a5so. #he POLICE 4a2 arrest a 7erso! a!d detai! hi4 i! custod2 for a 4aAi4u4 7eriod of 24 hours for the 7ur7ose of INVESTIGATION a!d if the INVESTIGATION ca!!ot 6e co475eted 9ithi! the s7ecified 7eriod, the POLICE sha55 7roduce the accused 6efore a Magistrate for re4a!d. #hat is =udicia5 custod2 as co!te475ated u!der +ectio! 16@81: Cr. P.C. #he Magistrate 9ho taBes the accused i!to =udicia5 custod2 ca! 7ass orders authorisi!g further POLICE custod2 u!der +ectio! 16@82:. Here, 9he! the POLICE taBe the accused 6acB to POLICE custod2, such a custod2 6eco4es a POLICE custod2, 6ut it does !ot i4752 the re>arrest of the accused. He!ce, that i!for4atio! gi1e! to the POLICE 5eadi!g to the disco1er2 of a re5e1a!t fact is said to ha1e 6ee! gi1e! to the POLICE 9hi5e he is i! the custod2 of the POLICE officer. ,t is 7erti!e!t to !ote that +ectio!s 26 a!d 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ct s7eaB a6out the ad4issi6i5it2 or other9ise of a state4e!t of a D7erso! accused of a!2 offe!ce i! the custod2 of a POLICE officerD. #he 9ord DarrestD is !ot used i! either of those t9o sectio!s. #hus, the *egis5ature has i! its 9isdo4, desig!ed52, used the eA7ressio! Di! the custod2 of a POLICE officerD so that there 4a2 !ot arise a!2 5ega5 co!u!dru4 e1e! i! a case 9here a state4e!t is 4ade 62 a 7erso! accused of a!2 offe!ce to a! authorit2 e4POWERed to arrest hi4, though !ot actua552 arrested 6ut has co4e o!52 i! his custod2. 22.,t 9as co!te!ded o! 6eha5f of the 9rit 7etitio!ers that a7752i!g the i!ter7retatio! of the eA7ressio! Di! custod2D a77eari!g i! +ectio!s 26 a!d 2@ of the $1ide!ce (ct, it shou5d 6e he5d that a 7erso! 9ho is taBe! 62 a Custo4s %fficer either for the 7ur7ose of e!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION, shou5d 6e he5d to ha1e co4e i!to the custod2 a!d dete!tio! of the Custo4s %fficer a!d he shou5d 6e dee4ed to ha1e 6ee! arrested fro4 the 4o4e!t he 9as so taBe! i!to custod2. We ca!!ot agree 9ith this su64issio! for a !u46er of reaso!s. ?irst52, the s7ecified Custo4s %fficer is e4POWERed to reCuire or su44o! a!2 7erso! for the 7ur7ose of a! e!Cuir2 or eAa4i!atio! i! co!!ectio! 9ith the s4ugg5i!g of a!2 goods, either u!der +ectio! 10@ or u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, as the case 4a2 6e. +eco!d52, it is 9e55
sett5ed that Custo4s %fficers 9hose POWERs are for the 7ur7ose of checBi!g the s4ugg5i!g of goods a!d the due rea5isatio! of the Custo4s duties a!d deter4i!i!g the actio! to 6e taBe! i! the i!terest of the re1e!ues of the cou!tr2 62 9a2 of co!fiscatio! of goods o! 9hich !o dut2 had 6ee! 7aid a!d 62 i47osi!g 7e!a5ties a!d fi!es, a!d 9ho are !ot 7ri4ari52 co!cer!ed 9ith the detectio! a!d 7u!ish4e!t of the cri4es co44itted 62 those 7erso!s 6ut o!52 i!terested i! the detectio! a!d 7re1e!tio! of the s4ugg5i!g of goods a!d safeguardi!g the reco1er2 of Custo4s duties are !ot POLICE officers. +ee+tate of Pu!=a61.)arBatra4, Co55ector of Custo4s1./ota4a5, 196@ (,'8Mad: 26 , ?.). ,55ias1.Co55ector of Custo4s, Madras, a!d 'a4esh Cha!d Mehta1.+tate of West )e!ga5. #hird52, a Custo4s %fficer is !ot a court, as he5d i!Hirash (d1a!i1.+tate of Maharashtra. ?ourth52, 9he! a! e!Cuir2 is 6ei!g co!ducted u!der +ectio! 10@, or u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, a!d a state4e!t is gi1e! 62 a 7erso! agai!st 9ho4 the e!Cuir2 is 6ei!g he5d, it is !ot a state4e!t 4ade 62 a 7erso! 9ho sta!ds i! the character of a! accused 7erso!, as fou!d i!'usto4=i1.+tate of Maharashtra, a!d 'a4esh Cha!dra1.+tate of West )e!ga5. ?ifth52, a!2 state4e!t 4ade 62 a 7erso! 6efore the Custo4s officer is !ot hit 62 +ectio! 25 of the $1ide!ce (ct as he is !ot a POLICE officer. +ee)adaBu Joti +a1a!t1.+tate of M2sore, 1966 (,'8+C: 1@4. +iAth52, the 4achi!er2 created u!der the Custo4s (ct is !ot o!e for the 7ur7ose of INVESTIGATION i!to cri4es a!d it is o!52 the side effect resu5ti!g fro4 the e!force4e!t of the Custo4s (ct that certai! offe!ces are detected a!d therefore, INVESTIGATION of the Custo4s cri4es u!der the (ct is !ot a! INVESTIGATION as defi!ed i! the CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE. -ide+tate of Maharashtra1.*aBsh4i Cha!d )arho4a5> 19@" Cr5. *.J. "45, (sstt. Co55ector of Ce!tra5 $Acise Pre1e!ti1e, Madras1./rish!a4urthi, 19" *.W. Cr. 196. (5so see+tate of &ttar Pradesh1. .urga Prasad, )arBat 'a4Ds case $B!ath1.+tate of Maharashtra, a!d+tate of Maharashtra1.Mahi7athi, a55 these 5atter cases ho5di!g that the INVESTIGATION carried 62 the officer of the 'ai59a2 Protectio! ?orce, the %fficer u!der the Pre1e!tio! of ?ood (du5teratio! (ct a!d the ?orest %fficer u!der the ,!dia! ?orest (ct, is !ot a! INVESTIGATION as defi!ed u!der +ectio! 28h: Cr. P.C. ,t is 9orth9hi5e to refer at this =u!cture to the =udg4e!t of a ?u55 )e!ch of this Court i!Co55ector of Custo4s1./ot4a5, 195@ (,'8Mad: 26 ?.)., 9herei! it has 6ee! 7oi!ted out that !either the e!Cuir2 u!der +ectio! 10@ !or the e!Cuir2 u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct ca! i! a!2 9a2, i! su6sta!ce or i! 5a9, 6e co!sidered to 6e the sa4e as a! INVESTIGATION i!to the cri4i!a5 offe!ce 62 a! officer i! charge of a POLICE statio! u!der Cha7ter J,- of the o5d Code, 9hich is the 7ri4ar2 test for the a775icatio! f +ectio! 25 of the $1ide!ce (ct. +e1e!th52, the +u7re4e Court i!-eera ,6rahi41.+tate of Maharashtra, agreei!g 9ith the 7ri!ci75e 5aid do9! i!Mehta1.+tate of West )e!ga5, he5d that 9he! the state4e!t of a 7erso! is recorded 62 the Custo4s %fficer u!der +ectio! 10", that 7erso! is !ot a 7erso! Daccused of a!2 offe!ceD u!der the Custo4s (ct a!d that a! accusatio! 9hich 9ou5d sta47 hi4 9ith the character of such a 7erso! 9as 5e1e55ed o!52 9he! the co475ai!t 9as fi5ed agai!st hi4 62 the (ssista!t Co55ector of Custo4s co475ai!i!g of the co44issio! of the offe!ce u!der +ectio! 1 58a: a!d u!der +ectio! 1 586: of the Custo4s (ct. 2 .Mr. /aree4, re52i!g 81: o! the decisio! i!?ra!cis Cora5ie1.&!io! #erritor2 of .e5hi, 19"1 (,'8+C: @45, 9herei! it has 6ee! o6ser1ed that the right to 5ife e!shri!ed i! (rtic5e 21 ca!!ot 6e restricted to 4ere a!i4a5 eAiste!ce a!d it 4ea!s so4ethi!g 4uch 4ore tha! =ust 7h2sica5 sur1i1a5F 82: o! the o6ser1atio! of the +u7re4e Court i!Ma5aB +i!gh1.+tate of Pu!=a6, readi!g E+ur1ei55a!ce 4a2 6e i!trusi1e a!d it 4a2 so serious52 e!croach o! the 7ri1ac2 of a citi<e! as to i!fri!ge his fu!da4e!ta5 right to 7erso!a5 5i6ert2 guara!teed 62 (rtic5e 21 of the Co!stitutio! a!d the freedo4 o! 4o1e4e!t i! (rtic5e 1981:8d: that ca!!ot 6e
a!d a5so 8 : o! the 7ri!ci75e 5aid do9! i!Ma!eBa 3a!dhi1.&!io! of ,!dia, 9herei! it has 6ee! said that the right of free 4o1e4e!t is a 1ita5 e5e4e!t of 7erso!a5 5i6ert2, su64itted that i! 1ie9 of the a6o1e 7ri!ci75e 5aid do9! 62 the +u7re4e Court i! the a6o1e decisio!s, a!2 Bi!d of sur1ei55a!ce or restrictio! o! the 4o1e4e!t of the 7erso! co!cer!ed ca!!ot 6e 7er4itted a!d that the )o46a2 High Court i!Har6a! +i!gh1.+tate, 19@0 (,'8)o4: @9 has !ot co!sidered this 7ositio! of 5a9. ,! a!s9eri!g this co!te!tio!, Mr. #hiagara=a!, 5ear!ed +e!ior Ce!tra5 3o1er!4e!t +ta!di!g Cou!se5, 9ou5d su64it that 9he! a Custo4s officer eAercisi!g authorit2 either u!der +ectio! 10@ or u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct is !ot a POLICE officer a!d the 7erso! i!terrogated is !ot a 7erso! accused of a! offe!ce a!d so the 7rotectio! gi1e! u!der (rtic5es 208 :, 21 a!d 22 of the Co!stitutio! ca!!ot 6e a1ai5ed of. #he 5ear!ed (d1ocate 3e!era5 urges that a 7erso! is reCuired u!der +ectio! 10@ a!d su44o!ed u!der +ectio! 10" of the 7ur7ose of a! e!Cuir2 i! co!!ectio! 9ith the s4ugg5i!g of a!2 goods a!d he!ce such a! e!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION recei1es sa!ctio! fro4 the said statutor2 7ro1isio!s, 9hich is a 7rocedure esta65ished 62 5a9 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of (rtic5e 21, a!d so it ca!!ot 6e said that such a! e!Cuir2, INVESTIGATION or i!terrogatio! 9i55 6e 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 21. ,! other 9ords, such a! e!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION of a 7erso! u!der the Custo4s (ct is !ot 9ithout a statutor2 sa!ctio! a!d therefore the co!te!tio! of Mr. /aree4 that there is a 1io5atio! of 7erso!a5 5i6ert2 62 the Custo4s officia5s to su44o!i!g the 7erso! for e!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio! ca!!ot 6e acce7ted. ,! su77ort of this co!te!tio!, the 5ear!ed (d1ocate 3e!era5 cited the decisio! of the +u7re4e Court i!)a5aBrish!a1.+tate of West )e!ga5, 9herei! /rish!a ,2er J. has 4ade the fo55o9i!g o6ser1atio! :> E#his 7ro1isio! is 9ide i! it ter4s a!d is c5ear52 desig!ed to faci5itate the i!1estigator2 7rocess 62 eAa4i!atio! 9ithout restrictio! o! 7erso!, 75ace or ti4e. *est it shou5d 6e 4isused the 5a9 is choos2 a!d reCuires the e4 POWER4e!t of Custo4s officers 62 a ge!era5 or s7ecia5 POWER of the Co55ector to eAercise these 5arger POWERs. .oes +ectio! 10@ e!a65e the i!terrogatio! of e1e! the 7ote!tia5 de5i!Cue!t or 4ust it 6e co!fi!ed o!52 to 9it!ess 9ho thro9 5ight o! the de5i!Cue!tDs co!tra1e!tio! of the 5a9. D(!2 7erso!D i! the sectio! certai!52 co1ers e1er2 7erso! i!c5udi!g a sus7ect a!d 7ote!tia5 accused. #hese 9ords of the statute ha1e to 6e i!ter7reted i! the 5ight of the 7o5ic2 a!d 7ur7ose of the 5a9. #he o6=ect of +ectio! 10@, 5ocated i! the !eigh6ourhood of +ectio! 10" i!dicates that 9hi5e the !or4a5 7rocess of e!Cuir2 is faci5itated 62 +ectio! 10" i!1estigator2 e4erge!cies are taBe! care of 62 +ectio! 10@. Ma2 6e situatio!s arise 9here the fai5ure to Cuestio! a 9it!ess CuicB52 4a2 4ea! irretrie1a65e 5oss of a 1a5ua65e 4ateria5 a!d +ectio! 10@ 4eets this !eed. #he co!teAt i! 9hich the 9ords Da!2 7erso!D occur, the o6=ect of the 7ro1isio! a!d the 7o5ic2 u!der52i!g Cha7ter J,,, of the Custo4s (ct assu4e re5e1a!ce a!d 6eco4e 4ateria5 i! the co!structio! of the teAt. Nor are 9e faced 9ith a!2 difficu5t2 o! accou!t of (rtic5e 208 : of the Co!stitutio! si!ce the eAa4i!atio! is !ot of a! accused 7erso!E G 24.(s regards the Cuestio! of sur1ei55a!ce, i!Ma5aB +i!ghDscase, itse5f, the +u7re4e Court o6ser1ed that so 5o!g as sur1ei55a!ce is for the 7ur7ose of 7re1e!ti!g cri4e a!d is co!fi!ed to the 5i4its 7rescri6ed u!der the s7ecified 7ro1isio!s, a 7erso! 9hose !a4e is i!c5uded i! the sur1ei55a!ce register ca!!ot ha1e a ge!ui!e cause for co475ai!t. #he +u7re4e Court has further 7oi!ted out that i!terfere!ce i! accorda!ce 9ith the 5a9 a!d for the 7re1e!tio! of disorder a!d cri4e is a! eAce7tio! recog!ised e1e! 62 the $uro7ea! Co!1e!tio! of Hu4a! 'ights to the right to res7ect for a 7erso!Ds 7ri1ate a!d fa4i52 5ife, a!d u5ti4ate52 7oi!ted out thus : E(s 9e said, discrete sur1ei55a!ce of sus7ect, ha6itua5 a!d 7ote!tia5 offe!ders, 4a2 6e
!ecessar2 a!d so the 4ai!te!a!ce of histor2 a6out the sur1ei55a!ce register 4a2 6e !ecessar2 too, for the 7ur7ose of 7re1e!tio! of cri4e. Histor2 sheets a!d sur1ei55a!ce registers ha1e to 6e a!d are 7ote!tia5 docu4e!ts. Neither the 7erso! 9hose !a4e is e!tered i! the register !or a!2 4e46er of the 7u65ic ca! ha1e access to the sur1ei55a!ce register. #he !ature a!d character of a! e!tr2 i! the sur1ei55a!ce register is so utter52 ad4i!istrati1e a!d !o!>=udicia5 that it is difficu5t to co!cei1e of the a775icatio! of the ru5e ofaudi a5tera4 7arte4. +uch e!Cuir2 as 4a2 6e 4ade has !ecessari52 to 6e co!fide!tia5 a!d it a77ears to us to !ecessari52 eAc5ude the a775icatio! of that 7ri!ci75e. ,! fact, o6ser1a!ce of the 7ri!ci75es of !atura5 =ustice 4a2 defeat the 1er2 o6=ect of the ru5e 7ro1idi!g for sur1ei55a!ce. #here is e1er2 7ossi6i5it2 of e!ds of =ustice 6ei!g defeated i!stead of 6ei!g ser1ed.E G What their *ordshi7s ha1e stated i! the =udg4e!t is that there shou5d !ot 6e eAcessi1e sur1ei55a!ce fa55i!g 6e2o!d the 5i4its 7rescri6ed 62 the ru5es a!d i! such a case, a citi<e! 9ou5d certai!52 6e e!tit5ed to the courtsD 7rotectio! a!d that shou5d !ot 6e a!2 i55ega5 i!terfere!ce i! the guise of sur1ei55a!ce a!d therefore the sur1ei55a!ce as to 6e u!o6strusi1e a!d 9ithi! 6ou!ds. ?urther, as he5d 62 the +u7re4e Court i!'a=a Narai!5a5 )a!si5a51.Ma!eB Phiro< Mistr2 reiterated i! a !u46er of 5ater decisio!s i!c5usi1e ofNa!di!i +at7ath21.P.*. .a!i E%!e of the esse!tia5 co!ditio!s for i!1oBi!g the co!stitutio!a5 guara!tee e!shri!ed i! (rtic5e 208 : is that a for4a5 accusatio! re5ati!g to the co44issio! of a! offe!ce 9hich 9ou5d !or4a552 5ead to his 7rosecutio! 4ust ha1e 6ee! 5e1e55ed agai!st the 7art2 9ho is 6ei!g co47e55ed to gi1e e1ide!ce agai!st hi4.E G +ee a5so +tate of )o46a2 1. /athi /a5u Po7u5ar )a!B 1. Madha1a NaiB Co55ector of Custo4s 1. /ot4a5 195@ (,'8Mad: 26 , 8?.): Kousuf (5i ,s4ai5 Nagri 1. +tate of Maharashtra, a!d -eera ,6rahi4 1. +tate of Maharashtra. ,! this co!!ectio!, Mr. /aree4 9ou5d state that the a6o1e co!ditio!s for i!1oBi!g (rtic5e 208 : is !ot i! dis7ute. 25.,!&r6a! +i!ghDscase, 19@0 (,'8)o4: @9, 9hat the .i1isio! )e!ch of the )o46a2 High Court o6ser1ed 9as that the 9ords Di! custod2D 9hich are to 6e fou!d i! certai! sectio!s of $1ide!ce (ct de!ote sur1ei55a!ce or restrictio! o! the 4o1e4e!ts of the 7erso! co!cer!ed. We fee5 that 9e !eed !ot e5a6orate52 dea5 9ith the =udg4e!t of the )o46a2 High Court si!ce 9e ha1e eAhausti1e52 discussedsu7ra, the Cuestio! of custod2 a!d sur1ei55a!ce. ,! this co!!ectio!, 9e 9ou5d 5iBe to 7oi!t out that +ectio! 24 of the $1ide!ce (ct 6ars the use of a co!fessio!4ade 62 a! accused 7erso!as irre5e1a!t i! a cri4i!a5 7roceedi!g if it a77ears to the Court that the co!fessio! had 6ee! o6tai!ed 62 i!duce4e!t, threat, or 7ro4ise ha1i!g refere!ce to the charge agai!st the accused 7erso!, +ectio! 25 reads that !o co!fessio! 4ade to a POLICE officer sha55 6e 7ro1ed as agai!st a 7erso! accused of a!2 offe!ce. ,! a 7roceedi!g u!der the 7ro1isio!s of the Custo4s (ct, 9he! a!2 7erso! is reCuired or su44o!ed for a! e!Cuir2 u!der +ectio! 10@ or +ectio! 10", that 7erso! is !ot a! accused 7erso! a!d the officer su44o!i!g that 7erso! is !ot a POLICE officer. (!2 co!fessio! 4ade 62 a 7erso! su44o!ed u!der +ectio! 10@ or +ectio! 10" 6efore the Custo4s %fficer is ad4issi65e i! 5a9 si!ce it is !ot hit either 62 +ectio! 25 or +ectio! 26 of the $1ide!ce (ct. ,f it is sho9! i! a gi1e! case that such a co!fessio! 9as o6tai!ed 62 the Custo4s %fficer 62 eAertio! of i!duce4e!t, threat, coercio! or duress or eAtracted 62 i55ega552 detai!i!g the 7erso! i! a! u!authorised 7ro5o!ged custod2 i! co!tra1e!tio! of the 7ro1isio!s of the Custo4s (ct, or o6tai!ed 62 usi!g #hird degree 4ethods, the! the Cuestio! a6out the acce7ta6i5it2 a!d re5ia6i5it2 of such i!1o5u!tar2 co!fessio!s 9ou5d arise. What Mr. /aree4 co475ai!s is that a 7erso! i! such a! e!Cuir2 is 1irtua552 taBe! as a 7riso!er i!to the Custo4s House a!d taBe! hither a!d
thither 62 the Pre1e!ti1e %fficer of the Custo4s de7art4e!t a!d duri!g that 7eriod the degree of freedo4 of the 7erso! co!cer!ed i! the co47a!2 of the Custo4s officer is o!52 a 42ster2 a!d that i! fact he is i! the ca7ti1it2 of the Custo4s officia5s, s5ee7i!g i! the 6oso4 of the Custo4s House as a !o!>7a2i!g guest 9ithout stirri!g out of the Custo4s House for da2s together a!d as such he is Cuite u!a65e to go a!29here he 5iBes or 9ishes, 6ut is 6ei!g dogged 62 the Custo4s officia5s a55 the 9hi5e a!d he is co475ete52 u!der their 9i55 a!d sur1ei55a!ce. He a5so, 75aci!g re5ia!ce o! the o6ser1atio!s of the +u7re4e Court i!Na!di!i +at7ath2Ds case 4ade a scathi!g attacB a6out thei! co44u!icadoi!terrogatio!s a!d su64itted that such i!terrogatories are !ot o!52 derogator2 a!d degradi!g, 6ut a5so 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 21 of the Co!stitutio!. #his Bi!d of co475ai!t ca! 6e eAa4i!ed a!d decided o!52 9ith refere!ce to the facts of each case a!d o!e ca!!ot 4aBe a!2 ge!era5 7ro7ositio! of 5a9 a6out the co!duct of the Custo4s officers i! ge!era5 i! the 4atter of e!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION, 6ased o! a!2 assu47tio! or co!=ecture. 26.,! a! e!Cuir2 u!der +ectio! 10@ or +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, !ot o!52 the 7erso! 9ho su6seCue!t52 6eco4es the accused 9ith refere!ce to the 4atter u!der e!Cuir2, 6ut a5so 7erso!s 9ho are co!1ersa!t or sus7ected to 6e co!1ersa!t 9ith the s4ugg5i!g of a!2 goods, are eAa4i!ed. #his is the reaso! 9h2 i! the said sectio!s the 9ords Da!2 7erso!D are used so as to de!ote a55 the 7erso!s i!c5usi1e of the 7erso!s 9ho su6seCue!t52 6eco4e accused. (t that stage, there is !o Cuestio! of arrest. (rrest co4es i!to the 7icture o!52 9he! a! officer of the Custo4s e4 POWERed i! this 6eha5f 62 ge!era5 or s7ecia5 order of the Co55ector of Custo4s has reaso! to 6e5ie1e that a!2 7erso! has 6ee! gui5t2 of a! offe!ce 7u!isha65e u!der +ectio! 1 5. +ectio! 10@ a!d +ectio! 10", as the2 sta!d, do !ot gi1e a!2 POWER to the Custo4s %fficer to taBe a!2 7erso! u!der co47u5sio! a!d detai! hi4 for a 7ro5o!ged 7eriod u!der the guise of e!Cuir2, INVESTIGATION or i!terrogatio!. #he statutor2 threat e46odied i! su6>sectio! 84: of +ectio! 10" is to the effect that i! case the 7erso! su44o!ed to gi1e e1ide!ce a!d 7roduce docu4e!ts i! co!!ectio! 9ith the e!Cuir2 re5ati!g to the s4ugg5i!g of a!2 goods, fai5s to do so or gi1es a fa5se state4e!t, he 9i55 6e 5ia65e to 6e 7roceeded agai!st u!der +ectio! 19 or +ectio! 22", ,.P.C. a!d for that 7ur7ose, the e!Cuir2 is to 6e dee4ed to 6e a =udicia5 7roceedi!g 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of the a6o1esaid 7e!a5 7ro1isio!s. +ectio! 10@ a!d +ectio! 10" are a!a5ogous to the 7ro1isio!s of +ectio! 16081: Cr. P.C. (s right52 7oi!ted out 62 the (d1ocate 3e!era5 if a 7erso! a77ears 6efore a Custo4s %fficer i! co475ia!ce 9ith the su44o!s for the 7ur7ose of gi1i!g i!for4atio! or e1ide!ce, as i! the case of a 7erso! a77eari!g 6efore a POLICE officer u!der +ectio! 16081: Cr. P.C. ca! it 6e said that such a 7erso! co4es i!to the custod2 of the Custo4s officer co!cer!ed, a4ou!ti!g to arrestH ,! our 1ie9, there is !o such custod2 a4ou!ti!g to a! arrest i! such a situatio!. ?urther, as right52 7oi!ted out 62 Mr. P. 'a=a4a!icBa4 the 5ear!ed Pu65ic Prosecutor, there is !o Cuestio! of sur1ei55a!ce, officia5 or u!officia5, i! su44o!i!g a 7erso! for i!terrogatio!, a!d a 7erso! taBe! for i!terrogatio! ca!!ot 6e said to ha1e 6ee! arrested 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of the said ter4. ,f such 9ide i!ter7retatio! is gi1e! the! e1e! the atte!da!ce of a 7erso! 6efore a POLICE officer u!der +ectio! 16081: Cr. P.C. 9ou5d a4ou!t to a! arrest. #hat is defi!ite52 !ot the 5a9. 2@.Ket a!other argu4e!t 9as ad1a!ced that 9he! a Custo4s %fficer taBes a 7erso! i!to his custod2 u!der the guise of 4aBi!g a! e!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio!, or for the 7ur7ose of INVESTIGATION, it 9ou5d 6e si4i5ar to a! offe!ce of 9ro!gfu5 restrai!t as defi!ed i! +ectio! 9 ,.P.C. 7u!isha65e u!der +ectio! 241 ,.P.C. or a! offe!ce of 9ro!gfu5 co!fi!e4e!t as defi!ed i! +ectio! 40 7u!isha65e u!der +ectio! 42 ,.P.C. #his argu4e!t is tota552 4isco!cei1ed, 6ecause it is o!52 a! officer authorised 62 5a9
2".?or a55 the discussio!s 4ade a6o1e, 9e ho5d that Dcustod2D a!d DarrestD are !ot s2!o!24ous ter4s. ,t is true that i! e1er2 arrest there is custod2, 6ut !ot1ice 1ersa. ( custod2 4a2 a4ou!t to a! arrest i! certai! cases, 6ut !ot i! a55 cases. ,! our 1ie9, the i!ter7retatio! that the t9o ter4s Dcustod2D a!d DarrestD are s2!o!24ous is a!u5tra 5ega5isti!ter7retatio! 9hich, if acce7ted a!d ado7ted, 9ou5d 5ead to starti!g a!o4a52 resu5ti!g i! serious co!seCue!ces. 29.Mode of arrest: #his is a crucia5 Cuestio! i! those cases 9hich had 5ed to the co!stitutio! of this ?u55 )e!ch. +ectio! 4581: Cr5. P.C. u!der the headi!g Darrest ho9 4adeD co4i!g u!der Cha7ter 5 9ith the ca7tio! Darrest of 7erso!D reads thus :> E81: ,! 4aBi!g a! arrest the POLICE officer or other 7erso! 4aBi!g the sa4e sha55 actua552 touch or co!fi!e the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested, u!5ess there 6e a su64issio! to the custod2 62 9ord or actio!. 82:........ 8 :............E G #he a6o1e sectio! a775ies to a55 arrests 9hether 4ade u!der a 9arra!t or 9ithout a 9arra!t, a!d 7rescri6es the 4ode of arrest. #he CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE co!tai!s 1arious 7ro1isio!s 62 a!d u!der 9hich 1arious authorities a!d 7ri1ate 7erso!s are e4POWERed to arrest. (! a!a52sis of the 7ro1isio!s u!der this cha7ter sho9s that a 7erso! 4a2 6e arrested 62 > E81: a POLICE officer 9ithout a 9arra!t u!der +ectio!s 4181: a!d 151F u!der a 9arra!t u!der +ectio!s @2 a!d @4F u!der the 9ritte! order of a! officer i! charge of a POLICE statio! u!der +ectio!s 55 a!d 15@F u!der the orders of a Magistrate u!der +ectio! 44 a!d i! !o!>cog!isa65e offe!ce u!der +ectio! 42F 82: a su7erior POLICE officer u!der +ectio! 6F
8 : a! officer i! charge of a POLICE statio! u!der +ectio!s 4182: a!d 15@F 84: 85: a a 4i5itar2 Magistrate officer u!der u!der +ectio!s 1 0 +ectio! a!d 1 15F 44F a!d
86: a 7ri1ate 7erso! 9ithout 9arra!t u!der +ectio! 4 F u!der a 9arra!t u!der +ectio!s @2 a!d @ F u!der the orders of a POLICE officer u!der +ectio! @, a!d u!der the orders of a Magistrate u!der +ectio!s @ a!d 44.D 29.#he 4oda5it2 of arrest as co!te475ated u!der +ectio! 46 is that 9hi5e 4aBi!g a! arrest, a POLICE officer or other 7erso! 4aBi!g the sa4e 8arrester: >E G 81: shou5d actua552 touch the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested, or 82: shou5d actua552 co!fi!e the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested. E#hese Bi!ds of 4oda5it2 of arrest are !ot !ecessar2 i! the case the 7erso! i!te!ded to 6e arrested su64its, either 62 9ord or 62 actio!, to the authorit2 of the arrester. ,! other 9ords, if the 7erso! to 6e arrested su64its to the authorit2 or co!tro5 of the arrester, the 5atter !eed !ot actua552 touch or co!fi!e the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested. Co!1erse52, if he does !ot so su64it hi4se5f to the authorit2 of the arrester, a!2 of the t9o co!ditio!s 4e!tio!ed a6o1e, 1i<., the touchi!g or co!fi!e4e!t of the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested shou5d 6e satisfied.
0.,!$47eror1.*a55u )ach=i1919 Cr5. *.J. 91, it has 6ee! 7oi!ted out that the $!g5ish Co44o! *a9 ru5e is that eAce7t i! case of su64issio!, arrest of a 7erso! co!sists of the actua5 sei<ure or touchi!g of the 6od2 of a 7erso! 9ith a 1ie9 to his dete!tio! a!d that this ru5e 9ou5d !o dou6t 6e fo55o9ed i! ,!dia, a5though there is !o eA7ress authorit2 o! the su6=ect. 1.#he Nag7ur Judicia5 Co44issio!erDs court he5d i!Hari Moha!5a51.$47eror1929 Cr5. *.J. 12", that there ca! 6e !o arrest 9ithi! the 4ea!i!g of +ectio! 4581: Cr5. P.C. &!5ess the 7erso! to 6e arrested is actua552 touched 62 the 7rocess ser1er a!d that a! arrest 62 4ere ora5 dec5aratio! is !ot 5ega5, a!d there ca! 6e !o co!1ictio! u!der +ectio! 225 ,.P.C. 8resista!ce or o6structio! of 5a9fu5 a77rehe!sio! or esca7e of or rescue i! cases !ot other9ise 7ro1ided for: of a 7erso! 9ho is so arrested. 2.,!Ca47e51.#or4e219@9>1>W.*.'. 1"9 it 9as ru5ed that 1o5u!tar2 atte!da!ce at a POLICE statio! is !ot a! arrest. ,! the 5ight of the decisio! i! Ca476e55 case, there are ,!dia! decisio!s a5so ho5di!g the 1ie9 that 4ere atte!da!ce or utteri!g of 9ords !ot i! co!for4it2 9ith the 7ro1isio!s of +ectio! 45 Cr5. P.C. does !ot a4ou!t to arrest. -ide,! re (4ar!ath 5 (55 1". .)efore the Luee!Ds )e!ch di1isio!, i!(5derso!1.)ooth1969> 2 (**$' 2@1, a! i!teresti!g Cuestio! ca4e u7 for co!sideratio! as to 9hether the accused i! that case had 6ee! arrested after the first 6reath test u!der +ectio! 284: of the 'oad +afet2 (ct, 196@. *ord ParBer C.J. s7eaBi!g for hi4se5f, o6ser1ed thus :E G #here are a !u46er of cases 6oth a!cie!t a!d 4oder!, as to 9hat co!stitutes a! arrestF a!d 9hereas there 9as a ti4e 9he! it 9as he5d that there cou5d 6e !o 5a9fu5 arrest u!5ess there 9as a! actua5 sei<i!g or touchi!gF it is Cuite c5ear that that is !o 5o!ger the 5a9. #here 4a2 6e a! arrest 62 4ere 9ords, 62 sa2i!g D, arrest 2ouD 9ithout a!2 touchi!g, 7ro1ided of course, that the accused su64its a!d goes 9ith the POLICE officer. $Cua552 it is c5ear, as it see4 to 4e, that a! arrest is co!stituted 9he! a!2 for4 of 9ords is used 9hich, i! the circu4sta!ces of the case, 9ere ca5cu5ated to 6ri!g to the accusedDs !otice, a!d did 6ri!g it to the accusedDs !otice, that he 9as u!der co47u5sio! a!d thereafter he su64itted to that co47u5sio!. E#he a6o1e decisio! fortifies the 1ie9 that the actua5 sei<i!g or touchi!g of the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested is !ot !ecessar2 i! a case 9here the arrester 62 9ord 6ri!gs to the accusedDs !otice that he is u!der co47u5sio! a!d thereafter he su64its to that co47u5sio!. #his is i! co!for4it2 9ith the 4oda5it2 of the arrest co!te475ated u!der +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 9herei! a5so it is 7ro1ided that the su64issio! of a 7erso! to 6e arrested to the custod2 of the arrester 62 9ord or actio! ca! a4ou!t to the custod2 of the arrester 62 9ords or actio! ca! a4ou!t to a! arrest. #he Cui!t esse!ce of the decisio! i!(5derso!1.)ooth1969> 2 (**$' 2@1is that there 4ust 6e a! actua5 sei<i!g or touchi!g, a!d i! the a6se!ce of that, it 4ust 6e 6rought to the !otice of 7erso! to 6e arrested that he is u!der co47u5sio!, a!d co!seCue!t u7o! it, the said 7erso! shou5d su64it to that co47u5sio!, a!d the! o!52 the arrest is co!su44ated. 'efere!ce a5so cou5d 6e 4ade to decisio! i! the+tate of &.P.1..eo4a! i! 9hich it has 6ee! ru5ed Dsu64issio! to the custod2 62 9ord or actio! 62 a 7erso! is sufficie!tD so as to co!stitute arrest u!der +ectio! 46 Cr. P.C. ,! 7aragra7h 5@ of the sa4e =udg4e!t at 7age 114 it has 6ee! o6ser1ed that >E G +ectio! 46 Cr. P.C. 7ro1ides that i! 4aBi!g a! arrest, the POLICE officer or other 7erso! 4aBi!g the sa4e sha55 actua552 touch or co!fi!e the 6od2 of the 7erso! to 6e arrested u!5ess there 6e a su64issio! to the custod2 62 9ord or actio!.
E 4.( +i!g5e Judge of the 3u=arat High Court i!/a=a=i1.+tate1966 Cr5. *.J. 1, has he5d that 4ere surrou!di!g of a 7erso! 62 the POLICE does !ot a4ou!t to his arrest. 5.,! effecti!g a 5a9fu5 arrest, the arrester shou5d ha1e the POWER or authorit2 sa!ctio!ed 62 5a9, to arrest. %ther9ise, his actio! 9i55 6e 9ho552 9ithout =urisdictio! a!d i! such a co!ti!ge!c2 the 7erso! to 6e arrested has got the right of 7ri1ate defe!ce a!d ca! re7e5 the arrest e1e! 62 the 1io5e!ce su6=ect to +ectio! 99 ,!dia! Pe!a5 Code. +ee,! re Pedda Mu!!i 'eddi 194" (,'8Mad: 4@2>1949>1>M.*.J. @@ a!di! re Mareda +o4ai2a 1945 (,'8Mad: 409 > 1945 M.W.N. 1"6 : 1945>1>M.*.J. 4. #herefore, i! order to ha1e the actio! of the arrester to 6e i! co!for4it2 9ith the 5ega5 a!d co!stitutio!a5 7ro1isio!s, it 4ust 6e a! arrest 7ro7er52 a!d 5a9fu552 4ade i! ter4s of the s7ecified 7ro1isio!s of the CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE. ,f it is to 6e he5d that the actua5 sei<ure or touchi!g of a 7erso!Ds 6od2 9ith a 1ie9 to his arrest is !ot !ecessar2, i! order to 4aBe his arrest, 6ut that the 4ere uttera!ce of a guttura5 9ord or sou!d, a gesture of the i!deA fi!ger or ha!d, the s9a2 of the head or e1e! the f5icBer of a! e2e are e!ough to co!1e2 the 4ea!i!g to the 7erso! co!cer!ed that he has 5ost his 5i6ert2 a!d 6rought u!der arrest, as 7oi!ted out 62 the .i1isio! )e!ch i!/aiseB %t4arDs case19"1 *.W. Cr. 15", the! it 9i55 !ot o!52 6e i! co!f5ict 9ith the 4oda5it2 of arrest 7rescri6ed i! +ectio! 46 of the Cr5. P.C. 6ut a5so 9i55 5ead to a start5i!g a!o4a52 a!d cause serious co!seCue!ces. Ca! it 6e said that a 7ri1ate citi<e! 9ho is e4POWERed to 4aBe the arrest u!der +ectio! 4 , Cr. P.C. ca! sa2 that he has arrested a 7erso! 4ere52 62 utteri!g of 9ords or 4aBi!g of a gestureH $1e! i! the case of a POLICE officer or other officers e4POWERed to arrest, the 4ere uttera!ce of 9ords or gesture or f5icBeri!g of e2es, etc. 9ou5d !e1er a4ou!t to a! arrest, u!5ess the 7erso! co!cer!ed su64its to the custod2 of the arrester. 6.,! regard to the 7ri!ci75es to 6e a775ied i! i!ter7reti!g the statutes, there are a !u46er of 9e55 recog!ised authoritati1e =udicia5 7ro!ou!ce4e!ts a6out 9hich 9e 9ou5d 5iBe to refer i! this co!teAt. ,!#a25or1.#a25or1"@6 , Ch. .. 426, it has 6ee! o6ser1ed thus :E G Whe! a statutor2 POWER is co!ferred for the first ti4e u7o! a court, a!d the 4ode of eAercisi!g it is 7oi!ted out, it 4ea!s that !o other 4ode is to 6e ado7ted. E(7752i!g the a6o1e 7ri!ci75e, i!Na<ir (h4ed1./i!g $47eror 19 6 (,'8PC: 25 , the Judicia5 Co44ittee 4ade the fo55o9i!g o6ser1atio!s :E G .......... 9here a POWER is gi1e! to do a certai! thi!g i! a certai! 9a2 the thi!g 4ust 6e do!e i! that 9a2 or !ot at a55. %ther 4ethods of 7erfor4a!ce are !ecessari52 for6idde!. E#he correct!ess of the decisio! i!Na<ir (h4ed1./i!g $47eror 19 6 (,'8PC: 25 has 6ee! acce7ted 62 the +u7re4e Court i!+hi1 )ahadur +i!gh1.+tate of -i!dh2a Pradesh a!d'e7 Cha!d1.+tate of 'a=astha!. @.%!ce agai!, the 7ri!ci75e i!Na<ir (h4ed1./i!g $47eror 19 6 (,'8PC: 25 9as reaffir4ed 62 the +u7re4e Court i!+tate of &ttar Pradesh1.+i!ghara +i!gh 9herei! a Cuestio! arose 9ith regard to the ad4issi6i5it2 of the ora5 e1ide!ce gi1e! 62 a +eco!d C5ass Magistrate !ot s7ecia552 e4 POWERed i! the 4atter of recordi!g a co!fessio! of gui5t 4ade to hi4 62 the accused a!d 7ur7orted to ha1e 6ee! recorded u!der +ectio! 164 Cr5. P.C. ,! that co!!ectio!, the +u7re4e Court, after ha1i!g stated >E G #he ru5e ado7ted i!#a25or1.#a25or1"@6>1>Ch. .. 426 is 9e55 recog!ised a!d is fou!ded o! a sou!d 7ri!ci75e. ,ts resu5t is that if a statute had co!ferred a POWER to do a! act
a!d has 5aid do9! the 4ethod i! 9hich that POWER has to 6e eAercised, it !ecessari52 7rohi6its the doi!g of the act i! a!2 other 4a!!er tha! that 9hich has 6ee! 7rescri6ed. #he 7ri!ci75e 6ehi!d the ru5e is that if this 9ere !ot so, the statutor2 7ro1isio! 4ight as 9e55 !ot ha1e 6ee! e!acted.Ehas fi!a552 co!c5udes thus > E Whe! a statute co!fers a POWER o! certai! =udicia5 officers, that POWER ca! o61ious52 6e eAercised o!52 62 those officers. No other officer ca! eAercise that POWER, for it has !ot 6ee! gi1e! to hi4. E,! the resu5t the +u7re4e Court u7he5d the 1ie9 of the High Court i! re=ecti!g the ora5 e1ide!ce gi1e! 62 the Magistrate. ".,! 2et a!other case, i!Nar6ada Prasad1.Chhaga5a5 the +u7re4e Court, 7osi!g a Cuestio! for its co!sideratio! 9hether there 9as POWER i! a court to dis7e!se 9ith the co475ia!ce of the 7ro1isio!s of +ectio! 85: of the 'e7rese!tatio! of the Peo75e (ct, 1951, a!s9ered !egati1e52, ho5di!g.E G ,t is 9e55 u!derstood ru5e of the 5a9 that if a thi!g is to 6e do!e i! a 7articu5ar 4a!!er it 4ust 6e do!e i! that 4a!!er or !ot at a55. %ther 4odes of co475ia!ce are eAc5uded. E#he a6o1e 7ri!ci75e 9as reaffir4ed 62 the +u7re4e Court i!+tate of 3u=arat1.+ha!ti5a5 9hi5e dis7osi!g of a ci1i5 a77ea5 re5ati!g to the acCuisitio! of a 5a!d reCuired for the 7ur7ose of a #o9! P5a!!i!g +che4e. #he ratio of that case is as fo55o9s >E G *a!d reCuired for a!2 of the 7ur7oses of a to9! 75a!!i!g sche4e ca!!ot 6e acCuired other9ise tha! u!der the (ct, for it is a sett5ed ru5e of i!ter7retatio! of statutes that 9he! POWER is gi1e! u!der a statute to do a certai! thi!g i! a certai! 9a2 the thi!g 4ust 6e do!e i! that 9a2 or !ot at a55. E?o55o9i!g the 9e55>recog!ised 7ri!ci75e of the i!ter7retatio! of the statutes, 5aid do9! i! the a6o1e decisio!s 9he! +ectio! 46 Cr. P.C. is eAa4i!ed, there ca!!ot 6e a seco!d o7i!io! that the 4ethod a!d the eAecutio! of arrest of a 7erso! i!te!ded to 6e arrested shou5d 6e 7erfor4ed o!52 i! the 4a!!er 7rescri6ed i! the statute a!d the other 4ethods of 7erfor4a!ce are for6idde!F other9ise, the 9ho5e 7ro1isio!s of +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 9ou5d 6e re!dered !ugator2 a!d fu!ctio!5ess. ,f the 4ethod of arrest is !ot 7erfor4ed i! the 4a!!er B!o9! to 5a9 a!d as 7rescri6ed u!der +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 6ut 62 the 4ere uttera!ce of 9ords, 4aBi!g of gestures, f5icBeri!g of 2es, !oddi!g of the head etc., as ru5ed i! /aiser %t4arDs case, 19"1 *.W. Cr. 15", 9e are of the fir4 1ie9 that the 4odes of arrest 7rescri6ed i! that ru5i!g are !ot o!52 co!trar2 to +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C., 6ut 9i55 a5so re!der the sectio! !o!>eAiste!t or otiose, a!d such a 7rocedure ca!!ot 6e ado7ted to effect a 1a5id arrest. 9.,t is !o9 9e55>sett5ed that fai5ure to co4752 9ith the reCuisite 7rocedure 9ou5d 6e fata5 to the 5ega5it2 of the eAecutio! of a!2 (ct or of the 7assi!g of a!2 order 62 a!2 o!e authorised 62 5a9. #he esse!ce of this 7ri!ci75e is ref5ected i!Ma!eBa 3a!dhiDscase, 9herei! it has 6ee! he5d that the 7rocedura5 safeguards are the esse!ce of 5i6ert2. 40.,! Judicia5 'e1ie9 of (d4i!istrati1e (ctio! rd $d! 62 +.(. de +4ith, at 7age 122, it is stated thus >E G #he 5a9 re5ati!g to the effect of fai5ure to co4752 9ith 7rocedura5 reCuire4e!ts rese465es a! i!eAtrica65e ta!g5e of 5oose e!ds. E(s 7oi!ted out i!Me!aBa 3a!dhiDscase,if the statute 4aBes itse5f c5ear o! a!2 7oi!t, the! !o 4ore Cuestio! arisesF 6ut if the statute is si5e!t, the! the 5a9, 4a2, i! a gi1e! case, 4aBe a! a775icatio! a!d a7752 the 7ri!ci75e of !atura5 =ustice.
41.,!Mager a!d +t. Me55o!s '...C.1.Ne9 Port Cor7oratio!1952 +.C. 1"9 at 191 *ord +i4o!s said >E G #he dut2 of the court is to i!ter7ret the 9ords that the *egis5ature has usedF those 9ords 4a2 6e a46iguousF 6ut, e1e! if the2 are, the POWER a!d dut2 of the court to tra1e5 outside the4 o! a 1o2age of disco1er2 are strict52 5i4ited. 42.,!Na!di!i +at7athiDscase, their *ordshi7s of the +u7re4e Court ha1e 5aid do9! the 7ro7ositio! of 5a9 as fo55o9s : EWe fee5 that 62 successfu5 i!ter7retatio! =udge>ce!tred 5a9 4ust cata52se co44u!it2> ce!tred 5ega5it2.E G We ha1e a5read2 eA7ressed that the 4oda5it2 of arrest i!dicated i! /aiser %t4arDs case, 19"1 *.W. Cr. 15" is !ot i! co!for4it2 9ith +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 9hich sectio! 62 itse5f is 1er2 c5ear. We fee5 that the )e!ch 7erha7s 9ou5d !ot ha1e 5aid do9! this dictu4 regardi!g the 4ode of arrest had +ectio! 46 Cr5. P.C. 6ee! 6rought to their !otice. ?urther, the )e!ch has !ot a5so ad1erted to the 5eadi!g ?u55 )e!ch decisio! of this court i!Co55ector of Custo4s1./otu4a5, 196@ (,'8Mad: 26 , a!dHar6a!s +i!gh1.+tate 19@0 (,'8)o4: @9, touchi!g o! this issue. ?or the reaso!s stated a6o1e, 9e ho5d that the ru5e 5aid do9! 62 the 5ear!ed Judges co!stituti!g the .i1isio! )e!ch, i!/aiser %t4arDscase, 19"1 *.W. Cr. 15", 9ith great res7ect, 9ith regard to the 4ode of arrest is !ot goods 5a9.4 .#he other Cuestio! that arises for our co!sideratio! i! this refere!ce is 9hether the Custo4s %fficer ca! detai! a!2 7erso! u!der the guise of a! e!Cuir2, i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION 6e2o!d 24 hours 6efore 7roduci!g hi4 6efore the Magistrate a!d 9hether such a dete!tio! 9ou5d 6e 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 22 of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia. We ha1e 5au!ched o! a detai5ed discussio! 9hi5e i!ter7reti!g the ter4 Dcustod2D, 9hich discussio! has a 6eari!g o! this Cuestio!. #he Cuestio! of 7roductio! of a 7erso! 6efore a Magistrate 9ithi! 24 hours as e!1isaged i! (rtic5e 2282: of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia, 9ou5d arise o!52 if that 7erso! is arrested a!d detai!ed i! custod2. 44.(rtic5e 2282: a!d 8 : of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia read thus :>
2282: $1er2 7erso! 9ho is arrested a!d detai!ed i! custod2 sha55 6e 7roduced 6efore the !earest Magistrate 9ithi! a 7eriod of 24 hours of such arrest eAc5udi!g the ti4e !ecessar2 for the =our!e2 fro4 the 75ace of arrest to the court of the Magistrate a!d !o such 7erso! sha55 6e detai!ed i! custod2 6e2o!d the said 7eriod 9ithout the authorit2 of a Magistrate.D 8 : 8a: to Nothi!g a!2 i! 7erso! c5auses 9ho for the 81: ti4e a!d 6ei!g 82: is a! sha55 e!e42 a7752 a5ie!F > or
86: to a!2 7erso! 9ho is arrested or detai!ed u!der a!2 5a9 7ro1idi!g for 7re1e!ti1e dete!tio!.D ?or i!1oBi!g (rtic5e 2282:, as 7oi!ted out 62 the 5ear!ed (d1ocate>3e!era5, t9o reCuire4e!ts 4ust 6e satisfied>81: the 7erso! shou5d ha1e 6ee! arrestedF a!d 82: he shou5d ha1e 6ee! detai!ed i! custod2. (t the state of e!Cuir2, or INVESTIGATION or
i!terrogatio! he5d u!der +ectio! 10@ or +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, the 7erso! reCuired or su44o!ed for such e!Cuir2 or eAa4i!atio! is !ot arrested, !or has he 6eco4e a! accused. ,f, i! a gi1e! case, the Custo4s %fficia5 detai!s a!2 7erso! reCuired or su44o!ed u!der the 7ro1isio!s of the Custo4s (ct for a 7ro5o!ged 7eriod, e1e! eAceedi!g 24 hours, or Bee7s hi4 i! c5osed doors as a ca7ti1e 7riso!er surrou!ded 62 officia5s or LOCKs hi4 i! a roo4 or co!fi!es hi4 to a! office PREMISES, he does so at his 7eri5, 6ecause +ectio!s 10@ a!d 10" of the Custo4s (ct do !ot authorise the officer 6e5o!gi!g to the Custo4s de7art4e!t to detai! a 7erso! for a 7ro5o!ged custod2 a!d de7ri1e hi4 of the e5e4e!tar2 faci5ities a!d 7ri1i5eges to 9hich he is e!tit5ed. ,! such a situatio!, the officer 4ust 6e he5d to ha1e o1er>ste77ed his 5i4its, a!d a!2 co!fessio!a5 state4e!t o6tai!ed fro4 such a 7erso! 62 Bee7i!g hi4 i! a 7ro5o!ged custod2 has to 6e regarded 9ith gra1e sus7icio!, 6ecause there is a59a2s roo4 for criticis4 that such a co!fessio! 4ight ha1e 6ee! o6tai!ed fro4 eAtorted 4a5>treat4e!t or i!duced 62 i47ro7er 4ea!s. (s 7oi!ted out 62 the +u7re4e Court i!Nathu1.+tate of &ttar Pradesh, the 7ro5o!ged custod2 4a2 sta47 the co!fessio!a5 state4e!t so o6tai!ed as i!1o5u!tar2 o!e, a!d the i!tri!sic 1a5ue of such a state4e!t 4a2 6e 1itiated. #he Cuestio! 9hether a 7erso! has 6ee! Be7t i! 7ro5o!ged custod2 is a Cuestio! of fact, 9hich has to 6e carefu552 co!sidered agai!st the 6acBgrou!d of the circu4sta!ces disc5osed i! each case. +o, it is !either ad1isa65e !or 7ossi65e to 5a2 do9! a!2 i!f5eAi65e sta!dards for the guida!ce of courts, though i! the u5ti4ate a!a52sis, it is the court 9hich is ca55ed u7o! to decide the circu4sta!ces of a 7articu5ar case.45.Mr. /aree4 6rought to the !otice of this court a co72 of the !otice issued u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, 9herei! the 7erso! co!cer!ed i! that !otice 9as su44o!ed to a77ear 6efore the +u7eri!te!de!t of Custo4s at 10 a.4. a!d reCuired !ot to 5ea1e the Custo4s House 9ithout 5ea1e, a!d if the case is ad=our!ed, 9ithout ascertai!i!g the date of ad=our!4e!t. #he grie1a!ce of the 5ear!ed Cou!se5 is that this Bi!d of su44o!s does !ot s7ecif2 a!d regu5ate the co44e!ce4e!t a!d e!di!g of the ti4e of e!Cuir2 a!d that the 4ere readi!g of the !otice 9ou5d i!dicate that the 7erso! su44o!ed shou5d 6e i! the Custo4s House u!ti5 he is gi1e! a gree! sig!a5 62 the Custo4s officia5, 9hich, i! tur! 4a2 gi1e roo4 for a 7ro5o!ged custod2 of that 7erso!. We ho7e that the officers co!cer!ed 9ou5d !ot gi1e a!2 roo4 for a co475ai!t of co!ti!uous a!d 7ro5o!ged dete!tio! of 7erso!s su44o!ed to the office u!der the stre!gth of such a !otice for the 7ur7ose of a! e!Cuir2 or i!terrogatio! or INVESTIGATION, 6ut dis7ose the4 of 9ithi! a reaso!a65e ti4e, a!d, if !ecessar2, 62 ad=our!i!g the e!Cuir2 to the fo55o9i!g da2. 46..ra9i!g the atte!tio! of this court to su6>sectio! 82: of +ectio! 104 of the Custo4s (ct, Mr. /aree4 ad1a!ced a! argu4e!t that as this 7ro1isio! casts a statutor2 o65igatio! o! the arresti!g officer 6e5o!gi!g to the Custo4s de7art4e!t to taBe a! arrestee 9ithout u!!ecessar2 de5a2 to a Magistrate, it 4ust 6e he5d that the arrestee ca!!ot 6e Be7t i! custod2 e1e! a 4i!ute after the arrest. We are !ot i47ressed 62 this argu4e!t for the reaso!s to 6e 4e!tio!ed herei!. +ectio! 10481: a!d 82: of the Custo4s (ct, 9hich s7eaBs a6out the stage of arrest of a 7erso! 6e5ie1ed to 6e gui5t2 of a! offe!ce 7u!isha65e u!der +ectio! 1 5 a!d his 7roductio! 6efore the Magistrate, reads as fo55o9s > E10481: ,f a! officer of Custo4s e4 POWERed i! this 6eha5f 62 ge!era5 or s7ecia5 order of the Co55ector of Custo4s has reaso! to 6e5ie1e that a!2 7erso! i! ,!dia or 9ithi! the ,!dia! Custo4s Waters has 6ee! gui5t2 of a! offe!ce 7u!isha65e u!der +ectio! 1 5, he 4a2 arrest such 7erso! a!d sha55, as soo! as 4a2 6e, i!for4 hi4 of the grou!ds for such arrest. 82: $1er2 7erso! arrested u!der su6>sectio! 81: sha55 9ithout u!!ecessar2 de5a2, 6e
4@.No9 5et us eAa4i!e the a6o1e su64issio! of the 5ear!ed Cou!se5 i! the 5ight of (rtic5e 2282: of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia. (rtic5e 2282: reCuires the arrester to 7roduce the arrestee 6efore a Magistrate 9ithi! a 7eriod of 24 hours eAc5udi!g the ti4e !ecessar2 for the =our!e2 fro4 the 75ace of arrest to the court of the Magistrate. #hus, it is c5ear that the 4aAi4u4 ti4e of 24 hours is 7ro1ided u!der the Co!stitutio! for the 7roductio! of a! arrestee 6efore the Magistrate. #herefore, !eed5ess to 4e!tio! that o!ce a 7erso! is arrested either 62 a Custo4s officer u!der +ectio! 10481: of the Custo4s (ct or 62 a POLICE officer u!der the 7ro1isio!s of the co!cer!ed (ct or 62 a!2 other 7erso! authorised to arrest, (rtic5e 2282: of the Co!stitutio! of ,!dia 9i55 co4e i!to 75a2 a!d the! the 7erso! arrested shou5d 6e 7roduced 6efore a Magistrate 9ithout gi1i!g roo4 for a!2 co475ai!t that (rtic5e 2282: is 1io5ated. 4".,t 9ou5d 6e a77osite i! this co!!ectio! to refer to the o6ser1atio!s 4ade i!Har6a! +i!gh1.+tate 19@0 (,'8)o4: @9 at 7age "1, 7aragra7h 4, 6efore 9hich the sa4e Cuestio! 9as raised :E G ,t is true that there is !o 7ro1isio! si4i5ar to +ectio! 61 Cr5. P.C. 8%5d: Mcorres7o!di!g to +ectio! 5@ of the !e9 Code, Cr5. P.C. a!d 9hich is a!a5ogous to +ectio! 10482: of the Custo4s (ctN 9hich 5a2s do9! a 4aAi4u4 7eriod of 24 hours 9ithi! 9hich a! accused 7erso! shou5d 6e 7ut u7 6efore a Magistrate, 6ut that 4a2 ha1e 6ee! u!!ecessar2 i! 1ie9 of the fact that such a 4aAi4u4 7eriod is !o9 5aid do9! 62 the Co!stitutio! itse5f i! (rtic5e 2282: thereof. E+ee a5soJee1aBa!1.%fficer i! Charge of L. )ra!ch of #.N. Po5ice, 19"2 *.W. Cr5. 261 at 77. 26" a!d 269F a!d a5soJaga!!atha!1.+tate19" *.W. Cr. 250 at 7. 255 a!d 256. He!ce, i! 1ie9 of the Co!stitutio!a5 7ro1isio!s, of (rtic5e 2282:, the su64issio! of the 5ear!ed Cou!se5 that the 7erso! arrested u!der the Custo4s (ct shou5d 6e 7roduced 6efore a Magistrate 9ithout a!2 i!ter1a5 of ti4e fro4 the 4o4e!t the arrest is effected, has to fai5. 49.(t this =u!cture, 9e fee5 that it 9i55 !ot 6e out of 75ace to 4e!tio! here that the i!di1idua5s a!d the orga!ised ga!gs i!du5gi!g i! s4ugg5i!g acti1ities 62 ado7ti!g de1ious 9a2s a!d 4ea!s, da!gerous52 do rui! the eco!o42 of our cou!tr2. Need5ess to sa2, this Bi!d of offe!ce, 9hich assu4es da!gerous 4ag!itude, gra1it2 a!d serious!ess, are 7er7etrated secret52, deAterous52 a!d desig!ed52 62 the a!ti>socia5 e5e4e!ts, 9ho are i!corrigi65e a!d harde!ed cri4i!a5s, a!d as such it 9ou5d 6e difficu5t, if !ot i47ossi65e, to get direct e1ide!ce or 7roof i! a55 cases of this !ature. #here ca!!ot 6e a seco!d o7i!io! that this Bi!d of offe!ces shou5d 6e 7ut do9! ster!52. )ut this does !ot 4ea! that the Custo4s officia5s ca! de1iate fro4 the 5ega5 7ath a!d o1erste7 the 5ega5 restrai!ts i! their effort to cur6 the acti1ities of the i!di1idua5s 6e5ie1ed to 6e e!gaged i! co44itti!g cri4i!a5 offe!ces, a!d act i! a! u!6rid5ed 4a!!er accordi!g to their 9hi4s a!d fa!cies o! a! assu47tio! that their POWERs are u!5i4ited a!d the2 are free to ado7t a!2 ar6itrar2, fa!tastic a!d o77ressi1e 7rocedures 9hich 9i55 resu5t i! the a6use of their POWERs. +o4eti4es, the courts are 7ai!ed to !ote that e1e! the guardia!s of 5a9 the4se51es act i! 1io5e!t diso6edie!ce a!d 9ith su7i!e i!differe!ce of the ru5e of 5a9, a!d co!te47tuous52 tre!t e1e! the i!!oce!t 62 du66i!g the4 as 9ro!g doers. ,t is true that the 7rocedura5 5a9 7rotects the 5ega5 rights of the sus7ected offe!der 62 75aci!g !u4erous restrai!ts o! the POWER of the POLICE or the Custo4s officia5s, as the case 4a2 6e, 6ut it is fe5t 62 4a!2 that the safeguards are too ofte! 7ro1ed to 6e a 42th rather tha! a rea5it2. (t the sa4e ti4e, o!e shou5d !ot 5ose sight of the fact that as ofte! as !ot, e1e! a 4aBer
of a co!fessio! state4e!t i!cri4i!ati!g hi4se5f to a! authorit2 i! 5a9, 9he! it is gi1e! i! e1ide!ce i! a 7roceedi!g agai!st the 4aBer, tur!s rou!d a!d co475ai!s that such a co!fessio! state4e!t 9as eAtracted 62 threats or 9as 4ade u7 or 9as fra4ed, a!d seeBs to discredit the guardia! of 5a9. %! 4a!2 occasio!s, 9he! 5a9>6reaBers are arrested, the2 4aBe 9i5d a55egatio!s, a!d shout fro4 roof to7 DPOLICE 6ruta5i t2D or Dcusto4s 6ruta5it2D 9hich are !othi!g 6utcat>ca55s. #herefore, the Custo4s officia5s 9he! acti!g u!der the 7ro1isio!s of the Custo4s (ct shou5d see that the 7rocedura5 safeguards 9hich are the i!dis7e!sa65e esse!ce of the 5i6ert2 of a citi<e! are !ot i47aired i! a!2 4a!!er.50,! the resu5t, the fi1e Cuestio!s for4u5ated i! the 7reface of this =udg4e!t for co!sideratio!, of this refere!ce are a55 a!s9ered as i!dicated a6o1e, for the reaso!s assig!ed. ,! the 5ight of the 1ie9s eA7ressed a6o1e, a55 these 9rit 7etitio!s are re5egated 6acB to the .i1isio! )e!ch eAercisi!g 9rit =urisdictio! to co!sider each of the 9rit 7etitio!s o! its 4erits a!d dis7ose of the sa4e i! the 5ight of this =udg4e!t. 51.Mr. /aree4, i! additio! to the Cuestio! of 5a9 referred to us, 9ou5d 5iBe to raise, a!d i! fact, raised t9o other Cuestio!s to 6e decided 62 this ?u55 )e!ch, 1i<., 81: that si!ce there are !o 9e55 defi!ed a!d guided 7rocedures esta65ished 62 5a9, i! co!for4it2 9ith hu4a! dig!it2, 9ith regard to the 4ode of e!Cuir2 u!der +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, a!d o! the other ha!d, the 1ague!ess of the eA7ressio! used i! the sectio! co!fers u!co!tro55ed discretio! o! the eAecuti1e to eA7a!d the hori<o! of their POWER to the detri4e!t of the 5i6ert2 of the su6=ect, +ectio! 10" 4ust 6e he5d as 1io5ati1e of (rtic5e 21 of the Co!stitutio!, a!d as suchu5tra 1iesF a!d 82: that the 7erso! su44o!ed for e!Cuir2, either u!der +ectio! 10@ or +ectio! 10" of the Custo4s (ct, shou5d 6e afforded 5ega5 assista!ce, a!d if he has 6ee! de!ied the assista!ce of a cou!se5, it is 1io5ati1e of the fu!da4e!ta5 rights e!shri!ed i! the Co!stitutio! a!d as adu46erated i!Na!di!i +at7hatiDscase. #he Cuestio! referred to this )e!ch is 5i4ited o!52 9ith regard to the 4ode of arrest a!d he!ce the sco7e of the refere!ce ca!!ot 6e eAte!ded or 9ide!ed to taBe i! a55 other Cuestio!s !ot re5ated to the s7ecific refere!ce. He!ce, 9e are !ot i!c5i!ed to go i!to the 4erits of these t9o su64issio!s 4ade 62 the 5ear!ed Cou!se5. ,!cide!ta552, 9e 4a2 state that a si4i5ar co!te!tio! 9ith regard to the assista!ce of a cou!se5 9as raised 6efore Moha! J. i! W.M.P. 66@1 of 19" i!E G W.P. 444@ of 19" >/. +ri!i1asa!1.#he Co55ector of Custo4s, a!d such a co!te!tio! 9as re7e55ed. (s agai!st this, a! a77ea5 9as 7referred 6efore the Ho!D65e the Chief Justice a!d Pad4a!a6ha! J. i! W.(. 501 of 19" , 9hich 9as a5so dis4issed. ,t is 6rought to our !otice that a! a77ea5 has 6ee! fi5ed agai!st the =udg4e!t i! W.(. 501 of 19" , 6efore the +u7re4e Court i! 7etitio! for +7ecia5 *ea1e to a77ea5 8ci1i5: No. "" 5 of 19" a!d the sa4e is 7e!di!g for fi!a5 decisio! 6efore the +u7re4e Court.52.)efore 7arti!g 9ith this =udg4e!t, 9e fee5 that 9e 9ou5d 6e fai5i!g i! our dut2 if 9e do !ot 75ace o! record our a77reciatio! of the 1a5ua65e ser1ices re!dered 62 the 5ear!ed (d1ocate 3e!era5, Mr. M.'.M. (6du5 /aree4. Mr. P.M. Ju44a /ha!, Mr. /. 'a!ga1a==u5a, Mr. P. 'a=a4a!iBBa4, the 5ear!ed Pu65ic Prosecutor, a!d Mr. '. #hiagara=a!, the 5ear!ed +e!ior Ce!tra5 3o1er!4e!t +ta!di!g Cou!se5 for their eAce55e!t 7re7aratio! a!d 7rese!tatio! of the case a!d for their 5ucid a!a52sis a!d 4aster52 7rese!tatio! of the 1arious 7ro7ositio! of 5a9 touchi!g o! this 7oi!t, 9hich ha1e 6ee! of i44e!se he57 to us i! re!deri!g this =udg4e!t.