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Harvest Moon Back To Nature Walkthrough

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Harvest Moon For Girls Walkthrough Share | Boards Guide Walkthroughs & FAQs Cheats Proudly hosted by IGN

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----------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR'S NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------*Just skip this if you like* Hmmm.... how to start with... Alright, this is a Harvest Moon for Girl FAQ. I am a Harvest Moon series mania. I've played every Harvest Moon game on every console, just name it. (HM SNES, HM64, HM Back to Nature, and of course Harvest Moon for Girl, otherwise I won't write down this FAQ.) Well, if you're

a HM mania too, you'll know for sure that I don't write the other two... basically because I don't have Game Boy and I still don't afford PS2. My spelling here may be a perfect horrible since I don't use English daily, so please mail me to correct some words you find weird or something. One day, three years ago, I stop playing HM. (Truth is, I hid the cd so I don't have to look at it. You know what? That game really have a magical power or something! Every time I told myself to stop playing it, the next three minutes I found myself sit in the front of TV, hold the controller and move my character to his field...) But, I go to the PS shop and (This is purely my mistake) ask if they have a new game. The shop owner then offered me Harvest Moon for Girl! Ugh... I tried to go away, but my legs won't move! To my own good, I then decline it and ran away. But! Sometime later my bro told me about HM... arrggghh!! And I play stupid, act like I don't know it, ask if that's come out in US Version though I know it only a Japanese Version. Then I try my best to forget it. That's worked out, somehow, if I don't go with him to the shop and he doesn't lend me his money to buy that game (I even don't bring my own money to avoid bought it, but... oh well, it happens anyway) so by god's sake, I bring that game home and start playing it and became addicted as same as the way I get addicted by it's leader. And I found it's even more challenging than another series, because it's only released in Japanese and I don't understand even a single word. (well, not now, but still...) So I opened up my HM: BTN and began to understand it... a little. I play HMFG almost twenty times and I finally understood. So, as a Harvest Moon veteran, I make this FAQs to help those Harvest Moon maniacs out there... feel free to mail me ABOUT THE GAME!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES ----------------------------------------------------------------------Updated Final Version -2003, Dec 05See whan happened when I call it final?? I update it. Sarah Sofia write an info about Cliff's ending below. And can I ask you guys something?? Could you please send me your contribution before final version?? I always tell you when I'm going to make it final, so send it to me before I became too tired to update it again. If you guys haven't send me a contribution for a reason, make sure you e-mail me before. I always open my email before I submit my updates, so I will gladly postponed it for a clear and reasonable contribution. And that will ease not only me and the sites, but also the contributor. If I became too lazy to update my final, you guys may never be able to see your contribution ever. And don't blame me for that. By the way, thanks Sofia. Final Version -2003, Jul 19I realize that I never put any info about the mirror (you know, the weird mirror in your house) ok, sorry, sorry, I forgot. Lately some people mail me about this. See the game-play info for the details. As I promise, this is a final version. I'm still answer your question via mail, and still as fast as I can be (for some of you who accept my replies slow, sorry again...) and I might update it again if I realize something I haven't put on my walkthrough. Oh, by the

way, if you want this to be released on English version, why don't you sign a petition? There is one site still do it (Liz's site); see it on my contributed list. And if you want to buy it on Japanese version, visit www.himeya.com. This is not my site and I have nothing to do with it; this is just information. Version 5.6 -2003, Jul 10The next maybe a final. I don't know what to wrote in anymore. Instead of asking me a challenging question, lately I got several boring question. You guys really know how to read, right? Then why does someone asking me if I should write the events??? Whew, whatever. I'm focusing on another walkthrough now, but I still accept your email, though I maybe not putting it inside this walkthrough. I will answer it via mail, but who knows, if I got an interesting one... Version 5.4 -2003, Jun 22Finally I get an email that helps me finish the ending!! Whew, six month for a walkthrough... quite a long time, huh? Some people tell me I should stop here and make this final. But I don't think so. I decided to make a continuous fanfic. I will start it, and you guys continue the story. Looks good? No? Whatever. See the new section called 'FANFIC' below and if you think it's good and you want to continue it, email me. If you don't, I will do another thing. Maybe a day-by-day walkthrough. Or maybe I'll call it final. Version 5.2 -2003, Jun 10I get many e-mail that tells me many part of the game I still don't know. I surely can't put it into the FAQ section because it helps, instead of asking for it. So I make a new section called 'a big help' which contains a lot of tricks from you guys! Thanks a lot for sent those for me, and keep doing that because I think I still need more help! Version 5.0 -2003, May 3OK, I update it now, you can stop complaining and send those letter to me. I said I accept tips, questions, and critics if I wrote something weird here, but it doesn't mean you can send three letters to me everyday (Yeah, you, I think I don't have to mention who you are, stop it!!) And if you wonder why-why-why I don't update it soon, I'm gonna tell you. I am a highschool student on the last year. And in my country here I am having a final exam!! Can't you wait until May 10?? Version 4.5 -2003, Apr 1Added more special events to the events section, added guy's favorite and fixed some events. Version 4.3 -2003, Mar 25Finally I know what's wrong and fix it. I added some thing on the recipes section, Kai's event section and the doctor's event section. Also added the new question at the FAQ section. Version 4.0 -2003, Mar 18Tired, tired... finally wrote the endings, added the doctor's events and fix some mistakes. Must be forgot to fix some, but... Version 3.0 -2003, Mar 4Finally I know what to put in! I added the FAQ section because you guys

send too much question that I can't answer it all by replying it back. Version 2.7 -2003, Feb 26I realize that some parts of this FAQ is hard to read, so I put them on the alphabet order. Version 2.5 -2003, Feb 17I haven't update this FAQ quite long, huh? Got no idea about the walkthrough, just completing some parts. Version 2.0 -2003, Feb 3Complete the guys section. Added the recipes section. Found some stupid mistakes. It looks like I've been forgetting some parts... For anyone who know much of the game, please mail me. Version 1.0 -2003, Jan 28Began the FAQ. Writing the basic, includes Table of Contents, Story, Character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------It took some time for Zack to found you lying unconscious at the beach. He then quickly wakes up the villager to told them that he has found a girl at their beach. When you're unconscious, your memory about one place comes up. It seems that when you are in a cruise ship. You have one friend (strangely enough, he looks like Duke with that hair) but you can't see his face 'cause your memory is shown by dark sephia tone. You've passed many good time with him. The next is foreseen, of course. When you wakes up, it looks like you lost your memory about anything else but it. Zack has bring you to a shack, and the mayor looks like don't recognize you (or is he?) he then asks if you had a name, but you can't answer him because you don't know your own name. With Zack, he offers you to stay in this village until you don't suffer from amnesia anymore, and can tell him what brings you to that hideaway little village. The mayor then shows you the farm; it belongs to the old farmer. At his last time he couldn't take care of the farm anymore, so when he died it becomes a complete mess. You think 'this place can be something more than this!!' that's why you nod when the mayor ask you to take this farm. And that's how the game begin... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------D-pad O button X button : moving on terrain/menu/prompts, push livestock : action, talk : cancel, run

Square button : Triangle button: R1 : R2 : L1 : L2 : Start : Select :

use tools, eat item in hand view the rucksack, info of item switch tools switch items dog/human whistle horse/human whistle status menu village map

----------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME-PLAY INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TV Program [Up] Weather Forecast [Right] News [Left] The Fairy and Me (Mondays) The Delicious Hour (Tuesdays) The Song Hour (Wednesdays) Star One Sports (Thursdays) Mechabot Ultror (Fridays) TV Shopping / What's your passion? (Saturdays) Shogi Hour (Sundays) Notes: For the first week of the game, you will be able to view the "New Year Day Special TV" instead of the shows above. [Down] Life on the Farm* . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diary Options Sleep without diary entry - typically allows your characters to sleep Sleep with diary entry - sleeps and allows you to save Read Diary - allows you to load another saved file Exchange Animals - allows you to exchange animals before saved files. Menu Explanations of % Get 10 hearts for your dog & horse (20%) Get 10 cows (1% for each cow) (10%) Get 10 sheep (1% for each sheep) (10%) Catch all the six legendary fishes (10%) Upgrade all your tools to the Myrthil level (10%) Have all house upgrades (10%) Uncover more than 60 recipes (1% for every 6 recipe) (10%) Have all power berries (10%) Have all Beauty star (10%)

- Power Berries . You will get one through fishing in the ocean. . You will get one through mining in the mine. . You will get one through mining in the winter mine. . Go to the mine found on the island surrounded by the frozen lake in Winter. Go behind the mine and hit O button to examine it. You should find one. . Go to the tree stump nears the bridge in Area #2 of Mother's Hill. (Your Ax must be Copper Ax or better). You will get a prompt from the tree not to chop it down. Pick "Do not chop" and you will get a Power Berry. . Win the Summer Swimming Race. . Get 1001 medals and you will be able to buy the Power Berry. . Buy it from TV Shopping Network for 5000G. . You need to plant more than 100 flowers and Anna will visit you . Throw 20 crops to the goddesss pond

- Legendary Fish Summer: Squid - You need to get a small fish. Next go to the ocean and throw the fish into the water. Cast your reel and fish for a day and you will get it sooner or later. Fall: Carp - You need to get the other five legendary fishes before you can start to fish for this one. During fall, go to the lake and cast your fishing reel... Winter: Angler - You need to fish at the ocean during winter between 10pm to 8am. You can get this with a fishing rod. Catfish - fish at the bottom of winter mine Any Season: Char - You must get the Grilled Fish, Sashimi, Sushi and Chirashi Sushi recipes. After gotten all the four recipes, go to the 'Goddesss Pond' (the waterfall) and fish for this legendary fish. Sea Beam - You need to catch and sell more than 200 fishes. - Mayor's Request List The Mayor will ask you to give him 3 vegetables at the day near the cooking festival. At that day, bring the veggie inside your rucksack and go to mayor's house. 1st year - 3x Turnips 2nd year - 3x Corn 3rd year - 3x Cucumbers . . . . . Beauty Star Watch yourself everyday in the mirror Keep a lot of accessories in your pink box Bath often Read a beauty magazine in the library, second floor, the most right shelf. Do not get sick

---------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACES ----------------------------------------------------------------------I try to figure up the village map: XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX Ellen Mayor Market Clinic XChurchX Home XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX | |_ _| |_ _ _ _| |_ _ _| |_ _| |_ _ _ _ Library _| | XXXXXXX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | XXXX _| | | | | | Anna _ | | | | | XXXXXXXXX XXXX | | XXXXXXXX | | XXXXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX_| | X X_ _| | X X_ _X BEACH X Vineyard_ | X INN X_ _ | X X_ _X X XXXXXXXX | | X X | | X ROSE X X X XXXXXXX_| | XXXXXXXX | |_ _ _X SQUARE X XXXXXXXXX Saibara_ | | X X XXXXXXX | | |_ _ _ _ _X X | | XXXXXXXXXX | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |

| | | | | | | | XXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX YOUR X Poultry Farm X X Yodel Ranch X FARM XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mountain Path: If you go to to the right from your farm it means you go to the village. To go to the mountain take the left path from your farm. 1. Hot spring area In this area you will find a stair that will take you to the hot spring and the mine. If you go down you will meet Gotz the woodcutter. You will oftenly meet Popuri, Ann and Karen here. Sometimes you will encounter Gotz and Louis. 2. Mother's Hill lake Take the left path from the hot spring area. This area has a lake that will frozen every winter and you can go to the small island on that lake. Fishing on the lake will give you a medium fish and some rare fish. There is a rumor that Kappa stays in this lake. Gotz and Louis come here on the morning. 3. Mother's hill flower garden Come across the bridge and you will come here. This place has so many flowers that different every season. Sometimes it also has some rare flowers. Basil and his family love to visit this place. 4. Mother's hill summit Just go straight from the flower garden area. This place has nothing but it's great view of village. On winter maybe you will encounter a happiness flower... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------All the character in Harvest Moon for Girl is the characters from Harvest Moon Back to Nature. If you already play HM:BTN (which I'm sure most of you had) you don't need my explanation about this. There are twenty male, eleven female and seven harvest sprites in this game. 1. Mayor Thomas Birthday: Summer 25 Lives: From your farm go straight until in the screen there is only a road to the right and three house. His house is in the most right. Role: He is, of course, the mayor of the village. He is the one who offers you to stay at the farm. He will tell you some of the festivals. Appearance: He wears a red clothes, red hat, he's tiny and he has a big red nose. Like: He loves wine, he likes spa boiled-eggs, and turnips. He can accept a cake, a cabbage, and a cucumber. Avoid giving him ore. Daily work: in a morning he's still at his house. At noon search him at the pub. At Saturday he's checking the signboard at the square. 2. Zack. Birthday: Summer 29 Lives: in the only house on the beach. Role: He's a deliveryman. He will buy your farm's product and pay

it right when he comes to your farm. He's the one who found you on the beach. Appearance: He's a big brown guy with a big muscle. You'll easily recognize him anyway. Like: It looks like he can gladly accept any food from the market. He can also smile if you gave him wine, food, medicine and anything from your farm (except the animal feed and weeds), but what he likes most is oil. Daily work: He always wonders around, but strangely I can only found him at my farm at 5 o'clock and when he walks home at 9-10 o'clock at night. 3. Jeff Birthday: Winter 29 Lives: at the market. Go right from Mayor's house. Role: He does nothing for you except for his worth-it-goods at his market. Out of that, he doesn't seem friendly much. He always got a stomachache. Appearance: just go to the market and see what a man behind the corner looks like. That's him. Like: Don't waste your time giving him anything from his market. If he wanted to, he can get it for himself. And don't give him any liquids that make his stomachache getting worse. After all, what he needs is a medicine and a medicine grass. Daily work: except for Sunday and Tuesday, he'll always be at his market. On Tuesday he's worshipping at the church. On Sunday he'll visit the clinic, and then went to the pub (I wonder what he's doing there, he can't drink anything!). 4. Barley Birthday: Spring 17 Lives: from your farm go right, then move until there is a ranch with a lot of livestock. There it is. Role: He sells livestocks. He also participate in the horse festival, cow festival and the sheep fest. Appearance: An old man with a green clothes and a long beard. He's bold. Like: He enjoys to visit the hot spring, so he also loves the spa boiled egg. But he also appreciates anything comes from your livestock. Daily work: Everyday he's working at his ranch, but Monday is his fun time. He ussualy play at the hot spring first, then visit his old friend Thomas. 5. Lillia Birthday: Spring 19 Lives: take a road right from your farm. You can hear a chicken? Role: She sells chicken. She has a weak body, so she doesn't seen much out of his ranch. Her husband is searching a medicine for her and going somewhere. Rick is her son. Appearance: She looks like her daughter. Has a pink hair, sweet, but the difference is she wears a blue clothes. Like: She's sick, so why don't you show your kindness by giving her a medicine? Or some flowers and eggs, I'm sure she likes it. Daily work: Always at her ranch, she's having a check up at the clinic once a week at Sunday. 6. Saibara Birthday: Spring 11 Lives: I'm sure you'll see his house right after you went out

from your farm. His house is right there, next to your farm! Role: He's an artisan, so that means he will upgrade your tools and forging some tools and accesories for you. Of course, you have to pay him. But think again, he has a handsome grandson, isn't he? Appearance: His beards and hair is white. He also wears a green clothes, but he looks more scary than the good old Barley. Like: Don't thinking about his suspicious face when you give him an ore! He's just like his grandson, shy and impulsive. If you wanna see him smile, try give him a wine or a riceball! Daily work: Like every working people, stay at his workshop everyday. At Saturday meet him at the market. Then he will go to the pub, as what he always do after work every night. 7. Doug Birthday: Winter 11 Lives: take a left path if you're on the square. He lives at that big building over there. Role: He is a bartender on his pub, and an innkeeper. He only has one daughter named Ann. Appearance: has orange hair, always stand behind the bartender's table. Like: looks to be Daily He will apreciate all your gift, if it is a normal gift. He nicer to you here than in HM:BTN. Maybe because he want you Ann's friend. work: I've never see him going somewhere but his inn.

8. Manna Birthday: Autumn 11 Lives: next to Saibara Role: as Duke's wife, she sells wine & grape growing in his vineyard Appearance: has a black hair, talk much. Like: she enjoys a honey and apple Daily work: after sells some drink she went to the square every afternoon. At Saturday her family go to the inn. 9. Gotz Birthday: Autumn 2 Lives: he is the only one who lives alone at the back of your farm. Role: he's a woodcutter. If you need a lumber or want to upgrade your farm, he's the one to look for. It looks like he has a wife and a daughter that he lost on the mountain storm... Appearance: big body, brown hair & beard, quiet and emotional. Like: give him egg, oil and milk and he will be happy Daily work: before 11 am he will looking for a food in the mountain. After 11 am he will go home with Louis. At Saturday he went to the village. Mostly he ended up at the market. 10. Won Birthday: Winter 19 Lives: inn Role: this tricky merchant always sells something higher than it normal price and sometimes sells fake. But the crops you buy from him is a real value. Appearance: weird hat, sunglasses, long black pigtail, and a yellow clothes Like: big fish, wine. But if you can give him money, he will be

very happy Daily work: He always shows up at the restaurant after 1 pm. He seldom shows up to your farm too. Just watch out for what he sells. 11. Priest Carter Birthday: Autumn 20 Lives: the church. You should know where it is, isn't it? Role: he is the one to go if you looking for a confession. He also buried your dead animals and help you if you wanna get married. Appearance: what a priest look like?? Like: anything that is sweet. He likes wine too! Daily work: church. Never see him anywhere else. 12. Greg Birthday: Spring 29 Lives: with Zack Role: he's a fisherman. He give you his fishing pole. Appearance: wears a big straw hat in back, brown skin, white hair, nice old man. Like: fish, of course Daily work: every Friday, Saturday and Sunday he shows up at 7 to 10 am, and at 7 to 10 pm at the beach. 13. Louis Birthday: Spring 2 Lives: with Gotz Role: a bee researcher. If you have a honey, give it to him so he can raise the price for you about 10 G. Appearance: wears a big weird glasses, and a green safari clothes Like: honey, flower & bee Daily work: every morning he went to the mountain to search for a rare bee. 14. Duke Birthday: Winter 15 Lives: with Manna Role: an owner for the vineyard, and next, Cliff's boss. His daughter Aja leave the village to become F-1 racer. Appearance: grey hair, purple tie, smily half-aged man Like: wine, he's a big drunker. Hates medicine Daily work: wander around his vineyard on the day. At night he went to the pub to get drunk. At Saturday he goes to the Inn and rarely, the church. 15. Basil Birthday: Summer 11 Lives: two house on the left from Mayor's house Role: he's a botanist. Will tells you about the rare flower on the winter. Appearance: wears a Robin Hood hat, always carry a brown backpack. Like: flowers, wine and vegetables Daily work: at morning he went to the mountain. Every night he goes to the pub. 16. Anna Birthday: Autumn 23 Lives: with Basil

Role: Basil's wife, Mary's mom, one of the trio gossiper Appearance: calm woman who stays quiet most of the time Like: flowers, egg Daily work: at afternoon she went to the square. On Monday she visits Lillia after shopping at the market with her daughter. 17. Sasha Birthday: Spring 30 Lives: with Jeff Role: Karen's mom. Appearance: a woman with blonde hair and blue clothes Like: milk, chocolate. Don;t give her eggs Daily work: at afternoon she went to the square. On Sunday she visits Lillia. On rainy day she will be on the market. 18. Ellen Birthday: Winter 13 Lives: next to Mayor's house Role: Elli & Stu's grandma, an ex midwife Appearance: looks like an old woman from the 16th century. Wears a small glasses, always sits on her rock chair. Like: apple pie, spa boiled egg, medicine. Don't you ever give her a wine! Daily work: she stays calmly at her house 19. Kano Birthday: Winter 2 Lives: with Mayor Role: a photographer. He should have left 20 years ago, but he fall in love with this village Appearance: wears a black buterfly tie, small eyes, black hair Like: wine Daily work: stays at Mayor's house, only shows up at the bar every night 20. Harris Birthday: Summer 4 Lives: with Mayor Role: Mayor's son. A policeman. Appearance: wears a policeman blue uniform Like: wine, medicine, flowers, kid, basically anything! Daily work: shows up at the inn on 1 pm. Sometimes go to your farm to chat with you. 21. Stu Birthday: Autumn 5 Lives: with Ellen Role: Elli's bro. Loves to play Appearance: small, black hair, always happy Like: yarn, egg, milk Daily work: wanders around in and front of Ellen's house 22. May Birthday: Winter 26 Lives: with Barley Role: help his grandpa with his ranch Appearance: small, black hair, lonely Like: flower, trash, egg, milk, wool, chicken, your horse Daily work: at Monday she follows Barley to the hot spring area

That's it for the common character. The guys will be written in a special section below. RIVAL 1. Ann She is a daughter of Doug. Tomboy, energetic, but a good chef. Her birthday is at Summer 14. She likes Cliff, wool, spa boiled egg and a veggie pancake. She ussualy take a breath of nice morning smell at the hot spring area. 2. Elli This nurse is a granddaughter of Ellen. She has a good skillful of medicine, but not so good on cooking. Her birthday is at Spring 16. She loves Doctor, egg, milk and flowers. At Wenesday, she buy groceries at the market and then goes to Ellen's house. 3. Karen She is a daughter of Jeff and Sasha. She is pretty, honest, matured, and a terrible chef. She has a fond of Rick, wine, popcorn and truffles. Her birthday is at Autumn 15. At Sunday and Tuesday night she's on the beach. At Sunday noon she went to the hot spring areas. 4. Mary This shy girl is a daughter of Basil. She is clever, quiet, kind, and smart of cooking jam. She fall in love with Gray, medicine, poisonous mushrooms[really?? For me?] and insects. Her birthday is at Winter 20. At Monday when her library is closed, this librarian goes shopping with her mom. 5. Popuri She helps her mom on her Poultry farm. She is childish, happy, sweet, and has a talent of cooking sweets. She really likes Kai, flowers, egg, and fruit. Her birthday is at Summer 3. At Sunday she wanders around the square and beach. THE HARVEST SPRITES Lives: next to the church Loves: flour, wine, medicine 1. Bold Birthday: Spring 4 Color: purple Type: hero 2. Staid Birthday: Spring 15 Color: dark blue Type: hardworker 3. Aqua Birthday: Spring 26 Color: light blue Type: fashioned 4. Timid Birthday: Spring 16 Color: green Type: coward

5. Hoggy Birthday: Spring 10 Color: yellow Type: lazy 6. Chef Birthday: Spring 14 Color: red Type: cook master 7. Nappy Birthday: Summer 22 Color: orange Type: playful Note: If you become the villager's friend, they will allow you to look at their bedroom ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GUYS ----------------------------------------------------------------------OK, I won't waste your time, telling this or that, because I know that this part is what you wanna know. 1. Cliff Type: A friendly soul. What he thinks about you at the beginning: He'll accept you as his friends quickly, but after you become his pal, it's kinda hard to go on to make him as your boyfriend. Appearance: looks fierce with all brown accesories (includes his own hair) but looking sweet with his smile. From: He's not from this village. He left his family in the city for some reason... Lives: He has no home, so he lives at the inn. Daily time: before he got a work, he spends all his day grumbling at the church. After he works, you can visit him at his workplace every Sunday, Monday, Wenesday and Friday. Every Saturday he will accompany his boss's family to the church and got a lunch at the pub. Favorite: miso soup Love: curry rice, omelet rice, fried rice, mushroom rice, truffle rice and a vegetable pancake. Likes: spa-boiled egg, chocolate, cake, ice cream and anything that is sweet. Accept: any fruit and vegetables. Things you will get from him: A family picture: see the EVENTS below Face Lotion: invite him to your house at the Star Night Festival. The next day he will give you this. Cookies EVENTS: First Impressions If you haven't met Cliff from the very start of the game, this is your chance. Go to the church at 12 o'clock. Priest Carter and Cliff are ready to go somewhere, and Priest ask you to watch for his church while he goes out. Choose the first choice to say yes, the second choice means you're busy. I you choose yes, go out, and go in again. This time they are ready to go. After they left, go in to the room on the left,

by choosing the first choice. Wait a while... and Kai will come. He'll looking for the priest. When he doesn't find anyone, he'll think that the priest is in that room. He will go in, and ready to make a confession. You can choose to stay pretending (first choice) or tell him who you are (second choice). What happens next is: First Choice: He'll make a confession and leaving, but when the priest and Cliff back, they will be very dissapointed to you, and Kai won't even know who you are. Second choice: You tell him that the priest is going somewhere. Kai will be suprised at first, but then act nice to you. In a while priest and Cliff comes back. Kai will have a chat with the priest, then saying that you are a sweet girl. His heart level with you will rise up one color. Priest will be happy with you. For the next time he will be a nice friend and will love to answers your questions. Cliff, will also instantly likes your attitude, then being your friend, his heart rise up one color. First Night at Pub This happens when you visit pub in the first time at night. When you comes in, Ann will greeted you, then Doug will calls you to his corner. If you haven't meet Cliff before (you didn't do the 'First Impressions' events) Cliff will then be at that corner too. Doug will introduce you to him. He will then greet you. The first choice you choose will make him happy, the second will make him sad. But whatever options you choose, his heart level will rise up one color (as I say, he is a friendly man type). Looking for a job? At autumn, Duke from Aja Winery will come to ask you for a help. He needs some workers to help him harvest his grape in the vineyard. Well, it pays well, so you can't say no (truth is, he won't care whatever you say, he will go for it anyway) This is a good thing to tell Cliff, isn't it? He doesn't have a job, and he will go forever from the village if the only chance he can get is not offered to him. If you decide to tell Cliff, no matter you help Duke or not, Cliff will then work for him because Duke likes him. Winter Passed Out Go to the square on the winter. Well, Cliff is there! And after walking a few steps, he starts passed out! Go try wake him, and you will get his family picture. Then you will find yourselves walking to the pub and tells Ann that Cliff is in danger. All the crawl happens, and you will be at the clinic. The Doctor will say that he is okay, but have to rest for a few days. The Doctor will like you more now, knowing that you are a good girl! There is nothing more you can do for Cliff now. So save that picture ad go out. If you want to, visit Cliff on the clinic for 3-5 days by bringing some presents: milk, eggs, hot milk, honey, apple, medicine grass or soup. Bring your own medicine gift from home, as the Doctor maybe won't sell medicine for some days to take care of Cliff. Give it to the Doctor. This will make the Doctor and Cliff likes you more. Then talk to Cliff, he'll say thank you, telling you that he is missing his mom and sis on the city. Return the picture, so he will then tell you more about his family. The next day he will be out from clinic. If you do this event when Cliff's heart is blue, he will then

interested to you, making it easier to make him love you. Lunchtime One day if you go to the church at noon (when Cliff hasn't got his job) Ann will be there, delivering a lunch for him. - Proposition If the relationship between Ann and Cliff goes well, one day at the inn they will have a chat. It looks like a normal conversation at first, but suddenly you will notice that Ann's face going red. It means in a week they wil have their wed. 2. Doctor Type: A matured man What he thinks about you at the beginning: at first he will treat you as a child. But if you move on and impress him, he will honored you. Hard to friend with him, but when he's your friend, it's a very simple task to make him love you Appearance: what else will a doctor look like? From: He's coming from the city and it seems like he's opened the clinic here not so long before you arrived. Lives: the second floor of his clinic Daily time: as most people, he spends all his time in clinic. But you can find him at a very morning on the Mother's Hill, looking for a medicine grass. Every Wenesday it seems like he's going somewhere at the morning, and then going back to his clinic. I think he sometimes visit Basil and go to the church. Favorite: Poisonous mushroom Love: medicine grass, wine [you are the only one who give me this! Thank you!], veggie juice, tomato juice Likes: egg, milk Accept; flowers, his own medicine Things you will get from him: Cookies Sunscreen: He will give it to you if you invite him on the Star Night Festival. EVENTS: First Impressions Go to the clinic at the first time and Elli will greeted you. She's looking at your wound at ask if it hurts. You can choose the first options (it's nothing) and you will be her friend. The second options (excruciating) will make the doctor your friend. Choose the second options. Elli will soon tells the doctor and he will heal your wound. Then he will praise you because you care about your health. This event will make doctor's heart goes purple. You like babies? One day at the clinic... it looks like Elli and the doctor has help a villager to gave birth. Elli will say that the baby is cute. The doctor will ask Elli if she like babies. Elli thinks that this is a warning that he will fire her, so she answers carefully. But what happens next is, the doctor just says that she's fit to be a mother. What happened?? Happened if the doctor has a blue heart. Visit the clinic and realize that Elli weren't stand behind the table as usual. Talk to the doctor. He will ask you what's wrong. The first option (not so well...) will make you receive a bodigizer. Talk to him again, he will talking about Elli. Talk to Elli who is hiding from the doctor. She will ask you if the doctor

is good (I don't understand this, she said, ", is he good?" looks like they are having a fight.) If you choose the second option(it's nothing) then he will ignore you. Talk to him again, he will say that he worries about Elli. Elli will then walks towards you both, tells the doctor that she's okay now. She is happy that the doctor thinks about her. Boring Go to the clinic. You will got a scene. Elli feels bored. The doctor thinks that she's sick and suggest her to rest. Elli will feel happy because he cares about her. Doctor leaving this village? If Elli and Doctor still not married in the 3rd year, he will go to the church someday. Bad luck, you're there when he's at the confession room. He will explain his plan about leaving the village to the priest. He thinks that his job here is only help people gaving birth, and Elli can do it herself. When he's out of that room, he realized that you heard all his confession. He's not telling much about it and leaving. If you go to the clinic then, he already tells Elli about his plan. Elli tried to stop her, and she's succeed. They then will married in one week. If you didn't go to the clinic, go to the beach. The doctor is really to leave now. Elli try to stop him, and at the end tells her feelings about him. Well, they will have a wedding in a week... bad news for you? 3. Gray Type: an impulsive man What he thinks about you at the beginning: he likes you for sure. But he likes Mary too. This make him very confused, and very easy to get. Appearance: wears a blue baseball cap From: He's from the city. He's moving here to live with his gramps. Lives: He supposed to live with Saibara, but because of...you, he now lives at the inn. Daily time: other than help Saibara at his workshop, at 2 to 4 he will be at Mary's library. At night he will be at the inn. Favorite: medicine Love: wines, egg, ore Likes: milk, any cooked food, poisonous mushrooms Accept: flowers, medicine grass Things you will got from him: Cookies Bros: will be given if you invite him at the Star Night Festival A necklace: see the EVENTS below EVENTS: First Impressions Go out from your farm after 3 pm. Gray will be in front of Saibara's house, walking back and forth. After he realizes that you were watching him, he will be embarassed and comes in. Inside, he will thinks about girls. Not so clear who is he talking about, but it could be you. Saibara will then comes out from his room, asking if his task is done. Gray didn't finish his task at all. Saibara is upset. He kicks his grandson out and not letting

him stay after he finished his task. Gray will realized that you hear all that fight. He's so embarassed and walks away. He will stay at the inn A friendship with Mary Go to the square at afternoon. Gray and Mary will met. She asks Gray if he's moving here to help his gramps. She thinks that he's great. Then when she leave, Gray will talk that he's not that nice. After this event he will go to the library everyday to meet Mary. Searching for the Silver If you go for mining, on the 6th level of floor, you will find Gray, searching for a special ore so he can finish his task. Give him a silver ore. In a week he will give you a necklace he created from the ore. 4. Kai Type: a lady killer What he thinks about you at the beginning: he always act nice to girls. He thinks about you as a lady. He honored you (and flirt you too). It's very easy to win his heart, even if he only appears at Summer. Appearance: wears a purple bandana, tan skin and looks alot like a pirates (??) From: he's from an island not so far from the village. He only opens his seaside lodge on summer, because many villagers come to the beach at summer. Favorite: Pizza Likes: corn, pineaple, tomato, fish Accept: milk, wine Things you will get from him: Perfume: see the EVENTS below EVENTS: Kai's first summer greetings This will only happened at the 30th of Spring at the first year. In front of the vineyard after lunch: Popuri and Mai will greet Kai, saying how nice he come back to this village again. Kai will chat with them a few seconds, then when the girls have gone, he speaks to you. Summer greetings Everytime the summer seasons begins, he will come to your farm and say hi, and he wanna be your friend. Give me a corn Kai needs corn to make popcorn for his lodge. At the day of 15 to 17 he will come to your farm, asking you to sell one to him. If you asking less price for the corn (the usual is 100G) he will be so happy. Summer goodbye Everytime the summer ends, he will come to your farm saying that he will go for some season, and he will comes back for you. Bottle of perfume If you like to fish on the sea, you will get an empty bottle. Always bring it if you visit Kai. One time he will realize the bottle and ask to see it. After he sees it, he will fill it with a liquid. When he returns it to you, you get a parfume bottle! Decide

At summer night go to the pub. Kai will have a fight with the townsmen. Choose to defend the townsmen(first options), defend Kai(second choice) or don't defend anyone(third choice). If you choose to defend Kai, his heart color will rise and his dialogue will change. If you choose to defend the townsmen, Rick and the men will like you more. If you choose to defend Kai, go upstairs and met Kai and Gray in their room. Kai will thank you, saying that you are the only person that defends him. Gray will smile behind his hat, and if you met Cliff, he will be not so happy with your decisions(Cliff is happy with those townsmen). And at that time you walk out, you can't go in again because Doug is sad with your decisions. 5. Rick Type: family man What he thinks about you at the beginning: he will ignore you at first. All his time is spent for Popuri and chicken. But if you befriend his family, he will soon caught his likeness on you. Appearance: wears a glasses, his smile is a little bit awkward. From: he's the only bachelor from this village. He thinks that he is a replacement of his dad that never comes back. Favorite: any food cooked with egg. Likes: egg, wine, medicine Accept: mushroom, truffle, corn Things you will get from him: - Cookies - Beauty face pack: invite him on the Star Night festival EVENTS: Fight with Popuri If you visit Poultry farm, you will realize that Rick and his sister were just having a fight. Popuri will run to the hot spring area. If you talk to Rick, he will greet you with a sad face. He will ask you to help him find her sister, because he is worried with her. Run to the hot spring area, talk to Popuri. First options: it's alright Second options: he is mean Choose wisely, and Rick will like you more Go to the forest Rick and Karen will decide to visit the forest Fight with Karen Rick will fight with Karen on the poultry farm. He didn't like Kai, and Karen seems to defend him. He then tell Karen to be with Kai, and Karen will be very sad. A chicken plus Rick ask you to take care of his 5 chicken because his mother is sick. He will also closed the store for a few days. Take care of the chicken as best as you can. When he took it again, he will give you the money; and if his chicken healthy, he will like you more. Lillia's wish If you haven't make some scene with Rick, one day on the Poultry Farm Lillia will ask Karen to take care of his son. Then Rick will come out and ask them what are they talking about. Karen won't answer, and livefully comes into the house. If you watch this event, Karen and Rick will be married on the next week.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- FESTIVALS -----------------------------------------------------------------------

SPRING: -Spr 1: New Year FestivalWill be held at 6 pm. Go to the square to dance with the guys or have a drink with the elders at the inn. -Spr 8: Spring goddess festivalAt midnight Gotz will gave you a dress of a flower goddess that his daughter used to wear. After you finished your task, wear the dress by choosing the first options in your pink box. Then you can went to the square alone or with your partners. In this game you can't ask the guys to go with you. If they like you, in spring 7 they will come to your farm at 12 and ask if you want him to be your partner. If you have more than one lovers, you can dump one by saying no, because the other will show up right after that. After the festival, if you have a partners, they will ask you if you want to go with them somewhere Cliff : hot spring Doctor: Mother hill's lake Gray : Mother's hill flower garden Kai : Mother hill's summit Rick : beach -Spr 14: ValentineIf you want the guys to give you cookies, you have to give them chocolate at Thanksgiving. But maybe some guys that really have a big crush on you will give their cookies freely. Wait in your farm. Every guys will appears every 2 hours, if they all likes you. So, if Rick gives you a cookies at 6, you will get a visit from Gray at 8. But maybe they also will give it after lunch. -Spr 18: Common horce raceIn this race every male and female can participate riding their horse and so on. Mayor will come to your house on spring 17. Your horse is still too small on the first year, so he won't ask if you want to put your horse on that year. Just go to have fun. -Spr 22: Cooking FestivalI think it's a common issue: you can only win if you participate with the relaxation tea recipe. Well, I never win with other recipe, no matter how good I make it. To get the tea leaves, make sure your rucksack is at full size. Buy 7 flour, then go to the sprite's house. Give it to them, and you will join their tea party. When you're out, they will give you the leaves. To make the recipe, read the RECIPES section SUMMER: -Sum 1: Sea OpeningAt spring 30 Sasha will visit and invite you to participate on the sea opening, in order to greet the summer season. Go to the beach at 10. talk to Mayor to start the swimming race. To swim, press the circle button. Look at your character's health icon. When the face is going red, quickly press the triangle button. It shouldn't be that hard to win. If you win for the first time, you will get a power fruit. On the second time you will get a one year stock of lumber. Winning this race

will make Kai likes you more -Sum 7: Chicken FestivalRick will come to your farm a day before. On the festival day choose a chicken that have more than 4 hearts and bring it to the square. Talk to Rick and the game begin. Scare your enemy's chicken by pressing O. Winning this will make Rick likes you more. -Sum 12: Tomato FestivalCome to the square at 10. Choose a team for join the game. (Elli, Stu, May), (Ann, Doug, Cliff), (Manna, Duke, Gray), (Popuri, Rick, Kai). If you win, the team's likeness with you will rise and the boys that is on your team will like you more. -Sum 20: Cow FestivalOn the day before the festival Barley will come to your farm. Choose an adult cow that have a full heart to win. Go to Barley's ranch on the festival day. Talk to Barley to decide the winner. -Sum 24: Firework DisplayCome to the beach at 6 pm. Talk to the guys to watch the fireworks together. FALL: -Fall 3: Music festivalPriest will come to your farm a day before. If you want to participate in the music festival choose the first option. Come to the church at 6 pm. Talk to the priest to start the festival. Nice music, isn't it? -Fall 9: Harvest festivalIf you want to eat freely, bring your farm's product and go to the square at 10 pm. Talk to the Mayor. He will move aside, giving you a space to climb the stairs. Climb the stairs, throw your food into the pot. Happy eating! Note: try fishing there. -Fall 13: Moon Viewing festivalA day before the festival, go to the market and talk to Jeff. He will sell a Moon Viewing festival food for 100 G. Buy the food, and put it on your rucksack when you go to the mountain on a festival night. Note: Won will sell a food for you on the festival day. It also a food for the Moon Viewing Festival. -Fall 21: Sheep FestivalOn the day before Barley will come to your farm. Choose an adult sheep that have a full heart to win. Go to Barley's ranch on the festival day. Talk to Barley to decide the winner. -Fall 25: Female Horse RaceThe race is equal as the spring race, the difference is only this race is only for female participant. If you put your horse to race, it will be returned after a month. WINTER: -Win 10: Dog raceOn the day before, Zack will ask you if you want to participate (first option). If you say yes, he will take your dog. Make sure your dog is trained well and have a full heart. On the race run in front of your dog. Make sure your dog follows you and if you make no mistakes you are the winner. -Win 14: ThanksgivingOn the day before, go to the market and buy a chocolate by talking to Jeff. You can then gave the chocolate to the guys, or baking it first (choco cookies/ cake)on the festival day.

-Win 24: Star Night FestivalGo to the market a day before the festival. Buy an invitation card from Jeff and give it to the guy. Then, on the festival day, make three different cookings before 6 pm and put it on your rucksack, then wait your boyfriend outside. When you comes in, just have fun. The next day the boy you invited will gave you a present. -Win 30: New Year's Eve festivalCome to the Mother's Hill Summit on midnight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL EVENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------This section contains special events that happened in HMFG First met with Mary Happens when you visit the library on the first time. When you arrive, Mary seems like talking to herself.. (the truth is she's making a novel) choose if you come to read (first choice) or come to chat. If you come to read, she will greeted you warmly and become your friend. Suspicious character 1 Happens at your second day at the farm. Harris will told you that he heard that there is a suspicious person that coming to this village. After he leaves, Won arrived and ask for your permission to sit under your tree. Run to Harris in the Square. When he go to your farm to look for Won, Won will show up in the square! Search for Harris in Gotz's house. When he go again, Won show up again. After some explanation, they both can accept each other. Harris then ask him what does he sells, and Won will offer him his SUGDW apple for 500 G. Suspicious character 2 Be a friend to Rick, Harris, Gotz, and often walking outside his house. They will argue someday. Harris got a report from one villager that a suspicious characters run this way. Rick also saw a big and furry person walk and dissapeared at Gotz's house. They think it's him. Well, after yell each other for quite long time, they will hear a scary voice, and a monkey will come out from 'his' hideout. The supermarket story 1 Go to the supermarket at the first time (after 9 am). The doctor tells Jeff that he will pay his debt later. After he left, Sasha come out and yell at her husband that he always let people get a debt on him. She left to ask the money. Duke comes in. He want to buy a flour and pay it later. He then ask you what's wrong, because your face doesn't look so good. First choice: nothing(Duke left and Karen will after him) Second choice: you should pay (this make Duke laugh, but then Karen come out and force him to pay his debt. Then she will thank you and introduce herself.) The supermarket story 2 Notice that in the second year Jeff and Sasha have something that makes them happy. Inside the supermarket they will talk about it. Jeff then celebrate it by giving out a discount (I wonder why he never gave it to me). The supermarket story 3 A few days after the discount issue. All the customers that have a debt on Jeff come to the market to pay him. Duke then comes in and ask him by anger, "Are this supermarket really

going to bankrupt?" "What?" Jeff answers. Duke then pay his debt. He thinks that maybe it went bankrupt because he always refuse to pay his bill. Jeff is a little bit confused but happy. A fishing pole Meet Greg at the beach and talk to him. Greg: "I like fishing. Do you?" say yes (first choice) and you will get the pole! The fishing rod Have 50 fish on your pond. Greg will visit your farm, look at you pond, glad that he gave you the pole, and giving you his fishing rod, that catch fish faster than your fishing pole. Job from the inn If you have three adult chicken that lays egg, one day Ann will show up to your farm. Seems like she wants you to deliver three eggs to the inn everyday before 5 pm. Put the eggs to your rucksack before coming in. This events happened mostly on some days before the cooking festival. For one egg you will be granted 100 G. Kappa If you give Chef (red sprites) a sweet potato, he will tell you that a creature called Kappa loves cucumber. Let's meet Kappa then. Bring three cucumber to the lake, and stands between two trees at the upper side of the lake. Throw the first cucumber. Kappa will show his head but say nothing. Throw the second. Kappa will tell you to stop it. Don't. Throw the last cucumber. Kappa will give you a blue power berry that prevent a sickness on a rainy day for you to stop disturbing him. Chef is lying, he didn't like cucumber at all! Friendship with Popuri If Popuri likes you, she will give you an egg. Hatch it, and give it her name (Note:if you don't know how to write her name, talk to Rick. He will be happy to reply her sister's three-letter name to you. Just see three letter that he uses most.) She will be very happy if you name the chick with her name (Note again: She only react if you name her with Japanese katakana, so if you name the chick with POPURI, she won't realize it). Friendship with Mary Mary will give you a book. Read it, then return it. She will ask you who do you like, the king (first option) or the woodcutter (second option) choose the woodcutter, or else she will think that you didn't read the book. Friendship with Karen Karen will give you flower seed at Spring. Plant it and she will come if it has bloom. Friendship with Ann Ann have a fight with his dad and found you standing outside the inn. She will explain that his dad wants her to get married soon. She said that she isn't the type for married. She asks you about your thoughts. First choice: No, I can't (imagine her married)you're right. #Ann's response: See? (crying) well, I have to back to work. Bye! (Your relationship with her getting worse) Second choice: Yes, I can. #Ann's response: Re... really?? (blushed) Oh well, I have to get back to work. Bye! (Her relationship with Cliff gets closer) Ann's birthday Only happened when you become good friends with Ann. At the beggining of summer, you will receive the invitation to her

birthday at 14th on your mailbox. At the day, bring the gift that you already wrapped in and go to the inn. Don't forgot to bring the invitation. Karen and you Only happened when your relationship with Karen gets better. Karen will found you standing alone at the Goddesss pond. She will ask you if there's something you worried about. You can answer Farmlife (First options), Lovelife (Second options) or nothing (Third options). Vineyard story 1 Mostly happen at 2nd year. At night go to the pub. Duke will get drunk. Grab the bottle of water and throw it at his face. Scene changed. Now you are already inside his house. Manna will thank you and tell you that after Aja left, Duke always blame himself. Duke that already gets conscius, awake and yell, then act like nothing happens. Go out after talk to them. Vineyard story 2 Often watch the sport program. You will know that Aja has become F1 racer. Often talk to Harris and be nice to him. One day he will come to your farm and will want to chat with you. Inside, he will tells you that he loves Aja, and feel very sad when she leaves the village. Vineyard story 3 Meet Manna. Told her about Harris's feeling. She will be very suprised at first, but then decided to talk to him. The next day you will find that Harris is coming again to your farm, then Zack will come and give him a letter from Aja. Mai story 1 Barley will come to you and say that Mai is missing. Go to Gotz's house. Gotz said that he will try to search for Mai in the mountain. Mayor will ask the villager. Go to Yodel farm. Barley is still waiting for Mai. Wait until 6 pm, then go to the beach. Mai will standing at the dock. She ask you if you want to hear her story. First option: Of course Second option: You should go home. If you want to hear her story, she will tell you about her mom. Then, if you came back (doesn't matter if you heard the story or not) Barley will be very angry. He then ask Mai if she doesn't happy to live just the two of them. Mai will shake her head. Mai story 2 Mai gets lonely. She ask you to play. Barley will tell her not to disturb you. You then have to choose to go to church (first option) or talk to Ellen (second option) doesn't matter what you choose, Mai and Stu will from now on plays together. Hana-chan Be friends with Barley and May. If needed, bring your dog and show it as often as you can to them. If you want to, left it there! Soon after the 2nd year, Barley will come to your farm and ask if you can lend your dog. He wants to breed it with Hana. Say yes, and that old man will took it. Visit your dog everyday and 2 weeks later they will return it. 2 weeks after, May will tell you that the dog has gave birth. They want to raise one, so you have to find a person who want to raise the other one. Talk to Harris and he will took the puppy as soon as he can. And no, you can't get the puppy for yourself! You already have the father! Anna the flower lover

Plant more than 100 flower (not 100 pack of seeds). When its all bloom, she will come and said that she want to exchange some of them with her power berry. UFO Fourth year. Have all the villagers your friends, and more than 80% at menu. Then at the sunny day go to the square. Notice that some villagers are talking about a weird light they saw. Go to the church area. At your way there you will see a blinding lights, but it only happen two seconds. When it's over, you will wonder what was it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------As you already know, the game ends when you're married, so here's some events to the marriage. 1. Cliff How to get a proposition: make him stay in the village by offered him a job at the vineyard. And don't forget; you have to see the events of Cliff passed out in the winter and visit him on the clinic. Events: it's winter night. Go to the mountain summit, and realize that Cliff is there. He will be talking about how nice the stars look and stuff, then he asks you how do you think. You can answer yes (first choice) or not really (second choice), it won't matter. Then, at fall, at Cliff's workday, went there, visit him, and he will give you a gift; I think maybe the first and second events are mixed up. Go again to the mountain summit at night. Cliff will talking about how he missed his family (or something like that; his words are unclear) and how lonely he is. He then said he love you and ask about your feelings to him. The first choice (yes) makes him propose you one week later. The second... forget it. --Sarah Sofia <altealice@yahoo.com>: After the first event at winter, you'll get an event at the ware house,right? You can get this event at any season. Then, the third event, you have to choose the second choice if you want him to propose you. I've already tried the first choice but his heart is gone...!!

2. Gray How to get a proposition: give him a silver ore he needs at the mine. See the events when Saibara kick him out his house :) Then make sure Gray came to you to borrow your windmill. The tool will be break after all, and the options won't change anything. Events: He acts fast enough, because on about fall or winter he will come straight to you and ask you to marry him. If that doesn't happen, visit the blacksmith often after he propose you there. Remember, always choose the first option to say yes. 3. Kai How to get a proposition: Kai likes a girl who can swim and loves

fireworks... understand what I mean? He also will give a parfume to a girl he likes and visit her every summer just to say hello and bye. Easy? Think again. Events: Because he only appears at summer, of course this happened at summer. It's rainy. You will walk to the beach and standing there. Kai is swimming and he then startled you. After talking some nonsense, he want to go to your house. Pick the first choice if you wanna say yes. He will now think you as his girlfriend... if you talk to him he will become so sweet :) On the morning, visit him at the inn. Just some chat, but that will make him even sweeter if you choose the first option. Some events will happen. Well, well, it seems like all the villagers don't like him anymore. But when he yells that he loves you, answer: First choice: I love him too. Or he will be very, very, and did I mention very? SAD. After he proposed you, and so on, and so on, you both will leave. Kai:", don't you feel sad about leaving this village?" You will shake your head and tell him that you are now his wife, therefore wherever he goes, you will follow. 4. Doctor (Christina Shepherd ) I saw on your walkthrough that you are having trouble finding the Doctor and Rick's yet (I kind of gave up for a while when I got him to a red heart in Fall of the 2nd year, by Fall of the 4th year we still weren't married!! ><) But I have some information about the Doctor. Getting the doctor up to a red heart takes two season-which is the standard for every guy (except for Kai, maybe) Once you get him up to a red heart (he really likes blue/red/green grass, poisonous mushrooms, and wine. Give him one of those everyday) marriage is pretty easy. Once you have the Doctor up to a red heart, go to the beach on a sunny wenesday. Around noon is probably the best time. You'll get a scene where the Doctor and Elli were fighting, and the doctor tells you that Elli is in love with him, but the Doctor is in love with you. He'll tell you that he wants to temporarily leave the town to study medicine, and wants to know if you'll come with himj. Choose the second option ("I'll follow you") and one week later, the Doctor will come to your house with a blue feather... you know what that means! ^^; 5. Rick Hello, this is Akie, Christina, whatever again! With a little help from a Japanese FAQ, I was able to get Rick's ending -- which was actually a lot easier (and more fun) than I'd thought. ALL of these events are required for marriage to him, so you can't skip any. Also, you must have an upgraded henhouse, several chickens (at least 5 or 6), and a fenced-in pasture area where you should let them outside on sunny days. Anyway, after the event in which you take care of the 5 chickens for him and once he has a green heart, leave your chickens outside on a sunny day. The next day, Rick will be at your farm. He'll comment on how dangerous it is for

chickens to be outside, since there are wild dogs around, but he'll also say that it's very important for them to get fresh air. You can say either "And they lay better eggs" (1st option) or "They make better meat" or something like that (2nd option). Say option 1 for obvious reasons, and Rick will like you more. After this event, when Rick is up to a yellow heart, go to the clinic after 10AM on any day but Wednesday or Sunday. Rick will be picking up medicine for his mother. You can either tell him that it must be tough taking care of her, but keep going (option 1) or "I hope she gets better soon" (option 2) I don't know if it matters which one you choose, but option 2 is probably better. Then, when he's at an orange heart, go to the bar on a day when both Rick and Karen are there. They'll be drinking at the counter. Go up and try to talk to Rick. Choose the 1st option ("Can I join you?"). Karen will decide to leave you two alone. Finally, once you've seen all the above scenes, when you go to sleep on the day you get Rick up to a red heart, you'll automatically get a cutscene. It appears as though a wild dog was eyeing your chickens, and Rick spotted it and decided to do something about it. He chased the dog away, but was bitten by it in the process. Rick claims he's OK, but you'll automatically go to the clinic together. After being scolded by the doctor, Rick says that the doctor doesn't understand how important it is to protect domestic animals, and then will go on about how hard it is to run a farm by yourself. After some more chit-chat, Rick will say that you should marry him and run the Poultry Farm together. Say you will (2nd option) and Rick will be surprised but happy. One week, he'll come by with a blue feather... Accept it with the first option. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF PRICES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mining Item Junk Ore Copper Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Mystrile Ore Orichalcum Ore Adamantite Ore 1G 15G 20G 25G 30G 50G (Winter Mines) 50G (Winter Mines) - Upgrade Tools Default Tool Copper Tool Silver Tool Gold Tool Mystrile Tool N/A 1000G 2000G 3000G 5000G

- Fishing Item Small Fish 100G (River) Medium Fish 200G (Lake) Large Fish 300G (Ocean)

Unused Can Boots Fish Bone

Wood pieces Empty bottle Legendary fish ...G Ore, 1000 G Ore, 20000G (1800 G)

- Blacksmith Service (3days) Upgrade Tools Ore, Tool, Accesorries Orichalcum Special Tool: Mayonnaise-Yarn-Cheese Maker Adamantite Livestock Tool: Brush (800 G), Milker (2000 G), Clippers - Market Item

*Seeds* Spring Buy/pack Sells/piece | Summer Turnips 120G 60G | Corn Potato 150G 80G | Onion Cucumber 200G 60G* | Tomato #Strawberry 150G 50G* | #Pumpkin

Buy/pack Sells/piece 300G 100G* 150G 60G 200G 80G* 500G 250G

Fall Buy/pack Sells/piece | Special seeds: Carrot 300G 120G | Grass -every seasons- 500G Eggplant 120G 80G* | Info: Sweet pot. 300G 120G* | #: Need to sell 100 seasons crops #Spinach 500G 80G | *: Multiple *Another Item* Bread 50G Riceball 100G Curry powder 50G Flour 50G Oil 100G *Special Item* Chocolate Moon Viewing festival food - Restaurant Menu Full Meal 500G Salad 300G Apple pie 300G Cheese cake 250G Water 0G - Won Seeds Cabbage Pinneapple Green pepper Pink cat flower Blue magic flower Toy flower Orangecup flower - Clinic Check up *Medicine* Bodigizer Turbojolt Bodigizer XL Turbojolt XL Buys/pack 500G 1000G 150G 200G 600G 500G 1000G 10G 500G 1000G 1000G 2000G Fish food Basket Rucksack Medium Rucksack Large Wrapping Service 100G 100G Invitation Card 50G 5000G 3000G 5000G 100G 100G

- Bar Menu Wine Pinneapple Juice Milk Water

500G 300G 200G 0G

Sells/piece 250G 500G 40G 200G -

Seasons Spring Summer Fall Spring Fall Summer Hothouse

Type Single Multiple Multiple Single Single Single Single 10G 1500G ----1000G

- Poultry Farm Chicken feed Buy Chicken Sell Chicken Animal Medicine

- Gotz Buy lumber 1. Upgrade hen house 2. Upgrade house #1 3. Upgrade barn 4. Upgrade house #2 5. Hot house - Yodel Ranch Fodder C.M Potion 20G 3000G

5000 4700 6800 10,000 30,000

gold gold gold gold gold

50 gold each and 420 lumber and 370 lumber and 500 lumber and 750 lumber and 580 lumber - TV Shopping Knife Frying Pan 3000G 2500G

S.M Potion Buy Cow Buy Sheep Sell Cow Sell Sheep Bell Animal Medicine - Livestock Mayonnaise S 100 Mayonnaise M 150 Mayonnaise L 200 Mayonnaise G 300 Milk S 100G Milk M 150G Milk L 200G Milk G 300G Yard Ball S 300G Yard Ball M 700G Yard Ball L 800G Yard Ball G 1000G Wool S 100G Wool M 400G Wool L 500G Wool G 600G Normal egg 50G Good egg 50G Excellent egg 50G Golden egg 150G Cheese S 300G Cheese M 400G Cheese L 500G Cheese G 600G

3000G 6000G 4000G --------500G 1000G

Cooking Pot Mixer Whisk Rolling pin Oven Seasoning set Power Berry

3000G 2500G 2000G 2000G 5000G 5000G 5000G

- Another Item Accesorries 2000G Bamboo Shoot 50G Blue Grass 100G Green Grass 100G Honey 50/60G Mushroom 70G Poisonous Mushroom 100G Red Grass 100G Red Magic Flower 200G Truffle 500G

----------------------------------------------------------------------- RECIPES ----------------------------------------------------------------------#Apple Jam : #Apple pie : Rolling pin #Bamboo Rice : #Boiled Chikuzen : Fish, Sugar, Knife, #Boiled egg : #Butter : #Cake : #Cheese Cake : #Cheese Fondue : #Chirashi Sushi : #Chocolate Cake : #Chocolate Cookies: Sugar #Cookies : #Curry Noodles : #Curry Rice : #Dinner Role : #French Fries : #French Toast : Apple, pot, Sugar Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple, Pot, Oven, Knife, Sugar, Bamboo Shoot, Rice ball Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Carot, Ketchup, Honey, Pot Egg, Pot Milk, Mixer Flour, Sugar, Egg, Oven, Butter, Salt Cheese, Milk, Egg, Whisk, Pot, Oven, Sugar Cheese, Bread, Pot Scrambled egg, Rice Ball, Sashimi, Knife, Vinegar Chocolate, Egg, Butter, Flour, Whisk, Sugar, Oven Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Rolling pin, Oven, Flour, Butter, Egg, Oven, Rolling pin, Sugar Curry Powder, Noodles, Pot Curry powder, Rice ball, Pot Bread, Butter Potato, Oil, Knife, Frying pan Egg, Milk, Sugar, Bread, Marmelade, Butter, Jam,

Ice cream, Honey, Oil, Frying pan #Fried Noodles : Oil, Noodles, Frying Pan #Fried Rice : Rice, Oil, Frying pan #Fruit Juice : Apple/Pineapple/Strawberry/Wild grapes, Mixer, Sugar #Fruit Latte : Milk, Apple, Pinneaple, Wild grapes, Mixer #Grape Jam : Wild grape, Pot, Sugar #Greens : Spinach, Pot, Soy sauce #Grilled Fish : Medium/Large Fish, knife #Happy Eggplant : Eggplant, Miso, Soy Sauce, Sugar #Hot milk : Milk, Pot #Ice Cream : Milk, Egg, Whisk, Pot, Sugar #Jam Bun : Bread, Apple Jam, Grape Jam #Ketchup : Tomato, Onion, Mixer, Salt, Sugar #Miso Soup : Pot, Miso, vinegar #Marmelade : Orange Cup, Sugar, Oven #Mayonaisse(S) : Egg(Normal), Oil, Whisk, Vinegar #Mayonaisse(M) : Egg(Good), Oil, Whisk, Vinegar #Mayonaisse(L) : Egg(Excelent). Oil, Whisk, Vinegar #Mayonaisse(G) : Egg(Golden). Oil, Whisk, Vinegar #Mixed Juice : Apple, Carrot, Cucumber, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Mixer #Mixed Latte : Milk, Mixed Juice #Mushroom Rice : Mushroom, Rice ball #Noodles : Flour, Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin #Omelet : Egg, Milk, Oil, Frying pan #Omelet rice : Rice, Oil, Egg, Frying pan #Pickled Turnips : Turnips, Knife, Vinegar #Pickles : Cucumber, Salt #Pizza : Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Oven, Rolling pin #Popcorn : Corn, Frying pan #Pudding : Milk, Egg, Sugar, Pot, Oven #Pumpkin Pudding : Milk, Pumpkin, Egg, Oven, Sugar #Raisin Bread : Bread, Wild Grapes #Relaxation tea : Tea leaves, Pot #Roasted Potatoes : Sweet Potatoes, Small stone, Sugar, Salt, oven #Salad : Cucumber, Cabage, Carrot, Tomato, Knife #Sandwich : Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled egg, Knife #Sashimi : Medium/Large fish, Frying pan #Scrambled Egg : Egg, Oil, Frying pan #Stew : Flour, Milk, Pot, Salt #Stir Fry : Oil,cabbage, Knife, Frying pan, Soy Sauce #Strawberry Jam : Strawberry, Pot, Sugar #Strawberry Milk : #Sushi : #Sweet Potato : #Tempura : #Tempura Noodles : #Tomato Juice : #Truffle Rice : #Vegetable Juice : #Vegetable Latte : #Vegetable Pancake: Milk, Strawberry, Milk, Mixer Rice balls, Sashimi, Vinegar Sweet Potato, Oven, Salt, Stone, Sugar Flour, Egg, Oil, Frying pan Tempura, Noodles, Pot Tomato, Mixer Rice ball, Truffle Cabbage/Carrot/Cucumber, Mixer Milk, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Mixer Flour, Egg, Oil, Cabbage, Frying pan, Knife

Sometimes giving the right item to the right person will brings up the recipe dialogue. This won't do much to you if you don't understand Hiragana/Katakana, but if a villager give you a recipe that means he/she is your friend. Gotz : Veggie Pancake (Give a bamboo shoot)

Louis : Lillia : Barley : Saibara: Manna : Basil : Ellen : Harris : Sasha : Doctor : Doug : Priest : Chef : Kai : Zack :

Apple Jam (give an apple) Scrambled eggs (Give an egg) Ice Cream (Give an egg) Pickled turnips (Give a corn) Greens (Give a pink cat flower) Fruit Latte (Giva a tomato) Sandwich (Give a pink cat flower) Fried Rice (Give a bodigizer) Chocolate cookies (Give a pink cat flower) Mixed Juice (Give a blue grass) Cheese Fondue (Give a tomato) Strawberry Milk (Give an egg) Roasted Potatoes (Give a sweet potatoes) Popcorn (Give a corn) Fried Noodles (Give a flour)

PS: Sometimes the item you give won't change their dialogue. That means you still can't be considered as their friends, maybe because you don't give enough gift, don't talk too much to them, or still not pass some events. The best way to make them your friend is by giving this gift on their birthday, and give as much as you can. Their heart level is basically as simple as the harvest sprites. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------Q: Hey! Your story is not right! The girl wasn't come from the cruise ship! She's from this village!! A: Yeah, right. Ever see a balcony that big on this village? And a place that has so many bed like that unless you are in the economy cabin? Q: I heard that if you took the water from the winter mines to your watering can, it will be unlimited! Why it never works on me? A: Not on me, too. I tried it over and over again until I get bored. It will never happen anyway. Forget it. Tips: the right issue is fill your watering can with the goddesss pond's water. That works. Q: Why you wrote this? I mean, you say that you already played a lot of HM game, why this one? A: Easy. This one is Japanese, and I know Japanese. Q: Hey, write a complete walkthrough, okay? You know, day-by-day walkthrough and translate all the dialogues! A: What?? Day-by-day walkthrough, okay, but... translate it all?? Q: Every FAQ I send the letter to always said that you will get a bodigizer XL and a turbojolt XL everytime you upgraded the house! Don't tell me you're going to say that too!! It doesn't happened! A: Yeah, I know. You know what? I try this trick: 1. Never ever buy a medicine from the clinic at year 1 2. Give the doctor many grass but never ask him to check your health or something else at year 1. I did it. And on the Spring year 2 after seeing the supermarket discount events, I drop by there, and the doctor now sells medicine XL! Well, you can try another trick, of course. Don't just believe what the common issues tells, especially for Harvest Moon game. Because many of the HM64 issues are mixed up with HM:BTN or SNES,

like some issues that you can have twins, more than one wives, divorced with your wife (which is just a cold fight anyway) and your child can grown up or so. Better do it yourselves. Q: Can you tell me how the ending was? I was going to buy the game becuse I am one of the HM maniacs but then I realized that I just wanted to know the endings! A: I won't give you a spoiler here. All you have to do is to make the guys like you, love you, and at one seasons they will make an events. If you through it correctly they will come to you and offered you a blue feather. If you say yes, they will marry you at one week. The ceremony will only be held with somebody you or your new husband's recognizes, like his family or your friends. After the ceremony a new events will be seen, depends on who is your husband. And as I say, I won't gave you spoiler... Wait a second! Are you sure you are the HM maniacs? I never see the HM maniacs that only interested to know the endings! Improve your title, okay? Q: you know that in HM: BTN, Karen is the best girl to marry, because she is the girl that has so many equal as the girl from the past. Can it possibly happened at HMFG? If so, who is he? A: Yup. The man from the past, who is now one of the five bachelor, will reveal his identity by speaking or had an events that will reminds you about the past. And of course I can't tell you who is him! Just watch the first story that brings you here, all the place, the events, and when 'he' comes right after you, you will notice it very soon!! Q: Can you tell me a bokujou monogatari harvest moon for girl code? A: Okay, but don't rely on this too much. If you don't use it wisely, I guaranteed the game will be instantly boring because it's all too perfect. Pretty girl(all 10 star) 300727F2 00FF Red Heart Gray 3007787C 00FF Red Heart Cliff 30078374 00FF Red Heart Kai 30079D0C 00FF Healthy Girl 300727D2 0000 Stamina 300727CE 0064 Max Money 80072818 967F 8007281A 0098 Q: This is my 21th E-mail!! Answer me this time! When are you going to update that FAQ?!! A: I don't open my email three times a day, so you don't have to sent that over and over again. Your email is just piling up at my inbox and makes it full. Yesterday someone email me, saying that he sent his very important question to me many times but it seems like my inbox is too full. Don't make another person suffer, okay? (Let's see... right now your mail in my inbox is reaching... 53) Q: Sorry to bother you, but it seems like your inbox is too full, I send my email but no hope. I hope this one reach you. Can I ask you about the age of the characters... or deeper information about how to get the endings? A: I search everywhere but I only get some info. Sorry. Doctor(28), Rick(26), Kai(25), Cliff(23), Gray (23). Elli(24), Karen(20), Mary(18), Ann(17), Popuri(16).

Mai(5), Stu(5), Ellen(60), Mayor(58), Duke(42), Doug(40), Manna(40), Anna(38), Greg(39), Zack(29), Priest Carter(32), All sprites(500+) TO get the endings: First, make sure you got him with a red heart. Next, see his events. Then, meet him as often as you can, in different places; for example, you can meet Cliff at the bar, the inn, the vineyard, the clinic, and the church. Do not befriend your rival, or the process go slow. You have: to be pretty, invite him to the Star Night Festival, Watch Fireworks with him, give him chocolates, dance with him, be his partners at the flower festival, go with him afterwards, accept his cookies, then watch the moonlight with him. More often you spend your festival day with him, he will getting closer to you. And to make it instant, make sure you won all the festival. Q: Hello, like your FAQ. Hmm, I was wondering, usually I should be seeing Gray inside of the mine, but I looked for him inside of it (up to the 6th floor even) and he's not there. O.o Do you know if Gray has to be a certain heart color or is my game just messing up? A: There are 3 reasons why Gray wasn't in the mine anymore. 1. You already gave him what he needs, which is a silver ore so he now working on some accesories.. 2. Gray usually stop coming there if he's already in orange heart or if you passed one season without giving him anything. 3. Gray is already married. Let's gave up on this one. Q: Could you give me an idea on how to get the fishing rod since I made a mistake the first time I met the fisherman?? That would be great! I don't want to start over!! A: Unfortunately, I can't think of any other way but to reset the game. But maybe you guys can? Send me an email if you have the answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------A BIG HELP ----------------------------------------------------------------------This contains all the email that helps me to complete this walkthrough all this time. Thank you for you guys. -Storm Recently I've been playing with the codes I have for HM and I accidentally managed to hack the codes for lumber, chicken, cow and fish fodder: 80071a84ffff 80071a82ffff 80071a7effff 80071a7cffff 80071a7affff 80071a78ffff I've also hacked for having caught all the legendary fishies, but it has one glitch to it. (when you use it the pot of flowers appears on the kitchen table????) 30071a74ffff I hope that the codes I'm sending you will come in handy!!!! *It does come in handy, right? Thanks, Storm. And if some of you guys have set your PS on fire because of this code, consider I didn't know anything about it ^~^* -Hamsah schmikes

Hai, have u finished the game with the doctor ending, well I have and the story is the doctor after come to my house gimme the blue feather we get married and then a scene where we came by the harbour(the beach) and the doctor have a chat with the zack and I don't get it cos I dunno Japanese. See ya... Ps: to win the doctor heart give him his fav. Everyday which is poisonous mushroom *Too bad you don't understand Japanese, Hamsah... but it's ok, you already do the big part!* *There's two email from Christina Shepherd but since it has something to do with the ending, you can proceed above* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you: ~Lord Jesus for 24 hours in a day. If it 12, I will never write this. ~Gamefaqs for put this on the website. ~Me, of course. ~My brother, though I don't know why. At least for lend me money for the CD... ~Cheshire(Enlightened_one@hotmail.com). When I decided to write a walkthrough, I read her HM64 FAQ thousand of times. ~Armagetz(Rabanos@aol.com). His HM64 FAQ is cool, fun and easy to read. I also read his when I played HM64. ~Christina Shepherd(hikage_princess@yahoo.co.jp). Thank you for Doctor's ending. That's what I call a big help! ~Christina Shepherd(hikage_princess@yahoo.co.jp). Thank you again for Rick's ending. ~Sarah Sofia(altealice@yahoo.com). Thanks for info on Cliff's ending. ~Everyone who have wrote an e-mail for me. Keep sending those so I know at least there is one person out there read my walkthrough. ~Anyone who have read this. List of authorized website that I put this FAQ in: ~ Gamefaqs(www.gamefaqs.com) ~ Neoseeker(www.neoseeker.com) ~ Liz's HM for girl site (www.harvestmoonforgirl.tripod.com). ~ Cheatcc(www.cheatcc.com) ~ IGN (ign.faqs.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------This FAQ was made by Ervina Christine and protected by a copyright law. Only for personal use only. No part or whole of this document may be reproduced. Prohibited for commercial use. This document may not be referenced, doctored or altered on any ways without the permission of the author (ceres_pallas @yahoo.com) -COPYRIGHT 2003 ERVINA CHRISTINESubmitted by EChristine - Created 8/6/03 (Last Modified 12/8/03) See All Harvest Moon For Girls Walkthroughs and FAQs Share |

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