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NPK Plant Basic Design

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NPK FERTILIZERS MAKING PLANT BASIC DESIGN Dear, Herein, we are contacting you to express our firm interest

of ordering a large scale inorganic fertilizer plant in a turnkey solution project. Please, send us upon reception of this e-mail, a technical and financial offer which includes: Designing, ngineering, Procurement, !onstruction, "nstallation, !ommissioning, #taff training, etc. Please put all the necessary e$uipment%s cost, including utilitarian re$uirement &electricity, steam if re$uired', water, air' and raw materials re$uirements. (he proposed capacity is a)out * +,, ,,, tones-year with extension capa)ility for mixed fertilizers &.P/', )lended fertilizers &.P/#, .P/#0, etc', simple fertilizer, etc. (he proposed plant will )e located in 0o)o Dioulasso, 0urkina 1aso and the main target market is 2est 3frica. 3s to promote and strengthen capacity )uilding of well formed staff dedicated in producing international grade fertilizers, we aim to )ecome the leading fertilizers producer and supplier in 3frica within *, upcoming years. The main production peci!ication o! the p"ant i #ranu"ated$ mi%ed$ &"ended !erti"i'er (he fertilizers from the proposed plant should comply with international $uality standards and process should )e )ased on en4ironmental protection issues. The E entia" Nutrient to &e u ed are: &i'- primary macronutrients: . &nitrogen', P &phosphorus' and / &potassium', which, when mixed together, are also known as .P/ formulas5 &ii' secondary macronutrients: !alcium &!a', 6agnesium &6g' and #ulfur &#'5 and

&iii' micronutrients: 0oron &0', !hlorine &!l', !opper &!u', "ron &1e', 6anganese &6n', 6oly)denum &6o', 7inc &7n', !o)alt &!o', #ilicon &#i', etc.

P"ant Production Characteri tic De cription P"ea e pro(ide !rom de &e""o) ta#e o! production$ *our capacit* and capa&i"it* cope o! upp"* ti"" the o&taintion o! urea and NPK !erti"i'er a !ina" product + i, Ba ic Ra) Materia" ii, Intermediar* Ra) Materia" iii, Simp"e Ferti"i'er i(, Mi%ed Ferti"i''er

Anh*dro u Ammonia

Nitric Acid

Su"!iric Acid

Pho phoric Acid

.rea Ammoniu m Nitrate Ammoniu m Su"!ate MAP DAP TSP

Nitro#en /N0

u"!ur SSP Pho phat e RocPota iu Pota iu m Su"!ate Pota iu

Pho phor ou /P0

Potach /K0

m Sa"t

m Ch"oride

From )hich o! the !o""o)in# ta#e$ the p"ant *ou can upp"* )i"" ta-e up production o! PRILL .EAR 1 GRAN.LATED NPK !erti"i'er 2 i, Ba ic Ra) Materia" ii, Intermediar* Ra) Materia" iii, Simp"e Ferti"i'er P"ea e #i(e a de cripti(e materia" &a"ance )ith 3uotation !or the ra) materia" to &e u ed and !ina" product +

P"ea e$ de cri&e4 The Indu tr* De cription and Practice 5a te Characteri tic Air Emissions Liquid Effluents Solid Wastes Po""ution Pre(ention and Contro" Treatment Techno"o#ie Emi ion "e(e" !or the de i#n and operation Product hou"d meet internationa" tandard and comp"* )ith en(ironment protection+ Please reply as soon as possi)le and include all the turnkey setup step, schedule and cost. 5e are read* to come (i it *ou and !ina"i'e a contract+ 5ith &e t re#ard 6ALS7RIA IMPE8 SARL 9: BP ;9:9< 7ua#adou#ou 9:$ Bur-ina Fa o Mr+ 5EMBAMBA 6ictor$ CE7

Mo&4 =>>: ?9 >;?;@A M+ SAN7N Didier$ Bu ine Mo&4 =>>: ?: BCB9B9 De(e"opment Mana#er

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