BLC Spring 13 Newsletter
BLC Spring 13 Newsletter
BLC Spring 13 Newsletter
Spring 2013
Welcome from Partnership Manager Welcome to our Spring edition of the Brixton Learning Collaborative(BLC) newsletter. I am delighted to be in post as Partnership Manager of the BLC and look forward to working with children, families, staff and other members of our schools community to offer a range of learning opportunities across the cluster of schools. We are delighted to welcome Christ Church C.E. Primary to the cluster, from March 2013. This newsletter features a snapshot of some of the projects we are working on together. We are grateful to The Walcot Foundation which supports this post. If you would like more information, I can be contacted on:; telephone 07956 093082.
SHINE on Saturday is a project for 60 children in years 4, 5 and 6 across the BLC, supported by The Walcot Foundation and the SHINE Trust. SHINE provided opportunities for children to enhance their learning through creative activities, workshops and trips aimed at supporting their achievement back in school. This term children were invited to hear the Halle Orchestra in rehearsal at the Royal Festival Hall and they have been doing a 6 week film and animation project. In addition to the SHINE staff team, the primary school children in SHINE are supported by young mentors from Evelyn Grace Academy and Saint Gabriels College. Building rockets at SHINE
Children from BLC primary schools have been taking part in a programme of after school activities at Ebony Horse Club throughout the year, including stable management, practical horse riding tuition and classroom learning at Ebony Horse Club, generously funded by The Funding Network. We are very grateful to all the staff at Ebony for providing this fantastic opportunity for our children.
Welfare Reform As many families will be aware, the government is currently making radical changes to the way benefits are assessed and paid. BLC has been linking with Lambeth Council to help make sure families have the latest information on benefit changes. Several schools and childrens centres will be holding talks for parents over the next few months and BLC has produced a 2 sided flyer of information which also includes contact details of local organisations that may be able to help and advise. For a copy of the flyer please contact Jenny Smith 07956 093082.