Never Ignore The Obvious
Never Ignore The Obvious
Never Ignore The Obvious
: 03
I wonder why people aren’t connecting the dots about all the
information that has been pouring in from all fields.
Would we survive what I‘m Deducing or Predicting or whatever you want to call it!
Did you know that the North and South Poles have been weakening and are
expected to reverse their polarity sometime around 2012 (remember the
year again) ... this was proven by some scientific studies...and is a known fact!
As you would expect, since the Tsunami of 2004 scientists have been watching the recent spate of earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions in the Far East very closely. They've found that during the three year period ending in 2005 when the
study was conducted, the incidence of underwater quakes and volcanic eruptions had increased by 88% over the norm
while continental earthquakes had gone up by 62%. In a single four month period the earth experienced the largest
three earthquakes in the last two hundred years. Most of this increased activity came in the socalled Pacific Ring of
Fire, a chain of 160 active volcanoes stretching from the East Asia rim to the West Coast of the Americas.
During the same time the magnetic North pole has begun drifting across Canada and is headed for Siberia. Also, the
strength of the Earth's magnetic field has weakened noticeably, being about 10% weaker now than when scientists
began measuring it in 1845. Based on these findings, some scientists are now convinced that a reversal of the Earth's
magnetic poles is underway. They're predicting that in 2012 this reversal will be suddenly and dramatically
completed with the North pole having the polarity of the South pole and vice versa.
In 2012 the Sun will also experience a polar reversal ( The year again reversal of Sun’s Polarity!, but did
you know that the sun reverses its polarity every 11 years? What’s so special with this 11 th
year? ). Although the Sun's magnetic poles reverse every eleven years, the Earth has never experienced one in the
memory of man. This double shift could produce even greater occurrences of massive quakes and volcanic eruptions of
a magnitude that could actually cause a significant continental shift.
The Earth's magnetic field helps protect us against harmful rays from the sun, and a polar reversal could cause this field
to collapse just like the water vapor canopy around the earth collapsed at the time of the Great Flood. That event
brought violent weather and drastically shortened life spans.
The effects of a magnetic field collapse would be even more severe. According to some projections, the electromagnetic
energy released from the sun during a polar reversal could cause Earth's upper atmosphere to "erupt in flames" if our
magnetic field isn't there to deflect it. Was John referring to this in saying the sky vanished like a scroll being rolled up?
No one knows. We can only imagine what a sudden reversal of magnetic poles would do to life on Earth. Predictions
range all the way from a temporary increase in the frequency and severity of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes to a
worldwide disaster of "Biblical proportions."
Do you want to read more about polarity reversal? : (not yet … this is just the beginning!, but if you want to..)
They believed that our world went through cycles of birth, death and rebirth. October 21, 2012, they said
will end the cycle and our world will end by fire but will be reborn in a new, different and more evolved
form. This will be the beginning of a new sun or the "Sixth Sun" according to the Mexicas (Aztecs).The
Mayan declaration of the second epoch of earth ending in fire to herald the third epoch of a new earth is not
a foreign teaching of scripture "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the
heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also
and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved,
what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto
the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a
new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." 2 Peter 3:1013. Also see Isaiah 24:5-23 which prophesies
this to be not only a climatic event, but the sweeping judgment of God on a depraved earth.
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of
the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic
(path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to
resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.
The Tzolkin is a 260-day calendar based around the period of human gestation. It is composed of 20 day-signs,
each of which has 13 variations, and was (and still is) used to determine character traits and time harmonics, in a
similar way to Western astrology. The Maya also used a 365-day calendar called the Haab, and a Venus calendar,
plus others. They measured long time periods by means of a Long Count, in which one 360-day year (a "Tun"),
consists of 18 x 20-day "months" ("Uinals"). Twenty of these Tuns is a Katun; 20 Katuns is a Baktun (nearly 400
years); and 13 Baktuns adds up to a "Great Cycle" of 1,872,000 days, ( 5200 Tuns, or about 5125 years).
Mayan scholars have been attempting to correlate the Long Count with our Western Gregorian calendar, since the
beginning of this century. There has been massive variation in the suggested correlations, but as early as 1905,
Goodman suggested a correlation only 3 days from the most popular one today. Known as the GMT correlation, or
"correlation # 584283", this was finalized in 1950, and puts the start of the Great Cycle ( day on 11th
August 3114 BC, and the end-date (known as as 21st December 2012.
"In the Kali Yuga, there will be numerous rulers vying with each other. They will have no character. Violence,
falsehood and wickedness will be the order of the day. Piety and good nature will dwindle slowly... Passion
and lust will be the only attraction between the sexes. Women will be the objects of sensual pleasure.
Dishonesty will be the bottom line of subsistence. Learned people will be ridiculed and put to shame; the
word of the wealthy person will be the only law."
Dvapara Yuga
: archana (worship). In the Dvapara Yuga, science flourishes, people experience the spiritual
in terms of subtle energies and rational choices, inventions are abundant, particularly those that dissolve the
illusion of distance (between people and between things), and power is mostly in the hands of women. The
end of this age (in the descending phase) is associated with the death of Krishna, and the events described
in the Mahabharata.
Kali Yuga: daana (alms). In the lowest epoch, Kali Yuga, most people are aware only of the physical aspects
of existence. The predominant emphasis of living is material survival, and power is mostly in the hands of
men. Kali Yuga 432,000 years also radius of sun in miles
Discovery of the Lost C ity of Lord
One of the verses in the Bhagavada says: 'The yellow glitter of the golden fort of the Dwaraka City in the sea throwing
yellow light all round looked as if the flames of Vadavagni came out tearing asunder the sea'. Then came the deluge and
Dwaraka 'A City of Gold' vanished under water. Around 1500 BC, the whole Western course of India disappeared along
with Lord Krishna's Capital City of Dwaraka. This is how it was described by Vedavyasa in the Mahabharata: 'The sea,
which had been beating against the shore, suddenly broke the boundary that was imposed on it by nature. The sea
rushed into the City of Dwaraka. It coursed through the streets of the beautiful city. The sea covered up everything in
the city. I saw the beautiful buildings becoming submerged one by one. In a matter of a few moments it was all over.
The sea had now become as placid as a lake. There was no trace of the city. Dwaraka became just a name; just a
The ruins of ancient Dwaraka city have been found under the sea following recent oceanographic studies
conducted near the modern templecity of Dwaraka. The first Archaeological excavations at Dwaraka were done by the
Deccan College, Pune and the Department of Archaeology, Government of Gujarat in 1963 under the direction of an
outstanding Archeologist of Ancient India H.D. Sankalia. It revealed the existence of many artefacts, hundreds of
centuries old. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), conducted a second round of excavations under the direction
of Dr S R Rao, a world renowned Underwater Archeologist. Dr S R Rao is to the discovery of the ancient town of
Dwaraka, what Isaac Newton is to the Law of Gravitation or Albert Einstein to the Theory of Relativity.
Between 1983 and 1990, the wellfortified township of Dwaraka was discovered, extending more than half mile
from the shore. The township was built in six sectors along the banks of a river. The foundation of boulders on which
the City's walls were erected proves that the land was reclaimed from the sea. What is amazing is that the general layout
of the City of Dwaraka described in the ancient texts agrees with that of the submerged city discovered by the Marine
Archaelogical Unit. (MAU) of The Archaelogical Survey of India (ASI), which carried out its work under the guidance
and supervision of Dr S R Rao.
The discovery of Dwaraka by Dr S R Rao confirms that the descriptions found in the text of the Mahabharata and
other important Sanskrit texts regarding Dwaraka are true. It also means that the Mahabharata is NOT A MYTH but an
important source of information for studying the ancient history of India. T R Gopalakrishnan has succinctly
summarised the importance of the excavations and discovery of Dr S R Rao: 'The strongest Archaeological support
comes from the structures discovered under the sea bed off the coast of Dwaraka in Gujarat by the pioneering team led
by Dr S R Rao, one of India's most respected Archaeologists. An Emeritus Scientist at the Marine Archaeology Unit of
the National Institute of Oceanography, Dr Rao has excavated a large number of Harappa sites including the Port City
of Lothal in Gujarat. In his book THE LOST CITY OF DWARAKA published in 1999 he writes about his undersea
finds. It has set at rest all doubts expressed by historians about the historicity of Mahabharata and the very existence of
Dwaraka City. It has greatly narrowed the gap in Indian history by establishing the continuity of the Indian Civilization
from the Vedic Age to the present day'.
Could a tsunami have struck the coast of Gujarat to drown the ancient city of Dwaraka? Experts and others closely
associated with the discovery of the lost city off the coast of Saurashtra don't discount this possibility. They speak of the
Mahabharata talking about the sea suddenly engulfing the city after Lord Krishna's disappearance and Arjuna taking
Krishna's grandsons to Hastinapura.
"The Bhagavata Purana (11.30.5) mentions 'ete ghora mahotpata dvarvatyam yamaketavah, muhurtam api na stheyam
atra no yadupungavah.' The literal translation is 'This calamity itself has become a symbol of death. The Yadavas
should not stay here even a moment longer.' The suddenness of the present tsunami has caused similar devastation to
what seems to have happened to ancient Dwaraka and its inhabitans."
According to the SrimadBhagavatam, 11th Canto, Krishna sends a message to the people of
Dwaraka. He tells them that once he leaves this world, there would be no one on this earth to save
Dwaraka . The sea would finish
Dwaraka and hence he asks the 56 crore
to leave
Dwaraka .
Dwaraka, which had much archaeological significance because it was built during the second urbanization that occured
in India after the Indus Valley civilization in northwestern India. Dwaraka's existence disproves the belief held by
Western archaeologists that there was no urbanization in the Indian subcontinent from the period between 1700 B.C.
(Indus Valley) and 550 B.C. (advent of Buddhism). As no information was available about that period, they had labelled
it the Dark Period.
Among the objects unearthed that proved Dwaraka's connection with the Mahabharata epic was a seal engraved with
the image of a three headed animal. The epic mentions such a seal given to the citizens of Dwaraka as a proof of
identity when the city was threatened by King Jarasandha of the powerful Magadh kingdom (no Bihar). The foundation
of boulders on which the city's walls were erected proves that the land was reclaimed from the sea about 3,600 years
ago. The epic has references to such reclamation activity at Dwaraka. Seven islands mentioned in it were also
discovered submerged in the Arabian Sea.
Pottery, which has been established by thermoluminescence tests to be 3,528 years old and carrying inscriptions in late
Indus Valley civilization script, iron stakes and triangular threeholed anchors discovered here find mention in the
**** Please remember the 3,600 years
Highlighted and underlined in red above aswell!!
7 Clay tablets, Which they called “The 7 tablets of Creation” found from the
ruins of ancient Mesopotamia (Present day Iraq) and presently housed in the
Museum of Berlin....tell a story about how the earth was formed and there's a
clay tablet showing 11 planets going around the sun (this includes our satellite
moon) to their exact present sizes!!!
Modern society didn’t accept that earth went around the sun till about 300 years
ago! and the ninth planet 'Pluto' was discovered in the 1930's!
Existence of Nibiru revealed to Sumerians by the Gods (Annunaki) in 4500 BC. Look at the top
left corner where the solar system is predicted.
In 1976, Zecharia
Sitchin stirred up a great deal of controversy with the publication of his book, The Twelfth Planet. In
this and subsequent books, Sitchin presented his literal translations of ancient Sumerian texts which told an incredible
story about the origins of humankind on planet Earth a story far different and much more fantastic than what we all
learned in school.
The ancient cuneiform texts some of the earliest known writing, dating back some 6,000 years told the story of a race
of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system called Nibiru, according
to the Sumerians via Sitchin. If you've never heard of it, that's because mainstream science does not recognize Nibiru as
one of the planets that revolves around our Sun. Yet it is there, claims Sitchin, and its presence holds great importance
not only for humankind's past, but our future as well.
Nibiru's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin's books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at
its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known
to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes
3,600 years to complete one orbital
journey (remember this 3,600 years aswell!), and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can
imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru,
could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth.
What Will Be the Effects on Earth?
As stated before, the gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would have profound effects on the
other orbiting bodies, including Earth. In fact, the Anunnaki story says that a previous appearance of Nibiru was
responsible for the "Great Flood" recorded in Genesis, in which nearly all life on our planet was extinguished (but
saved, thanks to Noah). Going even further back, some researchers into this topic suspect that Nibiru once even collided
with Earth millions of years ago, creating the asteroid belt and resulting in the enormous gouges in our planet that the
oceans now fill.
Astronomers and other scientists who would seem to be in a position to know such things have made no announcements
about the approach of any planetsized body. Apparently, they have not detected anything of the kind. Those who
believe Nibiru is approaching, however, say that scientists do know all about it or are just covering it up.
Well guess what???
• The Babylonians and Mesopotamians called it 'MARDUK', The King of The Heavens
and The Great Heavenly Body
• The Sumerian's called it the 12th planet or Nibiru (translates into: planet of passing)
• The ancient Hebrews referred to it as the Winged Globe because of its long orbit high
among the stars
• The Greeks called it Nemesis
• In Gnosis this planet is known as "Hercolubus"
( )
• In the Bible this planet is referred to as "Wormwood"
• Prophets have named it The Blue Star, The Red Star, The Fiery Messenger, and The
Comet of Doom among others
• While modern astronomers (Incl NASA) have named it "2003 UB313 or Eris or
something else now"
• A few others call it 'Planet X'
No matter what the name used, it's the same object that has the
same effects before and during its passage of earth. The Sumerians
also had a name for it's approximate 3600-year orbit (A Shar).
It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to deduce from the above info that NIBIRU goes around the sun
every 3,600 years! And its already 3,600 years as per the first proof in Ch. 3, I gave above....Dwaraka
submerged around 3,600 Years ago and also as per the artifacts found!! Isn't that the same period
(3,600 years) in which NIBIRU revolves around the SUN!?? and shouldn’t it be on its way back??
Yes Prepare!
We are still around aren’t we? So our ancestors had sufficient time to prepare themselves to
be safe till it passes! And start all over again from the scratch!
Isn’t it the moral duty of the governments who have this information, to be prepared / preparing for a
calamity of this Scale ??
There seem to be a few Infleuential
people who
to know a lot about
this event and are
preparing themselves for this kind of eventuality!
Read on…
BUSH Sr. buys 98,842acre farm in northern Paraguay, between
Brazil and Bolivia.
Edited on Sun Oct1506 10:46 PM by kpete
A source privately tells me that the elder Bush appears to have made the purchase through an organization called
Fundación Patria, a group based in the Dominican Republic which claims as its goal the improvement of life for
impoverished students in the third world. The same correspondent says that the ranch will be administered by W's
former ambassador to Paraguay, Timothy Towell.
Bush Buys Land in Northern Paraguay
Buenos Aires, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) An Argentine official regarded the intention of the George W. Bush family to
settle on the Acuifero Guarani (Paraguay) as surprising, besides being a bad signal for the governments of the region.
Luis D Elia, undersecretary for the Social Habitat in the Argentine Federal Planning Ministry, issued a memo partially
reproduced by digital, in which he spoke of the purchase by Bush of a 98,842acre farm in northern
Paraguay, between Brazil and Bolivia.
The news circulated Thursday in nonofficial sources in Asuncion, Paraguay.
D Elia considered this Bush step counterproductive for the regional power expressed by Presidents Nestor Kirchner,
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.
more at:
Another Article on the same issue:
Bush Buys Land in Northern Paraguay
Buenos Aires, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) An Argentine official regarded the intention of the George W. Bush family to
settle on the Acuifero Guarani (Paraguay) as surprising, besides being a bad signal for the governments of the region.
Luis D Elia, undersecretary for the Social Habitat in the Argentine Federal Planning Ministry, issued a memo partially
reproduced by digital, in which he spoke of the purchase by Bush of a 98,842acre farm in northern
Paraguay, between Brazil and Bolivia.
The news circulated Thursday in nonofficial sources in Asuncion, Paraguay.
D Elia considered this Bush step counterproductive for the regional power expressed by Presidents Nestor Kirchner,
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.
He said that "it is a bad signal that the Bush family is doing business with natural resources linked to the future of
The official pointed out that this situation could cause a hypothetical conflict of all the armies in the region, and called
attention to the Bush family habit of associating business and politics.
ef ccs tac rmh
Think again before rubbishing all this, the SUMERIANS knew stuff about our solar system in 4500 BC
which we recently discovered ..... and every time since NIBIRU passes the closest to Earth's orbit every
3,600 years, its magnetic fields wreck havoc on earth reversing its polarity, when NIBIRU is at its closest it
stops the Spin of the Earth! for a day to a week or more! Then the Earth reverses its direction of rotation…
Reversing the poles!
What happens if the spin stops??
A simple explanation in layman’s terms would be
, try walking fast with a bowl full o f
water filled to the brim! And
you suddenly stop and all the water tries to still move
forward and a large volume of this spills
over to one side!
How is it related?
Remember?? 70% of the Earth is water! what happens if the Earth stops spinning? well
the momentum tries to carry it forward inundating whatever in its path!......this could
create MILE high Tsunamis .... when they hit the shoreline it causes earthquakes all over
the world! These earthquakes could cause dormant volcanos to erupt (you might say no
way! read up and youll see how it had happened in the past and how it might happen
As the giant NIBIRU approaches, the Earth becomes what might be described as confused. There
are conflicting pulls, gravitational as well as magnetic. The Earth is normally magnetically
aligned, along with the other planets in the Solar System, according to an axis that exists in your
part of the galaxy. This axis reflects the sum of a number of solar systems and other matter not
understood yet by your scientists, but is normal and natural for your part of the galaxy. Now
comes the giant comet, from a distance, swinging through your Solar System, and picking up
speed as it approaches. It outweighs the Earth by some 23 times, but by size is not 23 times as
large as its weight is due to its makeup, having less silicon than the Earth, for instance. Should
one line these planets up side by side, the Earth would look to the 12th Planet as the Moon does to
the Earth. Where the gravitational pull on the surface of the 12th Planet is better than half again
as much as on the surface of the Earth, in the tug of war regarding Magnetic Alignment the 12th
Planet's mass gives it a 4to1 advantage. There is no contest.
At first, your planet Earth reacts by additional swirling about in matter deep within its core. In the
final days, as the giant comet begins passing between the Earth and its Sun, total interference
occurs. The Earth slows in its rotation, and actually stops. The Earth's rotation is due to the
balanced gravitational pull of the neighborhood, and the 12th Planet is a very big bully. The part
of the Earth facing this bully is loath to leave, essentially, and this causes the rotation to gradually
stop. This is recorded in written history and spoken folklore, worldwide, as a long day or night.
The period of time, due to the lack of mechanical clocks, was not measurable, but the humans
who experienced this described this as anywhere from a few hours to several days. The latter is
more correct. Rotation also stops because the magnetic influence of the giant comet, which is
aligned according to the larger Universe where it spends most of its cycle, has essentially gripped
the Earth. The Earth has not yet joined the alignment of the giant comet, but what was occurring
before, the steady, slow roll, has by now stopped. To make the switch, and magnetically align with
the giant comet, is much more of an adjustment than simply slowing and stopping rotation. Thus
this slowing of rotation occurs with little trauma.
NIBIRU grips the Earth, causing rotation stoppage, well before being between the Earth and Sun.
It does so because it is approaching from the south, it's north pole to the Earth's south pole, at an
angle such that the side of the Earth facing the Sun is more affected by the approach. Thus, while
at some distance from the point of passage, it has gripped Earth to the point of not letting the
highly magnetized Atlantic Rift go. During this week, the size of the approaching Planet X
horrifies those on the daylight side of the Earth. At first a reddish blob only a fraction of the size
of the Moon, it grows in size and appears to twist and turn like a dragon in the sky. The ancients
recorded this as a fire dragon in the sky, as the tail of swirling moons gave this appearance. When
approaching the point of passage, the shift suddenly happens, and this is before the point when
Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the passage, Planet X exits as quickly as it
(Above source misplaced, sorry!)
Am I paranoid? have I lost it
? do I sound
? ?
NOPE! .... I’m giving you proof of what had happened in history and
that it could repeat itself!
I sincerely hope not! But think again..
W hy
the hell
is everything pointing to
Do you choose to live or play ostrich? Just in case it really happens!
Remember the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Great Flood or
Noah's Flood?....
In telling us about the worldchanging Flood in the days of Noah, the Bible gives us much information about where the
waters came from and where they went. The sources of the water are given in Genesis 7:11 as “the fountains of the great
deep” and the “windows of heaven.”
So, the “fountains of the great deep” are probably oceanic or possibly subterranean sources of water. In the context of
the flood account, it could mean both.
“Fountains of the great deep” scene from The World That Perished
If the fountains of the great deep were the major source of the waters, then they must have been a huge source of water.
Some have suggested that when God made the dry land appear from under the waters on the third day of creation, some
of the water that covered the earth became trapped underneath and within the dry land.[2]
Genesis 7:11 says that on the day the flood began, there was a “breaking up” of the fountains, which implies a release of
the water, possibly through large fissures in the ground or in the sea floor. The waters that had been held back burst
forth with catastrophic consequences.
There are many volcanic rocks interspersed between the fossil layers in the rock record—layers that were obviously
deposited during Noah's flood. So it is quite plausible that these fountains of the great deep involved a series of volcanic
eruptions with prodigious amounts of water bursting up through the ground. It is interesting that up to 70 percent or
more of what comes out of volcanoes today is water, often in the form of steam.
In their catastrophic plate tectonics model for the flood, Austin et al. have proposed that at the onset of the flood, the
ocean floor rapidly lifted up to 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) due to an increase in temperature as horizontal movement of
the tectonic plates accelerated.[3] This would spill the seawater onto the land and cause massive flooding—perhaps
what is aptly described as the breaking up of the “fountains of the great deep.
The flood of Noah:
Starting in Genesis 6:6, the Bible records that God was concerned about the level of violence and other evil behavior
among humans. He "was sorry that He had made man on the earth..." 1 It says that God decided to destroy almost the
entire human race, in the first, largest and most thorough act of genocide in history. Only Noah, his three sons and their
four wives were to be saved in an ark of their own construction. The rest of the human race, the land animals and birds
were said to have drowned in a worldwide flood. Again, most conservative Christians believe that this story is literally
true. Essentially all liberal Christians, biologists, geologists, linguists and anthropologists consider them to be religious
myths often with spiritual significance event if they did not happen in reality.
Dr. Zecharia Stichin's argument that the last time Nibiru was around was 160 B.C.E.,
(B.C.E stands for ‘Before Common Era’) and as the above scriptures as described by
Vedavyasa in the Mahabharata seem to talk about the same event and Dwaraka was
submerged in about 1600 B.C. and to the present day it totals up to 3,600 years!!! (The
Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and
Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits.
The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the longsought Planet X. Astronomers
are so certain of this planet’s existence that they have already named it “Planet X – the 10th Planet.”
The anomalous body was first spotted in 1983 by IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), according to news
stories. The Washington Post reported: “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and
possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the
constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is
the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby ‘protostar’ that never got
hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars
or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.”
The South Pole Telescope (SPT). Far more powerful, capable and
survivable than the 1983 IRAS spacecraft and Hubble Space
Telescope put together, this manned observatory had begun tracking
Planet X / Nibiru from the pristine skies of Antarctica.
This video was originally posted on February 20, 2008 by YouTube user NibiruShock2012. The
original producer of this video was compromised and his account stolen by an impostor. This has
been fully documented in multiple YouTube videos by YouTube director yow books. This impostor
was subsequently forced to close the account and to remove the hoax videos created by the
impostor, along with the authentic videos created by the original, anonymous author.
Below is the original About Text that appeared with this video on its initial release date. Below that
are links to related analysis articles and videos.
Presented in this video are some photos of what many people call Nibiru and Planet X. They are
very real and my evidence is pure fact. What many people do not realise, is that Nibiru is infact a
dark star, about half the size of our Sun. It has a number of large planets and moons orbiting
around it, one of which is Planet X. It's kind of like a mini solar system. These objects are heading
towards us, as they have done in the distant past. These objects will become visible to every
human on Earth within the next couple of years. Some time around 2012/13, these objects will be
closer to us than our own Sun, and will dominate the daytime and nighttime sky. Another fact
many people do not know about, is that Planet X is an inhabited planet. The US government
knows this, and are infact in contact with them because this is not just a catastrophic event for us,
it is for them aswell. Many people can be saved, but actions need to be taken NOW. If we leave it
to the last minute, it will be too late. Within the next few years, nobody will be able to hide the fact
these objects are heading towards us, because they will be seen by everyone and will grow
larger as they approach us. Global panic is unavoidable and this event is unavoidable.
For further research, or to follow the story of this revealing video, click on the following links:
I have re-posted this Video for you all (I’m not sure how long it would be up there) Link :,
For this you would need to install (Freeware) Microsoft’s “WorldWide Telecope” which can be downloaded from:,
1. 2. 3. 4.
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41 42 43 44
You can watch this video at :, posted by youtube user: WATCHER71B
I have a few other videos …. will see if I can post them, before which I need to ascertain if they’re genuine.
Till then lets keep the channel clean.
(This was a theory I copied from somewhere but seem to have lost / misplaced the source, all credit to the person who posted this
wherever. You need to understand that it has taken me a lot of time & research to put all this together .. so its excusable I hope.)
You could come to your own conclusions
about the explanations of the crop circle
given below!
(I have mine from the decoding done by Mr. Jaime Mussan at the UFO
Congress in 2006, but you need to see the video before you read my
THIS was a presentation by Mr. Jaime Mussan at the 16th UFO Congress and
he decodes a crop circle stating dates in between when something would
And then in the second crop circle which was close to the the
first one he translates it as the “Return of Quetzalcoatl or
Kukulkan (Translated into Mayan) of the Messiah”.
Following is from: Oh darn! another missing link, but you could do a google on this yourself. Im
sorry again.
Quetzalcoatl has been described by Dr. Herbert Joseph Spinden as "perhaps the most remarkable figure in
ancient American history". He established not only a religion, but taught the people all manner of arts,
sciences and useful social customs. Not all histories can agree on when Quetzalcoatl lived or even if he ever
lived, though most tend to agree that he did exist. He has been called St. Thomas and even Jesus Christ
himself. As to when he lived, there is not much agreement either, some saying he lived in the 12th century,
others that he lived at the same time as Christ. Many historians, however, agree with Dr. H.J.Spinden, who
states the Quetzalcoatl established the Toltec Era on August 6, 1168 A.D. and that most Mexican year
counts begin with that date. A Toltec "era" was 52 years long, and calendar dates were based on cycles of
52 years. The Toltec and Aztec years were of the same length as our years, while those of the Mayas, as is
explained later, were shorter than our years by 5 days.
A. Hyatt and Ruth Verrill, in their book on America's Ancient Civilizations, tell us that most myths agree that
Quetzalcoatl not only said he would return from the East but that before he returned bearded white men
would come who would conquer the Indians and enforce on them a different religion. However, he said that
when he returned all the ancient glory of the Indians would return.
Following article from: ,
Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age. But the
former, however, offer no time limits, while the latter have a calendar system whose grand
Thirteen Baktun cycle will end either on December 24, 2011 or June 6, 2012
(depending on your method of calculation). In both cases, however, the Hopi and
Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of
transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a
choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or
acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or
gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of
many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear.
This concept that we can make choices concerning our future destinies is one found not only in
Native American prophecies but is really an essential ingredient in all true prophetic
pronouncements. True prophecy is meant to be a reflection on the hidden natures and
motivations of human behavior, both individually and collectively, as well as the future options
based on the human ability to make a choice. True prophecy is thus more than merely a
forecast. Its purpose is to provide the lesson that is to be learned from a potential future
prognostication so that, if possible, the lesson is accepted and processed beforehand. Thus the
course of the future can actually be changed, and a different pathway of prophesied events
can be manifested into reality.
In this context, the period of time between now and the year 2012, with 2000 as the
benchmark, appears to be shaping up into a decisive time period when important choices will
be made and when any number of timelines for the future are possible. True prophecy is our
guide to determine what those different timelines are and how we can make the right choices.
TOP 10 PROPHECIES FOR THE YEAR 2000by Joseph Robert Jochmans
What can we expect out of this and what do we have to do to survive? Survival largely means surviving the
hour of the pole shift when winds may reach 200 mph and great flooding occurs as the earth's crust breaks
up in many places and plates shift. You best bet at an elevation 10001500 feet or more as tidal waves and
forced tidal bore come inland hundreds of miles from the shorelines depending upon elevation. Then you
best have some kind of shelter that will take 200mph tornado/hurricane force winds as well as provide
shelter for a meteor firestorm as the debris the planet drags with it will not all be burned up entering the
earth's atmosphere. There will be no electricity, fuel, transportation or probably even passable roads, or any
utilities for some or a long time to come. Sunlight will be blocked for 6 months to maybe years to come by
volcanoes spewing ash so food will become very short and hard to grow. All volcanoes may activate, even
dormant ones during the pole shift as the north and south poles change locations. This is evidenced by
narrow tree ring patterns of past passages of planet X. That gives us a big hint of what is to come.
You will be able to see Planet X in the sky 7 weeks before the pole shift. One week before the pole shift the
earth will stop rotating. You will either be in the dark, light or a dawn / dusk situation. Red dust in the sky
will give you at least a 6hour warning before the pole shift.
• Compiled from another lost source. You know where the credit should go to who ever.
Too many coincidences and too many pointers to the same dates from all
directions. You think I’ve put all the info I collected about the coincidences
in this doc. ….. wrong again! …. Just sufficient to probably convince you
that this is a high possibility and to get youself prepared for it. If need be I
could make another couple of docs this size….but why waste time on that
… I would want try and give you information on what we could do to save
ourselves until 6th of June 2012 (Yes I do believe in what the crop circles
might be telling us!, don’t consider it some hog wash and that we know
everything!..did we know about NIBIRU?? We thought that all this was due
to the Global Warming and we were to blame … think about it!). Predicting
beyond that date is an impossibility as we don’t know how many objects
would enter our atmosphere from the Asteroid belt and where they would
hit! And how many volcanoes would erupt and for how long?!
Why do we pick up health insurance or Insurance for our cars?? We don’t want to fall sick or
crash into something …. Its just to save ourselves from a little crisis we might go through just in
case something happens … what ever you do up until the time to save yourself from the affects of
this event think of it as an insurance for survival !!
I would keep posting videos on the channel below over this topic….you could keep a look…but you never know if it gets
closed down like the others….lets hope they don’t for their sake aswell…as they might find some useful info for
themselves on a later date than right now. Please donot spam the mail asking about stuff that’s already posted
above (I’ve given you the sources of the info, you could check over there for further clarificatins)…. as this
channel (mail) is for people who could pass credible info which can be passed to all … I’m just looking at creating a
credible medium through which I could be reached … just incase!
Are feds stockpiling survival food?
'These circumstances certainly raise red flags'
Posted: July 25, 2008
12:30 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A Wall Street Journal columnist has advised people to "start stockpiling food" and an ABC News
Report says "there are worrying signs appearing in the United States where some … locals are
beginning to hoard supplies." Now there's concern that the U.S. government may be competing
with consumers for stocks of storable food.
"We're told that the feds bought the entire container of canned butter when it hit the California
docks. (Something's up!)," said officials at Best Prices Storable Foods in an advisory to
Spokesman Bruce Hopkins told WND he also has had trouble obtaining No. 10 cans of various
products from one of the world's larger suppliers of food stores, Oregon Freeze Dry.
He said a company official told him on the telephone when he discussed the status of his order
that it was because the government had purchased massive quantities of products, leaving none
for other customers.
That, however, was denied by Oregon Freeze Dry. In a website statement, the company
confirmed it cannot assure supplying some items to customers.
"We regret to inform you Oregon Freeze Dry cannot satisfy all Mountain House #10 can orders
and we have removed #10 cans from our website temporarily," the company tells frustrated
customers. "The reason for this is sales of #10 cans have continued to increase. OFD is allocating
as much production capacity as possible to this market segment, but we must maintain capacity
for our other market segments as well."
The company statement continues, "We want to clarify inaccurate information we’ve seen on the
Internet. This situation is not due to sales to the government domestically or in Iraq. We do sell
products to this market, but we also sell other market segments … The reason for this decision is
solely due to an unprecedented sales spike in #10 cans sales.
"We expect this situation to be necessary for several months although this isn’t a guarantee. We
will update this information as soon as we know more. We apologize for this inconvenience and
appreciate your patience. We sincerely hope you will continue to be Mountain House customers
in the future," the company statement said.
"The government just came in and said they're buying it. They did pay for it," he told WND about
the summertime shipment of long-term storage butter. "They took it and no one else could have it.
"We don't know why. The feds then went to freeze dried companies, and bought most of their
canned stock," he said.
A spokeswoman for Oregon Freeze Dry, sales manager Melanie Cornutt, told WND that the
increasing demand for food that can be stored has been on the rise since Hurricane Katrina
devastated large sections of the Gulf Coast, cutting off ordinary supply routes.
"We are currently out of stock on our cans. We are not selling any of our cans," she confirmed.
"We do sell to the government [but] it is not the reason [for company sales limits]," she said.
Officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency told WND whatever government
agency is buying in a surge it isn't them. They reported a stockpile of about six million meals
which has not changed significantly in an extended period.
But Hopkins said it was his opinion the government is purchasing huge quantities of food for
stockpiles, and Americans will have to surmise why.
"We don't have shelters that [are being] stocked with food. We're not doing this for the public. My
only conclusion is that they're stocking up for themselves," he said of government officials.
Blogger Holly Deyo issued an alert this week announcing, "Unprecedented demand cleans out
major storable food supplier through 2009."
"It came to our attention today, that the world's largest producer of storable foods, Mountain
House, is currently out of stock of ALL #10 cans of freeze dried foods, not just the Turkey
Tetrazzini. They will NOT have product now through 2009," she said.
"This information was learned by a Mountain House dealer who shared it with me this morning.
In personally talking with the company immediately after, Mountain House verified the
information is true. Customer service stated, 'I'm surprised they don't have this posted on the
website yet.' She said they have such a backlog of orders, Mountain House will not be taking any
#10 can food requests through the remainder of this year and all of the next.
"Mountain House claims this situation is due to a backlog of orders, which may very well be true,
but who is purchasing all of their food? This is a massive global corporation.
"One idea: the military. Tensions are ramping up with Iran and news segments debate whether or
not we will implement a preemptive strike in conjunction with Israel," she wrote.
Hopkins raised some of the same concerns, suggesting a military conflict could cause oil supplies
to plummet, triggering a huge increase in the cost of food – when it would be available – because
of the transportation issues.
The ABC report from just a few weeks ago quoted Jim Rawles, a former U.S. intelligence officer
who runs a survival blog, saying food shortages soon could become a matter of survival in the
"I think that families should be prepared for times of crisis, whether it's a man-made disaster or a
natural disaster, and I think it's wise and prudent to stock up on food," he told ABC.
"If you get into a situation where fuel supplies are disrupted or even if the power grid were to go
down for short periods of time, people can work around that," he said. "But you can't work
around a lack of food – people starve, people panic and you end up with chaos in the streets."
At his California ranch, the location of which is kept secret, he said, "We have more than a three-
year supply of food here."
In the Wall Street Journal, columnist Brett Arends warned, "Maybe it's time for Americans to start
stockpiling food.
His concern was about various food shortages around the globe, and the fact that in a global
market, prices in the U.S. reflect difficulties in other parts of the world quickly.
Professor Lawrence F. Roberge, a biologist who has worked with a number of universities and
has taught online courses, told WND he's been following the growing concern over food supplies.
He also confirmed to WND reports of the government purchasing vast quantities of long-term
storable foods.
He said that naturally would be kept secret to avoid panicking the public, such as when word
leaks out to customers that a bank may be insolvent, and depositors frantically try to retrieve their
After lengthy study, it now seems that the second part was meant to tell us more about the near-future
events of December 2012: not on the dates of December 21-23, but one week earlier on a new Moon of
December 13. Looking first at the overall picture, we can see on the left a "bright comet" entering our solar
system, and on the right an expanded view of lunar orbit near Earth.
Looking next at many small symbols near top centre, we can see the crescent symbol for Moon, lying in its
twelfth month (solar or lunar) next to the same bright comet just mentioned.
Looking finally at many small symbols near bottom centre, we can see a double-ring symbol for Sun,
connected by a long curved line to another circle with two small stars enclosed.
By studying our Sun's path through the sky (red dashed line) during December, I was able to work out that
those two small stars lie in the constellation Ophiuchus at Right Ascension 17 hours, 22 minutes, or close to
our Sun on December 13 as 17 hours, 26 minutes. Four other stars (or M8) provide a confirming match
between the star pattern and the crop picture. The crop symbol for M8 is shown correctly as a circle plus an
extended line, because it is an extended star cluster.
One week later on December 21-23, our Sun lies at a slightly larger R.A. value of 18 hours, 2-11 minutes in
the constellation Sagittarius. Four nearby symbols (not shown) as "spiral, snail, serpent, crossed box"
remain unidentified, but could represent the four constellations bordering Ophiuchus in Earth's sky. For
example, the "serpent" could be Serpens, while the "snail" was a constellation in ancient times.
“What does the Exodus have to do with the reentry of planet X?”
The Exodus by itself had little to do with it, but what preceded it and finally convinced the Egyptians to release the
Jews from bondage had a great deal to do with it. We know from historic accounts that the events leading up to the
eventual release of the Jews from bondage became known as the Ten Plagues. If you happen to be one of many who
believe in the likes of spirits, saints, holy ghosts and the super natural read no further as this may not be your cup of tea.
But if you are blessed with common sense and an analytical mind it may dawn on you that you have stumbled upon
knowledge which may benefit you in the future.
Upon some research we find that the Ten Plagues could be contributed to many natural disasters either extremely bad
weather patterns or geological events the likes of earth quakes and enormous volcanic eruptions etc. All triggered by
the passage of this returning planet in close proximity to earth, quite similar to the gravitational influence of the moon
triggering the tides.
The cause of these events was known to some, who either dwelled amongst the Jews or were in close contact with them,
the Nefelims of the Bible, the ones who came from above, the Gods of our ancient past. But this is a story for another
time, as the details would be far too lengthy to go in to it at this point. The knowledge of the havoc any passage of this
planet could cause was passed along to the Jews who more or less were encouraged to use it as a threat to the reigning
Pharaoh at the time in order to gain their release from bondage, and as history tells us it worked in their favor.
A collection of ancient manuscripts which recently surfaced and has been read by very few, relates to, and corroborates
some of the events, which became known as the Ten Plagues to befall the Egyptians. Within the pages of these
manuscripts the periodic reappearing planet is described as the Destroyer, placing its appearance at the time of the
Exodus and rightfully so as apparently it was the cause of many of the disasters visited upon the Egyptians. Further
confirming and placing the presence of planet “X” at the time of the Exodus. At the time it was construed as a sign and
threat from God to convince the Egyptians to release the Jews from bondage.
Along here is a very brief excerpt from the manuscripts which deals with the reappearance of what is referred to as
‘The Destroyer’ but keep in mind that it had been written several hundreds of years earlier. As you read this brief
excerpt the thought may cross your mind that some of the things already have come to pass.
MAN:3:7 Thus it was in the Days of Heavenly Wrath, which have gone, and
thus it will be in the Days of Doom when it comes again. The times of
its coming and going are known unto the wise. These are the signs and
times which shall precede the Destroyer’s return: A hundred and ten
generations shall pass into the West and nations will rise and fall.
Men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the seas as fishes. Men
will talk peace one with another, hypocrisy and deceit shall have their
day. Women will be as men and men as women, passion will be a plaything
of man.
MAN:3:8 "A nation of soothsayers shall rise and fall and their tongue
shall be the speech learned."
MAN:3:8 "A nation of lawgivers shall rule the Earth and pass away into
MAN:3:8 "One worship will pass into the four quarters of the Earth,
talking peace and bringing war."
MAN:3:8 "A nation of the seas will be greater than any other, but will
be as an apple rotten at the core and will not endure."
MAN:3:8 "A nation of traders will destroy men with wonders and it
shall have its day."
MAN:3:8 "Then shall the high strive with the low, the North with the
South, the East with the West, and the light with the darkness.
( the above writings sound very
similar to the predictions of
!! – a coincidence by
two different civilizations?? Maybe not!)
This is how the ancient Egyptians de
scribed the catastrophe that too
k place
during the last passing of NIBIRU or ‘The Destroyer’ as they named
“…It is known and the story comes down from ancient times that there was not one
creation but two. A creation and a recreation. It is a fact known to the wise that the
Earth was utterly destroyed once then reborn on a second wheel of creation. At the
time of the great destruction of Earth God caused a [celestial] dragon from outer
heaven to come and encompass her about. The dragon was frightful to behold, it
lashed its tail and breathed out fire and hot coals and a great catastrophe was inflicted
upon mankind. The body of the dragon [NIBIRU] was wreathed in a cold bright light
and beneath on the belly was a ruddy hued glow while behind it trailed a flowing tail of
smoke. "It spewed out cinders and hot stones and its breath was fowl and stenchful
poisoning the nostrils of men. Its passage caused great thundering and lightning to
rend the thick darkened sky, all heaven and Earth being made hot. The seas were
loosened from their cradles and rose up pouring across the land. There was an awful
shrilling trumpeting which outpoured even the howling of the unleashed winds. Men
stricken with terror went mad at the awful sight in the heavens.
They were loosed from their senses and dashed about crazed not knowing what they
did. The breath was sucked from their bodies and they were burned with a strange
ash. Then it passed leaving Earth enwrapped with a dark and glowering mantle which
was ruddily lit up inside. The bowels of the Earth were torn open and great writhing
upheavals and a howling whirlwind rent the mountains apart. The wrath of the sky
monster [Nibiru] was loosed in the heavens. It lashed about in flaming fury roaring like
a thousand thunders. It poured down fiery destruction amid a welter of THICK BLACK
BLOOD [Red ash]. "So awesome was the fearfully aspected thing that the memory
mercifully departed from Man. His thoughts were smothered under a cloud of
forgetfulness….. in this manner the first Earth [Tiamat] was destroyed by calamity
descending from the skies. Men and their dwelling places were gone. Only sky
boulders and the red earth remained where once they were. But amidst all the
desolation a few survived for Man is not easily destroyed but crept out of their caves
and came down the mountain sides.
Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled. Their bodies shook and their calls
lacked control. Their faces were twisted and their skin hung loose on their bones. They
were as maddened as wild beasts driven into an enclosure before flames. They knew
no law being deprived of all the wisdom they once had and those who had guided them
were gone…”
“When blood [the red ash] drops upon the Earth the DESTROYER [Nibiru] will appear
and mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be destroyed and
all living things engulfed. Waters will be swallowed up by the land and the seas will
boil. The heavens will burn brightly and redly. There will be a copper hue over the face
of the land followed by a day of darkness.
A new moon [one of the satellites of Nibiru] will appear and break up and fall. The
people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and the battle cry of the
DESTROYER and will seek refuge in the dens [underground bunkers] of the Earth.
Terror will eat away their hearts and their courage will flow from them like water from a
broken pitcher.
They will be eaten up in the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of the
DESTROYER. In those days men will have the great book before them, wisdom will be
revealed. The few will be gathered for the stand. It is the hour of trial. The dauntless
ones will survive. The stout-hearted will not go down in destruction…”
With passages like these I tend to put much weight in what the text has to
say—a planetary encounter. Yes, I realize ancient manuscripts have
certain built-in biases and exaggerations dependent upon the point of view
of the author but at the same time you simply cannot just throw a precious
document like this out with the bath water. We atleast have a reference
from people who actually saw this happen!
If you thought global warming was the reason for our excessive
Hydrocarbon usage Think
Mars does appear to be experiencing shortterm regional warming, not longterm global warming, as the
climate scientists of have explained.
Jupiter is not experiencing global warming, but it is poised to experience regional climate change, “getting
warmer near the equator and cooler at the poles,” as a U.C. Berkeley scientist noted last year.
As for Pluto, an MIT article explains “Pluto’s orbit is much more elliptical than that of the other planets,
and its rotational axis is tipped by a large angle relative to its orbit. Both factors could contribute to drastic
seasonal changes.”
One of the scientists involved in the research explained, Pluto’s warming was “likely not connected with
that of the Earth. The major way they could be connected is if the warming was caused by a large increase
in sunlight. But the solar constant–the amount of sunlight received each second–is carefully monitored by
spacecraft, and we know the sun’s output is much too steady to be changing the temperature of Pluto.”
And it is too steady to be changing the temperature of the Earth, for that matter: “The sunspot record and
neutron monitor data,” as explains, “show that solar activity has not increased since the
1950s and is therefore unlikely to be able to explain the recent warming.
This last point is key. The causal link between the Earth’s warming and the alleged warming of other
planets would have to be solar activity. But a recent study has shown that solar activity, including cosmic
rays, are not responsible for recent planetary warming. The study (subs. no longer req’d) concluded:
Here we show that over the past 20 years, all the trends in the Sun that could have had an influence
on the Earth’s climate have been in the opposite direction to that required to explain the observed
rise in global mean temperatures.
Hmmmmm …… the NIBIRU possibility again!!
Looks like too much stuff is adding up to the same old conclusion! Lets
cross our fingers and hope that we find some stuff soon which goes
against NIBIRU theory..