Adab Berguru
Adab Berguru
Adab Berguru
rulings of the Qur'an. Shafie sect is why the best schools in terms of dexterity in formulating the laws of Sunni fiqh for Muslims Wal Jamaat ... Imam Shafie has great respect for Imam Malik (founder of the Maliki school) although Imam Malik died. That's why when he was visiting the grave of Imam Malik, he is not berqunut during dawn prayers beside the tomb of Imam Malik. This is due in no qunut Maliki school of dawn even in some qunut Shafie sect during morning prayers. Imam Shafie also make sure he does not sleep with his feet pointing to the house of Imam Malik in honor of his teacher. Been reported again about matters respecting teachers. One day, when Imam Shafie lectures to thousands of students, enter a bedouin very dirty and very stinky once. Seeing only the bedouin in, Imam Shafie thus stopped from giving lectures and the bedouin overtook and held her close. His students were shocked to see the Imam Shafie such behavior. After the lecture, then ask her students to Imam Shafie description of why he embraced the bedouin. Then Imam Shafie said that although the bedouin foul and dirty, but it was his teacher bedouin. Bedouin why he embraced it as a way to respect teachers. The more the students stunned when told about the ignorant bedouin a teacher Imam Shafie. Again they ask about what is taught by the bedouin to Imam Shafie? Answer Imam Shafie "One day, when I wrote the book of fiqh, I have a problem that is how is going to recognize and differentiate between the dogs who came of age with a dog that has not come of age. And I think certainly as bedouin bedouin know many keep ajning to control goats. I asked the matter to the bedouin who hugs me just now. Bedouin explains that dogs age lift one leg back while urinating, while a minor dog does not lift his leg when urinating. With that bedouin guide, then I can finish my book is "That's the story. Although too few services bedouin to him, Imam Shafie appreciate and respect his teacher.
Imam Syafie merupakan seorang ulama yang cukup banyak memberi sumbangan terhadap menggubal dan memperjelas hukum hakam dalam Al Quran. Sebab itulah Mazhab Shafie adalah mazhab terbaik dari segi ketelitiannya dalam menggubal hukum-hukum fekah untuk umat Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah... Imam Shafie amat menghormati Imam Malik (pengasas Mazhab Maliki) walaupun Imam malik sudah meninggal dunia. Sebab itulah bila dia menziarahi makam Imam Malik dia tidak berqunut semasa bersembahyang subuh ditepi makam Imam Malik. Ini kerana dalam Mazhab Maliki tiada qunut waktu subuh walaupun dalam Mazhab Shafie ada qunut sewaktu sembahyang Subuh. Imam Shafie juga memastikan dia tidak tidur dengan kakinya menghala kerumah Imam Malik sebagai menghormati gurunya itu. Pernah diriwayatkan lagi tentang perihal menghormati guru ini. Pada suatu hari, sedang Imam Shafie memberi kuliah kepada ribuan pelajar-pelajarnya, masuklah seorang badwi yang amat comot serta amat busuk sekali. Melihat sahaja badwi itu masuk, Imam Shafie lantas berhenti daripada memberi kuliah dan menerpa badwi itu serta memeluknya dengan erat. Tergamam anak muridnya melihatkan perlakuan Imam Shafie sedemikian. Selesai sahaja memberi kuliah, maka bertanyalah anak muridnya kepada Imam Shafie perihal kenapa dia memeluk badwi tersebut. Lalu Imam Shafie berkata bahawa walaupun badwi itu busuk dan comot, tetapi badwi itu ialah gurunya. Sebab itu dia memeluk badwi tersebut sebagai cara menghormati guru. Makin terpegun pelajar-pelajarnya apabila diberitahu tentang badwi yang jahil itu menjadi guru Imam Shafie. Sekali lagi mereka bertanya tentang apakah yang diajarkan oleh badwi itu kepada Imam Shafie? Jawab Imam Shafie " Pada suatu hari, sedang aku menulis kitab fekah, aku mempunyai satu masalah iaitu bagaimanakan nak mengenali dan membezakan di antara anjing yang cukup umur dengan anjing yang belum cukup umur. Lalu aku fikir tentu badwi tau kerana badwi banyak memelihara ajning untuk mengawal kambing-kambing mereka. Aku pun bertanya hal tersebut kepada badwi yang ku peluk tadi. Badwi itu menerangkan bahawa anjing yang cukup umur mengangkat sebelah kaki belakang apabila kencing, manakala anjing yang tidak cukup umur tidak mengangkat kakinya bila kencing. Dengan panduan badwi itulah, maka aku dapat menyiapkan kitabku itu" Begitulah ceritanya. Walaupun terlalu sedikit jasa badwi itu kepadanya, Imam Shafie amat menghargainya dan menghormati gurunya itu.
ADAB BERGURU At this time the author would like to quote relevant text say Manners studied. Many children in this age students now no longer practice moral principles of Islam organized by the apostles we have learned saw. Implikasinya not blessed. Knowledge does not drive it to God swt.Maka berleluasalah effects symptoms of vice and sin among the students. If this is not resolved Immediately sure will be the next generation of leaders consists of rows puncang leadership, defective. Indeed, these symptoms are already visible in the leadership of the country at the time sekarang.Adakah we want the next generation of students who will lead the country will become more 'facade' of the current leadership. The author hopes to return to practice basic and studied manners will mengmbalikan blessing and light of knowledge to the students will be the future generation of leaders. In accordance with the height of the status and dignity of teachers, it is not surprising that the scholars are very respectful of their teachers. Between how they showed their respect for teachers are: 1. They are humble towards knowledge and teacher and always in accordance with the order and the advice of teachers and always ask for the opinion and the views of teachers in all their dealings. They obey all instructions and guidance is like a patient teacher who does not know anything that should follow a physician who mahir.Mereka also always serve their teachers expect reward and glory in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala with the service. 2. They looked at the teacher with the feeling of respect and reverence and trust the perfection of skills and expertise in the field perguruannya. This is more to help their students to benefit from their teachers and will reinforce what is heard and taught by teachers. Salaf scholars menggagungkan very honored and their teachers. This is clearly stated in the stories about their morals in science councils and their politeness to their teachers. For example: - Mughirah said: We respect Ibrahim an-Nakha'ie as we honor the king. - Imam Ash-Shafi `i said: I membelek paper in front of Imam Malik slowly due respect that he can not hear (sound belekan paper). - Rabie 'said: By God, I do not dare to drink water while Imam Ash-Shafi `i looked at me. - Sayyidina Ali said Karramallahu strain of advice: The right to be with you is a pious salute on the public in general and your teacher specializing in special honor and special.
3. They always accompany the teacher to get the blessing and knowledge that would have poured out of it at any time and make qudwah (too). Imam Ash-Shafi `i, for example, since a meeting with his teacher Imam Malik in the year 170 AH, almost never leaving his teacher until his teacher died in 179 AH. This is because Imam ash-Shafi `i never leave unless I go to Makkah to check on her mother or go to the science center and feqh. That was after receive the consent and blessing of his teacher. If condoned, Imam Malik would give him money to prepare your supplies and expenses while praying for his safety. 4. They do not use self pronouns like "you" and "you" and do not call or shout from a distance teacher. Al-Khatib said: Let him say, "O teacher, what do you think about this?" and similar words. And do not call it by its name unless accompanied by titles that show respect and reverence to him. Eg teacher or sheikh sheikh or us. The point here, they call the teacher with the full title of chivalry and honor. If the teacher's name is Muhammad for example, then they will call it by the name of the teacher, teacher, teacher, etc and we do not mention his name unless accompanied by a full honor titles such as Ustad Muhammad, Mr Muhammad and so despite the absence of the teacher. 5. They never have a dispute or fight talk with the teacher. Indeed, the dispute generally already is an abomination, let alone to have a dispute with a teacher who is a mentor and qudwah! This action will keep them as students from good to evil and is penjerumus and it is unlawful to cause them all kinds of goodness. Indeed, the pursuit of knowledge is a form of worship and one of the ways to get closer to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, not to boast or to have a dispute with knowledge. In a hadith narrated by Imam Al-Hakim, Ka'b bin Malik rh 'anhu said that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said: means "whoever seeks knowledge to compete with the scholars or to argue with stupid people or so that turns the human heart then it will go to hell. "(Hadith narrated by Al-Hakim) 6. They are grateful to the teachers for their guidance and guidance on all the good and prohibiting and his comments on the shortcomings or laziness and so on to improve themselves and assume caution, care, education, and caring teachers as mercy and infinite grace to them by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. If guidance and criticism given by the teacher was already known, so they do not show that they actually already know it, but they appreciate and are grateful for the guidance and caring of their teacher. 7. If they wish to their teachers outside of teaching hours while the teacher is taking a break or sleep, then teachers will not be disturbed. They will wait until the teacher got up from sleep or finish the rest. Ibn 'Abbas rh' anhuma ever come to one of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to ask him about a hadith. It was said to him: He was sleeping. So sit Ibn 'Abbas at the
door. It was said to him: No. Should we surprised? Ibn 'Abbas replied: Do not. 8. They do not come out of the teachers' general knowledge (outside of the timetable to teach, etc.) except with his consent, whether they are teachers being alone or being together with others. If there is no permission from the teacher when the teacher know that they're asking for permission to come before, then they will leave and not repeat isti'zan (application for leave) them. If they are in doubt whether the teacher will isti'zan heard or know them to come to the teacher or not, so in this case they will repeat isti'zan is not more than three times a knock at the door. They knock with manners and gently using finger nails. - Imam Al-Bukhari narrated in his book Al-Adab Al-Singular that Anas bin Malik rh 'anhu said: Meaning "The doors of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam crushed using finger nails." (Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari) If their teacher is away from the door, then there is nothing wrong in terms of their manners o strengthen a little knock in the rate of about can be heard by the teacher and do not reach more than this rate. If the teacher asked who was outside the door, so they do not just say "I" without mentioning the name because this is not liked by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. In shahih Imam Al-Bukhari narrated that Jabir rh anhu had said means "I came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to pay my father's debt and then I knocked on the door. Then he asked, "Who is this?" Then I said "me." He said: "I! I! As if he did not like it. "(Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari) If the teacher's room door was open, so they will not spy or their faces to the door, but they make the door on the right side or left side or in the language they mentioned skims Brunei, and then they greet. This is because the manners isti'zan is asking permission to see. - Sahl bin Sa'ad rh 'anhu narrated: Meaning "A man peeking out the holes a Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam, and with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam he uses a comb to comb the hair. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: If I knew that you would be my spy cam tusukkan this into your eyes! Indeed isti'zan (application for leave) is prescribed to need to see. "(Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari) 9. When they wanted to meet with the teacher, they will keep themselves in perfect condition with the body and clean clothes, cutting the nails and get rid of the smell unpleasant when either privately let alone find time to attend a general knowledge as class and so that is a worship gathering interfere with well-being due to fear fellow teachers and other students. Imam Malik, all his life, get used properly and regularly bathe, wear perfume money ian and impose best clothes every time they attend halaqah to learn or teach. They also at that time to clear the liver of all affairs in addition to purify the mind and the mind, in short perfect soul and body to accept the teaching. Rather than being in a state of drowsiness or greater magnitude angry or
hungry or thirsty in the chest etc so they cleared to receive lectures and able to remember what the teacher recite to them. While he was studying, they always show courtesy to classmates friends and anyone who attended their knowledge or the class teacher. This is a polite attitude towards the teachers and the preservation of knowledge or class.