Atish D. More - Sr. Executive HR - 5 Yrs 5 Months

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A-305, Indralok Apartment, Near Siemens Company, Maneja, Vadodara Mobile: 099 !" #$3, %mail I&: atis'(more)*mail(+om

Human Resource Management & General Administration

A pro,essional 'a-in* e.perien+e in /0 Mana*ement, 1eneral Administration and 2rainin* 3 &e-elopment in di,,erent se+tors like, 4ood Ind5stry and /ea-y ma+'inery man5,a+t5rin* ind5stries( 1ood 'ands on 'andlin* lar*e 6ork,or+es, maintainin* pea+e,5l 3 ami+able 6ork en-ironment in t'e or*ani7ation, &is+ipline Mana*ement, Manpo6er 8lannin* 3 0e+r5itment, 0e6ard 3 0e+o*nition system, et+(

Recruitment/ Selection Performance Management Employee Engagement Policy Formulation Compensation Employee Welfare Employee Recognition Employee Remuneration Manpower Planning Training & Development eneral !"ministration


FIEL# IN#$STRIAL E%$IPMENT P&LT# '(aroda) 0eportin* to: Managing :ork ,or+e: 01-

&esi*nation: Sr& E*ecuti+e HR & Admin #irector &ate o, 9oinin*: ,-.,-./-,/

Ne2 Field is, an ISO 3--,4/--5, ASME $ stam67 !!OE & I(R certi8ied and one o, t'e leadin* %n*ineerin* Company lead by te+'no+rats, 6it' so5nd e.perien+e o, more t'an 0- 9ears in desi*nin* and man5,a+t5rin* o, %je+tor 3 Va+55m System, S5r,a+e Condenser, 8ress5re Vessels, /eat %.+'an*ers, Stora*e Vessels, A*itated Vessels, S+r5bbers, %d5+tors, 1as Skid and 25rn ;ey 8roje+ts (

GMM PFA$#LER LT# 'Anand) &esi*nation: O88icer HR & Admin Admin &ate o, 9oinin*: /0.-5./-,0eportin* to: #&G&M : H&R & :ork ,or+e: ,/;-

1MM 8,a5dler <td( Is t'e leadin* s5pplier o, 'i*'ly en*ineered appli+ation +riti+al e=5ipment and systems ,or t'e +'emi+al pro+ess ind5stries( It>s in a joint -ent5re 6it' 8,a5dler In+, $SA,

t'e 6orld leaders in Glass: lined E<ui6ment ( 1MM 8,a5dler <td( Is an ISO 3--,4/--- +ompany 6'i+' is a++redited by ASME ,or man5,a+t5rin* o, $ stamp, $/ stamp, SELLO stamp, and R stamp -essels and also +erti,ied by T$V to man5,a+t5re press5re -essels(

=IN#AL AGRO PRO!ESSING PVT LT#& '(aroda) &esi*nation: E*ecuti+e HR &ate o, 9oinin*: -,.-;./--3 0eportin* to: Manager : H&R :ork ,or+e: /5-

=indal Agro Processing P+t Ltd is an IS?-$$000 and @0C 1rade-A +erti,ied Company, man5,a+t5rin* ready to eat meal ,or "00A e.port to BSA, 9apan, B; A5stralia and some o, t'e 4ar %ast +o5ntries( 9indal a*ro is +erti,ied by FPO, 1o-t( o, India and re*istered 6it' t'e $SF#A&

HR & IR Functions 4 8er,orman+e Appraisal, Complian+e o, <abo5r <a6s, S5bmission o, stat5tory ret5rns, <iaison 6it' 1o-t( 0e+r5itment, 9oinin* 4ormalities , ind5+tion, 2ime ?,,i+e ,5n+tions, Salary and 6a*e administration, Manpo6er plannin*, 9ob des+ription, A5t'orities like 4a+tory Inspe+tor, 1o-t( <abo5r o,,i+er, %SIC o,,i+ers, et+ & :el,are a+ti-ities inside plant, se+ond line Member o, 6orks +ommittee and 1rie-an+e redressal +ommittee( Stat5tory and %stablis'ment ,5n+tions like: 8(4(, %(S(I(C, In+ome 2a. and 8( 2a., <oan ,ormalities, 45ll 3 4inal Settlements, 1rat5ity, et+( Monitorin* <abo5r as 6ell as 9ob Contra+tors, Veri,yin* +ontra+tors re*ister, %ns5re proper s5per-ision o, +ontra+tors, Co-ordinate ,or man po6er s5pply o, +ontra+t 6orkers, ;eepin* re+ords o, @ills raised +ontra+tors, Iss5e 4orm 5 to +ontra+tors ,or +onta+t rene6al, %ns5re proper +omplian+e o, Contra+tors ,or 84, 8-2a., %SIC, 3 &ed5+tions, Maintain re+ords o, stat5tory +omplian+e o, +ontra+tors, S5per-ision 6'ile salary disb5rsement o, +ontra+t 6orkers, Company ro5nd and s5per-ision( Training & #e+elo6ment4 2rainin* need identi,i+ation, 8reparin* 2rainin* Calendar, 8reparin* t'e trainin* @5d*et 3 *et appro-al ,rom t'e mana*ement, ?r*ani7e t'e internal 3 %.ternal trainin*, 8repare t'e all re+ord as per IS? Standard CAttendan+e S'eet, 2rainin* 4eedba+k 4orm , 2rainin* %-al5ation , 3 Also prepare 2rainin* S5mmaryD, Apprenti+es'ip trainin* o, 1rad5ate %n*ineer, ?rientation 3 Ind5+tion pro*ramme o, 2rainees Sr( %.e+5ti-es, +o-ordination and or*ani7in* trainin* pro*rams o, ?perati-e Sta,, and s5per-isory sta,, 6it' Internal as 6ell as e.ternal ,a+5lties, Monitorin* re+ords o, 2rainin* as per IS? standards( Administration4

Mana*in* Se+5rity, /o5sekeepin*, 15est'o5se, ?,,i+e layo5ts, Company 2ransport, %ns5re Medi+al test o, ne6 employees and ro5tine medi+al +'e+k- 5p, %ntertainin* Company *5ests( 0ail6ay bookin*, Comm5ni+ation ,a+ilities CA++ommodation 2elep'one, Canteen, Mobile, <IC, NSS, Net &ata Cards et+(D o,,i+e administration Clike ,5rnit5re, 'o5sekeepin*, se+5rity, et+(D

Education / Degree HSC Bachelor of Arts (Sociolog ! Master of social )or* (M.S. ! /i0lo1a i$ 2a3o.r -ractice (D.".P! Year of passing 2003 200" 2009 2042 Percentage 59.23% 52.50% "5.+,% +5.3"% Board/University CBSE M.S. #$i%ersit Sardar -atel .$i%ersit Sardar -atel .$i%ersit School/College K.V. EME Baroda Mahara&a Sa a&i 'ao #$i%ersit ( Baroda Sardar -atel .$i%ersit ( A$a$d Sardar -atel .$i%ersit

I *ot a National Le+el certi8icate in +ri+ket at C;VSD( Stood ,irst in A'medabad 0e*ion in 5nder "9 +ri+kets( C;VSD Se+5red ,st Position in "00m, $00m 3 !00m 0elay 0a+e( C;VSD Stood t'ird in se+ond semesters o, masters o, so+ial 6ork( Stood t'ird in t'ird semester o, master o, so+ial 6ork( Cond5+ted Time and Motion Stud9 at 9indal A*ro and 1MM 8,a5dler <td(, 6'ere manpo6er re=5irement red5+ed and prod5+tion in+reased( %.pos5re to pro+ess and system ,or ISO //---7 HA!!P7 (R! '(ritis> Retail !onsortium) !erti8ication&


&ate o, @irt': Nationality: Marital Stat5s: <an*5a*es ;no6n: Comp5ter 8ro,i+ien+y:

0$ ?+tober "9#5 Indian Married %n*lis', /indi, Marat'i, and 15jarati 1ood kno6led*e on MS ?,,i+e

(rie8 Pen Picture4 I am a sin+ere, dis+iplined and 'ard 6orkin* indi-id5al( I ,irmly belie-e in systemati+ approa+' 6it' a positi-e ,rame o, mind to a++omplis' t'e task( I am -ery pra+ti+al and res5lt oriented indi-id5al( 8la+e : Vadodara Atis> #e+idas More

#otal E$p. (eporting to

% & ' Years ' Months % & Managing Director

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