Crib Walls
Crib Walls
Crib Walls
CONCRIB walls are designed as gravity retaining walls using a system of four header sizes for various wall heights. Combinations of header sizes can be used for different wall heights and walls even up to 20m in height can be catered for. The performance of the CONCRIB system and components have been fully evaluated and tested by the Queensland University of Technology and a full report is available on request. All of CONCRIBS concrete components comply with AS 3600 Concrete Structures Code and our design proposals are in accordance with AS 4678 Earth Retaining Structures.
A CONCRIB wall can be planted with shrubs or creepers using the spaces in the face of the wall, to blend in with any existing or proposed environment.
CONCRIB walls offer design flexibility and can be constructed to follow both concave and convex curves, undulating ground and corners.
Suggested spoon drain Geofabric separation layer
MACRO 1300
Geofabric separation layer
Agricultural drain
Bedding layer
Natural ground
MIDI 700
Suggested spoon drain Geofabric separation layer
MAXI 1000
Geofabric separation layer Suggested spoon drain
Agricultural drain
Agricultural drain
Bedding layer
The table below shows profiles of CONCRIB high strength, high quality, reinforced concrete components, consisting of headers, stretchers, back stretchers, closers, spacer blocks and taper units.
DISCLAIMER - NOTE:- All design information in this brochure is offered as a guide to the types of walls required, however the walls are an engineering structure and it is strongly recommended that the user employs a qualified design engineer familiar with your site conditions for the final design and application of a CONCRIB wall.
Phone (07) 3375 1800 Fax: (07) 3375 1777 601 Boundary Road, Richlands Qld 4077 Email: Internet:
April 2004
1.0 SCOPE OF WORKS ...................................................................................................................................... 1.1 EXTENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 1.2 RESPONSIBILITES .......................................................................................................................................... 1.3 RELEVANT STANDARDS OR SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 1.4 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 1.5 REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 1.6 SUBMITTALS/CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................... 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE .................................................................................................................................... 1.8 DELIVERIES, STORAGE AND HANDLING ............................................................................................................ 2 MATERIALS ...................................................................................................................................................... 2.1 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 2.2 STRETCHERS, HEADERS, TAPERS, SPACER BLOCKS, CLOSERS, BACK STRETCHERS AND FALSE HEADERS ........... 2.3 FOOTING....................................................................................................................................................... 2.4 CRIBWALL INFILL ........................................................................................................................................... 2.5 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC ...................................................................................................................................... 3 CONCRIB DESIGN CRITERIA........................................................................................................................ 3.1 USE OF DESIGN TABLES ................................................................................................................................. 3.2 STRUCTURE CLASSIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... 3.3 CRIBWALL PROPERTIES ................................................................................................................................. 3.4 LOADS ON STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................. 3.5 RETAINED SLOPE GEOMETRY AND SOIL PROPERTIES ....................................................................................... 3.6 FOUNDATION MATERIAL PROERTIES ................................................................................................................ 3.7 DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 3.8 OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................... 4 CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 4.1 FOUNDATION PREPARATION AND INSPECTION .................................................................................................. 4.2 EXISTING FILL - TEMPORARY BATTERS ............................................................................................................ 4.3 CRIBWALL CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................. 4.4 DRAINAGE..................................................................................................................................................... 4.5 AS BUILT CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES .......................................................................................................... 4.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................................................... 5 MEASUREMENTS AND PAYMENT ................................................................................................................. 5.1 MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 5.2 PAYMENT ......................................................................................................................................................
A Concrib reinforced concrete segmental crib retaining wall shall consist of MICRO, MIDI, MAXI and MACRO headers, stretchers, spacer blocks, closers, back stretchers and/or left and right hand tapers all combined to create a gravity earth retaining structure.
The work to be executed under this specification is the design, supply of all materials, plant and labour for the construction of a Concrib cribwall and associated works as indicated in the specification and on the drawings and to the entire satisfaction of the superintendent.
The wall installation subcontractor shall be responsible for carrying out the installation of the Concrib retaining walls in accordance with the specification and associated contract documents. The subcontractor shall be suitably qualified and experienced.
Terms used in this specification shall have the meanings assigned to them as follows: Approved shall mean approved in writing by the project engineer. Or equally approved shall mean equivalent in performance, quality and price to that specified and approved by the project engineer. Where limits to the assumed soil parameters of soils are defined elsewhere herein these properties shall be determined in accordance with test method outlined in AS1289 (Refer Section 1.3 of this specification). The term construction area in this Part shall be defined as an area to be excavated or an area to be defined as used by the wall installation subcontractor to erect retaining wall.
The wall installation subcontractor shall comply with all relevant Acts, Regulations and By-Laws in respect of all work specified herein, including safety rail systems, strutting, guard rails and all safety measures to be adopted in accordance with safe work practices.
Submittals shall include: 1. Manufacturers certification, prior to start of construction, that the retaining wall system components meet the requirements of this specification and the structural design shall meet minimum requirements for structural stability of the wall. Design for the retaining wall system prepared and stamped by a Certified Professional Engineer registered in the state of the project. Engineer to have minimum 5 years experience in this design technology. The engineering designs, techniques and materials evaluations shall be in accordance with AS4678. Global stability is the responsibility of the project engineer in conjunction with the project geotechnical engineer. Construction Issue drawings including notes and design assumptions, wall elevations, design cross-section wall heights, header and stretcher layout, standard details, surface and subsurface drainage provisions and construction recommendations. Samples Manufacturers certification and test reports stating that the materials meet those requirements stipulated in Section 2 of this specification. Cribwall components shall meet requirements of testing carried out by Queensland University of Technology Report 92 entitled :The Design & Performance Measures Segmental Concrete Crib Retaining Walls.
Geotechnical certification shall be carried out by a suitably qualified and experienced geotechnical engineer. The following items shall be confirmed/certified prior to start of final design and/or before start of construction: Bearing capacity of foundation meets design requirements as shown on project construction drawings Surface and subsurface drainage. Soil shear strength parameters (effective friction angle, cohesion and bulk density) for the retained and foundation materials.
Quality Assurance
Contractor shall submit certification, prior to start of work, that the proposed cribwall system : has been successfully utilized on a minimum of five (5) similar projects, i.e., height, , loadings, and has been successfully installed on a minimum of two thousand (2,000) square meters of retaining walls.
The walls shall be designed by a suitably qualified engineer having a minimum of five-years documentable experience in the design of earth retaining structures. Soil testing and quality assurance inspections shall be provided during earthwork and wall construction operations. Contractor shall provide any quality control testing or inspection not provided by the Owner. Owners quality assurance program does not relieve the contractor of responsibility for quality control and wall performance.
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Cribwall header units are the precast concrete components which run perpendicular to the face of the wall, i.e into the embankment. Cribwall stretcher and closer units are the precast concrete components running horizontally and parallel to the face of the wall. Cribwall taper units are the precast concrete components that connect to the end of a stretcher course and taper down to the stretcher course below. Cribwall back stretcher units are the precast concrete components which run horizontally at the rear face of the wall. Cribwall spacer block units are the precast concrete blocks used in the rear face of the wall between successive header courses. Cribwall false header units are the precast concrete components used in double and triple cell construction, in place of full length header units. Cribwall infill is the fill material which is used within the cribwall. Retained Fill is the insitu soil behind the cribwall. Foundation material is the soil mass supporting the cribwall retaining wall system.
Stretchers, headers, tapers, spacer blocks, closers, back stretchers and false headers
All the above cribwall components are manufactured from 50MPa concrete with 25mm cover to reinforcement. The units shall be cast in rigid steel forms and the concrete compacted by placing a form on a vibrating table. Intense compaction of the crib components should be achieved.
The footing for a cribwall shall be designed to support the cribwall and distribute the bearing loads from it through to the subgrade. Footings may require to be reinforced, or simply a mass concrete blinding layer or alternatively a cement stabilised sand bedding layer for base course establishment.
Cribwall infill
Cribwall infill material shall be dense, hard, durable and clean materials as specified and approved by the project engineer. The most commonly used materials are from stone-quarries or riverbeds. The materials must have a minimum weight as specified on the design documents, be non-friable, nonwashable and non-porous.
Recommended guidelines are given herein. A. B. Los Angeles Value (B) grading AS 1141.3 < 20%. Aggregate Wet/Dry Strength (AS1141.21) Dry Strength shall not be less than 200kN Wet Strength shall not be less than 100kN. We/Dry strength variation shall not be greater than 50%. Rock size shall be between 10mm to 50mm. The loose fill density of the stone infill shall be generally being in the order of 1.5t/m3.
C. D.
Geotextile Fabric
A geotextile fabric shall be used above the gravel infill material as a separation layer. Geotextile fabric shall be minimum weight of 140g/m2.
Structure Classification
Cribwall structures shall be classified according to Table 1.1 of AS4678. This classification should be assessed with respect to likely consequences of structure failure by considering the following questions; Likely loss or damage to associated structures? Likely loss of function or facility? Possibility of people injury? Likely size and weight of facing elements? Height of wall? Proximity of nearby structure?
Cribwall properties
Cribwall properties shall be summarised according to wall height, foundation depth, cribwall infill type, cribwall face angle and respective header configurations, i.e MICRO 500, MIDI 700, MIDI LITE, MAXI 1000, MAXI LITE, MACRO 1300 and MACRO LITE.
Loads on structure
Loads applied to cribwall structures directly affect the internal and external stability of a cribwall structure. All applied dead and live loads shall be confirmed in the design process for both construction activities and most importantly loads expected to be experienced during the design life of the cribwall
structure. Loads may take the form of uniformly distributed loads, and line loads. Respective horizontal offsets from the rear of the top stretcher shall be nominated. Depending on the location of the cribwall the associated earthquake site factor and earthquake coefficient shall be determined (Refer AS1170.1)
Drainage Requirements
All cribwall dimensions, slope geometry and soil properties for both retained and foundation materials have been determined assuming adequate drainage of water from the backfill materials and foundation. Adequate drainage of the backfill shall be achieved by using materials of the type specified within this specification. Unless the cribwall is designed to resist both hydrostatic and earth pressures, suitable drainage subsoil drainage system shall be incorporated into the structure design. Where required, blanket drains may be laid either immediatey behind the structure or at the interface between natural ground and the retained backfill. Alternatively, geocomposite drainage products may be used in cases where the imposed overburden stresses do not damage or crush the geocomposite materials. Overall surface drainage above and below the cribwall also needs to be addressed to protect the surfaces against erosion and prevent surface runoff from entering the cribwall inducing additional loads not designed for. Catch drains shall be provided where required to divert flows away from the cribwall structures.
Foundation Preparation & Inspection
The foundation preparation shall include the removal of all lose rock and soil. Any irregularities in the level of foundation shall be filled with mass concrete to form a working surface for the wall foundation. The foundations shall be excavated as required for cribwall slab footing or base dimensions shown on the project construction drawings, or as directed by the geotechnical consultant. The foundations shall be examined by the geotechnical consultant to ensure that the actual foundation soil strength meets or exceeds the assumed design strength. Soil not meeting the required strength shall be removed and replaced with acceptable material as directed by the geotechnical consultant. For sloped footings excavation should be started from the lowest part of the wall so that horizontal steps can be dug into rising ground then stepping up in single or multiple course heights i.e. 250mm or multiples of 250mm. Remember that for each rise of 250mm in the footing of a wall with 1:4 batter (wall slope 1 horizontal to 4 vertical) the line of the footing on the front face will move 62.5mm closer towards the retaining embankment because of the batter. For low height walls (<1750mm high) a blinding layer of compacted sand up to 50mm in thickness will ensure that the base stretchers are bearing on an evenly supported surface, when base course stretchers and closers are laid on ground. Typically a concrete footing will be required and should be poured at the 1 in 4 batter at the designed thickness and the base course of stretchers and closers can be laid directly on the concrete prior to concrete setting, or after final concrete set on a fine blinding layer of mortar mix.
Cribwall construction
The construction of the cribwall shall be carried out in accordance Concrib specification and recommendations and in consideration of specifications for site management, site earthworks and any additional specifications which impact on or are impacted by the cribwall construction process. Typical cribwall construction procedures is summarised below: 1. Ensure all applicable drawings and documentation to the specific cribwall project are on hand and is understood by all parties to the contract. 2. Ensure control line for cribwall set out is carried out by a registered surveyor. 3. Using the control line, set out the front line of the wall and or top front/back of wall usually with an offset line to provide clear working space. 4. Excavate the embankment face to the depth required to accommodate the nominate cribwall section cell depth shown on the construction drawings. The excavated batter slope shall be profiled to match the wall batter designed and the height of excavation to be assessed and approved by the project geotechnical engineer. 5. Excavate the footing in accordance with dimensions and grades shown on the drawings to correct batter, level, line, embedment, step configuration and length. a. For a concrete footing, the front edge of the footing shall be formed up, reinforcement placed with correct chair height and where required shear key reinforcement tied in. b. The footing shall be poured with the specified concrete strength, screeded and rough wood float to correct level and batter. 6. Stretchers to be set into concrete with min 10mm, max 25mm embedment, set to line, level and batter. For non concrete footing set the base stretcher into cement stabilised sand. Rear spacer block or back stretcher also set into concrete or blinding layer to suit header size, at correct line level and batter. 7. The first row of headers is then placed @ 1m centres, followed by stretcher row then back stretcher and spacer block row. Repeat this to maximum free standing heights of 1m for MICRO, 1.5m for MIDI, 2.5m for MAXI and 3m for MACRO. 8. Agricultural drainage pipe is then placed at the rear base of the wall with outlets to front of wall at least every 20mm. 9. Where required a geotextile fabric is then pinned against the embankment face. 10. Backfill cribwall with the specified/approved crushed rock backfill in 500mm layers and hand tamper particularly around header components. 11. Stretchers are then butted together with at least every second course checked for level with dumpy and line with stringline stretcher from end to end. Packing to be used to pack stretcher ends where height differential exceeds 3mm. 12. Header units shall be placed so as to maintain the perpends for the full height of the wall in a straight vertical line. 13. Each unit shall bear evenly on the underlaying unit. 14. Care shall be taken during compaction to avoid damaging or distorting the wall. 15. Within the top three courses of header units shall be filled with earth material (clayey if possible) after placing a geotextile fabric over the underlying cribwall infill. This earth material is to be compacted to create a plug. 16. For wall heights over minimum state statutory requirements, a protective handrail is to be secured along the front face of the working area and raised with the wall as height increases. 17. Manual handling of cribwall components is to be limited to individual comfortable lifting capacity. Heavy components e.g. 61kg stretcher shall be a 2 man lift.
Additional construction considerations are summarised below: A. Convex curves. These can be achieved with a cribwall; however allowance must be made for the reducing stretcher course arc length with increasing height due to the 1:4 batter. Either the lower stretcher courses can be commenced with gaps between the stretchers; or as course lengths reduce with increasing height, stretchers can be cut. Concave curves. These can also be built, however because of the 1: 4 batter, stretcher course arc lengths will increase with increasing height. Here the bottom row of stretchers should be laid butting together, and as the wall increases in height the gaps between the stretchers become larger.
Note: the gaps in both convex and concave walls may be as large as appearance and infill retention will allow. C. Corners. Internal and external corners at almost any angle can be accommodated. For internal corners, stretcher lengths increase with increase in wall height. Therefore shorter (CUT) stretchers should commence bottom row. For external corners stretcher lengths decrease with increase in wall height. Here stretchers need to be cut shorter with each subsequent course.
All surface and subsurface drainage shall be designed in accordance with AS4678. Drainage of the wall foundation shall be achieved by installing a continuous 100mm diameters subsoil drain at the rear (heel) of the wall. The subsoil drain shall be slotted and be capable of withstanding a vertical pressure of 120kPa. The subsoil drain shall drain to discharge at maximum 20m spacings. Outlets shall be connected to a drainage system. Outlets under footings shall be to the subsoil drain with the trench 300 x 300mm min filled with gravel and encapsulated with geotextile fabric. Where drainage of the rear of the cribwall is not possible the base of the cribwall shall be filled with concrete to achieve a fall from the embankment face to the front face of the cribwall.
Horizontal and Vertical control can be maintained by surveying the wall during construction. Careful planning and attention should be paid to the compaction equipment and procedures used during construction. Non-uniform compaction procedures can result in vertical and horizontal alignment control problems. Refer AS4678 Table 6.1 construction tolerances.
The scheduled payment unit rate for cribwalls shall include the supply and installation of footings, cribwall components, cribwall infill and geotextile fabric used and subsoil drain. Payment shall be considered full compensation for all labour, materials, and equipment to install all cribwall components and site clean up. Quantities may vary from that shown on project construction drawings depending on existing site topography. Changes to the total quantity of materials will be at the contract unit price bid. A lump sum price for any of these items shall not be accepted (unless otherwise agreed to).
Prepared By: Approved By: Date Opened: Lot No: Location: Rev No: 0 Sheet No: 1 of 1
Project Mgr Project Engineer Project Mgr Site Foreperson Project Engineer Project Mgr Site Foreperson Project Mgr Site Foreperson Project Mgr Site Foreperson Site Foreperson
Once Once Once Once
Acceptance Criteria
Design Report (Internal, external and global stability) Cribwall Drawings, verification of material properties Principal to inspect location of all services in vicinity of cribwall. Checks specifically for sewer, stormwater, phone and electricity
This ITP & Design Certificate GE Report This ITP & Council Report
Inspection Point/Acceptance
Principal Concrib SUBCON
Principal to carry out bulk excavation survey set out in accordance with Excavation Depth, Qty & Survey Check the design. Principal to engage GE to inspect & certify foundation for bearing capacity requirements (for drained & undrained cases). If foundation inadequate, treatment to be specified & carried out by Principal. SUB to check delivery of Concrib components, headers, stretchers, tapers, spacer blocks, closers, back stretchers and false headers Cribwall Infill and & Drainage Materials to meet AS4678 specification requirements. Principal to engage GE to design & specify additional surface and subsurface drainage in accordance with AS4678. This ITP & GE Report Delivery Dockets This ITP, Certificates & Work Instructions
5 6
Materials Delivery Cribwall Infill and & Drainage Materials (Chimney Drains) Footing Excavation & Placement. (Anti-sliding or shear key - if required)
Each Item
Set Out approved. Excavation for footing carried out and This ITP & Project Engineer concrete/reinforcement placed. Project Engineer to inspect footing and Structural Certificate reinforcement placement against design drawings, incudes concrete strength and reinforcement sizes and spacing etc Install first course of stretchers into concrete with min embedment. Set This ITP to line, level and batter. Stretcher joints to be staggered and headers to be placed at 1m centres Install ag pipe, drainage aggregate and geotextile layers where required. Install Cribwall infill in 500mm layers and hand tamper around header components This ITP & GE requirements This ITP
Site Foreperson
Each Item
9 10 11 12
Ag pipe, Drainage Aggregate and Geotextile Cribwall Infill Installation Earth Fill Layer Placement Construction Certification
Project Mgr Site Foreperson Project Mgr Site Foreperson Project Mgr Site Foreperson Project Mgr Site Foreperson
Within top 3 courses of header units place earth material (clayey) after This ITP placing geotextile over cribwall infill then compact to create plug Construction certification to be forwarded to principal verifying materials This ITP & Construction Certificate used & that method of construction conforms to MC.01 and AS4678 design requirements. Check tolerances against AS4678
Legend: GE PE ITP NCR AS4678 MC.01 Geotechncial Engineer Project Engineer Inspection & Test Plan Non Conformance Report Australian Standard - Earth Retaining Structures Concrib Pty Ltd Specification of Concrib Segmental Retaining CribWalls