Gannin Sights

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By George R. Harrison

ThereseemtobeseveraldifferentconclusionsastojustwhatMr.Gannssecrets mighthavebeenandespeciallyhowtorediscoverandduplicatethem.

But,over111yearsafterGannsoriginaldiscovery,nooneseemstohavemuchofaclue whattheycouldhavebeen. Manyfailedtheorieshaveappearedoverthedecades,but,nothingaslastingasMr. Gannsapproachwas. Afterall,GanntradedoverhalfaCenturyusinghismethodsthroughallkindsofmarkets andeconomicconditionsincludingrecessions,depression,warandpeaceperiods.

Allwithsuccess. But,asforthosewhofollowedhim?Howcouldsomanystudentsaccumulatesomany confusingconclusionsoutofthesamebasicprintedmaterials? Well,forthosewhohaveexaminedGannsprintedcourses,itsentirelyunderstandable. Thebasicmaterialisbroadand,atthesametimevague,sotheresnorealfoundationto workfromthatcanberecognizedasthefundamentalingredients. Ifonecantreadtherecipe,onecantbakethesamecake!

Wheneverthereare20differentcookingresultsderivedfromthesamebasicrecipemade by20differentcooks,and,noneofwhichmatchtheoriginalchefsresults,thereeitherhas tobeawholelotmissingfromthatbaserecipeor(morelikely)all20cookshave misidentifiedthebasicingredientsintherecipe! Iffundamentallevelsoftruths(ingredients)werediscovered,thentherewouldbeabasic understandingwhichallwouldshareandnotadiversityofdifferentmethodsandresults. Perhapsthebestwayofjudgingwhethersomeoneisontherighttracktorecreatea mastersworkistoseeifonecanduplicatetheresultsoftheirteacherusingthesame workingmaterialsortechnologicalconditions.


Inordertoduplicateaprocesssuccessfully,itsnecessarytouseexactlythesame ingredientsunderexactlythesameworkingconditions. DidW.D.Gannstechniquesandmethodsrequirecomputersorsoftwareabletomake millionsofcalculationspersecondtosupplyentries,exitsandanglesforhissuccessful trades? No.Then,neithershouldourtechniquesbedependentuponthem.

TherewerenosuchdevicesinGannsdayandnoneedforcomputersinorderforMr. Ganntoaccomplishallthathedid. Therefore,weshouldntneedthemeitherIFwehaveaccesstothesamecoreinformation asWDGanndid.


WDGannconductedhisentirehalfcenturytradingcareerwithoutcomputersand tradingscreens. Mr.Ganncouldpredictatleastsomepricesattopsandbottomsoftheircycles. Mr.Gannsforecastspredictedturningpointsintimefrompricetrends.

Speakingforourselvesonlyregardingthisquest,therehasbeenacontinualprogressin unlockingtheWDGannsecretsasleftbehindinhispapers,booksandcourses. Itsnotcompleteyetandtheworkcontinuesbut,eachlayerofrediscoveryseemstogivea keytounlockingthenextlayerinturn.. Oh,andwhenwesaythatthisnewknowledgehasbeenlearnedfromGannsmaterials,we meanthatMr.Gannsworksettheresearchinmotiontosearchoutthemeaningand PrinciplesbehindGann'sprintedresultsuntiltheycouldbematchedupandrepeated. And,itsprettyevidentthatthisprogressionwasMr.Gannsoriginalintent. NotthatGannwouldincludethemethodsinthecourses,but,thathedprovidethemeans todiscoverwhathehaddiscoveredaboutmarketsafterputtinginthesufficienteffortand timetostudy.

In other words, WD Gann was willing to leave CLUES.

ThatmeansthateachResearcherandStudentwouldhavetofollowthosecluestofindthe coreSourcePrinciplesbehindtheexamplesgiven. ItsimportanttounderstandthattheSOURCEofournewdiscoverieshavecome fromorbeeninspiredbyW.D.Ganncourses,booksandpapers. TheachievementsofWDGannlistedabovearestillouttherewaitingforyourrediscovery andapplicationintodaysmarkets.Youtoocanparticipateinthequestforrealmarket WisdominthesamelightasMr.Gannforthesamefundamentallawsthatgoverned marketsthenstillgovernthemtoday. Theyjustawaityourdedicationandrediscovery. 2013GeorgeR.Harrison,Anacortes,Washington,USA


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Im now offering the fruits of an over 42-Year search for WD Gann's Greatest Secrets. My name is George R. Harrison and I'm the rediscoverer of the 'lost' WD Gann techniques now offered in a 2-Volume Set to a very limited group of investors

and seekers of the inner secrets of WD Gann. Secrets considered all but 'lost' with Mr. Gann's passing in 1955 and some of which techniques he used since he began trading so successfully back in 1902. These are trading techniques which work as well today as in Mr. Gann's day and will continue to work into the future. Gann never revealed his greatest secrets publicly, but, he did leave ample clues in his books, courses and charts to those who could follow his lead and connect-the-dots. These WD Gann Secrets have now been kept for over 111-years! Now that many of them have now been recovered and assembled together, my main wish is that they not be lost again for another 100 years or a 1000. This information can only be passed on to those who understand it's great importance and who are willing to protect it. That very importance & responsibility makes this special offer limited to a special type of seeker of Knowledge & Wisdom. One who seeks High Quality, Lasting-Value Information first and who, then, fully expects the price to match the level of the Quality. For Those Seeking a Deeper, More Profound Level of Understanding the Markets

& the Structure Behind Them, heres my special offer . . . Youll have access to 'Lost' WD Gann trading techniques and, not one, but more than a dozen of them all included within a unique 2-Volume Set called 'The Re-discovered Lost Secrets of WD Gann". This is information that's available nowhere else on Earth and which is protected by a strong Non-Disclosure Agreement and which is very limited in distribution. The complete WD Gann ReDiscovery Course is normally offered at $9,995. As a member of the WD Gann Lost Secret Group however, this 2-Volume Set can now be yours for ONLY $7,500 from these member-only e-mail offerings. Support for the techniques will be provided to all purchasers for the next 1-year period as well as first access to new techniques and understandings as they occur. E-mail me HERE to secure your copies of this very limited, personally-registered edition. Funds will be accepted by bank wire. The wire information will be provided with your request for registration for this publication.

This electronic mail message and any attachments are only intended for subscribers of the WD Gann Secrets Group and for those who have opted in for these e-mail letters.

If you are not the addressee or have not opted into this e-mail group or If you have received this message by mistake, please contact the sender immediately and you will be removed from the list. All email sent to or from the email system may be retained, monitored and/or reviewed by the money tiger's group personnel. George R. Harrison is located at 1909 Tweed Place, Anacortes, WA 98221, USA. Stocks, Futures, Forex, options and swaps trading involves risk and may not be appropriate for all investors. The contents hereof are not an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any particular financial instrument listed on any exchange.

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