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(Horologion, Chasoslov, Book Of Hours) Texts borrowed from http://www.anastasis.org.uk/liturgic.htm Horologion Introduction 1. Vespers for unda!s and "easts# First Kathisma. Appendix 1. $inth Hour# Vespers on Ordinar! %a!s# General Note on the ele!ration o" #espers. The $inth Hour# Glossar$. Introduction: %atins For &unda$s and Feasts. &atins, for unda!s and "easts# 'he (o$al )""ice. 'he &ix *salms. "irst Hour# Appendices. 1. the (esurrection +xapostilaria. ,. the +le-en +othina. .. the *ol$eleos. /. Glossar$. 'eekda! &atins# 'he 0arge 1ook o" Hours. )pening *ra$er o" the 2hole 3a$ and Night )""ice. %ail! &idnight Offi(e# &aturda$ %idnight )""ice. &unda$ %idnight )""ice. 0esser Hours.

'hird Hour. ixth Hour# $inth Hour# mall Compline# &atins "or 'eekda!s in )ent# 'he (o$al )""ice. 'he &ix *salms. 0itan$ o" *eace. (ecitation o" the Nine )des. 'he %agni"icat. H$mns o" 0ight. 0itan$ o" Fer-ent Intercession. "irst Hour# Third Hour# ixth Hour# $inth Hour and T!pika# For 2eekda$s 2ith No *resancti"ied. Kathisma +ighteen The Hol! and %ivine )iturg! of the *resan(tified +ifts# Introductor$ Note. Ninth Hour and '$pika. Vespers# Kathisma +ighteen. +reat Compline# ,

)ittle Canon of uppli(ation to the &ost Hol! &other of +od# ele(ted Troparia and ,ondakia# %onth o" &eptem!er. %onth o" )cto!er. 'he %onth o" No-em!er. %onth o" 3ecem!er. %onth o" 4anuar$. 'he %onth o" Fe!ruar$. Alleluia: Introductor$ Note. %onth o" 4une. %onth o" 4ul$. 'he %onth o" August The T!pi(a (on unda! and feast da!s)# *salm 15, *salm 1/6 'he !eatitudes 'he s$m!ol o" "aith. ommemoration o" the li-ing and departed 'he 0ord7s *ra$er *salm .. 'he &ermon Troparia and ,ondakia# First tone &econd tone .

'hird tone Fourth 'one Fi"th tone &ixth tone &e-enth tone +ighth tone

Introduction 1. +ach month we hope to pu!lish the 'roparia "or the &aints o" the month as the$ are "ound in the Greek editions o" the Mega Horologion8 or Large Book of Hours. 'he texts "or each da$ are traditionall$ accompanied !$ !rie" notes on the &aints or e-ents commemorated8 and the$ pro-ide a sort o" miniature Synaxarion8 though their historical relia!ilit$ is o"ten uncertain8 to sa$ the least. 'here is much -ariation among the di""erent editions o" the Book of Hours in the texts o" the Apol$tikia. 'his is due in part to the increasing tendenc$ to pro-ide each &aint with an indi-idual Apol$tikion8 where the older !ooks gi-e the general Apol$tikion "or the particular class o" &aint. 'his tendenc$ culminated in the work o" the late Fr Gerasimos o" the &kete o" 0ittle &aint Anne on %ount Athos8 who pro-ided special texts "or e-er$ &aint included in the !ook. 'hese are gi-en as alternati-es in the current edition pu!lished !$ the Apostoliki Diakonia in Athens. 'he present translation is conser-ati-e and limits the special Apol$tikia to a minimum. 9nlike the Apol$tikia8 there are no common Kontakia and the texts gi-en in the -arious editions o" the Menaia and the Book of Hours o"ten -ar$ widel$. 'he &aints who ha-e h$mns in the Book of Hours represent !ut a tin$ "raction o" those commemorated !$ name onl$ in the dail$ Synaxarion that is read at %atins /

a"ter the Kontakion. I hope to !egin work on these soon8 !ut it will take some time to complete. 'he present translations are !ased on three editions: 1: that pu!lished !$ the Apostoliki Diakonia in 1;</8 ,: that pu!lished !$ Astir in 1;</8 which is a reprint o" the #enetian edition o" 1=6>8 with an Appendix containing the additions !$ Fr Gerasimos: .: that pu!lished !$ Phos in 1;<68 which claims to !e ?according to the edition o" the +cumenical *atriarchate?. It is most ?archaic? o" the three. 2here possi!le the translations are taken "rom the edition o" the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom o" the Archdiocese o" 'h$ateira and Great 1ritain @)9* 1;;6A and "rom An Ortho ox Prayer Book8 pu!lished !$ )9* in %a$ 1;;; BI&1N 5C1;C1,,//<C,:. Introduction 2 . 'his translation o" the )""ice o" #espers "or &unda$s and Feasts is intended as a practical edition "or use in church8 or !$ groups and indi-iduals who wish to pra$ using the traditional pra$ers o" the hurch. 'he ru!rics are there"ore reasona!l$ "ull8 though it is not practical to co-er e-er$ possi!le situation that ma$ arise. 'he underl$ing '$pikon is that o" the Hol$ %ountain o" Athos and in most parishes some curtailment ma$ !e called "or8 such as the omission o" the reading o" the First Kathisma o" the *salter. )n the other hand8 the common practice o" omitting most o" the -erses o" the 0ampClighting *salms is most regretta!le and should !e a-oided i" possi!le. 'here are a num!er o" di""erences in (ussian use8 !ut these are mostl$ minor. For example8 !e"ore the *rokeimenon the *riest greets the *eople8 as at the 0iturg$8 and the *rokeimenon itsel" is a dialogue !etween the 3eacon and hoir8 and not !etween the anonarch or (eader and the &ingers8 as in Athonite use. O Joyful Light and Now, Master are usuall$ sung !$ the hoir rather than !eing recited !$ 6

the &uperior. )ther di""erences ha-e more to do with the "act that most (ussian churches cele!rate a highl$ a!!re-iated DAllCnight #igil? on &aturda$ e-enings8 rather than #espers onl$. 'echnical Eargon has !een kept to a minimum8 !ut a "ew words are explained in a short Glossar$ at the end. In the text these are underlined. 'here is as $et no generall$ agreed practice as to which technical terms should !e anglicised and which le"t in their Greek or &la- dress. As in hurch &la-onic8 no dou!t some words will !e retained in their Greek "orm8 e.g. Kathisma8 while others will in the end !e anglicised8 e.g. prostration "or a "ull metania. 'he *salms ha-e !een translated "rom the &eptuagint !ecause this has !een the hurch?s *salter "or nearl$ two thousand $ears and the pra$ers and h$mns o" the hurch are "reFuentl$ little more than a mosaic o" words and phrases "rom it. 'he use o" an$ other *salter o!scures or destro$s man$ o" these intentional echoes and cross re"erences. &ince this is a practical edition scriptural and other re"erences ha-e not !een gi-en in "ootnotes. In the "uture it ma$ !e possi!le to pro-ide an edition with these8 together with a !rie" commentar$. For completeness8 we ha-e included the text o" the Ninth Hour8 which should immediatel$ precede #espers. In an Appendix we note the di""erences "or the cele!ration o" 3ail$ #espers8 since these are not numerous. Another Appendix gi-es the ending o" #espers on &unda$s in 0ent. 2e hope in due course to produce a !ooklet with the details o" 3ail$ #espers in 0ent. As it is eas$ with modern eFuipment to produce this separatel$8 we !elie-e it is pre"era!le to do so8 rather than ha-e a !ook where e-er$ other paragraph !egins D1ut i" it isG?. 'he text o" the 0itanies and other h$mns and pra$ers which occur in the 3i-ine 0iturg$ are taken "rom the !ilingual edition o" the 0iturg$ pu!lished with the !lessing o" the Arch!ishop o" 'h$ateira and Great 1ritain. >

Vespers for Sundays and Feasts.

A"ter the 3ismissal o" the Ninth Hour the *riest and 3eacon8 ha-ing made a metania to the 1ishop?s stall8 -enerated the icons and !owed to the two hoirs8 enter the &anctuar$ !$ the side doors. 'he$ make three !ows to the Hol$ 'a!le and the *riest kisses the Hol$ 'a!le and the Gospel. 'hen8 -ested in the +pitrachelion8 he opens the curtain o" the Hol$ 3oors and8 standing unco-ered in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 gi-es the !lessing as "ollows: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 'hen the &uperior8 or the appointed person8 reads the )pening *salm8 one o" the DGerontika?8 as "ollows: Amen. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King and our God. *salm -./ 1less the 0ord8 m$ soulH ) 0ord m$ God8 $ou ha-e !een greatl$ magni"ied. Iou ha-e clothed $oursel" with thanksgi-ing and maEest$8 wrapping $oursel" in light as in a cloak8 stretching out the hea-ens like a curtain8 roo"ing his upper cham!ers with waters8 placing clouds as his mount8 walking on the wings o" the wind8 making spirits his Angels and a "lame o" "ire his %inisters8 esta!lishing the earth on its sure !aseJ it will not !e mo-ed to age on age. 'he deep8 like a cloak8 is its mantleJ waters will stand upon the mountains. At $our re!uke the$ will "leeJ the$ will Fuail at the -oice o" $our thunder. 'he mountains will rise and the plains descend to the place which $ou esta!lished "or them. Iou "ixed a limit that the$ <

will not pass8 nor will the$ return to co-er the earth. Iou send out springs into the -alle$sJ waters will run !etween the mountains. 'he$ will gi-e drink to all the !easts o" the "ieldJ the wild asses will await them to Fuench their thirst. 1eside them the !irds o" the air will make their dwelling: and sing among the rocks. He waters the mountains "rom his upper cham!ersJ the earth will !e "illed "rom the "ruit o" $our works. He makes grass spring up "or the cattle8 and green her! "or the ser-ice o" mankindJ to !ring "ood out o" the earth8 and wine makes glad the human heartJ to make the "ace cheer"ul with oil8 and !read strengthens the human heart. 'he trees o" the plain will !e satis"ied8 the cedars o" 0e!anon that $ou planted. 'here the sparrows will !uild their nestsJ the heron?s dwelling is at their head. 'he high mountains are "or the deerJ rocks a re"uge "or hares. He made the moon to mark the seasonsJ the sun knew the hour o" its setting. Iou appointed darkness8 and it was night8 in which all the !easts o" the "orest will prowlJ $oung lions roaring to plunder and to seek their "ood "rom God. 'he sun rose and the$ were gathered together and the$ will lie down in their dens. %an will go out to his la!ourJ and to his la!ouring until e-ening. How $our works ha-e !een magni"ied8 ) 0ord. 2ith wisdom $ou ha-e made them all8 and the earth was "illed with $our creation. &ee8 this great8 wide seaJ there there are creeping things without num!er8 li-ing creatures small and great. 'here ships go to and "roJ this dragon which $ou "ashioned to sport in it. All things look to $ou to gi-e them their "ood in due season. 2hen $ou gi-e it them8 the$ will gather it. I" the Anixantaria are to !e sung8 the (eader onl$ reads as "ar as this. 'hen !ou open !our hand all things will !e "illed with goodness. 1ut when $ou turn awa$ $our "ace the$ will !e trou!led. Iou will take awa$ their spirit8 and the$ will perish and return to their dust. Iou will send "orth $our spirit8 and the$ will !e created8 and $ou will renew the "ace o" the earth. %a$ the glor$ o" the 0ord endure to the ages. 'he 0ord will reEoice at his works. He looks upon the earth and makes it trem!le. He touches the mountains8 and the$ smoke. I will sing to the 0ord while I li-eJ I will praise m$ God while I exist. %a$ m$ words !e pleasing to him. 2hile =

as "or me8 I shall reEoice in the 0ord. ) that sinners might perish "rom the earth8 and the wicked8 so that the$ are no more. 1less the 0ord8 m$ soulH And again 'he sun knew the hour o" its setting: $ou made darkness8 and it was night. How $our works ha-e !een magni"ied8 ) 0ord. 2ith wisdom $ou ha-e made them allH Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 2hile the )pening *salm is !eing read the *riest8 !areheaded and standing in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 sa$s Fuietl$ the "ollowing *ra$ers at the 0ighting o" the 0amps8 ha-ing "irst !lessed the 3eacon?s &ticharion and )rarion as usual. 1st *ra$er O 0ord8 compassionate and merci"ul8 longCsu""ering and "ull o" merc$8 listen to our pra$er and attend to the -oice o" our supplication. %ake "or us a sign "or good. Guide us in $our wa$8 to walk in $our truth. %ake glad our hearts to "ear $our hol$ Name8 !ecause $ou are great and do wondrous things. Iou alone are God8 and there is none like $ou8 ) 0ord8 among gods: power"ul in merc$ and lo-ing in strength to help and to console and to sa-e all who hope in $our hol$ Name. For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ,nd *ra$er 0ord8 do not re!uke us in $our anger8 nor chastise us in $our wrath8 !ut deal with us in accordance with $our kindness8 ph$sician and healer o" our souls. Guide us to the har!our o" $our will. +nlighten the e$es o" our hearts to the knowledge o" $our truth and grant that the rest o" the present da$ and the whole time o" our li"e ma$ !e peace"ul and without sin8 at the pra$ers o" the hol$ %other o" God and o" all the &aints. ;

For $ours is the might and $ours is the kingdom and the power and the glor$ o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. .rd *ra$er 0ord our God8 remem!er us8 sinners and $our unpro"ita!le ser-ants8 as we call upon $our hol$ Name8 and do not put us to shame "rom the expectation o" $our merc$8 !ut graciousl$ grant us8 0ord8 all the reFuests that are "or sal-ation8 and count us worth$ to lo-e and to "ear $ou "rom our whole heart8 and in all things to do $our will. For $ou8 ) God8 are good and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. /th *ra$er ) 0ord8 who are praised !$ the hol$ *owers with ne-er silent h$mns and unceasing songs o" glor$8 "ill our mouth with $our praise to gi-e maEest$ to $our hol$ Name8 and gi-e us a part and an inheritance with all who "ear $ou in truth and who keep $our commandments8 at the pra$ers o" the hol$ %other o" God and o" all $our &aints. For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 6th *ra$er 0ord8 0ord8 who uphold the uni-erse !$ $our immaculate hand8 who are longC su""ering towards us all and who repent o" e-ils8 remem!er $our acts o" compassion and $our merc$. #isit us in $our lo-ing kindness and grant that "or the rest o" the present da$ we ma$ escape the mani"old wiles o" the e-il one8 and8 !$ the grace o" $our AllChol$ &pirit8 keep our li"e "ree "rom assault. 15

1$ the merc$ and lo-e "or mankind o" $our )nl$C!egotten &on8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. >th *ra$er ) God8 great and wonder"ul8 who order the uni-erse with inexpressi!le lo-ingC kindness and rich pro-idenceJ who ha-e granted us also the !lessings o" this world and !rought us near to the promised Kingdom through the !lessings that ha-e !een !estowed on us alread$J who ha-e made us turn aside "rom e-er$ e-il during that part o" the present da$ which is now o-er8 grant us also to complete what remains without !lame in the presence o" $our hol$ glor$8 as we sing $our praise8 who alone are our God8 good and the 0o-er o" mankind. For $ou are our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. <th *ra$er Great and most high God8 who alone possess immortalit$8 who dwell in unapproacha!le light8 who "ashioned all creation with wisdom8 who made the separation !etween the light and the darkness and who placed the sun to ha-e authorit$ o-er the da$ and the moon and the stars to ha-e authorit$ o-er the night8 who ha-e counted us sinners worth$ e-en at this present hour to come into $our presence with con"ession and thanksgi-ing and to o""er $ou our e-ening h$mn o" glor$J do $ou8 ) 0ord who lo-e mankind8 direct our pra$er like incense !e"ore $ou and accept it as a sa-our o" sweet "ragrance. Grant us that the present e-ening and the coming night ma$ !e peace"ul8 clothe us with weapons o" light8 deli-er us "rom e-er$ nightCtime "ear and "rom e-er$ deed that walks in darkness. And gi-e us sleep8 which $ou ha-e !estowed on us "or our rest in our weakness8 "reed "rom e-er$ "antas$ o" the de-il. Ies8 %aster o" all things8 gi-er o" !lessings8 ma$ we also !e "illed with compunction on our !eds and call to mind $our Name in the night8 and enlightened !$ meditation on $our commandments ma$ we rise with 11

gladness o" soul to gi-e glor$ to $our lo-ingCkindness8 as we !ring to $our compassion supplications and entreaties on !ehal" o" our own sins and those o" all $our people. At the pra$ers o" the hol$ %other o" God -isit them with merc$. For $ou8 ) God8 are good and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 2hen the )pening *salm is completed the *riest8 in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 or the 3eacon in his usual place outside the Hol$ 3oors8 sa$s the: 0itan$ o" *eace 3eacon: In peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each petition. 3eacon: For the peace "rom on high and "or the sal-ation o" our souls8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For the peace o" the whole world8 "or the wel"are o" the hol$ hurches o" God8 and "or the union o" all8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ house8 and "or those who enter it with "aith8 re-erence and the "ear o" God8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our Arch!ishop N.8 "or the honoured order o" pres!$ters8 "or the diaconate in hrist8 "or all the clerg$ and the people8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. BFor our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the (o$al Famil$8 her Go-ernment8 and all in authorit$8 let us pra$ to the 0ord.: For this cit$8 "or e-er$ cit$8 town and -illage8 and "or the "aith"ul who dwell in them8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For "a-oura!le weather8 an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth8 and temperate seasons8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. 1,

For those who tra-el !$ land8 air or water8 "or the sick8 the su""ering8 "or those in capti-it$8 and "or their sa"et$ and sal-ation8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our deli-erance "rom all a""liction8 wrath8 danger and constraint8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. A"ter the 0itan$8 except on the Feasts o" the 0ord8 the appointed Kathisma o" the *salter is read !$ one (eader. First Kathisma. *salm 1 )" 3a-id. 9ntitled in the He!rew. 1lessed is the man who has not walked in the council o" the ungodl$8 nor stood in the wa$ o" sinners8 nor sat on the seat o" the pestilent. 1ut his will is in the law o" the 0ord8 and on his law he will meditate da$ and night. He will !e like a tree that has !een planted !eside streams o" water8 which will gi-e its "ruit in its season8 and its lea-es will not "allJ and whate-er he does will prosper. Not so the ungodl$8 not so: !ut like the cha"" that the wind !lows awa$ "rom the "ace o" the earth. 'here"ore the ungodl$ will not rise in Eudgement8 nor sinners in the council o" the Eust. 1ecause the 0ord knows the wa$ o" the Eust8 !ut the wa$ o" the ungodl$ will perish. *salm , A *salm o" 3a-id. 1.

'h$ were the nations insolent and wh$ did the peoples meditate -ain thingsM 'he kings o" the earth stood up and the rulers were assem!led together against the 0ord and against his hrist. D0et us !reak through their !onds and cast awa$ their $oke "rom us.? He that dwells in hea-en will laugh them to scorn and the 0ord will mock them. 'hen he will speak to them in his anger and panic them in his "ur$. 1ut I was esta!lished as king !$ him8 on &ion his hol$ mountain announcing the 0ord?s decree: 'he 0ord said to me8 DIou are m$ &on. 'oda$ I ha-e !egotten $ou. Ask me8 and I shall gi-e $ou nations as $our inheritance8 and the ends o" the earth as $our possession. Iou will shepherd them with an iron rodJ like a potter?s -essels $ou will smash them.? And now8 kings8 understandJ !e corrected8 all who Eudge the earth. &er-e the 0ord in "ear and reEoice in him with trem!ling. Accept correction8 lest the 0ord !e angr$8 and $ou perish "rom the right wa$ whene-er his "ur$ is suddenl$ kindled. 1lessed are all who ha-e put their trust in him. *salm . A *salm o" 3a-id8 when he "led "rom his son A!salom in the wilderness. )ord8 wh$ ha-e those who a""lict me !een multipliedM %an$ rise up against me. %an$ sa$ to m$ soul8 D'here is no sal-ation "or him in his God.? 1ut $ou8 0ord8 are m$ protector8 m$ glor$8 and the one who li"ts up m$ head. I cried to the 0ord with m$ -oice and he heard me "rom his hol$ mountain. I la$ down and sleptJ I ha-e !een roused8 !ecause the 0ord will protect me. I shall not !e a"raid o" tens o" thousands o" people who attack me "rom e-er$ side. Arise8 0ordJ sa-e me8 m$ God8 !ecause $ou ha-e struck all who are -ainl$ m$ "oes8 $ou ha-e smashed the teeth o" sinners. &al-ation is the 0ord?s8 and $our !lessing is upon $our people. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'he "ollowing should !e read !$ another reader: 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 1/

0ord8 ha-e merc$8 0ord8 ha-e merc$8 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'he "irst reader here resumes the reading o" the *salms. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *salm / 'o the end. In h$mns. A *salm o" 3a-id. 'hen I called $ou heard me8 God o" m$ Eustice8 when I was in trou!le $ou set me at largeJ ha-e pit$ on me and hear m$ pra$er. hildren o" men8 how long will $ou !e hea-$CheartedM 2h$ do $ou lo-e -anit$ and seek "alsehoodM Know too that the 0ord has made his Hol$ )ne wonder"ul. 'he 0ord will hear me when I cr$ to him. 1e angr$8 and do not sinJ "or what $ou sa$ in $our hearts8 "eel compunction on $our !eds. &acri"ice a sacri"ice o" righteousness and hope in the 0ord. %an$ sa$: 2ho will show us good thingsM 'he light o" $our countenance has !een signed upon us8 ) 0ord. Iou ha-e gi-en Eo$ to m$ heartJ "rom the "ruit o" their wheat8 wine and oil the$ ha-e !een "illed. I shall lie down in peace and sleep at onceJ !ecause $ou alone8 0ord8 ha-e made me dwell in hope. *salm 6 'o the end: "or her that inherits: a *salm o" 3a-id. +i-e ear to m$ words8 ) 0ord8 understand m$ cr$. Attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication8 m$ King and m$ GodJ "or to $ou I shall pra$8 ) 0ord. In the morning $ou will hear m$ -oice8 in the morning I shall stand !e"ore $ou and $ou will watch o-er me8 !ecause $ou are not a God who wills iniFuit$. )ne who does e-il will not dwell with $ou8 nor will the lawless remain !e"ore $our e$es. Iou ha-e hated all who work iniFuit$J $ou will destro$ all who speak "alsehood. 'he 0ord a!hors a man o" !loodshed and deceit. 1ut I in the multitude o" $our merc$ will enter $our house8 I will !ow down towards $our hol$ temple in "ear o" $ou. 0ord8 guide me in $our Eustice !ecause o" m$ "oes8 make m$ wa$ straight !e"ore $ou. 1ecause truth 16

is not in their mouthJ their heart is -ain. 'heir throat is a opened tom!8 the$ ha-e decei-ed with their tongues: Eudge them8 ) God. 0et them "all through their counsels8 cast them out in accordance with the multitude o" their impious deeds8 !ecause the$ ha-e pro-oked $ou8 ) 0ord. And let all who hope on $ou !e glad in $ouJ the$ will reEoice "ore-er8 and $ou will dwell in them8 and all those who lo-e $our name will !oast in $ou8 !ecause $ou will !less the Eust. ) 0ord8 as with a shield o" good pleasure $ou ha-e crowned us. *salm > 'o the end. In h$mns8 "or the eighth. A *salm o" 3a-id. O 0ord8 do not re!uke me in $our anger8 nor chastise me in $our wrath. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I am weakJ heal me "or m$ !ones ha-e !een trou!led and m$ soul exceedingl$ trou!ledJ !ut $ou8 0ord8 how longM 'urn !ack8 ) 0ord8 deli-er m$ soulJ sa-e me "or $our merc$?s sake. For in death no one remem!ers $ou8 and in Hell who will con"ess $ouM I ha-e toiled in m$ groaning8 e-er$ night I shall wash m$ !ed and drench m$ couch with m$ tears. %$ e$e has !een trou!led through anger8 I ha-e grown old among all m$ "oes. 3epart "rom me all $ou e-il doers8 "or the 0ord has heard the -oice o" m$ weeping. 'he 0ord has heard m$ supplication8 the 0ord has accepted m$ pra$er. 0et all m$ enemies !e ashamed and greatl$ trou!led8 let them !e turned !ack and speedil$ !e utterl$ ashamed. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'he "ollowing should !e read !$ another reader: 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$8 0ord8 ha-e merc$8 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'he "irst reader here resumes the reading o" the *salms. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1>

*salm < A *salm o" 3a-id8 which he sang to the 0ord a!out the words o" husi the son o" 4emeni. O 0ord m$ God I ha-e hoped in $ouJ sa-e me "rom all those who persecute me and deli-er me. 0est he e-er seiLe me soul like a lion8 when there is none to deli-er me or sa-e me. ) 0ord m$ God8 i" I ha-e done this8 i" there is inEustice in m$ handsJ i" I ha-e repaid with e-ils those who repaid me8 let me "all empt$ !e"ore m$ "oes. 0et the "oe pursue m$ soul and seiLe it8 trample down m$ li"e and make m$ glor$ dwell down there in the dust. Arise8 0ord8 in $our anger8 !e exalted in the "urthest !oundaries o" $our "oes. (ise up8 ) 0ord m$ God8 !$ the decree which $ou commanded8 and an assem!l$ o" peoples will surround $ou8 and "or this return on high. 'he 0ord will Eudge peoples. 4udge me8 0ord8 according to m$ Eustice and according to the innocence that is in me. 0et the e-il o" sinners !e !rought to an end and $ou will keep the Eust straight8 ) God the searcher o" hearts and reins. 4ust m$ help "rom God8 who sa-es the upright o" heart. God is a Eudge8 Eust and strong and patient8 not producing anger e-er$ da$. I" $ou do not return he will !urnish his sword8 he has drawn and prepared his !ow. And on it he has prepared the instruments o" death8 he has made read$ his arrows "or those who are !urning. 1ehold he has !een in la!our with inEustice8 he has concei-ed toil and gi-en !irth to iniFuit$. He has dug a pit and scooped it out8 and he will "all into the hole which he has made. His toil will return upon his own head and his inEustice will come down upon his crown. I will gi-e thanks to the 0ord in accordance with his Eustice and I will sing to the name o" the 0ord %ost High. *salm = 'o the endJ "or the wine -atsJ a *salm o" 3a-id. O 0ord8 our 0ord8 how wonder"ul is $our name in all the earthH For $our maEest$ is raised up a!o-e the hea-ens. From the mouth o" !a!es and sucklings $ou ha-e per"ected praise8 !ecause o" $our enemies8 to destro$ the enem$ and the a-enger. 1<

For I will look at the hea-ens the works o" $our "ingers8 the moon and the stars which $ou "ixed. 2hat is man that $ou remem!er himM )r a son o" man that $ou -isit himM Iou ha-e made him a little less than the AngelsJ $ou ha-e crowned him with glor$ and honour8 and set him o-er the works o" $our hands. Iou ha-e su!Eected all things under his "eet8 sheep and all cattle and e-en all the !easts o" the "ield the !irds o" the air and the "ish o" the sea8 all that pass through the paths o" the sea. ) 0ord8 our 0ord8 how wonder"ul is $our name in all the earthH Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A In some places the (eader adds: 0ord8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. &hort 0itan$ 3eacon: Again and again in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 3eacon: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 3eacon: ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For $ours is the might8 and $ours the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople0 Amen. 'hen we !egin 0ord8 I ha-e cried in the appropriate tone8 while the 3eacon censes the &anctuar$ and the whole hurch. I" the *riest has to cense he does so -ested in the *helonion and +pitrachelion. He !lesses the incense with the words8 1=

1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. He censes the hol$ 'a!le "rom the "our sides and the whole sanctuar$. 'hen coming out !$ the north door he censes the hol$ icons @x.A8 the people and the whole church in the customar$ manner and returns to the sanctuar$ !$ the south door. *salm 1/5 BA: )ord, 1 have (ried to $ou8 hear meJ hear me8 ) 0ord. 0ord8 I ha-e cried to $ou8 hear me. Gi-e heed to the -oice o" m$ supplication when I cr$ to $ou. Hear me8 ) 0ord. B1: )et m! pra!er be dire(ted like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. Hear me8 ) 0ord. BA: &et a guard8 ) 0ord8 on m$ mouth8 and a strong door a!out m$ lips. B1: 3o not incline m$ heart to e-il wordsJ to make excuses "or m$ sins. BA: 2ith those who work iniFuit$8 let me not unite with their elect. B1: 'he Eust will chastise me with merc$ and repro-e meJ !ut let not the oil o" sinners anoint m$ head. BA: For $et m$ pra$er shall !e in their pleasuresJ their Eudges ha-e !een swallowed up near the rock. B1: 'he$ will hear m$ words "or the$ are sweet. As a clod o" earth is crushed upon the ground8 their !ones ha-e !een scattered at the mouth o" Hell. BA: For m$ e$es look to $ou8 ) 0ord8 m$ 0ord. I ha-e hoped in $ou8 do not take awa$ m$ soul. B1: Keep me "rom the snare that the$ ha-e hidden "or me8 and "rom the traps o" e-ilCdoers. BA: 'he sinners will "all into their own net. I am alone until I pass !$. *salm 1/1 1;

B1: 'ith m! voi(e I cried to the 0ord. 2ith m$ -oice I entreated the 0ord. BA: I will pour out m$ entreat$ !e"ore him8 and tell him all m$ trou!le. B1: 2hen m$ spirit was "aint8 $ou knew m$ path. BA: In the wa$ where I walked the$ had hidden a snare "or me. B1: I looked to m$ right hand and saw8 !ut there was none who knew me. BA: +scape is gone "rom me8 and there is none who seeks "or m$ soul. B1: I cried to $ou8 0ord8 I said8 DIou are m$ hopeJ m$ portion in the land o" the li-ing.? BA: Gi-e heed to m$ supplication8 "or I am !rought -er$ low. B1: 3eli-er me "rom those who persecute me8 "or the$ are too strong "or me. For 15 #erses8 or &tichera B)n &aturda$ e-ening:. 15. 1ring m$ soul out o" prison8 that I ma$ con"ess $our name. ;. 'he Eust will await me8 until $ou reward me. For = #erses BAlwa$s at a "ull #igil:. *salm 1,; =. Out of the depths I ha-e cried to $ou8 ) 0ord. 0ord hear m$ -oice. <. 0et $our ears !e attenti-e8 to the -oice o" m$ supplication. For > #erses. >. I" $ou8 0ord8 should mark iniFuities8 0ord8 who will standM 1ut there is "orgi-eness with $ou. 6. For $our name?s sake I ha-e waited "or $ou8 ) 0ord. %$ soul has waited on $our word. %$ soul has hoped in the 0ord. For / #erses. ,5

/. From the morning watch until night8 "rom the morning watch8 let Israel hope in the 0ord. .. For with the 0ord there is merc$8 and with him plenti"ul redemption8 and he will redeem Israel "rom all his iniFuities. *salm 11> ,. *raise the )ord8 all $ou nations. *raise him all $ou peoples. 1. For his merc$ has !een might$ towards us8 and the truth o" the 0ord endures to the ages. Glor$G 1oth nowG 3uring the 3oxastikon or 'heotokion8 which on &aturda$ e-ening is alwa$s the "irst o" the 'one8 the *riest8 -ested in the *helonion8 and the 3eacon make the +ntrance with the censer. 'he *riest !lesses the incense as a!o-e. 'he$ come out through the north door8 the 3eacon leading8 and stop opposite the Hol$ 3oors. 'he 3eacon sa$s8 0et us pra$ to the 0ord. 'he *riest !ows his head and sa$s8 in a low -oice8 the *ra$er o" the +ntrance At e-ening8 at morning and at midda$ we praise8 !less and gi-e thanks8 and we pra$ to $ou8 %aster o" all things8 0ord who lo-e mankind: 3irect our pra$er !e"ore $ou like incense8 and do not incline our hearts to words or thoughts o" e-il8 !ut deli-er us "rom all that hunt down our souls. For our e$es look to $ou8 ) 0ord8 our 0ord8 and we ha-e hoped in $ou. For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen the 3eacon sa$s8 ,1

%aster8 !less the hol$ entrance. And the *riest !lesses the +ntrance with the words: 1lessed is the entrance o" $our hol$ ones8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 3eacon: Amen. 'he 3eacon censes the hol$ icons and the *eople and waits "or the end o" the troparion. 2hen it is "inished8 he raises the censer8 making the sign o" the ross8 and exclaims: 2isdom. &tand upright. And the$ enter the sanctuar$ through the Hol$ 3oors8 the one with the censer censing the hol$ 'a!le. And we sing 'hanksgi-ing at the 0ighting o" the 0amps An ancient poem8 or8 as some sa$8 !$ the mart$r Athenogenes. ) Eo$"ul 0ight o" the hol$ glor$ o" the immortal8 hea-enl$8 hol$8 !lessed Father8 ) 4esus hrist. Now that we ha-e come to the setting o" the sun and see the e-ening light8 we sing the praise o" God8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit. It is right at all times to h$mn $ou with hol$ -oices8 &on o" God8 gi-er o" li"e. 'here"ore the world glori"ies $ou. In Athonite use this h$mn is alwa$s read as one o" the Gerontika8 except when a num!er o" *riests take part in the +ntrance. 3eacon @"acing the *eopleA: *rokeimenon o" the e-ening. )n &aturda$ e-ening. 'one >. 'he 0ord is King: he has clothed himsel" with glor$. #erse 1: 'he 0ord has clothed and girded himsel" with power 'he 0ord is King: he has clothed himsel" with glor$. ,,

#erse ,: He has esta!lished the world8 which will not !e shaken. 'he 0ord is King: N he has clothed himsel" with glor$. )n &unda$ +-ening. 'one =. ome8 !less the 0ord: all $ou ser-ants o" the 0ord. @x,A #erse: Iou that stand in the house o" the 0ord8 in the courts o" the house o" our God. ome8 !less the 0ord: N all $ou ser-ants o" the 0ord. )n %onda$ e-ening. 'one /. 2hen I call to the 0ord: N he will hear me. #erse: Answer me when I call8 ) God o" m$ Eustice. )n 'uesda$ e-ening. 'one 1. Iour merc$8 0ord8 will "ollow me: N all the da$s o" m$ li"e. #erse: 'he 0ord is m$ shepherd8 there"ore can I lack nothing. )n 2ednesda$ e-ening. 'one 6. &a-e me8 ) God8 !$ the power o" $our name: N and -indicate me !$ $our might. #erse: Hear m$ pra$er8 ) God8 and listen to the words o" m$ mouth. )n 'hursda$ e-ening 'one >. %$ help comes "rom the 0ord: N who made !oth hea-en and earth. #erse: I ha-e li"ted up m$ e$es to the hills8 "rom which m$ help will come. )n Frida$ e-ening. 'one <. ) God $ou are m$ helper: N $our merc$ will go !e"ore me. #erse: 3eli-er me "rom m$ enemies8 ) God8 ransom me "rom those that rise up against me. B)n certain great "easts there "ollow (eadings "rom the )ld or New 'estament.: 0itan$ o" Fer-ent &upplication ,.

3eacon: 0et us all sa$8 with all our soul and with all our mind8 let us sa$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 3eacon: 0ord almight$8 the God o" our "athers8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @'hree times. And so a"ter the remaining petitionsA 3eacon: Also we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N. BAlso we pra$ "or our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the ro$al "amil$8 her go-ernment and all in authorit$.: Also we pra$ "or merc$8 li"e8 peace8 health8 sal-ation8 -isitation8 pardon and "orgi-eness o" sins "or the ser-ants o" God8 all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 those who dwell in or -isit this cit$ and parish8 the wardens and mem!ers o" this church and their "amiliesJ Band "or the ser-ants o" God N. O N. @Here the 3eacon ma$ name those "or whom he has !een asked to pra$A8 and all who ha-e asked "or our pra$ers8 unworth$ though we are.: Also we pra$ "or the !lessed and e-erCremem!ered "ounders o" this hol$ church8 and "or all our departed !rothers and sisters8 )rthodox !elie-ers8 who ha-e gone to their rest !e"ore us and who here and in all the world lie asleep in the 0ordJ Band "or the ser-ants o" God N. O N. @Here the 3eacon ma$ name those "or whom he has !een asked to pra$A8 and that the$ ma$ !e pardoned all their o""ences8 !oth -oluntar$ and in-oluntar$.: Also we pra$ "or those who !ring o""erings8 those who care "or the !eaut$ o" this hol$ and -enera!le house8 "or those who la!our in its ser-ice8 "or those who sing8 and "or the people here present8 who await $our great and rich merc$. *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. ,/

*eople: Amen. A"ter the 0itan$ sa$ this pra$er8 one o" the Gerontika. Grant8 0ord8 to keep us this e-ening without sin. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 the God o" our "athers8 and praised and glori"ied is $our name to the ages. Amen. 0et $our merc$8 0ord !e upon us8 as we ha-e hoped in $ou. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord: teach me $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 %aster: make me understand $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 Hol$ )ne: enlighten me with $our statutes. 0ord8 $our merc$ is "or e-erJ do not scorn the work o" $our hands. 'o $ou praise is due8 to $ou song is due8 to $ou glor$ is due8 to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0itan$ o" Fer-ent &upplication 3eacon: 0et us complete our e-ening pra$er to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitionsA 3eacon: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. 'hat the whole e-ening ma$ !e per"ect8 hol$8 peace"ul and sinless8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *eople: Grant this8 ) 0ord. @And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitionsA 3eacon: An angel o" peace8 a "aith"ul guide8 a guardian o" our souls and !odies8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *ardon and "orgi-eness o" our sins and o""ences8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hings good and pro"ita!le "or our souls8 and peace "or the world8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hat we ma$ li-e out the rest o" our da$s in peace and repentance8 let us ask o" the 0ord. ,6

A hristian end to our li"e8 painless8 unashamed and peace"ul8 and a good de"ence !e"ore the dread Eudgement seat o" hrist8 let us ask. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: "or $ou8 ) God8 are good and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest @!lessing the *eopleA: *eace to all. *eople: And to $our spirit. 3eacon: 0et us !ow our heads to the 0ord. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. 'he *riest8 in a low -oice8 sa$s the: *ra$er at the 1owing o" Heads 0ord our God8 who !owed the hea-ens and came down "or the sal-ation o" the human race8 look upon $our ser-ants and upon $our inheritance8 "or to $ou8 the "ear"ul 4udge who lo-e mankind8 $our ser-ants ha-e !owed their heads and inclined their necks8 not waiting "or an$ human help8 !ut awaiting $our merc$ and looking "or $our sal-ation. Guard them at e-er$ moment8 during !oth the present e-ening and the approaching night8 "rom e-er$ "oe8 "rom e-er$ hostile operation o" the de-il and "rom -ain thoughts and e-il desires. @AloudA: 1lessed and glori"ied !e the might o" $our kingdom8 o" the Father and o" the &on and o" the hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople0 Amen. ,>

A"ter the 0itan$ the Aposticha8 !etween which we sa$ the -erses o" the Feast8 i" there are an$. )n &aturda$ e-ening. #erse 1. 'he 0ord is King8 he has clothed himsel" with glor$J the 0ord has clothed and girded himsel" with power. #erse ,. He has esta!lished the world8 which will not !e shaken. #erse .. Holiness !e"its $our house8 ) 0ord8 to length o" da$s. )n the completion o" the Aposticha8 we sa$ the &ong o" &$meon who (ecei-ed God @0uke ,8,;A8 one o" the Gerontika Now8 %aster8 $ou let $our ser-ant depart in peace8 according to $our wordJ "or m$ e$es ha-e seen $our &al-ation8 which $ou ha-e prepared !e"ore the "ace o" all peoples8 a 0ight to !ring re-elation to the nations8 and the Glor$ o" $our people Israel. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @three timesA Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name7s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom come8 $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. ,<

(eader: Amen. 'he Apol$tikion o" the da$8 Glor$. 1oth now8 and the 'heotokion in the same 'one. BI" there is an Artoklasia it takes place here.: *riest: 2isdom. (eader: 1less. *riest @"rom inside the &anctuar$A: 1lessed is He 2ho Is8 hrist our true God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. %a$ the 0ord God strengthen the hol$ and pure "aith o" de-out and orthodox hristians8 with his hol$ hurch8 unto ages o" ages. *riest: %ost hol$ %other o" God8 sa-e us. (eader0 Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. 'he *riest8 standing in the hol$ 3oors and "acing the *eople8 gi-es the Great 3ismissal as "ollows: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A Gi-e the !lessing. And the *riest8 lowering the *helonion 8continues: %a$ Bon &aturda$ e-ening he who rose "rom the dead8: hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:8 o" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rateJ o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and Anne and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. 'urning to the +ast he sa$s8 ,=

'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ Fathers8 0ord 4esus on us. *eople: Amen. Appendix 1.

hrist our God8 ha-e merc$

)n &unda$ e-ening in 0ent we sing the "ollowing 'roparia instead o" the usual Apol$tikion8 making a "ull prostration at each o" them8 except the last. 'one 6. #irgin %other o" God8 hail %ar$ "ull o" grace8 the 0ord is with $ou. 1lessed are $ou among women8 and !lessed is the "ruit o" $our wom!8 "or $ou ha-e gi-en !irth to the &a-iour o" our souls. @*rostrationA 1aptist o" hrist8 remem!er us all8 that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom our transgressions: "or $ou ha-e !een gi-en grace to intercede "or us. @*rostrationA Glor$. *ra$ "or us8 hol$ Apostles and all $ou &aints8 that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom dangers and a""lictions: "or in $ou we ha-e gained "er-ent ad-ocates with the &a-iour. @*rostrationA 1oth now. 2e take re"uge !eneath $our compassion8 %other o" God: do not despise our petitions in trou!le: !ut rescue us "rom dangers8 onl$ pure8 onl$ !lessed one. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. 'rul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. ,;

0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Hol$ "ather8 gi-e the !lessing. *riest: 1lessed is He 2ho Is8 hrist our true God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. And we sa$ "or the (ulers: Hea-enl$ King8 esta!lish our rulers: strengthen the "aith: calm the nations: make the world peace"ul: guard well this hol$ church: assign our !rothers and sisters who ha-e gone !e"ore us to the tents o" the righteous8 and accept us in repentance and con"ession8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind. 'hen three "ull *rostrations with the *ra$er o" &aint +phrem the &$rian once onl$ and then the 3ismissal8 as a!o-e. 'he *ra$er o" &aint +phrem 'he &$rian 0ord and %aster o" m$ li"e8 do not gi-e me a spirit o" sloth8 idle curiosit$8 lo-e o" power and useless chatter. @*rostrationA (ather accord to me8 $our ser-ant8 a spirit o" so!riet$8 humilit$8 patience and lo-e. @*rostrationA Ies8 0ord and King8 grant me to see m$ own "aults and not to condemn m$ !rotherJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. @*rostrationA

Ninth Hour.
#ested in the +pitrachelion8 the *riest8 standing on the &olea8 the Hol$ 3oors and the curtain !eing closed8 !egins: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader Bin Athonite use the &uperior:: Amen. Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. .5

Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 2llChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x1,A Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm =. How !elo-ed are $our dwellings8 ) 0ord o" powersJ m$ soul longs and "aints "or the courts o" the 0ord. %$ heart and m$ "lesh reEoiced in the li-ing God. For the sparrow has "ound itsel" a house8 and the do-e a nest "or hersel"8 where she ma$ place her nestlings: $our altars8 ) 0ord o" powers8 m$ King and m$ God. 1lessed .1

are those who dwell in $our house8 the$ will praise $ou to ages o" ages. 1lessed the one whose help is "rom $ouJ who has placed ascents in his heart8 to the -alle$ o" weeping8 to the place he has set. For the lawgi-er will gi-e !lessingsJ the$ will go "rom strength to strength8 the God o" gods will appear in &ion. 0ord God o" powers hear m$ pra$er8 gi-e ear8 ) God o" 4aco!. ) God our shield seeJ and look on the "ace o" $our hrist. For one da$ in $our courts is "ar !etter than thousands. I chose to !e cast aside in the house o" m$ God8 rather than to dwell in the tents o" sinners. 0ord God o" powers8 !lessed is the one who hopes in $ou. *salm =/ Iou were well pleased with $our land8 ) 0ord8 $ou turned awa$ the capti-it$ o" 4aco!. Iou "orga-e $our people their iniFuities8 $ou co-ered all their sins. Iou made all $our anger cease8 $ou turned awa$ "rom the anger o" $our rage. 'urn us !ack again8 ) God o" our sal-ation8 and turn awa$ $our rage "rom us. 2ould $ou !e angr$ with us "or e-erM )r will $ou prolong $our wrath "rom generation to generationM ) God8 when $ou ha-e turned us !ack $ou will make us li-e8 and $our people will reEoice in $ou. 0ord8 show us $our merc$8 and grant us $our sal-ation. I will hear what the 0ord will sa$ in meJ "or he will speak peace to his people8 to his hol$ ones8 to those who turn their hearts !ack to him. 1ut his sal-ation is near those who "ear him8 that glor$ ma$ dwell in our land. %erc$ and truth ha-e met8 righteousness and peace ha-e kissed. 'ruth has dawned "rom the earth8 and righteousness has leaned down "rom hea-en. For the 0ord will gi-e goodness8 and our earth will gi-e its "ruit. (ighteousness will walk !e"ore him8 and set his steps in the wa$. *salm =6 Incline $our ear8 ) 0ord8 and hear me8 "or I am poor and need$. Guard m$ soul8 "or I am hol$J ) m$ God8 sa-e $our ser-ant who hopes in $ou. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I shall cr$ to $ou all the da$J gi-e Eo$ to the soul o" $our ser-ant8 "or I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul to $ou. For $ou8 ) 0ord8 are good and gentle8 and "ull o" .,

merc$ to all who call on $ou. Gi-e ear8 ) 0ord8 to m$ pra$erJ and attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication. In the da$ o" m$ trou!le I called to $ou8 "or $ou ha-e heard me. 'here is none like $ou among the gods8 ) 0ordJ none whose works are as $ours. All the nations whom $ou made will come and !ow down !e"ore $ou8 ) 0ord8 and glori"$ $our name. For $ou are great and do wondrous thingsJ $ou alone are God. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our wa$8 and I shall walk in $our truthJ make m$ heart glad to "ear $our name. I shall gi-e $ou thanks8 ) 0ord8 m$ God8 with m$ whole heartJ and I shall glori"$ $our name "or e-er. For $our merc$ is great towards me8 and $ou ha-e deli-ered m$ soul "rom the lowest Hell. ) God8 the lawless rose up against me8 and an assem!l$ o" might$ ones sought m$ soul8 and did not set $ou !e"ore them. And $ou8 0ord8 are pit$ing and merci"ul8 longC su""ering and "ull o" merc$ and true. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ gi-e $our might to $our ser-ant and sa-e the son o" $our maidser-ant. %ake with me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. And again: %ake with me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 'hen the Apol$tikion o" the da$. I" there are two "easts8 the "irst Apol$tikion is said before Glor$ and the second a"ter it. 1oth now. 'heotokion. ) Good )ne8 !orn o" a #irgin "or our sakes and who endured cruci"ixion8 who despoiled death !$ death and as God re-ealed resurrection8 do not despise those ..

whom $ou "ashioned with $our own handJ show $our lo-e "or mankind8 ) %erci"ulJ accept the %other o" God who !ore $ou8 as she intercedes "or us8 and sa-e8 ) &a-iour8 a people in despair. For $our hol$ name?s sake do not "inall$ reEect us8 do not annul $our co-enant8 do not take $our merc$ "rom us "or the sake o" A!raham8 $our !elo-ed8 and "or the sake o" Isaac8 $our ser-ant8 and Israel8 $our hol$ one. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @x.A Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'hen the Kontakion o" the da$. )n &unda$ the IpakoP. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the good things to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es ./

to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us8 and show the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen the &uperior sa$s this *ra$er o" &aint 1asil the Great %aster8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 who ha-e long endured our transgressions8 and !rought us to this hour in which8 hanging on the li"eCgi-ing tree8 $ou showed the good 'hie" the wa$ into *aradise and destro$ed death !$ death8 ha-e merc$ also on us sinners and $our unworth$ ser-ants. For we ha-e sinned and transgressed8 and are not worth$ to raise our e$es and look on the height o" hea-en8 !ecause we ha-e a!andoned the wa$ o" $our Eustice and walked in the will o" our hearts. 1ut we implore $our un!ounded goodness: spare us8 ) 0ord8 according to the multitude o" $our merc$8 and sa-e us "or $our hol$ name?s sake8 "or our da$s ha-e !een wasted in -anit$. (escue us "rom the hand o" our opponent8 "orgi-e us our sins8 sla$ our carnal will8 so that we8 ha-ing put o"" the old man8 ma$ put on the new8 and li-e "or $ou8 our %aster and 1ene"actorJ and that thus "ollowing $our precepts we ma$ reach eternal rest8 where those who reEoice ha-e their dwelling. For $ou are the true Eo$ and gladness o" those who lo-e $ou8 hrist our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 together with $our Father who has no !eginning8 and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. .6

*riest: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope. Glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Gi-e the !lessing. *riest: %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ the intercessions o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J o" &aint whose memor$ we keep toda$8 and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ "athers8 0ord 4esus hrist ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: Amen.

Vespers on

rdinary !ays.

)n ordinar$ weekda$s #espers is cele!rated as "ollows: 'he *riest reads the se-en pra$ers outside the &anctuar$ and remains there "or the 0itan$ o" *eace. He should remain outside the &anctuar$ "or the whole ser-ice8 except "or the censing o" the church. He enters the &anctuar$ at D0ord8 I ha-e cried? "or the censing o" the hurch. 'his is done as usual8 !ut the *riest -ests onl$ in the +pitrachelion. )nl$ six stichera are sung at D0ord8 I ha-e cried?. Normall$ . "rom the *araklitiki and . "rom the %enaion. In this case it is the custom in man$ places to sing , "rom the "irst set in the *araklitiki and 1 "rom the second. I" the &aint o" the da$ has a 3oxastikon8 then > &tichera are sung "rom the %enaion8 the . appointed !eing dou!led. In this case the 'heotokion is the one "rom the %enaion. 'here is no +ntrance8 !ut immediatel$ a"ter the h$mn D) 4o$"ul 0ight? the *riest announces D*rokeimenon o" the e-ening?. .>

'he *rokeimenon is "ollowed at once !$ the pra$er DGrant8 0ord? and the 0itan$ is displaced until later. 'he -erses "or the Aposticha are the "ollowing: From &unda$ to 'hursda$ #erse 1. 'o $ou I li"t up m$ e$es8 to $ou who are enthroned in the hea-ens. As the e$es o" ser-ants look to the hand o" their master: or as the e$es o" a maid toward the hand o" her mistress8 so our e$es look to the 0ord our God: until he show us his merc$. #erse ,. Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) 0ord8 ha-e merc$ upon us: "or we ha-e our "ill o" derisionJ our soul has its "ill. %ocker$ "or those at ease: and derision "or the proud. )n Frida$. #erse 1: God is wonder"ul in his &aints. #erse ,: For the &aints in his land the 0ord has done wonders. #erse .: 1lessed are those whom $ou ha-e chosen and takenJ the$ will dwell in $our courts. 'he 0itan$ o" Fer-ent &upplication8 omitting the "irst two petitions8 "ollows the Apol$tikion and its 'heotokion. 'he 3ismissal is as "ollows: )n &unda$ e-ening %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ the protection o" the honoured 1odiless *owers o" hea-enJ the intercessions o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J Bo" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rate8 o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ: and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. )n %onda$ .<

%a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ the intercessions o" the honoured8 glorious8 prophet8 "orerunner and 1aptist 4ohnJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron of the church:J Bo" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rate8 o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ: and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. )n 'uesda$ and 'hursda$ %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ !$ the power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing rossJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J Bo" &aint N. whose memor$ we cele!rate8 o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ: and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. )n 2ednesda$ %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" our Father among the &aints Nicolas o" %$ra in 0$kia8 the 2onderworkerJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J Bo" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rate8 o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ: and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. )n Frida$ %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" the hol$8 glorious and triumphant %art$rsJ o" our -enera!le and God!earing FathersJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J Bo" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rateJ o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ: and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. Note )n 'he 3ismissal .=

According to the strict '$pikon onl$ &aints who are D"easted?8 that is those who ha-e at least one doxastikon at #espers8 should !e mentioned in the 3ismissal. It is not the moment to read out all the small print "rom the &$naxarion. 'here is much -ariet$ in the details o" the 3ismissal in the -arious !ooks and traditions. "eneral Note on the #ele$ration of Vespers. 'he liturgical !ooks assume that the o""ices are sung !$ two choirs8 that "ace each other across the church. hoir A8 the rightChand choir8 stands on the north side o" the church and hoir 18 the le"t Chand choir8 on the south. hoir A is that o" chie" singer8 or Protopsaltes8 and hoir 1 that o" the second singer8 or Lampadarios. hoir A normall$ takes the lead. 'he letters BA: and B1: at D0ord8 I ha-e cried? indicate this. 'his means that hoir A sings DGlor$? and the "irst 3oxastikon and hoir 1 D1oth now? and the "irst 'heotokion. I" there is no special 3oxastikon8 as will "reFuentl$ !e the case on &aturda$ e-ening8 hoir A sings DGlor$?8 hoir 1 D1oth now? and hoir A the actual 3oxastikon/'heotokion. For the singing o" the &tichera8 it is usual "or the chie" singer in each choir to take the "irst &ticheron "or their side. Normall$ the senior person on each side is then asked to sing the second and the third ma$ !e o""ered to a -isiting priest or distinguished -isitor or singer. An$ remaining &tichera are then shared among the other people in each choir. At the Aposticha8 hoir 1 sings the 3oxastikon. 'his means that on &aturda$ e-ening hoir 1 should start the Aposticha8 since there are / stichera. )n 2eekda$s there are onl$ .8 and so hoir A starts the Aposticha. In this wa$ each hoir sings one o" the two 3oxastika. In some monasteries the Dleading? choir changes at #espers each &aturda$8 the c$cle !eginning at the %atins o" *ascha. 'he Apol$tikia are should !e sung in the same wa$ !$ the two hoirs. .;

)n &unda$s and Feasts8 the D(esurrection? 'heotokion o" the Apol$tikion is alwa$s sung in the 'one o" the immediatel$ preceding Apol$tikion. 'his means that on &aturda$ e-ening the 'heotokion ma$ not !e the one in the 'one o" the week. In the monasteries o" the Hol$ %ountain it is customar$ "or the "ollowing dialogue to !e added at the end o" the 3ismissal8 !e"ore the "inal D'hrough the pra$ersG?: BA: Accept8 0ord8 the supplication o" us sinners8 and ha-e merc$ on us. B1: %a$ $our merc$8 0ord8 !e upon us8 as we ha-e put our in hope. BA: +ternal $our memor$8 !lessed and e-er remem!ered Founders. B1: +ternal $our memor$.

%he Ninth Hour.

'he Ninth Hour ends one liturgical da$ and #espers !egins the next. 'he$ are there"ore normall$ cele!rated together. )n da$s when 0ittle #espers is to !e cele!rated8 the Ninth Hour is read immediatel$ !e"ore it. 'he Ninth Hour should !e read in the Narthex8 or 0iti8 i" the church has one. I" not8 it is read in the church8 with the Hol$ 3oors and the curtain closed. I" there is no Apol$tikion or Kontakion gi-en in the %enaion8 then those "or the ordinar$ da$s o" the week are used. "lossary. Anixantaria. )n maEor "easts8 and especiall$ at AllCnight #igils8 the closing -erses o" the )pening *salm are o"ten sung to a solemn and protracted melod$. 'he -erses are D"arced? with short h$mns o" praise8 such as DGlor$ to $ou8 Hol$ )ne. Glor$ to $ou8 0ord. Glor$ to $ou8 hea-enl$ King. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. Alleluia?. 'he singers take up the *salm "rom the -erse that !egins D2hen $ou open?8 in Greek Anixantos sou8 hence the name Anixantaria. /5

Apol$tikion. 'he h$mn that precedes the 3ismissal @Greek ApolysisA. It is the characteristic h$mn o" the da$ or the "east8 and is o"ten re"erred to simpl$ as Dthe 'roparion o" the 3a$?. It is used at all the o""ices and at the 0iturg$. Aposticha. 'he series o" h$mns and alternating *salm -erses which are sung towards the end o" #espers and dail$ %atins. In Greek stichos means D-erse?. Artoklasia. 'he ceremon$ o" the 1lessing o" 0oa-es8 or 1reaking @Greek lasisA o" 1read @Greek artosA8 that takes place !e"ore the Apolyti ion at #espers when there is a #igil. In man$ parishes it is nowada$s cele!rated on important "easts e-en when there is no #igil8 at #espers or %atins or e-en a"ter the 0iturg$. 'he ceremon$ "or such occasions will !e "ound in the !ilingual edition o" the 3i-ine 0iturg$ pu!lished !$ the Archdiocese o" 'h$ateira. anonarch. 'he monk whose task it is to see that the sin gers sing the correct texts in the correct 'one. He also reads the -erses o" the *rokeimenon and similar texts 3oxastikon. A h$mn sung a"ter the short doxolog$ DGlor$ @Greek Ddoxa?A to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit?. It is normall$ sung to a slower and more ela!orate melod$ than the preceding h$mns. +pitrachelion. 2orn round the neck8 which is meaning o" the Greek name8 it is the +astern eFui-alent o" the 2estern stole8 the chie" di""erence !eing that it is alwa$s Eoined down the middle8 normall$ with a series o" ornamental studs. It is usuall$ !roader then the 2estern stole. It is the characteristic priestl$ -estment8 worn onl$ !$ !ishops and priests. A priest should not cele!rate an$ ser-ice unless he is wearing it. Gerontika. A con-enient word used to indicate those parts o" the o""ice which are traditionall$ read !$ the &uperior8 or +lder @Greek !eron8 or !erontaA. I" the &uperior is not present the$ are read !$ the senior monk present. A -isiting priest or important -isitor is o"ten asked to read them. Kathisma. )ne o" the twent$ sections into which the *salter is di-ided "or liturgical purposes. 'he word is also used "or the short h$mns that are sung a"ter the reading /1

o" each Kathisma at %atins. 'he word is a Greek word meaning a seat. +ach Kathisma is di-ided into three sections @Greek "taseisA. %enaion. From the Greek word "or Dmonthl$?. 'he !ook containing the ser-ices "or da$s o" the %onth. 'here are thus twel-e -olumes o" the Menaia. For places without a "ull set o" Menaia there exists in !oth Greek and &la-onic a -olume containing general o""ices "or each categor$ o" &aint called the !eneral Menaion. 'he contents o" the Greek and &la-onic !eneral Menaia are not Fuite the same8 the &la-onic containing more o""ices8 and texts "or a "ull #igil "or each categor$ o" &aint including the 0ord and the %other o" God. %etania. A low !ow in which the right hand touches the ground. &la-onic po lon. Also used "or a prostration. )rarion. 'he 3eacon?s stole. It is worn on the le"t shoulder and sometimes taken across diagonall$ under the right arm and again o-er the le"t shoulder. It is also worn crossed on the !ack !$ readers and su!Cdeacons. *helonion. 'he +astern eFui-alent o" the 2estern chasu#le. 'he ru!rics direct that the priest is to lower the phelonion8 that is to let it "all o-er his hands8 at the moment o" the 3ismissal. 'his indicates that the work o" the ser-ice is o-er8 rather like rolling down one?s slee-es. (ussian phelonia o"ten ha-e a row o" !uttons across the chest so that the "ront o" the -estment can !e raised or lowered. *rokeimenon. A re"rain "rom a *salm8 sung together with one or more -erses "rom the *salm8 that normall$ precedes the (eadings at #espers8 %atins and the 0iturg$. )riginall$ the whole *salm was sung8 hence the $erse is normall$ the "irst -erse o" the *salm. It sur-i-es e-er$ da$ at #espers8 e-en when there are no readings. It is the eFui-alent o" the 2estern !radual. &ticharion. A tunicClike -estment8 resem!ling the 2estern dalmatic8 when worn !$ ser-ers8 readers8 su!Cdeacons and deacons. 'hat o" !ishops and priests more closel$ resem!les the al#8 though it is not necessaril$ white. /,

&ticheron. A h$mn that precedes or "ollows a -erse8 in Greek stichos8 "rom the *salms. At D0ord8 I ha-e cried? at #espers and D0et e-er$thing that has !reath? at 0auds the stichera "ollow the *salm -ersesJ at the Aposticha the$ precede them. 'heotokion. %ost series o" h$mns end with one to the %other o" God8 the 'heotokos8 and so a %heoto ion commonl$ "ollows the second part o" the short doxolog$8 D1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen? , and is normall$ sung in the same 'one as the preceding 3oxastikon . )n &aturda$ e-ening8 howe-er8 the %heoto ion at the +ntrance is alwa$s that o" the 'one o" the week8 regardless o" the 'one o" the 3oxastikon. It is also sung again at #espers sung on the "ollowing Frida$. In (ussian usage this %heoto ion is called the &ogmatic8 whereas in Greek the latter name is used "or the corresponding %heoto ion at &mall #espers. '$pikon: 'he rules go-erning the cele!ration and "or com!ining the di""erent elements o" the ser-ice. 'he !ook containing these rules. 'roparion. An$ h$mn ma$ !e called a 'roparion8 !ut the word more commonl$ indicates the Apolyti ion o" the da$ or one o" the stanLas o" a anon. *lural %roparia. Introduction& 'atins For Sundays and Feasts. 'his translation o" the o""ice o" %atins "or &unda$s and Feasts contains the complete text o" the common o" the o""ice8 with the exception o" the Kathismata o" the *salter and the -erses o" the 1i!lical anticles8 since these are rarel$ used except in monasteries. In an Appendix we gi-e the text o" the "irst two psalms o" the Polyeleos8 !ut not the selection o" -erses "or the -arious maEor "easts8 together with *salms // and 1.>8 which ma$ also "orm part o" the Polyeleos on certain da$s. 'he "arcings o" *salm // are taken "rom the in-alua!le "ylleitourgi on8 or D(eader?s Hand!ook?8 pu!lished !$ the Hol$ %onaster$ o" &imonos *etra in 1;;>. 'he "ull text o" the short litanies that "ollow the readings "rom the *salter and the .rd and >th )des o" the 'anon are omitted8 since these are seldom used in /.

parishes. 2e do howe-er8 "or completeness8 gi-e the text o" the "inal ( phonesis o" each. 'he ele-en (esurrection (xapostilaria and the corresponding (othina ha-e also !een included. For the con-enience o" singers and readers the$ are gi-en in separate sections. 'he underl$ing %ypi on is that o" the Hol$ %ountain8 to which the (ussian %ypi on corresponds "or the most part -er$ closel$. In Greek parishes on &unda$s the reading o" the Gospel is normall$ displaced to the end o" the Kata)asia o" the =th )de8 immediatel$ !e"ore the %agni"icat. In this case the order "or the Gospel !egins with the deacon?s D0et us pra$ to the 0ord?8 on page ,.. 'he $priot %ypi on8 howe-er8 preser-es the traditional order. Interestingl$ in the old D athedral )""ice?8 as descri!ed !$ &t &$meon o" 'hessaloniki8 the Gospel was sung as the climax o" &unda$ %atins8 a"ter the (othinon. &t &$meon regrets the increasing popularit$ o" the monastic practice8 !ut it e-entuall$ pre-ailed. In Greek parish use %atins normall$ precedes the 0iturg$8 which !egins immediatel$ a"ter the %roparion D'oda$ sal-ation has come to the world?8 used "or all eight 'ones8 the concluding litanies and dismissal !eing said Fuietl$ in the sanctuar$ !$ the priest and deacon. 'he ru!ric that the priest should come out to read the %atins pra$ers during the &ix *salms at the !eginning o" the 6th *salm rather than the /th is8 in "act8 what the %ypi on o" &t &a--as directs8 and it is still the practice o" some monasteries. In the old order8 presupposed !$ the %ypi on o" &t &a--as8 the &ix *salms were chanted solemnl$ and there was there"ore time to read all 'wel-e *ra$ers during the last two *salms. 'he &ix *salms should !e read !$ one reader8 not di-ided !etween se-eral. 'he$ are one o" the geronti a8 that is the parts normall$ read !$ the &uperior8 and should !e allocated to a senior person8 such a -isiting priest. All should remain standing during the &ix *salms. 'he$ are not an opportunit$8 "or &ingers in particular8 to practice that wellCknown )rthodox ru!ric8 DHere !eginneth the animated discussion?. //

2hen %atins "orms part o" a #igil it "ollows the Arto lasia at the end o" #espers. 'he %idnight )""ice is omitted8 though some monasteries read the anon to the 'rinit$ at a #igil on a &unda$. In normal monastic use the !lessing !$ the priest that concludes the Arto lasia is "ollowed !$ a patristic reading. A"ter the reader has announced the title8 the priest gi-es the usual !lessing8 D1lessed is our GodG?8 and the reader !egins. At the end o" the reading the &ix *salms !egin at once8 with DGlor$ to God in the highestG?. 'he *oyal Office is omitted entirel$. I" there is no reading8 the &ix *salms "ollow the !lessing !$ the priest8 D'he !lessing o" the 0ord !e upon $ouG8? which ends the Arto lasia. 'he First Hour is read at the end o" %atins8 unless the 0iturg$ "ollows at once8 and we ha-e there"ore included it here. In most parishes the (o$al )""ice is a!!re-iated8 and8 the censing and the two *salms !eing omitted8 the (eader !egins at once with the %risagion. 2hen %atins is cele!rated in "ull it is not normal "or the deacon to -est until the Ana)athmi8 the priest sa$ing all the preceding litanies himsel". In Greek parish use8 the clerg$ -est and per"orm the *roskomidi during the "irst part o" %atins8 a"ter the 0itan$ o" *eace. In monasteries the cele!rating clerg$ take the airos during the reading o" the *salter and then return to their stalls until it is time "or them to -est "or the 0iturg$. In parishes the airos is taken a"ter the &ix *salms and 0itan$ o" *eace8 or e-en !e"ore the !eginning o" the ser-ice. 'he pra$er a"ter *salm 65 is the text8 apart "rom the addition o" Mothers among the ascetics8 as it appears in the earliest sources. It is now customar$ to expand it with a great man$ additional names in accordance with local custom. %ost o" the technical terms8 including those printed in italic in this pre"ace8 are explained in a short Glossar$ at the end. &ince %atins is a longer and more complex ser-ice than #espers and the wa$s o" cele!rating it -ar$ more widel$8 it is not "easi!le to pro-ide "or e-er$ possi!le use.


'atins( for Sundays and Feasts.

%he )oyal ffice. A"ter the 3ismissal o" the %idnight )""ice the *riest8 ha-ing made the customar$ metania to the &uperior8 or to his stall8 enters the sanctuar$ and makes three !ows !e"ore the hol$ 'a!le. He puts on the +pitrachelion and8 standing in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 intones: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'he *riest !lesses the incense and !egins to cense the sanctuar$ and the whole church as usual. 'he (eader !egins the "ollowing *salms: ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. *salm 1; %a$ the 0ord hear $ou in the da$ o" trou!leJ ma$ the name o" the God o" 4aco! shield $ou. %a$ he send $ou his help "rom the hol$ place8 and support $ou "rom &ion. %a$ he remem!er $our e-er$ sacri"ice8 and accept with "a-our $our whole !urnt o""ering. %a$ the 0ord gi-e $ou $our heart?s desire8 and "ul"il $our e-er$ purpose. 2e shall reEoice in $our sal-ation8 and !e magni"ied in the name o" our the 0ord our God. %a$ the 0ord "ul"il all $our petitions. Now I know that the 0ord has sa-ed his hrist. He will hear him "rom his hol$ hea-enJ in might$ acts is the sal-ation o" his right hand. &ome put their trust in chariots and some in horses8 !ut we will call on the name o" the 0ord our God. 'he$ were "ettered and "ell8 !ut we ha-e risen and !een set upright. 0ord8 sa-e the king8 and hear us on the da$ we call upon $ou. *salm ,5 />

'he king will reEoice in $our power8 ) 0ord8 he will exult exceedingl$ in $our sal-ation. Iou ga-e him his heart?s desireJ $ou did not den$ him the reFuest o" his lips. For $ou came to meet him with !lessings o" goodnessJ $ou placed a crown o" precious stones upon his head. He asked $ou "or li"e8 and $ou ga-e him length o" da$s "or age on age. Great is his glor$ !ecause o" $our sal-ationJ $ou will place on him glor$ and maEest$. For $ou will gi-e him !lessing "or age on age8 and make him glad with the Eo$ o" $our countenance. For the king puts his hope in the 0ord8 and through the merc$ o" the %ost High he will not !e shaken. %a$ $our hand light upon all $our enemies8 and $our right hand "ind out all who hate $ou. Iou will make them like a !laLing o-en at the time o" $our presence. 'he 0ord will con"ound them in his wrath and "ire will de-our them. Iou will destro$ their o""spring "rom the earth8 and their seed "rom among the children o" humankind. 1ecause the$ intended e-ils against $ou8 and de-ised plans !$ which the$ can in no wa$ succeed. For $ou will put them to "lightJ among $our remnants $ou will prepare their presence. 1e exalted8 0ord8 in $our powerJ we will sing and praise $our might$ acts. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @three timesA Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name7s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our /<

de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 'he priest must take care that he is standing !eneath the *ol$eleos to sa$ this conclusion. He then enters the sanctuar$8 puts awa$ the censer and takes his stand in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le. 'he (eader sa$s the "ollowing 'roparia: 0ord8 sa-e $our people8 and !less $our inheritance8 granting to "aith"ul hristians -ictor$ o-er their enemies8 and guarding $our commonwealth !$ $our ross. Glor$. 0i"ted up on the ross o" $our own will8 to the new commonwealth that !ears $our name grant $our mercies8 hrist GodJ make $our "aith"ul people glad !$ $our power8 granting them -ictories o-er their enemiesJ ma$ the$ ha-e $our help in !attle: a weapon o" peace8 an in-inci!le troph$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 3read hampion who cannot !e put to shame8 do not despise our petitions8 ) Good )ne. AllCpraised %other o" God esta!lish the commonwealth o" the )rthodox8 sa-e $our people and gi-e them -ictor$ "rom hea-en8 "or $ou ga-e !irth to God8 ) onl$ !lessed one. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$. 2e pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. (eader: 0ord ha-e merc$. @x.A *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul8 and lo-e humankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less Father. /=

*riest: Glor$ to the hol$8 consu!stantial8 li"eCgi-ing and undi-ided 'rinit$8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. %he Six *salms. And we !egin the &ix *salms8 listening with complete silence and compunction. 'he &uperior8 or the designated reader8 with de-otion and "ear o" God sa$s: Glor$ to God in the highest8 and peace on earth8 goodwill among men. @x.A 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips8 and m$ mouth will declare $our praise. @x,A *salm . 0ord8 wh$ ha-e those who a""lict me !een multipliedM %an$ rise against me. %an$ sa$ to m$ soul8 D'here is no sal-ation "or him in his God?. 1ut $ou8 0ord8 are m$ helper8 m$ glor$8 and the one who li"ts up m$ head. 2ith m$ -oice8 I cried to the 0ord8 and he heard me "rom his hol$ mountain. I la$ down and sleptJ I awoke8 !ecause the 0ord will assist me. I will not !e a"raid o" tens o" thousands o" people who surround me. (ise8 0ord8 sa-e me8 m$ GodJ !ecause $ou ha-e struck all who are -ainl$ m$ "oes. Iou ha-e smashed the teeth o" sinners. &al-ation is the 0ord7s8 and $our !lessing is upon $our people. And again: I la$ down and sleptJ I awoke !ecause the 0ord will assist me. *salm .< 0ord8 do not re!uke me in $our anger8 nor chastise me in $our wrath. For $our arrows ha-e !een stuck "ast in me8 and $ou ha-e laid a hea-$ hand upon me. 'here is no healing in m$ "lesh on account o" $our wrath8 nor peace in m$ !ones on account o" m$ sins. %$ iniFuities "looded o-er m$ headJ like a hea-$ !urden the$ weighed hea-il$ upon me. %$ wounds stank and "estered on account o" m$ "oolishness. I was wretched and utterl$ !owed downJ I went a!out mourning all da$ long. For m$ loins were "illed with mockings8 and there is no healing in m$ /;

"lesh. I was maltreated and humiliated exceedingl$J I howled "rom the groaning o" m$ heart. 0ord8 all m$ desire is !e"ore $ou8 and m$ groaning was not hidden "rom $ou. %$ heart was trou!led8 m$ strength "ailed meJ and e-en the light o" m$ e$es had gone "rom me. %$ "riends and m$ neigh!ours drew near and stood against me8 and those nearest me stood "ar awa$. 'hose who sought m$ li"e used "orce8 and those who sought e-ils "or me spoke -anities8 and meditated trickeries all da$ long. 1ut I8 like a dea" man8 heard nothingJ like one who is dum!8 who does not open his mouth. &o I !ecame like one who cannot hear8 and in whose mouth there are no re!ukes. For in $ou8 0ord8 I ha-e hopedJ $ou will answer me8 ) 0ord m$ God. For I said: 0et m$ "oes ne-er exult o-er me. 2hen m$ "oot slipped the$ crowed o-er me. For I am read$ "or !lows and m$ pain is with me continuall$. For I will declare m$ iniFuit$ and !e trou!led at m$ sin. 1ut m$ enemies li-e and ha-e pre-ailed o-er me8 and those who hate me unEustl$ ha-e !een multiplied. 'hose who repa$ me with e-ils in place o" good ha-e slandered me8 since I pursued goodness. 3o not "orsake me8 0ordJ m$ God8 do not go "ar "rom me. Hasten to help me8 0ord o" m$ sal-ation. And again. 3o not "orsake me8 0ordJ m$ God8 do not go "ar "rom me. Hasten to help me8 0ord o" m$ sal-ation. *salm >, ) God8 m$ God8 I watch "or $ou at dawnJ m$ soul has thirsted "or $ou8 m$ "lesh how o"ten in a desert8 untrodden and waterless land. 'hus I appeared !e"ore $ou in the hol$ place8 to see $our power and $our glor$. For $our merc$ is !etter than li"eJ m$ lips will praise $ou. &o I will !less $ou as long as I li-e8 and in $our name I will li"t up m$ hands. %a$ m$ soul !e "illed as with marrow and "atnessJ m$ mouth will praise $ou with Eo$"ul lips. 2hen I remem!ered $ou upon m$ !ed8 e-er$ dawn I meditated upon $ou. For $ou !ecame m$ helper8 and in the shelter o" $our wings I shall reEoice. %$ soul clung to $ouJ and $our right hand upheld me. 65

1ut those who -ainl$ sought m$ li"e will go down to the deepest parts o" the earth8 the$ will !e deli-ered to the power o" the sword8 the$ will !e portions "or "oxes. 1ut the king will reEoice in God8 and all who swear !$ him will !e praisedJ "or the mouths o" those who speak iniFuities ha-e !een stopped. And again. +-er$ dawn I meditated upon $ou8 "or $ou !ecame m$ helper8 and in the shelter o" $our wings I shall reEoice. %$ soul clung to $ouJ and $our right hand upheld me. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.8 without %etaniasA 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *salm =< 0ord8 God o" m$ sal-ation8 I ha-e cried !$ da$8 and !$ night also !e"ore $ou. 0et m$ pra$er come into $our presence8 and turn $ou ear to m$ supplication. For m$ soul was "illed with e-ils8 and m$ li"e drew near to Hell. I was reckoned among those that go down to the *itJ I !ecame as one that has no help8 "ree among the dead. 0ike the slain that sleep in the tom!8 whom $ou remem!ered no moreJ and the$ were cut o"" "rom $our power. 'he$ placed me in the lowest *itJ in darkness and in the shadow o" death. Iour wrath la$ hea-$ upon me8 and $ou !rought all $our wa-es against me. Iou put m$ "riends "ar "rom me8 and made me an a!omination to them. I was handed o-er and I came outJ m$ e$es grew weak !ecause o" m$ !eggar$. I cried to $ou8 0ord8 all the da$J I stretched out m$ hands towards $ou. 2ill $ou work wonders "or the deadJ or will ph$sicians raise them up again to praise $ouM 2ill an$ declare $our merc$ in the tom!8 or $our truth in the 61

place o" destructionM 2ill $our wonders !e known in the dark8 or $our Eustice in a land that has !een "orgottenM 1ut to $ou8 0ord8 I ha-e cried8 and in the morning m$ pra$er will come !e"ore $ou. 2h$ ha-e $ou reEected m$ soul8 0ordJ wh$ do $ou turn awa$ $our "ace "rom meM I am poor and in toils since m$ $outhJ exalted8 I was hum!led and !rought to despair. Iour "ierce anger o-erwhelmed me8 and $our terrors appalled me. 'he$ surrounded me like water all da$ longJ the$ closed in upon me "rom e-er$ side. Friend and neigh!our $ou ha-e put "ar "rom me8 and m$ companions !ecause o" m$ miser$. And again. 0ord8 God o" m$ sal-ation8 I ha-e cried !$ da$J and !$ night also !e"ore $ou. 0et m$ pra$er come into $our presence8 and turn $our ear to m$ supplication. 'he priest comes "rom the Altar and reads the morning pra$ers Fuietl$. *salm 15, 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soul8 and all that is within me8 !less his hol$ name. 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soul8 and "orget none o" his !ene"its. He "orgi-es all $our iniFuitiesJ he heals all $our diseasesJ he redeems $our li"e "rom corruption and crowns $ou with merc$ and compassionJ he satis"ies $our desire with good thingsJ $our $outh will !e renewed like an eagle7s. 'he 0ord per"orms deeds o" merc$ and Eudgement "or all who are oppressed. He made known his wa$s to %oses8 his wishes to the children o" Israel. 'he 0ord is compassionate and merci"ul8 longCsu""ering and "ull o" merc$. He will not alwa$s !e wrath"ul8 nor will he !e enraged "or e-er. He has not dealt with us according to our iniFuities8 nor rewarded us according to our sins. For8 like the height o" hea-en a!o-e the earth8 the 0ord has made his merc$ pre-ail o-er those that "ear him. As "ar as the east is "rom the west8 so "ar has he taken our sins "rom us. As a "ather takes pit$ on his children the 0ord has taken pit$ on those who "ear him. For he knows o" what we are madeJ has remem!ered that we are !ut dust. As "or man8 his da$s are !ut as grass8 he will !lossom like a "lower o" the "ieldJ "or when a wind has passed o-er it8 it will !e no more and will know its place 6,

no longer. 1ut the merc$ o" the 0ord is "or e-er and e-er upon those who "ear himJ and his Eustice upon their children7s children8 upon those who keep his co-enant and remem!er his commandments to do them. 'he 0ord has prepared his throne in hea-en and his kingdom rules o-er all. 1less the 0ord8 all $ou his Angels8 power"ul in strength8 who per"orm his word8 and listen to the -oice o" his words. 1less the 0ord8 all $ou his *owers8 his %inisters who do his will. 1less the 0ord8 all $ou his works. In e-er$ place o" his dominion8 !less the 0ord8 ) m$ soulH And again. In e-er$ place o" his dominion8 !less the 0ord8 ) m$ soulH *salm 1/, 0ord8 hear m$ pra$erJ in $our truth gi-e ear to m$ supplication8 and in $our Eustice hear me. 3o not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant8 "or in $our sight no one li-ing can !e Eusti"ied. For the enem$ pursued m$ soulJ hum!led m$ li"e to the groundJ made me dwell in darkness8 like those "or e-er dead. %$ spirit in me grew wear$8 and m$ heart was trou!led within me. I remem!ered da$s o" oldJ I meditated on all $our works. I made the works o" $our hands m$ meditation. I stretched out m$ hands towards $ouJ m$ soul thirsted "or $ou like a waterless land. Hear me swi"tl$8 ) 0ordJ m$ spirit has "ailed. 3o not turn $our "ace "rom me8 or I shall !e like those who go down to the *it. %ake me hear o" $our merc$ in the morning8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. %ake known to me the wa$ in which I should walk8 "or to $ou I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul. 3eli-er me "rom m$ enemies8 0ordJ I ha-e run to $ou "or shelter. 'each me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. For $our name7s sake8 ) 0ord8 $ou will gi-e me li"e. In $our Eustice $ou will !ring m$ soul out o" trou!leJ in $our merc$ sla$ m$ enemies8 and destro$ all those who a""lict m$ soul8 "or I am $our ser-ant. And again. 6.

In $our Eustice hear me8 ) 0ordJ and do not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant. @x,A Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A. %etanias @x.A. 3uring the &ix *salms the *riest reads the %+el,e 'orning *rayers. 1st *ra$er 2e thank $ou8 0ord our God8 who ha-e roused us "rom our !eds and placed in our mouth a word o" praise8 to worship and call upon $our Hol$ Name8 and we !eseech $ou !$ $our acts o" pit$8 with which $ou ha-e alwa$s treated our li"e. And now send "orth $our help on those who stand !e"ore the presence o" $our hol$ glor$ and who await the rich merc$ which comes "rom $ou8 and grant that the$ ma$ alwa$s ser-e8 praise8 h$mn and worship $our inexpressi!le lo-ingCkindness. For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ,nd *ra$er At night our spirit rises earl$ to $ou8 our God8 "or $our commandments are light upon the earth. 'each us Eustice and sancti"ication in "ear o" $ouJ "or we glori"$ $ou who are our God8 the )ne who trul$ exists. Incline $our ear and hear usJ and remem!er8 0ord8 !$ name all those who are present and who pra$ with us8 and sa-e them !$ $our power. 1less $our people and sancti"$ $our inheritance. Gi-e peace to $our world8 to the churches8 to the priests8 to our rulers and to all $our people. For !lessed and glori"ied is $our allChonoured and maEestic name8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 6/

.rd *ra$er At night our spirit rises earl$ to $ou8 ) God8 "or $our commandments are light. 'each us $our Eustice8 ) God8 $our commands and $our statutes. +nlighten the e$es o" our understanding8 lest we e-er sleep unto death in sins. 3ri-e awa$ all gloom$ darkness "rom our hearts. Gi-e us the grace o" the sun o" Eustice and !$ the seal o" $our Hol$ &pirit keep our li"e "ree "rom harm. 3irect our steps in the wa$ o" peace. Grant that we ma$ see the dawn and the da$ in Eo$8 that we ma$ o""er $our our morning pra$ers. For $ours is the might and $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. /th *ra$er %aster and God8 hol$ and !e$ond understanding8 who said: 0et light shine out o" darkness8 who ha-e gi-en us rest !$ the sleep o" the night and raised us up to glori"$ and implore $our lo-ing kindnessJ entreated !$ $our own compassion8 accept us who now worship $ou and gi-e $ou thanks in the measure o" our power8 and grant us all our reFuests that are "or sal-ation. 3eclare us to !e children o" light and o" the da$8 and heirs o" $our eternal !lessings. (emem!er also8 0ord8 in the greatness o" $our compassion all $our people8 those present with us and who pra$ with us8 and all our !rethren !$ land and sea and in e-er$ place o" $our dominion who ask "or $our lo-e "or humankind and $our helpJ and gi-e to all $our great merc$. &o that8 alwa$s kept sa"e in soul and !od$8 we ma$ glori"$ with !oldness $our wondrous and !lessed name8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 6th *ra$er 'reasur$ o" !lessings8 e-erC"lowing &ource8 Hol$ Father8 worker o" wonders8 allC power"ul and almight$8 we all worship $ou and !eseech $ou8 as we in-oke $our 66

acts o" merc$ and compassion to help and assist our lowliness. (emem!er $our suppliants8 0ordJ accept the morning pra$ers o" us all like incense !e"ore $ou8 and make none o" us repro!ate8 !ut keep us all through $our acts o" compassion. (emem!er8 0ord8 those who keep -igil and who chant to $our glor$ and that o" $our &on and our God and o" $our Hol$ &pirit. 1e their help and their aidJ accept their supplications on $our hea-enl$ and spiritual altar. For $ou are our God and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. >th *ra$er 2e gi-e thanks to $ou8 0ord God o" our sal-ation8 "or $ou do all things "or the wellC!eing o" our li"e8 that we ma$ at all times look to $ou8 the &a-iour and 1ene"actor o" our souls. 2e gi-e thanks to $ou8 "or $ou ha-e gi-en us rest in the part o" the night which has passed and roused us "rom our !eds and placed us here "or the worship o" $our honoured name. 'here"ore we !eg $ou8 0ord: Gi-e us grace and power8 so that we ma$ !e counted worth$ to chant to $ou with understanding and to pra$ without ceasing in "ear and trem!ling8 as we work out our sal-ation through the assistance o" $our &on. (emem!er too8 0ord8 those who cr$ out to $ou !$ night. Hear them and ha-e merc$8 and crush !eneath their "eet their in-isi!le and hostile "oes. For $ou are the King o" peace and the &a-iour o" our souls8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. <th *ra$er God and Father o" our 0ord 4esus hrist8 who ha-e raised us "rom our !eds and gathered us together "or this hour o" pra$er8 gi-e us grace !$ the opening o" our mouths and accept our thanksgi-ings8 in the measure o" our a!ilit$. 'each us $our statutes8 !ecause we do not know how to pra$ as we ought8 unless $ou8 0ord guide us !$ $our Hol$ &pirit. 'here"ore we !eg $ou8 i" we ha-e sinned in an$ wa$ until 6>

the present hour in word or deed or !$ thought8 -oluntaril$ or in-oluntaril$8 remit8 "orgi-e8 pardon. For i" $ou should regard iniFuities8 0ordJ 0ord8 who will standM For there is redemption "rom $ou. Iou alone are hol$8 a helper8 a might$ de"ender o" our li"e8 and in $ou is our praise at all times. 1lessed and glori"ied !e the might o" $our Kingdom8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. =th *ra$er 0ord our God8 who ha-e dri-en "rom us the sloth o" sleep and called us together with a hol$ summons to li"t up our hands and to gi-e $ou thanks "or the Eudgements o" $our Eustice8 accept our supplications8 our reFuests8 our thanksgi-ings8 our nocturnal worshipJ and gi-e us8 ) God8 the grace o" "aith unashamed8 sure hope8 lo-e without pretence. 1less our comings in and our goings out8 our deeds8 works8 words8 desires8 and grant that we ma$ meet the !eginnings o" the da$ praising8 singing8 !lessing the lo-ingCkindness o" $our ine""a!le goodness. For !lessed is $our allChol$ name and glori"ied is $our kingdom8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ;th *ra$er 0ight in our hearts8 %aster8 lo-er o" humankind8 the unsullied light o" $our di-ine knowledge8 and open the e$es o" our mind to the understanding o" the proclamation o" $our Gospel. Instil in us also the "ear o" $our !lessed commandments8 so that ha-ing trampled down all the desires o" the "lesh we ma$ pass o-er to a spiritual wa$ o" li"e8 thinking and doing all things that are wellC pleasing to $ou. For $ou are our sancti"ication and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 15th *ra$er 6<

0ord our God8 who ha-e granted humankind "orgi-eness through repentance and shown us an image o" acknowledgement and con"ession o" sins: the repentance leading to pardon o" the prophet 3a-id8 in accordance with $our great merc$ ha-e merc$ on us8 who ha-e "allen !$ man$ and great o""ences8 and8 in accordance with the multitude o" $our pit$8 wipe awa$ our o""ences. For we ha-e sinned against $ou8 0ord8 who know too the hidden and secret things o" the human heart and who alone ha-e authorit$ to "orgi-e sins. reate a clean heart in us and !$ $our so-ereign &pirit esta!lish us and make known to us the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation. 3o not cast us awa$ "rom $our presence8 !ut !e well pleased8 as $ou are good and lo-e humankind8 "or us to o""er $ou until our last !reath a sacri"ice o" Eustice and an o""ering on $our hol$ altars. 1$ the merc$ and compassion and lo-e "or humankind o" $our onl$C!egotten &on8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 11th *ra$er ) God8 our God8 who !$ $our will ha-e !rought into !eing the spiritual and rational *owers8 we !eseech and implore $ou8 accept with that o" all $our creatures our h$mn o" glor$ in the measure o" our power8 and grant us in return the rich gi"ts o" $our lo-ingCkindness. For to $ou !ends e-er$ knee o" those in hea-en and on earth and under the earth8 and e-er$thing that has !reath and all creation sings the praise o" $our incomprehensi!le glor$. For $ou alone are God8 true and o" great merc$. For all the *owers o" hea-en praise $ou and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1,th *ra$er 2e praise8 h$mn8 !less and gi-e $ou thanks8 ) God o" our "athers8 "or $ou ha-e turned aside the shades o" night and shown us again the light o" da$. 1ut we implore $our lo-ingCkindness: 1e merci"ul to our sins and accept our supplication 6=

in $our great compassion8 "or we take re"uge in $ou8 the merci"ul and allCpower"ul God. %ake the true sun o" Eustice shine in our heartsJ enlighten our mind and guard all our senses8 so that8 walking uprightl$ !$ da$ in the wa$ o" $our commandments8 we ma$ reach eternal li"eJ "or with $ou is the source o" li"e8 and ma$ we !e counted worth$ to come to the enEo$ment o" the unapproacha!le light. For $ou are our God and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'he *riest8 ha-ing kissed the icon o" the 0ord8 enters the sanctuar$ !$ the south door. 2hen the &ix *salms are completed the *riest8 standing in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 intones the: 0itan$ o" *eace In peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each petition. For the peace "rom on high and "or the sal-ation o" our souls8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For the peace o" the whole world8 "or the wel"are o" the hol$ hurches o" God8 and "or the union o" all8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ house8 and "or those who enter it with "aith8 re-erence and the "ear o" God8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our Arch!ishop N.8 "or the honoured order o" pres!$ters8 "or the diaconate in hrist8 "or all the clerg$ and the people8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. BFor our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the (o$al Famil$8 her Go-ernment8 and all in authorit$8 let us pra$ to the 0ord.: For this cit$8 "or e-er$ cit$8 town and -illage8 and "or the "aith"ul who dwell in them8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. 6;

For "a-oura!le weather8 an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth8 and temperate seasons8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For those who tra-el !$ land8 air or water8 "or the sick8 the su""ering8 "or those in capti-it$8 and "or their sa"et$ and sal-ation8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our deli-erance "rom all a""liction8 wrath8 danger and constraint8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages# *eople: Amen. A"ter the 0itan$ !$ the *riest8 the anonarch or &inger chants8 in the tone o" the 'roparion o" the da$: 'he 0ord is God8 and has appeared to us. 1lessed is he who comes in the name o" the 0ord. @'his is sung a"ter each o" the "ollowing -erses !$ the two choirs alternatel$A #erse 1: Gi-e thanks to the 0ord8 "or he is good: his merc$ endures "or e-er. #erse ,: All the nations surrounded me8 !ut in the name o" the 0ord I dro-e them !ack. #erse .: 'his is the 0ord?s doing8 and it is mar-ellous in our e$es. 'hen we sing the 'roparion o" the current "east8 or o" the &aint o" the da$8 or8 on &unda$s8 the (esurrection Apol$tikion o" the current tone twice8 together with the appropriate 'heotokion. 'his is a simpli"ied ru!ricJ !ut it should !e noted that on most &unda$s the (esurrection Apol$tikion is sung twi(e. >5

A"ter this the recitation o" the *salter and the Bpoetic: Kathismata as appointed. )n &unda$s the "irst two Kathismata o" the *salter are num!ers , and . B*salms ;C 1> and 1<C,.: A"ter each Kathisma the &hort 0itan$ !$ the *riest with the "ollowing endings. A"ter the 1st Kathisma For $ours is the might and $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. A"ter the ,nd Kathisma For $ou8 ) God8 are good and lo-e humankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. )n normal &unda$s the third Kathisma is *salm 11= BKathisma 1<:. )n maEor Feasts the *ol$eleos. A"ter the last -erse o" *salm 11=8 or the *ol$eleos8 i" the Feast "alls on a &unda$8 we sing at once8 that is before Glor$ to the Father: 'he (esurrection +-logitaria. 'one 6 1e"ore each 'roparion we sa$: 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord: teach me $our statutes. 'he compan$ o" the Angels was amaLed8 seeing $ou num!ered among the dead8 $et destro$ing the power o" death8 ) &a-iour8 raising Adam with $oursel" and "reeing all "rom Hell. D2h$ do $ou mingle sweet spices with $our tears8 ) women disciplesM? the daLLling Angel in the tom! said to the women !earing m$rrh8 D1ehold the tom!8 and understand: "or the &a-iour has risen "rom the gra-e?. +arl$ in the morning the women !earing m$rrh hastened8 lamenting8 to $our gra-eJ !ut the Angel stood !e"ore them and said8 D'he time "or lamentation has passed. 3o not weepJ !ut tell the Apostles o" the (esurrection?.


'he women !earing spices coming to $our gra-e8 ) &a-iour8 heard an Angel sa$ing to them8 D2h$ do $ou num!er the li-ing among the deadM For as God he has risen "rom the gra-e?. Glor$. 'o the 'rinit$. 2e worship the Father8 and his &on8 and the Hol$ &pirit: the hol$ consu!stantial 'rinit$8 as we cr$ with the &eraphim8 DHol$8 hol$8 hol$ are $ou8 ) 0ordH? 1oth now. 'heotokion. ) #irgin8 !$ gi-ing !irth $ou redeemed Adam "rom sin8 and $ou !rought +-e Eo$ instead o" sorrow. He who was incarnate "rom $ou8 who is !oth God and man8 has guided !ack to li"e those who had "allen "rom li"e. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 'hen the &hort 0itan$ !$ the *riest with the ending: For !lessed is $our name and glori"ied is $our kingdom8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 'he (eader reads the IpakoP. )n Feasts the Bpoetic: Kathisma. )n &unda$ there "ollow the Ana-athmi in the 'one o" the 2eek. )n "easts8 the First Antiphon o" those in 'one /. From m$ $outh up man$ passions make war on me: !ut $ou8 ) &a-iour8 help me and sa-e me. @x,A Iou who hate Qion8 ma$ $ou !e put to shame !$ the 0ord: "or $ou will !e dried up as grass !$ "ire. @x,A Glor$. 1$ the Hol$ &pirit e-er$ soul is gi-en li"e8 !$ cleansing it is exalted8 it is made !right !$ the three"old 9nit$ in a sacred m$ster$. 1oth now. >,

1$ the Hol$ &pirit e-er$ soul is gi-en li"e8 !$ cleansing it is exalted8 it is made !right !$ the three"old 9nit$ in a sacred m$ster$. BIn some places the "ollowing is sung instead: 1$ the Hol$ &pirit the streams o" grace well up8 watering all creation to engender li"e.: 3uring the Ana-athmi the *riest8 with the 3eacon8 enters the sanctuar$ and8 -ested in epitrachelion and phelonion8 stands in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le. 2hen the Ana-athmi and the *rokeimenon are "inished the 3eacon intones: 0et us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: For hol$ are $ou8 our God8 and $ou dwell in the hol$ place8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. hoirs: 0et e-er$thing that has !reath praise the 0ord. @x.+ 3eacon: And that he would count us worth$ to listen to the hol$ Gospel8 let us pra$ to the 0ord God. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A 3eacon: 2isdom8 stand upright. 0et us listen to the hol$ Gospel. *riest @or 1ishopA: *eace to all. *eople: And to $our &pirit. *riest: 'he (eading is "rom the hol$ Gospel according to N. *eople: Glor$ to $ou8 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH 3eacon: 0et us attend.


And the *riest reads the %atins Gospel8 i" it is &unda$8 the +othinon8 standing on the south side o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 with the 3eacon opposite him. )n other da$s he reads it "rom !etween the Hol$ 3oors8 "acing the *eople. A"ter the Gospel8 *eople: Glor$ to $ou8 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH )n &unda$s8 a"ter the Gospel: Ha-ing seen the (esurrection o" hrist8 let us worship the Hol$ 0ord 4esus8 the onl$ sinless one. 2e worship $our ross8 ) hrist8 and we praise and glori"$ $our hol$ (esurrection. For $ou are our GodJ we know no other !ut $ouJ we name $ou !$ name. ome8 all the "aith"ul8 let us worship the hol$ (esurrection o" hristJ "or !ehold through the ross8 Eo$ has come in all the world. +-er !lessing the 0ord8 we sing his (esurrection. For ha-ing endured the ross "or us8 !$ death he has destro$ed death. 'hen on &unda$s the &ingers !egin *salm 65. 'he *riest8 wearing his kal$ma"chion Band cowl: and ha-ing let down the phelonion8 stands in the Hol$ 3oors holding the Hol$ Gospel. 2hen the singers reach the -erse For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truth8 he comes out through the Hol$ 3oors and takes his stand in the middle o" the church. In Athonite use8 he stands directl$ !eneath the pol$eleos "or the &uperior to -enerate the Gospel. He then mo-es "urther to the west "or the rest o" those present to do so. 'he ser-er with the candle is the last to -enerate. In most Greek parishes the Gospel is then taken to !ack o" the church8 preceded !$ the candle8 and placed on a stand near the west end o" the church8 so that latecomers ma$ -enerate it. 'here "ollows the -eneration o" the Gospel8 a"ter which the *riest returns to the &anctuar$ and places the Gospel on the Hol$ 'a!le8 or8 where it is the custom8 at the !ack o" the hurch. )n all other da$s the *salm is read and there is no -eneration o" the Gospel. *salm 65 Ha-e merc$ on me ) God8 in $our great merc$J according to the "ullness o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. >/

2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou onl$ I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words8 and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed8 and in sin m$ mother !ore me. "or see, !ou have loved truth: $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansedJ $ou will wash me8 and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins8 and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with a so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed8 and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips: and m$ mouth will declare $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en itJ $ou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spiritJ a !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasureJ and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. >6

'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" Eustice8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. )n &unda$s: Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'hrough the pra$ers o" the Apostles8 ) %erci"ul )ne8 !lot out the multitude o" m$ transgressions. 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hrough the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 ) %erci"ul )ne8 !lot out the multitude o" m$ transgression Ha-e merc$ on me8 ) God8 in $our great merc$J according to the "ulness o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 4esus8 ha-ing risen "rom the tom! as he "oretold8 has gi-en us eternal li"e and his great merc$. )n all Feasts with a Gospel special texts are appointed to !e sung a"ter Glor$ and 1oth now and the -erse Ha-e merc$ on me on8 ) God. 'hese will !e "ound in the %enaion "or the da$. )n all da$s with a Gospel8 the 3eacon @or *riestA: ) God8 sa-e $our people and !less $our inheritance8 -isit $our world with merc$ and pit$8 exalt the horn o" )rthodox hristians and send down upon us $our rich merciesJ at the pra$ers o" our allCpure 0ad$8 the %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$J !$ the power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing rossJ at the protection o" the honoured 1odiless *owers o" hea-enJ through the intercessions o" the honoured8 glorious *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohn8 o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" the hol$8 glorious and triumphant %art$rsJ o" our -enera!le and GodC !earing Fathers and %othersJ o" the hol$ and righteous Fore!ears o" God8 4oachim and Anna8 o" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rate8 and o" all $our &aints8 we >>

!eseech $ou8 onl$ merci"ul 0ord8 hearken to us sinners as we pra$ to $ou and ha-e merc$ on us. &ingers: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @'wel-e times8 in threesA Priest, 1$ the merc$ and compassion and lo-e towards humankind o" $our onl$C !egotten &on8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. &ingers: Amen. And we !egin the anons. In Athonite use8 on &unda$s and Feasts the hurch is censed as usual at the start o" the anons. At the end o" the .rd and >th )des8 the &hort 0itan$. A"ter the .rd )de For $ou are our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. A"ter the >th )de For $ou are the King o" peace and the &a-iour o" our souls8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 'he Kontakion8 Ikos and &$naxarion "or the da$ are read. 2hen the Kata-asia o" the =th )de is "inished the 3eacon8 looking towards the *eople "rom the Hol$ 3oors8 sa$s in a loud -oice: 'he %other o" God and %other o" the 0ight in h$mns let us honour and magni"$. He then censes the whole sanctuar$ and church as usual. 'he %agni"icat and ;th )de are traditionall$ sung !$ the senior persons present in the two hoirs. 'he &ong o" the %other o" God. ><

A maiden mother h$mns her &on and God. In h$mns God?s %other now we magni"$. %$ soul magni"ies the 0ord8 and m$ spirit has reEoiced in God m$ &a-iour. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. For he has regarded the lowliness o" his handmaiden8 "or !ehold "rom hence"orth all generations will call me !lessed. For he that is might$ has done great things "or me8 and hol$ is his name8 and his merc$ is on them that "ear him "rom generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm8 he has scattered the proud in the imagination o" their hearts. He has put down the might$ "rom their thrones and exalted the hum!le. He has "illed the hungr$ with good things and the rich he has sent awa$ empt$. He has helped Israel his ser-ant in remem!rance o" his merc$8 as he spoke to our "athers8 A!raham and his seed "or e-er. A"ter the Kata-asia o" the ;th )de8 the &hort 0itan$. 3eacon: Again and again in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 3eacon: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 3eacon: ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. >=

*riest: For all the *owers o" hea-en praise $ou8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. 'hen on &unda$s onl$: hoir 1: Hol$ is the 0ord our God. hoir ,: Hol$ is the 0ord our God. hoir 1: +xalt the 0ord our GodJ and !ow down !e"ore his "ootstool. hoir ,: For he is hol$. 'hen8 on all da$s8 the +xapostilaria. A"ter the +xapostilaria 0auds I" it is &unda$8 or a "east o" the 0ord8 or the memorial o" a &aint ha-ing the Great 3oxolog$8 the two hoirs sing 0et e-er$thing that has !reath in the appropriate tone8 as "ollows: *salm 1/= BA: )et ever!thing that has breath praise the 0ord. *raise the 0ord "rom the hea-ensJ praise him in the highest. 'o $ou praise is due8 ) God. B1: *raise him, all his angels0 *raise him8 all his *owers. 'o $ou praise is due8 ) God. 'he "ollowing -erses8 to the point where the &tichera are inserted8 are8 un"ortunatel$8 o"ten omitted. BA: *raise him8 sun and moonJ praise him8 all $ou stars and light. B1: *raise him8 $ou highest hea-ens and $ou waters that are a!o-e the hea-ens. 0et them praise the name o" the 0ord. BA: For he spoke and the$ came into !eingJ he commanded and the$ were created. >;

B1: He esta!lished them "or e-er and e-erJ he made an ordinance8 and it shall not pass awa$. BA: *raise the 0ord "rom the earthJ praise him8 $ou seaCmonsters and all deepsJ B1: Fire and hail8 snow and ice and stormCwindJ things that do his word. BA: %ountains and all hills8 "ruiting trees and all cedarsJ B1: 1easts o" the wild8 and all cattle8 creeping things and winged !irdsJ BA: Kings o" the earth and all peoples8 rulers and all Eudges o" the earthJ B1: Ioung men and maidens: old men and $ouths together8 let them praise the name o" the 0ordJ "or his name alone has !een exalted. BA: His praise is a!o-e earth and hea-en8 and he will exalt the horn o" his people. B1: A h$mn "or all his hol$ onesJ "or the children o" Israel8 a people that draws near him. *salm 1/; BA: &ing to the 0ord a new song8 his praise in the hurch o" the hol$ ones. B1: 0et Israel reEoice in him that made him8 let the children o" &ion !e Eo$"ul in their king. BA: 0et them praise his name in the danceJ let them sing his praise with tim!rel and with harp. B1: For the 0ord is wellCpleased with his peopleJ he will exalt the meek with sal-ation. BA: His hol$ ones will exult in glor$8 and reEoice upon their !eds. B1: 'he high praises o" God in their mouths8 and twoCedged swords in their hands8 BA: 'o exact -engeance among the nations8 punishments among the peoples. B1: 'o !ind their kings in "ettersJ and their no!les in shackles o" iron. For = #erses @&unda$sA or > #erses. <5

BA: 'o execute upon them the Eudgement that is decreedJ such glor$ will !e "or all his hol$ ones. *salm 165 B1: *raise God in his saintsJ praise him in the "irmament o" his power. For / #erses. BA: *raise him "or his might$ actsJ praise him according to the greatness o" his maEest$. B1: *raise him with the sound o" the trumpetJ praise him with lute and harp. BA: *raise him with tim!rel and danceJ praise him with strings and pipe. B1: *raise him with tune"ul c$m!alsJ praise him with loud c$m!als. 0et e-er$thing that has !reath praise the 0ord. I" it is &unda$8 add the "ollowing -erses: BA: #erse 1:Arise8 ) 0ord8 m$ God8 li"t up $our hand: do not "orget $our poor "or e-er. B1: #erse ,: I will gi-e $ou thanks8 ) 0ord8 with m$ whole heart: I will tell o" all $our wonders. I" a "east with &tichera at 0auds "alls on a &unda$8 the appropriate *salm -erses are used instead. BA: Glor$. )n &unda$ the +othinon corresponding to the Gospel. B1: 1oth now. )n &unda$ the "ollowing 'heotokion: Iou are most !lessed8 #irgin %other o" God8 "or through him who took "lesh "rom $ou Hell has !een taken capti-e8 Adam recalled8 the curse slain8 +-e set "ree8 death put to death8 and we gi-en li"e. 'here"ore in praise we cr$: 1lessed are $ou8 hrist our God8 who ha-e !een thus wellCpleased. Glor$ to $ou. <1

)n &unda$s and Feasts ha-ing a Great 3oxolog$: BA: Glor$ to $ou who ha-e shown us the light. Glor$ to God in the highest8 and on earth peace8 goodwill among men. B1: 2e praise $ou8 we !less $ou8 we worship $ou8 we glori"$ $ou8 we gi-e $ou thanks "or $our great glor$. BA: 0ord8 King8 God o" hea-en8 Father almight$: 0ord8 onl$C!egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit. B1: 0ord God8 0am! o" God8 &on o" the Father8 who take awa$ the sin o" the world8 ha-e merc$ on usJ $ou take awa$ the sins o" the world. BA: (ecei-e our pra$er8 $ou who sit on the right hand o" the Father8 and ha-e merc$ on us. B1: For $ou alone are hol$8 $ou alone are 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. BA: +-er$ da$ I will !less $ou8 and praise $our name "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. B1: Grant8 0ord8 this da$ to keep us without sin. BA: 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 the God o" our "athers8 and praised and glori"ied $our name to the ages. Amen. B1: %a$ $our merc$8 ) 0ord8 !e upon us8 as we ha-e put our hope in $ou. BA: 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 teach me $our statutes. B1: 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 teach me $our statutes. BA: 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 teach me $our statutes. B1: 0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom generation to generation. I said8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on me8 heal m$ soul8 "or I ha-e sinned against $ou. BA: 0ord8 I ha-e run to $ou "or re"uge: teach me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. <,

B1: For with $ou is the source o" li"e: and in $our light we shall see light. BA: ontinue $our merc$ towards those who know $ou. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ upon us. B1: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ upon us. BA: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ upon us. B1: Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. BA: 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. B1: Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ upon us. BA: Hol$ God. B1: Hol$ &trong. BA: Hol$ Immortal. B1: Ha-e merc$ on us. I" it is &unda$8 at the end o" the 3oxolog$ and 'risagion8 we sa$ the (esurrection 'roparia. For the 1st8 ,nd8 .rd and /th tones in 'one /: 'oCda$ sal-ation has come to the world. 0et us sing to him who rose "rom the tom!8 the Author o" our li"e. For destro$ing death !$ death8 he has gi-en us the -ictor$ and his great merc$. For the 6th8 >th8 <th and =th tones in 'one =. 1$ rising "rom the tom! and !ursting through the !onds o" Hell8 $ou a!olished the sentence o" death8 ) 0ord8 deli-ering all "rom the snares o" the "oe. Ha-ing shown $oursel" to $our Apostles8 $ou sent them out to preach8 and through them $ou ga-e peace to the whole world8 $ou who alone are "ull o" merc$. )n other Feasts the Apol$tikion8 once. 'he two 0itanies and 3ismissal. 3eacon: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 'hree times a"ter each petition. 3eacon: Again we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N. <.

BAgain we pra$ "or our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the ro$al "amil$8 her go-ernment and all in authorit$.: Again we pra$ "or merc$8 li"e8 peace8 health8 sal-ation8 -isitation8 pardon and "orgi-eness o" sins "or the ser-ants o" God8 all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 those who dwell in or -isit this cit$ and parish8 the wardens and mem!ers o" this church and their "amiliesJ Band "or the ser-ants o" God N. O N. @Here the 3eacon ma$ name those "or whom he has !een asked to pra$A8 and all who ha-e asked "or our pra$ers8 unworth$ though we are.: Again we pra$ "or the !lessed and e-erCremem!ered "ounders o" this hol$ church8 and "or all our !rothers and sisters who ha-e gone to their rest !e"ore us8 and who lie asleep here in the true "aithJ and "or the )rthodox e-er$whereB8 and "or the ser-ants o" God N. O N. @Here the 3eacon ma$ name those "or whom he has !een asked to pra$A8 and that the$ ma$ !e pardoned all their o""ences8 !oth -oluntar$ and in-oluntar$:. Again we pra$ "or those who !ring o""erings8 those who care "or the !eaut$ o" this hol$ and -enera!le house8 "or those who la!our in its ser-ice8 "or those who sing8 and "or the people here present8 who await $our great and rich merc$. *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul8 and lo-e humankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. 3eacon: 0et us complete our morning pra$er to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitions. 3eacon: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. 'hat the whole da$ ma$ !e per"ect8 hol$8 peace"ul and sinless8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *eople: Grant this8 ) 0ord. And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitions. </

3eacon: An angel o" peace8 a "aith"ul guide8 a guardian o" our souls and !odies8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *ardon and "orgi-eness o" our sins and o""ences8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hings good and pro"ita!le "or our souls8 and peace "or the world8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hat we ma$ li-e out the rest o" our da$s in peace and repentance8 let us ask o" the 0ord. A hristian end to our li"e8 painless8 unashamed and peace"ul8 and a good de"ence !e"ore the dread Eudgement seat o" hrist8 let us ask. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For $ou are a God o" merc$8 compassion and lo-e towards humankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: *eace to all. *eople: And to $our spirit. 3eacon: 0et us !ow our heads to the 0ord. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *ra$er at the 1owing o" Heads *riest @in a low -oiceA: Hol$ 0ord8 dwelling on high and !eholding things !elow and8 with $our e$e that o!ser-es all8 keeping watch o-er the whole creation8 to $ou we ha-e !owed the neck o" our soul and !od$8 and we !eseech $ou8 ) Hol$ o" Holies: &tretch "orth $our in-isi!le hand "rom $our hol$ dwelling and !less us all. And8 as $ou are good and lo-e humankind8 pardon us i" we ha-e sinned in <6

an$thing8 -oluntaril$ or in-oluntaril$8 granting us $our !lessings !oth o" this world and o" the world a!o-e. @AloudA For $ours it is to ha-e merc$ and to sa-e us8 ) our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: 2isdom. (eader: 1less. *riest @"rom inside the &anctuar$A: 1lessed is He 2ho Is8 hrist our true God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. %a$ the 0ord God strengthen the hol$ and pure "aith o" de-out and orthodox hristians8 with his hol$ hurch8 unto ages o" ages. *riest: %ost hol$ %other o" God8 sa-e us. (eader: Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. 'he *riest8 standing in the hol$ 3oors and "acing the *eople8 gi-es the Great 3ismissal as "ollows: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A Gi-e the !lessing. And the *riest8 lowering the *helonion8 continues: %a$ Bon &unda$ he who rose "rom the dead8 !ut on Feasts o" the 0ord the appropriate phrase: hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his allCpure and hol$ %otherJ !$ the power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing rossJ through the protection o" the honoured8 1odiless *owers o" hea-enJ the intercessions o" the honoured8 glorious8 prophet8 "orerunner and 1aptist 4ohnJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" the hol$8 glorious and triumphant %art$rsJ o" our -enera!le and godC <>

!earing FathersJ o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J o" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rate8 and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es humankind. (eader: Amen. And at once he !egins the First Hour.

First Hour.
'he Hol$ 3oors and the urtain are shut. 'he (eader !egins straight awa$ with: ) ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ) ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ) ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 'hree %etanias and the *salms: *salm 6 Gi-e ear to m$ words8 ) 0ord8 understand m$ cr$. Attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication8 m$ King and m$ GodJ "or to $ou I shall pra$8 ) 0ord. In the morning $ou will hear m$ -oice. In the morning I shall stand !e"ore $ou8 and $ou will watch o-er meJ !ecause $ou are not a God who wants iniFuit$. 'he e-ilCdoer will not dwell with $ou8 nor will the lawless remain !e"ore $our e$es. Iou ha-e hated all those who work iniFuit$J $ou will destro$ all those who speak lies. 'he 0ord a!hors a man o" !loodshed and deceit. 1ut I8 in the a!undance o" $our merc$8 will enter $our house8 I will worship towards $our hol$ temple in "ear o" $ou. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our Eustice !ecause o" m$ enemies8 direct m$ wa$ !e"ore $ou. 1ecause there is no truth in their mouthsJ their heart is -ain. 'heir throat is an open tom!8 the$ decei-e with their tongues. 4udge them8 ) God. 0et them "all through their counselsJ according to the multitude o" their impieties cast them out8 "or the$ ha-e em!ittered $ou8 ) 0ord. And ma$ all those who hope in $ou !e gladJ the$ will reEoice "or e-er8 and $ou will dwell among them8 and all those who lo-e $our <<

name will !oast in $ou. 1ecause $ou will !less the righteousJ $ou ha-e crowned him8 ) 0ord8 with $our good pleasure. *salm =; 0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom one generation to another. 1e"ore the mountains came into !eing or the earth and the world were "ormed8 "rom age to age $ou are. 3o not turn humankind !ack to humiliation8 and $ou said: 'urn !ack8 children o" men. 1ecause a thousand $ears in $our e$es8 0ord8 are like a da$8 or like $esterda$ which has passed8 and like a watch in the night. 'heir $ears will !e mere tri"les8 in the morning like grass ma$ he pass awa$. In the morning let him "lower and pass awa$J in the e-ening let him "all8 dr$ up and wither. 1ecause we ha-e perished in $our anger8 and in $our wrath we ha-e !een disma$ed. Iou ha-e set our iniFuities !e"ore $ouJ our age in the light o" $our countenance. 1ecause all our da$s ha-e perished8 and in $our anger we ha-e perishedJ our $ears were reckoned like a spider. 'he da$s o" our $ears there are se-ent$ $ears in them8 !ut i" we are strong8 eight$8 and the maEorit$ o" them are la!our and toilJ !ecause weakness has come o-er us and we shall !e chastened. 2ho knows the might o" $our angerM And can gauge $our wrath "rom "ear o" $ouM &o make $our right hand known to me8 and those chastened in heart !$ wisdom. 'urn !ack8 ) 0ord8 how longM And !e entreated "or $our ser-ants. 2e ha-e !een "illed in the morning with $our merc$8 ) 0ord8 and we ha-e reEoiced and !een glad. In all our da$s let us !e gladJ in return "or the da$s when $ou hum!led us8 the $ears when we saw e-ils. And look upon $our ser-ants and upon the work o" $our hands and guide $our children. And let the !rightness o" the 0ord !e upon us8 and direct the works o" our hands "or us8 and direct the work o" our hand. *salm 155 I will sing to $ou o" merc$ and Eudgement8 ) 0ord8 I will chant and think on a !lameless wa$. 2hen will $ou come to meM I ha-e walked in the midst o" m$ house in the innocence o" m$ heart. I ha-e set no lawless deed !e"ore m$ e$esJ I <=

ha-e hated those who commit transgressions. No twisted heart has !een attached to meJ the e-il man who a-oids me I ha-e not acknowledged. 'he man who secretl$ slanders his neigh!our8 him I ha-e dri-en out. 2ith a man o" proud looks and insatiate heart I ha-e not eaten. %$ e$es are upon the "aith"ul in the land8 "or them to dwell with meJ the man who walks on a !lameless wa$8 he has ministered to me. 'he man who acts proudl$ has not dwelt in m$ houseJ the man who speaks calumnies has not prospered !e"ore me. %orning !$ morning I slew all the sinners in the land8 to purge "rom the 0ord7s cit$ all workers o" iniFuit$. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia. @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A 'hen at once: Glor$8 the Apol$tikion o" the da$8 1oth now8 and the "ollowing 'heotokion: 2hat shall we call $ou8 ) Full o" graceM Hea-enM For $ou made the &un o" Eustice to dawn. *aradiseM For $ou made the "lower o" incorruption !lossom. #irginM For $ou remained incorrupt. *ure %otherM For $ou held in $our hol$ em!race a &on who is the God o" all. Implore him that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. And immediatel$: 3irect m$ steps according to $our word8 and let no iniFuit$ lord it o-er me. 3eli-er me "rom the slander o" men8 and I shall keep $our commandments. 0et $our "ace shine on $our ser-ant8 and teach me $our statutes. 0et m$ mouth !e "illed with $our praise8 ) 0ord8 that I ma$ h$mn $our glor$8 all da$ long $our splendour. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @x.A Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen.


AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name7s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'he Kontakion o" the &aint8 i" there is one8 or o" the current Feast. 1ut on &unda$ we sa$ the H$pakoP o" the 'one. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A Glor$. 1oth now.


Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 gi-e the !lessing8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less usJ show the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen the &uperior sa$s "ollowing pra$er: hrist8 the true light8 who enlighten and hallow e-er$one who comes into the world8 ma$ the light o" $our countenance !e signed upon us8 that in it we ma$ see $our unapproacha!le lightJ and direct our steps to the doing o" $our commandmentsJ at the intercessions o" $our most pure %other and o" all $our &aints. Amen. (eader: 'o $ou m$ hampion and ommander I $our it$ sa-ed "rom disasters dedicate8 ) %other o" God8 h$mns o" -ictor$ and thanksgi-ingJ !ut as $ou ha-e unassaila!le might "rom e-er$ kind o" danger now deli-er me8 that I ma$ cr$ to $ou: Hail8 1ride without !ridegroomH And 3ismissal. Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A Gi-e the !lessing. *riest: %a$ Bon &unda$ he who rose "rom the dead: hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and spotless %otherJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" the hol$8 glorious and triumphant %art$rsJ o" our -enera!le and GodC !earing FathersJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:J Bo" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rateJ o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ: and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es humankind. 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ "athers8 0ord 4esus hrist8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us =1

(eader: Amen. Appendices. 1. the )esurrection -xapostilaria. A omposition !$ the +mperor onstantine8 son o" 0eo the 2ise. +xapostilarion 1 2ith the 3isciples let us go to a mountain in Galilee to contemplate hrist !$ "aith as he sa$s that he has recei-ed authorit$ o-er things on high and things !elow. 0et us learn how he teaches that the$ are to !aptise all nations in the name o" the Father and o" the &on and o" the Hol$ &pirit8 and that he is with his Initiates8 as he promised8 until the "inal consummation. 'heotokion Iou reEoiced with the 3isciples8 #irgin %other o" God8 "or $ou saw hrist risen "rom the tom! on the third da$8 as he said. He also appeared to them teaching and re-ealing mightier things and ordering them to !aptise in the Father8 &on and &pirit8 that we might !elie-e his (ising and might glori"$ $ou8 ) %aiden. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N , 2hen the$ saw the stone rolled awa$ the %$rrh!earers reEoiced8 "or the$ saw a Ioung %an seated in the tom!8 and he said to them8 D&ee8 hrist has risen. 'ell the 3isciples with *eter8 DGo to the mountain in Galilee. 'here he will appear to $ou8 as he "oretold to his "riends?. 'heotokion An Angel !rought his DHail? to the #irgin !e"ore $our conception8 ) hris. An Angel rolled the stone "rom $our tom!. 'he one proclaimed and magni"ied the tokens o" ine""a!le Eo$ instead o" sorrowJ the other $ou8 as gi-er o" li"e in place o" death8 and announced the (esurrection to the 2omen and the Initiates. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N . =,

0et no one dou!t that hrist has risen. For he appeared to %ar$J then he was seen !$ those going out to the countr$J again he appeared to the ele-en Initiates as the$ sat at ta!le8 and8 when he had sent them out to !aptise8 he was taken up to hea-en8 "rom which he had come down8 con"irming the proclamation !$ man$ signs. 'heotokion ) &un8 who toda$ dawned "rom the tom!8 like a 1ridegroom "rom his cham!er8 despoiled Hell and destro$ed death8 at the pra$ers o" her who !ore $ou8 send out $our light to us8 make light shine in our hearts8 make light guide us all to walk in the paths o" $our commandments and in the wa$s o" peace. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N / &hining with -irtues8 let us contemplate the men in shining garments8 who appeared in the li"eC!earing gra-e8 to the %$rrh!earers as the$ !owed their "aces to the earth. 0et us !e taught o" the (ising o" hea-en?s %aster8 and let us run with *eter towards li"e in a gra-e8 and mar-elling at what is done8 let us remain to see hrist. 'heotokion 2ith $our cr$ o" D(eEoiceH?8 0ord8 $ou trans"ormed the grie" o" the Fore"athers8 !ringing instead the Eo$ o" $our (ising to the world. 'here"ore8 through her who !ore $ou8 ) Gi-er o" li"e8 0ight that enlightens hearts8 send "orth the light o" $our mercies that we ma$ cr$ to $ou8 D0o-er o" humankind8 God and man8 glor$ to $our (isingH? +RA*)&'I0A(I)N 6 hrist8 the li"e and the wa$8 "rom among the dead8 Eourne$ed with leopas and 0uke8 to whom he was made known at +mmaus when he !roke the !read. 'heir souls and hearts were a"lame as he talked with them on the road and explained with the &criptures what he had undergone. 2ith them let us cr$ aloud8 DHe has !een raised and has appeared to *eterH? =.

'heotokion I sing the praise o" $our merc$ without measure8 ) m$ %aker8 "or $ou emptied $oursel" to take on and to sa-e the nature o" mortals that had grown e-il. And though God8 $ou accepted to !e !orn in m$ likeness "rom the pure hild o" God and to descend as "ar as Hell8 as $ou wished me to !e sa-ed at the pra$ers o" her who !ore $ou8 ) %aster "ull o" pit$. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N > &howing that $ou are man !$ essence8 ) &a-iour8 ha-ing risen "rom the tom!8 $ou stood in the midst8 partook o" "ood and taught the preaching o" repentance. 'hen at once $ou were raised up to the hea-enl$ Father and $ou promised the 3isciples to send the *araclete. ) God and man8 a!o-e all godhead8 glor$ to $our (isingH 'heotokion 'he %aker o" creation and God o" all things took mortal "lesh "rom $our immaculate !lood8 AllCHol$ #irgin. He also renewed nature8 that was all corrupted8 lea-ing $ou a"ter child!irth as $ou were !e"ore. 'here"ore with "aith we all proclaim $ou8 as we cr$8 DHail8 &o-ereign 0ad$ o" the worldH? +RA*)&'I0A(I)N < 2hen %ar$ said8 D'he$ ha-e taken awa$ the 0ord?8 &imon *eter and another Initiate o" hrist8 whom he lo-ed8 hurried to the gra-e. 'he two ran and "ound the gra-e clothes l$ing inside alone8 while the napkin "or the head was !$ itsel". And so the$ waited Fuietl$ again8 until the$ saw hrist. 'heotokion Great and wonder"ul are the things $ou ha-e done "or m$ sake8 most merci"ul hristJ "or $ou were !orn !e$ond explanation "rom a #irgin %aid and accepted the ross8 and ha-ing endured death $ou arose in glor$ and "reed our nature "rom death. Glor$8 ) hrist8 to $our glor$H Glor$ to $our powerH +RA*)&'I0A(I)N = =/

&eeing two Angels in the gra-e8 %ar$ was amaLed and8 not recognising him8 she asked hrist as the Gardener8 D&ir8 where ha-e $ou laid the !od$ o" m$ 4esusM? (ecognising !$ his call that he was the &a-iour8 she heard8 D3o not touch me. 'ell m$ !rothers that I am departing to the Father?. 'heotokion ) %aiden8 ine""a!l$ $ou !ore one o" the 'rinit$8 who is two !$ nature and two !$ operation8 $et one in person. +-er implore him then "or those who worship $ou in "aith to deli-er us "rom e-er$ de-ice o" the "oeJ "or now we all ha-e recourse to $ou8 &o-ereign 0ad$8 %other o" God. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N ; 'he doors !eing shut as $ou entered8 %aster8 $ou "illed the Apostles with the AllC Hol$ &pirit8 !reathing on them with peace. Iou told them to !ind sins and to loose them8 and a"ter eight da$s $ou showed $our side and hands to 'homas. 2ith him we cr$8 DIou are 0ord and God?. 'heotokion 2hen $ou saw $our &on risen "rom the tom! on the third da$8 1ride o" God8 $ou put awa$ all the tri!ulation $ou had endured as a %other8 when $ou saw him su""ering. And "illed with Eo$ $ou sing his praise as $ou reEoice with his 3isciples. And so sa-e those who now proclaim $ou %other o" God. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N 15 )" old8 the sea o" 'i!erias "ound 'homas "ishing with the sons o" Qe!edee8 Nathaniel8 *eter and two others. 2hen8 at hrist?s order8 the$ let down their net on the right hand side8 the$ caught a multitude o" "ish. *eter8 recognising him8 swam towards him. Appearing to them "or the third time8 he showed them !read8 and a "ish on coals. 'heotokion =6

+ntreat the 0ord8 who rose "rom the tom! on the third da$8 ) #irgin8 on !ehal" o" all who sing $our praise and with lo-e call $ou !lessed. For we all ha-e $ou as a sa-ing re"uge and mediatrix with him8 "or we are $our inheritance and $our ser-ants8 %other o" God8 and we all look to $our assistance. +RA*)&'I0A(I)N 11 'he 0ord8 a"ter his di-ine (ising8 ha-ing three times enFuired o" *eter8 DAre $ou m$ "riendM? proposed him as hie" &hepherd o" his own sheep. He8 when he saw the one whom 4esus lo-ed "ollowing8 asked the %aster8 D2hat o" himM? DI" I want him to remain until I come again?8 he answered8 Dwhat is that to $ou8 "riend *eterM? 'heotokion ) dread m$ster$H ) extraordinar$ wonderH 'hrough death8 death is utterl$ destro$ed. 2ho then will not praise8 who will not worship $our (esurrection8 ) 2ord8 and the %other o" God who purel$ !ore $ou in the "lesh. At her intercessions deli-er us all "rom Hell. 2. the -le,en -othina. A composition !$ 0eo the 2ise +othinon 1. 'one 1. 'he 0ord stood !e"ore his 3isciples8 who had ascended the mountain "or his !eing li"ted "rom the ground. 'he$ worshipped him8 and when the$ had !een taught that authorit$ had !een gi-en him e-er$where8 the$ were sent out to proclaim his (esurrection "rom the dead and his restoration to Hea-en. And hrist8 God and the &a-iour o" our souls8 promised un"ailingl$ that he would !e with them "or e-er. +)'HIN)N ,. 'one ,. 'o the 2omen who came with sweet spices with %ar$8 and who were at a loss how the$ might achie-e their aim8 the stone appeared li"ted and a godlike Iouth stilled the tumult o" their soul8 "or he said: 4esus the 0ord has risenJ there"ore =>

proclaim to his heralds8 the 3isciples8 to hasten to GalileeJ there $ou will see him risen "rom the dead8 as Gi-er o" li"e and 0ord. +)'HIN)N .. 'one .. 2hen %ar$ %agdalen ga-e the good tidings o" the &a-iour?s (esurrection "rom the dead and his appearing8 the 3isciples dou!ted and were up!raided "or their hardness o" heartJ !ut armed with signs and wonders the$ were sent to preach. And while $ou8 0ord8 were taken up to the Father8 source o" light8 the$8 entrusted with the wonders8 !egan to preach the word e-er$where. 'here"ore8 enlightened through them8 we glori"$ $our (esurrection "rom the dead8 ) 0ord who lo-es humankind. +)'HIN)N /. 'one /. It was deep dawn and the 2omen came to $our gra-e8 ) hristJ !ut the !od$ the$ longed "or was not to !e "oundJ and so those who in shining garments stood !$ them in their perplexit$ said: 2h$ do $ou seek the li-ing with the deadM He has risen as he "oretold. 2h$ ha-e $ou "orgotten his wordsM *ersuaded !$ them the$ proclaimed what the$ had seen8 !ut the good tidings seemed !ut ra-ingJ so dull were the 3isciples stillJ !ut *eter ran and ha-ing seen glori"ied to himsel" $our wonders. +)'HIN)N 6. 'one 6. How wise8 ) hrist8 are $our EudgementsH Iou made *eter understand $our (esurrection !$ the gra-eCclothes alone8 !ut Eourne$ing with 0uke and leopas $ou talked8 and as $ou talked $ou did not at once re-eal $oursel". And $ou were reproached with !eing onl$ a stranger in 4erusalem and not sharing in her "inal counsels. 1ut as the one who disposes all things "or the pro"it o" his "ashioning8 $ou un"olded the prophecies a!out $oursel" and in the !lessing o" !read $ou made $oursel" known to them8 whose hearts e-en !e"ore this had !urned "or knowledge o" $ou. 'he$ also were alread$ proclaiming to $our assem!led 3isciples $our (esurrection. 'hrough which ha-e merc$ on us. +)'HIN)N >. 'one >. =<

) hrist $ou are trul$ peace "or men o" GodJ gi-ing $our peace to the 3isciples a"ter the (esurrection8 $ou showed them to !e "ull o" "ear8 "or the$ thought the$ saw a spiritJ !ut $ou dispelled the tumult o" their souls !$ showing $our hands and "eetJ !ut8 as the$ still dou!ted8 !$ taking nourishment and reminding them o" $our teachings $ou opened their minds to understand the &cripturesJ $ou assured them o" the Father?s promise8 and !lessing them $ou went awa$ to hea-en. And so with them we worship $ou. 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH +)'HIN)N <. 'one <. 0o8 darkness and earl$ dawn. And wh$8 %ar$8 are $ou standing !$ the gra-e8 $our mind "ull o" darknessM 2h$ do $ou seek where 4esus has !een laidM 1ut see the disciples running together8 see how the$ ha-e realised the (esurrection "rom the gra-e clothes and the napkin8 and ha-e remem!ered the &cripture concerning this. 2ith whom and through whom we too ha-e !elie-ed and sing $our praise ) hrist8 the Gi-er o" 0i"e. +)'HIN)N =. 'one =. %ar$?s hot tears did not "low in -ain8 "or she was granted Angels to teach her and the sight o" $ou8 ) 4esu. 1ut8 as a weak woman8 she still had earthl$ thoughts8 and there"ore she was sent awa$ so as not to touch $ou8 ) hristJ !ut ne-ertheless she was sent as a herald to $our 3isciples8 to whom she spoke the good tidings8 announcing $our ascent to the Father?s inheritance. 2ith her make us also worth$ o" $our mani"estation8 ) %aster and 0ord. +)'HIN)N ;. 'one 6. As at the last times $ou came when it was late on the &a!!ath to $our "riends8 ) hrist8 and $ou con"irm the wonder !$ a wonder8 !$ $our entrance when the doors were shut $our (esurrection "rom the dead. Iou "illed $our 3isciples with Eo$ and made them partakers o" the Hol$ &piritJ $ou !estowed on them the authorit$ o" the "orgi-eness o" sins and did not a!andon 'homas to !e drowned in the sea o" ==

un!elie". And so grant us also true knowledge and "orgi-eness o" o""ences8 compassionate 0ord. +)'HIN)N 15. 'one >. A"ter $our descent into Hell and $our (esurrection "rom the dead8 $our 3isciples8 ) hrist8 losing heart most pro!a!l$ at $our separation "rom them8 turned !ack to their work: and once again there were !oats and nets and a catch nowhere. 1ut $ou appeared as %aster o" all things8 ) &a-iour8 and ordered them to cast their nets on the right hand side: and at once the word was deed8 and there was a great multitude o" "ish8 and a strange supper read$ on land. Iour 3isciples partook o" it thenJ make us also worth$ to enEo$ it now in spirit8 ) 0o-er o" humankind. +)'HIN)N 11. 'one =. &howing $oursel" to $our 3isciples a"ter the (esurrection8 ) &a-iour8 $ou entrusted to &imon the pasturing o" the sheep8 as repa$ment "or lo-e8 demanding the care o" shepherding. And there"ore he said: I" $ou are m$ "riend *eter8 shepherd m$ lam!s8 shepherd m$ sheep. 1ut he at once showing his a""ection8 inFuired a!out the other 3isciple. At their intercessions8 ) hrist8 guard $our "lock "rom wol-es that ra-age it. .. the *olyeleos. &er-ants o" the 0ord8 Alleluia. *salm 1./ *raise the name o" the 0ord8 praise the 0ord his ser-ants. Alleluia. 2ho stand in the house o" the 0ord8 in the courts o" the house o" our God. Alleluia. *raise the 0ord8 "or the 0ord is good. Alleluia. &ing to his name8 "or it is "air. Alleluia. For the 0ord has chosen 4aco! "or himsel"J Alleluia. Israel "or his own possession. Alleluia. =;

For I know that the 0ord is great. Alleluia. And our 0ord is a!o-e all gods. Alleluia. 2hate-er he wished8 the 0ord has done8 Alleluia. In hea-en and on earth8 Alleluia. In the seas and in all the deeps. Alleluia. He !rings up the clouds "rom the end o" the earth. Alleluia. He has made lightnings into rain. Alleluia. He !rings winds out o" his treasuries8 Alleluia. He who smote the "irst !orn o" +g$pt8 Alleluia. From humans to !easts o" !urden. Alleluia. He sent signs and wonders into $our midst8 ) +g$pt8 Alleluia. Among *harao and all his ser-antsJ Alleluia. He who smote man$ nations8 Alleluia. And killed might$ kings8 Alleluia. &ion8 King o" the Amorites8 Alleluia. And )g8 King o" 1asan8 Alleluia. And all the kingdoms o" anaan. Alleluia. And he ga-e their land as a heritage8 Alleluia. A heritage to Israel his people. Alleluia. ) 0ord8 $our name is "or e-er8 Alleluia. And $our memorial to generation and generation. Alleluia. For the 0ord will Eudge his people8 Alleluia. And he will com"ort his ser-ants. Alleluia. 'he idols o" the nations are sil-er and gold8 works o" human hands. Alleluia. 'he$ ha-e a mouth8 !ut the$ will not speak. Alleluia. ;5

'he$ ha-e e$es8 !ut the$ will not see. Alleluia. 'he$ ha-e ears8 !ut the$ will not hear. Alleluia. 'here is no !reath in their mouth. Alleluia. 0et all those who make them !ecome like them8 Alleluia. And all those who trust in them. Alleluia. House o" Israel8 !less the 0ord. Alleluia. House o" Aaron8 !less the 0ord. Alleluia. House o" 0e-i8 !less the 0ord. Alleluia. Iou who "ear the 0ord8 !less the 0ord. Alleluia. 1lessed !e the 0ord "rom &ion8 he who dwells in 4erusalem. Alleluia. *salm 1.6 Gi-e thanks to the 0ord8 "or he is good8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. Gi-e thanks to the God o" gods8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. Gi-e thanks to the 0ord o" lords8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who alone has done great wonders8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who made the hea-ens with understanding8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who set the earth on the waters8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who alone made the great lights8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "or e-er8 alleluia. 'he sun to rule the da$8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "or e-er8 alleluia. 'he moon and the stars to rule the night8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. ;1

'o him who smote +g$pt with their "irst !orn8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. And led Israel out o" their midst8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 2ith a might$ hand and upraised arm8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who di-ided the (ed &ea in two8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. And led Israel through its midst8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. And shook o"" *harao and his power into the (ed &ea8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who led his people through the desert8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'o him who smote great kings8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. And slew might$ kings8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "or e-er8 alleluia. &ion8 King o" the Amorites8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "or e-er8 alleluia. And )g8 King o" 1asan8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. And who ga-e their land as a heritage8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. A heritage "or Israel his ser-ant8 alleluia: "or his merc$ is "or e-er8 alleluia. For the 0ord remem!ered us in our humiliation8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. And redeemed us "rom our "oes8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "or e-er8 alleluia. 2ho gi-es "ood to all "lesh8 alleluia: "or his merc$ is "or e-er8 alleluia. Gi-e thanks to the God o" hea-en8 alleluia: "or his merc$ endures "ore-er8 alleluia. 'hen the &election according to the Feast. A"ter which the "ollowing in 'one 1 ma$ !e sung. ;,

Glor$. 0et us worship the Father8 and let us glori"$ the &on8 and let us all praise together the all hol$ &pirit8 cr$ing out and sa$ing: All hol$ 'rinit$8 sa-e us all. 1oth now. Iour people8 ) hrist8 !rings $our %other to intercedeJ at her entreaties grant us $our pit$8 that we ma$ glori"$ $ou8 0o-ing 0ord8 who dawned "or us "rom the gra-e. 'he "ollowing *salm o" the *ol$eleos is sung on the two &unda$s !e"ore 0ent8 %eat &unda$ and heese &unda$. 2hen this *salm is sung *salm 11= is not sung8 !ut in its place *salm 1./. *salm 1.> takes the place o" the &election. 2e also light the *ol$eleos. Note that in the (ussian use *salm 1.> is also used on the two preceding &unda$s8 those o" the *rodigal &on and o" the 0ast 4udgement. *salm 1.> 1$ the ri-ers o" 1a!$lon8 there we sat down and we when we remem!ered &ion. Alleluia. )n the willows in the midst o" it we hung up our instruments. Alleluia. For there our captors asked us "or songs8 and those who had led us awa$ "or a h$mn8 sa$ing8 D&ing us one o" the songs o" &ionH? Alleluia. How could we sing the 0ord?s song in a "oreign landM Alleluia. I" I "orget $ou8 4erusalem8 let m$ right hand !e "orgottenH Alleluia. 0et m$ tongue stick to m$ throat8 i" I do not remem!er $ou8 i" I do not set 4erusalem a!o-e m$ highest Eo$. Alleluia. (emem!er8 0ord8 against the +domites the da$ o" 4erusalem?s "all8 how the$ said8 D'ear it downH 'ear it downH 3own to its "oundationsH? Alleluia. ) daughter o" 1a!$lon8 the wretchedH 1lessed is the one who reFuites $ou as $ou ha-e reFuited usH Alleluia. ;.

1lessed is the one who seiLes $our little children and dashes them against the rockH Alleluia. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia. In present da$ Greek use the "ollowing *salm is used instead o" *salm 1./ on the "easts o" the %other o" God. It is "ollowed !$ *salm 1.68 !ut the &election "or the -arious "easts is usuall$ omitted. It is also common to "arce the -erses with re"rains8 in the same wa$ as the Anixantaria are "arced at #espers. *salm // A Good 2ord. Alleluia. %$ heart has uttered a good 2ord. Hail8 allCpraised Kueen o" all8 %other o" our God. Alleluia. I tell m$ works to the King. Hail8 Kueen o" Angels8 &o-ereign o" the world. Alleluia. %$ tongue is the pen o" read$ writer. Hail8 proclamation o" the *rophets8 glor$ o" *atriarchs. Alleluia. Iou are lo-el$ with a !eaut$ !e$ond the sons o" men. Hail8 pure #irgin8 &o-ereign 0ad$8 1ride o" God. Alleluia. Grace has poured "rom $our lips. Hail8 spotless8 unde"iled8 incorrupt8 AllChol$. Alleluia. 'here"ore God has !lessed $ou "or e-er. Hail8 hope o" those without hope8 and help o" those em!attled. Alleluia. Gird $our sword on $our thigh8 might$ warrior. Hail8 "ull o" grace. 'he 0ord is with $ou8 and through $ou with us. Alleluia. In $our splendour and !eaut$. ;/

Hail8 !lessed are $ou among women8 and !lessed is the "ruit o" $our wom!. Alleluia. 3raw $our !ow and prosper8 and reign. Hail8 #irgin %other o" God8 !lessed among women. Alleluia. In the cause o" truth and meekness and Eustice. Hail8 %ar$8 0ad$ o" us all8 the 0ord o" powers is with $ou. Alleluia. BAnd $our right hand will guide $ou wonder"ull$. Iour throne8 ) God8 is "ore-er and e-erJ the sceptre o" $our Kingdom is a rod o" Eustice. Iou ha-e lo-ed right and hated wrong.: 'here"ore God $our God has anointed $ou. Hail8 throne "ormed o" "ire8 more glorious than the "our li-ing creatures. Alleluia. 2ith the oil o" gladness !e$ond $our "ellows. Hail8 %ar$8 0ad$ o" us all. Hail8 %other o" li"e. Alleluia. BIour garments are "ragrant with m$rrh8 aloes and cassia8 "rom the i-or$ palaces which gladden $ou. Kings? daughters are in $our train.: 'he Kueen stood at $our right hand. Hail8 highl$ !lessed8 highl$ glori"ied. Alleluia. Arra$ed in gold8 wrought with man$ colours. Hail8 immaculate %other o" God8 "or $ou ga-e !irth to the &a-iour o" our souls. Alleluia. 0isten m$ daughter and see8 and incline $our ear. Hail8 *aradise most hol$. Hail8 1ride without !ridegroom. Alleluia. And "orget $our people and $our "ather?s house. ;6

Hail8 greater hol$ o" holies. Hail8 1ride without !ridegroom. Alleluia. B'hen the King will desire $our !eaut$8 "or he is $our God and $our shall worship him. And the daughter o" '$re will worship $ou with gi"ts.: 'he richest o" the people will entreat $our "a-our. AllChol$ #irgin8 listen to the -oice o" $our unpro"ita!le ser-ant. Guide me to o""er $ou without ceasing the groanings o" m$ heart8 &o-ereign 0ad$. Alleluia. BAll the glor$ o" the King?s daughter is within8 arra$ed in tasselled gold wrought with man$ colours. 'he -irgins in her train will !e !rought to the King8 those near her will !e !rought to $ou. 'he$ will !e !rought with Eo$ and gladness8 the$ will !e led into the King?s temple. Instead o" $our "athers8 sons are !orn to $ou. Iou will make them rulers o-er all the earth.: I will remem!er $our name throughout all generations. AllChol$ #irgin8 1ride o" God8 accept m$ pitia!le ser-ice and !ring it to God the compassionate8 that reEoicing I ma$ gi-e $ou glor$8 ) AllC!lameless. Hail8 1ride without !ridegroom. Alleluia. B'here"ore people will praise and thank $ou "or e-er and e-er.: Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $our our God8 glor$ to $ou. /. "lossary. Ana-athmi. A series o" short h$mns8 !ased on the *salms o" Ascents @Greek Ana)athmiA8 nos. 11;C1..8 which are sung at %atins on &unda$s8 and Feasts with a Gospel. )n &unda$s the$ are di-ided into three Antiphons8 except "or 'one +ight8 ;>

which has "our. 'he$ are sung immediatel$ !e"ore the Pro eimenon. )n Feasts the "irst Antiphon o" 'one Four is alwa$s used8 and hence the Pro eimenon on Feasts is alwa$s sung in that 'one. &ome places use the "inal h$mn "rom the &econd Antiphon in 'one Four8 rather than repeat the third one. 'he latter is more correct8 !ut "or con-enience we gi-e the alternati-e as well. Apol$tikion. 'he h$mn that precedes the 3ismissal @Greek ApolysisA. It is the characteristic h$mn o" the da$ or the "east8 and is o"ten re"erred to simpl$ as Dthe 'roparion o" the 3a$?. It is used at the o""ices and at the 0iturg$. Aposticha. 'he series o" h$mns and alternating *salm -erses which are sung towards the end o" #espers and dail$ %atins. In Greek stichos means D-erse?. Artoklasia. 'he ceremon$ o" the 1lessing o" 0oa-es8 or 1reaking @Greek lasisA o" 1read @Greek artosA8 that takes place !e"ore the Apolyti ion at #espers when there is a #igil. In man$ Greek parishes it is nowada$s cele!rated on important "easts e-en when there is no #igil8 at #espers or %atins or e-en8 incorrectl$8 a"ter the 0iturg$. 'he ceremon$ "or such occasions will !e "ound in the !ilingual edition o" the 3i-ine 0iturg$ pu!lished !$ the Archdiocese o" 'h$ateira. anon. A series o" h$mns di-ided into nine )des8 each linked to one o" the nine 1i!lical anticles8 the last o" which consists o" the Magnificat and -enedictus. )utside monasteries8 apart "rom the Magnificat8 the 1i!lical anticles are normall$ omitted8 simple re"rains taking the place o" the !i!lical -erses. In practice most anons onl$ contain eight )des8 since )de , is onl$ used on 'uesda$s in 0ent8 though the acrostics o"ten show that there were originall$ nine. Normall$ three8 on &unda$s "our8 anons are prescri!ed8 in such a wa$ as to make each )de8 including the Irmos8 consist o" 1/ 'roparia. anonarch. 'he monk whose task it is to see that the sin gers sing the correct texts in the correct 'one. He also reads the -erses o" the *rokeimenon and similar texts. In &la- use these duties ha-e !een taken o-er !$ the 3eacon. ;<

3oxolog$. An ancient h$mn o" praise8 common to !oth +ast and 2est. In the +ast it has two "orms8 the Greater and 0esser. 'he "ormer is used at %atins on &unda$s and Feasts8 the latter at %atins on ordinar$ da$s and at ompline. 0ike the 0atin %e &eum, the h$mn itsel" is "ollowed !$ a series o" -erses "rom the *salter. 'he Great 3oxolog$ ends with the solemn singing o" the 'risagion. 'he 0esser 3oxolog$ ends with the pra$er !rant Lord this day8 which8 at !oth #espers and nonC"estal %atins8 precedes the 1owing o" Heads. 'he word Ddoxolog$? is also used "or other short ascriptions o" praise to the Hol$ 'rinit$. &ee &oxasti on and ( phonesis. 3oxastikon. A h$mn sung a"ter the short doxolog$ DGlor$ @Greek doxaA to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit? . It is normall$ sung to a slower and more ela!orate melod$ than the preceding h$mns. +kphonesis. 9sed chie"l$ o" the "inal doxolog$ that ends e-er$ pra$er. It is usuall$8 !ut not alwa$s8 sung out loud @Greek e ph.n.A8 e-en when the pra$er itsel" is directed to !e read Din a low -oice? @Greek mysti .sA. +othina. %eaning Do" the dawn?. 'he word is used to re"er Ba: to the ele-en Gospels o" the (esurrection8 one o" which is read each &unda$ at %atins8 and B!: to the ele-en idiomels !$ the +mperor 0eo the 2ise B=>>C;1,:8 that are sung at the end o" 0auds on &unda$. 'here is one to correspond each o" the ele-en Gospels8 o" which the$ are poetic summaries. In the old D&ung?8 or D athedral?8 o""ice8 as descri!ed !$ &t &$meon o" 'hessaloniki BS 1/,;:8 the$ were sung immediatel$ !e"ore the (esurrection Gospel. +pitrachelion. 2orn round the neck8 which is meaning o" the word8 it is the +astern eFui-alent o" the 2estern stole8 the chie" di""erence !eing that it is alwa$s Eoined down the middle8 normall$ with a series o" ornamental studs. It is also !roader then the stole. It is the characteristic priestl$ -estment8 worn onl$ !$ !ishops and priests. A priest should not cele!rate an$ ser-ice unless he is wearing it. ;=

+-logitaria. A series o" short h$mns introduced with the re"rain D1lessed @Greek e)logitosA are $ou8 ) 0ord8 teach me $our statutes?8 which are sung at the end o" *salm 11=8 or the Polyeleos8 at %atins on &unda$s. 'here is another set which is sung on &aturda$s o" the 3eparted8 and also at Funerals and %emorial &er-ices. +xapostilarion. &hort h$mns sung at the end o" the anon at %atins. For &unda$s there are ele-en8 written !$ the son o" 0eo the 2ise8 onstantine *orph$ogenitos B;1,C;6;:8 one corresponding to each o" the ele-en (esurrection Gospels. Gerontika. A con-enient word used to indicate those parts o" the o""ice which are traditionall$ read !$ the &uperior8 or +lder @Greek !er.n8 or !erontaA. I" the &uperior is a!sent the$ are read !$ the senior monk present. A -isiting priest or important -isitor is o"ten asked to read them. At "estal %atins the$ include the &ix *salms8 *salm 65 and the concluding *ra$er o" the First Hour. Ikos. &ee Kontakion. Irmos. 'he -erse which gi-es the tune to which the "ollowing )de o" a anon is to !e sung. 'he$ also "reFuentl$ make use o"8 or allude to8 the 1i!lical anticle which used to !e8 and on the Hol$ %ountain is still8 sung with the anon. Normall$ onl$ the Irmos o" the "irst anon o" a series is sung. )n maEor "easts the Irmi are sung twice and ma$ also !e used as Kata)asias. Kal$ma"chion. Also called in monastic language a s oupho, or D!onnet?. 'he "amiliar Dsto-e pot? hat o" )rthodox !ishops8 priests and deacons. In Greek use those o" the secular clerg$ ha-e a !rim on top. %onks8 whether priests or not8 wear a cowl @Greek ou oulli8 "rom 0atin cucullusA o-er their s oupho. 2hen worn !$ secular Archimandrites and 1ishops it is called an (pano alymafchion or Do-er kal$ma"chion?. 'he (ussian cowl is permanentl$ attached to the s oupho8 and the whole is called a lo#u 8 !ut the Greek cowl can !e remo-ed separatel$8 and the rules "or when to wear what are Fuite complicated. Kata-asia. 'he "inal -erse o" an )de o" a anon8 so called !ecause the &ingers used to come down @Greek ata)aineinA "rom their stalls and unite in the middle o" ;;

the hoir to sing them. )n &unda$s and maEor Feasts there is one a"ter e-er$ )de. 'he$ are o"ten Dseasonal?8 and anticipate the next great Feast. 'hus the Kata)asias o" hristmas are sung "rom the ,1st o" No-em!er onwards. 'he Dnormal? Kata)asias are those o" the anon to the %other o" God in 'one /8 DI will open m$ mouth?. )n nonC"estal da$s the$ occur a"ter the .rd8 >th8 =th and ;th )des onl$. Kathisma. )ne o" the twent$ sections into which the *salter is di-ided "or liturgical purposes. 'he word is also used "or the short h$mns that are sung a"ter the reading o" each Kathisma at %atins. 'he word is a Greek word meaning a seat. +ach Kathisma is di-ided into three sections @Greek "taseisA. Kontakion. )riginall$ a D-erse sermon? consisting o" a Proemium "ollowed !$ a series o" longer stanLas8 or / oi8 all ending with the same phrase8 like a re"rain. 'he$ were graduall$ displaced !$ the 'anons8 and in the present o""ice onl$ the Proemuim8 now called the Konta ion8 and the "irst / os sur-i-e. In current Greek use the$ are normall$ read at %atins8 except on great Feasts8 and the "inal phrase is repeated8 a sur-i-al o" the ancient practice. In (ussian use the Konta ion is normall$ sung at %atins on &unda$s. 'he Konta ion is also read at the Hours and sung at the 0iturg$8 though in Greek use those at the 0iturg$ are Dseasonal?8 like the Kata)asias. 'he greatest writer o" Konta ia is &t (omanos B>th centur$:8 man$ o" whose Konta ia are still in use. %egal$narion. A short -erse containing8 either at the !eginning or end8 the words D2e magni"$? @Greek megalynomenA. )n the Feasts o" the 0ord a series o" megalynaria is pro-ided to !e sung with the Ninth )de o" the anon. In (ussian use megalynaria are sung with the third part o" the Polyeleos. 'he !est known is the one that on most da$s accompanies the Magnificat and which !egins DGreater in honour than the heru!im?. %enaion. From the Greek word "or Dmonthl$?. 'he !ook containing the ser-ices "or da$s o" the month. 'here are thus twel-e -olumes o" Menaia. For places without a "ull set o" Menaia there exists in !oth Greek and &la-onic a -olume 155

containing general o""ices "or each categor$ o" &aint called the !eneral Menaion. 'he contents o" the Greek and &la-onic !eneral Menaia are not Fuite the same8 the &la-onic containing more o""ices8 as well as texts "or a "ull #igil "or each categor$ o" &aint8 and also "or the 0ord and the %other o" God. %etania. A low !ow in which the right hand touches the ground. &la-onic po lon. Also used "or a prostration. )rarion. 'he 3eacon?s stole. It is worn on the le"t shoulder and sometimes taken across diagonall$ under the right arm and again o-er the le"t shoulder. It is also worn crossed on the !ack !$ readers and su!Cdeacons. *helonion. 'he +astern eFui-alent o" the 2estern chasu!le. 'he ru!rics direct that the priest is to Dlower the phelonion?8 that is to let it "all o-er his hands8 at the moment o" the 3ismissal. 'his indicates that the work o" the ser-ice is o-er8 rather like rolling down one?s slee-es. (ussian phelonia o"ten ha-e a row o" !uttons across the chest so that the "ront o" the -estment can !e raised or lowered. *ol$eleos. *salms 1./ and 1.6 which are sung as the third Kathisma o" the *salter on maEor Feasts. 'he$ are so called !ecause o" the man$ @ polyA repetitions o" the word Dmerc$? @eleosA in *salm 1.6. 'he third section consists o" selected psalm -erses "or each maEor "east. In (ussian use these are usuall$ to reduced to one or two8 accompanied !$ a Megalynarion. 'he word Polyeleos is also the name gi-en to the great chandelier which hangs directl$ !eneath the central dome o" the choir. It s$m!oliLes hrist8 the Dmost merci"ul?. 2hen "urnished with oil lamps it also uses Dmuch oil? @Greek poly elaionA. )n the Hol$ %ountain the Polyeleos is lighted and swung8 to spectacular e""ect8 at D0ord8 I ha-e cried? and during the Polyeleos at great #igils. It is also lighted at the Great +ntrance on maEor Feasts8 and also at "unerals. Around the polyeleos there o"ten hangs a great metal circle8 decorated with icons8 normall$ including the twel-e Apostles8 and surmounted !$ candles. 'his is known as a choros. 151

*rokeimenon. A re"rain "rom a *salm8 sung together with one or more -erses "rom the *salm8 that normall$ precedes the (eadings at #espers8 %atins and the 0iturg$. )riginall$ the whole *salm was sung8 hence the #erse is normall$ the "irst -erse o" the *salm. It sur-i-es e-er$ da$ at #espers8 e-en when there are no readings. It is the eFui-alent o" the 2estern Gradual. (o$al )""ice. 'he short o""ice that precedes the &ix *salms at %atins. It originated in the monasteries o" Dro$al "oundation?8 as an intercession "or the Imperial Famil$. &ticharion. A tunicClike -estment8 resem!ling the 2estern dalmatic when worn !$ ser-ers8 readers8 su!Cdeacons and deacons. 'hat o" !ishops and priests more closel$ resem!les the al!8 though it is not necessaril$ white. &ticheron. A h$mn that "ollows a -erse8 in Greek stichos8 "rom the *salms. At #espers there are alwa$s stichera at D0ord8 I ha-e cried?8 !ut at 0auds at D0et e-er$thing that has !reath8 onl$ on &unda$s and "easts. At the Aposticha one sticheron is sung !e"ore the "irst psalm -erse. 'he Aposticha at #espers on &unda$s "orm an alpha!etical acrostic8 three letters each week8 !ut the "irst sticheron in each 'one does not "orm part o" the series. &$naxarion. 'he short notices o" the &aints "or each da$ in the Menaion. In most Greek churches the names onl$ are read8 together with the doggerel couplet that "ollows each one8 immediatel$ a"ter the Konta ion at %atins 'heotokion. %ost series o" h$mns end with one to the %other o" God8 the 'heotokos8 and so a %heoto ion commonl$ "ollows the second part o" the short doxolog$8 D1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen? , and is normall$ sung in the same 'one as the preceding &oxasti on. )n &aturda$ e-ening8 howe-er8 the %heoto ion at the +ntrance is nearl$ alwa$s that o" the 'one o" the week8 regardless o" the 'one o" the &oxasti on. It is also sung again at #espers on the "ollowing Frida$. In (ussian usage this %heoto ion is called the &ogmatic8 whereas in Greek the latter name is used "or the corresponding %heoto ion at &mall #espers. 15,

'$pikon. 'he rules go-erning the cele!ration and "or com!ining the di""erent elements o" the ser-ice. 'he !ook containing these rules. It is also used o" the Drule? o" a monaster$. 'here is a monastic sa$ing8 D3on?t take $our '$pikon to another person?s monaster$?. 'roparion. An$ h$mn ma$ !e called a troparion8 !ut the word more commonl$ indicates the Apolyti ion o" the da$ or one o" the stanLas o" a anon. *lural %roparia. IpakoP. A short h$mn that takes the place o" the third poetic Kathisma at %atins on &unda$s and some greater Feasts. It is normall$ read and not sung. In Greek use it is also read at the Hours on &unda$s in place o" the Konta ion. In strict Athonite use it is sung at the 0iturg$ a"ter the Apolyti ia and !e"ore the Konta ia.

0ee1day 'atins.
'his page contains the "ull text o" the ordinar$ o" the o""ice o" %atins "or weekda$s8 with some notes on the wa$ o" chanting the anons as this is done in those monasteries o" Hol$ %ountain which still sing the "ull canons e-er$ morning. 'he text is in *3F "ormat8 "or which Ado!e Acro!at (eader is reFuired. 'his ma$ !e downloaded "ree !$ clicking on the "ollowing h$perlink: 2eekda$ %atins
Note: 'he "ollowing is the text o" the %idnight )""ice "or weekda$s as it is "ound in the current editions o" the Mega 0orologion. 'he "ew notes in sFuare !rackets ha-e !een added !$ the translator and represent Athonite use.


%he 2arge 3oo1 of Hours. pening *rayer of the 0hole !ay and Night ffice. )n rising "rom sleep and getting out o" !ed8 stand with de-otion and "ear o" God and sa$: In the name o" the Father and o" the &on and o" the Hol$ &pirit. Amen. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @x.A Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 "orgi-e our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom come8 $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read. And "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen the "ollowing H$mns to the 'rinit$. 'one 1. )n rising "rom sleep8 we "all down !e"ore $ou8 ) Good )ne8 and we cr$ to $ou with the Angels? h$mn8 ) %ight$ )ne: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God: through the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'one ,.


Iou ha-e roused me8 0ord8 "rom m$ !ed and "rom sleep8 enlighten m$ mind and open m$ heart and m$ lips8 to sing $our praise8 ) Hol$ 'rinit$: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God: through the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'one .. 'he 4udge will come suddenl$8 and the deeds o" each will !e laid !areJ !ut with "ear let us cr$ to $ou in the middle o" the night: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God: through the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A8 and these pra$ers. *ra$er o" 'hanksgi-ing with Intercession Ha-ing risen "rom sleep I thank $ou8 ) Hol$ 'rinit$J !ecause through $our great goodness and patience $ou ha-e not !een angr$ with me8 an idler and a sinner8 nor ha-e $ou destro$ed me in m$ iniFuities8 !ut $ou ha-e shown $our customar$ lo-e "or mankind and roused me8 as I la$ in despair8 to rise !e"ore dawn and to glori"$ $our might. And now8 enlighten the e$es o" m$ mind and open m$ mouth to meditate on $our words8 to understand $our commandments and to do $our will8 and to sing to $ou with con"ession o" heart and to h$mn $our allChol$ name8 o" Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Another *ra$er Glor$ to $ou8 ) King8 almight$ God8 !ecause in $our di-ine pro-idence and lo-e "or mankind8 $ou ha-e permitted me8 sinner and unworth$8 to rise "rom sleep and to gain entrance to $our hol$ house. Accept8 too8 0ord8 the -oice o" m$ supplication8 as $ou do that o" $our hol$ and spiritual *owersJ and !e well pleased "or praise to !e o""ered $ou with a pure heart and a spirit o" humilit$ "rom m$ sordid lips8 that I too ma$ !ecome a companion o" the wise -irgins with the shining lamp o" m$ soul and ma$ glori"$ $ou8 God the 2ord8 glori"ied with the Father and the &pirit. Amen. BNote: In present monastic use these opening h$mns and pra$ers are said a"ter Hea-enl$ King at the !eginning o" the %idnight )""ice. In Greek monastic practice 156

the opening Glor$ to $ou8 our God and Hea-enl$ King are said !$ the &uperiorJ in his a!sence !$ the senior monk present or8 in some monasteries8 !$ the o""iciating *riest8 the (eader !eginning at the 'risagion.:

!aily 'idnight


I" there is a *riest8 he sa$s: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. I" there is no *riest sa$: 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ Fathers8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" 'ruth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. 'risagion. 'hree %etanias. Glor$. 1oth now. AllChol$ 'rinit$. )ur Father. For $ours is the kingdom. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A. Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 'hree %etanias8 and at once *salm 65 Ha-e merc$ on me8 ) God8 in accordance with $our great merc$. According to the multitude o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and 15>

m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou alone I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truthJ $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansed. Iou will wash me and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with $our so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips8 and m$ mouth will proclaim $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en it. Iou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spiritJ a !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasureJ and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" righteousness8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. 'hen we sa$ *salm 11= BKathisma 1<:. Glor$. 1oth now. I !elie-e in one God8 Father almight$8 maker o" hea-en and earth8 o" all things -isi!le and in-isi!le. And in one 0ord 4esus hrist8 the onl$C!egotten &on o" God8 !egotten "rom the Father !e"ore all ages. 0ight "rom 0ight8 true God "rom true God8 !egotten not made8 consu!stantial with the FatherJ through him all things were madeJ "or our sake and "or our sal-ation he came down "rom hea-en8 and was incarnate "rom the 15<

Hol$ &pirit and the #irgin %ar$ and !ecame manJ he was cruci"ied also "or us under *ontius *ilate8 and su""ered and was !uriedJ he rose again on the third da$8 in accordance with the &criptures8 and ascended into hea-en and is seated at the right hand o" the FatherJ he is coming again in glor$ to Eudge the li-ing and the deadJ and his kingdom will ha-e no end. And in the Hol$ &pirit8 the 0ord8 the Gi-er o" li"e8 who proceeds "rom the Father8 who together with Father and &on is worshipped and together glori"iedJ who spoke through the *rophets. In one8 Hol$8 atholic and Apostolic hurchJ I con"ess one 1aptism "or the "orgi-eness o" sins. I await the resurrection o" the dead and the li"e o" the age to come. Amen. 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$ and )ur Father as a!o-e. 'hen these 'roparia in 'one =. 1ehold the !ridegroom is coming in the middle o" the nightJ and !lessed is the ser-ant whom he "inds watchingJ !ut unworth$ is the one whom he "inds idle. 'ake care then8 m$ soul8 not to !e o-ercome with sleep8 lest $ou !e gi-en up to death and shut outside the kingdomJ !ut sta$ wake"ul and cr$8 DHol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God. 'hrough the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us?. Glor$. onsider that dread da$ m$ soul and keep watch8 lighting $our lamp8 and !right with oilJ "or $ou do not know when the -oice will come to $ou which sa$s8 D1ehold the 1ridegroom?. 'ake care then8 m$ soul8 lest $ou doLe and sta$ outside knocking like the "i-e -irginsJ !ut perse-ere unsleeping8 that $ou ma$ meet hrist God with rich oil and that he ma$ gi-e $ou the di-ine !ridal cham!er o" his glor$. 1oth now. %heoto ion. 2e !eg $ou8 #irgin %other o" God8 unassaila!le wall and "ortress o" sal-ationJ scatter the counsels o" the "oeJ turn $our people?s grie" to Eo$J restore $our worldJ strengthen the de-outJ intercede "or the peace o" the worldJ "or $ou8 %other o" God8 are our hope. 15=

)n the "ore"easts8 a"ter"easts and 0ea-eCtaking o" the "easts o" the 0ord and the %other o" God8 instead o" the a!o-e 'roparia8 their Apol$tikion is read. 'hen 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A8 and this *ra$er: At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the good things to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ 1x2+8 Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us and shed us the light o" his countenance upon us8 and ha-e merc$ on us. I" it is Alleluia, that is8 in the hol$ and great 0ent we make the three great metanias8 sa$ing to oursel-es at each a line o" the *ra$er o" &t +phrem: 0ord and %aster o" m$ li"e8 do not gi-e me a spirit o" sloth8 idle curiosit$8 lo-e o" power and useless chatter. @*rostrationA (ather accord to me8 $our ser-ant8 a spirit o" so!riet$8 humilit$8 patience and lo-e. @*rostrationA 15;

Ies8 0ord and King8 grant me to see m$ own "aults and not to condemn m$ !rotherJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. @*rostrationA. 'hen the 1, small metanias and again a great metania and the last line o" the *ra$er. 'hen the 'risagion etc. and a"ter it 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A 'hen this *ra$er o" &aint %ardarios: God and %aster8 Father almight$8 0ord8 onl$ !egotten &on8 4esus hrist8 and Hol$ &pirit8 one godhead8 one power8 ha-e merc$ on me a sinnerJ and !$ the Eudgements which $ou know8 sa-e me $our unworth$ ser-antJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. Note that the "ollowing pra$er is said "rom &eptem!er ,,nd until *alm &unda$. *ra$er o" &aint 1asil the Great 0ord almight$8 God o" *owers and o" all "lesh8 who dwell on high and look on lowl$ things8 who test hearts and minds and know the all the secrets o" mortals8 light without !eginning and without end8 with whom there is no change nor shadow o" alterationJ recei-e8 immortal King8 the supplications which we8 con"ident o" the multitude o" $our mercies8 o""er to $ou "rom "ilth$ lips at the present hour o" the night8 and "orgi-e us the o""ences !$ which we ha-e o""ended in deed and word and thought8 in knowledge or in ignorance8 and cleanse us "rom e-er$ de"ilement o" "lesh and spirit8 making us temples o" $our Hol$ &pirit. And grant that we ma$ pass through the whole night o" this present li"e with an unsleeping heart and a watch"ul mind8 as we wait "or the coming o" the !right and mani"est da$ o" $our onl$C!egotten &on8 our 0ord and God and &a-iour8 4esus hrist8 when he will come to earth with glor$ to render to each according to their 115

deeds. &o that we ma$ not !e "ound li"eless and slum!ering8 !ut watch"ul and awake in the doing o" $our commandments8 and that8 prepared8 we ma$ enter together the Eo$ and the di-ine !ridal cham!er o" his glor$8 where the sound o" those who "east is unceasing and the delight o" those who see the ine""a!le !eaut$ o" $our "ace is inexpressi!le. For $ou are the true light8 which enlightens and sancti"ies all things8 and all creation h$mns $ou to the ages o" ages. 'hen the priest raises his hands8 sa$ing the "ollowing *ra$er o" &aint 1asil 2e !less $ou8 God most high and 0ord o" merc$8 who e-er do with us great and un"athoma!le things8 things glorious and extraordinar$ without num!er8 who grant us sleep "or the re"reshment o" our weakness and the relaxation o" the toils o" our much wearied "lesh. 2e thank $ou !ecause $ou ha-e not destro$ed us in our lawlessness8 !ut ha-e shown us $our customar$ lo-e "or mankind and roused us as we la$ in despair8 to glori"$ $our might. And so we implore $our incompara!le lo-ingCkindness8 enlighten the e$es o" our understanding and raise our minds "rom the hea-$ sleep o" idleness. )pen our mouths and "ill them with $our praise8 that we ma$ !e a!le to sing and chant gi-e thanks to $ou continuall$8 God glori"ied in all and !$ all8 the Father without !eginning8 with $our onl$ !egotten &on and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen: ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias and the *salms: *salm 1,5 111

I ha-e li"ted up m$ e$es to the mountains8 "rom where m$ help will come. %$ help is "rom the 0ord8 who made hea-en and earth. 3o not let $our "oot wa-erJ nor will he who guards $ou slum!er. &ee8 the )ne who guards Israel will neither slum!er nor sleep. %a$ the 0ord guard $ou8 ma$ the 0ord co-er $ou with his right hand. 'he sun will not scorch $ou !$ da$8 nor the moon !$ night. %a$ the 0ord guard $ou "rom e-er$ e-ilJ ma$ the 0ord guard $our soul. %a$ the 0ord guard $our coming in and $our going out8 "rom now and "or e-er more. *salm 1.. ome now !less the 0ord all $ou the 0ord?s ser-ants8 who stand in the house o" the 0ord8 in the courts o" the house o" our God. 0i"t up $our hands e-er$ night to the Hol$ *lace8 and !less the 0ord. %a$ the 0ord !less $ou "rom &ion8 He who made hea-en and earth. Glor$. 1oth now. 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$ and )ur Father as a!o-e. And the "ollowing 'roparia. 'one =. As $ou are good8 0ord8 remem!er $our ser-ants and pardon them whate-er sins the$ committed in li"eJ "or no one is sinless !ut $ou8 who are a!le to gi-e rest also to those who ha-e passed o-er. Iou who with wisdom dispose all things with lo-e "or mankind and impart to all8 onl$ reator8 that which is pro"ita!le8 gi-e rest8 0ord8 to the souls o" $our ser-ants8 "or the$ placed their hope in $ou8 our maker and "ashioner and God. Glor$. 2ith the &aints8 ) hrist8 gi-e rest to the souls o" $our ser-ants8 where there is neither toil8 nor grie"8 nor sighing8 !ut li"e without end. 1oth now. 11,

All generations call $ou !lessed8 #irgin %other o" God8 "or in $ou the uncontaina!le8 hrist our God8 was well pleased to !e contained. 1lessed are we also with $ou as protection8 "or da$ and night $ou intercede "or us and the sceptres o" the kingdom are strengthened !$ $our entreatiesJ there"ore with h$mns we cr$ to $ou: Hail8 "ull o" grace. 'he 0ord is with $ou. Here during "easts o" the 0ord and the %other o" God their Kontakion is read. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A8 and the "ollowing pra$er. A *ra$er (emem!er8 0ord8 our "athers and !rethren who ha-e "allen asleep in hope o" resurrection to eternal li"e and all those who ha-e died in piet$ and "aithJ and pardon them e-er$ o""ence8 willing and unwilling8 in word8 or deed8 or thought8 !$ which the$ ha-e o""ended. &ettle them in places o" light8 places o" green pasture8 places o" rest8 "rom which all sorrow8 grie" and sighing ha-e "ledJ where the presence o" $our "ace gi-es Eo$ to all $our saints "rom e-er$ age. Grant them and us $our Kingdom and participation in $our ine""a!le and eternal good things8 and the enEo$ment o" $our in"inite and !lessed li"e. For $ou are the li"e8 the resurrection and the repose o" $our ser-ants who ha-e "allen asleep8 hrist our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 together with $our Father who has no !eginning8 and $our allChol$8 good and li"e gi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. %ost glorious8 e-erC-irgin8 !lessed %other o" God8 o""er our pra$er to $our &on and our God8 and ask that through $ou he ma$ sa-e our souls. *ra$er o" &aint Ioannikios 'he Father is m$ hope8 the &on m$ re"uge8 the Hol$ &pirit m$ protection. Hol$ 'rinit$8 glor$ to $ou. All m$ hope I place in $ou8 %other o" God8 guard me under $our protection. 11.

And the "ollowing 'roparia. 'one > Ha-e merc$ on us8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on usJ "or we sinners8 lacking all de"ence8 o""er $ou8 as our %aster8 this supplication: ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us8 "or in $ou we ha-e put our trust. 3o not !e -er$ angr$ with us8 nor remem!er our iniFuities. 1ut look on us now8 as $ou are compassionate8 and rescue us "rom our enemies. For $ou are our God8 and we are $our peopleJ we are all the work o" $our hands8 and we ha-e called on $our name. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )pen the gate o" compassion to us8 !lessed %other o" GodJ hoping in $ou8 ma$ we not "ail. 'hrough $ou ma$ we !e deli-ered "rom ad-ersities8 "or $ou are the sal-ation o" the hristian race. Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Gi-e the !lessing. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 in accordance with $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. *riest: Also we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N. and "or all our !rotherhood in hrist. BAlso we pra$ "or our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth and all the (o$al Famil$.: Also we pra$ "or the protection o" this hol$ monaster$ and e-er$ monaster$8 cit$ and -illage "rom plague8 "amine8 earthFuake8 "lood8 "ire8 sword8 in-asion !$ enemies8 ci-il war and sudden deathJ and that our good God8 who lo-es mankind8 will !e merci"ul8 kindl$ and easil$ entreated8 turn awa$ and dispel all wrath and disease stirred up against us8 and deli-er us "rom his Eust threat that hangs o-er us8 and ha-e merc$ on us. 11/

(eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. BIn groups o" 15 while the *riest is pra$ing: *riest: Also we pra$ that the 0ord8 our God8 will hear to the -oice o" supplication o" us sinners and ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. *riest: Hear us8 ) God our &a-iour8 the hope o" all the ends o" the earth and o" those "ar o"" on the seaJ and ha-e pit$8 ha-e pit$8 %aster8 on our sins8 and ha-e merc$ on us. For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. *riest: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist8 God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Hol$ Father8 !less. *riest: %a$ @he who...8A hrist our true God8 through the pra$ers o" his all pure and hol$ %other8 the intercessions o" the hol$ glorious8 allCpraised Apostles8 @o" the &aint o" the %onaster$ and o" the da$A and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. 0et us pra$ "or the peace o" the world. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. A"ter each petition. For our Arch!ishop N.8 our &uperior N.8 and all our !rotherhood in hrist. For our &o-ereign N. For our a!sent "athers and !rethren. For those who hate us and "or those who lo-e us. For those who are merci"ul to us and ser-e us. For those who ha-e asked us in our unworthiness to pra$ "or them. For the release o" prisoners. For those that sail upon the sea. 116

For those that lie in sickness. 0et us pra$ "or an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth. And "or e-er$ soul o" )rthodox hristians. 0et us !less de-out &o-ereigns. )rthodox High *riests. 'he Founders o" this hol$ %onaster$. )ur parents and teachers8 and all our departed "athers and !rethren8 )rthodox !elie-ers8 who here or in all the world lie asleep in the 0ord. (eader Bduring the last petition:, %a$ God pardon and ha-e merc$ on them8 where all the Eust reposeJ and ha-e merc$ and sa-e us as he is good and lo-es mankind. &uperior: 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ "athers8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: Amen. 'he "ollowing Note is "ound in the Horologion !e"ore the *ra$er o" &t +phrem the &$rian 'he word DAlleluia? is He!rew and in translation means D*raise the 0ord?. *eople use it as a sign o" Eo$ and an expression o" gladness as the$ praise God and thank him "or his wonders8 as is clear "rom the tile o" man$ *salms8 to the which the word is attached and also "rom what 'o!it sa$s a!out 4erusalem !eing re!uilt again a"ter its "all8 that all its streets will sa$ DAlleluia? @1.81=A. It is also clear "rom the Apocal$pse o" 4ohn8 who8 a"ter the "all and disappearance o" the spiritual 1a!$lon8 heard a loud -oice "rom hea-en sa$ing continuousl$8 DAlleluia? @1.8,.,5sJ 1;81A. Ne-ertheless hrist?s hurch among us uses the word not onl$ "or radiant and Eo$"ul da$s8 as8 "or example8 in the Antiphons o" the "easts o" the 0ord8 D&a-e us who sing to $ou: AlleluiaH?8 !ut also in man$ places in the dail$ da$ and night o""ice. 'he word is especiall$ "reFuent in the rites "or "unerals and the mourn"ul 11>

da$s o" the "asts8 when DAlleluia? is sung at #espers in place o" the normal *rokeimenon and at %atins instead o" D'he 0ord is God?. )" this DAlleluia? here and su!seFuentl$8 the instruction o" the '$pikon sa$s8 D1ut i" it is Alleluia?8 that is i" there is a "ast8 i" we do not sing8 D'he 0ord is God?8 we make the "ull prostrations. )therwise etc. Note that the 0atin hurch has the opposite custom to us and expressl$ "or!ids the use o" Alleluia on "ast da$s and at mourn"ul rites8 and limits it to Eo$"ul da$s onl$8 especiall$ the da$ o" *ascha8 when the$ sing it -er$ o"ten8 as do the D hrist has risen?. 1ut also8 man$ 2esterners when -isiting one another during the da$s o" *ascha8 or meeting in the road8 gi-e the greeting8 DHapp$ Alleluia?8 Eust as we use D hrist has risen?. Saturday 'idnight ffice.

'he )""ice !egins as on ordinar$ weekda$s8 !ut instead o" *salm 11= @Kathisma 1<A we sa$ *salms >/C>; @Kathisma ;A. A"ter the I !elie-e and the 'risagion etc.8 we sa$ the "ollowing 'roparia. 'one ,. 9ncreated nature8 maker o" all things8 open our lips that we ma$ declare $our praise as we cr$: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God. 'hrough the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$. 2e who are on earth8 imitating the *owers a!o-e8 o""er $ou8 ) Good one8 a h$mn o" -ictor$: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God. 'hrough the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us. 1oth now.


Iou ha-e roused me8 0ord8 "rom m$ !ed and "rom sleep8 enlighten m$ mind and open m$ heart and m$ lips8 to sing $our praise8 ) Hol$ 'rinit$: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$ are $ou8 ) God. 'hrough the %other o" God ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen as on ordinar$ weekda$s8 except that instead o" the two *ra$ers o" &aint 1asil we sa$ this *ra$er o" &aint +"stratios I magni"$ $ou greatl$8 ) 0ord8 !ecause $ou ha-e looked upon m$ lowliness8 and ha-e not hemmed me into the hands o" enemies8 !ut ha-e sa-ed m$ soul "rom constraints. And now8 %aster8 let $our hand protect me8 and $our merc$ come upon me8 "or m$ soul has !een trou!led and is greatl$ a""licted at its departure "rom this wretched and soiled !od$ o" mine. %a$ the e-il plan o" the ad-ersar$ ne-er con"ront and o!struct it8 !ecause o" the man$ sins committed !$ me in this li"e in knowledge and in ignorance. 1e merci"ul to me8 %aster8 and ne-er let m$ soul see the dark and gloom$ sight o" the e-il demonsJ !ut ma$ $our !right and shining Angels recei-e it. Gi-e glor$ to $our hol$ name8 and !ring me !$ $our power to $our di-ine Eudgement seat. 2hen I am Eudged8 let not the hand o" the ruler o" this world seiLe me to cast me8 sinner that I am8 into the depths o" HellJ !ut stand !$ me and !e "or me a sa-iour and a helper. Ha-e merc$8 0ord8 on m$ soul8 stained with the passions o" li"e8 and recei-e it pure through repentance and con"essionJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen the rest o" the )""ice as on ordinar$ weekda$s. Sunday 'idnight ffice.

A"ter the usual )pening *ra$ers and *salm 658 as on 2eekda$s8 we sa$ at once the anon to the 'rinit$ in the current 'one. 1e"ore the 'roparia we sa$: 11=

Hol$ 'rinit$8 one God8 ha-e merc$ and sa-e us. A"ter the anon we sing the "ollowing H$mns to the 'rinit$. It is trul$ right to praise the di-ine 'rinit$8 the Father without !eginning and %aker o" all8 the coCeternal 2ord8 !orn without change "rom the Father !e"ore the ages8 and the Hol$ &pirit8 proceeding timelessl$ "rom the Father. It is trul$ right to glori"$ $ou8 God the 2ord8 at whom the heru!im Fuail and trem!le and whom the *owers o" hea-en glori"$. hrist8 the gi-er o" li"e8 who rose "rom the gra-e on the third da$8 with "ear let us glori"$. All those !orn "rom earth praise8 and the *owers o" hea-en glori"$ the 9nit$ in !eing in three *ersons8 that is worshipped !$ all the "aith"ul. hrist8 the gi-er o" li"e8 !e"ore whom the heru!im Fuail and trem!le and whom the hosts o" Angels glori"$8 who was incarnate "rom the #irgin8 with "ear let us glori"$. As !e"its God8 let us all praise with songs inspired the Father and the &on and the di-ine &pirit8 threeCpersonned might8 one kingship and dominion. Immaculate #irgin8 all creation seeing $our &on risen "rom the dead8 as !e"its God8 has !een "illed with unspeaka!le Eo$8 as it glori"ies him and honours $ou. 'hen the 'risagion etc. A"ter the 0ord?s *ra$er8 the IpakoT o" the 'one o" the 2eek. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. 'rul$ %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us8 shed the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Gi-e the !lessing. 11;

'he 3ismissal8 and then the "inal 0itan$ etc. as on 2eekda$s. 2esser Hours. "irst Hour 'he First Hour !eing Eoined to the %orning )""ice8 !egins straight awa$ with: ) ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ) ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ) ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 'hree %etanias and the *salms: *salm 6 Gi-e ear to m$ words8 ) 0ord8 understand m$ cr$. Attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication8 m$ King and m$ GodJ "or to $ou I shall pra$8 ) 0ord. In the morning $ou will hear m$ -oice. In the morning I shall stand !e"ore $ou8 and $ou will watch o-er meJ !ecause $ou are not a God who wants iniFuit$. 'he e-ildoer will not dwell with $ou8 nor will the lawless remain !e"ore $our e$es. Iou ha-e hated all those who work iniFuit$J $ou will destro$ all those who speak lies. 'he 0ord a!hors a man o" !loodshed and deceit. 1ut I8 in the a!undance o" $our merc$8 will enter $our house8 I will worship towards $our hol$ temple in "ear o" $ou. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our righteousness !ecause o" m$ enemies8 direct m$ wa$ !e"ore $ou. 1ecause there is no truth in their mouthsJ their heart is -ain. 'heir throat is an open tom!8 the$ decei-e with their tongues. 4udge them8 ) God. 0et them "all through their counselsJ according to the multitude o" their impieties cast them out8 "or the$ ha-e em!ittered $ou8 ) 0ord. And ma$ all those who hope in $ou !e gladJ the$ will reEoice "or e-er8 and $ou will dwell among them8 and all those who lo-e $our name will !oast in $ou. 1ecause $ou will !less the righteousJ $ou ha-e crowned him8 ) 0ord8 with $our good pleasure. *salm =; 1,5

0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom one generation to another. 1e"ore the mountains came into !eing or the earth and the world were "ormed8 "rom age to age $ou are. 3o not turn mankind !ack to humiliation8 and $ou said: 'urn !ack8 children o" men. 1ecause a thousand $ears in $our e$es8 0ord8 are like a da$8 or like $esterda$ which has passed8 and like a watch in the night. 'heir $ears will !e mere tri"les8 in the morning like grass ma$ he pass awa$. In the morning let him "lower and pass awa$J in the e-ening let him "all8 dr$ up and wither. 1ecause we ha-e perished in $our anger8 and in $our wrath we ha-e !een disma$ed. Iou ha-e set our iniFuities !e"ore $ouJ our age in the light o" $our countenance. 1ecause all our da$s ha-e perished8 and in $our anger we ha-e perishedJ our $ears were reckoned like a spider. 'he da$s o" our $ears there are se-ent$ $ears in them8 !ut i" we are strong8 eight$8 and the maEorit$ o" them are la!our and toilJ !ecause weakness has come o-er us and we shall !e chastened. 2ho knows the might o" $our angerM And can gauge $our wrath "rom "ear o" $ouM &o make $our right hand known to me8 and those chastened in heart !$ wisdom. 'urn !ack8 ) 0ord8 how longM And !e entreated "or $our ser-ants. 2e ha-e "illed in the morning with $our merc$8 ) 0ord8 and we ha-e reEoiced and !een glad. In all our da$s let !e gladJ in return "or the da$s when $ou hum!led us8 the $ears when we saw e-ils. And look upon $our ser-ants and upon the work o" $our hands and guide $our children. And let the !rightness o" the 0ord !e upon us8 and direct the works o" our hands "or us8 and direct the work o" our hand. *salm 155 I will sing to $ou o" merc$ and Eudgement8 ) 0ord8 I will chant and think on a !lameless wa$: when will $ou come to meM I ha-e walked in the midst o" m$ house in the innocence o" m$ heart. I ha-e set no lawless deed !e"ore m$ e$esJ I ha-e hated those who commit transgressions. No twisted heart has !een attached to meJ the e-il man who a-oids me I ha-e not acknowledged. 'he man who secretl$ slanders his neigh!our8 him I ha-e dri-en out. 2ith a man o" proud looks and insatiate heart8 I ha-e not eaten. %$ e$es are upon the "aith"ul in the land8 "or them 1,1

to dwell with meJ the man who walks on a !lameless wa$8 he has ministered to me. 'he man who acts proudl$ has not dwelt in m$ houseJ the man who speaks calumnies has not prospered !e"ore me. %orning !$ morning I slew all the sinners in the land8 to purge "rom the 0ord?s cit$ all workers o" iniFuit$. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x.A. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. And i" 'he 0ord is God was sung8 we sa$: Glor$8 the Apol$tikion o" the da$8 then 1oth now8 and the 'heotokion: 2hat shall we call $ou8 ) Full o" graceM Hea-enM For $ou made the &un o" righteousness to dawn. *aradiseM For $ou made the "lower o" incorruption !lossom. #irginM For $ou remained incorrupt. *ure %otherM For $ou held in $our hol$ em!race a &on who is the God o" all. Implore him that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. And immediatel$: 3irect m$ steps according to $our word8 and let no iniFuit$ lord it o-er me. 3eli-er me "rom the slander o" men8 and I shall keep $our commandments. 0et $our "ace shine on $our ser-ant8 and teach me $our statutes. 0et m$ mouth !e "illed with $our praise8 ) 0ord8 that I ma$ h$mn $our glor$8 all da$ long $our splendour. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @x.A Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1,,

AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'he Kontakion o" the &aint8 i" there is one8 or o" the current Feast8 or o" the da$ o" the week. 1ut on &unda$ we sa$ the H$pakoT o" the 'one. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1,.

0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us8 show the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen the &uperior sa$s "ollowing pra$er: hrist8 the true light8 who enlighten and hallow e-er$one who comes into the world8 ma$ the light o" $our countenance !e signed upon us8 that in it we ma$ see $our unapproacha!le lightJ and direct our steps to the doing o" $our commandmentsJ at the intercessions o" $our most pure %other and o" all $our &aints. Amen. (eader: 'o $ou m$ hampion and ommander I $our cit$ sa-ed "rom disasters dedicate8 ) %other o" God8 h$mns o" -ictor$ and thanksgi-ingJ !ut as $ou ha-e unassaila!le might "rom e-er$ kind o" danger now deli-er me8 that I ma$ cr$ to $ou: Hail8 1ride without !ridegroomH And 3ismissal. %hird Hour. Glor$ to $ou8 our God. Glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A 1,/

Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A. Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King and our God. . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm 1> Hearken to m$ righteousness8 ) 0ordJ attend to m$ supplication. Gi-e ear to m$ pra$er "rom lips which do not decei-e. 0et m$ Eudgement come "rom $our presence8 let m$ e$es see "air dealings. Iou ha-e tested m$ heart8 $ou ha-e -isited me !$ nightJ $ou ha-e tried me !$ "ire and no inEustice has !een "ound in me. 'hat m$ mouth might not speak o" human deeds8 "or the sake o" the words o" $our lips I ha-e kept hard wa$s. 3irect m$ steps in $our paths8 that m$ steps ma$ not slip. I ha-e called8 "or $ou heard me8 ) GodJ incline $our ear to me8 and hearken to m$ 1,6

words. &how the wonder o" $our mercies8 $ou who sa-e those that hope in $ou. Guard me8 ) 0ord8 like the pupil o" the e$e8 "rom those who resist $our right hand. Iou will shelter me in the shelter o" $our wings8 "rom the presence o" the impious who a""licted me. %$ "oes ha-e surrounded m$ soulJ the$ ha-e shut their hearts8 their mouth has spoken proudl$. 'he$ cast me out and now the$ ha-e encircled me8 the$ ha-e "ixed their e$es to !ow to the ground. 'he$ came on me like a lion read$ "or pre$8 and like a lion cu! lurking in hidden places. Arise8 0ord8 "orestall them and cast them downJ deli-er m$ soul "rom the impious8 $our sword "rom the "oes o" $our hand. ) 0ord8 di-ide them "rom the "ew o" the land in their li"e8 and their !ell$ was "illed "rom $our hidden things. 'he$ ha-e !een sated with swine?s "lesh and le"t the remainder to their in"ants. 1ut I in righteousness will appear in $our presenceJ I shall !e satis"ied when $our glor$ has appeared to me. *salm ,/ 'o $ou8 ) 0ord8 I ha-e li"ted m$ soul. %$ God8 I ha-e trusted in $ou8 do not let me !e shamed "or e-er. 3o not let m$ "oes laugh at meJ "or all who wait patientl$ "or $ou shall not !e shamedJ let those who transgress without cause !e shamed. ) 0ord8 make $our wa$s known to me8 and teach me $our paths. Guide me into $our truth and teach me8 "or $ou are God m$ &a-iour8 and I ha-e waited patientl$ on $ou all the da$. (emem!er $our acts o" pit$8 0ord8 and $our mercies8 "or the$ are eternal. 3o not remem!er the sins o" m$ $outh and ignoranceJ in accordance with $our merc$ remem!er me8 on account o" $our goodness8 ) 0ord. 'he 0ord is good and upright8 there"ore he will gi-e laws to those who sin on their wa$. He will guide the meek with Eudgement8 he will teach the meek his wa$s. All the wa$s o" the 0ord are merc$ and truth8 "or those who seek his co-enant and his testimonies. For $our name?s sake8 ) 0ord8 pardon m$ sin8 "or it is great. 2ho is one who "ears the 0ordM He will gi-e him laws in the wa$ which he has chosen. His soul will dwell among good things and his seed will inherit the earth. 'he 0ord is the strength o" those who "ear him8 and his co-enant will show them this. %$ e$es are 1,>

e-er towards the 0ord8 "or he will draw m$ "eet out o" the snare. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ "or I am alone and poor. 'he a""lictions o" m$ heart ha-e !een multipliedJ !ring me out o" m$ trou!les. &ee m$ humiliation and m$ toil8 and "orgi-e all m$ sins. &ee m$ "oes8 "or the$ ha-e !een multiplied8 and ha-e hated me with an unEust hatred. Guard m$ soul and deli-er meJ let me not !e shamed8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. 'he innocent and upright ha-e Eoined themsel-es to me8 !ecause I ha-e waited patientl$ "or $ou8 ) 0ord. ) God8 deli-er Israel "rom all his a""lictions. *salm 65 Ha-e merc$ on me ) God8 according to $our great merc$: according to the "ullness o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness: and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness: and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou onl$ ha-e I sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight: that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words8 and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed: and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truth: $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansed: $ou will wash me8 and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladness: the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins: and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God: and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence: and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation: and esta!lish me with $our so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s: and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed: and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our righteousness. ) 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips: and m$ mouth will proclaim $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en it: $ou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spirit: a !roken and a hum!led heart God will not 1,<

despise. 3o good to Qion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasureJ and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" righteousness8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God @x.A. %etanias @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 'hen the Apol$tikion o" the da$. I" there are two "easts the "irst Apol$tikion is said !e"ore Glor$ and the second a"ter it. 1oth now. 'heotokion. %other o" God8 $ou are the true -ine8 who ga-e !ud to the "ruit o" li"eJ we implore $ou8 &o-ereign 0ad$8 intercede together with the Apostles and all the &aints that he ha-e merc$ on our souls. 'hen at once: 1lessed is the 0ord God8 !lessed is the 0ord da$ !$ da$J ma$ the God o" our sal-ation gi-e us prosperit$. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen.


AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'hen the Kontakion o" the da$. )n &unda$ the IpakoT. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$.@x.A Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e 1,;

!irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less usJ and show the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. 'he &uperior sa$s the "ollowing: *ra!er of t &ardarios God and %aster8 Father almight$8 0ord8 onl$ !egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit8 one godhead8 one power8 ha-e merc$ on me a sinnerJ and !$ the Eudgements which $ou know8 sa-e me $our unworth$ ser-antJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. And at once we start the &ixth Hour.

Sixth Hour.
) come8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ) come8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ) come8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 2ith . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm 6. ) God8 sa-e m$ !$ $our name8 and $ou will Eudge me !$ $our power. ) God8 hearken to m$ pra$er8 gi-e ear to the words o" m$ mouth. For strangers ha-e risen up against me8 and might$ ones ha-e sought m$ soul8 and ha-e not put God !e"ore them. For see8 God will help me8 and the 0ord is the protector o" m$ soul. He will turn e-ils upon m$ "oes8 in $our truth wipe them out. 2illingl$ I shall sacri"ice to $ou8 I shall gi-e thanks to $our name8 ) 0ord8 "or it is good. For $ou ha-e deli-ered me "rom e-er$ a""liction8 and m$ e$e has looked down on m$ "oes. 1.5

*salm 6/ Gi-e ear to m$ pra$er8 ) God8 and do not despise m$ supplicationJ attend to me8 and hearken to me. I was grie-ed in m$ meditation8 and trou!led !$ the -oice o" the "oe and the a""liction o" the sinner. 1ecause the$ cast iniFuit$ upon me8 and in anger the$ were indignant with me. %$ heart was trou!led within me8 and dread o" death "ell on me. Fear and trem!ling came upon me8 and darkness co-ered me. And I said: 2ho will gi-e me wings like a do-e?s8 and I shall "l$ awa$ and "ind rest. &ee8 I ha-e gone "ar awa$ in m$ "light8 and ha-e encamped in the wilderness. I waited "or God who sa-es me "rom "aintCheartedness and "rom storm. ) 0ord8 drown and di-ide their tonguesJ !ecause I ha-e seen iniFuit$ and wrangling in the cit$. 3a$ and night it will go round upon its walls8 and lawlessness and toil are in its midst8 and inEustice. 9sur$ and "raud ha-e not le"t its streets. For i" an enem$ had re-iled me8 I would ha-e endured it. And i" one who hated me had !oasted against me8 I would ha-e hidden "rom him. 1ut it was $ou8 one who was m$ eFual8 m$ leader and m$ "riend. 2ho made sweet the "ood we ate togetherJ we walked in harmon$ in God?s house. 0et death come upon them8 and let them go down ali-e into Hades. For e-il is in their dwellings and in their midst. 1ut I cried to God and the 0ord heard me. At e-ening and morning and at midda$ I shall speak and declare8 and he will listen to m$ -oice. He will redeem m$ soul in peace "rom those who draw near me8 "or in crowds the$ were a!out me. God will hear and he who is !e"ore the ages will hum!le them. For there is no change with them8 !ecause the$ did not "ear GodJ he stretched out his hand to repa$. 'he$ de"iled his co-enantJ the$ were scattered at the wrath o" his presence8 and their hearts drew near. His words were smoother than oil8 $et the$ are Ea-elins. ast $our care on the 0ord8 and he will support $ouJ he will not let the righteous !e stormCtossed "or e-er. 1ut $ou8 ) God8 will !ring them down to the pit o" destruction. %en o" !loodshed and deceit will not li-e out hal" their da$sJ !ut I8 0ord8 will hope in $ou. *salm ;5 1.1

)ne who dwells in the help o" the %ost High will li-e under the protection o" the o" the God o" hea-en. He will sa$ to the 0ord: $ou are m$ protector and m$ re"uge8 m$ God8 and I shall hope in him. For he will deli-er $ou "rom the snare o" hunters8 and "rom the word which trou!les. He will o-ershadow $ou with his wings8 and !eneath his "eathers $ou will hopeJ his truth will encircle $ou with a shield. Iou will not !e a"raid o" terror !$ night8 o" the arrow that "lies !$ da$. )" the thing that prowls in the darkness8 o" mishap and the noonda$ de-il. A thousand ma$ "all at $our side8 and ten thousand at $our right8 !ut it will not come near $ou. 1ut with $our e$es $ou will o!ser-e8 and see the reward o" sinners. For $ou8 0ord8 are m$ hope: $ou ha-e made the %ost High $our re"uge. +-ils will not approach $ou8 nor a scourge draw near $our dwelling. 1ecause he has gi-en orders to his Angels a!out $ou8 to guard $ou in all $our wa$s. 'he$ will !ear $ou on their hands8 lest $ou dash $our "oot against a stone. Iou will walk on asp and !asilisk8 and trample down lion and dragon. 1ecause he hoped in me8 I shall deli-er himJ I shall shelter him8 !ecause he knew m$ name. He will cr$ to me8 and I shall hear him8 I am with him in trou!leJ I shall rescue him and glori"$ him. I shall "ill him with length o" da$s8 and show him m$ sal-ation. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God @x.A. %etanias @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 'hen the Apol$tikion o" the da$. I" there are two "easts the "irst Apol$tikion is said !e"ore Glor$ and the second a"ter it. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 1.,

1ecause we ha-e no !oldness on account o" our man$ sins8 entreat the )ne !orn o" $ou8 ) #irgin %other o" GodJ "or a %other?s plea has great "orce "or the kindness o" the %aster. 3o not despise the supplications o" sinners8 ) allChol$8 "or he is merci"ul8 and a!le to sa-e8 he who e-en accepted to su""er "or us. 'hen at once: 0et $our mercies8 ) 0ord8 come Fuickl$ to our aid8 "or we are utterl$ poorJ help us8 ) God our &a-iour8 "or the glor$ o" $our name. ) 0ord8 deli-er us8 and ha-e merc$ on our sins8 "or $our name?s sake. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @x.A Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'hen the Kontakion o" the da$. )n &unda$ the IpakoT. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A 1..

At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. 'he &uperior sa$s the "ollowing: *ra$er o" &aint 1asil 'he Great ) God and 0ord o" powers8 and %aker o" all creation8 who through the compassion o" $our incomprehensi!le merc$ sent down $our onl$C!egotten &on8 our 0ord and &a-iour8 4esus hrist8 "or the sal-ation o" our race8 and through his precious ross tore up the record o" our sins8 and !$ it triumphed o-er the principalities and powers o" darknessJ do $ou $oursel"8 ) %aster who lo-e mankind8 accept also our supplications o" thanksgi-ing and entreat$J and deli-er us "rom destro$ing and dark transgression8 and "rom all our "oes8 -isi!le and in-isi!le8 who seek to harm us. Nail down our "lesh through "ear o" $ou8 and do not let our hearts incline to words or thoughts o" e-il8 !ut wound our souls with longing "or $ouJ that e-er gaLing on $ou and guided !$ the light that comes "rom $ou8 seeing $ou the unapproacha!le and e-erlasting light8 we ma$ gi-e thanks to $ou8 the Father without !eginning8 with $our onl$C!egotten &on and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1./

According to the '$pica o" the Hol$ %ountain the (eader at once adds: It is trul$ meet to call $ou !lessed8 who ga-e !irth to God8 e-erC!lessed and most pure8 and the %other o" our God. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. And 3ismissal.

Ninth Hour.
Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. 1.6

*riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A8 Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm =. How !elo-ed are $our dwellings8 ) 0ord o" powersJ m$ soul longs and "aints "or the courts o" the 0ord. %$ heart and m$ "lesh reEoiced in the li-ing God. For the sparrow has "ound itsel" a house8 and the do-e a nest "or hersel"8 where she ma$ place her nestlings: $our altars8 ) 0ord o" powers8 m$ King and m$ God. 1lessed are those who dwell in $our house8 the$ will praise $ou to ages o" ages. 1lessed the one whose help is "rom $ouJ who has placed ascents in his heart8 to the -alle$ o" weeping8 to the place he has set. For the lawgi-er will gi-e !lessingsJ the$ will go "rom strength to strength8 the God o" gods will appear in &ion. 0ord God o" powers hear m$ pra$er8 gi-e ear8 ) God o" 4aco!. ) God our shield seeJ and look on the "ace o" $our hrist. For one da$ in $our courts is "ar !etter than thousands. I chose to !e cast aside in the house o" m$ God8 rather than to dwell in the tents o" sinners. 0ord God o" powers8 !lessed is the one who hopes in $ou. *salm =/ Iou were well pleased with $our land8 ) 0ord8 $ou turned awa$ the capti-it$ o" 4aco!. Iou "orga-e $our people their iniFuities8 $ou co-ered all their sins. Iou made all $our anger cease8 $ou turned awa$ "rom the anger o" $our rage. 'urn us 1.>

!ack again8 ) God o" our sal-ation8 and turn awa$ $our rage "rom us. 2ould $ou !e angr$ with us "or e-erM )r will $ou prolong $our wrath "rom generation to generationM ) God8 when $ou ha-e turned us !ack $ou will make us li-e8 and $our people will reEoice in $ou. 0ord8 show us $our merc$8 and grant us $our sal-ation. I will hear what the 0ord will sa$ in meJ "or he will speak peace to his people8 to his hol$ ones8 to those who turn their hearts !ack to him. 1ut his sal-ation is near those who "ear him8 that glor$ ma$ dwell in our land. %erc$ and truth ha-e met8 righteousness and peace ha-e kissed. 'ruth has dawned "rom the earth8 and righteousness has leaned down "rom hea-en. For the 0ord will gi-e goodness8 and our earth will gi-e its "ruit. (ighteousness will walk !e"ore him8 and set his steps in the wa$. *salm =6 Incline $our ear8 ) 0ord8 and hear me8 "or I am poor and need$. Guard m$ soul8 "or I am hol$J ) m$ God8 sa-e $our ser-ant who hopes in $ou. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I shall cr$ to $ou all the da$J gi-e Eo$ to the soul o" $our ser-ant8 "or I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul to $ou. For $ou8 ) 0ord8 are good and gentle8 and "ull o" merc$ to all who call on $ou. Gi-e ear8 ) 0ord8 to m$ pra$erJ and attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication. In the da$ o" m$ trou!le I called to $ou8 "or $ou ha-e heard me. 'here is none like $ou among the gods8 ) 0ordJ none whose works are as $ours. All the nations whom $ou made will come and !ow down !e"ore $ou8 ) 0ord8 and glori"$ $our name. For $ou are great and do wondrous thingsJ $ou alone are God. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our wa$8 and I shall walk in $our truthJ make m$ heart glad to "ear $our name. I shall gi-e $ou thanks8 ) 0ord8 m$ God8 with m$ whole heartJ and I shall glori"$ $our name "or e-er. For $our merc$ is great towards me8 and $ou ha-e deli-ered m$ soul "rom the lowest Hell. ) God8 the lawless rose up against me8 and an assem!l$ o" might$ ones sought m$ soul8 and did not set $ou !e"ore them. And $ou8 0ord8 are pit$ing and merci"ul8 longC su""ering and "ull o" merc$ and true. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ gi-e $our 1.<

might to $our ser-ant and sa-e the son o" $our maidser-ant. %ake with me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. And again: %ake with me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God @x.A. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 'hen the Apol$tikion o" the da$. I" there are two "easts8 the "irst Apol$tikion is said !e"ore Glor$ and the second a"ter it. 1oth now. 'heotokion. ) Good one8 !orn o" a #irgin "or our sakes and who endured cruci"ixion8 who despoiled death !$ death and as God re-ealed resurrection8 do not despise those whom $ou "ashioned with $our own handJ show $our lo-e "or mankind8 ) %erci"ulJ accept the %other o" God who !ore $ou8 as she intercedes "or us8 and sa-e8 ) &a-iour8 a people in despair. For $our hol$ name?s sake do not "inall$ reEect us8 do not annul $our co-enant8 do not take $our merc$ "rom us "or the sake o" A!raham8 $our !elo-ed8 and "or the sake o" Isaac8 $our ser-ant8 and Israel8 $our hol$ one. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A. 1.=

Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'hen the Kontakion o" the da$. )n &unda$ the IpakoT. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the good things to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1.;

0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us8 and show the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen the &uperior sa$s this *ra$er o" &aint 1asil the Great %aster8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 who ha-e long endured our transgressions8 and !rought us to this hour in which8 hanging on the li"eCgi-ing tree8 $ou showed the good 'hie" the wa$ into *aradise and destro$ed death !$ death8 ha-e merc$ also on us sinners and $our unworth$ ser-ants. For we ha-e sinned and transgressed8 and are not worth$ to raise our e$es and look on the height o" hea-en8 !ecause we ha-e a!andoned the wa$ o" $our Eustice and walked in the will o" our hearts. 1ut we implore $our un!ounded goodness: spare us8 ) 0ord8 according to the multitude o" $our merc$8 and sa-e us "or $our hol$ name?s sake8 "or our da$s ha-e !een wasted in -anit$. (escue us "rom the hand o" our opponent8 "orgi-e us our sins8 sla$ our carnal will8 so that we8 ha-ing put o"" the old man8 ma$ put on the new8 and li-e "or $ou8 our %aster and 1ene"actorJ and that thus "ollowing $our precepts we ma$ reach eternal rest8 where those who reEoice ha-e their dwelling. For $ou are the true Eo$ and gladness o" those who lo-e $ou8 hrist our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 together with $our Father who has no !eginning8 and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. And 3ismissal.


Small #ompline.
*riest: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. &uperior: Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" 'ruth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Amen. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us. @x.A Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 "orgi-e our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )ur Father in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom come8 $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read. And "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. 1/1

ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias. 'hen the *salms: *salm 65 Ha-e merc$ on me8 ) God8 in accordance with $our great merc$. According to the multitude o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou alone I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truthJ $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansed. Iou will wash me and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with $our so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips8 and m$ mouth will proclaim $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en it. Iou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spiritJ a !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasureJ and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" righteousness8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. 1/,

*salm >; ) God8 come to m$ helpJ 0ord8 hasten to help me. 0et those who seek m$ soul !e shamed and con"ounded. 0et those who wish me e-il !e turned !ack and put to shame. 0et those who sa$ to me8 DGood8 goodH? !e turned !ack immediatel$8 ashamed. 0et all who seek $ou8 ) God8 !e glad and reEoice in $ou. 0et all who lo-e $our sal-ation e-er sa$: D'he 0ord !e magni"ied.? 1ut I am poor and need$J help me8 ) God. Iou are m$ helper and m$ deli-ererJ 0ord8 do not dela$. *salm 1/, 0ord8 hear m$ pra$er: in $our truth gi-e ear to m$ supplication8 and in $our righteousness hear me. 3o not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant: "or in $our sight no one li-ing can !e Eusti"ied. For the enem$ pursued m$ soul8 hum!led m$ li"e to the ground. %ade me dwell in darkness8 like those "or e-er dead. %$ spirit grew despondent within me and m$ heart within me was trou!led. I remem!ered da$s o" old8 I meditated on all $our works: I made the works o" $our hands m$ meditation. I stretched out m$ hands towards $ou: m$ soul thirsted "or $ou like a waterless land. Hear me swi"tl$8 ) 0ord8 m$ spirit has "ailed. 3o not turn $our "ace "rom me8 or I shall !e like those who go down to the *it. %ake me hear o" $our merc$ in the morning8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. %ake known to me the wa$ in which I should walk8 "or to $ou I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul. 3eli-er me "rom m$ enemies8 0ord: I ha-e run to $ou "or shelter. 'each me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. For $our name7s sake8 ) 0ord8 $ou will gi-e me li"e. In $our Eustice8 $ou will !ring m$ soul out o" trou!le8 in $our merc$ sla$ m$ enemies8 and destro$ all those that a""lict m$ soul8 "or I am $our ser-ant. 3oxolog$ 1/.

Glor$ to God in the highest8 and on earth peace8 goodwill among men. 2e praise $ou8 we !less $ou8 we worship $ou8 we glori"$ $ou8 we gi-e $ou thanks "or $our great glor$. 0ord8 King8 God o" hea-en8 Father almight$: 0ord8 onl$C!egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit. 0ord God8 0am! o" God8 &on o" the Father8 who take awa$ the sin o" the world8 ha-e merc$ on usJ $ou take awa$ the sins o" the world. (ecei-e our pra$er8 $ou who sit on the right hand o" the Father8 and ha-e merc$ on us. For $ou alone are hol$8 $ou alone are 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. +-er$ e-ening I will !less $ou8 and praise $our name "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. 0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom generation to generation. I said8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on me8 heal m$ soul8 "or I ha-e sinned against $ou. 0ord8 I ha-e run to $ou "or re"ugeJ teach me to do $our will "or $ou are m$ God. For with $ou is the source o" li"e8 and in $our light we shall see light. ontinue $our merc$ towards those who know $ou. Grant8 0ord8 this night to keep us without sin. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 the God o" our "athers8 and praised and glori"ied is $our name "or e-ermore. Amen. %a$ $our merc$8 0ord8 !e upon us8 as we ha-e trusted in $ou. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 teach me $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 %aster8 make me understand $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 Hol$ )ne8 enlighten me with $our statutes. 0ord8 $our merc$ is "or e-er: 3o not scorn the work o" $our hands. 'o $ou praise is due8 to $ou song is due8 to $ou glor$ is due8 Father8 &on8 and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'he reed I !elie-e in one God8 Father almight$8 maker o" hea-en and earth8 o" all things -isi!le and in-isi!le. And in one 0ord 4esus hrist8 the onl$C!egotten &on o" God8 !egotten "rom the Father !e"ore all ages. 0ight "rom 0ight8 true God "rom true God8 !egotten not 1//

made8 consu!stantial with the FatherJ through him all things were madeJ "or our sake and "or our sal-ation came down "rom hea-en8 and was incarnate "rom the Hol$ &pirit and the #irgin %ar$ and !ecame manJ he was cruci"ied also "or us under *ontius *ilate8 and su""ered and was !uriedJ he rose again on the third da$8 in accordance with the &criptures8 and ascended into hea-en and is seated at the right hand o" the FatherJ he is coming again in glor$ to Eudge the li-ing and the deadJ and his kingdom will ha-e no end. And in the Hol$ &pirit8 the 0ord8 the Gi-er o" li"e8 who proceeds "rom the Father8 who together with the Father and the &on is worshipped and together glori"iedJ who spoke through the *rophets. In one8 Hol$8 atholic and Apostolic hurchJ I con"ess one 1aptism "or the "orgi-eness o" sins. I await the resurrection o" the dead and the li"e o" the age to come. Amen. 'hen: It is trul$ right to call $ou !lessed8 who ga-e !irth to God8 e-erC!lessed and most pure and the %other o" our God. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name7s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen 1/6

)ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'he "ollowing 'roparia: God o" our "athers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not withdraw $our pit$ "rom us8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Iour hurch8 clothed throughout the world as in purple and "ine linen with the !lood o" $our %art$rs8 cries out to $ou through them: hrist8 our God8 send down $our merc$ on $our peopleJ gi-e peace to $our cit$ and to our souls $our great merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 2ith the &aints8 ) hrist8 gi-e rest to the souls o" $our ser-ants8 where there is neither sickness8 nor sorrow8 nor sighing8 !ut li"e without end. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hrough the intercession o" all the &aints and o" the %other o" God8 gi-e us $our peace8 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on us8 "or $ou alone are merci"ul. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 1/>

cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that8 protected and guided !$ their host8 we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us8 and show the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A. And sa-e and help us8 AllChol$ #irgin. *ra$er to 'he %ost Hol$ %other o" God !$ *aul8 monk o" the %onaster$ o" +-ergetis. &potless8 unde"iled8 incorrupt8 immaculate8 pure #irgin8 1ride o" God and 0ad$8 who !$ $our mar-ellous concei-ing united God the 2ord with mankind and Eoined our reEected human nature to the hea-enl$ realmJ the onl$ hope o" the hopeless8 help o" the attacked8 read$ assistance o" those who "lee to $ou8 and re"uge o" all hristiansJ do not turn in loathing "rom me8 an accursed sinner8 who ha-e made m$sel" utterl$ worthless through shame"ul thoughts and words and deeds8 and through the sloth o" the pleasures o" li"e ha-e !ecome a sla-e to m$ own will. 1ut as %other o" the God who lo-es mankind ha-e compassion on me8 a sinner and a prodigal8 in $our lo-e "or mankind8 and accept the pra$er I o""er $ou "rom polluted lips. And using $our %other7s !oldness8 implore $our &on8 our %aster and 0ord8 1/<

that He open to me also the compassionate heart o" his goodness8 and disregarding m$ countless o""ences turn me !ack to repentance8 and make me a tried worker o" his commandments. And8 as $ou are "ull o" merc$8 compassion and lo-ingC kindness8 !e e-er near me: in this present li"e a "er-ent helper and protector8 shielding me "rom the enem$7s assaults and guiding me to sal-ation8 and at the moment o" m$ departure watching o-er m$ wretched soul and dri-ing "ar "rom her the dark "orms o" e-il demonsJ !ut on the dread da$ o" Eudgement8 deli-ering me "rom eternal punishment and making me heir to the ine""a!le glor$ o" $our &on and our God. All this ma$ I o!tain8 m$ 0ad$8 most hol$ %other o" God8 through $our mediation and assistanceJ through the grace and lo-e "or mankind o" $our onl$C !egotten &on8 our 0ord and God and &a-iour8 4esus hrist. 'o whom are due all glor$8 honour and worship8 with his Father who is without !eginning and his allC hol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *ra$er to )ur 0ord 4esus hrist !$ the monk Antiochos. And grant us8 %aster8 as we go to our sleep8 rest o" !od$ and soulJ and guard us "rom the gloom$ sleep o" sin and "rom e-er$ dark pleasure o" the night. alm the assaults o" the passions8 Fuench the "ier$ arrows o" the e-il one that are cunningl$ aimed at usJ put down the re!ellions o" our "lesh and still our e-er$ earthl$ and material thought. And grant us8 ) God8 a watch"ul mind8 chaste thought8 a wake"ul heart8 sleep that is light and "ree "rom e-er$ satanic "antas$. (ouse us at the time "or pra$er strengthened in $our commandments8 and holding "irml$ within us the memor$ o" $our Eudgements. Grant that we ma$ sing $our glor$ all night long8 and so h$mn8 !less and glori"$ $our all honoured and maEestic name8 o" Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. %ost glorious8 e-erC-irgin8 !lessed %other o" God8 o""er our pra$er to $our &on and our God8 and ask that through $ou he ma$ sa-e our souls. 1/=

*ra$er o" &aint Ioannikios 'he Father is m$ hope8 the &on m$ re"uge8 the Hol$ &pirit m$ protection. Hol$ 'rinit$8 glor$ to $ou. Prayer to the %ost Hol$ %other o" God All m$ hope I place in $ou8 %other o" God8 guard me under $our protection. 1ecause o" $ou8 ) Full o" grace8 all creation reEoices8 the ranks o" Angels and the human raceJ hallowed 'emple and spiritual *aradise8 pride o" #irginsJ "rom $ou God was incarnate and he8 who is our God !e"ore the ages8 !ecame a little child. For He made $our wom! a throne and caused it to !ecome wider than the hea-ens. 1ecause o" $ou8 ) Full o" grace8 all creation reEoicesJ glor$ to $ou. *ra$er to the Guardian Angel Hol$ Angel8 o-erseer o" m$ wretched soul and misera!le li"e8 do not a!andon me a sinner8 do not desert me !ecause o" m$ inconstanc$J lea-e no place "or the e-il demon to o!tain dominion o-er me !$ gaining control o" this mortal !od$J strengthen m$ wretched and "ee!le hand8 and guide me into the wa$ o" sal-ation. Ies8 Hol$ Angel o" God8 guardian and protector o" m$ wretched soul and !od$8 pardon me all the things !$ which I ha-e distressed $ou all the da$s o" m$ li"e8 and whate-er sins I ha-e committed toCda$J shelter me in the coming night and protect me "rom e-er$ a!use o" the ad-ersar$8 that I ma$ not anger m$ God !$ an$ sinJ and intercede "or me to the 0ord8 to strengthen me in his "ear8 and show me to !e a worth$ ser-ant o" his goodness. Amen. 'o $ou m$ hampion and ommander I $our cit$8 sa-ed "rom disasters8 dedicate8 ) %other o" God8 h$mns o" -ictor$ and thanksgi-ingJ !ut as $ou ha-e unassaila!le 1/;

might8 "rom e-er$ kind o" danger now deli-er me8 that I ma$ cr$ to $ou: Hail8 1ride without !ridegroomH 'hen: %ost Hol$ %other o" God8 sa-e us. #irgin8 %other o" God8 Hail8 %ar$ "ull o" grace8 the 0ord is with $ouJ !lessed are $ou among women8 and !lessed is the "ruit o" $our wom!8 "or $ou ha-e gi-en !irth to the &a-iour o" our souls @x.A. *riest: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ 1x2+. Hol$ Father8 !less. *riest: %a$ @he who rose "rom the deadA hrist8 our true God8 through the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %other8 the intercessions o" the hol$ glorious8 all praised Apostles8 o" the hol$ and righteous Fore!ears o" God8 4oachim and Anne8 and all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. 0et us pra$ "or the peace o" the world. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. A"ter each petition. For our Arch!ishop N8 and all our !rotherhood in hrist. BFor our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +lisa!eth.: For our a!sent "athers and !rethren. For those who hate us and "or those who lo-e us. For those who are merci"ul to us and ser-e us. For those who ha-e asked us8 unworth$ though we are8 to pra$ "or them. For the release o" prisoners. For those who sail upon the sea. 165

For those who lie in sickness. 0et us pra$ "or an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth. And "or e-er$ soul o" )rthodox hristians. 0et us !less de-out &o-ereigns. )rthodox High *riests. )ur parents and teachers8 and all our departed "athers and !rethren8 )rthodox !elie-ers8 who here or in all the world lie asleep in the 0ord. (eader @during the last petitionA: %a$ God pardon and ha-e merc$ on them8 where all the Eust reposeJ and ha-e merc$ and sa-e us8 as he is good and lo-es humankind. 'one .. Awed !$ the !eaut$ o" $our -irginit$ and !$ the splendour o" $our purit$8 Ga!riel cried aloud to $ou8 %other o" God: How can I praise $ou as I shouldM 1$ what name shall I in-oke $ouM I am trou!led and amaLed. 'here"ore8 as I was commanded8 I cr$ to $ou: Hail8 "ull o" graceH *riest: 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ "athers8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: Amen. Note: %ost !ooks prescri!e the pra$er ) God sa-e $our people !e"ore psalm 65. 'his is anomalous8 since liturgicall$ it is linked to the order "or the Gospel. It is omitted in the Ieratikon issued !$ the Hol$ %onaster$ o" &imonos *etra on the Hol$ %ountain. I ha-e gi-en a re"erence to it in !rackets at the appropriate point. It is customar$ on the Hol$ %ountain to do a "ull censing during the "irst )de o" the anon8 whiche-er that ma$ !e8 as on &unda$s and Feasts. 161

'he place at which the 'roparia o" the anons are inserted -ar$ "rom t$pikon to t$pikon. 'he standard (ussian use is descri!ed in the translation o" the 0enten 'riodion !$ %other %ar$ and 1ishop Kallistos. urrent Athonite practice is to insert the 'roparia "rom the %enaion a"ter the "irst "our -erses o" the 1i!lical anticle8 and then recite the remaining -erses8 until the point at which the anons "rom the 'riodion are inserted8 that is "rom = onwards. 'he 'riodion does not gi-e precise re"erences "or the dail$ readings "rom &t +phrem the &$rian and the 0ausiac Histor$ o" *alladios8 nor more than it does "or the reading "rom the ladder at the Hours. &ome suita!le material "rom &t +phrem will !e "ound elsewhere on m$ pages.

'atins For 0ee1days in 2ent.

%he )oyal ffice.

A"ter the 3ismissal o" the %idnight )""ice the *riest8 ha-ing made the customar$ metania to the &uperior8 or to his stall8 enters the sanctuar$ and makes three !ows !e"ore the hol$ 'a!le. He puts on the +pitrachelion and8 standing in "ront o" the Hol$ 'a!le8 intones: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 2e sa$ "irst the 'risagion pra$ers. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 16,

AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x1,A Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. *salm 1; %a$ the 0ord hear $ou in the da$ o" trou!leJ ma$ the name o" the God o" 4aco! shield $ou. %a$ he send $ou his help "rom the hol$ place8 and support $ou "rom &ion. %a$ he remem!er $our e-er$ sacri"ice8 and accept with "a-our $our whole !urnt o""ering. %a$ the 0ord gi-e $ou $our heart?s desire8 and "ul"il $our e-er$ purpose. 2e shall reEoice in $our sal-ation8 and !e magni"ied in the name o" our the 0ord our God. %a$ the 0ord "ul"il all $our petitions. Now I know that the 0ord has sa-ed his hrist. He will hear him "rom his hol$ hea-enJ in might$ acts is the sal-ation o" his right hand. &ome put their trust in chariots and some in horses8 !ut we will call on the name o" the 0ord our God. 'he$ were "ettered and "ell8 !ut we ha-e risen and !een set upright. 0ord8 sa-e the king8 and hear us on the da$ we call upon $ou. 16.

*salm ,5 'he king will reEoice in $our power8 ) 0ord8 he will exult exceedingl$ in $our sal-ation. Iou ga-e him his heart?s desireJ $ou did not den$ him the reFuest o" his lips. For $ou came to meet him with !lessings o" goodnessJ $ou placed a crown o" precious stones upon his head. He asked $ou "or li"e8 and $ou ga-e him length o" da$s "or age on age. Great is his glor$ !ecause o" $our sal-ationJ $ou will place on him glor$ and maEest$. For $ou will gi-e him !lessing "or age on age8 and make him glad with the Eo$ o" $our countenance. For the king puts his hope in the 0ord8 and through the merc$ o" the %ost High he will not !e shaken. %a$ $our hand light upon all $our enemies8 and $our right hand "ind out all who hate $ou. Iou will make them like a !laLing o-en at the time o" $our presence. 'he 0ord will con"ound them in his wrath and "ire will de-our them. Iou will destro$ their o""spring "rom the earth8 and their seed "rom among the children o" mankind. 1ecause the$ intended e-ils against $ou8 and de-ised plans !$ which the$ can in no wa$ succeed. For $ou will put them to "lightJ among $our remnants $ou will prepare their presence. 1e exalted8 0ord8 in $our powerJ we will sing and praise $our might$ acts. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen 16/

)ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 'he (eader sa$s the "ollowing 'roparia: Amen. 0ord8 sa-e $our people8 and !less $our inheritance8 granting to "aith"ul hristians -ictor$ o-er their enemies8 and guarding $our commonwealth !$ $our ross. Glor$. 0i"ted up on the ross o" $our own will8 to the new commonwealth that !ears $our name grant $our mercies8 hrist GodJ make $our "aith"ul people glad !$ $our power8 granting them -ictories o-er their enemiesJ ma$ the$ ha-e $our help in !attle: a weapon o" peace8 an in-inci!le troph$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 3read hampion who cannot !e put to shame8 do not despise our petitions8 ) Good )ne. AllCpraised %other o" God esta!lish the commonwealth o" the )rthodox8 sa-e $our people and gi-e them -ictor$ "rom hea-en8 "or $ou ga-e !irth to God8 ) onl$ !lessed one. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$. 2e pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. (eader: 0ord ha-e merc$ @x.A. *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul8 and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less Father. 166

*riest: Glor$ to the hol$8 consu!stantial8 li"eCgi-ing and undi-ided 'rinit$8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. %he Six *salms. And we !egin the &ix *salms8 listening with complete silence and compunction. 'he &uperior8 or the designated reader8 with de-otion and "ear o" God sa$s: Glor$ to God in the highest8 and peace on earth8 goodwill among men @x.A. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips8 and m$ mouth will declare $our praise @x,A. *salm . 0ord8 wh$ ha-e those who a""lict me !een multipliedM %an$ rise against me. %an$ sa$ to m$ soul8 D'here is no sal-ation "or him in his God?. 1ut $ou8 0ord8 are m$ helper8 m$ glor$8 and the one who li"ts up m$ head. 2ith m$ -oice8 I cried to the 0ord8 and he heard me "rom his hol$ mountain. I la$ down and sleptJ I awoke8 !ecause the 0ord will assist me. I will not !e a"raid o" tens o" thousands o" people who surround me. (ise8 0ord8 sa-e me8 m$ GodJ !ecause $ou ha-e struck all who are -ainl$ m$ "oes. Iou ha-e smashed the teeth o" sinners. &al-ation is the 0ord?s8 and $our !lessing is upon $our people. And again: I la$ down and sleptJ I awoke !ecause the 0ord will assist me. *salm .< 0ord8 do not re!uke me in $our anger8 nor chastise me in $our wrath. For $our arrows ha-e !een stuck "ast in me8 and $ou ha-e laid a hea-$ hand upon me. 'here is no healing in m$ "lesh on account o" $our wrath8 nor peace in m$ !ones on account o" m$ sins. %$ iniFuities "looded o-er m$ headJ like a hea-$ !urden the$ weighed hea-il$ upon me. %$ wounds stank and "estered on account o" m$ "oolishness. I was wretched and utterl$ !owed downJ I went a!out mourning all da$ long. For m$ loins were "illed with mockings8 and there is no healing in m$ 16>

"lesh. I was maltreated and humiliated exceedingl$J I howled "rom the groaning o" m$ heart. 0ord8 all m$ desire is !e"ore $ou8 and m$ groaning was not hidden "rom $ou. %$ heart was trou!led8 m$ strength "ailed meJ and e-en the light o" m$ e$es had gone "rom me. %$ "riends and m$ neigh!ours drew near and stood against me8 and those nearest me stood "ar awa$. 'hose who sought m$ li"e used "orce8 and those who sought e-ils "or me spoke -anities8 and meditated trickeries all da$ long. 1ut I8 like a dea" man8 heard nothingJ like one who is dum!8 who does not open his mouth. &o I !ecame like one who cannot hear8 and in whose mouth there are no re!ukes. For in $ou8 0ord8 I ha-e hopedJ $ou will answer me8 ) 0ord m$ God. For I said: 0et m$ "oes ne-er exult o-er me. 2hen m$ "oot slipped the$ crowed o-er me. For I am read$ "or !lows and m$ pain is with me continuall$. For I will declare m$ iniFuit$ and !e trou!led at m$ sin. 1ut m$ enemies li-e and ha-e pre-ailed o-er me8 and those who hate me unEustl$ ha-e !een multiplied. 'hose who repa$ me with e-ils in place o" good ha-e slandered me8 since I pursued goodness. 3o not "orsake me8 0ordJ m$ God8 do not go "ar "rom me. Hasten to help me8 0ord o" m$ sal-ation. And again. 3o not "orsake me8 0ordJ m$ God8 do not go "ar "rom me. Hasten to help me8 0ord o" m$ sal-ation. *salm >, ) God8 m$ God8 I watch "or $ou at dawnJ m$ soul has thirsted "or $ou8 m$ "lesh how o"ten in a desert8 untrodden and waterless land. 'hus I appeared !e"ore $ou in the hol$ place8 to see $our power and $our glor$. For $our merc$ is !etter than li"eJ m$ lips will praise $ou. &o I will !less $ou as long as I li-e8 and in $our name I will li"t up m$ hands. %a$ m$ soul !e "illed as with marrow and "atnessJ m$ mouth will praise $ou with Eo$"ul lips. 2hen I remem!ered $ou upon m$ !ed8 e-er$ dawn I meditated upon $ou. For $ou !ecame m$ helper8 and in the shelter o" $our wings I shall reEoice. %$ soul clung to $ouJ and $our right hand upheld me. 16<

1ut those who -ainl$ sought m$ li"e will go down to the deepest parts o" the earth8 the$ will !e deli-ered to the power o" the sword8 the$ will !e portions "or "oxes. 1ut the king will reEoice in God8 and all who swear !$ him will !e praisedJ "or the mouths o" those who speak iniFuities ha-e !een stopped. And again. +-er$ dawn I meditated upon $ou8 "or $ou !ecame m$ helper8 and in the shelter o" $our wings I shall reEoice. %$ soul clung to $ouJ and $our right hand upheld me. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God @x.8 without %etaniasA. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *salm =< 0ord8 God o" m$ sal-ation8 I ha-e cried !$ da$8 and !$ night also !e"ore $ou. 0et m$ pra$er come into $our presence8 and turn $ou ear to m$ supplication. For m$ soul was "illed with e-ils8 and m$ li"e drew near to Hell. I was reckoned among those that go down to the *itJ I !ecame as one that has no help8 "ree among the dead. 0ike the slain that sleep in the tom!8 whom $ou remem!ered no moreJ and the$ were cut o"" "rom $our power. 'he$ placed me in the lowest *itJ in darkness and in the shadow o" death. Iour wrath la$ hea-$ upon me8 and $ou !rought all $our wa-es against me. Iou put m$ "riends "ar "rom me8 and made me an a!omination to them. I was handed o-er and I came outJ m$ e$es grew weak !ecause o" m$ !eggar$. I cried to $ou8 0ord8 all the da$J I stretched out m$ hands towards $ou. 2ill $ou work wonders "or the deadJ or will ph$sicians raise them up again to praise $ouM 2ill an$ declare $our merc$ in the tom!8 or $our truth in the 16=

place o" destructionM 2ill $our wonders !e known in the dark8 or $our Eustice in a land that has !een "orgottenM 1ut to $ou8 0ord8 I ha-e cried8 and in the morning m$ pra$er will come !e"ore $ou. 2h$ ha-e $ou reEected m$ soul8 0ordJ wh$ do $ou turn awa$ $our "ace "rom meM I am poor and in toils since m$ $outhJ exalted8 I was hum!led and !rought to despair. Iour "ierce anger o-erwhelmed me8 and $our terrors appalled me. 'he$ surrounded me like water all da$ longJ the$ closed in upon me "rom e-er$ side. Friend and neigh!our $ou ha-e put "ar "rom me8 and m$ companions !ecause o" m$ miser$. And again. 0ord8 God o" m$ sal-ation8 I ha-e cried !$ da$J and !$ night also !e"ore $ou. 0et m$ pra$er come into $our presence8 and turn $our ear to m$ supplication. *salm 15, 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soul8 and all that is within me8 !less his hol$ name. 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soul8 and "orget none o" his !ene"its. He "orgi-es all $our iniFuitiesJ he heals all $our diseasesJ he redeems $our li"e "rom corruption and crowns $ou with merc$ and compassionJ he satis"ies $our desire with good thingsJ $our $outh will !e renewed like an eagle?s. 'he 0ord per"orms deeds o" merc$ and Eudgement "or all who are oppressed. He made known his wa$s to %oses8 his wishes to the children o" Israel. 'he 0ord is compassionate and merci"ul8 longCsu""ering and "ull o" merc$. He will not alwa$s !e wrath"ul8 nor will he !e enraged "or e-er. He has not dealt with us according to our iniFuities8 nor rewarded us according to our sins. For8 like the height o" hea-en a!o-e the earth8 the 0ord has made his merc$ pre-ail o-er those that "ear him. As "ar as the east is "rom the west8 so "ar has he taken our sins "rom us. As a "ather takes pit$ on his children the 0ord has taken pit$ on those who "ear him. For he knows o" what we are madeJ has remem!ered that we are !ut dust. As "or man8 his da$s are !ut as grass8 he will !lossom like a "lower o" the "ieldJ "or when a wind has passed o-er it8 it will !e no more and will know its place no longer. 1ut the merc$ o" the 0ord is "or e-er and e-er upon those who "ear himJ 16;

and his Eustice upon their children?s children8 upon those who keep his co-enant and remem!er his commandments to do them. 'he 0ord has prepared his throne in hea-en and his kingdom rules o-er all. 1less the 0ord8 all $ou his Angels8 power"ul in strength8 who per"orm his word8 and listen to the -oice o" his words. 1less the 0ord8 all $ou his *owers8 his %inisters who do his will. 1less the 0ord8 all $ou his works. In e-er$ place o" his dominion8 !less the 0ord8 ) m$ soulH And again. In e-er$ place o" his dominion8 !less the 0ord8 ) m$ soulH *salm 1/, 0ord8 hear m$ pra$erJ in $our truth gi-e ear to m$ supplication8 and in $our Eustice hear me. 3o not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant8 "or in $our sight no one li-ing can !e Eusti"ied. For the enem$ pursued m$ soulJ hum!led m$ li"e to the groundJ made me dwell in darkness8 like those "or e-er dead. %$ spirit in me grew wear$8 and m$ heart was trou!led within me. I remem!ered da$s o" oldJ I meditated on all $our works. I made the works o" $our hands m$ meditation. I stretched out m$ hands towards $ouJ m$ soul thirsted "or $ou like a waterless land. Hear me swi"tl$8 ) 0ordJ m$ spirit has "ailed. 3o not turn $our "ace "rom me8 or I shall !e like those who go down to the *it. %ake me hear o" $our merc$ in the morning8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. %ake known to me the wa$ in which I should walk8 "or to $ou I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul. 3eli-er me "rom m$ enemies8 0ordJ I ha-e run to $ou "or shelter. 'each me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. For $our name?s sake8 ) 0ord8 $ou will gi-e me li"e. In $our Eustice $ou will !ring m$ soul out o" trou!leJ in $our merc$ sla$ m$ enemies8 and destro$ all those who a""lict m$ soul8 "or I am $our ser-ant. And again. In $our Eustice hear me8 ) 0ordJ and do not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant. @x,A 1>5

Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A. %etanias @x.A. 'he *riest8 ha-ing kissed the icon o" the 0ord8 stands in "ront o" the Hol$ 3oors and intones the: 2itany of *eace. In peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each petition. For the peace "rom on high and "or the sal-ation o" our souls8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For the peace o" the whole world8 "or the wel"are o" the hol$ hurches o" God8 and "or the union o" all8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ house8 and "or those who enter it with "aith8 re-erence and the "ear o" God8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our Arch!ishop N.8 "or the honoured order o" pres!$ters8 "or the diaconate in hrist8 "or all the clerg$ and the people8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. BFor our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the (o$al Famil$8 her Go-ernment8 and all in authorit$8 let us pra$ to the 0ord.: For our "ather and superior8 *riestCmonk N.8 and all our !rotherhood in hrist. For this hol$ monaster$8 "or monaster$8 cit$8 town and -illage8 and "or the "aith"ul who dwell in them8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For "a-oura!le weather8 an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth8 and temperate seasons8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For those who tra-el !$ land8 air or water8 "or the sick8 the su""ering8 "or those in capti-it$8 and "or their sa"et$ and sal-ation8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. 1>1

For our deli-erance "rom all a""liction8 wrath8 danger and constraint8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. A"ter the 0itan$ the anonarch8 or the appointed %onk8 chants in the middle the Alleluia . times according to the 'one o" the 2eek8 sa$ing "irst one o" the "ollowing -erses. #erse 1: From night"all m$ spirit is awake "or $ou8 ) God8 "or $our commands are light upon the earth. #erse ,: 0earn Eustice8 inha!itants o" the earth. #erse .: 4ealous$ will seiLe an untaught people8 and now "ire de-ours their ad-ersaries. #erse /: 1ring e-ils upon them8 ) 0ord8 !ring e-ils upon them8 the glorious ones o" the earth. And a"ter the Alleluia8 we sing the H$mns to the 'rinit$ in the same tone8 either singing the three once each8 or the one three times8 as the &uperior decides. 'he$ are sung with melod$8 loudl$ and slowl$. 'hen we recite one Kathisma o" the *salter. At each &ection8 at the Alleluia , we all make three prostrations. A"ter the "irst reading "rom the *salter8 Kathismata "rom the )ctoichos with the 'heotokion in the 'one o" the week8 as a!o-e. 1>,

'hen a (eading "rom &t +phrem the &$rian8 !$ the +phemerios. A"ter the second reading "rom the *salter8 Kathisma "rom the 'riodion with its 'heotokion. And again a (eading "rom &t +phrem. A"ter the third reading "rom the *salter another Kathisma "rom the 'riodion with its 'heotokion. 'hen a (eading "rom the 0ausiac Histor$ o" *alladios. A"ter this we sa$ *salm 65 Band the usual pra$er ) God8 sa-e $our people:. 'hen *salm 658 as "ollows. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the "ather and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'he appointed person: 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Ha-e merc$ on me ) God8 in accordance with $our great merc$J according to the multitude o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou onl$ I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words8 and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed8 and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truth: $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansedJ $ou will wash me8 and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins8 and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with a so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom 1>.

!loodshed8 and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips: and m$ mouth will declare $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en itJ $ou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spiritJ a !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasureJ and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" righteousness8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. And we !egin the anons. )ecitation of the Nine des.

)n %onda$U )de 1 'he &ong o" %oses in +xodus 16 Ha-ing utterl$ drowned *haraoh in the deep %oses sa$s: 0et us sing to the 0ord8 "or he is greatl$ glori"ied. 0et us sing to the 0ord8 "or he is greatl$ glori"ied: horse and rider he has cast into the sea. Helper and protector he has !ecome "or m$ sal-ation: he is m$ God and I will glori"$ himJ m$ "ather?s God and I will exalt him. 'he 0ord shatters wars8 the 0ord is his name. *haraoh?s chariots and arm$ he has cast into the seaJ his chosen mounted captains he has drowned in the (ed &ea. 2ith the deep he co-ered them: the$ sank to the !ottom like a stone. Iour right hand8 0ord8 has !een glori"ied with strengthJ $our right hand8 0ord8 has crushed enemiesJ and !$ the multitude o" $our glor$ $ou ha-e smashed the opponents. Iou sent "orth $our anger8 it consumed them like a reed. 1>/

And through the spirit o" $our wrath the water partedJ the waters !ecame "ixed like a wall8 and the wa-es !ecame "ixed in the midst o" the sea. 'he enem$ said: I will pursue8 I will o-ertake8 I will di-ide the spoil8 I will "ill m$ soul8 I will destro$ with m$ sword8 m$ right hand shall lord it. Iou sent "orth $our spirit8 the sea co-ered them8 the$ sank like lead in a mass o" water. 2ho is like $ou among the gods8 0ordM 2ho is like $ouM Glori"ied in holiness8 wondrous in glories8 per"orming mar-els. Iou stretched out $our right hand8 the earth swallowed them down. Iou guided this people o" $ours8 which $ou ha-e redeemedJ !$ $our strength $ou ha-e called them into $our hol$ restingCplace. Nations heard and were enragedJ pangs ha-e seiLed the inha!itants o" *h$listiim. For = -erses. 'hen the leaders o" +dom and the rulers o" the %oa!ites hastened: trem!ling took hold o" them: all the inha!itants o" anaan melted awa$. 0et "ear and trem!ling "all upon them: !$ the greatness o" $our arm let them !e turned to stone. For > -erses. 'ill $our people pass o-er8 ) 0ord: till $our people8 whom $ou ha-e purchased8 pass o-er. 'he sanctuar$ which $ou ha-e made8 0ord: which $our hands ha-e prepared. For / -erses. 'he 0ord reigns o-er the ages and "or e-er and e-er: "or *haraoh?s horse went with the chariots and horsemen into the sea. 1ut the children o" Israel walked on dr$ land in the midst o" the sea. Glor$. 1oth now. 1>6

)n 'uesda$U )de , Note that the ,nd ode is ne-er recited8 except onl$ in great 0ent. A"ter the 1st we recite it through to the end. For the 'roparia we sa$ !e"ore each one: Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. 'he &ong o" %oses in 3euteronom$. hap. .,:1. A"ter the law was written8 once more a song o" %oses. Attend8 ) hea-en8 and I shall speakJ and let earth hear the words "rom m$ mouth. 0et m$ utterance !e looked "or like rain8 and let m$ words come down like dew8 like a shower upon her!age8 and like snow on grass. 1ecause I ha-e called on the name o" the 0ordJ ascri!e maEest$ to our God. God8 his works are true8 and all his wa$s Eudgements. God is "aith"ul8 and there is no inEustice in himJ Eust and hol$ the 0ord. 1lameworth$ children8 ha-e the$ not sinned against himJ per-erse and crooked generation8 do $ou thus repa$ the 0ordM Foolish this people8 and not wiseJ is he not $our Father who created $ou8 and made $ou8 and "ashioned $ouM (emem!er da$s o" old8 understand $ears8 generations o" generations. Kuestion $our "ather8 and he will tell $ouJ $our elders and the$ will speak to $ou. 2hen the %ost High di-ided the nations8 when he scattered the children o" Adam8 he set !oundaries "or the nations according to the num!er o" the Angels o" God. And his people 4aco! !ecame the 0ord?s portionJ Israel the line o" his inheritance. He sustained them in the desert8 in thirst "rom heat in a waterless landJ he encircled him and instructed him and guarded him as the apple o" his e$e. As an eagle longed to protect its !rood8 and its nestlings8 spreading its wings8 he recei-ed them and !ore them up on his pinions. 'he 0ord alone led them8 and their was no "oreign god with them. 1>>

He made them mount on the strength o" the landJ he "ed them with the produce o" the "ields. 'he$ sucked hone$ "rom a rock8 and oil "rom a solid rock. 1utter "rom oxen and milk "rom sheep8 with the "at o" lam!s and rams8 o" the o""spring o" !ulls and goats8 with the "at o" kidne$s8 o" wheat8 and the$ drank wine8 the !lood o" the grape. And 4aco! ate and was "illed8 and the !elo-ed kickedJ he grew sleek8 he grew "at8 he was !roadened and a!andoned the God who made him8 and re!elled "rom God his sa-iour. 'he$ pro-oked me with "oreign Bgods:8 and em!ittered me with their a!ominations. 'he$ sacri"iced to demons and not to GodJ to gods the$ had not knownJ new ones8 recentl$ arri-ed8 whom their "athers had not known. Iou a!andoned the God who !egot $ou8 and "orgot the God who nurtures $ou. And the 0ord saw and grew Eealous8 and was pro-oked through anger o" his sons and daughters. And he said: I shall turn awa$ m$ "ace "rom them8 and I shall show them what will happen to them at the lastJ !ecause it is a per-erse generationJ children who ha-e no "aith in them. 'he$ ha-e mo-ed me to Eealous$ o-er what is not god8 the$ ha-e angered me !$ their idolsJ I too will mo-e them to Eealous$ o-er what is not a nation8 o-er a nation without understanding I shall anger them. 1ecause "ire has !een kindled "rom m$ wrath8 it will kindled as "ar as the lowest hellJ it de-ours the earth and its produceJ it will consume the "oundations o" the mountains. I shall gather e-ils against them8 and exhaust m$ arrows against them. )n 2ednesda$ U )de . 1><

'he *ra$er o" Anne8 the mother o" the *rophet &amuel. 1 (eigns ,. A !arren women strangel$ !earing child praises God. Hol$ are $ou8 ) 0ord8 and m$ spirit sings $our praise. %$ heart is esta!lished in the 0ord8 m$ spirit is exalted in m$ God: m$ mouth derides m$ enemies8 I reEoice in $our sal-ation. 'here is none hol$ like the 0ord8 and none Eust like our God. 3o not !oast or talk so -er$ proudl$: let no arrogance come "rom $our mouth. For the 0ord is a God o" knowledge: and God prepares his wa$s. He has weakened the !ow o" the might$8 and the weak ha-e girded themsel-es with power. 'hose who were "ull o" !read ha-e !een !rought low8 and the hungr$ ha-e deserted the landJ !ecause a !arren woman has gi-en !irth to se-en8 and she who has man$ children has grown weak. 'he 0ord kill and gi-es li"e8 leads down to hell and leads up. 'he 0ord makes poor and makes rich8 hum!les and exalts. %akes the pauper rise "rom the earth8 and raises the poor "rom the dunghill8 to seat him with the power"ul o" the people8 gi-ing him a throne o" glor$ as his inheritance. For = -erses. He grants the pra$ers o" him who pra$s: and !lesses the $ears o" the Eust. 1ecause a power"ul man has no strength in his strength. 'he 0ord will weaken his ad-ersar$: the 0ord is hol$. For > -erses. 0et not the wise man !oast o" his wisdom8 nor the power"ul !oast o" his power8 nor the wealth$ !oast o" his wealth. 1>=

1ut let him who !oasts !oast o" this: o" understanding and knowing the 0ord: and o" executing Eudgement and Eustice in the midst o" the earth. For / -erses. 'he 0ord has gone up to the hea-ens and thundered: !eing Eust he will Eudge the ends o" the earth. He will gi-e strength to our kings: and exalt the horn o" his anointed ones. Glor$. 1oth now. )n 'hursda$ U )de / 'he *ra$er o" the *rophet A--akoum. hap. .:1 A--akoum express the sel"Cempt$ing o" the 2ord. Glor$ to $our power8 ) 0ord. 0ord8 I heard $our report and was a"raid: 0ord I considered $our works and was amaLed. In the midst o" two li-ing creatures $ou will !e known8 when the $ears draw near $ou will !e recognised8 when the moment comes $ou will !e re-ealed. 2hen m$ soul is trou!led8 in anger $ou will remem!er merc$. God will come "rom 'heman: and the Hol$ )ne "rom a shad$8 wooded mountain. His glor$ co-ered the hea-ens: and the earth was "ull o" his praise. And his radiance will like lightJ horns in his hands and he set up a might$ lo-e o" his strength. A word will go !e"ore his "ace8 and will go out "or chastisement at his "eet. He stood8 and the earth was shakenJ he looked8 and nations melted awa$. 'he mountains were !roken in pieces !$ "orce8 e-erlasting hills melted awa$J instead o" toils I saw his e-erlasting paths. 'he tents o" the +thiopians Fui-ered with "ear8 and the ta!ernacles o" the land o" %adian. 1>;

2ere $ou enraged at ri-ers8 0ordM 2as $our wrath at ri-ersM )r $our indignation at the seaM 1ecause $ou mounted on $our horses8 and $our ca-alr$ is sal-ation. Iou draw8 $ou draw $our !ow against sceptres8 sa$s the 0ordJ the land o" ri-ers will !e rent. *eoples will see $ou and !e in pain8 as $ou scatter mo-ing watersJ the deep uttered its -oice8 the height o" its appearance. 'he sun was raised high and the moon stood in her courseJ $our thunder!olts will go "orth at the light8 at the radiance o" the lightning o" $our weapons. 2ith a threat $ou will !ring low the earth8 and with rage !ring down nations. Iou went "orth "or the sal-ation o" $our people8 $ou ha-e come to $our sa-e $our anointed ones8 $ou hurled death on the heads o" the lawless8 $ou raised !onds as "ar as the neck to the end. Iou cut open in amaLement the heads o" the power"ulJ the$ will !e shaken !$ them8 the$ will !reak open their !ridles8 like a poor man eating in secret. And $ou made $our horses mount upon the sea8 as the$ trou!led man$ waters. I kept watch8 and m$ heart Fui-ered with "ear8 "rom the sound o" the pra$er o" m$ lipsJ and trem!ling entered m$ !ones8 and m$ strength was trou!led within me. I shall rest in the da$ o" m$ trou!le8 "rom going up to the people o" m$ soEourning. For = -erses. For the "igCtree will not !ear "ruit8 nor will there !e produce on the -ines. 'he la!our o" the oli-e will decei-e8 and the "ields $ield no "ood. For > -erses. 'he sheep ha-e "ailed "rom lack o" "odder8 and there will !e no oxen at the mangers. Iet I will reEoice in the 0ord: I will !e Eo$"ul in God m$ &a-iour. For / -erses. 1<5

'he 0ord is m$ strength: he will per"ectl$ station m$ "eet. And he puts me on high places: "or me to conFuer with his song. Glor$. 1oth now. )n Frida$U )de 6 *ra$er o" the *rophet Isaias. hap. ,>:;. Isaias? prophec$8 a per"ect pra$er. 0ord our God gi-e us peace. From night"all m$ spirit is awake "or $ou8 ) God: "or $our commands are light upon the earth. 0earn Eustice8 inha!itants o" the earth. 'he impious has come to an endJ e-er$one who has in no wa$ learnt Eustice upon earth will not do truth at all. 0et the impious !e taken awa$8 that he ma$ not see the glor$ o" the 0ord. 0ord $our hand was li"ted up and the$ knew it notJ !ut once the$ know the$ will !e ashamed. 4ealous$ will seiLe an untaught people: and now "ire de-ours their ad-ersaries. 0ord our God8 gi-e us peaceJ "or all things $ou ha-e gi-en !ack to us. 0ord our God8 possess usJ 0ord8 we no other !ut $ou8 we name $our name. 'he dead ma$ in no wa$ see li"e8 nor will ph$sicians raise them upJ !ecause o" this $ou ha-e !rought out and destro$ed and taken awa$ e-er$ one o" their males. For = -erses. 1ring e-ils upon them8 ) 0ord8 !ring e-ils upon them: the glorious ones o" the earth. ) 0ord in a""liction we remem!ered $ou8 with a little a""liction $ou chastised us. For > -erses. 1<1

As the woman in la!our draws near the time o" her deli-er$ and cries out in her la!our: so ha-e we !een to $our !elo-ed. 'hrough "ear o" $ou8 0ord8 we ha-e concei-ed in the wom!8 and ha-e !een in la!our8 and ha-e gi-en !irth to a spirit o" sal-ation8 which we ha-e made upon the earth. 2e shall not "all8 !ut the$ will "all8 the inha!itants o" the earth. For / -erses. 'he dead shall arise and those in the gra-es shall !e raised: and those in the earth shall reEoice. For the dew which comes "rom $ou is healing "or them: !ut the land o" the impious shall perish. Go8 m$ people8 enter $our cham!er8 shut $our door8 !e hidden "or a little while8 until the anger o" the 0ord has passed !$. Glor$. 1oth now. )n &aturda$U )de > *ra$er o" the *rophet 4onas. hap. ,:,. 4onas cried "rom the !east and said: As $ou did the prophet 4onas8 sa-e us 8 ) 0ord. I cried to the 0ord m$ God in m$ trou!le: and he heard meJ "rom the !owels o" hell m$ cr$J $ou heard m$ -oice. Iou cast me into the depths o" the heart o" the sea: and ri-ers surrounded me. All $our !illows and $our wa-es passed o-er me. And I said: I ha-e !een thrust "rom $our e$esJ shall I look again towards $our hol$ templeM For = -erses. 2ater encompassed me8 e-en to m$ soul: the lowest deep closed around me. %$ head went down to the cle"ts o" the mountains: I descended into the earth8 whose !ars are eternal !arriers. 1<,

For > -erses. 0et m$ li"e come up "rom corruption to $ou8 ) 0ord m$ God. As m$ soul was departing "rom me I remem!ered the 0ord. And let m$ pra$er come to $ou8 to $our hol$ temple. For / -erses. 'hose who preser-e -ain and "oolish things ha-e "orsaken their own %erc$. 1ut I shall sacri"ice to $ou with a -oice o" praise and con"ession. I will pa$ $ou. ) 0ord8 whate-er I ha-e -owed8 "or m$ sal-ation. Glor$. 1oth now. )n &aturda$ U )de < *ra$er o" the 'hree Hol$ Iouths. 3an. .. *raise o" the three hol$ Iouths Fuenches a "lame. )ur God and the God o" our "athers8 !lessed are $ou. 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 the God o" our "athers: and praised and glori"ied is $our name "or e-ermore. For $ou are Eust in all that $ou ha-e done "or us. And all $our works are true8 and $our wa$s are right8 and all $our Eudgements are true: and Eudgements o" truth $ou ha-e executed in all that $ou ha-e !rought upon us. And upon 4erusalem the cit$ o" our "athers. 1ecause in truth $ou ha-e !rought all these things upon us8 !ecause o" our sins. 1ecause we ha-e sinned and committed iniFuit$ in departing "rom $ou8 and we ha-e sinned in all things8 and we ha-e not o!e$ed $our commandments8 nor kept them8 nor ha-e we done as $ou commanded us8 that it might !e well with us.


And all that $ou ha-e done to us8 and all that $ou ha-e !rought upon us8 $ou ha-e done with true EudgementJ and $ou handed us o-er into the hands o" our lawless "oes8 hate"ul re!els8 and to an unEust and king8 the most e-il in all the earth. And now we cannot open our mouthJ we ha-e !ecome a shame and disgrace to $our ser-ants8 and to those who honour $ou. 3o not hand us o-er "or e-er8 "or $our hol$ name?s sake8 and do not annul $our testament8 and do not withdraw $our merc$ "rom us8 "or the sake o" A!raham $our !elo-ed8 and Isaac $our ser-ant8 and Israel $our hol$ one. 'o whom $ou said that $ou would multipl$ their seed as the stars o" hea-en8 and as the sand that is !$ the shore o" the sea. 1ecause8 %aster8 we ha-e !ecome smaller than all the nations8 and we are hum!led in all the earth toCda$ !ecause o" our sins. And at this moment there is neither prince8 nor prophet nor leaderJ neither holocaust8 nor sacri"ice8 not o""ering8 nor incenseJ no place to make an o""ering !e"ore $ou and to "ind merc$. Iet with a contrite heart and with a spirit o" humilit$ ma$ we !e accepted. As though with holocausts o" rams and !ulls and tens o" thousands o" "at lam!s8 so ma$ our sacri"ice !e accepta!le !e"ore $ou toCda$8 and ma$ it !e per"ected !ehind $ouJ !ecause there is no shame "or those who trust in $ou. And now we are "ollowing $ou with our whole heart8 and we "ear $ou8 and seek $our "aceJ do not put us to shame. 1ut do with us according to $our "airness8 and according to the multitude o" $our merc$. deli-er us according to $our wondrous works8 and gi-e glor$ to $our name8 ) 0ord. And let all who harm $our ser-ants !e disgraced8 and put to shame "rom all their power8 and let their strength !e smashed. 1</

And let them know that $ou alone are 0ord God8 and glorious in the whole inha!ited world. And the king?s ser-ants8 who cast them in8 did not cease stoking the "urnace with naphtha8 pitch8 tow and !rushwood. And the "lame poured out a!o-e the "urnace "ort$ nine cu!itsJ and it spread out and !urnt up those o" the haldeans it "ound around the "urnace. 1ut the Angel o" the 0ord came down into the "urnace with ALarias and his companions8 and shook the "lame o" the "ire out o" the "urnace. And he made the midst o" the "urnace as though a moist wind were whistling through itJ and the "ire did not touch them at all8 nor hurt them8 nor trou!le them. 'hen the 'hree as with one -oice8 h$mned8 !lessed and glori"ied God in the "urnace8 sa$ing: 'he h$mn o" the 'hree8 which the Ioung %en sang. For = -erses. 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 the God o" our "athers: to !e praised and exalted a!o-e all "or e-er. And !lessed is $our glorious8 hol$ name: to !e praised and exalted a!o-e all "or e-er. For > -erses. 1lessed are $ou in the temple o" $our glor$: to !e praised and exalted a!o-e all "or e-er. 1lessed are $ou who !ehold the deeps and sit upon the heru!im: to !e praised and exalted a!o-e all "or e-er. For / -erses. 1lessed are $ou on the glorious throne o" $our kingdom: to !e praised and exalted a!o-e all "or e-er. 1<6

1lessed are $ou in the "irmament o" hea-en: to !e praised and exalted a!o-e all "or e-er. Glor$. 1oth now. )n All 3a$s U )de = H$mn o" the three hol$ Iouths. reated nature8 sing the %aster?s praise. *raise the 0ord his works and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord all $ou works o" the 0ord8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord Angels o" the 0ord8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord all $ou waters a!o-e the hea-ens8 all $ou powers o" the 0ord8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord sun and moon8 stars o" hea-en8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord8 e-er$ shower and dew8 all the windsJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. 1less the 0ord "ire and warmth8 cold and heatJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. 1less the 0ord dews and snows8 ice and coldJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. 1less the 0ord "rosts and snows8 lightnings and cloudsJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. 1less the 0ord light and dark8 nights and da$sJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. 1<>

1less the 0ord earth8 mountains and hills8 and all that grow in itJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. 1less the 0ord springs8 seas and ri-ers8 whales and all that mo-e in the watersJ praise8 and highl$ exalt him to all the ages. For = -erses. 1less the 0ord all $ou !irds o" the air8 !easts and cattle8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord $ou sons o" men. 0et Israel !less the 0ord8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. For > -erses. 1less the 0ord priests o" the 0ord and ser-ants o" the 0ord8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord spirits and souls o" the Eust8 hol$ and hum!le o" heart8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. For / -erses. 1less the 0ord Ananias8 ALarias and %isael8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1less the 0ord Apostles8 *rophets and %art$rs8 praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 2e !less Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 we praise the 0ord8 and exalt him a!o-e all "or e-er. 1oth now. 2e praise8 !less and worship the 0ord8 praising and exalting him a!o-e all "or e-er. %he 'agnificat. &ong o" the %other o" God. 1<<

A maiden mother h$mns her &on and God: In h$mns God?s %other now we magni"$. %$ soul magni"ies the 0ord8 and m$ spirit has reEoiced in God m$ &a-iour. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. For he has regarded the lowliness o" his handmaiden8 "or !ehold "rom hence"orth all generations will call me !lessed. For he that is might$ has done great things "or me8 and hol$ is his name8 and his merc$ is on them that "ear him "rom generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm8 he has scattered the proud in the imagination o" their hearts. He has put down the might$ "rom their thrones and exalted the hum!le: he has "illed the hungr$ with good things and the rich he has sent awa$ empt$. He has helped Israel his ser-ant in remem!rance o" his merc$8 as he spoke to our "athers8 A!raham and his seed "or e-er. )n All 3a$s U )de ; Qachar$ !lesses the !irth o" his child. 1lessed !e the God o" Israel8 "or he has -isited and redeemed his people. And has raised up a horn o" sal-ation "or us in the house o" his ser-ant 3a-id8 As he spoke !$ the mouth o" his hol$ prophets8 who ha-e !een since the world !egan. &al-ation "rom our enemies and "rom the hand o" all who hate us. 'o per"orm the merc$ promised to our "athers8 and to remem!er his hol$ co-enant. For = -erses. 'he oath which he swore to our "ather A!raham8 to grant us that without "ear we8 !eing deli-ered "rom the "ear o" our enemies. 1<=

%ight ser-e him in holiness and Eustice !e"ore him all the da$s o" our li"e. For > -erses. And $ou8 child8 will !e called the prophet o" the Highest8 "or $ou will go !e"ore the 0ord to prepare his wa$s. 'o gi-e knowledge o" sal-ation to his people !$ the "orgi-eness o" their sins through the tender merc$ o" our God. For / -erses. 1$ which the 3a$spring "rom on high has -isited us8 to appear to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow o" death. 'o guide our "eet into the wa$ o" peace. Glor$. 1oth now. A"ter the Irmos we make a great metania and sa$: It is trul$ meet to call $ou !lessed8 who ga-e !irth to God8 e-erC!lessed and most pure and the %other o" our God. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. 2e sa$ the H$mns o" 0ight three times8 in the current 'one. 2e complete each as "ollows: )n %onda$ 'hrough the protection o" the 1odiless *owers8 and sa-e me. )n 'uesda$ 'hrough the pra$ers o" the Forerunner8 and sa-e me. )n 2ednesda$ and Frida$ 'hrough the power o" $our ross8 and sa-e me. )n 'hursda$ 'hrough the pra$ers o" the Apostles8 and sa-e me. 1<;

)n %onda$ to Frida$8 the second time we end 'hrough the pra$ers o" the Apostle8 and sa-e me. )n %onda$ to Frida$8 the third time we end 'hrough the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 0ord8 and sa-e me. )n &aturda$ we sa$ the H$mn o" 0ight twice. 'he "irst time 'hrough the pra$ers o" $our saints8 and sa-e me. 'he second time 'hrough the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 0ord8 and sa-e me. 'hen the +xapostilarion o" the 3ead. As God $ou ha-e authorit$ o-er the dead and the li-ing. Gi-e rest to $our ser-ants in the tents o" the li-ing8 "or e-en though the$ sinned8 ) sa-iour8 the$ did not turn awa$ "rom $ou. Hymns of 2ight. 'one 1 ) 0ord8 who make the light to dawn8 cleanse m$ soul o" e-er$ sin... 'one , &end "orth $our e-erlasting light8 ) 0ord8 and enlighten the hidden e$es o" m$ heart... 'one . &end "orth $our light8 hrist God8 and enlighten m$ heart... 'one / Iou make light dawn on $our world8 cleanse m$ soul8 which is in darkness8 "rom e-er$ sin... 1=5

'one 6 ) 0ord8 gi-er o" light8 send "orth $our light8 and enlighten m$ heart... 'one > ... 0ord8 send down $our e-erlasting light upon our souls. 'one < (ouse me8 hol$ 0ord8 to sing $our praise8 and teach me to do $our willG 'one = hrist8 who are light8 enlighten me in $ou... A"ter the H$mns o" 0ight o" the 'one 0auds are read8 not sung. 2e do not insert stichera. 0auds *salm 1/= *raise the 0ord "rom the hea-ensJ praise him in the highest. 'o $ou praise is due8 ) God. *raise him8 all his angels: *raise him8 all his *owers. 'o $ou praise is due8 ) God. *raise him8 sun and moonJ praise him8 all $ou stars and light. *raise him8 $ou highest hea-ens and $ou waters that are a!o-e the hea-ens. 0et them praise the name o" the 0ord. For he spoke and the$ came into !eingJ he commanded and the$ were created. He esta!lished them "or e-er and e-erJ he made an ordinance8 and it shall not pass awa$. *raise the 0ord "rom the earthJ praise him8 $ou seaCmonsters and all deepsJ Fire and hail8 snow and ice and stormCwindJ things that do his word. %ountains and all hills8 "ruiting trees and all cedarsJ 1easts o" the wild8 and all cattle8 creeping things and winged !irdsJ 1=1

Kings o" the earth and all peoples8 rulers and all Eudges o" the earthJ Ioung men and maidens: old men and $ouths together8 let them praise the name o" the 0ordJ "or his name alone has !een exalted. His praise is a!o-e earth and hea-en8 and he will exalt the horn o" his people. A h$mn "or all his hol$ onesJ "or the children o" Israel8 a people that draws near him. *salm 1/; &ing to the 0ord a new song8 his praise in the hurch o" the hol$ ones. 0et Israel reEoice in him that made him8 let the children o" &ion !e Eo$"ul in their king. 0et them praise his name in the danceJ let them sing his praise with tim!rel and with harp. For the 0ord is wellCpleased with his peopleJ he will exalt the meek with sal-ation. His hol$ ones will exult in glor$8 and reEoice upon their !eds. 'he high praises o" God in their mouths8 and twoCedged swords in their hands8 'o exact -engeance among the nations8 punishments among the peoples. 'o !ind their kings in "ettersJ and their no!les in shackles o" iron. 'o execute upon them the Eudgement that is decreedJ such glor$ will !e "or all his hol$ ones. *salm 165 *raise God in his saintsJ praise him in the "irmament o" his power. *raise him "or his might$ actsJ praise him according to the greatness o" his maEest$. *raise him with the sound o" the trumpetJ praise him with lute and harp. *raise him with tim!rel and danceJ praise him with strings and pipe. 1=,

*raise him with tune"ul c$m!alsJ praise him with loud c$m!als. 0et e-er$thing that has !reath praise the 0ord. Glor$. 1oth now. A"ter the Glor$8 1oth now o" 0auds8 the appointed monk sa$s: 'o $ou glor$ is due8 0ord our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 2e go !ack to our mats and8 standing on the le-el8 we !egin the 3oxolog$ in a meek and le-el -oice8 all making three prostrations as well. Glor$ to God in the highest8 and on earth peace8 goodwill among men. 2e praise $ou8 we !less $ou8 we worship $ou8 we glori"$ $ou8 we gi-e $ou thanks "or $our great glor$. 0ord8 King8 God o" hea-en8 Father almight$: 0ord8 onl$C!egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit. 0ord God8 0am! o" God8 &on o" the Father8 who take awa$ the sin o" the world8 ha-e merc$ on usJ $ou take awa$ the sins o" the world. (ecei-e our pra$er8 $ou who sit on the right hand o" the Father8 and ha-e merc$ on us. For $ou alone are hol$8 $ou alone are 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. +-er$ da$ I will !less $ou8 and praise $our name "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. 0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom generation to generation. I said8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on me8 heal m$ soul8 "or I ha-e sinned against $ou. 0ord8 I ha-e run to $ou "or re"uge: teach me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. For with $ou is the source o" li"e: and in $our light we shall see light. ontinue $our merc$ towards those who know $ou. Grant8 0ord8 this da$ to keep us without sin. 1lessed are $ou8 ) 0ord8 the God o" our "athers8 and praised and glori"ied $our name to the ages. Amen. %a$ $our merc$8 ) 0ord8 !e upon us8 as we ha-e put our hope in $ou. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 teach me $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 %aster8 make me understand $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 Hol$ )ne8 enlighten me with $our statutes. 0ord8 $our merc$ is 1=.

"or e-erJ do not scorn the work o" $our hands. 'o $ou praise is due8 to $ou song is due8 to $ou glor$ is due8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 2itany of Fer,ent Intercession. *riest: 0et us complete our morning pra$er to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitions. *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. 'hat the whole da$ ma$ !e per"ect8 hol$8 peace"ul and sinless8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *eople: Grant this8 ) 0ord. And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitions. *riest: An angel o" peace8 a "aith"ul guide8 a guardian o" our souls and !odies8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *ardon and "orgi-eness o" our sins and o""ences8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hings good and pro"ita!le "or our souls8 and peace "or the world8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hat we ma$ li-e out the rest o" our da$s in peace and repentance8 let us ask o" the 0ord. A hristian end to our li"e8 painless8 unashamed and peace"ul8 and a good de"ence !e"ore the dread Eudgement seat o" hrist8 let us ask. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord.


*riest: For $ou are a God o" merc$8 compassion and lo-e towards mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: *eace to all. *eople: And to $our spirit. *riest: 0et us !ow our heads to the 0ord. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *ra$er at the 1owing o" Heads *riest @in a low -oiceA: Hol$ 0ord8 dwelling on high and !eholding things !elow and8 with $our e$e that o!ser-es all8 keeping watch o-er the whole creation8 to $ou we ha-e !owed the neck o" our soul and !od$8 and we !eseech $ou8 ) Hol$ o" Holies: &tretch "orth $our in-isi!le hand "rom $our hol$ dwelling and !less us all. And8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind8 pardon us i" we ha-e sinned in an$thing8 -oluntaril$ or in-oluntaril$8 granting us $our !lessings !oth o" this world and o" the world a!o-e. @AloudA For $ours it is to ha-e merc$ and to sa-e us8 ) our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. 'hen the Aposticha8 with the "ollowing -erses8 "rom %onda$ to Frida$. #erse 1: 2e ha-e !een "illed in the morning with $our merc$8 0ord8 we ha-e reEoiced and !een glad. In all our da$ let us !e glad8 in return "or the da$s when $ou hum!led us8 "or the $ears when we saw e-ils. And look on $our ser-ants and on the work o" $our hands and guide their children. #erse ,: And ma$ the splendour o" the 0ord our God !e upon us8 and direct the work o" our hands "or us8 and direct the work o" our hands. 1=6

Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 'hen the &uperior8 or the appointed monk sa$s: It is good to gi-e thanks to the 0ord8 to sing praises to $our name8 ) %ost High. 'o declare $our lo-e in the morning and $our truth e-er$ night. 'hen the (eader sa$s the 'risagion *ra$ers. A"ter the conclusion o" the )ur Father, we sa$ the "ollowing Apol$tikion: &tanding in the temple o" $our glor$8 we think we stand in hea-en8 ) %other o" God. ) gate o" hea-en8 open to us the door o" $our merc$. 'hen 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less Father. *riest: 1lessed !e He 2ho Is8 hrist our true God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. Hea-enl$ King8 esta!lish our rulers: strengthen the "aith: calm the nations: make the world peace"ul: guard well this hol$ monaster$: assign our "athers and !rothers who ha-e gone !e"ore us to the tents o" the Eust8 and accept us in repentance and con"ession8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind. 'hen8 with / "ull and 1, small metanias8 'he *ra$er o" &aint +phrem 'he &$rian 0ord and %aster o" m$ li"e8 do not gi-e me a spirit o" sloth8 idle curiosit$8 lo-e o" power and useless chatter. @*rostrationA (ather accord to me8 $our ser-ant8 a spirit o" so!riet$8 humilit$8 patience and lo-e. @*rostrationA Ies8 0ord and King8 grant me to see m$ own "aults and not to condemn m$ !rotherJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. @*rostrationA 'hen 1, small metanias the last section o" the pra$er again8 with a "ull prostration. 1=>

And at once ome let us worship, and the First Hour.

First Hour.
Note that on the %onda$s o" hol$ 0ent we do not add a Kathisma o" the *salter at the First Hour. )n the other da$s we do8 and we make . prostrations at each Antiphon. 'he First Hour !eing Eoined to the %orning )""ice8 as has !een said a!o-e8 !egins straight awa$ with: ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 'hree %etanias and the *salms: *salm 6 Gi-e ear to m$ words8 ) 0ord8 understand m$ cr$. Attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication8 m$ King and m$ GodJ "or to $ou I shall pra$8 ) 0ord. In the morning $ou will hear m$ -oice. In the morning I shall stand !e"ore $ou8 and $ou will watch o-er meJ !ecause $ou are not a God who wants iniFuit$. 'he e-ildoer will not dwell with $ou8 nor will the lawless remain !e"ore $our e$es. Iou ha-e hated all those who work iniFuit$J $ou will destro$ all those who speak lies. 'he 0ord a!hors a man o" !loodshed and deceit. 1ut I in the a!undance o" $our merc$ shall enter $our house8 I shall worship towards $our hol$ temple in "ear o" $ou. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our righteousness !ecause o" m$ enemies8 direct m$ wa$ !e"ore $ou. 1ecause there is no truth in their mouthsJ their heart is -ain. 'heir throat is an open tom!8 the$ decei-e with their tongues. 4udge them8 ) God. 0et them "all through their counselsJ according to the multitude o" their impieties cast them out8 "or the$ ha-e em!ittered $ou8 ) 0ord. And ma$ all those who hope in $ou !e gladJ the$ 1=<

will reEoice "or e-er8 and $ou will dwell among them8 and all those who lo-e $our name will !oast in $ou. 1ecause $ou will !less the righteousJ $ou ha-e crowned him8 ) 0ord8 with $our good pleasure. *salm =; 0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom one generation to another. 1e"ore the mountains came into !eing or the earth and the world was "ormed8 "rom age to age $ou are. 3o not turn mankind !ack to humiliation8 and $ou said: 'urn !ack8 children o" men. 1ecause a thousand $ears in $our e$es8 ) 0ord8 are like a da$8 or like $esterda$ which has passed8 and like a watch in the night. 'heir $ears will !e mere tri"les8 in the morning like grass ma$ he pass awa$. In the morning let him "lower and pass awa$J in the e-ening let him "all8 dr$ up and wither. 1ecause we ha-e perished in $our anger8 and in $our wrath we ha-e !een disma$ed. Iou ha-e set our iniFuities !e"ore $ouJ our age in the light o" $our countenance. 1ecause all our da$s ha-e perished8 and in $our anger we ha-e perishedJ our $ears the$ considered like a spider. 'he da$s o" our $ears there are se-ent$ $ears in them8 !ut i" we are strong8 eight$8 and the maEorit$ o" them are la!our and toilJ !ecause weakness has come o-er us and we shall !e chastened. 2ho knows the might o" $our angerM And can gauge $our wrath "rom "ear o" $ouM &o make $our right hand known to me8 and those chastened in heart !$ wisdom. 'urn !ack8 ) 0ord8 how longM And !e entreated "or $our ser-ants. 2e ha-e !een "illed in the morning with $our merc$8 ) 0ord8 and we ha-e reEoiced and !een glad. In all our da$s let !e gladJ in return "or the da$s when $ou hum!led us8 the $ears when we saw e-ils. And look upon $our ser-ants and upon the work o" $our hands and guide $our children. And let the !rightness o" the 0ord !e upon us8 and direct the works o" our hands "or us and direct the work o" our hand. *salm 155. I will sing to $ou o" merc$ and Eudgement8 ) 0ord8 I will chant and think on a !lameless wa$: when will $ou come to meM I ha-e walked in the midst o" m$ 1==

house in the innocence o" m$ heart. I ha-e set no lawless deed !e"ore m$ e$esJ I ha-e hated those who commit transgressions. No twisted heart has !een attached to meJ the e-il man who a-oids me I ha-e not acknowledged. 'he man who secretl$ slanders his neigh!our8 him I ha-e dri-en out. 2ith a man o" proud looks and insatiate heart8 I ha-e not eaten. %$ e$es are upon the "aith"ul in the land8 "or them to dwell with meJ the man who walks on a !lameless wa$8 he has ministered to me. 'he man who acts proudl$ has not dwelt in m$ houseJ the man who speaks calumnies has not prospered !e"ore me. %orning !$ morning I slew all the sinners in the land8 to purge "rom the 0ord?s cit$ all workers o" iniFuit$. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x.A. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. 'hen the anonarch or the designated %onk chants "ollowing in the middle in the >th 'one. Hearken to m$ -oice in the morning8 m$ King and m$ God. And as we repeat it8 he makes a genu"lexion to the groundJ and the same at the "ollowing #erses. 'hen he makes a !ow in "ront o" the 1eauti"ul Gate and returns to his place. #erse 1: Gi-e ear to m$ words8 ) 0ord8 understand m$ cr$. Hearken to m$ -oice in the morning8 m$ King and m$ God. #erse ,: For to $ou I shall pra$8 ) 0ord. In the morning $ou will hear m$ -oice. Hearken to m$ -oice in the morning8 m$ King and m$ God. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion: 2hat shall we call $ou8 ) Full o" graceM Hea-enM For $ou made the &un o" righteousness to dawn. *aradiseM For $ou made the "lower o" incorruption !lossom. #irginM For $ou remained incorrupt. *ure %otherM For $ou held in $our hol$ em!race a &on who is the God o" all. Implore him that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. 1=;

'hen we chant the "ollowing #erses8 dou!ling the "irst three and tripling the last8 chanting it loudl$ and slowl$: 3irect m$ steps according to $our word8 and let no iniFuit$ lord it o-er me. @'wiceA 3eli-er me "rom the slander o" men8 and I shall keep $our commandments. @'wiceA 0et $our "ace shine on $our ser-ant8 and teach me $our statutes. @'wiceA 0et m$ mouth !e "illed with $our praise8 ) 0ord8 that I ma$ h$mn $our glor$8 all da$ long $our splendour. @'hree timesA )n the %onda$8 2ednesda$ and Frida$ o" the /th week o" 0ent8 that is a"ter the &unda$ o" the #eneration o" the ross8 instead o" the -erses o" 3irect m$ steps8 we sa$: 2e worship $our ross8 ) %aster8 and we glori"$ $our hol$ (esurrection. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. 1;5

(eader: Amen. )n %onda$8 'uesda$ and 'hursda$ sa$ the "ollowing: 2ith heart and mouth ne-er silent let us h$mn the most glorious %other o" God8 holier than the Angels8 con"essing her to !e %other o" God8 "or she trul$ ga-e !irth to God incarnate8 and intercedes unceasingl$ "or our souls. 1ut on 2ednesda$ and Frida$ we sa$ this: 1e"ore we are ensla-ed8 speedil$ pre-ent the "oes who !laspheme $ou and threaten us8 ) hrist our GodJ destro$ !$ $our ross those who war against usJ ma$ the$ know how strong is the "aith o" the )rthodoxJ through the intercessions o" the %other o" God8 ) lo-er o" mankind. 1ut on &aturda$8 sa$ this: As nature?s "irstC"ruits8 ) 0ord8 the whole world o""ers $ou8 who planted creation8 the godC!earing %art$rsJ at their intercessions keep $our hurch in pro"ound peace8 through the %other o" God8 ) most merci"ul. In the /th week o" 0ent we sa$ the Kontakion o" the ross. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou 1;1

ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God !e merci"ul... 2e sa$ the *ra$er o" &t +phrem with / "ull and 1, small metanias. 'he *ra$er o" &aint +phrem 'he &$rian 0ord and %aster o" m$ li"e8 do not gi-e me a spirit o" sloth8 idle curiosit$8 lo-e o" power and useless chatter. @*rostrationA (ather accord to me8 $our ser-ant8 a spirit o" so!riet$8 humilit$8 patience and lo-e. @*rostrationA Ies8 0ord and King8 grant me to see m$ own "aults and not to condemn m$ !rotherJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. @*rostrationA 'hen 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$8 )ur Father. For $ours. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A and the &uperior sa$s the "ollowing pra$er: hrist8 the true light8 $ou enlighten and hallow e-er$one who comes into the world8 ma$ the light o" $our countenance !e signed upon us8 that in it we ma$ see $our unapproacha!le lightJ and direct our steps to the doing o" $our commandmentsJ at the intercessions o" $our allCmost pure %other and o" all $our &aints. Amen. (eader: 'o $ou m$ hampion and ommander I $our cit$ sa-ed "rom disasters dedicate8 ) %other o" God8 h$mns o" -ictor$ and thanksgi-ingJ !ut as $ou ha-e unassaila!le might "rom e-er$ kind o" danger now deli-er me8 that I ma$ cr$ to $ou: Hail8 1ride without !ridegroomH And 3ismissal. And we process into the Narthex8 where the customar$ pra$ers are said8 and the atecheses o" our -enera!le Father 'heodore the &tudite8 !$ the &uperior or the +cclesiarch8 as mentioned pre-iousl$J that is to sa$ on 2ednesda$ and Frida$. 'hen the conclusion and the 3ismissal. 1;,

'his is the arrangement "or %atins and the First Hour "or the whole o" hol$ 0ent.

%hird Hour.
A!out the .rd hour the lamplighter sounds the iron simandron and we gather in the hurch8 each o" us making three prostrations in "ront o" the Hol$ 3oors !e"ore the start8 and we kiss the icons. 'hen one "urther prostrationJ likewise one to each o" the two hoirs. *riest: 1lessed is our God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader Bin Athonite use the &uperior:: Amen. Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @x.A. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. 1;.

*riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A8 Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm 1> Hearken to m$ Eustice8 ) 0ordJ attend to m$ supplication. Gi-e ear to m$ pra$er "rom lips which do not decei-e. 0et m$ Eudgement come "rom $our presence8 let m$ e$es see "air dealings. Iou ha-e tested m$ heart8 $ou ha-e -isited me !$ nightJ $ou ha-e tried me !$ "ire and no inEustice has !een "ound in me. 'hat m$ mouth might not speak o" human deeds8 "or the sake o" the words o" $our lips8 I ha-e kept hard wa$s. 3irect m$ steps in $our paths8 that m$ steps ma$ not slip. I ha-e called8 "or $ou heard me8 ) GodJ incline $our ear to me8 and hearken to m$ words. &how the wonder o" $our mercies8 $ou who sa-e those that hope in $ou. Guard me8 0ord8 like the pupil o" the e$e8 "rom those who resist $our right hand. Iou will shelter me in the shelter o" $our wings8 "rom the presence o" the impious who a""licted me. %$ "oes ha-e surrounded m$ soulJ the$ ha-e shut their hearts8 their mouth has spoken proudl$. 'he$ cast me out and now the$ ha-e encircled me8 the$ ha-e "ixed their e$es to !ow to the ground. 'he$ came on me like a lion read$ "or pre$8 and like a lion cu! lurking in hidden places. Arise8 0ord8 "orestall them and cast them downJ deli-er m$ soul "rom the impious8 $our sword "rom the "oes o" $our hand. ) 0ord8 di-ide them "rom the "ew o" the land in their li"e8 and their !ell$ was "illed "rom $our hidden things. 'he$ ha-e !een sated with swine?s "lesh and le"t the 1;/

remainder to their in"ants. 1ut I in Eustice will appear in $our presenceJ I shall !e satis"ied when $our glor$ has appeared to me. *salm ,/ 'o $ou8 ) 0ord8 I ha-e li"ted m$ soul. %$ God8 I ha-e trusted in $ou8 do not let me !e shamed "or e-er. 3o not let m$ "oes laugh at meJ "or all who wait patientl$ "or $ou shall not !e shamedJ let those who transgress without cause !e shamed. ) 0ord8 make $our wa$s known to me8 and teach me $our paths. Guide me into $our truth and teach me8 "or $ou are God m$ &a-iour8 and I ha-e waited patientl$ on $ou all the da$. (emem!er $our acts o" pit$8 0ord8 and $our mercies8 "or the$ are eternal. 3o not remem!er the sins o" m$ $outh and ignoranceJ in accordance with $our merc$ remem!er me8 on account o" $our goodness8 ) 0ord. 'he 0ord is good and upright8 there"ore he will gi-e laws to those who sin on their wa$. He will guide the meek with Eudgement8 he will teach the meek his wa$s. All the wa$s o" the 0ord are merc$ and truth8 "or those who seek his co-enant and his testimonies. For $our name?s sake8 ) 0ord8 pardon m$ sin8 "or it is great. 2ho is one who "ears the 0ordM He will gi-e him laws in the wa$ which he has chosen. His soul will dwell among good things and his seed will inherit the earth. 'he 0ord is the strength o" those who "ear him8 and his co-enant will show them this. %$ e$es are e-er towards the 0ord8 "or he will draw m$ "eet out o" the snare. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ "or I am alone and poor. 'he a""lictions o" m$ heart ha-e !een multipliedJ !ring me out o" m$ trou!les. &ee m$ humiliation and m$ toil8 and "orgi-e all m$ sins. &ee m$ "oes8 "or the$ ha-e !een multiplied8 and ha-e hated me with an unEust hatred. Guard m$ soul and deli-er meJ let me not !e shamed8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. 'he innocent and upright ha-e Eoined themsel-es to me8 !ecause I ha-e waited patientl$ "or $ou8 ) 0ord. ) God8 deli-er Israel "rom all his a""lictions. 1;6

*salm 65 Ha-e merc$ on me8 ) God8 in accordance with $our great merc$. According to the multitude o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou alone I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truthJ $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansed. Iou will wash me and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with $our so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips8 and m$ mouth will proclaim $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en it. Iou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spirit. A !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasure8 and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" Eustice8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x. and . prostrations.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. And we read one Kathisma o" the *salter. At each Antiphon we make . prostrations and a"ter the completion o" the Kathisma we chant the "ollowing 'roparion. 1;>

'one > 0ord8 who at the third hour sent down $our allChol$ &pirit on $our Apostles8 do not take him "rom us8 ) Good )ne8 !ut renew him in us who pra$ to $ou. And as we repeat it we make a prostration to the ground8 and likewise at the "ollowing two #erses. #erse 1. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right spirit within me. 0ord8 who at the third hourG. #erse ,. 3o not cast me "rom $our presence8 do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. 0ord8 who at the third hourG. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. %other o" God8 $ou are the true -ine8 who ga-e !ud to the "ruit o" li"eJ we implore $ou8 &o-ereign 0ad$8 intercede together with the Apostles and all the &aints that he ha-e merc$ on our souls. And immediatel$ we read "rom 'he 0adder. From toda$ the appointed %onk !egins to wake the !rothers throughout the whole o" the hol$ 0ent. He goes Fuietl$ and looks out the sleepers and rouses them to listen in the traditional manner. A"ter the reading the "ollowing 1lessed is the 0ord God8 !lessed is the 0ord da$ !$ da$J ma$ the God o" our sal-ation gi-e us prosperit$. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 1;<

AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. And the "ollowing 'roparia 'one = 1lessed are $ou8 hrist our God8 who showed "ishermen to !e most wise8 !$ sending the Hol$ &pirit down upon them8 and through them caught the whole world in a net. ) lo-er o" mankind8 glor$ to $ou. Glor$. Gi-e swi"t and sta!le com"ort to $our ser-ants8 ) 4esu8 in the weariness o" our spiritsJ in a""lictions do not part "rom our souls8 in trou!les do not go "ar "rom our minds8 !ut !e alwa$s !e"ore us. ome near us8 come near us8 $ou who are e-er$where. As $ou were alwa$s with $our Apostles8 so8 %erci"ul )ne8 unite $oursel" to those who long "or $ou8 that united to $ou we ma$ h$mn and glori"$ $our allChol$ &pirit. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 1;=

Immaculate %other o" God8 $ou are the hope8 protection and re"uge o" hristians8 their unassaila!le wall8 the untrou!led har!our o" the exhaustedJ !ut as $ou sa-e the world !$ $our unceasing intercession8 remem!er us too8 #irgin allCpraised. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A. At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the good things to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A8 Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$G 2e sa$ the *ra$er o" &t +phrem with / "ull and 1, small metanias. 'hen 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$8 )ur Father. For $ours. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @ x34A and the &uperior sa$s the "ollowing *ra$er o" &t %ardarios God and %aster8 Father almight$8 0ord8 onl$ !egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit8 one godhead8 one power8 ha-e merc$ on me a sinnerJ and !$ the Eudgements which $ou know8 sa-e me $our unworth$ ser-antJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'he 0amplighter8 making the customar$ !ow to the &uperior lea-es and strikes the simandron > times. And at once we start the &ixth Hour. 1;;

Sixth Hour.
ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ome8 let us "all down and worship !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 2ith . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm 6. ) God8 sa-e m$ !$ $our name8 and $ou will Eudge me !$ $our power. ) God8 hear m$ pra$er8 gi-e ear to the words o" m$ mouth. For strangers ha-e risen up against me8 and might$ ones ha-e sought m$ soul8 and ha-e not put God !e"ore them. For see8 God will help me8 and the 0ord is the protector o" m$ soul. He will turn e-ils upon m$ "oes8 in $our truth wipe them out. 2illingl$ I shall sacri"ice to $ou8 I shall gi-e thanks to $our name8 ) 0ord8 "or it is good. For $ou ha-e deli-ered me "rom e-er$ tri!ulation8 and m$ e$e has looked down on m$ "oes. *salm 6/ Gi-e ear to m$ pra$er8 ) God8 and do not despise m$ supplicationJ attend to me8 and hear me. I was grie-ed in m$ meditation8 and trou!led !$ the -oice o" the "oe and the tri!ulation o" the sinner. 1ecause the$ cast iniFuit$ upon me8 and in anger the$ were indignant with me. %$ heart was trou!led within me8 and "ear o" death "ell on me. Fear and trem!ling came upon me8 and darkness co-ered me. And I said: 2ho will gi-e me wings like a do-e?s8 and I shall "l$ awa$ and "ind rest. &ee8 I ha-e gone "ar awa$ in m$ "light8 and ha-e encamped in the wilderness. I waited "or God who sa-es me "rom "aintCheartedness and "rom storm. ) 0ord8 drown and di-ide their tonguesJ !ecause I ha-e seen iniFuit$ and wrangling in the cit$. 3a$ and night it will go round upon its walls8 and lawlessness and toil are in its midst8 and inEustice. 9sur$ and "raud ha-e not le"t its streets. For i" an enem$ had re-iled ,55

me8 I would ha-e endured it. And i" one who hated me had !oasted against me8 I would ha-e hidden "rom him. 1ut it was $ou8 a man m$ eFual8 m$ guide and m$ "riend. 2ho made sweet the "ood we ate togetherJ we walked in harmon$ in the God?s house. 0et death come upon them8 and let them go down ali-e into hell. For e-il is in their dwellings and in their midst. 1ut I cried to God and the 0ord heard me. At e-ening and morning and at midda$ I shall speak and declare8 and he will listen to m$ -oice. He will redeem m$ soul in peace "rom those who draw near me8 "or in crowds the$ were a!out me. God will hear and he who is !e"ore the ages will hum!le them. For there is no change with them8 !ecause the$ ha-e not "eared GodJ he has stretched out his hand to repa$. 'he$ ha-e de"iled his co-enantJ the$ ha-e !een di-ided !$ the wrath "rom his presence8 and their ha-e drawn near. 'heir words were smoother than oil8 $et the$ are Ea-elins. ast $our care on the 0ord8 and he will support $ouJ he will not let the Eust wa-er "or e-er. 1ut $ou8 ) God8 will !ring them down to the pit o" destruction. %en o" !loodshed and deceit will not li-e out hal" their da$sJ !ut I8 0ord8 shall hope in $ou. *salm ;5 )ne who dwells in the help o" the %ost High will li-e under the protection o" the o" the God o" hea-en8 will sa$ to the 0ord8 DIou are m$ protector and m$ re"uge8 m$ God8 and I shall hope in him?. For he will deli-er $ou "rom the snare o" hunters8 and "rom the word which trou!les. He will o-ershadow $ou with his wings8 and !eneath his "eathers $ou will hopeJ his truth will encircle $ou with a shield. Iou will not !e a"raid o" terror !$ night8 o" the arrow that "lies !$ da$. )" the thing that prowls in the darkness8 o" mishap and the noonda$ de-il. A thousand ma$ "all at $our side8 and ten thousand at $our right8 !ut it will not come near $ou. 1ut with $our e$es $ou will o!ser-e8 and see the reward o" sinners. For $ou8 0ord8 are m$ hope: $ou ha-e made the %ost High $our re"uge. +-ils will not approach $ou8 nor a scourge draw near $our dwelling. 1ecause he has gi-en orders to his Angels a!out $ou8 to guard $ou in all $our wa$s. 'he$ will !ear $ou on their hands8 lest $ou dash $our "oot against a stone. Iou will walk on asp and !asilisk8 ,51

and trample down lion and dragon. D1ecause he hoped in me8 I shall deli-er himJ I shall shelter him8 !ecause he knew m$ name. He will cr$ to me8 and I shall hear him8 I am with him in trou!leJ I shall rescue him and glori"$ him. I shall "ill him with length o" da$s8 and show him m$ sal-ation?. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x.A. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. And we read one Kathisma o" the *salter. At each Antiphon we make . prostrations and a"ter the completion o" the Kathisma we chant the "ollowing 'roparion. 'one ,. )n the sixth da$ and at the sixth hour $ou nailed to the ross the sin that Adam dared in *aradise: tear up the record o" our o""ences8 hrist God8 and sa-e us. #erse 1. Gi-e ear to m$ pra$er8 ) God8 and do not despise m$ supplication. )n the sixth da$G #erse ,. I cried to God and the 0ord heard me. )n the sixth da$G And we make the prostrations as descri!ed "or the 1st Hour. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 1ecause we ha-e no !oldness !ecause o" our man$ sins8 entreat the )ne !orn o" $ou8 #irgin %other o" GodJ "or a %other?s plea has great "orce "or the kindness o" the %aster. 3o not despise the supplications o" sinners8 ) allChol$8 "or he is merci"ul8 and a!le to sa-e8 he who e-en accepted to su""er "or us. And . prostrations. 'hen we sing the 'roparion o" the *rophec$8 a"ter which we read the *rophec$. 'his we do throughout the hol$ 0ent at the 'rithekti. ,5,

'hen the reading "rom 'he 0adder and at once 0et $our mercies8 ) 0ord8 come Fuickl$ to our aid8 "or we are utterl$ poorJ help us8 ) God our &a-iour8 "or the glor$ o" $our name. ) 0ord8 deli-er us8 and ha-e merc$ on our sins8 "or $our name?s sake. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. And the "ollowing 'roparia 'one ,. Iou ha-e wrought sal-ation in the midst o" the earth8 hrist GodJ $ou stretched out $our immaculate hands on the ross8 so gathering together all the nations8 who cr$: 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH Glor$. 2e -enerate $our most pure icon8 lo-ing 0ord8 as we ask pardon o" our o""ences8 ) hrist GodJ "or !$ $our own choice $ou were wellCpleased to ascend the ross ,5.

in the "lesh8 to deli-er "rom the sla-er$ o" the enem$ those whom $ou had "ashionedJ there"ore with thanksgi-ing we cr$ to $ou: $ou ha-e "illed all things with Eo$8 our &a-iour8 !$ coming to sa-e the world. 1oth now. 'heotokion. As $ou are source o" compassion8 grant us pit$8 %other o" God. 0ook on a people who ha-e sinned and show $our power as alwa$sJ "or hoping in $ou we cr$8 DHail?8 as once Ga!riel did8 the hie" aptain o" the 1odiless *owers. 'his 'heotokion is said on %onda$8 'uesda$ and 'hursda$8 !ut on 2ednesda$ and Frida$ the "ollowing is said: rossC'heotokion. Iou are highl$ glori"ied8 #irgin %other o" God8 and we praise $ou8 "or through $our &on?s ross Hell has !een o-erthrown and death has diedJ we who were dead ha-e risen8 and !een granted li"eJ we ha-e o!tained *aradise8 the ancient happinessJ and so with thanksgi-ing we glori"$ hrist our God as might$ and alone "ull o" merc$. 'hen 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the good things to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x.A8 Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ,5/

ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$G 2e sa$ the *ra$er o" &t +phrem with / "ull and 1, small metanias. 'hen 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$8 )ur Father. For $ours. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A and the &uperior sa$s the "ollowing *ra$er o" &t 1asil the Great ) God and 0ord o" powers8 and %aker o" all creation8 who through the compassion o" $our incomprehensi!le merc$ sent down $our onl$C!egotten &on8 our 0ord and &a-iour8 4esus hrist8 "or the sal-ation o" our race8 and through his precious ross tore up the record o" our sins8 and !$ it triumphed o-er the principalities and powers o" darknessJ do $ou $oursel"8 ) %aster who lo-es mankind8 accept also our supplications o" thanksgi-ing and entreat$J and deli-er us "rom destro$ing and dark transgression8 and "rom all our "oes8 -isi!le and in-isi!le8 who seek to harm us. Nail down our "lesh through "ear o" $ou8 and do not let our hearts incline to words or thoughts o" e-il8 !ut wound our souls with longing "or $ouJ that e-er gaLing upon $ou and guided !$ the light that comes "rom $ou8 seeing $ou the unapproacha!le and e-erlasting light8 we ma$ gi-e thanks to $ou8 the Father without !eginning8 with $our onl$C!egotten &on and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. According to the '$pika o" the Hol$ %ountain the (eader at once adds: It is trul$ right to call $ou !lessed8 who ga-e !irth to God8 e-erC!lessed and most pure8 and %other o" our God. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. And 3ismissal. It is to !e noted that a"ter the 3ismissal we lea-e the hurch and go o"" to our cells with stillnessJ it is not allowed to ha-e con-ersations with one another8 "or the$ ,56

ha-e !een "or!idden !$ the hol$ Fathers8 and we ought to o!ser-e this a"ter e-er$ assem!l$.

Ninth Hour and %ypi1a.

A!out the ninth hour the 0amplighter strikes the ninth hour and we assem!le in the hurch. A"ter the 1lessing !$ the *riest the (eader Bin Athonite use the &uperior: !egins: Amen. Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. ,5>

*riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A8 Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm =. How !elo-ed are $our dwellings8 ) 0ord o" hostsJ m$ soul longs and "aints "or the courts o" the 0ord. %$ heart and m$ "lesh ha-e reEoiced in the li-ing God. For the sparrow has "ound itsel" a house8 and the do-e a nest "or hersel"8 where she ma$ place her nestlings. Iour altars8 ) 0ord o" hosts8 m$ King and m$ God. 1lessed are those who dwell in $our house8 the$ will praise $ou "or e-er and e-er. 1lessed the man whose help is "rom $ouJ he has placed ascents in his heart8 to the -alle$ o" weeping8 to the place he has set. For the lawgi-er will gi-e !lessingsJ the$ will go "rom strength to strength8 the God o" gods will appear in &ion. ) 0ord God o" hosts hear m$ pra$er8 gi-e ear8 ) God o" 4aco!. ) God our shield seeJ and look on the "ace o" $our hrist. For one da$ in $our courts is "ar !etter than thousands. I ha-e chosen to !e cast aside in the house o" m$ God8 rather than to dwell in the tents o" sinners. ) 0ord God o" hosts8 !lessed the man who hopes in $ou. *salm =/ Iou ha-e !een well pleased with $our land8 ) 0ord8 $ou ha-e turned awa$ the capti-it$ o" 4aco!. Iou ha-e "orgi-en $our people their iniFuities8 $ou ha-e co-ered all their sins. Iou ha-e made all $our anger cease8 $ou ha-e turned awa$ "rom the anger o" $our rage. 'urn us !ack again8 ) God o" our sal-ation8 and turn awa$ $our rage "rom us. 2ill $ou !e angr$ with us "or e-erM )r will $ou prolong ,5<

$our wrath "rom generation to generationM ) God8 when $ou ha-e turned us !ack $ou will make us li-e8 and $our people will reEoice in $ou. ) 0ord8 show us $our merc$8 and grant us $our sal-ation. I shall hear what the 0ord will sa$ in meJ "or he will speak peace to his people8 to his hol$ ones8 to those who turn their hearts !ack to him. 1ut his sal-ation is near those who "ear him8 that glor$ ma$ dwell in our land. %erc$ and truth ha-e met8 righteousness and peace ha-e kissed. 'ruth has dawned "rom the earth8 and Eustice has leaned down "rom hea-en. For the 0ord will gi-e goodness8 and our earth will gi-e its "ruit. 4ustice will walk !e"ore him8 and set his steps in the wa$. *salm =6 Incline $our ear8 ) 0ord8 and hear me8 "or I am poor and need$. Guard m$ soul8 "or I am hol$J ) m$ God8 sa-e $our ser-ant who hopes in $ou. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I shall cr$ to $ou all the da$J gi-e Eo$ to the soul o" $our ser-ant8 "or I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul to $ou. For $ou8 0ord8 are good and gentle8 and "ull o" merc$ to all who call on $ou. Gi-e ear8 ) 0ord8 to m$ pra$erJ and attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication. In the da$ o" m$ trou!le I called to $ou8 "or $ou ha-e heard me. 'here is none like $ou among the gods8 ) 0ordJ none whose works are as $ours. All the nations whom $ou made will come and worship !e"ore $ou8 ) 0ord8 and call upon $our name. For $ou are great and do wondrous thingsJ $ou alone are God. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our wa$8 and I shall walk in $our truthJ make m$ heart glad to "ear $our name. I shall gi-e $ou thanks8 ) 0ord8 m$ God8 with m$ whole heartJ and I shall glori"$ $our name "or e-er. For $our merc$ is great towards me8 and $ou ha-e deli-ered m$ soul "rom the lowest hell. ) God8 the lawless rose up against me8 and an assem!l$ o" might$ ones sought m$ soul8 and did not set $ou !e"ore them. And $ou8 0ord8 are pit$ing and merci"ul8 longC su""ering and "ull o" merc$ and true. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ gi-e $our might to $our ser-ant and sa-e the son o" $our maidser-ant. %ake "or me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. ,5=

And again: %ake "or me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x.A. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. And we read one Kathisma o" the *salter. At each Antiphon we make . prostrations and a"ter the completion o" the Kathisma we chant the "ollowing 'roparion. 'one =. hrist our God8 who at the ninth hour tasted death in the "lesh "or our sakes8 sla$ our carnal will and sa-e us. And as we repeat it we make a prostration to the ground8 and likewise at the "ollowing two #erses. #erse 1: %a$ m$ supplication come into $our presence8 ) 0ord8 according to $our word gi-e me understanding. #erse ,: 0et m$ petition come into $our presence8 ) 0ord8 according to $our word sa-e me. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. ) Good )ne8 $ou were !orn o" a #irgin "or our sakes and endured cruci"ixionJ $ou despoiled death !$ death and as God re-ealed resurrection8 do not despise those whom $ou "ashioned with $our own handJ show $our lo-e "or mankind8 ) %erci"ulJ accept the %other o" God who !ore $ou8 as she intercedes "or us8 and sa-e8 ) &a-iour8 a people in despair. And immediatel$ we read "rom 'he 0adder. And a"ter the reading For $our hol$ name?s sake do not "inall$ reEect us8 do not annul $our co-enant8 do not take $our merc$ "rom us "or the sake o" A!raham8 $our !elo-ed8 and "or the sake o" Isaac8 $our ser-ant8 and Israel8 $our hol$ one. ,5;

'hen the 'risagion etc. And the "ollowing 'roparia 'he 'hie" seeing the prince o" li"e hanging on the ross8 said: I" he who is cruci"ied with us were not God incarnate8 the sun would not ha-e hidden its ra$s8 nor would the shaken earth !e Fuaking. 1ut $ou who !ear all things8 (emem!er me8 0ord8 in $our kingdom. Glor$. 1etween two thie-es $our ross !ecame the scales o" Eustice: the one was dragged down to hell !$ the weight o" his !lasphem$8 !ut the other lightened o" his "aults was raised to the knowledge o" the things o" God. hrist God8 glor$ to $ou. 1oth now. &eeing the 0am! and &hepherd and &a-iour o" the world on the ross8 she who !ore Him said weeping: 'he world reEoices8 "or it recei-es redemptionJ !ut m$ inward parts !urn as I see $our cruci"ixion8 which $ou endure "or all mankind8 ) m$ &on and m$ God. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A. Glor$. 1oth now8 Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us. And ha-ing made onl$ . "ull metanias with the *ra$er o" &t +phrem we stand up again in order in the hoirs and !egin the 1eatitudes8 with melod$ in a loud -oice and slowl$8 singing a"ter each one in the =th 'one: (emem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when $ou come in $our Kingdom. 0ikewise a"ter the Glor$ and the 1oth now. 2e make a small prostration a"ter each (emem!er. ,15

'he 1eatitudes. B%atthew 6:.C1,: In $our kingdom remem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. 1lessed are the poor in spirit8 "or theirs is the kingdom o" hea-en. 1lessed are those who mourn8 "or the$ shall !e com"orted. 1lessed are the meek8 "or the$ shall inherit the earth. 1lessed are the$ who hunger and thirst a"ter Eustice8 "or the$ shall !e "illed. 1lessed are the merci"ul8 "or the$ shall o!tain merc$. 1lessed are the pure in heart8 "or the$ shall see God. 1lessed are the peacemakers8 "or the$ shall !e called the children o" God. 1lessed are those who are persecuted "or Eustice?s sake8 "or theirs is the kingdom o" hea-en. 1lessed are $ou when men shall re-ile $ou and persecute $ou and sa$ all manner o" e-il against $ou "alsel$ "or m$ sake. (eEoice and !e glad8 "or great is $our reward in hea-en. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'he hoirs unite8 and the "ollowing are sung more solemnl$ and we make a "ull metania at each one. (emem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. (emem!er us8 ) %aster8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. (emem!er us8 ) Hol$ )ne8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. 'he hea-enl$ choir h$mns $ou and sa$s: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord o" &a!aoth8 hea-en and earth are "ull o" $our glor$. #erse: ome to him and !e enlightened8 and $our "aces shall not !e ashamed. ,11

'he hea-enl$ choir h$mns $ou and sa$s: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord o" &a!aoth8 hea-en and earth are "ull o" $our glor$. Glor$. 'he choir o" hol$ Angels and Archangels with all the hea-enl$ *owers h$mns $ou and sa$s: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord o" &a!aoth8 hea-en and earth are "ull o" $our glor$. 1oth now. I !elie-e in one God8 Father almight$8 maker o" hea-en and earth8 o" all things -isi!le and in-isi!le. And in one 0ord 4esus hrist8 the onl$C!egotten &on o" God8 !egotten "rom the Father !e"ore all ages. 0ight "rom 0ight8 true God "rom true God8 !egotten not made8 consu!stantial with the FatherJ through him all things were madeJ "or our sake and "or our sal-ation he came down "rom hea-en8 and was incarnate "rom the Hol$ &pirit and the #irgin %ar$ and !ecame manJ he was cruci"ied also "or us under *ontius *ilate8 and su""ered and was !uriedJ he rose again on the third da$8 in accordance with the &criptures8 and ascended into hea-en and is seated at the right hand o" the FatherJ he is coming again in glor$ to Eudge the li-ing and the deadJ and his kingdom will ha-e no end. And in the Hol$ &pirit8 the 0ord8 the Gi-er o" li"e8 who proceeds "rom the Father8 who together with Father and &on is worshipped and together glori"iedJ who spoke through the *rophets. In one8 Hol$8 atholic and Apostolic hurchJ I con"ess one 1aptism "or the "orgi-eness o" sins. I await the resurrection o" the dead and the li"e o" the age to come. Amen. 'hen


(emit8 "orgi-e8 pardon8 ) God8 our o""ences8 willing and unwilling8 in deed and in word8 in knowledge and in ignorance8 o" the da$ and o" the night8 in mind and in thoughtJ pardon them all8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind. 'hen )ur Father. For $ours. A"ter this we sa$ the Kontakion o" the 'rans"iguration. 'one <. Iou were trans"igured on the mountain8 hrist God8 and $our disciples saw $our glor$8 as "ar as the$ were a!leJ so that when the$ saw $ou cruci"ied8 the$ might understand that $our *assion was -oluntar$8 and proclaim to the world that $ou are trul$ the !rightness o" the Father. 'hen on %onda$. )" the Angels. ,nd 'one. hie" captains o" God8 ministers o" di-ine glor$8 guides o" mankind8 and princes o" the 1odiless hosts8 intercede "or what is "or our good and "or great merc$8 as chie" captains o" the 1odiless hosts. )n 'uesda$. )" the Forerunner. ,nd 'one. *rophet o" God and Forerunner o" grace8 ha-ing "ound $our Head8 as a most sacred rose8 we e-er recei-e gi"ts o" healingJ "or once again8 as o" old8 $ou are proclaiming repentance. )n 2ednesda$ and Frida$. )" the ross. /th 'one. 0i"ted up on the ross o" $our own will8 grant $our mercies8 ) hrist God8 to the new commonwealth called !$ $our name. %ake $our "aith"ul people glad !$ $our power8 gi-ing them -ictor$ o-er their enemies. %a$ the$ ha-e $our help in !attle8 a weapon o" peace8 an in-inci!le troph$. )n 'hursda$. )" the Apostles. ,nd 'one. Iou ha-e taken8 0ord8 the sure8 the GodCinspired heralds8 the high peak o" $our 3isciples8 "or the enEo$ment o" $our good things and "or reposeJ "or $ou accepted a!o-e e-er$ o""ering their toils and their death8 $ou who alone know what is in the heart. ,1.

And o" &aint Nicholas. .rd 'one. In %$ra8 hol$ one8 $ou were pro-ed a true priest8 "or $ou "ul"illed8 -enera!le Father8 the gospel o" hrist8 $ou laid down $our li"e "or $ou people8 $ou sa-ed the innocent "rom deathJ there"ore $ou ha-e !een hallowed as a great initiate o" God?s grace. +-er$ da$ the %art$rikon o" the 'one8 then Glor$. )" the 3eparted. 'one =. 2ith the saints gi-e rest8 ) hrist8 to $our ser-ants8 where there is no toil8 nor grie"8 nor sighing8 !ut li"e e-erlasting. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 'one ,. *rotection o" hristians that cannot !e put to shame8 un"ailing mediation with the %aker8 do not despise the -oices o" us sinners as we pra$J !ut8 in $our lo-e8 !e Fuick to help us who cr$ to $ou with "aith: Hasten to intercede8 make speed to entreat8 ) %other o" God8 "or $ou e-er protect those who honour $ou. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ,1/

ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on usG 2e sa$ the *ra$er o" &t +phrem with / "ull and 1, small metanias. 'hen 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$8 )ur Father. For $ours. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A and the &uperior sa$s the "ollowing pra$er: *ra$er o" &aint 1asil the Great %aster8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 who ha-e long endured our transgressions8 and !rought us to this hour in which hanging on the li"eCgi-ing tree $ou showed the good 'hie" the wa$ into *aradise and destro$ed death !$ death8 ha-e merc$ also on us sinners and $our unworth$ ser-ants. For we ha-e sinned and trespassed and are not worth$ to raise our e$es and look on the height o" hea-enJ !ecause we ha-e a!andoned the wa$ o" $our Eustice and walked in the will o" our hearts. 1ut we implore $our un!ounded goodness: spare us8 ) 0ord8 according to the multitude o" $our merc$8 and sa-e us "or $our hol$ name?s sake8 "or our da$s ha-e !een wasted in -anit$. (escue us "rom the hand o" our opponent8 "orgi-e us our sins8 sla$ our carnal will8 that we8 ha-ing put o"" the old man8 ma$ put on the new8 and li-e "or $ou8 our %aster and !ene"actorJ and that thus "ollowing $our precepts we ma$ reach eternal rest8 where those who reEoice ha-e their dwelling. For $ou are the true Eo$ and gladness o" those who lo-e $ou8 hrist our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 together with $our Father who has no !eginning8 and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen the 0amplighter goes out and strikes the large simandron. 2e pra$ Fuietl$ and the &uperior !egins the ome8 let us worship @x2A and . prostrations and we chant *salm 15. o" #espers.


For 0ee1days 0ith No *resanctified. A"ter the *ra$er o" &t +phrem at the end o" the '$pika8 the 0amplighter goes out and sounds the !ig simandron. 2e pra$ Fuietl$ and the &uperior reads the )pening *salm as "ollows: ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King and our God. *salm 15. 1less the 0ord8 m$ soulH ) 0ord m$ God8 $ou ha-e !een greatl$ magni"ied. Iou ha-e clothed $oursel" with thanksgi-ing and maEest$8 wrapping $oursel" in light as in a cloak8 stretching out the hea-ens like a curtain8 roo"ing his upper cham!ers with waters8 placing clouds as his mount8 walking on the wings o" the wind8 making spirits his Angels and a "lame o" "ire his %inisters8 esta!lishing the earth on its sure !aseJ it will not !e mo-ed to age on age. 'he deep8 like a cloak8 is its mantleJ waters will stand upon the mountains. At $our re!uke the$ will "leeJ the$ will Fuail at the -oice o" $our thunder. 'he mountains rise and the plains descend to the place which $ou esta!lished "or them. Iou "ixed a limit that the$ will not pass8 nor will the$ return to co-er the earth. Iou send out springs into the -alle$sJ waters will run !etween the mountains. 'he$ will gi-e drink to all the !easts o" the "ieldJ the wild asses will await them to Fuench their thirst. 1eside them the !irds o" the air will make their dwelling: and sing among the rocks. He waters the mountains "rom his upper cham!ersJ the earth will !e "illed "rom the "ruit o" $our works. He makes grass spring up "or the cattle8 and green her! "or the ser-ice o" mankindJ to !ring "ood out o" the earth8 and wine makes glad the human heartJ to make the "ace cheer"ul with oil8 and !read strengthens the human heart. 'he trees ,1>

o" the plain will !e satis"ied8 the cedars o" 0e!anon that $ou planted. 'here the sparrows will !uild their nestsJ the heron?s dwelling is at their head. 'he high mountains are "or the deerJ rocks a re"uge "or hares. He made the moon to mark the seasonsJ the sun knew the hour o" its setting. Iou appointed darkness8 and it was night8 in which all the !easts o" the "orest will prowlJ $oung lions roaring to plunder and to seek their "ood "rom God. 'he sun rose and the$ were gathered together and the$ will lie down in their dens. %an will go out to his la!ourJ and to his la!ouring until e-ening. How $our works ha-e !een magni"ied8 ) 0ord. 2ith wisdom $ou ha-e made them all8 and the earth has !een "illed with $our creation. Also this great8 wide seaJ there there are creeping things without num!er8 li-ing creatures small and great. 'here ships go to and "roJ this dragon which $ou "ashioned to sport in it. All things look to $ou to gi-e them their "ood in due season. 2hen $ou gi-e it them8 the$ will gather it. 2hen $ou open $our hand all things will !e "illed with goodness. 1ut when $ou turn awa$ $our "ace the$ will !e trou!led. Iou will take awa$ their spirit8 and the$ will perish and return to their dust. Iou will send "orth $our spirit8 and the$ will !e created8 and $ou will renew the "ace o" the earth. %a$ the glor$ o" the 0ord endure to the ages. 'he 0ord will reEoice at his works. He looks upon the earth and makes it trem!le. He touches the mountains8 and the$ smoke. I will sing to the 0ord while I li-eJ I will praise m$ God while I exist. %a$ m$ words !e pleasing to him. 2hile as "or me8 I shall reEoice in the 0ord. ) that sinners might perish "rom the earth8 and the wicked8 so that the$ are no more. 1less the 0ord8 m$ soulH And again 'he sun knew the hour o" its setting: $ou made darkness8 and it was night. How $our works ha-e !een magni"ied8 ) 0ord. 2ith wisdom $ou ha-e made them allH Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. ,1<

1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 2hen the )pening *salm is completed the *riest8 outside the Hol$ 3oors8 sa$s the: 0itan$ o" *eace *riest: In peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each petition. *riest: For the peace "rom on high and "or the sal-ation o" our souls8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For the peace o" the whole world8 "or the wel"are o" the hol$ hurches o" God8 and "or the union o" all8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ house8 and "or those who enter it with "aith8 re-erence and the "ear o" God8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our Arch!ishop N.8 "or the honoured order o" pres!$ters8 "or the diaconate in hrist8 "or all the clerg$ and the people8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. BFor our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the (o$al Famil$8 her Go-ernment8 and all in authorit$8 let us pra$ to the 0ord.: For our "ather and superior8 *riestCmonk N.8 and all our !rotherhood in hrist8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ monaster$8 "or e-er$ monaster$8 cit$8 town and -illage8 and "or the "aith"ul who dwell in them8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For "a-oura!le weather8 an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth8 and temperate seasons8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For those who tra-el !$ land8 air or water8 "or the sick8 the su""ering8 "or those in capti-it$8 and "or their sa"et$ and sal-ation8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. ,1=

For our deli-erance "rom all a""liction8 wrath8 danger and constraint8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. A"ter the 0itan$8 the appointed Kathisma o" the *salter is read !$ one (eader. Kathisma -ighteen *salm 11; A &ong o" Ascents. 2hen I was a""licted I called to the 0ord8 and he heard me. ) 0ord8 deli-er m$ soul "rom unEust lips and "rom a deceit"ul tongue. 2hat should !e gi-en $ou8 what added to $ou against a treacherous tongueM 'he sharpened arrows o" the power"ul8 with the coals o" desolation. 2oe is meH For m$ soEourning has !een prolonged8 I ha-e camped among the encampments o" KedarJ m$ soul has long !een a soEourner. 2ith those who hate peace I was peacea!leJ when I spoke with them8 the$ made war on me "or nothing. *salm 1,5 A &ong o" Ascents. ,1;

I ha-e li"ted up m$ e$es to the mountains. From where will m$ help comeM %$ help is "rom the 0ord8 who made hea-en and earth. 3o not let $our "oot wa-erJ ma$ he who guards $ou not slum!er. &ee8 he who guards Israel will neither slum!er nor sleep. 'he 0ord will guard $ou8 the 0ord is protection "or $ou on $our right hand. 1$ da$ the sun will not scorch $ou8 nor the moon !$ night. 'he 0ord will guard $ou "rom e-er$ e-il8 the 0ord will guard $our soul. 'he 0ord will guard $our coming in8 and $our going out8 "rom now and "or e-er more. *salm 1,1 A &ong o" Ascents. I reEoiced at those who said to me: we shall go to the house o" the 0ord. )ur "eet were standing in $our courts8 ) 4erusalem. 4erusalem !uilt as a cit$8 shared !$ all together. For there the tri!es went up8 the tri!es o" the 0ord8 a testimon$ "or Israel8 to gi-e thanks to the name o" the 0ord. For there thrones were set "or Eudgement8 thrones o-er the house o" 3a-id. Ask then "or the things which are "or 4erusalem?s peace8 and prosperit$ "or those who lo-e $ou. %a$ there !e peace then in $our power and prosperit$ in $our citadels. For the sake o" m$ !rethren and neigh!ours8 I ha-e spoken peace concerning $ou. For the sake o" the house o" the 0ord our God8 I ha-e sought good things "or $ou. *salm 1,, A &ong o" Ascents. I ha-e li"ted m$ e$es to $ou who dwell in hea-en. 1ehold8 as the e$es o" ser-ants look to their lords? handsJ as the e$es o" a maid to her mistress?s hands8 so do our e$es to the 0ord our God8 until he take pit$ on us. Ha-e merc$ on us8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us8 "or we ha-e had our "ill o" contempt8 our soul has !een "illed to o-er"lowing. 0et reproach !e "or the prosperous8 and contempt "or the proud. *salm 1,. A &ong o" Ascents. ,,5

I" the 0ord had not !een among us8 let Israel now sa$: i" the 0ord had not !een among us when men rose up against us8 the$ would ha-e swallowed us down ali-e. 2hen their "ur$ raged against usJ the water would ha-e drowned us8 our soul would ha-e passed through the torrentJ our soul would ha-e passed through irresisti!le water. 1lessed is the 0ord8 who has not gi-en us as a pre$ to their teeth. )ur soul was deli-ered like a sparrow "rom the snare o" the huntersJ the snare was shattered8 and we were deli-ered. )ur help is in the name o" the 0ord who made hea-en and earth. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *salm 1,/ A &ong o" Ascents. 'hose who trust in the 0ord8 are as %ount &ionJ he who dwells in 4erusalem will ne-er !e shaken. %ountains encircle her8 and the 0ord encircles his people "rom now and "or e-er. For the 0ord will not lea-e the rod o" sinners upon the heritage o" the Eust8 lest the Eust stretch out their hands in iniFuities. 3o good8 0ord8 to the good and to the honest in heart. 1ut the 0ord will dri-e awa$ with those who work iniFuit$ those who turn aside to extortionsJ peace upon Israel. *salm 1,6 A &ong o" Ascents. ,,1

2hen the 0ord turned !ack the capti-it$ o" &ion8 we !ecame as those who are com"orted. 'hen was our mouth "illed with Eo$ and our tongue with reEoicing. 'hen the$ will sa$ among the nations: the 0ord has done great things with them. 'he 0ord has done great things with us8 we ha-e !ecome Eo$"ul. 'urn !ack our capti-it$8 ) 0ord8 like streams in the south. 'hose who sow with tears8 will reap with Eo$. 'he$ went and as the$ went the$ wept8 while the$ sowed their seed. 1ut when the$ come the$ will come with Eo$8 as the$ gather up their shea-es. *salm 1,> A &ong o" Ascents. 9nless the 0ord !uild the house8 the !uilders ha-e toiled "or nothing. 9nless the 0ord guard the cit$8 the watchman has kept -igil "or nothing. Iour getting up at dawn is "or nothing8 $our rising a"ter sitting8 $ou who eat the !read o" sorrow8 when he gi-es sleep to his !elo-edJ see8 sons are the 0ord?s inheritance 8 the reward o" the "ruit o" the wom!. As arrows in the hand o" a power"ul man8 so are the sons o" the reEected. 1lessed the man who satis"ies his desire with themJ the$ will not !e shamed when the$ speak with their enemies in the gates. *salm 1,< A &ong o" Ascents. 1lessed are all who "ear the 0ord8 who walk in his wa$s. Iou will eat the toils o" $our "ruitsJ $ou are !lest8 and it will !e well with $ou. Iour wi"e like a luxuriant -ine against the sides o" $our house. Iour sons like new oli-e shoots around $our ta!le. &ee8 that is how one who "ears the 0ord will !e !lessed. 'he 0ord !less $ou "rom &ion8 and ma$ $ou see the good things o" 4erusalem all the da$s o" $our li"e. And ma$ $ou see $our children?s children. *eace upon Israel. *salm 1,= A &ong o" Ascents. ,,,

%an$ times the$ ha-e made war on me since m$ $outh8 let Israel now sa$. %an$ times the$ ha-e made war on me since m$ $outh8 and $et the$ ha-e not pre-ailed o-er me. 'he sinners ha-e wrought upon m$ !ack8 the$ ha-e prolonged their iniFuit$. 'he 0ord is Eust8 he has !roken the sinners? necks. 0et all those who hate &ion !e shamed and turned !ack. 0et them !ecome like grass on the housetops8 which withers !e"ore it is uprooted: 'he reaper has not "illed his hand with it8 nor the one who gathers the shea-es his !osom. Nor ha-e the passersC!$ said: 'he 0ord?s !lessing !e on $ou. 2e ha-e !lessed $ou in the name o" the 0ord. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *salm 1,; A &ong o" Ascents. )ut o" the depths I ha-e cried to $ou8 ) 0ordJ 0ord8 hear m$ -oiceJ let $our ears !e attenti-e to the -oice o" m$ supplication. I" $ou note our iniFuities8 0ord 0ord8 who will sur-i-eM 1ecause "orgi-eness is with $ou. For $our name?s sake I ha-e waited "or $ou8 ) 0ordJ m$ soul has waited "or $our word8 m$ soul has hoped in the 0ord. From the morning watch until night8 "rom the morning watch8 let Israel hope in the 0ord. 1ecause with the 0ord there is merc$ and with him a!undant redemptionJ and he will redeem Israel "rom all his iniFuities. *salm 1.5 A &ong o" Ascents. ,,.

0ord8 m$ heart has not !een exalted8 nor ha-e m$ e$es !ecome lo"t$8 I ha-e neither walked among great a""airs8 nor among mar-els !e$ond me. I" I had not !een hum!leCminded !ut exalted m$ soul8 like a weaned child towards its mother8 so Iou will reFuite m$ soul. 0et Israel hope in the 0ord8 "rom now and "or e-er. *salm 1.1 A &ong o" Ascents. 0ord remem!er 3a-id and all his meekness8 how he swore to the 0ord8 made a -ow to the God o" 4aco!8 I shall not enter the shelter o" m$ house8 clim! into m$ !ed8 gi-e sleep to m$ e$es8 slum!er to m$ e$elids and rest to m$ temples8 until I "ind a place "or the 0ord8 a ta!ernacle "or the God o" 4aco!. &ee8 we heard o" it in +phrata8 we "ound it in the woodland "ields. 2e shall enter his ta!ernacles8 we shall worship towards the place where his "eet ha-e stood. Arise8 0ord8 into $our rest8 $ou and the ark o" $our sancti"ication. Iour priests clothe themsel-es with Eustice8 and $our hol$ ones will reEoice. For 3a-id8 $our ser-ant?s sake8 do not turn awa$ the "ace o" $our hrist. 'he 0ord has sworn truth to 3a-id and he will not annul it8 DFrom the "ruit o" $our wom! I shall place on $our throne. I" $our sons keep m$ co-enant and these testimonies o" mine which I shall teach them8 their sons too will sit on $our throne "or e-er. For the 0ord has elected &ion8 has chosen her as a dwelling "or himsel". D'his is m$ restingCplace "or age on ageJ here I shall dwell8 "or I ha-e chosen her. Her door I shall !less a!undantl$8 her poor I shall "ill with !read. Her priests I shall clothe with sal-ation8 and her hol$ ones will reEoice with great Eo$. 'here I shall make the horn o" 3a-id "lourishJ I ha-e prepared a lamp "or m$ hrist. I shall clothe his enemies in shame8 m$ sancti"ication will "lower upon him?. *salm 1., A &ong o" Ascents. ,,/

&ee how good and pleasant it is "or !rethren to dwell together. 0ike sweet ointment on the head which runs down upon the !eard8 Aaron?s !eard8 which runs down to the hem o" his garmentJ like the dew "rom Hermon8 which runs down upon the mountains o" &ionJ "or there the 0ord has commanded the !lessing: li"e "or e-er more. *salm 1.. A &ong o" Ascents. ome8 now !less the 0ord8 all $ou ser-ants o" the 0ord8 who stand in the house o" the 0ord8 in the courts o" the house o" our God. 0i"t up $our hands !$ night to the Hol$ *lace8 and !less the 0ord. %a$ the 0ord !less $ou "rom &ion8 he who made hea-en and earth. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A &hort 0itan$ *riest: Again and again in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. ,,6

*riest: For $ours is the might8 and $ours the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. 'hen we !egin 0ord8 I ha-e cried in the appropriate tone8 while the *riest censes the &anctuar$ and the whole hurch. *salm 1/5 BA: 0ord8 I ha-e cried to $ou8 hear meJ hear me8 ) 0ord. 0ord8 I ha-e cried to $ou8 hear me. Gi-e heed to the -oice o" m$ supplication when I cr$ to $ou. Hear me8 ) 0ord. B1: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. Hear me8 ) 0ord. BA: &et a guard8 ) 0ord8 on m$ mouth8 and a strong door a!out m$ lips. B1: 3o not incline m$ heart to e-il wordsJ to make excuses "or m$ sins. BA: 2ith those who work iniFuit$8 let me not unite with their elect. B1: 'he Eust will chastise me with merc$ and repro-e meJ !ut let not the oil o" sinners anoint m$ head. BA: For $et m$ pra$er shall !e in their pleasuresJ their Eudges ha-e !een swallowed up near the rock. B1: 'he$ will hear m$ words "or the$ are sweet. As a clod o" earth is crushed upon the ground8 their !ones ha-e !een scattered at the mouth o" Hell. BA: For m$ e$es look to $ou8 ) 0ord8 m$ 0ord. I ha-e hoped in $ou8 do not take awa$ m$ soul. B1: Keep me "rom the snare that the$ ha-e hidden "or me8 and "rom the traps o" e-ilCdoers. BA: 'he sinners will "all into their own net. I am alone until I pass !$. ,,>

B*salm 1/1: B1: 2ith m$ -oice I cried to the 0ord. 2ith m$ -oice I entreated the 0ord. BA: I will pour out m$ entreat$ !e"ore him8 and tell him all m$ trou!le. B1: 2hen m$ spirit was "aint8 $ou knew m$ path. BA: In the wa$ where I walked the$ had hidden a snare "or me. B1: I looked to m$ right hand and saw8 !ut there was none who knew me. BA: +scape is gone "rom me8 and there is none who seeks "or m$ soul. B1: I cried to $ou8 0ord8 I said8 DIou are m$ hopeJ m$ portion in the land o" the li-ing.? BA: Gi-e heed to m$ supplication8 "or I am !rought -er$ low. B1: 3eli-er me "rom those who persecute me8 "or the$ are too strong "or me. BA: 1ring m$ soul out o" prison8 that I ma$ con"ess $our name. B1: 'he Eust will await me8 until $ou reward me. B*salm 1,;: BA: )ut o" the depths I ha-e cried to $ou8 ) 0ord. 0ord hear m$ -oice. B1: ) let $our ears !e attenti-e8 to the -oice o" m$ supplication. For > #erses. >. I" $ou8 0ord8 should mark iniFuities8 0ord8 who will standM 1ut there is "orgi-eness with $ou. &ticheron "rom the 'riodion. 6. For $our name?s sake I ha-e waited "or $ou8 ) 0ord. %$ soul has waited on $our word. %$ soul has hoped in the 0ord. &ticheron "rom the 'riodion. /. From the morning watch until night8 "rom the morning watch8 let Israel hope in the 0ord. ,,<

&ticheron "rom the 'riodion. .. For with the 0ord there is merc$8 and with him plenti"ul redemption8 and he will redeem Israel "rom all his iniFuities. &ticheron "rom the %enaion. B*salm 11>: ,. *raise the 0ord8 all $ou nations. *raise him all $ou peoples. &ticheron "rom the %enaion. 1. For his merc$ has !een might$ towards us8 and the truth o" the 0ord endures to the ages. &ticheron "rom the %enaion. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion "rom the %enaion. A"ter the 'heotokion 'hanksgi-ing at the 0ighting o" the 0amps An ancient poem8 or8 as some sa$8 !$ the %art$r Athenogenes. ) Eo$"ul light o" the hol$ glor$ o" the immortal8 hea-enl$8 hol$8 !lessed Father8 ) 4esus hrist. Now that we ha-e come to the setting o" the sun and see the e-ening light8 we sing the praise o" God8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit. It is right at all times to h$mn $ou with hol$ -oices8 &on o" God8 gi-er o" li"e. 'here"ore the world glori"ies $ou. *riest @"acing the *eopleA: *rokeimenon o" the e-ening. B"rom the 'riodion8 "ollowed !$ the (eadings: A"ter the reading "rom *ro-er!s sa$ this pra$er. ,,=

Grant8 0ord8 to keep us this e-ening without sin. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 the God o" our "athers8 and praised and glori"ied is $our name to the ages. Amen. 0et $our merc$8 0ord !e upon us8 as we ha-e hoped in $ou. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord: teach me $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 %aster: make me understand $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 Hol$ )ne: enlighten me with $our statutes. 0ord8 $our merc$ is "or e-erJ do not scorn the work o" $our hands. 'o $ou praise is due8 to $ou song is due8 to $ou glor$ is due8 to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0itan$ o" Fer-ent &upplication *riest: 0et us complete our e-ening pra$er to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitionsA *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. 'hat the whole e-ening ma$ !e per"ect8 hol$8 peace"ul and sinless8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *eople: Grant this8 ) 0ord. @And so a"ter each o" the "ollowing petitionsA *riest: An angel o" peace8 a "aith"ul guide8 a guardian o" our souls and !odies8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *ardon and "orgi-eness o" our sins and o""ences8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hings good and pro"ita!le "or our souls8 and peace "or the world8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hat we ma$ li-e out the rest o" our da$s in peace and repentance8 let us ask o" the 0ord. A hristian end to our li"e8 painless8 unashamed and peace"ul8 and a good de"ence !e"ore the dread Eudgement seat o" hrist8 let us ask. ,,;

ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are good and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest @!lessing the *eopleA: *eace to all. *eople0 And to $our spirit. *riest: 0et us !ow our heads to the 0ord. *eople0 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. 'he *riest8 in a low -oice8 sa$s the: *ra$er at the 1owing o" Heads 0ord our God8 who !owed the hea-ens and came down "or the sal-ation o" the human race8 look upon $our ser-ants and upon $our inheritance8 "or to $ou8 the "ear"ul 4udge who lo-e mankind8 $our ser-ants ha-e !owed their heads and inclined their necks8 not waiting "or an$ human help8 !ut awaiting $our merc$ and looking "or $our sal-ation. Guard them at e-er$ moment8 during !oth the present e-ening and the approaching night8 "rom e-er$ "oe8 "rom e-er$ hostile operation o" the de-il and "rom -ain thoughts and e-il desires. @AloudA 1lessed and glori"ied !e the might o" $our kingdom8 o" the Father and o" the &on and o" the hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople0 Amen.


A"ter the 0itan$8 the Aposticha "rom the 'riodion8 !etween which we sa$ the "ollowing -erses. From &unda$ to 'hursda$ #erse 1. 'o $ou I li"t up m$ e$es8 to $ou who are enthroned in the hea-ens. As the e$es o" ser-ants look to the hand o" their master: or as the e$es o" a maid toward the hand o" her mistress8 so our e$es look to the 0ord our God: until he show us his merc$. #erse ,. Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) 0ord8 ha-e merc$ upon us: "or we ha-e our "ill o" derisionJ our soul has its "ill. %ocker$ "or those at ease: and derision "or the proud. )n Frida$. #erse 1: God is wonder"ul in his &aints. #erse ,: For the &aints in his land the 0ord has done wonders. #erse .: 1lessed are those whom $ou ha-e chosen and takenJ the$ will dwell in $our courts. )n the completion o" the Aposticha8 we sa$ the &ong o" &$meon who (ecei-ed God @0uke ,8,;A Now8 %aster8 $ou let $our ser-ant depart in peace8 according to $our wordJ For m$ e$es ha-e seen $our sal-ation8 which $ou ha-e prepared !e"ore the "ace o" all peoples8 a light to !ring re-elation to the nations8 and the glor$ o" $our people Israel. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. ,.1

0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom come8 $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'hen the "ollowing Apol$tikia. B)n Frida$s see !elow: 'one 6. #irgin %other o" God8 hail %ar$ "ull o" grace8 the 0ord is with $ou. 1lessed are $ou among women8 and !lessed is the "ruit o" $our wom!8 "or $ou ha-e gi-en !irth to the &a-iour o" our souls. @*rostrationA 1aptist o" hrist8 remem!er us all8 that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom our transgressions: "or $ou ha-e !een gi-en grace to intercede "or us. @*rostrationA Glor$. *ra$ "or us8 hol$ Apostles and all $ou &aints8 that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom dangers and a""lictions: "or in $ou we ha-e gained "er-ent ad-ocates with the &a-iour. @*rostrationA 1oth now. 2e take re"uge !eneath $our compassion8 %other o" God: do not despise our petitions in trou!le: !ut rescue us "rom dangers8 onl$ pure8 onl$ !lessed one. @No prostrationA (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A ,.,

Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. 'rul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Hol$ "ather8 gi-e the !lessing. *riest: 1lessed is He 2ho Is8 hrist our true God8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. And we sa$ "or the (ulers: Hea-enl$ King8 esta!lish our rulers: strengthen the "aith: calm the nations: make the world peace"ul: guard well this hol$ church: assign our !rothers and sisters who ha-e gone !e"ore us to the tents o" the righteous8 and accept us in repentance and con"ession8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind. 'hen the *ra$er o" &aint +phrem the &$rian8 with "our prostrations and twel-e !ows. 'he *ra$er o" &aint +phrem 'he &$rian 0ord and %aster o" m$ li"e8 do not gi-e me a spirit o" sloth8 idle curiosit$8 lo-e o" power and useless chatter. @*rostrationA (ather accord to me8 $our ser-ant8 a spirit o" so!riet$8 humilit$8 patience and lo-e. @*rostrationA Ies8 0ord and King8 grant me to see m$ own "aults and not to condemn m$ !rotherJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. @*rostrationA (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. ,..

Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom come8 $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x1,A )n Frida$s: A"ter the 0ord?s *ra$er8 the Apol$tikion and 'heotokion o" the da$ "ollowed !$ the usual 0itan$ and the *ra$er o" &t +phrem8 once8 with three prostrations 'hen the "ollowing pra$er. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 consu!stantial %ight8 indi-isi!le Kingship8 ause o" all !lessings8 !e "a-oura!le e-en to me a sinnerJ strengthen and gi-e understanding to m$ heart and rid me o" e-er$ de"ilementJ enlighten m$ mind8 that I ma$ e-er glori"$8 praise8 worship and sa$: )ne is Hol$8 one is 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. 'hen: 1lessed !e the name o" 0ord8 "rom this time "orth and "or e-ermore. Bx.: Glor$. 1oth now. ,./

*salm .. I will !less the 0ord continuall$8 his praise will alwa$s !e in m$ mouth. %$ soul will !e praised in the 0ordJ let the meek hear it and reEoice. %agni"$ the 0ord with me8 let us exalt his name together. I sought the 0ord and he heard me8 and deli-ered me "rom all m$ a""lictions. ome to him and !e enlightened8 and $our "aces will not !e ashamed. 'his poor man cried8 and the 0ord heard him8 and sa-ed him "rom all his a""lictions. 'he angel o" the 0ord will encamp round those who "ear him8 and deli-er them. 'aste and see that the 0ord is good. 1lessed the one who puts their hope in himH Fear the 0ord8 all $ou his saints8 "or those who "ear him ne-er want. 'he rich ha-e !ecome poor and gone hungr$8 !ut those who seek the 0ord will not !e depri-ed o" an$ good. ome8 children8 listen to me8 I will teach $ou the "ear o" the 0ord. 2ho is there who wants li"e8 lo-es to see good da$sM Keep $our tongue "rom e-il8 and $our lips "rom speaking deceit. 'urn awa$ "rom e-il and do good8 seek peace and pursue it. 'he e$es o" the 0ord are on the Eust8 and his ears towards their supplication. 'he 0ord?s "ace is set against those who do e-il8 to destro$ their memor$ "rom the earth. 'he Eust cried and the 0ord heard them8 and deli-ered them "rom all their a""lictions. 'he 0ord is close to those who are !rokenChearted8 and will sa-e the hum!le in spirit. 'he a""lictions o" the Eust are man$8 !ut the 0ord will deli-er them "rom them all. 'he 0ord guards all their !ones8 not one o" them will !e !roken. 'he death o" sinners is e-il8 and those who hate the Eust will go astra$. 'he 0ord will rescue the souls o" his ser-ants8 and no one o" those who hope in him will go astra$. *riest: 2isdom. (eader: 1less. *riest @"rom inside the &anctuar$A: 1lessed is He 2ho Is8 alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. ,.6

hrist our true God8

(eader: Amen. %a$ the 0ord God strengthen the hol$ and pure "aith o" de-out and orthodox hristians8 with his hol$ hurch and this sacred %onaster$8 to ages o" ages. *riest: %ost hol$ %other o" God8 sa-e us. (eader0 Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. 'he *riest "acing the *eople8 gi-es the 3ismissal as "ollows: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Gi-e the !lessing. And the *riest continues: %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:8 o" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rateJ o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and Anne and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. In the monasteries o" the Hol$ %ountain it is customar$ "or the "ollowing dialogue to !e added at the end o" the 3ismissal. BA: Accept8 0ord8 the supplication o" us sinners8 and ha-e merc$ on us. B1: %a$ $our merc$8 0ord8 !e upon us8 as we ha-e put our in hope in $ou. BA: +ternal $our memor$8 !lessed and e-er remem!ered Founders. B1: +ternal $our memor$. 'urning to the +ast8 he sa$s8 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ Fathers8 0ord 4esus hrist our God8 ha-e merc$ on us. ,.>

*eople: Amen.

%he Holy and !i,ine 2iturgy of the *resanctified "ifts.

Introductory Note. 'here are numerous small di""erences !etween the -arious '$pica "or the ser-ice o" the *resancti"ied8 particularl$ at the end o" the Ninth Hour and end o" the '$pika. 'he arrangement gi-en here represents8 in the main8 the use o" the Hol$ %ountain8 as gi-en in the editions o" the Hol$ %onaster$ o" &imonos *etra8 prepared with the assistance o" *ro"essor *hountoulis. 'hose who use nonC)rthodox -ersions o" Hol$ &cripture8 that is most current -ersions8 should note that the hurchDs text o" the pra$er o" the 'hie" in &t 0ukeDs Gospel is D(emem!er me8 0ord8 when $ou come in $our kingdomD8 not Dinto $our kingdomD. 'he re"erence is to the 0ordDs &econd oming Din glor$ with the hol$ AngelsD. In the -iew o" man$ nonC)rthodox scholars this is the correct text. In the troparia "ollowing the 1eatitudes I ha-e put D0ord &a!aothD8 not D0ord o" &a!aothD8 or D0ord o" hostsD8 !ecause the Fathers8 among them &t 1asil the Great8 although the$ know the meaning o" the He!rew8 point out that this is one o" the He!rew words that the translators o" the &eptuagint did not translate8 and regard it as a sacred title o" God. In the 0itan$ "or those to !e +nlightened I "ollow *ro"essor *hountoulis in reading the in-itation to them as D3raw nearD8 in Greek proselthete8 and not D3epartD8 in Greek proeltheteJ a di""erence o" a single letter. ,.<

'he 'riodion8 in its long ru!ric a"ter %onda$ o" the First 2eek8 descri!es the ritual "or the *resancti"ied and it speci"ies D'hree metaniasD at D1lessed !e the name o" the 0ordD a"ter the pra$er !ehind the Am!o. I ha-e there"ore included it here. It is also interesting to note that the same long ru!ric sa$s8 on the su!Eect o" the 0itan$ "or those preparing "or +nlightenment8 Fuite clearl$8 DIt is to !e known that the 3iakonika "or those to !e enlightened and the pra$er are started "rom the 2ednesda$ o" the %idCFast and said until Great 2ednesda$8 not onl$ at the *resancti"ied8 !ut also on &aturda$s and &unda$s at the 0iturgies o" &aint 4ohn hr$sostom and &aint 1asilD. 'he &la-onic 'riodion8 on the other hand8 in a ru!ric "or the 2ednesda$ o" the Fourth 2eek8 expressl$ excludes &aturda$s and &unda$s. 'he ru!ric in the Greek 'riodion is likel$ to !e the more ancient. Ninth Hour and %ypi1a. A!out the ninth hour the 0amplighter strikes the ninth hour and we assem!le in the hurch. A"ter the 1lessing !$ the *riest the (eader Bin Athonite use the &uperior: !egins: Amen. Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. ,.=

Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A8 Glor$. 1oth now. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias8 then the *salms. *salm =. How !elo-ed are $our dwellings8 ) 0ord o" hostsJ m$ soul longs and "aints "or the courts o" the 0ord. %$ heart and m$ "lesh ha-e reEoiced in the li-ing God. For the sparrow has "ound itsel" a house8 and the do-e a nest "or hersel"8 where she ma$ place her nestlings. Iour altars8 ) 0ord o" hosts8 m$ King and m$ God. 1lessed are those who dwell in $our house8 the$ will praise $ou "or e-er and e-er. 1lessed the man whose help is "rom $ouJ he has placed ascents in his heart8 to the -alle$ o" weeping8 to the place he has set. For the lawgi-er will gi-e !lessingsJ the$ will go "rom strength to strength8 the God o" gods will appear in &ion. ) 0ord God o" hosts hear m$ pra$er8 gi-e ear8 ) God o" 4aco!. ) God our shield seeJ and look on the "ace o" $our hrist. For one da$ in $our courts is "ar !etter than thousands. I ha-e chosen to !e cast aside in the house o" m$ God8 rather than to dwell in the tents o" sinners. ) 0ord God o" hosts8 !lessed the man who hopes in $ou. *salm =/ ,.;

Iou ha-e !een well pleased with $our land8 ) 0ord8 $ou ha-e turned awa$ the capti-it$ o" 4aco!. Iou ha-e "orgi-en $our people their iniFuities8 $ou ha-e co-ered all their sins. Iou ha-e made all $our anger cease8 $ou ha-e turned awa$ "rom the anger o" $our rage. 'urn us !ack again8 ) God o" our sal-ation8 and turn awa$ $our rage "rom us. 2ill $ou !e angr$ with us "or e-erM )r will $ou prolong $our wrath "rom generation to generationM ) God8 when $ou ha-e turned us !ack $ou will make us li-e8 and $our people will reEoice in $ou. ) 0ord8 show us $our merc$8 and grant us $our sal-ation. I shall hear what the 0ord will sa$ in meJ "or he will speak peace to his people8 to his hol$ ones8 to those who turn their hearts !ack to him. 1ut his sal-ation is near those who "ear him8 that glor$ ma$ dwell in our land. %erc$ and truth ha-e met8 Eustice and peace ha-e kissed. 'ruth has dawned "rom the earth8 and righteousness has leaned down "rom hea-en. For the 0ord will gi-e goodness8 and our earth will gi-e its "ruit. 4ustice will walk !e"ore him8 and set his steps in the wa$. *salm =6 Incline $our ear8 ) 0ord8 and hear me8 "or I am poor and need$. Guard m$ soul8 "or I am hol$J ) m$ God8 sa-e $our ser-ant who hopes in $ou. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I shall cr$ to $ou all the da$J gi-e Eo$ to the soul o" $our ser-ant8 "or I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul to $ou. For $ou8 0ord8 are good and gentle8 and "ull o" merc$ to all who call on $ou. Gi-e ear8 ) 0ord8 to m$ pra$erJ and attend to the -oice o" m$ supplication. In the da$ o" m$ trou!le I called to $ou8 "or $ou ha-e heard me. 'here is none like $ou among the gods8 ) 0ordJ none whose works are as $ours. All the nations whom $ou made will come and worship !e"ore $ou8 ) 0ord8 and call upon $our name. For $ou are great and do wondrous thingsJ $ou alone are God. Guide me8 0ord8 in $our wa$8 and I shall walk in $our truthJ make m$ heart glad to "ear $our name. I shall gi-e $ou thanks8 ) 0ord8 m$ God8 with m$ whole heartJ and I shall glori"$ $our name "or e-er. For $our merc$ is great towards me8 and $ou ha-e deli-ered m$ soul "rom the lowest hell. ) God8 the lawless rose up against me8 and an assem!l$ o" might$ ones sought m$ soul8 and ,/5

did not set $ou !e"ore them. And $ou8 0ord8 are pit$ing and merci"ul8 longC su""ering and "ull o" merc$ and true. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ gi-e $our might to $our ser-ant and sa-e the son o" $our maidser-ant. %ake "or me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. And again: %ake "or me a sign "or good8 and let those who hate me see it and !e shamedJ "or $ou8 0ord8 ha-e helped me and com"orted me. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x.A. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. And we read one Kathisma o" the *salter. At each Antiphon we make . prostrations and a"ter the completion o" the Kathisma we chant the "ollowing 'roparion. 'one =. hrist our God8 who at the ninth hour tasted death in the "lesh "or our sakes8 sla$ our carnal will and sa-e us. And as we repeat it we make a prostration to the ground8 and likewise at the "ollowing two #erses. #erse 1: %a$ m$ supplication come into $our presence8 ) 0ord8 according to $our word gi-e me understanding. #erse ,: 0et m$ petition come into $our presence8 ) 0ord8 according to $our word sa-e me. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion. ) Good )ne8 $ou were !orn o" a #irgin "or our sakes and endured cruci"ixionJ $ou despoiled death !$ death and as God re-ealed resurrection8 do not despise those whom $ou "ashioned with $our own handJ show $our lo-e "or mankind8 ) %erci"ulJ accept the %other o" God who !ore $ou8 as she intercedes "or us8 and sa-e8 ) &a-iour8 a people in despair. ,/1

And immediatel$ we read "rom 'he 0adder. And a"ter the reading: For $our hol$ name?s sake do not "inall$ reEect us8 do not annul $our co-enant8 do not take $our merc$ "rom us "or the sake o" A!raham8 $our !elo-ed8 and "or the sake o" Isaac8 $our ser-ant8 and Israel8 $our hol$ one. 'hen the 'risagion etc. And the "ollowing 'roparia 'he 'hie" seeing the prince o" li"e hanging on the ross8 said: I" he who is cruci"ied with us were not God incarnate8 the sun would not ha-e hidden its ra$s8 nor would the shaken earth !e Fuaking. 1ut $ou who !ear all things8 (emem!er me8 0ord8 in $our kingdom. Glor$. 1etween two thie-es $our ross !ecame the scales o" Eustice: the one was dragged down to hell !$ the weight o" his !lasphem$8 !ut the other lightened o" his "aults was raised to the knowledge o" the things o" God. hrist God8 glor$ to $ou. 1oth now. &eeing the 0am! and &hepherd and &a-iour o" the world on the ross8 she who !ore Him said weeping: 'he world reEoices8 "or it recei-es redemptionJ !ut m$ inward parts !urn as I see $our cruci"ixion8 which $ou endure "or all mankind8 ) m$ &on and m$ God. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A. Glor$. 1oth now8 Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us.


And ha-ing made onl$ . "ull metanias with the *ra$er o" &t +phrem we stand up again in order in the hoirs and !egin the 1eatitudes8 with melod$ in a loud -oice and slowl$8 singing a"ter each one in the =th 'one: (emem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when $ou come in $our Kingdom. 0ikewise a"ter the Glor$ and the 1oth now. 2e make a small prostration a"ter each (emem!er. 'he 1eatitudes. B%atthew 6:.C1,: In $our kingdom remem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. 1lessed are the poor in spirit8 "or theirs is the kingdom o" hea-en. 1lessed are those who mourn8 "or the$ shall !e com"orted. 1lessed are the meek8 "or the$ shall inherit the earth. 1lessed are the$ who hunger and thirst a"ter Eustice8 "or the$ shall !e "illed. 1lessed are the merci"ul8 "or the$ shall o!tain merc$. 1lessed are the pure in heart8 "or the$ shall see God. 1lessed are the peacemakers8 "or the$ shall !e called the children o" God. 1lessed are those who are persecuted "or Eustice?s sake8 "or theirs is the kingdom o" hea-en. 1lessed are $ou when men shall re-ile $ou and persecute $ou and sa$ all manner o" e-il against $ou "alsel$ "or m$ sake. (eEoice and !e glad8 "or great is $our reward in hea-en. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'he hoirs unite8 and the "ollowing are sung more solemnl$ and we make a "ull metania at each one. (emem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. (emem!er us8 ) %aster8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. ,/.

(emem!er us8 ) Hol$ )ne8 when $ou come in $our kingdom. 'he hea-enl$ choir h$mns $ou and sa$s: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord &a!aoth8 hea-en and earth are "ull o" $our glor$. #erse: ome to him and !e enlightened8 and $our "aces shall not !e ashamed. 'he hea-enl$ choir h$mns $ou and sa$s: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord &a!aoth8 hea-en and earth are "ull o" $our glor$. Glor$. 'he choir o" hol$ Angels and Archangels with all the hea-enl$ *owers h$mns $ou and sa$s: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord &a!aoth8 hea-en and earth are "ull o" $our glor$. 1oth now. I !elie-e in one God8 Father almight$8 maker o" hea-en and earth8 o" all things -isi!le and in-isi!le. And in one 0ord 4esus hrist8 the onl$C!egotten &on o" God8 !egotten "rom the Father !e"ore all ages. 0ight "rom 0ight8 true God "rom true God8 !egotten not made8 consu!stantial with the FatherJ through him all things were madeJ "or our sake and "or our sal-ation he came down "rom hea-en8 and was incarnate "rom the Hol$ &pirit and the #irgin %ar$ and !ecame manJ he was cruci"ied also "or us under *ontius *ilate8 and su""ered and was !uriedJ he rose again on the third da$8 in accordance with the &criptures8 and ascended into hea-en and is seated at the right hand o" the FatherJ he is coming again in glor$ to Eudge the li-ing and the deadJ and his kingdom will ha-e no end. And in the Hol$ &pirit8 the 0ord8 the Gi-er o" li"e8 who proceeds "rom the Father8 who together with Father and &on is worshipped and together glori"iedJ who spoke through the *rophets. In one8 Hol$8 atholic and Apostolic hurchJ I con"ess one 1aptism "or the "orgi-eness o" sins. I await the resurrection o" the dead and the li"e o" the age to come. Amen. ,//

'hen: (emit8 "orgi-e8 pardon8 ) God8 our o""ences8 willing and unwilling8 in deed and in word8 in knowledge and in ignorance8 o" the da$ and o" the night8 in mind and in thoughtJ pardon them all8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind. 'hen: )ur Father. For $ours. A"ter this we sa$ the Kontakion o" the 'rans"iguration. 'one <. Iou were trans"igured on the mountain8 hrist God8 and $our disciples saw $our glor$8 as "ar as the$ were a!leJ so that when the$ saw $ou cruci"ied8 the$ might understand that $our *assion was -oluntar$8 and proclaim to the world that $ou are trul$ the !rightness o" the Father. 'hen on %onda$. )" the Angels. ,nd 'one. hie" captains o" God8 ministers o" di-ine glor$8 guides o" mankind8 and princes o" the 1odiless hosts8 intercede "or what is "or our good and "or great merc$8 as chie" captains o" the 1odiless hosts. )n 'uesda$. )" the Forerunner. ,nd 'one. *rophet o" God and Forerunner o" grace8 ha-ing "ound $our Head8 as a most sacred rose8 we e-er recei-e gi"ts o" healingJ "or once again8 as o" old8 $ou are proclaiming repentance. )n 2ednesda$ and Frida$. )" the ross. /th 'one. 0i"ted up on the ross o" $our own will8 grant $our mercies8 ) hrist God8 to the new commonwealth called !$ $our name. %ake $our "aith"ul people glad !$ $our power8 gi-ing them -ictor$ o-er their enemies. %a$ the$ ha-e $our help in !attle8 a weapon o" peace8 an in-inci!le troph$. )n 'hursda$. )" the Apostles. ,nd 'one. Iou ha-e taken8 0ord8 the sure8 the GodCinspired heralds8 the high peak o" $our 3isciples8 "or the enEo$ment o" $our good things and "or reposeJ "or $ou accepted a!o-e e-er$ o""ering their toils and their death8 $ou who alone know what is in the heart. ,/6

And o" &aint Nicholas. .rd 'one. In %$ra8 hol$ one8 $ou were pro-ed a true priest8 "or $ou "ul"illed8 -enera!le Father8 the gospel o" hrist8 $ou laid down $our li"e "or $ou people8 $ou sa-ed the innocent "rom deathJ there"ore $ou ha-e !een hallowed as a great initiate o" God?s grace. +-er$ da$ the Kontakion o" the hurch. Kontakion. ,nd 'one. Nor tom!8 nor death. 0et us sing the praise o" God?s herald8 whose name means Dcourage?8 the FirstC called o" the &a-iour?s disciples8 the !rother o" *eterJ !ecause as to him o" old8 so now to us he cries8 D ome8 we ha-e "ound the one so longed "or?. 'hen the %art$rikon o" the 'one8 "ollowed !$ Glor$. )" the 3eparted. 'one =. 2ith the saints gi-e rest8 ) hrist8 to $our ser-ants8 where there is no toil8 nor grie"8 nor sighing8 !ut li"e e-erlasting. 1oth now. 'heotokion. 'one ,. *rotection o" hristians that cannot !e put to shame8 un"ailing mediation with the %aker8 do not despise the -oices o" us sinners as we pra$J !ut8 in $our lo-e8 !e Fuick to help us who cr$ to $ou with "aith: Hasten to intercede8 make speed to entreat8 ) %other o" God8 "or $ou e-er protect those who honour $ou. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x/5A At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the !lessings to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the ,/>

unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord8 trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on usG 2e sa$ the *ra$er o" &t +phrem with / "ull and 1, small metanias. 'hen 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$8 )ur Father. For $ours. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A and the &uperior sa$s the "ollowing pra$er: *ra$er o" &aint 1asil the Great %aster8 0ord 4esus hrist8 our God8 who ha-e long endured our transgressions8 and !rought us to this hour in which hanging on the li"eCgi-ing tree $ou showed the good 'hie" the wa$ into *aradise and destro$ed death !$ death8 ha-e merc$ also on us sinners and $our unworth$ ser-ants. For we ha-e sinned and trespassed and are not worth$ to raise our e$es and look on the height o" hea-enJ !ecause we ha-e a!andoned the wa$ o" $our Eustice and walked in the will o" our hearts. 1ut we implore $our un!ounded goodness: spare us8 ) 0ord8 according to the multitude o" $our merc$8 and sa-e us "or $our hol$ name?s sake8 "or our da$s ha-e !een wasted in -anit$. (escue us "rom the hand o" our opponent8 "orgi-e us our sins8 sla$ our carnal will8 that we8 ha-ing put o"" the old man8 ma$ put on the new8 and li-e "or $ou8 our %aster and !ene"actorJ and that thus "ollowing $our precepts we ma$ reach eternal rest8 where those who reEoice ha-e their dwelling. For $ou are the true Eo$ and gladness o" those who lo-e $ou8 hrist our God8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 together with $our Father who has no !eginning8 and $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to ages o" ages. Amen.


'hen the 0amplighter goes out and strikes the large simandron. A"ter the *ra$er o" &aint +phrem8 'risagion8 AllChol$ 'rinit$G8 )ur Father8 0ord8 ha-e merc$8 @x1,A and this pra$er: AllChol$ 'rinit$8 consu!stantial %ight8 indi-isi!le Kingship8 ause o" all !lessings8 !e "a-oura!le e-en to me a sinnerJ strengthen and gi-e understanding to m$ heart and rid me o" e-er$ de"ilementJ enlighten m$ mind8 that I ma$ e-er glori"$8 praise8 worship and sa$: )ne is Hol$8 one is 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. (eader: It is trul$ right to call $ou !lessed8 who ga-e !irth to God8 e-erC!lessed and most pure and the %other o" our God. Greater in honour than the heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. 'rul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God !e take pit$ on usG. Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A And the 3ismissal

'he priest gi-es the !lessing: 1lessed is the Kingdom o" the Father8 and o" the &on8 and o" the Hol$ &pirit8 now and alwa$s8 and to ages o" ages. 'he appointed monk or the &uperior reads the )pening *salm as "ollows: Amen. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King and our God. ,/=

*salm 15. 1less the 0ord8 m$ soulH ) 0ord m$ God8 $ou ha-e !een greatl$ magni"ied. Iou ha-e clothed $oursel" with thanksgi-ing and maEest$8 wrapping $oursel" in light as in a cloak8 stretching out the hea-ens like a curtain8 roo"ing his upper cham!ers with waters8 placing clouds as his mount8 walking on the wings o" the wind8 making spirits his Angels and a "lame o" "ire his %inisters8 esta!lishing the earth on its sure !aseJ it will not !e mo-ed to age on age. 'he deep8 like a cloak8 is its mantleJ waters will stand upon the mountains. At $our re!uke the$ will "leeJ the$ will Fuail at the -oice o" $our thunder. 'he mountains rise and the plains descend to the place which $ou esta!lished "or them. Iou "ixed a limit that the$ will not pass8 nor will the$ return to co-er the earth. Iou send out springs into the -alle$sJ waters will run !etween the mountains. 'he$ will gi-e drink to all the !easts o" the "ieldJ the wild asses will await them to Fuench their thirst. 1eside them the !irds o" the air will make their dwelling: and sing among the rocks. He waters the mountains "rom his upper cham!ersJ the earth will !e "illed "rom the "ruit o" $our works. He makes grass spring up "or the cattle8 and green her! "or the ser-ice o" mankindJ to !ring "ood out o" the earth8 and wine makes glad the human heartJ to make the "ace cheer"ul with oil8 and !read strengthens the human heart. 'he trees o" the plain will !e satis"ied8 the cedars o" 0e!anon that $ou planted. 'here the sparrows will !uild their nestsJ the heron?s dwelling is at their head. 'he high mountains are "or the deerJ rocks a re"uge "or hares. He made the moon to mark the seasonsJ the sun knew the hour o" its setting. Iou appointed darkness8 and it was night8 in which all the !easts o" the "orest will prowlJ $oung lions roaring to plunder and to seek their "ood "rom God. 'he sun rose and the$ were gathered together and the$ will lie down in their dens. %an will go out to his la!ourJ and to his la!ouring until e-ening. How $our works ha-e !een magni"ied8 ) 0ord. 2ith wisdom $ou ha-e made them all8 and the earth has !een "illed with $our creation. Also this great8 wide seaJ there there are creeping things without num!er8 li-ing creatures small and great. 'here ships go to and "roJ this dragon which $ou ,/;

"ashioned to sport in it. All things look to $ou to gi-e them their "ood in due season. 2hen $ou gi-e it them8 the$ will gather it. 2hen $ou open $our hand all things will !e "illed with goodness. 1ut when $ou turn awa$ $our "ace the$ will !e trou!led. Iou will take awa$ their spirit8 and the$ will perish and return to their dust. Iou will send "orth $our spirit8 and the$ will !e created8 and $ou will renew the "ace o" the earth. %a$ the glor$ o" the 0ord endure to the ages. 'he 0ord will reEoice at his works. He looks upon the earth and makes it trem!le. He touches the mountains8 and the$ smoke. I will sing to the 0ord while I li-eJ I will praise m$ God while I exist. %a$ m$ words !e pleasing to him. 2hile as "or me8 I shall reEoice in the 0ord. ) that sinners might perish "rom the earth8 and the wicked8 so that the$ are no more. 1less the 0ord8 m$ soulH And again 'he sun knew the hour o" its setting: $ou made darkness8 and it was night. How $our works ha-e !een magni"ied8 ) 0ord. 2ith wisdom $ou ha-e made them allH Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A 2hen the )pening *salm is completed the *riest sa$s the: 0itan$ o" *eace *riest: In peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so a"ter each petition. *riest: For the peace "rom on high and "or the sal-ation o" our souls8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For the peace o" the whole world8 "or the wel"are o" the hol$ hurches o" God8 and "or the union o" all8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ house8 and "or those who enter it with "aith8 re-erence and the "ear o" God8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. ,65

For our Arch!ishop N.8 "or the honoured order o" pres!$ters8 "or the diaconate in hrist8 "or all the clerg$ and the people8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. BFor our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the (o$al Famil$8 her Go-ernment8 and all in authorit$8 let us pra$ to the 0ord.: For our "ather and superior8 *riestCmonk N.8 and all our !rotherhood in hrist8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For this hol$ monaster$8 "or e-er$ monaster$8 cit$8 town and -illage8 and "or the "aith"ul who dwell in them8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For "a-oura!le weather8 an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth8 and temperate seasons8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For those who tra-el !$ land8 air or water8 "or the sick8 the su""ering8 "or those in capti-it$8 and "or their sa"et$ and sal-ation8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. For our deli-erance "rom all a""liction8 wrath8 danger and constraint8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. 'he *riest in a low -oice sa$s the 1st *ra$er at the 0ighting o" the 0amps ) 0ord8 compassionate and merci"ul8 longCsu""ering and "ull o" merc$8 listen to our pra$er and attend to the -oice o" our supplication. %ake "or us a sign "or good. Guide us in $our wa$8 to walk in $our truth. %ake glad our hearts to "ear $our hol$ Name8 !ecause $ou are great and do wondrous things. Iou alone are God8 and there is none like $ou8 ) 0ord8 among gods: power"ul in merc$ and lo-ing in strength to help and to console and to sa-e all who hope in $our hol$ Name. ,61

*riest8 aloud: For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. A"ter the 0itan$8 the appointed Kathisma o" the *salter is read !$ one (eader. Kathisma -ighteen. *salm 11; A &ong o" Ascents. 2hen I was a""licted I called to the 0ord8 and he heard me. ) 0ord8 deli-er m$ soul "rom unEust lips and "rom a deceit"ul tongue. 2hat should !e gi-en $ou8 what added to $ou against a treacherous tongueM 'he sharpened arrows o" the power"ul8 with the coals o" desolation. 2oe is meH For m$ soEourning has !een prolonged8 I ha-e camped among the encampments o" KedarJ m$ soul has long !een a soEourner. 2ith those who hate peace I was peacea!leJ when I spoke with them8 the$ made war on me "or nothing. *salm 1,5 A &ong o" Ascents. I ha-e li"ted up m$ e$es to the mountains. From where will m$ help comeM %$ help is "rom the 0ord8 who made hea-en and earth. 3o not let $our "oot wa-erJ ma$ he who guards $ou not slum!er. &ee8 he who guards Israel will neither slum!er nor sleep. 'he 0ord will guard $ou8 the 0ord is protection "or $ou on $our right hand. 1$ da$ the sun will not scorch $ou8 nor the moon !$ night. 'he 0ord will guard $ou "rom e-er$ e-il8 the 0ord will guard $our soul. 'he 0ord will guard $our coming in8 and $our going out8 "rom now and "or e-er more. *salm 1,1 A &ong o" Ascents. ,6,

I reEoiced at those who said to me: we shall go to the house o" the 0ord. )ur "eet were standing in $our courts8 ) 4erusalem. 4erusalem !uilt as a cit$8 shared !$ all together. For there the tri!es went up8 the tri!es o" the 0ord8 a testimon$ "or Israel8 to gi-e thanks to the name o" the 0ord. For there thrones were set "or Eudgement8 thrones o-er the house o" 3a-id. Ask then "or the things which are "or 4erusalem?s peace8 and prosperit$ "or those who lo-e $ou. %a$ there !e peace then in $our power and prosperit$ in $our citadels. For the sake o" m$ !rethren and neigh!ours8 I ha-e spoken peace concerning $ou. For the sake o" the house o" the 0ord our God8 I ha-e sought good things "or $ou. *salm 1,, A &ong o" Ascents. I ha-e li"ted m$ e$es to $ou who dwell in hea-en. 1ehold8 as the e$es o" ser-ants look to their lords? handsJ as the e$es o" a maid to her mistress?s hands8 so do our e$es to the 0ord our God8 until he take pit$ on us. Ha-e merc$ on us8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us8 "or we ha-e had our "ill o" contempt8 our soul has !een "illed to o-er"lowing. 0et reproach !e "or the prosperous8 and contempt "or the proud. *salm 1,. A &ong o" Ascents. I" the 0ord had not !een among us8 let Israel now sa$: i" the 0ord had not !een among us when men rose up against us8 the$ would ha-e swallowed us down ali-e. 2hen their "ur$ raged against usJ the water would ha-e drowned us8 our soul would ha-e passed through the torrentJ our soul would ha-e passed through irresisti!le water. 1lessed is the 0ord8 who has not gi-en us as a pre$ to their teeth. )ur soul was deli-ered like a sparrow "rom the snare o" the huntersJ the snare was shattered8 and we were deli-ered. )ur help is in the name o" the 0ord who made hea-en and earth. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ,6.

Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *riest: Again and again in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. 'he *riest in a low -oice sa$s the ,nd *ra$er at the 0ighting o" the 0amps 0ord8 do not re!uke us in $our anger8 nor chastise us in $our wrath8 !ut deal with us in accordance with $our kindness8 ph$sician and healer o" our souls. Guide us to the har!our o" $our will. +nlighten the e$es o" our hearts to the knowledge o" $our truth and grant that the rest o" the present da$ and the whole time o" our li"e ma$ !e peace"ul and without sin8 at the pra$ers o" the hol$ %other o" God and o" all the &aints. *riest8 aloud: For $ours is the %ight8 and $ours is the Kingdom8 the *ower and the Glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen *salm 1,/ A &ong o" Ascents. 'hose who trust in the 0ord are as %ount &ionJ one who dwells in 4erusalem will ne-er !e shaken. %ountains encircle her8 and the 0ord encircles his people "rom ,6/

now and "or e-er. For the 0ord will not lea-e the rod o" sinners upon the heritage o" the Eust8 lest the Eust stretch out their hands in iniFuities. 3o good8 0ord8 to the good and to the honest in heart. 1ut the 0ord will dri-e awa$ with those who work iniFuit$ those who turn aside to extortionsJ peace upon Israel. *salm 1,6 A &ong o" Ascents. 2hen the 0ord turned !ack the capti-it$ o" &ion8 we !ecame as those who are com"orted. 'hen was our mouth "illed with Eo$ and our tongue with reEoicing. 'hen the$ will sa$ among the nations: the 0ord has done great things with them. 'he 0ord has done great things with us8 we ha-e !ecome Eo$"ul. 'urn !ack our capti-it$8 ) 0ord8 like streams in the south. 'hose who sow with tears8 will reap with Eo$. 'he$ went and as the$ went the$ wept8 while the$ sowed their seed. 1ut when the$ come the$ will come with Eo$8 as the$ gather up their shea-es. *salm 1,> A &ong o" Ascents. 9nless the 0ord !uild the house8 the !uilders ha-e toiled "or nothing. 9nless the 0ord guard the cit$8 the watchman has kept -igil "or nothing. Iour getting up at dawn is "or nothing8 $our rising a"ter sitting8 $ou who eat the !read o" sorrow8 when he gi-es sleep to his !elo-edJ see8 sons are the 0ord?s inheritance 8 the reward o" the "ruit o" the wom!. As arrows in the hand o" a power"ul man8 so are the sons o" the reEected. 1lessed the man who satis"ies his desire with themJ the$ will not !e shamed when the$ speak with their enemies in the gates. *salm 1,< A &ong o" Ascents 1lessed are all who "ear the 0ord8 who walk in his wa$s. Iou will eat the toils o" $our "ruitsJ $ou are !lest8 and it will !e well with $ou. Iour wi"e like a luxuriant -ine against the sides o" $our house. Iour sons like new oli-e shoots around $our ,66

ta!le. &ee8 that is how one who "ears the 0ord will !e !lessed. 'he 0ord !less $ou "rom &ion8 and ma$ $ou see the good things o" 4erusalem all the da$s o" $our li"e. And ma$ $ou see $our children?s children. *eace upon Israel. *salm 1,= A &ong o" Ascents %an$ times the$ ha-e made war on me since m$ $outh8 let Israel now sa$. %an$ times the$ ha-e made war on me since m$ $outh8 and $et the$ ha-e not pre-ailed o-er me. 'he sinners ha-e wrought upon m$ !ack8 the$ ha-e prolonged their iniFuit$. 'he 0ord is Eust8 he has !roken the sinners? necks. 0et all those who hate &ion !e shamed and turned !ack. 0et them !ecome like grass on the housetops8 which withers !e"ore it is uprooted: 'he reaper has not "illed his hand with it8 nor the one who gathers the shea-es his !osom. Nor ha-e the passersC!$ said: 'he 0ord?s !lessing !e on $ou. 2e ha-e !lessed $ou in the name o" the 0ord. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *riest: Again and again in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. . *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. ,6>

'he *riest in a low -oice sa$s the .rd *ra$er at the 0ighting o" the 0amps 0ord our God8 remem!er us8 sinners and $our unpro"ita!le ser-ants8 as we call upon $our hol$ Name8 and do not put us to shame "rom the expectation o" $our merc$8 !ut graciousl$ grant us8 0ord8 all the reFuests that are "or sal-ation8 and count us worth$ to lo-e and to "ear $ou "rom our whole heart8 and in all things to do $our will. *riest8 aloud: For $ours is the %ight8 and $ours is the Kingdom8 the *ower and the Glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *salm 1,; A &ong o" Ascents )ut o" the depths I ha-e cried to $ou8 ) 0ordJ 0ord8 hear m$ -oiceJ let $our ears !e attenti-e to the -oice o" m$ supplication. I" $ou note our iniFuities8 0ord 0ord8 who will sur-i-eM 1ecause "orgi-eness is with $ou. For $our name?s sake I ha-e waited "or $ou8 ) 0ordJ m$ soul has waited "or $our word8 m$ soul has hoped in the 0ord. From the morning watch until night8 "rom the morning watch8 let Israel hope in the 0ord. 1ecause with the 0ord there is merc$ and with him a!undant redemptionJ and he will redeem Israel "rom all his iniFuities. *salm 1.5 A &ong o" Ascents 0ord8 m$ heart has not !een exalted8 nor ha-e m$ e$es !ecome lo"t$8 I ha-e neither walked among great a""airs8 nor among mar-els !e$ond me. I" I had not !een hum!leCminded !ut exalted m$ soul8 like a weaned child towards its mother8 so Iou will reFuite m$ soul. 0et Israel hope in the 0ord8 "rom now and "or e-er. *salm1.1. A &ong o" Ascents ,6<

0ord remem!er 3a-id and all his meekness8 how he swore to the 0ord8 made a -ow to the God o" 4aco!8 I shall not enter the shelter o" m$ house8 clim! into m$ !ed8 gi-e sleep to m$ e$es8 slum!er to m$ e$elids and rest to m$ temples8 until I "ind a place "or the 0ord8 a ta!ernacle "or the God o" 4aco!. &ee8 we heard o" it in +phrata8 we "ound it in the woodland "ields. 2e shall enter his ta!ernacles8 we shall worship towards the place where his "eet ha-e stood. Arise8 0ord8 into $our rest8 $ou and the ark o" $our sancti"ication. Iour priests clothe themsel-es with Eustice8 and $our hol$ ones will reEoice. For 3a-id8 $our ser-ant?s sake8 do not turn awa$ the "ace o" $our hrist. 'he 0ord has sworn truth to 3a-id and he will not annul it8 DFrom the "ruit o" $our wom! I shall place on $our throne. I" $our sons keep m$ co-enant and these testimonies o" mine which I shall teach them8 their sons too will sit on $our throne "or e-er. For the 0ord has elected &ion8 has chosen her as a dwelling "or himsel". D'his is m$ restingCplace "or age on ageJ here I shall dwell8 "or I ha-e chosen her. Her door I shall !less a!undantl$8 her poor I shall "ill with !read. Her priests I shall clothe with sal-ation8 and her hol$ ones will reEoice with great Eo$. 'here I shall make the horn o" 3a-id "lourishJ I ha-e prepared a lamp "or m$ hrist. I shall clothe his enemies in shame8 m$ sancti"ication will "lower upon him?. *salm 1.,. A &ong o" Ascents &ee how good and pleasant it is "or !rethren to dwell together. 0ike sweet ointment on the head which runs down upon the !eard8 Aaron?s !eard8 which runs down to the hem o" his garmentJ like the dew "rom Hermon8 which runs down upon the mountains o" &ionJ "or there the 0ord has commanded the !lessing: li"e "or e-er more. *salm 1... A &ong o" Ascents ome8 now !less the 0ord8 all $ou ser-ants o" the 0ord8 who stand in the house o" the 0ord8 in the courts o" the house o" our God. 0i"t up $our hands !$ night to the ,6=

Hol$ *lace8 and !less the 0ord. %a$ the 0ord !less $ou "rom &ion8 he who made hea-en and earth. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. Glor$ to $ou8 ) God. @x.A &hort 0itan$ *riest: Again and again in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ on us8 and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. 'he *riest in a low -oice sa$s the /th *ra$er at the 0ighting o" the 0amps ) 0ord8 who are praised !$ the hol$ *owers with ne-er silent h$mns and unceasing songs o" glor$8 "ill our mouth with $our praise to gi-e maEest$ to $our hol$ Name8 and gi-e us a part and an inheritance with all who "ear $ou in truth and who keep $our commandments8 at the pra$ers o" the hol$ %other o" God and o" all $our &aints. *riest: For $ou are our God8 a God o" merc$ and sal-ation8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. 'hen we !egin 0ord8 I ha-e cried in the appropriate tone8 while the *riest censes the &anctuar$ and the whole hurch. ,6;

*salm 1/5 BA: 0ord8 I ha-e cried to $ou8 hear meJ hear me8 ) 0ord. 0ord8 I ha-e cried to $ou8 hear me. Gi-e heed to the -oice o" m$ supplication when I cr$ to $ou. Hear me8 ) 0ord. B1: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. Hear me8 ) 0ord. BA: &et a guard8 ) 0ord8 on m$ mouth8 and a strong door a!out m$ lips. B1: 3o not incline m$ heart to e-il wordsJ to make excuses "or m$ sins. BA: 2ith those who work iniFuit$8 let me not unite with their elect. B1: 'he Eust will chastise me with merc$ and repro-e meJ !ut let not the oil o" sinners anoint m$ head. BA: For $et m$ pra$er shall !e in their pleasuresJ their Eudges ha-e !een swallowed up near the rock. B1: 'he$ will hear m$ words "or the$ are sweet. As a clod o" earth is crushed upon the ground8 their !ones ha-e !een scattered at the mouth o" Hell. BA: For m$ e$es look to $ou8 ) 0ord8 m$ 0ord. I ha-e hoped in $ou8 do not take awa$ m$ soul. B1: Keep me "rom the snare that the$ ha-e hidden "or me8 and "rom the traps o" e-ilCdoers. BA: 'he sinners will "all into their own net. I am alone until I pass !$. B1: 2ith m$ -oice I cried to the 0ord. 2ith m$ -oice I entreated the 0ord. BA: I will pour out m$ entreat$ !e"ore him8 and tell him all m$ trou!le. B1: 2hen m$ spirit was "aint8 $ou knew m$ path. BA: In the wa$ where I walked the$ had hidden a snare "or me. B1: I looked to m$ right hand and saw8 !ut there was none who knew me. BA: +scape is gone "rom me8 and there is none who seeks "or m$ soul. ,>5

B1: I cried to $ou8 0ord8 I said8 DIou are m$ hopeJ m$ portion in the land o" the li-ing.? BA: Gi-e heed to m$ supplication8 "or I am !rought -er$ low. B1: 3eli-er me "rom those who persecute me8 "or the$ are too strong "or me. For 15 #erses. 15. 1ring m$ soul out o" prison8 that I ma$ con"ess $our name. Idiomel "rom the 'riodion. ;. 'he Eust will await me8 until $ou reward me. Idiomel "rom the 'riodion repeated. =. )ut o" the depths I ha-e cried to $ou8 ) 0ord. 0ord hear m$ -oice. %art$rikon "rom the 'riodion. <. ) let $our ears !e attenti-e8 to the -oice o" m$ supplication. 1st *rosomion "rom the 'riodion. >. I" $ou8 0ord8 should mark iniFuities8 0ord8 who will standM 1ut there is "orgi-eness with $ou. ,nd *rosomion "rom the 'riodion. 6. For $our name?s sake I ha-e waited "or $ou8 ) 0ord. %$ soul has waited on $our word. %$ soul has hoped in the 0ord. .rd *rosomion "rom the 'riodion. /. From the morning watch until night8 "rom the morning watch8 let Israel hope in the 0ord. 1st *rosomion "rom the %enaion. .. For with the 0ord there is merc$8 and with him plenti"ul redemption8 and he will redeem Israel "rom all his iniFuities. 1st *rosomion "rom the %enaion8 repeated. ,>1

,. *raise the 0ord8 all $ou nations. *raise him all $ou peoples. ,nd *rosomion "rom the %enaion. 1. For his merc$ has !een might$ towards us8 and the truth o" the 0ord endures to the ages. .rd *rosomion "rom the %enaion. Glor$. 1oth now. 'heotokion "rom the %enaion. 3uring the 'heotokion8 the +ntrance with the censer. 'he priest sa$s the *ra$er o" the +ntrance in a low -oice. *ra$er o" the +ntrance At e-ening8 at morning and at midda$ we praise8 !less and gi-e thanks8 and we pra$ to $ou8 %aster o" all things8 0ord who lo-e mankind: 3irect our pra$er !e"ore $ou like incense8 and do not incline our hearts to words or thoughts o" e-il8 !ut deli-er us "rom all that hunt down our souls. For our e$es look to $ou8 ) 0ord8 our 0ord8 and we ha-e hoped in $ou. For to $ou !elong all glor$8 honour and worship8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. He censes the hol$ icons and the *eople and waits "or the end o" the troparion. 2hen it is "inished8 he raises the censer8 making the sign o" the ross8 and exclaims: 2isdom. &tand upright. 'hen we sing 'hanksgi-ing at the 0ighting o" the 0amps An ancient poem8 or8 as some sa$8 !$ the mart$r Athenogenes. ) Eo$"ul light o" the hol$ glor$ o" the immortal8 hea-enl$8 hol$8 !lessed Father8 ) 4esus hrist. Now that we ha-e come to the setting o" the sun and see the e-ening ,>,

light8 we sing the praise o" God8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit. It is right at all times to h$mn $ou with hol$ -oices8 &on o" God8 gi-er o" li"e. 'here"ore the world glori"ies $ou. *riest @"acing the *eopleA: 0et us attend. *eace to all. (eader: And to $our spirit. *riest: 2isdomH (eader: *rokeimenon. 'one G *salm G B"rom the 'riodion: *riest: 2isdomH (eader: 'he reading is "rom Genesis. *riest: 0et us attend. A"ter the reading: *riest: 2isdomH (eader: *rokeimenon. 'one G. *salm G A"ter the *rokeimenon the (eader sa$s in a loud -oice: ommandH *riest: 2isdomH &tand uprightH 'he 0ight o" hrist shines "or allH (eader: 'he reading is "rom *ro-er!s. *riest: 0et us attend. A"ter the reading: *riest: *eace to $ou. (eader: And to $our spirit. *riest: 2isdomH *riest: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. ,>.

*eople: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. (eader: 0ord8 I ha-e cried to $ou8 hear meJ gi-e heed to the -oice o" m$ supplication when I cr$ to $ou. *eople: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. (eader: &et a guard8 ) 0ord8 on m$ mouthJ and a strong door a!out m$ lips. *eople: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. (eader: 0et not m$ heart incline to e-il wordsJ to make excuses "or m$ sins. *eople: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ouJ the li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. *riest: 0et m$ pra$er !e directed like incense !e"ore $ou G *eople: 'he li"ting up o" m$ hands !e an e-ening sacri"ice. 'hen the *ra$er o" &t +phrem8 once. 0itan$ o" Fer-ent &upplication *riest: 0et us all sa$8 with all our soul and with all our mind8 let us sa$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: 0ord almight$8 the God o" our "athers8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @'hree times. And so a"ter the remaining petitionsA *riest: Also we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N. BAlso we pra$ "or our &o-ereign 0ad$8 Kueen +liLa!eth8 the ro$al "amil$8 her go-ernment and all in authorit$.: ,>/

Also we pra$ "or our "ather and superior8 *riestCmonk N.8 the *riests8 *riestCmonks8 3eaconCmonks and all our !rotherhood in hrist. Also we pra$ "or merc$8 li"e8 peace8 health8 sal-ation8 -isitation8 pardon and "orgi-eness o" sins "or the ser-ants o" God8 all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 the !ene"actors8 helpers8 worshippers and pilgrims in this hol$ monaster$J Band "or the ser-ants o" God N. O N. @Here the *riest ma$ name those "or whom he has !een asked to pra$A8 and all who ha-e asked "or our pra$ers8 unworth$ though we are.: Also we pra$ "or the !lessed and e-erCremem!ered "ounders o" this hol$ monaster$8 and "or all our departed !rothers and sisters8 )rthodox !elie-ers8 who ha-e gone to their rest !e"ore us and who here and in all the world lie asleep in the 0ordJ Band "or the ser-ants o" God N. O N. @Here the *riest ma$ name those "or whom he has !een asked to pra$A8 and that the$ ma$ !e pardoned all their o""ences8 !oth -oluntar$ and in-oluntar$.: Also we pra$ "or those ser-e8 or who ha-e ser-ed in this hol$ monaster$8 and "or all our !rothers and sisters o" the monastic order8 who await $our great and rich merc$. 'he *riest8 in a low -oice8 sa$s the "ollowing *ra$er o" &upplication 0ord8 our God8 accept this "er-ent supplication "rom $our ser-ants8 and ha-e merc$ on us according to the multitude o" $our merc$J and send down $our pit$ on us and on all $our people8 who await $our rich merc$. *riest8 aloud: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father and to the &on and to the hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: atechumens8 pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. And so to each petition as the *riest is pra$ing. ,>6

*riest: 1elie-ers8 let us pra$ "or the catechumens. 'hat the 0ord will ha-e merc$ on them. Instruct them in the word o" truth. (e-eal to them the Gospel o" Eustice. 9nite them to his Hol$8 atholic and Apostolic hurch. &a-e them8 ha-e merc$ on them8 help them and keep them8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. atechumens8 !ow $our heads to the 0ord. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest8 in a low -oice8 sa$s the *ra$er "or the atechumens God8 our God8 creator and maker o" all things8 who wish all to !e sa-ed and come to the knowledge o" the truth8 look upon $our ser-ants the catechumens8 and deli-er them "rom the ancient error and tricker$ o" the "oe all them to eternal li"e8 enlightening their souls and !odies and num!ering them with $our rational "lock8 on which $our hol$ named has !een in-oked. *riest8 aloud: 'hat the$ also8 with us8 ma$ glori"$ $our allChonoured and maEestic name8 o" Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and alwa$s8 and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: As man$ as are atechumens8 depart. atechumens8 depart. 0itan$ "or those *reparing "or +nlightenment From the 2ednesda$ o" the /th week o" the Fast a"ter atechumens8 depart the 0itan$ "or those *reparing "or +nlightenment added. *riest: As man$ as are preparing "or +nlightenment8 draw near. 'hose who are preparing "or +nlightenment pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @And so a"ter the "ollowing petitionsA ,>>

*riest: 1elie-ers8 "or our !rothers who are preparing "or hol$ +nlightenment8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. 'hat the 0ord our God ma$ gi-e them strength and power. +nlighten them with the light o" knowledge and true religion. ount them worth$ in due time o" the !ath o" re!irth8 the "orgi-eness o" sins and the garment o" incorruption. Gi-e them re!irth through water and &pirit. Grant them the per"ection o" the Faith. Num!er them with his hol$ and chosen "lock. &a-e them8 ha-e merc$ on them8 help them and keep them8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. 'hose "or +nlightenment8 !ow $our heads to the 0ord. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *ra$er "or those preparing "or +nlightenment %ani"est $our countenance8 %aster8 to those preparing "or hol$ +nlightenment and who long to shake o"" the de"ilement o" sin. Illumine their understandingJ con"irm them in the FaithJ esta!lish them in Hope8 per"ect them in 0o-eJ show them to !e honoura!le mem!ers o" $our hrist8 who ga-e himsel" as a ransom "or our souls. @AloudA For $ou are our enlightenment8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: As man$ as are "or +nlightenment8 depart. 'hose who are "or +nlightenment8 depart. As man$ as are atechumens8 depart. None o" the atechumens. As man$ as are 1elie-ers. Again and again8 in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ upon us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. ,><

*eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: 2isdom. First *ra$er o" the Faith"ul8 a"ter the un"olding o" the Antimension ) God8 who are great and to !e praised8 who ha-e !rought us "rom corruption to incorruption !$ the li"eCgi-ing death o" $our hrist8 "ree all our senses "rom the death o" the passions8 setting o-er them as a good leader the thought that comes "rom within. 0et the e$e a!stain "rom e-er$ e-il sight8 the hearing gi-e no entrance to idle words8 the tongue !e cleansed o" un"itting speech. *uri"$ our lips8 0ord8 that praise $ou. %ake our hands keep "rom !ase actions8 to per"orm onl$ such things as are wellCpleasing to $ou8 making all our lim!s and our mind secure !$ $our grace. @AloudA For to $ou are due all glor$8 honour and worship8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and alwa$s8 and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: Again and again8 in peace8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord ha-e merc$. *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ upon us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: 2isdom. &econd *ra$er o" the Faith"ul Hol$ %aster8 supremel$ good8 we implore $ou8 the )ne rich in merc$8 to take pit$ on us sinners and make us worth$ o" the reception o" $our onl$ !egotten &on and our God8 the king o" glor$. For see8 his most pure 1od$ and li"eCgi-ing 1lood8 that are entering at this present hour8 are a!out to !e set "orth on this m$stical ta!le8 in-isi!l$ escorted !$ a multitude o" the hea-enl$ host. Grant us communion in them that is without condemnation8 so that8 with the e$e o" our mind illumined through them8 we ma$ !ecome children o" the light. ,>=

@AloudA: According to the gi"t o" $our hrist8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and e-er and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. Instead o" the heru!ic H$mn the "ollowing is sung. Now the hosts o" hea-en in-isi!l$ worship with usJ "or see8 the King o" Glor$ enters. &ee8 the per"ected m$stical sacri"ice is !eing !orne in. A"ter the +ntrance8 during which all prostrate to the ground: 2ith "aith and lo-e8 let us draw near that we ma$ !ecome partakers o" e-erlasting li"e. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. 'hen the *ra$er o" &t +phrem8 once. *riest: 0et us complete our e-ening pra$er to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. For the precious gi"ts here set "orth and presancti"ied8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. 'hat our God8 who lo-es mankind8 ha-ing accepted them on his hol$8 hea-enl$ and spiritual altar8 as a sweetCsmelling sa-our o" spiritual "ragrance would send down upon us his di-ine grace and the gi"t o" the Hol$ &pirit8 let us pra$. For our deli-erance "rom all tri!ulation8 wrath8 danger and constraint8 let us pra$ to the 0ord. Help us8 sa-e8 ha-e merc$ on us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. 'hat the whole e-ening ma$ !e per"ect8 hol$8 peace"ul and sinless8 let us ask the 0ord. *eople: Grant this8 ) 0ord. *riest: An Angel o" peace8 "aith"ul guide8 guardian o" our souls and !odies8 let us ask o" the 0ord. *ardon and remission o" our sins and o""ences8 let us ask o" the 0ord. ,>;

'hings that are good8 and pro"ita!le "or our souls8 and peace in the world8 let us ask o" the 0ord. 'hat the rest o" our li"e ma$ !e spent in peace and repentance8 let us ask o" the 0ord. A hristian end to our li"e8 without pain8 without shame and peace"ul8 and a good de"ence !e"ore the dread Eudgement seat o" hrist8 let us ask. ommemorating our allChol$8 pure8 most !lessed and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 with all the &aints8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. 'he priest !ows and sa$s the "ollowing pra$er a"ter setting the Hol$ Gi"ts on the hol$ ta!le. ) God o" ine""a!le and unseen m$steries8 with whom are the hidden treasures o" wisdom and knowledge8 who ha-e re-ealed to us the ser-ice o" this ministr$ and through $our great lo-e "or humankind appointed us sinners to o""er $ou gi"ts and sacri"ices "or our own sins and those committed in ignorance !$ the people8 do $ou8 in-isi!le king8 who do great and un"athoma!le things8 things glorious an extraordinar$ that are without num!er8 look upon us8 $our unworth$ ser-ants8 who stand !e"ore this $our hol$ altar8 as !e"ore the throne o" the heru!im8 on which8 though the dread m$steries here set "orth8 rests $our &on and our God. And8 ha-ing "reed us and $our "aith"ul people "rom all uncleanness8 sancti"$ the souls and !odies o" us all with a sancti"ication that cannot !e taken awa$8 so that recei-ing communion o" these di-ine and hol$ things with a pure conscience8 a "ace unashamed8 an enlightened heart and !eing gi-en li"e them8 we ma$ !e united to $our hrist8 our true God8 who said8 D)ne who eats m$ "lesh and drinks m$ !lood a!ides in me and I in them?. &o that8 with $our 2ord8 0ord8 dwelling in us and li-ing among us8 we ma$ !ecome a temple o" $our hol$ and adora!le &pirit8 ha-ing !een rescued "rom e-er$ wile o" the de-il e""ected !$ word or deed or in the mindJ ,<5

and that we ma$ o!tain the good things promised to us8 with all $our &aints8 who ha-e !een wellCpleasing to $ou since time !egan. @AloudA: And count us worth$8 ) %aster8 with !oldness and without condemnation8 to dare to call upon $ou8 the God o" hea-en8 as Father8 and to sa$ 'he &uperior8 or the designated monk8 or the people: )ur Father in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom come8 $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: *eace to all. *eople: And with $our spirit. *riest: 0et us !ow our heads to the 0ord. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: *ra$er at the 1owing o" Heads ) God8 alone good and compassionate8 who dwell on high and watch o-er lowl$ things8 with a compassionate e$e look upon all $our people8 guard them and make us all worth$ to partake uncondemned o" these $our li"eCgi-ing m$steries. For to $ou we ha-e !owed our heads8 awaiting "rom $ou rich merc$. @AloudA: 'hrough the grace and merc$ and lo-e "or mankind o" $our onl$C!egotten &on8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. ,<1

*riest: Gi-e heed8 0ord 4esus hrist our God8 "rom $our hol$ dwellingCplace and "rom the glorious throne o" $our kingdomJ and come to sancti"$ us8 $ou who are enthroned on high with the Father and in-isi!l$ present here with us. And with $our might$ hand grant communion in $our most pure 1od$ and precious 1lood to us8 and through us to all the people. 0et us attend. 'he presancti"ied Hol$ 'hings "or the hol$. *eople: )ne is Hol$8 one is 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. ommunion hant: 'aste and see that the 0ord is good. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. *riest: 2ith "ear o" God8 with "aith and lo-e8 draw near. *eople: 1lessed is he who comes in the name o" the 0ord. 'he 0ord is God and has appeared to us. A"ter the people ha-e recei-ed ommunion: *riest: ) God8 sa-e $our people and !less $our inheritance. *eople: I will !less the 0ord at all timesJ his praise shall alwa$s !e in m$ mouth. 'aste the hea-enl$ 1read and the up o" li"e8 and see that the 0ord is good. Alleluia8 Alleluia8 Alleluia. *riest: now and "or e-er and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. BIn Athonite use: Amen. Amen. For "orgi-eness o" sins and e-erlasting li"e.: 0et our mouth !e "illed with $our praise8 ) 0ord8 that we ma$ sing $our glor$8 "or $ou ha-e allowed us to share in $our hol$8 di-ine8 immortal and li"eCgi-ing m$steries. Keep us in $our holiness8 that we ma$ meditate on $our Eustice all the da$ long. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. *riest: &tand upright. Ha-ing recei-ed the di-ine8 hol$8 pure8 immortal8 hea-enl$8 li"eCgi-ing and dread %$steries o" hrist8 let us gi-e worth$ thanks to the 0ord. ,<,

*eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. B)r8 according to Athonite use: Glor$ to $ou8 ) God8 glor$ to $ou.: *riest: Help us8 sa-e us8 ha-e merc$ upon us and keep us8 ) God8 !$ $our grace. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: Ha-ing asked that the whole e-ening ma$ !e per"ect8 hol$8 peace"ul and sinless8 let us entrust oursel-es and one another and our whole li"e to hrist our God. *eople: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: *ra$er a"ter ommunion 2e thank $ou8 God the &a-iour o" all things8 "or all the good things $ou ha-e granted us and "or the communion o" the hol$ 1od$ and 1lood o" $our hrist. And we pra$ $ou8 %aster who lo-e mankind8 guard us under the shadow o" $our wings and grant us8 until our last !reath8 to partake worthil$ o" $our hol$ gi"ts8 "or enlightenment o" soul and !od$ and "or inheritance o" the kingdom o" hea-en. @AloudA: For $ou are our sancti"ication8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. *riest: 0et us go "orth in peace. *eople: In the name o" the 0ord. *riest: 0et us pra$ to the 0ord. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. *riest: *ra$er !ehind the Am!o %aster almight$8 who "ashioned creation with wisdom and through $our ine""a!le "orethought and great goodness ha-e !rought us to these most hol$ da$s "or the ,<.

cleansing o" souls and !odies8 "or master$ o" the passions8 "or hope o" resurrectionJ who through "ort$ da$s entrusted to $our ser-ant %oses the 'a!les o" the 0aw in letters di-inel$ traced8 grant us also8 good %aster8 to "ight the good "ight8 to "inish the course o" the "ast8 to keep the "aith intact8 to smash the heads o" in-isi!le serpents and without condemnation to reach and to worship $our hol$ (esurrection. @AloudA: For !lessed and glori"ied is $our allChonoured and maEestic name8 o" Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. A"ter the pra$er !ehind the Am!o: Amen. 1lessed !e the name o" 0ord8 "rom this time "orth and "or e-ermore. @'hree timesA 'he *ra$er o" &aint +phrem once. 'he *riest goes to the *rothesis and sa$s the "ollowing pra$er in a low -oice: 0ord our God8 who ha-e !rought us to these most hol$ da$s8 and ha-e made us communicants o" $our dread m$steries8 Eoin us to $our rational "lock and declare us to !e heirs o" $our kingdom8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen8 while the *riest distri!utes the Antidoron8 the (eader sa$s: Glor$. 1oth now. *salm .. I will !less the 0ord continuall$8 his praise will alwa$s !e in m$ mouth. %$ soul will !e praised in the 0ordJ let the meek hear it and reEoice. %agni"$ the 0ord with me8 let us exalt his name together. I sought the 0ord and he heard me8 and deli-ered me "rom all m$ a""lictions. ome to him and !e enlightened8 and $our "aces will not !e ashamed. 'his poor man cried8 and the 0ord heard him8 and sa-ed him "rom all his a""lictions. 'he angel o" the 0ord will encamp round those who "ear him8 and deli-er them. 'aste and see that the 0ord is good. 1lessed the one who puts their hope in himH Fear the 0ord8 all $ou his saints8 "or those who "ear him ne-er want. 'he rich ha-e !ecome poor and gone hungr$8 !ut those who seek the 0ord will not !e depri-ed o" an$ good. ome8 children8 listen to me8 I will teach $ou the "ear o" the 0ord. 2ho is there who wants li"e8 lo-es to see good ,</

da$sM Keep $our tongue "rom e-il8 and $our lips "rom speaking deceit. 'urn awa$ "rom e-il and do good8 seek peace and pursue it. 'he e$es o" the 0ord are on the Eust8 and his ears towards their supplication. 'he 0ord?s "ace is set against those who do e-il8 to destro$ their memor$ "rom the earth. 'he Eust cried and the 0ord heard them8 and deli-ered them "rom all their a""lictions. 'he 0ord is close to those who are !rokenChearted8 and will sa-e the hum!le in spirit. 'he a""lictions o" the Eust are man$8 !ut the 0ord will deli-er them "rom them all. 'he 0ord guards all their !ones8 not one o" them will !e !roken. 'he death o" sinners is e-il8 and those who hate the Eust will go astra$. 'he 0ord will rescue the souls o" his ser-ants8 and no one o" those who hope in him will go astra$. *riest: 'he !lessing o" the 0ord !e upon $ou8 through his di-ine grace and lo-e "or mankind8 alwa$s8 now and e-er8 and to ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. *riest: Glor$ to $ou8 ) God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Hol$ Father8 !less. And the 3ismissal Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Gi-e the !lessing. And the *riest continues: %a$ hrist our true God8 at the pra$ers o" his most pure and hol$ %otherJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the church:8 o" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rateJ o" the hol$ and righteous "ore!ears o" God8 4oachim and Anne and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. 'urning to the +ast8 he sa$s8 ,<6

'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ Fathers8 0ord 4esus on us. *eople: Amen.

hrist our God8 ha-e merc$

Note: %an$ !ooks "ollow *salm .. with *salm 1//. 'he latter is not8 strictl$8 part o" the 0iturg$ o" the *resancti"ied8 !ut the opening o" Grace !e"ore %eals8 since in monasteries the single meal on a "ast da$ is eaten immediatel$ a"ter #espers and the 0iturg$ o" the *resancti"ied. For completeness sake8 we add it here as an appendix. *salm 1// *raise "or 3a-id. I will exalt $ou8 m$ God8 m$ KingJ and I will !less $our name "or e-er and to age on age. +-er$ da$ I will !less $ouJ and praise $our name "or e-er and to age on age. 'he 0ord is great and highl$ to !e praised 3 and there is no limit to his greatness. Generation a"ter generation will praise $our worksJ and will declare $our power. 'he$ will tell o" the maEest$ o" the glor$ o" $our holinessJ and will recount $our wonders. 'he$ will speak o" the power o" $our dread deedsJ and will recount $our greatness. 'he$ will proclaim the memor$ o" the multitude o" $our goodnessJ and reEoice in $our Eustice. 'he 0ord is compassionate and merci"ulJ longCsu""ering and "ull o" merc$. 'he 0ord is good to allJ and his acts o" compassion are "or all his works. %a$ all $our works con"ess $ou8 0ordJ and all $our hol$ ones !less $ou. 'he$ will speak o" the glor$ o" $our kingdomJ and tell o" $our power. 'o make known $our power and o" the glor$ the maEest$ o" $our kingdom to the children o" mankind. Iour kingdom is a kingdom "or all the ages8 and $our dominion "or e-er$ generation. 'he 0ord is "aith"ul in all his words8 and hol$ in all his works. 'he 0ord supports all who are "alling8 and sets upright all who are !roken down. 'he e$es o" all hope in $ou8 and $ou gi-e them their "ood in due season. Iou open $our hand8 and "ill e-er$ li-ing thing with $our good ,<>

pleasure. 'he 0ord is Eust in all his wa$s8 and hol$ in all his works. 'he 0ord is close to those who call on him8 to all who call on him in truth. He will do the will o" those who "ear him8 and hear their supplication and sa-e them. 'he 0ord guards all who lo-e him8 and all sinners he will destro$. %$ mouth will tell the praise o" the 0ord8 and let all "lesh !less his hol$ name "or e-er and to age on age.

"reat #ompline.
'he o""ice o" ompline is not sung in the hurch in the %onaster$ o" the 0a-ra8 !ut one reads it in one?s cell. In the Koino-ia o" *alestine8 howe-er8 ompline is sung as "ollows. A!out the 1,th hour o" the da$ the 0amplighter enters and ha-ing made a metania to the &uperior he strikes the simandron 1, times and we assem!le in the hurch. +ach makes the prescri!ed metanias and we sit "or a little until all8 or most8 are assem!led. 'he *riest rises "rom his seat and ha-ing made the customar$ metania to the A!!ot he gi-es the !lessing. A"ter the !lessing !$ the *riest8 the &uperior8 or the (eader8 continues Amen. Glor$ to $ou8 our God8 glor$ to $ou. Hea-enl$ King8 *araclete8 &pirit o" truth8 present e-er$where8 "illing all things8 'reasur$ o" !lessings and Gi-er o" li"e8 come and dwell in us8 cleanse us "rom e-er$ stain8 and8 ) Good )ne8 sa-e our souls. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. ,<<

Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. @x1,A. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist8 the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. . %etanias. 'hen the *salms. I" it is the "irst week o" Great 0ent we !egin at once with *salm >; and then the Great anon8 which we sing in "our sections Irmos !$ Irmos8 so as to "inish on 'hursda$. A"ter the >th )de Kathismata o" ompunction in 'one >: Ha-e merc$ on us8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on usJ "or we sinners8 lacking all de"ence8 o""er $ou8 as our %aster8 this supplication: ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us8 "or in $ou we ha-e put our trust. 3o not !e -er$ angr$ with us8 nor remem!er our iniFuities. 1ut look on us now8 as $ou are ,<=

compassionate8 and rescue us "rom our enemies. For $ou are our God8 and we are $our peopleJ we are all the work o" $our hands8 and we ha-e called on $our name. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )pen the gate o" compassion to us8 !lessed %other o" GodJ hoping in $ou8 ma$ we not "ail. 'hrough $ou ma$ we !e deli-ered "rom ad-ersities8 "or $ou are the sal-ation o" the hristian race. A"ter the anon is "inished we continue with *salm /. BA"ter the >th )de the Kontakion o" the Great anon: )therwise we !egin as "ollows: *salm / 2hen I called $ou heard me8 God o" m$ Eustice8 when I was in trou!le $ou set me at largeJ ha-e pit$ on me and hear m$ pra$er. &ons o" men8 how long will $ou !e hea-$CheartedM 2h$ do $ou lo-e -anit$ and seek l$ingM Know too that the 0ord has made his Hol$ )ne wonder"ul. 'he 0ord will hear me when I cr$ to him. 1e angr$8 and do not sinJ "or what $ou sa$ in $our hearts8 "eel compunction on $our !eds. &acri"ice a sacri"ice o" Eustice and hope in the 0ord. %an$ sa$8 D2ho will show us good thingsM? 'he light o" $our countenance has !een marked upon us8 ) 0ord. Iou ha-e gi-en Eo$ to m$ heart8 "rom the "ruit o" their corn8 wine and oil the$ ha-e !een "illed. I shall lie down in peace and sleep at onceJ !ecause $ou8 0ord8 alone ha-e made me dwell in hope. *salm > 0ord8 do not re!uke me in $our anger8 nor chastise me in $our wrath. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I am weakJ heal me "or m$ !ones ha-e !een trou!led8 and m$ soul exceedingl$ trou!ledJ !ut $ou8 0ord8 how longM 'urn !ack8 ) 0ord8 deli-er m$ soulJ sa-e me "or $our merc$?s sake. For in death no one remem!ers $ouJ and in Hell who will con"ess $ouM I ha-e toiled in m$ groaning8 e-er$ night I shall ,<;

wash m$ !ed and drench m$ couch with m$ tears. %$ e$e has !een trou!led through anger8 I ha-e grown old among all m$ "oes. 3epart "rom me all $ou who work iniFuit$8 "or the 0ord has heard the -oice o" m$ weeping. 'he 0ord has heard m$ supplication8 the 0ord has accepted m$ pra$er. 0et all m$ enemies !e ashamed and greatl$ trou!led8 let them !e turned !ack and speedil$ !e utterl$ ashamed. *salm 1, How long8 ) 0ord8 will $ou "inall$ "orget meM How long will $ou turn $our "ace "rom meM How long shall I la$ plans in m$ soul8 grie"s in m$ heart da$ and nightM How long will m$ "oe !e exalted against meM 0ook on me8 hear me8 0ord m$ God. +nlighten m$ e$es lest I sleep in death. 0et m$ enem$ ne-er sa$8 DI ha-e pre-ailed against him?. 'hose who trou!le me will reEoice i" I slip. 1ut I ha-e hoped in $our merc$. %$ heart will !e glad in $our sal-ationJ I shall sing to the 0ord m$ !ene"actor and chant to the name o" the 0ord most high. And again: 0ook on me8 hear me8 ) 0ord m$ God. +nlighten m$ e$es lest I sleep in death. 0et m$ enem$ ne-er sa$8 DI ha-e pre-ailed against him?. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x.A. 'hree %etanias. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. *salm ,/ 'o $ou8 ) 0ord8 I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul. %$ God8 I ha-e trusted in $ou8 do not let me !e shamed "or e-er. 3o not let m$ "oes laugh at meJ "or all who wait patientl$ "or $ou will not !e shamedJ let those who transgress without cause !e shamed. ) 0ord8 let me know $our wa$s8 and teach me $our paths. Guide me into $our truth and teach me8 "or $ou are God m$ &a-iour8 and I ha-e waited patientl$ on $ou all the da$. (emem!er $our pit$8 0ord8 and $our mercies8 "or the$ are eternal. 3o not remem!er the sins and "ollies o" m$ $outh8 according to $our merc$ remem!er me8 on account o" $our goodness8 ) 0ord. 'he 0ord is good and upright8 there"ore he will gi-e laws to those who sin in the wa$. He will guide the meek with Eudgement8 ,=5

he will teach the meek his wa$s. All the 0ord?s wa$s are merc$ and truth8 "or those who seek his co-enant and his testimonies. For $our name?s sake8 ) 0ord8 !e merci"ul to m$ sin8 "or it is great. 2ho is a man who "ears the 0ordM He will gi-e him laws in the wa$ which he has chosen. His soul will dwell among good things and his seed will inherit the earth. 'he 0ord is the strength o" those who "ear him8 and his co-enant will show them this. %$ e$es are e-er toward the 0ord8 "or he will draw m$ "eet out o" the snare. 0ook on me and ha-e merc$ on meJ "or I am alone and poor. 'he a""lictions o" m$ heart ha-e !een multipliedJ !ring me out o" m$ trou!les. &ee m$ humiliation and m$ toil8 and "orgi-e all m$ sins. &ee m$ "oes8 "or the$ ha-e !een multiplied8 and ha-e hated me with an unEust hatred. Guard m$ soul and deli-er meJ let me not !e shamed8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. 'he innocent and upright ha-e Eoined themsel-es to me8 !ecause I ha-e waited patientl$ "or $ou8 ) 0ord. ) God8 redeem Israel "rom all his a""lictions. *salm .5 In $ou8 ) 0ord8 I ha-e hoped8 let me not !e put to shame "or e-er8 in $our Eustice deli-er me8 and rescue me. Incline $our ear to me8 make haste to rescue me. 1e "or me a God who is m$ de"ender8 and a place o" re"uge to sa-e me. For $ou are m$ strength and m$ re"uge8 and "or $our name?s sake $ou will guide me and nourish me. Iou will !ring me out o" this snare which the$ ha-e hidden "or me8 "or $ou are m$ de"ender8 ) 0ord. Into $our hands I will entrust m$ spirit. Iou ha-e redeemed me8 0ord God o" truth. Iou ha-e hated those who preser-e -anities to no purpose. 1ut I ha-e hoped in the 0ord. I will reEoice and !e glad in $our merc$. For $ou ha-e seen m$ humiliation8 sa-ed m$ soul "rom constraints. Iou ha-e not shut me into the hands o" enemiesJ $ou ha-e set m$ "eet on a !road place. Ha-e merc$ on me8 0ord8 "or I am a""lictedJ m$ e$e is trou!led with anger8 m$ soul and m$ !ell$. For m$ li"e is spent with grie"8 and m$ $ears with groanings. %$ strength has grown weak through po-ert$8 and m$ !ones ha-e !een trou!led. I ha-e !ecome a reproach to all m$ "oes8 and e-en more so to m$ neigh!oursJ an o!Eect o" "ear to m$ acFuaintances. 'hose who saw me "led "rom me. I ha-e !een "orgotten "rom ,=1

the heart like a corpse. I ha-e !ecome like a !roken -essel8 "or I ha-e heard the mocker$ o" man$ who dwell round a!out. 2hen the$ gathered together against me8 the$ laid plans to take m$ soul. 1ut I ha-e hoped in $ou8 ) 0ordJ $ou are m$ GodJ m$ lot is in $our hands. 3eli-er me "rom the hands o" m$ "oes8 and "rom those who persecute me. %ake $our "ace shine on $our ser-ant8 sa-e me in $our merc$. ) 0ord8 ma$ I not !e put to shame8 "or I ha-e called upon $ou. 0et the impious !e put to shameJ let them !e !rought down to Hell. 0et the deceit"ul lips !e speechless8 which speak iniFuit$ against the Eust8 with arrogance and contempt. How great is the multitude o" $our goodness8 ) 0ord8 which $ou ha-e hidden "or those who "ear $ouJ which $ou ha-e wrought "or those who hope in $ou8 in the sight o" the children o" men. Iou will hide them in the secrec$ o" $our countenance8 "rom the tumult o" men. Iou will shelter them in a ta!ernacle "rom the contradiction o" tongues. 1lessed is the 0ord8 "or he has made his merc$ in a "orti"ied cit$. 1ut I said in m$ ecstas$8 DI am cast awa$ "rom the presence o" $our e$es?. 'here"ore $ou ha-e heard the -oice o" m$ pra$er8 when I called to $ou. 0o-e the 0ord all $ou his saints8 "or the 0ord seeks truth8 and will repa$ those who act with arrogance. 'ake courage8 and let $our heart !e strong8 all $ou who hope in the 0ord. *salm ;5 )ne who dwells in the help o" the %ost High will li-e under the protection o" the o" the God o" hea-enJ will sa$ to the 0ord8 DIou are m$ protector and m$ re"uge8 m$ God8 and I shall hope in him?. For he will deli-er $ou "rom the snare o" hunters8 and "rom the word which trou!les. He will o-ershadow $ou with his wings8 and !eneath his "eathers $ou will hopeJ his truth will encircle $ou with a shield. Iou will not !e a"raid o" terror !$ night8 o" the arrow that "lies !$ da$. )" the thing that prowls in the darkness8 o" mishap and the noonda$ de-il. A thousand ma$ "all at $our side8 and ten thousand at $our right8 !ut it will not come near $ou. 1ut with $our e$es $ou will o!ser-e8 and see the reward o" sinners. For $ou8 0ord8 are m$ hope8 $ou ha-e made the %ost High $our re"uge. +-ils will not approach ,=,

$ou8 nor a scourge draw near $our dwelling. 1ecause he has gi-en orders to his Angels a!out $ou8 to guard $ou in all $our wa$s. 'he$ will !ear $ou on their hands8 lest $ou dash $our "oot against a stone. Iou will walk on asp and !asilisk8 and trample down lion and dragon. D1ecause he hoped in me8 I shall deli-er himJ I shall shelter him8 !ecause he knew m$ name. He will cr$ to me8 and I shall hear him8 I am with him in trou!leJ I shall rescue him and glori"$ him. I shall "ill him with length o" da$s8 and show him m$ sal-ation?. Glor$. 1oth now. Alleluia @x2A. 'hree %etanias. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x2A. Glor$. 1oth now. 'hen the "ollowing #erses8 read without singing8 except in Great 0ent8 when the$ are sung !$ !oth hoirs slowl$ and loudl$. 'he "irst hoir !egins as "ollows: God is with us8 understand $ou nations8 and su!mit. For God is with us. 'o the ends o" the earth gi-e ear. For God is with us. &u!mit8 $ou might$ ones. For God is with us. I" again $ou !ecome strong8 $ou will also su!mit again. For God is with us. And whate-er $ou plan8 the 0ord will scatter it. For God is with us. And whate-er word $ou speak8 it will not remain among $ou. For God is with us. Fear o" $ou we shall not "ear8 nor shall we !e trou!led. For God is with us. ,=.

'he 0ord our God8 let us sancti"$ him8 and he will !e our "ear. For God is with us. And i" I should trust in him8 he will !e sancti"ication "or me. For God is with us. And I will trust in him8 and I will !e sa-ed through him. For God is with us. Here am I and the children whom God has gi-en me. For God is with us. 'he people who walked in darkness ha-e seen a great light. For God is with us. 2e who dwell in the land and the shadow o" death8 a light will shine on us. For God is with us. For unto us a hild is !orn8 unto us a &on is gi-en. For God is with us. 2hose go-ernment was upon his shoulder. For God is with us. And o" his peace there is no !ound. For God is with us. And his name shall !e called8 Angel o" great counsel. For God is with us. 2onder"ul ounsellor. For God is with us. %ight$ God8 (uler8 *rince o" peace. For God is with us. Father o" the age to come. ,=/

For God is with us. Glor$. For God is with us. 1oth now. For God is with us. 'hen the two hoirs together: God is with us8 understand $ou nations8 and su!mit: For God is with us. And at once the "ollowing 'roparia: As I come to the end o" the da$8 I thank $ou8 0ord8 and I ask that the e-ening and the night ma$ !e without sin. Grant me this8 ) &a-iour8 and sa-e me. Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. As I reach the end o" the da$8 I glori"$ $ou8 %aster8 and I ask that the e-ening and the night ma$ !e without stum!ling. Grant me this8 ) &a-iour8 and sa-e me. 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. As I pass to the end o" the da$8 I praise $ou8 Hol$ )ne8 and I ask that the e-ening and the night ma$ !e without assault. Grant me this8 ) &a-iour8 and sa-e me. 'hen the two hoirs together sing the "ollowing: 'he !odiless nature8 the heru!im8 glori"ies $ou with ne-er silent h$mns. 'he sixCwinged li-ing creatures8 the &eraphim8 exalt $ou with unceasing -oices. 'he whole arm$ o" the Angels8 praises $ou with thriceChol$ songs. For !e"ore all $ou are the Father8 the )ne 2ho Is8 and $ou ha-e $our &on likewise without !eginning. And as $ou !ear the &pirit o" li"e8 eFual in honour8 $ou show that the 'rinit$ is undi-ided. AllChol$ #irgin8 %other o" God8 e$eCwitnesses and ser-ants o" the 2ord8 ,=6

All choirs o" *rophets and %art$rs8 as $ou ha-e immortal li"e8 Intercede "er-entl$ "or us all8 "or we are all in trou!les. 'hat deli-ered "rom the error o" e-il8 we ma$ cr$ aloud the Angels? song. Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 'hriceChol$ 0ord8 ha-e merc$ and sa-e us. Amen. And at once in a low -oice: I !elie-e in one God8 Father almight$8 maker o" hea-en and earth8 o" all things -isi!le and in-isi!le. And in one 0ord 4esus hrist8 the onl$C!egotten &on o" God8 !egotten "rom the Father !e"ore all ages. 0ight "rom 0ight8 true God "rom true God8 !egotten not made8 consu!stantial with the FatherJ through him all things were madeJ "or our sake and "or our sal-ation came down "rom hea-en8 and was incarnate "rom the Hol$ &pirit and the #irgin %ar$ and !ecame manJ he was cruci"ied also "or us under *ontius *ilate8 and su""ered and was !uriedJ he rose again on the third da$8 in accordance with the &criptures8 and ascended into hea-en and is seated at the right hand o" the FatherJ he is coming again in glor$ to Eudge the li-ing and the deadJ and his kingdom will ha-e no end. And in the Hol$ &pirit8 the 0ord8 the Gi-er o" li"e8 who proceeds "rom the Father8 who together with Father and &on is worshipped and together glori"iedJ who spoke through the *rophets. In one8 Hol$8 atholic and Apostolic hurchJ I con"ess one 1aptism "or the "orgi-eness o" sins. I await the resurrection o" the dead and the li"e o" the age to come. Amen. 'hen the "ollowing #erses8 o" which the "irst is sung three times and the rest twice8 except "or the last8 which is sung once onl$. 'he second hoir !egins: AllChol$ 0ad$8 %other o" God8 intercede "or us sinners. AllChol$ 0ad$8 %other o" God8 intercede "or us sinners. ,=>

AllChol$ 0ad$8 %other o" God8 intercede "or us sinners. All $ou hea-enl$ *owers o" Angels and Archangels8 intercede "or us sinners. All $ou hea-enl$ *owers o" Angels and Archangels8 intercede "or us sinners. Hol$ 4ohn8 *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist o" our 0ord 4esus hrist8 intercede "or us sinners. Hol$ 4ohn8 *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist o" our 0ord 4esus hrist8 intercede "or us sinners. Hol$8 glorious Apostles8 *rophets and %art$rs8 and All $ou &aints8 intercede "or us sinners. Hol$8 glorious Apostles8 *rophets and %art$rs8 and All $ou &aints8 intercede "or us sinners. )ur #enera!le8 GodC!earing Fathers8 &hepherds and 'eachers o" the whole world8 intercede "or us sinners. )ur #enera!le8 GodC!earing Fathers8 &hepherds and 'eachers o" the whole world8 intercede "or us sinners. 9nconFuera!le8 indestructi!le and di-ine power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing ross8 do not a!andon us sinners. 9nconFuera!le8 indestructi!le and di-ine power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing ross8 do not a!andon us sinners. ) God8 cleanse us sinners. ) God8 cleanse us sinners. And ha-e merc$ on us. 'hen: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ,=<

AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. 'hen the "ollowing 'roparia. 1ut i" it is a Feast we sa$ that o" the Feast. 'one ,. +nlighten m$ e$es8 hrist God8 that I ma$ ne-er sleep in death. 0et m$ enem$ ne-er sa$8 DI ha-e pre-ailed against him.? Glor$. 1e the Helper o" m$ soul8 ) God8 "or I walk in the midst o" man$ snares. 3eli-er me "rom them and sa-e me8 "or $ou are good and lo-e mankind. 1oth now. 1ecause we ha-e no !oldness !ecause o" our man$ sins8 entreat the )ne !orn o" $ou8 #irgin %other o" GodJ "or a %other?s plea has great "orce "or the kindness o" the %aster. 3o not despise the supplications o" sinners8 ) allChol$8 "or he is merci"ul8 and a!le to sa-e8 he who accepted to su""er "or us.


'here are other 'roparia which are sung da$ !$ da$ in 'one =8 that is to sa$ on 'uesda$ and 'hursda$. 'hese are: 0ord who "ashioned me8 $ou know well that m$ in-isi!le enemies do not sleep and $ou know the weakness o" m$ misera!le "lesh8 and so I will entrust m$ spirit into $our hands. &helter me with the wings o" $our goodness8 that I ma$ not sleep unto death. +nlighten the e$es o" m$ mind with the delight o" $our di-ine words8 and rouse me at the proper time to gi-e $ou glor$8 are $ou are alone are good and lo-e mankind. #erse: 0ook on me and hearken to me8 0ord m$ God. How "ear"ul is $our Eudgement8 0ord8 when the Angels stand round8 mortals are !rought in8 the !ooks are opened8 deeds are examined8 thoughts are tried. 2hat Eudgement will there !e "or me8 who was concei-ed in sinsM 2ho will gi-e light to m$ darkness8 i" $ou8 0ord8 do not ha-e merc$ on me8 as $ou lo-e mankindM Glor$. Gi-e me tears8 ) God8 as $ou once did to the sin"ul woman8 and count me worth$ to water $our "eet which ha-e "reed me "rom the wa$ o" error8 and to !ring as sweetCscented m$rrh a pure li"e8 "ashioned !$ repentance8 that I too ma$ hear $our longed "or -oice: Iour "aith has sa-ed $ou8 go in peace. 1oth now. Ha-ing $ou8 %other o" God8 as the hope which cannot !e put to shame8 I shall !e sa-ed. Ha-ing $our protection8 ) AllCpure8 I shall not !e a"raid. Armed with $our protection alone as m$ !reastplate8 I shall pursue m$ "oes and wound them. And as I entreat $our allCpower"ul help8 I cr$ out: &o-ereign 0ad$8 sa-e me !$ $our pra$ers8 and raise me "rom gloom$ sleep to sing the praise o" $our glor$8 !$ the power o" the &on o" God who was incarnate "rom $ou. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ,=;

ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. trul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: 'hrough the pra$ers. 'hen the "ollowing: *ra$er o" &aint 1asil the Great 0ord8 0ord8 who deli-er us "rom the arrow that "lies !$ da$8 deli-er us also "rom e-er$ deed that walks in darkness. Accept the li"ting up o" our hands as an e-ening sacri"ice. Grant that we ma$ also pass through the stadium o" night without !lame8 untried !$ e-ils8 and deli-er us "rom e-er$ trou!le and "rom the "ear that comes to us "rom the de-il. Grant our souls compunction8 our thoughts care concerning the examination in $our dread and Eust Eudgement. Nail down our "lesh "rom "ear o" $ou8 and deaden our mem!ers upon earth8 that in the calm o" sleep8 we ma$ !e made !right in the contemplation o" $our Eudgements. 'ake "rom us e-er$ unseeml$ imagination and harm"ul desire. (aise us up at the hour o" pra$er8 strengthened in the "aith and ad-ancing in $our commandmentsJ through the goodC pleasure and goodness o" $our onl$C!egotten &on8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and alwa$s and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 'hree %etanias. *salm 65 Ha-e merc$ on me ) God8 in $our great merc$. In accordance with the multitude o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ ,;5

wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou onl$ I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words8 and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed8 and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truth: $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansedJ $ou will wash me8 and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins8 and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with a so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed8 and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips: and m$ mouth will declare $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en itJ $ou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spiritJ a !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasureJ and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" Eustice8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. *salm 151 0ord hear m$ pra$er8 and let m$ cr$ come to $ou. 3o not turn $our "ace "rom me In the da$ I am in tri!ulation incline $our ear to me. In the da$ I call upon $ou8 !e swi"t to hear me. For m$ da$s ha-e -anished like smoke8 and m$ !ones ha-e !een !urnt up like !rushwood. I ha-e !een smitten like grass8 and m$ heart has !een dried up8 so that I ha-e "orgotten to eat m$ !read. %$ !ones ha-e stuck to m$ "lesh8 "rom the sound o" m$ groaning. I ha-e !ecome like a desert pelicanJ like an owl on a !uilding. I ha-e kept -igil8 and !ecome like a sparrow8 alone upon a houseCtop. All da$ m$ enemies ha-e re-iled me8 and those that praised me ha-e ,;1

sworn an oath against me. I ha-e eaten ashes as m$ !read8 and mixed m$ drink with weeping. From the presence o" $our wrath and $our anger8 "or ha-ing li"ted me up $ou ha-e cast me down. %$ da$s ha-e declined like a shadow8 and I ha-e !een dried up like grass. 1ut $ou8 0ord8 a!ide "or e-er8 and $our memorial to generation and generation. Iou will arise and take pit$ on &ion8 "or it is time to take pit$ on her8 "or the time has come. For $our ser-ants ha-e !een wellCpleased with her stones and the$ will take pit$ on her dust. And the nations will "ear $our name8 0ord8 and all the kings o" the earth $our glor$. For the 0ord will !uild up &ion8 and appear in his glor$. He has looked on the pra$er o" the hum!le8 and has not despised their supplication. 0et this !e written "or another generation8 and a people that is !eing created will praise the 0ord. For the 0ord has leaned down "rom his hol$ height8 he has looked "rom hea-en upon the earth. 'o hear the groaning o" those in "etters8 to "ree the children o" the slain. 'o announce the name o" the 0ord in &ion8 and his praise in 4erusalem. 2hen peoples are gathered together8 and kings to ser-e the 0ord. He answered him in the wa$ o" his strength. 'ell me the "ewness o" m$ da$s. 3o not lead me awa$ hal" wa$ through m$ da$s. Iour $ears are "or generations o" generations. At the !eginning it was $ou8 0ord8 who laid the "oundations o" the earth8 and the hea-ens are the works o" $our hands. 'he$ will !e perish8 !ut $ou endureJ the$ will all grow old as a garment. And $ou will roll them up like a cloak8 and the$ will !e changedJ !ut $ou are the same8 and $our $ears will not "ail. Iour ser-ants? children will ha-e their dwelling: and their seed will !e guided "or e-er. *ra$er o" %anasses8 King o" 4udea. 0ord Almight$8 the God o" our Fathers8 o" A!raham8 Isaac and 4aco! and o" their Eust seedJ who made the hea-en and the earth with all their arra$J who shackled the sea !$ the word o" $our commandJ who shut up the deep and sealed it with $our dread and glorious nameJ !e"ore whom all things shudder and trem!le in the presence o" $our powerJ "or the maEest$ o" $our glor$ cannot !e !orne8 and the ,;,

wrath o" threat to sinners is irresisti!le8 and the merc$ o" $our promise is measureless and unsearcha!le. For $ou are the 0ord most high8 compassionate8 longCsu""ering and "ull o" merc$8 and $ou repent o-er the e-ils o" mankind. Iou8 0ord8 according to the multitude o" $our goodness8 ha-e appointed repentance and "orgi-eness to those who ha-e sinned against $ou8 and in the multitude o" $our pities8 $ou ha-e decreed repentance unto sal-ation "or sinners. Iou there"ore8 0ord God o" *owers8 did not appoint repentance "or the Eust8 "or A!raham8 Isaac and 4aco!8 who did not sin against $ou8 !ut $ou ha-e appointed repentance "or me a sinner8 !ecause I ha-e sinned a!o-e num!er o" the sand o" the sea. %$ iniFuities ha-e !een multiplied8 0ord8 m$ iniFuities ha-e !een multiplied8 and I am not worth$ to raise m$ e$es8 and to see the height o" hea-en8 !ecause o" the multitude o" m$ unEust deeds. I am !owed down !$ a hea-$ iron "etter8 so that I cannot li"t m$ head and there is no respite "or meJ !ecause I ha-e pro-oked $our wrath and done what is e-il in $our sight8 not doing $our will nor keeping $our commands. And now I !ow the knee o" m$ heart8 pra$ing "or the goodness which is "rom $ou: I ha-e sinned8 0ord8 I ha-e sinned8 and I recognise m$ iniFuitiesJ !ut I ask with supplication: Forgi-e me8 0ord8 "orgi-e me8 and do not destro$ me with m$ iniFuities8 do not !e wrath "or e-er8 do not la$ up e-ils "or me8 nor condemn me to the lowest parts o" the earth: "or $ou are God8 the God o" the penitent8 and in me $ou will show all $our goodnessJ "or $ou will sa-e me who am unworth$ according to $our great merc$8 and I will praise $ou continuall$ all the da$s o" m$ li"e. For all the power o" hea-en praises $ou8 and $ours is the glor$ to the ages o" ages. Amen. Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. ,;.

AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. And the "ollowing 'roparia. 'one > Ha-e merc$ on us8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on usJ "or we sinners8 lacking all de"ence8 o""er $ou8 as our %aster8 this supplication: ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us8 "or in $ou we ha-e put our trust. 3o not !e -er$ angr$ with us8 nor remem!er our iniFuities. 1ut look on us now8 as $ou are compassionate8 and rescue us "rom our enemies. For $ou are our God8 and we are $our peopleJ we are all the work o" $our hands8 and we ha-e called on $our name. 1oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. )pen the gate o" compassion to us8 !lessed %other o" GodJ hoping in $ou8 ma$ we not "ail. 'hrough $ou ma$ we !e deli-ered "rom ad-ersities8 "or $ou are the sal-ation o" the hristian race. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A8 Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ,;/

ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. 'rul$ the %other o" God we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: 'hrough the pra$ersG A *ra$er o" &aint %ardarios God and %aster8 Father almight$8 0ord8 onl$ !egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit8 one godhead8 one power8 ha-e merc$ on me a sinnerJ and !$ the Eudgements which $ou know8 sa-e me $our unworth$ ser-antJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist the King8 our God. ome8 let us worship and "all down !e"ore hrist himsel"8 the King8 our God. 'hree %etanias. *salm >; ) God8 come to m$ helpJ 0ord8 hasten to help me. 0et those who seek m$ soul !e shamed and con"ounded. 0et those who wish me e-il !e turned !ack and put to shame. 0et those who sa$ to me8 DFine8 "ineH? !e turned !ack immediatel$8 ashamed. 0et all who seek $ou8 ) God8 !e glad and reEoice in $ou. 0et all who lo-e $our sal-ation e-er sa$8 D'he 0ord !e magni"ied.? 1ut I am poor and need$J help me8 ) God. Iou are m$ helper and m$ deli-ererJ 0ord8 do not dela$. *salm 1/, 0ord8 hear m$ pra$erJ in $our truth gi-e ear to m$ supplication8 and in $our Eustice hear me. 3o not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant8 "or in $our sight no one li-ing can !e Eusti"ied. For the enem$ pursued m$ soulJ hum!led m$ li"e to the groundJ made me dwell in darkness8 like those "or e-er dead. %$ spirit in me grew wear$8 and m$ heart was trou!led within me. I remem!ered da$s o" oldJ I meditated on all $our works. I made the works o" $our hands m$ meditation. I stretched out m$ hands towards $ouJ m$ soul thirsted "or $ou like a waterless land. ,;6

Hear me swi"tl$8 ) 0ordJ m$ spirit has "ailed. 3o not turn $our "ace "rom me8 or I shall !e like those who go down to the *it. %ake me hear o" $our merc$ in the morning8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. %ake known to me the wa$ in which I should walk8 "or to $ou I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul. 3eli-er me "rom m$ enemies8 0ordJ I ha-e run to $ou "or shelter. 'each me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. For $our name?s sake8 ) 0ord8 $ou will gi-e me li"e. In $our Eustice $ou will !ring m$ soul out o" trou!leJ in $our merc$ sla$ m$ enemies8 and destro$ all those who a""lict m$ soul8 "or I am $our ser-ant. 'he 3oxolog$ Glor$ to God in the highest8 and on earth peace8 goodwill among men. 2e praise $ou8 we !less $ou8 we worship $ou8 we glori"$ $ou8 we gi-e $ou thanks "or $our great glor$. 0ord8 King8 God o" hea-en8 Father almight$: 0ord8 onl$C!egotten &on8 4esus hrist and Hol$ &pirit. 0ord God8 0am! o" God8 &on o" the Father8 who take awa$ the sin o" the world8 ha-e merc$ on usJ $ou take awa$ the sins o" the world. (ecei-e our pra$er8 $ou who sit on the right hand o" the Father8 and ha-e merc$ on us. For $ou alone are hol$8 $ou alone are 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. +-er$ e-ening I will !less $ou8 and praise $our name "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. 0ord8 $ou ha-e !een our re"uge "rom generation to generation. I said8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on me8 heal m$ soul8 "or I ha-e sinned against $ou. 0ord8 I ha-e run to $ou "or re"ugeJ teach me to do $our will "or $ou are m$ God. For with $ou is the source o" li"e8 and in $our light we shall see light. ontinue $our merc$ toward those who know $ou. Grant8 0ord8 this night to keep us without sin. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 the God o" our "athers8 and praised and glori"ied is $our name "or e-er more. Amen. %a$ $our merc$8 0ord8 !e upon us8 as we ha-e trusted in $ou. 1lessed are $ou8 0ord8 teach ,;>

me $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 %aster8 make me understand $our statutes. 1lessed are $ou8 Hol$ )ne8 enlighten me with $our statutes. 0ord8 $our merc$ is "or e-er. 3o not scorn the work o" $our hands. 'o $ou praise is due8 to $ou song is due8 to $ou glor$ is due8 Father8 &on8 and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hen we sa$ the anon o" the da$8 or that o" the %other o" God "rom the 'heotokarion. A"ter the completion o" the 'roparia o" the anon: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen )ur Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowedJ $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors. And do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader, Amen. And the "ollowing 'roparion with its -erses: 'one >. ,;<

0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. #erse: *raise God in his &aintsJ praise him in the "irmament o" his power. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ uaV &IQ+WX/V )0)(WXY""5555VZ (eader, Amen. And the "ollowing 'roparion with its -erses: 'one >. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. #erse: *raise God in his &aintsJ praise him in the "irmament o" his power. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. #erse: *raise him "or his might$ actsJ praise him according to the greatness o" his maEest$. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. #erse: *raise him with the sound o" the trumpetJ praise him with lute and harp. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. #erse: *raise him with tim!rel and danceJ praise him with strings and pipe. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. #erse: *raise him with tune"ul c$m!alsJ praise him with loud c$m!als. 0et e-er$thing that has !reath praise the 0ord. 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. ,;=

'he "irst hoir: *raise God in his &aints. 'he second hoir: *raise him in the "irmament o" his power. And again the two hoirs together: 0ord o" powers !e with usJ "or we ha-e no help !ut $ou in trou!les. 0ord o" powers ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$. 0ord8 i" we did not ha-e $our &aints as intercessors8 and $our goodness compassionate towards us8 how could we dare to h$mn $ou8 &a-iour8 whom the Angels ceaselessl$ h$mn: Iou who know the heart8 spare our souls. 1oth now. 'heotokion. %an$ are the multitudes o" m$ o""ences8 %other o" God: to $ou ha-e I "led8 asking sal-ation. 0ook upon m$ sick soul8 and implore $our &on and our God that I !e gi-en "orgi-eness o" the dread"ul deeds I ha-e done8 ) onl$ !lessed one. Another. AllChol$ %other o" God8 throughout m$ li"e do not a!andon meJ do not entrust me to human protectionJ !ut help me $oursel" and ha-e merc$ on me. Another. All m$ hope I place in $ou8 ) %other o" God8 guard me under $our protection. 'hen: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. At e-er$ time and at e-er$ hour8 in hea-en and on earth worshipped and glori"ied8 hrist God8 longCsu""ering8 great in merc$8 great in compassion8 lo-ing the Eust and merci"ul to sinners8 calling all to sal-ation !$ the promise o" the good things to comeJ do $ou8 0ord8 $oursel" accept our entreaties at this hour8 and direct our li-es to $our commandments. &ancti"$ our souls8 puri"$ our !odies8 correct our thoughts8 cleanse our ideas and deli-er us "rom e-er$ distress8 e-il8 and pain. 2all us a!out with $our hol$ Angels8 that protected and guided !$ their host we ma$ reach the ,;;

unit$ o" the "aith and the knowledge o" $our unapproacha!le glor$J "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Glor$. 1oth now. Greater in honour than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ord. 'rul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou. In the name o" the 0ord8 !less8 Father. *riest: %a$ God take pit$ on us and !less us8 and shed the light o" his countenance on us and ha-e merc$ on us. And we make the three great metanias8 sa$ing to oursel-es at each a line o" the *ra$er o" &t +phrem: 0ord and %aster o" m$ li"e8 do not gi-e me a spirit o" sloth8 idle curiosit$8 lo-e o" power and useless chatter. @*rostrationA (ather accord to me8 $our ser-ant8 a spirit o" so!riet$8 humilit$8 patience and lo-e. @*rostrationA Ies8 0ord and King8 grant me to see m$ own "aults and not to condemn m$ !rotherJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. @*rostrationA 'hen the 1, small metanias and again a great metania and the last line o" the *ra$er. 'hen the 'risagion etc. and a"ter it 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1,A And sa-e and help us8 AllChol$ #irgin. *ra$er to the %ost Hol$ %other o" God !$ *aul8 monk o" the %onaster$ o" +-ergetis. &potless8 unde"iled8 incorrupt8 immaculate8 pure #irgin8 1ride o" God and 0ad$8 who !$ $our mar-ellous concei-ing united God the 2ord with mankind and Eoined our reEected human nature to the hea-enl$ realmJ the onl$ hope o" the hopeless8 .55

help o" the attacked8 read$ assistance o" those who "lee to $ou8 and re"uge o" all hristiansJ do not turn in loathing "rom me8 an accursed sinner8 who ha-e made m$sel" utterl$ worthless through shame"ul thoughts and words and deeds8 and through the sloth o" the pleasures o" li"e ha-e !ecome a sla-e to m$ own will. 1ut as %other o" the God who lo-es mankind ha-e compassion on me8 a sinner and a prodigal8 in $our lo-e "or mankind8 and accept the pra$er I o""er $ou "rom polluted lips. And using $our %other?s !oldness8 implore $our &on8 our %aster and 0ord8 that he open to me also the compassionate heart o" his goodness8 and disregarding m$ countless o""ences turn me !ack to repentance8 and make me a tried worker o" his commandments. And8 as $ou are "ull o" merc$8 compassion and lo-ingC kindness8 !e e-er near me: in this present li"e a "er-ent helper and protector8 shielding me "rom the enem$?s assaults and guiding me to sal-ation8 and at the moment o" m$ departure watching o-er m$ wretched soul and dri-ing "ar "rom her the dark "orms o" e-il demonsJ !ut on the dread da$ o" Eudgement deli-ering me "rom eternal punishment and making me heir to the ine""a!le glor$ o" $our &on and our God. All this ma$ I o!tain8 m$ 0ad$8 most hol$ %other o" God8 through $our mediation and assistanceJ through the grace and lo-e "or mankind o" $our onl$C !egotten &on8 our 0ord and God and &a-iour8 4esus hrist. 'o whom are due all glor$8 honour and worship8 with his Father who is without !eginning and his allC hol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. *ra$er to )ur 0ord 4esus hrist !$ the monk Antiochus. And grant us8 %aster8 as we go to our sleep8 rest o" !od$ and soulJ and guard us "rom the gloom$ sleep o" sin and "rom e-er$ dark pleasure o" the night. alm the assaults o" the passions8 Fuench the "ier$ arrows o" the e-il one that are cunningl$ aimed at us8 put down the re!ellions o" our "lesh and still our e-er$ earthl$ and material thought. And grant us8 ) God8 a watch"ul mind8 chaste thought8 a wake"ul heart8 sleep that is light and "ree "rom e-er$ satanic "antas$. (ouse us at the time "or pra$er strengthened in $our commandments and holding "irml$ within us the .51

memor$ o" $our Eudgements. Grant that we ma$ sing $our glor$ all night long and so h$mn8 !less and glori"$ $our all honoured and maEestic name8 o" Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. %ost glorious8 e-erC#irgin8 !lessed %other o" God8 !ring our pra$er to $our &on and our God8 and ask that through $ou he ma$ sa-e our souls. *ra$er o" &t Ioannikios 'he Father is m$ hope8 the &on m$ re"uge8 the Hol$ &pirit m$ protection. Hol$ 'rinit$8 glor$ to $ou. All m$ hope I la$ on $ou8 ) %other o" God8 guard me !eneath $our shelter. *riest: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Hol$ Father8 !less. *riest: *eace to all. (eader: And to $our spirit. Priest, 0et us !ow our heads to the 0ord. (eader: 'o $ou8 ) 0ord. *riest: %ost merci"ul %aster8 0ord 4esus hrist our God8 at the pra$ers o" our allC pure 0ad$8 %other o" God8 and e-erC-irgin %ar$J !$ the power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing ross8 the protection o" the honoura!le hea-enl$ 1odiless *owers8 the intercessions o" the honoura!le8 glorious *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohnJ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" the hol$8 glorious and rightC -ictorious %art$rsJ o" our -enera!le and godC!earing FathersJ o" the hol$ and Eust Fore!ears o" God 4oachim and AnneJ make our pra$er accepta!le. Grant us "orgi-eness o" our o""ences. &helter us under the shelter o" $our wings. 3ri-e "ar "rom us e-er$ "oe and enem$. %ake our li-es peace"ul. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us and on $our world8 and sa-e our sa-es8 as $ou are good and lo-e mankind. .5,

'hen the &uperior making a metania to the ground sa$s to the 1rothers: 1less8 Fathers8 and pardon me a sinner. And the 1rothers: God pardon $ou8 hol$ Father. And the 1rothers !egin two !$ two8 one "rom either hoir according to rank8 to do the same8 and to ask and recei-e pardon until all ha-e done so. 'he *riest sa$s: 0et us pra$ "or the peace o" the world. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$. For our Arch!ishop N.8 our &uperior N.8 and all our !rotherhood in hrist. For our &o-ereign N. For our a!sent "athers and !rethren. For those who hate us and "or those who lo-e us. For those who are merci"ul to us and ser-e us. For those who ha-e asked us in our unworthiness to pra$ "or them. For the release o" prisoners. For those who sail upon the sea. For those who lie in sickness. 0et us pra$ "or an a!undance o" the "ruits o" the earth. And "or e-er$ soul o" )rthodox hristians. 0et us !less de-out &o-ereigns. And )rthodox High *riests. 'he Founders o" this hol$ %onaster$. )ur parents and teachers8 and all our departed "athers and !rethren8 )rthodox !elie-ers8 who here or in all the world lie asleep in the 0ord. (eader Bduring the last petition:, %a$ God pardon and ha-e merc$ on them where all the Eust reposeJ and ha-e merc$ and sa-e us as he is good and lo-es mankind. .5.

0et us sa$ also "or oursel-es8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A 'he &uperior: 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ Fathers. 'he "ollowing 'heotokia are sung: )n %onda$ and 2ednesda$: 0o-ing %other o" God %ost High8 $ou are the de"ender o" all who take re"uge under $our might$ handJ "or we sinners8 e-er !owed down !$ man$ o""ences8 ha-e no other mediation with God in dangers and a""lictions. 'here"ore we "all !e"ore $ou: 3eli-er $ou ser-ants "rom e-er$ peril. )n 'uesda$ and 'hursda$: As she looked on $our unEust slaughter8 ) hrist8 the #irgin lamented and cried out to $ou: %$ sweetest hild8 how are $ou d$ing unEustl$M Iou hung the earth upon the waters8 how are $ou hanging on a treeM 3o not8 I !eg8 lea-e me8 $our mother and ser-ant8 !ehind alone8 most merci"ul 1ene"actor. And all ha-ing recei-ed pardon "rom the &uperior8 we go !ack to our cells8 where we sa$ the "ollowing pra$er. BIn practice this pra$er is said in the hurch !$ the (eader: 'o those who hate us and wrong us8 0ord8 gi-e pardon. 'o those who do good8 do good. 'o our !rethren and kins"olk grant their reFuests that are "or sal-ation and eternal li"e. #isit those in sickness and gi-e them healing. *ilot those at sea. 4ourne$ with those who Eourne$. Fight !eside our &o-ereign. Grant "orgi-eness o" sins to those who ser-e us and ha-e merc$ on us. )n those who ha-e asked "or our pra$ers8 unworth$ though we are8 ha-e merc$ according to $our great merc$. (emem!er8 0ord8 our "athers and !rethren who ha-e "allen asleep !e"ore us and gi-e them rest where the light o" $our "ace shines. (emem!er8 0ord8 our !rethren .5/

in capti-it$8 and rescue them "rom e-er$ peril. (emem!er8 0ord8 those who make o""erings and care "or !eaut$ in $our hol$ churches and gi-e them their reFuests which are "or sal-ation and eternal li"e. (emem!er too8 0ord8 us $our hum!le and unworth$ ser-ants8 and guide us in the path o" $our commandmentsJ at the pra$ers o" $our most pure %other8 our 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$8 and all $our &aintsJ "or $ou are !lessed to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'here8 we ha-e set out accuratel$ one da$ o" the hol$ Fast and put down with our lo-e the Fuantit$ o" psalmod$ and the prostrations that ha-e !een prescri!ed !$ the hol$ Fathers. It is not allowed to cheat o-er these8 or to de"raud the hol$ lawgi-er. 'he total num!er o" prostrations in hurch "or the night and da$ o""ice8 excluding the %idnight )""ice8 is three hundred. 2e ha-e recei-ed the tradition in *alestine also to chant the *salter in our own cells8 those who can8 the whole *salter once e-er$ twent$ "our hours8 others three times in the week8 others twice. +ach is make the num!er o" prostrations that the &uperior has gi-en him according to his own a!ilit$.

2ittle #anon of Supplication to the 'ost Holy 'other of "od.

*re"ace: August in onstantinople was a month o" disease and pestilence and so it was the custom to carr$ the 'rue ross in procession through all the Fuarters o" the it$ during the "irst two weeks o" the month. 'he o""ice "or the "irst o" the month still commemorates this practice8 as does the solemn !lessing o" Hol$ 2ater8 which is per"ormed in man$ churches on that da$8 although it is the normal )rthodox custom to do so on the "irst o" e-er$ month. In Greek use it is the custom to sing the )""ice o" &upplication to the %other o" God each e-ening during the "irst .56

"ortnight o" August. 'his ma$ well !e a sur-i-al o" the ancient practice in an adapted "orm. In present practice the two anons8 the Great and the 0ittle8 are sung on alternate e-enings8 !ut since the '$pikon o" the Great hurch does not prescri!e the o""ice "or the 1st8 in man$ places the 0ittle anon is sung on the ,nd and the Great on the .rd and so "orth. 'he "ull rite supposes that the o""ice is sung at #espers immediatel$ a"ter the &ong o" &$meon8 DNow8 %aster? . It is the custom in man$ monasteries o" the Hol$ %ountain and elsewhere to sing the anon o" the %other o" God "rom the %heoto arion, with its *rosomia8 each weekda$ e-ening at this point o" #espers. 'he anons o" &upplication replace this during the "irst "ortnight o" August. 9se o" this o""ice is not con"ined to the "irst "ortnight o" August8 and so the two "orms o" the o""ice are gi-en here. It is the eFui-alent o" the &la- Molie#en8 !ut Greek use has ne-er reduced the anon simpl$ to the re"rains !etween the troparia8 omitting the troparia themsel-es8 as in the common &la- use. 'he anon itsel" is used as the "irst canon at %atins "or those "easts o" &aints on which the Para liti i is not used and which do not ha-e a special canon to the %other o" God. 'he present translation has !een made in such a wa$ that it can !e sung to the standard 1$Lantine melodies and so the text has !een laid out in accordance with the metrical structure o" the original. 2hen the texts are set out as prose8 the current Greek !ooks use commas to indicate musical punctuationJ a con"using practice8 since commas are also used "or ordinar$ punctuation o" the text. 'he use o" the monaster$ o" Grotta"errata was to indicate the metrical structure with asterisks8 and a num!er o" modern Greek !ooks ha-e adopted this. 'he h$mn DIt is trul$ right? and its %egal$narion8 DGreater in honour?8 which are taken "rom the o""icial translation o" the 3i-ine 0iturg$ o" the Archdiocese o" 'h$ateira and Great 1ritain8 do not "it exactl$ to the melod$8 !ut can !e sung Fuite easil$ without written music !$ an experienced singer. .5>

learl$ certain li!erties ha-e had to !e taken with the text in order to "it the translation to the strict musical "orms o" the original8 !ut we !elie-e that no ideas ha-e !een introduced which are not in the original and we ha-e tried to limit additions to standard epithets and occasional s$non$mous expansions. 'he work o" translation has !een done !$ Archimandrite +phrem and 3a-id %elling. 3a-id %elling has done all the work on the music8 which is also a-aila!le. 2e hope in time to pu!lish similar -ersions o" the Great anon o" &upplication and o" the )""ice o" the Akathist to the %other o" God. It should !e noted that the )""ice o" &upplication is cele!rated "or the li-ing8 and the departed should not !e commemorated in the litanies. 'he icon o" the Gorgo[pikoos8 ?&he 2ho (esponds Kuickl$?8 *roctectress o" the %onaster$ o" 3ocheiariou on the Hol$ %ountain8 was painted "or Archimandrite +phrem !$ %onk &ilouan o" the %onaster$ o" &t Arsenios in halkidiki. 'his icon is an icon o" the %other o" God ?Hodegitria?8 in whose honour the ser-ice is sung8 as the penultimate %egal$narion makes clear. &ung in e-er$ trou!le and a""liction o" soul. 3uring the "irst "ortnight o" August it is sung8 alternating with the Great anon o" &upplication8 Eoined to #espers. In this case the opening !lessing is omitted and the ser-ice !egins immediatel$ a"ter the &ong o" &$meon8 Now8 %aster8 with *salm 1/,. 'he *riest gi-es the !lessing: 1lessed is our God alwa$s8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. BI" there is no priest we !egin8 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ "athers8 0ord 4esus hrist our God8 ha-e merc$ on us. Amen.: .5<

'hen at once the "ollowing *salm. *salm 1/, 0ord8 hear m$ pra$erJ in $our truth gi-e ear to m$ supplication8 and in $our Eustice hear me. 3o not enter into Eudgement with $our ser-ant8 "or in $our sight no one li-ing can !e Eusti"ied. For the enem$ pursued m$ soulJ hum!led m$ li"e to the groundJ made me dwell in darkness8 like those "or e-er dead. %$ spirit in me grew wear$8 and m$ heart was trou!led within me. I remem!ered da$s o" oldJ I meditated on all $our works. I made the works o" $our hands m$ meditation. I stretched out m$ hands towards $ouJ m$ soul thirsted "or $ou like a waterless land. Hear me swi"tl$8 ) 0ordJ m$ spirit has "ailed. 3o not turn $our "ace "rom me8 or I shall !e like those who go down to the *it. %ake me hear o" $our merc$ in the morning8 "or I ha-e hoped in $ou. %ake known to me the wa$ in which I should walk8 "or to $ou I ha-e li"ted up m$ soul. 3eli-er me "rom m$ enemies8 0ordJ I ha-e run to $ou "or shelter. 'each me to do $our will8 "or $ou are m$ God. Iour good &pirit will guide me in an upright land. For $our name?s sake8 ) 0ord8 $ou will gi-e me li"e. In $our Eustice $ou will !ring m$ soul out o" trou!leJ in $our merc$ sla$ m$ enemies8 and destro$ all those who a""lict m$ soul8 "or I am $our ser-ant. A"ter the *salm we sing the "ollowing in 'one /. 'he 0ord is God8 and has appeared to us. 1lessed is he who comes in the name o" the 0ord. @'his is sung a"ter each o" the "ollowing -erses !$ the two choirs alternatel$A #erse 1: Gi-e thanks to the 0ord8 "or he is good: his merc$ endures "or e-er. #erse ,: All the nations surrounded me8 !ut in the name o" the 0ord I dro-e them !ack. #erse .: 'his is the 0ord?s doing8 and it is mar-ellous in our e$es. 'hen these 'roparia. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. .5=

Now to God?s %other let us hum!le sinners run in haste and in repentance let us "all down !e"ore her "eet8 cr$ing aloud with "er-our "rom the depths o" our souls8 D&o-ereign 0ad$8 help us now8 ha-e compassion upon us8 hasten8 "or we perish "rom our man$ o""ences. 0et not $our ser-ants go empt$ awa$J we ha-e $ou as our onl$ hope?. Glor$. 'he same again8 or the Apol$tikion o" the hurch. B&trictl$8 i" the latter is not in 'one /8 the "ollowing 'heotokion should !e replaced !$ one in the appropriate 'one.: 1oth now. 'he "ollowing. 'hough most unworth$8 ma$ we ne-er !$ silence "ail to proclaim $our might$ acts and accomplishments8 "or i" $ou do not stand to intercede "or us all8 %other o" our God8 who then will preser-e us in "reedomM 2ho would ha-e deli-ered us "rom such terri!le dangersM ) &o-ereign 0ad$8 "rom all kinds o" threats $ou sa-e $our ser-ants8 ma$ we not a!andon $ou. 'hen *salm 658 read !$ the (eader. *salm 65 .5;

Ha-e merc$ on me8 ) God8 in accordance with $our great merc$. According to the multitude o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 2ash me thoroughl$ "rom m$ wickedness8 and cleanse me "rom m$ sin. For I acknowledge m$ wickedness8 and m$ sin is e-er !e"ore me. Against $ou alone I ha-e sinned and done what is e-il in $our sight8 that $ou ma$ !e Eusti"ied in $our words and win when $ou are Eudged. For see8 in wickedness I was concei-ed and in sin m$ mother !ore me. For see8 $ou ha-e lo-ed truthJ $ou ha-e shown me the hidden and secret things o" $our wisdom. Iou will sprinkle me with h$ssop and I shall !e cleansed. Iou will wash me and I shall !e made whiter than snow. Iou will make me hear o" Eo$ and gladnessJ the !ones which ha-e !een hum!led will reEoice. 'urn awa$ $our "ace "rom m$ sins and !lot out all m$ iniFuities. reate a clean heart in me8 ) God8 and renew a right &pirit within me. 3o not cast me out "rom $our presence8 and do not take $our Hol$ &pirit "rom me. Gi-e me !ack the Eo$ o" $our sal-ation8 and esta!lish me with $our so-ereign &pirit. I will teach transgressors $our wa$s8 and sinners will turn to $ou again. ) God8 the God o" m$ sal-ation8 deli-er me "rom !loodshed and m$ tongue will reEoice at $our Eustice. 0ord8 $ou will open m$ lips8 and m$ mouth will proclaim $our praise. For i" $ou had wanted a sacri"ice8 I would ha-e gi-en it. Iou will not take pleasure in !urnt o""erings. A sacri"ice to God is a !roken spirit. A !roken and a hum!led heart God will not despise. 3o good to &ion8 0ord8 in $our good pleasure8 and let the walls o" 4erusalem !e re!uilt. 'hen $ou will !e well pleased with a sacri"ice o" Eustice8 o!lation and whole !urnt o""erings. 'hen the$ will o""er cal-es upon $our altar. And we !egin the anon. A omposition !$ %onk 'heostiriktos8 or8 as some sa$8 'heophanes. )de 18 'one =. 'he Irmos.

On crossing the water as though dr$ land8

escaping "rom +g$pt and its miseries in his "light8 .15

the Israelite raised his -oice and cried aloud8 D'o our (edeemer and our God now let us singH? 'roparia. In each )de8 a"ter the "irst two 'roparia we sing8 %ost hol$ %other o" God8 sa-e usH

B$ man$ temptations I am held "ast8

and seeking sal-ation come "or re"uge in "light to $ou ) %other o" God?s own 2ord and #irgin8 "rom m$ dread dangers and trou!les now rescue me.

The passions torment with their assaults8

despondenc$?s !urden presses hea-il$ on m$ soul8 with the calm o" $our &on and God8 pure %aiden8 ) AllCimmaculate #irgin8 now gi-e me peace. Glor$.

To God and our &a-iour8 $ou once ga-e !irth8

pure %aiden8 I !eg $ou8 "rom dread trou!les ma$ I !e sa-ed8 "or as I now run to $ou "or re"uge8 it is to $ou that I li"t !oth m$ soul and mind. 1oth now.

1n !od$ and soul8 sick as I am8

consider me worth$8 onl$ %other o" our true God8 .11

o" $our godl$ pro-idence and kindness8 "or $ou are good and the one who ga-e !irth to Good. )de .. 'he Irmos.

4ou constructed the hea-ens? high -ault8 ) 0ord8 and the

has $ou as its !uilder8 do $ou esta!lish me in $our lo-e8 $ou are the pinnacle o" all desires8 and "oundation8 mankind?s onl$ 0o-er8 o" all who !elie-e in $ou. 'roparia.


2s protection I set $ou and as the shield o" m$ li"e8

$ou ga-e !irth to God8 #irgin %other8 guide me as a pilot now into $our anchorage8 $ou the support o" the "aith"ul8 source o" all good things8 $ou alone the one allCpraised.

1 entreat $ou8 ) #irgin8 dispel the stri"e in m$ soul8

paci"$8 I pra$ $ou8 the tempest o" m$ despondenc$8 "or $ou8 ) 1ride o" God8 ga-e !irth to him who is calm?s source8 $ou ga-e !irth to hrist8 $ou alone are the one allCpraised.

Bene"actor is he whom $ou !ore and cause o" all good8

pour out then "or all the a!undant wealth o" his !ene"its8 power to do all things8 is $ours who !ore hrist the might$8 power"ul in strength is he8 ) greatl$ !lessed !$ God. .1,

Cruel illnesses test me8 and passions most damaging8

help me8 I !eseech $ou8 ) #irgin8 aid me8 allC!lameless one8 "or I know $ou to !e the inexhausti!le treasure8 ne-er "ailing storehouse8 o" healings that ha-e no price. )ther 'roparia. &a-e $our ser-ants8 "rom e-er$ danger8 ) %other o" God8 "or next a"ter God we all "l$ "or re"uge to $ou as un!reacha!le wall and protection. 2ith kindness8 allCpraised %other o" God8 look on the dire a""liction o" m$ !od$ and heal the pain o" m$ soul. 'hen the 0itan$ o" supplication. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @three times a"ter each petitionA. *riest: Also we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N.8 and "or all our !rotherhood in hrist. Also we pra$ "or merc$8 li"e8 peace8 health8 sal-ation8 -isitation8 pardon and "orgi-eness o" sins "or the ser-ants o" God8 all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 those who dwell in or -isit this cit$ and parish8 the wardens and mem!ers o" this church and their "amilies.


Also we pra$ "or the ser-ants o" God who make this supplication8 and "or the ser-ants o" God @and he commemorates the names o" those "or whom the supplication is !eing madeA. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x. or x1,A. *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. *eople: Amen. Kathisma. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. In-inci!le rampart8 "er-ent intercession8 the wellspring o" merc$8 re"uge o" the world8 to $ou we all cr$ insistentl$8 D&o-ereign 0ad$8 %other who !ore our God8 hasten8 "rom perils swi"tl$ set us "ree8 alone $ou are e-er swi"t in our de"ence?. )de /. Irmos.

1 ha-e heard8 0ord8 the m$ster$

o" $our dispensation8 I heard and was a"raid8 I ha-e meditated on $our works and exalt and glori"$ $our 3eit$. 'roparia.

1 entreat $ou8 ) 1ride o" God8

still m$ passions? tumult8 the tempest o" m$ "aults8 still the raging turmoil in m$ soulJ $ou who !rought to !irth m$ pilot and m$ 0ord. .1/

2s I call on $ou grant to me

$our compassion?s depths8 let me know $our tenderness8 $ou who !ore the &a-iour o" all those who now li"t their -oices and who sing $our praise.

2llCImmaculate #irgin8
we acknowledge $ou as the %other o" our God as we o""er $ou our h$mns o" thanks8 "or $our man$ gracious gi"ts which we enEo$.

2s our hope and assurance8

rampart o" sal-ation which none can o-erthrow we ha-e gained $ou8 highl$ honoured one8 and "rom e-er$ trou!le $ou deli-er us. )de 6. 'he Irmos.

)ord8 enlighten us8

with $our ordinances and commands8 and with $our upraised arm grant unto us $our peace8 "or $ou alone8 ) 0ord8 are 0o-er o" humanit$. 'roparia.

"ill m$ heart8 I pra$8

with $our gladness and unsullied Eo$8 #irgin most pure8 the onl$ %other o" our God8 "or $ou who ga-e !irth to him who is the cause o" gladness.

Come8 deli-er us

"rom all dangers8 %other o" our God8 $ou !ore eternal li!eration8 %aid most pure8 the peace which passes all understanding came to !irth "rom $ou.

%issipate the "og8

1ride o" God8 the murk o" m$ misdeeds8 with the illumination o" $our radiance8 $ou who ga-e !irth to the di-ine and preCeternal light.

Heal me8 ) %ost *ure8

heal the sickness that a""licts m$ soul8 making it worth$ o" $our kindness and $our care8 and !$ $our "er-ent intercession grant me health8 I pra$. )de >. Irmos.

1 pour out
m$ supplication to the 0ord8 and to him I shall declare m$ a""lictions8 "or8 see8 m$ soul has !een "illed up with e-ils and now m$ li"e has !een drawn -er$ close to Hell. 0ike 4onas I appeal to $ou8 D) m$ God8 !ring me up "rom corruptionH? 'roparia.

2s "rom death
and "rom corruption and deca$8 when to death and to deca$ it capti-e8 he sa-ed m$ nature held "ast !$ corruption .1>

gi-ing himsel" o-er into the hand o" death8 ) #irgin8 !eg $our 0ord and &on "rom the malice o" "oes to deli-er me.

1 know $ou
to !e m$ li"e?s sure guardian its protection and shield8 ) pure #irgin8 $ou who dispel the great throng o" temptations8 and dri-e awa$ assaults o" demon hordes8 unceasingl$ I plead with $ou8 DFrom the passions? corruption deli-er me?.

O %aiden8
complete sal-ation o" our souls8 we ha-e gained $ou as our rampart o" re"uge8 as our relie" in a""lictions and torment8 and in $our light e-ermore we are "illed with Eo$. ) &o-ereign 0ad$8 sa-e us now "rom the passions and dangers !esetting us.

1n sickness
and with no healing in m$ "lesh now I lie upon m$ !ed8 $et I implore $ou8 as $ou ga-e !irth to our God and the world?s &a-iour8 to him who "rees us "rom sickness and malad$8 ) good one8 hear me8 I implore8 DFrom disease?s corruption now raise me up?. .1<

)ther 'roparia. &a-e $our ser-ants8 "rom e-er$ danger8 ) %other o" God8 "or next a"ter God we all "l$ "or re"uge to $ou as un!reacha!le wall and protection. Immaculate8 who through a word ga-e !irth to the 2ord !e$ond explanation in the last da$s8 make intercession8 as $ou ha-e a mother?s "reedom to speak. 'hen again the 0itan$ o" supplication. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @three times a"ter each petitionA. *riest: Also we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N.8 and "or all our !rotherhood in hrist. Also we pra$ "or merc$8 li"e8 peace8 health8 sal-ation8 -isitation8 pardon and "orgi-eness o" sins "or the ser-ants o" God8 all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 those who dwell in or -isit this cit$ and parish8 the wardens and mem!ers o" this church and their "amilies. Also we pra$ "or the ser-ants o" God who make this supplication8 and "or the ser-ants o" God @and he commemorates the names o" those "or whom the supplication is !eing madeA. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x. or x1,A. *riest: For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 Father8 &on and Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. .1=

*eople: Amen. Kontakion. 'one ,.

*rotection o"

hristians that cannot !e put to shame8 un"ailing mediation with the %aker8 do not despise the -oices o" us sinners as we pra$J !ut8 in $our lo-e8 !e Fuick to help us who cr$ to $ou with "aith8 DHasten to intercede8 make speed to entreat8 ) %other o" God?8 "or $ou e-er protect those who honour $ou. 'hen the Ana-athmi8 the 1st Antiphon in 'one /: From m$ $outh up man$ passions make war on me: !ut $ou8 ) &a-iour8 help me and sa-e me. @x,A Iou who hate &ion8 ma$ $ou !e put to shame !$ the 0ord: "or $ou will !e dried up as grass !$ "ire. @x,A Glor$. 1$ the Hol$ &pirit e-er$ soul is gi-en li"e8 !$ cleansing it is exalted8 it is made !right !$ the three"old 9nit$ in a sacred m$ster$. 1oth now. 1$ the Hol$ &pirit the streams o" grace well up8 watering all creation to engender li"e. 'hen the *rokeimenon in 'one /. *salm //. I will remem!er $our name throughout all generations @x,A. .1;

#erse: 0isten m$ daughter and see8 and incline $our ear8 and "orget $our people and $our "ather?s house8 and the King will desire $our !eaut$. I will remem!er $our name throughout all generations. *riest: And that he would count us worth$ to listen to the hol$ Gospel8 let us pra$ to the 0ord God. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. *riest: 2isdom8 stand upright. 0et us listen to the hol$ Gospel. *riest: *eace to all. *eople: And to $our &pirit. *riest: 'he (eading is "rom the hol$ Gospel according to 0uke. B18 .;U/;.6>: *eople: Glor$ to $ou8 ) 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH *riest: 0et us attend.

1n those da$s %ar$ arose and went with haste into the hill countr$8 to a cit$ o"
4uda8 and she entered the house o" Qachar$ and greeted +liLa!eth. And when +liLa!eth heard %ar$?s greeting8 the in"ant leaped in her wom!J and +liLa!eth was "illed with the Hol$ &pirit and she exclaimed with a loud cr$8 D1lessed are $ou among women8 and !lessed is the "ruit o" $our wom!H And wh$ is this granted me8 that the mother o" m$ 0ord should come to meM For see8 when the -oice o" $our greeting came to m$ ears8 the in"ant in m$ wom! leaped "or Eo$. And !lessed is she who !elie-ed that there would !e a "ul"ilment o" what was spoken to her "rom the 0ord.? And %ar$ said8 D%$ soul magni"ies the 0ord8 and m$ spirit has reEoiced in God m$ &a-iour8 "or he has regarded the low estate o" his handmaiden. For !ehold8 "rom hence"orth all generations will call me !lessedJ "or he who is might$ has done great things "or me8 and hol$ is his name. And %ar$ remained with her a!out three months8 and returned to her own house. *eople: Glor$ to $ou8 ) 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH .,5

Glor$ to the Father and to the &on and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'one ,. Father8 2ord and &pirit8 'rinit$ in 9nit$8 !lot out the multitude o" m$ transgressions. 1oth now and "or e-er and to the ages o" ages. Amen. 'hrough the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 ) %erci"ul )ne8 !lot out the multitude o" m$ transgressions. Ha-e merc$ on me8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$J according to the "ullness o" $our compassion !lot out m$ o""ence. 'one >. Ha-ing placed all $our hope. &o-ereign and allChol$ one8 do not trust me to protection which is merel$ human8 !ut accept the pleading o" $our supplicant8 anguish has hold o" me8 nor can I endure the hostile demons? arrowsJ no shelter can I "ind8 no8 nor place o" re"uge8 wretch that I am8 "rom e-er$ side I am assailed8 and8 sa-e $ou8 I "ind none that o""ers solace8 Kueen o" all creation8 *rotection o" the "aith"ul and our hope8 do not despise m$ entreat$8 !ut take action "or m$ good. )ther 'heotokia in the same 'one. .,1

No one who has recourse to $ou goes "rom $our presence put to shame and reEected8 ) %other o" God8 pure #irgin8 !ut asking "or grace the$ recei-e gi"ts and !ene"its most ad-antageous to the plea the$ make. For the a""licted8 trans"ormation and li!eration "or the ailing are $ou8 ) %other o" God8 most pure #irgin: sa-e $our it$8 sa-e us all. 'o all those em!attled8 $ou are peace8 $ou are calm to those tossed !$ the tempest the one *rotection o" the "aith"ul. *riest: ) God8 sa-e $our people and !less $our inheritance8 -isit $our world with merc$ and pit$8 exalt the horn o" )rthodox hristians and send down upon us $our rich merciesJ at the pra$ers o" our allCpure 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$J !$ the power o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing rossJ at the protection o" the honoured 1odiless *owers o" hea-enJ through the intercessions o" the honoured8 glorious *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohn8 o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised ApostlesJ o" the hol$8 glorious and triumphant %art$rsJ o" our -enera!le and God!earing Fathers and %othersJ o" &aint N. Bthe patron o" the hurch:J o" the hol$ and righteous Fore!ears o" God8 4oachim and Anne8 o" &aint N.8 whose memor$ we cele!rate Bthe &aint o" the da$:8 and o" all $our &aints8 we !eseech $ou8 onl$ merci"ul 0ord8 hearken to us sinners as we pra$ to $ou and ha-e merc$ on us. .,,

&ingers: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x1, in groups o" threeA. *riest: 1$ the merc$ and compassion and lo-e towards mankind o" $our onl$C !egotten &on8 with whom $ou are !lessed8 together with $our allChol$8 good and li"eCgi-ing &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. &ingers: Amen. And we continue with the rest o" the anon. )de <. Irmos.

The 'hree Iouths "rom 4udea

who attained to the "aith o" the hol$ 'rinit$ in 1a!$lon o" old8 sang out as the$ trampled on the "urnace?s raging "lames8 D1lessed are $ou8 ) God8 the God o" our FathersH? 'roparia.

'ith the will to accomplish

our sal-ation8 ) &a-iour8 $ou made $our dwelling place within the #irgin?s wom!8 re-ealed her as the champion and protection "or all the world. D1lessed are $ou8 ) God8 the God o" our FathersH?

O pure %other implore him

who desires to grant merc$8 the one $ou !rought to !irth8 that the$ ma$ !e set "ree .,.

"rom "aults and soul?s de"ilements8 those who cr$ out with "aith and sing8 D1lessed are $ou8 ) God8 the God o" our FathersH?

4ou re-ealed her who !ore $ou

as a tower o" sa"et$8 as incorruption?s "ount8 sal-ation?s treasure store and doorwa$ to repentance "or all those who now cr$ aloud8 D1lessed are $ou8 ) God8 the God o" our FathersH?

2s $ou !ore

hrist the &a-iour "or our sake8 deign to heal "rom all sicknesses o" the soul and weakness o" the !od$ those who with lo-e and longing8 ) most pure8 who ga-e !irth to God8 come close to $ou8 to draw near to $our di-ine protection. )de =. Irmos.

The King o" hea-en8

whose praise the Angels are singing8 all the hosts o" the !odiless powers praise him and exalt him most highl$ to all ages. 'roparia. .,/

%o not despise those

who !eg $our help8 ) pure #irgin8 as their raise their song up in $our honour8 praising and exalting $ou8 %aiden8 to the ages.

5nending ri-ers
o" healings $ou pour8 ) #irgin8 "or all those who him and extol and praise $ou8 those whose songs exalt $our 1irthCGi-ing !e$ond language.

4ou cure8 ) #irgin8

all m$ soul?s weakness and sickness8 and the "lesh?s tormenting a""lictions8 so that I ma$ sing o" $our glor$8 Highl$ Fa-oured.

The passions? onslaughts

and the assaults o" temptations $ou8 ) #irgin8 repel and dri-e "rom us8 where"ore we shall praise and h$mn $ou to all ages. )de ;. Irmos.

'e who through $ou8 ) #irgin8

ha-e !een sa-ed con"ess $ou to !e most trul$ the one who ga-e !irth to God8 with all the choirs o" the hea-ens $ou we now magni"$. 'roparia.

%o not reEect m$ weeping8


tears that "low unceasing8 "or $ou8 ) #irgin8 ga-e !irth to our &a-iour hrist8 and it he who has wiped e-er$ tear "rom e-er$ "ace.

Come8 "ill m$ heart8 ) #irgin8

"ill m$ heart with gladness8 "or $ou recei-ed in his "ullness the Eo$ o" all8 and made the pain and the sadness o" sin now disappear.

O #irgin8 !e the ha-en8

shelter and protection o" those who "lee to $ou8 rampart unshakea!le8 ma$ the$ ha-e as their re"uge8 their gladness and their Eo$.

%ispel the "og o" error8

ignorance?s darkness8 and let $our light?s ra$s8 ) #irgin8 illumine those who with de-otion l m$ heart8 ) #irgin8 "ill m$ heart with gladness8 "or $ou recei-ed in his "ullness the Eo$ o" all8 and made the pain and the sadness o" sin now disappear.

O #irgin8 !e the ha-en8

shelter and protection o" those who "lee to $ou8 rampart unshakea!le8 ma$ the$ ha-e as their re"uge8 their gladness and their Eo$.

%ispel the "og o" error8


ignorance?s darkness8 and let $our light?s ra$s8 ) #irgin8 illumine those who with de-otion proclaim $ou the %other o" our God.

Heal one laid low and wretched8

in a place o" sickness8 a place8 ) #irgin8 o" ill and o" wretchedness8 grant trans"ormation "rom weakness and "ee!leness to health. 'hen the %egal$naria8 during which the *riest censes.

1t is trul$ right to call $ou !lessed8

who ga-e !irth to God8 e-erC!lessed and most pure8 and %other o" our God.

+reater in honour than the

heru!im and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 without corruption $ou ga-e !irth to God the 2ordJ trul$ the %other o" God8 we magni"$ $ou.

Higher than the hea-ens is she !$ "ar8

and $et more resplendent than the sun with its !laLing ra$s8 she who has deli-ered us "rom the curse?s power8 in h$mns now let us honour her who rules all the world. .,<

"rom the swarming multitude o" m$ sins8

!oth m$ soul and !od$ are now weakened8 the$ are !oth sick8 ) %ost Highl$ Fa-oured8 to $ou I "l$ "or re"uge8 the hope o" those who ha-e none8 grant me8 I pra$ $ou8 $our help.

&other o" the )ne who redeemed us all8

hear the supplications $our unworth$ household makes8 !e our intercessor with him8 the )ne !orn "rom $ou8 the world?s true &o-ereign 0ad$8 !ecome our Ad-ocate.

"er-entl$ and Eo$"ull$ we now sing

h$mns and odes to $ou8 the allCpraised %other o" our God8 with the 0ord?s Forerunner and all the &aints in hea-en8 implore $our &on8 ) %other8 to show us pit$ now.

)et the impious? lips !e !ere"t o" speech8

who do not worship this $our icon8 the allCre-ered8 this which was depicted !$ 0uke8 the 0ord?s Apostle8 the icon with the title8 D&he who points out the 2a$?. .,=

'he %egal$narion o" the *atron o" the hurch. 'hen

2ll $ou hosts o" hea-en8 the Angel 1ands8

4ohn8 the 0ord?s Forerunner8 the Apostles8 the hol$ 'wel-e8 &aints !e$ond all num!er8 with our God?s own %other8 make intercession "or us8 that we ma$ all !e sa-ed. (eader: Hol$ God8 Hol$ &trong8 Hol$ Immortal8 ha-e merc$ on us @three timesA. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen. AllChol$ 'rinit$8 ha-e merc$ on us. 0ord8 cleanse us "rom our sins. %aster8 pardon our iniFuities. Hol$ )ne8 -isit and heal our in"irmities "or $our name?s sake. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &piritJ !oth now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. Amen Our Father8 in hea-en8 ma$ $our name !e hallowed8 $our kingdom comeJ $our will !e done on earth as in hea-en. Gi-e us toda$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!tors8 and do not lead us into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. *riest: For $ours is the kingdom8 the power and the glor$8 o" the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. I" the &er-ice o" &upplication is sung !$ itsel" without #espers8 or outside the "irst "ortnight o" August8 then the "ollowing are sung. 'roparia o" ompunction. 'one >. .,;

Ha-e merc$ on us8 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on usJ "or we sinners8 lacking all de"ence8 o""er $ou8 as our %aster8 this supplication: ha-e merc$ on us. Glor$. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ on us8 "or in $ou we ha-e put our trust. 3o not !e -er$ angr$ with us8 nor remem!er our iniFuities. 1ut look on us now8 as $ou are compassionate8 and rescue us "rom our enemies. For $ou are our God8 and we are $our peopleJ we are all the work o" $our hands8 and we ha-e called on $our name. 1oth now. )pen the gate o" compassion to us8 !lessed %other o" GodJ hoping in $ou8 ma$ we not "ail. 'hrough $ou ma$ we !e deli-ered "rom ad-ersities8 "or $ou are the sal-ation o" the hristian race. I"8 howe-er8 the &er-ice is sung as part o" #espers8 or during the "irst "ortnight o" August8 then the Apol$tikion o" the da$8 together with the appropriate 'heotokion8 is sung. 'hen the 0itan$ o" supplication. *riest: Ha-e merc$ on us8 ) God8 according to $our great merc$8 we pra$ $ou8 hear and ha-e merc$. *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A *eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @three times a"ter each petitionA. *riest: Also we pra$ "or our Arch!ishop N.8 and "or all our !rotherhood in hrist. Also we pra$ "or merc$8 li"e8 peace8 health8 sal-ation8 -isitation8 pardon and "orgi-eness o" sins "or the ser-ants o" God8 all de-out and )rthodox hristians8 those who dwell in or -isit this cit$ and parish8 the wardens and mem!ers o" this church and their "amilies. Also we pra$ "or the ser-ants o" God who make this supplication8 and "or the ser-ants o" God @and he commemorates the names o" those "or whom the supplication is !eing madeA. ..5

*eople: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x. or x1,A. Also we pra$ "or the protection o" this cit$ and land "rom plague8 "amine8 earthFuake8 "lood8 "ire8 sword8 in-asion !$ enemies8 ci-il war and sudden deathJ and that our good God8 who lo-es mankind8 will !e merci"ul8 kindl$ and easil$ entreated8 will turn awa$ and dispel all wrath and disease stirred up against us8 and deli-er us "rom his Eust threat that hangs o-er us8 and ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x/5A. BIn groups o" 15 while the *riest is pra$ing: *riest: Also we pra$ that the 0ord8 our God8 will hearken to the -oice o" supplication o" us sinners and ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. *riest: Hear us8 ) God our &a-iour8 the hope o" all the ends o" the earth and o" those "ar o"" on the seaJ and show pit$8 show pit$8 %aster8 on our sins8 and ha-e merc$ on us. For $ou8 ) God8 are merci"ul and lo-e mankind8 and to $ou we gi-e glor$8 to the Father8 the &on and the Hol$ &pirit8 now and "or e-er8 and to the ages o" ages. (eader: Amen. *riest: Glor$ to $ou8 hrist8 God8 our hope8 glor$ to $ou. (eader: Glor$. 1oth now. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ @x.A. Hol$ Father8 !less. *riest: %a$ hrist our true God8 through the pra$ers o" his all pure and hol$ %other8 the intercessions o" the hol$ glorious8 allCpraised Apostles8 @o" the &aint o" the church and o" the da$A and o" all the &aints8 ha-e merc$ on us and sa-e us8 "or he is good and lo-es mankind. 2hile the hristians kiss the Icon o" the %other o" God8 we chant the "ollowing 'roparia. 'one ,. 2hen "rom the 'ree. All those8 lo-ing #irgin8 $ou protect8 with $our might$ hand8 who in "aith come ..1

to seek re"uge with $ouJ "or we sinners8 !owed !eneath the weight o" man$ "aults8 ha-e no other who in our dangers and our a""lictions is e-erCpresent intercessor !e"ore God8 %other o" God8 the %ost High8 whence we "all !e"ore $ou8 D3eli-er all $our ser-ants in e-er$ predicament?. 'he same melod$. 4o$ o" all who are a""licted8 champion o" all dealt inEustice8 the "ood "or those who are in need8 $ou8 the stranger?s ad-ocate8 support and sta"" o" the !lind8 lo-ing care o" the sick are $ou8 to all who are crushed down shield8 de"ence and aid are $ou8 the orphan?s succour and help8 %other o" our God the %ost High8 hasten8 AllCImmaculate8 hasten8 hear our pra$er8 deli-er all $our ser-ants. 'one =. Accept the pleadings o" $our ser-ants8 ) 0ad$8 and rescue us "rom e-er$ constraint and a""liction. 'one ,. All m$ hope I la$ on $ou8 %other o" God. Guard me !eneath $our protection. ..,

3uring the "irst "ortnight o" August it is customar$ to sing8 instead o" the preceding 'heotokia8 the "ollowing +xapostilaria. 'one .. As God $ou adorned the hea-ens. Apostles8 $ou assem!led here !rought here "rom the earth?s "urthest limits8 here in the !ounds o" Gethsemane I !id $ou inter m$ !od$. And $ou8 m$ &on and m$ God8 m$ dear &on8 recei-e m$ spirit. ) sweetness o" the Angels8 the Eo$ o" all those in distress8 the #irgin %other o" the 0ord8 $ou are the protection o" hristians8 come to m$ aid8 deli-er me "rom the eternal torments. For $ou I ha-e as ad-ocate !e"ore the God who lo-es mankind8 do not expose what I ha-e done !e"ore the sight o" the Angels8 and I entreat $ou8 ) #irgin8 pra$8 come to m$ aid8 come swi"tl$. ) 'ower wreathed in gold8 ) glorious 'wel-eCwalled it$8 'he 'hrone "rom which the sun pours down8 the &eat o" the King o" all8 ...

) wonder !e$ond understandingH How is it $ou suckle the %asterM *riest 'hrough the pra$ers o" our hol$ "athers8 0ord 4esus hrist our God8 ha-e merc$ on us. (eader: Amen. 'he 'ranslation is \ !$ Archimandrite +phrem and 3a-id %elling NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN]NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

Selected %roparia and Konda1ia.

'onth of Septem$er. It has .5 da$s. 'he da$ has 1, hours and the night 1, hours. 1. 1eginning o" the Indiction8 that is o" the New Iear. ommemoration o" our -enera!le "ather &$meon the &t$liteJ assem!l$ o" the %other o" God o" the %iasini. ommemoration o" the mart$r Aithalas8 and o" the "ort$ hol$ women and o" Ammoun8 the deacon and their teacher8 and o" the hol$ mart$rs Kallisti8 +-odos and Hermogenes8 sister and !rothers. ommemoration o" 4esus the Eust8 son o" Na-iJ and memorial o" the great "ire. 'H+ 1+GINNING )F 'H+ IN3I 'I)N. 'he (oman +mperors8 "or the maintenance o" their troops8 decreed through a constitution a certain general tri!ute on their su!Eects !$ e-er$ eparch$8 the pa$ment o" which took place $earl$. 'he same constitution was repeated a"ter an inter-al o" "i"teen $ears8 "or the soldiers o" )ld (ome had the o!ligation to ser-e in the arm$ "or "i"teen $ears. A"ter the completion o" these the$ renewed the constitution again8 with some modi"ication ../

due to the pro!a!le change o" circumstances in the inter-al8 and ordered a"resh another tri!ute8 to !e paid also in succession throughout the "i"teen $ear period. At the end o" this period a third8 and so "orth. 'he imperial constitution8 through which this tri!ute was ordered a little !e"ore the winter8 was named /ndictio8 that is XdecreeV8 or XproclamationV concerning the tri!ute. 2riting it XIndictionV the Kings o" onstantinople preser-ed the word8 while the patriarchs in later $ears emplo$ed the word epinemesis, which means Xdistri!utionV. Indictions were introduced8 according to the commoner -iew under Augustus aesar three $ears !e"ore hrist8 and the$ produce as proo" a certain papal seal @ -ullaA8 that is a papal constitution8 issued in the $ear <=1 A38 which is dated as "ollows: anno /$, /ndictionis L///8 that is Xin $ear / o" the 6.rd IndictionV8 "rom which one can conclude the $ear mentioned. 1$ multipl$ing the 6, "ull Indictions and adding the / $ears o" the 6.rd one arri-es at the num!er <=/8 that is 6=1 $ears "rom hrist and . more. 'here are three t$pes o" Indiction. 'he "irst is that introduced in the 2est8 which is called XimperialV8 or X aesarianV or X onstantinianV8 and it !egins on the ,/th o" &eptem!er. 'he second is called XpapalV and !egins on the 1st o" 4anuar$. 'he .rd8 that o" onstantinople8 which the *atriarchs o" that cit$ adopted a"ter the "all o" the +astern +mpire and which the$ write in their own hand on constitutions issued !$ them8 without num!ering the succession o" Indictions or o" the periods o" 16 $ears. It !egins8 with a certain ceremon$8 "rom the 1st o" &eptem!er. And this is the X1eginning o" the IndictionV8 and the reason "or its c$cle o" "i"teen $ears. 1ut since8 a"ter the gathering o" the crops into !arns8 there takes place in a certain manner the completion o" the whole $ear8 and we !egin again "rom this time and onwards to sow seed anew into the earth "or the sake o" the pro-ision o" new produce in the "uture8 "or this reason &eptem!er is reckoned to !e the !eginning o" the new $ear. 'he hurch8 as she cele!rates toda$8 asks o" God X"a-oura!le weatherV8 seasona!le rains8 Xa!undance o" the earthV etc. 'hat the ancient &$nagogue o" the 4ews also cele!rated on this da$ the "east o" 'rumpets8 o""ering ..6

to God h$mns o" thanksgi-ing8 hol$ &cripture is witness @ ". 0e-it. ,.:,/C,6. Num. ,;:1C,A. 'here is a third reason "or the present "east: the remem!rance o" the entr$ o" 4esus into the s$nagogue o" the 4ews at NaLareth8 when he was gi-en the !ook o" the *rophet Isaias to read8 and opening it he "ound the passage where it was written: X'he &pirit o" the 0ord is upon me8 there"ore he has anointed me Xetc. @0uke /:1>C1=A. &o much "or the present "east and the Indiction. )" the &aints cele!rated toda$ &$meon was !orn a!out the $ear .;, in a -illage called &isan in the area o" ilicia and &$ria. He entered the monastic stadium "rom his $outh. At "irst he was trained in a monaster$8 later !$ himsel" in a desert placeJ and "inall$8 opposite the mountains o" &$ria8 he clim!ed onto a high pillar8 "rom which he was gi-en the name X&t$liteV. He perse-ered on this "or man$ $ears8 standing upright "or the most part. He li-ed in all "or >; $ears and died in />1. 4esus8 son o" Na-i8 was o" the tri!e o" +phraim. He was !orn in +g$pt around the $ear 1>6/ 1 He succeeded %oses in the =6th $ear o" his age. He held !ack the "low o" the 4ordan and made the Israelites cross o-er dr$shod. 2hen making war on the 4e!usites he halted the course o" the sun. He partitioned the promised land !etween the twel-e tri!es o" Israelites and go-erned them "or ,6 $ears. He composed the !ook which !ears his name8 the sixth !ook o" the )ld 'estament. He li-ed in all 115 $ears and died in the $ear 16// 1 'he Great Fire took place in onstantinople8 according to some on the ,nd o" &eptem!er />18 according to others in />=. No work and *ermission "or 2ine and )il. Apol$tikion o" the Indiction. 'one ,. Fashioner o" all creation8 who "ix times and seasons !$ $our own authorit$8 !less the crown o" the $ear with $our goodness8 0ord8 preser-ing the Kings and $our it$ in peace8 at the intercessions o" the %other o" God8 and sa-e us. )" the &aint. 'one 1. ..>

Iou !ecame a pillar o" endurance8 #enera!le &aint8 ri-alling the "ore"athers8 4o! in su""erings and 4oseph in trials8 and8 while still in the !od$8 the li"e o" the 1odiless ones. )ur #enera!le Father &$meon8 intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the %other o" God. 'one <. Hail "ull o" grace8 #irgin %other o" God8 har!our and protection o" the human race8 "or "rom $ou the (edeemer o" the world !ecame incarnate. For $ou alone are %other and #irgin8 e-er !lessed and glori"ied. Intercede with hrist our God to grant the whole world peace. Kontakion o" the Indiction. omposed in the $ear 1=1. !$ the re-ered *atriarch o" onstantinople $ril #I. 'one .. Iou created the uni-erse in $our ine""a!le wisdom8 and "ix the seasons !$ $our authorit$8 grant -ictories to $our hristClo-ing people. %a$ $ou !less our goings and comings o" the $ear8 directing our works to $our di-ine will. Another Kontakion o" the Indiction. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. %aker and %aster o" the ages8 God o" all things8 trul$ !e$ond !eing8 !less the c$cle o" the $ear and sa-e in $our in"inite merc$ all those who adore $ou8 the onl$ %aster8 and who cr$ out to $ou with "ear8 ) (edeemer: Grant to all a prosperous $ear. Another8 o" the &aint. 'one ,. %odel %elod$. &eeking things a!o-e and Eoined to things !elow8 $ou made $our column a chariot o" "ire8 through which $ou ha-e !ecome a companion o" the Angels8 with them unceasingl$ imploring hrist our God on !ehal" o" us all. ,. )" the hol$ mart$r %amasJ and o" our Father among the saints 4ohn the Faster8 *atriarch o" onstantinople. ..<

%amas was "rom Gangra in *aphlagonia. He was !orn in prison8 where his parents died "or the sake o" hrist8 and !ecause he ha!ituall$ called his adopti-e mother Ammia8 X%amaV8 he was named %amas. He was mart$red in ,<, or ,<.. 4ohn the Faster was patriarch under 'i!erius II8 "rom the 1,th o" April 6=, until the ,nd o" &eptem!er 6;68 ha-ing go-erned the hurch "or 1. $ears and almost "i-e months. 9nder his patriarchate the hitherto unaccustomed title X+cumenical *atriarchV was emplo$ed "or the "irst time8 !$ a certain local s$nod8 a!out the $ear 6=>. Apol$tikion o" the %art$r. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon:. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 hrist our God8 sa-e our souls. )" the Hierarch. 'one /. %odel %elod$. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 Father and Hierarch 4ohn. Intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the %art$r. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 2ith the sta"" gi-en to $ou "rom God8 shepherd $our people to li"eC!earing pasturesJ crush the in-isi!le and "erocious wild !easts !eneath the "eet o" those who sing $our praiseJ !ecause we who are in dangers ha-e all gained $ou8 %amas8 as a "er-ent protector. .. )" the hol$ 1ishopC%art$r Anthimos8 1ishop o" NikomediaJ and o" our -enera!le "ather 'heoktistos8 "ellowCascetic o" +"th$mios the Great. Anthimos underwent mart$rdom under the t$rant %aximus in .11 Bor 3iocletian in .51:. 'heoktistos died around >61. Apol$tikion o" the 1ishop %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: ..=

Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r AnthimosJ intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Another. A composition !$ Anthimos I#th8 *atriarch o" onstantinople. 'one 1. As -aliant de"ender o" $our "lock8 inspired Father8 $ou readil$ shed $our !lood "or itJ $ou were not disma$ed !$ the threats o" the hostile8 and now $ou reEoice in hea-en8 as $ou stand !$ the throne o" the tripleCsunned Godhead. Glor$ to hrist who ga-e $ou strength8 glor$ to $our courage8 glor$8 Anthimos8 to $our mart$r?s -alour. )" &t 'heoktistos. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father 'heoktistos8 intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the Hierarch. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. Iou were trul$ preCeminent among priests8 and $ou completed the road o" mart$rdom8 $ou Fuelled the cults o" idols and !ecame a champion "or $our "lock8 ) godl$ minded. And so it honours $ou as it m$sticall$ cries out: +-er deli-er me "rom dangers !$ $our pra$ers8 our Father Anthimos. /. )" the hol$ 1ishopCmart$r 1a!$las8 patriarch o" AntiochJ and o" the hol$ *rophet %oses8 who saw God. 1a!$las was the twel"th patriarch o" Antioch and successor to Qe-inos or Qeno-ios. He was mart$red under 3ecius around the $ear ,65. %oses8 the lo"tiest o" philosophers8 wisest o" lawgi-ers and most ancient o" historians8 was "rom the ..;

tri!e o" 0e-i8 son o" A!raham and 4ocha!ed. He was !orn in +g$pt in the $ear 1>=; 1 As a !a!e he was put into a !asket8 that is a !ox made out o" pap$rus and co-ered all o-er with pitch. He was put onto the !anks o" the Nile !ecause o" the command and the "ear o" *harao. 'aken "rom there !$ *harao?s daughter he !ecame her adopted son and was !rought up in the ro$al court "or /5 $ears. Fleeing "rom there to %adiam he saw at %t Hore! the -ision o" the !urning !ush8 in a!out the =5th $ear o" his li"e8 when he was appointed !$ God as leader o" Israel8 whom he led across the (ed &ea as on dr$ land. He go-erned Israel in the wilderness "or "ort$ $ears and per"ormed man$ signs and mar-els. He composed the "irst "i-e !ooks o" the )ld 'estament8 which are called the *entateuch. Ha-ing reached the land o" %oa! he ascended %t Ne!o to its summit8 which is called *hasga8 and there8 !$ di-ine command8 he died in the $ear 16>; 1 8 ha-ing li-ed in all "or 1,5 $ears. His are the "irst two )des "rom the )ld 'estament which are sung in the o""ice: Let us sing to Lord8 etc.8 and Attend, O hea)en, and / will spea 8 etc. 'he "irst he sang !$ the shore o" the (ed &ea immediatel$ a"ter the crossing and the other in the land o" %oa! a "ew da$s !e"ore his death. Apol$tikion o" the 1ishop %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r 1a!$lasJ intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the *rophet. 'one ,. %odel %elod$. B ommon: As we cele!rate the memor$ o" $our *rophet %oses8 ) 0ord8 through him we !eseech $ou: sa-e our souls. Kontakion o" the Hierarch. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. 2hen charged $ou guarded the might$ works o" the "aith in $our heart8 1ishop and %art$r 1a!$las8 ser-ant o" hrist8 not Fuailing !e"ore the t$rantJ there"ore keep us sa"e. ./5

6. )" the hol$ *rophet Qachar$8 "ather o" the honoured Forerunner. In the opinion o" man$ in the hurch8 supported !$ ancient tradition8 the 4ews murdered this Qachar$8 as the 0ord said to them8 !etween the temple and the altar @%att. ,.:.6A "or two reasons: the "irst8 that a"ter the conception !$ the #irgin %ar$ Qachar$ still called her X#irginV and num!ered her among the -irgins @ ". &t 1asil8 &ermon "or hrist?s Nati-it$A. 'he other8 that at the time o" the &laughter o" the Innocents @3ecem!er ,;thA his son 4ohn was not "ound8 !ecause the aged +liLa!eth took him8 still a !a!e8 and care"ull$ concealed him8 precisel$ where is unknown8 !ut certainl$ in the wilderness8 where8 according to the Gospel Xthe child grew and !ecame strong in spirit8 and he was in the wilderness until the da$ o" his re-elation to IsraelV @0uke 1:=5A. 2hen the child could not !e "ound the "ather was slain on the order o" Herod @ ". *eter o" Alexandria8 anon 1.A. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. lothed in the -estment o" priesthood8 wise Qachar$8 $ou o""ered in a manner "itting a priest accepta!le whole !urnt o""erings according to the 0aw o" GodJ and $ou !ecame a !eacon and one who contemplated m$steries8 mani"estl$ !earing in $oursel"8 ) allCwise8 the s$m!ols o" grace. &lain !$ the sword in God?s temple8 *rophet o" hrist intercede8 with the Forerunner8 that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 'oda$ the *rophet and *riest o" the %ost High8 Qachar$8 the parent o" the Forerunner8 sets out a ta!le o" his memor$8 nourishing !elie-ers and mixing "or them a drink o" righteousness. And so we praise him as a godl$ initiate o" God?s grace. >. (emem!rance o" the wonder per"ormed at olossae8 that is honae8 !$ the Archangel %ichael. *ermission "or 2ine and )il. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. ./1

hie" aptain o" the hea-enl$ armies8 we the unworth$ implore $ou to protect us !$ $our supplications with the shelter o" the wings o" $our immaterial glor$8 guarding us as we "all down and insistentl$ cr$ out: 3eli-er us "rom dangers8 as hie" aptain o" the *owers on high. Kontakion. 'one ,. %ichael8 who stand8 all light8 in the presence o" the 'rinit$ with all the hea-enl$ hosts8 and with them raise the inspired song8 and who at God?s command pass through the whole earth and are mar-elled at "or might$ wonders8 do not cease to intercede "or us all. <. Fore"east o" the Nati-it$ o" the most hol$ %other o" GodJ and commemoration o" the hol$ %art$r &oLon. &t &oLon was mart$red in *ompeioupolis in ilicia under its go-ernor8 %aximianus8 around ,==. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. From 4esse?s root and "rom 3a-id?s loins %ar$ the child o" God is !eing !orn "or us toda$J and so the uni-erse reEoices and is renewedJ hea-en reEoices together with earth. *raise her8 "amilies o" the nations. 4oachim reEoices and Anne keeps "esti-al as she cries: 'he !arren gi-es !irth to the %other o" God8 the nourisher o" our li"e. )" the %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 hrist our God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion o" the Fore"east. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin and %other o" God8 %ar$8 the untouched !ridal cham!er o" the hea-enl$ 1ridegroom is !eing !rought to !irth "rom !arren wom! !$ God?s ./,

counsel8 to !e made read$ as the chariot o" the 2ord o" GodJ "or to this she was predestined8 the gate o" God and %other o" true li"e. )" the %art$r. 'one ,. Assem!led together let us all sing toda$ with might$ -oice the praise o" the true and godl$Cminded %art$r and tried athlete o" piet$8 godlike &oLon8 initiate o" grace8 richest gi-er o" healingsJ "or he intercedes to God "or us all. =. 'he Nati-it$ o" )ur %ost Hol$ 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$. According to the ancient tradition o" the hurch the %other o" God was !orn !$ promise a!out 1> or 1< $ears !e"ore the Nati-it$ o" hrist o" !arren and aged parents8 4oachim and Anne. 4oachim was descended "rom the ro$al line o" 3a-id8 o" the tri!e o" 4uda8 while Anne was o" the priestl$ tri!e o" 0e-i8 daughter o" the priest %atthan and %ar$. No work8 and *ermission "or Fish. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour Nati-it$8 ) %other o" God8 has !rought Eo$ to all the inha!ited worldJ "or "rom $ou there dawned the &un o" righteousness8 hrist our God. He a!olished the curse and ga-e the !lessingJ and !$ making death o" no e""ect8 he has !estowed on us eternal li"e. Kontakion. 'one /. 4oachim and Anne were set "ree "rom the reproach o" childlessness8 Adam and +-e "rom corruption o" death !$ $our hol$ Nati-it$8 ) Immaculate. 3eli-ered "rom the guilt o" o""ences8 $our people cele!rate it as the$ cr$ to $ou: 'he !arren woman !ears the %other o" God8 the sustainer o" our souls. ;. )" the hol$ and righteous Fore!ears o" God8 4oachim and AnneJ and o" the hol$ %art$r &e-erianos. &e-erianos su""ered under the +mperor 0icinius and 3uke 0ucius in &e-asteia around .1.. ./.

'oda$ there takes place the Autumn +Fuinox B1$ the old calendar:. *ermission "or 2ine and )il. Apol$tikion o" the FeastJ and o" the &aints. 'one ,. As we cele!rate the memor$ o" $our righteous Fore!ears8 ) 0ord8 through them we implore $ou: sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Now Anne reEoices8 "reed "rom the !onds o" sterilit$8 and nourishes the AllC immaculate8 as she summons all to sing the praise o" the )ne who "rom her wom! !estowed on mortals the onl$ %other who has not known man. 15. )" the hol$ %art$rs %inodora8 %itrodora and N$mphodora. 'he$ were "rom 1ith$nia8 sisters according to the "lesh8 and the$ su""ered under %aximianus in the $ear .5/8 not "ar "rom the hot springs o" *ithioi. Apol$tikion o" the Feast. Kontakion o" the &aints. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. ontesting -aliantl$ "or the 'rinit$ $ou routed the "oe o" man$ wiles8 !ound together as sisters in spiritJ there"ore $ou ha-e made $our home with the "i-e #irgins in the hea-enl$ !ridal cham!er8 ) hampions8 and with Eo$ $ou stand with the Angels !e"ore the uni-ersal King. 11. )" our -enera!le mother 'heodora o" Alexandria. &he li-ed in the reign o" Qeno8 in /<,. hanging her name to 'heodore and dressing as a man she li-ed in a male monaster$ unrecognised until her death. Apol$tikion o" the Feast8 and o" the &aint. 'one =. %odel %elod$. In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ 'heodora8 reEoices with the Angels. .//

Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou wore down $our !od$ !$ "asts8 !$ -igils and !$ pra$ers8 entreating the 0ord to recei-e per"ect pardon o" $our sinJ which $ou trul$ o!tained8 ha-ing shown the wa$ o" repentance. 1,. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r Autonomos. He was a !ishop in Ital$8 and su""ered under 3iocletian at &orea on the gul" o" Nikomedia in ,;=. @His o""ice is sung on the 11th8 !ecause toda$ is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the Nati-it$ o" the %other o" God.A Kontakion o" the &aint. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 2ith re-erence $ou cele!rated the di-ine m$steries8 wise FatherJ $ou !ecame an accepta!le sacri"ice8 allC!lessed %art$r Automos. For $ou drank hrist?s cup8 and now8 as $ou stand in his presence8 $ou intercede "or us all. 1.. 3edication o" the hurch o" the hol$ (esurrection o" hrist our GodJ preC"east o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing rossJ and commemoration o" the hol$ 1ishopC mart$r ornelius the enturion. 'his hurch8 the hurch o" the Hol$ &epulchre8 which is especiall$ honoured !$ all the "aith"ul8 is the one which onstantine the Great erected on the site o" Golgotha8 where the &a-iour was cruci"ied and !uried. A long time ago it was purposel$ o!literated !$ the 4ews and pagans8 while under Hadrian Aelius a pagan shrine o" Aphrodite was erected on the site8 "or the greater desecration and total o!literation o" the sacred spot. Here too the precious ross was hiddenJ !ut a"ter exca-ations had taken place on the order o" the de-out +mperor8 the s$m!ols o" the sa-ing passion were disco-ered. )n this site then there was !uilt a -er$ large and outstandingl$ !eauti"ul church dedicated to the li"eC!earing (esurrection o" hrist our God8 under the direction o" the !lessed Helen8 o" 3rakilianos8 the go-ernor o" *alestine8 and %akarios8 the then patriarch o" 4erusalem8 who ele-ated the precious ./6

ross @&eptem!er 1/A and cele!rated the dedication o" this church a!out the $ear ..5. ornelius was (oman !$ !irth8 pagan !$ religion8 centurion !$ rank. He li-ed in aesarea in *alestine8 a man de-out and god"earing8 gi-ing man$ alms to the people and pra$ing to God at all times. A!out the $ear /1 he saw a -ision o" an angel and sent and in-ited the Apostle *eter "rom 4oppa8 !$ whom he was instructed in !elie" in hrist and was !aptised with all his household. He was the "irst "ruits o" the pagans. It is said that a"ter this he was appointed !ishop8 according to some o" aesarea itsel"8 according to others o" &kepsis not "ar "rom the 'road8 and that he died a mart$r?s death. *ermission "or 2ine and )il. Apol$tikion o" the 3edication. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. Iou ha-e displa$ed the lo-eliness o" the hol$ dwelling o" $our glor$ !elow8 ) 0ord8 as $ou ha-e the !eaut$ o" the "irmament a!o-e. &trengthen it "or e-er and e-er and accept our supplications which are ceaselessl$ o""ered $ou in it8 through the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 the li"e and resurrection o" all. )" the ross. 'one ,. 2e !ring $ou in intercession the li"eCgi-ing ross o" $our goodness8 ) 0ord8 which $ou ha-e gi-en to the unworth$. &a-e the &o-ereigns and $our it$8 gi-ing them peace through the %other o" God8 ) onl$ lo-er o" mankind. Kontakion o" the 3edication. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. 'he hurch has !een declared a hea-en "illed with light8 which guides all the "aith"ul to the light. &tanding in it we cr$: +sta!lish this house8 ) 0ord. And o" the &aint. 'he same melod$. 'he hurch recei-ed $ou as the hol$ "irst "ruits o" the nations8 enlightening her !$ $our -irtuous deeds8 godl$ ornelius8 initiator into sacred m$steries. 1/. 'he 9ni-ersal +xaltation o" the *recious and 0i"eCgi-ing ross. ./>

'he !lessed Helen8 mother o" onstantine the Great8 looked "or the ross in 4erusalem and "ound it !uried in the earth a!out the $ear .,6. 'hen the people8 seeing it ele-ated on the am!o !$ the then patriarch o" 4erusalem %akarios8 cried out8 X0ord8 ha-e merc$HV Note that a"ter its "inding part o" the precious ross was taken to onstantinople as a !lessing8 while the rest was le"t in 4erusalem. 'here it remained until the $ear >1/8 when the *ersians8 ra-aging *alestine8 took it !ack to their own countr$ @4anuar$ ,,ndA. 1ut later8 in the $ear >,=8 Herakleios led an arm$ against them8 took the precious ross !ack again and !rought it to onstantinople. No work8 and Fast8 on whate-er da$ it "alls. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 0ord8 sa-e $our people and !less $our inheritanceJ granting to "aith"ul hristians -ictories o-er their enemies8 and protecting $our commonwealth !$ $our ross. Kontakion. 'one /. %odel %elod$. 0i"ted up on the ross o" $our own will8 to the new commonwealth that !ears $our name grant $our mercies8 hrist our GodJ make $our "aith"ul people glad !$ $our power8 gi-ing them -ictories o-er their enemiesJ ma$ the$ ha-e $our help in !attle: a weapon o" peace8 an in-inci!le troph$. 16. )" the hol$ mart$r Niketas. He was mart$red under Athenarichos8 leader o" the Goths !e$ond the 3anu!e8 in the $ear ..58 in the time o" onstantine the Great. Apol$tikion o" the FeastJ and o" the %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 hrist our God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion o" the &aint. 'one ,. &eeking things a!o-e. ./<

Ha-ing cut o"" the might o" error !$ $our resistance8 and !$ $our struggles recei-ed the crown o" -ictor$8 whose name $ou !ear8 glorious Niketas8 $ou reEoice with the Angels8 as with them $ou intercede unceasingl$ with hrist "or us all. 1>. )" the hol$ mart$r +"phemia8 the allC"amed. &he was "rom halcedon and passed her li"e in -irginit$ in the da$s o" 3iocletian8 !$ whom she underwent a mart$r?s death in .5.8 or according to others in .5<. Her sacred remains are preser-ed in the patriarchate in onstantinople. Apol$tikia: o" the Feast And o" the &aint. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. In $our struggle $ou "ought well8 and a"ter death $ou hallow us with streams o" healings8 ) allCpraised. 'here"ore we honour $our hol$ "alling asleep8 as we stand with "aith around $our honoured relics8 that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom diseases o" the soul and draw out the grace o" wonders. 1<. )" the hol$ mart$r &ophia B2isdom:8 and her three daughters Faith8 Hope and harit$. 'he$ were "rom (ome and su""ered mart$rdom a!out the $ear 1,> under Hadrian. Apol$tikion o" the Feast. Kontakion o" the &aints. 'one 1. 'he soldiers watching. (e-ealed as most sacred !ranches o" hol$ 2isdom8 Faith8 Hope and harit$ !$ grace turned the wisdom o" the Greeks to "oll$J and ha-ing struggled and !een ./=

re-ealed as -ictors the$ were wreathed with an incorrupti!le crown !$ hrist the %aster o" all things. 1=. )" our -enera!le "ather +-menios8 1ishop o" Gort$na8 the wonderCworkerJ and o" the hol$ mart$r Ariadne. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. 1;. )" the hol$ %art$rs 'rophimos8 &a--atios and 3or$medon. 'he were mart$red in the reign o" *ro!us a!out the $ear ,<=J &a--atios in Antioch8 the other two in &$nnadoi o" *hr$gia. 1=. )" our -enera!le "ather +-menios8 1ishop o" Gort$na8 the wonderCworkerJ and o" the hol$ mart$r Ariadne. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. 1;. )" the hol$ %art$rs 'rophimos8 &a--atios and 3or$medon. 'he were mart$red in the reign o" *ro!us a!out the $ear ,<=J &a--atios in Antioch8 the other two in &$nnadoi o" *hr$gia. Apol$tikion o" the Feast. Kontakion o" the &aints. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. (e-ealed as a ri-er "illed with the gi"ts o" grace o" the Hol$ &pirit8 $ou water the inha!ited world8 ) Athletes8 with the "air streams o" $our wonders. ,5. )" the hol$ great mart$r +"stathios and o" 'heopisti8 his wi"e8 and their two sons8 Agapios and 'heopistos. 'he$ were mart$red under Hadrian in around 1,5. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikia o" the FeastJ and o" the &aints. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 hrist our God8 sa-e our souls. ./;

Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things a!o-e. Ha-ing clearl$ imitated the su""erings o" hrist8 and drunk "aith"ull$ o" his cup8 $ou ha-e !ecome also a "ellow heir o" his glor$8 "rom him who is God o" all recei-ing "rom on high8 di-ine "orgi-eness. ,1. )" the hol$ Apostle Kuadratus o" %agnesia8 and o" the hol$ *rophet 4onas. Kuadratus was a disciple o" the Apostles and !ecame 1ishop o" Athens. He was mart$red under Hadrian in 11<8 though according to others somewhat later under Aurelius. 4onas was son o" Amathi8 "rom the cit$ o" Gethchopher8 or GethC)pher @/ Kingd.1/:,6A8 o" the tri!e o" Qa!ulon. He prophesied around =.=C=15 1 . God ordered him to lea-e "or Nine-e8 the capital o" the Ass$rians and to preach its imminent o-erthrow8 !ecause o" the sins o" its citiLens. 1ut 4onas diso!e$ed the di-ine command and taking ship departed elsewhere. 'he sudden and dread"ul tumult o" the sea and the re-elation o" 4onas? diso!edience compelled the sailors to throw him o-er!oard. A great whale8 at once made read$ !$ di-ine "oreknowledge8 swallowed him down. He spent three da$s and nights in its !ell$8 where he pra$ed8 sa$ing the sixth ode o" the canon: / cried to the Lord my !od in my distress 8 etc. A"terwards the whale -omited him up onto dr$ land8 and once again God?s "ormer command came to him. And so he departed and preached8 sa$ing8 DIet three da$s and Nini-e will !e destro$ed?. At this the people were terri"iedJ all repentedJ the$ "asted8 great8 small8 !a!es at the !reast and e-en the animalsJ and in this wa$ the$ appeased God and escaped his wrath. 'he prophec$ o" 4onas is di-ided into "our chapters8 and is ranked "i"th among the 'wel-e %inor *rophets. His three da$ soEourn in the !ell$ o" the whale is an image o" the three da$ !urial and li"eC !ringing resurrection o" the &a-iour @%att.1,:.;C/5A. @)n this da$ we take lea-e o" the "east o" the li"eCgi-ing ross and e-er$thing is sung o" the "east. 'he o""ice o" the Apostle is sung on the ,,nd.A ,,. )" the hol$ 1ishopCmart$r *hokas8 !ishop o" &inope. .65

He was mart$red under the +mperor 'raEan in 15,. Apol$tikia: o" the Apostle. 'one .. B ommon: ) hol$ Apostle Kuadratus8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. )" the 1ishopCmart$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r *hokasJ intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the Apostle. 'one =. As "irst "ruits o" nature. 'he inha!ited world !rings $ou the Apostle Kuadratus8 0ord8 as an honoured high priest and -aliant athleteJ and with h$mns it honours his re-ered memor$8 asking alwa$s that through him "orgi-eness o" "aults ma$ !e !estowed on those who sing8 DAlleluia?. ,.. 'he onception o" the honoura!le and glorious *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohn. 'his took place 16 months !e"ore the nati-it$ o" hrist8 a"ter the -ision o" the Angel8 which the Forerunner?s "ather Qachar$ saw in the temple o" the 0ord8 as he was o""iciating in the order o" his course8 during the "east o" 'a!ernacles @2ednesda$ o" %idC*entecostA according to tradition. In this -ision the Angel Ga!riel appeared and said to Qachar$8 DIou supplication has !een heard and $our wi"e +liLa!eth will !ear $ou a son8 and $ou are to call his name 4ohn?. 1ut Qachar$8 aware o" his +liLa!eth?s !arrenness and that the$ were !oth well ad-anced in $ears8 did not !elie-e the Angel?s wordsJ and so he was condemned !$ him to remain silent and dum! until the words were "ul"illed in their time. And so it came to pass @0k.1:<C,/. &ee also 4une ,/thA. .61

'he Autumn +Fuinox occurs toda$ B!$ the new calendar:. *ermission "or 2ine and )il. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. 1e glad8 ) !arren one8 who !e"ore did not !ear child8 "or see8 $ou ha-e concei-ed "or the sun a lamp that is going to enlighten the whole inha!ited world8 sick with !lindness. 3ance Qachar$8 cr$ aloud with !oldness8 D'he one to !e !orn is a *rophet o" the %ost HighH? Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he soldiers watching. Great Qachar$8 with "arC"amed +liLa!eth his wi"e8 is radiantl$ glad8 "or worthil$ she concei-es 4ohn the Forerunner8 whom an Archangel announced reEoicing8 and whom we humans "ittingl$ honour as a initiate o" God?s grace. ,/. )" the hol$ *rotomart$r and +Fual o" the Apostles 'hekla. &he was "rom the cit$ o" IconiumJ she was taught the "aith at the age o" 1= !$ the apostle *aul8 whom she "ollowed8 proclaiming hrist in di""erent cities8 and a"ter ha-ing su""ered greatl$ she died in her own homeland at the age o" ninet$. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one =. As "irst "ruits o" nature. Iou shone "orth with the !eaut$ o" -irginit$8 $ou were adorned with the crown o" mart$rdom8 entrusted with the work o" an apostle8 glorious #irgin. As "irst woman mart$r $ou changed the "lame o" the "ire to dew8 while $ou tamed the raging o" the !ull !$ $our pra$er. ,6. )" our -enera!le %other +uphros$ne. .6,

&he was !orn in the reign o" 'heodosios the 0ess in /158 daughter o" one *aphnutios. &he escaped him8 and8 ha-ing changed her name to &maragdos8 as a ro$al eunuch in man?s clothing she entered a male monaster$8 where she li-ed unrecognised "or .= $ears. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ +uphros$ne8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 0onging to attain the li"e a!o-e $ou readil$ "orsook the delight !elow8 and merged $oursel" among men8 ) allCre-ered. For the sake o" hrist $our 1ridegroom8 $ou spurned an earthl$ suitor. ,>. 'he passing o" the hol$ Apostle and +-angelist 4ohn the 3i-ine. He was "rom 1ethsaida in Galilee8 son o" Qe!edee and &alome8 !rother o" 4ames the great8 "ormerl$ a "isherman !$ trade8 later an Apostle8 !elo-ed disciple and !osom "riend o" hrist. Alone o" the other disciples he "ollowed him to the ross8 when he was also entrusted with the #irgin8 as another son to her and true !rother o" the teacher 4esus. A"ter this he preached him to all Asia8 and especiall$ to +phesus. 2hen the second persecution o" the hristians was launched !$ 3omitian8 he was taken !ound "rom Asia to (ome8 and there he was cast into a cauldron o" !oiling oil. (emo-ed "rom it unharmed he was exiled to *atmos8 where he wrote the Apocal$pse. (eturning to +phesus a"ter the t$rant?s death8 he8 last o" the other e-angelists8 wrote the Gospel in his name and his three General +pistlesJ and when he had li-ed altogether a!out ;6 $ears he "ell asleep in peace under 'raEan in the $ear 155. He was surnamed the 'heologian !ecause he XtheologisedV Bi.e. contemplated: the ine""a!le eternal generation o" the &on and 2ord o" God the .6.

FatherJ "or this reason there is depicted in his icon the "orm o" an eagle8 one o" the "our s$m!olic li-ing creatures which the *rophet +Lekiel saw @1:15A. No work and permission "or 2ine and )il. Apol$tikion. 'one ,. 1elo-ed Apostle o" hrist our God8 hasten8 deli-er a people without de"ence. As he accepted that $ou lean upon his !reast8 he accepts $ou as $ou "all !e"ore him. Implore him8 ) 'heologian8 and scatter the persistent cloud o" nations8 asking "or us peace and his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one ,. %odel %elod$. 2ho will recount $our might$ works8 ) #irgin8 "or $ou pour out wonders and are a source o" healings8 and $ou intercede on !ehal" o" our souls8 as 'heologian and "riend o" hrist. ,<. )" the hol$ mart$r Kallistratos and o" his "ort$Cnine "ellow mart$rs. 'he$ were mart$red in the reign o" 3iocletian8 in the $ear ,==. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 hrist our God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. 'he hurch toCda$ honours $ou all8 ) &aints8 as it o""ers $ou spiritual praise8 "or $ou struggled on its !ehal"8 godl$8 -ictorious8 allCwise %art$rs. ,=. )" our -enera!le and con"essor haritonJ and o" the hol$ *rophet 1aruch. hariton was "rom the cit$ o" Iconium in the time o" Aurelian8 around ,</. 1aruch was son o" Nerias8 disciple and secretar$ o" the prophet 4erem$ @.>:/A. He composed his own prophec$8 which is preser-ed in "i-e chapters8 in the "i"th $ear o" the capti-it$ o" the 4ews in 1a!$lon under &edekias8 6=. 1 . A section "rom the .6/

prophec$ o" 1aruch is read at -espers on hristmas 3a$8 under the name o" 4erem$8 starting at .:.6 and ending at /:/. )" the Ascetic. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father hariton8 intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. Nor tom! nor death. 'aking $our delight in sel"Cmaster$8 inspired Father8 and !ridling the desires o" the "lesh8 $ou were seen growing !$ "aithJ and $ou "lowered like the tree o" li"e in the midst o" +den8 allC!lessed8 most hol$ hariton. ,;. )" our -enera!le "ather K$riakos the anchorite. He was !orn in orinth around .55J he li-ed as a monk in *alestine8 under +"th$mios the GreatJ he li-ed "or 15< $ears and died in /5=. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. %odel melod$. itiLen o" the desert and angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared. ) GodC!earing "ather K$riakosJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$er recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-enJ $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or all. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou m$ hampion. 'he sacred 0a-ra8 which honours $ou each da$8 cele!rates each $ear $our memorial as its might$ champion and helper. 1ut as $ou ha-e !oldness towards the 0ord8 "rom "oes that assail protect us8 that we ma$ cr$ to $ou8 DHail8 Father thriceC !lessedH? .5. )" the hol$ 1ishopCmart$r Gregor$8 !ishop o" Great Armenia. .66

He was son o" Anak8 a *arthian !$ race8 !orn around ,/5 and taught the "aith in hrist at aesarea in appadocia. He was ordained !ishop !$ 0eontios8 arch!ishop o" aesarea. He endured man$ tortures "rom 'iridates8 the ruler o" Armenia. He !rought tens o" thousands o" Armenians to the true religion8 including 'iridates himsel". He died asceticall$ around .,6. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the action8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r Gregor$J intercede with hrist our God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. 0et us the "aith"ul praise toda$ in godl$ h$mns and songs the "arC"amed High *riest as an athlete "or the truth8 Gregor$8 the watch"ul shepherd and teacher8 the uni-ersal !eaconJ "or he intercedes with hrist that we ma$ !e sa-ed. Appendix 1. 3a$ o" Intercession "or the +n-ironment. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. 0ord and &a-iour8 who as God !rought all things into !eing !$ a word8 esta!lishing laws and go-erning them unerringl$ to $our glor$8 at the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 keep secure and unharmed all the elements which hold the earth together8 and sa-e the uni-erse. Kontakion. 'one ,. 2ith $our !lood. 2ith $our allCpower"ul strength $ou "ramed all things8 !oth -isi!le and in-isi!leJ and so keep unharmed8 we implore $our goodness8 the en-ironment that surrounds the earth.


'onth of


It has .1 da$s. 'he da$ has 11 hours and the night 1.. 1. 'he *rotecting #eil o" )ur Hol$ 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC#irgin %ar$ B&ee the Appendix8 at the end o" the page:. )" the hol$ Apostle Ananias8 one o" the &e-ent$J and the -enera!le 3eacon (omanos the &inger. 2nanias came "rom 3amascus8 where8 through a di-ine re-elation8 he !aptiLed the Apostle *aul in the $ear .>. He "inished his course as a mart$r8 !eing stoned under the go-ernor 0ucian. 6omanos "lourished around /;>8 in the reign o" Anastasios. He came "rom +mesa in &$ria and had !een deacon o" the church o" 1eirut. He was the "irst writer o" Kontakia8 and the -er$ "irst which he composed was that "or the Nati-it$ o" hrist8 D'oCda$ the #irgin gi-es !irth?. Apol$tikia: o" the Apostle. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. B ommon: Hol$ Apostle Ananias8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. )" the &aint. 'one =. In $ou8 %other. B ommon: In $ou8 Father8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ (omanos8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakion o" the Apostle. 'one ,. Nor tom! nor death BAug. 16th:. %ost "er-ent helper in intercessions and swi"t to answer those who ask8 accept our pra$er8 Ananias8 and implore hrist8 who alone is glori"ied among the saints8 to ha-e merc$ on us. )" &t (omanos. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. B1$ %onk Gerasimos:


As wisdom?s all melodious harp8 expounder o" ascents inspired !$ God8 we praise $ou8 (omanos8 with hol$ songs. 1ut as a l$re o" gi"ts !e$ond our ken8 to godl$ wake"ulness rouse us who cr$ to $ou8 DHail8 Father possessed !$ GodH? ,. )" the hol$ 1ishop %art$r $prian and the hol$ #irgin %art$r 4ustina. 7ustina was "rom 3amascus and had dedicated her -irginit$ to hristJ C!prian came "rom Antioch in the region o" oeleC&$ria and Ara!ia and was gi-en to magic and was a worshipper o" demons. He learned their impotence !ecause ha-ing tried all his cra"t in order to entice 4ustina to lo-e8 he was smitten !$ the sign o" the ross and acknowledged the truth. He a!andoned demonic error and came to hristJ he !urned all his magic !ooks8 was !aptiLed and later succeeded to the episcopal throne o" his nati-e countr$. He was arrested with 4ustina !$ the count o" 3amascus. 'he$ !oth endured numerous tortures at his hands and were sent "inall$ to 3iocletian at Nikomedia8 where their heads were cut o"" in around the $ear .5/. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r $prianJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he angelic choir B'he soldiers watching:. From the magic art8 ) $prian inspired !$ God8 $ou turned to the knowledge o" God8 and $ou were declared a wise healer "or the world8 granting cures to those who honour $ou with 4ustina. 2ith her intercede with the %aster who lo-es humankind that $our ser-ants ma$ !e sa-ed. .. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r 3ion$sios the Areopagite. He was an Athenian8 a learned man and one o" the councillors o" the "amous court o" the AreopagosJ hence he is called the Areopagite. He "irst !elie-ed in hrist in .6=

the $ear 658 when *aul preached in Athens8 o" which he was appointed !$ him as its "irst !ishop8 in the opinion o" some people. )thers8 dou!tless correctl$8 sa$ that he was the second8 and the successor o" Hierotheos8 whom 3ion$sios calls his "riend and teacher a"ter *aul @On the Names of !od, ..,A. According to an ancient tradition he died a mart$r in Athens in around the $ear ;>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou were taught goodness and8 so!er in all things8 $ou -ested $oursel" in a good conscience as !e"itted a priest. Iou drew ine""a!le m$steries "rom the #essel o" election8 kept the "aith and "inished the same course as his8 1ishop and %art$r 3ion$sios. Intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. Iou passed through the gates o" hea-en8 ha-ing !ecome the disciple o" the Apostle who reached !e$ond the third hea-en8 3ion$sios. Iou were enriched with complete knowledge o" ine""a!le m$steries and shed $our ra$s on those who had pre-iousl$ slept in the darkness o" ignorance. And so we cr$: Hail8 uni-ersal Father. /. )" our "ather among the &aints Hierotheos8 !ishop o" Athens. In the opinion o" some he was also a mem!er o" the court o" the Areopagus. 2hen he had !een instructed in "aith in hrist !$ *aul8 he was ordained as !ishop o" Athens. It was he again who initiated the godl$ 3ion$sios more completel$ into the truths concerning hrist. 3ion$sios later explained his comprehensi-e and summar$ teachings more clearl$ and exactl$. He was !rought !$ a cloud to the 3ormition o" the %other o" God8 when he8 a"ter the Apostles8 was the initiator o" the di-ine h$mns. D2holl$ a!sent "rom8 wholl$ outside himsel" and experiencing communion in things that are cele!rated in h$mns8 and held to !e !$ di-ine inspiration the h$mnwriter o" all that he had heard and seen8 o" things known and unknown? as 3ion$sios himsel" sa$s @On the Names of !od, ..,A. A"ter a good and hol$ li"e he went to his rest in the 0ord. .6;

It is worth noticing here that in the sacred songs "or the "east o" the 3ormition o" the %other o" God the h$mnwriters ha-e !orrowed a great deal word "or word "rom the a!o-e chapter !$ 3ion$sios. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou were taught goodness and8 so!er in all things8 $ou -ested $oursel" in a good conscience as !e"itted a priest. Iou drew ine""a!le m$steries "rom the #essel o" election8 kept the "aith and "inished the same course as his8 1ishop and %art$r Hierotheos. Intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. 2e praise $ou as Athens? high priest8 as we ha-e !een initiated through $ou into strange and ine""a!le m$steriesJ "or $ou were declared to !e a h$mn writer inspired !$ God. 1ut allC!lest Hierotheos intercede that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom e-er$ kind o" sin8 that we ma$ cr$: Hail8 inspired Father. 6. )" the hol$ mart$r haritini. &he was mart$red under 3iocletian in ,;5. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH >. )" the hol$8 glorious Apostle 'homas. His name means 'win. He was one o" the 'wel-e and came "rom Galilee. He preached to the *arthians8 *ersians8 %edes and Indians8 !$ whom he was tortured and died as a mart$r8 possi!l$ in the cit$ o" %eliapur8 or %aliapur8 according to some8 and which is still called &t 'homas. It lies on the eastern side o" the Indian peninsula o" oromandel. .>5

*ermission "or wine and oil Apol$tikion. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. B ommon: Hol$ Apostle 'homas8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Filled with God?s grace hrist?s Apostle and true ser-ant cried in repentance: Iou are m$ God and 0ord. <. )" the hol$ mart$rs &ergios and 1acchos. 'he$ su""ered in (ome under the +mperor %aximianus8 around ,;>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 0et us assem!le to crown with hol$ praises the no!le %art$rs and !rothers in the "aith8 &ergios8 stout soldier o" the 'rinit$8 and 1acchos8 who !ra-el$ "ought !eside him in tortures8 as the$ h$mned hrist8 the *riLegi-er and reator o" the uni-erse. =. )" our -enera!le mother *elagia. &he was "rom Antioch and li-ed around ,=/. At "irst she was a pagan and li-ed a dissolute li"e. 1ut a"ter she had !een catechiLed and !aptiLed !$ a certain !ishop Nonnos8 she le"t "or the %ount o" )li-es8 where she spent the rest o" her li"e in sanctit$ and died in peace. Apol$tikion. 'one =. %odel %elod$. B ommon: In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ *elagia8 reEoices with the Angels. .>1

Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou wore out $our !od$ with "asts8 -igils and pra$ers as $ou !esought the reator "or complete "orgi-eness "or $our deeds. 'his8 %other8 $ou trul$ o!tained and $ou showed the wa$ o" repentance. ;. )" the hol$ Apostle 4ames8 son o" AlphaiosJ and o" our -enera!le "ather Andronikos. 'he Apostle 7ames was one o" the 'wel-e. He preached hrist to man$ nations and su""ered death !$ cruci"ixion. 2ndronikos was "rom Antioch. He died a"ter a li"e o" asceticism around 655. Apol$tikia: o" the Apostle. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. B ommon: Hol$ Apostle 4ames8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. )" the &aint. 'one 1. 2hen the stone had !een sealed. B ommon: itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather Andronikos. 1$ "asting8 and !$ -igil8 and !$ pra$ers recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH Kontakion o" the Apostle. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. 4ames was re-ealed as a wondrous "isherman o" the nations and most honoured o" disciples8 companion o" the Apostles. He dispenses to the world the wealth o" healings8 he "rees "rom trou!les those who praise him. And so with one accord we cr$ to him: &a-e us all8 ) Apostle8 !$ $our pra$ers. 15. )" the hol$ mart$rs +-lampios and +-lampia his sister. 'he$ were "rom Nikomedia. 'he$ su""ered under %aximianus in the $ear ,;>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: .>,

Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 0et us honour the no!le %art$rs8 !rother and sister in the "lesh8 the wise +-lampios and +-lampiaJ "or the$ put to shame the de-ices o" t$rants through the power o" the ruci"iedJ and so ha-e !een declared the glor$ and !oast o" %art$rs. 11. )" the hol$ Apostle *hilip8 one o" the &e-ent$J and o" our -enera!le "ather 'heophanes the 1randed. *hilip was "rom aesarea in *alestine and had se-en daughters8 who were prophetesses. He preached in &amaria in .6. He met the eunuch o" andace8 Fueen o" the +thiopians8 who was reading the prophet Isaias8 and when he had instructed him he !aptiLed him. 0ater he preached among the 'rallians in Asia8 where he died. Theophanes was a *alestinian and !rother o" 'heodore the !randed. 1oth were monks o" the monaster$ o" &t &a!!as. 'he$ were called D1randed? !ecause 'heophilos8 the last o" the iconoclast emperors8 had inscri!ed on their "oreheads with a red hot iron thirteen lines o" iam!ics and sent them into exile8 where 'heodore died8 pro!a!l$ in =,.. 'heophanes8 howe-er8 who was !orn in <<=8 outli-ed the death o" 'heophilos in =/, and was elected metropolitan o" Nicea. He died on the 11th o" )cto!er in =/6. 1oth wrote numerous anons and H$mns8 which adorn the ser-ices o" the hurch. Apol$tikia: o" the Apostle. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. B ommon: Hol$ Apostle *hilip8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. )" the &aint. 'one =. )rthodox$?s guide. B ommon: .>.

)rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" high priests8 ) wise 'heophanes8 inspired !$ God8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the Apostle. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. +nlightened !$ the allChol$ &pirit $ou enlighten the whole earth !$ $our teachings and the !rightness o" $our wonders8 ) sacred initiate8 Apostle *hilip. )" the &aint. &ame melod$. Iou dawned on the hurch like a second sun8 -enera!le 'heophanes8 enlightening her with the !eams o" $our teachings as a priest o" hrist our God. Note: )n the ele-enth o" this month8 i" it "alls on a &unda$8 or on the "irst &unda$ "ollowing it8 is sung the o""ice o" the .>< Hol$ Fathers8 who assem!led in the <th +cumenical ouncil at Nicea against the iconoclasts8 in the reign o" the +mpress Irene and o" her son8 onstantine *orph$rogenitos. &unda$ o" the Hol$ Fathers o" the <th +cumenical ouncil. Apol$tikia: o" the (esurrectionJ and o" the Fathers. 'one =. Iou are glori"ied a!o-e all8 hrist our God8 who esta!lished our Fathers as !eacons on the earth8 and through them guided us all to the true "aith: Greatl$ compassionate 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH Kontakion. 'one =. 'he preaching o" the Apostles and the doctrines o" the Fathers sealed "or the hurch the "aith as oneJ wearing the ro!e o" truth8 wo-en "rom contemplation on high8 she rightl$ proclaims and glori"ies the great %$ster$ o" true religion. )r: Kontakion. 'one ,. Not honouring an image made !$ hands. 'he &on who shone ine""a!l$ "rom the Father8 was !orn two"old in nature "rom a womanJ knowing him we do not den$ the representation o" his "ormJ !ut depicting .>/

it de-outl$8 we honour it "aith"ull$J and so8 holding to the true "aith8 the hurch8 greets the image o" hrist?s incarnation. 1,. )" the hol$ mart$rs *ro!us8 'arachos and Andronikos. 'he$ su""ered under 3iocletian in ,;>. Apol$tikion. 'one 6. 0et us !elie-ers. 'he *owers o" hea-en mar-elled at the achie-ements o" the hol$ %art$rs8 !ecause !$ the power o" the ross the$ struggled no!l$ and in-isi!l$ o-ercame while in mortal !odies the !odiless "oeJ and the$ intercede with the 0ord to ha-e merc$ on our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things a!o-e. 'he no!le soldiers o" hrist8 the godl$ %art$rs *ro!us8 Andronikos and 'arachos8 ha-e shown us the glor$ o" the 'rinit$J the$ con"ounded all the godlessness o" the t$rants as in the "aith the$ no!l$ struggled. 1.. )" the hol$ mart$rs Karpos8 *ap$los8 Agathodoros and Agathoniki. ,arpos was 1ishop o" the hurch o" 'h$ateira8 *ap!los a deacon8 2gathodoros their sla-e8 while 2gathoniki was *ap$los? sister. 'he$ su""ered under 3ecius at &ardis in 0$dia around ,65. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. As a precious treasure and a spring "lowing with streams o" healings the %aster has granted $our relics to those on earthJ the$ cleanse diseases o" e-er$ kind and gi-e grace to souls in a ne-erCending streamJ and so with one accord8 Karpos and *ap$los we cele!rate with lo-e $our "esti-al. .>6

1/. )" the hol$ %art$rs NaLarius8 Ger-ase8 *rotasius and elsiusJ and o" our -enera!le "ather Kosmas o" the Hol$ it$8 the poet8 1ishop o" %aPouma. All the %art$rs su""ered at %ilan under Nero in >/. ,osmas was a nati-e o" the Hol$ it$8 that is 4erusalem. He was a contemporar$ and the same age as 4ohn o" 3amascus @3ecem!er /thA8 with whom he was !rought up8 ha-ing !een adopted !ecause he had !een orphaned !$ the latter?s "ather &ergius. He was also his "ellow student under the same teacher. In a!out </. he was consecrated !ishop o" %aiouma8 a coastal cit$ o" *alestine8 which8 ha-ing !een "ormerl$ su!Eect to GaLa8 was known as the har!our o" the GaLeans. 1ut under onstantine the Great it was completel$ re!uilt and named onstantia8 a"ter his son onstantine @&oLomen8 0istory of the 'hurch 6..A. Kosmas !ecame a "ine h$mnCwriter8 and is there"ore called !oth Dpoet? and Dmelodist?. Apol$tikion o" the %art$rs. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. And o" the &aint. 'one =. )rthodox$?s guide. B ommon: )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" high priests8 ) wise Kosmas8 inspired !$ God8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakia: o" the %art$rs. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Appearing as shining lamps8 godl$ %art$rs8 $ou "lood all creation with the light o" $our wonders8 as $ou destro$ on e-er$ occasion the deep night o" diseases and implore hrist8 the onl$ God8 to grant us merc$. And o" the &aint. 'one =. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. .>>

Adorned with -irtues8 ) Kosmas inspired !$ God8 $ou ha-e !ecome an adornment o" hrist?s church8 which $ou ha-e adorned with h$mns8 !lest &aint. 1ut intercede with the 0ord that we ma$ !e deli-ered "rom e-er$ wile o" the opponent who cr$ to $ou: Hail8 thriceChapp$ FatherH 16. )" the hol$ mart$r 0ucian8 pres!$ter o" the hurch o" Antioch. He was "rom &amosata o" de-out parents. He opened the catechetical school o" Antioch where he taught the orthodox doctrines o" the "aith and explained the di""icult passages o" the di-ine &criptures. He translated the )ld 'estament "rom the He!rew and produced a "irst class edition o" the text8 purged o" an$ trace o" heres$. He went to Nikomedia to encourage the "aith"ul to struggle "or the sake o" hrist and was denounced to %aximusJ to whom he spoke with great !oldness and made a de"ence o" the "aith o" the hristians. He was condemned to prison8 where he died "rom star-ation and thirst in .11. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. 1>. )" the hol$ mart$r 0onginus the enturion at the ross. It was he who ser-ed under *ilate during the passion o" the &a-iour hrist8 o-er whom he kept guard !$ the ross. 2hen he saw the earthFuake and all that took place8 he cried out in "ear: D'rul$ this man was the son o" God? @%att. ,<:6/A. A"ter the (esurrection he a!andoned his militar$ career and returned to his nati-e countr$ o" appadocia8 where he preached hrist. He was taken through the acti-it$ o" *ilate "or 'i!erius aesar and !eheaded. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. .><

Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Gladl$ the hurch reEoices at the commemoration toCda$ o" the re-ered champion8 0onginus8 as she cries: Iou8 hrist8 are m$ might and m$ strongholdH 1<. )" the hol$ *rophet )see BHosea:J and o" the hol$ monkCmart$r Andrew o" Krisis. 2ndrew came "rom the island o" rete8 where he led the ascetic li"e. 9nder the emperor onstantine opron$mous he le"t "or onstantinople and there su""ered much "or the honour o" the hol$ icons. Finall$ as he was !eing dragged through the market place with his "eet !ound8 he was struck with a !utcher?s axe !$ a certain "ishmonger8 and so ga-e up his spirit to God in the $ear <>1. He hol$ remains were laid up in a place called Krisis. Osee was "rom the tri!e o" Issachar8 or rather that o" (u!en8 a son o" 1eiri8 and is "irst in order o" the twel-e %inor *rophets8 and the oldest o" them. He prophesied "or more than sixt$ nine $ears. He li-ed "or more than eight$8 !etween =15 and <,5 1 . His prophec$ is di-ided into "ourteen chapters. Apol$tikion o" the %art$r. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. 'rained !$ the ascetic li"e on the mountain8 with the panopl$ o" the ross $ou destro$ed the spiritual assaults o" hostile powers8 !lest &aint. Again $ou !ra-el$ stripped "or com!at and slew opron$mous with the sword o" "aithJ "or !oth struggles $ou ha-e !een crowned !$ God8 as monk and mart$r8 honoured Andrew. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 'oda$ the Kueen o" cities cele!rates the radiant "east o" $our lightC!earing memor$8 and in-ites to Eoin her e-er$ cit$ and countr$. &he reEoices "or she has gained a great treasure: $our !od$ o" man$ struggles8 !lest Andrew8 !eacon o" orthodox$. 1=. )" the hol$ Apostle and +-angelist 0uke. .>=

He was "rom Antioch8 a doctor !$ pro"ession8 disciple and tra-elling companion o" *aul8 at whose suggestion he wrote the Gospel that !ears his name8 a"ter %atthew and %ark8 around the $ear >5 A3. 'hen he wrote the Acts o" the Apostles8 dedicating !oth !ooks @in the opinion o" some peopleA to the go-ernor or Achaia8 'heohilos. He li-ed more than =5 $ears and died in Achaia8 possi!l$ at *atras8 the metropolis o" that pro-ince. 'he em!lem on his icon is the )x8 the third o" the s$m!olic li-ing creatures o" +Lekiel B1815:8 !ecause his Gospel starts "rom the worship under the old law8 under which oxen were "reFuentl$ o""ered in sacri"ice. *ermission "or wine and oil Apol$tikion. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. B ommon: Hol$ Apostle and +-angelist 0uke8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Iou !ecame a disciple o" the di-ine 2ord8 and with *aul $ou led the whole world to he light and dispelled the gloom !$ writing the Gospel o" hrist. 1;. )" the hol$ *rophet 4oelJ and o" the hol$ %art$r #arus. Varus competed under %aximianus in .5/. 7oel was o" the tri!e o" (eu!en8 son o" 1athouel8 =1=C<65 1 . His prophec$ is di-ided into . chapters and is placed second among the %inor *rophets. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. ,5. )" the hol$ great %art$r ArtemiosJ and o" our -enera!le and godC!earing "ather Gerasimos the new ascetic o" the island o" Kephallenia. 2rtemios li-ed in the reign o" onstantine the Great and was appointed !$ him as go-ernor o" Alexandria. He was later honoured with the rank o" *atrician. In the .>;

reign o" 4ulian the Apostate8 who was punishing the hristians8 in the $ear .>1 Artemios with outspoken !oldness re!uked his apostas$. And so8 a"ter su""ering man$ torments8 his head was cut o"". +erasimos was a *eloponnesian !$ !irth8 son o" 3emetrios and Kali8 !$ whom he was de-outl$ !rought up and taught the sacred scriptures. He le"t his nati-e countr$ and a"ter Eourne$ing through -arious places8 reached Kephallenia. 'here he restored an old church and round it !uilt a nunner$8 which sur-i-es to this da$8 in a place called )mala. Here he ended the ascetic course o" his li"e in 16<;. His hol$ relics8 which ha-e remained incorrupt8 are exposed to the "aith"ul "or their sancti"ication. Apol$tikia: o" the %art$r. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. And o" the &aint. 'one 1. A champion o" the )rthodox and angel in the "lesh8 a godC!earing wonderCworker newl$ re-ealed to us8 godlike Gerasimos8 let us !elie-ers praise. For worthil$ he recei-ed "rom God the e-erC"lowing grace o" healings "rom God. He gi-es strength to the sick and heals those possessed !$ demons. And so "or those who honour him he is a source o" healings. ,1. )" our -enera!le "ather Hilarion the great. He li-ed "or =5 $ears and died in .... Apol$tikion. 'one =. %odel %elod$. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $ou made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father Hilarion8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. .<5

Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. As an unsetting !eacon o" the spiritual &un8 assem!led toCda$ we praise $ou in h$mnsJ "or $ou shone out "or those in the darkness o" ignorance8 leading all to the heights o" God8 ) Hilarion8 as the$ cried: Hail Father8 rampart o" AsceticsH ,,. )" the hol$ eFual o" the Apostles A-erkios8 1ishop o" Hierapolis8 the wonderC workerJ and o" the se-en hol$ $ouths o" +phesus8 %aximilian8 Iam!lichos8 %artinianus8 3ion$sios8 Anton$8 +xakoustodian and onstantine. 2verkios "lourished around 1=>. 'he even 4ouths "ell asleep in a ca-e in ,65 and slept "or 1=/ $ears8 until the reign o" 'heodosios the 0ess. 2hen the$ had awoken8 or risen again8 and !$ di-ine command slum!ered "or a little8 the$ departed to the 0ord in /./. Apol$tikia: o" the &aint. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and Hierarch A-erkiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the %art$rs. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. As "irst "ruits o" nature. 'he whole hurch o" the "aith"ul honours $ou8 A-erkios8 as a great high priest and "ellow o" the Apostles: !$ $our entreaties guard her unconFuered8 unshaken and undistur!ed !$ an$ heres$8 ) !lessed and mostCadmira!le. ,.. )" the hol$ Apostle 4ames8 the 0ord?s !rother8 "irst !ishop o" 4erusalem. According to some he was the son o" 4oseph the 1etrothed8 !$ the wi"e the latter had !e"ore he was !etrothed to the +-erC-irgin. He was there"ore known as her son .<1

and the 0ord?s !rother8 Eust as He was considered to !e 4oseph?s son @ Matt. 32,55A. According to others he was 4oseph?s nephew8 the son o" 4oseph?s !rother leopas or lopas8 who was also called Alphaeus8 and o" his wi"e %ar$8 who was the sister8 or rather the "irst cousin8 o" the %other o" God. 1ut he was again called the 0ord?s !rother !ecause o" this relationship8 in accordance with the idiom o" Hol$ &cripture. 1$ one o" the +-angelists @Mar 35.67A he is there"ore called D4ames the 0ess?8 to distinguish him "rom 4ames the son o" Qe!edee8 who is called Dthe Great?. He was appointed the "irst !ishop o" 4erusalem in ./8 ha-ing !een chosen "or the episcopal throne8 according to some8 !$ the 0ord himsel"J !ut according to +use!ius8 !$ the Apostles. He was nicknamed D)l-ias?8 that is to sa$ DEust?8 !ecause o" his outstanding holiness and Eustice. He clim!ed to the pinnacle o" the temple8 that is to the highest point o" its roo"8 on the da$ o" *ascha to the amaLement o" all8 and "rom there he ga-e what the$ sought o" him: a testimon$ concerning 4esus. He proclaimed in a loud -oice that 4esus is seated on the right hand o" the Great *ower8 and is going to come on the clouds o" hea-en. At this testimon$ man$ o" those present shouted out: DHosanna to the son o" 3a-idH?. 1ut the scri!es and *harisees cried: DAhH +-en the 4ust has !een led astra$H? and on the orders o" the High *riest Annanas he was cast down "rom there and then stoned as he pra$ed "or his murderers. His head was crushed with a "uller?s !oard8 and so he !reathed his last in the $ear >, @+use!ius8 0istory of the 'hurch, II.,.A. 'he "irst o" the atholic +pistles to the 4ews in the diaspora was written !$ this 4ames. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. As the 0ord?s disciple8 ) 4ust one8 $ou recei-ed the GospelJ as a %art$r $ou ha-e un"linching courageJ as God?s !rother8 !oldnessJ as a High *riest8 power to intercede. Intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. .<,

2hen the onl$C!egotten o" the Father8 God the 2ord8 came to li-e among in these last da$s8 he declared $ou8 -enera!le 4ames8 to !e "irst shepherd and teacher o" 4erusalem and "aith"ul steward o" the spiritual %$steriesJ and so we all honour $ou8 Apostle. ,/. )" the hol$ %art$r Arethas and his companions. 'he$ were mart$red in 6/, at Negra BNaEran:8 a cit$ in Ara!ia Felix. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 1e entreated. B ommon: 1e entreated !$ the su""erings8 which the &aints endured "or $ou8 ) 0ordJ and heal all our pains8 we !eg8 ) 0o-er o" mankind. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'oCda$ a herald o" Eo$8 the lightC!earing "east o" the hampions8 has come to usJ as we h$mn it we glori"$ the 0ord who is in the highest. ,6. )" the hol$ %art$rs and notaries %arkianos and %art$rios. 'he$ were put to death !$ the Arians in onstantinople in ./>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. ompeting well since childhood8 %arkianos with wise %art$rios8 $ou o-erthrew the apostate Arius and kept the orthodox "aith unharmed as $ou "ollowed *aul8 the wise teacherJ and so $ou ha-e "ound li"e with him as no!le champions o" the 'rinit$. ,>. )" the hol$ Great %art$r 3emetrios %$ro-litisJ and commemoration o" the Great +arthFuake. 'he latter occurred at onstantinople in </18 the ,/th $ear o" the reign o" 0eo the Isaurian8 the "irst o" the iconoclast emperors. .<.

&aint %emetrios was "rom 'hessaloniki8 a most de-out son o" de-out parents and a teacher o" hrist?s "aith. And so8 when %aximianos came to 'hessaloniki in ,;58 3emetrios was arrested !$ him and kept chained in prison. Games were !eing held in the cit$ and %aximianos was present as a spectator. A certain !ar!arian8 a "riend o" the +mperor?s and a noted wrestler8 named 0$aios8 outstanding !oth "or his ph$sical !ulk and his strength8 was -aunting himsel" in the stadium and challenging the citiLens to wrestle with him. All those who took up the challenge he threw. &eeing this a certain $outh named Nestor8 an acFuaintance o" &aint 3emetrios8 came to him in the prison and asked "or his !lessing "or single com!at. 'his he recei-ed !$ !eing signed with the precious ross. 'hen he entered the stadium and cried !oldl$: D) God o" 3emetrios8 help meH? He got a hold on 0$aios and striking him a timel$ !low !elow the heart8 he le"t the "ormer champion li"eless on the ground. %aximianos8 greatl$ grie-ed at this8 when he learned the reason8 ordered 3emetrios to !e run through at once with lances in the prison where he was !eing held8 !ut Nestor he slew with his own sword. Apol$tikion o" the &aint. 'one .. Iour con"ession. 'he whole world has "ound $ou as a might$ champion in dangers8 ) -ictor8 who rout the nations. 'here"ore8 as $ou destro$ed the pride o" 0$aios in the stadium !$ gi-ing Nestor courage8 hol$ Great %art$r 3emetrios8 implore hrist God to grant us his great merc$. And o" the +arthFuake. 'one =. hrist8 our God8 who look upon the earth and make it trem!le8 deli-er us "rom the "ear"ul threat o" earthFuake8 and send down upon us $our rich mercies8 at the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 ) onl$ lo-er o" mankind. Kontakion. 'one ,. %odel %elod$. 2ith the streams o" $our !lood8 3emetrios8 God has d$ed the hurch in purple8 the God who gi-es $ou unconFuera!le might and keeps $our it$ unharmed8 "or $our are its strength. .</

,<. )" the hol$ %art$r Nestor. He su""ered under %aximianos8 as stated a!o-e under the ,>th. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. )r: Apol$tikion o" the &aint. 'one .. Iour con"ession. 'he whole world has "ound $ou as a might$ champion in dangers8 ) -ictor8 who rout the nations. 'here"ore8 as $ou destro$ed the pride o" 0$aios in the stadium !$ gi-ing Nestor courage8 hol$ Great %art$r 3emetrios8 implore hrist God to grant us his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high.. Iou struggled no!l$ and ha-e now inherited immortal "ameJ at the pra$ers o" the %art$r 3emetrios $ou !ecame a -aliant soldier o" the %aster. 2ith him8 wise Nestor8 do not cease to intercede on !ehal" o" us all. ,=. )" the hol$ mart$rs 'erence and Neonilla8 his wi"e8 and o" their se-en children8 &a-ilos8 Nitas8 Ierax8 'heodoulos8 *hotios8 #ili and +-nikiJ and o" our -enera!le Father &tephen the &a!!aite. 'heir countr$ and the date o" their mart$rdom are uncertain. 'he$ were all !eheaded a"ter enduring !itter tortures. &aint tephen passed his li"e in asceticism in the monaster$ o" &t &a!!asJ hence he was named D&a!!aite?. Here he was ordained !ishop. He died around <;58 lea-ing the hurch a num!er o" poetic troparia. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. .<6

And o" the &aint. 'one =. )rthodox$?s guide. B ommon: )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" high priests8 ) wise &tephen8 inspired !$ God8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. ,;. )" the hol$ -irgin mart$r Anastasia the (omanJ and o" our -enera!le "ather A-ramios. 2nastasia was arrested while still $oung and li-ing in a monaster$. &he con"essed hrist with !oldness and when she had endured man$ "orms o" torture she was !eheaded in ,6>8 under #alerian and Gallienus. &aint 2vramios died in a!out .;5. Apol$tikia. )" the &aint. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH And o" the &aint. 'one =. In $ou8 %other. B ommon: In $ou8 Father8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ A-ramios8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakia. )" the %art$r. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. #enera!le Anastasia8 hallowed !$ streams o" -irginit$ and washed in the !lood o" mart$rdom8 $ou grant healing to those in the toils o" diseases and sal-ation to those who approach $ou "rom the heartJ "or hrist8 who pours "orth grace without limit8 gi-es $ou strength. .<>

And o" the &aint. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Iou appeared on earth as an angel in the "lesh8 and !$ $our ascetic li"e $ou !ecame like a tree planted !$ the water o" sel"Ccontrol and grew wellJ $ou washed stains awa$ with the streams o" $our tears. And so $ou ha-e !een re-ealed8 A-ramios8 as a godlike -essel o" the &pirit. .5. )" the hol$ mart$rs Qeno-ios and Qeno-ia8 his sister. 'he$ su""ered under 3iocletian in ,;5. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. As "irst "ruits o" mature.. 0et us honour with inspired songs the %art$rs "or truth and heralds o" true religion8 the !rother and sister Qeno-ios with Qeno-ia8 who li-ed united and who through mart$rdom ha-e recei-ed an incorrupti!le crown. .1. )" the hol$ Apostles o" the &e-ent$8 &tach$s8 Apelles8 Amplias8 9r!an8 Narcissus and Aristo!oulos8 and o" the hol$ mart$r +pimachos. )" these Apostles8 ta(h!s was ordained and appointed "irst !ishop o" 1$Lantium !$ the Apostle Andrew. He shepherded his "lock "or 1> $ears and went to his rest in the 0ord. According to tradition 2pelles !ecame !ishop o" Heracleia and died in peace. 2mplias and 5rban were ordained !$ Andrew8 the "irst called8 Amplias as !ishop o" )d$ssopolis and 9r!an o" a cit$ in %acedonia. 'he$ were !oth slain !$ idolaters. $ar(issus was ordained !ishop o" Athens and met a mart$r?s death. 2ristoboulos was !ishop o" a cit$ whose name is unknown. 'he godl$ Apostle *aul mentions &tach$s8 Amplias8 9r!an and Narcissus @*om. 1>8 =.;.11A.


'he %art$r 8pima(hos was "rom +g$pt and led the ascetic li"e !$ mount *elusion. He went down to Alexandria in the time o" 3ecius8 was arrested !$ the go-ernor Apellianos and underwent a mart$r?s death in ,61. Apol$tikia. )" the Apostles. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. B ommon: Hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. And o" the %art$r. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. As "irst "ruits o" nature. As precious treasures o" the allChol$ &pirit and ra$s o" the &un o" glor$ let us "ittingl$ h$mn the wise Apostles8 Apelles8 9r!an8 Aristo!oulos8 Amplias8 Narcissus and &tach$s8 whom the grace o" our God has !rought together. Appendix 1 Bor ,=:. 'he *rotecting #eil o" the %ost Hol$ %other o" God. In the &acred %onaster$ o" 3ocheiariou on %ount Athos8 the hol$ wonderCworking Icon o" the %other o" God8 Gorgo$pikoos B"he who answers swiftly:. Apol$tikia. B!$ %onk Gerasimos: 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert. 2e sing the praise o" the graces o" $our *rotectng #eil8 ) #irgin8 which like a lightC!earing cloud $ou un"old !e$ond understanding8 and $ou spirituall$ protect $our people "rom e-er$ assault o" their "oe. For we ha-e gained $ou as *rotection8 de"ender and helper8 as we cr$ out to $ou: Glor$ to $our might$ deeds8 ) *ure oneJ glor$ to $our *rotectionJ glor$ to $our pro-idence towards us8 ) ImmaculateH Another. 'one =. %other o" God +-erC#irgin. .<=

%other o" God +-erC#irgin8 $ou ha-e gi-en $our hol$ *rotection8 through which $ou protect those who hope in $ou8 as a might$ re"uge "or $our race. For as o" old so now $ou ha-e wondrousl$ sa-ed us8 en-eloping $our people like a spiritual cloud. And so we implore $ou to grant peace to $our commonwealth8 and to our souls God?s great merc$. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. B!$ %onk Gerasimos: 0ike a cloud !rightl$ o-ershadowing the whole compan$ o" the hurch8 ) AllC pure8 $ou appeared o" old in the ro$al it$. 1ut as *rotection and hampion o" $our people8 protect us "rom e-er$ a""liction as we cr$ to $ou: Hail8 *rotection wholl$ light. )" the Icon. 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert. B1$ %onk Gerasimos: %ade rich !$ $our icon that works mar-els8 %other o" God8 as !$ a spring o" $our spiritual graces that "lows "rom God8 we draw "rom it a!undantl$ the streams o" mar-els8 as "rom +den. For $ou are a helper who answers Fuickl$ those who cr$ out to $ou8 DGlor$8 pure #irgin8 to gi"ts o" graceJ glor$ to $our -irginit$J glor$ to $our ine""a!le care "or us8 ) ImmaculateH? )" the Icon. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. B1$ %onk Gerasimos: 'aking re"uge in $our help8 ) %other o" God8 as in a sheltered ha-en we are sa-ed "rom man$ kinds o" dangers and disease. For as a helper who answers Fuickl$ $ou ha-e appeared to those who with "aith take re"uge in $our Icon and who cr$ out to $ou8 DHail8 helper o" all the worldH? In $prus and in some other places8 on the "irst &unda$ o" )cto!er the "east o" All &aints o" $prus is cele!rated. Apol$tikion "or the &aints o" $prus 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert. 'he &aints o" $prus8 Apostles and %art$rs8 High *riests and Ascetics8 let us $priots8 as is "itting8 ha-ing "ormed a new choir8 honour with spiritual songs8 as .<;

glorious adornments and de"enders o" the isle8 as we cr$8 DGlor$ to the )ne who made $ou strongH Glor$ to the )ne who crowned $ouH Glor$ to the )ne who through $ou grants us gi"ts di-ineH? %he 'onth of No,em$er. @Ha-ing .5 da$s. 'he da$ has 15 hours and the night 1/A 1. )" the hol$ and wonderCworking8 unmercenar$ ph$sicians8 osmas and 3amianJ and o" their -enera!le mother 'heodotes. 'he$ were "rom Asia8 and their "ather was a pagan. A"ter his death8 their hristC lo-ing mother now ha-ing "ound "reedom8 !rought them up de-outl$ and taught them e-er$ "orm o" -irtue and knowledge8 in particular medicine. 'he$ took this up as their pro"ession and went around e-er$ disease and weakness8 gi-ing their cures without pa$ment !oth to all humans and also to animals8 hence the$ were gi-en the epithet D9nmercenaries?. In this wa$ the$ completed the course o" their li-es and died in peace. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. Hol$ 9nmercenar$ &aints and wonderworkers8 -isit our weaknesses: "reel$ $ou ha-e recei-ed8 "reel$ gi-e to us. Kontakion. 'one ,. Glorious8 wonderCworking Healers8 $ou ha-e recei-ed the grace o" healings8 and spread strength on those in need. 1ut !$ $our -isitation calm too the insolence o" our enemies and heal the world !$ $our wonders. ,. )" the hol$ %art$rs Akind$nos8 *egasios8 Aphthonios8 +lpidophoros and Anempodistos. 'he$ su""ered in *ersia around the $ear ..58 under &a-orios8 or &aporios8 the &econd8 King o" the *ersians. .=5

Apol$tikion. 'one ,. hampions o" the 0ord8 !lessed is the earth enriched !$ $our !loodJ and hol$ the dwellings which ha-e recei-ed $our spiritsJ "or in the stadium $ou triumphed o-er the "oe and with !oldness proclaimed hrist. Intercede with him8 we !eg8 as he is good8 that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he angelic choir. As unwandering stars o" the &un o" glor$ the soldiers o" hrist shone on the earth8 scattering the darkness o" the passions and "orming without hindrance a "ount o" unstinted grace "or all8 the$ gi-e sal-ation without danger with hope o" the "aith. .. )" the hol$ %art$rs Akepsimas8 4oseph and AeithalasJ and the dedication o" the church o" the hol$ Great %art$r George o" 0$dda8 or the la$ing up o" his !od$. Akepsimas and his companions were mart$red in ..5 under &a-orios or &aporios II8 king o" the *ersians. 'he dedication took place in the time o" onstantine the Great. Apol$tikion: o" &t George. 'one /. As li!erator o" capti-es8 protector o" the poor8 ph$sician o" the sick8 champion o" kings8 ) -ictor and great mart$r George8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the %art$rs. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakia: o" the %art$rs. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. AllC!lessed8 wise %art$r8 without !lemish $ou were a guide to di-ine m$steries and !ecame an accepta!le sacri"iceJ "or gloriousl$ $ou drank the cup o" hrist8 hol$ Akepsimas8 with $our "ellow champions8 as $ou intercede "or us all. )" &t George. 'one =. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. .=1

'o $our triumphant and swi"t assistance we "aith"ul "lee "or re"uge and we implore that those who h$mn $ou ma$8 through $ou8 hrist?s champion8 !e deli-ered "rom the pit"alls o" the "oe8 and "rom e-er$ kind o" danger and o" ill8 that we ma$ cr$ to $ou: Hail8 mart$r GeorgeH /. )" our -enera!le "ather Ioannikios the GreatJ and o" the hol$ hieromart$rs Nikander8 !ishop o" %$ra8 and Hermaios8 pres!$ter. 'he$ drew man$ un!elie-ers to the "aith o" hristJ the$ were denounced to the count o" the cit$8 0i-anios8 !$ whom8 a"ter man$ other torments8 the$ were immured ali-e into a tom!8 and so handed their spirits into the hands o" God. 'he ascetic was !orn in 1ith$nia8 around the $ear </5J his "ather was named %$ritikes8 his mother Anastaso8 and "rom his earl$ manhood he ser-ed as a soldier and was "ound worth$ o" ro$al honours "or his courage. 0ater he came to despise them all and le"t "or %t )l$mpus8 where he passed the rest o" li"e as an ascetic8 and ha-ing !ecome might$ in -irtue8 he "ell asleep in the 0ord in =./8 ha-ing li-ed "or all o" ;/ $ears. His is the !rie" pra$er: D'he Father is m$ hope8? etc. Apol$tikia: o" the Ascetic. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father Ioannikios8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. And o" the 1ishop %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r NikanderJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the Ascetic. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Assem!led toCda$ in $our sacred memor$8 -enera!le Ioannikios8 all we !elie-ers implore that we ma$ "ind merc$ "rom the 0ord. .=,

6. )" the hol$ mart$rs Galakteon and his wi"e +pistimi. He was a son o" Kleitophon and 0e"kippi8 who at "irst had !oth !een pagans8 !ut were later taught the true "aith !$ a certain hristian8 named )nouphrios. +pistimi was also the child o" un!elie-ing parents and was !aptised !ecause o" her marriage to Galakteon. 'he$ were mart$red under 3ecius around ,65. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon:. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. >. )" our "ather among the saints *aul8 Arch!ishop o" onstantinople8 the on"essor. A nati-e o" 'hessaloniki8 he was "irst a priest and then !ishop o" the hurch o" onstantinopleJ a distinguished man8 generous8 upright "or things o" God8 witnessing !$ the goodness o" his li"e. He was a most "er-ent Lealot "or the ouncil o" Nicea and a most -aliant champion o" the "aith in the Homoousios until death. 1ut he was on two occasions exiled "rom his throne !$ the arianising +mperor onstantius8 son o" onstantine the Great8 "inall$ he was exiled around .65 to Koukousos in Armenia8 where at the instigation o" the Arians8 those who were taking him into exile throttled him. Apol$tikion. 'one .. %odel %elod$. Iour con"ession o" the di-ine "aith pro-ed $ou a second *aul8 a Lealot "or the hurch. 2ith $ou A!el and the Eust !lood o" Qachar$ cr$ out to the 0ord. #enera!le Father8 implore hrist God to !estow on us his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 1laLing upon earth like a star shining in the hea-ens8 $ou now enlighten the catholic hurch8 "or which $ou struggled and laid down $our li"e8 !lest *aul8 and like A!el and Qachar$ $our !lood cries out clearl$ to the 0ord. .=.

<. )" the thirt$ hol$ %art$rs o" %elitiniJ and o" our -enera!le "ather and wonderworker 0aLarus o" %t Galisios. 'he$ were mart$red under 3iocletian and %aximianos in ,;5. 0aLarus led the ascetic li"e under onstantine %onomachos. He was !orn in ;><8 tra-elled round -arious regions o" the +ast to -isit monasteries and8 ha-ing returned to his own countr$ in 15568 he !uilt the monasteries o" %t Galisios a"ter 151, and "ell asleep in the 0ord on the <th o" No-em!er 156.. Apol$tikia: o" the %art$rs. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. And o" the Ascetic. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father 0aLarus8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. As a might$ !eacon the hurch o" hrist glori"ies $ou with Eo$ in psalmsJ there"ore do not cease to intercede with hrist God to grant to all pardon o" o""ences. =. 'he Assem!l$ o" the hie" aptain %ichael and the rest o" the 1odiless *owers. All the Angels8 according to the Apostle *aul8 are ministering spirits8 sent out "or those who are to inherit sal-ation BHe!. 1:1/:. God has esta!lished them as guardians o-er e-er$ nation and people8 and as guides "or what is good B0e-. .,:=:. He orders them to guard those who hope in him8 that nothing ma$ harm them8 that no e-il ma$ draw near their dwellings B*s. >:;C1/:. In hea-en the$ look continuall$ on the "ace o" God8 as the$ sing to him the thriceChol$ h$mn and intercede !e"ore .=/

him on our !ehal"8 as the$ likewise also reEoice o-er one sin who repents BIs. >:,C.J %t. 1=:15J 0k. 16:<J Acts 1,:16:. In a word the$ ser-e God "or our !ene"it in so man$ wa$s that the pages o" the hol$ &criptures are "ull o" accounts o" them. 'here"ore the orthodox hurch8 grate"ull$ honouring these di-ine ministers and our protectors and guardians8 ordains toCda$ this present assem!l$8 that is our gathering "or their common "east and praiseJ !ut especiall$ o" the Archangels %ichael and Ga!riel8 as the$ are mentioned !$ name in the &criptures. %ichael means D2ho is as GodM?8 while Ga!riel means D*ower o" God?. 'he num!er o" the Angels is not de"ined !$ hol$ &cripture8 though 3aniel sa$s thousands upon thousands minister to God and ten thousands upon ten thousands stand !e"ore him B<:15:. Ne-ertheless the$ are all di-ided into nine ranks called: 'hrones8 heru!im8 &eraphim8 3ominions8 *owers8 Authorities8 *rincipalities8 Archangels and Angels. No work and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 0i"ted upon the ross. hie" captains o" the hea-enl$ armies8 we the unworth$ implore $ou to protect us !$ $our supplications with the shelter o" the wings o" $our immaterial glor$ as $ou guard us who "all down and insistentl$ cr$ out: 3eli-er us "rom dangers8 as aptains o" the *owers a!o-e. Kontakion. 'one ,. hie" captains o" God8 ministers o" di-ine glor$8 guides o" mankind and princes o" the 1odiless ones8 ask "or what is "or our good and "or great merc$8 as hie" aptains o" the 1odiless ones. ;. )" the hol$ mart$rs )nesiphoros and *orph$riosJ and o" our -enera!le mother %atronaJ and o" our Father among the &aints Nekatarios o" *entapolis. 'he mart$rs su""ered under 3iocletian and %aximianos in the $ear ,;5. 'he ascetic was "rom *erge in *amph$lia and "lourished around />>J she had !een married to a hus!and and had a daughter !$ himJ a"ter her hus!and?s death she .=6

entrusted her to a certain wise woman8 while she hersel" ended her li"e asceticall$. &he li-ed to !e almost a hundred.. &aint Nektarios was "rom &el$-ria in 'hrace8 and was de-oted to God "rom childhood. 2hen he had !een care"ull$ educated he was consecrated %etropolitan o" *entapolis in +g$pt. He came to Greece and passed his li"e in -irtue8 wisdom and the other precepts o" the Gospel. 1$ di-ine counsel he "ounded the women?s monaster$ o" the Hol$ 'rinit$ in Aegina8 where he spent the rest o" his li"e in holiness and -irtue8 in constant pra$er and humilit$. He "ell asleep in 1;,5. In the same monaster$8 which alread$ !ears his name8 are preser-ed his sacred relics8 which ine""a!l$ gi-e o"" a sweet "ragrance and are the source o" numerous wonders. Apol$tikia: o" the %art$rs. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. And o" the Ascetic. 'one =. B ommon: In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ %atrona8 reEoices with the Angels. )" &t Nektarios. 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert. &el$-ria?s o""spring and Aegina?s guardian8 the true "riend o" -irtue8 re-ealed in these last times8 Nektarios let us the "aith"ul praise as inspired ser-ant o" hristJ "or he pours out healings o" e-er$ kind "or those who de-outl$ cr$: Glor$ to hrist who ga-e $ou glor$H Glor$ to him who made $ou wondrousH Glor$ to him who through $ou works healings "or allH Kontakion o" the Hierarch. 'one =. 'o $ou m$ hampion. 'he newl$ shining star o" )rthodox$8 and newC!uilt outer rampart o" the hurch o" hrist let us sing his praises with Eo$ o" heart8 "or !$ the power o" the &pirit .=>

glori"ied he pours out a!undant grace o" healings "or those who cr$ aloud: Hail8 Father NektariosH 15. )" the hol$ apostles o" the &e-ent$8 )l$mpas8 (hodion8 +rastes8 &osipater and Kuartus8 and o" the hol$ mart$r )restes. )" these )l$mpas and (hodion8 or Herodion B(om. 1>:11:8 "ollowed *eter the prince o" the Apostles to (ome8 where their heads were cut o"" !$ Nero. 'he others ended their li-es in peace8 ha-ing !ecome !ishops8 &osipater o" Iconium8 Kuartus o" 1eirut8 +rastes o" *aneas or *aneias @which was renamed aesarea *hilippiA8 he had !een appointed treasurer o" the hurch in orinth B(om. 1>:,,:. 'he mart$r was "rom '$ana in appadocia in the time o" 3iocletian. Holes were !ored in his ankles !$ long nails8 he was !ound to a wild horse8 dragged -iolentl$ along !$ it and expired8 in the $ear ,=;. Apol$tikia: o" the Apostles. 'one .. B ommon: ) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. And o" the %art$rs. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'he Apostles? "esti-al has !een made mani"est toCda$8 mani"estl$ granting "orgi-eness o" o""ences to all who cele!rate their memorial. 11. )" the hol$ mart$rs %enas8 #ictor and #incentJ and o" the hol$ %art$r &tephanisJ and o" our -enera!le Father 'heodore the &tudite. %enas was an +g$ptian who su""ered in Kot$aeios in *hr$gia in ,;> under 3iocletian and %aximianosJ #ictor and &tephanis in Ital$ in 1>5 under AntoniusJ #incent in &pain in ,.6 under %aximinus. .=<

'heodore the &tudite was !orn in onstantinople in <6; o" de-out parents8 *hoteinos and 'heoctistiJ "rom his $outh he was clothed in the monastic schema in the monaster$ known as that o" &akkodion8 o" which he !ecame a!!ot in <;/ @ha-ing !een ordained deacon and priest around <=/ !$ the most hol$ patriarch 'arasiosA. 0ater he trans"erred to the monaster$ o" &tudios8 so called !ecause it had !een "ounded !$ &tudios8 a (oman consul8 and he recei-ed the epithet D&tudite?. He appeared as a "er-ent Lealot "or the traditions o" the "athersJ he "ought till his death "or the honour o" the hol$ iconsJ he endured exile on three occasions !ecause o" his Leal "or the true "aith. )n the third occasion he was condemned !$ the iconoclast +mperor 0eo the ArmenianJ he endured no!l$8 !eing !eaten and !ound and !eing trans"erred "rom one gloom$ dungeon to another e-en more st$gian8 "or se-en whole $ears. Finall$ he was recalled "rom exile !$ %ichael 'ra-los8 and a"ter a short respite "rom his long la!ours he rested in the 0ord on No-em!er 11th8 =,>8 on a &unda$8 when his disciples were kneeling round him and singing the D1lameless?. &ome sa$ that he himsel"8 a"ter recei-ing the spotless m$steries8 !egan to sing this psalmJ !ut that when he reached the -erse: DI shall not "orget $our Eudgements "or e-er8 "or !$ them $ou ha-e made me li-e? @11=:;.A8 he expired8 at the age o" ><. Among his man$ other sacred writings he composed8 with the coCoperation o" his own !rother 4oseph8 almost the whole o" the !ook8 "ull o" compunction8 the 'riodion @ ". also 4ul$ 1/thA. Apol$tikia: o" the %art$rs. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. And o" the &aint. 'one = B ommon:. )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" monks8 inspired !$ God8 ) wise 'heodore8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e .==

enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakia: )" the %art$rs. 'one =. As %art$rs o" true religion and inspired athletes8 the hurch8 as she glori"ies toC da$ their godl$ struggles8 honours %enas the champion8 #ictor the no!le and #incent the highCmindedJ and she cries out with lo-e as she glori"ies the 0o-er o" mankind. )" the Ascetic. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iour ascetic li"e8 eFual to an angel?s8 $ou made radiant !$ an athlete?s wrestlings8 and $ou appeared8 'heodore8 !lessed !$ God8 as a companion o" Angels8 with whom $ou implore hrist God on !ehal" o" us all. 1,. )" our "ather among the saints 4ohn the %erci"ul8 arch!ishop o" AlexandriaJ and o" our -enera!le "ather Neilos. 4ohn was "rom $prus8 "rom the town o" Amathon8 son o" +piphanios8 go-ernor o" $prus. He was !orn in 6668 he was placed on the archiepiscopal throne in >5= and died in >1;8 at the age o" >/. Neilos was "rom onstantinople8 a disciple o" hr$sostom At "irst he was eparch o" the cit$ !ut later a monk on %t &inai. He wrote letters and -arious acetic writings. He died around /61. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikia: )" the 1ishop. 'one =. 1$ endurance $ou gained $our reward8 -enera!le Father8 in pra$ers $ou were unceasingl$ strong8 $ou lo-ed the poor and pro-ided "or themJ !ut intercede with hrist God8 !lest 4ohn the %erci"ul8 that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the Ascetic. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome .=;

a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father 4ohn8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakia: )" the 1ishop. 'one ,8 &eeking things on high. Iou distri!uted $our wealth to the poor and now $ou ha-e wealth "rom hea-en8 allC wise 4ohnJ and so we all honour $ou8 as we cele!rate the memor$ o" the %erc$8 whose name $ou !ear. )" &aint Neilos. 'one =. 'o $ou m$ hampion. 'he re!ellious undergrowth o" the passions o" the !od$8 !lest Neilos8 $ou -igorousl$ cut out !$ $our sleepless intercession. 1ut as $ou ha-e !oldness towards the 0ord8 "ree me "rom e-er$ kind o" danger that I ma$ cr$ to $ou: Hail8 uni-ersal FatherH 1.. )" our "ather among the saints 4ohn hr$sostom8 arch!ishop o" onstantinople. 'his great teacher o" the inha!ited world was !orn in Antioch the Great in .// o" de-out parents8 &ecundus and Anthousa. He was a pupil the rhetor 0i-anios and the philosopher Andragathios. He was at "irst a monk in the hermitages around Antioch and later ordained priest o" the church o" Antioch in .=.. He mounted the archiepiscopal throne on the 16th o" 3ecem!er .;<. He was !anished in /5, !$ Arkadios and +-doxia8 !ut a"ter a short time he was recalled to his throne. A"ter se-en or eight months he was !anished "or a second time on 4une ,;th /5/8 and ha-ing su""ered greatl$ in exile "or more than three $ears8 !eing constantl$ trans"erred "rom place to place8 he died on the road in Komani on the 1/th o" &eptem!er /5< at the age o" >.. He was named hr$sostom !ecause o" his eloFuence. He wrote a great man$ works and explained the di-ine &criptures more than an$ other o" the Fathers. 18//< o" his sermons ha-e !een preser-ed and ,/5 letters. 'went$ two teachers o" the hurch ha-e composed eulogies "or him. .;5

Note that !ecause o" the "east o" the +xaltation o" the ross on &eptem!er 1/th8 his commemoration was trans"erred to the present date. No work and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. 'he grace which shone "rom $our mouth like a torch o" "lame has enlightened the whole worldJ it has laid up "or the world treasures "ree o" a-ariceJ it has shown us the height o" humilit$. 1ut as $ou instruct !$ $our words8 ) Father 4ohn hr$sostom8 intercede with hrist God8 the 2ord8 that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one >.. Iou recei-ed di-ine grace "rom hea-en8 and through $our lips $ou teach us all to worship one God in 'rinit$8 ) -enera!le 4ohn hr$sostom8 wholl$ !lessed. Fittingl$ we praise $ou8 "or $ou are a guide who makes clear things di-ine. 1/. )" the hol$ and allCpraised Apostle *hilip. He was one o" the 'wel-e8 "rom 1ethsaida in Galilee8 a "ellow citiLen o" Andrew and *eter. +ducated in the teachings o" the 0aw8 he de-oted himsel" to the stud$ o" the prophetic !ooksJ and so 4esus called him to the rank o" Apostle8 he sought and at once "ound Nathanel8 and said to him: 2e ha-e "ound the one o" whom %oses wrote in the 0aw8 4esus the son o" 4oseph "rom NaLareth @4o. 1:/>A. He preached 4esus the GodCman in man$ parts o" Asia %inor8 and ha-ing su""ered much "or his name8 he was cruci"ied head downwards in Hierapolis in *hr$gia. No work and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 'one .. B ommon: ) hol$ Apostle *hilip8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one =.


Inspired *hilip8 $our disciple and "riend and imitator o" $our passion8 proclaimed $ou as God to the whole inha!ited world. At his intercessions guard $our hurch "rom lawless "oes8 through the %other o" God8 ) %ost merci"ul. 16. )" the hol$ %art$rs and con"essors8 Gourias8 &amonas and A-i-os. )" these8 Gourias and &amonas su""ered under 3iocletian in ,==. 2hile A-i-os8 a deacon8 was mart$red in the time o" 0icinius8 in .1>. From toda$ we !egin the hristmas Fast. Apol$tikion. 'one 6. Iou ha-e !estowed on us8 hrist God8 the wonders o" $our hol$ %art$rs as an un!reacha!le wallJ at their entreaties scatter the counsels o" the nations8 strengthen the sceptres o" the Kingdom8 as $ou alone are good and lo-e mankind. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. (ecei-ing the grace "rom on high8 $ou stood "ast in trials8 allCpraised &aintsJ and there"ore $ou deli-ered a maiden "rom a !itter deathJ "or $ou are trul$ the glor$ o" +dessa8 and the Eo$ o" the world. 1>. )" the hol$ Apostle and +-angelist %atthew. He is also called 0e-i8 son o" Alphaios. A nati-e o" Galilee8 !$ pro"ession a tax collector. He wrote "irst in *alestine his -ersion o" the Gospel in He!rew eight or nine8 or8 according to some8 "i"teen $ears a"ter the Assumption o" the &a-iour. In pictures he has next him a human "orm8 the "irst o" the s$m!olic li-ing creatures o" +Lekiel @1:15A8 !ecause he !egins his Gospel with the genealog$ o" 4esus hrist according to the "lesh. He was one o" the 'wel-e. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one .. B ommon: ) hol$ Apostle and +-angelist %atthew8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one /. As "irst "ruits o" nature. .;,

Ha-ing cast aside the $oke o" the custom house8 $ou were Eoined to the $oke o" Eustice and re-ealed as an excellent merchant8 acFuiring as wealth the wisdom "rom on highJ there"ore $ou proclaimed the word o" truth8 and roused the souls o" the sloth"ul8 !$ writing o" the hour o" the 4udgement. 1<. )" our "ather among the saints Gregor$8 !ishop o" Neocaesarea8 the wonderworker. He was !orn in Neocaesaria in appadocia o" un!elie-ing parents. He studied in Athens8 Alexandria8 1eirut and "inall$ in aesarea "or "i-e $ears under )rigen8 !$ whom he was also instructed in the hristian "aith. 'hen8 in the $ear ,/58 he !ecame !ishop o" his home countr$8 in which he "ound onl$ se-enteen hristians. 2hen he died in a!out ,>6 he le"t scarcel$ as man$ un!elie-ers. 'he whole period o" his episcopate was a succession o" remarka!le wonders8 "rom which he acFuired the epithet D2onderworker?8 !eing called e-en !$ the enemies o" the truth a D&econd %oses? @c". 1asil the Great8 )n the Hol$ &pirit hap. ,;A. Apol$tikion. 'one =. 2atch"ul in pra$ers8 might$ in works o" wonders8 $ou o!tained $our achie-ements as title. 1ut intercede with hrist God8 Father Gregor$8 to enlighten our souls8 that we ma$ ne-er sleep in sins unto death. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou recei-ed the "orce o" man$ wonders8 made the demons Fuake !$ "ear"ul signs and dro-e out the diseases o" men8 allCwise Gregor$J and so $ou are called D2onderworker?8 taking $our title "rom $our works. 1=. )" the hol$ mart$rs *lato and (omanos. *lato was mart$red under the go-ernor Agrippinos in ,;>8 and was "rom the territor$ o" the Galatians8 "rom the cit$ o" Ankara. (omanos was "rom Antioch in the time o" %aximianos. Arraigned !e"ore the eparch Asklepiades8 and urged !$ him to worship idols8 he asked that an in"ant !e !rought "rom the marketCplace8 that it might !e the Eudge o" the proposed idea. 2hen the in"ant was asked: 2hich .;.

God should one worshipM it answered: 'he God o" the hristians. It was then mercilessl$ "la$ed on the t$rant?s orders and then its head was struck o"". 'he mart$r had his tongue cut out and was thrown into goal8 "inall$ he was throttled there in .56. It was in this (omanos? name that &aint Helen later "ounded the lo-el$ church in onstantinople. I" it is not Alleluia8 Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. 1;. )" the hol$ *rophet A-dias B)!adiah:. 'he place and date at which the *rophet "lourished is unclear "rom Hol$ &criptureJ and so some sa$ that he is the steward o" Acha!8 who hid one hundred prophets in a ca-e "rom the wrath o" 4eLa!el and "ed them on !read and water @. Kingd. 1=:/A8 and that later he !ecame a disciple o" the prophet +lias in around ;5. 1 . 2hile Kalmetis and his "ollowers Eudge that "rom the words o" his own prophec$8 he was a little later than 4oel @)cto!er 1;thA. He is also called )-diou8 and A-dias and )-dias. His prophec$ consists o" onl$ one chapter and is placed "ourth among the %inor *rophets. #arlaam was "rom a -illage !$ &$rian AntiochJ he was an old man and a "armer !$ pro"ession. He was mart$red in the time o" 3iocletian. I" it is not Alleluia8 Apol$tikion o" the *rophet. 'one ,. B ommon: As we cele!rate the memor$ o" $our *rophet A-dias8 ) 0ord8 through him we !eseech $ou: &a-e our souls. Another8 o" the %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. .;/

,5. Fore"east o" the +ntr$ o" the mostChol$ %other o" God into the 'empleJ and commemoration o" our hol$ "athers Gregor$ o" 3ecapolis and *roclus8 arch!ishop o" onstantinople. Gregor$ was "rom 3ecapolis in oeloC&$ria8 son o" &ergios and %aria8 he "lourished in the time o" the iconoclasts around =.<. *roclos li-ed in the time o" 'heodosios the 0essJ he !ecame a disciple and secretar$ to hr$sostom. He ascended the archiepiscopal throne o" onstantinople in /./. He recei-ed in triumph the most sacred relics o" his godlike 'eacher at their translation @4anuar$ ,<thA and died in peace in //<. Apol$tikia: )" the &aints. 'one /. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. )" the Fore"east. 'one /. ome Fuickl$ to help. Anna toCda$ solicits Eo$ "or us8 "or she has put "orth a "ruit the contrar$ o" grie"8 the onl$ +-erC-irginJ her pra$ers "ul"illed8 in Eo$ she !rings her toCda$ to the 0ord?s temple as trul$ a temple o" God the 2ord and a pure %other. Kontakion o" *roclus. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'he cit$ trul$ the most honoured o" all8 "ittingl$ toCda$ keeps "esti-al at $our re-ered translation8 Father o" Fathers8 allC!lest *roclus. Kontakion o" the Fore"east. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'he whole toCda$ has !een "illed with Eo$8 at the glorious "esti-al o" the %other o" God8 as it cries: &he is the hea-enl$ 'a!ernacle. ,1. 'he +ntr$ o" our most hol$ 0ad$ the %other o" God into the 'emple. According to the tradition o" the hurch8 the %other o" God was !rought to the 'emple at the age o" three $ears and there dedicated to God. &he li-ed there "or ele-en or twel-e whole $ears8 until the age o" "ourteen or "i"teenJ and then as a .;6

per"ect maiden8 !$ the common counsel o" the priests C her parents ha-ing died three $ears !e"ore C she was !etrothed to 4oseph. No work8 and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B&ee ,6th %arch: 'oda$ is the "oreshadowing o" the goodCpleasure o" God8 and the proclaiming o" the sal-ation o" mankind. In the 'emple o" God the #irgin is re-ealed8 and !eC "orehand she announces hrist to all. 'o her let us also cr$ aloud with might$ -oice: Hail8 the "ul"ilment o" the reator?s dispensationH Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. 'he allCpure 'emple o" the &a-iour8 the precious 1ridal ham!er and #irgin8 the sacred 'reasur$ o" the glor$ o" God8 is !eing !rought toCda$ into the house o" the 0ordJ and with her she !rings the grace o" the di-ine &piritJ o" her God?s Angels sing in praise: &he is indeed the hea-enl$ 'a!ernacle. ,,. )" the hol$ Apostles *hilemon8 Apphia8 Archippos and )nesimosJ and o" the hol$ mart$r ecilia and her companions #allerianus and 'i!urtius. *hilemon was "rom Kolossae8 or Kolassae8 a cit$ in *hr$gia8 a man wealth$ and o" no!le !irth. Apphia was his wi"e8 Archippos !ishop o" the hurch in Kolossae. All three were disciples o" the Apsotle *aul. &t )nesimos8 a nonC hristian sla-e o" *hilemon8 ha-ing stole "rom him8 "led to (ome8 !ut the Apsotle8 ha-ing "ound him there and guided him to the wa$ o" -irtue and to the knowledge o" the truth8 sent him !ack to his master *hilemon8 ha-ing also written him a letter in the $ear >/ @it is one o" the 1/ epistles o" *aulA8 in which he supports this )nesimos. 'he$ all died as mart$rs8 !eing stoned to death !$ idolaters. &t ecilia was "rom (ome8 o" distinguished ancestr$. &he was !etrothed to #allerianous8 whom she drew to the "aith o" hrist. He in turn con-erted his own !rother 'ir!urtius. 'he$ were mart$red under 3iocletian in ,==. Apol$tikion. 'one .. B ommon: .;>

) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. )" the Feast. Kontakion o" the Apostles. 'one ,. Nor tom!8 nor death. As "oundations and lamps o" the hurch8 and inspired Apostles o" the sa-iour8 *hilemon8 Apphia and )nesimos along with Archippos8 intercede on our !ehal" with 2ord8 wise preachers. ,.. )" our "athers among the saints8 Gregor$8 !ishop o" Akragas and Amphilochios o" Iconium. Gregor$ was "rom Akragas8 a cit$ in &icil$8 son o" hristian parents8 hariton and 'heodoti. He "lourished in the reign o" 4ustinian (inotmitos around >=6. Amphilochios was !$ race "rom appodocia8 reknowned "rom hsi $outh "or asceticism and sacred knowledge. He was elected !ishop in ./1 and struggled no!l$ against the !lasphem$ o" +unomios8 %akedonios8 the opponent o" the &pirit8 and the supporters o" Arius. He was present at the ,nd +cumenical ouncil o" 165 Fathers in onstantinople8 which was summoned under 'heodosios the Great in .=18 and ha-ing li-ed to a ripe old age8 he went to his rest in peace around .;6. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. A"ter the .rd )de8 Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 2ith !eams o" shining light the hurch o" the Hol$ &pirit leads to the light those who cele!rate $our radiant "alling asleep8 -enera!le Father8 allC!lessed Gregor$. A"ter the >th )de. 'one 1. 'he angelic choir. As surel$ chosen and known to God8 !$ di-ine decree $ou were elected as a most worth$ shepherd "or the sa"ekeeping o" man$. 'here"ore8 re-ealed to !e an .;<

excellent High *riest8 as a leader o" the "aith"ul8 in accordance with )rthodox thought $ou destro$ed e-er$ heres$. ,/. )" our "athers among the saints and mart$r !ishops lement o" (ome and *eter o" Alexandria. lement was taught the hristian "aith !$ the apostle *aul. He !ecame !ishop o" (ome in ;18 the third a"ter the death o" the Apostles. He died a mart$r around 155 under 'raEan. *eter presided outstandingl$ o-er the hurch o" the Alexandrians "or 1, $ears8 and through his -irtuous li"e and the practice o" the sacred words he was something godlike among !ishops and teachers o" true religion in hrist8 according to +use!ius @Histor$ o" the hurch =81. O ;8>A. He was decapitated under %aximinos in .11. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 9nshakea!le and godlike towers o" the hurch8 trul$ inspired and might$ pillars o" the Faith8 allCpraised lement and *eter8 protect us all !$ $our pra$ers. ,6. )" the hol$ great %art$r and allCwise Katherine8 and o" the hol$ mart$r %ercurius. %ercurius was mart$red under #alerian in ,66. He was "rom *aphlagonia8 son o" certain Gordianos8 a &c$thian !$ race. Katherine was "rom Alexandria8 daughter o" onstuc8 or estus8 a maiden o" outstanding !eaut$ and so!riet$8 "amous !$ her wealth8 "amil$ and education. 'hrough her un"linching resolution she utterl$ de"eated the passionate and licentious soul o" %aximinos 8 the t$rant o" Alexandria. 'hrough her eloFuence she silenced the rhetoricians who dea!ted aginst her. &he won her mart$r?s crown around the $ear .56. .;=

'oda$ we take lea-e o" the Feast o" the +ntr$. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH )r8 'one 6. 0et us !elie-ers. 0et us sing the praise o" the "arC"amed !ride o" hrist8 the godlike Katherine8 de"ender o" &inai8 our help and assistanceJ "or !rilliantl$ she silenced the art"ul speakers o" the godless with the sword o" the &pirit. And now8 as crowned %art$r8 she asks "or all God?s great merc$. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 0o-ers o" mart$rs8 inspired !$ God8 now raise a hol$ dance8 honouring allCwise KatherineJ "or she proclaimed hrist in the stadium and trampled on the serpent8 reEecting with contempt the knowledge o" the cle-er. )" the &aint. &ame melod$. 'rul$ led8 wise &aint8 into the m$steries o" God8 $ou !ecame an accepta!le sacri"iceJ "or $ou with "er-our the cup o" hrist. And so8 re-ered %ercurios8 $ou intercede unceasingl$ "or us all. ,>. )" our -enera!le "athers Al$pios the olumn 3weller and Nikon the D(epent?. .;;

)" these8 Al$pios was "rom Adrianoupolis in 1ith$nia. Ha-ing li-ed on a column "or 6. $ears he died at the age o" 155 around >5<. Nikon was "rom Armenia8 son o" no!leman. He a!andoned parents and "atherland and tra-elled through the regions o" the +ast8 cr$ing out to e-er$one8 D(epentH?8 "rom this he gained his epithet. Finall$ he reached &parta in the *eloponnese and there raise a church to hrist our &a-iour8 where he li-ed as a solitar$ until his death. He departed to the 0ord around the end o" the ;th centur$. Apol$tikion o" Al$pios. 'one 1. Iou !ecame a pillar o" endurance8 ri-alling the "ore"athers8 -enera!le &aint: 4o! in su""erings8 4oseph in trials8 and the li"e o" the 1odiless *owers while in the !od$. )ur Father Al$pios8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Another8 o" Nikon. 'one .. Iour con"ession. 0akedemon reEoices8 "or it holds the godl$ casket o" $our relics8 that pours out a source o" healings and sa-es "rom a""lictions8 Father8 all who ha-e recourse to $ou through "aith. #enera!le Nikon8 implore hrist God to grant us his great merc$. ,<. )" the hol$ Great mart$r 4aco! the *ersian. He was "rom the cit$ o" #$tha-a o" distinguished ancestr$8 intimate and honoured "riend o" Isdigeis8 or IeseLegirdis 1st8 king o" the *ersians8 who reigned "rom .;;C /,6. 'hough a hristian through his parents8 he denied hrist8 seduced !$ the "riendship and "latter$ o" the king. 0earning o" this8 his mother and wi"e in"ormed him !$ letter that the$ would ha-e no "urther dealings with him8 pre"erring the lo-e o" hrist to passing glor$. He8 struck to his soul !$ these words and ha-ing come to himsel"8 he repented o" the sins he had committed8 and a!andoned his connection with the king. And so the latter was "uriousl$ angr$ and decreed against him the most pain"ul death8 such as no one would decree against a wild animal8 that is to sa$ his !od$ was to !e cut up Eoint !$ Eoint o" arms and legs. And so the no!le mart$r was cut lim! !$ lim! as "ar as his thighs and shoulders. Finall$ his head was struck o"". /55

Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. *ersuaded !$ $our no!le wi"e and "earing the dread Eudgement8 stoutChearted 4ames8 $ou reEected with contempt the spirit o" the *ersians and were re-ealed as a wondrous mart$r8 $our !od$ cut up like a !ranch. ,=. )" the hol$ monk mart$r &tephen the NewJ and o" the hol$ mart$r Irenarchos. 'he ascetic was !orn in onstantinople in <16 o" )rthodox parents8 4ohn and Anne. He led the ascetic li"e "rom his $outh in the monaster$ o" &t Auxentios in 1ith$nia8 which lies on high ground called the %ountain o" &t Auxentios. He !ecame superior o" the monks there and the "ame o" his spiritual struggles was heard o" e-er$where and the "air "ragrance o" his -irtues drew man$ to him. He died a mart$r !ecause o" his -eneration o" the hol$ ikons under onstantine opron$mos8 !$ whom he was "irst condemned to ele-en months in chains and prison8 then he was dragged down on the ground and stoned like the protoCmart$r &tephen8 "rom whom &tephen the New was named. He was struck with wood against his mem!rane o" his !rain8 and8 when his head had !een crushed8 he ga-e up his spirit in <><. Irenarchos was "rom &e!asteia in the time o" 3iocletian8 !eing in his $outh an agent "or the punishment o" the hol$ mart$rs. 1ut once8 while watching se-en women !eing tortured "or hrist and mar-elling at their courage8 !ecause8 though "ee!le !$ nature8 the$ were most courageous against the t$rant and put him to shame8 he was enlightened !$ di-ine grace. 'hen8 ha-ing !oldl$ con"essed hrist8 he was tortured !$ "ire and water and his head was cut o"" alongside the hol$ women in ,;=. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. /51

'rained as an ascetic on the mountain8 $ou destro$ed the immaterial ranks o" the hostile powers with the "ull armour o" the ross. 1ut then $ou stripped once again with courage "or the contest8 sla$ing opron$mos with the sword o" "aith. And "or !oth $ou ha-e !een crowned !$ God8 honoured %onk and %art$r &tephen. )" the %art$r: Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou m$ hampion. 0o-ers o" "esti-als8 "rom the heart let us praise with "aith in songs godlike &tephen8 the lo-er o" the 'rinit$8 as one who honoured the "air likeness o" the %aster and his %other8 and let us now reEoicing with one accord cr$ out to him with lo-e: Hail8 honoured FatherH ,;. )" the hol$ mart$rs *aramonos and *hiloumenos. )" these *aramonos su""ered under the emperor 3ecius in ,658 while *hiloumenos was mart$red under the emperor Aurelian in ,<5. I" it is not Alleluia8 Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. .5. )" the hol$ glorious and allCpraised Apostle Andrew the FirstCcalled. He was "rom 1ethsaida in Galilee8 son o" 4onas8 !rother o" the prince o" Apostles *eter8 disciple at "irst o" 4ohn the 1aptist. 'hen8 ha-ing heard his testimon$ concerning 4esus8 when he pointed to him and said8 D&ee8 the lam! o" God8 who takes awa$ the sin o" the world? @4ohn 18.>A8 he "ollowed 4esus at once and !ecame his "irst disciple8 "rom he he was gi-en the title DFirstCcalled? o" the Apostles. A"ter /5,

the &a-iour?s assumption8 he preached him in man$ places and su""ered much "or his name. He died in *atras in Achaia8 !eing cruci"ied head downwards. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. /th 'one. As the FirstCcalled o" the Apostles and "ull !rother o" the *rince8 implore the %aster o" all things8 Andrew8 to gi-e peace to the inha!ited world8 and to our souls his great merc$. Kontakion. ,nd 'one. Nor tom!8 nor death. 0et us sing the praise o" God?s herald8 whose name is Dcourage?8 the FirstCcalled o" the &a-iour?s disciples8 the !rother o" *eterJ !ecause as to him o" old8 so now to us he cries: ome8 we ha-e "ound the one so longed "or. 'onth of !ecem$er. It has .1 da$s. 'he da$ has ; hours and the night 16 1. )" the Hol$ *rophet Naum. I" it is not Alleluia8 Apol$tikion. 'one ,. As we cele!rate the memor$ o" $our *rophet Naum8 ) 0ord8 through him we !eseech $ou: sa-e our souls. ,. )" the Hol$ *rophet A--akoum. 'he same. .. )" the Hol$ *rophet &ophonias. 'he same. 'hese three prophets are o" the num!er o" the twel-e %inor *rophets8 and each o" their prophecies is di-ided into three chapters. Naum was an +lkesite !$ origin8 o" the tri!e o" &$meon8 se-enth in order. He prophesied in the reign o" +Lekias8 a"ter /5.

the o-erthrow o" &amaria in <,1 1 . A--akoum8 whose name is also spelt A-akoum and Am-akoum8 is eighth in order8 his countr$ and tri!e are unclear "rom hol$ &cripture. He prophesied in the times o" 4oachim8 who is also called 4echonias8 !e"ore the migration o" the people to 1a!$lon in 6;; 1 . 'he "ourth anticle o" %atins is the work o" A--akoum: D0ord8 I heard $our -oice and was a"raid?. &ophonias8 the ninth in order8 was son o" husi8 o" the tri!e o" 0e-i8 or according to some a second cousin o" king +Lekias. He prophesied in the da$s o" 4osias8 who reigned "rom >/1C>15 1 . /. )" the hol$ Great %art$r 1ar!araJ and o" our -enera!le Father 4ohn o" 3amascus. 1ar!ara was "rom Nikomedia in the time o" %aximianos8 daughter o" an idolater named 3ioskoros8 who tortured her inhumanl$ !ecause o" her "aith in hrist and "inall$ !eheaded her with his own hands in the $ear ,;5. 4ohn was "rom 3amascus in &$ria8 the son o" wealth$ and de-out parents. He was !rought up with Kosmas @)cto!er 1/thA8 who had !een adopted !$ his own "ather8 &ergios8 and with him had !ecome a disciple o" a monk also called Kosmas8 who had !een taken prisoner !$ some Ara!s "rom Ital$8 !ut ransomed !$ his "ather. He !ecame a great philosopher and the !eacon o" his age. He was honoured !$ the aliphs @the descendants o" %ohammedA with the rank o" counsellor8 !ut he soon a!andoned this and took the monastic ha!it in the monaster$ o" &t &a--as8 where he was ordained priest. He struggled !ra-el$ through his writings against the iconoclasts8 0eo the Isaurian and his son onstantine opron$mous. He was surnamed8 hr$sorroas BDGoldC"lowing?:!ecause o" the skill and eloFuence o" his words8 !eing gi-en the same title as the name o" the ri-er which "lows !$ 3amascus. He was the originator o" s$stematic and the "ather o" scholastic theolog$8 !$ his accurate setting out o" the orthodox "aith. He li-ed altogether "or eight$ "our $ears and died in peace in <>5. Among his theological writings8 his -erse and prose h$mns and his hone$Csweet songs adorn the hurch o" hrist. /5/

Apol$tikia: o" the %art$r. 'one /. 0et us honour hol$ 1ar!araJ "or she smashed the snares o" the "oeJ and like a sparrow the allChonoured one was deli-ered "rom them !$ the help and weaponr$ o" the ross. )" the Ascetic. 'one =. )rthodox$?s guide. B ommon: )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" monks8 inspired !$ God8 ) wise 4ohn8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakia: o" the %art$r. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. August hampion8 "ollowing de-outl$ the )ne who is h$mned in 'rinit$8 $ou a!andoned the rites o" idolsJ while $ou struggled in the midst o" the stadium8 courageous 1ar!ara8 $ou did not trem!le at the threats o" t$rants8 as $ou sang with might$ -oice: A 'rinit$ I honour8 the one Godhead. And o" the Ascetic. 'he same melod$. 0et us !elie-ers sing the praise 4ohn8 the august h$mnCwriter8 the educator and !eacon o" the hurch8 the opponent o" her "oesJ "or taking up the ross o" the 0ord8 he destro$ed all the error o" heresiesJ and as a "er-ent intercessor with God8 he grants pardon o" o""ences to all. 6. )" our -enera!le and godC!earing "ather &a--as the sancti"ied. He was !orn in /.; in %outalaski8 a little -illage o" appadociaJ "rom !o$hood he entered the stadium o" monastic li"e8 under the trainer +-th$mios8 the great teacher o" the desert. He !ecame the leader o" man$ monks and teacher o" the monasteries o" *alestine. He went as an en-o$ to the emperors Anastasios and 4ustinian the Great8 on !ehal" o" the orthodox "aith and the doctrines o" the ouncil o" halcedon. He li-ed "or ;. $ears and died in 6... 'he '$pikon which is preser-ed o" the hurch o""ices had its origin in the saint?s monaster$. /56

No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon:. 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father &a--as8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou8 m$ hampion. From in"anc$8 !lest &a--as8 through -irtue $ou were o""ered as an un!lemished sacri"ice to God8 who knew $ou !e"ore $ou were !ornJ and $ou were declared to !e the ornament o" Ascetics8 praiseworth$ "ounder o" the desertJ and so I cr$ to $ou: Hail8 honoured FatherH >. )" our "ather among the saints Nicolas8 !ishop o" %$ra in 0$cia8 the wonderworker. He "lourished under onstantine the Great. He was one o" the .1= hol$ "athers o" the 1st +cumenical ouncil o" Nicea in .,68 and died in a!out ..5. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. %odel %elod$. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest NicolasJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. In %$ra8 Hol$ one8 $ou were pro-ed a true priest8 "or $ou "ul"illed8 -enera!le Father8 the gospel o" hrist8 $ou laid down $our li"e "or $ou people8 $ou sa-ed the innocent "rom deathJ there"ore $ou ha-e !een hallowed as a great initiate o" God?s grace. <. )" our "ather among the saints Am!rose8 !ishop o" %ilan. /5>

He was !orn in Gaul in ./5 and !ecame a mem!er o" the &enate in (omeJ then in .</8 on the <th o" 3ecem!er8 he ascended the episcopal throneJ he wrote man$ treatises in 0atin8 li-ed "or 6< $ears and died on the +-e o" *ascha8 on the / th o" April in .;<. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest Am!roseJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. =. )" our -enera!le "ather *atapios. He was "rom 'he!es in +g$ptJ he led the ascetic li"e "or man$ $ears in the desert. He went to onstantinople8 where he per"ormed man$ wonders and cures o" the sick. He died in peace. Apol$tikion. 'one =. In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed. B ommon: In $ou8 Father8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ *atapios8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Finding $our temple to !e a spiritual surger$8 ) &aint8 the$ come to it with haste and ask to recei-e healing o" diseases8 and release "rom the o""ences o" li"eJ "or $ou ha-e appeared as patron o" all who are in need8 -enera!le *atapios. ;. 'he conception !$ the hol$ "oremother o" God8 Anne. According to the ancient tradition o" the hurch8 Anne8 the "oremother o" God8 was childless and !arren8 and ad-anced in age8 as was her hus!and 4oachimJ and so grie"Cstricken !ecause o" their childlessness8 the$ !esought God with a promise that i" he were to grant them "ruit o" the wom!8 the$ would o""er the child as a gi"t /5<

to him. God heard their entreat$ and re-ealed to them !$ an Angel the !irth o" the #irgin "rom them. And so Anne concei-ed !$ di-ine promise8 according to the laws o" nature8 and was "ound worth$ to !ecome the mother o" the mother o" our 0ord @see also the =th o" &eptem!erA. Note that "rom toCda$8 the da$ o" the winter solstice B!$ the old calendar: the sun !egins to turn towards the north8 and to make the da$s longer "or us. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'oCda$ the !onds o" childlessness are loosedJ "or God8 hearkening to 4oachim and Anne8 clearl$ promises !e$ond their hope that the$ will gi-e !irth to the child o" God8 "rom whom was !orn the 9ncircumscri!ed8 !ecome a mortal8 through an Angel he ordered to cr$ to her: Hail8 "ull o" graceJ the 0ord is with $ou. Kontakion. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. 'he inha!ited world cele!rates toda$ the concei-ing o" Anne8 which took place through GodJ "or she !ore in her wom! her who !e$ond reason !ore the 2ord. 15. )" the hol$ mart$rs %enas the "airCsounding8 Hermogenes and +-graphos. %enas was an Athenian !$ !irth8 according to the &$naxaristes8 a man o" rank8 education and eloFuence8 and so he was surnamed D"airCsounding?. +-graphos was his secretar$. 1oth were o" hristian parentage. Hermogenes8 who held the rank o" *re"ect8 was !orn a pagan8 !ut came to the "aith o" hrist through the wonders o" &t %enas. All three su""ered in Alexandria under %aximin in ,.6. Apol$tikion. 'one =. 'aking knowledge. Ha-ing slain the !urning assaults and mo-ements o" the passions through sel"C master$8 hrist?s mart$rs recei-ed grace to dri-e awa$ the diseases o" the sick8 and !oth while li-ing and a"ter death to work wonders. ) trul$ amaLing wonderH 'hat !are !ones pour out healings. Glor$ to our God alone. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he soldiers guarding. /5=

0et us all honour %enas the wonder"ul8 godlike Hermogenes and with them +-graphos8 with sacred melodies8 as ones who honoured the 0ord8 struggled "or his sake8 attained the !odiless choir in hea-en and pour out wonders. Another. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. %enas8 the 0ord who grants $ou an incorrupti!le crown8 snatched $ou "rom the transient arm$ and re-ealed $ou8 with $our "ellowCathletes8 coheir o" the incorrupti!le. 11. )" our -enera!le "ather 3aniel the &t$lite. He was "rom %armoutha in %esopotamia in the reigns o" 0eo the Great8 Qeno and #asiliskosJ he li-e on a column in the su!ur!s o" onstantinopleJ he helped the hurch8 which was !eing assailed !$ the +"t$chians. He died in /;5 at the age o" =5. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. Iou !ecame a pillar o" endurance8 -enera!le Father8 ri-alling the "ore"athers: 4o! in su""erings8 4oseph in trials8 and leading the li"e o" the 1odiless )nes while in the !od$. )ur -enera!le "ather 3aniel8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 0onging "or things a!o-e8 passing "rom things !elow8 $ou !uilt $our *illar as another hea-en8 through which $ou !laLed "orth the !eam o" $our wonders8 -enera!le Father. For e-er intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Note )n the ele-enth o" the present month8 i" it "alls on a &unda$8 or on the "irst one which "ollows it8 !ecause o" the nearness o" the Nati-it$ o" our 0ord 4esus hrist8 we remem!er his "ore!ears according to the "lesh !oth !e"ore the 0aw and under the 0awJ especiall$ the patriarch A!raham8 to whom the promise was "irst gi-en /5;

when God said to him: DIn $our seed all the nations o" the earth shall !e !lessed? @Gen. 1/:. and ,,:1=A. 'his promise was gi-en ,5.; $ears !e"ore hrist when A!raham was <6 $ears old. God called him and ordered him to lea-e his countr$8 parents and relati-es and depart to the land o" the anaanites. 2hen he reached there God said to him: D'o $our seed I shall gi-e this land? @i!id.<A. And so this land was called the 0and o" *romise8 which !ecame the "atherland o" the He!rews. 'here A!raham8 a"ter the passage o" ,/ $ears8 was gi-en the law o" circumcision !$ God. In his one hundredth $ear8 and the ninetieth o" his wi"e &ara8 he !egot Isaac. He li-ed altogether "or 1<6 $ears and died in peace8 old and "ull o" da$s. &unda$ o" the hol$ Ancestors Apol$tikion o" the (esurrectionJ and o" the Ancestors. 'one ,. Iou Eusti"ied the Fore"athers !$ "aith8 through them !etrothing in ad-ance the hurch "rom the nations. 'he &aints will exult in glor$8 "or "rom their seed there is a glorious "ruit8 she who !ore $ou without seed. At their intercessions8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. A"ter the .rd )de8 the IpakoP. 'one ,. 'he "ire was changed to dew "or the hildrenJ the lament was altered to Eo$ "or the 2omenJ "or an Angel was minister in !oth mar-els: changing the "urnace to repose "or the "ormer8 to the latter making known the (esurrection on the third da$. Author o" our li"e8 0ord glor$ to $ouH Kontakion. 'one ,. %odel melod$. 1ecause $ou did not honour an image "ormed !$ human hand8 !ut were armed with the !reastplate o" uncreated !eing8 $ou were glori"ied8 thriceC!lest Iouths in the arena o" the "ireJ !ut standing in the midst o" the immaterial "lame $ou called on God: ome swi"tl$ in $our pit$8 hasten in $our merc$ to come to our aid8 "or $ou can accomplish whate-er $ou will. /15

1,. )" our "ather among the &aints &p$ridon8 1ishop o" 'remithus in $prus8 the wonderworker. 'his God!earing Father o" the hurch8 the great de"ender o" Kek$ra and the !oast o" all the )rthodox8 was a $priot !$ !irth8 simple in manner8 hum!le o" heart8 and was at "irst a shepherd. He was married and had a daughter named Irene. A"ter his wi"e?s death he was ordained !ishop o" 'remithus and !ecame shepherd o" rational sheep. 2hen the 1st +cumenical ouncil o" Nicea was summoned he was present and !$ his -er$ simple words he silenced the Arians who were supremel$ con"ident in their wisdom. 'hrough the di-ine grace which dwelt in him he per"ormed man$ wonders8 so that he recei-ed the title D2onderworker?. He shepherded his "lock de-outl$ and in a manner pleasing to God and died in $prus in the $ear .65. He le"t his sacred relics in his home countr$8 a com"ort to !elie-ers and a source o" cures. Around the middle o" the <th centur$8 on account o" the attacks o" the !ar!arians his remains were translated to onstantinople8 where the$ remained8 honoured !$ the +mperors. 1e"ore the "all o" the it$8 which took place on %a$ ,5 th8 1/6.8 a priest named George8 surnamed Kalochairetis8 curate o" the church which held his sacred relics8 took them together with those o" the Augusta 'heodora8 !ecause o" the impending danger8 and Eourne$ed through &er!ia and went as "ar as Arta. From there8 since the disasters to our race were increasing dail$8 he took them across to Kek$ra in around 1/>5. 'he relics o" &aint 'heodora were gi-en to the people o" Kek$ra8 !ut those o" &aint &p$ridon remain to this da$ a precious treasure "or his descendents8 a support o" !elie-ers in orthodox$ and a supernatural mar-el "or those who see themJ !ecause a"ter the passage o" 1655 $ears the$ remain incorrupt8 and the skin preser-es its elasticit$. 'rul$ DGod is wonder"ul in his saints?H B*s. =<:.6:. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 2hen the stone had !een sealed. /11

Iou were re-ealed as a champion o" the "irst ouncil and a wonderworker8 ) our GodC!earing Father &p$ridonJ and so $ou called to a dead woman in the tom! and changed a snake to goldJ and as $ou sang $our hol$ pra$ers $ou had Angels as $our "ellow ministers8 ) most hol$. Glor$ to him who glori"ied $ouJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healings "or all. Kontakion. 'one ,. 2ounded with lo-e o" hrist8 most hol$ Father8 gi-en wings o" the mind !$ the !eam o" the &pirit8 !$ acti-e contemplation $ou "ound action8 ) GodCinspired8 and !ecame a di-ine altar as $ou ask enlightenment "or all. 1.. )" the hol$ %art$rs +"stratios8 A"xentios8 +-genios8 %ardarios and )restesJ and o" the hol$ #irgin %art$r 0uc$. 'he "i-e %art$rs were appadocian !$ race8 o" the time o" 3iocletian8 and "rom their "ore!ears secret worshippers o" hrist. 1ut con"essing !oldl$ the$ were tortured in man$ di""erent wa$s !$ 0$sias the go-ernor8 and three o" them died under torture. +"stratios and )restes howe-er sur-i-ed and were sent to &e-asteia to Agricola8 the go-ernor o" all the +ast8 !$ whose order the$ were put to death !$ "ire in ,;>. +"stratios was a distinguished man and trained in rhetoric8 "irst among the dignitaries o" %$sios and hartoph$lax o" the his district. In the &$naxarion he has the 0atin title D&criniarius?. 'o him is attri!uted the pra$er which is said at the %idnight )""ice on &aturda$s8 D%agni"$ing8 I shall magni"$ $ou8 ) 0ord?? 'he one said at the .rd Hour and elsewhere8 DGod and %aster8 Father almight$? is ascri!ed to %ardarios. 0uc$8 which means in Greek *hotini BD0ight?:8 was "rom &$racuse in &icil$. &he was !etrothed to a man8 !ut then re"used marriage to him !ecause he was unwilling to !elie-e in hrist. &he was denounced to the go-ernor !$ her own suitor and !eheaded in .5/. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: /1,

Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. Nor tom! nor death. Herald o" hrist8 $ou were re-ealed as a !right shining !eacon "or those who sit in the darkness o" ignorance. Armed with the "aith as a spear8 $ou did not trem!le at the insolence o" enemies8 +"stratios8 more eloFuent than orators. 1/. )" the hol$ %art$rs 'h$rsos8 0e"kios8 Kallinikos8 *hilemon8 Apollonios8 Arrianos and their companions. 'he "irst three su""ered under 3ecius in ,658 the rest under 3iocletian in ,;5. I" it is not Alleluia8 Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. 16. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r +le"therios. He was a (oman !$ !irth. )rphaned in childhood o" his "ather8 he was o""ered !$ his mother to Anicetus8 !ishop o" (ome8 or8 as others call him8 Anengletos or Anacletus. 1$ him he was taught sacred letters Bthe di-ine &criptures:8 and while still -er$ $oung was appointed !ishop o" Ill$ricum8 !ecause o" his remarka!le -irtue8 and he turned man$ un!elie-ers to hrist through his teaching. 1ut when a most sa-age persecution was launched against the hristians under Hadrian Aelius8 he was arrested !$ the t$rants8 endured man$ torments "or hrist and was "inall$ slain !$ two soldiers. 2hen his hristClo-ing mother Anthia took remains o" her son in her arms and kissed them like a mother8 she too was !eheaded8 around the $ear 1,>. *ermission "or wine and oil. /1.

Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the action8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r +le"theriosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. As !eaut$ o" priests and sweet wine o" champions8 -enera!le 1ishop and %art$r +le"therios8 we all praise $ou and ask: Free "rom dangers o" man$ kinds those who cele!rate $our memor$ with lo-e8 as $ou intercede unceasingl$ on !ehal" o" us all. 1>. )" the hol$ *rophet Aggaios. He was !orn in 1a!$lon8 at the time o" the capti-it$ o" the 4ews. He !egan to prophes$ in 4erusalem a"ter their return8 in the da$s o" Qoro!a!el8 in the second $ear o" 3arius H$staspes8 king o" the *ersians8 in a!out 6,5 1 . His prophec$8 di-ided into two chapters8 is ranked twel"th among the %inor *rophets. I" it is not Alleluia8 then Apol$tikion. 'one ,. B ommon: As we cele!rate the memor$ o" $our *rophet Aggaios8 ) 0ord8 through him we !eseech $ou: sa-e our souls. 1<. )" the hol$ *rophet 3aniel8 and o" the 'hree hol$ Iouths8 Ananias8 ALarias and %isaelJ and o" our Father among the &aints 3ion$sios Arch!ishop o" Aegina8 who was "rom the island o" Qak$nthos. )" these8 the 1ishop was !orn and !rought up on Qak$nthos o" de-out and wealth$ parents8 %okios and *a-lini !$ name. From his $outh he entered the ro$al monaster$ o" the &trophades islands8 and was clothed in the monastic ha!it. 0ater he was chosen as Arch!ishop o" Aegina8 whose throne he adorned "or a considera!le time. A"terwards he returned to his own countr$ and the rest o" his /1/

li"e in holiness8 and died in peace in 1>,/8 lea-ing his remains to his "ellow citiLens8 a proo" o" -irtue and piet$. 'he *rophet with the 'hree Iouths were all "rom the ro$al tri!e o" 4uda. In the $ear 6;; 1 in the reign o" 4oachim8 or 4oakim8 who is also called 4echonias @1 hron. .:1> and , hron. .>:=A8 while the$ were still !o$s8 the$ were carried awa$ with the other 4ews to 1a!$lon as prisoners !$ Na!uchodonosor8 !$ whom the$ were selected "rom among the other capti-es "or his ser-ice8 and renamed8 3aniel as 1altasar8 Ananias &edrach8 %isael %isach8 ALarias A!denago. 'he$ were !rought up in the ro$al court and taught all the wisdom o" the haldeans8 in which8 a"ter three $ears8 the$ surpassed all the wise men o" the haldeans @3an. 1A. A"ter this 3aniel8 while still a !o$8 expounded the m$sterious image which Na!uchodonosor had seen in his sleep8 consisting o" di""erent metals which were crushed and reduced to powder !$ a stone which was cut8 without human hands8 "rom a mountain. He showed clearl$ through the %ountain the summit o" the holiness o" the #irgin8 and the o-ershadowing power o" the Hol$ &piritJ through the &tone8 the one !orn o" her without seed8 hrist8 who at his second oming8 when he has smashed as God all the kingdoms o" the earth8 which are signi"ied !$ the Image8 he will raise up "or his "aith"ul his eternal8 hea-enl$ kingdom8 which has no successor @i!id. ,:.1C/6A. &u!seFuentl$ he "oresaw precisel$ and accuratel$ through the num!er o" the wellC known se-ent$ 2eeks8 the time o" his mani"estation in the 4ordan8 the !eginning o" his preaching o" the Gospel8 the time o" his sa-ing *assion and the cessation o" the cult according to the 0aw @i!id. ;:1/C,<A. He depicted excellentl$ the maEestic and awesome image o" his second oming8 descri!ing in words as with li-ing colours the throne o" "lame in place8 the eternal 4udge seated upon it8 the "ier$ ri-er "lowing !e"ore it8 the reckoning o" the relentless assiLe8 the opened !ooks o" each one?s deeds8 the thousands upon thousands o" his ministers8 the ten thousands upon ten thousands o" those who stand !e"ore him @i!id. <:;C15A. He was named !$ the Angels who appeared to him D%an o" desires?J !ecause man"ull$ despising e-er$ /16

desire o" the !od$8 e-en !read itsel"8 that most necessar$ "ood8 and desiring to know the "reedom o" his "ellow countr$men and their coming restoration8 he did not cease to supplicate God8 "asting and kneeling in pra$er three times a da$J "or which cause he was cast into the den o" lions8 a"ter !eing denounced !$ his enemies as a transgressor o" the ro$al decree that had !een issued on their ad-ice8 that none was to worship8 none was to ask an$thing o" God8 or o" an$ other man8 except the king alone8 "or thirt$ da$s. 1ut he shut up the mouths o" the lions !$ di-ine power8 and appeared in their midst like a shepherd among his sheep8 and so pro-ed to the godless the power o" true religion @i!id. >:1C1.A. 'he 'hree Iouths8 when the$ had re"used the worship and cult o" the image o" Na!uchodonosor @3aniel it would appear was not then presentA8 were cast into the "urnace o" "ireJ "rom which the$ remained Fuite unharmed8 !$ the descent o" an Angel o" God8 and walking in its midst8 as in a dew8 the sang the uni-ersal praise o" God8 which is contained in the <th and =th )des o" the anons. 2hen the$ emerged "rom it8 the$ did not e-en !ear the smell o" "ire on their clothing8 and pre"igured thus in themsel-es the incorrupt childC!earing o" the #irgin8 who recei-ed the "ire o" the Godhead8 !ut her wom! was not consumed and she remained as she had !een !e"ore !earing child8 a #irgin @i!id. .A. For these reasons the hurch cele!rates them and 3aniel toCda$ and on the coming &unda$ o" the Ancestors8 and on the &unda$ !e"ore the 1irth o" hrist8 as the$ t$pi"$ and announce !e"orehand his incarnationJ moreo-er the$ were o""spring o" the tri!e o" 4uda8 "rom which tri!e hrist came according to the "lesh. 'he 'hree Iouths died "ull o" da$s8 while the *rophet 3aniel li-ed until $rus king o" the *ersians8 "rom whom he reFuested and o!tained the return o" his "ellow countr$men to 4erusalem and the reCerection o" the 'emple. He died in peace8 ha-ing li-ed "or a!out == $ears. His prophec$ is di-ided into 1, chapters and is ranked "ourth and last among the %aEor *rophets. *ermission "or wine and oil. /1>

Apol$tikion. 'one ,. Great are the achie-ements o" "aithH In the "ountain o" "lame8 as !$ the water o" rest8 the three hol$ Iouths reEoicedJ and the *rophet 3aniel was re-ealed shepherding lions like sheep. At their intercessions8 hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Another8 o" the &aint. 'one 1. 2hen the tone had !een sealed. 0et us !elie-ers all honour in harmon$ 3ion$sios8 the o""spring o" Qak$nthos8 0eader o" Aegina8 guardian o" the %onaster$ o" the &trophades8 as we cr$ sincerel$ to him: &a-e those who with entreaties cele!rate $our memor$ and cr$ to $ou: Glor$ to hrist who glori"ied $ouJ glor$ to him who made $ou wondrousJ glor$ to him who granted $ou to us8 an unsleeping ad-ocate. Kontakion o" the *rophet8 a"ter the .rd )de. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Iour pure heart8 puri"ied !$ the &pirit8 has !ecome a -essel o" radiant prophec$J "or $ou see things "ar o"" as close at hand8 while when cast into the den $ou muLLle lionsJ and so we honour $ou8 !lest *rophet8 glorious 3aniel. Another8 o" the &aints8 a"ter the >th. 'one ,. %odel melod$. Not honouring an image traced !$ human hand8 !ut armed with the !reastplate o" uncircumscri!ed !eing $ou were glori"ied8 thriceC!lest8 in the arena o" "ireJ standing in the midst o" insu!stantial "lame $ou called on God: Hasten8 ) "ull o" pit$8 and come Fuickl$ to our help8 as $ou are merci"ul8 "or what $ou will $ou can per"orm. Another8 o" the &aint. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 2ith songs o" thanksgi-ing the cit$ o" Qak$nthos summoning all !elie-ers urges them to h$mn the might$8 "er-ent de"ender in constraints8 deli-erer o" those held "ast !$ dangers8 and honouring him she cries: Hail 3ion$sios8 the glor$ o" !elie-ers. /1<

1=. )" the hol$ %art$r &e!astian and his companions. He was "rom the cit$ o" %ilan8 a &enator !$ rank and a Lealot "or the "aith o" hrist who turned man$ to the knowledge o" God. 2hen the persecution o" the hristians was unleashed in the reign o" 3iocletian and %aximian8 he was arrested and pierced with a mass o" arrows and his !od$ was !attered with cudgels and cut in pieces. He rendered his soul up to God in ,==. 2ith him died others8 a"ter enduring di-ers torments. 'here names are: %arcellinus and %ark8 !rothersJ 'ranFuilinus and %arcia8 their parentsJ Nikostratos and his wi"e QoeJ 'i!urtius8 laudius8 astolus and astor. I" it is not Alleluia then8 Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Notice: )n the 1=th o" the present month8 i" it "alls on a &unda$8 or on the one immediatel$ "ollowing8 which is known as the &unda$ !e"ore the Nati-it$8 we cele!rate the memor$ o" all those who ha-e !een well pleasing to God "rom all time8 "rom Adam to 4oseph the 1etrothed o" the most hol$ %other o" God8 as the +-angelist 0uke lists them historicall$ @.:,.C.=A8 and likewise o" the *rophets and *rophetesses8 in particular the *rophet 3aniel and the 'hree Iouths @see the reason under 3ecem!er 1<thA. &unda$ !e"ore the Nati-it$ o" hrist (esurrection Apol$tikionJ then the "ollowing o" the Fathers. 'one ,. Great are the achie-ements o" "aithH In the "ountain o" "lame8 as !$ the water o" rest8 the hol$ %art$r 'heodore reEoicedJ "or wholl$ consumed !$ "ire he was o""ered to the 'rinit$ like sweet !read. At his intercessions8 hrist God8 sa-e our souls. /1=

A"ter the .rd )de8 IpakoP. 'one =. An Angel turned the "urnace o" the Iouths to dew8 while now he halts the women?s lamentation8 sa$ing: 2h$ do $ou !ring sweet spices hereM 2hom do $ou seek in a tom!M hrist God has risen8 "or He is the li"e and sal-ation o" the human race. A"ter the >th8 Kontakion o" the Fore"east. 'one 1. 1ethlehem !e glad8 +phratha prepareJ "or see the +weClam!8 !earing in her wom! the great &hepherd8 hastens to gi-e !irthJ seeing him the god!earing Fathers exult as with the &hepherds the$ h$mn a #irgin who gi-es suck. 1;. )" the hol$ %art$r 1oni"ace. He li-ed in the time o" 3iocletian8 around ,558 the sla-e o" a (oman lad$ o" senatorial rank8 named AglaPs. He was sent !$ her to the +ast to !ring thence relics o" the hol$ %art$rs as sancti"ication. He promised Eokingl$ to !ring her his own. He le"t with some o" his "ellow sla-es "or ilicia8 where the &aints were then su""ering8 and was arrested !$ the Go-ernor. )n his con"essing hrist with !oldness8 he endured the death o" mart$rdom and so trul$ kept his promise to his lad$8 when his "ellow sla-es !rought her his hol$ remains. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. ,5. Fore"east o" the Nati-it$ according to the "lesh o" our 0ord 4esus hristJ and commemoration o" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r Ignatios the God!earer. He was a disciple o" 4ohn the 3i-ine and a successor o" the Apostles8 !ecoming the second !ishop o" Antioch a"ter +-odos in >=. He was taken to (ome under 'raEan and gi-en as "odder to the lions and "ul"illed his course o" mart$rdom in 1>< or 15;. 'he remains o" his !ones were care"ull$ collected !$ !elie-ers and translated /1;

to Antioch. He was named God!earer !ecause he !ore God dwelling in his soul8 and his heart was a"lame with lo-e o" himJ "or he also said8 DI am God?s wheat8 and I am ground !$ the teeth o" wild !easts8 that I ma$ !ecome pure !read? @+use!ius8 +ccl. Hist. .8.>A. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion o" the Fore"east. 'one /. 1ethlehem prepareJ +den is opened "or all. %ake read$ +phratha8 !ecause the tree o" li"e has "lowered in the a-e "rom the #irgin. For her wom! has !een re-ealed as the spiritual *aradise in which is the plant o" li"eJ eating "rom it we shall li-eJ we shall not die as Adam. hrist is !orn to raise up his image which had "allen. )" the &aint. 'one =. Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r IgnatiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. A"ter the .rd )de. Kontakion o" the Fore"east. 'one .. %odel %elod$. 'oda$ the #irgin is coming to the ca-e8 to gi-e !irth ine""a!l$ to the eternal 2ord. Hearing this8 dance8 ) inha!ited worldH Glori"$8 with Angels and with &hepherds8 him who willed to !e made mani"est8 a little hild8 God !e"ore the ages. A"ter the >th )de8 Kontakion o" the &aint. &ame melod$. 'he lightC!earing da$ o" $our radiant struggles proclaims pu!licl$ to all him was !rought to !irth in a a-eJ "or athirst with longing to delight in him8 $ou hurried to !e ground !$ wild !eastsJ !ecause o" this $ou were called GodC!earer8 glorious Ignatios. ,1. )" the hol$ %art$r 4uliani. /,5

&he was "rom Nikomedia in the time o" %aximian8 the daughter o" wealth$ parents. &he was !etrothed to an idolater8 !$ name +le"sios8 o" &enatorial rank8 and later a *re"ect. &he re"used to li"e him the married li"e as he was unwilling to come to the "aith o" hrist. He8 enraged8 arrested her8 and ha-ing su!Eected her to man$ "orms o" torture8 "inall$ had her !eheaded in ,;;. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH ,,. )" the hol$ Great %art$r Anastasia the Healer o" 2ounds B*harmakol$tria:. &he was "rom (ome8 a -irgin o" great !eaut$8 wealth$ and distinguished8 the daughter o" *repexastus and Fausta. 1$ the latter she was taught the hristian "aith. &he was married to a man o" dissolute li"e and godless opinions8 named *u!lius *atricius8 !ut was soon le"t a widow. A"ter this she would go secretl$ round the houses o" the poor and the prisons o" hrist?s %art$rs8 !ringing them what the$ needed8 tending their wounds8 and loosing their !onds and healing their pains. As a result she was surnamed *harmakol$tria. 2hen her acti-ities !ecame known she was arrested !$ 3iocletian?s o""icers8 and a"ter man$ other torments she died !$ "ire in ,;5. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. /,1

'hose in trials and tri!ulations hasten to $our temple and recei-e the re-ered gi"ts o" the di-ine grace which dwells in $ou8 AnastasiaJ "or $ou e-er pour out healings "or the world. ,.. )" the ten hol$ %art$rs o" rete. 'he$ came "rom di""erent towns and -illages o" the island o" rete and su""ered under 3ecius in ,65. 'heir names are 'heodoulus8 &atorninos8 +-ropos8 Gelasios8 +-nikianos8 Qotikos8 Agathopous8 #asilides8 +-arestos and *ompios. Apol$tikion. 'one .. Awed !$ the !eaut$. 0et us honour rete o" man$ wonders8 which !lossomed with the precious "lowers8 the pearls o" hrist8 the !oughs o" %art$rsJ "or though onl$ ten in num!er8 the !lest saints put to shame the m$riad power o" the demonsJ and so the$ recei-ed the crowns8 as stalwart %art$rs o" hrist. Kontakion. 'one /. Iou ha-e appeared toda$. 'he morning star has shone8 the %art$rs? honoured struggle8 shedding light "or !e"orehand on the one hidden in the a-e8 whom the #irgin !ore without seed. ,/. )" the hol$ #irgin %art$r +-genia. &he was "rom (ome8 the daughter o" most distinguished and no!le parents8 *hilip and +-genia. 2ithout their knowledge8 she took two o" her ser-ants8 *rotas and H$acinth8 and le"t the house !$ night. 2earing a man?s clothing and changing her name to +-genios8 she went awa$ with them and li-ed as a monk in a man?s monaster$. All three died as mart$rs in the time o" ommodus8 who reigned "rom 1=5C1;,. +-e o" the Nati-it$ o" hrist. Apol$tikion o" the Fore"east. 'one /. %ar$ once8 with aged 4oseph8 went to !e enrolled in 1ethlehem8 "or he was o" 3a-id?s lineJ and she !ore in her wom! "ruit unsownJ the time "or the !irth was at /,,

hand8 and there was no room in the innJ !ut the a-e pro-ed a "air place "or the Kueen. hrist is !orn8 to raise up his image that !e"ore had "allen. ,6. 'he Nati-it$ according to the "lesh o" our 0ord and God and &a-iour 4esus hrist. 'he incomprehensi!le and inexplica!le Nati-it$ o" hrist took place according to the chronolog$ o" the +astern hurch in the $ear 665= "rom the creation o" the world8 when Herod the Great was reigning in 4udea. He was "rom Ascalon on his mother?s side and "rom Idumea on his "ather?s8 and altogether a stranger to the race o" 4aco!8 recei-ing his kingdom "rom the +mperors o" (ome. He ruled o-er the 4ewish people "or .. $ears. 'he "ormer ro$al tri!e o" 4uda had !een depri-ed o" its rights and stripped o" all rule and authorit$. It was in these circumstances "or the 4ews that the expected %essiah was !orn8 and the prophec$ spoken 1=5< $ears earlier !$ the *atriarch 4aco! was unerringl$ "ul"illed: 'here will not lack a ruler "rom 4uda8 nor a leader "rom his loins until he "or whom it is intended comes8 and he is the expectation o" nations @Gen. /;:15A. )ur &a-iour was !orn in 1ethlehem8 a cit$ o" 4udea8 to which 4oseph had gone up "rom NaLareth in Galilee8 taking with him %ar$8 his espoused8 who was with child8 that the$ too might !e enrolled8 according to the decree that had !een issued in those da$s "rom the then ruling emperor Augustus aesar8 among his su!Eects. 2hen the time "or the !irth came8 and !ecause8 and !ecause8 owing to the great num!ers o" people who had arri-ed8 there was not su""icient room in the pu!lic inn8 the #irgin?s condition made it necessar$ "or her to enter a ca-e near 1ethlehem and into a sta!le used "or animals8 where she ga-e !irth and wrapped the !a!e in swaddling clothes when it was !orn8 and laid him in a manger @0k. ,:1.<A. From this there arose the tradition that when he was !orn hrist was laid !etween two animals8 an ox and an ass. As the words o" the *rophets appear also to Eusti"$: In the midst o" two animals $ou will !e known @Ha!. .:,A and 'he ox knows its owner and the ass its lord?s manger @Is. 1:.AJ e-en though these animals are understood tropologicall$ !$ the interpreters "or those who !elie-ed "rom /,.

among the 4ews and the nations8 or according to another more natural understanding. 1ut while the earth recei-ed the &a-iour so poorl$ at his !irth8 "rom a!o-e hea-en cele!rated with magni"icence his coming to sa-e the world. &ome shepherds in the region o" 1ethlehem8 who were keeping a night watch o-er their sheep8 were suddenl$ surrounded !$ an extraordinar$ light and saw !e"ore them an Angel !ringing them the good tidings o" the Eo$"ul !irth o" the 0ord. And immediatel$8 a"ter the one Angel8 the$ saw and heard the whole host o" the hea-enl$ *owers praising God and sa$ing: Glor$ to God in the highest8 and on earth peace8 goodC will among men @0k. ,:=C1/A. *ascha. No work "or three da$s8 and *ermission "or e-er$thing "rom toCda$ until the +-e o" 'heophan$. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour Nati-it$8 ) hrist our God8 has made the light o" knowledge dawn upon the world8 "or there!$ those who adored the stars were taught !$ a star to worship $ou8 the &un o" Eustice8 and to know $ou the 3a$spring "rom on high. 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH A"ter the .rd )de8 the IpakoP. 'one =. Hea-en !rings $ou8 the In"ant l$ing in a manger8 the "irst "ruits o" the nations8 !$ summoning the %agi through a starJ sceptres and thrones did not amaLe them8 !ut utter po-ert$J "or what is more wretched than a ca-eM 2hat more lowl$ than swaddling clothesM 1$ these the wealth o" $our Godhead shone out. 0ord8 glor$ to $ouH Kontakion .rd 'one. %odel %elod$. B1$ &t (omanos: 'oda$ the #irgin gi-es !irth to him who is a!o-e all !eing8 and the earth o""ers the ca-e to him whom no one can approachJ Angels with &hepherds gi-e glor$8 while %agi Eourne$ with a star8 "or to us there has !een !orn a little hild8 God !e"ore the ages. /,/

,> 'he Assem!l$ o" the most hol$ %other o" GodJ and o" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r +"th$mios8 !ishop o" &ardis. 'his Assem!l$8 which our gathering to sing the glor$ o" the %other o" God8 takes place "ittingl$ particularl$ "or her as the one who ga-e !irth !e$ond nature to the &on and 2ord o" God8 and !ecame the instrument o" the sal-ation o" humanit$. 'he godl$ +"th$mios "lourished at the time o" the <th +cumenical ouncil in <=<8 at which he was also present8 which was the second assem!led in Nicea. Ha-ing !een dri-en "rom his throne !ecause o" his -eneration o" the hol$ ikons and endured chains and scourges8 he died a mart$r?s death in a in a remote corner o" 1ith$nia8 called Akriti8 to which he had !een !anished !$ %ichael 'ra-los8 who reigned "rom =,5C=,;. Apol$tikion o" the Feast. Kontakion. 'one >. He that was !egotten "rom the Father without mother !e"ore the morning star8 toda$ !ecame incarnate "rom $ou upon earth without "ather. 'here"ore a &tar !rings the good tidings to %agi8 while Angels with &hepherds sing the praise o" $our !irth gi-ing with seed8 ) Full o" grace. Notice: From the ,>th o" the present month until the end o" it8 on whate-er date &unda$ "alls8 we cele!rate the memor$ o" &aint 4oseph8 the #irgin?s 1etrothed8 3a-id8 the *rophet and king8 and 4ames the 1rother o" God. I" no &unda$ "alls !etween these dates8 we cele!rate it on the ,>th. 4oseph was the son o" 4aco!8 son in law and su!seFuentl$ son o" +li @who is also called +liakim and 4oachimA8 and he is the "ather o" the #irgin %ar$ @%att. 1:1>. 0uke .:,.A. He was o" the tri!e o" 4uda and the "amil$ o" 3a-id8 and was an inha!itant o" NaLareth8 !$ trade a carpenter8 in age an old man when he was !etrothed to the #irgin in accordance with God?s good pleasure8 so that he might ser-e her at the great %$ster$ o" the incarnate dispensation o" God. He died8 /,6

according to the tradition o" the Fathers8 a"ter the twel"th $ear "rom the !irth o" the 0ord. 3a-id the child and ancestor o" God8 the great *rophet a"ter %oses8 and the "irst a"ter him to write down his prophec$8 !eing a descendent o" 4uda was a son o" 4esse8 !orn in 1ethlehem @which as a result was named the D it$ o" 3a-id?A in the $ear 15=6 1 . 2hile he was still a lad he was m$sticall$ anointed !$ the *rophet &amuel at God?s command as king o" the Israelites8 though &aul was still li-ing8 !ut had alread$ !een depri-ed o" di-ine grace. 2hen he was thirt$8 a"ter &aul had !een slain in war8 he was chosen "or the ro$al dignit$8 at "irst !$ his own tri!e onl$ !ut a"terwards !$ the whole Israelite people8 and he reigned "or "ort$ $ears. He li-ed in all se-ent$ $ears and died in 1516 1 8 ha-ing pre-iousl$ declared his son &olomon to !e his successor. &unda$ a"ter the Nati-it$ Apol$tikion o" the (esurrectionJ and o" the &aints. 'one ,. 4oseph8 proclaim the good tidings o" the wonders to 3a-id the Fore"ather o" GodJ $ou ha-e seen a #irgin !earing childJ with %agi $ou ha-e worshippedJ with &hepherds glori"ied8 !een warned through an Angel. Implore hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 'oda$ godl$ 3a-id is "illed with gladness and 4oseph with 4ames o""ers praise8 "or ha-ing recei-ed a crown !$ their kinship with hrist8 the$ reEoice and sing the praise o" him who has !een !orn ine""a!l$ on earth8 and the$ cr$: ) ompassionate8 sa-e those who honour $ouH ,<. )" the hol$ *rotomart$r and Archdeacon &tephen8 and o" our -enera!le "ather and con"essor 'heodore the 1randed. &tephen was a 4ew !$ !irth8 a disciple o" Gamaliel8 the teacher o" the law8 as some sa$8 "irst o" the se-en deacons8 whom the Apostles appointed in 4erusalem "or the care o" the poor and "or the distri!ution to them o" alms. He was a man "ull o" "aith /,>

and the Hol$ &pirit8 working great signs and wonders among the people. He disputed with the 4ews concerning 4esus and re"uted all their o!Eections so mani"estl$ that no one was a!le to stand up against the wisdom and spirit with he spoke8 and he was accused as a !lasphemer and dragged !e"ore the &anhedrin o" the elders8 !e"ore whom8 ha-ing with !oldness demonstrated "rom the di-ine &criptures the coming o" the 4ust )ne @4esusA8 o" whom the$ had !ecome the !etra$ers and murderers8 he re!uked their un!elie" and hardness o" heart. Finall$8 "ixing his e-es on hea-en and ha-ing gaLed upon the glor$ o" God8 he said: I see the hea-ens opened and the &on o" %an standing on the right hand o" God. )n hearing this the$ stopped their ears8 and ha-ing thrown him -iolentl$ out o" the cit$ the$ stoned him8 as he cried out and said: 0ord 4esus8 recei-e m$ spirit. 'hen imitating his %aster?s lack o" malice8 he knelt on the ground and pra$ed in a loud -oice "or those who were stoning him8 sa$ing8 D0ord8 do not hold this sin against them? And ha-ing said this he "ell asleep in the 0ord in the $ear .> @Acts >:<A8 !ecoming the "irst o" the %art$rs o" hrist?s hurch. oncerning &t 'heodore. see the 11 )cto!er. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. Iour head was crowned with a ro$al diadem "or the contests $ou endured "or the sake o" hrist God8 ) "irst hampion o" %art$rsJ "or ha-ing re"uted the "oll$ o" the 4ews8 $ou saw $our &a-iour at the right hand o" the Father. +-er entreat him there"ore on !ehal" o" our souls. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Iesterda$ the %aster came to dwell in the "lesh "or us8 and toda$ the sla-e lea-es the dwelling o" the "leshJ "or $esterda$ the )ne who reigns was !orn in the "lesh8 !ut toda$ the ser-ant is !eing stoned. For his sake too the *rotomart$r8 godl$ &tephen8 attains per"ection. ,=. )" the hol$ ,58555 %art$rs who were !urned to death in Nikomedia. /,<

'he$ were all !urned ali-e in the $ear .5.8 in the time o" 3iocletian and %aximianos8 ,58555 o" them !eing gathered in a church on the da$ o" hrist?s Nati-it$8 according to the writer o" the &$anaxarion. +use!ios howe-er @+cclesiastical Histor$ II8=8>A sa$s that o" the hristians then in Nikomedia in their entiret$ the$ were progressi-el$ wiped out8 some !eing slaughtered with the sword8 others !eing !urned ali-e8 and that !$ some inexplica!le godlike Leal !oth men and women leapt and threw themsel-es into the "ire. Apol$tikion. 'one ,. hampions o" the 0ord8 !lessed is the earth that was soaked with $our !lood and hol$ the ta!ernacles which recei-ed $our spiritsJ "or in the stadium $our crushed the enem$ and proclaimed hrist with !oldness. Implore him8 as he is good8 we !eg8 that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he soldiers watching. An host that num!ers twice ten thousand %art$rs dawns like !eacon "ire that ne-er sets8 enlightening through "aith the hearts and minds o" the de-outJ "or a"lame with di-ine lo-e o" the %aster8 the no!le %art$rs "er-entl$ accepted a per"ect end through "ire. ,;. )" the 1/8555 hol$ In"ants in 1ethlehem who were slain !$ HerodJ and o" our -enera!le Father %arcellus8 a!!ot o" the monaster$ o" the 9nsleeping ones. 'his Herod8 the sla$er o" in"ants8 was the same who was reigning at the time o" hrist?s Nati-it$. In those da$s certain %agi8 that is men o" wisdom and power8 and possi!l$ kings as well8 starting "rom *ersia8 or %esopotomia8 or some other distant place8 came to 4erusalem seeking the one !orn as king o" 4ews8 and sa$ing that in the +ast8 where their "atherland was8 there had appeared two $ears earlier an unusual and wondrous star8 which8 according to an ancient oracle @Num!ers ,/:1<A8 signi"ied the !irth o" a great king o" the 4ews8 Dand so8 "ollowing the course o" this star8 we ha-e come?8 the$ said8 Dto worship him?. 2hen Herod heard this he was trou!led and the whole cit$ with him. 'hen8 ha-ing enFuired and !een /,=

in"ormed !$ the High *riests and &cri!es o" the people that according to the prophecies the hrist was to !e !orn in 1ethlehem8 he sent the %agi there8 ordering them that8 when the$ had "ound the child8 the$ should in"orm him too8 so that8 he said8 DI too ma$ come and worship him?. 'he %agi8 howe-er8 a"ter the$ had worshipped8 returned !$ di-ine command8 to their own countr$ !$ another wa$. 'hen Herod8 enraged8 sent and killed all the in"ants in 1ethlehem and its neigh!ourhood "rom two $ears and !elow8 thinking that with them he would certainl$ ha-e put to death the king that had !een !orn. 1ut the "oolish enem$ o" God was tricked8 !ecause the child 4esus with his mother %ar$8 under the protection o" 4oseph her 1etrothed8 "led to +g$pt on the order o" an Angel. And so those innocent !a!es !ecame the "irst %art$rs slain "or the sake o" hristJ !ut their !loodthirst$ executioner and persecutor o" hrist shortl$ a"terwards "ell -ictim to drops$ and8 ha-ing !ecome wholl$ rotten and his !od$ in"ested with worms8 he ended his misera!le li"e. %arcellus was "rom the cit$ o" Apamea in &$ria8 o" a renowned "amil$8 distinguished !$ !oth -irtue and education8 and chosen to succeed &aint Alexander in a!out /.5 as a!!ot o" the monaster$ o" the 9nsleeping ones. 'his monaster$ is so called !ecause the monks are di-ided into three groups which succeed one another in turn at the dail$ round o" )""ices and so praise God unceasingl$ without an$ interruption. 'he originator o" this s$stem was the one named Alexander8 as the writer o" the li"e o" !oth o" them sa$s8 D0ater he also "ounded near the mouth o" the 1lack &ea a renowned place o" contemplation and introduced a new rule8 !ut which is than those e-er$where else8 that the succession o" h$mns to God should ne-er !e interrupted8 !ut that !$ the successi-e rotation o" those cele!rating the ne-er silent and unceasing glori"ication o" the %aster should !e assured?. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 1e entreated. B ommon: 1e entreated !$ the su""erings8 which the &aints endured "or $ou8 ) 0ordJ and heal all our pains8 we !eg8 ) 0o-er o" mankind. /,;

)" the %onk. 'one =. In $ou8 Father. B ommon: In $ou8 Father8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ %arcellus.8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakion o" the &aints. 'one =. B1$ &t (omanos: 2hen $ou had "ul"illed. 2hen the King was !orn in 1ethlehem8 %agi came "rom the +ast with gi"ts8 led "rom a!o-e !$ a starJ !ut Herod is trou!led and har-ests the In"ants like wheatJ he is grie-ed !ecause his might will !e swi"tl$ destro$ed. .5. )" the -enera!le Ascetic and %art$r An$sia. &he was "rom 'hessaloniki8 daughter o" de-out and wealth$ parents8 passing her li"e in -irginit$ a"ter their death and ser-ing God !$ good works. In the time o" %aximianus8 arrested !$ a soldier as she was on her wa$ to church and dragged !$ him to the altars o" the idols8 she spat in his "ace and con"essed hrist. Filled with rage8 he thrust his sword into her side and slew her in the $ear ,;=. 'oda$ the o""ice o" &t %elanie is also sung8 !ecause tomorrow is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the Feast o" the Nati-it$ o" hrist. .1. )" the -enera!le %elanie8 the (oman. &he was a no!lewoman8 -er$ wealth$ and renowned8 descended "rom a line o" (oman onsuls. A"ter the death o" her hus!and and two o" her children she le"t "or +g$pt to -isit the monastics o" the mountain o" Nitria. &he distri!uted her wealth to those in need there and to the con"essors o" the "aith who were !eing persecuted !$ the Arians. &he "ed 6555 o" them "or three da$s. 'hen8 when the$ were !anished to *alestine8 she le"t hersel" "or 4erusalem8 and "ounded a women?s monaster$ at her own expense8 where she died a hol$ death in a!out /15. /.5

'here was another %elanie8 granddaughter o" the one a!o-e8 !eing daughter o" her son *u!licola8 who was pre"ect o" (ome. &he was !orn in .==. &he was married and !ecame the mother o" two children8 !ut lost !oth soon a"terwards. And so8 with the agreement o" her hus!and that the$ should spend the rest o" their li-es in sel"C master$ and purit$8 and taking with her mother Al!ina8 the$ le"t "or A"rica8 where the$ also saw &aint Augustine. 'he$ "reed =555 prisoners8 "ounded two monasteries8 one "or men and one a hes$chasterion "or women. &ix $ears later the$ mo-ed to 4erusalem. %elanie was enclosed in a -er$ narrow little hut on the %ount o" )li-es and8 ha-ing worn hersel" out with "asts and -igils8 she died in /./. 'he writer o" the &$naxarion appears to ha-e com!ined the two %elanies into one. 'oda$ we take lea-e o" the Feast o" the Nati-it$ o" hrist8 and e-er$thing that is sung is o" the Feast. 'onth of 4anuary. It has .1 da$s. 'he da$ has 15 hours and the night 1/. 1. 'he ircumcision according to the "lesh o" )ur 0ord 4esus hristJ and commemoration o" our Father among the &aints 1asil the Great8 arch!ishop o" aesarea in appadocia. &ince the law o" %oses la$s down that i" a woman gi-es !irth to a male child it shall !e circumcised in the "lesh o" its "oreskin on the eighth da$ @0e-. 1,:,C.A8 "or this reason our &a-iour on the present da$8 which is the eighth "rom his Nati-it$8 accepted the ircumcision prescri!ed !$ the law8 and recei-ed8 in accordance with the Angel?s command8 the name which is a!o-e e-er$ name8 4+&9&8 that is to sa$8 &a-iour @%att. 1:,18 0k. 1:.1 and ,:,1A. As we cele!rate our 0ord?s name da$ toda$8 "rom it we !egin the New Iear "rom his incarnation. 1asil the Great was !orn towards the end o" the $ear .,; in aesarea o" appadocia o" a "amil$ distinguished !oth "or its culture and sanctit$. His parents were called 1asil and +milia. He studied in onstantinople under the rhetorician /.1

0i-anios and later in Athens8 where he !ecame the "riend o" Gregor$ NaLianLen. He returned to aesarea8 !ut soon le"t "or the hes$chasteria in the district o" *ontus8 where his mother and his sister %akrina were leading the ascetic li"e. It was then that he wrote his ascetic discourses. Around .<58 on the death o" the !ishop o" his home countr$8 he was chosen to succeed to the throne and entrusted with the hurch o" hrist8 which he shepherded "or eight $ears8 and !ecame a mart$r !$ intent8 reckoning nothing to the threats o" the Arian emperor #alens8 and o" %odestos8 pre"ect o" the +ast. He departed to the 0ord on 4anuar$ 1st .<;. His wisdom and great learning8 which a!ound in his writings8 through which he taught a!out God and made clear the nature o" !eings8 and adorned the morals o" mankind8 as well as the magni"icence and grandeur o" his st$le ha-e con"erred on him the titles o" D(e-ealer o" Hea-en? and DGreat?. No work8 and *ermission "or e-er$thing. Apol$tikion o" the Feast. 'one 1. 2hen the stone had !een sealed. 2ithout change $ou took a human "orm8 !eing God !$ nature8 most compassionate 0ordJ and "ul"illing the law $ou willingl$ accepted ircumcision in the "lesh8 that $ou might !anish shadows and strip o"" the co-ering o" our passions. Glor$ to $our goodnessJ glor$ to $our compassionJ glor$ to $our ine""a!le condescension8 ) 2ord. )" the &aint. &ame 'one. Iour sound has gone out into all the earth8 "or it has recei-ed $our word8 through which $ou taught in a manner "itting God: "or $ou made clear the nature o" what existsJ $ou set in order the conduct o" mankind. (o$al priesthood8 -enera!le Father8 implore hrist God to grant us his great merc$. Kontakion o" the &aint. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Iou appeared as an unshakea!le "oundation "or the hurch8 maintaining its authorit$ as a sure re"uge "or mortals8 sealing it !$ $our doctrines8 -enera!le 1asil8 (e-ealer o" hea-en. /.,

And o" the Feast. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 'he 0ord o" all things undergoes circumcision8 and cuts o""8 as he is good8 the "aults o" mortals. 'oda$ he gi-es sal-ation to the world. 'he High *riest o" the reator too reEoices in the highest8 godlike 1asil8 the lightC!earing initiate o" hrist. ,. Fore"east o" the 'heophan$J and commemoration o" our Father among the saints &il-ester8 *ope o" (ome. He succeeded %iltiades in .1/. He sent his representati-es to the 1st +cumenical ouncil8 which was held in Nicea in .,6. He died in ..6. Apol$tikion o" the &aint. 'one /. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and Hierarch &il-esterJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Fore"east. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. Qa-oulon prepare8 and make read$ NephthalimJ ri-er 4ordan stand8 leap "or Eo$ as $ou recei-e the %aster who comes to !e !aptised. Adam with our Foremother !e glad8 do not hide $oursel-es as in *aradise o" oldJ "or seeing $ou naked8 he has appeared that he ma$ put on the "irst ro!e. hrist has appeared8 as he wishes to renew the whole creation. Kontakion o" the &aint. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. Among priests8 godC!earing Father8 $ou were re-ealed as priest o" the King and God8 and $ou !ecame a companion o" ascetics8 there"ore $ou now reEoice with the choirs o" Angels with gladness in the hea-ensJ &il-ester8 glorious shepherd o" (ome8 sa-e those who cele!rate $our memor$ with lo-e. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. /..

'oda$ the 0ord has come to the streams o" 4ordan8 and cries aloud to 4ohn: 3o not !e a"raid to !aptise meJ "or I ha-e come to sa-e Adam the FirstC"ormed. .. )" the hol$ *rophet %alach$J and o" the hol$ %art$r Gordios. 'he *rophet was the last o" the %inor prophets and the last o" all the *rophets o" the )ld 'estament. He prophesied in the da$s o" Nehemias8 a wise man among the 4ews and steward o" Artaxerxes the 0ongChanded8 king o" the *ersians8 who reigned "rom />6C/,/ 1 . His prophec$ is di-ided into "our chapters. 'he %art$r8 who had the rank o" enturion8 was "rom aesarea in appadocia. He was mart$red under 0icinius in .1/. Apol$tikion o" the Fore"eastJ and o" the &aint. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. Iou ha-e taken8 0ord. 'he sweat o" $our struggle watered the whole earth8 and with $our precious !lood $ou made the whole world glad. 1$ $our pra$ers8 allCpraised Gordios8 inspired !$ God8 sa-e all who sing to $ou with "aith and "ittingl$ honour $ou as muchC enduring. )" the *rophet. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. +nriched with the grace o" prophec$8 $ou clearl$ announced !e"orehand8 ) *rophet8 the coming o" hrist8 and the sal-ation o" the worldJ !$ whose radiance the world has !een enlightened. /. 'he Assem!l$ o" the &e-ent$ ApostlesJ and o" &aint 'heoktistos8 a!!ot in Koukoumos in &icil$. Apol$tikion o" the Fore"eastJ and o" the Apostles. 'one .. B ommon: /./

) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 1elie-ers8 let us with inspired h$mns praise and cele!rate the choir o" the &e-ent$ disciples o" hristJ "or through them we ha-e all learned to honour an undi-ided 'rinit$J and we ha-e them as lamps o" di-ine Faith. 6. )" the hol$ %art$rs 'heopemptos and 'heonasJ and o" &aint &$nklitiki. 'he %art$rs su""ered under 3iocletian in the $ear ,;5. &$nklitiki was "rom Alexandria in +g$pt. &he li-ed "or =. $ears in -irginit$ and asceticism and !ecame leader and teacher o" man$ nuns. For the women she appeared like Anton$ the Great "or the men8 and ha-ing !ecome a model o" woman?s nature "or the morti"ication o" the "lesh and endurance in a""lictions8 she died around the middle o" the /th centur$. +-e o" 'heophan$. Fast8 on whate-er da$ it "alls. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 4oseph was amaLed. 'he ri-er 4ordan once turned !ack !e"ore the mantle o" +lissaios8 when +lias had !een taken up8 and the waters were di-ided on this side and on that. 'he stream !ecame "or him a dr$ road8 as a true t$pe o" 1aptism8 through which we pass through the "leeting course o" li"e. hrist has appeared in 4ordan to sancti"$ the waters. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'oda$ the 0ord has come to the streams o" 4ordan8 and cries aloud to 4ohn: 3o not !e a"raid to !aptise meJ "or I ha-e come to sa-e Adam the FirstC"ormed. >. 'he hol$ 'heophan$ o" our 0ord and God and &a-iour8 4esus hrist. Near the !eginning o" 4esus? thirtieth $ear8 4ohn the Forerunner8 who was a!out the same age @!eing some six months older than 4esusA and who had li-ed in the desert since !o$hood8 recei-ed a command "rom God and came into the countr$ round /.6

the 4ordan8 preaching a !aptism o" repentance "or the "orgi-eness o" sins. 'hen 4esus8 coming "rom Galilee to the 4ordan8 sought and recei-ed !aptism8 the %aster "rom the sla-e8 at which these supernatural wonders occurred. 'he hea-ens were openedJ the &pirit came down on the !aptised in the "orm o" a do-eJ and a -oice was heard "rom hea-en !earing witness that this is the !elo-ed &on o" God8 who was then !eing !aptised there as a man @%att. .8 0k. 1:,>.=5 and .:1C,.A. From all this was re-ealed the 3i-init$ o" 4esus and the great m$ster$ o" the 'rinit$J and "or this reason the present "east is named 'heophan$8 that is the Appearing o" God among men. From this august da$ is dated hristian 1aptismJ "rom this da$ the sa-ing preaching o" the Kingdom o" hea-en !egan. No work8 and *ermission "or e-er$thing. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. As $ou were !aptiLed in the 4ordan8 0ord8 the worship o" the 'rinit$ was made mani"estJ "or the -oice o" the Father !ore witness to $ou8 naming $ou the 1elo-ed &onJ and the &pirit8 in the "orm o" a do-e8 con"irmed the sureness o" the word. hrist God8 who appeared and enlightened the world8 glor$ to $ouH A"ter the .rd )de. IpakoP. 'one ,. 2hen !$ $our Appearing $ou enlightened the uni-erse8 then the salt sea o" un!elie" took "light8 and 4ordan8 "lowing down8 was turned !ack8 raising us to hea-en. 1ut guard us8 hrist God8 !$ the height o" $our di-ine commandments8 at the pra$ers o" the %other o" God8 and sa-e us. Kontakion. 'one /. %odel %elod$. B1$ &t (omanos: 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared to the inha!ited world8 and $our light8 ) 0ord8 has !een signed upon us8 who with knowledge sing $our praise: Iou ha-e come8 $ou ha-e appeared8 the unapproacha!le 0ight. <. 'he Assem!l$ o" the hol$8 glorious *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohn. /.>

2e cele!rate this "esti-e Assem!l$ in honour o" the most sacred Forerunner8 as the one who ministered to the m$ster$ o" the di-ine 1aptism. No work8 and *ermission "or "ish. Apol$tikion o" the FeastJ and o" the Forerunner. 'one ,. 'he Eust is remem!ered with praisesJ !ut "or $ou8 ) Forerunner8 the 0ord?s testimon$ su""ices. For $ou were re-ealed as more praiseworth$ than the *rophets8 !ecause $ou were "ound worth$ to !aptise in running streams the )ne the$ had proclaimed. 'here"ore $ou struggled !ra-el$ "or the truth with Eo$8 and preached to those in Hell a God who had appeared in "lesh8 who takes awa$ the sin o" the world and grants us his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one >. %odel %elod$. B1$ &t (omanos: 'he 4ordan8 a"raid at $our coming in the !od$8 was turned !ack in "earJ while 4ohn8 "ul"illing the ministr$ o" a prophet8 drew !ack in awe. 'he ranks o" Angels8 seeing $ou in the streams !eing !aptised in the "lesh8 were amaLedJ and all those in darkness were "illed with light as the$ sang the praises o" $ou who had appeared and enlightened all. =. )" our -enera!le %other 3omnikiJ and o" our -enera!le Father George the hoLe-ite. &he was originall$ "rom arthage in A"rica and led the ascetic li"e in onstantinople around the end o" the /th centur$J while he was a monk in *alestine around the !eginning o" the ;th8 in a monaster$ called hoLe!a?s. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. ;. )" the hol$ %art$r *ol$euktos. He was a soldier8 originall$ "rom %elitini a cit$ in Armenia8 and was mart$red under #alerian in ,66. Apol$tikion o" the FeastJ and o" the %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: /.<

Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 2hen the &a-iour !owed his head in 4ordan8 the heads o" the dragons were crushedJ while the head o" *ol$euktos when cut o"" put tricker$ to shame. 15. )" our -enera!le Father Gregor$8 !ishop o" N$ssaJ and o" the -enera!le 3ometianos8 !ishop o" %elitini. 'he latter "lourished in the time o" 4ustinian (hinotmitos8 who reigned in >=6. Gregor$ was the $ounger !rother o" 1asil the Great8 and was also outstanding !$ his treatises8 a Lealot o" the orthodox "aith. He was !orn in ..1 and !ecame !ishop in .<,. He was exiled !$ the arianising #alens in .</ and was recalled to his throne !$ 'heodosios the Great in .<=. He was present at the local &$nod o" Antioch8 !$ which he was sent to -isit the hurches o" Ara!ia and *alestine8 which were contaminated and disrupted !$ Arianism. 0ater he attended the &econd +cumenical ouncil o" onstantinople in .=1. He li-ed in all "or >6 $ears8 lea-ing man$ distinguished writings. He died in .;>8 named !$ all Father o" Fathers. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one ,. Nor tom! nor death. 'he inspired High *riest o" the hurch8 the august initiator into wisdom8 the watch"ul mind o" N$ssa8 Gregor$8 who dances with the Angels and takes his pleasure in the di-ine light8 intercedes unceasingl$ "or us all. 11. )" our -enera!le Father 'heodosios the Koino-iarch. He was a nati-e o" appadocia and "lourished in the time o" 0eo the 'hracian who reigned in /6<8 until around the !eginning o" the sixth centur$. He raised "rom its /.=

"oundations a -er$ extensi-e monaster$8 in which he shepherded man$ monks. He li-ed to the age o" 15. and died in peace. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with deep sighings "rom the heart $ou made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou !ecame a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders8 our -enera!le Father 'heodosiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou m$ hampion. *lanted in the courts o" $our 0ord8 $ou !lossomed sweetl$ !$ $our -irtues8 and in the desert $ou multiplied $our children8 watered !$ the streams o" $our tears8 "lock leader o" the godl$ sheep"olds o" GodJ there"ore we cr$: Hail8 Father 'heodosiosH 1,. )" the hol$ %art$r Band 3eacon: 'atiana. &he was "rom (ome8 daughter o" a most distinguished "ather8 o" consular rank. &he !ecame a deacon o" the hurch "or women?s matters. 1ecause o" her con"ession o" the "aith she was mart$red under Alexander in the $ear ,1=. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. 1.. )" the hol$ %art$rs +rm$los and &tratonikos. 'he$ su""ered under 0icinius in .1/. 'heir )""ice is sung together with that o" the -enera!le Fathers8 !ecause o" the 0ea-eCtaking o" the Feast toCmorrow. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Apol$tikion o" the Fathers. 'one /. B ommon: /.;

God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion o" the Ascetics. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou "led "rom mingling with the world and changed to a state o" calm8 crowned !$ the !lood o" mart$rdom and the toils o" the ascetic li"eJ there"ore $ou ha-e !een re-ealed as companions o" the %art$rs and the &aints. 1/. )" our -enera!le Fathers8 slaughtered in &inai and (aPtho. 'he latter were slain in the reign o" 3iocletian8 in ,;>8 !$ !ar!arians "rom Ara!ia and +g$pt called 1lemm$esJ the "ormer !$ the same !ar!arian peoples around the middle o" the "i"th centur$. 'oda$ lea-e is taken o" the Feast o" 'heophan$. 16. )" our -enera!le Fathers *aul the 'he!an and 4ohn the Kal$-ite. *aul8 the -er$ "irst o" all the hermits8 was !orn in the 'he!aid o" +g$pt in ,,<. In ,65 he "led to the desert !ecause o" the persecution launched !$ 3ecius8 and he li-ed entirel$ alone "or ;1 $ears in a ca-e. He li-ed in all "or 11/ $ears and died in ./1. He was !uried !$ Anthon$ the Great8 who had !een guided there !$ God a "ew da$s !e"ore his death. 4ohn was a nati-e o" onstantinople8 the son o" distinguished parents8 +-tropios the &enator and 'heodora. 2hen he was twel-e $ears old he withdrew secretl$ and le"t "or the monaster$ o" the &leepless @3ecem!er ,;thA. 1ut a"ter six $ears8 !urning with longing "or his parents8 he returned to his "amil$ home disguised as a poor !eggar @a D!readCseeker?A. He made a little hut !$ the gate8 "rom which he got the surname DKal$-itis? BDHutC dweller?:. He remained there unrecognised "or a long time8 mocked !$ his own ser-ants. Foreseeing his death8 he re-ealed himsel" to his parents and a"ter a "ew moments he died8 in around /65. Apol$tikion. 'one /. ome Fuickl$ to help. //5

From in"anc$ $ou longed "er-entl$ "or the 0ord8 $ou a!andoned the pleasures in the world and no!l$ led the ascetic li"eJ $ou "ixed $our hut !e"ore $our parents? gatesJ $ou crushed the am!ushes o" demons8 ) allC!lessedJ and there"ore8 4ohn8 hrist "ittingl$ glori"ied $ou. A"ter the .rd )de8 Kontakion o" the Kal$-ite. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 0onging "or po-ert$8 wise Father8 in imitation o" hrist8 $ou a!andoned $our parents? wealth8 and grasping the Gospel in $our hands8 4ohn8 $ou "ollowed hrist God interceding unceasingl$ on !ehal" o" our souls. A"ter the >th8 o" the 'he!an. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. All we !elie-ers sing the praise o" the !eacon who shone out !$ the height o" his -irtues8 the godlike *aul8 as we cr$: ) hrist $ou are the Eo$ o" $our Hol$ )nes. 1>. 'he -eneration o" the precious hain o" the hol$ and allCpraised Apostle *eter. Herod Agrippa8 the descendent o" Herod the Great @3ecem!er ,6thA and king o" the 4ews8 raging against the hurch o" hrist8 slaughtered 4ames the !rother o" 4ohn the +-angelist in 4erusalem in /.. 2hile when he saw that this appeared to please the 4ews he arrested *eter likewise and shut him in prison8 guarding him so that8 when the "east o" the *asso-er according to the law was o-er8 he might produce him to the people as a pleasing -ictimJ !ut the Apostle8 wondrousl$ loosed "rom his !onds !$ an Angel8 was sa-ed @Acts 1,:1C1;A. 'hese !onds8 that is the hain8 with which the Apostle was !ound recei-ed a sancti"$ing and healing grace "rom the contact with his most sacred !od$ "or those who approach it with "aith. 'he$ "ell into the hands o" hristians and were later translated to onstantinople !$ the de-out Kings and a $earl$ "east was esta!lished "or their -eneration "or the hallowing o" the "aith"ul. 'hat such things work wonders and man$ healings hol$ &cripture is witness when it sa$s o" *aul that the hristians in +phesus showed him such re-erence that taking his handkerchie"s and aprons with great de-otion the$ cured through them //1

the diseases o" the sick &o that when the handkerchie"s or aprons that had touched his skin were !rought to the sick8 their diseases le"t them @Acts 1;:1.A. And not onl$ the clothing that had in an$ case !een near their !odies8 !ut e-en the shadow !$ itsel" which "ell "rom them worked the same cures. And seeing this people would put their sick on !eds and stretchers8 !ring them and la$ on the highwa$s so that as *eter passed e-en his shadow might "all on one o" them @Acts 6:16A8 in as much that e-en i" the$ were not cured8 those who !rought them with toil were not content to toil in -ain. From this the )rthodox hurch learnt the honour and de-otion not onl$ o" relics !ut also o" the clothing o" hol$ persons. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Not lea-ing (ome $ou came to dwell with us through the precious hains which $ou wore8 "irstCthroned o" the Apostles. As we -enerate them with "aith we !eg: !$ $our entreaties to God grant us his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. hrist the rock radiantl$ glori"ies the rock o" the "aith8 the "irstCthroned o" the 3isciplesJ "or he in-ites all to "east the wonders o" the precious hain o" *eter and gi-es pardon o" "aults. 1<. )" our -enera!le and GodC!earing Father Anthon$ the Great. Anthon$8 the originator o" the monastic li"e8 was !orn in +g$pt in ,61 o" de-out parents. Ha-ing heard the -oice o" the Gospel: I" $ou would !e per"ect8 go8 sell all $our goods and gi-e to the poor @%t. 1;:,1A8 he at once put this into practiceJ and ha-ing distri!uted all that he possessed to the poor and "led "rom all the hu!!u! o" the world8 he withdrew into the desert. His man$ -aried temptations there during twent$ $ears without interruption are !e$ond !elie"J his ascetic struggles da$ and night8 through which he slew the urgings o" the passions and reached the summit o" dispassion8 surpass the !ounds o" natureJ and the report o" his -irtuous deeds stirred such a multitude to imitate him that the desert was trans"ormed into a cit$8 //,

with him as go-ernor8 lawgi-er and trainer o" all the citiLens o" this newest cit$. 1ut the cities o" the world also enEo$ed the "ruit o" his -irtue. 2hen the hristians were !eing persecuted and put to death under %aximinus in .1, he hurried to their help and com"ort. 2hen the hurch was distur!ed !$ the Arians he came down with Leal to Alexandria in ..6 and struggled against them on !ehal" o" )rthodox$J and he turned man$ !ack to hrist through the grace o" his own words. 2hen he had thus li-ed his li"e and !ecome a model o" -irtue and a rule "or monks8 he died on the 1<th o" 4anuar$ in .6>8 ha-ing li-ed "or 15/ $ears. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he Lealous +lias $ou imitated !$ $our li"e8 $ou "ollowed the 1aptist !$ straight paths8 Father Anthon$J $ou !ecame the "ounder o" the desert and strengthened the whole world !$ $our pra$ersJ and so intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou reEected the tumults o" li"e and li-ed $our li"e to the end in solitude8 imitating the 1aptist in e-er$ wa$. 2ith him then we honour $ou8 most -enera!le Father Anthon$8 "oundation o" the Fathers. 1=. )" our Fathers among the saints and arch!ishops o" Alexandria8 Athanasios and $ril. 'hese two wise 'eachers o" the truth and champions o" hrist?s hurch were nati-es o" Alexandria. Athanasios was !orn8 as some maintain8 in ,;>. 2hile still a deacon he was present at the 1st +cumenical ouncil in Nicea o" the .1= hol$ Fathers8 which was summoned in .,6 against Arius8 at which he excelled all through his Leal and the teaching o" the onsu!stantial. 'he next $ear8 .,>8 ha-ing succeeded Alexander the !ishop o" Alexandria8 he re"used communion to Arius8 knowing the tergi-ersation o" his opinion and that the disease o" heres$ was still lurking in his heart. From then on !egan the accusations and attacks against him !$ //.

the heresiarch?s "ollowersJ "rom then on !egan their ro!!ers? plots against him and the unEust decrees against him and the constant exiles !$ the +mperors8 onstantine the Great8 onstantius his son8 4ulian the Apostate and the "er-ent champion o" the Arians #alens8 the "irst !ecause o" his trust in the accusations o" others8 the rest moti-ated !$ their own !ad "aith. 'he champion o" )rthodox$8 at one time compelled !$ the "orce o" those who held power8 at others $ielding to the rage o" his enemies8 was exiled to 'rier in Gaul8 "led to (ome8 went "ar awa$ !$ "leeing to the deserts8 was hidden in cellars "or months on end8 endured ten thousand dangers and persecutions "or /> $earsJ during which he was recalled "or a time8 !ut shortl$ chased out again. Finall$ he appeared again on his high throne like a shining8 !ut e-ening8 star8 and ha-ing illumined the orthodox people !$ the splendour o" his words "or a short time8 he declined towards the setting o" his li"e and died8 the muchCenduring8 "rom his man$ toils in .<.. $ril was 'heophilos?s nephew8 son o" his mother?s !rother8 the !ishop o" Alexandria8 !$ whom he was taught "rom his $outh. A"ter he had spent a considera!le time li-ing with the monks o" Nitria he later succeeded his uncle in /1,. 3ri-en "rom his throne through the machinations o" the Nestorians8 he reco-ered it not long a"ter. He was present at the .rd +cumenical ouncil o" the ,55 Fathers in /.1 under 'heodosios the 0ess which met at +phesus8 o" which he was the leader8 and through his most wise words he put to shame Nestorius who !lasphemed against the %other o" God and re"uted his impious doctrine. He shepherded hrist?s hurch "or ., $ears and died in ///. 1oth le"t !ehind man$ wise writings8 explanations o" the hol$ &criptures8 doctrinal works on the "aith o" hrist8 demonstrations o" the truth and re"utations o" the error o" heresies. No work8 and *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one .. Iour con"ession. ///

&hining !$ deeds o" orthodox$8 Fuenching e-er$ "alse doctrine8 $ou !ecame -ictorious championsJ enriching all things !$ true religion8 greatl$ adorning the hurch8 "ittingl$ $ou "ound hrist8 who grants to all his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Great Hierarchs o" true religion and no!le champions o" the hurch o" hrist8 guard all who sing: %erci"ul 0ord8 sa-e those who honour $ou with "aith. 1;. )" our -enera!le Father %akarios the +g$ptianJ and o" our Father among the &aints Arsenios o" Kek$ra. )" these8 &t %akarios was "rom the +g$ptian 'he!aid8 a disciple8 according to some o" Anthon$ the Great. He was !orn around the $ear .51. He li-ed the ascetic li"e at &kete in the desert. 'hrough his extreme wisdom and his se-erit$ o" li"e while still a $outh he was called 1o$Celder. He was ordained priest. He li-ed "or ;5 $ears and died in .;1. 9nder his name are preser-ed 65 homiliesJ some sa$ that Anthon$ the Great wrote them in &$riac and that %akarios translated them into Greek. Arsenios was a nati-e o" *alestine8 son o" godClo-ing parents. He was dedicated to God "rom his $outh and was took the monastic schema. He studied in &ele"kia8 where he was also ordained priest. From there he mo-ed to onstantinople and was ordained as !ishop o" Kek$raJ whose throne he adorned through his -irtue and education. He returned to onstantinople when he was an old man and calmed the anger o" the emperor onstantine *orph$rogenitos against the leaders o" Kek$ra. Finall$8 as he was returning to his see8 he was taken ill at orinth and reposed in the 0ord around the end o" the =th centur$. Apol$tikion o" the %onk. 'one 1. B ommon: itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather %akariosJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who //6

ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH Another8 o" the &aint. 'one /. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and Hierarch ArseniosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the %onk. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'rul$ the 0ord placed $ou in the house o" sel"Cmaster$ as a "ixed star8 !ringing light to the ends o" the earth8 Father o" Fathers8 !lessed %akarios. ,5. )" our -enera!le and GodC!earingmed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and Hierarch ArseniosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the %onk. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'rul$ the 0ord placed $ou in the house o" sel"Cmaster$ as a "ixed star8 !ringing light to the ends o" the earth8 Father o" Fathers8 !lessed %akarios. ,5. )" our -enera!le and GodC!earing Father +"th$mios the Great. He was "rom %elitini in Armenia8 son o" de-out parents8 *aul and 3ion$sia. He was !orn around .<<. His mother had pre-iousl$ !een !arren and he was named +"th$mios !ecause o" his parents desire and their Eo$ at his !irth. He studied under +-troPos8 the !ishop o" %elitini8 !$ whom he was ordained priest and entrusted with the care o" the monasteries in %elitini. 'hen he le"t "or *alestine where he was esta!lished as leader o" a great multitude o" monks. He !rought !ack to true religion man$ o" the &aracens and warred against the Nestorians8 +"t$chians and %anicheans. He corrected +-dokia8 Fueen consort o" 'heodosios the 0ess8 who had "allen into the heres$ o" the %onoph$sites. He !ecame the oracle o" the //>

+astern hurch8 as one o" the historians has written. He li-ed "or ;> $ears and died in /<. on the ,5th o" 4anuar$. No work8 and *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 3esert that ne-er gi-es !irth8 !e gladJ !e "illed with desire $ou that ne-er know la!ourJ !ecause a man o" the desires o" the &pirit multiplied children "or $ou8 planting them with true religion8 nurturing them with sel"Cmaster$ to per"ection o" -irtues. At his entreaties8 hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. Iou ha-e taken8 0ord. At $our honoured nati-it$ creation "ound Eo$8 and at $our godlike memor$8 -enera!le Father8 it recei-ed the desire o" $ou 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared r man$ wonders. Grant richl$ o" them to our souls8 and puri"$ the stains o" sins8 that we ma$ sing: Alleluia. ,1. )" our -enera!le Father %aximos the on"essorJ and o" the hol$ %art$r Neoph$tos. 'he mart$r was "rom Nicea in 1ith$nia8 son o" de-out parents8 'heodore and FlorenceJ he was mart$red under 3iocletian in ,55. 'he godlike %aximos was a nati-e o" onstantinople o" a most distinguished "amil$8 a philosopher and outstanding theologian. 'o !egin with he was appointed pri-ate secretar$ to the emperor Herakleios and his son onstansJ !ut !ecause the ro$al court was dominated !$ the monothelite heres$8 which he hated8 he le"t "or the monaster$ o" hr$sopolis @&cutariA8 o" which he later !ecame a!!ot. He was reFuired !$ onstans either to accept the monothelite doctrine or to cease speaking and writing against them. As he was not prepared to do either his tongue and right hand were cut o"" and he was sent into exile8 where he died in >>,. &ome historians sa$ nothing o" the amputation o" his tongue and hand. )" the &aint. 'one =. )rthodox$?s guide. B ommon: //<

)rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" monks8 ) wise %aximos8 inspired !$ God8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one =. 'o $ou m$ hampion. 0et us !elie-ers "ittingl$ honour with songs great %aximos8 lo-er o" the 'rinit$8 who clearl$ taught the "aith inspired !$ God8 that hrist8 who exists in two natures8 wills8 and energies8 should !e honoured8 as we cr$ out: Hail8 *reacher o" the FaithH ,,. )" the hol$ Apostle 'imoth$J and o" the %onk and %art$r Anastasios the *ersian. 'he Apostle was "rom 0$stra in 0$kaonia8 !orn o" a Greek Bpagan: "ather and a 4ewish mother. He !ecame a disciple o" the Apostle *aul8 when he "irst preached there8 and he "ollowed him throughout the whole time o" his preaching. He was ordained !$ him as "irst !ishop o" the church o" +phesus. A"ter shepherding it under the direction o" 4ohn the +-angelist8 who go-erned all the churches in Bthe (oman pro-ince o": Asia8 he met a mart$r?s end in the $ear ;<8 !eing stoned !e the pagans8 !ecause he wished8 as some thought8 to oppose the "east o" Artemis who was worshipped !$ them. Anastasios was a *ersian !$ race. 2hen he saw the implaca!le hatred o" horsoes II "or the hristians he was at a loss as to its reason and wished to learn the teaching o" their "aith in depth. And when he had !een taught it8 he was amaLed8 came to lo-e it greatl$ and em!raced it. He was !aptiLed in *alestine and8 ha-ing changed his name8 which had pre-iousl$ !een %agoudat8 to Anastasios8 he li-ed as a monk "or a considera!le time in the monasteries there. 2hen hosroes made that "ear"ul expedition o" his against *alestine8 in the course o" which he gained control o" 4erusalem8 !urned down all the churches8 slaughtered all the clerg$ and sold the people he had taken prisoner8 who num!ered8 so the$ recount8 ;585558 to the 4ews and carried o"" all the sacred -essels and the precious wood o" the ross itsel" to //=

*ersia8 it was then that Anastasios too8 who con"essed hrist !oldl$8 was !eheaded a"ter man$ and terri!le tortures on the ,,nd o" 4anuar$ in the $ear >1/. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion o" the Apostle. 'one /. Ha-ing !een taught goodness and8 watch"ul in all things8 clothed $oursel" in a good conscience as "itted a priest8 $ou drew ine""a!le m$steries "rom the #essel o" election. Ha-ing kept the "aith $ou "inished the same course8 Apostle 'imoth$. Intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. 'he soldiers watching. 1elie-ers8 let us praise with h$mns 'imoth$8 the godl$ disciple and "ellow tra-eller o" *aul8 honouring with him wise Anastasios8 who shone "orth "rom *ersia like a star and who dri-es out the passions o" our souls and the diseases o" our !odies. ,.. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r lement o" Ank$raJ and o" the hol$ %art$r Agathangelos. Agathangelos was a nati-e o" (ome. lement was "rom Ank$ra in Galatia8 son o" an un!elie-ing "ather8 !ut a !elie-ing mother8 named &ophia. He was at "irst a monk8 !ut then !ecame !ishop o" his nati-e cit$ and su""ered so much "or the "aith o" hrist that the time o" his su""erings and struggles was drawn out to ,= $ears. Finall$ he was !eheaded along with Agathangelos under 3iocletian and %aximianos in ,;>. BIn Greek a D!ranch? is klima8 hence the Apol$tikion and Kontakion.: Apol$tikion o" &aint lement. 'one /. //;

Iou sprang up8 most hol$ one8 as a !ranch and stem o" holiness8 most sacred "lower o" the contest o" mart$rdom and as a most sweet "ruit gi-en !$ God to the "aith"ul. 1ut as one who shared the struggle o" %art$rs and the throne o" Hierarchs8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Iou ha-e !ecome an honoured !ranch o" the -ine o" hrist8 re-ealed as one o" man$ struggles8 allCpraised lement8 with $our "ellow champion $ou cried out: hrist is the shining Eo$ o" %art$rs. ,/. )" our -enera!le %other Reni. &he was (oman !$ !irth8 descended "rom a no!le "amil$. 2hile her parents were preparing her "or marriage8 she slipped awa$ and taking two o" her maid ser-ants she le"t "or %$lassa8 a cit$ o" Karia in Asia. 'here she ended her li"e as an ascetic8 ha-ing changed her name to Reni BD"oreigner?8 Dstranger?:8 !ecause o" her exile in a "oreign land8 in stead o" +-se-!eia8 which she had !een called pre-iousl$. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ Reni8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakion. 'one ,. 2ith the streams o" $our !lood. As we who honour $ou with lo-e8 Reni8 cele!rate the memor$ o" $our strange wa$ o" li"e8 we sing the praise o" hrist8 who in all wa$s grants $ou the strength o" cures. +-er entreat him on !ehal" o" us all. ,6. )" our Father among the &aints Gregor$8 Arch!ishop o" onstantinople8 the 'heologian. 'his great Father and 'eacher o" the hurch was !orn in AreianLos8 a -illage o" appadocia &ecunda8 not "ar "rom NaLianLus. His "ather8 who was called Gregor$8 /65

later !ecame !ishop o" NaLianLus. His mother was Nonna. He was educated to !egin with at aesarea in *alestine8 a"ter this in Alexandria and "inall$ in Athens8 where he !ecame the "ast "riend o" 1asil the Great8 with whom he practised the ascetic li"e and li-ed with him "or some time in the hermitages o" *ontus. He was ordained as pres!$ter o" the church o" NaLianLus !$ his own "ather8 while !$ 1asil the Great he was appointed !ishop o" &asima8 or Qasima8 which was su!Eect to the !ishop o" aesarea. In a!out .<= he le"t to assist the hurch o" onstantinople8 which had alread$ !een trou!led "or "ort$ $ears !$ the Arians8 and when through his -er$ wise sermons and man$ toils he had "reed it "rom the outrage o" heresies8 he was elected its !ishop !$ the second +cumenical &$nod that had then !een assem!led there8 at which he was conspicuous through his theological doctrines. He go-erned the church there until .=,8 then8 a"ter deli-ering his &$ntaktirion8 that is his "arewell address8 !e"ore the 165 !ishops and the +mperor himsel"8 he returned to NaLianLus. No work8 and permission "or wine. and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 'he shepherd?s pipe o" $our theolog$ has o-ercome the trumpets o" the oratorsJ "or as one who searches out the depth o" the &pirit !eaut$ o" utterance was added to $ou. 1ut8 Father Gregor$8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. 2ith $our theologian?s tongue $ou untied the complications o" the rhetors8 glorious &aint8 and $ou ro!ed the hurch a tunic o" orthodox$ wo-en "rom on high. 2earing it she now cries out with us her children: Hail Father8 supreme mind o" theolog$H ,>. )" our -enera!le Father Renophon and his ommunit$. He was a nati-e o" onstantinople8 a wealth$ and no!le man8 and one who !reathed true de-otion to God. Ha-ing two sons8 he sent them to 1eirut to learn the law and to !e ascetics. 1ut the$8 a"ter !eing shipwrecked on the -o$age and !arel$ /61

escaping with their li-es8 went to *alestine. 'heir "ather8 unaware o" what had happened to them8 took his wi"e %ar$ and the$ went o"" to -isit his sons. 2hen the$ "ound them in 4erusalem clothed in the monastic ha!it8 the$ did the same themsel-es. And so8 when the$ had de-outl$ completed the remainder o" their li-es8 the$ departed to the 0ord around the !eginning o" the sixth centur$. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 2ith $our wi"e and children $ou kept -igil in the courts o" the %aster8 $ou cheer"ull$ distri!uted $our wealth to the poor8 !lessed Father. And so $ou all inherited eternal delight. ,<. 'he 'ranslation o" the (elics o" our Father among the &aints8 4ohn hr$sostom. 'his took place in /.= on the present date8 when 'heodosios the 0ess8 son o" Arkadios and +-doxia8 who had exiled the &aint8 had alread$ !een reigning "or thirt$ $ears8 when *roclus8 the &aint?s disciple8 was Arch!ishop o" onstantinople @see No-em!er ,5thA. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. 'he grace which shone "rom $our mouth like a torch o" "lame enlightened the whole earthJ it laid up "or the world treasures o" "reedom "rom a-ariceJ it showed us the height o" humilit$. 1ut as $ou train us !$ $our words8 Father 4ohn hr$sostom8 intercede with hrist God8 the 2ord8 that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he angelic choir. 'he hol$ hurch was m$sticall$ made glad !$ the 'ranslation o" $our hol$ relics. And ha-ing concealed them like -er$ precious gold8 at $our pra$ers8 4ohn /6,

hr$sostom8 the$ unceasingl$ grant the grace o" healings to those who sing $our praise. ,=. )" our -enera!le Father +phrem the &$rian. He was "rom Nisi!is in %esopotamia8 son o" a "armer !$ trade. A"ter the "irst $ears o" his $outh he practised the extreme o" the monastic li"e and !ecame a most hol$ hermit. 0ater he was ordained deacon o" the hurch o" +dessa. His GodCinspired Leal esta!lished him as a most eloFuent orator. He wrote man$ remarka!le works in &$riac8 almost all o" which were translated into Greek while he still li-ing "or the instruction o" the "aith"ul and the de"ence o" the truth. And so8 ha-ing passed a li"e pleasing to God8 he "ell asleep in peace in the $ear .<;. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father +phrem8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. +-er looking towards the hour o" the trial8 $ou wept tears o" compunction8 -enera!le +phrem. 1ut !$ $our works $ou !ecame a teacher in deeds. 'here"ore8 uni-ersal Father8 $ou rouse the sloth"ul to repentance. ,;. 'he 'ranslation o" the (elics o" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r Ignatios the God!earer @see 3ecem!er ,5thA. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r IgnatiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. /6.

Kontakion. &ame tone. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'oda$ ha-ing dawned "rom the east and made all creation radiant !$ his teachings8 the God!earing and godl$ Ignatios has !een adorned !$ mart$rdom. .5. )" our Fathers among the &aints and +cumenical 'eachers8 1asil the Great8 Gregor$ the 'heologian and 4ohn hr$sostom. No work8 and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 'he three greatest !eacons o" the 'hreeCsunned Godhead8 who lighted the whole inha!ited world with the !eams o" their di-ine doctrines8 the ri-ers o" wisdom "lowing with hone$8 who watered all creation with streams o" the knowledge o" God8 1asil the Great and Gregor$ the 'heologian with "amous 4ohn whose tongue spoke golden words8 let all we lo-ers o" their words now assem!led honour them in h$mns. For the$ e-er intercede with the 'rinit$ on our !ehal". Kontakion. 'one ,. Iou ha-e taken8 0ord. Iou ha-e taken8 0ord8 the sacred8 the GodCinspired heralds8 the high peak o" $our 'eachers8 "or the enEo$ment o" $our good things and "or reposeJ "or $ou accepted a!o-e e-er$ o""ering their toils and their death8 $ou who alone glori"$ $our &aints. .1. )" the hol$ and wonderworking 9nmercenar$ &aints8 K$ros and 4ohn. 'he$ li-ed in the da$s o" 3iocletian8 K$ros !eing "rom Alexandria and 4ohn "rom +dessa in %esopotamia. 1ecause o" the persecution that was then raging the$ took re"uge in a monaster$ situated near the Ara!ian gul". 'here ha-ing !ecome monks8 the$ passed their li-es practising e-er$ -irtue and8 through the grace o" hrist8 healing "reel$ e-er$ disease and e-er$ sickness. 1ut when the$ heard that a woman called Athanasia had !een arrested with her three daughters8 'heodoti8 'heoktisti and +-doxia8 and had !een !rought to trial !ecause o" her con"ession o" the "aith8 and !eing a"raid that8 !eing women8 the$ might Fuail under tortures and den$ hrist8 the$ went to strengthen them "or mart$rdom. 1ut the$ were arrested /6/

themsel-es and ha-ing !een condemned with those hol$ 2omen8 the$ were all !eheaded in the $ear ,;,. Apol$tikion. 'one 6. Iou ha-e gi-en us the wonders o" $our hol$ %art$rs8 hrist God8 as an un!reaka!le wall. At their entreaties scatter the counsels o" nations8 strengthen the sceptres o" the Kingdom8 "or $ou alone are good and lo-e mankind. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Ha-ing recei-ed "rom di-ine grace the "ree gi"t o" wonders8 ) &aints8 $ou unceasingl$ work wonders8 !$ $our in-isi!le surger$ cutting out all our passions8 inspired K$ros with godlike 4ohn. For $ou are godlike ph$sicians. %he 'onth of Fe$ruary. @Ha-ing ,= da$s8 in 0eap Iears ,;. 'he da$ has 11 hours and the night 1.A 1. *re"east o" the %eeting o" our 0ord 4esus hrist8 and commemoration o" the hol$ %art$r 'r$phon. He was mart$red in ,658 in the reign o" 3ecius. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom Iou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Another8 o" the *re"east. 'one 1. A hea-enl$ choir "rom the -aults o" hea-en !ending towards earth and seeing the FirstC!orn o" all creation !eing carried to the temple as an in"ant at the !reast !$ a %other who has not known man8 amaLed with dread now sings with us a pre"estal h$mn. Kontakion o" the %art$r. 'one =. /66

1$ the strength o" the 'rinit$ $ou dro-e pol$theism "rom the ends o" the earth8 honoured %art$r8 and !ecame precious in the 0ordJ and ha-ing conFuered t$rants through hrist the &a-iour8 $ou recei-ed the crown o" $our mart$rdom and gi"ts o" di-ine healings8 as in-inci!le. ,. 'he %eeting o" )ur 0ord 4esus hrist. 2hen the "ort$ da$s o" the puri"ication o" the most pure %other and e-erC-irgin %ar$ was complete8 she !rought her "irst !orn &on to 4erusalem on this da$8 which is the "ortieth "rom his Nati-it$8 that she might present him in the temple and "ul"il the law o" %oses that e-er$ "irst !orn male shall !e dedicated to God8 and that she might o""er the sacri"ice prescri!ed "or this8 a !race o" pigeons or two $oung do-es B0k ,.,,C,/J +x 1..,J 0e- 1,.>C=:. )n the same da$ and hour the de-out and Eust &$meon8 a -er$ old man8 was present there8 guided !$ the Hol$ &pirit. He had long !een waiting "or the sal-ation o" God and had !een in"ormed !$ a di-ine re-elation that he would not die until he had seen the 0ord?s hrist. 2hen he had seen him and taken him in his aged arms he ga-e glor$ to God and sang the third and "inal canticle o" the New 'estament8 DNow8 %aster8 $ou dismiss $our ser-ant?8 and con"essed that he closed his e$es in death with Eo$8 since he had seen the light "or re-elation to the gentiles and the glor$ o" Israel B0k ,.,6C.,:. No work and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. Hail %other o" God8 #irgin "ull o" graceH For "rom $ou the &un o" Eustice has dawned8 hrist our God8 who enlightens those in darkness. 1e glad too8 Eust +lder8 "or $ou recei-ed in $our em!race the 0i!erator o" our souls8 who grants us also the (esurrection. Kontakion. 'one 1. Iou sancti"ied a -irgin wom! !$ $our !irth8 and "ittingl$ !lessed &$meon?s hands8 Iou ha-e come now too and sa-ed us8 ) hrist GodJ !ut gi-e peace to $our /6>

commonwealth in times o" war8 and strengthen our (ulers8 whom Iou ha-e lo-ed8 who alone lo-e mankind. .. )" the hol$ and Eust &$meon8 who recei-ed God8 and the hol$ *rophetess Anna. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast8 as a!o-e. /. )" our -enera!le Father Isidore o" *elusium. He was "rom Alexandria and !ecame a disciple o" &t 4ohn hr$sostom. He !ecame a monk o" the monaster$ at %t *elusium8 hence he was nicknamed *elousiotis. He !ecame A!!ot o" the monks there. He wrote a great deal8 particularl$ 0etters. according to some 1585558 according to others .85558 "ull o" di-ine and human grace8 and extremel$ use"ul. He died on the 6th o" Fe!ruar$ //5. Apol$tikion. 'one =. In $ou8 Father8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ Isidore8 reEoices with the Angels. Kontakion. 'one /. Finding in $ou8 glorious Father8 another %orning &tar8 shining with the daLLling radiance o" $our words8 the hurch cries out to $ou: Hail all !lest Isidore8 inspired !$ God. 6. )" the hol$ %art$r Agatha. &he was "rom *alermo in &icil$8 a -irgin o" outstanding !eaut$ and so!riet$. A"ter man$ excruciating tortures she died in prison in ,618 unwilling to su!mit to the passion o" $dianus8 the Go-ernor o" &icil$. Apol$tikion. 'one /. ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or IouJ and seeking Iou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with Iou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with IouJ and I die "or Iou8 that I ma$ li-e in IouJ !ut /6<

as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or Iou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as Iou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one /. 0et the hurch toda$ ro!e itsel" in glorious purple8 d$ed "rom the chaste !lood o" the %art$r Agatha as it cries: Hail !oast o" ataniaH >. )" our -enera!le Father #oukolos8 !ishop o" &m$rna. He was ordained !$ 4ohn the +-angelist and le"t as his successor *ol$carp. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest #oukolosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. <. )" &aint *arthenios8 1ishop o" 0ampsacusJ and o" the -enera!le 0uke o" &teirion in Greece. 'he "ormer "lourished in the reign o" onstantine the Great8 a!out .1=. 0uke "lourished around the middle o" the tenth centur$8 his ancestors were "rom Aegina. %ount &teirion is in *hocis and the near!$ cit$ is called &teiris or &tiris. Apol$tikion. 'one /. God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one .. Hol$ *arthenios8 inspired !$ God8 $ou recei-ed the di-ine grace o" wonders8 $ou puri"$ all the passions o" the "aith"ul !$ dri-ing out spirits o" e-il8 wonderworking8 godC!earing FatherJ there"ore we h$mn $ou as a great initiate o" God?s grace. =. )" the hol$ Great %art$r 'heodore the General8 and o" the hol$ *rophet Qachar$. /6=

'he %art$r was o" the +"chaPtes o" Galatia8 he li-ed in Herakleia and was a soldier !$ pro"ession. He su""ered under 0icinius in .,5. 'he prophet was the son o" 1arachias8 and a contemporar$ o" the *rophet Haggai B3ec.1>th:. He also prophesied at around the same time as he. His prophec$ is di-ided into 1/ chapters and is ranged ele-enth among the %inor *rophets. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. ) hampion 'heodore8 !$ the truth o" $our war"are $ou ha-e !ecome an outstanding general o" the hea-enl$ King8 "or with weapons o" "aith $ou wisel$ took $our stand and utterl$ destro$ed the massed ranks o" the demons8 and $ou appeared as a -ictorious athleteJ and so with "aith we call $ou !lessed. Kontakion. 'one ,. Armed with the "aith and grasping the word o" God as a lance with courage o" soul $ou mortall$ wounded the "oe8 'heodore8 glor$ o" %art$rsJ with them do not cease to intercede with hrist God "or us all. ;. 'he hol$ %art$r Nikephoros. He su""ered under #alerian and Gallienus in ,>5. )n this da$ the Feast o" the %eeting is closed and e-er$thing is sung as on the da$ itsel"8 unless it is 0ent. In this case the )""ice o" the %art$r is sung8 as the Feast has alread$ !een closed. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom Iou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one 1. 1ound with the !ond o" lo-e8 Nikephoros8 $ou clearl$ dissol-ed the wickedness o" the haterJ and when $our head was struck o"" !$ the sword $ou were named an /6;

inspired %art$r o" the incarnate &a-iour. Intercede with Him "or us who h$mn $our glorious memor$. 15. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r haralampis. He was priest o" the hristians o" %agnesia8 the chie" cit$ o" the eparch$ o" the same name in 'hessal$. He su""ered in the reign o" &e-erus8 under the go-ernor o" %agnesia 0ucian in 1;=. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. As an unshakea!le pillar o" the hurch o" hrist and an e-erCshining lamp "or the whole inha!ited world $ou ha-e !een re-ealed8 wise haralampisJ through mart$rdom $ou shone in the world and destro$ed the dark madness o" idols8 !lest %art$rJ and there"ore with !oldness intercede with hrist that we ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. Iou dawned like as a !eacon "rom the +ast and enlightened the "aith"ul with the !olts o" wonders8 1ishop and %art$r haralampisJ there"ore we honour $our godl$ struggle. 11. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r 1laise8 and o" the hol$ Augusta B+mpress: 'heodora. He was 1ishop o" &e!aste Bin Armenia:. 'he di-ine grace through which he cured the diseases o" men and animals8 and especiall$ those o" children8 made his name well known. He su""ered under 0icinius in .1>. 'he re-ered +mpress 'heodora came "rom *aphlagonia8 daughter o" a hiliarch named %arinos. &he !ecame the wi"e o" the iconoclast +mperor 'heophilos and adorned her diadem through -irtue and piet$. &he restored the hol$ Images a"ter the death o" her hus!and B1st &unda$ o" the Fast:. &he guided the throne with great wisdom "or "i"teen $ears8 while her son %ichael was still a minor. In =6< she a!dicated and entered a woman?s monaster$ called Gastria8 where she li-ed holil$ "or the rest o" her li"e and "ell />5

asleep in the 0ord. Her sacred relics are located toda$ in or"u8 in the hurch o" the %etropolis dedicated to the Archangel %ichael B3ec.,,nd:. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the action8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r 1laiseJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. Godl$ shoot8 un"ading "lower8 most "ruit"ul !ranch o" hrist?s -ine8 godC!earing 1laise8 "ill with Eo$ those who honour $our memor$ in "aith as $ou intercede without ceasing "or us all. 1,. )" our Father among the &aints %eletios8 arch!ishop o" Antioch the Great. 'his inspired "ather was "rom %elitine in 0ittle Armenia8 a !lameless8 Eust8 godC "earing8 sincere and reasona!le man. He was chosen as 1ishop o" &e!aste in .6<8 !ut was expelled "rom his throne and departed to 1eroea in &$ria8 which is now called Aleppo8 according to some. He was translated to the throne o" Antioch in .>58 !ut !anished shortl$ a"ter !$ onstantius the Arian8 son o" onstantine the Great. A"ter the passing o" time he was recalled once more to the same throne8 !ut was exiled a third time under #alens. He sur-i-ed until the ,nd General ouncil o" onstantinople which was summoned under 'heodosios the Great in .=1. He was present at it and was admired !$ all8 and !$ the +mperor himsel"8 !ut "ell ill there and died shortl$ a"ter. He was mourned !$ all the !ishops o" the ouncil as their own "ather. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the />1

things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 Father and high priest %eletiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one >. Fearing $our spiritual !oldness the apostate %acedonius "lees8 while we $our ser-ants "ul"illing $our priestl$ ministr$ ha-e recourse to $ou with longing8 %eletios eFual o" the Angels8 the "ier$ sword o" hrist our God8 which slaughters all the godless8 and we h$mn $ou as the which enlightens the uni-erse. 1.. )" our -enera!le Father %artinianos. He was "rom aesarea in *alestine and "lourished around the !eginning o" the 6th centur$. From his $outh he practised the ascetic li"e in the deserts8 !ut "alling into temptation he mo-ed to a certain island8 !ut there too he su""ered the same temptations8 and "rom then on "led "rom place to place8 sa$ing to himsel": Fl$8 %artinianos8 and sa-e $oursel". Apol$tikion. 'one =. Iou Fuenched the "lame o" temptations with streams o" tears8 !lest Father8 and $ou !ridled the wa-es o" the sea and the assaults o" wild !easts as $ou cried out: Iou ha-e !een glori"ied8 ) AllCpower"ul8 who ha-e sa-ed me "rom "ire and storm. Kontakion. 'one ,. 2ith h$mns let us worthil$ praise the e-erChonoured %artinianos as a tried practitioner o" piet$8 !$ "ree choice an honoured athlete8 a stoutChearted citiLen and accomplice o" the desertJ "or he has trampled down the serpent. 1/. )" our -enera!le Father Auxentios. He was "rom the +ast8 under 'heodosios the 0ess8 when he was enrolled in the "ourth militar$ rank o" the &cholarii8 so called !ecause the$ de-oted themsel-es Bschola8ein: to guarding the court o" the +mperor and +mpress. 0ater he !ecame a monk on a mountain in 1ith$nia and Archimandrite o" the monks gathered there. />,

He was seen to !e most resolute in asceticism and most orthodox in "aith. He died in the reign o" 0eo the 'hracian8 who reigned "rom //< to /</. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather AuxentiosJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers8 recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to Him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to Him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to Him who through $ou works healing "or all. 16. )" the hol$ Apostle )nesimus @&ee No-em!er ,,ndA. Apol$tikion. 'one .. ) hol$ Apostle )nesimus8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one /. Iou shone out like a !eam o" light "or the inha!ited world8 !lessed Apostle8 lit !$ the ra$s o" the allCradiant sun *aul8 who enlightened the worldJ there"ore we all honour $ou8 )nesimus. 1>. )" the hol$ %art$r *amphilos and his companions. He su""ered under %aximian in ,;5 at aesarea. 'he "ollowing are the names o" his companions: #alens8 *aul8 &ele"kos8 *orph$r$8 4ulian8 'heodulos8 and "i-e +g$ptians: +lias8 4eremias8 Isaias8 &amuel and 3aniel. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom Iou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /.


In the "ace o" "ear"ul tortures the 0ord?s true athletes reEoiced with un"linching mind and con"ronted them8 reckoning nothing to the "leshJ there"ore the$ ha-e inherited e-erlasting glor$ and e-er intercede "or us who praise their struggles. 1<. )" the hol$ Great %art$r 'heodore the (ecruit. He was "rom Amasia in *ontus. He su""ered under %aximian and %aximin in ,;<. He was nicknamed 'iron @"rom the 0atin %iro8 which is also spelt %yroA8 !ecause scarcel$ had he !een enlisted in the ranks o" the 'iros8 that is o" the newl$ enlisted or "irstCtime soldiers8 he !oldl$ declared the "aith o" hrist and underwent the death o" mart$rdom !$ "ire. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one ,. Great are the achie-ements o" "aithH In the "ountain o" "lame8 as !$ the water o" rest8 the hol$ %art$r 'heodore reEoicedJ "or wholl$ consumed !$ "ire he was o""ered to the 'rinit$ like sweet !read. At his intercessions8 hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. %odel %elod$. 'aking the "aith o" hrist like a !reastplate into $our heart8 tried hampion8 $ou trampled down the hostile powers and were crowned eternall$ with a hea-enl$ crown as in-inci!le. 1=. )" our Father among the &aints 0eo8 *ope o" (ome. According to some he was !orn in (ome8 according to others in '$rrhenia @'uscan$A. He was appointed to the archiepiscopal throne o" (ome in //5. He sent "our o" his -icars to the /th General ouncil o" the >.5 Fathers in halcedon summoned under %arcian against 3ioskoros and +"t$ches. He wrote a great deal in 0atin. He died in />1. Apol$tikion. 'one /. />/

'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 Father and high priest 0eoJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one .. &eated on a priestl$ throne8 glorious Father8 $ou stopped the mouths o" rational lions with godCinspired doctrines o" the hol$ 'rinit$ and shed the light o" the knowledge o" God on $our "lockJ there"ore $ou ha-e !een glori"ied as a godl$ initiate o" God?s grace. 1;. )" the hol$ Apostle Archippus @&ee No-em!er ,,ndA. Apol$tikion. 'one .. ) hol$ Apostle Archippus8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one /. 'he hurch has gained $ou as a great star8 Archippus8 and enlightened !$ the ra$s o" $our wonders it cries to $ou: &a-e us8 who honour $our memor$ with "aith. ,5. )" our Father among the &aints 0eo8 !ishop o" atania. He was "rom (a-enna in Ital$ and "lourished in the reigns o" 0eo the 2ise and his son onstantine *orph$rogenitus8 around ==>C;1;. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 Father and high priest 0eoJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,.


0et us all garland with songs 0eo8 o""ered to the 0ord "rom in"anc$ and recipient o" grace "rom !a!$hood8 the !eacon and champion o" the hurchJ "or he is its "irm support. ,1. )" our -enera!le Father 'imoth$ o" &$m-ola8 and o" &aint +"stathios B+ustace:8 !ishop o" Antioch the Great. 'he &aint?s countr$ and period when he led the ascetic li"e are unknown. +"stathios the great champion o" piet$ was "rom &idi in *amph$lia. He "irst !ecame !ishop o" 1eroea @AleppoAJ then in .,68 a"ter !eing present at the First General ouncil8 he was translated !$ it to the throne o" Antioch. 1ut onstantine the Great8 !elie-ing the Arians? accusations against him8 exiled him to 'raianoupolis in 'hrace8 where he died in ..<8 according to someJ !ut others extend his li"e to .>5. Apol$tikion. 'one /. God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one /. 0ike a star o" man$ lights shining "rom the +ast $ou ha-e shed in the hearts o" the "aith"ul the -irtues o" $our wonders8 wonderC!earing8 allC!lest 'imoth$. ,,. 'he "inding o" the precious relics o" the hol$ %art$rs at the Gate o" +-genios Bin onstantinople:. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom Iou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. ,.. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r *ol$carp8 !ishop o" &m$rna. 'his Apostolic and *rophetic man and model o" "aith and truth was the disciple o" 4ohn the +-angelist and successor o" #oukolos @Fe!.>thA. He was -er$ old8 ;6 />>

$ears8 when the "i"th persecution o" the hristians !roke out under %arcus Aurelius who was called the Antonine philosopher. *ol$carp was arrested !$ the proconsul o" &m$rna and when urged to !laspheme hrist he said: DI ha-e ser-ed Him "or eight$ six $ears and He has done me no wrongJ how can I !laspheme the King who has sa-ed meM? 1ut the t$rant8 enraged at these words8 ga-e orders "or him to !e cast into the "ire. And so he perished gloriousl$ in the $ear 1>>8 ha-ing alwa$s taught8 according to +use!ius8 what he had learned "rom the Apostles8 what the hurch hands down8 which alone is true @+ccles. Hist. I#.1/ and 16A. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the action8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r *ol$carpJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'hrough inspired -irtues $ou o""ered the 0ord spiritual "ruits and were declared worth$ o" God8 !lest High *riestJ there"ore toda$ we who ha-e !een enlightened !$ $our words8 h$mn $our praiseworth$ memor$ as we magni"$ God. ,/. 'he First and &econd Finding o" the precious Head o" the Forerunner. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 3awning "rom the earth the Head o" the Forerunner sheds ra$s o" healings on the "aith"ulJ "rom on high it assem!les the multitude o" Angels and "rom !elow it summons the races o" mankind with one -oice to gi-e glor$ to hrist God. Kontakion. 'one ,. *rophet o" God and Forerunner o" grace8 ha-ing "ound $our Head like a most sacred rose "rom the earth we e-er recei-e gi"ts o" healingJ "or again as o" old $ou proclaim repentance in the world. /><

,6. )" our Father among the &aints 'arasios8 arch!ishop o" onstantinople. He was the son o" one o" the leading men in onstantinople and "irst o" the secretaries. 'hen in <=/ he was elected Arch!ishop o" onstantinople !$ the +mpress Irene and her son the +mperor onstantine *orph$rogenitus. He worked "or the assem!ling o" the <th General ouncil concerning the hol$ images. He !ecame the sweet "ragrance o" his hurch and the light o" the clerg$ under him. He died in =5>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest 'arasiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one .. 2ith orthodox doctrines $ou made the hurch radiant8 !lest &aint8 and !$ teaching all to -enerate and honour the honoured icon o" hrist $ou re"uted the godless doctrine o" the IconoclastsJ there"ore we cr$ to $ou: Hail Father8 wise 'arasios. ,>. )" our Father among the &aints *orph$r$8 !ishop o" GaLa. He was a nati-e o" 'hessaloniki. At "irst he li-ed as a monk in the monasteries o" 4erusalem8 later he !ecame !ishop o" GaLa in *alestine. He died around /65. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 Father and high priest *orph$r$J intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,.


Adorned with hol$ wa$s $ou were radiantl$ attired with the ro!e o" priesthood8 allC !lest8 inspired *orph$r$8 and $ou are "amed "or powers o" healing as $ou intercede unceasingl$ "or us all. ,<. )" our -enera!le Father and con"essor *rokopios the 3ekapolite. He and his "ellow ascetic and athleteU!elow on the ,=thU1asil "lourished around the middle o" the eighth centur$8 in the time o" 0eo the Isaurian8 !$ whom the$ also su""ered much "or their re-erence "or the hol$ Icons. 'he$ ended their li-es as monks. Apol$tikion. 'one =. 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $our made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father *rokopios8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ the hurch has gained a morning star and scatters all the "og o" !ad doctrine as it honours $ou8 glorious *rokopios8 initiate o" hea-en. ,=. )" our -enera!le Father and con"essor 1asil8 the "ellow ascetic o" &aint *rokopios. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather 1asilJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers8 recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to Him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to Him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to Him who through $ou works healing "or allH Kontakion. 'one ,.


(ecei-ing di-ine re-elation "rom on high8 wise &aint8 $ou went out "rom the midst o" con"usions and li-ing as a monk $ou recei-ed !$ grace the "orce o" wonders and the power to heal diseases8 allC!lest8 most hol$ 1asil. ,;. )" our -enera!le Father assian the (oman. He was "rom (ome8 a distinguished man8 at "irst a pro"essional soldier. 0ater he a!andoned this and !ecame a monk. He died a monk around the !eginning o" the 6th centur$. Alleluia& Introductory Note. &ince most o" 4une will "reFuentl$ "all during the Apostles? Fast8 a num!er o" da$s are gi-en in the 1ook o" Hours as ?Alleluia?. 'his re"ers to the "act that8 according to the strict '$pikon8 during the Apostles? "ast on %onda$s8 2ednesda$s and Frida$s the ?0enten? "orm o" the o""ice is used8 with ?Alleluia? rather than ?'he 0ord is God? at the start o" %atins8 the pra$er o" &t +phrem with the prescri!ed prostrations and so "orth. 'onth of 4une. It has .5 da$s. 'he da$ has 16 hours and the night ; 1. )" the hol$ mart$r 4ustin the *hilosopher. He was a platonic philosopher "rom Neapolis in *alestine. 1orn in 15. he came when alread$ a grown man to the hristian "aith !ecause o" the persecutions8 which he saw the hristians enduring. He le"t "or (ome8 where he ga-e the +mperor %arcus Aurelius a written de"ence8 through which he demonstrated the innocence and holiness o" the hristian "aith. He died a mart$r in 1><. Alleluia. ,. )" our "ather Nikephoros8 patriarch o" onstantinople8 the on"essor. /<5

1orn in onstantinople in <6=8 he ser-ed as secretar$ in the palace8 !ut a"ter em!racing the monastic li"e8 he practised asceticism not "ar "rom the ro$al cit$8 o" which he was also ordained patriarch on the 1,th o" April =5>8 !ut was "orced to gi-e up !$ the iconoclast 0eo the Armenian on the 1.th o" %arch =16. He died !etween =,> and =,= in his se-entieth $ear. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest NikephorosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. As $ou ha-e recei-ed "rom hea-en at God?s hands the crown o" -ictor$8 glorious Nikephoros8 sa-e those who with "aith honour $ou as hrist?s high priest and teacher. .. )" the hol$ mart$r 0ukillianos. Alleluia. /. )" our "ather among the saints %itrophanes8 arch!ishop o" onstantinople. Ascending the throne in .,5 he sent his -icar general to the 1st +cumenical ouncil8 una!le to !e present himsel" due to old age. He died !etween .,6 and .,<. Note that the anons to the 'rinit$ in the )ctoichos are not this %itrophanes? compositions8 !ut those o" another %itrophanes8 appointed !ishop o" &m$rna around the middle o" the ;th centur$8 under patriarch *hotios. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest %itrophanesJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. /<1

Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou taught clearl$ the "aith o" hrist8 and keeping it $ou trul$ increased $our "aith"ul "lock to a multitudeJ and so8 %itrophanes8 $ou now reEoice with the Angels and intercede unceasingl$ "or us all. 6. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r 3orotheos o" '$re. He !ecame !ishop o" '$re and ha-ing trans"erred to )d$ssopolis in 'hrace8 or according to others to +dessa in %esopotamia8 he was murdered !$ idolaters under 4ulian the apostate in .>18 at the age o" 15<. He was extremel$ learned and also knowledgea!le in the 0atin tongue. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ directing the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r 3orotheosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. >. )" our -enera!le "ather Hilarion the New8 a!!ot o" the monaster$ o" the 3almati. 'he -enera!le Hilarion was a nati-e o" appadocia and a "er-ent Lealot "or the -eneration o" the hol$ images. He was !orn in <<6. Around =5>C=11 he !ecame a!!ot o" the monaster$ o" the 3almati @%a$ .5thA8 was exiled !$ the emperor 0eo the Armenian and su!seFuentl$ !$ 'heophilos8 !ut was "reed !$ the de-out empress 'heodora and !ecame "or a second time a!!ot o" the monaster$ o" the 3almati "rom =/,C=/68 when he died. <. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r 'heodotos o" Ank$ra. =. 'he 'ranslation o" the relics o" the hol$ great mart$r 'heodore the General @Fe!. =thA. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. /<,

) hampion 'heodore8 !$ the truth o" $our war"are $ou ha-e !ecome an outstanding general o" the hea-enl$ King8 "or with weapons o" "aith $ou wisel$ took $our stand and utterl$ destro$ed the massed ranks o" the demons8 and $ou appeared as a -ictorious athleteJ and so with "aith we call $ou !lessed. Kontakion. Armed with the "aith and grasping the word o" God as a lance with courage o" soul $ou mortall$ wounded the "oe8 'heodore8 glor$ o" %art$rsJ with them do not cease to intercede with hrist God "or us all. ;. )" our "ather among the saints $ril8 arch!ishop o" Alexandria. 'oCda$ the chie" o!Eect o" cele!ration is his "alling asleepJ on the 1=th o" 4anuar$ his "light "rom Alexandria as protector o" good "or the hurch8 !ecause a"ter it the 'hird +cumenical ouncil o" +phesus was summoned and outlawed the !lasphemous teaching o" Nestorius @&ee 4an. 1=thA. Note that "rom toCda$8 on which the summer solstice takes place B!$ the old calendar:8 the sun !egins to turn towards the south8 and "or us the nights !egin to lengthen and the da$s to shorten. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" high priests8 inspired !$ God8 ) wise $ril8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. Iou tore apart the we!s o" heresies !$ the power o" hrist and enriched the hurch with di-ine wordsJ $ou cut out all the tares o" NestoriusJ there"ore with choirs o" Angels $ou stand !e"ore hrist8 !lessed Father8 and earnestl$ entreat him to grant to all "orgi-eness o" o""ences. 15. )" the hol$ mart$rs Alexander and Antonina. /<.

11. )" the hol$ Apostles 1artholomew and 1arna!as. Bartholomew was one o" the 'wel-e8 a nati-e o" Galilee. 'his is all we know "or certain a!out him "rom the Gospels. A!out his apostolic work all sa$ that he preached in Ara!ia and *ersia and a!o-e all to the Indians8 to whom he !rought the Gospel o" %atthew written in He!rew8 which *antenus8 a stoic philosopher and an outstanding teacher in the hristian school o" Alexandria8 "ound there a hundred $ears later @+use!ius8 +ccl. Hist. #.1;A. He died according to the usual -iew !$ cruci"ixion8 or !$ !eing "la$ed ali-e8 at Al!anopolis in Armenia8 as is clear "rom the ancient and relia!le tradition o" the Armenians. &ome hold that 1artholomew and Nathanael are one and the same8 !ecause8 the$ sa$8 that while the call o" 1artholomew appears nowhere8 that o" Nathanael is mentioned @4o.1:/>C6,AJ that the e-angelists who speak o" 1artholomew sa$ nothing o" Nathanael8 while 4ohn8 who alone mentions him8 sa$s nothing o" 1artholomewJ that 1artholomew is not properl$ his name8 !ut a patron$mic which means Dson o" 'holomaios?8 which when translated means Done who hangs up or checks waters?8 and is "ormed on Greek models "rom the He!rew 'olmi or 'olmai @4osh.16:1/J II Kingd..:.A. 1artholomew8 then8 means Dson o" 'holomaios? or D*tolomaios? C since the name is also "ound written 1arCptolomaiosA8 Eust as 1artimaios means Dson o" 'imaios? @%k 15:/>A8 and this there"ore could !e his surname8 while Nathanael is his proper name. Finall$ the$ sa$ that 4ohn seems to num!er Nathanael with the Apostles where he sa$s: D'here were together &imon *eter and 'homas8 called 'win8 and Nathanael "rom ana o" GalileeD @4o.,1:,A. Barnabas was a nati-e o" $prus and one o" the &e-ent$8 a 0e-ite !$ tri!e and a "ellow pupil with *aul under Gamaliel. At "irst he was called 4oses8 !ut his name was later changed to 1arna!as8 which means Dson o" consolation?8 no dou!t to di""erentiate him "rom the other 4oses8 called 1arsa!as and nicknamed D4ustus?. 'his 1arna!as owned some land which he sold and !rought the mone$ to the Apostles @Acts 1:,. and /:.>C.<A. He e-angelised man$ places as *aul?s tra-elling companion and on his own. Finall$ he underwent a mart$r?s death8 stoned !$ the /</

4ews in his nati-e land a"ter the $ear 61. In the reign o" Qeno8 in /<=8 his sacred relics were "ound8 with the Gospel according to %atthew8 written in Greek in 1arna!as? own hand8 on his chest8 and were o""ered to Qeno. From the latter the arch!ishop o" $prus recei-ed the pri-ilege o" signing his name in scarlet letters. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one .. B ommon: ) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakia: o" &t 1artholomew. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Iou appeared like a great sun to the hurch8 !$ the !eams o" $our teachings and awesome wonders guiding to the light all who honour $ou8 1artholomew8 Apostle o" the 0ord. Another: o" &t 1arna!as. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Iou !ecame a true ser-ant o" the 0ord and appeared as the "irst o" the &e-ent$ ApostlesJ together with *aul $ou set $our preaching in a clear light re-ealing hrist as &a-iour to allJ there"ore with h$mns8 ) 1arna!as8 we cele!rate $our godl$ memor$. 1,. )" our hol$ "athers )nuphrios o" +g$pt and *eter o" Athos. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. B ommon: itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather )nuphriosJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers8 recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH Another8 common to !oth. 'one 1. B ommon: /<6

God o" our "athers8 who alwa$s act towards us in accordance with $our "airness8 do not remo-e $our merc$ "rom usJ !ut at their intercessions pilot our li-es in peace. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou were re-ealed as a radiant star "or monksJ like moonlight at night $ou "lood the ends o" the earthJ so8 Father8 $ou shine like the sun !$ $our ascetic li"e. 'here"ore8 )nuphrios8 do not cease to intercede on !ehal" o" us all. Another. 'one =. (ecei-ing in $our heart the spiritual and hea-enl$ light8 $ou appeared8 *eter8 as a -essel o" the uncontaina!le 'rinit$8 and $ou recei-ed the grace o" wonders as $ou cried: AlleluiaH 1.. )" the hol$ mart$r AFuilina. &he was mart$red under 3iocletian at 1$!los in *alestine. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH 1/. )" the hol$ prophet +lisaiusJ and o" our "ather among the saints %ethodios8 patriarch o" onstantinople8 the on"essor. 'he prophet8 the son o" &aphat8 was "rom the cit$ o" A!elC%eoul8 or A!elCNeoul8 in the land o" %anassee. His earlier pro"ession was that o" "armer. In the $ear ;5= 1 .8 on orders "rom God8 the prophet +lias anointed him as prophet in his place8 when he was ploughing the land with twel-e $oke o" oxen. 'hese he slaughtered on the spot and using the ploughs and other wooden "arm implements he roasted them and ga-e them as "ood to the people. 2hen he had said goodC!$e to his relati-es he "ollowed +lias and ser-ed him until the latter?s assumption into hea-en /<>

@4ul$ ,5thA. Ha-ing recei-ed his teacher?s cloak and a dou!le gi"t o" his prophetic spirit8 he showed !$ the wonder"ul works8 which the Fourth 1ook o" Kingdoms recounts o" him8 whose disciple he was indeed. He li-ed until =.; 1 . and died "ull o" $ears and was !uried in &amaria. 1ut God also glori"ied him a"ter his death8 !ecause a $ear later as a corpse was !eing carried out "or !urial8 the !earers suddenl$ catching sight o" a !and o" %oa!ite ro!!ers threw the corpse onto the prophet?s tom! and "led. 1ut hardl$ had the corpse come near the !ones o" the prophet than it came !ack to li"e at once and stood up on its "eet @I# Kingd.1.:,5C ,1A. &irach also mentions this when he sa$s: DIn his li"e he worked miraclesJ and in his death his works were wonder"ulD @/=://A. 1$ this the re-erence o" the "aith"ul "or the relics o" the saints is increased8 and the de-out opinion o" the )rthodox hurch a!out them is Eusti"ied @4an.1>thA. &ethodios was !orn in &$racuse in &icil$ o" wealth$ parents towards the end o" the =th centur$. As a priest he was sent to (ome as a legate around =16C=1> !$ Nikephoros o" onstantinople8 who had !een !anished !$ 0eo the Armenian @4une ,ndA. A"ter his death he returned to onstantinople8 !ut as a Lealot "or the honour o" the hol$ images he was !anished on the spot to the little island o" Andrew the FirstCcalled8 which lies o"" Akritis near 1ith$nia8 !$ the emperor %ichael the &tammerer. 2hen he too died8 he was !rie"l$ "reed8 !ut was imprisoned again !$ 'heophilos "or the same Leal in a pitch dark prison8 as i" in a tom!8 where he was "ed !$ a poor "isherman. Finall$8 when the hurch reco-ered her "reedom under the empress 'heodora8 he once more ascended the patriarchal throne o" onstantinople in =/,8 which he go-erned "or "our $ears and died in =/>. He contri!uted to the reCerection o" the hol$ images. Apol$tikia: o" the *rophet. 'one /. ome Fuickl$ to help. 'he angel em!odied8 the *rophets? "oundation8 the second "orerunner o" the coming o" hrist8 +lias the glorious !$ sending down grace "rom on high to +lisaius dri-es out diseases8 cleanses lepersJ and so he o-er"lows with healings "or those who honour him. /<<

)" the 1ishop. &ame 'one. B ommon: 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest %ethodiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakia: o" the *rophet. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. Iou were re-ealed as a *rophet o" God8 !lest +lisaius8 when $ou recei-ed the dou!le share o" the grace which $ou trul$ deser-edJ "or $ou !ecame the companion o" +lias and with him $ou intercede unceasingl$ with hrist God on !ehal" o" us all. )" the 1ishop. &ame 'one. Iou ha-e taken. As though without "lesh $ou struggled on earth8 and $ou inherited hea-en8 ) %ethodios8 as $ou made clear to the ends o" the earth the -eneration o" the IkonsJ "or when $ou had passed through toils and tri!ulations !e$ond measure $ou did not cease with !oldness to con"ound those who reEected the Ikon o" hrist. 16. )" the hol$ prophet Amos. He was "rom the cit$ o" 'ekoa in the territor$ o" Qa!ulon8 a pri-ate citiLen8 who was "ormerl$ a herdsman o" goats and sheep8 as he testi"ies himsel" @Am.<://C/6A. He !egan to prophes$ two $ears !e"ore the earthFuake @i!id.1:1A8 which the critics date to the twent$ "i"th $ear o" the reign o" )Lias8 king o" 4uda8 around <=6 1 . 0ater the "alse priest o" 1ethel8 Amasias8 !rought a!out his death. His prophec$ is di-ided into nine chapters and ranked third among the %inor *rophets. 'his Amos is di""erent "rom the "ather o" the prophet Isaias8 who was also called Amos. Alleluia. 1>. )" our hol$ "ather '$chon8 !ishop o" Amathon in $prus. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. B ommon: /<=

itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather '$chonJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers8 recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. *reCeminent !$ an ascetic li"e !elo-ed !$ God8 ) &aint8 $ou recei-ed "rom on high power o" the *araclete to destro$ the wooden idols o" error8 to sa-e peoples8 dri-e out demons and heal diseasesJ there"ore8 !lest '$chon8 we honour $ou as God?s "riend. 1<. )" the hol$ mart$r Isa-ros and his companionsJ and o" the hol$ mart$rs %anuel8 &a!el and Ishmael. 'he$ were *ersians !$ race8 !rothers according to the "lesh8 soldiers !$ rank. 'he$ were mart$red under 4ulian the apostate at onstantinople in the $ear .>.. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 2ounded !$ the "aith o" hrist and "aith"ull$ drinking his cup8 $ou hurled to the ground the idols o" the *ersians and their insolence8 as eFual in num!er to the 'rinit$ $ou make intercession "or us all. 1=. )" the hol$ mart$r 0eontios. He was mart$red under #espasian in a!out <.. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon:


Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. Iou put shame the e-il plots o" t$rants8 re"uted the godless worship o" the Greeks and made the knowledge o" God shine on all mankind !$ teachings o" true religion8 godl$ %art$rJ there"ore with lo-e we honour $our memor$8 wise 0eontios. 1;. )" the hol$ apostle 4ude. He was one o" the choir o" the 'wel-e8 called !$ 0uke @>:1> and Acts 1:1.A 4ude o" 4ames8 that is the !rother o" 4ames the !rother o" God and conseFuentl$ a relati-e o" the 0ord in his humanit$J !$ %atthew @15:.A he is called 0e!aios8 surnamed @he sa$sA 'haddaios8 who is di""erent "rom the 'haddaios who was one o" the &e-ent$8 who healed the su""ering o" A!gar or Ag!ar8 according to +use!ius @Hist. +ccl.I.1.A. He preached in %esopotamia8 Ara!ia8 Idumea and &$ria and ended the course o" his godl$ apostolate as a mart$r in 1eirut8 as the$ sa$8 around the $ear =5. His is the last o" the atholic +pistles8 written to the "aith"ul 4ews in the diaspora a"ter the capture o" 4erusalem !$ #espasian. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. 'he soldiers watching. As we know $ou8 4ude8 to !e a relati-e o" hrist and a -aliant %art$r we h$mn $our praise as one who trampled on error and kept the "aithJ and so toCda$ as we "east $our allChol$ memor$8 we recei-e at $our pra$ers release "rom our sins. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he angelic hoir. Iou ha-e dawned "or us as a GodCgi-en shoot "rom a no!le root8 e$ewitness o" the 0ord8 Apostle8 1rother o" God and allCwise herald o" hristJ with the "ruits o" $our words $ou nourish the whole world as $ou teach the orthodox "aith o" the 0ord8 as initiate o" grace. ,5. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r %ethodios8 !ishop o" *atara. /=5

1ecause o" his wisdom and -irtue he was nicknamed ?+-!oulos?. He !ecame !ishop o" the *atara in 0$cia8 and was later translated to the throne o" '$re8 where he underwent a mart$r?s death in halkis o" oelos$ria in the $ear .11 under 3iocletian. )" his sur-i-ing writings there is one entitled 'he #irgins? 1anFuet. ,1. )" the hol$ mart$r 4ulian o" 'arsis. ,,. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r +use!ius o" &amosata. A Lealot "or the true "aith and persecutor o" the Arians8 he was exiled !$ the emperor #alens8 a supporter o" the Arians8 to the region o" the 3anu!e. A"ter #alens death the hol$ +use!ius returned to his diocese8 where he met a !lest end when an Arian woman hurled a roo" tile at the !ishop mart$r?s head. ,.. )" the hol$ woman mart$r Agrippina. ,/. 'he Nati-it$ o" the honoured and glorious Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohn. 'his greatest o" those !orn o" women and !$ the testimon$ o" God himsel" a prophet higher than all the prophets @%att.11:;C11A8 +liLa!eth8 old and !arren8 ga-e !irth to8 "illing all her relati-es and neigh!ours with Eo$ and wonder a"ter her childC !earing. 1ut "ar more wonder"ul was what happened a"terwards8 on the eighth da$8 the da$ o" the circumcision and the child?s naming. 'hose present called him !$ his "ather?s name8 Qachar$. 'he mother8 under di-ine inspiration8 answered and said: No8 !ut he is to !e called 4ohn. 'he "ather !eing asked a!out this reFuested !$ signs8 "or he was una!le to speak @&ept.,.A8 a writing ta!let and wrote: 4ohn will !e his name. And immediatel$ his mouth was opened and his tongue "reed "rom it nine month !ondage8 and "illed with the Hol$ &pirit he sang the second o" the New 'estament canticles8 !lessing the God o" Israel8 who had "ul"illed the promises made to his "athers8 who had -isited those who sat in darkness and the shadow o" death and had sent out to them his sa-ing light. He prophesies too a!out the child8 that he will !e called the prophet o" the %ost High and Forerunner o" 4esus hrist @0k 1:6<C<;A. ?1ut the child 4ohn8 who appeared "ull o" grace8 grew @sa$s the /=1

e-angelistA and was might$ in spirit and he was in the wilderness until the da$ o" his mani"estation to Israel? @i!id.=5A. No work and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 'one /. ome Fuickl$ to help. *rophet and Forerunner o" the coming o" hrist8 we cannot praise as we should8 who honour $ou with lo-eJ "or $our mother?s !arrenness and $our "ather?s dum!ness ha-e !ee a!olished !$ glorious and hol$ !irth8 and the incarnation o" the &on o" God is proclaimed to the world. Kontakion. 'one .. 'oda$ the #irgin. &he who !e"ore was !arren toCda$ !ears the Forerunner o" hrist8 and he is the "ul"ilment o" e-er$ prophec$J "or the )ne whom the prophets worshipped on him he laid his hand in the 4ordan and was declared to !e *rophet8 Herald and Forerunner o" God the 2ord. ,6. )" the hol$ -irgin mart$r Fe!ronia. &he was mart$red under 3iocletian in the $ear .5.. Apol$tikion o" the Forerunner. *rophet and Forerunner o" the coming o" hrist8 we cannot praise as we should8 who honour $ou with lo-eJ "or $our mother?s !arrenness and $our "ather?s dum!ness ha-e !ee a!olished !$ glorious and hol$ !irth8 and the incarnation o" the &on o" God is proclaimed to the world. And o" the %art$r. 'one /. B ommon: ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion o" the Forerunner8 as a!o-e. /=,

&he who !e"ore was !arren toCda$ !ears the Forerunner o" hrist8 and he is the "ul"ilment o" e-er$ prophec$J "or the )ne whom the prophets worshipped on him he laid his hand in the 4ordan and was declared to !e *rophet8 Herald and Forerunner o" God the 2ord. ,>. )" our -enera!le "ather 3a-id o" 'hessaloniki. Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: In $ou8 Father8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ 3a-id8 reEoices with the Angels. ,<. )" our -enera!le "ather &ampson the Hospitaller. He came "rom (ome and "lourished under 4ustinian the Great. He practised medicine8 and a"ter the emperor had !een cured !$ him he !uilt him a large hospital8 known to histor$ as &ampson?s Hostel. Apol$tikion. 'one =. 1$ $our patience $ou gained $our reward8 -enera!le Father8 $ou perse-ered unceasingl$ in pra$ers8 lo-ing the poor and !ringing them help. 1ut &ampson8 inspired and !lessed8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one =. As "irst"ruits o" nature. As we hurr$ to $our godl$ tom!8 -enera!le &ampson and inspired8 we h$mn $ou with h$mns and psalms as !est o" ph$sicians and accepta!le minister8 as we glori"$ hrist who granted $ou such a grace o" healings. ,=. 'he 'ranslation o" the relics o" the hol$ and wonderCworking 9nmercenaries $rus and 4ohn @see .1 4anuar$A. Apol$tikion. 'one 6.


hrist our God8 $ou ha-e gi-en us the wonders o" $our %art$rs as an in-inci!le wallJ at their entreaties scatter the counsels o" the nations and strengthen the sceptres o" the kingdom8 as $ou alone are good and lo-e mankind. Kontakion. 'one ,. Not honouring an image. 0et us the "aith"ul sing with upraised -oice the great source o" healing "or the world8 hrist?s wellClo-ed pair8 two !eacons shining out with the !eams o" their healings8 as we cr$ out in their temple: $rus and 4ohn8 the gi-ers o" wonders8 the ph$sicians o" the sick8 shed their light on the ends o" the earthH ,;. )" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised *rinces o" the Apostles8 *eter and *aul. )" these8 *eter8 !lest o" God8 was "rom 1ethsaida in Galilee8 son o" 4onas8 !rother o" Andrew the FirstCcalled8 a "isherman !$ trade8 a pri-ate citiLen and a poor man. He was called &imon at "irst8 !ut later his name was changed to *eter !$ 4esus himsel" when he looked on him and said: Iou are &imon8 son o" 4onas8 $ou will !e called ephas8 which means *eter @4o.1:/.A. (aised !$ the 0ord the rank o" apostle he !ecame insepara!le "rom him and a Lealous disciple. He "ollowed him "rom the !eginning o" his sa-ing preaching until the *assion8 in the court$ard o" the High *riest aiaphasJ where he denied hrist three times through his "ear o" the 4ews and the imminent danger. 1ut through the most !itter tears he once again recei-ed pardon o" his own o""ence. A"ter hrist?s (esurrection and the 3escent o" the AllC hol$ &pirit he preached him in 4udea8 Antioch and certain areas o" Asia8 "inall$ reaching (ome8 where8 cruci"ied !$ Nero8 head downwards and "eet upwards8 he departed to the eternal dwellings in the $ear >> or >=. He le"t to hrist?s hurch two atholic +pistles. 'he inspired *aul8 hrist?s -essel o" election8 the glor$ o" the hurch8 the Apostle o" the nations and teacher o" the whole world8 was 4ewish !$ race8 o" the tri!e o" 1enEamin8 'arsus his "atherland8 a (oman citiLen !$ rank8 knowledgea!le in the Greek language8 highl$ skilled in the science o" the teachers o" the 0aw8 a *harisee !$ order8 !orn o" a *harisee "ather and a pupil under the *harisee Gamaliel8 the /=/

cele!rated teacher o" the 0aw in 4erusalem. And as a result a most "er-ent Lealot at the start "or his ancestral traditions8 and a dedicated persecutor o" hrist?s hurch8 called at time &aulos or &aul @Acts ,,:.C/A. In around the $ear .> when8 under the -iolent impulse o" his "renL$ and rage against the 0ord?s disciples he had set out "or 3amascus8 !earing letters o" authorisation "rom the High *riest to !ring "rom there !ound to 4erusalem all those he might "ind who !elie-ed in the hrist8 he was nearing the cit$ at midCda$8 he was suddenl$ surrounded !$ a hea-enl$ light and "alling to the ground he heard a -oice sa$ing to him: &aoul8 &aoul8 wh$ do $ou persecute %eM And on his asking: 2ho are $ou8 0ordM he heard again: I am 4esus whom $ou persecute. It is hard "or $ou to kick against the goad. 'he hea-enl$ -oice and the "lood o" light "illed him with terror and !linded him "or a time. He was led !$ the hand into the cit$ and when he had !een !aptised according to a di-ine re-elation !$ the apostle Ananias @)ct.1stA8 he opened !oth his !odil$ and spiritual e$es to recognise the &un o" Eustice that had dawned. And immediatel$ C ) how wonder"ul a changeH C he spoke !oldl$ in the s$nagogues8 and8 against e-er$ expectation o" the 4ews8 proclaimed hrist8 that He is the &on o" God @Acts ;:1C,5A. His su!seFuent Leal "or the preaching o" the Gospel8 his num!erless toils and mani"old tri!ulations8 the !lows8 the imprisonments8 the !eatings8 the stonings8 the shipwrecks8 the Eourne$ings8 the dangers on land and sea8 in cities and deserts8 the constant -igils8 the dail$ "asts8 the penur$8 thirst and nakedness8 and all the other things that he underwent "or the name o" hrist8 which he carried !e"ore nations and kings and Israelites8 and a!o-e all his care "or all the hurches8 his !urning longing "or the sal-ation o" all8 through which he !ecame all things to all men8 that he might8 i" possi!le8 sa-e all8 !$ which8 his heart a"lame8 he constantl$ Eourne$ed to -isit them all8 and like a !ird he "lew to Asia and +urope8 to +ast and 2est8 sta$ing nowhere8 stopping nowhere: all these are recounted in detail in the !ook o" Acts and !$ himsel" in his +pistles. His +pistles8 which num!er "ourteen and ha-e !een expounded in ,65 homilies !$ &aint hr$sostom8 displa$ the ele-ation o" his /=6

thoughts8 greatness o" th re-elations granted him and the wisdom gi-en him !$ God8 through which he wonder"ull$ tra-erses the )ld with the New 'estament8 expounding the m$steries o" the latter8 which were hidden under t$pes in the "ormerJ he enlarges the ethical teaching the Gospel and precisel$ explains the duties o" each rank and age and condition o" men. In all this ha-ing esta!lished his mouth as a spiritual trumpet and his tongue as !righter than the sun8 through them he made the word o" truth sound clearl$ and enlightened the ends o" the inha!ited world. Finall$8 when he had "ul"illed the work o" his ministr$8 he too died a mart$r8 !eheaded in (ome itsel" under Nero8 at the same time8 some sa$8 as &t *eter was cruci"ied. 'he change o" his name occurs in Acts8 when at *aphos in $prus he con-erted the proconsul8 who was a pagan named &ergius *aulus8 to hrist @1.:>C1,A. 'he reason is that while a 4ew !$ race and religion he was called &aul8 as a (oman !$ citiLenship8 !eing !orn in 'arsus in ilicia8 he was also called *aul8 and when he !egan to preach the word o" God to the pagans he used this second name8 as more usual and !etter known to the Greeks and (omans. &uch is the -iew o" some. No work and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 'one /. *rinces o" the Apostles and 'eachers o" the world intercede with the %aster o" all to grant peace to the whole world and to our souls his great merc$. A"ter the .rd )de the IpakoP. 'one =. 2hat prison did not ha-e $ou as prisonerM 2hat hurch does not ha-e $ou as preacherM 3amascus !oasts in $ou *aul8 "or it saw $ou cast to earth !$ light8 (ome recei-ed $our !lood and it too is "illed with prideJ !ut 'arsus reEoices more than all and with lo-e honours $our swaddling clothes. 1ut *aul8 Apostle and !oast o" the whole world8 come8 strengthen us. A"ter the >th )de Kontakion. 'one ,. %odel melod$. /=>

Iou ha-e taken to the enEo$ment o" $our good things and to their rest8 0ord8 the sure and godCinspired heralds8 the summit o" the ApostlesJ "or $ou accepted their toils and death a!o-e e-er$ holocaust8 who alone know the secrets o" the heart. .5. 'he assem!l$ o" the hol$8 glorious and allCpraised 'wel-e Apostles. 'heir names are these: imon called *eter and 2ndrew his !rother and also the FirstCcalledJ 7ames the son o" Qe!edee and 7ohn his !rother8 the e-angelist and theologianJ *hilip and Bartholomew8 Thomas and &atthew the taxCcollector8 who is also 0e-i8 the e-angelistJ 7ames son o" Alphaeus and 7ude the !rother o" 4ames the !rother o" God8 who is also called 0e!!aeus and 'haddaeusJ imon the anaanite8 which means Qealot8 and &atthaias8 who was elected in the place o" the traitor 4udas @&ee ; AugA. No work and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion o" the *rinces. *rinces o" the Apostles and 'eachers o" the world intercede with the %aster o" all to grant peace to the whole world and to our souls his great merc$. Another. 'one .. B ommon: ) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 'oCda$ hrist the (ock radiantl$ glori"ies the rock o" the "aith8 the chie" o" the disciples8 and with *aul the whole regiment o" the twel-e. As we "aith"ull$ cele!rate their memor$ we glori"$ him who glori"ied them. 'onth of 4uly. @Ha-ing .1 da$s. 'he da$ has 1/ hours and the night 15) 1. )" the hol$ 9nmercenar$ wonderworkers8 osmas and 3amian o" (ome. /=<

'hese8 who are di""erent "rom those who are cele!rated on the 1st o" No-em!er8 were "rom (ome8 and were doctors !$ pro"ession. 'he$ cured !oth men and animals "or nothing and asked no other pa$ment except con"ession o" hrist and "aith "rom those who were cured. 'he$ died as mart$rs in ,=/ under arinus and Nomerianus. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. Hol$ 9nmercenaries and wonderworkers8 -isit our in"irmitiesJ "reel$ $ou recei-ed8 "reel$ gi-e to us. Kontakion. 'one ,. Glorious8 wonderCworking 3octors8 $ou recei-ed the grace o" healings and $ou extend strength to those in needJ !ut !$ $our -isitation cast down the insolence o" our enemies8 healing the world !$ $our wonders. ,. 'he deposition o" the precious (o!e o" our most hol$ 0ad$ the %other o" God in 1lachernae. 'he deposition took place in /<.8 in the reign o" 0eo the 'hracian8 in the magni"icent temple o" the %other o" God in 1lachernae8 which was !uilt8 according to some8 !$ the same 0eo8 !ut8 according to others8 !$ his predecessors %arcian and *ulcheria. 'he emperor 4ustin the $ounger completed the temple8 which the emperor (omanos Arg$ros re!uilt a"ter it had !een destro$ed !$ "ire in 15<5. It was !urnt down again in 1/./ and "rom then there remained a small shrine with the cele!rated hol$ spring8 until in 1=>; a !eauti"ul little church was once again erected there8 which is still -isi!le toCda$. 'he name 1lachernae was gi-en a"ter the <th centur$ to other temples and monasteries also !$ their de-out "ounders !ecause o" their de-otion to this "amous temple in onstantinople. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. /==

+-erC-irgin %other o" God8 $ou ga-e the (o!e and Girdle o" $our immaculate !od$ as a might$ rampart "or $our cit$J !$ $our childC!earing without seed the$ ha-e remained incorruptJ "or in $ou nature and time are made new. 'here"ore we !eseech $ou to gi-e peace to $our commonwealth and to our souls great merc$. Kontakion. 'one /.. ) *ure one8 "ull o" God?s grace8 $ou ha-e gi-en $our sacred (o!e as a rampart o" incorruption to all the "aith"ulJ with it $ou co-ered $our sacred !od$8 ) di-ine protection o" mankind. 2e cele!rate its deposition with lo-e8 and with shouts we "aith"ull$ cr$ aloud: Hail #irgin8 !oast o" hristiansH .. )" the hol$ mart$r H$acinthJ and o" our Father among the &aints Anatolios8 Arch!ishop o" onstantinople. 'he mart$r was "rom aesarea in appadocia8 a -alet @cu!iculariusA o" the emperor 'raEan. 2hen constrained !$ him to eat meat o""ered to idols he was unwilling to do so and was shut up in prison without "ood8 where he committed his spirit to God in the $ear 15=. 'he Hierarch was "ormerl$ a pres!$ter o" the hurch o" Alexandria8 then he succeeded &t Fla-ian as arch!ishop o" onstantinople in //;. He was present at the /th General ouncil at halcedon and died in /6=. 'he &tichera entitled DAnatolika? @rather Danatoliaka?A in the )ctoichos at #espers and 0auds some attri!ute to this Anatolios8 while others @and perhaps more pro!a!l$A to another o" the same name "rom the monaster$ o" &tudios8 a disciple o" &t 'heodore the &tudite8 one o" whose letters to whom has !een preser-ed. Apol$tikia: )" the %art$r. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom Iou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. )" the 1ishop. 'one /. /=;

'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 ) Father and high priest AnatoliosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. /. )" our "ather among the &aints Andrew o" 4erusalem8 arch!ishop o" rete. He was "rom 3amascus8 son o" George and Gregoria. He Eoined the clerg$ and !ecame secretar$ to 'heodore8 patriarch o" 4erusalem8 whence he acFuired the surname 4erusalemite. He was present at the >th General ouncil8 the second which was summoned in onstantinople8 in >=5 in the reign o" onstantine the 1earded. He !ecame deacon o" the Great hurch8 that is o" Haghia &ophia and then arch!ishop o" rete. He died in <,5 or <,.. In addition to his other sacred writings he also composed -arious h$mns8 among which was that called the Great anon8 which was perhaps the "irst so composed "or hrist?s hurch. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he truth o" $our actions proclaimed $ou to $our "lock as a rule o" "aith8 an image o" meekness and a teacher o" sel"CcontrolJ and so $ou gained through humilit$ the things on high8 through po-ert$ riches8 Father and high priest AndrewJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. Iou sounded clearl$ the trumpet o" di-ine songsJ $ou were re-ealed as a !rilliant !eacon to the world8 shining with the light o" the 'rinit$8 -enera!le AndrewJ there"ore we all cr$ out to $ou: 3o not cease to intercede "or us all. 6. )" our -enera!le Fathers Athanasios o" Athos and 0ampadis the wonderworker. 'he -enera!le Athanasios was a nati-e o" 're!iLond. He "irst li-ed as a monk on the mountain called K$maios or K$minas8 o" %$sia in 1ith$nia. 0ater he mo-ed to %t Athos where he esta!lished the largest monaster$8 known toCda$ !$ his name8 and called 0a-ra. He died around the end o" the tenth centur$. /;5

Apol$tikion. 'one .. 'he ranks o" Angels were amaLed at $our li"e in the "lesh8 ) allC"amed8 how $ou wrestled with in-isi!le "oes and de"eated the regiments o" the demonsJ there"ore8 Athanasios8 hrist rewarded $ou with rich gi"tsJ and so8 Father8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. 'aking up the $oke o" hrist and la$ing $our cross upon $our shoulders8 Athanasios8 $ou !ecame an outstanding imitator o" his su""erings and a companion o" his glor$8 sharing in di-ine and unending delight. >. )" our -enera!le "ather &isoi the Great. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather &iso^J !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers8 recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthH Glor$ to him who crowned $ouH Glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH Kontakion. 'one /. Iou appeared on earth like an angel !$ $our ascetic li"e8 lighting the minds o" the "aith"ul with miracles at e-er$ moment J there"ore8 -enera!le &iso^8 in "aith we honour $ou. <. )" our -enera!le "ather 'homas o" %alaion and o" the hol$ great mart$r K$riaki. &he was the daughter o" hristian parents8 3orotheos and +-se-ia. As she was !orn on the 0ord?s da$ she was named K$riaki B&unda$:. &he was mart$red at Nikomedia under 3iocletian in the $ear ,=,. Apol$tikion. 'one /. /;1

) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one ,. hrist?s %art$r has now called us together to cele!rate in songs o" praise her godl$ struggles and contestsJ "or -aliant in thought she8 like her name8 appeared as mistress o" her mind and o" unseeml$ passions. =. )" the hol$ great mart$r *rokopios. He was mart$red in ,;5 in the reign o" 3iocletian at aesarea in *alestine. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. )n "ire with the godl$ Leal o" hrist and armoured with the strength o" the ross8 *rokopios8 $ou destro$ed the arrogance and insolence o" the "oe and $ou exalted the hurch !$ ad-ancing with "aith and !ringing us light. ;. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r *ankratios8 !ishop o" 'auromenium in &icil$. He was a contemporar$ o" the Apostles8 a nati-e o" Antioch8 and was !rought to "aith in hrist !$ *eter8 the prince o" the Apostles. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles 9 thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 /;,

1ishop and %art$r *ankratiosJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. 15. )" the Fort$ Fi-e hol$ mart$rs o" Nikopolis in Armenia. 'he$ were mart$red under 0icinius in .16. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. 11. )" the hol$ great mart$r and allCpraised +"phemia8 when she con"irmed the 3e"inition o" the Faith. In the $ear /618 under the rulers %arcian and *ulcheria8 the /th General ouncil was summoned in halcedon against the monoph$sites +"t$ches and 3ioskoros. A"ter length$ de!ates the >.5 "athers who championed )rthodox$ and those who "ollowed the opposite -iew agreed that each side would write its 3e"inition8 that is their doctrine o" the "aith and their opinion o" the su!mitted proposition8 in separate !ooks and ask "rom God the -erdict on them. 2hen the$ had done this the$ placed the two tomes @!ooksA in the co""in which contained the relics o" &t +"phemia and ha-ing sealed it the$ went awa$. A"ter holding allCnight -igils o" intercession "or three da$s the$ opened it in the presence o" the +mperor and "ound the tome o" the heretics at the %art$r?s "eet8 while that o" the )rthodox was grasped in her right hand. )n the su!Eect o" this mart$r8 see &eptem!er 1>. Apol$tikion. 'one .. Iou "illed the )rthodox with Eo$ and shamed the de"enders o" error8 +"phemia8 "air -irgin o" hristJ "or $ou con"irmed what the Fathers o" the Fourth ouncil had correctl$ taught. Glorious mart$r8 implore hrist God to grant us his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one >. /;.

For hrist $our !ridegroom $ou mastered com!ats !$ struggle and com!ats !$ the "aith. 1ut now too intercede through the %other o" God that heresies and the horde o" !ar!arians ma$ !e su!Eected !eneath the "eet o" our Kings8 AllCpraised %art$r8 who recei-ed and guarded the 3e"inition !$ the six hundred and thirt$ godC!earing Fathers. 1,. )" the hol$ mart$rs *roclus and Hilarios. 'he$ su""ered in the $ear 15> at Ank$ra in the reign o" 'raEan. 1.. 'he assem!l$ o" the Archangel Ga!rielJ and commemoration o" our -enera!le "ather &tephen the &a!!aite. oncerning the latter see )cto!er ,=th. Apol$tikia: o" the Archangel. 'one /. hie" aptain o" the hea-enl$ armies8 we the unworth$ e-er implore $ou to wall us a!out with $our pra$ers8 as $ou guard in the shelter o" the wings o" $our immaterial glor$ us who "all !e"ore $ou and earnestl$ cr$ out: 3eli-er us "rom dangers8 as General o" *owers a!o-e. )" the %onk. 'ome =. )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" monks8 inspired !$ God8 ) wise &tephen8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion o" the Archangel. 'one /. As leader o" the !odiless ministers $ou8 Ga!riel8 !elie-ed the great m$ster$ trul$ de"ined !e"ore the ages8 the ine""a!le childC!earing o" the hol$ #irgin8 when $ou addressed her: Hail8 Full o" grace. 'here"ore as is "itting we "aith"ul with gladness e-er call $ou !lest. Note: )n the 1.th o" this month8 i" it "alls on a &unda$8 or on the "irst &unda$ a"ter it8 there is sung the o""ice o" the hol$ and godC!earing Fathers who took part in the /;/

six General ouncilsJ that is to sa$8 the .1= at the 1st in Nicea8 the 165 at the ,nd in onstantinople8 the ,55 at the .rd in +phesus8 the >.5 at the /th in halcedon8 the 1>6 at the 6th8 the second in onstantinople8 and the 1<5 at the >th8 the third in onstantinople. Note that the writer o" the &$naxarion "or this &unda$ onl$ mentions the /th ouncilJ and that likewise the o""ice sung on it treats onl$ o" the /th and >th8 gathered against the %onoph$sites and the %onothelites8 not o" the other "our. Apol$tikia: o" the (esurrection in the 'one. Another8 o" the Fathers. 'one =. Iou are glori"ied a!o-e all8 hrist our God8 who esta!lished our "athers as !eacons on the earth8 and through them guided us all to the true "aith: ) greatl$ compassionate8 glor$ to $ouH Kontakion. 'one =. 'he preaching o" the Apostles and the teachings o" the Fathers sealed "or the hurch the "aith as oneJ and wearing a tunic o" the truth8 wo-en "rom the theolog$ a!o-e she rightl$ de"ines and glori"ies the great %$ster$ o" true religion. 1/. )" the hol$ apostle AFuilaJ and o" our "ather among the saints 4oseph8 arch!ishop o" 'hessalonikiJ and o" our -enera!le "ather Nikodemos o" the Hol$ %ountain8 the 'eacher. AFuila was "rom *ontus in Asia %inor8 a 4ew !$ race8 a tentmaker !$ trade. He happened to !e at orinth with his wi"e *riscilla in the $ear 6,8 when *aul "irst came there. He ga-e him hospitalit$ and the apostle sta$ed with them "or man$ da$s working himsel" at the same trade @Acts 1=:,C.A. 'hrough *aul the$ came to !elie-e in hrist and the$ "ollowed him "rom then on8 coCoperating with him and enduring dangers with him "or the preaching o" the Gospel8 as he testi"ies himsel" in the epistle to the (omans8 where he sa$s8 DGreet *riscilla and AFuila m$ "ellow workers in hrist 4esus8 who risked their necks on m$ !ehal"? etc. @1>:,C/A.2hen and where the$ died is uncertain. /;6

4oseph was the !rother o" 'heodore the &tudite @No-.11thA8 and he is o"ten called a &tudite himsel"8 especiall$ when he is mentioned along with his !rother. 'he two o" them together composed the canons o" the 'riodion8 according to Kodinos8 in the period o" 0eo the Armenian8 as the$ sat in the church o" &t (omanos @No-.1=thA. A"ter !ecoming arch!ishop o" 'hessaloniki he was exiled two or times on account o" his de-out Leal "or the honour o" the hol$ imagesJ and when he had su""ered greatl$ he died in exile. 16. )" the hol$ mart$rs Kir$kos and 4ulitta. &he li-ed in the time o" 3iocletian and was "rom the cit$ o" Iconium. Frightened !$ the persecution that was then raging she took her three $ear old son Kir$kos and le"t "or &ele"kiaJ !ut when she "ound the same terri!le danger there she made "or 'arsus in ilicia. 'here the go-ernor arrested her and taking the child awa$ he endea-oured !$ spoiling him to lure him to himsel". 1ut he8 lisping and calling on the name o" hrist8 kicked the go-ernor as hard as he could in the stomach. +nraged at this the go-ernor threw him down the steps o" the tri!unal. 'he child8 his head smashed in8 $ielded up his spirit. His !lest mother8 a"ter enduring man$ tortures was "inall$ !eheaded8 in the $ear ,;>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. hrist?s mart$r 4ulitta8 !earing Kir$kos in her arms in the stadium like a mother8 cried out with Eo$: Iou are strength o" the %art$rs8 ) hristH 1>. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r Athenogenes. He was "rom &e-asteia in appadocia. According to the writer o" the s$naxarion he !ecame !ishop o" *idachthoes @perhaps o" *ida and hloe8 cities o" Galatian appadocia8 under the metropolitan o" &e-asteia. He was mart$red !$ "ire under /;>

3iocletian in ,558 when8 as he departed "or the "ire which had !een made read$ "or him8 he sang8 so the$ sa$8 the D) 4o$"ul 0ight? as a h$mn to the hol$ 'rinit$ @c". %arch 11thA. 1<. )" the hol$ great mart$r %arina. &he li-ed in the time o" laudius and was "rom *isidia in ilicia8 the onl$ daughter o" a pagan priest. )rphaned o" her mother she was entrusted to another woman and was taught !$ her the "aith in hrist. At the age o" "i"teen she was arrested !$ the go-ernor and on !eing asked her name8 countr$ and "aith she answered8 DI am called %arinaJ !$ !irth and nurture I am o" *isidiaJ and I call upon the name o" m$ 0ord8 4esus hrist?. A"ter this she endured !onds and prisons and man$ tortures8 and was "inall$ !eheaded in the $ear ,<5. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one .. #irgin and %art$r %arina8 $ou were adorned with the !eaut$ o" -irginit$ and crowned with the tokens o" mart$rdom8 sprinkled with the !lood o" the contest and radiant with wonders o" healingsJ de-outl$ $ou recei-ed the priLe o" $our contest. 1=. )" the hol$ mart$r Aimilianos. 1;. )" our -enera!le mother %acrina8 sister o" 1asil the GreatJ and o" our -enera!le "ather 3ios. Apol$tikiaJ )" &t %acrina. 'one =. /;<

In $ou8 %other8 was preser-ed unimpaired that which is according to the image8 "or $ou took up the cross8 and $ou "ollowed hristJ and !$ $our deeds $ou ha-e taught us to despise the "lesh8 "or it passes awa$J !ut to care "or the soul8 which is a thing immortalJ and there"ore $our spirit8 hol$ %acrina8 reEoices with the Angels. )" &t 3ios. 'one 1. itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing "ather 3iosJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers8 recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthH Glor$ to him who crowned $ouH Glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH ,5. )" the hol$ and glorious prophet +lias the 'hes!ite. 'he great +lias was "rom 'his!e or 'hes!e8 a cit$ o" Galaad8 !e$ond 4ordan8 "rom a priestl$ "amil$8 a man o" the desert and o" ascetic character8 clothed in a melote @a sheepskinA and wearing a leather !elt around his loins. His name means ?'he 0ord is God? or ?'he 0ord is strong?. His Leal "or the glor$ o" God is compared to "ire and his word "or instruction and re!uke to a !urning torchJ hence he acFuired the surname ?Qealot?. He it was8 on "ire with this Leal8 who se-erel$ re!uked the godlessness and iniFuit$ o" king Acha! and his wi"e 4eLa!el. 'hrough pra$er he shut up hea-en and it did not rain "or three $ears and six months. (a-ens !rought him the "ood he needed when he was in hiding !$ God?s command near the !rook horrath. He multiplied the small suppl$ o" oil and "lour o" a poor widow woman o" &areptha8 who had welcomed him into her house8 and he raised to li"e her son who had died. He !rought down "ire "rom hea-en on %ount armel and it !urned up the sacri"ice to his God !e"ore all Israel "or a demonstration o" the truth. He slaughtered at the !rook Kisson the /65 "alse prophets8 the priests who worshipped idols and led the people astra$. He recei-ed "ood miraculousl$ at the hands o" an Angel and !$ that "ood he was gi-en power to Eourne$ "or "ort$ da$s and "ort$ nights. He saw God on %ount Hore!8 as "ar as it is possi!le "or human nature. He /;=

"oretold the catastrophe o" the house o" Acha! and the death o" his son )Lochias8 and he !urned as a punishment two captains o" "i"t$ sent to him !$ the latter !$ twice calling down "ire "rom hea-en. He parted the stream o" 4ordan and crossed with his disciple +lisaius on dr$ landJ "inall$ as he was talking with him he was suddenl$ snatched up !$ a "ier$ chariot8 in the $ear =;6 1 .8 and was taken up into hea-en8 wither he was translated !$ God ali-e8 lust like +noch @Gen.6:,/8 I# Kingd.,:11A. 1ut later on8 a"ter se-en $ears8 he re!uked 4oram the son o" 4osaphat in a letter8 as it is written: And there came to him @4oramA in a letter "rom the prophet +lias sa$ingJ 'hus sa$s the 0ord8 the God o" 3a-id $our "ather: In that $ou ha-e not walked etc. @II hron.,1:1,A. He sent it8 in the opinion o" the maEorit$ o" exegetes8 either !$ the hand o" his disciple +lisaius or some other prophet8 to whom he appeared Eust as did on %ount 'ha!or to the disciples o" hrist @August >thA. No work and permission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. 'he angel em!odied8 the *rophets? "oundation8 the second "orerunner o" the coming o" hrist8 +lias the glorious !$ sending down grace "rom on high to +lisaius dri-es out diseases8 cleanses lepersJ and so he o-er"lows with healings "or those who honour him. Kontakion. 'one ,. %odel melod$. Glorious +lias8 "oreteller and "oreseer o" God?s might$ works 8 who in $our "ierce anger stopped the rainCshedding clouds8 intercede on our !ehal" with the onl$ lo-er o" mankind. )" &aints Alexis %ed-edko-8 3imitri Klepinine8 %aria &ko!tso-a8 Iuri &ko!tso-8 +lie Fondaminskii For an account o" their canonisation !$ the *atriarchate o" onstantinople go to the "ollowing link: http://www.incommunion.org/canoniLation.htm. 'his contains a num!er o" links to pages containing a great deal o" interesting material a!out &aint /;;

%aria and her ompanions. 'he *atriarchate has not $et8 so "ar as I am aware8 issued o""icial liturgical texts "or these &aints and so the General %enaion should !e used. ,1. )" our -enera!le "athers &$meon the "ool in hrist and 4ohn his "ellow ascetic. 'he$ were "rom +dessa in %esopotamia in the reign o" 4ustin the Iounger. )thers sa$ that &$meon that &$meon "irst spent twent$ nine $ears in a hermitage and then departed "rom +mesa in &$ria where he spent the rest o" his li"e acting as a "ool and died in 6<5. Apol$tikion. 'one /. God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one ,. 2ith "aith and lo-e let us praise the GodC!earing &$meon8 eFual o" the Angels8 who was re-ealed while in the "lesh as out o" the "lesh and shining with more than worldl$ -irtues8 and with him honoured 4ohn8 as ones who intercede unceasingl$ to the 0ord on !ehal" o" us all. ,,. )" the hol$ %$rrh!earer and eFual o" the Apostles %ar$ %agdalen. &he was "rom a town in Galilee on the sea o" 'i!erias named %agdala8 whence she has the surname %agdalen. A"ter 4esus had cast out the se-en demons "rom which she had pre-iousl$ su""ered she !ecame his "aith"ul and insepara!le disciple8 "ollowing Him and ser-ing Him to the ross and the 'om!. &he then returned to 4erusalem with the other %$rrh!earers and the$ prepared spices to anoint the 0ord?s !od$. )n the &unda$ -er$ earl$ in the morning the$ went to the sepulchre and !e"ore the Angels had $et appeared to re-eal the 0ord?s resurrection the %agdalen had seen the stone rolled awa$ "rom the sepulchre and run and told *eter and 4ohn. &he returned at once to the sepulchre and as she stood weeping outside it she was allowed to !e the "irst to see the 0ord risen "rom the dead. 2hen she "ell at his "eet she heard the words: 3o not touch me. A"ter the 0ord?s assumption 655

e-er$thing a!out her is uncertain. &ome sa$ that she died in +phesus8 where she had preached hrist. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one 1. Hol$ %ar$ %agdalen8 $ou "ollowed hrist8 who was !orn "or us "rom a #irgin8 and $ou kept his statutes and his lawsJ there"ore toda$8 as we "east $our allChol$ memor$8 we recei-e release "rom sins at $our pra$ers. Kontakion. 'one /. 'he God who is a!o-e all !eing8 while li-ing in the "lesh in the world8 gained $ou as his true disciple8 ) %$rrh!earer8 and all $our desire was directed to himJ there"ore $ou accomplished man$ healings and now that $ou ha-e passed o-er into hea-en $ou intercede at e-er$ moment "or the world. ,.. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r *hokasJ and o" the hol$ prophet +Lekiel. oncerning the !ishop and mart$r see &eptem!er ,,nd. 'he *rophet was the son o" 1uLi and a priest !$ rank. He was taken as a capti-e to 1a!$lon in the reign o" 4oachim @4echoniasA. In the "i"th $ear o" the capti-it$8 around 6;. or 6;/ 1 8 he started to prophes$. 'he man$ s$m!olic actions which were ordered him !$ God ga-e incitement to the most disgrace"ul mockeries to those who spoke endlessl$ against the sacred cult. He prophesied "or a!out twent$ $ears and was murdered8 so the$ sa$8 !$ a 4ewish leader !ecause he had re!uked "or his idolatr$. His prophec$ is di-ided into "ort$ eight chapters and comes third among the maEor *rophets. Apol$tikia: o" the 1ishop. 'one /. Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 1ishop and %art$r *hokasJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the *rophet. 'one ,. 651

As we cele!rate the memor$ o" $our *rophet +Lekiel8 ) 0ord8 through him we !eseech $ou: &a-e our souls. ,/. )" the hol$ great mart$r hristina. &he was mart$red in the $ear ,55 in the reign o" &e-erus at '$re. Apol$tikion. 'one /. ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one /. Iou appeared as a shining do-e with wings o" gold8 and $ou came to rest on the heights o" hea-en8 honoured hristinaJ there"ore we cele!rate $our glorious "esti-al as we -enerate with "aith the casket o" $our relics8 "rom which there trul$ "lows "or all di-ine healing o" soul and !od$. ,6. 'he dormition o" &aint Anne8 mother o" the %other o" God. According to tradition Anne8 the grandmother o" God8 li-ed "or >; $ears and her hus!and 4oachim "or =5. As to which o" them died "irst we ha-e no in"ormationJ onl$ that the %other o" God was an orphan o" !oth her parents in her ele-enth $ear8 when she was li-ing in the temple. &ee No-em!er ,1st and &eptem!er =th. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Iou !ore in $our wom!8 inspired Anne8 her who !ore li"e8 the pure %other o" GodJ and so now $ou ha-e passed o-er reEoicing to a hea-enl$ inheritance8 where those who are glad ha-e their dwelling in glor$8 as $ou ask pardon o" o""ences8 ) e-erC !lessed8 "or those who honour $ou with lo-e. Kontakion. 'one ,. 65,

0et us cele!rate the memor$ o" the grandparents o" hrist as with "aith we ask their help that all those ma$ !e deli-ered "rom e-er$ trou!le who cr$: ) God !e with us8 who ha-e glori"ied them as $ou were wellCpleased. ,>. )" the hol$ !ishop and mart$r Hermolaos and o" his "ellow mart$rs Hermippos and HermocratesJ and o" the hol$ -irgin mart$r *araske-i BFrida$:. Hermolaos and his companions were priests o" the hurch in NikomediaJ the$ were mart$red under %aximianus in the $ear .5>. *araske-i was "rom a -illage o" (ome8 daughter o" de-out parents Agathon and *oliteia. &he was !orn on a Frida$8 hence her name. From childhood she was taught the sacred writings and de-oted hersel" to the stud$ o" the hol$ &criptures while leading a monastic li"e and guiding man$ to the "aith o" hrist. In the da$s o" the +mperor Antoninus *ius she was arrested "or this and urged to worship the idols8 !ut she answered in the words o" the prophet 4erem$: 'he gods who did not make the hea-en and the earth8 let them perish "rom the earth @15:11A. A"ter undergoing "right"ul tortures she was "inall$ !eheaded8 in the $ear 1/5. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikia: o" the %art$rs. 'one /. Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. )" &t *araske-i. 'one 1. 2ellCnamed $ou practised a Leal appropriate to $our name8 and ha-e inherited "or $our dwelling the "aith that shares $our name8 ) hampion *araske-iJ there"ore $ou pour "orth healings and intercede "or our souls. Kontakion. 'one =.


ome8 let us the "aith"ul raise in harmon$ a h$mn o" praise to *araske-iJ "or she !laLes with wonders in the world8 dri-ing out the dark "oll$ o" error and granting unstinted grace to the "aith"ul who cr$: Hail8 %art$r o" man$ strugglesH ,<. )" the hol$ great mart$r and healer *anteleimon. He was "rom Nikomedia8 son o" +"storgos and +-!ouli. His "ather was an idolater !ut his mother was o" hristian ancestr$. 1$ her he was guided to the true religion and he was instructed in the "aith o" hrist and !aptised !$ the a!o-e mentioned Hermolaos @c". the ,>thA. A"ter !eing taught the art o" medicine he practised it with lo-e "or mankind8 healing !$ the grace o" hrist rather than !$ his skill8 and displa$ing with s$mpath$ e-er$ care o" souls and !odies to all8 as a result he was suita!l$ renamed *anteleimon instead o" *antoleon8 which he had !een called pre-iousl$. )nce when he had opened the e$es o" a !lind man !$ the in-ocation o" the di-ine name8 he also enlightened the e$es o" his soul to an understanding o" the truth8 and this was the cause o" his mart$rdom. 2hen the man who had !een !lind was asked !$ some one how his e$es had !een opened he con"essed with !oldness Eust like the !lind man in the gospel !oth the ph$sician and the manner o" his healing. He was at once slain8 while *anteleimon was arrested and ha-ing undergone man$ scourgings he was "inall$ !eheaded in the $ear .56 in the reign o" %aximianus. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one /. Hol$ hampion and healer *anteleimon8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" "aults. Kontakion. 'one 6. %odel melod$. Imitator o" the %erci"ul8 who ha-e recei-ed "rom him the grace o" healings8 hampion and %art$r o" hrist God8 !$ $our pra$ers cure the diseases o" our souls8 chase awa$ the stum!ling !locks o" the eternal enem$ "rom those who ceaselessl$ cr$ out: &a-e us8 ) 0ordH 65/

,=. )" the hol$ apostles and deacons *rochoros8 Nikanor8 'imon and *armenas. Apol$tikion. 'one .. ) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one 1. Iou were re-ealed !$ "aith as honoured deacons8 e$eCwitnesses o" the 2ord and -essels o" election8 Nikanor and *rochoros8 *armenas8 glorious 'imonJ there"ore toda$ we "east $our sacred memor$ as with gladness o" heart we call $ou !lessed. ,;. )" the hol$ mart$r KallinikosJ and o" the hol$ mart$r 'heodoti. Apol$tikia: o" &t Kallinikos. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. )" &t 'heodoti. 'one /. ) 4esu8 $our lam! cries aloud: ) m$ 1ridegroom8 I long "or $ouJ and seeking $ou I struggle8 and I am cruci"ied and !uried with $ou in $our !aptismJ and I su""er "or $our sake8 that I ma$ reign with $ouJ and I die "or $ou8 that I ma$ li-e in $ouJ !ut as a spotless -ictim now accept one who with longing is slain "or $ou. 'hrough her pra$ers8 as $ou are merci"ul8 sa-e our soulsH Kontakion. 'one ,. Fittingl$ $ou ha-e now inherited the delights a!o-e8 "or "ired exceedingl$ with lo-e o" hrist8 "or him8 Kallinikos8 $ou courageousl$ !ra-ed the "ireJ as $ou now stand !e"ore him do not cease to intercede "or us all. .5. )" the hol$ apostles o" the &e-ent$8 &ilas8 &il-anus8 rescens8 +painetos and Andronikos. Apol$tikion. 'one .. 656

) hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. .1. )" the hol$ and Eust +-dokimosJ and preC"east o" the procession o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing ross. +-dokimos was the son o" de-out and distinguished parents8 who were o" patrician rank and originated "rom appadocia. He li-ed in piet$8 Eustice and sanctit$ and appeared trul$ wellCreputed Be-dokimos: "or e-er$ -irtue. He died in the da$s o" the emperor 'heophilos the iconoclast. oncerning the procession o" the precious ross see August 1st. Apol$tikia: o" the &aint. 'one /. He who called $ou "rom earth to hea-en8 !lest &aint8 keeps $our !od$ also unharmed a"ter deathJ "or $ou li-ed a so!er and hol$ li"e and did not de"ile $our "leshJ and so with !oldness intercede with hrist that we ma$ !e sa-ed. )" the ross. 'one 1. ) 0ord8 sa-e $our people8 and !less $our inheritanceJ granting $our "aith"ul people -ictories o-er their enemiesJ and protecting $our commonwealth with $our ross. Kontakion. 'one .. Iour honoured memor$ has assem!led us toCda$ at the godl$ casket o" $our sacred relicsJ all then who approach and -enerate keep "ar "rom them e-il harm o" demons and are swi"tl$ deli-ered "rom di-ers diseases8 !lessed +-dokimos. %he 'onth of August BIt has .1 da$s. 'he da$ has 1. hours and the night 11: 1. 'he procession o" the precious and li"eCgi-ing ross8 and commemoration o" the se-en hol$ $ouths8 the %acca!ees8 and their mother &olomoni8 and o" their teacher +leaLar. 65>

3uring the month o" August8 as diseases were particularl$ "reFuent8 it was "ormerl$ the custom in onstantinople "or the precious 2ood o" the ross to !e carried through the streets and sFuares o" the cit$ during these da$s to sancti"$ the place and to dri-e awa$ diseases. )n the thirt$ "irst o" 4ul$ the$ !rought the ross "rom the ro$al treasur$ and placed it on the Hol$ 'a!le o" the Great hurch @o" the Hol$ 2isdomA. )n the next da$ and on each su!seFuent da$ until the "east o" the 3ormition o" the %other o" God the$ processed with it throughout the whole cit$ and exposed it "or the -eneration o" the people. 'his is what is called the D*rogress o" the *recious ross?. 'he hol$ %acca!ees8 whose names are8 A-eim8 Anton$8 Gourias8 +leaLar8 +"se-onas8 Acheim and marcellus8 were 4ews !$ race and strict o!ser-ers o" the ancestral laws. 'he$ "lourished in the da$s o" Antiochus8 known as D+piphanes?8 king o" &$ria and a merciless enem$ o" the 4ews. He ensla-ed their whole nation and committed man$ e-il deeds8 e-en against the sacred acts o" their religion itsel". Among other things he compelled them to eat swine?s "lesh8 which is "or!idden !$ the law. It was then that these de-out $ouths8 who had !een arrested with their mother and their teacher and ordered to a!andon the precepts o" the law8 were su!Eected to ten thousand torments8 as man$ as a t$rannical and sa-age imagination could think up. 2hen the$ had no!l$ endured all these and shown through their deeds that reason is the ruler o" the passions and can conFuer them8 i" it wills to8 the$ met their end gloriousl$ in the midst o" torments8 gi-ing up their li-es "or the o!ser-ance the law o" GodJ "irst their aged teacher +leaLar8 then all the !rothers in order o" age. 'heir wonder"ul mother8 &olomoni8 "illed with no!le thoughts and rousing her woman?s mind with manl$ "er-our @, %acca!ees <8,1A8 stood !$ the triumph o" her children o-er the t$rant8 encouraging each o" them to the struggle "or the "aith and !ra-el$ enduring their pains through her hope in the 0ord. 2hen she saw that her $oungest son had met his end8 she threw hersel" last o" all into the "ire and was granted the same !lessed end along with her children8 in the $ear 1>= !e"ore hrist. 65<

From toda$ we !egin the "ast o" the %other o" God. Apol$tikia. )" the &aints. 'one 1. %odel %elod$. B ommon: 1e entreated !$ the su""erings8 which the &aints endured "or $ou8 ) 0ordJ and heal all our pains8 we !eg8 ) 0o-er o" mankind. )" the ross. 'one 1. 0ord8 sa-e $our people and !less $our inheritance8 granting to "aith"ul hristians -ictories o-er their enemies8 and protecting $our commonwealth !$ $our ross. Kontakion o" the &aints. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. ) se-en pillars o" the 2isdom o" God and se-en lampstands o" the di-ine 0ight8 allCwise %acca!ees8 greatest o" %art$rs !e"ore the %art$rs8 with them ask the God o" all that those who honour $ou ma$ !e sa-ed. ,. 'he translation o" the relics o" the hol$ *rotomart$r and Archdeacon &tephen. A"ter the stoning o" the *rotomart$r !$ the 4ews who had killed hrist @,< 3ecem!erA8 Gamaliel8 his teacher8 encouraged some o" the hristians to come !$ night8 rake the &aint?s !od$ and !ur$ it in his own "ield8 which a"ter "i"teen miles distant "rom 4erusalem and called a"ter him DKapharCGamaliel?8 that is8 D Gamaliel?s "ield?8 where Gamaliel himsel" was later !uried. In the $ear /,< a de-out man8 named 0ukianos8 who was a priest and the one in charge o" a church !eside this "ield8 recei-ed through a -ision a re-elation "rom God that the place was where the *rotomart$r was !uried8 and he at once in"ormes 4ohn8 who was then patriarch o" 4erusalem. 'he$ went to the place indicated and a"ter digging "ound a co""in inscri!ed in He!rew8 D&tephen?. 'he$ opened it and taking the most sacred remains trans"erred them to 4erusalem with great pomp. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. Iour head was crowned with a ro$al diadem "or the contests $ou endured "or the sake o" hrist God8 ) "irst hampion o" %art$rsJ "or ha-ing re"uted the "oll$ o" 65=

the 4ews8 $ou saw $our &a-iour at the right hand o" the Father. +-er entreat him there"ore on !ehal" o" our souls. Kontakion. 'one =. %odel %elod$. Iou were the "irst to !e sown on the earth !$ the hea-enl$ hus!andman8 ) allC praised. Iou were the "irst to shed $our !lood on the earth "or hrist8 ) !lessed one. Iou were the "irst to !e wreathed !$ him with the crown o" -ictor$ in hea-en8 !eginning o" champions8 the crowned First hampion o" the %art$rs. .. )" our -enera!le "athers Isaakios8 3almatos and Faustus. )" these Isaakios8 whose name is also "ound written as Isakios and Isakes and who is cele!rated in particular on .5 %a$8 !ecame a monk "rom his $outh8 a worker o" e-er$ -irtue and a Lealot "or the )rthodox "aith. He was granted the gi"t o" prophec$. He dwelt in a small hut near onstantinople. 2hen #ales8 the Arian s$mpathiser8 led a expedition in person against the Goths around the 3anu!e8 the &aint came out to meet him and with !old "reedom o" speech told him that God had stirred up the !ar!arians against him !ecause he in turn had stirred up man$ -oices to !lasphem$ against God and had dri-en those who sang God?s praise "rom the churchesJ and that8 i" he stopped making war on God through heres$ and returned the no!le shepherds to hrist?s "lock8 he would easil$ gain the -ictor$. 1ut i" he did not do this8 so not ha-ing God as his all$8 and Eoined !attle 8 the disaster o" him and his arm$ was certain. DIou will learn?8 he said8 Dthat it is hard to kick against the goad8 "or $ou will not return and $ou will lose the arm$.? 1ut the emperor was enraged and shut the &aint in prison so that he might punish him and put him to death when he returned a"ter de"eating the !ar!arians. 1ut he was comprehensi-el$ de"eated and !urned ali-e in a certain -illage in .<= @'heodore o" $rrhus8 +cclesiastical Histor$ /8.1C.,A. 'he &aint was let out o" prison and was a source o" wonder !ecause o" his prophec$8 !ut e-en more so !ecause o" his Leal "or )rthodox$8 which he displa$ed at the &econd +cumenical ouncil in .=1. A"ter this8 a monaster$ ha-ing !een erected in onstantinople "or his sake8 he 65;

shepherded his "ellow ascetics de-outl$8 and8 ha-ing gi-en them a model o" the monastic wa$ o" li"e8 his own example8 he "ell asleep in peace around the end o" the "ourth centur$8 lea-ing 3almatos as his successor. 3almatos had originall$ !een a soldier8 enlisted with the ,nd ompan$ o" the soldiers called &colarii. 0ater he ga-e up e-er$thing and8 taking his son Faustus8 he le"t "or the a!o-e mentioned monaster$ o" Isaakios8 where he was clothed with the monastic ha!it and !ecome re-ered !$ all "or his -irtue. He was present at the .rd +cumenical ouncil8 called in +phesus in /.1. 'here he displa$ed his orthodox Leal against Nestorios and was elected !$ the "athers o" the &$nod as archimandrite o" the monasteries in onstantinople. He li-ed "or =5 $ears and rested in the 0ord. Apol$tikion. 'one /. God o" our Fathers. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. Kontakion. 'one ,. 2ith h$mns let us praise as ser-ants o" hrist Isaakios and Faustus with 3almatos8 who shone out in the world !$ their ascetic li-es and routed heresies !$ the "aith8 "or the$ cr$ out on !ehal" o" us all. /. )" the &e-en Hol$ Iouths at +phesus @&ee ,, )cto!erA. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one /. 0i"ted up on the ross. 3espising as corrupt the things o" the world and recei-ing incorrupti!le gi"ts8 when dead the$ remained "ree "rom corruption8 there"ore a"ter man$ $ears the$ arose8 !ur$ing all the un!elie" o" the illCintentioned. As we !elie-ers cele!rate them with praise8 let us raise our song to hrist. 615

6. Fore"east o" the 'rans"iguration o" our 0ord 4esus hrist8 and commemoration o" the hol$ %art$r +"signios. 'he %art$r was "rom Antioch8 a soldier !$ rank "rom the time o" onstantine hlorus8 "ather o" onstantine the Great8 until that o" 4ulian the Apostate. He up!raided the latter "or his impiet$ and reminded him that he was the nephew o" onstantine the Great8 the "irst hristian +mperor8 that "rom his tenderest $ears he had !een nourished with the milk o" true religion8 had !een taught the hristian "aith8 had !een the "ellow student o" 1asil the Great and Gregor$ NaLianLen and had !ecome a reader in the church o" NikomediaJ and that8 ha-ing alread$ a!andoned all this and !ecome an apostate8 he o""ered to idols the worship that was due to God alone. 2hen he had reminded the apostate o" all this !$ wa$ o" reproach8 he was !eheaded around .=18 ha-ing li-ed altogether "or 115 $ears and more than >5 as a soldier. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. 0et us !elie-ers8 radiantl$ cele!rating the Fore"east8 go out to meet hrist?s 'rans"iguration8 and let us cr$8 D'he da$ o" Eo$ inspired has comeJ the %aster ascends %ount 'ha!or to make the !eaut$ o" his Godhead !laLe "orth. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. In the di-ine 'rans"iguration all mortal nature shines out toda$8 as with gladness it cries8 D hrist is trans"igured8 sa-ing all.? >. 'he hol$ 'rans"iguration o" our 0ord and God and &a-iour 4esus hrist. &ince the 0ord had o"ten spoken !e"orehand to his 3isciples not onl$ a!out his own *assion8 ross and death8 !ut also a!out the persecutions and a""lictions that awaited the 3isciples themsel-esJ and since8 on the one hand8 these terri!le e-ents were imminent8 !ut on the other so was the coming and hoped "or enEo$ment o" !lessings instead o" them8 he there"ore8 in order to let them see with their own e$es the glor$ that had !een prepared "or those who endured to the end8 he took his three chosen 3isciples8 *eter8 4ames and 4ohn8 and led them apart up %t 'ha!or8 611

where he was trans"igured in their presence. His "ace shone like the sun and his garments !ecame white like light. &uddenl$ amid this outpouring o" supernatural and remarka!le light8 there appeared the leading *rophets8 %oses and +lias8 talking with 4esus a!out his coming sa-ing passion8 and re-ealing at the same time that he is the 0ord o" !oth the li-ing and the dead8 "or the$ had come to stand in his presence like ser-ants8 %oses "rom Hades8 as he had died man$ ages !e"ore @ ". / &eptem!erA8 while +lias as though "rom hea-en8 to which he had !een taken up ali-e @ ". ,5 4ul$A. A"ter a little while a cloud o" light o-ershadowed them and "rom the cloud the same -oice that had !een heard in the 4ordan @ ". > 4anuar$A was heard8 testi"$ing to 4esus? di-init$ and sa$ing8 D'his is m$ !elo-ed &on8 in whom I am wellCpleased. Hear him.? @%att. 1<81C6A. 'hese are the di-ine and wondrous e-ents o" the present "east8 which is an icon and "oreshadowing o" the condition o" the Eust that is to come8 whose splendour the 0ord re-ealed when he said8 D'he Eust will shine out like the sun? @%att. 1.8/.A.'his is wh$ the Kontakion o" this "east is sung e-er$ da$ at the Hours Bin the '$pika:8 as a permanent reminder o" that glor$. No work8 and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 'one <. Iou were trans"igured on the mountain8 ) hrist God8 showing $our 3isciples $our glor$8 as "ar as the$ could !ear it. At the pra$ers o" the %other o" God make $our e-erlasting light shine also on us sinners. Gi-er o" light8 glor$ to $ou. Kontakion. 'one <. Iou were trans"igured on the mountain8 and $our 3isciples !eheld $our glor$8 ) hrist God8 as "ar as the$ were a!leJ that when the$ saw $ou cruci"ied the$ might know that $our su""ering was -oluntar$8 and might proclaim to the world that $ou are trul$ the !rightness o" the Father. <. )" the hol$ %art$r 3ometios. 61,

He was a *ersian !$ race and li-ed in the time o" onstantine the Great. He was at "irst an idolater8 !ut8 ha-ing !een instructed !$ a hristian named A-aros8 he le"t "or Nisi!is8 a town in %esopotamia8 where he was !aptised and clothed in the monastic ha!it in a certain monaster$. 0ater he clim!ed a mountain and there led an austerel$ ascetic li"e8 per"orming miracles "or those who came to him and con-erting man$ un!elie-ers. 2hen he learnt this8 4ulian the Apostate8 during his expedition against the *ersians in .>.8 sent and had him stoned together with his two disciples as the$ were singing the 'hird Hour. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the 'rans"iguration. =. )" &aint Aimilianos the on"essor8 Arch!ishop o" $Licus. He li-ed in the da$s o" 0eo the Armenian8 the Iconoclast8 around =16. Ha-ing endured at his hands man$ exiles and a""lictions !ecause o" his worship o" the hol$ icons8 he rested in the 0ord. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the 'rans"iguration. ;. )" the hol$ Apostle %atthias. A"ter the traitor 4udas had recei-ed the reward "or his treacher$8 he hanged himsel" out o" despair and so ended his li"e !$ a misera!le and shame"ul death U he "ell "rom where he was hanging8 his stomach split open and all his entrails were poured out. 'hen8 to make up the num!er o" the 'wel-e8 all the &a-iour?s 3isciples8 who were all together a"ter the Ascension8 men and women together8 a!out 1,58 chose two men "rom among them8 4oseph called 1ars!a!as8 who was surnamed D4ustsus?8 that is D4ust?8 and %atthias. 'he$ stood them the midst and when the$ had pra$ed to God the drew lots and the lot "ell on %atthias and he was num!ered with the ele-en Apostles @%att. 1<86. Acts 1816C,>A. An so %atthias8 ha-ing "illed 4udas?s empt$ place and the work o" his apostolate8 "ul"illed the prophec$ which the Hol$ &pirit had made through 3a-id?s mouth8 D0et his Fuarters !ecome empt$ and let another take his o""ice? @*salm >=8,6. 15=8=A. A"ter this8 it is said8 %atthias preached the Gospel in +thiopia8 where he met a mart$r?s death. 61.

Apol$tikion. 'one .. B ommon: Hol$ Apostles8 %atthias8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. &hining with light as the sun8 $our sound has gone out into all the world and enlightens the nations with grace8 ) wonderC!earing Apostle %atthias. 15. )" the hol$ %art$r and Archdeacon 0aurence. He was Archdeacon o" the hurch o" (ome and had charge o" its treasures and o" distri!uting mone$ to the poor. 2hen #alerian launched a "erocious persecution against the hristians and R$stos8 or &ixtus II8 *ope o" the elder (ome8 had died !$ cruci"ixion8 0aurence was arrested and led !e"ore the magistrate. 2hen he was Fuestioned a!out the hurch?s treasures he asked lea-e "or three da$s grace to assem!le them. He then assem!led all destitute and presented them to the magistrate8 D'here?8 he said8 Dare the hurch?s treasures?. At this the magistrate was enraged and ordered him to !e stretched out on a red hot grid iron. 2hen hrist?s no!le champion had endured this without a sound and was !eing !urnt on one side8 he said8 D'urn me o-er8 so that I ma$ !e well and trul$ roasted?. 2hen this had !een done8 the %art$r said to the t$rants8 D'aste then and see i"the "lesh o" the hristians is sweeter roasted rather than raw. 2hen he had said this and pra$ed like hrist "or his persecutors and executioners8 he ga-e up his spirit on 15 August8 ,6=. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. 61/

Iou heart a"lame with di-ine "ire8 $ou "inall$ reduced the "ire o" the passions to ashes8 "oundation o" champions8 GodC!earing %art$r 0aurence8 and $our struggles $ou cried out8 DNothing will separate me "rom the lo-e o" hrist?. 11. )" the hol$ %art$r and Archdeacon +-plos. He was "rom atana in &icil$. He su""ered under 3iocletian. Ha-ing endured the most sa-age torments he was !eheaded in the $ear ,;>. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord8 !$ his struggle o!tained the crown o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might he destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at his pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. Kontakion. 'one 1. 'he angelic choir. 1earing hrist?s laws in $our hands8 $ou stood "orth and cried to $our enemies in the stadium8 DI am here at m$ own summons and I compete most -aliantl$?. And so8 ha-e Eo$"ull$ !ent $our neck8 $ou recei-ed the sword?s "atal !low and "inished $our race. 1,. )" the hol$ %art$rs *hotios and Akinetos. 'he$ su""ered in Nikomedia in the $ear ,== in the reign o" 3iocletian. *hotios was Akinetos?s nephew. 'oda$ the o""ice o" &t %aximos is sung together with that o" the %art$rs8 !ecause tomorrow is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the 'rans"iguration. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggle o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. 1.. )" our -enera!le Father %aximos the on"essor @&ee ,1 4anuar$A. 'oda$ is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the 'rans"iguration8 and the whole o""ice is that o" the "east. 616

Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon:. )rthodox$?s guide8 teacher o" piet$ and re-erence8 !eacon o" the world8 "air ornament o" monks8 inspired !$ God8 ) wise %aximos8 !$ $our teaching $ou ha-e enlightened all8 ) harp o" the &piritJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one ,. Nor tom! nor death. Inspired hampion o" the hurch8 sa"eguard and splendour o" )rthodox$8 harp and instrument o" true religion8 godlike and sacred glor$ o" monks8 do not cease to intercede "or us all. 1/. Fore"east o" the 3ormition o" the most hol$ %other o" God8 and commemoration o" the hol$ *rophet %icheas. According to the title o" his own prophec$ he was a %orasthite "rom the land o" 4uda and prophesied "or more than "i"t$ $ears in the da$s o" 4oatham8 AchaL and +Lekias8 kings o" 4uda. 4oatham reigned around <6= !c 8 and +Lekias died in >;= !c. From this it is clear that he is not the %icheas8 son o" 4em!laa8 or 4em!la B. (eigns ,,:8 who re!uked Acha! and was slain !$ his son 4oram8 according to the &$naxaristes8 !ecause this 4oram reigned in =;> !c8 while %icheas8 as has !een said8 was still prophes$ing in the da$s o" +Lekias8 who was a contemporar$ o" )see8 last king o" the twel-e tri!es o" Israel8 in whose reign that kingdom was o-erthrown !$ &almanasar8 king o" Ass$ria B/ (eigns 1<81C1> and 1=81:. 'his %icheas is the sixth o" the twel-e %inor *rophets and his prophec$ contains se-en chapters. Apol$tikion. 'one /. &peedil$ anticipate. *eoples8 leap "or Eo$ and clap $our hands. Gather with lo-e toda$ as $ou all reEoice and shout radiantl$ with Eo$ and gladness. For God?s %other is a!out to lea-e in glor$ things o" earth "or those on high. As %other o" God we e-er glori"$ her. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 61>

At $our glorious memor$ the inha!ited world toda$ leaps "or Eo$8 as with gladness it m$sticall$ cries out8 ) %other o" God8 DHail8 #irgin8 !oast o" hristiansH? 16. 'he 3ormition o" our most hol$ and glorious 0ad$8 %other o" God and +-erC #irgin %ar$. oncerning the 3ormition o" the %other o" God the hurch has recei-ed the "ollowing "rom the ancient tradition o" the Fathers. 2hen the time drew near when it was our &a-iour?s good pleasure to take to himsel" his own %other8 he in"ormed her through an Angel8 three da$s !e"ore hand8 o" her passing "rom this temporar$ li"e to that which is eternal and !lessed. 2hen she heard this8 she went in haste to the mount o" )li-es8 where it was her custom to go and pra$8 and when she had gi-en thanks to God8 she returned to her house and prepared "or her !urial. %eanwhile clouds had snatched up the Apostles "rom the ends o" the earth8 where-er each o" them was preaching8 and set them down together at the house o" the %other o" God. &he Fuickl$ explained to them the reason "or their coming together and like a mother she consoled them in their distress. 'hen she raised her hands to hea-en8 pra$ed "or the peace o" the world8 !lessed the Apostles and then8 when she had lain down on the !ier and disposed her !od$ as she has intended8 she placed her allChol$ soul into the hands o" her &on and God. 'he Apostles with de-otion and great pomp took up the !ier o" that !od$ which had recei-ed God and chanting "uneral h$mns the$ took it to the gra-e8 when Angels "rom hea-en !egan to sing with them8 as the$ escorted her who is higher than the heru!im. )ne o" 4ews8 out o" en-$8 audaciousl$ placed his hands on the !ier and at once recei-ed the punishment o" his rashness8 "or his hands were cut o"" !$ an in-isi!le !low. 2hen the$ reached the -illage called Gethsemane8 the$ !uried there with honour the allCpure !od$8 source o" li"e8 o" the %other o" God. 1ut on the third da$ a"ter the !urial8 as the$ were consoling one another together8 the$ raised the loa" that had !een set out8 as was their custom8 in the name o" 4esus8 when the %other o" God appeared in the air and said them8 DHailH?. From this the$ understood that the %other o" God had !een translated !odil$ into hea-en. 61<

'his is what the hurch has recei-ed "rom the traditions o" the Fathers8 and ha-ing set down man$ things "rom them in h$mns8 as a proo" o" true de-otion8 it chants them this da$ to the glor$ o" the %other o" our God. No work8 and permission "or "ish. Apol$tikion. 1st 'one. In gi-ing !irth $ou retained $our -irginit$J in "alling asleep $ou did not a!andon the world8 ) %other o" GodJ $ou passed o-er into li"e8 "or $ou are the %other o" 0i"eJ and !$ $our pra$ers $ou deli-er our souls "rom death. Kontakion. ,nd 'one. %odel %elod$. Nor tom! nor death o-erpowered the %other o" God8 unsleeping in her pra$ers8 un"ailing hope in intercessionJ "or as %other o" 0i"e she has !een taken o-er into li"e !$ him who dwelt in her e-erC-irgin wom!. 1>. 'he 'ranslation "rom +dessa B9r"a: o" the icon o" our 0ord 4esus hrist 7Not made !$ hands78 or the hol$ %andilion8 and commemoration o" the hol$ %art$r 3iomede. Apol$tikion. 'one ,. 2e -enerate $our most pure icon8 lo-ing 0ord8 as we ask pardon o" our o""ences8 hrist God. For !$ $our own choice $ou were wellCpleased to ascend the ross in the "lesh8 to deli-er "rom the sla-er$ o" the enem$ those whom $ou had "ashionedJ there"ore with thanksgi-ing we cr$ to $ou: Iou ha-e "illed all things with Eo$8 our &a-iour8 !$ coming to sa-e the world And o" the 3ormition. 1<. )" the hol$ %art$r %$ron. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. 1=. )" the hol$ %art$rs Florus and 0aurus. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. 1;. )" the hol$ %art$r Andrew the General and his ,6;. ompanions. 61=

Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. ,5. )" the hol$ *rophet &amuel.'his most hol$ man was God?s prophet "rom his $outh and the last o" Israel?s Eudges. He was "rom the cit$ o" Armathaim8 o" the tri!e o" 0e-i8 son o" +leaLar and Anna and was !orn a!out 1166 !c. H was gi-en the name &amuel8 which means DreFuested "rom God?8 !$ his mother8 !ecause she was pre-iousl$ !arren and had asked God "or a child with man$ pra$ers and "er-ent tears. A"ter she had gi-en !irth to him and weaned him8 she !rought him at once to the town o" &ilom8 where the di-ine Ark then was. Ha-ing o""ered him to God?s ministr$ as an in"ant8 in accordance with her promise8 she ga-e him thanks !$ chanting the 'hird canticle o" the )ld 'estament8 D%$ heart has !een esta!lished in the 0ord.? 'hen she returned to her home and ga-e !irth su!seFuentl$ to three more sons and two daughters. 1ut &amuel remained in &ilom under the protection o" +li8 who was then the High *riest o" the 4ews8 ser-ing at God?s ta!ernacle and !$ his most hol$ wa$ o" li"e !eing wellCpleasing to !oth God and men8 according to the testimon$ o" hol$ &cripture8 DAnd the !o$ &amuel ad-anced and grew up and was in "a-our with !oth the 0ord and men? B1 (eigns ,8,>:. 'his -irtuous !o$ was sleeping in the temple where the Ark o" God was8 and he heard a -oice calling him !$ name three and "our times8 D&amuel8 &amuel.? It was God?s -oice in"orming &amuel o" his sentence concerning the impending disaster o" +li8 !ecause he8 ha-ing two sons called )phni and *hineas8 a pair o" lawless $ouths who despised God8 had done nothing at all to correct them. 'his di-ine sentence was "ul"illed in due time and the "amil$ o" +li was destro$ed in one da$J a "ear"ul warning to those who neglect the proper up!ringing o" their own children and the necessar$ correction o" their o""ences. A"ter this &amuel was chosen as the protector o" the people8 whom he Eudged with holiness and Eustice8 !ecoming "or them a model o" good works and considering the one great sin to !e ceasing to pra$ "or them and entreating God "or the "orgi-eness o" their transgressions8 as he said himsel" in the presence o" them all8 DFar !e it "rom me to sin against the 0ord !$ ceasing to pra$ "or $ou. And I will 61;

ser-e the 0ord and show $ou the good and upright wa$? B1 (eigns 1,8,.:. All con"essed to his Eustice and lack o" lo-e o" gain8 with which he go-erned the people and Eudged the lawsuits o" each8 when he asked them8 with God as his witness8 that the$ tell him in conscience i" he had e-er wronged an$one8 or taken "rom an$one either propert$8 mone$ or !ri!e e-en so much as a cheap sandal. 'he$ answered with one -oice and said8 DIou ha-e not wronged us8 $ou ha-e not oppressed us8 $ou ha-e not a""licted us and $ou ha-e not taken an$thing "rom an$one8 B1 (eigns 1,8,C/:. 2hen the people asked "or a king in his old age8 he anointed &aul8 !ut when8 shortl$ a"ter8 he diso!e$ed God?s command8 he deposed him "rom the 0ord?s presence and went and anointed 3a-id8 at God?s !idding. Ha-ing li-ed without !lame in an$thing "or =; $ears and !ecome a model to the "athers o" a li"e pleasing to God8 he died in a!out 15<6 !c. 1$ the maEorit$ the !ooks o" 4udges and (uth and the "irst ,/ chapters o" 1 (eigns are attri!uted to him. Apol$tikion and Kontakion o" the Feast. ,1. )" the hol$ Apostle 'haddaeus8 and o" the hol$ %art$r #assa. 'he %art$rs were "rom the cit$ o" +dessa in %esopotamia and were mart$red under %aximianos in ,;5. 'he Apostle was also "rom +dessa8 a 4ew !$ race8 who came to 4erusalem and !ecame a disciple o" hrist8 whom he "ollowed until the *assion. A"ter the Ascension8 in around .> ad8 he returned to his "atherland8 where he instructed and !aptised the local ruler A!gar and healed him o" an incura!le disease8 !$ he was su""ering greatl$. Ha-ing preached in %esopotamis8 he met a mart$r?s death. &ome people sa$ o" him that he was one o" the 'wel-e8 the one whom %atthew calls 0e!!aios8 surnamed 'haddaios B%att. <8.1:. +use!ios8 howe-er8 sa$s that he was one o" the &e-ent$ and writes this a!out him8 DA"ter the hrist?s resurrection and ascent into hea-en8 'homas8 one o" the twel-e apostles8 !$ a prompting "rom God8 sent out 'haddaios8 who had !een one o" the se-ent$ disciples o" hrist8 to +dessa as preacher and e-angelist o" hrist?s teaching8 6,5

BHistor$ o" the hurch 181.:. He writes the name DAg!ar?8 which others gi-e as DA-gar?. Apol$tikion. 'one .. B ommon: Hol$ Apostles8 'haddaeus8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. ,,. )" the hol$ %art$r Agathonikos and his ompanions. 'oda$ the o""ice o" &t 0upus is sung with that o" the %art$rs8 !ecause tomorrow is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the 3ormition. B1ut according to the older '$pikon8 "ollowed on the Hol$ %ountain8 the 0ea-eCtaking is not cele!rated until the ,=th.: 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. And o" the Feast. Kontakion. 'one. 'he angelic choir. Ha-ing gained the good Bagathos: calling8 ) wise in God8 $ou a!andoned the cult o" e-il men8 nor did $ou Fuail at torments8 glorious Agathonikos. 'here"ore $ou ha-e !ecome the heir to good Bagathos: things and with $our "ellow champions $ou ha-e recei-ed the incorrupti!le crown. 'oda$ is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the 3ormition8 and the whole o""ice is that o" the "east. B1ut see a!o-e.: ,.. )" the hol$ %art$r 0uppus. ,/. )" the hol$ 1ishop and %art$r +"t$ches8 disciple o" 4ohn the 'heologian. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: Iou shared their wa$ o" li"e and $ou succeeded to the Apostles? thronesJ $ou "ound the practice8 ) GodCinspired8 to clim! the heights o" contemplationJ rightl$ proclaiming the word o" truthJ and in "aith $ou struggled to shedding o" !lood8 6,1

1ishop and %art$r +"t$chesJ intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. ,6. (eturn o" the relics o" the hol$ Apostle 1artholomew8 and commemoration o" the hol$ Apostle 'itus. For 1artholomew see 11 4une. 'itus was a Greek !$ race and an idolater !$ religion. He came to !elie-e in hrist through the apostle *aul and !ecame his disciple and "ollower and worked hard with him in preaching the Gospel. *aul ordained him !ishop o" rete and later wrote the epistle which !ears his name. 'itus shepherded the "lock entrusted to him like a true apostle and !eing "ull o" $ears he died in peace at the age o" ;/. Apol$tikion. 'one .. Hol$ Apostle. Hol$ Apostles8 intercede with the merci"ul God to grant our souls "orgi-eness o" sins. Kontakia: )" &aint 1artholomew. 'one 1. 'he soldiers watching. 'he return o" $our most hol$ relics has !ecome "or us the reason "or a most radiant "esti-al8 Apostle o" the 0ord. As we re-erence it8 with de-out minds we honour $ou8 1artholomew8 the lamp that does not set8 as we magni"$ hrist. )" &aint 'itus. 'one ,. &eeking things on high. (e-ealed as *aul?s companion8 ) Apostle8 with him $ou proclaimed the 2ord to us8 honoured 'itus8 initiate o" di-ine grace. 'here"ore we cr$ $ou8 D3o not cease to intercede "or us all.? ,>. )" the hol$ %art$rs Adrian and Natalia. 'one /. Iour %art$r8 ) 0ord. B ommon: Iour %art$rs8 ) 0ord8 !$ their struggles o!tained the crowns o" incorruption "rom $ou8 our GodJ "or with $our might the$ destro$ed t$rants8 and shattered the "ee!le insolence o" the demons: at their pra$ers8 ) hrist God8 sa-e our souls. 6,,

Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. Ha-ing placed in $our heart the godl$ words o" a woman wise in God8 $ou ran "orward to the torments8 Adrian8 %art$r o" hrist8 recei-ing with $our wi"e the crown o" -ictor$. ,<. )" our -enera!le Father *oimen. BAccording to the old '$pikon the o""ice o" &t %oses is sung together with that o" &t *oimen8 !ecause tomorrow is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the 3ormition.: Apol$tikion. 'one =. B ommon: 2ith the streams o" $our tears $ou culti-ated the !arren desert8 and with $our deep groans $ou made $our toils !ring "orth "ruit a hundred"old8 and $ou ha-e !ecome a !eacon8 shining in all the world !$ $our wonders: #enera!le Father *oimen8 intercede with hrist God that our souls ma$ !e sa-ed. Kontakion. 'one /. 'oda$ $ou ha-e appeared. 'he hol$ memor$ o" $our shining struggles8 -enera!le Father8 has come8 making the souls o" the de-out reEoice8 our -enera!le Father *oimen8 wise in God. ,=. )" our -enera!le Father %oses the +thiopian. BAccording to the old t$pikon toda$ is the 0ea-eCtaking o" the 3ormition and the whole o""ice is that o" the "east. &ee a!o-e on the ,,nd.: Apol$tikion. 'one 1. B ommon: itiLen o" the desert and Angel em!odied8 and wonderCworker $ou ha-e !een declared8 ) GodC!earing Father %osesJ !$ "asting and !$ -igil and !$ pra$ers recei-ing gi"ts o" grace "rom hea-en8 $ou heal the sick and the souls o" those who ha-e recourse to $ou in "aith. Glor$ to him who ga-e $ou strengthJ glor$ to him who crowned $ouJ glor$ to him who through $ou works healing "or allH Kontakion. 'one .. Iour con"ession. +nriched with enlightenment "rom God8 $ou !anished the darkness o" passions8 allC !lest Father8 and !$ $ou sleepless pra$ers $ou Fuenched the re!ellious thoughts o" 6,.

the "lesh and ascended to the citadel on high. #enera!le Father8 implore hrist our God to grant us his great merc$. ,;. 'he 1eheading o" the hol$8 glorious *rophet8 Forerunner and 1aptist 4ohn. 'he godlike 1aptist8 the prophet and son o" a prophet8 the seal o" the prophets and the !eginning o" the apostles8 the intermediar$ !etween the old and new co-enants8 the -oice o" one cr$ing in the wilderness8 the %essenger BAngel: o" the incarnate %essias and his "orerunner and the one who was to prepare "or his coming BIsaias /8.. %alach$ .81:8 concei-ed and !orn through man$ wonders8 "illed with the Hol$ &pirit "rom his mother?s wom!8 ad-ancing like a second Lealous +lias8 whose desert li"e and ascetic clothing o" a leather !elt round his loins and inspired Leal "or the maintenance o" the law he imitated Bsee ,. &eptem!er8 ,6 %arch8 ,/ 4une8 ,5 4ul$:8 "rom the time he preached the !aptism o" repentance to the people !$ di-ine command B> 4anuar$:8 "rom the time he taught !oth pri-ate citiLens and those with rank what the$ should do8 and showed them the duties o" their calling8 "rom the time that he struck those !aptised !$ him with the "ear o" God8 !ecause no one can escape the wrath to come i" the$ do not produce worth$ "ruits o" repentance8 "rom the time that !$ such preaching he prepared their hearts to recei-e the gospel teaching o" the &a-iour8 "rom the time8 last o" all8 that he himsel" pointed out the &a-iour and said8 D1ehold8 the 0am! o" God8 who takes the sin o" the world? B0uke .8,C1=. 4ohn 18,;:8 he later sealed with his own !lood the truth o" his words8 !ecome a sacred sacri"icial -ictim on !ehal" o" God?s law at the hands o" a lawless man. 'his was Herod8 the tetrarch o" Galilee8 the son o" Herod the Great8 surnamed Antipas8 who8 ha-ing a law"ul wi"e the daughter o" Arethas8 or Aretas8 king o" Ara!ia8 shamelessl$ di-orced her and seiLed8 in -iolation o" e-er$ commandment o" the law8 his !rother *hilip?s wi"e Herodias8 who had a daughter !$ him named &alome. 'he preacher o" repentance did not cease to denounce this rape and unlaw"ul union and !ecame an outspoken and se-ere denouncer o" the o""enders. DIt is not permitted $ou8 he said to him8 to ha-e $our !rother?s wi"e? B%ark >81=:. 6,/

Herod added to his other impious actions that o" arresting 4ohn and shutting him up in prison. He would ha-e had him murdered at once had the t$rant?s resol-e not wa-ered !ecause o" the pro"ound re-erence o" the crowd "or 4ohn and also his own respect "or him8 which he had "rom the !eginning entertained "or this hol$ and Eust man. 1ut in the end8 goaded !$ the sting o" his passion "or a woman8 he laid "oul hands on the teacher o" purit$ on the "esti-e da$ o" his !irthda$. 2hen &alome had danced to his satis"action and that o" his "ellow !anFueters8 he made a promise to her8 more senseless than all senselessness8 with an oath that8 e-en were she to ask "or hal" his kingdom8 he would gi-e it her as a reward "or her dance. 'he dancer consulted her mother and at once asked "or the head o" 4ohn the 1aptist on a dish. 'he transgressor o" God?s law8 "eigning his keeping the law with regard to the oath8 put the condition o" his soul into action and "illed his polluted !anFuet with streams o" a prophet?s !lood. 'hat allChonoured head8 re-ered also !$ the Angels8 he ga-e as a priLe "or a lasci-ious dance and it !ecame a to$ "or a licentious daughter and an adulterous mother. 'he godl$ 1aptist?s disciples came and took his most sacred !od$ and !uried it in a gra-e B%ark >8,1C,;:. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one ,. 'he Eust is remem!ered with praisesJ !ut "or $ou8 ) Forerunner8 the 0ord?s testimon$ su""ices. For $ou were re-ealed as more praiseworth$ than the *rophets8 !ecause $ou were "ound worth$ to !aptise in running streams the )ne the$ had proclaimed. 'here"ore $ou struggled !ra-el$ "or the truth with Eo$8 and preached to those in Hell a God who had appeared in "lesh8 who takes awa$ the sin o" the world and grants us his great merc$. Kontakion. 'one 6. 'he glorious 1eheading o" the Forerunner !ecame a di-ine dispensation8 so that he might to those in Hades also the coming o" the &a-iour. 0et Herodias lament "or 6,6

demanding a lawless murder8 "or she did not lo-e the law o" God or a li-ing age8 !ut one arti"icial and temporar$. .5. )" our Fathers among the &aints Alexander8 *aul and 4ohn the New8 arch!ishops o" onstantinople. Apol$tikion. 'one /. B ommon: God o" our Fathers8 who alwa$s deal with us in $our "or!earance8 do not depri-e us o" $our merc$8 !ut at their intercessions guide our li"e in peace. .1. 'he 0a$ing up o" the precious Girdle o" our most hol$ 0ad$ the %other o" God. *ermission "or wine and oil. Apol$tikion. 'one =. +-erC#irgin %other o" God8 protection o" mortals8 $ou ha-e gi-en the Apparel and the Girdle o" $our most pure !od$ as a might$ !ulwark to $our it$8 "or !$ $our gi-ing !irth without seed the$ ha-e remained incorrupt. For in $ou !oth nature and time are made new. 'here"ore we implore $ou to grant peace to the inha!ited world8 and to our souls God?s great merc$.

%he %ypica 5on Sunday and feast days6.

An )rthodox worship ser-ice "or la$men who are without clerg$. A"ter the .Crd8 >C th and the ;Cth Hours8 read/ thing this *salm 172 Choir: 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soul. 1lessed art 'hou8 ) 0ord. 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soul8 and all that is within me !less His hol$ name. 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ 6,>

soul8 and "orget not all that He hath done "or 'hee. 2ho is gracious unto all thine iniFuities8 2ho healeth all thine in"irmities. 2ho redeemeth th$ li"e "rom corruption. 2ho crowneth thee with merc$ and compassion. 2ho "ul"illeth th$ desire with good thingsJ th$ $outh shall !e renewed as the eagle7s. 'he 0ord per"ormeth deeds o" merc$8 and executeth Eudgment "or all them that are wronged. He hath made His wa$s known unto %oses8 unto the sons o" Israel the things that He hath willed. ompassionate and merci"ul is the 0ord8 longCsu""ering and plenteous in merc$. Not unto the end will He !e angered8 neither unto eternit$ will He !e wroth. Not according to our iniFuities hath He dealt with us8 neither according to our sins hath He rewarded us. For according to the height o" hea-en "rom the earth8 the 0ord hath made His merc$ to pre-ail o-er them that "ear Him. As "ar as the east is "rom the west8 so "ar hath He remo-ed our iniFuities "rom us8 0ike as a "ather hath compassion upon his sons8 so hath the 0ord had compassion upon them that "ear Him. For He knoweth whereo" we are made8 He hath remem!ered that we are dust. As "or man8 his da$s are as the grassJ as a "lower o" the "ield8 so shall he !lossom "orth. For when the wind is passed o-er it8 then it shall !e gone8 and no longer will it know the place thereo". 1ut the merc$ o" the 0ord is "rom eternit$8 e-en unto eternit$8 upon them that "ear Him. And His righteousness is upon sons o" sons8 upon them that keep His testament and remem!er His commandments to do them. 'he 0ord in hea-en hath prepared His throne8 and His kingdom ruleth o-er all. 1less the 0ord8 all $e His angels8 might$ in strength8 that per"orm His word8 to hear the -oice o" His words. 1less the 0ord8 all $e His hosts8 His ministers that do His will. 1less the 0ord8 all $e His works8 in e-er$ place o" His dominion. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 1oth now and e-er8 and unto the ages o" ages. Amen. 1less the 0ord. ) m$ soul8 and all that is within me !less His hol$ name. 1lessed art 'hou8 ) 0ord. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 6,<

*salm 1/8 Choir: *raise the 0ord8 ) m$ soul. I will praise the 0ord in m$ li"e8 I will chant unto m$ God "or as long as I ha-e m$ !eing. 'rust $e not in princes8 in the sons o" men8 in whom there is no sal-ation. His spirit shall go "orth8 and he shall return unto his earth. In that da$ all his thoughts shall perish. 1lessed is he o" whom the God o" 4aco! is his help8 whose hope is in the 0ord his God. 2ho hath made hea-en and earth8 the sea and all that is therein. 2ho keepeth truth unto eternit$8 2ho executeth Eudgment "or the wronged8 2ho gi-eth "ood unto the hungr$. 'he 0ord looseth the "etteredJ the 0ord maketh wise the !lindJ the 0ord setteth aright the "allenJ the 0ord lo-eth the righteousJ 'he 0ord preser-eth the prosel$tes. He shall adopt "or His own the orphan and widow8 and the wa$ o" sinners shall He destro$. 'he 0ord shall !e king unto eternit$J th$ God8 ) &ion8 unto generation and generation. 1oth now and e-er8 and unto the ages o" ages. Amen. Choir: ) )nl$C!egotten &on and 2ord o" God8 2ho art immortal8 Iet didst deign "or our sal-ation 'o !e incarnate o" the hol$ 'heotokos and e-erC-irgin %ar$8 And without change didst !ecome man8 And wast cruci"ied8 ) hrist God8 trampling down death !$ death8 'hou 2ho art one o" the Hol$ 'rinit$8 Glori"ied with the Father and the Hol$ &pirit8 sa-e us. %he $eatitudes Choir: In 'h$ Kingdom remem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when 'hou comest in 'h$ kingdom. 1lessed are the poor in spirit8 "or theirs is the kingdom o" hea-en. 1lessed are the$ that mourn8 "or the$ shall !e com"orted. 6,=

1lessed are the meek8 "or the$ shall inherit the earth. 1lessed are the$ that hunger and thirst a"ter righteousness8 "or the$ shall !e "illed. 1lessed are the merci"ul8 "or the$ shall o!tain merc$. 1lessed are the pure in heart8 "or the$ shall see God. 1lessed are the peacemakers8 "or the$ shall !e called sons o" God. 1lessed are the$ that are persecuted "or righteousness7 sake8 "or theirs is the kingdom o" hea-en. 1lessed are $e when men shall re-ile $ou8 and persecute $ou8 and shall sa$ all manner o" e-il against $ou "alsel$ "or %$ sake. (eEoice and !e exceedingl$ glad8 "or great is $our reward in the hea-ens. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 1oth now and e-er8 and unto the ages o" ages. Amen. Troparion and ,ontakion. )n &unda$s we read the Kontakion o" the 'one o" the da$ "ound at the end o" this pu!lication. 'hen we read the Kontakion o" the 'emple8 "ollowed !$ the Kontakion o" the saint o" the da$. ,ontakion of the Temple. ) $e !lossoms o" the spiritual meadow o" (ussia8 who ha-e wondrousl$ "lowered in the $ears o" "ierce persecutions8 num!erless new mart$rs and con"essors: ro$al passionC!earers8 hierarchs8 and pastors8 monastics and la$men8 men8 women8 and children8 who in patience ha-e !rought "orth good "ruit unto hrist. +ntreat Him as the )ne 2ho planted $ou to deli-er His people "rom godless and e-il people8 and that the hurch o" (ussia !e made "irm !$ $our !lood and su""erings8 unto the sal-ation o" our souls. 6,;

,ontakion of the Theotokos. ) *rotection o" hristians that cannot !e put to shame8 ) mediation unto the reator un"ailing8 disdain not the suppliant -oices o" sinnersJ !ut !e thou Fuick8 ) good one8 to help us who in "aith cr$ unto thee: Hasten to intercession and speed thou to make supplication8 thou who dost e-er protect8 ) 'heotokos8 them that honor thee. Trisagion: Choir: Hol$ GodH Hol$ %ight$H Hol$ ImmortalH Ha-e merc$ on us 1thrice+. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 now and e-er and unto ages o" ages. Amen. Hol$ ImmortalH Ha-e merc$ on us. Hol$ GodH Hol$ %ight$H Hol$ ImmortalH Ha-e merc$ on us. The 8pistle and +ospel reading 'he *rokeimeon 'he 6eader reads the *rokeimeon in the proper 'one "or the gi-en &unda$. 'hese are "ound at the end o" this pu!lication. 'he +pistle o" the da$. Choir0 Alleluia 1three times+ 'he Gospel o" the da$


6eader: (emem!er us8 ) 0ord8 when 'hou comest in 'h$ kingdom. (emem!er us8 ) %aster8 when 'hou comest in 'h$ kingdom. (emem!er us8 ) Hol$ )ne8 when 'hou comest in th$ kingdom. 'he hea-enl$ choir praiseth 'hee and saith: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord o" &a!aothJ hea-en and earth are "ull o" 'h$ glor$. ome unto Him8 and !e enlightened8 and $our "aces shall not !e ashamed. 'he hea-enl$ choir praiseth 'hee and saith: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$8 0ord o" &a!aothH hea-en and earth are "ull o" 'h$ glor$. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit. 'he choir o" hol$ angels and archangels8 with all the hea-enl$ hosts8 praiseth 'hee and saith: Hol$8 Hol$8 Hol$. 0ord o" &a!aothJ hea-en and earth are "ull o" 'h$ glor$. 1oth now and e-er8 and unto the ages o" ages. Amen. 'he heru!im h$mn Choir: 0et us who m$sticall$ represent the heru!im and chant the thriceChol$ h$mn unto the li"eCgi-ing 'rinit$8 now la$ aside all earthl$ cares. 'hat we ma$ recei-e the King o" all who cometh in-isi!l$ up!orne !$ the angelic hosts. AlleluiaH AlleluiaH AlleluiaH %he sym$ol of faith. Choir: I !elie-e in one God8 the Father Almight$8/ %aker o" hea-en and earth8 and o" all things -isi!le and in-isi!le.// And in one 0ord 4esus hrist8 the &on o" God8/ the )nl$C!egotten8 !egotten o" the Father !e"ore all agesJ// 0ight o" 0ight8 true God o" true GodJ/ !egotten8 not madeJ o" one essence with the FatherJ !$ 2hom all things were madeJ// 2ho "or us men8 and "or our sal-ation came down "rom the hea-ens8/ and was incarnate o" the Hol$ &pirit and the #irgin %ar$8 6.1

and !ecame manJ// And was cruci"ied "or us under *ontius *ilate8/ and su""ered8/ and was !uriedJ/ and rose again on the third da$ according to the &cripturesJ// And ascended into the hea-ens8 and sitteth at the right hand o" the FatherJ/ And shall come again with glor$8 to Eudge !oth the li-ing and the deadJ 2hose kingdom shall ha-e no end.// And in the Hol$ &pirit8 the 0ord8 the Gi-er o" li"eJ 2ho proceedeth "rom the FatherJ/ 2ho with the Father and the &on together is worshipped and glori"iedJ 2ho spake !$ the prophets.// In )ne8 Hol$8 atholic8 and Apostolic hurch./ I con"ess one !aptism "or the remission o" sins.// I look "or the resurrection o" the dead8/ And the li"e o" the age to come. Amen. Choir: It is trul$ meet to !less thee8 the 'heotokos8 e-erC!lessed and most !lameless8 and mother o" our God. %ore honora!le than the heru!im8 and !e$ond compare more glorious than the &eraphim8 thee who without corruption ga-est !irth to God the 2ord8 the -er$ 'heotokos8 thee do we magni"$. #ommemoration of the li,ing and departed 6eader: (emem!er8 ) 0ord 4esus hrist our God8 'h$ mercies and !ounties which are "rom all eternit$8 and through which 'hou didst !ecome man and didst will to su""er cruci"ixion and death "or the sal-ation o" those who rightl$ !elie-e in 'hee8 and ha-ing risen "rom the dead didst ascend into hea-en8 and sittest at the right hand o" God the Father and regardest the hum!le entreaties o" those who call upon 'hee with all their heart: Incline thine ear8 and hear the hum!le pra$ers o" 'h$ worthless ser-ants8 as the "ragrance o" spiritual incense8 which we o""er to 'hee "or all people. And "irst remem!er 'h$ Hol$ atholic and Apostolic hurch8 which 'hou hast pro-ided through 'h$ precious !lood. on"irm8 strengthen8 extend8 and increase her8 and keep her in peace8 and "or e-er proo" against the power o" hell. alm the dissensions o" the hurches8 and "oil the plans o" the powers o" darkness8 dispel the preEudice o" the nations and Fuickl$ 6.,

ruin and root out the risings o" heres$8 and "rustrate them !$ the power o" the Hol$ &pirit. Choir: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ 1after e)ery petition+. 6eader: &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on our president and all in authorit$ throughout the world8 commandersCinCchie" o" armies and na-ies and airC"leets8 go-ernors o" pro-inces and cities8 and all the hristClo-ing na-ies8 armies8 and policeJ protect their power with peace8 and su!due under their "eet e-er$ enem$ and "oe8 and speak peace and !lessing in their hearts "or 'h$ hol$ church8 and "or all 'h$ people8 and grant that in their calm we too ma$ lead a Fuiet and peace"ul li"e in true !elie"8 in all piet$ and honest$. Choir: 0ord8 ha-e merc$ 1after e)ery petition+. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on )rthodox 1ishops8 the *riests and 3eacons8 and all who ser-e in the hurch and whom 'hou hast ordained to "eed 'h$ spiritual "lockJ and !$ their pra$ers8 ha-e merc$ on us sinners. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on our parish priest@sAJ with all his @theirA !rethren in hrist8 and !$ their pra$ers ha-e merc$ on us8 wretches that we are. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on our spiritual "athers and !$ their pra$ers "orgi-e us our sins. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on all workers in our parish8 our !rethren and sisters8 and all hristians. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on our parents8 our !rothers and sisters8 and all o" our relati-es8 and the neigh!ors o" our "amilies8 and our "riends. And grant the 'h$ worldl$ and spiritual goods. 6..

&a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ according to the multitude o" 'h$ !ounties8 on all priests8 monks8 and nuns8 and on all li-ing in -irginit$8 de-otion8 and "asting8 in monasteries8 in deserts8 in ca-es8 on mountains8 on pillars8 in hermitages8 in the cle"ts o" rocks8 and right "aith in e-er$ place o" 'h$ dominion8 and de-outl$ ser-ing 'hee8 and pra$ing to 'hee. 0ighten their !urden8 console them in their a""lictions8 and grant them strength8 power8 and perse-erance in their struggle8 and !$ their pra$ers grant us remission o" our sins. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on the old8 and the $oung8 the poor and destitute8 the orphans and widows8 the leper colonies8 epileptics and spastics8 and all those in sickness and sorrow8 mis"ortune and tri!ulation8 capti-es and exiles in mines8 prisons8 re"ormatories8 ps$chiatric hospitals8 and especiall$ on those o" 'h$ ser-ants su""ering persecution "or 'h$ sake and "or the )rthodox Faith "rom godless peoples8 apostates8 and heretics. #isit8 strengthen8 com"ort8 and heal them8 and !$ 'h$ power Fuickl$ grant them relie"8 "reedom8 and deli-erance. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on our !ene"actors8 who ha-e merc$ on us and "eed us8 and us o" anxiet$ !$ gi-ing us those things in which we stand o" need8 and entrust us8 unworth$ as we are8 to pra$ "or themJ and gi-e them 'h$ grace8 and grant them all their reFuests which lead to sal-ation8 and the attainment o" eternal Eo$. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on all in our parish8 and on all )rthodox hristians who are messengers and missionaries in 'h$ ser-ice8 and are tra-elling. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on those whom each o" us hast o""ended or scandaliLed !$ our madness or inad-ertence8 and whom we ha-e turned "rom the wa$ o" sal-ation8 and whom we ha-e led into e-il and harm"ul deeds. 1$ 'h$ di-ine pro-idence restore them again to the wa$ o" sal-ation. &a-e8 ) 0ord8 and ha-e merc$ on those who hate and o""end us8 and do us harm8 and let them not perish through us sinners. 6./

Illumine with the light o" grace all apostates "rom the )rthodox Faith8 and those !linded !$ pernicious heresies8 and draw them to 'h$sel"8 and unite them to 'h$ Hol$8 Apostolic8 atholic hurch. (emem!er8 ) 0ord8 those who ha-e departed "rom this li"e8 )rthodox kings and Fueens8 princes and princesses8 )rthodox *atriarchs8 %etropolitans8 Arch!ishops8 and 1ishops8 *riests and 3eacons8 and those who ha-e ser-ed 'hee in the %onastic &tate8 and the departed "ounders o" this church and grant them rest with the &aints in 'h$ eternal dwellings. (emem!er8 ) 0ord8 the souls o" 'h$ ser-ants who ha-e departed in sleep8 our parents and all o" our relati-es according to the "leshJ "orgi-e them e-er$ transgression8 -oluntar$ and in-oluntar$J grant them the kingdom and a part in 'h$ eternal Eo$s8 and the delight o" 'h$ !lessed and e-erlasting li"e. Amen.

%he 2ord9s *rayer Choir: )ur Father8 2ho art in the hea-ens8 hallowed !e 'h$ name. 'h$ kingdom come8 'h$ will !e done8 on earth as it is in hea-en. Gi-e us this da$ our dail$ !read8 and "orgi-e us our de!ts8 as we "orgi-e our de!torsJ and lead us not into temptation8 !ut deli-er us "rom the e-il one. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$ 1%wel)e %imes+. 6eader: ) allChol$ 'rinit$8 the consu!stantial 3ominion8 the indi-isi!le kingdom8 and cause o" e-er$ good: &how 'h$ good will e-en unto me8 the sinners make stead"ast m$ heart and grant it understanding8 and take awa$ mine e-er$ de"ilementJ enlighten m$ mind that I ma$ glori"$8 h$mn8 worship8 and sa$: )ne is Hol$8 )ne is 0ord8 4esus hrist8 to the glor$ o" God the Father. Amen. 6.6

1lessed !e the name o" the 0ord "rom hence"orth and "or e-ermore. 1%hrice+. Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and e-er8 and unto the ages o" ages. Amen. *salm .. Choir: I will !less the 0ord at all times8 His praise shall continuall$ !e in m$ mouth. In the 0ord shall m$ soul !e praisedJ let the meek hear and !e glad. ) %agni"$ the 0ord with me8 and let us exalt His name together. I sought the 0ord8 and He heard me8 and deli-ered me "rom all m$ tri!ulations. ome unto Him8 and !e enlightened8 and $our "aces shall not !e ashamed. 'his poor man cried8 and the 0ord heard him8 and sa-ed him out o" all his tri!ulations. 'he angel o" the 0ord will encamp round a!out them that "ear Him8 and will deli-er them. ) 'aste and see that the 0ord is goodJ !lessed is the man that hopeth in Him. ) Fear the 0ord8 all $e His saintsJ "or there is no want to them that "ear Him. (ich men ha-e turned poor and gone hungr$J !ut the$ that seek the 0ord shall not !e depri-ed o" an$ good thing. ome $e children8 hearken unto meJ I will teach $ou the "ear o" the 0ord. 2hat man is there that desireth li"e8 who lo-eth to see good da$sM Keep th$ tongue "rom e-il8 and th$ lips "rom speaking guile. 'urn awa$ "rom e-il and do goodJ seek peace8 and pursue it. 'he e$es o" the 0ord are upon the righteous8 and His ears are opened unto their supplication. 'he "ace o" the 0ord is against them that do e-il8 utterl$ to destro$ the remem!rance o" them "rom the earth. 'he righteous cried8 and the 0ord heard them8 and He deli-ered them out o" all their tri!ulations. 'he 0ord is nigh unto them that are o" a contrite heart8 and He will sa-e the hum!le o" spirit. %an$ are the tri!ulations o" the righteous8 and the 0ord shall deli-er them out o" them all. 'he 0ord keepeth all their !ones8 not one o" them shall !e !roken. 'he death o" sinners is e-il8 and the$ that hate the righteous 6.>

shall do wrong. 'he 0ord will redeem the souls o" His ser-ants8 and none o" them will do wrong that hope in Him. Choir: Glor$ to the Father8 and to the &on8 and to the Hol$ &pirit8 !oth now and e-er8 and unto the ages o" ages. Amen. 0ord8 ha-e merc$. 1%hrice+ 1less8 ) 0ord. Choir: 'he )rthodox +piscopate o" the persecuted (ussian hurch8 our lord the #er$ %ost (e-erend %etropolitan ]]]]] 8 First Hierarch o" the (ussian hurch A!roadJ and our lord the %ost (e-erend Arch!ishop]]]]] 8 the !rotherhood o" this hol$ 'emple8 and all )rthodox hristiansJ preser-e8 ) 0ord8 "or man$ $ears. %he Sermon 'hen is read one o" the sermons o" the Hol$ Fathers8 or o" a modern saint.

%roparia and Konda1ia.

First tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 2hen the stone had !een sealed !$ the 4ews and when the soldiers were guarding 'h$ pure 1od$8 ) &a-ior8 'hou didst rise on the third da$ and gi-e li"e to the world. 'here"ore8 the powers o" hea-en cried to 'hee8 ) gi-er o" li"e: Glor$ to 'h$ resurrection8 ) hristH Glor$ to 'h$ kingdomH Glor$ to 'h$ pro-idence8 ) onl$ lo-er o" menH 6.<

'he kontakion o" the (esurrection 'hou didst rise as God "rom the tom! with glor$ and with 'h$sel" didst raise the world8 and the nature o" men sings to 'hee as God8 and death has -anished8 and Adam dances "or Eo$8 ) 0ord8 and +-e8 now "reed "rom her "etters reEoices8 cr$ing: 'hou8 ) hrist8 art He 2ho gi-est to all resurrection. 'he prokeimenon 0et 'h$ merc$8 ) 0ord8 !e upon us8 according as we ha-e hoped in 'hee. ti(hos: (eEoice in the 0ord8 ) $e righteousJ praise is meet "or the upright. 2lleluia: ) God 2ho gi-est a-engement unto me and hast su!dued peoples under me. ti(hos: It is He that magni"ieth the sal-ation o" His king and worketh merc$ "or His anointed8 "or 3a-id and "or his seed unto eternit$. #erses on the !eatitudes 'hrough "ood8 the enem$ led Adam out o" *aradiseJ and through the ross hrist led the thie" !ack into it cr$ing: (emem!er me8 ) 0ord8 when 'hou comest into 'h$ kingdom. I -enerate 'h$ su""erings and glori"$ 'h$ resurrection. 2ith Adam and with the thie" I raise a shining cr$ to 'hee: (emem!er me8 ) 0ord8 when 'hou comest into 'h$ kingdom. 2ithout sin8 hast 'hou !een cruci"ied8 and o" 'hine own will hast 'hou !een laid in the tom!. 1ut 'hou as God hast risen raising Adam with 'h$sel"8 cr$ing: (emem!er me8 when 'hou comest into 'h$ kingdom. )n the third da$8 ) hrist our God8 'hou hast raised "rom the tom! the temple o" 'h$ X!od$ raising with 'h$sel" Adam and those descending "rom him8 cr$ing: (emem!er me when 'hou comest into 'h$ kingdom. 6.=

'he women !earing m$rrh came earl$ in the morning lamenting to 'h$ tom!8 ) hrist our God8 and the$ "ound there an angel in shining white seated and cr$ingJ 2hat do $e seekM hrist is risen8 weep no more. ) 0ord8 'hine apostles as 'hou hast ordered them were !eside 'hee on the mountain and seeing 'hee. ) &a-ior8 the$ worshipped and 'hou hast sent them "orth to teach and to !aptiLe the nations. Second tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 2hen 'hou8 the deathless li"e8 didst go down to death8 then didst 'hou sla$ hell !$ the lightening "lash o" 'h$ di-init$. And when 'hou didst raise the dead "rom the lower world8 all the powers o" hea-en cried aloud: hrist our God8 gi-er o" li"e8 glor$ to 'hee. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection 'hou didst rise "rom the tom!8 allCpower"ul &a-ior8 and seeing the miracle8 hell was terri"ied8 and the dead rose8 whilst creation at the sight o" it reEoices with 'hee8 and Adam exults8 and the world8 ) m$ &a-ior8 e-er sings to 'hee. 'he prokeimenon 'he 0ord is m$ strength and m$ song8 and He is !ecome m$ sal-ation. ti(hos: 2ith chastisement hath the 0ord chastened men !ut He hath not gi-en me o-er unto death. 2lleluia: 'he 0ord hear thee in the da$ o" a""lictionJ the name o" the God o" 4aco! de"end thee. ti(hos: ) 0ord8 sa-e the king8 and hearken unto us in the da$ when we call upon 'hee. #erses on the !eatitudes 6.;

2e o""er 'hee the -oice o" the thie" and cr$ aloud to 'heeJ (emem!er us8 ) &a-ior in 'h$ kingdom. 2e !ring 'hee the cross "or the "orgi-eness o" o""ences. For us hast 'hou accepted it8 ) lo-er o" mankind. 2e -enerate8 ) %aster8 'h$ tom! and 'h$ rising8 through which 'hou hast deli-ered the world "rom corruption8 ) lo-er o" mankind. 1$ 'h$ death8 ) 0ord8 death has !een swallowed up8 and !$ 'h$ resurrection8 &a-ior8 has the world !een sa-ed. 'hose sleeping in darkness ha-e seen 'hee8 the light8 and the$ ha-e risen out o" the nethermost parts o" hell8 ) hrist. (isen "rom the tom! 'hou hast met the women !earing m$rrh and told the disciples to proclaim 'h$ rising. %hird tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 0et the hea-ens reEoice and let the earth !e glad8 "or the 0ord has done a might$ act with His arm. He has trampled death !$ death and !ecome the "irstC!orn o" the dead. He has deli-ered "rom the depths o" hell8 and has granted the world His great merc$. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection 'hou didst rise toda$ "rom the gra-e8 ) merci"ul one8 and hast led us out o" the gates o" death. 'oda$ Adam dances "or Eo$ and +-e reEoices8 and with them the prophets and patriarchs unceasingl$ sing o" the di-ine triumph o" 'h$ power. 'he prokeimenon 6/5

) chant unto our God8 chant $eJ chant unto our king8 chant $e. ti(hos: lap $our hands8 all $e nationsJ shout unto God with a -oice o" reEoicing. 2lleluia: In 'hee8 ) 0ord8 ha-e I hoped8 let me not !e put to shame in the age to come. ti(hos: 1e 'hou unto me a God to de"end me and a house o" re"uge to sa-e me. #erses on the !eatitudes ) hrist8 'hou hast cast out o" *aradise Adam8 the "ore"ather8 who had set aside 'h$ commandment. And in 'h$ compassion8 'hou hast made to dwell therein the thie" con"essing 'hee upon the cross and cr$ingJ (emem!er me8 ) &a-ior8 in 'h$ kingdom. ) gi-er o" li"e and lord8 'hou hast condemned us ha-ing sinned to the curse o" death. And su""ering in 'h$ sinless !od$ 'hou hast made mortal men li-e cr$ing: (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. ) 0ord8 risen "rom the dead8 'hou hast raised us "rom passions !$ 'h$ resurrection. And 'hou hast destro$ed all the might o" death. 'here"ore we cr$ with "aith to 'hee: (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. 1$ 'h$ three da$s7 !urial hast 'hou8 making them li-e8 raised those l$ing dead in hell. And 'hou as good hast poured "orth incorruption upon us who at all times cr$ with "aithJ (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. (isen "rom the tom!8 'hou hast "irst appeared to the women !earing m$rrh and hast cried: (eEoiceH and through them 'hou dost make known 'h$ rising to 'h$ "riends8 ) hristJ (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. )n the mountain8 %oses8 holding his arms outspread pre"igured the cross and de"eated Amalek. And we ha-ing recei-ed it with "aith as a strong weapon against de-ils all cr$: (eCmem!er us in 'h$ kingdom.


Fourth %one 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 2hen the women disciples o" the 0ord learned "rom the angel the glad tidings o" the resurrection and cast o"" the ancestral curse8 the$ exultingl$ told the apostlesJ 3eath is despoiled8 hrist our God has risen and is gi-ing the world the great merc$. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection %$ &a-ior and deli-erer "rom the gra-e8 as God8 raised the earthC!orn "rom their chains8 and shattered the gates o" hellJ and He rose as 0ord on the third da$. 'he prokeimenon How magni"ied are 'h$ works8 ) 0ord. In wisdom hast 'hou made them all. ti(hos: 1less the 0ord8 ) m$ soulJ ) 0ord m$ God8 'hou hast !een magni"ied exceedingl$. 2lleluia: 1end 'h$ !ow8 and proceed prosperousl$8 and !e king8 !ecause o" truth and meekness and righteousness. ti(hos: 'hou hast lo-ed righteousness and hated iniFuit$. #erses on the !eatitudes 'hrough a tree8 Adam was depri-ed o" his home in *aradiseJ while through the wood o" the cross8 the thie" went there to dwell. For the one !$ tasting set aside the commandment o" the %aker8 while the other8 cruci"ied with Him8 con"essed the hidden God cr$ing aloud: (emem!er me in 'h$ kingdom. 0i"ted upon the cross8 'hou8 ) 0ord8 as God8 hath !oth destro$ed the power o" death and !lotted out the handwriting against us. 3o 'hou 2ho alone lo-est mankind8 grant us the repentance o" the thie" as we ser-e 'hee with "aith8 ) hrist our God8 and cr$ to 'hee: (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. 6/,

ruci"ied and rising "rom the tom! in power on the third da$8 with 'h$sel" hast 'hou8 onl$ Immortal8 raised Adam8 the "irstC"ormed man. %ake me also worth$8 ) 0ord8 to turn to repentance with m$ whole heart and with warm "aith e-er to cr$ to 'hee: (emem!er me8 ) &a-ior8 in 'h$ kingdom. 'hou hast torn to pieces on the cross8 the handwriting against8 us and counted among the dead8 'hou hast !ound $onder t$rant8 deli-ering all "rom the !onds o" hell !$ 'h$ resurrection. 'hrough it we ha-e !een enlightened and cr$ aloud to 'hee8 0ord who lo-est mankind: (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. For our sake He 2ho is without passion8 !ecame a su""ering man and nailed upon the cross o" His own will8 He raised us with Himsel". 'here"ore with the cross we glori"$ the passion and the resurrection through which we ha-e !oth !een made anew and through which we ha-e !een sa-ed8 cr$ing: (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. 0et us entreat with "aith Him rising "rom the dead despoiling the power o" hell8 2ho was seen !$ the women !earing m$rrh and said to the: (eEoiceH "or our souls alwa$s to !e deli-ered "rom corruption8 cr$ing at all times to Him with the gracious -oice o" the thie": (emem!er us also in 'h$ kingdom. Fifth tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 0et us8 the "aith"ul8 praise and adore the 2ord8 coCeternal with the Father and the &pirit8 2ho "or our sal-ation was !orn o" a -irgin. For He was pleased to ascend the cross in the "lesh and to endure death and to raise the dead !$ His glorious resurrection. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection 6/.

'hou didst descend into hell8 m$ &a-ior8 and ha-ing shattered its gates8 as all power"ul8 'hou didst raise the dead with 'h$sel"8 as creator8 and didst deli-er Adam "rom the curse8 ) lo-er o" men. 'here"ore8 we all cr$ to 'hee: &a-e us8 ) 0ord. 'he prokeimenon 'hou8 ) 0ord8 shall keep us and shall preser-e us "rom this generation and "or e-ermore. ti(hos: &a-e me8 ) 0ord8 "or a righteous man there is no more. 2lleluia: )" 'h$ mercies8 ) 0ord8 will I sing "or e-er. 9nto generation and generation will I declare 'h$ truth with m$ mouth. ti(hos: For 'hou hast said: %erc$ shall !e !uilt up "or e-er. In the hea-ens shall 'h$ truth !e esta!lished. #erses on the !eatitudes 'he thie" on the cross !elie-ing 'hee to !e God con"essed 'hee earnestl$ "rom his heart8 cr$ing aloud: ) 0ord8 remem!er me in 'h$ kingdom. 0et us with one accord praise as &a-ior and creator Him 2ho made li"e "lower "or our kind !$ the wood o" the cross and 2ho withered the curse coming "rom the tree. 1$ 'h$ death8 ) hrist8 'hou hast destro$ed the might o" death and hast raised with 'h$sel" those dead "rom the ages praising 'hee as our true God and &a-ior. 'he hol$ women ha-ing come to the tom!8 ) hrist8 sought to anoint 'hee8 gi-er o" li"e8 with m$rrh8 and an angel appeared to them cr$ing aloud: 'he 0ord is risen. 'hou hast !een cruci"ied8 ) hrist8 !etween two condemned thie-es and one o" them !laspheming 'hee was rightl$ sentenced8 while the other8 con"essing 'hee8 went to dwell in *aradise. 6//

'he hol$ women coming to the choir o" the apostles li"ted their -oices cr$ingJ hrist is risenJ 2orship $e Him as master and creator. Sixth tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 'he angelic hosts were !e"ore 'h$ tom!8 the guards !ecame as dead men8 and %ar$ stood in the sepulchre looking "or 'h$ pure !od$. 'hou didst despoil hell8 "or 'hou wast not tempted !$ it. 'hou didst come and meet the -irgin to gi-e li"e. ) 0ord8 2ho didst rise "rom the dead8 glor$ to 'hee. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection Ha-ing raised all the dead "rom the -alle$s o" darkness !$ His li"eCgi-ing hand8 hrist our God granted resurrection to the human dough. For He is the &a-ior o" all8 the resurrection and li"e and God o" all. 'he prokeimenon &a-e8 ) 0ord8 'h$ people8 and !less 'hine inheritance. ti(hos: 9nto 'hee8 ) 0ord8 will I cr$J ) m$ God8 !e not silent unto me. 2lleluia: He that dwelleth in the help o" the %ost High shall a!ide in the shelter o" the God o" hea-en. ti(hos: He shall sa$ unto the 0ord: 'hou art m$ helper and m$ re"uge. He is m$ God8 and I will hope in Him. #erses on the 1eatitudes (emem!er me8 m$ God and &a-ior8 when 'hou comest into 'h$ kingdom and sa-e me as 'hou alone lo-est mankind. 6/6

'hrough the wood o" the cross 'hou hast sa-ed again Adam who was !eguiled !$ the tree and the thie" as he cried aloud: (emem!er me8 ) 0ord8 in 'h$ kingdom. ) gi-er o" li"e8 ha-ing !roken the gates and chains o" hellJ 'hou8 &a-ior8 hast made all men rise cr$ing aloud: Glor$ to 'h$ resurrection. 3o 'hou 2ho hast !$ 'h$ !urial and 'h$ resurrection despoiled death8 and "illed all things with Eo$8 remem!er me as 'hou art compassionate. 2hen the women !earing m$rrh came to the tom! the$ heard an angel cr$ingJ hrist is risen8 "illing the whole world with light. 0et us all praise with one accord hrist nailed to the wood o" the cross thus deli-ering the world "rom error. Se,enth tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 'hou hast destro$ed death !$ 'h$ cross8 'hou hast opened paradise to the thie". 'hou hast changed the lamentation o" the m$rrhC!earers into Eo$8 and 'hou hast commanded 'hine apostles to proclaim that 'hou8 ) hrist our God8 hast risen and grantest the world the great merc$. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection No longer can the dominion o" death hold mortals8 "or hrist hath come down and hath shattered and !roken its power. Hell is !ound8 and the prophets reEoice with one -oice8 sa$ing: 'he &a-ior has appeared to those who ha-e "aith8 ome out8 $e "aith"ul8 "or the (esurrection. 'he prokeimenon 6/>

'he 0ord will gi-e strength unto His peopleJ the 0ord will !less His people with peace. ti(hos: 1ring unto the 0ord8 $e sons o" God8 !ring unto the 0ord the sons o" rams. 2lleluia: It is good to gi-e praise unto the 0ord8 and to chant unto 'h$ name8 ) %ost High. ti(hos: 'o proclaim in the morning 'h$ merc$8 and 'h$ truth !$ night. #erses on the !eatitudes Fair to look upon and good "or "ood was the "ruit that killed meJ while hrist is the tree o" li"e. +ating thereo"8 I die not !ut cr$ aloud with the thie"J (emem!er me8 ) 0ord8 in 'h$ kingdom. 0i"ted upon the cross8 'hou 2ho art compassionate8 hast !lotted out the handwriting o" Adam7s sin in da$s o" old8 and 'hou hast sa-ed "rom error all the whole line o" mortal men. 'here"ore we sing 'h$ praises8 ) !ene"actor and 0ord. 'hou hast nailed our sins upon the cross8 ) hrist 2ho art compassionate8 and !$ 'h$ death hast 'hou put death to death8 raising the dead "rom the dead. 'here"ore we -enerate 'h$ hol$ (esurrection. 'he serpent once emptied his poison into the ears o" +-eJ while hrist on the wood o" the cross poured the sweetness o" li"e into the world. (emem!er me8 ) 0ord8 in 'h$ kingdom. In the tom! wast 'hou laid as mortal8 ) hrist8 the li"e o" all and 'hou hast !urst asunder the chains o" hell and risen the third da$ in glor$ as might$. 'hou hast enlightened all. Glor$ to 'h$ rising. 'he 0ord rose "rom the dead on the third da$ and ga-e His own peace to the disciples. And He !lessed them and sent them "orth sa$ing: 0ead $e all men into %$ kingdom.


-ighth tone 'he troparion o" the (esurrection 'hou didst come down "rom on high8 %erci"ul &a-ior8 and accept !urial "or three da$s8 that 'hou mightest "ree us "rom our passions. ) 0ord8 our 0i"e and (esurrection8 glor$ to 'hee. 'he kontakion o" the (esurrection Ha-ing risen "rom the tom!8 'hou didst raise the dead and resurrect Adam8 and +-e dances with Eo$ at 'h$ resurrection. And all the ends o" the earth keep "esti-al at 'h$ rising "rom the dead. ) most merci"ul )ne. 'he prokeimenon %ake $our -ows and pa$ them to the 0ord our God. ti(hos: In 4udea is God known8 His name is great in Israel. 2lleluia: ome8 let us reEoice in the 0ord8 let us shout with Eu!ilation unto God our &a-ior. ti(hos: 0et us come !e"ore His countenance with thanksgi-ing8 and with psalms let us shout in Eu!ilation unto Him. #erses on the !eatitudes (emem!er us8 ) hrist8 &a-ior o" the world8 as 'hou hast remem!ered the thie" upon the cross. And make us all worth$ o" 'h$ hea-enl$ kingdom8 ) 'hou 2ho alone art compassionate. Hearken8 ) Adam8 and reEoice with +-e8 "or He 2ho "ormerl$ stripped $ou !oth and took thee capti-e through !eguilement8 is laid low !$ the cross o" hrist. )ur &a-ior8 ha-ing !een nailed !$ 'hine own will upon the tree8 'hou hast destro$ed the curse o" the tree that la$ on Adam and as 'hou art compassionate8 'hou hast gi-en those in 'hine image a dwelling place in *aradise. 6/=

'oda$ hrist is risen "rom the tom! gi-ing all the "aith"ul incorruption and He gi-es !ack Eo$ to the women !earing m$rrh: A"ter the *assion8 the (esurrectionH (eEoice ) $e wise women !earing m$rrh8 "irst to see the (esurrection o" hrist8 and 2ho announced to the apostles the good tidings thereo"8 that is8 the restoration o" the whole world. Ie apostles appearing as "riends o" hrist ha-ing the same throne as His in glor$ intercede as His disciples "or us to stand !e"ore Him with !oldness.


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