Sample Method Statement For Nuclear Testing

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The document discusses procedures for conducting field density tests using a nuclear gauge to test soil compaction. It outlines resources, responsibilities, permits, materials, activities, quality inspection, health and safety issues, and an environmental management plan.

The purpose is to identify hazards, a safe system of work and methodology for soil field density testing using a nuclear gauge to ensure all concerned persons are familiarized with the process in compliance with procedures.

Main hazards foreseen are related to edge protection, slope protection, equipment movement, ramp access, caving soil, and working below equipment.




evision History

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1.0 Purpose
2.0 Scope
3.0 References
4.0 Definitions and abbreviations
5.0 Resources
6.0 Responsibilities
7.0 Permits and licenses
8.0 Materials
9.0 Sequence of activities
10.0 Quality - Inspection
11.0 H&S issues, Risk assessment and Hazard analysis
12.0 Environmental Management / Monitoring Plan

1.0 Purpose

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The purpose of this method statement is to identify hazards, a safe system of work
and methodology for soil field density test by using nuclear density gauge, associated
with this contract package
To ensure that all the concerned persons are familiarized with the sequence of
activities, utilization of resources and relevant documents in compliance with H&S,
QA/QC and environmental procedures and Project Specification requirements.

2.0 Scope

This method statement covers all works related to soil field density testing for
Commercial Terminal Utility Buildings and Infrastructure which includes Soil Testing
Works – Compaction test for Formation level and back filling layers to determine
compaction percentage by field density test using nuclear density cage.
The Document describes details of equipment, methodology and inspection required
for conducting field dry density test at formation level and backfilling layers,
associated with this contract package.

3.0 References

IFC Drawings - Structural

General Cargo Terminal

using nuclear gauge.

4.0 Definitions and abbreviations

NPPSC – New Port Project Steering Committee - Client

PMC – Project Management Consultant
EDC – Engineering Design Consultant
HBK – Hamad Bin Khalid Co. W.L.L
PD - Project Director
PM – Project Manager
CM – Construction Manager
TM – Technical Manager
IFC – Issued for Construction
SSL – Structural Slab level
MDD – Maximum Dry Density
FGL – Finished Grade level
PQP – Project Quality Plan
MC – Moisture Content
OMC - Optimum Moisture Content
QC – Quality Control
CIR – Contractor’s Inspection Request
ITP – Inspection and testing plan
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PPE – personal protection Equipment

5.0 Resources

5.1 Supervision and Manpower

The number of Staff and manpower will be planned from the list below as per the
Item of works involved based on the location type and area of work.
Suitable trained staff and workers will be engaged to carry out all the relevant
activities at site. The technicians, Operators and Drivers will have the valid license (s)
permits to operate Vehicle or the nuclear gauge issued by Ministry of Environment.
a) Project Engineer
b) Site Engineer
c) QA/QC Engineer
d) H&S Manager
e) H&S Officer
f) First Aiders
g) Fire Warden
h) Drivers/Operators
i) Surveyor
j) Foreman
k) Operators
l) Banks man
m) Charge hand
n) Skilled Labour
o) Unskilled Labour
p) Nuclear gauge Technicians

5.2 Equipment

The number of equipment will be planned from the list below as per the volume of
works involved based on the location type and area of work
All Equipment will have valid certification from Ministry of Environment and tools for
the intended use shall confirm to and all legislative standards.
All Equipment will have the regular Maintenance and the inspection records.
Third party certification wherever applicable will be done and the relevant certificate
will be kept with the equipment/operator.
a) Nuclear Gauge of make CPN/Humboldt
b) Reference block, which will be along with nuclear gauge. ]
c) Drill rod and hammer capable of forming a hole of diameter 16mm.
d) Guide plate-A flat metal template, of size at least the same size of Nuclear gauge
base, with a hole in one end for the drill rod.
e) Fines, dry fine sand or dry native fines passing a 600 µm AS sieve.
f) Total Station with Valid Calibration certificate
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g) Survey Hand Tools
h) Masonry Hand tools
i) Testing Hand tools.

6.0 Responsibilities

– Compaction test at Formation level and back filling levels using nuclear gauge are
carried out.

7.0 Sequence of activities

7.1 Operational Checks

For ensuring the normal operation of nuclear gauge, the following checks will be
undertaken routinely or following repair as below:
a. Standard Count Check (Frequency: each day of use or as described in the
equipment manual).
b. A standard count will be, in accordance with standard count operating instruction and
the following will be ensured:
 The nuclear gauge is correctly located on the reference block
 The source rod handle is correctly located in the shielded position.
 Density standard count and moisture standard count values are recorded in the
nuclear gauge log book.
c. The average of the previous four recorded and accepted density standard counts and
moisture standard counts will be calculated.
8.0 The limits for density and moisture using the formulae below will be calculated and
recorded in log book:
L=SC−2 √ (SC ÷ PS)
Where SC =average density standard count (DS) or average moisture
standard count (MS)
L =Lower limit for density (Lþ) or Moisture (Lw)
U = Limit of density (Up) or moisture (Uw)
PS = nuclear gauge per scale factor
9.0 If the recorded standard count values lie within the range of Lþ to Up for density and
Lw to Uw for moisture,the nuclear gauge will be permitted to be used for testing works.
10.0 If the recorded standard count values lies outside the range of Lþ to Up for
density and Lw to Uw for moisture,the above steps from a toe will be repeated. Still the
count values are outside the range, the nuclear gauge will be removed from usage and
will be sent for repair and calibration.
i. Gauge Function check-Statistical Performance (Frequency: =-]’\p[-p[oMonthly)
a) The nuclear gauge and the reference block will be removed from the stor and the
reference block will be placed on the designated test location as described in

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b) At least 16 density and moisture counts in accordance with the appropriate statistical
count operating instruction will be taken,ensuring the following:
 The nuclear gauge is correctly located on the reference block
 The source rod handle is correctly located in the shieled position.
 Density standard count and moisture standard count values are recorded in the
nuclear gauge log book.
c) The mean and standard deviation of the density counts and moisture counts will be
d) The density and the moisture ratios will be calculated using the formula below and
the same will be recorded in nuclear gauge log book:
r =s ÷ √ C
Where r = density ratio (rp) or moisture ratio (rw)
S = standard deviation of the density or moisture counts
C = mean density count (Cp) or mean moisture count (Cw)
e) If the value of density ratio and moisture ratio are within the limits in the below table,
the nuclear gauge will be permitted to be used for testing
Nuclear gauge Lower Limit Upper Limit
CPN 0.75 1.25
Humboldt 0.60 1.40

ii. Density System Consistency Check (Frequency: monthly)

Density system consistency check will be performed in accordance with nuclear gauge
testing manual.

9.2 Test site selection and Preparation

a) At the designated test location, the guide plate will be used to define test site
which is flat and free from depressions. The guide plate will be used to trim the
surface of some materials, in such a way that, this action does not affect the
compaction of the area.
b) All loose materials will be brushed away from the test site and fine sand or native
fines will be sprinkled on the surface. The guide plates will be moved above the
surface until all the voids are filled. It will also be ensured that, the sand or fines
are not forming an added layer.
c) The guide plate will be placed on the test site and hole will be drilled at least 200
mm from the compacted level for backfilling. The depth of hole will not exceed300
d) The guide plate will be removed and the prepared test area will be repaired using
some additional sand or fines, as required.

9.3 Field density testing using nuclear gauge

a) Part of source rod will be exposed. Nuclear gauge will be placed on the prepared
test site, in such a way that, the source rod is placed in the formed hole.
b) The source rod will be moved to required measurement depth.
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c) The source rod will be eased against the hole wall by moving the nuclear gauge in
the direction of the source rod handle.
d) The firm seating of the nuclear gauge will be ensured by rotating the nuclear
gauge several degrees to left and right, if required, maintaining the contact
between the source rod and formed hole.
e) One minute count in accordance with the appropriate measurement operating
instructions will be taken. The relevant density and moisture test data will be
f) The nuclear gauge will be rotated through 90º and steps as described above from
a) to e) will be repeated.Partcular care will be taken while rotating the gauge to
avoided damage to the prepared surface.
g) The source rod will then be moved to shielded position.
h) The dry density values will be compared for both orientations. If the difference
exceeds 0.075 t/m3,the test will be repeated at the same test site.
i) If still,the difference exceeds 0.075 t/m3,the test site will be abandoned and new
test site will be selected.
9.4 Notes
a) The nuclear gauge will be recalibrated following any major repair or
component replacement.
b) Location to be selected for testing will be at least 2m away from the large
object and 10 m away from any other nuclear gauge.
c) Log book will be maintained for each gauge to record operational check data
and the date of measurement.
d) Where the previous 4 standard counts have not taken within the previous 5
weeks of the current date or nuclear gauge has been moved to new operating
and testing location,4 new standard counts will be taken as detailed above in
e) Once an accepted form of statistical analysis is performed by the
microprocessor, individual count values are not necessary to be recorded.
Only density and moisture ratio will be recorded.
f) When nuclear gauge is used within 2m of large object or in a trench, separate
standard count will be taken at each test site.
g) The scope of user definable test parameters, as list below, is dependent on
the make and model of nuclear gauge:
 Counting time, units and measurement mode
 Maximum dry density
 Density bias, which includes as appropriate, alignment bias, gauge bias
and material wet density bias.
 Material moisture bias
h) The test area is formed by two overlapping rectangles at right angles to each
other, with each rectangle being at least the size of gauge plate and the hole
being common within the overlapping area as below.

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i) Wherever the underlying layer consists of the same material type and subtype
as that in the layer under test, the measurement depth selected will be same
as the layer thickness. Under these circumstances, the penetration of source
rod can be permitted to penetrate to the underlying layer.
j) In any case,if proper seating of nuclear gauge is not practical at a test site,
new test will be selected immediately adjacent to the original site.
k) A gauge bias is only applied at this step to CPN nuclear gauges.

Quality – Inspection

The WIR for Inspection and Test plan for Compaction test for Formation level and
Back filling works using nuclear gauge summarizes various characteristics to be
checked. The concerned Site Engineer and Foreman will be responsible to ensure
stage wise compliance for the above operations and the Site QA/ QC Engineer /
Inspector will carry out the quality control checks and report the results.
Please refer to separate document for Quality Plan, Inspection and Test Plan for this
method statement.

11.0 H&S issues, Risk assessment and Hazard analysis

1.1 H&S Issues

a) Ensure that every one Use the Mandatory and appropriate PPEs for performing
the each type of work
b) Minimum Personnel in the area while operations are been carried out.
c) Check Ladders are in good conditions and appropriate length.
d) Works carried out during hot weather
e) At the start of each work shift for any relevant activity on hand, the “Daily pre start
talks” and Safe working instructions 1- 2 times per week will be done on site.
Please refer the Approved Health and Safety plan
Please refer to the separate document for the JSA and Risk Assessment for this
method statement.

1.2 Activities foreseen related to main hazards

a) Edge Protection
b) Slope Protection
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c) Ramp Access to excavated area for Equipment
d) Equipment movement for excavation(Wheel Loader Cat 950 or Equivalent,
Equivalent, 20 m3 truck.
e) Equipment Movement for Formation level Compaction (5 to 10 Ton Roller ,1.0 ton
pedestrian operated Roller and Plate Compactor )
f) Isolated Ramp Access with steps if required, Scaffolding pipes for handrail for
Personnel Access
g) Any Caving in from the excavated surface
h) Working below the equipment for application of loads and measurement of the
i) Slippage of Hydraulic jack and dial gauges below the equipment.
Please refer to the separate document for the JSA and Risk Assessment for this
method statement.

2. 0 Environmental Management / Monitoring Plan for Excavation works for

Buildings and structures

Specific environmental aspects during the Compaction test for Formation level and
Back filling works and Plate Load Test for testing of soil bearing capacity at formation
level for Building and Structures include:
a) Air Emissions and Dust Generation
b) Fuel Storage / refueling / Spill
c) Noise
d) Excavated Material / stockpile
e) Solid Waste generation
Specific management plan have been drafted in the Construction Environment
Management Plan (CEMP) for above referred Environmental Aspects (Document
under review by PMC/EC).
However, to ensure the environmental management requirements are considered
and controls implemented at the initial works such as at the present case (Excavation
works for Building and Structures) the following Environmental Management Plan
(EMP) will be implemented:

EMP for Air Emissions & Dust Generation:

f) Minimize vehicular movements and implement speed control

g) Periodic water sprinkling for dust suppression at the excavated pits, around
excavation work area and the stock piles location to minimize airborne dust.

EMP for Fuel Storage, Handling, and accidental oil spills:

The Fuel Storage yard is in compliance with requirements, additionally

h) Ensure Spill trays are available at the fuel unloading activity area (Fuel Storage
Tank farm).

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i) Implement weekly / biweekly preventive maintenance - checks at the Fuel
Storage Tank control valves.
j) Provide appropriate spill trays for secondary containment at field equipment
refueling and prevent soil contamination

EMP for Noise:

k) Ensure speed limit requirements are adhered to, in open area vehicle
l) Ensure field equipment maintenance team undertakes schedule preventive
maintenance and replacement of worn out components and to minimize noise
m) Ensure site staff provided with noise protective gears (ear plugs / mufflers) as
equipment deployed for excavation activity could be source of high noise level at
work area.

EMP for Solid waste Management:

n) Tool box talk and implementation of 3R at waste management practices :

(Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse )
o) Ensure segregation of waste by providing adequate waste skips for Non
Hazardous wastes (degradable wastes / plastics / paper & cardboard / metal) and
Hazardous Wastes (Contaminated soil / oil soaked waste cotton & gloves / oil
filters / etc.,)

Long term management planning

p) Ensure that all the deployed vehicles and field equipments meet vehicular and
field equipment emission standards
q) Requirement of reporting spills to PMC are adhered to in line with the agreement
as stated in the CEMP.
r) Implement detailed air monitoring plan once the CEMP is formalized.
s) Implement detailed noise monitoring plan once the CEMP is formalized.
t) Implement detailed waste management plan once the CEMP is formalized.

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