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Question Bank of SWM

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SWM Questions

2 marks Questions

1. What is meant by solid waste management?

2. State the prerequisites of an effective system of solid waste management?
3. Define waste minimization.
4. What is the purpose of onsite processing?
5. Give the composition of municipal solid waste
6. What are the 4-R’s in waste hierarchy?
7. List the various advantages of waste segregation?
8. What are the factors considered in collection of solid waste?
9. Differentiate between primary and secondary collection?
10. What do you understand by the processing of waste?
11. Write the merits and demerits of incineration?
12. List out the various methods of disposal of solid waste.
13. List the effects of improper disposal of solid waste.
14. What is transfer station?
15. What is haul distance?
16. What are the four main ways to treat organic biodegradable waste?
17. What is municipal solid waste composting?
18. How to design sanitary landfill?
19. What is landfill gas? What are its advantages?


1) Explain various types of solid waste in detail.

2) Explain the physical and chemical characteristics of MSW
3) Explain the factors influencing the solid waste generation rate.
4) Explain the need of public awareness and role of NGOs in solid waste management.
5) Write a note on environmental and health risk scenarios of solid waste.
6) What can you do to reduce solid waste? With neat diagram explain the resource
recovery facility producing various marketable from municipal solid waste.


1) Explain briefly about the onsite storage methods.

2) Discuss on storage of waste at source in a nut shell.
3) Describe various methods of sorting the solid waste.
4) What are the various onsite storage methods? Critically evaluate the best option
under Indian conditions.
5) Explain the measures to be taken by local bodies’ towards segregation of recyclable
1) Define transfer station. Explain the role and usefulness of transfer station. Also explain
selection of site for transfer station.
2) Discuss in detail the present scenario in collection of MSW under Indian conditions.
3) Describe the incineration technologies and air emissions and its control in detail.
4) Write briefly about the composting facilities and various types of composting
5) What is leachate? Mention the various methods of treatment of leachate and
6) Describe in detail the different methods of landfilling and the operations involved with
neat sketches.
7) Draw the typical process flow diagram for composting of MSW.
8) Discuss on advantages and disadvantages of any two methods of incineration
9) Discuss the solid waste disposal options.
10)What are the requirements of a landfill layout? Write a note on sanitary land filling.
2 marks Questions

1. Explain the composition of municipal solid wastes.

2. Discuss the factors that affect the generation of solid wastes.
3. Specify the role of transfer station in municipal solid waste management?
4. Define waste disposal. Point out the factors to be considered while disposing solid waste.
5. Define composting.
6. Differentiate between hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
7. Describe the factors which affect production of leachate and landfill gas in the landfill?
8. Write short notes on treatment of biomedical waste.
9. Define integrated waste management.
10. List the various activities of NGO’s.

5 marks Questions

1) Municipal solid waste is generated within the community from several sources, not just the

household. List and discuss these sources.

2) Write briefly on Hauled – Container Systems (HCS) for collection of solid wastes.

3) Identify the activities responsible for successful implementation of collection system.

4) Write briefly on the rules to be kept in mind while designing the collection route?

5) Explain the adverse health and environmental impacts due to improper handling of solid waste.

6) List out the factors to be considered while deciding collection efficiency in a SWM system.

7) List out the factors to be considered in selecting solid waste collection equipment?

8) How does incineration help in the management of solid waste? Describe the incineration

technologies and air emissions and its control in detail.

9) b) Explain the following:

i. Pyrolysis

ii. Open dumping

(iii)Refuse derived fuel

(iv) Biogasification

10) Describe the design and operation of a sanitary landfill with a neat sketch.

11) Explain the various phases of municipal solid waste decomposition in a closed landfill cell.

12) Identify the adverse effects of a landfill leachate and list appropriate control measures.

13) Compare the various thermal processes used in hazardous solid waste treatment.

14) Explain EPA - identification of hazardous and toxic waste. Write down the characteristics of

hazardous waste.

15) Describe the various techniques of hazardous waste processing and methods of disposal.

16) State the key role of public in solid waste management.

17) Explain Integrated Solid Waste Management by citing out the political, environmental and

economic aspects along with its advantages.

18) Write short notes on legal aspects of solid waste disposal.

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