Question Bank of SWM
Question Bank of SWM
Question Bank of SWM
2 marks Questions
5 marks Questions
1) Municipal solid waste is generated within the community from several sources, not just the
2) Write briefly on Hauled – Container Systems (HCS) for collection of solid wastes.
4) Write briefly on the rules to be kept in mind while designing the collection route?
5) Explain the adverse health and environmental impacts due to improper handling of solid waste.
6) List out the factors to be considered while deciding collection efficiency in a SWM system.
7) List out the factors to be considered in selecting solid waste collection equipment?
8) How does incineration help in the management of solid waste? Describe the incineration
i. Pyrolysis
10) Describe the design and operation of a sanitary landfill with a neat sketch.
11) Explain the various phases of municipal solid waste decomposition in a closed landfill cell.
12) Identify the adverse effects of a landfill leachate and list appropriate control measures.
13) Compare the various thermal processes used in hazardous solid waste treatment.
14) Explain EPA - identification of hazardous and toxic waste. Write down the characteristics of
hazardous waste.
15) Describe the various techniques of hazardous waste processing and methods of disposal.
17) Explain Integrated Solid Waste Management by citing out the political, environmental and