37.sai Deepthi
37.sai Deepthi
37.sai Deepthi
M Joseph Prakash
Assoc Prof, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Godavari Inst of Engineering and Technology !a"ahmundry #ndhra $radesh I%DI# Email& m"osephp'*gmail.com
Dr S Maruthuperumal
$rofessor + ,-D Department of Information Technology Godavari Inst of Engineering and Technology !a"ahmundry #ndhra $radesh I%DI# Email& maruthumail*gmail.com
AbstractThis Survey focuses on detection of clouds and their shadows applying wavelet approach. Wavelet method is based on the analysis of the energy of the image. Lastly, the wavelet image fusion is applied to fill the missing information the wavelet approach is applied to detect clouds and their shadows and subsequently fill out the missing information of the satellite images.
Man& conventional methods for removing clouds and their shadows from images are 'ased on time series, 'ut methods that use spatial information ()*+,- result in 'etter estimates. Methods including 'oth spatial and temporal information performed 'etter, '& a slight margin, while a stratified approach produced less relia'le estimates. A relativel& new approach for dealing with the cloud contamination of a remotel& sensed time series has 'een developed using the non*linear wavelet regression. !his method can detect and estimate clouded areas at the same time at an& point of the time series. !he wavelet approach predicts the reference values for clouded areas 'etter than other approaches did, and performs almost e/uivalent to linear prediction in shadowed areas Signal processing, image anal&sis and data compressions are the principle fields of application of the wavelet. 01tracting o'2ects with the application of wavelet 'ased anal&sis from laser scanning data reveals some difficulties 'ut rest results proved that wavelet anal&sis has good potential for o'2ect e1traction in simpler cases. A num'er of alternatives can 'e considered3 +. %ontinuous Wavelet !ransformation 4%W!5 6. Discrete Wavelet !ransformation 4DW!5 ,. Discrete D&adic Wavelet !ransformation 4DDW!5 7. Stationar& Wavelet !ransformation 4SW!5 8. Discrete Wavelet 9rames 4DW95 :. on ;Separa'le Wavelet 9rame 4 W95 ). Wavelet Packets 4WP5 <ere the three principle steps3 pre*processing, processing and evaluation step are ma2or methods.
"0>I0W # DA!A A D !<0#"? #9 M0!<#DS #. !evie. !he main o'2ective of this paper is to e1plore the possi'ilities of the wavelet anal&sis to solve the pro'lem of missing information caused '& cloud cover in satellite images. Detection of clouds and their shadows and the processes for filling out the missing information we are using wavelet !ransformation. /. 0#1E2ET T,E-!3 Short time 9ourier transform, Wigner distri'utions, "adon transform, 9ourier transform, and wavelet transform these are the some of the techni/ues of signal transforms. In order to understand what wavelet transformation is, let@s take a look at the most common transformations. 4. 5ourier Transform (5T) 9ourier transform is a mathematical techni/ue for transforming a time*'ased signal into a fre/uenc&*'ased signal. It 'reaks down a signal into constituent sinusoids of different fre/uencies. 9! has an important disadvantage. In the process to transform a signal from time*amplitude representation to fre/uenc& domain representation, time information is lost. 9or that reason it is not possi'le to sa& when an event occurred. But 9! is a reversi'le transform, that is, it allows going 'ack and forth 'etween raw and transformed signals. 9! decomposes a signal as the linear com'ination of two 'asic functions sine and cosine, with different amplitude phase and fre/uencies3 94w5 A * f4t5 cos4wt5dt B 2 * f4t5sin4wt5dt 4+5
In e1ponential form it can 'e e1pressed as e/uation , that represents the 9ourier !ransform of f4t5, and e/uation 7 represent the inverse 9ourier !ransform of 94w53 94w5 A * f4t5 e*62wt dt 465
Where t represents time, w represents fre/uenc&, f denotes the signal in time domain and 9 denotes the signal in fre/uenc& domain. !ime fre/uenc& representations are short*time 9ourier !ransform, Wigner distri'utions and our Wavelet transform. ). Short&Time5ourier Transform(ST5T) !o solve 9! pro'lem in time is anal&Ce onl& a section of the signal at a time. !his is called windowing the signal. It maps a signal into two*dimensional functions of time and fre/uenc&. !his provides information a'out when and at what fre/uenc& an event occurs. But this transformation is limited '& the siCe of the window. 6. 0avelet Transform (0T) W! is an alternative to the S!9! and is capa'le to provide the time and fre/uenc& representation of the signal through a process called decomposition. Decomposition is done Passing the time*domain signal through various high pass filters, which filter low fre/uenc& portions of the signal. !he previous process is repeated several times and each time some fre/uencies are removed from the signal. Decomposition continues until the signal has 'een decomposed to a certain pre*defined level. After that process it is possi'le to o'tain man& signals 4which represent the raw signal5 'ut all corresponding to different fre/uenc& 'ands. If we plot those signals on a ,*D graph, we will have time in one a1is, fre/uenc& in the second and amplitude in the third a1es. W! does not use time*fre/uenc& 'ut it uses time*scale region. Scale is inverse of fre/uenc&. In one*dimensional conte1t, we define the wavelet from the associated scaling function Wavelet function satisf& the following conditions. !he integral of is Cero. 415 d1 A D !he integral of is + 415 d1 A D 475 4,5
In two*dimensional conte1t, wavelets are defined as tensor product of one*dimensional wavelets3 41,&5A 415 4&5 In the scaling function and +41,&5A 4154&5, 6 41,&5A 415 4&5, , 41,&5 A 415 4&5 are the three wavelets details. 7. Continuous 0avelet Transform (C0T) !he sum over the whole time of the signal multiplied '& scaled, shifted versions of the wavelet function . !his process produces wavelet coefficients that are a function of scale and position. %4scale,position5 A f4t5 4scale,position,t5dt 485
Scaling a wavelet simpl& means stretching 4or compressing5 it. If is done keeping the shape while changing the one* dimensional time scale a 4aED5, Shifting a wavelet simpl& means dela&ing its onset. In other words, move the 'asic shape from one side to the other. !ranslating it to position ' +Fa 41Fa5 41*'5 4:5 4)5
!hen translation and change of scale in one*dimensional conte1t is represented as follow 4from G and H5 a,'4t5 A +Fa 441*'5Fa5 , aED,'I" !hen continuous anal&sis is done using %4a,'5 A f4t5 +Fa41*'a5dt Where a"IBJ*D and 'I" 8. Discrete 0avelet Transform (D0T) DW! provides information enough for anal&sis and s&nthesis with an important reduction of computation time. A time*scale representation of a signal is o'tained using filtering techni/ues. 9ilters of different cutoff fre/uencies are used at different scales. <igh pass filters to anal&Ce low fre/uencies. After the signal passes through filters its resolution is changed '& upsampling and Downsampling operations. Downsampling is to remove some of the samples of the signal and $psampling is to add new samples to the signal. We will limit our choice of a and ' values '& using onl& the following d&adic discrete set for one*dimensional conte1t3 42,k5 KB 3 aA62, 'A 6 2Aka 4++5 Appl&ing to +D it is possi'le to o'tain the discrete wavelet 2,k4t5A6*2F646*2 t*k5 Where 42,k5 K DW! is o'tained appl&ing to 6.8 %2,k A f4t5 2,k4t5dt 4+,5 4+65 4H5 4G5
DW! decomposes the signal into a coarse appro1imation and detail information. DW! emplo&s two sets of functions called scaling and wavelets functions. Both of them are related to low pass and high pass filters, respectivel&. C.0#1E2ET !EC-%ST!9CTI-% In wavelet reconstruction process coefficients o'tained from wavelet decomposition are used. As we mentioned, wavelet anal&sis involves filtering and downsampling whereas s&nthesis involves upsampling and filtering. Wavelet reconstruction is known as s&nthesis whereas the previous DW! decomposition process is called Anal&sis D.IM#GE 59SI-% Leneral definition is MImage fusion is the com'ination of two or more different images to form a new image '& using a certain algorithmN. Most of definitions refer to data fusion like tools and means themselves. We can underline the following concept that puts an emphasis on the framework and on the fundamentals in the remote sensing. MData fusion is a formal
framework in which are e1pressed means and tools for the alliance of data originating from different sources. It aims at o'taining information of greater /ualit&O the e1act definition of Pgreater /ualit&@ will depend upon the application.N !here are three different levels to perform image fusion. !he& depend on the stage at which fusion takes place3 +5 pi1el 65 feature ,5 decision level. !his paper is focused on wavelet image fusion. After the wavelet decomposition of an image, the coefficients pla& an important role determining the structure characteristics at a certain scale in a certain location. !wo images of different spatial resolution are decomposed. A transformation model can 'e derived to determine the missing wavelet coefficients of the lower resolution image. $sing this it is possi'le to create a s&nthetic image from the lower resolution image at the higher spatial resolution. !he image contains the preserved spectral information with higher resolution, hence showing more spatial details. DA!A A D M0!<#DS a. D#T# #C:9ISITI-% 9irst of all a stud& area was selected. It is a mountainous regions affected '& cloud coverage during all the &ear. 9or that reason it is ver& difficult to o'tain low cloud coverage satellite images for that area. !here are valle& regions and hill& areas. Qand used is ver& diverse. !here are ur'an areas, intensive and e1tensive agriculture areas and natural reserves. In order to search images of stud& area the Qand Processors DAA% 4Distri'uted Active Archive %enter5 S&stem Data Latewa& was used. ;. !#DI-MET!IC C-!!ECTI-%S It is a part of pre*processing stage, cosmetic corrections and atmospheric corrections are classified in this phase. !hese corrections are related to the influence of haCe, sun angle and sk&light. Stripping <aCe correction Sun angle correction c. GE-MET!IC C-!!ECTI-%S At this point of our surve&, it is not necessar& that the multi*temporal images have geographic coordinates. 9or that reason we registered the images taking into account the master images. All the images we registered using image to image registration. Pol&nomial first order geometric model was used. 0g Multi*temporal images d. C2-9D DETECTI-% !he surve& of amount of clouds, their patterns and t&pe in low*resolution satellite image data is known as ephanal&sis. <igh clouds can 'e determined using thermal infrared satellite images. <ourl& visi'le and thermal infrared imaged to assist in producing dail& forecasts in satellite. It is a specific task that can 'e done '& using remote sensing imager&. %loud contamination affects the D values in visi'le 4D.7m*D.)m5 and infrared 4D.7m*+.Dm5 region of the electromagnetic spectrum. e. 0#1E2ET IM#GE 59SI-% Discrete wavelet !ransformation 4DW!5 and Wavelet packages 4WP5 were used to fuse multi temporal cit& images of the same sensor. In wavelet package anal&sis, the details as well as the appro1imation can 'e split. 9irst, onl& the low fre/uenc& part was fused. But 'etter results were o'tained fusing 'oth the low fre/uenc& and the high fre/uenc&. A scheme to remove clouds and their shadows from a Qand sat !M image was proposed '& Wang et al. 9irst detection of clouds and shadows was achieved. After that, wavelet image fusion was performed in order to remove clouds and shadows detected in the previous procedure. Discrete Wavelet 9rame 4DW!5 was adopted in this approach and if show good fusion result even if there is mis registration 'etween the two co registered images. #nl& one*level wavelet decomposition is performed, 'ecause it is sufficient for this procedure. !wo wa&s of wavelet image fusion can 'e done for fused panchromatic and multispectral images3 su'stitution and addition method. In the su'stitution method, some of the resolution levels are su'stituted '& the su'*images corresponding to the panchromatic image. In the additive method some of the wavelet resolution levels of the panchromatic are added to the ", L and B 'ands of the multispectral image. !he additive method shows 'etter results than <IS and Q<S 4Qightness*<ue*Saturation5 methods.
Man& methodologies are availa'le in detection of clouds and their shadows. But onl& wavelet approaches have 'een used in remote sensing from the last &ear. $#TTE!% !EC-G%ITI-% Defects in a variet& of real te1tures including machined surfaces, natural wood, sandpaper and te1tile fa'rics were well detected. !his research we discuss a'out the advantages of this approach in remote sensing images and for our specific task, cloud detection. 0avelet Decomposition Qet f41,&5 'e the input image of siCe M1 . f41,&5 also can 'e represented '& fQQof41,&5. At first level decomposition it is possi'le to o'tain one smooth su'*image f Q<41@,&@5, fQ<41@,&@5, fQ<41@,&@5, that represent horiContal, vertical, diagonal ldetails respectivel&. If we decompose an image at resolution level 2A+, decomposition of f Q<41@,&@5, results in one smooth image fQ<41@,&@5,and also detail su'*images fQ<41@,&@5, fQ<41@,&@5, fQ<41@,&@5, that represent horiContal, vertical and diagonal details respectivel&. 0ach of siCe 4MF62B+514 F62B+5. Energy of the .avelets Wavelet energ& is the normaliCed sum of s/uare of detailed wavelet transformation coefficients. Qet J 'e the total num'er of decomposition levels. !he energ& of each decomposed su'*image is calculated as follows3 0nerg& of the smooth su'*image3 0sJ A I fQQ4J5 41,&5 J 6 4+5 0nerg& of the horiContal detail su'*image at level 23 02h A 1&If425Q<41,&5J6, 2A+,6,RR..J 465 0nerg& of the horiContal detail su'*image at level 23 02v A 1&If425<Q41,&5J6, 2A+,6,RR..J 4,5
0nerg& of the horiContal detail su'*image at level 23 02d A 1&If425<<41,&5J6, 2A+,6,RR..J 475
!he total energ& of the image f41,&5 in J multi*resolution levels is given '& 0 A 02s B22A+02hB 22B+02vB22B+02d 485
!he normaliCed energ& of each decomposed su'*image is defined as3 ormaliCed energ& of smooth image 0sA 02s 0 4:5
ormaliCed energ& of horiContal detail su'*image. 0< A 02h 0 4)5 ormaliCed energ& of horiContal detail su'*image. 0> A 02v 0 4G5
!he sum of normaliCed energ& of the smooth image and detail su'*images must 'e e/ual to +. 0SB 0<B 0>B 0D A + 4+D5
Alwa&s, the normaliCed energ& 0 s of an isotropic pattern is significantl& larger than that of an oriented pattern. In isotropic patterns most part of the energ& is concentrated in smooth image 0 s. #n the other hand, in oriented patterns part of the energ& located in the detail su'*images. In order to know which su'*images to choose in the reconstruction process, it is necessar& to define a threshold !s. fS41,&5 A W*+(f425 QQ-, if 0s E !s 4++5 Where fS41,&5 is the restored image. If 0 s E !s then the smooth image is chosen in the reconstruction process and it is an isotropic pattern. 9or te1ture with 0 s E !s, it is classified as an oriented pattern. !hen detail su'*images with low normaliCed energ& values should 'e included for reconstruction. !hat process allows us to eliminate prominent directional patterns 4horiContal, vertical, and diagonal5 and emphasiCe the local animosities. In cases of an image containing an oriented pattern in horiContal, vertical, diagonal directions, the three normaliCed energies 0 <, 0>, 0D will have similar values. In this case the smooth image is selected for reconstruction. When 0 s E !s it is necessar& to define another threshold !D3 W*+(f 4,5QQ9 41,&5A D W*+(f 4,5QQ9S>41,&5A D W*+(f 4,5QQ9 41,&5A D otherwise
S > S <
In this research, threshold value !S and ! D are empiricall& set at D.H8 and D.,, respectivel&. %hoosing ! S is not crucial 'ecause the mechanism of selection ! D allow an isotropic te1ture to use the smooth su'*image for reconstruction. We can use the energ& corresponding to the average of the smooth energies. %- 0#1E2ET #$$!-#C, !his approach takes into account at least two satellite images of the same area at different times. As a pre* processing condition, those images have to 'e co*registered. !hat process ensures that the same pi1el in 'oth images refers to the same area. Because images from the same 'ut different time have different solar irradiation and atmospheric effects it is necessar& to reduce those effects. It is done through a 'rightness correction process that was applied for this approach. Brightness correction Detection of clouds and their shadows 5illing -ut Gaps 9sing 0#1E2ET IM#GE 59SI-% Different wavelet transformation methods have 'een applied. Image fusion (+*:- has 'een produced using wavelet packages, discrete wavelet frames and multi*'and transformation. on*separa'le wavelet frame 4 W95 performed 'etter than Discrete Wavelet 9rame 4DW95. All of them perform 'etter than the Discrete Wavelet !ransformation 4DW!5, In order to fill out the missing information caused '& clouds and their shadows in the satellite images of the pro2ect, image fusion using wavelet approach was applied. 9or this process, two co*registered images are select. In this case selected a cloud*free image as main image and a clouded image selected as reference image. Stationar& wavelet approach was applied to 'oth images. !he resulting su'*images have the same siCe as the original images. "esults detection of clouds and their shadows have 'een recorded on the 'inar& decision maps. B& using the two maps, we integrated the stationar& wavelet transform values of the complementar& information for each pi1el. As a result a fused image is constructed '& performing an Inverse Stationar& Wavelet !ransformation 4ISW!5 'ased on the com'ined transform values.
!he wavelet transform provides 'oth spatial and fre/uenc& domain localiCation. !he two 'inar& decision maps are used to control a switch so that the complementar& information corresponding to the cloud and shadow regions of the reference image is e1tracted from the main image and incorporated into the reference image. 9irst, the previous com'ined transform process was performed for the low fre/uenc& su'*images 4QQ5. !he three su'*images used in the ISW! were su'*images from the non*clouded image. After that, a final fusion image process was applied. !his time all the four su'*images resulting from the first stationar& wavelet transformation 4QQ, Q<, <Q, <<5 ware used for the com'ined transform process. "0S$Q!S We descri'e the results o'tained after application of four different methodologies in order to detect clouds and their shadows. !wo approaches appl& wavelet domain and one does not appl& wavelet approach. We anal&Ce the results o'tained using all clouds detection approaches were assessed using an 0rror Matri1. E. $attern !ecognition It was necessar& to select a 'and of satellite images in order to appl& wavelet transformation. !his criteria used so that the 'and id having the high gre& value representing clouds and their shadows relative to other 'ands. We are interested to use the visi'le 'ands in order to preserve the spatial resolution of the satellite images then Wavelet decomposition was applied to an image. <aar famil& wavelet was used at five decomposition levels. 5. %o 0avelet #pproach We applied the detection of clouds and their shadows to two different images of the multi*temporal images. #ne of them is an image with clouds and shadows as a reference image and the other one is an image without clouds and shadows as a main image. !he selection criteria to choose the main image was the fact that image do not have clouds. !hat allows us to detect onl& clouds and their shadows of reference images. In order to test this methodolog& we appl& the clouds and shadows detection procedure using different images. !his time 'oth images contain clouds and shadows. G. 5illing -ut Missing Information !wo other procedures were applied for image fusion using wavelets. Both of them used the appro1imation su'* images to replace the clouded areas. In the first procedure, the detail su'*images of the non*clouded images of the clouded images were used in the reconstruction. As we can see in the final results, clouds and their shadows have 'een removed. %louds and shadows of the lower*right part of the image have 'een replaced and its shadows good results. It is possi'le to o'serve that there is still a thin white ring around the area where the clouds were originall&. !hat occurs 'ecause cloud detection procedure did not detect the 'orders of the clouds. !his is evident speciall& around smaller clouds. Images depend on the /ualit& of the detection of the clouds and their shadows. ,. #ssessing IM#GE 59SI-% In this paper clouded areas of the original image have 'een filled in. !hen it is 'etter to compare our results of image fusion with another method for replacing clouded areas. A simple replacement method was performed to fill in the missing information in the original image. In a visi'le inspection, we can see in the simple replacement method, !he& are not matching smoothl& in the image. Also, it is eas& to identif& the thin white rings around the areas where the clouds were originall&. !hose pro'lems are avoided in the results using wavelet approaches.Uualit& indicators for assessing image fusion During this research we used the statistics and correlation coefficients indicators. !his statistic parameters 'etween the original clouded image. !hose parameters show that the histograms of the original image and overall results are ver& similar. %omparing the original image with the fused image, it is possi'le to find the degree of difference. Lenerall& speaking, if the correlation coefficient of two images approaches to one, this means their correlation is ver& strong. As a conclusion, we can sa& that he 'est approach in this research was done com'ination of the appro1imation su'*images and the detail su'*images. After that the wavelet reconstruction process was performed.
>I."0S$Q! IMAL0S
4c5. Binar& Image after 4d5. Binar& Image after Morphological opening Morphological #pening*closing
4i5. 9cVIc
Pattern recognition approach detected the clouds correctl& and also some other o'2ects were detected as clouds. Shadow detection had the e/ual properties in detection. Pattern "ecognition approach could perform 'etter in some areas with more homogeneous te1tures and regular patterns. Wavelet approach 'igger clouds were detected 'etter than smaller clouds. "esults of the Image fusion step to fill in the missing information depending on the accurate detection of clouds and their shadows. Missing information is enhanced. Wavelet approach is filing information in the clouded areas perform 'etter. "090"0
0nhancement of %loud*Associated Shadow Areas in Satellite Images $sing Wavelet Image 9usion #. #;d&Elrahman I.5. Sha<er #.= 4 ) 6 . #;del&Ga.ad and 6#. #;del&0aha;()>>() "eview of Shadow Detection and De*shadowing Methods in "emote Sensing, Amir"eCa S<A<!A<MASS0BI+, ?A L ing+, WA L We+, athan M##"06, S<0 Khang/uan+ >ol no 6,, pp. 7D,;76D. "emoving Shadows from Images, In Proc. of M.A. A'delwaha', 6DD8. !oward "emoving 0uropean %onf. on %omputer >ision, 73 G6,.G,:. %loud and Shadow 0ffects in Satellite Images Khou, L., K. Uin, S. Ben2amin and W. Schickler, 6DD,. !echnical Pro'lems of Deplo&ing ational $r'an Qarge*scale !rue #rthoimage Leneration. !he 6nd Digital Lovernment %onference, Boston, Ma& +G*6+, 6DD,, pp3 ,G,*,G)+. Simpson J J, Sitt J ", +HHG. A procedure for the detection and removal of cloud shadow from A><"" data over land. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and !emote Sensing, ,:4,53 GGD;GH).doi3 +D.++DHF,:.:),:GD Saka WeCia, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, Dr.>.>i2a&aWumar, MA ew !e1ture Segmentation Approach for Medical ImagesN, International Journal of Scientific X 0ngineering "esearch, >ol. 7, o. +, pp.+*8, Januar& 6D+,. Saka WeCia, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, Dr.>.>i2a&aWumar, MInnovative Segmentation Approach Based on Q"!MN, International Journal of Soft %omputing and 0ngineering, >ol. 6, o. 8, pp. 66H*6,,, ovem'er 6D+6. Saka WeCia, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, Dr.>.>i2a&aWumar, MA %olor*!e1ture Based Segmentation Method to 01tract #'2ect from BackgroundN, International Journal Image, Lraphics and Signal Processing, >ol. 8, o. ,, pp.+H*68, March 6D+,. Saka WeCia, Dr.>.>i2a&aWumar, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, MAuto Detection of !u'ercle Bacilli Based on WaveletsN, International Journal on Lraphics >ision and Image Processing, >ol. ++, o. ,, pp.HGD*HG:, June 6D++. M.Joseph Prakash, Saka.WeCia, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, Dr.>.>i2a&a Wumar, MA ew Approach for !e1ture Segmentation using Lra& Qevel !e1tonsN, International Journal of Signal and Image Processing, >ol. :, o. ,, June 6D+, 4Accepted5. M.Joseph Prakash, Saka.WeCia, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, Dr.>.>i2a&a Wumar, MAn Approach for !e1ture Segmentation 'ased on "andom 9ield Model and Wavelet 9usionN, >ol. +, o. ,, pp. +G,*+GH, Ma& 6D+D. M.Joseph Prakash, Saka WeCia, Dr.I.Santi Pra'ha, Dr.>.>i2a&a Wumar, MA ovel Approach for !e1ture Segmentation Based on "otationall& Invariant PatternsN, International Journal of %omputer 0ngineering X Sciences, >ol.6, o.6,pp.+*G,Jan 6D+,.