MAC RB West-Pilbara

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N o 12E

Fl. R . 3 s 1P


Fl.R.3s 1P

Fl. G . 3 s


Mooring Area

Fl ( 2 ) G . 5 s

ek Cre

Di re ct

Foul Point

ply s ap eries tion of Fish c i r t t en res ing artem Fish he Dep t t c a Cont

Closed Waters - All Vessels Mooring Area

200 0
1S Fl. R. 3s

GPS Validation Point

Closed Waters - All Vessels Launching Ramp

Handy local information

Mooring Area


August 2013


Fl. G . 2s 3M



Danger submerged rocks

point commencing 100 metres downstream of the Popes Nose Bridge to a point 100 metres upstream.

N o 13W

Fl. R . 3 s 3 M

Q. G. 1S



No 12E

S p o il

G ro u


Fl. R . 3 s

Marine Radio A marine radio must be carried if operating more than 5 miles from the mainland shore or more than 1 mile from an island located more than 5 miles from the mainland shore. The radio can be 27 MHz, VHF or HF.

The information contained in this publication is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate at time of publication. The State shall in no way be liable for any loss sustained or incurred by anyone relying on the information. 032013



NOT LES TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION I CKP For more detailed information, refer to Nautical Chart Plans In Port Dampier - Aus 059


g Led t oin eP
Fl. G. 3 s 2S 1P


F. R. 4M

Parachute Flares (in date) A minimum of two parachute ares must be carried if operating more than 5 miles from the mainland shore or more than 1 mile from an island located more than 5 miles from the mainland shore.

Fl. R. 3s3M

Nautical Miles


F. R. 4M

Fl. G. 3 s 3S Q

Fl. R . 3s N o. 10

Fl. G . 3s N o. 9

Fl( 2) . R . 5s N o. 8

Fl. G . 3s N o. 5 Fl. R . 3s N o. 6

Honeymoon Cove

Popes Nose Rock

Mooring Area

Grey Rocks

Poi nt S am s

Fl. R. 3s3M

I so. B u. 4s

Q. B u

East Intercourse Island

Fl. R . 3 s 2P

Danger submerged reef

Fl (2 )G. 5 s

EPIRB (in date) A 406 MHz EPIRB registered with AMSA bearing the standard AS/NZS 4280.1 must be carried if proceeding more than 2 miles from the mainland shore or more than 400 metres from an island located more than 2 miles from the mainland shore.


Conflict Reef

G ro u n d

S p o il

Tidepole Island

Any skipper operating a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 6 hp in WA must hold a WA Recreational Skippers Ticket (RST) or interstate or overseas equivalent. If you hold a valid/current interstate ticket, recognised by DoT and you enter, as a visitor or with the intention of permanently residing in the State, it will be taken that you hold a RST until three months have elapsed since you entered the State. After that period you must apply for an RST, if you wish to continue operating an RST vessel in this State. Mooring Area If your boat is currently registered in another State, you have three months grace after bringing it into WA. Recreational boats brought into WA from the NT have 30 days after Closed waters (all vessels) bringing it into WA. After that time, you must register it in Popes Nose Creek - Point Samson: All the waters of Popes Nose Creek between a this 1 State.

Salt S tockp



Port Control Tower

22 7

Mistaken Island

Fl. R . 3 s 3P

Boat Rock

Interstate ticket and boat registration valid for three months

Fl (2)R.5s

Mooring Area

Red and Orange Flares (in date) At least two hand held red ares and two hand held orange ares must be carried. Two parachute ares may be carried in lieu of the two hand held red ares and a smoke canister may be carried in lieu of the smoke ares.

Iron Ore

Fl. G. 3 s


Fl.R.3s 4P

Channel I

South West Rock

East Rock

Lifejacket A lifejacket bearing the label PFD Type 1 or the Australian standard AS 1512 or AS 4758 - Level 100 (or higher) must be carried for every person onboard.

Fl (2)G.5s


Fl. G. 3 s


Fl. R . 3 s 5P

Anchor and Line An efcient anchor and line must be carried.

DIR F. WR G. 2 M


Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon heating or cooling appliances must carry an approved re extinguisher.




Marine Safety

Foul Point

Pop e

(Dis used )

East Mid Intercourse Island



Prohibited swimming area

Private ramp

Fl. G . 2 s


Public ramp

Tidal movements in the West Pilbara are very large. Mooring Area Tidal movements should be considered when planning a boating trip in the area. Q(3) 10s GPS Validation Point Tidal movements restrict the use of the Karratha Back Beach boat ramp. The ramp requires a tidal depth of at least 2.4 metres for most vessels. Most islands in the Dampier Archipelago are nature reserves and have access zonings. These zonings are shown on the map. Dogs are not permitted on the reserves. For further information relating to the island reserves please contact the ) (Dis used Foul Ground Department of Environment and Conservation on (08) 9182 2000. Did you know that there are two recognised dive sites in the West Pilbara. The first is east of Delambre Island and the other is near Bare Rock.

Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump.

West Pilbara


Nos e



Closed Waters - All Vessels

Water Ski Area

Recreational Skippers Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST.

Mooring Area

Launching Ramp

8 Knot Area

D IR F. WR G. 3 M

Kaiser Marina (Private)

from the mainland shore

from the mainland shore

from the mainland shore

GPS Validation Point

Dampier Public Ramp: All those waters contained within the groyne and dredged turning basin of the public boat launching facility situated on the foreshore point of Dampier Island north-west of Dampier oval and south-south-west of Tidepole

Vessels to keep clear of diving signals All vessels must keep at least 50LEGEND metres clear of boats, buoys or areas showing diving signals. 5 Knot Area Where it is not possible to keep 50 metres clear, the 8 Knot Area possible approaching vessel should travel at the slowest speed and keep a good lookout for people in the water.

Safety Equipment

Protected Waters
lakes, rivers, inlets and estuaries except Lake Argyle

0-2 Nautical Miles

2-5 Nautical Miles

Over 5 Nautical Miles

Contact details
Department of Transport Marine Safety Hotline: 1300 863 308 Karratha: 91596920 website: Department of Fisheries Karratha: 9144 4337 Fishwatch: 1800 815 507 website: Police Karratha:9143 7200 Dampier: 9183 1144 Wickham: 9187 1444 Water Police: 9442 8600 Customs Dampier: 9144 3500 Customs Hotline: 1800 06 1800 Marine Sea Search and Rescue Port Walcott: 0439 870 995 West Pilbara: 0417 932 023 VHF Emergency: Ch.16 Sea Rescue West Pilbara VMR685: Ch.16 Wickham VMR 689: Ch.16 + 81 Department of Parks and Wildlife Karratha: 9182 2000 website: Port Authority Dampier Port Authority: 9159 6555 Hospitals Karratha (Nickol Bay): 9143 2333 Roebourne: 9182 0200 Shire of Roebourne Karratha: 9186 8555 Ranger: 9186 8555
Di re c ti on of Sk

NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION For more detailed information, refer to Nautical Chart Port Walcott - Aus 056


5 Knot Area 8 Knot Area Closed Waters - All Vessels Launching Ramp Mooring Area
Q(3) 10s

Boating Guide

1000 Metres Nautical Miles 0.5

GPS Validation Point

Point Samson

Foul Ground

Mooring Area

Mooring Area

Closed waters (all vessels)

1 Popes Nose Creek - Point Samson: All the waters of Popes Nose Creek between a
point commencing 100 metres downstream of the Popes Nose Bridge to a point 100 metres upstream.

Fl.G.2s 3M

No 13W

No 12E

Fl.R.3s 3M



S p o il

International Code flag A

G ro u

Danger submerged rocks

Q. G .


Fl. G . 2 s

Safety Equipment

Protected Waters

lakes, rivers, inlets and estuaries except Lake Argyle

0-2 Nautical Miles

from the mainland shore

2-5 Nautical Miles

from the mainland shore

Kaiser Marina (Private)

Over 5 Nautical Miles
from the mainland shore

Launching Ramp

t oin eP

Water Ski Area


g Led


Fl. G . 3s


8 Knot Area

DI R F. W R G . 3M

Kaiser Marina (Private)


S p oi l

Dampier Public Ramp: All those waters contained within the groyne and dredged turning basin of the public boat launching facility situated on the foreshore point of Dampier Island north-west of Dampier oval and south-south-west of Tidepole


G round

Prohibited swimming area

Freestyling, wake and wave jumping Freestyling is driving a PWC in such a way that the driver of another vessel would be unable to predict its course and speed in order to avoid a collision. Wave and wake jumping is driving a PWC over a wave or swell with the aim of becoming airborne. The wave or the swell may be formed naturally or by the passage of a vessel. Freestyling and wake jumping is prohibited: within any speed restricted area; within 30 metres of another PWC; and within 50 metres of another vessel or person in the water.

Fl. G . 3s


Tidepole Island



East Intercourse Island

Fl. R. 3s 2P

Danger submerged reef

Fl( 2) G . 5s

Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon heating or cooling appliances must carry an approved re extinguisher.

Private ramp

DI R F. W R G . 2M

Conflict Reef

Any skipper operating a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 6 hp in WA must hold a WA Recreational Skippers Ticket (RST) or interstate or overseas equivalent. If you hold a valid/current interstate ticket, recognised by DoT and you enter, as a visitor or with the intention of permanently residing in the State, it will be taken that you hold a RST until three months have elapsed since you East Mid Intercourse entered the State. After that period you mustIsland apply for an RST, if you wish to continue operating an RST vessel in this State. If your boat is currently registered in another State, you have three months grace after bringing Sa itms into WA. Cree Recreational k boats brought into WA from the NT have 30 days after bringing it into WA. After that time, you must register it in this State.

Foul Point


Prohibited swimming area

Port Control Tower


Fl. R. 3s 3P

Fl. R. 3s 5P

Private ramp


Boat Rock


Interstate ticket and boat registration valid for three months



Fl. G . 3s 5S

Fl. G . 3s


Channel I

East Rock


Fl. G . 2s

Public ramp

South West Rock

Fl.R.3s 4P


Iron Ore
Fl. G . 2s


South West Rock


Dampier Public Ramp: All those waters contained within the groyne and dredged turning basin of the public boat launching facility situated on the foreshore point of Dampier Island north-west of Dampier oval and south-south-west of Tidepole

Iron Ore

Anchor and Line An efcient anchor and line must be carried.

Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump.

Recreational Skippers Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST.

l.R. 3s P

k ree sC

South West Rock

Channel I

Lifejacket A lifejacket bearing the label PFD Type 1 or the Australian standard AS 1512 or AS 4758 - Level 100 (or higher) must be carried for every person onboard.

East Rock

Fl ( 2 ) G . 5 s

Fl. G . 2 s

Fl. G . 2 s

Fl. G . 3s 4S
Fl.R.3s 4P

Public ramp

Channel I

East Rock




Fl ( 2 ) R . 5 s




Boat Rock

io n



Fl.R.3s 5P

7 22

of S

Fl. R . 3 s 3P

Safety equipment Every person on board a PWC must wear a personal flotation device (PFD) at all times: within 400 metres of the shore it can be a PFD Level 150, 100, 50, 50s; between 400 metres and 2 nautical miles from shore in unprotected waters a PFD Level 150 or 100 must be worn. An inshore distress flare kit, in serviceable condition must also be carried; between 2 and 5 nautical miles, a PFD Level 150 or 100 must be worn. An inshore distress flare kit and an EPIRB, in serviceable condition must also be carried; and vessels under 3.75 metres are not permitted more than 5 nautical miles offshore.


Diving regulations

Port Control Tower

Diving flag A vessel with divers working from it must carry the appropriate day or night signals. The daytime signal for divers is an International Code Flag A. The flag must be at least 750mm long and 600mm wide. Divers operating without a vessel, for example from a jetty, must also display the International Code Flag A of the same minimum size. The flag can be shown from a buoy, in which case the minimum size must be 300mm in length and 200mm in width. The flag must be clearly visible to all vessels operating in the vicinity. At night the divers vessel, as well as appropriate lights such as an anchor light, must show three all-round lights in a vertical line: the top and bottom lights red; the middle one white. People night diving without a vessel must display a yelloworange flashing light that can be seen from a minimum distance of 200 metres.

Foul Point

Red and Orange Flares (in date) At least two hand held red ares and two hand held orange ares must be carried. Two parachute ares may be carried in lieu of the two hand held red ares and a smoke canister may be carried in lieu of the smoke ares.

Conflict Reef

Conflict Reef

Fl.R.3s 3P

Boat Rock

D I R F.W R G.2M


Fl. R . 3 s 2P

East Intercourse Island

Private ramp




Fl.R.3s 2P


Fl. G . 3 s

Danger submerged reef

Fl. G . 3s


G rou n d

Vessels to keep clear of diving signals Personal water craft Water skiing metres clear of boats, A personal water craft (PWC) often called a jet ski is Water skiing within Hampton Harbour is only permitted within All vessels must keep at least 50LEGEND buoys or areas showing diving signals. a craft propelled by an inboard motor powering a water the gazetted water ski area. 5 Knot Area jet pump. The operator sits, stands or kneels and uses The person in charge of a vessel engaged in water skiing must Where it is not possible to keep 50 metres clear, the NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION handlebars to steer it. 8 Knot Area possible slowest be at least 17 years old. There must also be an observer on approaching vessel should travel at the For more detailed information, refer to Nautical Chart A person must be at least 16 years of age and hold a056 board, who is at least 14 years old, who constantly watches speed and keep a good lookout for people in the water. Port Walcott - Aus Closed Waters - All Vessels Recreational Skippers to operate a PWC at a the skier. 0 1000 200 Ticket (RST) Handy local information speed in excess of 8 knots. Launching Ramp A boat landing a skier has right of way over a boat taking-off. are very large. People aged 14 to 16 years 0and holding an RST may Metres Vessels must 0.5 not travel any closer than 45 metres behind Tidal movements in the West Pilbara Mooring Area Tidal movements should be considered when planning operate any recreational vessel during daylight hours another vessel towing a skier. a boating trip in the area. under a speed of 8 knots. Q( 3 ) 1 0s GPS Validation Point Nautical MilesTrick skiing is prohibited within 90 metres of a take-off and Tidal movements restrict the use of the Karratha Back PWCs and similar craft are powerboats as far as the rules landing area. Beach boat ramp. The ramp requires a tidal depth of at are concerned. This means there are rules on the age of Samson Vessels towing aPoint skier must remain at least 45 metres or as least 2.4 metres for most vessels. drivers, the distance offshore they can operate, safety gazetted from the shore except when taking-off or landing a equipment to be carried, speed limits and so on. There Most islands in the Dampier Archipelago are skier. are, however, a few extra rules and a few concessions nature reserves and have access zonings. These Pop bear in mind the PWCs limitations. which zonings are shown on the map. Dogs are not es Diving regulations permitted on the reserves. For further information Safety equipment 1 Diving flag relating to the island reserves please contact the Every person on board a PWC must wear a personal Foul Ground A vessel with divers working from it must carry the appropriate (Dis used ) Department of Environment and Conservation on flotation device (PFD) at all times: day or night signals. The daytime signal for divers is an (08) 9182 2000. within 400 metresNoof the shore it can be a PFD Level International Code Flag A. The flag must be at least 750mm Did you know that there are two recognised dive sites se 150, 100, 50, 50s; long and 600mm wide. Divers operating without a vessel, for in the West Pilbara. The first is east of Delambre Island between 400 metres and 2 nautical miles from shore example from a jetty, must also display the International Code and the other is near Bare Rock. in unprotected waters a PFD Level 150 or 100 must Flag A of the same minimum size. Mooring Area be worn. An inshore distress flare kit, in serviceable The flag can be shown from a buoy, in which case the minimum Interstate ticket and boat registration valid condition must also be carried; size must be 300mm in length and 200mm in width. The flag for three months between 2 and 5 nautical miles, a PFD Level 150 or must be clearly visible to all vessels operating in the vicinity. 100 must be worn. An inshore distress flare kit and an At night the divers vessel, as well as appropriate lights such as EPIRB, in serviceable condition must also be carried; an anchor light, must show three all-round lights in a vertical and Grey Rocks line: the top and bottom lights red; the middle one white. Fl. G . 3s N o. 9 vessels under 3.75 metres are not permitted more than Fl. R . 3s Honeymoon 10 People nightN o.diving without a vessel must display a yellow5 nautical miles offshore. Cove from a minimum Fl. G . 3s orange flashing light that can be seen N o. 5 Fl( 2) . R . 5s 8 distance of 200N o. metres. Fl. R . 3s

Tidepole Island

Prohibited swimming area


N o. 6

EPIRB (in date) A 406 MHz EPIRB registered with AMSA bearing the standard AS/NZS 4280.1 must be carried if proceeding more than 2 miles from the mainland shore or more than 400 metres from an island located more than 2 miles from the mainland shore.

Marine Safety

Danger submerged reef

Fl ( 2) G.5s

G round


F. R. 4M


Tidal movements in the West Pilbara are very large. Tidal movements should Metres be considered when planning 0 the area. 0.5 a boating trip in F. R. 4M Tidal movements restrict the use of the Karratha Back Nautical Miles Beach boat ramp. The ramp requires a tidal depth of at Fl. R. 3s3M least 2.4 metres for most vessels. Q. B u I so. B u. 4s Most Fl. R.islands in the Dampier Archipelago are 3s3M nature reserves and have access zonings. These zonings are shown on the map. Dogs are not permitted Son alt Sto the reserves. For further information ckp Mistaken relating to the ileisland reserves please contact the Island Department of Environment and Conservation on (08) 9182 2000. Did you know that there are two recognised dive sites in the West Pilbara. The first is east of Delambre Island and the other is near Bare Rock.

S p oil

8 Knot Area

D I R F.W R G.3M


Popes Nose Rock

West Pilbara

g Led

Handy local information 0 200


g Led

Fl.G.3s 2S

Water Ski Area

t oin eP

Plans In Port Dampier - Aus 059

t oin eP

Closed Waters - All Vessels

Parachute Flares (in date) A minimum of two parachute ares must be carried if operating more than 5 miles from the mainland shore or more than 1 mile from an island located more than 5 miles from the mainland shore.

Boating Guide

Launching Ramp

G ro u

International Code flag A

S p o il

Kaiser Marina (Private)


Any skipper operating a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 6 hp in WA must hold a WA Recreational Skippers Ticket (RST) or interstate or overseas equivalent. If you hold a valid/current interstate ticket, recognised by DoT and you enter, as a visitor or with the intention of permanently residing in the State, it will be taken that you hold a RST until three months have elapsed since you entered the State. After that period you must apply for an RST, if you wish to continue operating an RST vessel in this State. Mooring Area If your boat is currently registered in another State, you have three months grace after bringing it into WA. Recreational boats brought into WA from the NT have 30 days after Closed waters (all vessels) bringing it into WA. After that time, you must register it in Popes Nose Creek - Point Samson: All the waters of Popes Nose Creek between a this 1 State.

Q. G .


N o 13W

Q.G. 1S

Fl. R. 3s 3M

S p o il

G ro u

Mooring Area

200 0

Danger submerged rocks

Fl. G . 2s 3M



Danger submerged rocks

200 0

GPS Validation Point

A personal water craft (PWC) often called a jet ski is a craft propelled by an inboard motor powering a water jet pump. The operator sits, stands or kneels and uses handlebars to steer it. A person must be at least 16 years of age and hold a Recreational Skippers Ticket (RST) to operate a PWC at a speed in excess of 8 knots. People aged 14 to 16 years and holding an RST may operate any recreational vessel during daylight hours under a speed of 8 knots. PWCs and similar craft are powerboats as far as the rules are concerned. This means there are rules on the age of drivers, the distance offshore they can operate, safety equipment to be carried, speed limits and so on. There are, however, a few extra rules and a few concessions which bear in mind the PWCs limitations.
point commencing 100 metres downstream of the Popes Nose Bridge to a point 100 metres upstream.
Mooring Area
200 0

Water skiing within Hampton Harbour is only permitted within the gazetted water ski area. The person in charge of a vessel engaged in water skiing must be at least 17 years old. There must also be an observer on board, who is at least 14 years old, who constantly watches the skier. A boat landing a skier has right of way over a boat taking-off. Vessels must not travel any closer than 45 metres behind another vessel towing a skier. Trick skiing is prohibited within 90 metres of a take-off and landing area. Vessels towing a skier must remain at least 45 metres or as gazetted from the shore except when taking-off or landing a skier.
Poi nt S a ms on

Dampier Public Ramp: All those waters contained within the groyne and dredged turning basin of the public boat launching facility situated on the foreshore point of Dampier Island north-west of Dampier oval and south-south-west of Tidepole
Jo ree sC hn k

Freestyling, wake and wave jumping Freestyling is driving a PWC in such a way that the driver of another vessel would be unable to predict its course and speed in order to avoid a collision. Wave and wake jumping is driving a PWC over a wave or swell with the aim of becoming airborne. The wave or the swell may be formed naturally or by the passage of a vessel. Freestyling and wake jumping is prohibited: within any speed restricted area; within 30 metres of another PWC; and within 50 metres of another vessel or person in the water.
ek Cre

Personal water craft

Water skiing

Marine Radio A marine radio must be carried if operating more than 5 miles from the mainland shore or more than 1 mile from an island located more than 5 miles from the mainland shore. The radio can be 27 MHz, VHF or HF.
Mooring Area


Vessels to keep clear of diving signals All vessels must keep at least 50 metres clear of boats, buoys or areas showing diving signals. Where it is not ORE possible to keep 50 metres clear, the approaching vessel ES should travel at the slowest possible NOT PIL TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION CKa speed and keep good lookout for refer people in the more detailed information, to Nautical Chartwater. STO For

Tidepole Island


Public ramp


ire ct io n of S ki

Ca use wa y

ly app ries ions ishe rict ent of F rest ing artem Fish he Dep act t Cont


ly app ries ions of Fishe rict rest tement par

Mooring Area

For more detailed information, refer to the Australian Hydrographic Nautical Charts Aus 55 Approaches to Port Walcott Aus 56 Port Walcott Aus 57 Dampier Archipelago Aus 58 Port of Dampier Aus 59 Plans in Port Dampier, Withnell Bay to King Bay, Dampier Wharves

Cardinal Marks
Keep NORTH of uninterrupted quick flashes

indicate the port and starboard sides of a navigable channel.

Lateral Marks

Keep WEST of 9 flashes in a group


Keep EAST of 3 flashes in a group

Port Marks Light: Red, any rhythm.

Age requirements and restrictions for skippers A person in charge of a recreational vessel with a motor of 6 horsepower (4.5 kilowatts) or less is not required to hold a Recreational Skippers Ticket (RST). Under 10 years may not drive a motor boat. A person in charge of a recreational vessel with a motor greater than 6 horsepower (4.5 kilowatts) is required to hold a RST. Over 14 and under 16 years restricted to operating during daylight hours only and at a speed of less than 8 knots. Placement of registration numbers and sticker Numbers must be fixed as follows: Powerboats Midships on both sides of the hull where they are clearly visible not under the flare of the bow and 150mm in size. Yachts On the side of the hull immediately forward of the transom and 50mm in size. Inflatable boats As for a powerboat or on boards hung over either side and 150mm in size. Tenders Must have its parent vessels number displayed on each side of the boat forward of the transom. On all vessels, the registration sticker must be fixed on the port side, adjacent to the registration number.

Obstruction of navigation aids, channels and leads Crab nets, fishing nets, marker buoys, or any other buoyed objects, are not allowed in any channel, fairway or passage without the permission of the Department of Transport. Anchoring or mooring is also not permitted there unless you are in distress. Vessels must not be secured to a beacon or other navigation aid. Accident/incident reporting When an accident results in serious injury or death, or the vessel has been damaged enough to make it unseaworthy or unsafe, the owner or skipper must report full particulars of the incident to the Department within seven days. Pick up a special form from the Departments offices, download it from the website: or phone 1300 863 308 for one to be sent out. Port security Under State Port Authority legislation a continuous 50 metres restricted area exists around all port facilities and jetties within the ports of Dampier and Walcott, 700 metres around Woodsides Withnell Bay facility and 100 metres around the Woodside Slug Catcher facility in Withnell Bay. Unauthorised vessels may not enter these areas. Penalty $5,000

Keep SOUTH of 6 flashes + 1 long flash in a group

Isloated Danger Marks

indicate a small area of danger. Starboard Marks Light: Green, any rhythm.

Port Security Zones - No Access Fishing Restrictions - Contact Department of Fisheries Shallow Water (0-5 metres at low tide) Intertidal Areas - (dry at low tide) Saline Flats Mangroves Closed Waters - Motorised Vessels Reef
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
! ! ! ! !

LIGHT: White light, group of 2 flashes.

0 1 2 3 4 5 Nautical Miles Kilometres 10

indicate a special area such as aquaculture or feature such as traffic separation scheme.

Special Marks

Stay on the starboard side of the channel.

Offshore Rocks Mooring Areas Launching Ramps Approximately 2 nm from mainland shore Approximately 5 nm from mainland shore Access Zoning for Island Reserves - Department of Parks and Wildlife. Special Conservation Zone - No access at any time. Conservation Zone - Day access only Recreation Zone - Day trip and camping areas. (camping permitted only up to 100m inland of the high-water mark) Conservation & Recreation Reserves - Day trip and camping areas.




Madeleine Shoals Cape Legendre


Anchoring Prohibited Gas Pipeline





H am er sl ey


l oa

Cohen Island

Keast Island



re I


+ + + + +

ier oll

c Ro

+ +

+ +

Isl a

Brigadier Island Lady Nora Island



Miller Rocks

Pa ss


Anch oring Prohib ited Gas Pi peline

Cape Bruguieres
Mooring Area




Fishing Prohibited Delambre Reef

Navigate with Caution

Hauy Island

WARNING! Tides There is a 5m tidal range. Consideration to tidal movements should be given when planning a boating trip in the area. Notice to Mariners Before undertaking any boating activities please check the Department of Transports chart updates and Temporary Notices to Mariners list
+ +

Georgeff Reefs


Hungerford Bay Roly Rock Tish Reef + Tish Point



Malus Island
Marney Bay

l Is

Fly in


Gordon Point


ssa g e

l ph

Rosemary Norbill Island Bay

w or

in I

WARNING! Crocodiles Crocodiles inhabit Pilbara coastal waterways so please exercise caution when launching boats and do not clean fish at the waters edge. Immediately report all crocodile sightings to DPaW on (08) 9182 2000

Gi dle y

Re sh

Point O'keefe

Nelson Rocks

Wilcox Island

Delambre Island

Co ur te na yS ho al

Tozer Island

Kendrew Island

Foa m

Quartermaine Island
Illi ng


i Sa



r Passag e

Elphick Nob


Chookie Bay






Ch ing ipp





sh o


Bare Rock

Major Shipping Channels Caution at all times Pueblo Shoal




+ + +

Holden Point
700m Exclusion Zone 200m Exclusion Zone Pluto Gas Plant (under construction)


North West Reefs +

Mooring Area Navigate with Caution

+ + ++ +


Mooring Area Navigate with caution

rru p


West Lewis Island East Lewis Island

+ ++ + + +

Boiler Rock



ain la

+ + + +


+ +



700m Exclusion Zone

Withnell Bay

Mount Wongama


om M fr

ma i n


e shor

50m Exclusion Zone

Watering Cove
North West Shelf Gas Plant

+ Cape Lambert + + +

Enderby Island
Rocky Head
+ + + + +

Cowrie Cove

+ +



Marks Point
Mooring Area Navigate with caution



Fishing Restrictions Apply Contact Dept of Fisheries

Woodside Supply Depot

Mooring Area

Bluff Point

+ + + + +

Phillip Point Parker 50m Point Exclusion


End e


Egret Island

+ ++

Dockrell Reef
Mooring Area Navigate with caution


Intercourse Island



+ + +
Nest Head

50m Exclusion Zones

Mistaken Island

r te In st d a n E la Is

Ti de Is pol la e nd



Eaglehawk Island



Navigate with Caution

King Point

el + + Channf Ree

Roe Point

50m Exclusion Zone

Hearson Cove
Closed Waters - Motorised Vessels




+ +
) Is 's

King Bay





a Isl


Point Samson
Po p C es re N ek o s e

Mooring Area
Honeymoon Cove

Ship Rock
Ore Stockpile Power Station

See Enlargement

Port Robinson Cleaverville

+ +

Kangaroo Hill Pemberton Island


Jarman Island


Bezout + + +





Pa s

nin su la

+ sa

Mount Burrup


Bezout Island


Conzinc Island Conzinc Bay




High Point



Goodwyn Island

Whalers Bay
Mooring Area Navigate with caution

Mawby Island



Sloping Point
ne l

Ancho ring P

rohibi ted Gas ine Pipel

Haycock Island
West Mid Intercourse Island
+ +

Cod Bank

East Mid Intercourse Island

+ + +

Foul Point

Walcott Island

Pelican Rocks



Reader Head Mount Anketell

South West Reef


m fro

Low Island

Shoal Bay

False Summit

Sharp Peak

Three Peaks

White Peak

Salt Evaporators No Public Access

West Hill

Station Hill

Sandy Island

Intercourse Island

Salt Evaporators No Public Access

or e

inl an d


Basic rules of the waterways

Vessel Overtaking Another
Quartz Hill


Jaburara Hills

2N Mf


Power Vessels Meeting Head On

Power Vessels Meeting




Victoria Rock

d on lt P Sa take In


rn ou eb


in ma


sh nd


le Cle ave rvil
Cr e






Perseverance + let Rocks In + Star Rocks

Hat Rock

Picard Island

m pie r


Roa d

Riv er

Power Meeting Sailing Vessel

Ships in Channels

North East Regnard Island

Karratha Industrial Estate


Every overtaking vessel gives way (this includes sailing vessels)


Each vessel alters course to starboard

Welcome Vessel Mount having the other to starboard gives right of way

Power gives way to sail except when sailing vessel is overtaking

All vessels must keep clear of ships using or approaching the marked navigation channel Mount Hall


May Rock

a i tland



t Wes



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