Better Boating

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Details of the program are contained in the BBP Information Kit and BBP Application Form available for

download from the Roads and Maritime Services website Applications are generally called in June/July each year.

Better Boating Program

Information Kit

Better Boating Program

Grant Application Form

See the Roads and Maritime Services website for more examples of successfully completed projects. To discuss projects in your area contact your Regional Manager via the Roads and Maritime Services information line 13 12 56. For any further information contact the Infrastructure Grants Manager on 02 9563 8748 or at grants@rms.

Name of organisation: Contact name: Contact phone: Date of closing period: Office use only

Better Boating Program

Roads and Maritime Services is working for the boating community to encourage and support new and improved boating facilities throughout NSW. Up to $5 million a year is available for boating infastructure projects through the Better Boating Program.




Info line 13 12 56

Improving your boating facilities

The Better Boating Program (BBP) is a State Government grants program aimed at providing waterways infrastructure for the benefit of the boating community and the marine sector on New South Wales waterways. The BBP provides individual grant contributions to proponents such as local government, State agencies, boating organisations and community groups for the development of public boating infrastructure. Roads and Maritime Services utilises revenue raised from registration and licence fees to fund its contributions to the grants program. Under the BBP, up to $5 million is available annually to assist in the funding of approved projects.

Funding categories
The BBP provides grant funding opportunities across three main categories: Better Boating R  egional Infrastructure Grants Funding allocated Funding ratio Outcomes Up to $2.5 million per year Up to 50% of eligible total costs Better public recreational boating infrastructure across NSW

Projects eligible for consideration

Consideration for BBP funding will only be given to those projects that are: Principally infrastructure works of a lasting nature. Intended to greatly improve current amenities (or address the lack thereof). Located in a readily accessible public area with unrestricted public access. For use of, or available to, a broad cross-section of the public boating community. Situated either on public land or land owned by the local council, the Crown, or Roads and Maritime Services. Able to be commenced within six months of the approval of the grant and be completed within 18 months from this approval date. It should be noted that any funding grants not utilised within that period may be withdrawn. Supported in writing by key stakeholders, including the local council. Able to meet the programs criteria for assessment and submitted by the nominated closing date.

Better Boating  Sharing Sydney Harbour Access Program (SSHAP) Funding allocated Funding ratio Outcomes Up to $0.5 million per year Up to 50% of eligible total costs Improvements to water-based public access to Sydney Harbour and its tributaries for the people of and visitors to Sydney

Better Boating  Sydney Harbour Boat Ramps Funding allocated Funding ratio Outcomes Up to $1.5 million per year Up to 100% of eligible total costs Improved public boat ramp facilities in Sydney Harbour

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