Marine and Boating Guide 2012 13

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Marine &

Boating Guide

Experience Rottnest Island

Effective from September 2012

Leave No Trace Australia

Environmental Skills & Ethics Applied to Rottnest Island 1. Plan ahead and prepare  Observe the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve boundaries and regulations. Maps and information can be obtained from the Visitor Centre on Rottnest Island or charts from Department of Transport.  Contact your local Sea Rescue Group to log the details of your planned journey.  Be aware of possible dangers including tides, currents and submerged hazards. 2. Travel on durable surfaces  Durable surfaces in the marine environment include beaches and areas of sea free from reef and/or seagrass meadows.  Durable surfaces do not include coastal sand dunes. Help reduce dune erosion by walking on designated sand tracks in coastal areas.  Anchor vessels on sand and avoid areas of reef and seagrass meadows. 3. Dispose of waste properly  Be sure to take all rubbish with you including cigarette butts, fishing lines and bait bags and dispose of them in an appropriate receptacle.  No blackwater is to be disposed of within the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve. For more information refer to page 8. 4. Leave what you nd  Respect sanctuary zones and adopt an 'observe and conserve' approach in these areas. Leave seagrasses, shells, and dune vegetation as they were. 5. Minimise the impact of res Fires are not permitted on Rottnest Island.  Many fires are started by careless disposal of cigarette butts. Take care to dispose of cigarette butts appropriately. 6. Respect wildlife  Observe marine mammals such as dolphins, whales, fur seals and sea lions from a distance. Do not follow or approach these animals at any stage.  Please help to keep ocean wildlife healthy by not feeding marine animals as this can threaten their survival.  Be aware of current WA Fisheries regulations and bag limits on and around Rottnest Island. For more information please refer to Department of Fisheries regulations. 7. Be considerate of your hosts and other visitors  Respect other visitors by protecting the quality of their experience. Be courteous and avoid creating wake in bays.  Observe the Regulations of the Rottnest Island Authority (RIA), WA Water Police and Fisheries Marine Safety Officers.

Marine Environment Admission Fees Anchoring and Mooring Guidelines Rental Moorings and Jetty Pens Shared Mooring System (SMS) New Years Eve and Special Events Waste Management What To Do When You Need Help Guidelines and Regulations for Rottnest Island 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 10

Disclaimer The Rottnest Island Authority reserves the right to change the information in this publication at any time without prior notication. The information and maps supplied in this publication is a guide only and is not to be used for navigation purposes. 1

Sticker remains the property of RIA and must be surrendered on demand. Not transferable to another person or vessel.

Rottnest Annual Admission

Admission Fees
No. 08995

Valid until 31 August 2013

All visitors to Rottnest Island are required to pay an admission fee. The admission fee is a contribution to the conservation of Rottnest Island and the provision and maintenance of facilities and services. Those who visit Rottnest Island by ferry or charter vessel pay the admission fee as part of their fare. Those who visit by private vessel have two options for payment: Individual Admission Fees (Option 1) Adult Day Visitor Child (4-12yrs) Day Visitor Family Group* Day Visitor Adult Extended Stay (Over Night) Child (4-12yrs) Extended Stay (Over Night) Family Group* Extended Stay (Over Night) * A family group is two adults and two children. Please note that child rates apply for children aged four to twelve years inclusive. Children under four are free. Private vessel owners are required to pay an individual admission fee per Island visit or purchase an annual vessel admission sticker. Single visit fees must be paid on arrival at the Visitor Centre or online. (Option 2) Purchasing an annual admission sticker for your vessel. This is valid for one season and enables unlimited visits to Rottnest Island. Fees for annual admission stickers are: - Vessels up to and including 8 metres: $209.50







EMERGENCY 000 Rottnest Police 131 444 RIA Security 9372 9788 Nursing Post 9292 5030 Sea Rescue 9335 1332


Marine Environment
Rottnest Island boasts some of Western Australias most pristine marine environments, which are home to a diverse variety of marine life. With 9 varieties of sea grass, 135 tropical sh species, 25 types of coral as well as dolphins, sea lions, and migratory whales its no surprise that Rottnest Island is a popular destination for marine activities including SCUBA diving, surng, swimming and shing. Some regulations and guidelines exist to help conserve this unique marine environment and ensure that the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve can continue to be enjoyed by future generations. Please help care for Rottnest Island by observing the regulations and guidelines outlined in this guide. Sanctuary Zones Five marine sanctuary zones have been established to help conserve the pristine marine environments of Rottnest Island. Fishing and/or collecting is prohibited in these areas. For more information on marine sanctuary zone boundaries and permissible activities, please refer to 2






Vessel Registration


$16.00 $5.75 $37.50 $21.00 $7.25 $47.00

- Vessels 8 metres and greater but less than 10 metres: $238.50 - Vessels 10 metres and greater but less than 15 metres: $286.00 - Vessels 15 metres or greater: $476.50 These prices include GST and are valid from 1 August 2012. The annual admission fee is valid from 1 September to 31 August each year. For annual admission stickers for private vessels please contact the RIAs Marine Administration Ofce on 9432 9320 or check the boating information on our website. To purchase an annual admission sticker you will need to provide copies of your vessels current registration papers and insurance documents. Application forms are available on the RIA website. Charter Vessels The RIA has adopted a phone log-on for ALL SPV charter vessels accessing the Rottnest Island Reserve. Further information about the log-on is available from the RIA Marine Administration Ofce or our website.

Anchoring and Beach Anchoring Guidelines

Once you have paid your admission fee, you are permitted to anchor your vessel within the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve, provided your vessel: is at least 50 metres from any mooring, jetty or beach pen does not obstruct or interfere with access to a mooring  is well clear of reef, seagrass meadows, jetty access and navigation markers and is outside the no boating/anchoring areas Popular anchorage areas include Thomson Bay (south of the Army Jetty), Longreach Bay, Parker Point and Stark Bay. Please refer to the map at the back of this brochure. Beach Anchoring Beach anchoring is permitted, with the exception of no boating/anchoring areas. It is an offence to secure a vessel to land-based structures that are not designed for that purpose - eg. dune fencing. The use of star pickets or any other materials not specically designed for beach anchoring are also prohibited. Please bury your anchor/s deep into the sand as they are a potential hazard for beach users. Loading Zones All loading zones have a 20 minute limit and are located on the Fuel, T, Hotel and Geordie Bay Jetties. Please observe the maximum time limit when loading or unloading passengers or equipment. Thomson Bay Beach Anchoring The RIA offers, free of charge 17 beach anchoring points between the Hotel and Fuel Jetties and in front of Aristos Waterfront Restaurant. Maximum size permitted is 7.5 metres. These beach anchoring points are allocated on a rst in best dressed rule. Users deploy their bow anchor to sea and secure their own ropes to stern corners and to each beach anchoring point (see diagram).

Rental Moorings and Jetty Pens

There is a variety of offshore swing moorings (from 8m to 40m), jetty and beach pens that are available for rent on an overnight basis (10am-10am). These facilities can be reserved up to three months and six days in advance. Advance bookings are released 8.30am each day. Please be advised that all mooring servicing occurs during August and February of each year. During this time availability of rental facilities may be limited. Marine Facilities bookings can be made 24/7 at together with admission fees, accommodation and bike hire. Operator assisted bookings can still be made by calling Central Reservations 9432 9111 between 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Bookings can still be made in person at the Rottnest Visitors Centre 7 days a week or Fremantle B-Shed Monday to Friday. All bookings EXCEPT ON-LINE bookings must check-in at the Visitors Centre within 2 hours of their arrival. Rental fees are paid at time of booking and cancellation fees apply. Electricity and water supply is not available at any of the jetty pens and you must supply your own mooring lines. Rental Moorings and Jetty Pen Fees Rental mooring and pen fees quoted do not include admission fees. Fees effective 1 August 2012. All rental moorings have

green buoys.

Seasons Low Beach Pen (BBP) Small Jetty Pen Large Jetty Pen (FJ) Hotel Jetty (HJP) Swing Mooring Swing Mooring Swing Mooring 7.5m 7.5m 16m 8m <15m 15 to 20m 20 to 40m $15 $15 $20 $20 $20 $40 $60 Shoulder $31 $31 $41 $41 $41 $62 $82 High $36 $36 $51 $51 $51 $82 $103


Seasonal dates are displayed at: Fuel payments at Fuel Jetty only by EFTPOS no cash.

4 5

Shared Mooring System (SMS)

SMS - Licensed Moorings The RIA is trialling a scheme to incorporate hire moorings into the SMS to allow Licensee & Authorised Users to use appropriate sized hire moorings if they need to wait for their own mooring to become available. A condition for this use is that you must rst check with the Rottnest Island Visitor Centre to ensure the mooring is not already booked AND a competent operator must remain on the vessel at all times. The SMS can only be used by Licensees and Authorised Users. Penalties apply for unauthorised use of licensed moorings within the Reserve. SMS - Authorised Users Mooring Licensees may nominate owners of other suitably sized vessels to use their mooring. This permission must be given on the Authorised User Application Form (available from the RIAs Fremantle Ofce or on the RIA website). No other form of authorisation is acceptable. Authorised User status is only recognised on display of a valid sticker. Application forms must be processed and appropriate stickers issued and displayed prior to accessing the moorings within the SMS. If you wish to become an Authorised User of a mooring but have not been nominated by a mooring licensee, you can request nomination from the RIA. Following completion of the application forms and payment of fees the RIA will endeavour to allocate the use of suitable moorings depending on availability. Refer to the Authorised User Application Form for more details. Please note that licensees maintain priority use of their own moorings at all times. SMS - Casual Access Licensees and Authorised Users of the SMS are also permitted to use other moorings within the SMS on a casual basis. Coloured polyurethane discs attached to the mooring buoys indicate the appropriate vessel size for that mooring. When using the casual mooring system you should only use moorings that have the same colour disc as that displayed on your Licensee or Authorised User sticker.
= not to be used for casual use. = vessels up to and including 10m. = vessels up to and including 12m. = vessels up to and including 14m. = vessels up to and including 16m.

Illegal Use of SMS Moorings Unauthorised use of a mooring is prohibited within the Rottnest Island Reserve. A valid Licensee or Authorised User permit sticker must be displayed on every vessel using a mooring. Penalties apply to vessels in breach of this regulation. Vessel owners should be advised that an insurance policy could be void if any damage occurs whilst a vessel is illegally using a mooring within the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve.

New Years Eve and Special Events

At certain times of the year when demand for boating facilities is high, some special boating conditions apply. New Years Eve and the Rottnest Channel Swim During these events, the RIA will provide a designated area for tenders to be beached, and will restrict beach anchoring, beaching and anchoring in Thomson Bay in front of Hotel Rottnest. This has been introduced to assist the RIA in crowd management during this time. Appropriate signage will be placed onsite and an area will be provided for the proper use of tenders. Refer to the map at the back of this brochure for more details. Other Special Events Rottnest Island hosts a number of high prole events each year that result in signicant boating activity. Visitors are reminded to adhere to requests or instructions from Rottnest Island Rangers, Police, or Ofcers from the Department of Fisheries and Department of Transport to assist in the management of these events.

During casual use a competent = vessels over 16m. Lengths vary on each mooring. Maximum size operator must be available to is indicated in the centre of sticker. move the vessel immediately should the Licensee or any nominated Authorised User arrive to use the mooring site. Licensees have priority over the use of their own mooring sites at all times. Persons not adhering to this condition may have their Authorised User permit cancelled. Vessels classed as Annual Admission Only are not permitted to use the SMS. If an SMS mooring does not carry a casual use coloured disc it should not be used without permission from the RIA. 6

Waste Management
Visitors to Rottnest Island value the clean, clear water and unique marine environment. The RIA has a commitment to keep Rottnest Island waters clean, and a strategy is in place to manage the discharge of waste from vessels. Your help is requested to protect and preserve the Islands rich marine environment to ensure future visitors can enjoy it as you have. The discharge of waste from vessels can damage the marine environment, Rottnest Islands amenity and poses a public health risk. The RIAs strategy is aligned with a state-wide strategy which came into effect on October 1, 2005 and establishes a zoned approach to the Islands waters. Refer to the map at the back of this brochure for details on relevant zones. Zone One Regulations All the waters in the Rottnest Island Reserve are classied as Zone 1, and MSDs will not be able to be used to discharge waste anywhere in this area. Under the jurisdiction of the Fremantle Port Authority the following regulations apply for Zone 1: no discharge of blackwater no discharge of solid waste no discharge of fuel, oils and lubricants greywater discharge within the Reserve is prohibited Waters outside of the RIAs Reserve Boundary are classied as Zone 2. For the purpose of this strategy, the following denitions apply: Vessel Anything used or capable of being used in navigation by water and includes air-cushioned vehicles, yachts, boats or barges, used for recreational or commercial purposes. Blackwater Human body wastes, including wastes from any marine sanitation device. Greywater / Sullage Wastewater from showers, hand basins, sinks, dishwashers and washing machines. Fuels, Oils and Lubricants Any fuel oil or lubricant either directly discharged or mixed with bilge water. Solid Waste Any waste material of solid composition including but not limited to plastic, metals, food scraps or paper. Marine Sanitation Device (MSD) Any toilet (head) and associated plumbing and holding tanks onboard a vessel to receive, treat, retain or discharge human body wastes. 8

Standards for Approved MSDs The Department of Health is responsible for approving MSDs that treat blackwater to an acceptable standard for discharge into Zone 2. To determine whether a MSD treats blackwater to an approved standard contact the Department of Environmental Healths Wastewater Management Section. The discharge specication is: Thermotolerant Coliforms (Bacteria) - Less than 125/100ml Solids - No visible oating solids. The RIAs Management of Waste From Vessels Other initiatives are in place to monitor the impact of waste from vessels. These include:  continued research and monitoring of the water quality in the bays of Rottnest Island for pollution indicators  continued research into the influence of water circulation patterns of various bays of Rottnest Island the upgrade of onshore toilet facilities research into the impact of greywater  encouraging boat users to take litter home with them to minimise their impact on Rottnest Island  provision of recycling bins

What to do when you need help

If you nd yourself in trouble or in need of some helpful advice during your stay on Rottnest Island there are a number of people you can contact:  If you are experiencing a life-threatening boating emergency, please contact the Police on 000 rst or Channel 16 on VHF radio  If your vessel breaks down or requires mechanical assistance, please contact your local Sea Rescue group (refer to the back of this brochure for Sea Rescue groups and contact numbers)  If you need the Rangers assistance, they can be contacted on Channel 16 call sign Rottnest Rangers or (08) 9372 9788  In the case of an oil or fuel spill, please contact the Department of Transport on 9480 9924 For advice about safe, friendly and environmentally responsible use and management of the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve, please speak to a Rottnest Island Ranger. For further emergency contacts, please refer to the back of this brochure.

BBQs The lighting of res is not permitted on Rottnest Island. For your convenience, gas BBQs are located in Thomson and Geordie Bays. Camping Camping on the Island is permitted in designated campsites in Thomson Bay only. Sites may be booked through Central Reservations on (08) 9432 9111 or online at To ensure availability, please book prior to arrival. Coastal Hazards The coastal environment of Rottnest Island is extremely fragile. Beware of unstable rock slopes, cliffs and overhangs. Stay clear of limestone cliff edges, caves and overhanging rocks. These areas may be unstable and can collapse. To avoid damage to dune vegetation please remain on designated tracks when accessing coastal areas. This will help to reduce the risk of dune erosion. Dive Flags All divers using underwater breathing equipment (SCUBA) must y or tow the international A ag. Please keep at least 50 metres clear of vessels ying this ag, or divers towing the ag. Dive Contractors may be working within the moorings areas and dive ag etiquette should be observed. Domestic Pets Rottnest Island is an A Class Reserve and domestic pets are not permitted within the boundaries of the Reserve. Persons in contravention of this regulation will be penalised and required to remove the pet immediately, at their own expense. Drinking Water A limited supply of fresh water is available from the Fuel Jetty in Thomson Bay and Geordie Bay jetty. To help conserve this resource it is recommended that you ll your water tanks prior to departure from the mainland. Water restrictions do apply. Fuel Supplies Unleaded and diesel fuel is available from the Fuel Jetty in Thomson Bay between the hours of 8.30am to 4.00pm 7 days a week. Call 0417 930 044 for service. Credit card and EFTPOS only. Unleaded fuel is also available at the Geordie Bay Store.

Guidelines and Regulations for Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island is an A Class Reserve and all ora, fauna and landforms are protected. Please help care for this fragile environment by observing the following: Acceptable Behaviour, Noise and Alcohol For the enjoyment of all visitors to Rottnest Island guests are asked to keep behaviour and noise to an appropriate level during the day and to a minimal level after 11pm at night. This includes music and generator noise. Guests wanting to quietly enjoy alcohol are welcomed to do so however as is the case throughout Western Australia street drinking is not permitted, this includes jetties, beaches and any other areas outside accommodation and licensed premises. Infringements and evictions from the Island are applicable including vessels. Anchoring To avoid damage to Rottnest Islands marine environment, anchoring is only permitted is sandy areas and not in areas where seagrass or reef is present.



Fishing As part of Rottnest Islands Marine Management Strategy there are ve marine sanctuary zones that have been established to help conserve the pristine marine environments of Rottnest Island. Fishing and/or collecting is prohibited in these areas. For more information see Spear Fishing is prohibited within specied boundaries of the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve. Speed Limits - Water Craft and Jet Skis There are no designated water ski areas within the Rottnest Island Reserve and a ve knot speed limit applies to any water craft in all Rottnest Island bays. Please refer to the map at the back of this guide for speed limits throughout the Rottnest Island Reserve. Specic navigational and safety requirements apply to the off-shore use of jet skis. Please contact the Department of Transport for more information. Rafting of Vessels Rafting of vessel less than 6.75m on swing moorings is permitted and preferred where the mooring have been endorsed with + 6.75m. Rafting is permitted when vessels are on anchor. Rubbish Take your rubbish home with you wherever possible to reduce the current litter pressures on Rottnest Island and help conserve its fragile ecosystem. Also bicycles, tenders, craypots and other personal property by June 01 each year. Fees and penalties may apply. Reef Walking Please avoid walking on reef as this can damage the fragile reef environment and the marine species that inhabit these areas. Sandboarding Sandboards or similar devices designed or used to slide down a slope of land are prohibited on Rottnest Island and penalties apply. Scuba tank rells Scuba tanks can be lled at Rottnest Island Bike & Hire between 8.30am to 4.00pm 7 days a week. Swimming Boating prohibited areas have been designated in certain bays around the Island to provide areas for swimming. These are identied by either signs or oat lines - keep vessels clear of these areas. Swimming near moorings or designated anchorage areas is not recommended. Swimming is prohibited between the Main Jetty and the Fuel Jetty.







Point Clune

BBP 1 - 30







RIA29 Stark Jetty

SJP 5-1

RIA06 Water Ramp Acess RIA02 T Jetty RIA01

Geordie Bay

RIA52 Longreach RIA53RIA50 Bay

















Main Jetty


Visitor Centre




FJP 15 - 9 8-1

RIA28 Fuel Jetty RIA15 RIA16 RIA08 RIA21 RIA25 RIA10 RIA11 RIA09




Geordie/Longreach Bay Enlargement

0 100 200 Metres





Hotel Jetty (see insert)



Bike Hire

Hotel RIA27

Thomson Bay




Hotel Jetty
3 2 6 5 4 1







Max 8.0m Pens 1-6

Army Jetty

Rental Moorings Anchorage Area * Fuel (Unleaded & Diesel)** Toilet Water (Limited) Bayseeker Bus Stop Nursing Post Recycling Station Barbecue

Beach Anchoring Tenders Only < 3.75m Local Beach Pens (Public Prohibited) Boating Prohibited Swimming Prohibited Reef Jetties



* Boat owners anchor at own risk ** Fuel payments via credit card or EFTPOS only Note: Beware of submerged hazards when entering bays.



Disclaimer: The Rottnest Island Authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of this image, or the results of any actions taken when using this image.

Thomson Bay Enlargement

100 200 Metres









Anchorage Area * Fuel (Unleaded & Diesel)** Emergency Telephone (000) Shipwreck Snorkelling Surfing Bayseeker Bus Stop Lighthouse Toilet Water Recycling Station Marine SanctuaryZone Marker


* Boat owners anchor at own risk ** Fuel payments via credit card or EFTPOS only Note: Beware of submerged hazards when entering bays

North Point

5 Knots

Denton Holme 1890

Little Armstrong Armstrong Rock Bay Catherine City of York Bay


Parakeet Swamp

Parakeet Bay

Point Clune

Armstrong Point

Geordie Bay

Longreach Bay Point


The Basin

Monday Rock

Duck Rock Bathurst Lighthouse Mushroom Rock

Janet Macedon 1887 1883 Gem 1876

City of York 1899



Charlotte Point


Crayfish Rock

Barker Swamp


Lake Negri Lake Sirius Pink Lake

Lake Baghdad Lake Vincent Bulldozer Swamp Lake Timperley


Herschel Lake Pearse Lakes

Garden Lake


Marine Sanctuary Zone Marker

Mira Flores 1886




e Lak entin Serp

Government House Lake

Phillip Point

Stark Bay

Wadjemup Lighthouse

Bickley Swamp

Uribes Kingstown 1942


Lighthouse Swamp Salmon Swamp

Oliver Hill Lookout Jubilee Rocks

Bickley Bay
Bickley Point Wallace Island

Marjorie Bay
Hayward Cape

Abraham Point

Rocky Bay Nancy Cove

Henrietta Rocks Fairbridge Bluff


Mabel Cove
Cathedral Rocks King Head

Eagle Bay
South Point

Strickland Bay

Green Island

Porpoise Bay
Vera Rocks

Salmon Bay

Mary Cove

Kitson Point

o Kn


Lady Elizabeth 1878

Dyer Island

Kiryo Maru 1984

Cape Vlamingh

Raven 1891

Fish Hook Bay

Radar Reef

Wilson Bay

Salmon Point

Little Salmon Bay

Parker Point


11527' 11528'




3 Kilometres
11531' 11532'

Projection: GDA MGA 50 Production Date: July 2011

11533' 11534'

Disclaimer: The Rottnest Island Authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of this image, or the results of any actions taken when using this image.



Roland Smith Memorial

Shark 1939

Miwok II 1983


Thomson Bay

Phillip Rock




Marine Reserve Boundary (No discharge of blackwater solidwaste, fuel, oil or lubricants) 5 Knot Line Exemption Area (Shore Fishing) Sealed Road Boating Prohibited Sanctuary Zone Demersal Sanctuary Zone Spear Fishing Prohibited No Fishing (Nets/Protected Species)


5K no ts

ONLINE BOOKING - 24 hours a day 7 days a week ADMISSION FEES - Admission fees are payable on the Island on weekends and public holidays and at the Visitor Centre during normal ofce hours.
Rental Mooring and Jetty Pen Bookings (operater assisted) Tel: (08) 9432 9111 5 days a week Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm Marine Facilities Ofce Hours 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday (08) 9432 9320 Fuel Jetty (Purchases) Tel: 0417 930 044 7 days a week Rottnest Island Authority (RIA) Administration E-Shed, Victoria Quay, Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 693, Fremantle WA 6959 Tel: (08) 9432 9300 Fax: (08) 9432 9301 Email: Web: Contact Numbers Emergencies000 Diving Emergency Services 1800 088 200 Fremantle Hospital (08) 9431 3333 Rottnest Nursing Post (08) 9292 5030 Rottnest Ranger (08) 9372 9788 Call sign Channel 16 'Rottnest Rangers' Police 131 444 Water Police (08) 9442 8600 Volunteer Sea Rescue Groups Cockburn  (27Mhz) Ch 90 & 88 (VHF) Ch 73 & 16 Fremantle  (27Mhz) Ch 90 & 88 (VHF) Ch 73 & 16 Mandurah  (27Mhz) Ch 91 & 88 (VHF) Ch 73 & 16 Rockingham  (27Mhz) Ch 90 & 88 (VHF) Ch 73 & 16 Two Rocks  (27Mhz) Ch 91 & 88 (VHF) Ch 73 & 16 Whitfords (27Mhz) Ch 90 & 88 (VHF) Ch 73 & 16 9410 1544 or 0409 103 029 9335 1332

9535 4789

9528 2222

9561 5777

9401 3757

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