RPT B.inggeris THN 3
RPT B.inggeris THN 3
RPT B.inggeris THN 3
Listening and Speaking 1.1 Appropriate expression in social situations.
1.1.1 Able to thank someone : i. ii. Thank you, teacher. Thank you ery much. 1.1.! Able to express simple apology : i. ii. "#m sorry. $lease excuse me.
1.1.% Able to exchange greetings : i. ii. &o' are you( "#m )ine.
1.1.* Able to make simple polite re+uest : i. ii. $lease ... ,ould you ...
1.!.1 Able to read simple sentences : i. ii. $lease arrange the chairs. ,ould you take the ruler, please(
!. $ersonal /etails
-eading !.! Apply kno'ledge o) sounds o) letters to read phrases and sentences
!.!.1 Able to read phrases pertaining to : i. ii. age 0..years old 1 address 0 to'n2 district2 state1 !.!.! Able to read simple sentences i. ii. about : age 0 " am nine years old 1 address 0 " li e at ...1
!.%.! Able to 'rite simple sentences pertaining to : i. age ii. address %.1.1 Able to respond the opposite gender in a )amily : i. ii. iii. i . boy girl man 'oman
%. 4amily 5embers
iii. i . .
%.!.1 Able to read phrases pertaining to )amily members : i. ii. iii. i . his2 her )ather his2 her mother his2 her brother his2 her sister
%.!.! Able to read sentences pertaining to )amily members : i. ii. iii. i . . &e is my )ather. She is my mother. &e is my brother. She is my sister. These are my parents.
*.%.1 Able to copy phrases pertaining to )amily members : i. ii. iii. i . handsome )ather pretty mother young brother cute sister
*.%.! Able to copy sentences pertaining to )amily members : i. ii. iii. i . 5y )ather is ... 5y mother is ... 5y brother is ... 5y sister is ...
*.1.1 Able to state things in the classroom : i. ii. iii. i . 'hite board desk chair cupboard
*.1.! Able to say and point things in the classroom : i. ii. iii. i . 'hite board desk chair cupboard
*.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to things in the classroom : i. ii. iii. i . 'hite board desk chair cupboard
*.!.! Able to read simple phrases pertaining to things in the classroom : i. ii. iii. i . a clean 'hite board an old desk a 'ooden chair a big cupboard
*.%.1 Able to 'rite 'ords o) things in the classroom : i. ii. iii. i . 'hite board desk chair cupboard
*.%.! Able to 'rite simple phrases : i. ii. iii. i . a clean 'hite board an old desk a 'ooden chair a big cupboard
3.1.1 Able to state di))erent places in the school : i. ii. iii. i . library book shop hall store room
-eading 3.! -ecognise and read 'ords o) arious places in the school.
3.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to places in the school : i. ii. iii. i . library book shop hall store room
3.!.! Able to read phrases pertaining to places in the school : i. ii. iii. i . a neat library a busy book shop a huge hall a big store room
3.%.1 Able to copy 'ords pertaining to places in the school : i. ii. iii. i . library book shop hall store room
3.%.! Able to copy phrases pertaining to places in the school : i. ii. iii. a neat library a busy book shop a huge hall
i .
6. ,olours
6.1.1 Able to identi)y and di))erentiate colours : i. ii. iii. i . bro'n grey orange purple
6.!.1 Able to read 'ords o) arious colours : i. ii. iii. i . bro'n grey orange purple
6.!.! Able to read simple phrases o) arious colours : i. ii. iii. i . a bro'n to'el a grey shirt an orange socks a purple shoes
6.%.1 Able to 'rite 'ords o) arious colour : i. ii. iii. i . bro'n grey orange purple
6.%.! Able to copy simple phrases o) arious colours : i. a bro'n to'el ii. a grey shirt iii. an orange socks i . a purple shoes
7. ;umbers
7.1.1 Able to identi)y number 'ords )rom !1 to %: : i. ii. iii. i . . i. ii. iii. ix. x. t'enty<one t'enty<t'o t'enty<three t'enty<)our t'enty<)i e t'enty<six t'enty<se en t'enty<eight t'enty<nine thirty
7.!.1 Able to read 'ords o) numerals )rom !1 to %: : i. ii. iii. i . . i. ii. iii. ix. t'enty<one t'enty<t'o t'enty<three t'enty<)our t'enty<)i e t'enty<six t'enty<se en t'enty<eight t'enty<nine
8. Things At &ome
8.1.1 Able to identi)y things in the li ing room : i. ii. iii. i . carpet )an remote control curtain
8.1.! Able to identi)y things in the kitchen : i. ii. iii. i . glass =ug bo'l kni)e
8.1.% Able to identi)y things in the bedroom : i. ii. iii. i . mattress lamp clock mirror
8.1.* Able to identi)y things in the bathroom : i. ii. iii. sink to'el pail
Able to read phrases pertaining to things in the li ing room : i. ii. iii. i . a large carpet a dirty )an a broken remote control a beauti)ul curtain 8.!.! Able to read phrases pertaining to things in the kitchen : i. ii. iii. i . a tall glass a green =ug a small bo'l a sharp kni)e
i. ii. iii. i .
8.!.* Able to read phrases pertaining to things in the bathroom : i. ii. iii. a 'hite sink a so)t to'el a big pail
8.%.1 Able to copy phrases pertaining to things in the li ing room : i. ii. iii. i . large carpet a dirty )an a broken remote control a beauti)ul curtain 8.%.! Able to copy phrases pertaining to things in the kitchen : i. ii. iii. i . a tall glass a green =ug a small bo'l a sharp kni)e
8.%.% Able to copy phrases pertaining to things in the bedroom i. a thick mattress
ii. iii. i .
8.%.* Able to copy phrases pertaining to things in the bathroom : i. ii. iii. a 'hite sink a so)t to'el a big pail
9.1.1 Able to identi)y and state parts o) the head : i. ii. iii. i . . )orehead eyebro' cheek chin neck
9.1.! Able to identi)y and state parts o) the limbs : i. ii. iii. -eading 9.! -ecognise and read 'ords shoulder elbo' knee
9.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to parts o) the head : i. ii. iii. i . . )orehead eyebro' cheek chin neck
9.!.! Able to read 'ords pertaining to parts o) the limbs : i. ii. shoulder elbo'
9.%.! Able to copy 'ords pertaining to parts o) the limbs : i. shoulder ii. elbo' iii. knee
1:. ,lothes
1:.1.1 Able to identi)y and state di))erent types o) clothing : i. ii. iii. i . . cap hat shoes socks necktie
1:.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to di))erent types o) clothing : i. cap ii. hat iii. shoes i . socks . necktie 1:.!.! Able to read simple phrases pertaining to di))erent types o) clothing : i. ii. iii. i . . an orange cap a bro'n hat a pair o) 'hite shoes a pair o) grey socks a purple necktie
1:.%.1 Able to copy 'ords pertaining to di))erent types o) clothing : i. cap ii. hat iii. shoes i . socks . necktie 1:.%.! Able to copy simple
phrases pertaining to di))erent types o) clothing : i. ii. iii. i . . an orange cap a bro'n hat a pair o) 'hite shoes a pair o) grey socks a purple necktie
11. 4ood
11.1.1 Able to state )ood one likes. 11.1.! Able to state be erage one likes. 11.1.% Able to state )ood one dislikes. 11.1.* Able to state be erage one dislikes.
11.!.1 Able to read sentences pertaining to )ood one likes 0 " like to eat ...1. 11.!.! Able to read sentences pertaining to be erage one likes 0 " like to drink ...1. 11.!.% Able to read sentences pertaining to )ood one dislikes 0 " do not like to eat ...1. 11.!.* Able to read sentences pertaining to be erages one dislikes 0 " do not like to drink ...1.
11.%.1 Able to copy sentences pertaining to )ood one likes. 11.%.! Able to copy sentences pertaining to be erage one likes. 11.%.% Able to copy sentences pertaining to )ood one dislikes. 11.%.* Able to copy sentences pertaining to be erage one dislikes.
Listening and Speaking 1!.1 -ecognise di))erent types o) )ruits and Degetables
1!.1.1 Able to name and di))erentiate types o) )ruits : i. grapes ii. stra'berry iii. rambutans i . durian . 'atermelon 1!.1.! Able to name and di))erentiate types o) egetables : i. ii. iii. i . carrot potato garlic onion
1!.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to )ruits : i. grapes ii. stra'berry iii. rambutans i . durian
. 'atermelon 1!.!.! Able to read phrases pertaining to )ruits : i. ii. i. a bunch o) grapes a red stra'berry s'eet rambutans ii. a smelly durian iii. a =uicy 'atermelon
1!.!.% Able to read 'ords pertaining to egetables : i. ii. iii. i . . carrot potato garlic onion corn
1!.!.* Able to read phrases pertaining to egetables : i. ii. iii. i . . an orange carrot a bro'n potato a 'hite garlic a red onion a yello' corn
1!.%.1 Able to 'rite 'ords pertaining to )ruits : i. grapes ii. stra'berry iii. rambutans i . durian . 'atermelon 1!.%.! Able to 'rite phrases pertaining to )ruits i. ii. iii. a bunch o) grapes a red stra'berry s'eet rambutans
i . .
1!.%.% Able to 'rite 'ords pertaining to egetables : i. carrot ii. potato iii. garlic i . onion . corn 1!.%.* Able to 'rite. phrases pertaining to egetables : i. ii. iii. i . . an orange carrot a bro'n potato a 'hite garlic a red onion a yello' corn
1%. $lants
1%.1.1 Able to name and di))erentiate types o) trees : i. ii. iii. i . . papaya banana durian coconut mango
1%.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to types o) trees : i. papaya tree ii. banana tree iii. durian tree i . coconut tree . mango tree 1%.!.! Able to read phrases pertaining to types o) tree : i. ii. iii. i . . a papaya tree a small banana tree a big durian tree a tall coconut tree a short mango tree
1%.%.1 Able to copy 'ords pertaining to types o) tree : i. papaya tree ii. banana tree iii. durian tree i . coconut tree . mango tree 1%.%.! Able to copy phrases pertaining to types o) tree : i. ii. iii. i . . a short papaya tree a small banana tree a big durian tree a tall coconut tree a huge mango tree
1*. Animals
1*.1.1 Able to name and di))erentiate tame animals : i. parrot ii. deer iii. tortoise i . gold)ish
1*.1.! Able to name and di))erentiate 'ild animals : i. elephant ii. crocodile iii. eagle i . bear 1*.!.1 Able to read 'ords pertaining to tame animals : i. ii. iii. i . parrot deer tortoise gold)ish
1*.!.! Able to read 'ords pertaining to 'ild animals : i. elephant ii. crocodile iii. eagle i . bear
1*.%.1 Able to 'rite 'ords pertaining to tame animals : i. parrot ii. deer iii. tortoise i . gold)ish
1*.%.! Able to 'rite 'ords pertaining to 'ild animals : i. ii. iii. i . elephant crocodile eagle bear
13. >ccupation
13.1.1 Able to name and di))erentiate arious types o) occupation : i. guard ii. dentist iii. ha'ker i . )ireman . dri er
13.!.1 Able to read 'ords o) occupation : i. guard ii. dentist iii. ha'ker i . )ireman . dri er 13.!.! Able to read simple phrases o) occupation : i. a tall guard ii. a kind dentist iii. an honest ha'ker i . a bra e )ireman . a good dri er 13.%.1 Able to 'rite 'ords o) occupation : i. ii. iii. i . . guard dentist ha'ker )ireman dri er
13.%.! Able to 'rite phrases o) occupation : i. a tall guard ii. a kind dentist iii. an honest ha'ker i . a bra e )ireman . a good dri er
16. Transportation
16.1.1 Able to name and di))erentiate air transportation : i. ii. iii. i . aeroplane helicopter rocket =et
16.!.1 Able to read 'ords o) air transportation : i. ii. iii. i . aeroplane helicopter rocket =et
iii. i .
rocket =et
17.1.1 Able to identi)y day and night. 17.1.! Able to state time on the clock hourly : i. ii. "t is ... o#clock in the morning. "t is ... o#clock in the e ening.
17.!.1 Able to read sentences pertaining to time : i. ii. "t is ... o#clock in the morning. "t is ... o#clock in the e ening. 17.!.! Able to read sentences pertaining to timesho'n on the clock : i. ii. "t is ... a.m. "t is ... p.m
17.%.1 Able to copy sentences pertaining to time sho'n on the clock : i. "t is ... o#clock in the morning.
ii. iii. i .
"t is ... o#clock in the e ening. "t is ... a.m. "t is ... p.m.
*1. *!.