Bikes: What's It Mean To Be An Earn-A-Bike Instructor?

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BIKES Not Bombs

Earn-A-Bike Instructor Training Manual

Chapter 1 Program Objectives

Whats it Mean to be an Earn-A-Bike Instructor?

Welcome to Instructor Training! Earn-A-Bike (EAB) Program Objectives To provide an opportunity for students to earn used bicycles through their participation in the program. To teach students basic bike mechanics and bike safety skills, and the increased self-sufficiency that comes with having these skills. To provide a safe, supportive, respectful environment for all the participants. To provide a pre-vocational training experience, in which students learn the value of participation, productive work, punctuality and dependability. In the course of doing all of the above, we are also helping students develop the following higher order thinking skills: Language Use of specific vocabulary to communicate a technical concept. Systems Understanding how the components of a system interact and function as a whole. Ability to identify what components make up a system. Process Understanding how processes can be broken down into steps. Ability to enumerate the steps in a simple process. Problem-Solving Diagnosing a problem and designing an effective approach to developing and testing solutions. Interpersonal Communication Interacting effectively with customers and others at all levels of interpersonal relations. Finally, the EAB program, through the training and role provided for volunteer instructors, creates an opportunity for older teens and adults to gain teaching experience in an inner city, multi-cultural setting.

2000 Bikes Not Bombs

Chapter 1, Page 1 of 2

BIKES Not Bombs

Earn-A-Bike Instructor Training Manual

Chapter 1 Program Objectives

Bikes Not Bombs Instructor Training Contract Rights and Responsibilities

Bikes Not Bombs agrees to: 1) Provide all volunteer instructors with eight to ten scheduled training sessions in which they will be taught basic bike repair and safety skills and introduced to the teaching model we use in the EAB Program. 2) Provide all volunteer instructors with a credit of $2 per hour worked towards the purchase of used parts or bikes here at our Center. Credits are provided for the hours the instructors are in training as well as the hours they work as instructors. (However, if the trainee does not fulfill her/his commitment to teach 10 EAB sessions, s/he will NOT receive any credit for the hours in training.) 3) Provide a certificate of completion for the training once the material in all training sessions has been mastered, and to provide references and recommendations to prospective employers based upon a frank evaluation of the instructors participation. The Volunteer Instructor Trainee agrees to: 1) Sign up for and attend at least four of the eight to ten initially scheduled Instructor Training Sessions, and to complete all sessions within six months (either by taking make up classes if they are available or by taking classes on Wednesday nights as available, or by participating as an assistant with an experienced instructor in an EAB session working on a system of the bike that was covered in a lesson you missed). 2) Commit to working as a volunteer instructor in at least ten EAB sessions (in addition to any training sessions) following your training. 3) Show up on time for any session signed up for, and stay for the whole session unless youve arranged otherwise with the instructor. Please call us and let us know if you are ever suddenly unable to attend a session you have committed to teach. 4) Record your hours accurately on your time sheet. 5) Wear a helmet and follow the safety practices we learn in our trainings whenever you are riding in a BNB ride and whenever you are riding to and from the Center. I agree to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above. _____________________________ Volunteer Instructor Trainee
2000 Bikes Not Bombs

______________________________ Bikes Not Bombs

Chapter 1, Page 2 of 2

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