Fasting According To The Ancient Discipline of The Byzantine Churches
Fasting According To The Ancient Discipline of The Byzantine Churches
Fasting According To The Ancient Discipline of The Byzantine Churches
With St. Paul, we urge all to leave the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. We all are sinners in need of metanoia (repentance) in order to be rid of sin, the passions, and everything that enslaves us with regard to food and drink, clothing, pleasure, jealousy, anger, hatred, pride, obstinacy, calumny, amusements, and superficiality. He who commits sin is not free, but is the slave of sin. Great Lent is a time of purity, holiness, prayer, and liberation from sin, evil and corruption: a time very pleasing to God, a time of salvation, and a spiritual springtime preparing us to shine with the light of the glorious Resurrection. We exhort the faithful to take on the discipline of fasting and abstinence that our fathers and ancestors always practiced. My brothers and sisters, repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Abstinence: is abstaining from meat, dairy products, and eggs, while fish is permitted on the Days of fasting during Great Lent: Monday through Friday throughout Lent and Holy Week. Great
and Holy Saturday is the only Saturday of the year on which one must keep a fast; otherwise it is forbidden to fast on Saturdays. Sunday, the day of Resurrection, is never a fast day. Annunciation and Palm Sunday when fish may be eaten.
Days of abstinence: the whole of Great Lent, including Sundays and all of Holy Week, except
Fast consists in complete abstention from all foods and drinks from midnight to noon, and abstinence from all meats, Eggs, and Milk products (Water is allowed at any time). Eggs and Milk products are allowed on the Fast days during the Nativity of Our Lord's abstinence, the Apostles' abstinence, and the Dormition's abstinence.
Abstinence consists of abstaining from all Meats, Eggs, and Milk Products. Fast days
Paramony of the Nativity and the Theophany if not Saturday or Sunday. Friday before Theophany if the Theophany falls on Sunday or on Monday. Friday before Nativity if the Nativity falls on Sunday or on Monday. Weekdays for all the Lenten season with the exception of the day of the Presentation of Our Lord and the Annunciation of the Mother of God. Holy Saturday Wednesday and Friday of the Abstinence weeks. (August 1 to 14, December 10 to 23, June 17 to 28) Abstinence days
Every Wednesday and Friday of the year. Weekdays from December 10 to 24. (Nativity of Our Lords abstinence) Weekdays from June 17 to 28. (Apostles abstinence) Weekdays from August 1 to 14 with the exception of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. (Dormitions abstinence) August 1, August 14 (If not Sunday) August 29 for the Forerunner and September 14 for the Holy Cross. Weekdays for all the Lenten season with the exception of the day of the Presentation of Our Lord and the Annunciation of the Mother of God. Exceptions (No Fast or Abstinence)
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Between the Nativity of Our Lord and the Theophany. Between the Resurrection of Our Lord and His Ascension. The week following Pentecost. First week of the Triodion (The week following Sunday of the Pharisee and Publican)