MCQ Mechanisms

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MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer Principal/Method A.Kleinsconstruction B.Kennedystheorem C.DAlembertsprinciple D.Grublersrule ABCD A. 4123 B. 2341 C. 4321 D. 2143 CorrespondingApplication 1.

. Instantaneous centers inlinkages 2. Relative acceleration of linkages 3. Mobilityof linkages 4. Dynamic Forces of Linkages

Which mechanism produces intermittent rotary motion from continuousrotarymotion? A. B. C. D. Whitworthmechanism ScotchYokemechanism Genevamechanism EllipseTrammels

In a sliderbar mechanism, when does the connecting rod have zero angularvelocity? A. B. C. D. Whencrankangle=0 Whencrankangle=90 Whencrankangle=45 Never

What is the direction of the Coriolis component of acceleration in a slottedlevercrankmechanism? A. Alongtheslidingvelocityvector B. Alongthedirectionofthecrank C. Along a line rotated 90o from the sliding velocity vector in a directionoppositetotheangularvelocityoftheslottedlever D. Along a line rotated 90 from the sliding velocity vector in a directionsameasthatoftheangularvelocityoftheslottedlever


A. Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanationofA. Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanationofA. AistruebutRisfalse AisfalsebutRistrue

Assertion (A) :Link A experiences Coriolis acceleration relative to the fixedlink. Reason (R) : Slotted link A is rotating with angular velocity and block B slidesintheslotofA.


C. D.

coriolisaccelerationexperienced bythelink4is? A. 0 B. 0.8m/s2 Link2rotatesatanangular velocityof2rad/s.Magnitudeof C. 0.24m/s2

D. 0.32m/s2

In the diagram given below, the magnitude of absolute angular velocity of link 2 is 10 radians per second while that of link 3 is 6 radians per second. What is the angular velocity of link 3 relative to 2?

A. 6radianspersecond B. 16radianspersecond C. 4radianspersecond D. 14radianspersecond

ABCD is a mechanism with link lengths AB = 200, BC = 300, CD = 400 andDA=350.Whichoneofthefollowinglinksshouldbefixedforthe resultingmechanismtobeadoublecrankmechanism?(Alllengthare inmm) A. B. C. D. AB BC CD DA

The crank of the mechanism shown below in the diagram rotates at a uniform angular velocity . Which one of the following diagrams showsthevelocityofslider withrespecttothecrankangle? Whichoneofthefollowingstatementsiscorrect?

In a petrol engine mechanism the velocity of the piston is maximum whenthecrankis A. atthedeadcentres B. atrightanglestothelineofstroke C. slightlylessthan90tolineofstroke D. slightly,above90tolineofstroke

ABCDisabarmechanism,inwhichADisthefixedlink,andlinkBC,is in the form of a circular disc with centre P In which one of the followingcasesPwillbetheinstantaneouscentreofthedisc? A. IfitliesontheperpendicularbisectoroflineBC B. Ifitliesontheintersectionoftheperpendicularbisectorsof BC&AD C. Ifitliesontheintersectionoftheperpendicularbisectorsof AB&CD D. IfitliesontheintersectionoftheextensionsofABandCD

Considerthefollowingstatements: 1. Coriolis acceleration in a slotted bar mechanism is always perpendiculartothedirectionoftheslottedbar. 2. In a 4link mechanism, the instantaneous centre of rotation of the input link and output link always lies on a straight line along the coupler. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? A. 1only B. 2only C. Both1and2 D. Neither1nor2

What is the number of instantaneous centres of rotation for a 6link mechanism? A. 4 B. 6 C. 12 D. 15

f = 3 (n 1) 2j. In the Grublers equation for planar mechanisms given,jisthe A. Numberofmobilelinks B. Numberoflinks C. Numberoflowerpairs

D. Lengthofthelongestlink

Whichofthefollowingareexamplesofforcedclosedkinematicpairs 1.Camandrollermechanism 2.Doorclosingmechanism 3.Slidercrankmechanism 4.Automotiveclutchoperatingmechanism Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow: A. 1,2and4 B. 1and3 C. 2,3and4 D. 1,2,3and4

Two points, A and B located along the radius of a wheel, as shown in the figure above, have velocities of 80 and 140 m/s, respectively. The distancebetweenpointsAandBis300mm.Theradiusofwheelis

A. 400mm B. 500mm C. 600mm D. 700mm

Three positions of the quickreturn mechanism are shown above. In which of the cases does the Coriolis component of acceleration exist ? Selectthecorrectanswerusingthecodesgivenbelow:

A. 1only B. 1and2 C. 1,2and3 D. 2and3

The figure shows a circular disc of 1 kg mass and 0.2 m radius undergoing unconstrained planar motion under the action of two forces as shown. The magnitude of angular acceleration of the disc is

A. 50rad/s2 B. 100rad/s2 C. 25rad/s2 D. 20rad/s2

Figure shows Kleins construction for slidercrank mechanism OCP drawntofullscale.WhatvelocitydoesCDrepresent?

A. Velocityofthecrankpin B. Velocityofthepiston C. Velocityofthepistonwithrespecttocrankpin D. Angularvelocityoftheconnectingrod

The instantaneous centre of rotation of a rigid thin disc rolling withoutsliponaplanerigidsurfaceislocatedat A. Thecentreofthedisc B. Aninfinitedistanceperpendiculartotheplanesurface C. Thepointofcontact D. The point on the circumference situated vertically opposite to thecontactpoint

AlinkageisshownbelowinthefigureinwhichlinksABCand.DEFare ternary links whereas AF, BE and CD are binary links. The degrees of freedomofthelinkagewhenlinkABCisfixedare

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

Thecrankandslottedleverquickreturnmotionmechanismisshown in figure. The length of links O1 O2, O1C and O2A are 10 cm, 20 cm and 5cmrespectively.Thequickreturnratioofthemechanismis

A. 3.0 B. 2.75 C. 2.5

D. 2.0

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