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refrigeration systems
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1788, 030011 (2017);
Published Online: 03 January 2017
The effects of the condenser pressure drop on the cooling performance of an air conditioning
unit using R-410A
AIP Conference Proceedings 2001, 020006 (2018);
© 2016 Author(s).
Exergy Analysis of a Dual-Evaporator Refrigeration
Matheus M. Dwinanto1, a) Suhanan1,b) and Prajitno1, c)
1Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Gadjah Mada,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract. A performance analysis based on exergetic performance coefficient (EPC) criterion was carried out for a dual-
evaporator vapor compression refrigeration system. The influence of the condensing and evaporating temperature on the
EPC, the coefficient of performance (COP), the second law efficiency and the destruction of exergy will be presented. It is
found that the evaporating and condensing temperatures have strong effects on EPC in the system. Condensing temperature
increases will decrease EPC, COP, and second law efficiency, while evaporating temperature increases will increase the
EPC, COP, and second law efficiency. The EPC increases and the total exergy destruction decreases with decreasing
temperature difference between the evaporator and refrigerated space and between the condenser and ambient temperature.
The EPC can be used for selection of optimal design parameters and the procedures given in this paper for exergy analysis
of a dual evaporator vapor compression refrigeration systems has been applied to actual systems.
Thermodynamic processes in refrigeration systems release large amounts of heat to the environment. Heat transfer
between the system and the surrounding environment takes place at a finite temperature difference, which is a major
source of irreversibility for the cycle. Irreversibilities cause the system performance to degrade. Energy (first law)
analysis is still the most commonly used method in the analysis of the thermal system. The first law is concerned only
with the conservation of energy, and it gives no information on how, where, and how much the system performance
is degraded. Exergy analysis is a powerful tool in the design, optimization, and performance evaluation of energy
system. Exergy analysis also helps in taking account the important engineering decision regarding design parameters
of a system [1]. The first law of thermodynamics is related to energy and work losses, while the second law of
thermodynamics (exergy analysis) takes entropy into account via irreversibilities [2] and as a result, exergy analysis
is useful for improving the efficiency of energy-resource use, since it quantifies the locations, types, and magnitude
of losses [3]. Exergy analysis can be applied to small subsystems [4]. Therefore, it enables a distributed exergy
destruction map over the whole system by which one can find the component with the highest exergy destruction. An
important objective of exergy analysis for systems that consume power such as refrigeration is finding the minimum
power required for a certain desired result. Arora and Kaushik [5] did a detailed exergy analysis of an actual VCR
cycle. They developed a computational model to calculate the COP, exergy destruction, exergy efficiency, and the
efficiency defects for R502, R404A, and R507A for temperature in the range of -50 to 0°C and condenser temperature
range of 40 – 55°C. They concluded that 507A is a better substitute to R502A than that of R404A.
The first serious discussion and analysis of two evaporator refrigeration system were performed by Stoecker [6].
In another major study, a mathematical programming approach to optimize a refrigeration cycle comprising two
evaporators operating at two different temperatures for different types of refrigerant mixtures was developed by Churi
and Achenie [7]. As a result of this study, it was realized that the multi-evaporator cycle could give higher
efficiencies compared to the single evaporator cycle. As noted by Li and Su [8, 9] a two evaporator refrigeration
system has a larger surface area for heat recovery and this situation causes a reduction of compressor work. Therefore,
it can be said that two or more evaporators in a refrigeration system show better performance than one evaporator
system. The simulation model developed by Zhu et al. [10] is aimed at the optimal control analysis of multi-evaporator
variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system both in cooling and heating modes. The results obtained from this
study showed that the AGM-I is more applicable then a generic simulation model for multi- evaporator VRF system.
On the other hand, the AGM-II is more applicable for the one evaporator VRF system.
In the study, the main objective is to investigate the actual performance of a dual evaporator vapor compression
refrigeration system based on exergetic performance coefficient (EPC) using R134a as a refrigerant. Exergetic
performance coefficient is defined as the ratio of exergy output to the total exergy destruction rate (or loss rate of
availability), which was applied to various energy system for their performance evaluations [11].
+ Q̇evap#2 )
Ẇcom p
Exergy analysis of a process is a supplement to energy analysis, used to assess the work potential of the input and
output material and heat streams, and to determine the location and magnitude of irreversibility losses. The aim in an
exergy analysis is usually to determine the exergy destructions in each component of the system and to determine
exergy efficiencies. The components with greater exergy destructions are also those with more potential for
improvements. Exergy destruction in a component can be determined from an exergy balance on the component. It
can also be determined by first calculating the entropy generation and using [13]:
Where T0 is the dead-state temperature or environment temperature. In the refrigerator, T0 is usually equal to the
temperature of the high-temperature medium TH. Exergy destruction for each component of the cycle are as follows:
For compressor
Exdest,exp = T0 S gen,3- 4 = ṁ T0 (s4 - s3 ) (3)
For condenser
{ Q̇cond H
Exdest,evap = T0 S gen,4- 1 = ṁ T0 | s 4 - s3 + |
⎝ TL ⎠
The expansion through the thermostatic expansion valve is a throttling process; thus, the quality and specific entropy
at state 13 and 15 are, respectively [14]:
For thermostatic expansion valve#1
h12 - hf 13
x13 = (5)
hg13 - hf 13
FIGURE 2. Pressure-enthalpy and temperature-entropy diagram of dual evaporator for R134a
Exdest,tev#2 = T0 S gen,14-15 = ṁ2T0 (s15 - s14 ) (10)
For evaporator#1
{ Q̇evap#1 ⎞
Exdest,evap#1 = T0 S gen,6 -7 = ṁ1T0 | s7 - s6 - | (11)
⎝ TL1
For evaporator#2
{ Q̇evap#2 ⎞
Exdest,evap#2 = T0 S gen,4-7 = ṁ2T0 | s7 - s4 - | (12)
⎝ TL 2
For back pressure valve
The total exergy destruction in the cycle can be determined by the difference between the exergy supplied
(power input) and the exergy recovered (the exergy of the heat transferred from the low-temperature medium):
{ T0 ⎞
ExQ̇evap#1 = -Qevap#1 |1 - T |
⎝ L1 ⎠
{ T0 ⎞
ExQ̇evap#2 = -Qevap#2 | 1 - T |
⎝ L2⎠
The minus sign is needed to make the result positive. Note that the exergy of the heat transferred from low-
te m p e ra tu re m e d iu m is, in fa c t, th e m in im u m p o w e r in p u t to a c c o m p lish th e re q u ire d re fri g e ra tio n lo a d , Q̇evap :
Ẇmin = ExQ̇evap (19)
The second law efficiency (or exergy efficiency) of the cycle is defined as:
y II = (20)
To have information about the exergy destruction of the DERS, it is additionally required to have another
performance criterion. Therefore, this study introduced a performance criterion named exergetic performance criterion
(EPC) that gives information about the total exergy destruction rate (or loss rate of availability) to produce a certain
amount of exergy output. The EPC is related to the second law efficiency by [11]
EPC = (21)
1 - yII
The total exergy destruction and COP in DERS as a function of the evaporator#1, evaporator#2 and condenser
temperatures are depicted in Fig. 3. The total exergy destruction and COP are influenced remarkably by both
evaporator temperatures, where the total exergy destruction increases with the decrease of both evaporator
temperatures and decreasing COP. In addition, as the condenser temperature increases the total exergy destruction of
the refrigeration system increases and decreasing COP. It is obvious because the higher the temperature difference
between the ambient and the condenser causes the higher exergy losses.
Figure 4 depicts relation of total exergy destruction and exergy efficiency as a function of evaporator and condenser
temperatures. From the curves in Fig. 4, it is apparent that the effect of evapotaror#2 total exergy destruction on exergy
efficiency can be ignored when it is compared to that of evaporator#1 total exergy destruction at the temperature range
studied. The exergy efficiency is not influenced remarkably by evaporator#2. However it increases with the increase
of evaporator#1 temperature. Conversely, exergy efficiency decreases with the increasing value of condenser
temperature. The main factor affecting exergy destruction in evaporator#1 and evaporator#2 is the entropy flow
because of keeping constant the capacities of evaporator#1 and evaporator#2 as 0.9 kW and 0.4 kW, respectively. As
the evaporator temperature increases, this causes the entropy flow across the evaporators to decrease as shown from
the T-s diagrams in Fig. 2. Therefore, the total exergy destruction in the evaporators decreases as the evaporator
temperature increases.
FIGURE 3. Relation of total exergy destruction and COP as a function of evaporator and condenser temperatures
FIGURE 4. Relation of total exergy destruction and y II as a function of evaporator and condenser temperatures
The EPC and COP in DERS as a function of the evaporator#1, evaporator#2 and condenser temperatures are
depicted in Fig. 5. The EPC and COP are influenced remarkably by both evaporator temperatures, where the EPC
and COP decrease with the decrease of both evaporator temperatures. However, the EPC and COP increase with the
decrease of condenser temperature.
FIGURE 5. Relation of EPC and COP as a function of evaporator and condenser temperatures
Figure 6 depicts relationship of EPC and exergy efficiency as a function of evaporator and condenser temperatures.
From the curves in Fig. 6, it is apparent that the effect of evapotaror#2 EPC on exergy efficiency can be ignored when
it is compared to that of evaporator#1 EPC at the temperature range studied. The exergy efficiency is not influenced
remarkably by evaporator#2. However it increases with the increase of evaporator#1 temperature. Conversely, EPC
and exergy efficiency decreases with the increasing value of condenser temperature. The common characteristic of
the figure is that EPC increase with increasing evaporator temperature and decrease with increasing condenser
In this work, an analysis based on exergetic performance criterion (EPC) is presented for the investigation of the
effects of the condensing and evaporating temperatures on the total exergy destruction, the coefficient of performance,
and the second law efficiency of a dual evaporator vapor compression refrigeration system. It is found that the
condensing and evaporating temperatures have strong effects on the EPC, the second law efficiency and COP of the
system. The EPC, the second law efficiency and the COP increases, and the total exergy destruction decrease with
decreasing temperature difference between the evaporator and refrigerated space and between the condenser and
ambient temperature. The EPC can be used for selection of optimal design parameters and the procedures given in this
paper for exergy analysis of a dual evaporator vapor compression refrigeration systems has been applied to actual
The authors thank the Ministry of Research, Tech., and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia and LPPM
University of Nusa Cendana for supporting this research and paper through The Grant 2016.
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