Satyajatakam Dhruva Nadi

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses an English translation of an astrological work by Satyacharya and its merits/features.

Some distinguishing features of this work are its novel treatment of astrology, principles of stellar theory, panchashid dharma criterion, effects of the house, and significance of the planets.

The book is devoted to a detailed study and interpretation of the results of the dashas (planetary periods) and covers all 12x12 combinations of houses and planets.



'l! r.




This is an English version of a great Astrqlogical work by _ Satyacharyaconsidered to embody the principles of Dhruva Nadi and Satyasamhita Nadi. It is told in this work that the principleswere communicatedby Dhruva to Jaimini, who in turn passedit on to Garga who transmitted them to Vyasa, wherefrom Satya Rishi got therr. The name of Satyacharyaoccures in Brihatjaraka. e,xpres.sly quoted by Varahamihira with great reverenceseveraltimes. Vide :

4. i^t'p{erri t}Tqrc: q'el: I 5. A|frI Gren dqI{RI: I

r. Sffi

rytr 2 ilWtF qr$lfAgg.dlEqiil (vil__e)



ftn | (vrr__r3)

fu,AEET r lvlr_-ur;

Another opinion is that Satyacharyawas a Buddhist monk well-versedin Astrology. Many of his slokas havc bccn quoteclhy Bhattotpala in his commenrarv in Brihat Jataka at relglnt places. Some of them havebeen given at the end ol'this book as an Appendix for the benefit of the readers. Norv coming t<l thc merits of this book. thcre are manv spccial features of this w'rk that rcnder it unique. The trearmcnt 'f thc subject <lfAstrology is noval in this book and is not to bc found in ordinarv textson the sub.iect. Some of the disti'guishingf'caturcs of this rvork are the treatment of stellar lhcory, panihasidcrhanta critcrion, Bhavaphala . (effects of the house), grahakarakatva (significanceof the planets) and Dashaphala(resuhs .l different dashas).The book givesrules to dcterminc the effccrs()l thL:pranets placed in difl'erentstars which are not gcnerally liruncrin .rdinar1, rvorks It deals with Bhavaphalaand Dishaptrila in .n cxhausrirc' manner. lt gives the results rvhich would t)ccur q'lrc' a particular Bha'adhipati is placeclirr the rrvelve {iffercnt houscslirr.alr rhc l.l-l

(12x12) combinations possible. Almost half of the work is devoted to a detailed study and interpretaticln of the resultsof the dashasand one can boldly say that such a treatment is difficult to be found elsewhere. The book will prove to be a guide of immense value and great practical utility to all. students of Astrology, both for the beginners anrl the advanced, in the instruction of the art of prediction by synthesisingthe diverse factors like stellar position, Navamsha, Bhava, Rasi etc. and judging the samecorrectlv. It is earnestly hoped that the book will be received by all the readers interested in the scienceof astrology with enthusiasm and should serve in widening tlre knowledge of the readcrs, rvc fcel that our ambition has been completelyfulfilled. We take this opportunityto express our sincerethanksto all those who assiste d in the publication of this rvork. It is possiblethat some errors and omissionsmav renrain in thc book and if these are brought to our noticc, we shall try to rectilv them in the nen edition. 26thJarruan, 1979. S. K. KAA.IAN


This book contains rarc nratcrial regarding thc principles of astr<llogyand rulcs hithcrto unknown to any studcnt of astrology.A sincere provc t<l bc of study of this work will doubtlessly great value to evcry carncsl scckcr. S<lmc of the special fleatures which distinguish thc rvork are: Stellar Theora Thc book givesrulcs to dcterminethc cffcctsof thc planctsplaccdin differcnt stars.This is in .r rarc l'caturc rvhichis not availal'rlc the ordinnrv toxt booksrln aslrolog.v-. It givcs an cx'haustive account abtlut Bhlvaphala. Th'^ resultsrvhich rvouldoccur rvhcna particularBhavadhihavcbccn givcn for pati is placcd in the 12 houscs all the I a $2x12) combinations possiblc. Thc dctailshavc been givcn on a thorough scicntific anclthc the grahakarakalva basisby synthesising panchasiddhanta principles. Many ncrv rules arc given in this book frlr thc studl' of navamsha chart and thc gocharaof planets.

ion of Dashas lrrterpretal A l m o s t h a l f o f t h i s r v o r k i s d c v o t c d t o a s t u d y o ft h e rcsults of dashas. It dcals rvith thc dasha svstcm in a dctailedmanncr givingthc effectsof the lord of each housc whilc placcd in the twclvc houses (1,14 combinations).

Time of Birth -Janmanakshatra-Strength Significance of the houses of a BhavaThe greatsageSatyacharya taughtthe principlesof Astrology to principles his discipleMauiththaandthese in this work. arecontained l. Addressing his pupil, Satyaclrary4 said,"Oh rny deardisciple!I am going !o revealtheprinciples of Astrology to you. Theseprinciples arenot known to anybo<ly atd area greatsecret. you By means of these, canpredicttlrc futureevents accurately". 2. The science'of Asrologyis a greatsecret. It shouldbe guarded with care.It shouldneverberevealed to people whohaveno faith in God. t&eifGuru. 3. This sacred science of Astrologyshouldneverbe taughtto bad people. Nor shouldit berevealed to toomanypeople andvery frequently. It shouldbe taughtorilv to a few chosen disciDles wln reallv deserve and oualificatious. Listen to me with care.Now I shall bqvelhe necessar], expoundthe priciplesof Astrologyaccording to "DhruvaMatram" i.e. according to theschoolo[Dlrruva". 4. During thecourse (24 hours)thetwelveascendants of everyday continuously rise and set one after another. The twelveascendants are Mesha Vrishaetc. lhe ascendant at sunrise is naturally the signin which the Sunis posited.During tlrc course of eachlagnamillions of creatures arebom. 5. Thereare thrcedifferentmotnent.( which can be takenas the time of birth andfor which thehoroscope canbe cast.


r^rt^ rArAtAr

These are-(l) Adh:ura ragna r.e.thc rnorncnt .r'rrnccJrrrrn (2) Siro-darshana lagna i.e.,tlrernornent at whichthc hcad ol tlrcchild rr flnt (3) Bhupatana sighted. lagna-the momcnt at whichlhc chikl lcavc.r rhc body of themoilrerandtouches theearth. As it is difficultto dcrcnnrrrc the first two momentsaccurar.ely, the third one shouldbe takcn lbr preparingtlrc horoscope. of a nativeareto be studied .6. The fortunes with reference to : ( I ) theascendant lord (edr) ; (2) tlrelordof theascendant in thenavamsa diagram(cq-qqirln) (3) the lont of rhebirth sratr,(wq<rfu) ; and (4) the lords of therasisrrccupied by theabove three. 7j Birth-star 1q+<aa): Considerthe srengths of the Moon and the ascendant. If the ascendzurt is strongerthan the Moon, the lord of tlre star in which the ascendant falls, is to be takenas the birth star.If, on the other hand, the Moon is strongerthan the ascendant, tbe lcd of tbe star in which it is positedis to be taken asthebirhtstar. /Vote : Thus,it shouldbe notedrhatthetenn, "birth-star', is a teclmicaltermandhasspecial meaning in this book. 8. Determinationof Birth-star : Two vlews: Fintly, Birth star has to be Oet"n"in"O UfrGEiffidisiderariitn of rhe srrengrhs of rhe Moon andtheAscen<lant. is the star in whicln either theAscendant falls lt or the Moon is positedat ille . W-btebeyer iS stronLler of


consideration for puroose of determination of the birth-star. This is the view generally accepted and followed. However,thereis another view in this matter.Instead of considering thesrengtt s of theA$er we coffiffiffi , o the Moon, the starin which it is posited at birth shouldbe takenasbirthstar. But, if the Moon is stronger than the Ascendant lord, the star in which it is situated at birrh shouldbe reckoned as thebirth-star. But this : view is generally not followed.




9. The lordsof thetwenty-seven scars aregivenbelow : ( Aswini L gharani b lrlagtra \'l Moola

Ketu Venus
Surl Moon Mars Rahu. Jupiter Saturn Mercury

( { PoorvaphalguniloPoorvashadha

1 xriu*a
t Ronini (Mrigasira
6 Ardra ?Punrru"ru


t'\ Hasn r ( Chitra

t5 Swati tOVisakha t1 Anuradha t0Jyeshtha

?zSravana Z{Sravishtba Z(sarabhisha 2fPoorvaproshthapada 26rJmaraproshthapada 7lRevatj

b Pushya

/ Astesha

10. Calculatethe shadbala (according to the of all rhe planers. rulesgivenby Sripati).rneffiItroroscope. If all thefourc"r"rorinants,(d.e.ttrgascenlE4t_lor0, rhs.-navamsgggalord, !he_!od of rhe birth star and the lords of the rasis occupiedby the previous three) the nativewill be very powerful. If these be of mediumstrength, the native will be moderatelyfortunate. If any two of the abovedeterminants are endowedwith full strength, the positionand status of the native in life will beof middlenature. If only oneof thedeterminants hasfull strength, he will havejust ordinarytype of luck. If noneof the determinants is strong,thenativewill be miserable andpoor throughout his life.

(RasiChart) uRr

rqirt (NavamsaChart)

Venus Rasi Sun Jup. Mars Moon L Sat. Merc. Moon Sat. Navamsa


L Jup. Sun


ll. Illustration : Considerthe horoscope of a penon btrn in Sagittariuslagnain the starof Uttarashadha and in theLeo navaursa For this horoscopethe fhst determinanti.e. the ascendant lqd is i.e. the lord of the Janmarasi (i.e. the Jupitei. fhe second deteminant sign occupiedby the Moon at birth) is the Srn. The third detenninanti.e. The lord of thesignsoccupiod the lord of the scar Uttarashadhais the Sun. by themalso happens t,obe theSm. The above horoscopeis givdn by Sage Satyacharya in orOer to illustrate the principles of determiningthe birth-star and the othef determinants. This horoscope, Satyacharya is thehoroscope says, of a malechild born underthe star of Uttarashadha fust quarter . (cqq) in the month is Dlunu. In the navamsa of Simha-The ascendant is chart,theascendant I,eo. So,thefirstdeterminanti.e. thelordof theascendantisJupiter. The second detenninant i.e. thelord of theNavamsa lagnais theSun. The third determinant is the lord of the birth-star.Satyacharya judges like this. As the Moon is Vargoththama it is strongerthan the Ascendant. Hencethe birth-star is Uttarashadha in which theMoon was positedat birth. Lord of Uttarashadha beingSun,it is thethird detenninanr To find the fourth determinant, accordingto tlte definition, we have to considerthe lords of the ra.sis occupiedby the abovethree.Here, the Iirst threedeterminants areJupitcr,Sunand Sun.The lord of the rasi in which they are situatedis againSun.Hencethe deterrrinants are Jupiter and thesun. In"this horoscope, Jupiteris positedin the 9th house(Bhagya Bhava)in conjunction with theSunwho ownsthe 9thhouse. yoga as it is betweenVenus Moreover, Jupiter has shubhakartari and Mercury. Venus being labhadhipati(ll'!) andMercurybeing (10). 'Iherefore, Rajyadhipati Jupiteris very strong. '


in Bhava(9th house), Now consider theSun.Sunis in theBhagya with Jupiter andis in conjunction its own sign (Leo).It is Vargoththama It is also hemmed between two benefic which is highly auspicious. planets-Venus andMercury, (theLabhadhipati andRajyadhipati).Thus tlp Sunis alsovery strong. As Jupiter and the sun happen to be the determinantsfor this horoscopeand as they havebeenfound to be srong, the native will be andprosperity. with long life, fortunes blessed is a is of the opinionthat thenativeof this horoscope Satyacharya very fortunate persoll, sure to becomean emperorendowedwith much of of the strengths thecomparison wealth andpower.[strict]yspeaking, the Lagna and the Moon is to be made on the basis of the calculaled (sixfold strengtlt). as a Sometimes, valuesof their respective shadbalas. of the Lagna and the of the strengths rougb method,the comparison values of their respective Moon is to be madeon thebasisof thecalculated (sixfold strength).Sometimes, as a'rough method, the shadbalas. exaltation,(Vargoththama is madeon thebasisof swakshetr4 comparison positions lord andthe Moon ). of theascendant The significanceof the Houses: 12. The Significanceof the twelve Bhavas : The first house nifies the bod

ss quote verses in we some the readers For the of and unhappiness. benefit +
Parijata andJataka workslike Phaladeepika this connection from standard

I ilGt EkruflkfEqRfr Frt fi{ Tdqrjq ErdT

afigurc6agqqffi 1 $flrqqt5Rffiunfr

ll rtrffitr{cgd--drfr v,flrfrifctctr(R IRT:

(J.P. xI 13)
Here, Satyacharya cautionsthat the twelve bhavas sideredwith referenceto both [,agnaand if we areto studythefinancid prospects example, of the natives the secondhousefrom Lagna and Chandralagna should


both be considered and then only we shouldproclaim the net results througha carefuljudgementof both of them. For example,even if a person appears to be shortlived.when examined with reference to Lagna, but thereareyogasfor longevitywith reference lagna,these to Chandra yogaswill certainlycontribute to his life and the resultwill be thaf the person will havemediumlengthof life. 13. Strength of a Bhava: lord as well as the lord of therasi in which it is olacedareboth stronq. strong,all the good resultsof the Bhava will fructify. If only one is strong,the resultswill be ordinary.If both are weak,bad effectsalone will result. 14. Satyacharya illustrates theseprincipleswith the help of the following horoscope :

Rasi Mars


The nadve of this horoscope is born in Mesha lagna and Mesha navamsa. Satyacharya hasgiven the positionsof the two planets.Satum in Tula and Mars in Makara. He says that this personwill be a great mperorendowedwith much wealthand fame. The reason is, the ascendant lord is in the 10thhouse andis exalted. (i.e. lord of the rasi in which @xcellentRuchakaYoga). Its.depositor


house. Also, in theseventh andit is alsoexalted Mars is placed)is Saturn lord aspects theLagnawhichis its own house.Also Mars,theascendant (Navamsa lagnaalso being Mesha). !!e the lagna is Vargoththama. makesthe personshort in staturg. aspectof Mars over the ascendant (Mars is descirbedas short in stAture). sayshere that other Satyacharya For example,if the should also be taken into account. combinations it will be more auspicious lagnais hemmed benefics, Navamsa between If these are auspicious benefics an<f6efortuneswill be muchincreased. to be Yogakarakas), or happen by their lordship(i.e. theyown trine houses But if the benefics of fortunes. it will further contributeto the increase lagna, aremalefics by lordship(i.e. who areon eithersideof thenavamsa and naturewill be'reduced if they own bad houseg 6, 8, l2), auspicious in addition. therewill be badresults lagnais 3o20'.By sayingthatthe Nore: Theextension of Navamsa Navamsalagna should be hemmedbetweenbeneficsit is implied that ' benefics shouldbe quitecloseto and no malefic shouldintervene.It is doubtful, whetherthis is to be fead f 15. The Secondllouse

ki f{qr tqqqrR $k qtr6r qtq6q{ ll (qtrAftor 1,1s)

fq( +i g{i Rqrerq6<t1ffi q 1 fg: ll Affiqtqrffqrfr mqrudRHql

(wrowo xI,49)
The secondhorr speec O

houseis exremelv weakor.afflicted,naturaly Note : If the second assigns The reason why Satyacharya @. it is the twelfth housefrom the because timiditv to this houseis perhaps drtqles coup&e. third housewh1qh


Jualuparijata says:

orornrgfrq$rtfigryfr | aS Efrr qr*qffiqgsffi tt
(wo qToxu-r)
Nole : Third houseis seventh (Marakasthana) from the 9th house. it tne0e {ence Aenotes Phaladeepila says:


l tl

17. fourth '. The r rrE ruur ru uuqs house uErtu)tis dentoes t;(rlluofl' comfort equcauon. education, convevance.
landed property, house, mother. friends- relatives- crffle cardgnnd and Ity* Ig!$*ngger,_l@E!,*re!atives.

Jaral@ Parijata says:

Tffil Aq|qTfrgqTR

grFsFf{gftgqrR r qfrqqrqfarffi<{rur
Tg$qri[FTqrf{ cn: tl

lf6t{ qrgFi qrfti{ Fii fr* qriqmq I

18. The fifth houserulesover children, deeds,chari lor parents , respecl

FrmRgiltrdrgF$lq il

(J.P.XUI, 1) 19. The sixth housesignifies9iseases, troublesfrom enemies, womes, injuries, litigatio , mentalworriesand legalinvolvement.s.

wnwft qrrft nrfl fl i{rFgWetc**n (vo fro r,r:)

20. journeys, change of residence andforeigntrvavel.

(J.P. XIV, D

(P.D.l, t3) Note : The seventhhouseis one of the marakasthanas, the other ,thehouseof longevityi.e. theeighthhouse.


e from sins committed in previousbirths, suddenand untimely death

qfeTrqqR {tungRRq(rff{ sTqrT u|lgr RIH{ |

(wofro r.ra) (rnrm-qF+D


22. The ninth houserulesoverfather,fortunes

: gf'dftflq(r|'*i{rF(|| {rrRffi


gtlFtrqrq ll

livelihoo4 profession, occupations, represents 23. The tenth house commerce,trade, honour, ran!, fqng.3uthority cqmmmd, dress, p : (gor<n,qmqR). grimage, of one's_castg andoccupations

Fqn mqr(ll rrqFrq$dmfi lTltfuf,rq

(J.P. XV, 1) 24. Ttr,eeleventh house denotes fulfilment of desires, acquisitionof wealthandprofits through ornaments, commer@.

nRi wt wrtffii drrnqFflr{rRftrBRrqtrr{ uiqrr61qqoof ll WqFt(lM{t



25. The twelfth house: This houserulesover loss,expenditure, salvation(Moksha),po


Strength of Bhavas and planets-Pancha Siddhanta criterions-Planetary firendship-Auspicious and inauspiciousstars etc.
1. General rulesfor the studyof Bhavas: (i) Each Bhavahas innumerable significations i.e. they denote manypointsof life. These haveto be studied verycarefullyby considering (Karakas).. therelevant, Bhavas andtheruling planets (ii) -lV UeingptaceO in Ur" siqns. (iii) If the lord of a Bhayais placedbet*ee. Note : This is cal_!99 Subhakarrr!-Wga - (NrwCtf;Jo gtud&) for rhe lad of Oe gnaua (iv) If the lord of a Bhavais placed in t.he 6th,8th and 12thhouses, the Bhav (v) If the lord of a Bhavais hatyari (i.e.the taras,
will decline.

in thethreestarscalled Vi

(vi) If the lord of the Bhavais hemrned between malefic planets, the significations of the Bhavawill suffer. Nore : This is called'Papakartri yoga of thelord of the Bhava. (vii) If tlre lord of theBhavais combrst ttrqqSfo. h-;;ffiiqd or is in debilitation(ftq) theBhavais destroy-gd. '(viii) If thelord of a Bhavais posited in Kendra or Trikonahouses, of the Bhava will flourish. lignifications


(ix) tf mebrd of a ghavais posi its house, it tendsto improvethe signi{ications of theBh (x) The olanet which is movinq towards its exaltationooint (o-a6a,A;, which has large numberof subhavargas and vargothtbamas (remaining in the same rasi, Navamsa,Drelkana, Saptamarnsa and trimsamsas) and which is associated with Benefics tend to promote the Bhava. (xi) The planetthat haslargenumberof Ashtakavarga bindus(6, 7 of its Bhava. gj 8), will promotethe significationS (xii) The not placedasdescribed abovewill cause the destructionof the Bhava.(i.e. if it is benpeenmalefics,conjoinedor aspected by maleficsetc.). (xiii) A Bhava flourishes if it is conjoined with or aspectedby planets. benefics. Similarly,it will thriveif it is henuned between benefic But if it is otherwisei. e. if it is conjoinedwith or aspected malefrcs br by is hemmedbetweenmalefic planets,it will suffer destruction. saysthat a wise astrologershouldjudge the effects of Satyaclrarya a Bhava by the principles given above and by the Panchasiddhanta Principlest which he proceeds to explainnext. 2. PanchaSiddhanta Theseare five basicprinciples in the study of a horoscope.They are : (i) .GrahaSeela (the behaviour of nature of the different planets) (ii) IGrakatva (Significators) tiii; Nat@e pFnets) qv) Swavarga(Psg-!Iol! !I_!!!e rbngls in the rasi, navamsa hora,drekkana andother vargacharts). Thaseprinciplesarereferredto as 1. Ttfrd{ The Nature and Indicationsof the Dilferent Planets: 1. The Sun l. f;onn: The Sunhasa square-built body andis shortin stature. His colour is dark-red. He hasvery little hair on his head.He hasstrong bonesand lnney-colouredeyes.He is eight yojanashigh. His gaze is directedupwards.
I The Panchasiddhantas i.e. Brahma, Pulisa, Romaka etc., are not meant here as they are concerned ilith astronomy and not with astrology.


2. Temperamcnt i T\e Sun is resoluteand wrathful. He is a hot' planet.He is of the bilious lvir6tfl Emperament. 3. Guna: His gunaisSatwa. direction. 4. Direaion: The Sunrulestheeastern as thnty years old. 5. ASe: He is represented Q. Rays: Hehasfiverays. a king : intelligent per.son, 7. Significatiors : The Sun represents jewels worn on the ear, no6e,headand, gold, copper,lea4 brass, fruit-bearing trees, animalsliving on grass,thatchedhouse,girls aged eight years, short trees beanng fruius, brinjal bbans,pungent articles, coarsethic.kclotbeserc. 8. Grain: Wheal in the forenoon and during the 9. Strengrh: The Sun is str,ong daytime (Rrrfr). mani andManikya. 10. Stones: Vaidoorya

qgR5trft | rdrqflfr qgtqt, $qTqr6'iln$

fttrffi wffi-qrFRrt tr{ro'crqfrqrrr+ tl

2. The Moon His colouris white. He hasa huge 1. The Moon is roundin shape. yojana high. His eyesare very beautiful.He is friendly body. He is one He likes with others. travel.The Moon is a feminineplanet ard is cold in nature. 2. Temperanunt: TheMoon is very mild andmeek.He is very soft phlegm (or) and wind in his speech. He is a mixture of the two humours (qrc). 3. Caste: Vaisya. 4. Directioni North-west5. Age:70years. 6. Rays : The Moon hastwenty-onerays. white colour, calmness, 7. Significations: The Moon represents


watery nature,poets,-strong.houses, feminine qualities,womanliness, whi0etrees,treeshaving milk in them, rope, chain (Pipal etc.), silver, sweetsubstances, white silk, cloth,water,lillies, cqrcb, aquaticcreatures, salt, cucumberand plantain Eees,bronze,brass,treesgrowing in watery pliards,Ornaments worn on headandby youngslers, rioe urd wheal 8. Grain: Rice. 9. Strength: The Moon is strongduring the nigbt firAa6y and in the suklapaksha 10. Stone: Pearl.

qk ftqie1frors msrfdrflrq gqmt sR( tl

3. The Mars: l. Mars is reddishin colour. He hasa youtbful form. His body is lean and slenderat the waist. His headis square. His gazeis fierce and is directd upwards.His height is sevenyojanas. 2. Temperamcnl: By nature Mars-is very cnrel. He is fickleminded andferocious.He is rashin his actionsbut is extremelygenerous. His body is warm. 3. Gutw : Mars feprsents rajasaguna. 4. Direction: Mars rules the soutlern direction. 5. Rays: Mars hasfive rays. 6. Age: His ageis four years. 7. Grain: Dal andred grains. Other Signiflcations : 8r He rqresents thick red colour,fire, bricks, power,throny trees, wild ar,rimals, mosquitoes,bugs, sheep,bones,brothe,rs, lands,houses, anger,waf, instruments, lhieves,marow of ttrebone,bitter taste,energy, prowess,sin, wounds,battles,enemies, daring acls, cnrelty and tcture, roaming in forests,bronze,golden waist-string,pomp md show and a houseon fire. 9. Strength: He is strongduringthenight (rtffi) andduringthe .

(qrctrd E{rFet+t gttwqrctrfrdFnt

l ,'i


dark lunar half (gqqt).

qQ5,m gffifrqrtenttwr, qf6 srEb I

Rrqt rffig{frqtgr$sg@s6qq:


1P.D.II,10) 4. Mercury l. Mercury is greenin colour like thebladeof a Durva grass.He is rajasicby nanre. He is ratherlean.He is tralkative. He is fErd of fun and humour.He has long reddisheyes.He wearsgreendress.He is eight yojanai higb. He is of the vaisya caste. He becomesa malefic if he becomes associated with malefics. 2. Temperament:He is highly intelligentHe is very learned. He is a mixture of the threehumourswind (crd),phlegm(oq) and bile (Ht). 3. Guna: Heisr4iasic. 4. Direction: North. 5. Rays: He hassix rays. ' 6. Grain: Grcengram.

glassbangles, 7. He rulesover green colour,blue stones, Neelotpala flowers, Olue lillies), betel leaves,ftuits having seeds,centipedesand creatures having many legs,uncle,Mathematics, speech, trade, wisdom, wit and humour, pearls, village administration,birds, smoke, colorned houses, dress,decorated fruits with seeds inside,bitter fnrits, black paddy, bdipeds,pupils and vaisyacaste.

tFn Kt{dgtrfgru'enqF

tll|: rdTqF{'ri[ftI|$Mrq trErt II
5; Jupiter l. Jupiterpossesses a big body.He is yellowin colour.He is noble by nature.He is fat He hasbig beny.He is a Brahminby caste. His eyes are slightly brown (honey-coloured). He is aboutthirty yearsof age.



2. Tenperanwnt: He is exceedingly intelligent. He is very noble and generous. His speech is clearandpure. 3..Guna.'Satva 4. Direction.' -North-east. 5. Rays: Jupiterhasseven rays. 6. Grain: BengalgramFup is assigned ro Jupiter. 7. He rules over Vedas,devotion,legal affairs, elliptical sbape, bankerslcharity,religiousnass, honours,children, reputation,gold, fine flowers, sugarcane, co@nut ffees,betel-nut fees, tres bearing sweet fruits (like mnago etc.), beautiful housesin which much wood work is displayed.

ltqic{tt: qffi!ft inrrflr

TftnqrfutRl qrd :ilk+lsfrqrfl 6Rntr6{rfr wd5{qrdFs ffit tw* rr

6. Venus Venuspossesses a beautifulform. His limbs are well proportianed and charming.His hair is dark and curly. He has fine lovely eyes. His speechis soft and pleasing.He is pleasure-loving. Venusis a feminine planet.He is sixleenyearsof age.He is considered to be a wabry planet. L Temperament.:He is very passionate by natureand is given to enjoyments.He is a mixture of the two humoun wind (cK) and phlegm (oq). 2. Catte: Venusis a Brahmin by caste. 3. Direubn: Venusgovems tbesouth-east direction.

4,. Rays: Venushaseightrays. 5. Significations : He rules.over white colour, vehicles, fine clothes, beauty, wife, love affairs, fine arts, marriage, vitality, fame, sexual enjoyment, good qualities of character,jasmine, houses with much artistic beauty,pearls,silver, bees, treesgrowin! in walery places. 6. Grain: oowgram(Fiqr-Dblichos lablab).



:1. Strength: He is strong duringthe night(nffi) forhight lgwvr).

andin thebright


ffiec+v: ${rqdfq{fldl wr$fq{r* ftqfE'orqffi: t

qfdTfio$rqr $iRr: eftftqq:
@ll (l.p,ilss)
9. Saturn l. Form: Saturn is dark in colour.He haddeepseteyesanda leanandtall body covered with veins.He is dull andhaslargenails,tbeth and coarsehair. He looks downward.He is ouel andpitiless. His height is eight yojanas. 2. Temperamznt: Saturn is a tamasicplanet. He is cruel and pitiless.He is idle andslow. 3. Caste: Soodra caste. 4. Direction: Satumgoverns the west. 5. Rays: Saturn hasfive rays. 6. Significations: Saturn indicatesevil nature, cunningness, impediments,wickedness, mean acts,thieves,old dilapidated servants, houses, bitter fruits, forests, fruits with thick skin,wild flowers,fees full palmyratrees,margosa of thoms,bamboos, treesand wild animals. 7. Grain: Til

ttrqirqrqr{: innff Kqfus 6srrffflrI

ftEqrqrufuTsEE: ifrRmqtgNsir$ RrRt tl

10. Rahu and Ketu Satyacharya has statedthat Rahu resemblesSaturn and Ketu resembles Mars in their significations.We give below somemore inforrrations collectedfrom other standard works.



11. Rahu

mffi usuf:qrfr{NrrrrsrkT:

srwrqrfi 6qAir rg, Eq qffii-<fr !ftrtr+ tt

I{e suffers 2. Form: Rahuis blackitt colourandis rall in stahrre. ill of others. and falsehood He heretic. speaks He is a from skin-diseases. 3. Direction: South-west. grand-father, scars,cheating, serpents, 4. Significations: Paternal fever, snakesand Durga worship of violence, accidents, skin diseases, poison, jugglery, from danger poison in mouth, the having otherreptiles backlanguages, foreign imprisonment, yojanas, hysteria hands, twenty theft' stealing, speech, excessive quanels, amputation, deception, biting, qrste etc. for one's low considered andoccupations robbery,deecls 5. Stone:.Agate('ttr6). 6. Grain: Blackgram. 12. Ketu

t vfraqirfr-g: $rT:

is eyesand a fiercelook. His speech l. Form: Ketu hasreddish His colour in hishands. He hasa big bodyandholdsweapons venomous. with wounds. His limbs arecovered smoke. is smoky.He alwaysinhales He is very cruel by nature. 2. Significations: Knowledge(tnq),salvation'worsbipof Ganesh' skin sinful habits,ulcers,imprisonment" religion, maternalgrand-father, like scorpion, poison in tbe tail having insects dacoity, murder, diseases, too low low andmeanacts,occupations proficiency in foreiln languages, imprisonand unhappiness haughtiness, fire, by lo. ooe'scaste,accidents ment. 3. Storu: Vaidoorya(turkois). 4. Grain: Horsegram(q-$re). The significations of the planetshave to be studied paying due considerationto their strength(shadbala)and other factors like their



posidon,conjuction, aspects erc.

il rroRefu{
(Fundamental Principles)Significanceof the Planets : Here, the principle called Karakasiddhanta is told. (l) TheSun:

*nmJ* wtffn*Erilqfr'qi

*u,, o,

Sun is called Aunakaraka.It rules over soul, self, father, power influence, health,energy,wealth,courage, high fever,eyetoubles,diarrhoea,indigestion,diseases head, heart diseases, of the epilepsy, bilecomplaints.

(2) The Moon


(P.D.XV, 16) Moon is the karakafor mind, intellect, favour from kings, mdher, affIuen@,fame, imagination,romance,clothes,left eye, milk, umbrella etc. The diseases signified by the Moon are leucodenna, col( catarh, jaundice,phlegmaticafflictions,diarrhoeacarbuncle, dangerftom horned and aquatic animals, indigestion,mental afflictions, impurity of blood, anaemia, diseases caused by womenetc.

uerexe PARTJATAII,76)



(3) Mars


(xv, 15)
paternal brothers,lands,enemies diseases, . Mars rulesover courage, relations,army, heroic deeds,power contentions,strifes,cuts, wounds, fire erc. caned by indicatedby Mars are hydroeb, diseases Tbe diseases weapons,fire accidents,dangerfrom dogs and wild animals, troubles caused by Sivaganasand Bhairava small-pox, ulcrs, bums, acut by fire andiriuries, cuts througb lameness caused fevers,haemmorrhage, etc. weapons,

t taWqqfftll
6.P.11,77> (4) Mercury

: l l t 5l l
Mercury is the karakafor learning,relatives,discrimination,Inaterability' power analytical education intelligence, speech, nal uncle,friends, wit, humour,art, writing wi$d(Et,commeroe, ofjudgement,mathematics, etc. skin diseases indicated by Mercuryarementaldiseases, Thediseases leucoderm4 indigestion,piles, leprosynervousdisorders,impediments intestinesand ttrosearising fronn the of the stomach diseases of speech, of Vishnuandwisemen. of thedevotees curses

gfr<t1ts{ftErar<IFql5dmoft{rft |




(5) Juplter


(xv, t5)

Jupiter is the karaka for children, intellect, knowledge, wealth, physicalgrowrh,philosophicnature,gmd condrc! morals,respect'peace performance andotherreligious of sacrifices prosperity,health,stoutness, rites, devotion to guru and gods,royal favour,blessingof Brahnins' and Vedas, guru, happiness through the blessingof Brahmins,and serpents, legal affairs, religious instirutionserc. Diseascs:

@rftSqgwt,qfrTcif,.iftl @rdrrf,6l6Fqr{t
Appendicitis, enlargementof somach, fever dub to intestinal tnoubles,phlegmati;: disorders,ear fiouble, giddiness,Eoubles arising and gods,herniaerc. ftom the curssof Brahmins,serpents (6) Venus:


Venus is the karaka for wife, vehicles,ornaments,love af i' gems, marriage, cows,d.-ss, pleasures, sexualintrcourse, conveyances, jewels, compliaints, fine arts, pearls,garlandsmadeof flowers, vene,real palanquin, music,erc. dancing, Diseases :

diabetes, The diseases indicatedby Venus are venerealdiseases, etc. Pandu-roga anemia, eyetroubles, urinarydiseases, (7) Saturn:

(P.D.XV. 16)


gri Rivrcw:

(B. J. n. l)

for misery,solrow' longevity'periodof life' Satumis the karurka imprisonment' dangers, profession, servants, accidents, death,,poverty, difficulties' dedisputes' mentattrouble,worry, falsehood, ;;;il;, blame' jail, captivity' reproach' j&,ion, secret, theft, sins,misfortunes, humilitation,fearetc. : Diseases

qtli utR rftq: (6(Frit: I


qrilrffiiqrqRtil{rcmr{ I xn g|rtrto-onfcotd{i q qreqfofdq


of blow from pieceg areparalysis, by Saturn indicated Thediseases woodsorstones,liver-enlargenent,rlteumatism,diseasesofthejoi dangerfromtlrievesarrdgoblins,lncntalaberrations,asthma'cottstipa etc' due to retentionof wast diseases (8) Rahu:

ffiq g Nf{r qrdrq Rfrrr wfdlE

xv) | (p.n'

Rahuisthekarakaforpaternalgrandfather,imprisonment'ftiendstti withlowpeople,crawlinginsects,authority,theft,witchcraft'coura Mohammedansetc. : Diseases attributctlto Rahuaretold asfollows : IIe dlseases

troubles starvation' by hanging, snall-pox,<leath Theyareepilepsy, want of leprosy' indigestion' goblini devils, and souls, throughOiparteO


throughmking poison, hicdiseases appetite,vomitting, tuberculosis, fear etc. insanity, cough,snake-bite, (9) Ketu wirchcraft, grandfather, maternal It indicates Ketu is jnanakaraka. sinful acts,funprisonrnent" of religiousfaith, cheating, absence heresay, by possessiott enemies, tfoublesthrough scandal-mongering, barckbiting, .deurons and spirits erc. Diseases: : JatakaParijatasaYs

enrdruqrml{ *-g:
ffiqtqf{frratTqrrtifg {tttq t
troublesfrom enemies, small-pox, measles, itches, Kenr indicates througltratsand past troubles sins, by caused devils,diseases low people, etc. leProsY cats,fire accidents, Note : As Ratruand Ketu behavelike Samrn and Mars, their Theseindicationswill havealso to be included. anddiseases indications etc.,with otherplanes' conjunction to theaspect vary according thatduecaremustbe paid to thesrength' empha-sises Satyacharya theresultsaccording planets in interpreting position,etc.,oi thedit'ferent or indications. to theirkarakatwa III. TTIENAKSHATRA SIDDHANTA


into nine groups' Rule l-The. twenty sevenstarsare arranged threpstarsasfollows : each groupcontaining Stars Lord Nt@raphalguni Utuuashadtrra Sun Moon Sravana Hast

1. Krittika 2. Rohini



3. Mrigasira 4. Ardra 5. Punarvasu 6. Pushya 7. Aslesba 8. Aswini 9. Bharani

Chitra Swati Visakha Anuradha Jyeshtha Magha

Sravishtha Satabhisha Poorva Proshthapada Uttaraproshthapada Revati Moola

Man Rahu Jupiter Sanrrn Mercury KeUr

Poorvaphalguni Poorvashadha Venus

Againcounting from one's natalstar,thedifferentstars havethe followingnames according to theirnumerical order. Ok 1. a)V,.2. Tara(natal star) Janma Sampat Tara(second ftomnatalstar)(sanpat-wealth
(tbird from natal star)
(fourth tr ti

and prosperity) t r^!tl,^Az.Vipat Tara Vipat-danger ok 4. KshemaTara

") ") ") ") ') ")

OIt, 6.

PratyariTam Sadhaka Tara VadhaTara MaitraTara Parama Maitra Tara

(nfth (sixth

r n

n I i n 'r


ok- 8.

(seventh n (eighth n (ninth i


From any given star, the abovenomenclature can be applied.In other words, the first is reckonedas Janma the secondas Sampat,the third as Vipat and so on. Tbe tenthis againJanma, theeleventh Sampat etc. So also,the 19thstar becomes Janma, the eloventh Sampat etc. So also, the 19thsar becomes Janma 20tl Sampatand othersto haveto be understood similarly. R declares thatoneshould thehoroscope from theAscendant orthe whichever to (six fold) be stlongerin their Rule }-Even the orderof.theDasas,saysS


previousl read with referenceto the Janma Nakshatra asdetermined Etplanation:lggg N*shqtra doesnot ne@ssarily meanthe birrt, /l It hasto be determined star as is ordinarily understood. from a consideration of the relative srengthsof $e Moon and theLagna It is the star in which tbe strongerof the two i.e., Lagnaor theMoon falls. (1) Sampat (2) Kshema Rule 4-Theplanet thatis posited in Janma (4) Sadhaka (6) and tle Maitra (8) statrswill producemoderatelygood providedthesaidplanetis strong. results It will notbeableto produce the goodresults, if it is weak. fne planet sioated in the Parana rnitra star, (9) will -nu!_ yield excellent results. 3g!A6-A planetpositedin tbe Vipat (3) Prathyari (5) and Vadha (7) starsproducesevil results. Rule 7-A planetaspecting is own rasigivesgoodresults. Rule 8-Aplanet positedbetweenfriendly planets yields good (Ihis rcsulrs. , Rtl" and exaltation poins gives good results. (such a olanet is called UcncnuUniUsni'- UcnOaronf ) gives the resultsof tbe otheralso. Rul" 11qlbated in an auspiciousrasi within six housesftom the Ascendant, yields auspiciousresults. Rulu 12-A planet friendly to the b lagnayieldsgoodresults Chandra duringits dasa, if it is within six rasi.s from Lagna,if it is in theauspicious stars, andif it ownstbe2nd,4th, 5tl, 7th, 10thand llth houses from theascendant Rule lLIn interpreting is to be the results,due consideration given to gochara (transit) of the planets also. The Dasa resllts and gochararesultsshouldbe combine!-andthenoe nilffitr .snouiO Horary (rrq), an Rule l4-Planetary friendship :

$Effi,ur rfir{qtru gartetswr+rai t



sqt Itqi rr{ Rtd T{R q l}qr:ll

. . , ao , , : :


countedfrom tbe Moolatriko44ragiE!l2th, 2nd,4th, 8th and9th houses pmnel n$ lne re$ are enemres. tbe
Planet Friend



Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn-l

Venus Moon,Mars,Jupiter Saturn, Mercury Sun, Moon, Jupiter Sun, Venus, Sun Mars Moon,Sun; Mercury Saturn, Mercury Venus, andVenus Saturn Nil Mercury Moon

Mercury Otherg Saturn Venus, Others

Venus, Mercury sanrn Otbers Others Moonand Sun, Mars Mars Jupiter, Jupiter and Jupiter Mercury

*:IJ J

Explanation: For example,the starsof Jupiteri.e., Punarvasu, arefavourablefor theMoon. Whereas,it VisakhaandPoorvabhadrapada will be miserablein the starsof Rahu,Ketu or Saturn,as they happento be her enemies. for a favourable The msis andstarsof a ftiendly

Rule 15... (TemporalFriendship)

fr* Mfl: | (atrufrfrn:) ffirfr q <tnwgmqerdg

Planets aremutuallyfriendlyfor the time beingwhentheyoccupy from oneanother. [From lbe 2nG 3r4 4th, lOth, l lth, andl2th positions and ersrfrm tfi five fold friendship (Esqr+*) has to be the ffi* asoertained-l


r'lad WaNT P&NIA


a planetshould be detemined (l) Rasi, (2) Ho;y (3) Dreklg+a (a) by considering its position in (5) (6) cbakras. and (7) Thrim^samsa Dasamsa" Dwadasdrisa Navansa D9nui' il Ruf.tfor Oeterminfrf VargajaBaU fe.1(strength with Rasi,Horaetc.) reference to vargas. l. If a planethastwo, threg four or five vargasand (i) is exalted,it is saidto havefull strength ; (ii) is in trikona, it hasthreefourthsof its full strength; (iii) is placedin its own sign, its srength is half ; (iv) is placedin a friendly sign, its srength is one-fourth ; ,

I The

(v) is placedin an inmical sign, its strength is lessthan one-fourth (vi) is in its debilitation, (neecha)or is tstting (@g) totally weak it is

Rule III Planetary States : Thereare nine kinds of statesin which a planet may be situatedand they are : 1. {K OrighO 2. Frr(happy) 3. rgRd (comfortable) 4. tr< (peaceful 5. tr (miserable) 6. qRg:fuc (extremelyunhappy) 7. ftoo (defective) 8. se (cruel) 9. frtc (angry). [n Jatakaparijatahowever,ten kinds of statesare told differently as:

(ffi: ry-q;erfiilsftBd: I frs qgRm

tt tr+ sfrqlffi fifrs+tqnqmqr(

l. Deepta plnet and tts results : (frsq6w{) A planetis said to be Deeptaif it is in its exaltationsign. If it is it bestowskingship,riches, calculations, strongaccordingto Shadbala power,mariage, happiness, courage, kinds of vehicles, all conveyan@, from king favour material comforts, respect from relatives, education, planet placedin a its Sinilarly, dasa and bhukti. etc.,during the courseof person minister, a makes a with srength rasi endowed its moolatrikona and person poss the wins high the holding and amry-chief or an ofhcer famous. very friendship of high authoritiesand becomes


2. Swasthaplanet and its results: (egmrmC) If suchplanet, Whena planetis in its own sign,it is calledSwastha. it confersupon its and bhukti, full course of dasa has strength,during the property, clothes landed native happiness, wealth, cattle, comforts, the andconveyances. 3. Pramudita Planet and its results : (ruFd[6sd{) A planetsituatedin thesignof its Adhimiba is termedasPramudi[a. Sucha planet,during the courseof its dasaand bhukti, confersupon the native happiness, all kinds of comforts,clothes,perfumery,onmtrlents, vehicles,pilgrimage, bath in boly rivers, oourage,opportunityto attend religious discourses erc.,providedthe saidplanet is strong. 4. ShantaPlanet and its results({IFf,rgwil{) asShanta A planeiplacedin its mitrarasi(friendlysign)is termed (quiet). it will conferupon the with strength, If sucha planetis endowed native riches, wealth, cornforts, health, personality and royal favour of its dasaandbhukti. during thecourse 5. Deenaplanet and its results6llrcmel) A planet situatedin its neutralrasi is termedas Deena.Such a and planetwiU cause lossof profession, enmity with relatives, diseases, for livelihood. resort to low and baseoccupations 6. Atid ukh i ta (efd-g: fuf,rosil{) A planet is called Atidukhita (extremelymiserable)when it is situatedin the rasi of its enemy.If it is equippedwith strength,it anddifficulties produces andbhuktiworries of is dasa duringtheprogress of variouskinds. 7. Vikala Planet and its effects(Rof,TcttrO when it is in defective) A planetis said to be Vikala (deformed, conjunctionwith a malefic planet.Endowed with strength,a vikala planet, produces, worries, defects,difficulties, deformities,ill-health, andillnessto wife andchildren,defects disappointments, danger disgust, andmanykinds of miseriesduring and repairsto vehicles,lossof clothes, the progressof its dasaand bhukti. '


E. Khala Planet and lts effects (wrltum{) A planet is said to be khala when it is in debilitation. If it has strengthit causesillness, difficulties, thefts, dangersfrom enemiesand low classpeople,ill-bealth, manykinds of sufferingsduring the progress of its dasaand bhukti. 9. Kopa (fidfrq-c1 Sc-angrY) A planet in combustionwith the Sun is said to be in the state of different kinds of kopa. Sucha planet, endowedwith strength,produces eye tourbles,financial losses,danger to wife, difficulties, unhappiness, children and relatives. V PRINCIPLE-ADHIPATYA SIDDHANTA 'The rasis owned by the nine planetsare as follows : (i). The (iii) Mars...Mesha andVrischika Sun...Simha(ii) TheMoon...Kataka andMeena, (iv) Mercury...MithunaandKanya (v) Jupiter...Dhanu andKumbha. (vi) Venus...Vrisha andTula (vii) Saturn...Makara


EFU$il {unr<rtri rufrF{fugfic I frwsttr I frs tt {qr ft dRIr qfirsfTTK4Wt sfrs*t{; 11

gsgrs{t $qftlsq qffi 6{r<il{: I

of thetwelverasisaretoldhere.Mesharesembles The descriptions as a pair one a bull. Mithuna is represented a ram. Vrisha resembles a crab resembles (Veena) mace. Kataka and the other a having lyre forest. Kanya in roaming the lion moving in water.Simharasi is like a plants in her hands and seated lamp having and like a virgin a rasi appears resembles Vrischika the scales. holding like merchant a in a boaLTula is holdinga bow andhavingthe is described asa person Dhanus a scorpion. holding a person rasi resembles Kumbha waist. bodyof a horsebelowlhe pair fish. of is represented as a a pot of water and Meena The Lords of the Rasis


q leitrow: gaJor<dfrUo

: tt
(BJ. 1.6)


Mars Venus
Jupiter Meena Mesh Vrisha





Makua Dhanu Vrischil Jupiter Man



Tula Kanya


The lords of the rasis from Mesha onwards are Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun,Mercury, Venus,Mars, Jupiter,Saorn, Satumand Jupiter respectively. Meshaetc. are also the sarp. The rasisof the navamsas, Bhavakarakas

gqFnqrrm Wil: *qfrq) Rnoftfrfreililq'flTfrqr:

gAFRrq$ i[Tfiil:gfrd.{rE ll
I il m IV



Now thekarakas beginningwith Lagnaareasfollows: of theBhavas VII Bhava-Venus LangnaBhava-the Sun VIII Bhava-Saturn Bhava-Jupiter IX Bhava-the SunandJupiter Bhava-Mars Bhava-Jupiter, the Sun, Bhava-the Moon andMercury X Mercury-and Saturn XI Bhava-Jupiter V Bhava-Iupiter XII BhaveSanrn VI Bhava-Satum andMars


WRg futsd qS q Rq{qrffiffi:ll (Br.xxro)

dvt: gFeqrqtrsrFr ri|fdr16r: 5{: I


promoteOe advanceThe Beneficspositedm anyhouse,generally work house only its decay.In malefics in any house while ment of that give in the reverse 12th houses, they effects and the caseof the 6th, 8th placed while lessens in 12 it expenditure is if benefic uurnnerj[i.e., a malefics produce too much of the same.Similady, benefics in the 6th the same.l while maleficsincrease housereduceillness anddiseases : Upachayaand Apachayahouses

| Ealtoraww{ffq{srR wqsrqFqr{ q. *qrcgqTr(rqwqrqrfr lt sqq+rcqrR

from Lagna(or Chandra The lst, 3nd"6th, l0th, and'llth houses (prosperityproducing) Lagnawhicheveris stmnger)arecalledUpachaya housesand the res! II,IV, V, VU, VIII, IX, XII are termedApachaya houses. (qrt$E) Strength of a Bhava. A bhavawill produceits full effect : 1. When the lord of the Bhava is placedbetweenbenefic planets 2. When the lord of the Bhava receivesthe aspecs of benefic planets. 3. When the lord of the Bhava is fortified by being placed in (own sign),exaltation or moolatrikonasigns. swakshetra houses i.e., l, in upachaya 4. Whenthelord of theBhavais placed from lagna. 3, 6, l0,or 1lth houses by thesaidlord of the house, 5. Whenthe lord of therasioccupied (i.e.,depositor or in inimicalsign. of the lord) in debilitation 6. When the lord of theBhavais in the8thor l2th housefrom the hgua or the lord of theLagnashoulduse When the indications arefound mixed,the astrologer The resultswill be of a mixed and thendecide. his powerof judgement nature,undersuchcircumstances. (thefive basiccriterions), I{e who hasmastered thefive Siddhantas canboldly ventureto makepredictionsand thesewill saysSatyacharya, nevergo wrong.

$rodt tr:.

Adhyaya III

Efrectsofptanets pl*ced in the escendent : I qrnrTFrsFr{ tl Fintly someRajayogas are told. l. If the ascendant falls in a Chara* rasi, with thc Navamsa ascendantbeing owned by a benefic and if the lords ofthe chara rasisare placedin angularor trine housesor beneficial signs in the Rasi as well as Navamsa diagrams the personwill becomea king or will become a very rich and famousp"rror,. 2' If the lord of the ascendantis in a Kendra or a Kona house, and in the sign of a benefic in the Rasi chakra and the Navamsachakra and in a benefic star, the nativewill rise to a great position in life and will be a friend of kings. Nate:
Subha yog-A is said to have subha

in the rasi, navamsaor siar of a bctweenbeneficsor is aspected by benefics"

when it is or hemmed

(3) Ifthelordoftheascendantis placed in a kendra house, endowed with strength and having a shubhayoga, the personwill be very powerful, having the qualitiesindicated by the lord of the lagna,and will becomea famousleaderof his men.

t rhe signs fro'r Aries onwards arc ter'recl chara (rnovabre), sthira (fixcd) and Ubhaya (conrmon), successively.


(,. 49 4. If the lord of the ascendant is placedin the secondhouse, endowedwith strengthand having a shubhayoga,the native will veryrich and enjoyall kindsof happiness. become 5. If the lord of the lagnais strongand is placed in the third house with a shubhayoga* the person will becomefamous and powerful with the help of his brother. He will be proficient in music or astrology. 6. If the lord of the lagnais strong, andis placed in the fourth house with shubhayoga,the nativewill acquiremuchlandedpropertyand conveyances. He will inherit the property of his mother and enjoy all kindsof happiness andcomforts. 7. If the lord of the ascendant occupiesthe fifth housein a benellc rasi, navamsa, or a beneficstar, or is placedbetweentwo benefic planets, or is aspccted by benelics,the persori will be a favouriteof kingsandnobles.Or he maybe adopted bygreatpeople; andwill win the blessings of the deities indicated planets. by the benefic 8. If the lord of the lagnais strongand is placed in thc sixthhouse,. the native may rise to high positions in the army (as commander-in-chicf etc.), or asAgreatdoctor. Note : The readeris advised to go into thc togicin eachcase.Thc karakafor sixth houseis Mars rvho rules army,medicalprofession etc. Hencethe above interpretation. 9. If the lord of the lagnais strongand is placedin the seventh house with a shubha yoga, the nativewill rcsidein foreigncountries or in the houseof his fathcr-in-law.He will be immoraland haveillicit rclationswith many womcn. He will be givento pleasures and will adornhimselfwith sandalpaste andgarlands. 10. If the lorcl of thc lagna is srrongand is plqcecl in the eighrh houscwith a shubhayoga,the nativewill havclori.g life but will be poor. He will help othersand will be courreous in liis behaviour. His will bc sweet. Hc will bc hardrvorking specch and will discharge his * Shubhayogais usedin the sense of a technical rerm as deliircd proviouslv. lt shouldnot bc takcn to meancornbination with a bcnclicakrnc.

50 dutieswith great care. in the ninth house, 11.If the lord of the lagnais strongandis placed with a shubhayoga, the native will do charitabledeedsand will be devoted to his preceptor. His fatller will be a person of great reputation. The native will acquire property and wealth from his fathei. 12.If the lord of the lagnais placedin the tenth housewith shubha will be yoga,the personwill acquirenameand fame. His occupation will have He house. lord the tenth of the one which is denotedby the planets strong. are if get the (he will kingdom) Raja yoga, houseand is 13.If the lord of tle lagnais placedin the eleventh and fortunate strong and has a shubhayoga' the native will be very He will becomevery famous. He will havggain in allenterprises. will benefit through his elder brother. He will acquire the articles house' indicatedby the lord of the eleventh seemsto imply that the native will have the Note: Satyacharya indications of the lord of the house in which the of the advantage by lord is situated. Good housesare greatlystrengthened ascendant of the of the lord of the lagnatherein.The indications the presence get mitigated. evil houses 14.If the lord of lagnais srrongand is placedin the twelfth house with a shubhayoga,the nativewill be religiousand will do charitable deeds.He wilt havea happyandcomfortablelife. He will be calm and happiness with a viewto achieve deeds quiet. He will do meritorious in good wealtlr paternal his will He spend in the other*o1161q{dl6). decline. gradually ways. His wealthryill ntlr"A!:g-yogo 15.Detining Ashubhayoga: A planetis saidto have or a navamsa ln the rasr or (mglefi9


in the

5th or

fromtheJun*ulubhqguo[th" natiF.
Note: Supposethe birth star of a person is Rohini and Saturn is placed in Magha in Leo, then Saturn has Ashubha yoga as Magha to be 7th starfrom Rohini. happens 16. tf the lord of the lagnais weak and is placedin the diffcrent

51 houses,with ashubhayoga,the effectswill be very bad contrary to whathasbeensaidearlier. yogaand ashubha yogaare both present, the result,too, If shubha will be mixed. i.e.,the lord of 17.If the lord of the lagnais strongbut its depositor weak, produce the good placed, is he cannot the sign in which it is will be only ordinary. efects to the full e)centi.e.,they 18. If the ascendant lord and its depositor are, both, weak the resultswill be very bad. 19.It is the duty of the astrologer to consider the prosand consof each case in the light of the rules before comng to the final' conclusion. lord is strongand is placedin the Lagnaor 20. If the ascendant chartor is hemmedin in the birth chart or navamsa Chandra-Lagna results will be by benelic planets, betweenbeneficsor is aspected will results benefics andmalelics, verygood. If it is placedin between by malefics, malcfics only or is aspected be mixed. If it is in between will be of a verybadnature. results {.pilitr5tTfaiN:

House Effectsof the Second

1. The native will earn much wealth if the lord of the second house--(i) is placed in a benefic sign, navamsa or star (ii) or is hemmed in between benefics (iii) or is aspectedby benefics (iv) or is h o u s e( 1 , 5 , 9 ) p l a c e di n a n a n g u l a rh o u s e( 1 , 4 , 7 , 1 0 ) o r a l r i a n g u l a r from the ascendant,ascendant-lordor the lord ofthe secondhouse or (v) is placed in its own house. The gain of wealth will be through the matters signified by the lords of the angle, trine and exaltation signs and also through the signification of the planetsthat aspectthe lord of the secondhouse. 2. If the lord of the second house is afflicted, the native will incur expenditurethrough the significations of the secondhouse. This may happen if the lord of the second house (i) is hcmmed in betwecn malcfics (ii) is aspectedby malcfics (iii) or if the lord of the sign. occupiedby thc lord of the secondhouseis rvcak,thcn thc native may

not even get good food. He may eat the food offered in funeral He will sufferfrom ill-healthand will be unhappy.He ceremonies. also. will havemanyfamily troublesand may suffer firomtooth-ache houseoccupies lagnaand hasshubha 3. If the lord of the second yoga, the person will get wealth through his own efforts. If the of wealthwill be lord is placed in the 9th house, acquisition ascendant lord have If the 2nd lord andascendant throughhis father and elders. his wealthwill be spentawayquickly. maleficyogas, house, thethird houseandhas 4. Ifthe lord ofthe second occupies a benefic yoga, the personwill acquire wealth through brothers. yogain the th'irdhouse, money music, drama,etc. If it hasan ashubha above. mentioned throughthe means will be wasted 5. If the lord cif the 2nd houseis placedin the fourth housewith shubha yoga, the native acquires wealth through mother, lands, and vehicles.If it has a agriculture,education,friends, conveyance malefic yoga, money will be wastedthrough the planetscausingthe same. andhasa is placed in thehfth house 6. If the lord of the 2ndhouse of wealth through children, shubhayoga there will be acquisition yoga, the means If thereis a malefic greatmen, templesand ,ttttfi,s. money. of will expenditure cause indicatedabove and hasa in thesixthhouse is placed 7. If the lord of the 2ndhouse profession, medical get yoga, wealth through native will the shubha cnemies,litigation, theft, gamesand races. He may acquire riches alsothroughthe itemssignifiedbythe lord of the sixthhouse. If the lord of the secondhousehas a maleficyoga,the effectswill be bad and he will losemoneythroughthese.indications. house houseis placedin the seventh 8. Ifthe lord of the second foreign .and has shubha yoga, the native will acquire wealth from of will be throughwomenif the depositor countries.This acquisition this planet in the.Natal and Amsa charts or the lord of the star occupiedby the 2nd lord is a female planet. If this 2nd lord has 'ashubha throughwomen. yoga',expenditure of moneywill be caused

Example If the lord of the secondhouse is placed in the seventhhouse with a shubha yoga and is hemmed in between Saturn and Mars which happen to own benefic housesand if Venus is in any rasi other than its own, his wife will be unchasteand he will earn wealth through her by immoral means. 9. The Panclrasiddhanta criterions should be applied carefully and the effects of the planets should be predicted paying due considerationto the strength of the planets involved. If the lord of the second house is placed in the eighth house and has a benefic yoga, there will be acquisition as well as expenditure of wealth. If the 2nd lord is cornbined or aspccted by yoga-karuka planet, he will earn wealth through the means indicated by the' yogakarakas. If there is a malefic yoga, thc nativc will have nct benefits. If there is a mixture of the good and bad indications. the results also will be of a mixed nature. 10. If the lord of the secondhouse is placed in the ninth house and it has a shubha yoga, the person will get wealth from his father and other elders. He may also get wcalth through thc meansindicatcdbv rvith the 2nd lord. the 9th lord and the planetsassociated 11. If the lord of the secondhouseis placecl in the tenth houseand has a shubha yoga, the-person will acquire wealth through service, commerce, trade, sacrifices, performance of rcligious ritcs, and ceremonies and agriculture. 12. If the lord of the secondhouse is placcd in the clcvcnth housc and has a shubha yoga, the native will acquirg rvealth tlrr<lughtrade, money-lending, usury and through his elder brothers. lf this 2nd lord has a malefic yoga, there will be much expenditure and waste ol' money through the above means. 13. If the lord of the secondhousc is placcd irr thc trvcll'thhousc rvith a beneficyoga,there may bc some acquisition olu,calth through rcligious mcans. lf the said planet has a maleficvoga.moncv rvill bc spent away through the above mcans. Note : lt is necessaryto consider the rules given in olhcr stan(lard texts also, before coming to the linal conclusion. For instancc.

54 (3, placement of the 2nd lord in Angles,Trines andUpachoyasthanas in the 8th and the 12th 6, 10, 11) is auspicious.But its placement houseswill be harmful. Due considerationshould be given to the criterion. strength of the 2nd lord according to the Panchasiddhanta 14. If the fourth and eleventhhousesare strong and auspicious and a planethavingdownward-gaze throughconnectionwith benefics (3|ti[s{fu) hasDllana yoga,the personwill get treasure <FrO>. nut if malefics, houses 4 weak with the the and 11 are and are connected nativewill squanderawayhis wealth.

Effectsof the Third House

1. If the lord of the third house has shubhayoga and if its the personwillhaveprosperous depositor and the Karakaare strong, brothers,ear-ornaments, endurance, skill and valour. His brothers will be long-lived andfamous. 2. If the lord of the third houseis a friend of the ascendant-lord or its and is piacedin a trine hou;e(lst, 5th or 9th) to the ascendant house live in same together the lord, the personand his brotherwill withoutpartition. 3. If the lord of the 3rd houseis placedin a femaleresi, navamsa in a male audstar, the nativewill havemanysisters.But if it is placed will havemanybrothers. rasi,navamsa or star,the native 4. If the lord of the third houseoccupies both male and female will haveboth brothers andsiliters. rasi,navamsa andstar,the native (i.e.)3rd, houses occupies Upachaya 5. If the lord of the3rd house and is strong,the nativewill 6th, L0th and 1Lth from the ascendant havemanybrothers.But if he is in a maleficrasior star,he will have onlyfew brothers. 6. If the lord of the 3rd houseis placedin an Ubhayarasi (Dual sign),the nativewill havetwin brothersor twin sisters. will be equalto andbrothersof the native 7. The numberof sisters passed by the cuspof the third houseat the time of the navamsas birth.

55 No Brothers 8. If the lord of the 3rd houseis placedin the rasi or navamsa ownedby a malefic or is hemmedin betweenmaleficsor is aspected by malefics and if the depositor is inimical towards it, and if the karaka for third house is also very weak, the native will not have brothers. Even if there is any younger brother, he will be inimical towardsthe native. 9. If such a third houselord is combinedwith a female rasi or amsaor planet, his sisterwill be of low characterand may evenbe hearingalso. immoral. The nativemaysufferfrom defective 10. If a malefic planet is placedin 6th, 8th or L2th countedfrom the third houseand the depositor*of the maleficplanet is connected deathto the brotherof may cause with the third house, the depositor the nativein its dasa. happens to be the lord of drtstlnna 1.1.If the lord of the third house to thethird house. (6th,8thand L2th),he maycause destruction Gochara(Transits) in trine (1st,5th and9th) to the rasi occupied When Saturnpasses of the by the depositorof the 3rd houselord, or karako destruction alsowhen Saturn third housemay take place.The samecanhappen by the lord of the star on amsain passes in trine to the rasi occupied lord or karakais situated, whichthe 3rd house in trine (lst, 5th or 9th) to the rasi 12. When Jupifer passes by the third by the lord of the rasi, amsaor star occupied occupied will prosper. lord, the native's brothers house and is in his own the lord of the third house, 13. If Mars becomes maybe destroyed. brothersandsisters rasi,younger elder brother of the 14. If the Sun is placedin the third house, his second or nativemay die. If Saturnis positedin the third house, in the third house, third brother may die. If other planetsare placed effects in accordancewith their lordship they will __produce (Adhipatya). * Depositor= lord of the rasiin whichtheplanetis situated.

56 Rahu, in the third house,will make his brothersprosperous. 15. If the lord of the third houseis placedin the sixh housewith (a high shubhayoga, his brother may be a commander-in-chief positionin army,navyor air force) or maybecom e a greatphysician. 16. If the lord of the third house is placedin lagna, the nativemay becomean adept in musicand acting. In playingthe role of female he will acquirefame. If the lord of the third houseis characters, placedin lagna,and hasan ashubha yoga,the nativewill be abused by notorious. all andbecome in the second with 17. If the lord of the third house is placed house yoga,the person a shubha will not haveanyyounger brothers.If any younger he will be verywealthy.If there brother,happens to survive, yoga, his brotherwill be mischievous is an ashubha and he will cause quarrelin the family. 18. If the lord of the third house is placed in the third house with a shubha yoga, his brothers will prosper. The native will be courageous and derivebenefits throughthe significations of the third house. is placedin the fourthhouseand L9. If the lord of the third house in whichit is placed, yoga,andif thelord of the navamsa, hasa shubha is weak,there may not be manyyounger brothers.But under these if the lord of the ninth houseis strong, he mayget some conditions, step-brothers. 20. If the lord of the third houseoccupies the fourth houseand if will Mars are both weak,the person the lord of the fourth house and losehislandsandwill livqasa tenantin others'houses. is weakand evil and if the lord 21. If the lord of the fourth house of the fourth of the third houseis in the 4th house,the indications or housewill suffer. If the lord of the third houseownsbenefichouses with a benefic, the effectswill be mixed. it hasconnection 22. lf the lord of the 3id houseis placedin the fifth housewith a shubhayoga,the personwill havemany brothers. Each brother will earn his living by his associationwith a temple, deity or a wealthy person. The personmay himselfbe a wealthypersonor may be adoptedby a rich man.

57 23. If the lord of the third houseis placedin the lifth housewith yoga,his brothers will not be lucky. ashubha with both is placed in thefifth house 24. lf the lord of the 3rd house yogas, his brotherwill havemixedfortunes(i.e., shubha and ashubha fortunes and misfortunes both). 25. If the lord of the third houseis placedin the sixth housewith yoga,the nativemayriseto high positions etc., ascommander shubha physician in army, navyor air force. Or else,he may be a successful andearnmuchwealth. 26. lt under thesecircumstances,, the lord of the sixth house is with the third house, his brotherwill be an ableathleteand connected good in gymnastics exercises. and physical 27. lf thelord of the third house is placed in the sixthhousewith an yoga,his brother will be sicklyor meet with trouble from ashubha a thief. enemies or mayhimselfbecome 28. If the lord of the third houseis placedin the seventhhouse, yoga,his brotherwill be helpfulto him. If at the same with a shubha in ascendant, his brother houseis placed time, the loid of the seventh maybe in foreigncountries.The personwill live in his own country and his brother will help him by sendingmoneyto him from the foreigncountry. housein a 29. If the lord of the third house is placed in the seventh female rasi, navamsaor a femalestar and if Saturn and Mars.are placed on its either side (papakanai yoga in the natal chart) the with the wife of his brother who will personwill haveillicit relations residein a foreigncountry. house in a is placed in theseventh 30. If the lord of the third house (movable will living in distant some chara rasi sign) his brother be land. 11. If it is a sthira rasi (fixedsign) his brotherwill,live in his own rasi (commonsign),he will not be far country. But if it is in ubhaya away. 32. lf the lord of the third houseis placedin the eighth will meetwith with a shubha yoga, ultimately hisbrothers house, yoga, destruction. If, howevcr, the personwill be thcreis an ashubha

58 yery extravagant and thereby becomepoor. Also, he will suffer from somedire disease. 33. If the lord of the third house is placedin the ninrhhouse, with shubhayoga,his brother will be afflctionatetowardshis father and will get paternal property. 34. If at the sametime,the lord of the ninth house is placedin the ascendant, the nativewill getwealthfrom his brotherandfather. 35. tf the lord of the 3rd house is placedin the ninth house wirh an ashubhayoga, the native may be inimical towardshis father or squanderaway his paternalpropertythrough his brother. Or, his brothermaydestroy hisdeeds andinstitutons of charity. 36. If the lord of third houseis placedin the tenthhousewith a yoga,his brotherswill thrive'in business shubha and will haveranks and high status in the society. They will help the narive in his business. If thereis an ashubha yoga, will be reversc. the effects 37. If the lord of the third houseis placedin the eleventh housc, yoga,it is highlyauspicious. with a shubha The narive will havemany brothcrs who will help him to acquirewealth. If thcre is ashubha yoga,it indicatesdangerto hisbrothers. 38. If the,lordof the trrirdhouse is placedin the twellthhouse with a shubhayoga,the personmay not have any youngerbrothers. If thereis an ashubha yoga,results will be reverse.

Effectsof the Fourth House

1. If the lord of the fourth house is placedin the ascendant and hasa benefic yoga,the native will be rich andwouldhave becnb<lrnin a royal family. He will be highlylearnedin manysubjects and rvill enjoycontinuous happincss allthroughhis lifc. lf thc ascendanr falls in a waterysign<alr{Ifr=tl, the personwill live on the banksof rivers andwill possess landswatered by channels. He will livc in big palatial houses and will be broughtup by his motherrvithcareand afflection. He will be respected by hisfriends. If there is an ashubhayoga insteacl, results will bs bad. They may be : (1) His education may be stopped in the middle.(2) His

59 mother may die soon after his birth. (3) He will passhis dayswith great difficulty by sellinghis father's property. (a) His cattle and yogo,results will be landsmay bring him trouble. If therebe a ntisra mixed. house, 2. If the lord of the fourth houseis placedin the second with a shubhayoga,the personmay get propertyfrom his uncle. He may He will possess will be rich and will get moneythroughhis lands. vehicles and will supporthis family members.He will eat good food and will be happythroughouthis life. with a in the third house . 3. If the lord of the fourth houseis placed shubhayoga,the personwill havesmallamountof moneyand land. with whomhe will not be on good He may be havinga step-brother terms.He might sellhishouse. 4. If the lord of the fourth houseis placed in the fourth house,,and planets(Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and is aspected by Tiryogrtttklra lands and thereby Venus), the person may acquire neighbouring will He becomevery rich. comeacross treasurehiddenunder earth. planets house If the lord of the fourth is aspected by urdln'anrul</ta (the Sun and Mars), the oersonmay earn moneythroughcropsand cultivation. with a .5. If the lord of the fourth houseis placed in the fifth house yoga,the native'smotherwouldbe veryrich andprominentin shubha goodcharacter. Also andwill possess the family. Shewill be religious will holdhighposts the native's sons andwillbeverylucky. with is placed in the sinthhouse, 6. (D if the lord of the fourth house person.Further, yoga,his maternal unclewill be prominent a shubha is placed in theascendant if the lord of the sixh house or is associated with the ascendant-lord, his unclemay livein the native's house or the person maybe troubledby enemies anddiseases. (ii) If the lord of the fourth houseis placed with a in the sixthhouse shubhayoga,his mother may contactsome disease or may become immoral. lf the karaka,the Moon, is alsodevoidof strength, he may loseher soon.Ifthe lord ofthe fourthhouse is in thesixthhouse. in a common sign, he mayhave a step-mother. (iii) If the lord of the fourth houscis in thc sixth housc,with yoga,and the karakaMars is alsodevoidof strengthand is ashubha

60 aspected by the lords of the uikastlnnas (i.e. 6th, 8th and L2th houses), the person will be very unfortunate. His businesswill not thrive and his landed property may decline. If Mars is weak and does not get the aspect of the lord of the tenth house, he may mortgage his lands for repaying debts. If Venus is weak, he may lose his conveyancesand cows or he may sustain injuries by falling from his vehicles. 7. If the lord of the fourth house is placed in the seventh house, with shubha yoga, the native will be very lucky. He will lead a happy much landed property. If at life. He or his father-in-law will possess the same time, the lord of the seventhhouse be placed in a chara rasi (movable sign), he will get much income from \is estates, lands, education and other things denoted by the 4th house. If there is an ashubha yoga, he may lose his mother early or there may be harm to his conveyances during journeys 8. If the lord of the fourth house is in the eighth house, with a shubha yoga, he will losc a major portion of his land ancl only small portion rvill be left for his upkeep. He will lead a poor life. If there is an ashubhayoga, results may be reverse. 9. If the lord of the fourth houseis in the ninth house,with shubha yoga, he will get a large amounl.of paternal property. He will earn good conveyances. money through education and will possess 10. If the lord of the fourth house is in the tenth house, it is much wealth, provided extremely good. He may be a king possessing the karaka also is endowed with strength. 11. If the lord of the fourth houseis placed in the eleventhhouse, lands,cattle,trade, the native will have much gainsthrough busitress, studies,rnother, etc. He may inhcrit the wealth of his mother. He will possessgood dress and vehicles. He may be having many step-mothers. 12. If the fourth house-lord is placed in the twelfth house with ashubhayoga, he will be poor, dcvoid of housesand landed property. He may lose his mother early and suffer hardshipsthereby. 13. The significations of a houseare destroyedduring the dasa of the planetplaccdin the 6th, Uthor 12thhousesfrom thc saidhouse.

.67 14. The significations of a house are destroyedwhen Saturn or star in whichthe lord of the houseis transitsin the rasi, navamsa placed. yogais present, the resultswill be quite Notc : Wherever ashubha yoga.But if both shubha contraryto what hasbeenstatedfor shubha yoga are present,resultswill be mixed. All the yoga and ashubha by blending the above principles are based on logical reasoning andthe planets. significations of the houses :

Resultsof the Fifth House

with a 1. If the lord of the fifth house is placedin the ascending punish. power He to shubhayoga,the personwill be an officer having limited will have will be a friend of kingsand will be liked by all. He progenyand rvill be kind to others. He will not haveenemies. He will adore low If there is ashubhayoga, he will be issueless. deities.He maybe cruelandbadby nature. housewith a 2. If. the lord of the fifth houseis placedin the second and will intelligent, family. He be large yoga, he may have a shubha prediction. good in of the art He will be knowing astrolog5t. will be He will enjoy good food. His wife will be affectionate.He will make with people. honey through G6d's graceand throughhis connections If there is ashubhayoga,he will be poor. He will struggleto provide in his family. He may earnhis for his family. There maybe quarrels throughtempleworship. livelihood a in the third house,'with 3. If the lord of the fifth houseis ptaced will a He be in life. shubhayoga,he will havemany childrenearly influential. placed will well and be friendof rich people.His brother with a in the fourth house, is placed 4. If the lord of the fifth house yoga,he will havelimitednumberof childrenandtheywill live shubha If there yoga,he maybe issueless. by agriculture.If thereis ashubha onlymay is misrayoga,his childrenmaynot live longor his daughters live long. 5. If the lord of the fifth houseis placedin the fifth house,it is intellect indicatespoon'a-pwtya, goodfor children.As the fifth house His children grace' divine will have He will be abundant. etc.,these

62 will be prosperous. 6. If the lord of the 5th houseis placedin the sixh housewith a shubhayoga,his son may be inimical towardshim. His uncle will be wealthyand renowned.If the lord of the 5th houseis in a femalestar, he may marry a girl belonging to his uncle'sfamily. If there is an yoga, ashubha he rpaybe issueless or maybe punished by the king. If thereis amisrayoga (mxed yoga),he may be issueless or may havesomeincurable If thereis combination disease. for adoption, he mayadopthis uncle's son. 7. If the lord of the 5th house is placed in the seventh house, with a yoga,his sonmaygo andlive in foreignlands.The nativewill shubha be renowned andbe veryfortunate.He will be rich andverylucky. If there is an ashubha yoga,thoughmanychildrenwill be born to him, they maydie early. Even the sonin the foreign countrywill passaway soon. 8. If the lord of the 5th house is in the 8th house, his sonswill be veryunfortunate. The nativewill not be religious andhischildrenwill be verypoor. yoga, If thereis an ashubha he may lose evenhis adopted son. If there is antisrayoga,he may havean adoptedson(afriDIIt). 9. If the lord of the 5th housebe in the 9th house, it is good. If there be a benefic yoga, his father will be a reputedperson and charitable.The nativewill get wealthby divinegrace. If therebe an yoga,he will be unfortunate. ashubha He may incur the displeasure of deities.

gfn T{,i qt $ri q{@

ala grftla( dfudr 61ftqra{td || qfrd u{g'ansfr ut6 qqrrdrqfrd r ?ilsiledrflsfr qfrsry-rrfrsenT II qTSfr tsq|Ttr{ +rErdl irs wi q"+a r
10. If the lord of the fifth house rvitha be placed in thetenthhouse shubha yoga, the person will perform meritorious deeds like renovationof temples,choultriesand othcr charitableinstitutions.

63 Or he may conduct sacrifices,poojas, etc., (elaborateworship of differentdeities).

gfu] <rri urt gragceqffi

q4$-6nffi ffiqn qrqt( n qrnft agrfitFt aqg-qrR

and he may collect yoga,he will do bad deeds If there is an ashubha the same for purposes utilize and religious money for temples and will be a low one.He may work as a personalneeds. His profession of a rich man. cookin a templeor in the house housewifh 11. If the lord of the fifth houseis placedin the eleventh a shubhayoga,the personwill have gainsthrough his children' He in his undertakings and get wealththrough the help will havesuccess of the rich people.

gl$ ilr{rilTQ $r4FRrqFdA r

il ga Er{r Ffiqrfr fr,r4Rfr qTtTrfrlk qrdtfHr u4ffi56,, snrqrEIFIA

If there be nisra yoga i.e. (connectionwith both benefic and maleficplanets),there will be both good andbad results. But if there resultswill proveto be bad only. with maleficplanets, be connection

ft5dt dr6qrr{g$arcrqqEqgr

SfsRrrKd g:ffir ftgd| qa(t

qf{irq qffiq


anrQ dq{Esrdqfiqtd tt qft*tu qprfrm il

tl kF{ w srq fre{rarisqqrqqtlkt

12. If the lord of the fifth houseis placedin the twelfth housewith of bed. He may become a shubhayoga, he will enjoy pleasures in the meditation detachedfrom worldly affairs and will be engaged of Bralun. One of his sonsmay die due to whichhe will bccomea The Ultimatelyhe will attainsalvation. monk renouncing everything. rvill yoga and things whenthereis an ashubha are possible evil results

64 be of mixed nature in the presence of ntisra yogas. (combinations of good and bad occurring simultaneously.)

gli {dgafr IFidwrq f}R I ortt q EftSA ilgfnkqrfrt}( il

13. If the lord of the fifth house is strong and placed in upaclruyastlnnas (3, 6, 10 or l1th house) and if the karaka for children (Jupiter) is endowedwith strength, the person will get many children.

glm tIll{EA tgiq}lrwka I gil: EB'rrtffrr qrrftrrf: rarfuq:n Erkf: q$ffr dE {rEitsqrsqErsgl I gFqrflrFlilf,tq QluaEffia: t

qfrErfr qBfi er ffiuRrqdl Trtu qtuilfr drq:

dt qffiaTrilqra w$suggfi qrfuiet

T{A gR ttfr+fl Tffi{ rtisft q r Tfl 5{r{fl ffiilqfrq|=rr:tl

Esfr:q"i& dfrft rr

yoga,the is placedwith a Sliubha 14.If the lord of the fifth house will be They wealthy fortunate. native will very and the be sonsof very powerful. The nativewill be rich and he will be a friend of the king or his minister. ,He will be intelligent and be good at or he maybe the headof a He will havemanydisciples, Mathematics. ntutt.He will havemuch powerandfanre. : If the lord of the fifth houseis 15. Combinationfor daughters or femalestar, he will have placedin a female rasi, femalenavamsa manydaughters. is placed 16. Combinationfor sops: If the iord ot the fifth house or male star, he will havemanysons' in a male rasi, male navamsa with strength andis freefrom afflictions). (provided he is endowed is placed for twins: If the lord of the fifth house 17. Combination children natureQnpwtsaka), in a rasi,amsa or starof a hemaphrodite

65 may be born as eunuchs.If the lord of the fifth houseis in a common sign,the nativemay get twins. Note .' For obvious reasons, the above combinations are incomplete.Varahamihiragivesthe followingrule in this connecton:


E qqllrgrtg a fiFH: t

1-8.If the lord of the fifth house is placed in a bad house (6th, 8th or 12th) and in a bad star and has a shubha yoga, the native will have very few children. \ 19. If the lord of the fifth house and theputra-karaka (Jupiter) are' placed within 1800 from the ascendanti.e. in the first six houses,the native may get children early in life. 20. Number of Children : When Jupiter placed in the rasi, amsa and nakshatra in which the lord of the 5th houseis placed,aspectsthe 5th house,conception will take place. 2L. Time of conception : When jupiter placedin the rasi, amsa and nakshatra in which the lord of the 5th house is placed, aspectsthe 5th house,conceptionwill take place.

riqirwqmr;d qteEfig{a gfi r

rm qETn{ qtqsrtfiTqrRiaI
22. If there is powerful aspectfrom maleficsto the fifth house, yogais totallybad,misrayoga theremay be abortion.While ashubha mixedresults. ,produces

aritl ffi

di a at{qrla I

EfrS Eedgl wnRt( rr rft gtrqrsfr

or if the lord ol 23. If the lord of lagnais placedin the fifth house fifth placed lagna if the houseis a rasi fifth house is in the or the fifth by if aspected or Mercury, or the owned by Saturn have an native may adopted son. Saturnor Gulika,the

ffi is aspected 24. If the lord of the ninth house by a femaleplanet,the by a nativemay adopt his daughter's son. If the sameis aspected son,or his grandson. male planet,he may adopthis paternaluncle's he is aspected If the lord of the 9th house by the lord of the6th house, (cousins). mayadoptthe sonof hisdayadeens Note : The adopted son's characteristics, caste etc., can be with reference to the planetaspecting the fifth house. determined

qEr|rEEAfr{' 0f the Sixth House .Effects

qR u rymn rg{ffrq {qcr<q1e

L. If the lord of the sixth houseis placed in the lagna,the native will be brave or a commander-in-chief. His maternal uncle will live in his house. The native will have much power. He will be employed in the government and will have much authority. He may be in-charge of jails. Effects will, however,differ according to the nature of the yoga present. If there is benefic yoga,good results will follow. But if there is a malefic yoga, he may be troubled by diseaseor he may become a thief. 2. If the lord of the sixth houseis placed in the secondhousewith a shubha yoga, there may be frequent quarrels in the family. He may lose his money through thieves.There may be eyetroubles. His tecth may not be in order. He may stammer or he may keep repeatingwhat he said. If therebe ashubhayoga, he may lose his wifc early. If then Venus, the kalatra karaka, is also weak, hc may remain unmarricd holding bachelorhood as a virtue. He will not get timely meals and may live by begging. 3. If the lord of the sbah house is placed in thc third house with a shubhayoga, his brother may becomc inimical. His maternal uncle and will be friendly with his brother. Thc nativc will be I l' rvith discases. may be afflictcd uncompromising. He or his brother youngcr not havc any yoga, native may the there is an ashubha brother. 4. If the lord of the sixh houseis placed in thc fourth housc with a shubhayoga, the house of the native may be vcrv old and dilapidatcd.


qrarQq EfrRt{rqftf,r:I

67 Therernaybe obstacles His mothermaybe education. to continuous afflicted with diseases.His unclesmay live by agriculture. If there is yoga,the personwill be strickenwith poverty. He may be an ashubha a servant or a cook. His mothermaybe immoral.Theremaybe legal or otherwise trouble from his house and lands. His life will be miserableand may evengo to jail. If there is misrayoga,he may hold some low post, and may be looking after villageadministration.He may quarrel with his mother and may not stay permanentlyin any house. 5. If the lord of the sixthhouseis placedin the fifth housewith a shubhayoga, the native may be adoptedby his maternaluncle. He yoga, his sonmay mayhavesomewealthandfame.If thereis ashubha upon the extent be afflicted with disease or may evendie (depending are the effects and powerof the rnaleficyoga).If thereis misrayoga, likely to be of a mixednature. 6. If the lord of the sixth houseis placedin the sixth house,with a shubhayoga,and if the karakaplanetis strong,hismaternalunclewill (cousins) will be powerful.If His dayadees be wealthyand fortunate. the significator(karaka) of the 6th housebe conjoinedwith the lord in-chiefand the nativemaybecomea commanderof the ascendant, will be fortunate. If there is ashubhayoga, the nativd will suffer will be of a mixed If thereis misrayoga,results throughhis enemies. nature. with a 7. If the lord of the sinh houseis placedin the 7th house, will powerful. native will The yoga, his maternal be uncle shubha r D?rry his maternal uncle's daughter. His uncle may exerciseto (6th unclemay stayin foreigncountries. I oontrolhim. Or his maternal house indicatesuncles; 7th houseforeign travels). If there is an If thereis yoga,his wife maydie earlyor will be abandoned. ashubha misra yoga,results will be mixed. If the lord of the sixh houseis his placedin the seventh housein a neutralrasi or star or navamsa, wife maybe barren. His wife maybe sickor maydie duringthe dasa lord alsois in a neutral of the lord of the sixthhouse.If the ascendant be madeto the should will alsobe sterile.Reference rasi,the person in the horoscope. karakaplanetandyogakaraka with a is placed in the eighthhouse 8. If the lord of the sinthhouse yoga,the nativewill havemediumlite. If therebe an ashubha shubha periods(dangers) and he will be yoga,he will havemanytroublesone

68 affectedwith diseases throughouthis life. If there is misra yoga,his life maybe short or he will get into debts. 9. If the lord of the sbchhouse is placedin the ninthhouse with a shubhayoga,his father will be employedin the judiciary as a judge, magistrate etc.,but will be inimicaltowards him. His maternal uncle will be rich and fortunate. The native mav acquirewealth through his dayadees.But, if there be malefic yoga" results will be bad.

q$rl EnqqrQT+frrrcrqfua I

gqai qv*.qi E Erqi-swt-gd: I

eTrd$fr vtilorR Fil*Ei{tra1 I

qM gfunn: qrgfr: Fq-dtdr

qrTdFrI Kt1a qrq6qi q}qs; I

10. If the lord of the sixth houseis placed in the tenth house with a shubha yoga, the person will do bad deeds or cruel deeds. He rvill pretendto be religiousand orthodox, but, in nature,he will be sinful. He may eat food offered in Sroddhas and rvill not fear to commit crimes. If there is ashubha yoga, the native will have a low and bad profession. Hc may live as a cook. Or he may lose his job and will lead a miserablelife. 11. If the lord of the sbch house is in thc eleventhhouse with a shubha yoga, his elder brother rvill be an officer having authority to imposefines and imprisonment. If there is ashubha yoga,the person will be strickenwith poverty. 12. If the lord of the sirch house is in the L2th house, he will spend his money in bad ways. He will do bad deeds. If there is ashubha yoga. he may fall into hell after his death.

qqilF{rirrF'FtfuirR: Effects of the Seventh House

qii art*A g rg{rEril=R:I

qRqqfrrdszi {e qrfudr Rnq r




69 1. If the lord of the seventh houseis placed in the ascendant, the nativewill be always travelling from placeto place carrying lettersetc. He may marry a womanwho wasbrought up in his own house.He will be always in the midstof ladiesand hanker pleasures. aftersexual If thereis maleficyoga,results will be opposite. 2. If the lord of the seventh houseis placedin the secondhouse with beneficyoga, the nativewill get wealththroughwomen. If there is ashubha yoga,he will losehis wife early,or hiswife will be immoral and earn money thus. He may wander for food. He may eat food offered in Sraddhasand funeral ceremonies.He may die during the period of the lord of the seventh house.If thereis misrayoga,he may havetwo wives. Note : Seventhhouse and secondhouse have been declaredby Poraslrura to be the deathinflictinghouses.Whgnthe seventh house lord is placed in the secondhouse with ashubha yoga, he surely verypowerfulto cause becomes death. 3. If the seventhhouselord is placedin the third house,with a shubhayoga,his brotherwill be fortunateandbecomes rich by going to foreign lands. lf there is a maleficyoga,his brother will suffer misfortunes and the nativemaygnjoyhisbrother,s wife.

qRit'l Eg?i{q WftrgqfrA I

qaail fr?wr*i fiareTqrfrTq *g gqwd furgtaEr a?q n

TssdFrsg-fdr ilsd grylqrd I

4. When the lord of ttle seventhhouseis placedin the fourth housewith a shubhayoga,his wife will be very happy. Shewill get manychildren.The nativemaygo to foreignlands. He will havegood education and good conveyances. If there is misrayoga,effectswill be mixedand in the presence yoga, of ashubha results will be evil. 5. If the seventhhouselord is placedin the fifth housewith a yoga,the personwill be marriedwhileyoung.His wife will be shubha the daughter of a rich person.Shewill be a veryablelady. If thereis yoga,he will be issueless. ashubha Or he mayget a child throughthe adulteryof his wife. His masterwill be troubledby enemiesin a

70 foreign land. If there is misra yogas, the native will have only daughtersand no sons. 6. If the lord of the seventhhouse is placed in the sixth house with a shubha yoga, his wife will come from the family of his maternal uncle. Or the native may have two wives. Or he will be troubled by diseases. If there is ashubha yoga, he will suffer from piles. If the kalotra koroka,,i.e., Venus is also weak, he may abandon his wife or his wife may be carried away by his enemies. 7. If the lord of the seventhhouse is placed in the seventh house, with a shubha yoga, it is good. The person will be very powerful. He will be very handsome. He will enjoy many women. His wife will come from a good family. He may also get wealth through his wife. i.e., from her family etc. (Moreover, i[ the planet be one of the five major planets, i.e. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, it'will catse M aI n pu rusln yoga). 8. If the lord of the sevcnthhouse is placcd in the eighth house with a shubha yoga, the native'sdeath may take place in a foreign country. His wife may also mect with early death. If therc be misra yoga, resultswill be mixed. Thc native will enjoy hor for sometimc and then she rnay die. Or, he may live as a bachelor. C)relse,his wife may contractsome disease. 9. If the lord of the seventhhouse is placcd in thc eighth house with a shubhavoga, he will dic in a ltrreign country. Hc may lose his rvife early. If thcre is malcfic yoga in addition, he may rcmain unmarried or his rvilc mav contract somc discasc and may bc from him. separated 10. If thc lord of the seventhhouse is placed in the ninth house with a benefic yoga, he may become rich in a forcign coutrtry or his father may stay in another country. The nativc may do mcritori<lus (dhannic) deeds in a foreign land. His father-in-larvmay bc very wealthy and prominent. If there is ashubhayoga, however,his wealth will be spcnt away and he may losehis fathcr carly in his youth. 11. If the lord ol the so'enth houscis placedin the tcnth house,his wife will attend to his nccds rvith carc. He may be cmployed in a foreign country. Or hc mav rvandcr from place to placc. He may get of his rvifc. his tivingthrough thc assistance

7l house, 12. If thc lord of the seventh houseis placed in the eleventh he may havemany wivesor he may enjoy manywomen. If thorc is misrayoga,the resultswill be mixed. If therebe a maleficyoga,he may alwaysbe walkingor live by carryingbundlcson his back. He may losemanyof his wives.Finally', one of hiswiveswill survivehim house,he houselord is in the second after his death. If the eleventh maygainwealthfrom foreigncountries.and from women. houseis placedin tho twelfth house 13. If the lord of the seventh yoga,he will enjoymanywomenfor sometime.He may with a shubha yoga, meetwith his deathin a loreigncountry.If therebe an ashubha he will lose his wife early or he may live as a bacheloror may be thinkingaboutotherwomenlyingin hisbed. 14. Time of wife's death : If the 7th houselord, Venus (kalatra will die during the karaka),and their depositors are strong,his w.ife third revolution of Saturn. If these four planctsare of ordinary strength,she will passawayduring the secondround of Saturn. If of Saturn. theyareweak, shewill die duringthe firstrevolution Note : Each period of rcvolutionof Saturnis nearlythirty years. This is to be reckonedwith rsspcctto the positionof Saturnin the chartof hiswife. : If Mars or Rahuis placedin the 15. Combinationfor widowhood woman may a widow. If theyare become 2nd or 7th or Sth house, the widow. in the 4th house,her mothermaybecome
Time of Marriage

{iS Rr.gti orqt q cqtffi t glsryr*rrQ il $ETar6{Ftfi: I

Uq]:qqqqqRtR r{qfoerftr
16. If the lord of the 7th houseis strongand Venus is placedin Upachayarasi (3, 6, 10, or 11) with full strcngthduring the first will take placecarly. If thc 7th house revolutionof Jupiter,marriage marriagemay take place lord and Venusare of modcratestrength,, the L2thyear of Jupiter,(i.c.bctween duringthe sccondrcvolution he may strcngth, and 24th ycar of his age). If both are devoidof

T2 marryduringthe third roundof Jupiter.lf theyare extremely weak, he mayhaveno marriage at all. Or evenif he is married, hiswife may die veryearlyevenbeforehe enjoys her. 17. Evil to 7th Bhava: If malelicsare placedin 6rh, 8th or l2th house from a givenhouse, andifthe lord of6th,8rhor l2th is ptaced in that bhava,then the matterssignificdby the houseare destroyed during the period of the planet occupyingthe said bhava. This principlecanbe appliedto the 7thbhavaalso. 18. ElTects of dilferent planetsIn the 7th house: If there is a debilitatedplanet in the 7th house, his wife wilt bc sicklyor he may marrya womanwho hasno regularperiods.If Marsbc therc,he may marry a widow. If Rahu be there,he may haverelations with a very low-bornwoman. If Mars andSaturnbe thereandVenushappens to be bctweenthem he may enjoy a bad woman. Dctails regarding colour,casteetc.,of the womancan be predictcdfrom the naturcof the lord of the navamsain whichthe 7th house lord is placed and also thc plane ts associated with that. 19. If thp lord of the 7th houseor Venusis placedin evenrasi or even navamsa or in a femalestar with shubhayoga,the nativc will haveRajayogaandhe will deriveenjoymcnts from scvcral wives.

SIGe|p|rc|FiTfr{r{: Effects of theEighthHouse

l. If thcreis a malefic planet in the eighthhousc. thc narive will dic of somcnrajordiscase or he maydie unnaturally. If thcrcbc shubha yoga, howill havca peaccful cndwithoutpain. 2. If ths lord of the6th ancl 8th housc bc in comfrination, certainty the discase will bc thecause of hisdeath. 3. If there be a shubhayoga in the cighrh house,the nativewitl havelong life. Ashubhayogawill causeshort life, while misra yoga will givemediumlengthof life. 4. If the Lagna,ascendant lord and the Moon havefull strength, and if the lord of the birth star,lagna,navamsa andSaturnare all very slrong, the pcrsonwill havelong life. If all are weak,hc will bc short

73 lived. Moderate strengthof theseplanetswill give medium length of life.

Calculation of l.ength of Life

5. The malefic planet placedin the 12thhousewill take awaythe whole of the period alloned to it. 6. The malelic planet placedin the 1lth housedestroys half of the period allotted to it. 7. The malefic planet placedin the 10thhousedestroys1/3 of the pcriod dlotted to it. 8. The malefic planet placedin thc 9th housedestroys1/4 of thc period allotted to it. 9. The malefic planet placedin the 8th housedestroys1/5 of tire period allotted to it. 10. The malefic planet placedin the 7th housedestrop 1/6 of the periodallottedto it. 11. Benifics placed in the abovehouses take awayonly half of the periods told for the malelicsi.e., beneficsplacedin the houses12th house onwards up to the,Tth respectively reduce l,If2,l/4,1/6,1/8, l/to andL/12 of the periods allottedto them. Now naturally arises the question : What are the periods contributedby the different planetsto the life spanof a person? Here we have the following dictum : If the planetsbe in their exaltation positions, they contribute19,25,15,12,L5,21. and 20 yearsfrom the Sun onwards. If they be in their debilitations, they contributeonly 'ltn,10-r7r half of thc above amount i.e. 9-vz,I2-w,1tn, 6, and 10 years. The lagna contributes period equal to the navamsas passed over by it. A maleficplanet placedin the 12thhousewill destroyits full period of life. In thb lLth house, it reduces l/2 of the periodandso on. If it be in the seventh house, it reduces 1/6th of the life. 12. If there be r...rnvplanetsin a house, the reductionindicated is to be performedc,nly planetpositedthere. above for the strongest

74 . 13. If a malefic planer Le placedin the Lagna house,half of the feriod allotted to Lagnashouldbe reduced.

() A p-lanetsituatedin the rasi of irs pnemy takesaway1/3 of its period of life. (ii) A planct in debilitationtakesawayt/2of its period. (iii) I n_fget in setting (astamana or hetiacalsetting) also takes aulay L/2 of its period. _- (ru) fh9 above reduction for setring should not be applied to Venusand Mercury. - (v) Reductionfor placementin iniriical rasi nientionediql above shouldnot be appliedto Mars. The above five reductions are termed Dhruwapahani by Satyacharya. - (vi) Reduction should be performed only for one reason,when there are severalcauses for doingdifferent reiuctions. (viD Similarly, incrcasing of period also should be performed only . ror one reasonwhen there are manyreasons. 14. Incrtase of perlod contrlbuted by different planets : (i) When a planet is placednvaryoththam4,own decanate or own rasi, its period should be multiplied by tvro. or cxaltation,the period should - (ii) -I{ in retrogression be multiplied by three. 15. This is the bcst way among others in calculating the length of life. by its enemy - 16...A malclic placed in 6th or 8th house aspected not in setiing or combustion, brings deaih during irs dasaor bhukti (sub-period). 17. A-planel w-hichis the enemyof the ascendant lord may cause suddendeath during its bhukti in the major period of the ascendant lord. So lengrh of life is to be calcihtCd after studying such dangerous periods.


Balarishta (Deathduring Childhood)

A cnild is susceptible to death: 1. Within four yearsasa result of the sinsof its mother. 2. Within eight yearsasa resultof the sinsof its father. 3. Within twelveyearsasa result of its own sins. calculated Hence the life span of a child is to be mathematically only if he/she lives after twelveyears.

Causeand modeof Death

This is to be asgertained.from the lord of the star or rasi in which the 8th houselord is placed. from the nature of the Means of death may alsobe determined rasis and navamsasin which the lord of the l(hara drekkana i.e. twenty seiond decanateis placed,as also the lords of the said rasis and navamsas. The place where death will take place is to be decidedfrom the rasi ruled by the saidplanets. Worlds (Lollas) to which the departed soul would go, are to be ascertained by the worldsruled overby the saidplanets. The personwill remain unconscious at the time of death for the in the ascendant at the time amount of time that wasto haveelapsed of his birth. (ir;Ttfrnron> If the lord of the 8th house be in upochayasthana,life will be long. If the lord of the 8th housebe in a bad place,life will be of medium length. If the lord of the 8th house life will be short be in the 12thhouse. andthe nativewill spend hiswealthin badways. If Saturn and Mars be strong,the personwill undergotroubles from debts.cuts and wounds.

76 If the lord of the 8th housebe placedin the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the indications of thesehouses flourish.If therebe a benefic in one of 6th or 8th house,thesehouses will prosper to a moderateextent. If the lord of the 8th house be placed in the t2th house, the significations of 12thhousethrive to a great extent. If the lord of the 8th housebe placedin houses other than 6th, 8th or 12th houses,the housesare destroyed.If in addition, there be a maleficplanet placedin that house, the houseis completely ruined. If there be a shubhayoga, the said housethrives moderately,and the period of the lord of the 8th housewill proveto be good.

Chhidragrahas(Evil planets)
The chhidragrahas or cruel planetsfor a horoscopeare (1) the lord of the 8th house;(2) the planetassociated with the lord of the 8th house;(3) the lord of the star in which the 8th houselord is placed; (4) the lord of the navamsain which the lord of the 8th house is placed; and (5) the khara drekkanadhipatii.e., lord of the ?2nd drekkana.Theseflanetsbringmisfortunes andtroubles.

i'(trPTRtFtTfuER: Effectsof the Ninth House

1, The ninth house indicates fortunes, father, preceptor etc. Hence,if the 9th househas shubhayoga, his father will be born in a rich family and will be long lived. The personwill be devotedto his preceptorsand will do meritoriousdeedsof charity. Ashubha yoga produces results. opposite 2. If the lord of the 9th housebe placedin the ascendant, the personwill earn property throughhis own efforts. 3. If the lord of the 9th housebe placed in the ascendant, the persongill earn property throughhis own efforts. 4. If the lord of the 9th housebe placedin the second housewith a. shubhayoga,the nativewill acquirewealthfrom his father. He will be

71 oppositeresults. rich. Ashubhayogaproduces 5. If the 9th houselord is placedin the 3rd housewith a shubha rich. yoga,his father will be moderately 6. lf the 9th houselord is placedin the 4th housewith a shubha yoga,the native will earn moneythrough his lands. Mother will also be rich. Landsacquiredfrom his father will yieldmuchwealth. the father of the 7. If the 9th houselord is placedin thc 5th house, may be a lord. If, at the person. his Or son nativewill be an eminent the native sametime, the lord of the fifth housebe in the ascendant, will alsobe lord. 8. If the 9th houselord is placed in the 6th housewith a shubha yoga,enemieswill yoga,his father will be sick. If there be ashubha take awaythe wealth of his father. house, his 9. If the lord of the 9th housebe placedin the seventh father will go to foreign countries. The native may do meritorious deeds in foreign country. His perceptor may also live in foreign yoga,his fatherwill be poor and will pass country.If there be ashubha awayin someforeign country. 10. If the lord of the 9th housebe placedin the eighth house,his father will die while he is young.He may not be ableto get anywealth set up for charityby his familywill from his father. The institutions wealthy. yoga, he will be moderaterly perish.If therebe shubha 11. If the lord of the 9th housebe placedin the 9th housewith a will prospervery much. yoga,the indicationsof the 9th house shubha in the 10thhousewith a 12. If the lord of the 9th housebe placed etc. He will have sacrifices deeds, yoga, he will do charitable shubha much wealth. He will be famous and hold high office as that of a ministeretc. with a shubha be in the l1th house 1,3.If the lord of the 9th house muchwealth. yoga, the nativewill have in the l2th housewith a be placed 14. If the lord of the 9th house shubhayoga it is bad. The native will lose his wealth and become poor.


ElT|T|rtrdrTER: Elfectsof theTenthHouse

Natural Beneflcs 1. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon (waxing),are beneficsin the decreasing order of strength. Mercury and Moon of the dark halves acquiremaleficpropertyif associated with malefics. 2. The Sun, wanning Moon, Saturn, Mars and Mercury are maleficsin the decreasing order. 3. Functional Maletics : Lords of 6, 8 and 12 houses are malefics byvirtue of their lordship (Adhipaq,a) of bad houses. 4. Lords of lst, 5th and9th houses are beneficsof the first rate. 5. Lords of quadrants (kendras), I, 4,7,and 10arebenefics of the second rate. 6. Lords of 2,3 and 11. houses, if associated with benefics become beneficsof the third rate. If they are associated with malefics,they become third ratemalefics. 7. Among the trine houses,9th house is the most auspicious. Then comes5th houseand lastlythe ascendant. 8. The angularhouses10,7,4 and t houses are beneficial in the decreasing order, i.e. 10th is the most auspicious and 1st is the least auspicious. Profession The professionsallotted to the different planets are as follows : 1. The Sun : Medical profession, dealingin grassandstraw, pearl and gold,and functionsasambassador and service undera king. 2. The Moon : Agriculture, professionsconnectedwith water, women,lands,humourousspeech, andmoneylending. 3. Mars : Professionsconnectedwith buildings,war, fire, bold deeds, murder, injuries, disputes, quarrels,government adminis-

79 like mercury tration,liquids etc. 4. Mercury : Sculpture,philosophical research, studies, astrology, composition and recitationof poetry, tradeof clothes and catching of birdsandanimals. 5. Jupiter : Chanting of hymns, teaching of Vedas,Puranas, and other scriptures, officiating as priest, and religious teachings. and 6. Venus : Trade of gold and preciousgems,conveyancqs vehiclesand professions with cows,curd,ghee,womenand connected perfumes. 7. Saturn : Wood-cutting,dealing in hides and skins, cutting of stones, service as the head of a village, as a postman, or as a juggleryandwitchcraft,carryingof loadsand fuelsetc. magistrate; 8. Rahu and Ketu rule over professions ascribedto Saturn and Mars respectively. 9. The karakatva is to be given due consideration in the determinationof profession. 10. Due considerationis to be paid to the strengthof the lord of in which the lord of the 10thhouseis placed,as the rasi and navamsa lord is also to the strength of the lord of the star in which the 1,0th placed. 11. The profession will bring goodfortuneto the nativeif the lord 10th house has the shubhayoga.i.e. if it is placedin the sign, of navamsaor star of a benefic or is placedin betweenbeneficsor is seenby beneficsor if the ruler of the signin whichthe lord of the 10th houseis placedis in exaltationor in moolatrikona. If theseplanets like this,the profession are not auspicious will not be a fortunateone. 12. The professionwill be of the nature indicatedby the karaka planetfor profession i.e.,the planetplaced in the 10thhouse. The Sun : If the Sunbe the karaka.and placed is strongly in the 10th house,the native will be in government service.If Jupiter aspects suchSun,he will be employed in a temple. If the Sunbe aspected by Saturn, he will do some lowly job (neechawitti). If the

80 a Mlechha or conjoinedwith Rahu,he will be serving Sunbe aspected (a foreignerother than Hindu). If the Sun be combinedwith Venus, he will servea queen. If it be with Mars, he will be someofficer in the village. If it be with the Moon, he will be working in the salt in thejudiciary. department. If it be with Mercury,he maybe serving The pay obtained through the serviceis to be judged from the shubhayogasof the houseof profession.His paywil be high or low yogas. sccaldingto the strengthofthe shubha Gradesof Service: 1. Tlrc Sun--Clericalwork. of treasury. . 2. The Moon-Officer-in-charge etc. 3. Man-Judiciary, work asmagistrate panchayats etc. of corporations, Merarry--Prcsident 4, 5. Jupiter-Aduser, minister or secretaryto high officers and kingsetc. 6. Venus-Ministerialservice. 7. Safunr-Authorityimposingpunishments' 8. Ralut--Officerimposingcapital punishment,iriprisonment etc.(like Saturn). that of Mars) jobs connectedwith death etc. Ketu-(like 9. the native are in conjuction, If the lords of the 7th and 10thhouses postal railways, in the profession i.e. touring having a will be departmentetc. be conjoinedtogether,the If the lords of the 9th and 10thhouses native will follow some religiousprofessionand will be engagedin (dharmicdeeds). and charitabledeeds austerities If the lords of the 10th and 1lth housesbe in conjunction,the ). <anqRl nativewill be a businessman be conjoined,there will be If the lords of the 6th and 10thhouses will decline or may profession His profession. set backs in the evenbe ruined. in-a watery If the Sun,Moon or Rahu be placedin the 10thhouse, sigr, and if ihe lords of the t2tli and L0th housesbe also in watery andother holy rivers' silns, the nativewill havea dip in the Ganges


qiffwR'D.aai||{' Effectsof the EleventhHouse

with a l. If the lord of the llth housebe placcdin the ascendant shubhayoga, the native will earn wealth through the yogakaraka yoga,the resultswill planetin the horoicope. If therebe an ashubha be bad. 2. If the lord of the llth housebe placedin the 2nd house,the nativewill earnwealthby lendingmoneyon interest. 3. If the lord of the 1lth housebe placedin the 3rd house,the nativewill havegainsof wealththroughhisbrothers, and music. 4. If the lord of the 1lth house with a be placed in the fourth house shubha yoga, the native will earn wealth through his mothgr, agriculture landsetc. 5. If the lord of the 1lth housebe placedin the lifth housewith a shubhayoga,the nativewill havegainsthroughhis son, some rich nobleanddeities. 6. If the lord of the l1th house in the sixthhouse with a be posited shubha yoga, the native will have gains of wealth through wars, litigationand throughhis partners.Maleficyogas will causeadvcrsc results. with 7. If the lord of the llth house in the seve nth house be placed a shubhayoga,the personwill earn moncythroughwomenor from foreigncountries. 8. If the lord of the eleventhhouse is positcd in thc 8th house, wealthof the personwill decline.If therebe a shpbha yoga,though theremaybe gainsin the beginning, latcr on hc willsuffcr losses. 9. If the lord of the eleventh house be posited in the ninth housc with a shubha yoga,thc pcrson will earnwealththroughhis prcceptor, father,charitable dceds, ctc. 10. If the lord of the cleventhhousebe placed in the tcnth house with a shubha yoga,hc will havcmuchgainsin histradc. Hc mayalso

82 earnmoneythroughperlorming religious rites,sacrifices etc. 11. lf the lord of rhe llth housebe in the llrh houseitself with a shubhayoga,the significations of the llth housewill flourishwell and J will be veryrich. the person 12. If the lord of the eleventh house be placed in the twelfthhouse with a shubha yoga,his elder brothermay die earlyand hisgainswiil decrease. 13. If the lord of the 1lth houscbe ptaced in a Vipat star (i.e.3rd, 5th and 7th stars from the natal star), the personrnEvbecomevery poor andlive throughbegging. 14. If the eleventh house has a shubha yoga, the person will becomevery rich. His elder brotherwill be very powerful. The native may have gains of wealth through his elder brother. Also, if a benefic be placed in the eleventhhouse,the native will have gains throughthe significations of the saidplanet.

arErTlilMtfoER' Effectsof the TWelfthHouse

1.. If the lord of any housebe placedin the twellth house,the significations of that house will decline. 2. The different planets,when placedin the 12th house,produce resultsasfollows : The Sun : Much expenditure through the king andgovernment(by way of taxes,lines etc.) The Moon : Deprivedof goodfood, incur wastefulexpenditure, will will not be liked by others. be of angrynature,unhappy, Mars : Expenditure through enemies, crimesetc. Mercury : Expenditure on education. moneyalways. Jupiter : The personwill bc saving Venus: The person will be saving moneyalways. of variouskinds. Saturnor Rahu : Expenditurcs whenplacedin Ketu : Ketu also helpsthe pcrson to earn money,

the 12thhouse.The nativewill becomewealthy. 3. If the rasi of the twelfth house be movable and contains a movable planet, the person will be ever travelling. If there be a shubhayogain the twelfth house,he will live happilyin a foreign land. But if maleficsbe there,he will live by beggingin a foreigncountry. 4. If the lord of the 12thhouse be positedin a Vipat srar(i.e.,3rd, 5th and 7th from the birth star)andhasconnection planets with.cruel by being associatedwith or aspectedby or hemmed in between malefics and if there is evil connectionfor the twelfth house with Saturn,Gulika or Mandi, the personwill spendhis wealth due to troubles anddifficulties.He will commitcrimesandsinfulacts. 5. Salvation: If the lord ofthe 12thhouse andtheascendant be in their paramauchchapoint and if the twelfth house benefics, contains he will attainsalvation alter death.If therebe only ashubha yoga,he will fall into hell after death. 6. If therebe misrayogaunderthe abovecombination, i.e.,both malefics andbenefics are placed in the'12thhouse lords but the of the first and the twelfth are in their highestexaltation points,the nativc will enter heaven. But if there is only malcficyoga,hc will fall into hell afterdeath. Satyacharya advises that other treatises shruld alsobe studiedand thingsshouldbe predicted verycarcfully.


Adhyaya IV


Effects of Dasasand Bhuktis : GeneralRules: Factors producing Benelicand Malefic Results: Elfects of lnrds of the Houseswhen placedin the l2th House.

Effectsof Dasas and Bhuktis.(Udu Dasas)

1. If the Lagna is strongerthan the Moon, theldasasshouldbe reckoned from the lord of the star in whichLagnafalls. If the Moon be strongerthan the Lagna, the lord of the starin whichthe Moon is posited will be the lord of thefirst dasa.

from the actualpractice Note : Readersshouldnote the deviation in vogue.

(or the Lagnanakshatra) are nakshatra 2. The starsfrom Chandra etc.,asfollows: termedJanma, Sampat,


I Paryaya

III Paryaya Paryaya L9

,lh^ Sampat

I )

11 L2



Kshema afut-^^


16 17 9 18


maitra Parama Notc : Paryaya= series..

?5 27

and Maitra stars(i.e. Kshema, Sadhaka of Sampat, 3. The dasas and bring good 2, Ll, 2O;4, 13,22;6, 15, 24i 8, 17,26\ are auspicious

85 results to the person.Thesearethebest(Uttama). of Vipat, Pratyariand Vadhastars(3, \2,21;5,14, 4. The dasas Thescare the and bring bad results. ?j;7,16,25) areinauspicious (Adhama). worstperiods maltra starsi'e', of the lords of Janmaand Parama 5. The dasas (1, 10, 1.9;and 9, 18 and 27th stars) are moderatelyauspicious to in their capacity (uaanyama; and belong to the middle category results. bestowgood are 6. The stars2, 4,6 and 8 countedfrom the Janmanakshatra The planetsplacedin trine signs(trikona rasis), most auspicious. produceihe best results during their periods and sub-periods' i'lanets in angular signs (kendra rasis) produce moderately good from thesestars in 6, 8 and 12thsigns results in their periods.Planets duringtheir periods.* producebadresults produce nakshatra from the Janma ?. The stars3, 5 and7 counted (1,5,9) from the ahove signs in planets triangular bad results.The in kendra Plancts perilds. in results their worst produce starsalso good resultsbut planetsin signs(1, 4,7, I0) producemoderately goodresults. bring stars from these (6, 12) 8, signs cadent Example:
Supposethe birth star is' Bharani, third to this is Rohini and it falls in Vrisha. Filih from this is Kanya. Planct placed in Kanya may bccomc bad according to thc above rule.

plancts hasto bc of the differcnt 8. Thusthe natureof the pcriods to the followingpoints: rvithreference determined (i) (rvhcrther thcl"arebcncfics The naturalqualityof the planets, or malefics).

* Periods : dasas andbhuktics.



Their rulership (i.e.,whethertheyare lordsof trines,angular houses etc.).

The nature of the stars in which the planetsare situated. (whethertheyarein kshema star,vipatstaretc.).

(iv) Whethertheyareplaced in triangular, (1, 5, 9); angular, (1,4, 7,L0);trika (cadent 6,8, L2)or 1) signsfrom the stars (only for interpreting the sub-periods). 9. If a planethappens to be a beneficby possessing three or four of the auspicious factorsmentioned above, it will do good duringits dasa andbhukti.

10. If it is a maleficin respect of threeor four factors listedabove. it will cause bad results duringits dasaandbhukti. 11. Three factorshaveto be considered for dasaresultsand four factors for bhukti results.

12.A planetin the lst,2nd,4th,6th,8th and9thstars counted from the Janmanakshatra produce goodresults. These auspicious results ( ru'Trfu]R|t are further enhanced (1) v'henit is a beneficby rulership (2) when it is placedin a rrinal sign and (3) whenit is onjoinedwith a benefic. L3. Beneficplaneg placedin theseauspicious starsproducevery goodresults provided their transits are alsoauspicious. 14. Benefics placedin the inauspicious stars(the 3rd,5th and 7th from theJanmanaxshatra) produce ordinaryresults. 15. Planets placed in the inauspicious stars(the 3rd,5th and 7th stars from the Janma nakshatra)produce evil results.These evil results becomemaximum: (i) whenthe planeris badby rulership(by owning6th, 8th and 12thhouses etc.), (ii) when it is placedin bad houses and (iii) whenit is conjoined with evil planets.
16. Malefic planets placed in the inauspiciousstars, produce maximum evil results. L7. Malefic planets, when placed in the auspicious starsi.e., (1st, 2nd,4th,6th, 8th and 9th from the Janma nakshatra)do not produce their bad effects much.

But, if they are placedin the inauspicious stars, they produceevil results fully.

Effectsof Transit of Jupiter on the Periods

1. When Jupiter traverses trikona signsfrom its radicalsignsthe personwill be blessed with childrenand wealth. He will perform religious derivehappiness. ceremonies anddiscourses andtherefrom 2. When Jupiter passes through trine signsfrom the radical position will leada happy life. of Venus, the person 3. When Jupiter passes through the trine signsfrom the radical position of Saturn the personwill get promotions, moneyand favour

; ff"ffi:", position the isin trine from radical ornanu, rhe

personwill win in his litigations etc.,in and may performmarriages hishouse people andwill benefitfrom low caste from the radicalposition 5. WhenJupitertransits triangular signs in education etc. of Mercury,he will havesuccess 6. The auspiciouseffects of Jupiter will be maximum, if he is strongand passes throughauspicious starscountedfrom the Janma nakshatra. 7. IfJupiter be weak and passes stars,the throughinauspicious goodresults mayirot actually happen thoughtheremaybe a meretalk aboutthem. 8. Transit of Rahu :--If Rahu is placedin a bad star at birth, the nativewill perform funeralceremonies whenSaturnpasses through trine (1, 5, 9) signscountedfrom the birth positionof Rahu; Or he may experience diseases and troublesfrom.kings,enemies, thieves, poison at thattime. 9. If Saturn and Rahu be placedin bad starsi, bad resultswill periods planets. surelyoccurduringtheconjoined of malefic *bad star = 3, 5, 7; 12, 14, l6i 21, 23, 25 etc.,from the Janma nakshatra.


Results of Dasas and Bhukties

L. In reading^the effects of different dasas, theinherent qualities of (ffid gttrlrlnil qualitiesdetermined the planets, by rheir lordship (3illqlra[deF| qtki T{rWqt, significations(nEirR@} and the five fundamentalprinciples<{afuarar: ), etc., shouldbe usedwhich have already beendealtwith in theearlierchapters. 2. A planet which is a benefic accordingto the following eight factors will surelydo goodto thenative duringits period:-(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) ffi+ grel inherentbeneficquality (wherherthe planet is a naturalbenefic); Placement in a benefic sign<enqr ; (IRalat) ; Extremeexaltation Retrogression<afrulq rarff: >; ( grlfuiR1l ; Benefic natureby rulership Rulership of benefic stars counted from the Janma( t3rRewDreq> nakshatra ; Shubha Vprga; Motion towards the uchcha poinr(sarifrdl).

3. A planet which is a malefic accordingto the eight malefic factorsmentioned below,produccs evil results.These maleficfactors are; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 ieffro iltJftqI malefic naturei.e.Saturn, Mars.Sun,Rahuand Ketu and weakMoon) ; Placement in inimicalanddebilitationsigns; Heliacal $*ilra); settingt Atichara(planets moving with speed muchgreater thantheir normalspeed) ; Malefic natureby rulership(rulershipof 6th, 8th and 12th houses); Rulershipof evil slarscountedfrom the Janmanakshatra ;

89 (g) (h) Maleficsin trinesandkendras (angular houses) ; Planets in paramancecha (extreme dcbilitation) ;

4. The planet which is malelic accordingto the eight factors mentionedabove;makesthe lord of the star, rasi and nivamsasin whichit is at birth, evil. 5. The planet which is benefic accordingto the eight factors mentionedabovemakesthe lord of the star.rasi and navamsain which it is at birth, beneficial. 6. These benefics(mentionedin 5) as also thE lords of the stars, yield goodresultsduring their dasas. rasisand amsas 7. The malelics(mentionedin 4) as also the lords of the stars, rasisand amsasin which they are positedat birth yicld cvil resuhs duringtheir dasas. . . 1 ( U u^g.k";) 8. Among the variouskinds of dasasystcms, Udu dasasystcmis the bestand henceit shouldbe adopted for proclaiming the rcsults.

The Dasaof the lnrd of the Ascendant
1. If the ascendant lord has the eightfold hcncfic nature, mcntioned above during the course of its dasa, it will yicld gxrd results such as fortune, royal favour, hcalth, famc, inllucncc and happiness. These results will gradually incrcase. Hc will bc rcspcctcd by his relatives. 2. If the ascendantlord bc wcak, by lrcing positcd in ininrical sign, or debilitation sign or is sctting(3riTl?l), during its dasa.thc pcrson will lose all importance. Hc will bs a vcry ordinary pcrson. Hc may even bcc<lmca poor servant.Hc will bc lroublcd by rvorrics. Hc mav become rvickcd. If it bc in thc trvelfth housc in thfunavamsachakra, hc will bc cvcr moving from placc to placc. During thc sub pcrirxl of this planct, thc native rvill bc very unhappy and poor. 3. lI thc lord of thc asccndantis placed in thc scconclhousc in conjunction with thc lord of thc sccond housc,during its d:rsa..thc nativc u'ill bccomc vcry rich. Hc u'ill cat dcliciouslixrd in gold and silvcr platcs.(as the sccondhouscdcnotcs<u$mm l. Thc vcssqlrvill

90 with the lord of b,emadeof metal ruled by the planetin conjunction gold vessels and Jupiterwould indicate the first house.For example, Venussilvervessels. would thrive. His family All the significations of the second-house will prosper. His words will be respected.He will haveall round success.I{e will have chanceto see dramas,cinemasand other shows. is placedin But, if in the navasma chakra, the lord of the ascendant from the amsain which the lord of the the 6th, 8th or 12th amsas previously told will be very much houseis placed, the effects second affected.He will havevery little gain of wealth. He will experience and unhappiness. both happiness is placed in the third housealong 4. If the lord of the ascendant a brotherwill be born. duringits dasa, with the lord of the 3rd house, He will do courageous acts.He may get wealththroughhis brother. But, if worksandhear musicalperformances. He wilt studyreligious from the be in the 6th; 8th or L2thhouses the lord of the ascendant will occur thegoodeffects by the lord of the3rd house, amsaoccupied only to a small extent. He may evenquarrelwith his brother during the period. with the be placedin the 4th house 5. If the lord of the ascendant lord of the 4th house, during its period, the native will acquire landedproperty, cattle,and good dress. He may get a conveyances, by his relativesand will derive new house.He will be respected of benefits through the company relatives,learned people and in the 6th,8th is placed friends.As before,if the lord of the ascendant by the lord of the 4th housein or 12thamsafrom the amsaoccupied the navamsachart, the good effectswill happenonly to a small extent,the nativemay havebad effetsalso as falling from vehiclcs, quarrels with mother,losses through landsetc. with the lord of in the fifth housc lord be placed 6. If the ascendant get royal rvill happy, be the fifth house,dtrring its dasa, the native by hisfriendsand relatives.A child may favourand will be respected be born to him. The nativewill worshipgods. He may hold high posts(as ministeretc.). He will win affectionof his fatherand grace service duringthisperiod. of God. He mayenter government

9l But, if the ascendant lord be placedin the 6th, 8th or l2th amsas from the amsaoccupied by the lord of the fifth house, in the navamsa diagram,the good effectswill not h,appen fully; but bad effectsmay evenoccur. He will incur the displeasure of his superiors, will have quarrels with his fatherand children,andearna bad namein service. His religious worshipwill be interrupted or maybecome usetess. 7. If the lord of the ascendant be placed in the sinthhouse with its lord, dasawill proveto be bad. The native will suffertroublesthrough government,litigation with his partners,quarrelswith others and from cutsand wounds.His limbs may be affected and he may suffer povertyin this period. The effectswill, however, be reverseif the lord of the 6th housebe debilitated and the ascendant lord be exalted in the navamsa diagram. Then he will not suflerfrom diseases andwill rvorkin the army;navy or air forceasa chief. He rvill havesuccess in wars. 8. If.the ascendant lord be placedin the seventh housewith the lord of the 7th house,the nativemay have somejourneyduringthis period. He will celebrate auspicious ceremonies tikemarriage etc.,in his house. He will derive pleasurefrom the use of sandalpaste, scents, flowersand garlands.If the seventh housefails in a movable sign,he will havejourneyto disrantplaces.But if it is in a fixedsign, he will be in his own place. If it be a dual rasi,he will go to foreign countries.If the agcendant lord be weak,he will be merelywandering withoutanygains. But, if ascendant lord be placed in the6th,8thand l.2thamsas from the amsaoccupied by the lord of the 7th house, the good effcctsmay not occur. Then the nativemaynot go on anyjourney. Therewill not be any auspiciousevents like marriage etc., in his house. His conjugal happiness maysuffer. 9. If the lord of the ascendant be placed in the gth house wirh its lord, the effects will be very bad. The nativewill suffcr extreme poverty.He may haveattacks of diseases. Hc will do meanandsinful acts.He may incur dcbtsalso. 10. If the lord of the ascendant be placed in the9th housc with the

92 lord of the 9th house,the personwill get wealth from his property. veryrich hisfather. He will become He will worshipdeitiesandserve deeds. charitable his largescale and famous,for be placedin the 6th, 8th or L2th But, if the lord of the ascendant the effects by the lord of the 9th house, amsafrorn the amsaoccupied He may not get anypropertyfrom hisfather. He may will be reverse. to his father and may not do virtuousdeeds.He will not be devoted and is conjoined If the lord of the lagnabe exalted mix with sceptics. wealthand much person will earn house, the with the lord of the 9th ShivaandVishnutemples' mayrenovate be placedin the tenthhousealong 11. If the lord of the ascendant with its lorcl, the native will attain name and fame, will perform will havegood statusand rank in life and will be religious sacrifices, in and orthodox. He will hold an influentialpostandget promotions his service. from the If the lord of the lagnabe in the 6th, Sth or 12thamsas diagram, by the lord of the 10thhousein the navamsa amsaoccupied will not He in his office. name will a bad He earn will be bad. effects not may his orders and perform his duties. He will losehis influence be obeyed.He maycommitsinfulacts. house be placed in the eleventh 12. If the lord of the ascendant and along with its lord, the personwill make profits in his brrrsiness will get moneythroughhis elderbrotherand will havegainsin many ways. be in the 6th, 8th or 12thamsas But, if the lord of the ascendant house, therewill by the lord of the eleventh from the amsaoccupied with his quarrel may He little happiness. very gains very and little be house be ll"th the lord of the lord and elder brother. If the ascendant gains. to his obstacles therewill be constant enemies, with its be placedin the 12thhouse 13. If the lord of rhe ascendant parents' his lord, the personwill be poor and will losethe wealthof He will live in foreign iountries and lead an unhappylife there, will alsobe thereif the wanderinghere and there.Somegoodeffects lord of the lagnabe in his ownsign.

y3 14. In predicting position the resultof the planets, in of the planets the rasis,navamsa and trimsamsa chartsshouldbe duly considered and also the effectsof the planetsconjoined with or aspecting the planets. Due consideration should be paid to the strengthof the planets according principles. to the panchasiddhanta 15. Mutual exchange yogas (Rajayogasetc.), caused of planets, by the planets,planetarv (karakatrva) significance and other factors shouldbe very carefully weighed andiudgedand the final conclusion arrivedat. Principles regarding Sub-periods (Bhukties) The lengthof the bhuktiis calcuhtedasfollows:-Multiply the periodof the dasanatha in yearsbv 3 and thcn hv rhc lengthof the periodof the bhukti lord. The rcsultgivesthc numbe r o[ daysin the bhuktiwhichmaythenbe converted into years andmonths asnecessary. lllustration Supposewe have to calculatethe length of the sub-periodof Mercuryin Saturn's majorperiod Lengthof Saturn's majorperiod Multipliedby 3, thisbecomes Lengthof Mcrcury'speriod Productof (2) and(3) = 19days (t) =57"(2) = (3) 17 =17 x57 961) days 9(r9 days= 2 yd\rs 8 months 9 days. This is the length of tlrE pcriod of Mercury'shhukri in Sarurn mahadasa. Mathcnratiqrlly the mcthodcanbe dcrivcdasfcrllos's :

94 Let the numberof yearsin the planetA's period = x years


in the planet B's period = y ycars

LenetlofAdasa Bbhukti

y"u* = -I1-{

120 xrv = --i;6- 360days =xryx3days

Principlesfor the Interpretationof Bhukti results

The results of the bhukti are influenced by the following factors :--(1) The lord of the major period (rhe dasa narha), (2) rhe planets aspectingthe dasa natha, (3) the plancrs conjoined with the dasa natha, (a) the lord of the sign (rasi) in which the dasa lord is placed, (5) the lord of the navamsain which the dasa lord is posired, (6) the lord of the trimsamsa in which the dasanarha is posited. (7) the lord of the ninth house and (8) the planers in rrine ro the ascendant. ElTectsof Rahu and Ketu :

Rahu andKetu givethe resuhs of the lord of the rasiin rvhich rhoy are placed.

EIsfr Ts{1a${i'dl I ffitflqrrfi iloFF-dfi erdl qRffi afr ri rr

So also they give the resultsof the planetswith rvhichthcv are conjoined. The lord of the bhukti generally gives resuftsaccording ro the housein whichhe is placed, the house he ownsand the rasiin which he is placed in his transit. This will be highly pronounced when it is srrongby occupying exaltation, ownsign,friendlysignor a trine. If he is a malefic,bad results will be he be of the mixedtype,he will produce mixedresults.


Resultsof Own Bhukti

T{t5{eprtur qfri a:r r<rffi x

qrq:,grft sd Errrdr?il q ftEft |

In the swabhukti of a planer, the lord of the dasadoesnot giveits own results. It gives resultsaccordingto the resultsof the pr-evious bhukti, .modifiedby its own nature. The resultsof the previoururrur,ri do continuehowever.

qrqqenqaRs fu {grro**ryil

sTrr*EqEFi EaFrIfdr ( arfivft: r

But, if the lord of the dasayierds its results duringits swabhukti,it will not give its resulrs rhe sub_periods of iire otf,", piu*rr. 9uli"g But this will happenonry if the rord oi the dasais very roJrf otherplanets comparatively weak.. ""0 If the lord of the dasabe a beneficbut the rordofthe bhukti be a malefi,c, in his bhuiti, the bhukti rordwill xx produce hisevil resurts. He will be passive.

Kartari yoga
If the lord of the dasabe in the middle of beneficplanets, he will tendto producegood results. If the lord of the dasabe in the middreof marefic praners, he wilr givebadresulrs in rhe dasa dueto the i"nu"n." "iif,",iJ"n;;;;;. grahs,but is at the sametime a - If the dasanathabe a mar-aka* bqnelic bynarure, thesub-period ill;Jlrtr," -- - the lagnamaycause "f deathof the native. "illiri;;?;;; If the lord of th.e.eighth house, be a maraka, under the circumstances deathwill,noitakt ptu." iniiut period. --F;-ffir The sccondhouseand the 7th houseare marakahouses.The pranets ptaceJihereinasario ir,"iii"ra. -called becomemarakaplanets.

Mercur) Jup.
N{ars Moon

96 givesan example by wayof illustration: Satyacharya


Navamsa Rasi



during the sayshere that the nativeof this horoscope, Satyacharyo as a will be.employed Jupiter, of in the sub-period period of Mars, with in placed conjunction is here Mars is This because writer. writer's postis with Jupiterr Jupiterin its own sign.As it is combined Mars ownsthe sixthhouse,the postwill be since Secondly, indicated. Jupiter being nearestto Mars, in a court of law (or nyayalaya). influencesMars. As Jupiter is the lord of the 7th house, the will be in a distantplace,far away. As Jupiter is in appointment by manyrivers andplentyof Misha, the placewill be fertile,watered rainfall.

House The Dasaof the tord of the Second
1. If the lord of the secondhousebe placedin its own house, the nativewill earn muchwealth' duringthe course'ofits own dasa, will not be able be weak,the person But, il the lord of the ascendant to enjoy his wealth but will saveit without spending. If the lord of be strong,the personwill enjoyhis wealthand he will the aicendant be much respected.As the second house indicatesfamily and also,theseatsowill thrive. But, if the lord of the second education from the signin which he is housebe in the 6th, 8th or 12thamsas loss of wealthor he may merely be placedin the rasi chart,there may house rich.As the second really not be Luu" a nameas a rich man and death of danger is the house, there 7th to be the 8th from the happens her relatives' wife and to his of his wife or diseases combined house be in the third hottse, 2. If the lord of the second

97 with the lord of the third house,his wealth will continueto grow and increase. His brother will also gain some wealth and will start housebe strong the managing the family. If the lord of the second nativemay earn wealth throughmusicetc.,but if it be weak,actual gainswill be verylittle. house conjoined be in the fourthhouse, 3. If the lord of the second with the lord of rhe 4th house,he will havegood income through He may even come acrosswith lands, education and conveyances. He may get the propertyof his grandfather.If treasure somewhere. house be placedin the 6th,8th and 12thamsas the lord of the second from the amsa in which the 4th lord is placed,the good results mentionedabove may not actually happen. If the lord of the 4th is devoidof strength, he will haveverylittle gains. house 4. If the lord of the second with the lord house be in the 5th house he will havegainsof moneyduringthis dasathrough of the 5th house, the significations of the Sth housei.e., son, father, religious institutions, duty, king and his officers. If the lord of the second housebe in the navamsachart in the 6th, 8th or 12thamsas,from the amsaoccupiedby the lord of the 5th house, the effectsmay not be weak,actualgains actuallyhappen. Further,if thesetwo planets will be very meagre. If the lord of the ascendant or the navamsa lagnabe conjoinedwith the lord of the secondhouse,gainswill be verylittle. with the lord 5. If the lord of the second house be in the6th house incomewill be throughthe significations of the 6th house, of the sixh house. Among the significations are uncle,loan etc. There may be expenditures due to illnessetc. He may acquireincome through uncles. As 6th is,9th from the 10th, there is possibilityof getting income from profession. [These are views held by some. But accordingto the rule qE ErdrTM a 5tnl vcr<fte4 fr6:, this is not favourable for the accumulationof wealth or increaseof bank balancel. house 6. If the lord of the second be in the7th house alongwith its lord, the personmay havegainsthroughhis father-in-law. He may reside in a foreign country and there he will get much wealtlr If Ayurdayaagrees, in this periodthereis the danger ofdeath asthe 2nd and7th houses lf the lord of the2nd house are maraka sthanas. be in

98 from the amsaoccupied by the lord of the the 6th, 8th or 12thamsas 7th housein the navamsa chart, the effectswill be feebleor may not happen at all. in the eighthhousewith beJplaced 7. If the lord of the 2nd house its lord, he will be involved in heavy debts. This is not a good combination and many evil resultsmay happen. The native will not be happy.His wealthwill be spentaway. His wife maypassawayor be placedin the 6th, may do bad deeds.If the lord of the Znd house 8th or 12th amsa from the amsaoccupiedby the lord of the 8th or may be opposite.If the lord of house, the resultsmay not happen the eighth housebe devoidof strength,he wilt leada miserablelfe in a far-off place and may even eat food offered in funeral ceremonies. (2nd houseis bhukti sthana). alongwith the be ih the L0thhouse 8. If the lord of the 2nd house His father wealth. much will person earn lord of the 9th hopse,the gains weak, house be 9th lord of the But, if the will be very fortunate. will be very little. 9. If the lord of the 2nd housebe in the 10thhousealongwith its royal government, lord, he will acquirewealththroughhis occupation, if there be a will be pronounced favour,trade,gifts etc. The effects Raja yoga in addition. But, if the lord of the 2nd housebe weak, actualgainsmaybe verylittle. with its iq the 11thhouse be placed 10. If the lord of the 2nd house wealth may acquire He wealth. gains of much lord, he will have nature the indicated by profits will have He brother. his through eldcr the second lord of with the planets conjoined of the lordship of thJ house or by the natureof the lord of the amsain whichthe lord of the is placedat birth. 2ndhouse 11. If the lord of the secondhouscbe placedin the 12th house conjoined with its lord, the person will have large expenditures of *onry, in the wayssigrified by the planetsconjoinedwith the lord of will the 2nd and 12th houses. If thp two lords are weak,expenditure be small. In the above cases,if the two lords are mutually in 6th, 8th or may the resultsmentioned 12th amsas in the navamsadiagram, effects reverse the even very feeble or may be or befall' actually not

99 may happen. 12. During the dasaof the lord of the 2nd house.there witl be effects: (a) (b) , (c) (d) of the planetsin conjunction with the lord of the 2nd house or which aspectthe lord of the 2nd house; the lord of the rasi in whichthe lord of the second houseis placed; the lords of the navamsa in whichthe lord of and trimsamsa the 2nd houseis placed ; the house owned by the planet which is conjoinedor is aspecting the lord of the second house. i.e.the significations of these planets are also to be taken into consideration suitablycombiningthem with the dclineationi of the lotd of the 2nd house.

Satyacharya says that he has been purposelybrief _anda wisc astrologer ought to tell the effects in detailsby combining all factors of dasas andbhukties throughhisown intelligence andexperience.

The Dasaof the Inrd of the Third House
1. If the lord of the third house is placed in the ascendantalong with the ascendant lord, the person will be very fortunate. He will conquer his enemies. He may earn money through music.He will be courageousand will have ear-rings set with gems. If the lord of the ascendant be in a female sign in combinationrvith female planctsand is alsoweak,the nativewill perform the role of a dancinggirl and carn money. If the ascendant-lord be conjoined rvith malefic plancts, his professionwill be very bad and dcspisable. If thc rwo lords bc in (rth. 8th and 12th amsasin thc navamsadiagrarn,thc nal.ivc rvill strugglc very hard but his rewards will be very little. 2. If the lord of the third house be in thc 2nd housc,his brothcr may die or his mother may become ill during this period. lf thc lord of the 3rd house be in its own, he might havc to supportand nrainrain his brother's farnily also. His brother may cam rvcalthdqccntlv (3rd house indicatcsbrother. 2nd housc indicatcsucalth). lf the krrcl ol'

100 the 3rd housebe weak,oppositeresultswill happen. 3. If the lord of the third house be placed in its own house, wealth. He brothers will thrive well. The native will haveincreased acts. He maybe havingshorttravelsalso' will do courageous

lres qeqrriil sre{gqrfud:l E"TfgdlEqT{trdWffiil q-{ffia Fcdqdt1u\dr e'ifisftftgu1q 1 aqil n $;gr{Frcdlsd 1vfdnl: tR Er4
4. If the lord of the third housebe in the fourth housewith the lord famousin this his brotherwill be happyandbecome of the 4th house, He will have and conveyances. period. The nativemay buy vehicles affairsof his manage the may andlands.He gainsthrougheducation may suffer mother weak, his village. If the lord of the 4th housebe lord of If the crops. his to and there may be damage from diseases he may or partitioned may be lands the third house be weak,his weak period a of in the sub dasa, this a new house. During construct planet,he may have a fall from his vehicles.If the lord of the third from each be in the 6th,8th or 12thamsas houseand the fourth house maynot yoga he and vahana may be no there chart, other in navamsa happy. be 5. It the lord of the 3rd housebe placedin the 5th housewith its lord, he may becomea great man or his brothermay be helpedby some nobte men. The nativemay get wealththroughthe graceof somedeity. If the lord of the 3rd housebe veryweak,the nativemay live as a cook or as a musician.If it be verystrong'he will get much wealth from the king or govbrnment.If the lords of 3rd and 5th he diagram, in the navamsa houses be mutuallyin 6,8 and L2 amsas -will kendra or in be house be very unhappy.If the lord of the 3rd happy. and will fortunate be chart,he trikonain the navamsa

be in the 6th housealongwith its 6. If the lord of the third house inimicaltowardsthe lord, during this periodhis brgthermaybecome native.Or his brother may iall ill or suffer from stomachtrouble (Ttrtt). If there be a shubha yogafor the 3rd, he maybe employed porverpost. He will derive in the military or havean authoritative rvith the lord of the 6th help from his uncle. If there be connecton

and 8th lords, under thesecircumstances, the dasawill be auspicious and the nativewill be fortunate (VipareetaRaja yoga). If the lord of the 3rd house is conjoined only with the lord of the 6th house,the Dative may suffer from ear-diseases. If the lord of the third houseis placed in the 6th,8th or 12thamsafrom the amsain which the lord of the 6th house is placed,the effectswill be different and then his brother will not be inimical towardshim. 7. If the lord of the third house be in the seventh house in conjunctionwith the lord of the seventh house, his brother will go to a distant country. If a beneficplanetbe associated with the lord of the teventh house,his brother will live happilyin that country. If the lord of the seventhhouse is weak and be in a chara (movable) rasi, his brother will undergo sufferingsin that country and may even die there. The nativewill derivehelp and benefitsfrom his father-in-law. Relativesof [3rd houseis 9th from the 7th andhencefather-in-law]. his wife will thrive. He may have a secondmarriage. Placementof the lord of the third housein the triangular,angular or labha(l1th) amsas in the navamsa diagram is auspicious.' If the3rd houselord and the 7th house lord be both devoid of strength,his brother wilt be wanderingfrom placeto placeand will lead a miserable life. He may becomeextremelypoor and live by begging.If the seventh housebe a warerysign,the nativemaygo on a pilgrimageto holy places.

Efrtrl iqET Tr)t)n sqFat r affi: +uftrr: q $iFlrr w{p{q: tl

8. When the lord of the third houseis placed in the eighthhouse alongwith the lord of the eighthhouse, hisbrotherwill sufferfrom ear diseases. He may have troublesthrough enemies also. The same troublescan happento the nativealso. If therebe association with the lordsof the sixth,eighthor twelfthhouses, the personmay amass good amountof wealth. If the lord of the third houseownsthe 8th house also, the troubles above mentioned(ear diseases, troubles throughenemies) can happento the nativeor his brother. There is the possibility of enmitywith hisbrotherandalsorhedangerof death. 9. If the lord of the third houseis placedin the 9th house with the lord of the 9th house,his brotherwill prosperwell and will become rich duringthis period. The nativemaydo charity.His patrimony will

increase. But if the lord of the 9th house be afflicted or weak, there may be disagreementswith his father. If a malefic be with the lord of the third house,his wealth will decreaseand his father will sul'ferfrom diseases.If a benefic be with the lord of the 3rd house.his wealth rvill surely increase. If the lord of the third house is in the 6th. Sth or L2th amsa from that of the lord of the 9th house,opposite resultswill happen. 10. If the lord of the third house be placed in the tenth house conjoined with its lord, daily rituals may be disrupted or there may be obstaclesin the performance of his sacrificcs, (10th house signifies sacrifices). If the lord of the 3rd house has combination with benefic planets, his brother may be in government service. But if it is combined with a malefic, his brother will be a bacl person engagedin despisableactivities. htrrse 11. If the lord of the third house be placed in the e:lcvcnth along with the lord of the eleventh house, his brothers rvill prttsper very much during this period. His eldcr trrother will lrc \'cry lortunatc from his childhood. Business will thrive yiclding high profits and gains. His brothers will do well during this pcriod. The naturc of goodsin which trade will be done will dependupon the naturc ol'the signsand the planets involved. lIthe lord of the third housc lre devoid of strength, gains will bc meagrc. If the lord of thc tlrird housc is in the 6th, 8th and 12th amsas, his younger brother will bc poor. But his elder brother will be well-off. If thc lord of the thircl housc be in a feminine rasi, and be combined with femalc planets, thcse rcsttlts haveto be predicted for his sisters. 12. If the lord of the third house be placcd in the trvclfth house rvith the lord of the twellth house and be wcak, it is very evil for his younger brothers-and sisters some of whom may even die in this period. The native will suffer from ear-diseases.He may lose or sell away his ear-rings. He rvill bc ever rvaveriug, unable ttl take tlrrn decisions. If the rasi in rvhich the trvelfth lrouse falls be a nrovatrlc sign, his brother will stay in some foreign country. If the rasi is fixcd, he rvill stay in the same placc. ln each casc, the planets that ilrc associatedhave to be takcn into account as thcir elfects will modit-v the resultsof the lord of third house.


The Dasaof the tord of the Fourth House
1. If the lord, of the 4th house be placed in the ascendant, with the lord of the ascendant, conjoined (or .navamsa lagna)and if the two be friendly to eachother, the nativewill havevehicles and conveyances in plenty. The fourth housedenotes education.If the Sun is placed strongly by being in his exaltationor own sign, the personwill possess knowledge about self (i.e.Atmajnana). The Sun bcing karka for father, his father will maintaingood health and live happily. If the Moon is placedsimilarly, he will get good food. If Mars be stronglyplaced,he will purchase manylands,houses and will be successful in debates and literarycontests. If Mercury be so, he will be highlyeducatedand his maternaluncles will be prosperous.If Jupiterbe the lord of the 4th houseand placed in lagnastrongly, the person will be a noble person and his miridwill be pure. If Venusbe likewise,he will be blessedwith comforts,conveyances, good dress, personwill be bad, and delicious food. If Saturnbe so situated,,the cunning anduntruthfulandwill tell lies. If the lords of the lst and 4th houses be placedin the 6th, 8th and 12thamsas in the navamsa results will be only on chartthe beneficial ' a small scale. It is necessary to considerthe strengthof the planets also.


rE}qeAx{futt t

a?Ilfrq-+qiil Errg{F{ frffiiq n qaqI ilg.rtq qenq E$rarTrra

aa|iFqqFqaiqr?nq ffilqr{rwrd I (s.T.).

qrdq{ rftffi I

2. When the lord of the 4th houseis placedin the secondhouse with the lord of the second housestronglyby beingin its exaltation sign,own sign or friendly sign or so in the navamsa chart, he will get

* S.T.--Sanskrit translation in the form of verses. '/

104 family. Hence'his The 2ndhousedenotes kindsof happiness. various entire family will be happyduringthis period. He will derivemuch life. His wordswill throughhiswife andleada comfortable happiness planetsor if with malefic connection if be But, there be respected. will be less. results beneficial be weak, the lord of the fourth house 3. If the lord of the 4th house be placed in the 3rd house in conjunctionwith the third lord' it is not very good. 3rd housebeing 12th to 4th house,he might lose his lands,buildingsetc.' during this in its ownsignor be be exalted, period. If the lord of the fourthhouse the or be in the sameamsa, planets or be with beneficial in arohana, education,lands results regarding comforts through conveyances, will be moderate etc., housd,andbe strongly 4. If the lord of the 4th housebe in its orx'n (If it be 3ny one of the-5 auspicious. placedthere, it is extremely 'major caused)' All the yoga will be Mahapurusha planets, great extent.Thisis true to a will thrive 4th house of the significations or trikonas in kendras placed be 4th house the lord of evenwhenthe gains and higher education, get will The native with strength. ]Ie will mother' and buildings his conveyances, ihrough happiness lord of the 4th If the wells. dig and fruit trees plant housei build n"* through loss be may less or there will be results weak. the housebe be lord of an evil house If the lord of the 4th house indications. these loids of the amsa and The nature. mixed will of a be results also, bhukties' in their good results the produce will trimsamsa, 5. If the lord of rhe 4th housebe in the.Sthhousein conjunction or if theseplanetshaveinterchanged with the lord of tlie 5th house, rheir houses(i.e. 5th lord in the 4th and 4th lord in the 5th house),it is very auspicious. His children will prosper antl be happy'-The p"rro' wiil Le a friend of noblesand lords. Therewill be abundance and cattle in his house.He may hold somepost of authority of "orrr, good reputation'-He and will achieve and power in the government nativeplaceof his in lands the and education will earnwealth thiough father. in the 6th housewith 6. When the lord of the 4th houseis placed the lord of the sixth nouseand if the significatoris also strong, his he will have motherwill be huppy;incomefrom landswill increase; uncle maternal his afiiomforts of goodconveyances; ggodeducation

105 will be well-off and his cattle will thrive. But, if the planets be afflictedor weak,during this period,therewill be evil resultsthrough the abovesources. He may sustaininjuries by falling from vehicles.,, His mother may suffer from ill-health. His cattlemay be sold away. His educationmay be stopped. He may be involvedin some cases regarding his lands. These things have to. be judged carcfully by andthe afflictions. significators the respective considering 7. If the lord of the 4th houseis placedin the 7th housewith the tord of the 7th house,during that period,the nativewill live happilyin some foreign land. Buq if .the karaka etc., are not strong, he may havedifficulties and may evendie there. If the lords of the 4th and chart, in the navamsa be placedin 6th, 8th, or 12th amsas 7th houses therewill be no death.

g{r1 cni*il

I g qAiq qqFEe
iFE ili qffiu

8. If the lorc of the 4th housebe in the 8th housealongwith the manydifficultiesand losses lord of the 8th house,he will experience may not keep good health, His mother etc. cattle his lands, through on the may be manyobstacles there or may be stopped his education way. There may evenbe difficultiesdue to litigationsof his house. If the lords of the 4th and 8th housesbe mutuallyplacedin 6th, 8th or l"2th amsas the eVil effects will be much less. ln each case, the chart shouldbe strengthand placementof the planetsin the navamsa -carefully looked into. 9. If the lord of the 4th housebe placedin the 9th housealongwith the lord of the 9th house, good resultshavetobepredictedas hq,will be fortunate follows: If Mars be alsostrongin the horoscope, will have a good he strong, be If Mercury through his lands etc. through comforts he will enjoy powerful, Venus be education. If property get will he Moon be strong, If the etc. dress conveyances, from his mother. If the lords of the 4th houseand the L0th housebe strong in their trikona or. kendra amsasin the navamsachart, the good resultswill be more. If they be mutuallyin the 6th, 8th or 12th chart,the resultswill be muchless. in the navamsa amsas 10. If the lord of the 4th housebe placedin the LOthhousealong with tne lord of the 10th house,immense good results will follow.

L06 The personwill hold a hrgh post. If there be further association or aspects of beneficplaners, he wrlr hold a very high post.He may even be a king or a minister dependingupon the strengthof the benefic planets. He will be respectedand held in high esteem. The good results will be prominentin the dasaand bhukti of the lord of the 4th ."house"10th house being the houseof sacrificialrites, if Jupiter be strong,he will perform manysacrifices.He will get promotionsand gainsin his employrnent or his business.He will havelarge gains of wealththroughtrade if the lord of the fourth housebe the ruler of the eleventhhouse also. [This happensif karaka or maraka becomes lagra. In the caseof Cancerascendant, Venus is the lord of the 4th and the Ll"thhouses.In the caseof Capricorn ascendant, Mars rules the 4th and the cleventhhouses.]If the planetsbe weakn the good resultswill happenonly on a smallscale. If they be placedin the 6th, 8th or 12thamsas, theremaynot be anygood resultsat all. 11. When the lord of the 4th house is olacedin the 1lth house alongw'\ its lord, the nativewill havelargegainsof wealthwithout any effort. He will be happy and comfortable. If under these tircumstances,there is an association of beneficsin addition. the profits will be very enormous. The gains be through the things signified by the planets involved.Strength of the planets is alsoto be takeninto consideratiun.If theyareweak,profits will be very tittle. If the lordsof the 4th and l1th houses be mutuallyin the6th,8th or L2th amsasin the navamsachakra,or they are aspected by malefics,the good resultsmentionedabovemay not happen.As the Llth house signifies elderbiother, he will be happyand comforrable andif there is further combinations, the nativemay havegainsof wealth through his elderbrother. 1,2.When the lord of the 4th house is placedin the 12th house, alongwith the lord of the 12thhouse, generally badresults will occur, more particularlyif the karakas are also weak. Then his education may be interrupted.His mothermay not keepgood health. There 1will be damage to his landsandcrops.The person maynor be happy for many reasons.There may be worries and difficulties.These thingshaveto be decided by considering the strength, position etc.,<lf the karakaplanets.if the lords of the fourrh and twelfth houses be mutuallyplacedin sixth,eighth,or twelfth amsas from eachother in the navamsa chart,the evil results above-mentioned will be vervlittle.

troubleswill be reducedto with benefics, Also if there be connection a large extent but combination with maleficswill aggravatethe difficultiesand troubles be in a kbndraor a kona, 13. In general,if the lord of the 4th house i.e. happiness, its sgnifications strong, or in his own sign and be well. The will thrive etc', lands, agriculture, education,conveyances, will plant He houses. new wells and construct will dig native of strength case, the In each will flourish. his agriculture trees and judged results the properly then only and planet karaka be the foretold. Ifthelord of the 4th bhavarules evil housesalso,there will be a mixture of both good and bad results. The position of the planet in the navamsa and trimsamsachartsis also to be considered. and of the planetswhich rule the beneficnavamsas The signihcations trimsairsasin which the iord of the fourth house is situated shbuld be considered and thesemay also occur during the period of the lord ofthe 4th house.

qEmt{qdq , The Dasaof the Inrd of the Fifth House

1. In general,if the lord of the 5th houseis strongby being in his own sign, own navamsaor his exaltationsign,during its period, the the with beneficplanets, nativewill get children. If it is associated native may be a very rich person or he will have a large number of children. If the lord of the 5th houseis in the eighth rasi or amsa in the from the lagna navamsaor from the lagna navamsapati duringtheperioC. chakra,the childrenbecomehis enemies na',famsa Otherwise, he will have happinessthrough his children during the period. alongwith 2. If the lord of the 5th houseis placedin the ascendant he will becomea great leader in life. He the lord of the ascendant, He will have a small many conveyances' will be rich and possess duringhis youth. If therebe numberof children.He maybe adopted connectionwith beneficplanets,he will be a friend of nobel men and in his thereby benefitted. He will have divine grace and success wealth and his worship will yield good undertakings. He will amass be results. If the lord of the 5th houseand that of the ascendant will be veryfeeble. goodresults mutuallyin the 6th, 8th or L2thamsas,

1.08 He may not be adoptedand he may not becomea greatman. Or, his frind will be only an ordinarynobleman. But, if there be present a combination for becomingan ascetic (sanyasa yoga),he will be headof a mutt, havingmanydisciples who will obeyhim and pleasehim with their presents.Ifthe lord of the 5th house be devoid,of strength, his many discipleswill be low and ordinary and they may offer only ordinary type of presents,that too, veryfewin number. 3. If the lord of the 5th housebe placedin the second house,along with the lord of the secondhouse,his family will live happily and comfortably. This is because the secondhousedenotedfamily, food, wealthetc. He will enjoygoodfood and his speech will be respected. will come true by divinegrace. But, if the lord of the fifth His saying house be weak or be placed in the 6th, 8th or L2th amsasin the navamsa chart,the good resultswill be very little. 4. If the lord of the 5th housebe placedin the third housealong with the lord of the third house, during this period,his brother will becomea prominent man with muchfame. The nativewill get a child providedthis period occursin his early middle age. He will be courageous and free from mental worries. He might wear ear-ornaments. He will havegoodhealthand his bodywill be strong. But, if the lord of the 5th house be weak,or if the lord of the 5th house be in the6th,sth or l.2thamsas from the lord of the third house in the navamsa good resultsmay not occur or chart,thg abovementioned they maybe very feebleand the personwill not enjoygoodhealth and his bodywillbecome weak. 5. If the lord of the 5th house in the 4th house be placed alongwith the lord of the 4th house,it is veryauspicious, (5th houseis a trine house while 4th is an angular house). As 4th house indicates happiness and conveyances, will thrive. Kingswill sendpresents these to him. But if the lord of the 5th houseis afflictedor weak, he may lose somechildren,(this is because 4th houseis 12thto 5th house). He maybe a teacher to a rich manwho will go to his house for tution, (4th indicates education, noble men and 4th indicates 5th indicates house).Or he may receive landsor vehicles througha nobleperson. But, if the lord of the 5th house will occuronly be weak,goodresults to small extent. If the lords of 4th house and the 5th house be

109 mutually in the 6th,8th and L2th amsasin tle navamsachart' even thesegood results may not occur. Associationof the lord of the 5th housewith many bqnefics'may even mal& him a great king' Much dependson the strengthof the lord of the 5th house. Any Raja yoga prisent will enhancethe good results. Transitsand thF dasa perlod are alsoto be considercd. 6. If the lord of the 5th house be placedin his own house,it is providedit is sufficientlystrong. During,its period, higbly auspicious with benefics,he will he miy gel childrtin and if there be association through his itr-"otttact with noble men and will havehappiness "o-" children. alongwith 7. If the lord of the 5th housebe placedin the 6th {rouse uncle will maternal his period, this durng house, the 6th the lord of of the 5th lords if the But, happy. be will also native The live happily. navamsa in the 12th amsas or 8th 6th, in the mutually be and 6th evil even sometimes and realised not be will good results chakra, affliction' on the prevail depending may results 8. If the lord of the 5th housebe placedin the 7th house,along with the lord of the 7th house,and other beneficplanets,the native houseindicatestravel, his will get -*"ymoneythrough his son. As seventh of the native will be Father-in-law go io far olf countries. ,on marriage,there indicates house ?th As fortunate during its period. may feed the He his family. in marriage may be celebritions of will havea native The ceremonies. Brahminsand do otherauspicious 5th house the of lord If the grace. divine have pleasant time and will chakra, navamsa in the amsa same in the be and Le devoidof strength his children. to theremaybe sickness along in the eighthhouse, 9. If the lord of the 5th houie be placed lived. short may be with its lord, it is.evil to children. His children etc. deity father, or enmitywith his elders, There will be displeasure go it may results or may not yield the desired His worship(upasana) planets, malefic with vain. If the lord of the 5th housebe connected be theseresultswill not occur. If the lordsof the 5th and8th houses evil the chart, navamsa placedin the 6th, 8th or 12th amsasin the resultswill be greatlyreduced. 10. If the lord of the 5th housebe placedin the 9th housealong with the lord of the 9th house,the period will prove very auspicious.

110 The personwill rise to a positionof considerablg powerand prestige. Even his father will be very fortunateby winning the favour of kings and nobles. Or it may be that the native acquireswealrhthrough a or throughhisson. The goodresults will not .rich andeminentperson, be there if the lord of the 9th houseis powerless. lf the lords of 9th and 5th are mutuallyin the 6th, 8th or 12th amsas in the navamsa chakra, good results will be reducedto a great extent. As the 5th houseindicates God's grace,he will havefortune by the graceof God. If the lord of the 5th housebe the Sun,or is placedin Sun'ssign,he will be workingas a clerk in sometemple. If it be the Moon, (or in Moon's rasi),he will be employed asa treasurer.If it be Mars (or in Mars' sign) he will get money through the blessings of his village deity. If it be Mercury, he maybe employedin a court of law. If it be Jupiter,he will be workingin a charitable institution.If it be Venus, he maybe in a zenana girlsetcr If it andearnincome throughdancing he maybe an authority be Saturn, imposing punishments (magisterial powers).In this way the detailshaveto be judgedand this is only a mereindication of.themethodto be adopted in offeringprediction. 11. If the lord of the 5th house with its lord, it be in the 10thhouse is indicative of very auspicious results.This beinga Raja yoga,the nativewill become a king duringthisperiod.(i.e.,a veryhighlyplaced officer with all amenities.).10th housebeing Raja sthana.this is surelyindicated.Sameresultsmaybe predictcdevenwhenthe lord of the 10thhouseis placedin the ascendant or in the lagnanavamsa. If, under the circumstances, the lord of the 5th houseis strongi by being in its exaltationor Vargottama positions, he rvill be a ruler of many countries.But, if the lord of the ascendant is weak. he may becomea saintand maybecome the headof a nuilt. If the lord of the ascendantis stronglyplacedin thc eleventhhouse,rhe uativewill becomea rich businessman. If the lord of the sccond housebc in paramochcha position,his profitswill be immcnse.If thc lord of the house second be in a waterysign, or a chararasi,thesource of incorrrc will be sea-trade. The articles of tradewill clcpcnd uponthoscrulcd by the planets involved.Similarly, the naturcof thc posts hcld may alsobe determined by a careful consideration i.c. thc of the planets lord of the 10th house.the lord of 5th houseand thc planctsin association or aspecting them. The meansof livelihotxl, govcrnnl.-nt service, trade, agriculture etc.,maybe detcrmined fr<rm thc nafurcol' these planets.Satyacharya recommcncls thc judgerncnlol' the

111 strengths of the planets on the basis of the Pancha Siddhanta criterions.

g qrtr*t qr{r}nrrffiCr QEtrl ll urgftErs sP{E: g.*rcr stgdrEtsfr ffiil g{t r* vttra| frrrft qtq I vdtHa(r $ draur'il{ eIEnaRI g0g t*rdt arp{: n{l {fifrfi qa( il g fuarouaftqqE: t g:er|?r{?||frqa

n grEffiwrfr rgntctcan
12. If the tord of the 5th houscbe in ihe 1lth house,the nativewill have gains of wealth through his sons or his brothersor a noble person. If the lord of the 5th housebe Jupiter,the noble who will be of great help to him, may be a Brahmin.'If it be Venus,he may get help through a lady. If it be the Sun,help will comefrom a king or If it be Mercury,it will be from a Baniya.If it be Saturn, government. own person like sudraetc. If theseplanets it maybe from a low-caste with' they may give troublestoo. Association malefic houses'also, results and amelioratesevil beneficsalways promotes auspicious with malefics. by association will be the case Reverse results. the indications be in the 12thhouse, 13. If the lord of the5th house children, indicates house The 5th suffer. house may of the 5th intellect, mind etc. Thus, during this period, his mind may be disturbed.He may be havingmental disorders,senilityidiocy,etc. like jaundice. His childrcn He may becomeafflictedwith diseases will becomesick or haveother troubles.Or his father may become ill. This period will be verybad and gloomyfor the native' with with him. If there be association Nobles will be displeased will He philosophical studies. pursue person may the boncficplanets, deeds will charitable do pursuits. He worldly from becomedetached and will spend his money for good purposes. Association with will prompt him to wastehis moneyin bad ways. If the lord inalefics in foreign aimlessly be weak,he will be wandering of the ascendant landswihtoutanybenefit.

tlz qg{rl$5d{ The Dasaof the Inrd of the Sixth House

with the 1. If the lord of the 6th housebe placedin the ascendant, lord, during the period of the lord of the sixth house,the ascendant person may suffer from diseases, soresand disorders.He may have with the If Rahu be in conjunction troublesthroughthe government. lord of the sixth house, there may be lossesand troubles through If the Sun and the Moon be weak,he will sufferfrom poverty. thieves. be in conjunctionwith the lord of the 6th, If the lord of the ascendant he will be afflictedwith someseriousdisease 8th and the 12thhouses, lord be placedvery.nearthe ascendant like leprosy. If the ascendant miseriescaused ,or th lagnanavamsa, the period will bring diseases, and poverty. Thesediffrcultieswill go on increasingand by enemies, If the lord of the6th houseis therewill be no relief from the troubles. placedin the 6th, 8th and 12thamsas and if the lord of the lagnais in will be greatlyreduced. the bad effects its ownamsa, 2. If the lord of the sixth housebe placedin the secondhouse, of the second along with the lord of the secondhouse,significations through the housewill.becomebad. Quarrelsin the house,losses actionsof encmies,eye-trouble,tooth ache,untimelyfood, wound etc.,are some of the bad resultswhich can arise. Conjunctionand of beneficplanetswill certainlyreducethe evil results.If the aspect with the 6th lord,duringitqsub is alsocombined lord of the ascendant evendeathof periodin the major periodof the lord of the 6th house, the nativemay take placeand there will be evil resultsdurinq the ofthe native. boyhood be placedin the third housealong 3. If the lord of the sixthhouse with its lord, his brother may becomeinimical towardshim. The personmay suffer from severe ear-troubles and therewill be losses caused by enemies.If the karakafor the third hpusebe weak, his brother will becomesick. If a marakaplanetbe {onjoinedwith the lord of the 6th house,the nativemay even die durnig this period. with benefics will reduce the evil results. Association 4. If the lord of the 6th houseis placedin the 4th houseand if Rahu be conjoincdwith the Moon, his mother will be of bad verysick. I[ Mars be character and in her old ageshewill become will takeawayhis lands. If Mercurybe weak,his veryweak,enemies

ll3 educationwill be interruptcd. ll'Venus bc wcak. thc pcrson will havc Wlrcn the lord of thc troubtcs through his vehiclcsetndconvcyanccs. 5th house is strong, if the nativc trc a lady, shc may bccome widow. lf the lord of thc 6th housc and the ascendantlord bc cncmics or i[ his mother nlay bccomc abandoncd. situatedin the 6th, 8th positions, Combination with bencfics willl surcly rcclucr: thc cvil rcsults. Cornbinationrvith maleficsmav causelossesto his cattlc. crtlns and agriculture. 5. If the lord of the 6th housc bc ptacedin thc -5thhousc with its lord, some nobles will becomc his cncmics. Or his sons or his fathcr may be inimically disposedtowards him. His childrcn may bccomc' sick. Worship and austcritics pcrformcd by thc nativc will bc quarrils intcrrupted due to impediments.Thcrc will bc unncccssary with others. Conjunction with nralcfic plancts u'ill causc loss of Conjttnctionrvith hcncllcsu'ill surcly ward childrcn or chilcllcssncss. olf much of tlrc cvil results. 6. If the lord of thc sixth housc bc placcd in thc sixth house ttf thc combinedwith bcnefics,rcsultsu'ill bc good. At thc bcgirrrring pcriod results will be thosc intlicatcd by thc plancts in corrjunction with the lord of the sixth housc. Thc nativewill cnjoy conrlorts and happiness d u r i n g ' t h i s p e r i o d . H c w i l l o v c r c o n t ch i s c n c n r i c s a r r d there will be successin his undcrtakings. Incttmc li'ttm his landcd property will increase. Hc rvill rvcar good drcss and acqui.rc lf, horvcvcr,thc lord of llrc sixth htlusebc wcak, g<xrtl conveyances. rcsults will be vcry littlc. lf thc lord ol thc (rth housc bc irl lhroughout thc conjunction with thc lord of thc ttth or l2th ltttuscs, yoga). lf it (Viparccta Ra.ia pcriod, thc pcrson will crnjoyhappincss cncnricsmay givc hinr bc positedin thc kcndra rlr trikona nuvamsas. rvith thc troublc. During thc sub pcriodsol'thc planctsin conrl'rination rcsults. lord ofthe 6th housc,thcrc nravbc unfavourablc 7. If thc lord ol'the 6th houscbc placcdin thc 7th'holrsccombincd ot'thc Tth housc mav hc with thc lord of thc 7th housc,significations rvill good hcalth or ntay bc sick. Or rvifc not nraintain bad. Thus, his rvith his rvilc'. misundcrstarrdings lhcrc ntay bc cluarrcls,scparati()n. thc asccndlnt). O r h c m a y h i n r s e l If a l l s i c k . ( ( r t h k r r d i s a s p c c t i n g . u r t h c r ,i f t h c T h c r c r v i l lb c i n r p e d i n r c n l sl o a t t s p i c i o t tc sc r c n t t t n i c sF

1.14 the native lord of the asccndlnt is also combincdwith malcfic planets, will bc troublod by sickncss,actil'itics of cncmics, debts, loss of women etc. If thc lord of the 6th'iouse bc in the 6th, 8th or 12th bc much troublcs amsasfr6m the l<lrd clf thc 7th hgusc, there will n11t the 6th and 2nd lords'of If the wife with ctc. like misunderstancling housesbc in conjuncton,thc period may even bring about the death of the native. If the karaka of thc 7th house be placedin kendra or trikona amsasalo4gwithRahu, his wife will bc a victim of slanderand scorn. If thc karaka be rvcakand is placedin the ubhayarasi, he may with his first wife. If lnarry second rimc clue to rnisunderstandings or aspected Venus be in thc rasi o[ Mars or Saturn anrj is associated misunderstandings his to worlcn due many may hc cnjoy malefics, by with his first wifc. {J. lf the lord of thc 6th house be placcd in the cighth housc combincd rvith bcncfic plancts, therc will tre good rcsults' Thc sub-period()f thcse bcncfic planctswitl provc auspicious.If the lord of thc sixth lrousc is cornbincdrvith tho lord of thc asccndantin thc ancl chakra, thc nativc rvill be troubled hy diseases rasi or navar.nsa (rth enemies fr0nr which thcrc will be n0 relief. If the lord of the bhava occupics nralcfic anrsas,there will he scrious diseascsand troubles fronr cncmics. lf thc lord is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th therc navamsas, amsasbut thc lord <lf thc lagna occupiesauspicious will be rcticf from rhesctroubles.The planet combinedwith the lord the of the 6th house in the uth house becomes a maraka and has kill' power to the even and power to inflict serious diseases g.lfthelordtrfthc6thhtlusebeplacedinthcgthhousecombined with nralcfic planer:;and thc karaka of the 9th house is also afflicted, fathcr o[ thc native rvill bc troubled by diseases and enemies' propcrty obtlincd from lris l'atherwill bc wastcdarvay.If the lord of of the 9th housethc tho sixth housc bc combincd rvith the significator lathermaypassaway.tfthclordofthcgth|rouseandthe8thhous by coniunctionor be conjoincd antl if thc (rrh lorcl is also associiltcd his birrh. lf thc bcfore aspect; in rhc l)th housc. his father nray dic rvill dic lord of thc ?th housc is also comtrincdin tlris yoga,his fathcr 6th house in sonrc foreign place. lf thc ltlrds of thc 9th houseand thc

115 be combined, there will be enmity between the father and thc son.

qBi;rEqrilg qrqresqka I qrBa +.rch @ fug:ffeiwra: I , ? lncl:I qqrgrqtasfr EfrIcrA fr{, ffi qmutqqrsft rfrra:n frdqmoq*aq$ilg ftg{ft: t

qv61E5{frfTqnqrsqrr+i I qelqgaErsqi; q6 fug{ft: r t Fqffiia si-qq}tnnsqrdwq qqW{ Ai Ri rwi frg, I qrr{n?rtrfrfdt t fur qe futttt: qarq stTftir@zi frqqtrfu EfE'qll

If the lord of the 6th housebe placedin the 12thhouse,his encmics will be wiped out. During the beginningof thc lord ol'thc 6th housc, the native may commit somc bad dceds. The lord of thc 6th housc can produce illness and evil results during the sub-period of thc planetswith which it is combincd in the 12th house.lf combincd with benefics, the period of thc lord of the 6th house rvill producc results. I[ the lord of the 6th housebc in the 6tlr, [Jthor auspicious results may not be good. But, if it bc in the trikona 12th navamsas, results will bc good. navamsas,

The Dasa of the Lord of the SeventhHouse
1. If the lord of the 7th housc is placcd in thc 1st house with thc lord, the nativemay go to s()meforeignplaceand livc thcrc asccndant happily.He will havc frequcnt travclsto distantlandsand his rvifc rvill rv<lrk.If there bc combination rvitlr bcncfic managc thc househ<lld planets, the person rvill be a sailor or a leadcr of a crew. If thc combinationis onlv rvith malcfic planets,he will bc a heggar. If thcrc is combination with bencfics and malefics,rcsultsrvill bc mixcd. lf be devoid of strcngth,the pcriod of the lord the lord of thc ascendant of the scvcnth housc mav bc a maraka. If thc l<lrd of lhc housc

116 be very wcak or be placcd in the 6th, 8th or 12th amsas,the foreign travel may be in vain and the good results mentioned abovemay not happen. 2. If the lord of the seventhhouse be placed in the 2nd house, in combination with the lord of the 2nd house, the native will have gains of wealth throui;h his wife. He may get money from some far off place. Death may occur to the native or to his wife as the 7th and 2nd housesare maraka sthanas.Or he may live separatedfrom his wife in a far off place. Or the nati'zemay have a secondmarriage during this period in a distant land. If the lord of the 7th houseis in the 8th amsa etc., in the navamsa, his wife may not die. Othcr combinations, strength etc., o[ the planets have to be taken into account before venturing to give the prcdiction. 3. If the lord of the 7th houscbe in the 3rd house,conjoined with the lord of thc 3rd house,father-in-law of the nativewill be fortunate. A second n'rarriageis possible for the native. As the 7th house is a maraka sthana,during the sub-periodof the lord of the third house, death or soms cvil rcsult may befall oir his br<lther.Or the native may go to somc far off-placc during this period. Combination with benefic plancts will reduce evil rcsults lrut the same with evil planets will make the evil resultsonly worse. 4. If the lord of the 7th houseis placed in the 4th house along with its lord, the person will lcad a happv life with the relativesof his wife. He will have many travcls in connection with his lands. During the beginning of the period of the lord of the,thcre may bc cclebrations of marriage etc. But his mother may die or fall sick at . this period. He may acquire te,hicles and wealth through his educaton in some foreign place. The good results depend upon the strength of the lord of the 7th house and the benelic influence it derives due to the combinations with benefic planets. 5. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in the 5th house along with the lord of the fifth house, it is very bad for his wifc and children whom he may even lose. But if there be combinationwith benefic planets, evil results will be reduced and his childrcn etc., rvill be happy. The nativc may rcceivesome lettcrs and money from some rich pcople rcsiding in some distant lands. Or thc native may let soms moncy from his father or through his sons. Placementof the

tt7 or even his lord of the seventhhouse in the 6th, Sth or 12th navamsas good results considerably. weaknesswill reduce the 6. If the lord of the 7th housebe placed in the 6th house along with its lord. and at the same time if there be combination with malefic planets also, many evil results may be produced. His wife may be separated from him. Or she may fall sick during the period or she may die depending upon the extent of evil influences. C)r she may be subjectedto disgrace.His maternal uncle may die or meet with many troubles. Enemies may cause quarrels and troubles to the native. Thcre may be theft in the house of the native. Combination with benefic planetswill alleviate the troubles to a great extcnt. ?. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in the seventhhouse itself conjoined with benefic plancts, it is very auspicious. He will be married early. His wife will come from a rich family and she will be devoted to her husband. She will be beautiful and the marriage will be performed on a large scale rvith music and other celebrations. During lhe course of this period, the native will perform many auspicious ceremonies. He will be much successfuland fortunate during this period. But if the lord of the 7th houseis combined with malefic planets,he may become a maraka and causedeath or othcr troubles. If the lord of the 7th house is weak. the results will not bc good. 8. If the lord of the 7th housebe placedin the Sth houseconjoined with a malefic planct and at the same time the karaka is also very weak, the period will provevcry evil. The nativeor his wife may die or will have serioustroubles or some sovcreillncss. The native may go and tr<lublcs. to foreign country and there he may get into miseries g. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in the 9th house in conjunction with benefic planeLs, the pcriod rvill provc very It indicatesthat the nativervill becomefortunate through auspicious. of his wife and rrruchwealth. his rvife.Thus he may get the pr<lperty He will be very rich and remain happy throughouthis lifc. Hc may bc in somc forei-qn pious and virtuous. He may carry on his profession place. The effect of the planetswith which thc lord of thc 7th houscis conjoinedshould bc carefullystudied. If thc lord of the 7th housc is porverless, good rcsultswill be very meagre. f f it be in the 6th, 8th or good resultsmay not materialiseat all. 12thamsas,

11"8 10. If the lord'of the 7th houseis placedin the 10th house,in with the lord of the 10th housethe personwill be very conjunction someforeigncountry. He will do virtuous deeds there. He will be charitable andwill do manyreligious deeds.His wife will be a If noblelady. The nativewill be respected andhonoured everywhere. the lord of the 10th housebe weak,resultswill be verypoor. If the lord of the lagnais combined with beneficplanets andthe lord of the sixthhouse,the personwill be a commander of an army.He will be good at horse-riding and will travelwidely. He will acquirefameby his enemies.He will meet with his deathin somebattle conquering if therebe a combinationproducingdeath.

q{taerl g artrQ gTrwFEA I raffitigtA ft?i spttttq qk n qriil rfrA g wflrlti qffi t qrqrdrFqTq"l ffir+aei qta r
11. When the lord of the seventhho;" is placedin the eleventh houseand is conjoinedwith beneficplanets,is well fortified by being in its eialtation point etc., he wilt have much gains in foreign countries. If it be weak, the gains will be very less. If there be conjuncdonwith malefic planets, the results will be otherwisei.e., etc. onlybad rcsultswill be produccdsuchaslosses 12. If the lord of the 7th houseis placedin the L2thhouseand be conjoinedwith its lord and if the karaka planet Venus is also very wed it indicates danger to his wife and marital happinessof the na(ive. There is possibilityof the nativegoing to foreignplacesand if therc be thc combinationwith beneficplanets, the evil resultswill be reducid; but if therc bc only the influence of malefic planets by combinationand aspect, the evil resultswill be more intense.

3|qql||atw TheDasaof theInrd of theEighthHouse

L. If the lord of the 8th house be placed in the Lagna and in conjunction with the lord of the ascendant,the native will be very poor and be ever involved in dcbts. He will suffer miseries in his life. Influence of malefic planets, if present in addition, there will be

period' worries and anger of kings and superiorsduring the d.lseases, 12th or 8th If the lord of the Sth h'ousebe weak, or is, in the 6th' amsas,the evil results wiil be some what reduced' and be in 2. If the lord of the Sth house is placed in the 2nd house and miseries will be there house, 2nd the of conjunction with the lord in the quarrels Iosses, money, of expenditure t-ubl", in the family, quarrel *'ill wife His respected' be not rnuy *ord,, etc. His also (or with him. If there be mrityu yoga, there is danger o[ death a maraka somc scvere illness). The reason is, 2nd house is itself houseandcombinationwiththcsthlordworsensthematters.Eye some troubles, tooth ache, misfortunes,lack of proper food are.also be house of the evil results which are indicated' If the lord of the 8th some to in the 6th, 8th or 12th amsas'the bad resultswill be reduced extent. with the 3. If the lord of 8th houseis placed in the 3rd house atortg house' third thc to relating results evil be may lord of 3rd house, there courage of loss fear, debts, ear-trouble, Quarrels with his brothers, lord of the 8th ui" .orn" of the evil resultswhich are possible' If the houses' thc l2th or Sth 6th, the of lords with the house be conjoined and even results good be will there and reduced evil results *itt b" the make rvill hand' other the on combination' Raja yoga. Malefic troubles more intense. with 4. If the lord of he 8th house is placed in the 4th housc' along 4th hc of significations its lord, happinessrvill be disturbed' The education convcyances' cattle,landed property, houseie. happiness, depending et., *itt ,ufi".. H'e may lose thcse or a portion of these -of may not mother His the malctic cornbination' upon the strength lrencfic of The infulcnce kiep good heal-thanclmay fall ill sometimcs. But, if rcsulrs. cvil rhe of intensity will definitely ,"iu.. the ;i";; incur rnay He bacl' very rvill bc results U" a malefic i,rfluence'the [t cattle mother' his "r" to troublcs will bc the anger of his superiors. Therc with and laided property. He may have to live in foreign countrics also' bcasts from dangcr strangers. There is possibilityof with 5. If the lord of the Sth houseis placedin the 5th housealong his with the lord of the 5th housc, therc will be misrrndcrstandings thc incur may native father. Or his son may do some crimc' Ths His son displeasureof some no-bleand rhereby havc somc troublcs'

L20 may fall ill and he maydo somemagical riteswhichmaynot bearthe desiredfruits. If the lord of the 5th houseis alsoweak,he may lose one of his children. or the children maydie assoonastheyareborn. If maleficplanetsbe in combination with the lord of the'gth house; the nativemay die or havesomeverydangerous period.If the lord of the 8th house be placedin 6th, 8th or L2thamsas, the good results will be very little. But, if he is placed in kendraor triangular amsas, resultswill be intenselybad. If the lord of the ascendant has a combination producing illness, the nativemay sufferfrom diseases affectingmind, and intellecti.e.,coma,unconsciousness, giddiness, senility lossof memoryetc. 6. If the lord of the 8th houseis placedin the 6th house in conjunction with the lord of the 6th house, it is good. For whenever the lord of the 8th houseis placed in the 6th,8th or 12thhouses, good resultsare realised.If the 8th lord is combined with the lord of the L2th house,good resultsare experienced. And if it be placedin L,4,7,I0,5, or 9th house,it produces evil resultsmostly. There is, however, possibiliry of diseases duringthe periodof thegth lord ashe is placedin the 6th house.But it is evil to his marernal unclewho will havemanytroubles.Also, thereis dangerfrom thieves and worries for the native.If the lord of the 6th houseis strong, he wiil havelong life. And he will crushhis enemies. 7. If the lord of the 8th house is placediri the seventh housein combination with the lord of the 7rh house,ir is evil to hi! wife. His wife may fall sick. If the lord of the Sth house is a malefic, the native may be affectedwith somediseaseand particularly so if there be somecombination for deathat the sametime (mirtyuyoga). But, if the lords of the ascendant and the 7th houseare both strong,,this period of the lord of the 8th housemostlyproduces goodresuhs. 8. If the lord of the 8th houseis placed in the 8th house itself combined with beneficplanets, the resultswill be beneficial. During this period, the nativewill get wealth,vehicles, conveyances and gifts from kings.He will be happy. If the lord of the 8th houseis weak, effectswill not be good or maybe feeble.But, if the lord of the 8th house be combined with malefic planets, he will have serious troubles, diseases and other misfortunes. As the 8th houseis evil to the 9th house,his father may die. He will fail in his enrerprises and will be very unhappy.

tzl 9. If the lord of the 8th house is placedin rhe9th housealongwirh its lord and if the Sun (the karakafor father) is also weak, in that period,his father may die. He will havemisundersrandings with his father. He may lose the wealth obtained from his father. Thc conjunction with benefics will reduce the evil results. If the lord of the 9th houseis weak,this period may produccmisfortunes, hardships, worries,proverty and the angerof his superior_s. One has to note carefullythe natureof the planets associated wilh the lord of the 8th house beforegivingthe predictions. 10. If the lord of the 8th houseis placedin the l0rh house,along with the lord of the 10th house, his profession will suffcr set back duringthe period. He mayfollowa low profession or maybe engaged in doingsinful deeds.He will be punished by thegovernmentfor not obeying its orders. If the lord of the l0th house is wcak.he will suffe'r from poverty.He may losehis mother,(the 10thhouseis a maraka sthanafor the mother as it is the 7th from thc 4th). If Mars bc connected with the lords of the 4th or 5th houscs, he may losc his landed property. ,Or he may be cautghtin <lebts. As a result, his creditors may take awayhis lands.If the lord of thc 8th houscbc placed in the6th,8thor 12thamsas, theevilresults will bc moderate. 11. If the lord of the 8th housebe placedin the flth houseatong with the lord of the 11thhouse significarions of thc 1lth house will be spoiled. Thus there may be troubles to elder brother. lossesin business, financialdifficulties anddebts. Theremaybc disagrcemeqts with elder brother. combinationof beneficplanets will aileviate thc troubleswhile the same with maleficplanets will makethe troubles more intense. 12. Placement of the lord of the8th house in the l2th houscalong with its lord is auspicious and is capable producing of Rajayoga.The sanre canhalpcn evenwhcnthe lord of the 8thhouse is placed in the 6th house. But, if beneficplanctsare combined with the lord of the 8th house,thcy will lose their benefic nature and bad resultswill happen.

gtq$ g q6Q qdrErr lTffi

trfrr rni rq:Een:lr{dmrrqfr R tt

If the lord of the 8th houseis in the si:,;th houserhere will be


There will be worries,fear apd mental troublescauscdby enemies. is in the If the lord of the 8th house ttrroughenemies. troublescaused of the 8th lord If elpenditure. the 12th house,the period will cause lord of 8th The houseis natural 6enefiCmixedresriltswill be caused. of depositor If thc position. in hisnavamsa yieldssimilarresults house is also and position the lord of the 8th house,is in kendraor trikona with benefics,he will producegood rosultsbut may do evil associated The period of the Ashtamadhipati to the housewhere he is placed. with benefic planetswill certainlydo good' But even a associated benefic though well-placedcombinedwith the lord of the 8th house produces bad results.

The Dasaof the Inrd of the Ninth House
is placedin the lst housewith the 1. If the lord of the 9th house during the with beneficplanets, lord of the lst house,and combined lead a rich and will be He very fortunate. period,the nativewill be and powerful will be He many conveyances' ituppyiif". He will have depending king or a minister lord, a may be He wiit tiauehigh status. He will get wealth from- his on the streigth of bencficinfluences. and fortunes) and his father signifies house father (becaisc 9th will supportand maintan He his efforts. throrrgh wealthwill increase the a will hold He manypeopleand be charitable. 9th of the lord if the fecble very will be results administrition.The amsas 12th or 8th in 6th, house be 9th lord of housebe weak.If the If Mars be the lord of eventhesefeebleresultsmay not materialise. in the army commander-in-chief will be native the 9th house,the If the lord of property-' landed possess extensive will ancl (senapati) gth housebe in conjunction with Rahu,the nativewill serveunder a If thc 9th houselord be the lord or king of low casre(Mlechchha). of the treasury'In this in charge an officer may be native the Moon, for otherplanets. haveto be guessed wayresults 2. If thc lord of the 9th housebe placedin the secondhouse connectedwith the lord of the secondhouse,the nativewill be very an{ may be more than a lakh' He rich. His incomewill be enormous will be highly rcspecredand will be very influential. His family will o1hinl. He will haveall typcsof comforts.He will eat flourish bJcause good food. I[ malcfics be in combinatlon with the lord of the 9th

house,the resultswill be very feeble.If therebe yogafor deathby other considerations, the period may cause the deathof the native. Similarly,if the lord of the 9th houseis in the 6th, 8th or L2thamsas, the results maynot be goodasmentioned above. 3. If the lord of the 9th housebe placedin the 3rd house,in combination with the lord of 3rd house, the significations of the 3rd house should thrive. Thus his brother will be very fortunate.The nativemay havegainsand happiness throughmusic. If the lord of the 9th houseis weak or is placedin 6th, 8th or 12th amsasthe good results will be verylittle. 4. If the lord of the 9th house be placed in the4th house, alongwith its lord, the native will be exccedingly fortunateand be happy. If Mars be very strong, he lyill have extensive landed property and thereby have wealth and be fortunate.If Mercury be strong, the person will makemoneythroughhis learning. If the Jupiterbe so in this combination,he will havehigh positionand statusi.e. that of a ministeror a Venusbe powerful,the native will possess many conveyances and will lead a pleasantlife using garlands,scents, sandal-paste etc. If Saturn or Rahu be strong, the personwill be patronised by lords of low castes (mlechchas and neechas) and thereby the personwill be fortunate. 5. If the lord of the 9th house,be placed in the 5rh house, alongwith the lord of the 5th house, will be veryhappy. the person He will be greatlyhelpedandbenefitted throughhisfatheror a rich lord. If the lord of the 9th housebe associated with the lord of rhe lagna, the nativewill himselfbecome a porverful lord. During the periodof the lord of the 5th housealso,the personwill be very fortunateand havemuchhappiness. His sonwill be an intelligent person and known for his wisdomwho will get royalparronage andoccupation of a high rank underthe king with all grandeur andrespect. 6. If the lord of the 9th house is situatcd in the6th house alongvith the lord of the 6th house,and is conjoined rvithbencfic planets also, the periodwill be a goodone.His income will incrcasc. Hc maygct promotions. His profession may be in a judicialcourt.Hc rvill have many servants, (because 6th house indicates scrvants). Hc rvill possess muchwealthwhichwill grow further.By inhcritance, he may acquirethe rvealthof his dayadils.lf Mars be srrongby bting in its

r24 property. of wealththrough hislanded theremaybe gains own house, strong, If Jupiter-be etc. learning If Mercurybe so, it will be through be If Saturn wealth. for karaka is the it rich, for he will be extremely powers to with endowed officer an so, he will be a magistrateor government having officer senoir as a punishor enjoymuchauthority beweakor is placed If the lord of the9th house ieals,(mudraaSitari;. feeble' will be effects the l.2th amsas, in the 6th, 8th or alongwith is placedin the 7th house ?. If the lord of the 9th house of the lord of the 7th house,and there be combination benefic house As the seventh planets also,his wealthwill evenbe increasing. in some wealth ienotes journeys to foreign places,he may earn combination house, this is an angular foreigniands,(As the 7th house prodices a naja yoga).The nativewill be born iri a rich family' He *ill huu" all sortis of comfortsand luxuriesfrom his birth. He will have the pleasuqesof women, garlands' perfumes and other His father will be highlyplacedas a ministeror senior enjoyments. officiatof high rank who will be a friend of the king in someforeign his familywill get mu-chrvealth' countryandihrough royal patronage much wealth.If Venus is will amass If Mars is also connecied,-he women. through he will get happiness involved, 8. If the lord of the ninth house is placed in eighth house' alongwiththe lord of the eighth house,there will be severalevil etc.If thesebe ,".uit. suchas lossof fortune,dcathof father,poverty placedin a movablesign,lhe nativemay be wanderingin a foreign be weak'the without anybenJfit.If the lord of the ninth house place 'p"rron The lord miserable. will suffei from povertyand will be-very setting, heliacal or sign inimical of tn" ninth house in debilitation, will with benefics Combinations much sorrow and misery. produces deal' a good the troubles alleviate definitely g'Ifthe|ordoftheninthhouseisplaccdintheninthhouse rvillbe happy' in its period,the person with beneficplanets, combined The fortunate. very be will also father His will increase. His fortunes be If there purposes' person may spend money for charitable or health good his fathermay not keep combinationwith evil planets, I[ the of the evil results' uponthe intensity may passaway,depending and feeble very will be results good lord of the ninth housebe weak, wealth much maynot be ableto amass the person

L25 10. If the lord of the ninth house be placedin the tenth house alongwiththe lord of the tenth houseand otherbeneficplanetsalso, the native will get wealth through serviceunder the king or in the government. His nameand fame will spreadfar and wide. He will do meritoriousdeedssuchas diggingof wellsect.,and lead a religious life. He will be associated with the administration of the country.If the lord of the 9th housebe devoid of strengrh, rhe nativewill do meanacts.He may movewith low peopleanddo bad deeds. He may cvenlosehis job in the government. He will be everin fear of being punished by the government and his cattlemayperish. 11. If the lord of the ninth housebe placed in the eleventh house alongwith its lord, the person will havegainsof wealth through his father or through business. The gains will be mostly through the planetthat is combined with the lord of the9th house. If the planetbe the Sun,his fatherwill havemuchpower.If Rahube so,his fatherwill be very famousand the personwill havegainsof wealththroughhis father. 12. If the lord of the ninth housebe placedin the twelfth house alongwith its lord, it is bad for the ninth house. The nativemayspend his wealthon charity.His fatherwill be having troubles of manykinds. If the lord of the ninth house be combined with a benefic planet,the nativemay earnwealthin someforeigncountry. Or his fathermaygo to somedistantplace.If the karakabe alsocombined with a banefic, his father will earn name and fame and becomevery powerful. with malefics, Conjunction on the other hand,will producetroubles eitherto him or to hisfather.If the lord of the9th house be in 6th.Sth or L2thamsa, will be mixed. the results

qatnfR$W TheDasa of thetnrd of theTenth House

1. If the lord of the 10rh house be pl6ced in rhe Lsr house alongwith the lord of the ascendantand combined with a benefic, the person will become very famous. He rvill wield much power and influence and may hold a powerful post in the government. He may become a minister or a highly-place d officialwith much authorty and power. He will do charitable decds and rvill be engagedin noble acts. If the lord of the 10th housebe devoid of the strcnsth.resultsrvill be

126 the goodresults feeble.If he is placedin the 6th,8th or 12thamsas' therewill with evil planets, will be almosrnil. If therebe combination \be bad results.The person will sufferdisgraceor he may acceptgifts If the evil planetbe Saturn,the ceremonies. offered in inauspicious gift may be a buffalo. If it be the Sun,the gift maybe a cat.If it be with a But, if there t'e combination Mars, the gift may be a sheep. planet, the gift will be a goodone' benefic house 2. If the lord of the tenth housebe placedin the second person the benefics, house and second lord of the with the combined will acquiremuch wealth and will becorneknown as a rich man' He will beln irnportantmemberof the family and will be held in high esteemand treated with much respect.If there be Raja yoga in of much wealth throughservice addition, there will be acquisition Mostly he will be holdinga under the king or. from his profession. who will carry servants, job. He will havemanyobedient government and feedthem.He will out his ordeis.He will supportmanypersons in the be placed house If the lord of the 1,0th be veryhelpfulro others. 6th, 8th or 12th amsasor be weak,the good effectswill be on an the evil will produce combinationwith maleficplanets ordinaryscale. family,theremaybe troublesof housedenotes As the second results. He will sufferfrorn povertyand variouskindsto his familymembers. asa notorious ill repute.He will not get timelymealsor will become liar. with its be placedin the 3rd house 3. If the lord of the 10thhouse this During well. will thrive house third of the the significations lord in hispost.There He will get promotions period,his famewill spread. for his brothers. The person may do will be all round success acts and thereby achievefame. Or he may become courageous mustbe paidto the renorired for his musicalskill.Due consideration are likely to go the results otherwise of the karakainvolved, strength the results is devoidof strenght, won!. If the lord of the 10thhouse will be poor alsowhenthe The results will occuronlyon a smallscale. in the6th,8th or L2thamsas' is placed lord of the 10thhouse the 4th house 4. When the ruler of the 10th house occupies fame achieve may happy and will be native alongwithits lord, the If lands' his from good income get a may He throigh his lands,'etc. fame and name will acquire he with benefics, therele connbination through his agriculture.His family will be one of muchrespectability

If with malefics bringharm and troubles. and renown. Combinations the lord of the 10thhouseis weak,the resultswill be very ordinary. 5. If the ruler of the 10th houseis placedin the 5th housein with the lord of the5th house andif therebe combination conjunction with benefics also, the person will rise to a high rank during the period. Hc may becomea minister or some suchsenior officer. His objects will be fulfilled and will become a famous person. If the planetsbc placedin friendlysigns,the gainsare mostlydefiniteto But, if placedin inmicalsigns or in the6th,8thor 12thamsas happen. arelikelyto be veryfeeble. from eachother,the effects the 6th house 6. When the ruler of the 10th house occupies alongwithits lord, the personwill becomean officerin a court. His maternal uncle is likely to be a powerful personwielding much authority.The person may be employedin the army or may be will happen whenthe planets practisingas a doctor.The goodresults are strong.If they be weak,the nativewill hold a smalljob in the government and he maytakefood in the house of or in someembassy people (sudras There in his business low caste etc.). maybe losses or he will do sraddha ceremonies. 7. If the lord of the 1.0thhouse be placedin the 7th house, with the lord of 7th house, his wife will comefrom a good combined family.The personmay get employed in someforcigncountrywhere He he may becomefamous.His wife may be of helpin his earnings. (asthe 7th housesignifies may work in the transport department the to holy places. If there be malefic same).He may go on pilgrimages he wlll sufferfrom poverty. combinations, He mayhaveto take food His wife maybe born in a low familyor shemay offeredin obsequies. from him. be separated in the 8th house, he will 8. If the lord of the 10thhouse be placed be holding a lowly job or may do bad deeds.He may lose his employment with benefics, but if there be combination the evil be will be avertedand he will not losehis employment. His agriculture spoilt or he may incur lossesthrough his lands.There will be obstacles to his education. He may sufferlosses throughhis vehicles and conveyances. Combination with beneficswill ahvaysproduce goodresults but with malefics, evilresults areproducecl g. If the lord of the 10th house be olacedin the 9th house


in therewill be obstacles alongwithits lord, or if Jupiter is powerless, will person the his horoscope, in duties.If the sun be strong his d-aily asa doctor'If Mars be or maybe practising servein the government which property landed much possess will strong, his fither rise to a high will father his be strong, If iupiter exemf,te.lfrom tax. and get ornaments will he strong, VJnus be If life. position in his be Moon If good get education' will he so, be Mercury if But, vehicles. engaged-in be may or treasury the of in-charge may be strong,he agriciitu." or cultivation in gardens.If the Sun be endowed with If Saturnbe strong,he will siiength, he will practiseas a physician. work asa servant. itselfor be be in the tenthhouse 10. If the lord of the tenthhouse lord of the the and the benefics with housecombined in the eleventh have Raja and fortunate highly will be eleventhhouse,the person will be He life' in position and yoga.He will have i ttigtt status have will He will spread' fame His high esteem. and held in iro-rrout"d found and deeds charitable will do He army' a large retinue of be weak,the But, if the lord of the tenthhouse instititionsfor charity. he will get Mars, bc house tenth lord of the if the pnot. will be results riseto will person the Jupiter, If it be lands. and taxes wealththrough possess will he strong, If Venuste profession. in his a high position he will If Mercurybe strong, *uriy -ournents and vehicles. will etc',of malefics aspect Conjunction, meritoriously' examination asbefore. spoilthe results definitely ll.Ifthelordofthel.0thhouscbeplacedinthel2thhouse the person with evil planets, its lord and be alsoconjoined alongwith job removed may be or in his demoted be may He will iuffer disgrace. will occupation his in business.and losses will be There from service. be may person the rvith benefics, be combination be spoilt.If there rites' religious doing and Vedas the chanting for priest as a eogaged nfruln.e of maleficswill make him follow somelow professionas the person housebe a malefic, that of a sudra.If the lord of the 1"0th aimlesslY. will wander

Htuse The Dasaof the Lord of the Eleventh
houseis placedin the ascendant 1.. If the lord bf the eleventh person will have much gains the lord, ascendant the alongwith

r29 through out his life. If it be strong,he will havepromotionsin his professon and business. The extent of good will dependsupon the strength and natureof the planets involved. 2. If the lord of the eleventh housebe placed in the secondhouse alongvith its lord and be also positedin its exaltation navamsa, the personconcerncd will be a rich man possessing croresof rupees.If therebe a maleficyoga,the results will be bad and the personwill be facinghardships. 3. If the lord of the eleventh housebe placedin the third house its lord and otherbeneficplanets, alongwith the nativewill havelarge profits during the period and sometimes he may have large gains throughhis brother.If thereis a maleficcombination, only bad results will be experienced. 4. If the lord of the elevenrh housebc placedin the 4th house alongwiththe lord of the fourth house,there will be gains through mother,lands,conveyance, education, and agriculture. The meansof gains haveto be inlerred throughthe natureof thc planet involved. For example, the planetsMoon, Mars, Mcrcury,Jupitcr, Venus and Saturn may cause gains of wcalth through green vegetables, agriculture, i:ducation, sugarcane, tree bcaringfruits,Ragi, (Ararot) etc.,maybe the source of incomc. Bcncfic with thc lord combinations of the eleventhhouse will causegains throughjrvellery etc. But malefic combinations will bring in obstaclcs mostly and ruin the business duringthe period. 5. If the lord of the sleventhhouse is placedin the 5th house alongwiththe lord of the 5th house,thc pcrsonwill havegains of wealththrough a rich fricnd who may be a greatlord or throughhis son or through divine grace.Also, it may bc through trading in preciousslones.Or he may come acrossa treasurc and thereby become rich. Or by performingvoyagcsin the scas to diflerent countries, he may earn muchwealth. Or he maytrgdein grainsand seeds and thcrebybecomcrich.As belrlre thc cffcct{of bcncficyogas will promotc thegoodresults whilemalcfic yogas wilf spoilthem. 6. if thc lord of thc clcvcnth houscis in thc 6th housealongwirh thc lord of the sixth housc,thc personwill bcncfit through his dayadeens, law-suits and his maternal unclc.Hc will do couragc()us acts and overcomehis enemics. The g<tod rcsultswill be greatly

with malefic reduced if the lord of the eleventhhouse is associated planets. 7. If the lord of the eleventhhlouseis placed in the 7th house, combined with the lord of the eleventh house,the person will get wealth through his wife, or in a foreign country, or through some peopleand other womenandgainingtheir or by influencing cmbassy help. If Venus be placedbetween Saturn and Mars, he may gain The benefitswill be the strangers. money by making his wife pleased or influence. The nature and meagre if there be evil combinations quality of the planetshave to be consideredcarefullybefore coming to a conclusion. 8. If the lord of the gleventhhousebe placcdin the eighth house alongwiththe lord of the eighth hou*, it is very bad for the eleventh house.The personmay be involvedin debts.He may earn through sinful acts.He may suffer from poverty.He may not have peaceof He'may havesomesmallbenelits mind which will be everwavering. will reducethe evil results. through low people.Benefic combinations But if the lord of the eleventhhousebe weak. lossesand debts will onlyincrease. housebe placedin the ninth house 9. If the lord of the eleventh with its lord, the personwill havegainsthroughhis father or a rich person.If the lord of the tenth house be exalted,his father will Due considerationis to be paid to becomerich through profession. etc., if therc be any, as they will modi$ the beneficcombinations results. housebe positedin the tenth house 10. If the lord of the eleventh will improvc. If thcrc be benclicI alongwith its lord, his business in I If Jupiteris placed of wealth. therewill be muchgaiJr combinations, gainsl the eleventhhousealong with the lord of the llth house,thc ' and othcr rcligiousrites' lf sacrifices will be through appointment, Venus is positcd in the eleventhhouse,the gainswill be through If Mercurybe of Venus. vehicles and othersignifications conveyances gains have to be The etc. clothes there, lhc gains may be through, involved. , plancts that arc nature of thc to the determinedaccording houseis placedin his own signor in 11. tf the lord of the elcvcnth will havemuchprofitsandwealth.His sign,the person the exaltation a prontincntperson.lf Mars be the said ekler brothcr will beconre

131 lord he will havegainsthroughhis landedproperty.The Sun indicates profits through father. Moon will make his business flourish. Mercury will enable to earn wealth through education.Jupiter Venuswill bestow indicatesgainsthrough employmentand teaching. gains through the help of women. Saturn will give gains through fire-wood, stones etc. In this way the effects are .to be guessed intelligently. houseis placedin the 12th house, 12. tf the lord of the eleventh easilyand there will be achieved will not be its lord, objects alongrvith Trouble is indicated objects. in achievingthe desired many obstacles will alleviate andaspects for the elder brother.Beneficcombinations also will produceonly similar. the evil results.Malefic combinations results.

a?npilirr@ House TheDasaof the Lord of theTWelfth

in its own signcombincd be placed 1. If the lord of the 12thhouse and there the personwill not havemuch expenditure with benefics, that is combined will be gainof wealth.But in the periodof the planet with the lord of the tweltth house,there will not be anyexpenditure. be strong,his incomewill be more than If the lord of the ascendant in The personwill be happy and will bc engaged his expenditure. of good pursuits)in thc company VedantaVichara(i.e. philosophical will be bad as be weak,the results men. If the lord of the ascendant yoga. told for Kemadruma 2. If the lord of the twelfth houseis placedin thc sccondhouse therewill be quarrelsin the its lord and other evil planets, alongwith He may good andtimclymcals. may not gct He familyof the native. pcople. low form or in ceremonics is shraddha take food that offered from may He suffer his conduct. in harshly be bad and He mayspeak will be rcsults the cvil influence, benefic If there be eye-diseases. mitigated. alongwith is placed in the3rd house 3. If thelord of the 12thhouse lt is vcrycr'ilfor will incrcasc. expcncfiture the lord of the third house, will rcduce the Bencfic combinatirrns who maybe ruined. hisbrothers rviththc evil res|lts.But, if the lord of thc trvclfthhouscbe comtrincd

L32 lords of the sixth and eighth houses, the period will bring happiness, and other comforts. conveyances 4. When the lord of the 12th houseis placedin the 4th house with beneficplanets, the person alongrith its lord and alsocombined will lead a happy life. He will possesslands etc. If there be with maleficplanets, bad resultsmayoccur.His mother combination There maybe troublesto his lands,agriculture will havedifficulties. If there be both beneficand maleficinfluences, the and conveyaces. resultswill be mixed. 5. If the lord of the 12th house is placed ih the 5th house, combinedwith the lord of the 5th house,duringthis period,a child also.As the 5th maybe born to him. But therewill occurbad results noblepersons, it is possible that he maylosethe good housedenotes intellect, will and favourof a nobleman.As the 5th houseindicates his intellectual faculties may suffer. Combinationswith benefic planetswill ward off much of the evil results.If there be a malefic combination, children may not be born to him. Or there may be serioustroublesto his children.Or his childrenmay go astrayand Also, he maylosethe friendship of somerich person taketo bad ways. difficultiesand may have some wrath. Also, his father incur his and The person (Because 5th houseis 9th from the 9th house.) troubles. in his country and his may have troubles due to disturbances profession may suffler. 6. If the lord of the twelfth house is placedin the 6th house (Here alongrvithits lord, the period will prove to be auspicious. During this period,he will perform VipareetaRaja yogais caused). and lead a happylife. Beneficcombinations ceremonies auspicious to a greatextent. will promotethe goodresults house, it is placedin the seventh 7. If the lord of the twelfthhouse in combination is evil to his wifc. If there is a death-producing shewill die.Shemaylive for sometime in a foreigncountry. addition, Benefic combinationswill enable her to gain wealth. Malefic combinations, on the other hand, will causemuch misery and Or he mayfall sick'Or his aimlessly. The nativemayrvander :roubles. duc to slandcr' wife rnavhaveto suffcrdisgrace

8. If the lord of the twelfth houseis placedin the 8th house,the native will experiencehappiness and unhappiness almost of equal amounts. Benefic combinations resultsto happen.If c,ause auspicious there is combinationwith the lord of the 6th house, the period will prove to be extremelyauspicious and causegood resultsto happen. Also, the effects will be modified by the nature of the planet with the lord of the 12thhouse. associated 9. If the lord of the 12thhouseis placedin the 9th house,it is evil to the professionof the person.If the lord of the 12th house is combinedwith the lord of the 9th house,the resultswill be ordinary. The personwill spendmoneyin performing good dcedsin which he will take interest. There is dangerto his profession. Always benefic combinations go a long wayin reducingthe evil results; A planetgives its resultsduring its major periodor sub-periods. 10. If the lord of the 12th house is placedin the 12th house combinedwith the lord of the tenth house,there will be expenditure of wealthon charity.Wealth obtainedfrom his parents may be wasted away. Benefic combinations will cause expenditure for virtuous purposes,such as giving gifts and charities to good people and building of choultriesetc. 11. If the lord of the 12th housebe placed in the 1lth house alongwith its lord, therewill be obstacles will to gain.Beneficplanets causeexpenditure in auspicious ways.Malefic combinations cause expenditure in evil ways.The waysthrough which moneyis spentwill dependupon the nature of the planets.Maleficscauseexpenditure through evil ways, enemies and thieves. There may arise misunderstandings with elder brother and therebythere may be losses. Theremaybe both gainsandlosscs of wealth. L2. Satyacharyagives here some general rules lor the determination of effects. Effects will be good or badaccording asthe lord of the 12thhousehappens to be a benefic or maleficby lordship. If he owns benefic and malefichouses, the effects will be mixed. Planetsowning a kendra and a trikona housebecomeextremely benefic,as they are yogakarkas. The nature of a planet has to be

ascretainedwith rp[r'rcnce to the natrrrc of rulership of houses and also according to tho cight kinds of strength. Thus there arise three kinds of yogas--benefic, malefic and of misra (mixed) nature. A benefic yoga always reduces evil results and promotes auspicious results. Malefic combinations on the other hand, tend to reduce good effects and produce evil results, such as expenditure,debts and bad deeds.

aai$ g Efr a Tr frfrtrmq tt

1. If the lord of the 12h houseis a benefic (by rulership), he will producegoodresults. bad results. 2. If he is a maleficby rulership,he will cause

Maharishi PARASARA'S on Hindu Astrologr AncientClassic

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

(2 VoltuneSet) notes with Translation, exhaustive Text in Sanskrit in English. andexamples

Must For Everyl.over of Astrologi.



The Nature ofRahu and Ketu ; The EffectsofRahu and Ketu ; The Effectsof Transits (ti|-*wot> The nodes Rahu and Ketu are the enemiesof the Sun and the Moon. When they arejoined with the Sunandthe Moon theybecome weakwhenthey coile weak.Similarly,the Sunand the Moon become of Rahu and Ketu. to the places Rahu and Ketu give the resultsof the planetsconjoinedwith them them. Their resultsdependupon the lord of the sign an'd or aspecting navamsawherethey are positedat birth. When the nodes are joined with beneficplanets,they yield good evil results. results.But whilejoined with maleficstheyproduce is of the opinionthat Rahu andKetu haveno effectsof Satyacharya joined with them, their own but producethe resultsof the planets they are placedat aspecting them or thosein whoserasi or navamsa from the natureof the lords of birth. Their nature is to be understood wheretheyare placedat birth. the rasisand navamsas

Effectsof Rahu in DifferentHouses

and trines. 1. Rahu produies evil resultswhile placedin angles and monetary expenditure 2. In the secofldhouse,Rahu causes troublesto membersof the family. evil resultsto the brothers, 3. In the third houseRahu produces ear trouble and makesthe nativelittle courageous. to motherand alsosickness 4. In the 4th house, it causes discredit andtroubles. it harmsthe children. 5. In the 5th house, and troubles 6. In the 6th house,it pioducesdread of enamies from snakes, wind andenemies. thieyes,

t% 7. In the 7th house,it brings troubles to wife. It may also cause theft in someforeign place. 8. In the 8th house,i1 flings about seriousdiseases, death and torubles. 9. In the 9th house, it makes the person particularly ungrateful, to his preceptor, eldersetc.Also it maycause hardships andtroublesto his father. 10. In the L0thhouse,if it is afflicted,it will makerhepersonfollow low professions. Also it may enablshim to havedip in holy riverslike the Ganges. 11. In the L1thhouse, hisgains will be interrupted. 12. In the L2thhouse, it produces variouskindsofexpenditures of money. Satyacharya sayshere that he hasmentionedonly few of the effects and the rest hasto be guessed throughone'sown intelligence. Ketu's effectsare also similar and they also dependupon the effectsof the rasi in which it is placed at birth. The other results have to be lntelligently inferredwith thehelpof the Pancha siddhanta criterions.

Effectsof Transits
The effect of transitshaveto be predictedwith reference to the ascendant andthe Moon'ssign(Chandra Lagna). Each signis dividedinto eightkakshas belonging to the or classes planets: Saturn,Jupiter,Mars,the Sun,Venus,Mercury,the Moon and the Lagnain thisorder. The ashtakavarga chartsare to be prepared andif thereis a rekha in any of the housein the ashtakavarga of a planet,that planetwill give the resultswhen it passes throughthe kaksha duringits transit. The resultsdependupon several factors,the most irnportantbeing (1) the natureof the house, (3) (2) thenatureof the lord of thehouse, the signin which the cuspfalls and (4) the strength of the planet.If the lords of the signsand the househavinga rekhaare strong,they produceDhatu,Moola,Jeeva andMisra results according astheyare planetsbelongingto thesecategories. Here, the principlesof the

137 Panchsiddhanta criterion and the narureof lordshipof the planets (whether benellc Ar malefic) are to be taken into accountbefore arriving to the final conclusion.

1.. The Sungivesgoodresults whenhe transits throughthe lst,2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th starsfrom the natalstar(Janma Nakshatra) and givesbad resultswhen he transitsthe 3rd,5th and 7th starsfrom the natal stars.The nature of the effectswill dependupon Adhipatya (rulership) also i.e. rulership of evil houscslike 6, 8 and 12 will producebeneficialresults.The resultsof other planetshave to be judgedsimilarly. 2. The stars of the eleventhhouse ownedby a benefic ptanet produce good resdltson the week-day of the bencficplanet.The stars of the signs angular to the sign owned by a benefic planet also producegood results.The stars of the signstriangularto the sign ownedby a malefic planetproduceevil results. The Sun represents the soul or atman. The Moon represents the body, and lagna the prana.

Transit of the Sun

l. During its transit through3, 6, 11 signsfrom the Moon's signs, the Sunproduces auspiclous results like promotions, success, honour from kingsand gain of wqalth.In the 4th signsorrowandunhappiness are caused. ln the 5th signworriesregarding childrcn.In the 7th sign misunderstandings with somenoble person.In the Sth signquerrels, fear and sickness are caused. In the tenth house, he causes in success one's undertakings. In the lst and thc 9th housq,he causes mixed results. In eachcaseone is to takeinto account thc\naturcof ptanets combinedwith the Sun and the position of the Sunin the navamsa chart. 2. The effects produccd by thc planets duringtheirtransits through various the signscounted from the Moon'ssignareasfollows:--


fffllr,a.fl Effectsproducedby different planetswhenthey transit varioussignscountedfrom the Mo6n'sRadical Sign Effects
TheSun: 1. Good andbad resultsmixed. 2. [,ossof wealth. andhonourfrom kingl, wealth' 3. Promotions 4. Grief. 5. Worries relating to children. wealth' honourfrom kings, 6. Promotions, ?. Enmitywith somenoblePerson. andquarrels 8. Fear,diseases mixed. results bad and 9. Good and in businesr undertakings. 10. Success honourform kingsandwealth' 11. Promotion, griefanddiseases. travels, 12. Fruitless TheMoon' andhaPPiness. 1. Fortunes 2. Wealth. 3. Success. 4. Fearandgrief. '; ' worriesetc. 5. Sorrow, 6. Fearfrom enemies. 7. Grief. 8. Danger. 9. Sickncss. andsucccss' comforts 10. Attainmentof wishes, 11..Joy. 12. Expenditure.

r39 Mars: mixed. 1. Good andbad results 2. Lossof wealth. honours, andwealth. 3. Promotions, 4. Grief. children. 5. Worriesregarding honours, andwealth. Promotions, 6. 7. Enemitywith somenobleperson. o andquarrels. 8. Fear,diseases mixed. 9. Good andbad results 10. Troublesto occupation. honourandgainof wealth. 11. Promotions, grief and illness. 12. Aimlesswanderings, Mercury: t 1. Monetarylosses. 2. Gainof wealth. throughenemies. 3. Harm andtroubles 4. Increase of wealth. with wife andchildren. 5. Misunderstandings from enemies. 6. Worriesand troubles 7. Quarrels andihildren. 8. Gainof wealth in the profession. and interruptions 9. Obstacles 10. Comforts. increase 11. Gainsr of wealth. 12. Comforts,expenditure. Jupiter : L. Grief. of agriculture. of wealthadvancement 2. Increase 3. Troublesto rank,positionandstatus. to relatives. 4. Worriesand troubles 5. Birth of children. 6. Fear from enemies. pleasures. 7. Comforts, 8. Diseases 9. Acquisitionof moneythroughchildren. 10. Lossof wealth. 11. Wealth and promotions. 12. Grief and fear.

1zm Venus: with dancinggirlsetc. 1. Gainsof wealth,pleasure ofwealth. 2. Increase andwealth. 3. Courage of friends. 4. Acquisition 5. Birth of children. 6. Fearfrom enemies. diseases. 7. Female with women. 8. Gainof wealthand company 9. Comfortsandhappiness. 10. Debtsandlodns. andothergoodresults. 11. Happiness andforeigntravels. wasteof money 12. Expenditure, Saturn : Manykindsof diseases. in the family. Lossof wealth,quarrels gainof rvealth andservants. Promotions, loss of happiness, Quarrelsand enmity amongthe relatives, danger to wife. 5. Dangerto children. 6. Victoryoverenemies. '7. Stayin foreigncountries. and difficulties. 8. Troubles acts. ofcharitable stoppage 9. Baddeeds, 10. Troublesand difficulties. andhappiness. 11. Gains andlossof foodgrains. 12. Stayin foreigncountries 1. 2. 3. 4.



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Slokasof Satyocharya, Qttorcd itr tlrc Cotttrnetttary 'Cltintann,i' bv B ln uotPalo

"Errilgqri drurprffrq ft,gt*qP*6*' ' fira: ila +.aII ihiqqr frtrqrsqr il

t gsEaFItgfMsu t5fr Tn aqiarci:

T6{rd 5lrqdg"fr gq qfr fiq: ll"
These are the forms of the signs from Aries onwards : rspresentsa ram, Taurus--a bull, Gemini--a couple holding a lute and a mace, Cancer--a crab lying in water, Leo--a lion roaming in the forest, Virgo--a virgin travelling in a boat and holding a lamp and a plant in her hand, Tula--a person holding scales in his hand' Scorpio--a scorpion, Sagittarius--centauri.e. a person holding a borv in his hand and having the form of horse belorv his rvaist, Copricorn--a crocodile having the head of a deer, Aqttaritls--a person carrying a pot full of watct',Pisces--apair of fish.

qTnRatrrE-g-T ilFa e-f'd{: rqsm il

Thc signs are called chara (movable), sthira (fixcd) and ubhaya (dual) in order. The personborn in thcsc havcthoir tlualiticssimilar to those indicatedby thc signs. Thc charactcro[ thc pcoplc born in ll rcmainsstcadyand lirm if thcy are movablesignsis ever changing. rvill bc sometimessteadyand sonlctinres born under fixed signs.It duel signs. lixed for those born under the

"qc*ial furtdr ffidRft

I ttltl: ;Fqtr:


fufy qLqr 14ft5 aqFAI:I

qTdT:gR TCqT' il

gfrffi*EM ETITCTT:

ttl The first nlrvamsa of the movablc signsand thc middlc navamsa rll thc dual signs tcrnrcd the lixcd signs arld thc cnding nrl\ranlsa l'allsin tt Vargtll.tanra Vargottama navanlsa.ll'at birth, thc asccnditrtt an navarnsil, thc person conccrncdu'ill rise to a {rcat positionantl l'rr; inrportautpcrson (hcad) in thc lirmilv.


qqtrr{Fql1| "Eutonuquaqdr+qianfr swrqrffdTfrq: rlvtrgq{qrsrfril"

the 3rd, 6th, 10th and From the natal Moon and the ascendant, 1Lth housesare termed Upachayahouses.The rest are called Apachayahouses.


t' $ furfisaa+drtrgrraft

If the lord of a long sign be placed in a long sign, the limb represented by the signwill be long.

qa; drrq:nitqqtaft t "gtE;*1qftrtrdr

gr!frFfl1: 11"
Jupiter,Venus,the Sun,Mars,the Moon, MercuryandSaturnare Vaisyas, Sudrasand peopleborn of Kshatriyas, lordJof Brahmans, mixedcastes.

"ar{Rrdgqdt lndfudrqrrtq: ttnlgdmt r{rcrf-adl?uffitt" {Tlfus't 6''ut61p5w'u:

Mars and Saturn are tasmic in naturer Venus and Mercury are rajasic. Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun arq satvic. The nature of the people will be similar to that of the planetsgoverning them.

"@ 'irf

fuiA rfi ffi

gcA eailsutlflfqi I a tt-dfr i $q[:ll"

The lords of the houses2, 12,5,9, 8, and 4 countedfrom the it. house ownedby a planetarefriendlytowards moola-trikona

"qAEtEvrl*Era RIdt {FrflE?lqq1 | Ttrd fr?rErutfgErsnt" ddrsq I *a R+nn lrAfu\ trf-ttg Swana il{F o'ffi TidTrqett{rqrtqtl
When all the planetsare situatedin mov:lblesignsthe resulting will not be good. He will stayin a ypgais catledRajju. His conduct foreignland,but will be rich. When all the planetsare placedin fixed signs,the yogais called Musala.Under ihis yoga,workmenendowedwith rvealthand self respect areborn.

r43 - - Yh_"I all the planetsare placedin duel signsthe yoga is called Nala.Under this yogapeoplewith defective limbsor extr-a limbs are born..Also the peopleborn under this yoganay be highlytalented andrich and endowed with differentkindsof enjoyments.

grur anwrmrfr*{Rlqqqifurd: kx< r HT gErAre e{qqqegfrTdq il qtnn qki w;qn trr5fi ifi frlil irarur
When planets,other than the Sun, occupythe 2nd, thc 12th or both the 2nd and the 12th housesfrom the Moon, the resulting 3 yogasare respectively. styled 961 (Sunapha), 3fifi'r (Anaphaf anA ({wr (Durudhara).

"9461qq196.1qffi ftqgq; 1"

When there is neither Sunapha yoga, nor Anaplra yoga, nor Durudhara, then Kemadruma yoga resulti. Varahamihira has quoted Satyacharyain his work Brihatjataka at severalplaceswith great reverence. Some of thesearc :

qt{ frEdr dfd$qtT{dr?iqqqBq:wfiiq r q5qft {rdEFriH ns{{fiEiwrnw{ Eg{rE4 tl

Jeeva Sharma lays down in accordancewith his ou,rrcloctrine that the maximum period of life given by each planet is l/7th ot'rhe muxrmum aggregateperiod (120 years and 5 days).The dcclorationof {r (Sa4,a) that the Ayurdava of the planet corrcsporrds in vcigs io the number of the sign tvtfi'rl whose navanlsa is'.ccurricd bv the in agreement with the vicrvs of the majoritv .f astr.kigical authorities.

sdna TdfrftrtrE-r $traf4qq I

q0gaqFrRtlesqr: q: $qr.sqrerfl: rr

Accordirtgto satyo's,tlc the signs,dcgrecs.minurcsctc.. travcrsetl a given planet ought to be convcited int6 minurcs antr criviclecl bv 100. If the quotient be a number excccding12, subrr.ct l'r.rr it u* ir.,unv multiplesof 12 as you can,the remainde r givcsthc nunrhcr of vcari. monthsetc.

$ilfrSqq rc<qrfr? sqmre?q,.rlsE5drfkq tl


IM The Ayurdaya of a planetis to be trebledwhenit is in its exaltation or in its retrogradeposition.The sameis to be doubledwhen the (Eqtdclill in its own navamsa, in its own planetis in a Vargottamansa in the methodof This is the peculiarity house, or in its own decanate. All elseis similar according to Satyacharya. workingout the ayurdaya beenstated. to whathasalready


grurfffii E qgrrdqr n w ( +<1R ats*orft

T{tr fuT 'gffirq

{g{ttqrft: I

Tlrc rule of Satyacho4,ois preferable (to that laid down by Maya or Jeeva Sharma). But some make the process inconsistent and unwarrantable by a series of multiplications. The dictim of the Acharyas (Satyaand others) is the following:-. 1.. Where several multiplications crop up, only one, and that the highest, is to be gone through. (For instance,when a planet is in its own house, and in its exaltation and in retrograde motion, the Ayurdaya is not to be doubled first and then the result trebled and the second result further trebled. According to the rule, the Ayurdaya should be trebled once for all). 2. Again, when there are severalreductions applicable,only one, and that the greatest should be made. (For instance;a planet may be and may be eclipsedby the Sun. It is enough if the in an inimical sign '.e. grqim Astangatareduction be made.) reduction by half,


drnq t ratutrd: {dnqTemiliqrlrE

ird: vcvqtf, qrqqT+l*alq{r{iq r

fq Rajju, flltt Musala and r Nala are the three glea Asraya yogas declared by Satyacharya to arise when the planets are exilusively in the movable, the immovable and the dual signs respectively.go Srak and q( Sarpa are the two (att) Dala yogas mentioned by v-tnw Parasara due to the kendras being exclusively occupiedby benefic and malefic planetsrespectively(the Moon being left out of account,benefic and malcfic planetsare 3 each).

fqdrrT:g{: I etqr' gFeqrqrildrft TiRglftIisd q* q Mqreraa: n

According to Satyacharya,the bhavas are generally advanced if good planeti occupy them and reduced if bad ones should be in them. But in the case of tne 6th, Sth and 12th bhavas the effects are

145 bring one in thc 6th, ttth and 12thhouses rovcrsed.That is rrralcfic income' goodfortunewith minimumlabourand maximum

q g}rt{ $Tqrd qdr q qrrrtr{nr{,Tl rqR t n iFrprtdqa{Raqr@:

is not auspicious" as Ascendant says,"SignAquarius Satyacharya -by is not correct;it is Yavanas contradilt the iame sayingthat "Satya ownedby thCsignAquariusthat are bad in only the Dwadasamasas at onceasks"Which sigrrhas not got sucha all Rasis"Vishnugupta ?" The remarks are not sub-divisionas Kumbha dwadasamsa warranted andalso: therefore

qafi q-?: Ss: qqedrqlF{qr{d:W I ttql a qAffie f'ffRil qrdl }rdft rqtE:q rtr{li?t<f: I g{ffi II Appendix
ascendants born ln the twelve of people Characteristics AriesAscendant

"lE m

Eddtginui leFfrdqmq: I ?wilsff,+gqq$stt

nailsandwil[be A personborn in Meshalagnawill havedeformed othersand among He will causerift and disruption easilyrirritated. He windy nature. and may falter in'his speech.He will be of bilious life. in his sufferings will be miserlyandwill havcmanykindsof

{fufr ErA Uftt<ga' oqq-s6:qfftrfrtt q{fufi fr?rftilrq oqirtrwal il

from his elders.His children he will separate During his boyhood, Hemay go andbrdthers. will be dull. He will do goodto his relatives whichmaynot bearanyfruit. to foreignlandsand startdecds

aqisqttrd qrqfit frqr'a frrgt a Ef6di

qffi{qrrqfr. ffii Ers ir{{d{Tqtfr il
He may gct as his wifc a girl from a low casteor one of lowly

16 girl or onewirtlwasalready or a handicapped nature,or a tale-bearer married to some body else. His friendswill be of greathelp to him like his own brothers.

FtrtttfroRqt t rq q| ftqqiTrui
il rdrslrctFFTra ?Ntdi'fltdFFHral
His death will be causedby some weapon' poison,complaints relating to bile, relatives,rain, forestsor by a fall' Taurus Ascendant lagna[ips,neckand nosewill be For a personborn in Vrishabha will have excessof the two He large' will be iorehead' His fat. andwill makesacrifices liberal will bg He wind. and phlegm humours moneylavishly' his and-spend extravagant will be He for others.

aq6.rg$:I aqrrfis11n:ftqdr;atea
fdtrfsrAsf'{t +q il o{Fr scd qmdl
and few sons'He will do He will havea largenumberof daughters in his will be everengaged motherlHe and is fit6et t to il;iy il; monoy' but rvill possess dutiei. He maynot be veryreligious

kst$ffi lffiswr<Fneida t
bodily cxertionr water, His death may be causedthrough excessive roots, travel or four-legged beasts. Gemlnl Ascendant



fr$ ffil: qftstuoFila t

firqilFqfiIwqt frprgftffi-+4ro: n

ApersonbornintheMithunalagnawillbeeitherdcficientinon He will do He will speaksweetly' nmb li will havea limb in exccss. broughtup be may and nature He will be of mixed deeds. meritorious by two mothers.

qai E qkfr $un a t erwqfrqemrq: qt|tr{fr T(Ftq il recrsgd'rseqie:

He will be lacking in intellect.His body will be thin' He will be

r47 worshipped by good peopleand will be liked by his elders.He will He will crushhis cnemies. havefew brothers.He will do gooddeeds. qualities. possess good will many He

EIFq I 6tr{ EgqFrtfr rr{ qlErqfrq EI?r ffilErqrnqftil

He rvill carn mcrit and then in manyactivities. He will be engaged faultso[ his. he hasearned throughvarious destroy the benefits

wqft t r_efr:qiffiqe t{itq alttur

eraravrynsqF6, dI KI5T4frrl
He gets many wives. He overcomes manv dire diseascs.He dies through serpsnt-bite, poison, bcastsor water. Cancer Ascendant

Ffrtr T{ffi


g.ard I s{Rt??rfraTi:irs'Tftflr.t{t

*t: t 5e+trrrcn

When the ascendant falls in Canccr, he will be a yrersorrhaving on anything. Hc will many pursuitsor will not be able to concentrate have some diseasc in his private parts. By naturc. he rvill be a He will havesome mark on his chcst.The huntorousphlegm cowarcl. and wind will bc predominant in his nature. He rvill have good grasping power.

qqfitrirafqA qrqft Frt@


He may be attachedt<l pcople of sinful nature and rvho may be inimically disposedlowards him. He may spcnd moncy cntrusted to him by others. He may be despisedby his peoplc. He may not be able to achieveanythingof permanentvalue.

fiesr 6{ fraSFta Frdfta: wetfr | sfis{lrqrtl RgftkataTfl: {r{ry il

He will do some crucl act in a foreign countrv. His rvilc will bc totally- of a different naturc. He will be casily o\;crconlc hy his Yet he will be rcspcctcdin the society enenries.



il e-&-drdrqr,firftT-Tqqrdfr
He may meet rvith his death through some throat-disease,rope, phlegmatic disordcrs, fracturesof bones, cuts and woundson his body or through rhe diseaseknown as dropsv. Leo Ascendant

t EffiI fuerqrq: fireffi oBa: rqrfrq:

T{dr{tfggE: ifrpfFt{ {irR: EqRl:ll
A person born in Leo ascendantwill be a difficult person. He will be fond of meat. He will be of bilious nature. rHis nose will be prominent. He will have many undertakings.His family will be large. He will be thrifty. He will be respccted and renowned.

frmt: sftfca: r Frqfrqrdtfffs Endc"l sTM o,ffir frldtMwqFrsa: n

He will cause grief to his brothers and sisters. He will produce harm to his kithiand kins, but he will be valourous and do many but rvill be alwaysin a happy heroic deeds.He will not be pessimistic, mood. He will do his duties with devotion adopting all possible ways and means,but he will not be righteous. '

Hqi Tfiftdt{affifrw: S'*{tdnq I r{en ildr$aEqrd|ft il 6e?rF3ilrt|

He gets many wives of many kinds from different families. He contracts many diseasesparticularly in the waist portion of his body, knees,and teeth.

t fi!: tr: qrtFtra orffq?nqatqrfr e*$3ra;areY+tffitt erEgU

, His death will be causedthrough weapons' sins, poisons,wooden aquatic animalsand by hunger. blocks, diseases, Viryo Ascendant


11 EI{q gQur frurEfrmralTFaufr


l4e which forms the 6th sign of A personborn in the Virgo ascendant the Zodiac will ever speaksweetly.His body will be lustrous. His handsand feet will be long.He will be of mixednature.His form will induceveneration.His body will be markedby wounds.He will have wealthbut will be a miser.

rrflaE: @tcgf$ qr{ftFag I Er{fr4tseTpr: 6{FI ftgq: sqr*{ft rr

He will havemore daughtersand He will be liked by his relatives. will be inimicaltowards He will like to remainreligious. his brothers. verylittle gains.Hg wi-ll in his profession. He wjl have be an-expert

frfurcagiwlTolfuqr(ft@tffil $fikqnra lql Erdft tnlrartl

He will meet with his death through <lifferent kinds of ttcasts, weapons, diseasesarising from disorders of bile, grief, fall or by a rope (hanging). Libra Ascendant

qTqrmderri frqqil' {at frqq$a' ' iilrdrfuiF: r $rrdt r*Efrq: ??rEqrq

If the ascendant falls in Libra, his limbs may not be lormed in proper symmetry. His conduct will be bad. He will be of phlcgmatic and windy nature. His neck will be short. He rvill be ungrateful.

qtq liT* sattFdsdfeat{a

qll: ltFI:r

1utara trca: frarqr+srrqqqq: rr

He gets hug'e income. He meets with expenditurcs also. He generlly becomes famous. He is very dutiful towards his preceptors and elders and renders serviceto them. He is respectedby his father, other people and brothers.

tH: : : r ffiafutrrd frqrrT{rarft gorr{: o.ftTFd{Eer: rfro'rRft: ftsq; sg

He is inclinedto travel. He docsmcritorious decds. He cncounters manv trrtubles.His wife will predeceasc hinr. Hc has a liking for quarrclling with others. Mostlyhc suffcrs from griefctc.


tqlr tqrra

l @rr

His death will be through some person of renown or his own relativesor a domestic animal or through excessive grief or separation or hunger or travel. Scorpio Ascendant

0{Ernr$qri frnr*qFw|rir{{: !Fq:I qnFffiril ftna{un @: TEE-trft.

When the ascendantfalls in Scorpio, the person has a large belly and face. He is cruel. He is o[ bilipus temp{rament. His Jy". ur" copper coloured. He walks softly but s*iitly. He overcomes his enemies and exercisescontrol ovei others. He has a large familv and cricle of relatives.He spends lavishly.He has manl childien.\

qntFrkftgdr lrinqtq aaft egura r

{Tgdqr6Tl?r{?r{A trrirqiqrftE{H rr
He is disappoinred t\rough his rvife.Mostly he doesnor donare much mbneyand is not ,dharitably disposed. His enemies arisefrom fiis ownfamily.He sufferfrfrommanykindsof diseases.

rn*&?: rirdri ld r;qi: ratre r

rffi qrq?tdffira Ttq{Ifr rr

Cause of his death will be one of the following : His limbs.mav be cut off. He may fall in the hands of his enernv. He mav be in c-onfinement. He may be beaten by enemies. Or h-emay suffbr from diseasescaused by his own sins. Or he may meet wilh some fire accident.In one of these ways,he meetsrvith his death. Sagittarius Ascendant A person born in sagittarius ascendant has large lips, teeth and nose. He is of phlegmatic and windy nature. His niils are deformed. He is devoted to his duty. He is verv valourous.

o{ft?rlke: gr? ffi arfr gtra:r u{ g qeqryffitrq frtrergwnft u

jobs in foreigncounrries. He does He is likedby kingsanct thereby

151 .n*attets andmorals,he followsa getsmoneyfrom them. ln religious middtepath. Buthe picksup quarrelswith hiswife.

qqpffi 1 a$ agwazarcm; ffi il . gq frilr+rat 1ur"" Tdlw-{rd,rfi

with his deathfrom He meets of the face. by diseases He is affected andother people. kings,confinement quadrupedanimals,snakes, Capricorn Ascendant

EtTqFrtitrtqlfuflga fid{tr6{T{ul: I
atqtd 1lTd tfttuffigq GrFT}il?F ll
A person born in the ascendantof Capricorn, has a small nose and_ long hands and feet. He is of windy nature. His face resemblcsthat of a deer. He is timid by nature. He is likely to be imprisoned at some stage of his life.


I g5@seuu<: ftfufl fiqrrrfr Ttrrtr{:

a-ltFl: ll

He has a small family. He has limited wealth. He is miser. He has more daughters.His relativespassaway early. His brother flourishes well. He earns money through his own prowess,favour of kings and forests.

srdRr.afid@t gf'trdqta qffi: tt rgffitsa*$

He is in the'habit of keeping fasts and obscrving rcligious He will get a wife of a low nature,but he rvill likc her. Hc austerities. is very quarrclsome and quarrcls with ntany people. He cloestlot have much hair. His kneesare rveak.He suflersfrotn manv discascs. I



qT qrffule: I

His death is causedby a boy, wind, weapons,kings, ptlisons. falls. elephants, irregularities of bile, incligestiou, or by losing his rva1" during travels. Aquarius Ascendant A person bor,. i'r Aquarius ascendantis stubborn. crucf and

remains prominertt in his family. Bile anc wind dominate his nature.

qFarq$-qesuQ 4rrqTfr I rgSe: lrl?ae

trr: FfnTJs{qweTql{ffiilieq: r
He He wastesaway the wealth he gets' He has many servants. He is weakultimately. HE becomes meetswith many expenditures. But people of hisgotra,andevenenemies. his elders, friendlytowards him. proveinimicaltowards his relatives He suffersfrom many He gets a wife who is'very quarrelsome. He dies frorn somediseasein the phlegrnatic troublesin the chest. itomlch or by vomitting or by witchcraftperformedby females. Ascendant Pisces

I HrfrrA Pdffi {tqEqqirFtRI: ar<lr?r n drelqr ffiie: 6s-{rfd6l rrriIIT

haslargelips,eyesresembling ascendant A personborn in Pisces has nose. He a mixtureof biliousand windy fish, a big of and a those soul.He suffersfrom an evolved He is truly a greatperson, natures. activities. himself in various He engages skintorubles.

Rrqr+q+fd: Filffidqfud; {l-slflel: I o{Fr rrl g*a: frflq{q: 1IRrqil

He has righteous income and expenditure. He has servants'He is his worshipped -or 6y his relatives and womenfotk. He has control over he is devoted towards his brothers. He is religious arld brothei does meritorious deeds.He has a good wife.

T q@l
by people headingsomegroups and His death may be caused in the private parts or through th.e oi by diseases organisations, or by losinghis poisonous drugs,by fasting by prictice of witchcrait, wayduring travels.

il {rTq }FIq il

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