Report 6
Report 6
Report 6
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To compare Euler Buckling Loads to measured maximum compression strengths for the slender columns tested.
Tinius Olsen UHTM Ruler Column specimens Micrometer
In their simplest form, columns are long, straight prismatic bars subjected to compressive loads. If a column begins to deform laterally, due to large loads, the deflection may lead to catastrophic failure. This situation is called buckling and it is considered one of the most dangerous failures, because once it begins there is no way to stop it. Buckling can be defined as a sudden large deformation of a structure due to a slight increase of an existing load. An easy way visualize buckling situation can be performed using a thin ruler to represent a column. A small compressive axial force applied to the ends of the ruler will cause no discernible effect. But if we increase gradually the magnitude of the compressive force, at some critical load, the ruler will bend laterally or bow out. In a column, once buckling occurs, a relatively small increase in compressive force will produce a relatively large lateral deflection that may lead to failure. The simplest way to calculate the critical load is by employing a dimensionless coefficient K called the effective-length factor, which is defined as: Where is the effective length an L is the actual length of the column. In this experiment we will test the two kinds of columns shown in the figures. Figure (a) is a pinned-pinned column which
effective-length factor is K=1. Figure (c) shows a fixed-fixed column where K=0.5 The figures also show, in an exagerated manner, the form in wich each of the columns will deflect in response to a compressive load. Knowing the effective-length factor, the critical buckling load can be computed with the folowing equation. [lb]
Where E [psi] is the modulus of elasticity and I [in^4] is the moment of inertia of the cross section of the column. The moment of inertia must be calculated with respect to the buckling axis and it can be calculated using the following formulas for round and rectangular specimens. For round specimens, R is the radius measured in inches.
For rectangular specimens, b [in] and h [in] represent the base and height of the rectangle respectively.
Using the micrometer, measure the diameter of the specimen three times (on the top, middle and base). The average of the three values will be used in the calculations. Measure the length of the specimen using the ruler. Write down the respective value of K depending on the kind of column. Place the specimen in the UHTM carefully, ensuring that it is perpendicular to the base. Start loading the specimen. Write down the measured maximum compression. Repeat this procedure with the eight specimens.
Specimen d1 (in) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.184 0.183 0.184 0.184 0.248 0.25 0.249 0.2485
d average L (in) K (in) 0.182666667 24.0625 1 0.184333333 18.125 1 0.184333333 16.9375 0.5 0.183666667 23.375 0.5 0.248333333 23.0625 0.5 0.248833333 17.9375 0.5 0.249666667 24 1 0.249333333 17.9375 1
Pcr (lb) 27.0161441 49.3772749 226.174961 117.043088 401.841641 669.63483 94.7736072 168.758317