Tourism Nov 2011 Memo Eng
Tourism Nov 2011 Memo Eng
Tourism Nov 2011 Memo Eng
MARKS: 200
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2 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
SECTION A QUESTION 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10 1.1.11 1.1.12 1.1.13 1.1.14 1.1.15 1.1.16 1.1.17 1.1.18 1.1.19 1.1.20 C A B D C B D C A B D Accept all options ( A or B or C or D) D C A or B A or D D A B C Curriculum Vitae or CV Contract of employment Working hours or remuneration Remuneration or working hours Code of Conduct intangible WSSD Marketing plan Boarding pass TOMSA B F A E D
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3 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
SAT or SA Tourism or South African Tourism NDT or National Department of Tourism Stats SA or Statistics South Africa TEP or Tourism Enterprise Partnership THETA or CATHSSETA
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4 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
Markers must keep in mind that learners formulate their answers differently from the marking guideline; markers should therefore read answers carefully to determine where it can be linked to the marking guideline. SECTION B: TOURISM AS AN INTERRELATED SYSTEM QUESTION 2 2.1 2.1.1 A point of entry into the country. A point of departure from a country. (a) Installed an improved customer care communication system called, the Viewing Deck. 100 iHELP customer service agents are positioned throughout the airports terminals to assist passengers. iHELP posters encourage customers to sms feedback to the viewing deck. Instrument for customer complaints. (b) Better and improved service delivery makes ACSA more accessible for tourists. Improves the efficiency Provides quality service Improves the communication between ACSA and their customers ( i.e. quick response, immediate feedback, transparency, personalised responses) 2.1.3 ACSA would be able to deal with the complaints immediately and attend to the problems. It will be easier for ACSA to identify gaps (weaknesses / shortcomings) and to close the gaps. A feedback tool Quick and easy method to give feedback (a) Ubuntu is an African philosophy meaning humanity towards others. Respecting everyone's dignity. Listening to what people have to say. A spirit of selflessness. Putting people first. (b) To ensure all employees are committed to delivering excellent service. For employees to take care of the needs of others. Unique South African hospitality It provides employees with a spirit of pride. It enhances their work ethic to deliver quality service.
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5 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
They now earn a salary and can afford to pay for basic needs such as food, health, clothes, shelter, education, et cetera, thereby leading to an improved quality of life. It promotes skills development and training for further employment. Sets the multiplier effect in motion. It improves the socio economic standard of the people. Alleviates poverty. (a) Larger carrying capacity ( the aircraft has more seats available for passengers) results in increased number of passengers. Reduction in operational costs and fuel efficiency saves money. Increased number of flights. Increased turnover / profits. (b) Increased tourist arrivals result in increased profits and therefore lead to an increased GDP. The new Airbus will attract more tourists resulting in increased profits. Promotes and encourages tourism to and within South Africa.
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Encourage entrepreneurship by promoting small business (SMMEs) ( examples of SMMEs can also be accepted) Development of skills which makes a person employable Improvement of the infrastructure creates employment. Promotion of tourist products leads to increased sales Skills transfer/acceleration in career paths makes room for new employment. The aim of the TEP is to support and / or guide/assist small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector To create jobs, sustainability and transformation TEP forms partnerships with existing and new emerging historically disadvantaged individual's (HDI) business by providing mentorship and support.
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6 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
QUESTION 3 3.1 3.1.1 Most of the tourism jobs are part time Skills gap of the employees Workforce varies seasonally Short term contracts Female employees 3.1.2 Businesses are reluctant to invest in employees who are appointed on a part time basis. Loss of time and money for the business. Many jobs in tourism require low levels of skills or on the job training. 3.1.3 (a) Domestic Tourism Growth Strategy DTGS Shot Left campaign Community road shows (b) By encouraging domestic tourists to travel during off-peak times. Accept any other suitable products (like conference tourism) that can be used to fill the gaps during the off peak seasons 3.2 3.2.1 Ability to operate emergency equipment The ability to assist passengers with medical problems and administer first aid The ability to work with people from a diverse cultural background. Good communication skills Crisis management skills Attention to detail skills 3.2.2 They often work in small and cramped conditions. They spend a lot of time on their feet. Bad weather can make flying conditions uncomfortable or dangerous. They work long hours. They cross many time zones. They live out of their suitcases for long periods They are away from home for long periods. They deal with customers from different backgrounds and cultures.
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7 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
3.2.3 Have to be physically fit to work long hours standing on their feet Able to cope with jet lag. Carry heavy objects. Physically assist passengers Able to deal with stressful situations better 3.2.4 Discounted air tickets (incentives bonuses) free accommodation when they work travel to many destinations meeting new people
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8 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
SECTION C: RESPONSIBLE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM QUESTION 4 4.1 4.1.1 Responsible tourism Responsible tourism practices Responsible and sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism The triple bottom line approach (TBL / 3BL) Three pillars of sustainable tourism Accept any one of the three pillars of sustainable tourism ( social or economic or environmental). Social or People or Society or Socio cultural Economic or Money or Financial or Profit Environmental or Environment or Planet or Nature or Physical Any order is acceptable (a) Social or people or community ''The company encourages its employees to share in the upliftment of communities'' ''The staff helps to clean, weed, paint buildings and plant trees in disadvantaged communities around the country." OR Environment or Planet or Nature or Physical ''The staff helps to clean, weed, paint buildings and plant trees in disadvantaged communities around the country." (b) Economic or Money or Financial or Profit "Motsethabo Tours is meeting this increased demand which is resulting in their improved economic situation." "By bringing more visitors to Alexandra local entrepreneurs get more opportunities to do business and generate an income." OR Social or people or community "More tourists are now interested in township tours." (c) Environmental or environment or planet or nature ''Visitors are constantly reminded to save water wherever they can.'' ''All waste is brought down from the top of the mountain.'' "Recycling projects are in place."
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9 NSC - Memorandum
DBE/November 2011
Illegal taking of flora and fauna Killing the rhinos for their horns The poaching techniques. The vastness (96 000 hectares) of the game reserve that has to be protected. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Regulatory body for the controlling and protection of endangered species. WWF or World Wide Fund for Nature or (also accept former name: World Wildlife Fund) IUCN (World Conservation Union; International Union for the Conservation of Nature) TRAFFIC Endangered Wildlife Trust UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) CAWT (Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking) International Rhino Foundation To exchange information on rhino security and anti-poaching strategies. To benefit from the experiences of other organisations. Can make the right decisions and ensure that rhinos are still here for future generations. To avoid duplication of research programmes and thereby save money. Rhino poaching is a problem that requires a global solution Train community members in anti-poaching strategies. Educate the community that the rhino horn has no medical benefits. Employ the community as watchdogs (security guards) to reduce poaching. Community can be involved in fundraising opportunities Offer rewards for information on poaching activities
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Tourism 2011
10 NSC - Memorandum
QUESTION 5 5.1 5.1.1 A B C D E F G The Grahamstown National Arts Festival: Africa's largest and most colourful cultural event offers a choice of the very best of both indigenous and imported talent The festival offers: Opera, cabaret, drama, jazz ,stand-up comics, folk music, theatre to dance, fine art to craft art, classical music, poetry readings and lectures. Price Product Place Promotion or Advertising People Packaging (a) Competition- based pricing (b) The Craft Shop owner will charge the same price for their items as the other craft shops on the same tourist route OR Demand based pricing The craft shop can price his goods based on the demand and supply principle Price can be based on seasonality
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Tourism 2011
11 NSC - Memorandum
SECTION D: TOURISM GEOGRAPHY, ATTRACTIONS AND TRAVEL TRENDS QUESTION 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 10 hours Avoid alcohol and caffeine Exercise moderately during the flight Drink lots of water Eat light meals during the flight Set your wrist watch to the destinations local time Fly earlier to allow recovery time ( travel planning) Sleep during the flight It would change his arrival time by one hour He would arrive one hour earlier SA +2 Delhi + 5.5 Time difference: 3.5 hours 17:00 (+ ) 3.5 hours = 20:30 26 November 2011 ( do not accept the day i.e. same day or Saturday) OR 20:30 26 November 2011 SA = +2 New Zealand = +12 Time difference = 10 hours 06:30 ( ) 10 hours = 20:30 on Sunday or previous day 20:30 + 19 hours = 15:30 on Monday or same day OR 15:30 on Monday or same day ( do not accept a date) Sun City Casino Robben Island Hotel Bahia Kloofzicht Lodge Avis Rental car or rental car Translux bus or bus
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Tourism 2011
12 NSC - Memorandum
Accept help from identifiable staff only Do not leave your luggage unattended in public areas Store valuables in a safety deposit box Keep your room locked at all times Hand in your room keys every time you leave the hotel Tell reception where you are going If someone knocks, check who it is before you open the door Check where the emergency exit are Use designated parking areas Keep your personal information confidential Dont make it obvious when you are not in your hotel room Central and South America 1. North America , 2. Asia 3. Australia ( must be in correct sequence) (a) Existing markets Africa Europe North America Asia Australasia (b) New markets Central and South America Middle East Indian Ocean islands R8400,00 ( )10,07 = 834,16 Euro or 834.16 Euro ( no mark should be awarded for the final answer if currency has been omitted or is incorrect) 250 (x ) 9,70 = R2425,00 or R2425,00 ( no mark should be awarded for the final answer if currency has been omitted or is incorrect) 35x3= 105 x 11,39 = R1195,95 or R1195,95 ( no mark should be awarded for the final answer if currency has been omitted or is incorrect)
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Tourism 2011
13 NSC - Memorandum
Debit cards ( accept examples of travel debit cards) Credit cards ( e.g. VISA / MASTER) Travellers cheques It is the safest way to carry foreign currency. If stolen or lost it can be replaced It is PIN protected
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[13] 6.6 6.6.1 An unpreventable natural (beyond human control) event An event that affects a particular area that leads to loss of life and destruction of nature. Destroyed: the buildings or property, infrastructure telecommunication disrupted transport Tourists would stay away and this will lead to loss of profits for the business Small airlines may close down Profit losses may lead to job losses Cancellation of flights due to the destruction of airport infrastructure
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Tourism 2011
14 NSC - Memorandum
SECTION E: CUSTOMER CARE AND COMMUNICATION QUESTION 7 7.1 7.1.1 The need for a different or unique experience or activity. The need to participate in an activity in a foreign country. The need to go on a gondola trip. The need to see the city from a gondola. The need for transportation. To be treated fairly To get value for their money To get a good overall experience Display prices (a) No (b) The gondolier overcharged them at first. OR Yes Although the gondolier overcharged them at first, they eventually paid a fair price. 7.1.4 This will ensure repeat business which will increase profits and help the business grow. It will build customer loyalty, confidence and trust. The business will develop good relationships with repeat customers The business will become the supplier of choice for the customer. There will be positive WOM which will lead to free advertising and an increase in the customer base. Customer feedback gives businesses the opportunity to improve their products and services. To improve business profitability The overall rating was average, indicating room for improvement If not addresses it would have a negative impact on the business
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Tourism 2011
15 NSC - Memorandum
(a) Honesty of gondolier Condition of the gondola (safety and appearance) Value for money Overall experience (b) Honesty of gondolier Having a fixed advertised price for the ride, will eliminate dishonesty by the gondolier. The condition of the gondola (safety and appearance) The condition of the gondola (appearance and cleanliness) can be improved through regular maintenance and inspections. Value for money They can try and supply a better value for money experience by adding extra service, for example extending the duration of the ride, providing free drinks, snacks or music. Overall experience They can try and improve the overall experience for the tourists by going the extra mile in their delivery of service.
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Surveys (verbal, written, electronic, face-to-face) Questionnaire Interview (telephonic, face-to-face) SMS Electronic responses Suggestion boxes Mystery customers Follow up calls Complaint record / visitors book
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Tourism 2011
16 NSC - Memorandum
QUESTION 8 8.1 8.1.1 (a) Yes (b) A good team spirit unifies the staff. Will result in better productivity. Teams will work faster and more effectively. Creates better outcomes which will improve service delivery. Better productivity will result in higher profits. A good team spirit will ensure a pleasant working environment. A good team spirit will enhance the decision making process. When teams work well customers can feel it it provides value to the customer. They can draw from each others strengths 8.1.2 The team leader manager harmoniser motivator Photo copier Computer (also accept: email / internet) Computer Skype Fax machine tele - fax machine answering machine TOTAL SECTION E: GRAND TOTAL:
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