Lesson 9 - Mass Tourism

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Quick post its write as much

as you know in 60 secs about

why global tourism has






Define the term Mass Tourism

Understand that mass tourism has positive

and negative effects, so that I can identify
(C), describe (B) and explain (A) the effects
of mass tourism on the environment and

How could we define mass tourism?

Mass Tourism iswhen large numbers of

tourists visit one country or region. Most
holidays like this are package holidays
where flights, transfers and
accommodation are included.
Extension Which stages of the Butler Tourist
Resort Life-Cycle Model does mass tourism fit

What does mass tourism look


Huge numbers of tourists visiting a single

destination is bound to have a number of
These impacts can be positive or negative and
can be classified as:
Social effects
Economic effects
Environmental effects

Effects of Mass Tourism Group Work

You have been separated

into 6 different groups

Each group is now going

to take responsibility for
finding out one category of





Learning Outcome:
Understand that mass tourism has positive and negative effects, so
that I can identify (C), describe (B) and explain (A*/A) the
effects of mass tourism on the environment and economy.

Effects of Mass Tourism Group Work

On your desk you will find a set of five

picture clues.
Your first task is to work out which
category you have been put in charge of.
Secondly, you need to work out what effect
each of your picture clues are hinting at.
Write your guesses on your A3 sheet of
Extension Activity: Try to apply the so
what rule to explain what impacts each
effect will have.






Learning Outcome:
Understand that mass tourism has positive and negative effects, so
that I can identify (C), describe (B) and explain (A*/A) the
effects of mass tourism on the environment and economy.

The Groups Reshuffled


Pick a raffle ticket out of

the cup on your desk. If
your ticket has a T on the
back, you are the teacher.

Task: You now need to teach your new group about the impacts you have found

Positive Economic

Creates jobs for

local people

Increases income of
businesses that supply
tourism (e.g. farming)
It brings in foreign
currency which can
be used for
international trade

Low-income jobs can be converted

to provide a better living

Tourists will often need to pay

taxes to enter the country

Negative Economic

Most jobs in the tourist

industry are relatively low
paid (e.g. waiters, cleaners)

Holidays are sold by

package holiday
companies so much
of the money that
tourists spend ends
up abroad

Terrorism threats can keep tourists

away meaning the economy suffers

The higher paid jobs

(e.g. tour guide/
interpreter) often go to

Tourist numbers fluctuate during the year

(seasonality) local people may be out of
work for the rest of the year

Positive Environmental

Areas promoting tourism

are less likely to participate
in more polluting industries

Locals become more

environmentally aware
Entrance fees can be
used to pay for the
protection and
management of an
Tourists becoming more aware of
environmental importance of areas

Ecosystems and Wildlife will be

protected so they can be
enjoyed by the tourists

Negative Environmental

Large amounts of tourists

mean lots of travel which
increases carbon

Increase in litter
and waste
More tourists means
more human waste
which means more
sewage to pollute the
More roads are needed which will
destroy habitats

Tourists can damage the wildlife

(e.g. damage to coral reefs)

Positive Social

Some of the income can be

invested into community
projects (e.g. schools & health

Locals will benefit from

improved infrastructure
(e.g. roads) needed for
large amounts of tourists

Large numbers of
jobs are created for
the local people

People with jobs in tourism

earn money to spend on
improving their lives (e.g.
sending children to school)

Young people are more likely

to stay in the area because of
the job opportunities

Negative Social

Increased traffic

Anti-social behaviour by
tourists can offend locals

People migrate to the

area in search of the
tourism jobs

Jobs are often poorly paid

and seasonal

The tourist culture can take

over the local area (e.g.
British pubs and food)

Exam Question
Explain how mass tourism may damage the
environment of a tourist destination.

(6 marks)

Using the knowledge and understanding you have

now gained from todays activities complete
this exam question

Linking Different Effects and the So

What Rule?
Exam Tip:
To get Level 2 on this question you need to
develop and link your points
You must apply the So What? rule in order to
develop each point
Try to link points to each other.

Peer Assessment
Swap answers with your partner and use the
following mark scheme to assess their work
Level 1 ( 1-4 marks)
Simple statements, which may be generic
E.G. Wildlife disappeared. Clearance of the natural
vegetation. Destruction of the coral.

Level 2 (5-6 marks)

Linked statements, which relate to the threat to the
environment due to the pressures of mass tourism.
E.G. With large numbers of visitors the local people
will want to earn money by providing opportunities for
the visitors to visit the coral reef. This may lead to
damaging of the reef due to the anchors rubbing
away at the live coral.

Give your partner a mark. Write one

positive comment and one target for
improvement (if possible)

Define the term Mass Tourism

Understand that mass tourism has positive

and negative effects, so that I can identify
(C), describe (B) and explain (A) the effects
of mass tourism on the environment and

Pick one of the following 6 mark exam
questions to answer (based on what you
have learnt today):
Explain how mass tourism may improve the
environment of a tourist destination.
Explain how mass tourism may improve the
economy of a tourist destination.
Explain how mass tourism may have negative
economic impacts on a tourist destination.

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