J2EE Interview Questions and Answers
J2EE Interview Questions and Answers
J2EE Interview Questions and Answers
110 TOP J2EE Interview questions and answers for Freshers pdf
J2EE Interview questions and answers pdf free download for beginners 1. What is J2EE? 2. What is the J2EE module? 3. What are the components of J2EE application? 4. What are the four types of J2EE modules? 5. What does application client module contain? 6. What does web module contain? 7. What are the differences between Ear, Jar and War files? Under what circumstances should we use each one? 8. What is the difference between Session bean and Entity bean?one? 9. What is "applet" 10. What is "applet container" 21. What is authorization? 22. What is authorization constraint 23. What is B2B 24. What is backing bean 25. What is basic authentication 26. What is bean-managed persistence 27. What is bean-managed transaction 28. What is binding (XML) 29. What is binding (JavaServer Faces technology) 30. What is build file 31. What is business logic 32. What is business method 33. What is callback methods
34. What is caller 35. What is caller principal 36. What is cascade delete 37. What is CDATA 38. What is certificate authority 39. What is client-certificate authentication 40. What is comment 41. What is commit 42. What is component contract 43. What is component-managed sign-on 44. What is connector 45. What is Connector architecture 46. What is container 47. What is container-managed persistence 48. What is container-managed sign-on 49. What is container-managed transaction 50. What is content 51. What is context attribute 52. What is context root 53. What is conversational state 54. What is CORBA 55. What is create method 56. What is credentials 57. What is CSS 58. What is CTS 59. What is data? 60. What is DDP 61. What is declaration 62. What is declarative security 63. What is delegation 64. What is deployer
65. What is deployment 66. What is deployment descriptor 67. What is destination 69. What is distributed application 67. What is document 68. What is Document Object Model 69. What is document root 70. What is DTD 81. What is EJB object 82. What is EJB server 83. What is EJB server provider 83. What is element 84. What is empty tag 85. What is enterprise bean 86. What is enterprise bean provider 87. What is enterprise information system 88. What is enterprise information system resource 89. What is Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 90. What is Enterprise JavaBeans Query Language (EJB QL) 91. What is an entity 92. What is entity bean 93. What is entity reference 94. What is error 95. What is Extensible Markup Language 96. What is external entity 96. What is external subset 97. What is fatal error 98. What is filter 99. What is filter chain 100. What is finder method 101. What is form-based authentication
102. What is general entity 103. What is group 104. What is handle 105. What is home handle 107. What is home interface 108. What is HTML 109. What is HTTP 110. What is HTTPS