2014 01
2014 01
2014 01
SPE Technical Directors 2014 Outlook
Better Oshore Risk Analysis
The Industrys Technical Skills Gap
Jan14_JPT_Cover.indd 1 12/17/13 2:44 PM
Petrolink_IFC_jpt.indd 1 12/11/13 11:14 AM
6 Performance Indices
10 Regional Update
12 Company News
14 Presidents Column
24 Technology Applications
30 Technology Update
38 Young Technology Showcase
112 SPE News
113 People
115 Professional Services
119 Advertisers Index
120 SPE Events
Cover: Lockheed Martins first
autonomous underwater vehicle
designedfor the oil and gas industry,
theMarlin Mk1, is deployed for inspection
operations of a fixed leg platform in the
US Gulf of Mexico. Photo courtesy of
Lockheed Martin.
20 Guest editorial reducinG uncertainty
to ensure Future asset PerFormance
With the shift of offshore developments to harsher environments and
deeper water, the traditional method of estimating expected availability
and production performance figures, using extrapolated data from
previous experience, is increasingly insufficient.
44 a lonG-term View From multiPle anGles
SPEs technical directors think the industry needs multidisciplinary,
data-driven ways to adapt to what is ahead, focus on what is critical for
decision making, and take a long view as another generation takes over.
50 robotic roustabouts For tomorrows
subsea Fields
Robotic submarines, capable of operating by themselves thousands
of feet under water for months and perhaps years at a time, are under
development to become the vanguard of tomorrows subsea oil and
56 Kuwait unVeils uPstream oPPortunities
The inaugural SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference in Kuwait
attracted more than 3,000 delegates representing major oil and gas
companies from all over the world.
60 talent & technoloGy taKinG a balanced
aPProach to the technical sKills GaP
The industry continues to face a shortage of skilled workers with 10 to
20 years of experience, which affects staffing for midlevel management
jobs and, subsequently, senior level management positions.
An Official Publication of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Printed in US. Copyright 2014, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Volume 66 Number 1
ContentsJan14.indd 1 12/17/13 2:40 PM
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ContentsJan14.indd 3 12/17/13 2:40 PM
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Failing to properly understand the true
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under a suspended load as a lift in progress.
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TIP No. 25
2013 Halliburton. All rights reserved.
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Georgeann Bilich, Publisher
John Donnelly, Editor
Alex Asfar, Senior Manager Publishing Services
Joel Parshall, Features Editor
Robin Beckwith, Senior Features Editor
Stephen Rassenfoss, Emerging Technology Senior Editor
Abdelghani Henni, Middle East Staff Writer
Adam Wilson, Special Publications Editor
Chris Carpenter, Technology Editor
Trent Jacobs, Technology Writer
Mika Stepankiw, Staff Writer
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ContentsJan14.indd 5 12/17/13 5:06 PM
Algeria 1490 1490 1510 1510 1510 1520
Angola 1790 1840 1855 1890 1770 1790
Ecuador 506 504 516 522 524 531
Iran 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200
Iraq 3075 3075 3175 3075 3100 3100
Kuwait* 2650 2650 2650 2650 2650 2650
Libya 1400 1350 1450 1420 1130 1000
Nigeria 2320 2420 2400 2420 2270 2400
Qatar 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
Saudi Arabia* 9140 9140 9440 9640 9840 10040
UAE 2820 2820 2820 2820 2820 2820
Venezuela 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300
TOTAL 31891 31989 32516 32647 32314 32551
Argentina 534 536 532 541 539 545
Australia 309 328 344 338 356 361
Azerbaijan 903 870 860 870 905 890
Brazil 2017 1853 1923 1993 2101 1974
Canada 3259 3419 3237 3026 3146 3586
China 4146 4164 4174 4174 4245 4043
Colombia 997 1012 1007 1013 974 1020
Denmark 197 193 183 181 169 177
Egypt 547 545 543 541 540 538
Eq. Guinea 303 303 303 303 303 305
Gabon 239 239 238 238 237 245
India 767 777 773 776 778 766
Indonesia 853 866 860 856 834 811
Kazakhstan 1583 1588 1580 1458 1555 1586
Malaysia 552 536 506 511 522 491
Mexico 2595 2555 2557 2548 2559 2522
Norway 1502 1498 1567 1563 1386 1648
Oman 944 934 910 920 948 931
Russia 9990 9995 10002 10018 9955 10052
Sudan 106 112 115 248 336 301
Syria 133 91 71 71 71 71
UK 823 803 812 857 774 787
USA 7133 7160 7335 7323 7270 7487
Vietnam 355 337 359 348 343 318
Yemen 162 140 118 118 118 118
Other 2461 2442 2428 2416 2436 2408
Total 43410 43295 43337 43249 43399 43980
Total World 75301 75284 75853 75896 75713 76531
SPE Bookstore
2013 SPE Membership
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Each year, the Society of Petroleum
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members to benchmark global compensation
trends in the industry. The 2013 SPE
Membership Salary Survey Report is a
sample of self-reported information from
petroleum industry professionals with
responses from a sample of industry
professionals worldwide.
This years participants are based in
100 diferent countries. Their employers are
based in 105 countries, and 46 U.S. states.
The 2013 SPE Membership Salary Survey
Report includes a 45-page Highlight Report
and a Microsoft Excel worksheet containing
the data collected.
Interested in a summary? You have
the option of purchasing the Highlight
Report alone.
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SPEBKS_THV_13MD_Salary_v3.indd 1 12/12/13 1:45 PM
Perf_Indices_Jan.indd 6 12/17/13 2:18 PM
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Big Data!
Jeff Spath, 2014 SPE President
Big data, once only the concern of database geeks or a market-
ing technique among retailers, is now part of our mainstream
consciousness and vocabulary. Big data is having a profound
impact on the upstream E&P industry as well.
What is big data? According to a McKinsey Global Insti-
tute report, big data refers to datasets whose size is beyond
the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store,
manage, and analyze. I like this definition because it does not
require a dataset of any specific size. It allows datasets to increase as technology ad-
vances. This definition also varies to the extent that different industries have different
standards of database and analytic software tools.
To get a feel for just how big data has become, consider recent rates of data
growth. In 2012, disk drives worldwide added 7 exabytes (10
) of new data. Global
data volumes are projected to increase 40% per year, while global information tech-
nology (IT) spend will grow only 5%. Thirty billion pieces of content are shared on
Facebook each month. Or consider that Asia now leads the world in the generation and
storage of personal location data due simply to the number of mobile phonesan es-
timated 800 million in China alone.
How mainstream has big data become? Consider these examples of wide -
High-speed supercomputers statistically analyze massive amounts of data,
enabling scientific breakthroughs such as the gene sequencing of individual
organisms and entire ecosystems.
Coaxing the Higgs boson into a nanosecond of existence required the global
distribution and analysis of roughly 200 petabytes of data.
Or, more familiar to most of us, retail organizations cleverly obtain our
behaviors, preferences, and product perceptions by monitoring our Facebook
and Twitter information.
The combination of massive amounts of data and sophisticated analytics is pro-
foundly affecting a spectrum of industries, and oil and gas is no exception.
Big Data in the Oil Field
The amount of data that our industry acquires, communicates, stores, and analyzes
is exploding exponentially. For example, the growth of land seismic acquisition is one
of the most data-intensive phases of our industry. Channel count has roughly doubled
every 3.5 years since 1970. Together with advances in the acquisition technology
which now measures vector information rather than scalarthe data acquired and
stored in a typical survey has grown from gigabytes to petabytes. Furthermore, the
growing popularity of permanently installed geophones for monitoring fluid fronts,
passive monitoring of carbon capture sequestration sites, and observing microseismic
events during hydraulic fracturing has driven an extraordinary and daunting growth
in seismic data of all forms.
2014 President
Jeff Spath, Schlumberger
2013 President
Egbert Imomoh, Afren
2015 President
Helge Hove Haldorsen, Statoil
Vice President Finance
Janeen Judah, Chevron
Anthony Ogunkoya,
TBFF Upstream Oil and Gas Consulting
Darcy Spady, Sanjel Corporation
Bob Garland, Universal Well Services
Bryant Mueller, Halliburton
Michael Tunstall, Halliburton
Fareed Abdulla, Abu Dhabi Co. Onshore Oil Opn
Carlos Chalbaud, GDF Suez E&P UK
Ron Morris, Roc Oil (Bohai)/Roc Oil (China)
Mike Eberhard, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Andrey Gladkov, Modeltech
Nestor Saavedra, EcopetrolICP
Maurizio Rampoldi, Eni E&P
John Boardman, RISC
Peter Schrenkel, Vision Natural Resources
Tom Walsh, Petrotechnical Resources of Alaska
David Curry, Baker Hughes
Roland Moreau, ExxonMobil Upstream
Research Company
Cindy Reece, ExxonMobil Annuitant
Shauna Noonan, ConocoPhillips
Howard Duhon, Gibson Applied Tech PF&C
Olivier Houz, KAPPA Engineering
Liu Zhenwu, China National Petroleum Corporation
Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Saudi Aramco
To contact the SPE President, email president@spe.org.
Search the Groups Field for Society of PetroleumEngineers.
PresColumnJan.indd 14 12/18/13 7:11 AM
Mew_015_jpt.indd 1 12/17/12 1:13 PM
As a consequence of this data explosion, technology con-
tinues to advance. The industry has developed significant im-
provements in survey design, data compression techniques,
auto-picking algorithms, and intelligent storage schemes. As
an aside, it is worth noting how much value is created by new
technologies that store and analyze what was once considered
noise, revealing even more detail within complex reservoirs.
On the production side of our business, a well-known ex-
ample of big data and associated analytics is the advent of the
smart field or digital oil field. Here, the carefully defined
combination of IT and data acquisition with intelligent pro-
duction engineering analyticsoften including artificial intel-
ligencehas generated a deluge in data. Examples range from
water/oil ratios along intelligent completions to measurements
of methane emissions during hydraulic fracture flowbacks.
To understand the often frustrating amounts of data in-
volved, consider the fact that for each well in a digital oil field
we now measure and storeoften using permanently installed
fiberdifferent flow rates for each phase, various pressures
and temperatures at the wellhead, as well as electrical submers-
ible pump parameters, environmental data, and power usage.
As a result, smart engineers now apply sophisticated algorithms
and powerful software tools to enhance decision making and re-
duce cycle time, and to optimize productivity, return on invest-
ment, and net present value, thus reducing the need for skilled
on-site personnel.
Big data combined with smart people and smart software is
proving to be very powerful.
Whats Next?
The rate and volume of growth in data generation and usage will
continue to increase in our industry over time.
In thinking about recent trends, it is apparent that the
value of taking many more measurements is increasing rapid-
ly. Take the drilling domain, for example. From high-telemetry
logging-while-drilling or measurement-while-drilling measure-
ments to the many parameters required for automated or as-
sisted drilling on the rig floor, the amount and the rate of drill-
ing data being acquired, stored, transmitted, and interpreted is
increasing dramatically every year. And as we are asked by reg-
ulators and the public to monitor our operations more closely,
big data will only get bigger.
In each case, growth in data alone is not useful. While gen-
erating insights from more data is always important, action-
ability is the hallmark of big data, through data analytics and
old-fashioned smart petroleum engineering. The next wave of
technology innovation in our industry and the next level of un-
derstanding our reservoirs will depend on our ability to inte-
grate diverse data, measurements, and domains. This implies,
of course, that our young professionals will require additional
skillsets to succeed.
SPE Activity in Big Data
With the growth in E&P applications of big data SPE has recog-
nized that members need to collaborate on these new issues and
to learn how to leverage the many opportunities provided. The
first SPE Intelligent Energy conference was held in 2001 and
since 2008 we have held seven conferences, 12 workshops, and
one forum, dealing with intelligent energy and digital oil fields.
A quick search in OnePetro shows more than 6,500 papers
on the subject. As part of the new SPE strategy to create life-
long learning and fast-track young professionals, the topic will
become more prevalent in all our meetings, whether it is the
main topic or the catalyst behind the next big discovery.
Each month, I post my JPT column topic on the SPE
LinkedIn group for comment and conversation. I invite you
all to join in this discussion and look forward to hearing
Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., et al. 2011. Big data: The
next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity.
McKinsey Global Institute. http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/
Tenure-Track Position
The Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
in the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of
Calgary invites applications for a position with expertise in
the following areas:
Computational Thermodynamics,
and Energy & Environment Applications
Tenure-track Assistant Professor Position
The successful candidates will establish a strong research
program, supervise graduate students, teach a range of
undergraduate and graduate courses and attract external
funding to support research activities.
Applicants must possess a PhD in Chemical or Petroleum
Engineering, or related elds or be within 6 months of their
doctoral thesis defense and be eligible for registration as a
professional engineer with the Association of Professional
Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta.
For full posting details, please visit:
The review of applications will begin February 15, 2014,
and continue until the position is lled.
All qualied candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens
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Calgary respects, appreciates and encourages diversity.
PresColumnJan.indd 16 12/17/13 3:03 PM
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2014 Outlook
John Donnelly, JPT Editor
Signs point to sustained strong oil prices this year, levels that
will continue to support upstream unconventional projects in
North America and elsewhere.
North Sea Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude
oil, the worlds two key benchmark prices, averaged around
USD 108/bbl and USD 97/bbl, respectively, in 2013. And most
price forecasts for 2014, which began emerging from ana-
lysts and investment houses in the fourth quarter, predict similar price levels in the
new year. The wild card in that scenario, however, is the growth of non-OPEC sup-
ply and production levels from Libya and Iraq, which are difficult to anticipate. North
American supply is expected to continue its upward swing, and significant increases in
Kazakhstan are also forecast. Commercial production at Kashagan, Kazakhstans giant
Caspian Sea oil field, is expected to begin in the first half of the year. The field was dis-
covered in 2000, one of the largest finds in decades, but development has faced rising
costs and numerous delays.
US crude oil production is expected to rise again this year. The US Energy Infor-
mation Administration (EIA) says US crude output averaged 7.5 million BOPD in 2013
and will average 8.5 million BOPD in 2014. When US production hit 8 million BOPD in
November, it was the highest monthly output level since 1988. The EIA believes that
growth shows no signs of stopping, with US crude production forecast to come to a
high of 9.6 million BOPD in 2016, a level not seen since 1970.
The EIA sees non-OPEC production growing from 54.2 million BOPD in 2013 to
55.9 million BOPD this year. Most of the non-OPEC production growth will be from
US onshore tight oil formations and Canadian oil sands, with smaller increases from
Africa, South America, and Asia. That will continue to put pressure on OPEC, which
has watched its market share erode recently. OPEC countries are expected to produce
29.4 million BOPD this year, compared with an average of 30.3 million BOPD in 2013.
Oil prices are notoriously hard to predict. Some of the same analysts who fore-
casts strong prices this year predicted a sharp drop in oil prices in 2013, something
that never happened. Nevertheless, there seems to be a consensus that Brent and WTI
will remain near their current levels in the new year.
A survey of price forecasters published by Petroleum Intelligence Weekly in
December showed most analysts seeing Brent in a USD 100-110/bbl range for the
near year, and WTI at around USD 90-100/bbl. The survey of 10 analysts at consult-
ing groups and investment banks shows Brent crude averaging USD 106/bbl for 2014,
while the average for WTI is USD 97/bbl. Forecasters were optimistic that Libyan
output would recover after months of disruption, and that a strengthening global
economy would help absorb oil supply growth. JPT
Syed AliChairperson, Technical Advisor,
Francisco J. Alhanati, Director, Exploration
& Production, C-FER Technologies
William Bailey, Principal Reservoir Engineer,
Ian G. Ball, Technical Director, Intecsea (UK) Ltd
Luciane Bonet, Senior Reservoir Engineer, Petrobras
America Inc.
Robert B. Carpenter, Sr. Advisor Cementing,
Chevron Corp.
Simon Chipperfield, Team Leader Central Gas Team/
Gas Exploitation, Eastern Australia Development,
Alex Crabtree, Senior Advisor, Hess Corporation
Jose C. Cunha, Drilling Manager, Ecopetrol America
Alexandre Emerick, Reservoir Engineer,
Petrobras Research Center
Niall Fleming, Leading Advisor Well Productivity
& Stimulation, Statoil
Ted Frankiewicz, Engineering Advisor, SPEC Services
Emmanuel Garland, Special Advisor to the
HSE Vice President, Total
Reid Grigg, Senior Engineer/Section Head, Gas
Flooding Processes and Flow Heterogeneities, New
Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center
Omer M. Gurpinar, Technical Director, Enhanced Oil
Recovery, Schlumberger
A.G. Guzman-Garcia, Engineer Advisor,
ExxonMobil (retired)
Robert Harrison, Global Business Leader,
Reserves & Asset Evaluation, Senergy
Delores J. Hinkle, Director, Corporate Reserves,
Marathon Oil (retired)
John Hudson, Senior Production Engineer Shell
Morten Iversen, Completion Team Leader, BG Group
Leonard Kalfayan, Global Production Engineering
Advisor, Hess Corporation
Tom Kelly, Systems Engineering, FMC Technologies
Gerd Kleemeyer, Head Integrated Geophysical
Services, Shell Global Solutions International BV
Jesse C. Lee, Chemistry Technology Manager,
Casey McDonough, Drilling Engineer,
Chesapeake Energy
Cam Matthews, Director, New Technology Ventures,
C-FER Technologies
Badrul H Mohamed Jan, Lecturer/Researcher,
University of Malaya
Lee Morgenthaler, Principal Technical Expert,
Chemical Production Enhancement, Shell
Alvaro F. Negrao, Senior Drilling Advisor,
Woodside Energy (USA)
Shauna G. Noonan, Staff Production Engineer,
Karen E. Olson, Completion Expert,
Southwestern Energy
Michael L. Payne, Senior Advisor, BP plc
Mauricio P. Rebelo, Technical Services Manager,
Petrobras America
Jon Ruszka, Drilling Manager, Baker Hughes
(Africa Region)
Martin Rylance, Senior Advisor and Engineering
Manager Fracturing & Stimulation,
GWO Completions Engineering
Jacques B. Salies, Drilling Manager,
Queiroz Galvo E&P
Otto L. Santos, Snior Consultor, Petrobras
Luigi A. Saputelli, Senior Production Modeling
Advisor, Hess Corporation
Sally A. Thomas, Principal Engineer, Production
Technology, ConocoPhillips
Win Thornton, Global Projects Organization, BP plc
Erik Vikane, Manager Petroleum Technology, Statoil
Xiuli Wang, Vice President and Chief Technology
Officer, XGas
Mike Weatherl, Drilling Advisor, Hess Norge AS
Rodney Wetzel, Team Lead, SandFace Completions,
Chevron ETC
Scott Wilson, Senior Vice President,
Ryder Scott Company
Jonathan Wylde, Global Head Technology,
Clariant Oil Services
Pat York, Global Director, Well Engineering & Project
Management, Weatherford International
To contact JPTs editor, email jdonnelly@spe.org.
CommentsJan.indd 18 12/17/13 2:29 PM
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Frank Ketelaars
is head of UK
Advisory Services
at DNV with overall
responsibility for
its advisory units in
London, Manchester,
and Aberdeen. He
began his career at Shell International
in 1989. Later, he worked for 10 years
for Jardine and Associates, specializing
in asset performance and availability
analysis covering upstream, midstream,
and downstream assets. Ketelaars
joined DNV as part of the companys
acquisition of Jardine in 2005, and has
worked as head of the DNV advisory unit
in London since 2008, responsible for
advisory activities covering safety, and
environmental and asset risk.
Over the past 5 to 10 years, there has been an increasing focus in the offshore oil and
gas industry on predicting and quantifying an assets expected production perfor-
mance. This performance risk has always been considered one of the key risk fac-
tors for an offshore development, in addition to subsurface, economic, safety, and
environmental risks. However, with the shift of offshore developments to harsh-
er environments and deeper water, the traditional method of estimating expected
availability and production performance figures, using extrapolated data from pre-
vious experience, is increasingly considered insufficient.
With increased investment required for some of the ambitious new offshore
developments (floating liquefied natural gas [FLNG], Arctic, and ultradeep develop-
ments), there is growing pressure to address any risk to the bottom line and under-
stand how the impact of changing environments and operating conditions will affect
economic return and expected revenue. As a result, most operators are now adopt-
ing more robust methodologies, such as using simulation technology tools, to evalu-
ate and predict expected performance.
Several key areas in the offshore industry illustrate where these new produc-
tion risk factors are especially relevant.
The subsea industry, in particular, continues to undergo rapid transformation
as it seeks to exploit untapped reserves. Subsea fields exploited since the late 1990s
in the North Sea, US Gulf of Mexico (GOM), and offshore Brazil are now considered
areas using proven technology and their performance is well understood. Howev-
er, pushing subsea developments into ultradeep locations does result in addition-
al performance risk. The 2010 Macondo accident in the GOM clearly showed that
the potential impact and escalation of subsea failures or incidents can be dramati-
cally increased because of high water depths. The ultradeep environment will affect
potential diagnostics options (Is there a leak? Where is it coming from?), and miti-
gation and repair options (What intervention activities are possible? Which vessels
are available at short notice?). A relatively minor failure, which could have been
addressed quickly by divers or remotely operated vehicles in shallower waters, can
potentially result in long well or even field outages. In addition, public scrutiny
concerning any potential environmental impact would make it likely that opera-
tors would now opt for conservative decisions (e.g., a shutdown) in the event of any
uncertainty about potential subsea leaks or failures.
The global drive to harsher environments, including West of Shetlands and
Arctic locations, introduces its own set of uncertainties and risk to asset perfor-
mance. Experience on fields such as the Schiehallion or West of Shetlands, has
shown that the impact of the harsh environment is significant, both in operation
of floating production facilities and access to the subsea wells. For example, any
well or subsea intervention during the winter season will result in significant addi-
tional intervention durations, increased operating expense, and long well outages.
For such locations, an analysis and understanding of expected metocean conditions
and their effect on operations is key to understanding production performance. For
Arctic developments, there is the additional problem of access to facilities during
Reducing Uncertainty to Ensure
Future Asset Performance
Frank Ketelaars, Head of UK Advisory Services, DNV
GuestEdJan.indd 20 12/17/13 2:28 PM
PetroChina Changqing beats previous-best
horizontal well production by more than 50%.
PetroChina Changqing used Mangrove* workow in the Petrel* E&P software platform to capture the
complexities of the Ordos basin. The engineered fracturing design helped improve reservoir-to-wellbore
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Read the case study at
Schlum_021_jpt.indd 1 12/11/13 2:53 PM
periods with ice and the impact of Arctic
conditions on maintenance activities.
Another major development for
the offshore industry in the past few
years is the option to consider FLNG
plants for large stranded gas reserves.
Many operators are currently consid-
ering FLNG options for some of their
biggest investments. The potential risk
of taking a complex LNG facility to an
offshore operating environment is sig-
nificant. There are uncertainties as to
how LNG-specific equipment will oper-
ate under offshore conditions and wave
motion, how reliable the LNG offloading
operations will be, and how major main-
tenance activities will be executed for a
complex facility with less access to per-
sonnel due to bedding constraints.
A recognition of the importance of
these risks is apparent by the decision of
some operators, during the design com-
petition for the Masela and Tupi fields,
to consider FLNG production risk a key
performance parameter when compar-
ing designs during the front-end engi-
neering design competition for FLNG
developments (in addition to compari-
son of overall capital expenditure and
safety risk).
A final area in which future produc-
tion performance risk is a major issue is
the aging facilities in mature offshore
provinces, such as the North Sea and
GOM, where lifetime extension projects
are being considered. For these facilities,
production is extended beyond origi-
nal design life and there will be future
downtime associated with additional
maintenance requirements, both pre-
ventive and corrective. In many cases,
and as an added risk factor, these facili-
ties will have changed ownership, intro-
ducing new operators and operations
personnel to the facility and potentially
losing some historical operational expe-
rience. These factors pose a tough chal-
lenge to maintaining strong production
performance, while minimizing operat-
ing costs, without jeopardizing the safe-
ty and integrity of the asset. For these
types of projects, a clear framework for
assessing future performance against
best-in-class performance and identify-
ing the potential main bad actors at an
early stage is essential.
The additional complexity in the
operation of offshore assets demands
more accurate and sophisticated tools
and methodologies for assessing poten-
tial performance. These methodologies,
combined with a thorough understand-
ing and qualification of the new technol-
ogies employed, will ensure that future
asset owners and investors can define
a better picture of future performance.
The developed performance models will
also provide a clear auditable frame-
work, clearly showing the links between
input data assumptions (on reliability,
operability, environmental conditions,
etc.) and bottom-line performance. In
addition, these models allow testing of
alternative scenarios to mitigate identi-
fied potential production loss. It is not
surprising that for many operators such
performance prediction tools are now
mandatory requirements as part of the
project decision gate processes.
By making potential risks more
transparent to all stakeholders, the con-
sistent implementation of better per-
formance risk analysis should assist the
industry in raising awareness of the crit-
ical improvements that are required to
push forward into new territory.JPT
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GuestEdJan.indd 22 12/18/13 7:10 AM
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Compact Bit
Ulterra has introduced its line of FastBack
high-rate-of-penetration polycrystalline-
diamond-compact (PDC) bits. FastBack-
designed bits use a unique blade config-
uration that supports the cutters with
a smaller-than-usual profile that elimi-
nates wasted energy needed for pushing
larger blades, thereby focusing all energy
on the diamond cutting surfaces (Fig. 1).
This efficiency improvement resulted in a
56.8% drilling-speed increase in a Marcel-
lus well. The FastBacks new blade design
is made possible by advanced surface
coatings, which provide maximum ero-
sion control without sacrificing strength.
Additionally, the FastBacks smaller blade
configuration opens up the junk-slot area
for optimal hydraulics and enhanced cut-
tings evacuation.
For additional information, visit
Tagged Inhibitor
Operators are seeking ways to address
scale-inhibitor monitoring on- and off-
shore to better manage treatments.
Determining the minimum inhibitor con-
centration quickly and precisely is criti-
cal to effectively manage the required
shutdowns and scheduling for offshore
squeeze treatments. In response to this
need, Kemira has introduced its Kem-
Guard 2490 phosphorous-tagged inhibi-
tor and its KemGuard 2420 fluorescent-
tagged inhibitor, both of which can be
monitored quickly and accurately down
to single-ppm levels (Fig. 2). The tagged
inhibitors can be quantified in the pres-
ence of one another to monitor multiple
wells from a single production stream
at a collection platform or field battery.
The tags are manufactured into the poly-
mer structure so that both the tag and
the polymer stay together as the poly-
mer moves through the reservoir in the
case of squeeze jobs or through produc-
tion equipment for onshore treatments.
The tagged inhibitors have proved effec-
tive for inhibition of sulfate scales under
a wide range of oilfield brine conditions.
For additional information, visit
Wireless Downhole
Testing System
Schlumberger has introduced the Quar-
tet downhole-reservoir-testing sys-
tem enabled by Muzic wireless telem-
etry, which provides data in real time
for validation so that critical informa-
tion is available to meet well-test objec-
tives. The Quartet system uses wireless
bidirectional communication to provide
downhole tool status and pressure and
temperature data, allowing test-design
modifications and test-data validation
while reservoir testing is taking place
(Fig. 3). The system also enhances test-
ing efficiency by enabling the isolation,
control, measurement, and sampling
of the reservoir in a single run. Field
tests using the Quartet system with wire-
less telemetry have been run in Egypt,
Indonesia, Qatar, Brazil, and Angola in
environments ranging from onshore
to deep water. A total of 22 reservoir
Chris Carpenter, JPT Technology Editor
Fig. 1Ulterras FastBack PDC bit. Fig. 2A test for residuals by use of Kemiras tagged inhibitors.
TechAppsJan.indd 24 12/17/13 2:33 PM
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NOV_047_jpt.indd 1 12/12/13 9:38 AM
goes into engineering decisions. His work as a facilities
engineer offers regular reminders that in this objective
profession, with precise formulas used to define what
needs to be done, there is a human element that adds a
Duhons interest in the messy process of how
decisions really are made led to his first involvement in
SPE committees. He began his study of decision making
with objective systems, such as decision trees and linear
programming. Over time Duhon has focused more on the
social and psychological aspects of how decisions are made
One goal is to make project managers aware of decisions
they do not even notice they are making. The invisible two-
thirds of the iceberg is decision making, Duhonsaid.
There are explicit decisionswhen you choose what
type of compressor to installwhere it is clear you are
making decisions, he said. But most of our decisions are
tacitmost do not realize they are making a decision when
they do an analysis just like they did it on the last project.
SPE Technical Director, Health, Safety, Security,
Environment, and Social Responsibility
In Process
The SPE Board of Directors is considering ways to focus more
on process safety. The challenge in that is deciding which
processes merit close attention.
Moreau, who has been an
advocate for a greater focus
on process safety, likened the
challenge to consuming a
pie: We cannot eat it all at
one time. We need to break
it intochunks.
To gather input,
Moreau used SPE Connect
to ask members to share their
process safety concerns and he
received responses from around the globe. They suggested
issues from safely integrating large systems to planning for
how to properly execute an emergency shutdown. The goal is
to choose the initiatives and programs that improve how the
industry analyzes its operations to identify and reduce risks.
The push to expand process safety efforts comes at
a busy time in this discipline. An SPE summit in March will
consider how best to calculate worst-case discharge from
offshore wells. United States regulators asked SPE to take a
second look at the issue, which its members first considered
in the wake of the Macondo disaster in the US Gulf of Mexico.
Those general guidelines have guided operators
preparing the estimates that must be submitted in permit
applications for drilling in the US Gulf of Mexico. The US
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management asked for a second,
more detailed look, because it was concerned about the wide
variations in some worst-case dischargeestimates.
An SPE subcommittee is working on a more specific
estimation method to calculate the size of a worst-case oil
discharge using probabilistic analysis. The goal is an SPE-
recommended methoda formula plus examples for how it
can be applied in different circumstances. A proposal under
development will be reviewed by an invitation-only group of
experts from industry, academia, and regulators.
Growing use of chemicals for exploration and
production led to plans for a workshop on chemical risks
this year. Proper chemical management is a challenge for
some companies in the industry, particularly those without
specialized professionals on staff.
A July 2012 SPE summit looking at human factors
in operational safety will yield a white paper. Moreau said
there is also interest in starting a human factors technical
section. And he is looking for member input for HSE Now, the
SPE online periodical for what is new, interesting, and on the
minds of professionals in the field.
SPE Technical Director, Management and Information
The Other Crew Change
To explain why she is concerned about the future of petroleum
engineering education, Reece starts with a simple chart. It
shows that the number of petroleum engineers expected to
graduate in the next couple years is near the peak reached in
the early 1980s when the industry was booming.
The problem in that good news is that in between
thehighs then and now is a deep U-shaped valley. The
chart,based on an annual survey by Lloyd Heinze, a
petroleum engineering professor at Texas Tech University,
shows the number of petroleum engineering graduations
falling rapidly after the oil boom ended and oil companies
begancutting jobs. The curve turned steeply up in 2005
when companies began hiring large number of engineers
to prepare for the big crew change, as many key workers
near retirement. Colleges, which
downsized during lean times,
have been unable hire teachers
fast enough to keep up with
rising enrollments. The
number of students per
faculty members jumped
from less than 15:1 in 1993
to near 55:1 in 2013.
This shift has put a
heavy load on the professors,
TechDirectors.indd 48 12/17/13 2:36 PM
many of whom are nearing retirement age. More than
two-thirds of petroleum engineering faculty members in
theUS universities surveyed are older than 50, and 37%
of them are past age 60. While similar statistics are not
available outside the US, academics from other countries at
a recent SPE forum on the future of petroleum engineering
education, said they face similar problems, Reece said.
SPEs Board recently recognized the critical nature
ofthis issue when it made attracting, developing, and
retaining petroleum engineering faculty a strategic
initiative. To support this effort, the organization committed
USD600,000 a year to recognize faculty who use innovative
teaching techniques and those who are successful at
attracting people into an academic career. The program also
helps new faculty members establish research programs.
It is a positive step, but Reece said the problem is
far larger. There is a wide pay gap between academia and
industrya petroleum engineer with a bachelors degree can
often earn more than an assistant professor with a PhD
which steers students away from seeking advanced degrees
and entering academia.
Another area of need is industry support for young
academics so they can do the research needed to publish
papers. Overcrowded laboratories need to be expanded and
updated with the latest equipment.
What we are finding is that the issues are so complex,
no one company or no one university has the ability to
really solve them, Reece said. It will require collaboration
among academia, which SPE is working to facilitate. SPEs
role is topromote programs that address specific issues
and facilitate collaboration to spread the use of good ideas,
One promising possibility is a cooperative program
among universities to open up wider access to classes and
equipment among students in participating institutions.
Another would be to have petroleum engineering experts
loaned by companies to teach in their area of expertise.
Other ideas include creating online networks that
promote sharing of course-related material, and using
advanced communications to allow students at one school to
remotely use automated laboratory equipment elsewhere.
Regional pilot programs in Nigeria and the northeastern
US are currently under way to better understand regional
differences, because the problems vary, as will likely
solutions. Reece said, It is not going to be one thing. It will
be a lot of things.JPT
4 6 MARCH 2014
TechDirectors.indd 49 12/17/13 2:36 PM
obotic submarines, capable of operating by themselves
thousands of feet underwater for months or perhaps years
at a time, are under development as the vanguard of tomorrows
subsea oil and gas fields. This development comes as the off-
shore oil and gas industry moves into ever-deeper waters and
remote areas of the world, where installing a floating produc-
tion facility is either economically unjustifiable or infeasible.
The industrys solution is to install production equip-
ment on the seafloor, where someone, or something, must
keep a close eye on all of it. That something is likely to be what
are known as field resident autonomous underwater vehicles
(AUVs). Nonresident AUVs have already paved the way by prov-
ing they can carry out detailed inspections of platforms and
pipelines in some cases four times faster than a human-piloted
remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Two of the leading companies
in the resident AUV business, Lockheed Martin and Saab Sea-
eye, are blending proven military technology with new software
and hardware optimized for the offshore industry. Their emerg-
ing systems represent a new breed of subsea robots that will be
capable of much more than earlier generations of autonomous
systems. As their capabilities are realized, resident AUVs will
eventually be assigned many of the same tasks that ROVs are
carrying out today.
To achieve that end, offshore operators are working with
manufacturers to identify how best to fully deploy this emerg-
ing technology. Much of the groundwork is being laid through
DeepStar, a research and development consortium that counts
11 operating companies as members. We are already using
AUVs for certain functions on a sporadic basis, but were try-
ing to understand, as operators, what else this technology can
do reliably, said Greg Kusinski, DeepStar director and Chevron
senior advisor to DeepStar.
DeepStars primary goal is to accelerate the development
and adoption of AUV technology by drafting interface stan-
dards, similar to the standards already developed for ROVs.
Among the interface issues yet to be resolved is how resident
AUVs will connect to life support systems in a subsea field.
Because resident AUVs will have to remain submerged for
months to possibly years at a time, the docking station is a criti-
cal piece of equipment that will charge up the AUV and upload
its data to the operators server by a subsea Internetconnection.
Once the particulars of the docking station are under-
stood, Kusinski said careful consideration must be given to
other issues, such as where to place it among the subsea infra-
structure. There are a lot of questions of that nature, he said.
As responsible operators, we are addressing these issues in a
very systematic and methodical manner. I dont think anyone
is interested in putting a bunch of them down there and just
seeing what happens. DeepStar expects to conclude its AUV
study on interfaces in about a year and will deliver its recom-
mended best practices to the American Petroleum Institute
for review.
for Tomorrows Subsea Fields
Trent Jacobs, JPT Technology Writer
The Marlin Mk3 is an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) under development for the deepwater oil and gas industry.
Equipped with several sensors and tools (not shown), the AUV is designed to carry out inspections and intervention
operations of subsea equipment and infrastructure. Illustration courtesy of Lockheed Martin.
Submarine.indd 50 12/17/13 2:17 PM
Resident Capabilities
Although AUVs have been used by the offshore industry for years,
they have had very limited application until recently. One subset
of AUVs called underwater gliders travel thousands of miles
across the worlds oceans collecting oceanographic data for sci-
entific research, but are not applicable to the deepwater environ-
ment. Torpedo-shaped AUVs can zip through the water at high
speeds while conducting ultrahigh-resolution seismic surveying
and mapping; however, they lack the maneuverability to conduct
the close inspection, sensor replacement, and valve operations a
subsea production facility would demand. Human-piloted ROVs
are not the answer either as they were designed to stay underwa-
ter for only hours at a time, not days, weeks, or months.
A resident AUV must be able to hover in place or move in
any direction. It must also have an onboard collision avoid-
ance system that will prevent it from striking environmental
hazards or production systems on the seafloor. We have stan-
dardized what kind of forces and momentum an ROV can carry
into infrastructure from an impact perspective, Kusinski said.
Now we are thinking about that from an AUV perspective, and
since they are smaller, we could potentially allow them to trav-
el faster. ROVs are restricted in terms of speed for other rea-
sons too. A typical ROV must move as slow as half a knot (kn) to
properly manage its tether system and allow the surface vessel
to follow it from location to location, whereas a resident AUV
moves as fast as 6 kn because it works independently.
And unlike a work-class ROV, to deploy an AUV, operators
do not need to contract a dynamically positioned support ves-
sel. Day rates for this type of vessel, which in many cases are at
least 300 ft in length and house up to 100 crew members, run
as high as USD 250,000. Large vessels are needed because an
ROV comes with a large equipment spread that includes a tether
management system, winches, a control van, and replacement
parts that together can weigh up to 90 tons. In contrast, an AUV
can be launched and recovered from a significantly smaller ves-
sel because it comes with a small amount of supporting equip-
ment and without a tether, dynamic positioning is not needed.
Additionally, work-class ROVs require an onboard team
of pilots and technicians to operate the vehicles and repair
them when they break down. In contrast, when an AUV hits the
water, it begins its mission without the need for human inter-
action until it resurfaces. Customized operations can be pre-
programmed into the AUV telling it what to do in certain situa-
tions and new commands can be uploaded to its software while
submerged. Another important distinction is that AUVs are less
prone to mechanical failure because they have fewer moving
parts than an ROV and no hydraulic systems.
With these advantages in mind, AUV makers are hoping
that in the not-too-distant future, oil and gas companies will
not only see AUVs as more competitive than ROVs, but also as
a required asset for life-of-field operations. Field operators
have very high standards, John Jacobson, senior program man-
ager at Lockheed Martin, said. The infrastructure is extreme-
ly expensive and it is carrying product. So as we work toward
these capabilities, we have to keep in mind the standards that
operators will put upon the AUV in terms of performance, reli-
ability, and navigation.
Deepwater AUV
Lockheed Martin is applying AUV technology that it originally
developed for military applications to now meet the needs of
the deepwater oil and gas market. The companys latest devel-
opment is a deepwater AUV called the Marlin Mk3, which is
Detailed 3D-rendered models of subsea structures,
used for decommissioning surveys and post-hurricane
inspections, can be completed in less than an hour using
an AUV. Image courtesy of Lockheed Martin.
The Sabertooth AUV is capable of remaining inside a
protective docking station for more than 6 months at a
time without maintenance. Image courtesy of Saab Seaeye.
Submarine.indd 51 12/17/13 2:18 PM
capable of operating at depths of up to 13,100 ft (4000 m) for
up to 33 hours on a single battery charge. Based on a field-tested
model engineered for shallower depths, the deepwater Marlin is
in its late-stage design phase. The future vision of the program
is to develop a highly functional resident system that operators
can rely upon for inspection and light intervention work.
To guide its way through the dark depths, the Marlin
employs several navigation systems, including an inertial mea-
surement unit coupled with Doppler sonar. We enhance that
using other features, including terrain- and feature-based nav-
igation, Dan McLeod, deputy director of offshore systems
and sensors at Lockheed Martin, said. The Marlins software
enables it to identify not only seabed hazards, such as boulders
or steep inclines, but also specific equipment, such as mani-
folds and subsea trees. Once georegistered, the AUV will never
forget the location of the equipment, or the features of the
In order to withstand the pressures of the ultradeep, the
latest Marlin will have stronger pressure vessels to protect its
electronic and mechanical systems. To achieve buoyancy, the
deepwater AUV will use a denser form of the synthetic flotation
material used in the earlier models. As a result, the 17-ft-long
deepwater Marlin is more than twice the length and weight of
the first generation AUV designed to operate at a maximum
depth of only 1,000 ft (304 m). By necessity, McLeod said,
deeper vehicles get larger and heavier.
Another key difference between the earlier version and the
deepwater model is that it will be equipped with interchange-
able payload modules. Lockheed Martin believes that a modu-
lar design provides the ability to tailor the AUV with regard to
how much endurance vs. sensor capacity each mission calls for.
On one mission, you might need more battery and less work
payload, and on another mission, you may need less battery
and more payload, Jacobson said. And were anticipating that
you are going to want to change things out, that you are going to
want to take on the latest sensors.
Change Detection
Among the modular systems that Lockheed Martin is planning
on equipping the Marlin with is a 3D laser scanner. Current 3D
imaging is done using sonar; however, even the latest sonar
technology is limited by the physics of sound and only capable
of resolutions with about 5 cm of detail. Using a laser, you are
seeing 5-mm sorts of resolution, so it is about an order of mag-
nitude improved, Jacobson said. With this level of precision,
the AUV is capable of measuring the exact dimensions of subsea
equipment, comparing the measurement data with a baseline
3D model stored in its internal memory, and then detecting any
changes, or damage, between the two.
Over time, the AUV builds up an inspection inventory that
it will use to detect subtle changes that may go unnoticed using
conventional inspection technology. Today, ROV companies
pay operators to sit and stare at screens for hours and hours on
end, Jacobson said. That is a lot of manpower and those people
get tired, and when people get tired, they miss things. The AUV,
he added, does not get tired, nor does it require a crewchange.
While carrying out an autonomous inspection, the Marlin
will use its high-definition video and still cameras, along with
sonar or laser sensors, to record images of the systems and
structures it is checking on. What it is doing at the same time
is detecting changes and flagging the operator, Jacobson said.
Preset commands tell the AUV that when it detects a change,
however small or large, to investigate the problem further by
getting closer to take photos, video, and detailed scans from
The Marlin Mk3 uses a suite of navigation and mapping systems to simultaneously pinpoint its location while mapping
the surrounding area with great detail. Image courtesy of Lockheed Martin.
Submarine.indd 52 12/17/13 2:18 PM
multiple angles. There might be 2 days of video, but does the
operator have to watch 2 days of video to be cued up to what the
significant issues are? Not necessarily, he said. With the auto-
matic flagging system, inspection engineers can skip over the
innocuous and fast forward to where the problems have already
been identified by the AUVs software.
In 2011, Lockheed Martin and Chevron completed a series
of demonstrations in the Gulf of Mexico of the shallow-water
Marlins change detection software. Then in 2012, Chevron
field-tested Lockheed Martins real-time 3D georeference mod-
el-building software, again with the shallow-water Marlin,
to inspect 14 offshore sites in the Gulf of Mexico, including
11 standing structures. Over the course of the 2-week opera-
tion, the AUV was in the water for a total of 62 hr and covered
nearly 76 miles in depths up to 125 ft (38 m). It took less than
a day to download the data and generate 3D models of each of
The Marlins change detection technology is also designed
to monitor flowlines and pipelines that may have moved or
become suspended across subsea berms. When production is
starting up or shutting down, the temperature in the pipeline
changes quickly. This can cause a thermal expansion or con-
traction of the pipes materials, which can then force entire sec-
tions to move out of place. This phenomenon, known as walk-
ing, can contribute to fatigue and serious failures at tiebacks
and riserhookups.
Light Intervention
Like the Marlin, the underlying technology inside Saab Seaeyes
Sabertooth AUV is military born, originally conceived for hunt-
ing explosive mines and designed to carry a payload of sensors
including cameras and sonar. The technology inside the Saber-
tooth was field proven, not in the deep waters of the US Gulf of
Mexico or offshore Brazil, but high in the Rocky Mountains of
Colorado. In 2011, Hibbard Inshore, an ROV company specializ-
ing in underwater industrial inspections, deployed the military
version of the AUV in a 9-mile (15 km) water transportation tun-
nel used to supply water to a hydroelectric dam. Using the AUV,
the customer incurred zero loss in revenue. Traditionally, this
operation was very expensive and difficult, because you had
to drain the tunnels and that costs a fortune, Jan Siesj, chief
engineer at Saab Seaeye, said.
The Sabertooth has an excursion range of about 25 miles
(40 km) and can be depth rated up to 9,842 ft (3000 m) for
deepwater operations. Subsea equipment maker Aker Solutions
has partnered with Saab to fully integrate the technology with
its subsea production systems. Aker has also completed design
studies for a subsea control module for the Sabertooths dock-
ing station at which the AUV can power up and upload data in
between missions.
By geotagging each aspect of the inspection and using feature-based navigation, AUVs such as the Marlin are able
todetect changes much quicker and more dependably than conventional visual inspections that rely on humans.
Image courtesy of Lockheed Martin.
Payload Capacity
Wet Weight350 lb (160 kg)
Volume20 ft
(0.57 m
Power4 kw peak
Endurance 33 hr (mission dependent)
Speed 05 kn
Range 100 nmi (185 km)
Depth Rating 13,124 ft (4,000 m)
17 ft (5.2 m)
3 ft (0.9 m)
4 ft (1.4 m)
Weight in Air 5,500 lb (2,500 kg)
Submarine.indd 53 12/17/13 2:18 PM
One of the misconceptions that engineers are trying to put
to rest is that AUVs are unequipped to operate the controls on
a subsea system, which involves using a manipulator arm or a
torque tool to turn various sockets and valves. The Sabertooth
is among the first commercially available resident AUVs capa-
ble of these operations, termed light intervention. People think
they need hydraulic power, Siesj said regarding an AUVs abil-
ity to operate valves. You can actually do it just as well with a
small electrical tool, but you need a vehicle with a high degree
of maneuverability so you can be oriented to where you want to
put the tool.
With this need in mind, the Sabertooth was designed to be
very nimble, so that it can swim inside manifolds and under-
neath equipment for close inspection. Its thrusters and buoyant
design allow it to pivot 360 on its axis and maintain its posi-
tion at any angle, which means it can work facing straight up
or straight down. Although the vehicle was designed to oper-
ate independent of human controllers, it is a hybrid system. If
the vehicle is connected using a tether or radio link, it may be
manually operated. When used as a resident system, the Saber-
tooth recharges itself in a protective docking station where the
AUV can begin uploading sensor data, video, and sampling data
to onshore using an Ethernet connection. Using a hydrophone,
the Sabertooth is even able to listen for oil or gas leaks. If a leak
is detected, the AUV can take up to four environmental samples
and send the resulting analytic data back to the operator.
Several operating companies have shown interest in the
Sabertooth, including Chevron, which sponsored a project in
late 2012 to demonstrate the AUVs data harvesting capabilities.
During the tests, the AUV retrieved data wirelessly from a sub-
sea sensor and then physically connected to the sensor to trans-
fer data through a hard link.
The test determined the useful range of an aftermar-
ket communication system and was carried out under both
lake and open sea conditions. In another study, completed for
Exxon Mobil, the AUVs reliability as a backup solution should
an emergency occur in a remote subsea area, such as the Arctic
where most support vessels are unsuited to operate during the
winter months. If you are in the Arctic and it is frozen all over,
Siesj said, when something happens, you need to be able to
go out to find out what it was and possibly turn a valve to shut
something down. In Arctic scenarios, AUVs such as the Saber-
tooth could serve as early warning systems for the particular-
ly real threat of ice scouring and could alert operators quickly
about oil or gas leaks, or even shut in production. If the AUV is
unequipped to remedy the problem right away, you will always
be in a situation where you will gain time, whether it be hours
or days if you have something already there in the field that can
go out and investigate for you, Siesj said.
Last year, the Sabertooth was tested by Eni Norway in the
fjords just off Hammerfest, Norway, located more than 300
Saab Seaeyes Sabertooth AUV comes in two models:
single hull and double hull (which has twice the battery
capacity of singe hull). Image courtesy of Saab Seaeye.
A computer illustration shows the Sabertooth AUV
carrying out light maintenance, inspection, and
intervention work inside a subsea manifold.
Image courtesy of Saab Seaeye.
Endurance >14 hr (mission dependent)
Battery Capacity 20 kW-hr
Speed 0-5 kn
Range 100 nmi (185 km)
Depth Rating 9,842 ft (3000 m)
12 ft (3.7 m)
2.1 ft (0.66 m)
1.4 ft (0.45 m)
Launch Weight 2,314 lb (1050 kg)
Submarine.indd 54 12/17/13 2:29 PM
miles north of the Arctic Circle. During the test, the AUV used
beams of blue photons to communicate with a seabed sen-
sor at a distance of almost 200 ft (60 m). Called BlueComm,
the technology was developed by Woods Hole Oceanograph-
ic Institution, the largest oceanographic research facility in
the US. The institution partnered with Sonardyne, a subsea
communications systems maker, to bring the system to the
Wireless optical systems, such as BlueComm, will be
used to establish an infield communication network between
various subsea production systems, vessels, and AUVs. Blue-
Comm transmitting and receiving units installed on an AUV
and on subsea sensors can share data at a rate of more than
20MB/s across almost 500 ft (150 m) of seawater. This broad-
band data stream allows operators to receive high-definition
video in real time when the system is integrated with a sea-to-
shore link.
The technology is an evolutionary leap for subsea com-
munications that for more than 40 years has relied on acous-
tic sound waves to transmit much smaller bits of data. With
acoustics, we can transmit about 6 kB of data, which is pretty
fast, Ralph Gall, technical sales manager at Sonardyne, said.
Six kB is a lot, but 20 MB is massive and gives you the abil-
ity to send video over 150 m, which is a big deal in the subsea.
The technology also applies to data harvesting and signifi-
cantly reduces the time it takes to upload data compared with
current technology. With an optical communication system,
sensors and AUVs that have been logging data for long periods
of time, but are not connected to a subsea Internet, can upload
gigabytes of information in minutes to a visiting surface vessel
equipped with a lower bandwidth commutation system. By low-
ering a communications device known as a depressor equipped
with a receiver unit on its end, vessels and crews would not be
required to spend valuable time at sea physically recovering the
AUV or sensors, downloading the data, and then redeploying
each system.
Saab Seaye is also testing other ways of communicating,
such as electromagnetic antennas and short communications
tethers. Electromagnetic communication has been used by var-
ious branches of the military in both underwater and under-
ground scenarios. Using this technology, the antenna can be
built into the AUV and allow for high bandwidth communica-
tion rates as high as 10 MB/s when the vehicle is in close prox-
imity to a docking station. Other companies are also working to
solve problems that will expand the applications of AUVs even
further, such as how to communicate through layers of ice and
improve the redundancy of subsea communication networks to
make the vehicles more efficient and safe.JPT
Tested offshore Norway, a Sabertooth AUV used a BlueComm communications system to receive data at a rate of
6million bits per second from a BlueComm transmitter (inset) across a distance of 200 ft (60 m). Photos Courtesy of
Saab Seaeye and Sonardyne.
Submarine.indd 55 12/17/13 2:23 PM
The inaugural SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas
Show and Conference (KOGS), held
710 October 2013 in Kuwait, attracted
more than 3,000 delegates representing
major oil and gas companies from all over
The event, under the patronage of
Kuwaits Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber
Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, carried
the theme The Power of Collaboration...
People and Technology in the Oil and
Gas Industry,
Hosnia Hashim, KOGS conference
program chairperson and vice president
of operations at Kuwait Foreign Petro-
leum Exploration Company (KUFPEC),
said that the gathering allowed explo-
ration and production professionals to
network with colleagues from around
the world and celebrate key successes in
the industry. For the first time ever in
Kuwait, she said, we launched a techni-
cal event with outstanding participation,
having received more than 520 papers,
from 104 organizations and 69 universi-
ties, from 37 countries.
In his opening remarks at the Con-
ference Opening Ceremony, Kuwait Dep-
uty Premier and Minister of Oil Mustafa
Al-Shimali, reiterated Kuwaits unflinch-
ing commitment, in its capacity as a
main oil producer, to ensuring regular
supplies to world markets. This confer-
ence is timely and logical, as the Kuwait
oil sector is undertaking plans to ensure
that it meets and fulfills its international
role as a reliable supplier. We have allo-
cated billions of US dollars to reach pro-
duction capacity of 4 million BOPD by
2020. An international exchange of tech-
nology and experience is critical to real-
izing these plans, Al-Shamali said.
Kuwait Unveils Upstream Opportunities
Abdelghani Henni, Middle East Writer
Ali Rashed Al-Jarwan, CEO of Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO), (left) and Kuwaiti Deputy Premier
and Minister of Oil, Mustafa Al-Shimali, during the inaugural SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference.
KuwaitJan.indd 56 12/17/13 3:24 PM
At the Executive Plenary Session,
Nizar Al-Adsani, chief executive offi-
cer of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
(KPC), aentation titled Kuwait Experi-
ence: The Power of Collaboration, Peo-
ple, and Technology in the Oil and Gas
Industry, that the challenges ahead for
his country are great. The emergence
for new competitors, changes in supply
and demand dynamics, social and envi-
ronmental pressures, and demographic
shifts, are transforming and reshaping
our industry, he said.
Al-Adsani said that technology
has been the driving force behind the
industrys continued ability to deliver
increased oil and gas production safe-
ly, efficiently, and in an environmen-
tally friendly manner, adding that he
believes that the excellence required is
only provided through the strength of
The CEO said that his company is
proceeding with its ambitious plans to
enhance KPCs role in the international
oil industry and to be more effective in
supply security for the worlds energy,
adding that KPC wants to focus on the
upstream. Achieving our crude oil pro-
duction growth target of nearly 1 mil-
lion BOPD by 2020, and maintaining it
through 2030, depends on the success-
ful implementation of advanced technol-
ogy in both improved and enhanced oil
recovery, he said.
Kuwait aims to spend USD 100 bil-
lion over the next 5 years on development
projects, with 60% spent on upstream
project expansion inside and outside of
Kuwait. This is in addition to escalat-
ing operating costs as our fields mature.
These great challenges cant be met and
overcome by ourselves, Al-Adsani noted.
It is our strategy to invest to maintain
excess capacity, which has proved so far
to be a correct strategy.
Moreover, the additional produc-
tion capacity will come from geologically
complex reservoirs, which require high-
ly skilled people. The skills required to
develop such complex and difficult res-
ervoirs and achieve such a production
capacity are not sufficient in terms of
skills, or expertise, or know-how. We def-
initely need the assistance of the differ-
ent IOCs to work with us, in an acceptable
form of win-to-win basis, to achieve all of
these strategic targets, Al-Adsani added.
Speaking about relationships with
IOCs, the CEO of KPC said that these
partnerships should fulfill overall Kuwait
strategic interests and concerns. In
these relationships, we focus on several
issues such as the transfer of technolo-
gy, promoting the skills of our nationals
in various disciplines, bringing in man-
agement processes, and leveraging with
them for maximum benefit. We are fully
aware of the need to partner with IOCs
but also we are very careful about ensur-
ing an effective future role of IOCs in the
Kuwait oil industry that will eventually
add value in our understanding and per-
ception, he said.
Despite the collapse of the USD 17
billion joint venture between Kuwaits
Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC)
and the US Dow Chemical, where Dow
subsequently sued PIC and was awarded
more than USD 2 billion in damages by an
international court in 2012, Kuwait will
continue to explore and develop partner-
ships with international oil companies on
many industry fronts.
Al-Adsani said that the key for mak-
ing the industry more efficient is, with-
out doubt, technological advancement.
Cyber Security Thoughts
John Fridye, cyber security engineer at Ventyx, an ABB Company, says
multi-layer systems are the best solution to counter cyber attacks.
As a cyber security engineer, what are your main duties within Ventyx?
Ventyx offers enterprise software solutions for energy, mining, and other
industries. Within Ventyx, I am focused on network control products, which
include energy management and SCADA control systems. We have a broad
focus on network control because it is critical for companies we deal with.
Outside of network control, ABB and Ventyx have a wider cyber security
presence, where ABB has a cyber security council made up of members of
different product lines. Ventyx is in charge of the power systems group, but
there are people from all different groups like robotics, automation, and many
other groups.
As an engineer specializing in cyber security, what are the challenges facing
developers of cyber security solutions or technology?
The challenge is to define a process, which means defining your design
methodology, which we call a threat-modeling analysis. It aims mainly at
looking for what could be avenues of attack at your product line. After that,
the threat model analysis looks at what security controls you design that block
those avenues of attack, and then you go through the test phase to ensure that
these security controls are indeed effective against particular threats to your
products, and then you can implement the product and deliver it to customers.
It is an ongoing process.
Are there any specific security control systems that help you build the cyber
security system?
There are many types of security control and many of them are well defined;
in addition, there are many defense mechanisms that can be used and one of
them is called defense in depth. If you penetrate one security control there is
another one behind it, and we call that the onion model, because you have to
pile through the layers to get down to the core you want to attack. So, if you
have that defense in depth, that is a key defense of your critical systems.
KuwaitJan.indd 57 12/17/13 3:24 PM
Technology is vital across the energy
landscape and in the field of clean energy
production in order to serve and preserve
the environment. The oil industry has a
long history of innovation to generate
new sources of supply, he said. There
is no country in the world that can insu-
late itself from changes in the oil market,
whether positive or negative.
Hashem Hashem, CEO of Kuwait
Oil Company (KOC) and chairperson of
the KOGS Executive Committee, stated
that his company is contributing to the
countrys socioeconomic development
and looks forward to the future through
increasing oil output, meeting compa-
ny development requisites while helping
maintain the stability of world markets.
Khaled Al-Buraik, vice president for
petroleum engineering and development
at Saudi Aramco, said in his Plenary Ses-
sion presentation that technology, peo-
ple, and collaboration work together in
the quest for business excellence. Tech-
nology is the cornerstone of what oil
and gas companies do, and major players
including Saudi Aramco are transform-
ing into technology developers. Our
goals are for breakthrough, disruptive
technologies, Al-Buraik said.
As such, the goals are very long
term and carefully calibrated to objec-
tives. This research stresses fundamental
science. It also calls for synergy among
the sciences and other disciplines of
Saudi Aramcos business. We are break-
ing down organizational barriers in pur-
suit of technology breakthroughs.
Development of people is also cru-
cial for oil and gas companies, particu-
larly a commitment to lifelong learning,
he said. Al-Buraik said that Saudi Aramco
has a large program to cultivate science
and engineering skills among high school
students in Saudi Arabia. The compa-
ny recruits directly from high schools,
including apprentices for vocational
careers and students whom it sponsors
for university education and professional
employment. We send our professionals
on to masters and doctoral programs,
he said. In-house programs such as the
new Upstream Professional Develop-
ment Center are game-changers for on-
boarding much-needed talent. All told,
the companys training and development
budget is among the largest in the world.
Collaboration is also key to the pros-
perity of the industry, not only internal-
ly among disciplines, but also external-
ly with other institutions. We operate
numerous other joint ventures in the
kingdom and abroad. Adjacent to our
headquarters and King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals is the extra-
ordinary new Dhahran Techno- Valley, a
science park with a collaborative atmo-
sphere housing research centers of GE,
Honeywell, Baker Hughes, and many
more, Al-Buraik said.
Companywide, Saudi Aramco plans
to increase research spending fivefold.
It will also triple its manpower in sci-
ence and technology. Mostabout
80%of this growth will be in Dhah-
ran, but we also are opening upstream
and downstream satellite research cen-
ters around the globe in partnership with
the automotive industry and leading
Patrick Pouyanne, president of
refining and chemicals at Total, said the
relationship between national oil com-
panies and international oil companies
is that they share a common objective,
which is bringing energy to people. In
this type of collaboration, IOCs propose
technology, project management, and
financing, as well as acceptability to the
market, he said. As an IOC, we always
aim to bring value to host countries for
As an IOC, Total works on answer-
ing host countries expectations in terms
of transferring know-how, accompany-
ing NOCs in their ambitions beyond
Delegates attending the KOGS event
agreed that collaboration is key to the
industrys success amid the growing chal-
lenges facing the oil and gas sector. Over-
all, the event offered the opportunity to
network with industry peers, and also to
learn more about oil and gas investment
opportunities in Kuwait. JPT
Hashem Hashem, CEO of Kuwait Oil Company (KOC).
KuwaitJan.indd 58 12/17/13 3:24 PM
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One could compile an extensive bibli-
ography written about the big crew
change over the past several years. The
short story is that although the human
resource emergency that the oil and
gas industry has decried during the
past decade has slowed, it has not dis-
appeared but merely been delayed. The
industry continues to face a shortage of
skilled workers in the 10 to 20 years of
experience category, which is affecting
the staffing of midlevel management jobs
and, subsequently, senior level manage-
ment positions.
Estimates show a net outflow of
5,500 people at the petrotechnical pro-
fessional level in the oil and gas indus-
try. The immediate ramifications of this
decline in experienced human capital
will be heavy recruitment of staff from
competitors, which will continue to
drive salaries higher. With the cost of
a barrel of both West Texas Intermedi-
ate and Brent crude still around USD
100/bbl, projects will continue to be
economic, thus increasing the need for
experienced hires. But the 5,500-person
net outflow says that companies may be
unable to properly staff these projects,
which could result in delays or the pos-
sibility of less experienced staff running
them, with potentially risky outcomes
in safety and downtime. All of these fac-
tors increase costs for oil producers.
However, quantity is not the only
risk; quality (i.e., real-world experience)
is also a factor. Could the overpromotion
of less experienced professionals put
projects at risk for safety and downtime
problems? Many projects are only as
good as the individual managing them.
Project leaders must focus on the prop-
er balance of the quality of work, tim-
ing, supply of equipment and people,
safety, and the bottom-line profitability
for all parties to be satisfied. These are
all strong management and leadership
skills that can be found in other indus-
tries, which have devised and imple-
mented best practices. If the proper
general manager of a project is selected,
he will surround himself with techni-
cal experts, thus allowing a focus on the
core skills and abilities that he brings
to the company, rather than strictly the
technical knowledge of the project. This
opens up the industry to looking at mid-
career leaders in the heavy industrial
and civil construction industry, mining
industry, or even the military.
Effect on Senior Management
So what do these midlevel staffing issues
mean in the long term? For starters, the
industry will have a smaller pool of talent
to choose from when looking at senior
management succession planning. There
could also be the real possibility that
there are no qualified employees from
which to choose within a company. This
may cause the company to look outside
for talent, which could lead to higher
wages, higher turnover due to compet-
itors poaching from one another, and
increasing one-time costs attributable to
new hires.
If we do not fill the gap, we run the
risk of perpetuating the problem from
which the industry currently suffers.
When those at the top retire, the pool of
talent to choose from within the industry
will be considerably younger. When this
younger crop of talent is appointed to
top positions, they will naturally remain
in those roles for a longer period of time,
making those behind them wait longer
to rise to executive roles. For some high-
potential midlevel management individ-
uals to reach the top, they may consider
leaving the industry to see their career
aspirations come to fruition.
A Balanced Approach
To solve the skills gap cycle, a four-
pronged approach is necessary. The
approach incorporates short- and long-
term strategies, thinking outside the
norm when making hiring decisions, and
implementing organizational develop-
ment strategies that put the onus on both
the company and employees.
Be open to hiring managers, both
mid and senior levels, from outside
the industry. By opening up manage-
rial roles to those from other industries,
the oil and gas industry can import
best practices into the energy indus-
try that it may not have knowledge of
or experience with, as well as help fill
some of the gap that exists in midca-
reer employees. Consider an individual
who currently works for a company that
provides field development and produc-
tion contracting services to the energy
industry, and is particularly technology
focused. This individual worked in the
medical industry as an engineer leading
groups of other engineers and provid-
ing installation and operations support
services to clients for almost a decade.
He then moved on to provide engineer-
ing and construction project manage-
ment services to the construction and
infrastructure industries. This large and
technically complex project manage-
ment background has proven invalu-
able to the individuals current employ-
er and has given the company an edge
Taking a Balanced Approach
to the Technical Skills Gap
Joy Brown Kirst, Managing Partner, Park Brown International
TalentTechJan.indd 60 12/17/13 3:01 PM
over some of its competitors with new
approaches to old problems.
An example of an executives
appointment is exemplified by the
Arthur Soucy is president for
Europe, Africa, and Russian Caspian at
Baker Hughes, and formerly was presi-
dent of global products and services at
the company. Before that, he was the
companys vice president of supply chain,
responsible for sales and operations
planning, manufacturing, purchasing,
transportation and logistics, and qual-
ity. Before joining Baker Hughes, he was
vice president of global supply chain at
Pratt & Whitney, a United Technology
company. Soucy held a variety of man-
agement positions at Pratt & Whitney.
He also spent a decade working at Ham-
ilton Standard, serving in various man-
ufacturing, engineering, and product
development management roles. Soucy
has an MBA degree from the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology with a con-
centration in global innovation and inter-
national business and a bachelors degree
in international business from Lesley
University in Massachusetts. Soucys
story proves that someone who is not an
engineer by academic background and
does not have energy industry experi-
ence is capable of becoming an executive
at one of the top oilfield service compa-
nies in the world.
Use organizational and talent devel-
opment as a strategic and competitive
tool. Strategic human resources is the
management of human resources aligned
to the organizations future direction,
focusing on longer-term human capital
issues and macro concerns about struc-
ture, quality, culture, values, and match-
ing resources to the future needs of
The Economists Talent Manage-
ment Summit held in London in 2013 rec-
ognized that talent is no longer an issue
confined to the HR department, but is
rising to the top of the agenda for senior
executives across the board (www.
Companies in the energy sector must
facilitate the involvement of human
resources at strategic decision-making
levels to ensure that a culture is creat-
ed that sends a clear message to current
and future employees that leadership tal-
ent is highly valued within the organiza-
tion. This can be supported by leader-
ship development programs tailored to
meet both the employees specific devel-
opment needs and the companys profile
for futureleaders.
To facilitate the desired effect,
human resources professionals must be
seen as true strategic partners. Senior
executives seeking a competitive advan-
tage by attracting, developing, and
retaining more than their fair share
of the industry leadership talent must
seek and hire the best strategic human
resources practitioners regardless of sec-
tor background.
For entry-level to mildly experienced
hires, consider individuals with com-
plementary skill sets from other indus-
tries. There are a number of intelligent
first-year college students who do not
initially set out to become engineers or
scientists. There is a good chance that a
person with an undergraduate degree in
mathematics or economics knows enough
about crunching numbers and analysis
that they could be taught how to apply
those skills to the energy industry. Every
company out there is courting the fill-in-
the-blank engineers, and not everyone is
going to get them. Why not consider look-
ing at strong analytical types and putting
them into a rotational development pro-
gram in your company to find where they
best fit? Also, companies should commit
to leadership or leadership potential as a
desirable skill when recruiting these indi-
viduals. Selling upside career opportunity
to new graduates may just net the orga-
nization individuals who may have cho-
sen another offer otherwise. In addition,
using these criteria when recruiting less
experienced employees may aid organi-
zations in their quest for succession plan-
ning in their ranks.
This is true for slightly more experi-
enced people as well. Most military per-
sonnel enter the energy industry without
engineering degrees. Others have gone
from civil engineering roles designing
roads for government projects to sub-
sea design engineering, and have done
quite well for themselves and the compa-
nies they joined. Many times in an expe-
rienced hire, one needs to look more
closely at the creativity and leadership
capability of the candidates as opposed
to checking the boxes of preferred hard
skills and experiences.
Consider long-term options to increase
the pipeline of talent into the industry.
Looking for talent development at the
collegiate level is not enough. While it
can be helpful to recruiting efforts to pro-
vide internships, scholarships, and work-
study options to undergraduate students,
more needs to be done to entice students
to become science, technology, engineer-
ing, and math majors. Companies should
be looking at increasing awareness of this
type of education at the middle and high
school levels or potential engineers and
scientists may be lost to another major
in college.
While these suggestions may be nontra-
ditional and not easy to implement, com-
panies that desire to get ahead in the war
for talent could use them to have an edge
over their competitors. The strategy will
not produce immediate effects today or
tomorrow, but will be advantageous in
the long term. JPT
Joy Brown Kirst is a managing partner
with Park Brown International.
After positions with Western Atlas
International and Heidrick & Struggles,
she became vice president at an
executive search firm overseeing energy
industry searches in North and South
America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific.
She holds a degree in Russian and East
European Studies and an MBA from
Rice University.
TalentTechJan.indd 61 12/17/13 3:03 PM
Omer Gurpinar,
SPE, is the
technical director
of enhanced oil
recovery (EOR) for
Schlumberger. He
leads Schlumberger
in development of technologies and
services to help improve recovery
factors in oil fields. Gurpinar has more
than 35 years of industry experience in
various aspects of numerical reservoir
modeling, with specific focus on
naturally fractured reservoirs, reservoir
optimization, and EOR. He has
contributed to recovery optimization
for numerous oil and gas fields
globally. Since joining Schlumberger
in 1998, Gurpinar has served as the
vice president and technical director
in various segments and has played a
key role in building Schlumbergers
exploration and production consulting
organization. He holds BS and MS
degrees in petroleum engineering
and holds several industry patents on
reservoir and field optimization and
EOR. Gurpinar is a member of the JPT
Editorial Committee.
Recommended additional reading
at OnePetro: www.onepetro.org.
SPE 162701 Geomechanics
Considerations in Enhanced Oil Recovery
by Tadesse Weldu Teklu, Colorado School
of Mines, et al.
SPE 166597 BP North Sea Miscible
GasInjection Projects Review
by Pinggang Zhang, BP, et al.
IPTC 17157 The Development of
a Workflow To Improve Predictive
Capability of Low-Salinity Response
by B.M.J.M. Suijkerbuijk, Shell, et al.
SPE 166075 The Upscaling of Discrete
Fracture Models for Faster, Coarse-Scale
Simulations of IOR and EOR Processes for
Fractured Reservoirs by Mun-Hong Hui,
Chevron, et al.
This is the most exciting time for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in recent memory. At
last, almost everyone is talking about increasing recovery factors, and improved oil
recovery (IOR) and EOR are being considered natural components of reservoir man-
agement. Furthermore, many traditional philosophies are being openly challenged.
EOR planning is happening as part of field-development plans. Proven technologies
are being adapted in new, smart ways, and new technologies are constantly evolving
from research to commercial applications, making EOR projects more economical.
These new directions are the result of the following factors:
Most fields, including the giant ones, are maturing, and producing
liquid hydrocarbons is becoming more difficult in all types of reservoirs
(conventional and unconventional).
Leaving approximately 70% of the in-place reserves unrecovered has been
There have been developments on many fronts (e.g., advanced reservoir
characterization, multiphase-flow physics, smart-well and intelligent
completions, recovery research, monitoring and control technologies, EOR
chemicals, EOR pilot concepts, and observation-well concepts); the collective
effect of all of those is going to make new EOR projects more successful.
Increasing recovery factors has been considered a fully integrated
multidomain activity (from pore space to separator and everything in
Severe production decline in tight/light (unconventional) reservoirs is making
the industry think about recovery challenges.
EOR has been considered during field-development planning in most recent
offshore oil developments.
We lived through the most active period of EORbetween the mid-1970s and the
mid-1980sand learned about recovery fundamentals then. However, if we look back
at that era carefully, most of the wells were single and vertical; reservoir characteriza-
tion was very elementary, with no digital geological modeling capabilities; and there
were no concepts such as monitoring systems or intelligent completions. All of those
factors created a significant gap between what was planned in the EOR laboratory and
what was achieved in field application. Other than those implemented in extreme-
ly viscous oils (heavy-oil EOR operations), projects recovered far less than planned.
Overall, such recovery gave a stigma to EOR as inherently difficult and expensive. Most
of the factors that made EOR difficult and expensive are gone today. That is why we
will see more fields using EOR operations in upcoming years.
Broadening the scope of recovery challenge to all domains will make realizations
of new reserves more likely, but this change will bring additional challenges.
1EORFocusJan.indd 62 12/12/13 11:09 AM
oam simulation brings various
numerical challenges. Some of
these problems are largely cosmetic,
creating, for instance, fluctuating
fluxesand pressure gradient but no
significant effect on final recovery.
Others severely influence the whole
progress of the flood. This paper
discusses the origin of the challenges,
how to recognize them, how they
can be mitigated, and whether they
arise from a correct representation of
foam physics or are the unintended
result of attempts to solve other
Injected gas [carbon dioxide (CO
), hy-
drocarbon gas, nitrogen, or steam] can
be very effective at displacing oil in
enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) processes,
but ultimate recovery suffers from poor
sweep efficiency. Poor sweep efficiency
arises from reservoir heterogeneity, vis-
cous instability, and gravity override of
gas. Foam can address all three causes
of poor sweep efficiency. Foam is a dis-
persion of gas separated by water films
called lamellae that separate the gas into
bubbles; the lamellae are stabilized by
surfactant. Thus, foam requires the pres-
ence of gas, water, and surfactant.
Two fundamental approaches exist
for representing the effect of foam on
gas mobility. Population-balance mod-
els introduce lamella density (number of
lamellae per unit volume of gas phase)
as a separate variable and perform a
balance on lamellae at each location in
the formation, along with material bal-
ances on water, gas, surfactant, and oil.
Thus, an additional partial-differential
equation must be solved at each location
and timestep, along with those for satu-
rations of the phases. The model then
represents gas mobility as a function of
lamella density and other factors.
Local-equilibrium (LE) models as-
sume that the processes of lamella cre-
ation and destruction are always and
everywhere at local steady state. It is
possible to adapt a population-balance
model to LE by setting the expressions
for lamella creation and destruction
equal to each other. Most LE models,
however, represent the effect of bubble
size implicitly in relations for gas mo-
bility as a function of water and oil satu-
rations, surfactant concentration in the
aqueous phase, and other factors.
Foam can be injected in at least
1. In coinjection, gas and aqueous
surfactant solution are injected
simultaneously from a single
well. Foam forms in the surface
facilities where the fluids meet,
in the tubing, or shortly after the
fluids enter the formation.
2. In surfactant-alternating-
gas (SAG) injection, gas and
surfactant solution are injected
in separate slugs from a
single well. Foam forms in the
formation where gas meets
previously injected surfactant
solution or when surfactant
solution meets previously
injected gas.
3. It is possible to dissolve some
surfactants directly into
supercritical CO
. Then, there
is no need to inject aqueous
surfactant solution; injected CO
with dissolved surfactant forms
foam as it meets water in the
4. Surfactant solution and gas
can be injected simultaneously
from different sections of a
vertical well (gas injected below
the surfactant solution) or
from parallel horizontal wells
(gas injected from the lower
well). Asfar as we know, this
approachhas not been tested
with foam in thefield.
Simulating each of these injection
methods involves particular challenges.
Challenges to Foam Simulation
Effect of Water Saturation. Gas, as the
nonwetting phase, is at higher pressure
than water in the geological formation;
this difference is (gas/water) capillary
pressure. Capillary pressure draws water
out of lamellae; therefore, high capillary
pressure is destructive to foam.
Fig. 1 shows the gas relative perme-
ability function with a large reduction in
gas mobility.
SAG Injection: Fluctuating In-
jectivity During Gas Injection. Fig. 2
shows total relative mobility
foam (the sum of water and gas mobili-
ties) as a function of water saturation S
for the model in Fig. 1. During gas injec-
tion in an SAG process, there is a shock
front at the leading edge of the gas bank
from the initial state of the reservoir to
a point of very low water fractional flow,
where foam has partially collapsed. Thus,
the water saturations that would have the
greatest mobility reduction with foam
are not experienced in the reservoir ex-
cept within the shock front of negligi-
ble width. In a finite-difference simula-
tion, however, each gridblock at the foam
Foam Simulation Faces
Several Numerical Challenges
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
of paper SPE 166232, Numerical Challenges in Foam Simulation: A Review, by
W.R. Rossen, SPE, Delft University of Technology, prepared for the 2013 SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 30 September2 October. The
paper has not been peer reviewed.
EOR166232.indd 63 12/12/13 1:21 PM
front passes through all those satura-
tions and, thus, the mobility reduction at
the foam front is overestimated. At least
one gridblock at the leading edge of the
foam bank has a mobility computed to
be below that anywhere in the foam bank
itself. As this gridblock passes through
the minimum in mobility in Fig. 2, the ef-
fect on overall injectivity can be large. In
extreme cases, where the foam collapses
completely behind this shock, this one
gridblock can mask the problem and give
diversion of gas flow in the simulation
that would not occur in reality.
This problem reflects the finite-
difference formulation of the foam dis-
placement, not an inability of the simula-
tor to solve the finite-difference equations.
SAG Injection: Calculating Injec-
tivity. The gridblock with the injection
well likewise must pass through the min-
imum in mobility in Fig. 2. Injectivity
is conventionally calculated by assum-
ing a uniform saturation and mobility
in the injection-well gridblock and using
the Peaceman equation. Therefore, for
a time, injectivity in a simulation of an
SAG process is extremely poor. In real-
ity, the near-well region crucial to injec-
tivity rapidly dries out and injectivity is
much greater than estimated in a finite-
difference simulation.
Fine-Scale Capillary Effects. Be-
cause foam is sensitive to water satura-
tion and capillary pressure, capillary ef-
fects on foam near abrupt transitions
in permeability can be significant. Simi-
larly, in flow parallel to an abrupt layer
boundary, capillary pressure can draw
water from the higher-permeability layer
and weaken or destroy foam in a narrow
zone near the boundary. In both cases,
the affected region is small in width but
influences flow over a much larger scale.
Accurate modeling of the effects with
larger gridblocks remains a challenge.
Effect of Water Saturation: Miti-
gation. The sensitivity of foam to cap-
illary pressure and water saturation in-
troduces two problems: Individual
gridblocks experience mobilities and sat-
urations not present in the displacement
except within the shock (Fig. 2); also,
abrupt changes in mobility in individual
gridblocks introduce oscillations that are
unsightly and may challenge the stability
of the simulator. Reducing the magnitude
of the gas-mobility reduction with foam
reduces both problems, if a smaller value
is justified by the data.
Similarly, the overall effect of the
artificially low computed injectivity de-
creases as the size of the injection-well
gridblock is reduced. Also, the fraction of
overall injection-well pressure dissipated
in that gridblock decreases (though more
slowly) as gridblock size is reduced.
Finally, gas compressibility reduc-
es the effect of fluctuating mobility at
the foam front on injection-well pres-
sure, especially as the size of the foam
Effect of Surfactant Concentration.
The effect of surfactant concentra-
tion on gas mobility in foam is non-
linear, with most of the effect coming
at low concentrations. In the absence
of dispersion (physical and numerical),
two surfactant concentrations primar-
ily matter to a foam process: the ini-
tial concentration in the reservoir (i.e.,
zero surfactant concentration) and the
injected concentration. In the absence
of significant physical dispersion, nu-
merical dispersion rapidly spreads the
surfactant front from its initial sharp
profile over many gridblocks, though
surfactant adsorption (if modeled with
a Langmuir isotherm) helps to sharpen
the front.
If the true effect of surfactant on
foam mobility is combined with numeri-
cal dispersion of the surfactant front, the
foam bank is extended beyond where it
should lie, toward the leading edge of the
dispersed front, and the arrival of foam at
any location is earlier and more gradual
than it should be.
Effect of Surfactant Concentra-
tion: Mitigation. As with water satu-
ration, the less abrupt the rise in gas
mobility with decreasing surfactant con-
centration, the smaller the effects. In this
case, the artifacts arise from an abrupt
change not required to match data but as
the unintended consequence of trying to
mitigate another problem, the effect of
dispersion of surfactant concentration.
Fig. 1Water and gas relative permeability (k
) with and
without foam and for one foam model.
Fig. 2Total relative mobility
as a function of water
saturation S
for the model in Fig. 1. In an SAG process,
there is a shock from the initial state ahead of the shock
past the water saturations with lowest mobility. In a finite-
difference simulation, each gridblock passes through all
of the intermediate water saturations as the foam front
enters the gridblock.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Gas, no foam
Gas, foam
0.05 0.25 0.45 0.65 0.85
Foam bank
State ahead of foam
S , dimensionless
EOR166232.indd 64 12/12/13 1:21 PM
Refining the simulation grid reduces the
magnitude of the effect.
Effect of Oil Saturation and Compo-
sition. The effect of oil saturation and
composition on foam is complex and not
fully understood, and there are many
outstanding questions concerning how
to represent the effect of oil on foam. The
effect of oil on foam is sometimes repre-
sented as an abrupt change as a func-
tion of oil saturation. This leads poten-
tially to the same sort of complications
observed with water saturation, as oil
saturation in gridblocks at a foam front
pass through oil saturations where foam
properties change abruptly. The pres-
ence of a third mobile phase introduc-
es an additional, different complication:
Composition paths on the phase diagram
may attempt to travel along a bound-
ary in which foam properties change
abruptly. Maintaining the correct course
in such cases is extremelydifficult.
Effect of Oil: Phase Names. Simu-
lators define foam as an interaction be-
tween aqueous surfactant solution and
gas. In a first-contact or multiple-contact
miscible displacement, the identity of the
nonaqueous phase changes from oil to
gas as the miscible front passes a given
location, and there are only two phases
present at any location: water and gas or
water and oil. Therefore, by definition,
there is no effect of oil on foam: If oil is
present, there is no gas and, therefore,
no foam; if gas is present, there is no oil
to affect the foam. In fact, the effect of oil
on foam in such a case is to abruptly cre-
ate foam (if surfactant is present) when
the simulator changes the name of the
nonaqueous phase from oil to gas.
If the miscible front is ahead of the sur-
factant front, then this effect is unim-
portant; however, in injection of lower-
quality foamor in an SAG flood, where
surfactant injection precedes gas injec-
tion and the miscible front lags the sur-
factant front, at least at firstthis ef-
fect would control the propagation rate
of foam.
Effect of Oil: Displacement Front.
In an immiscible (or partially miscible)
displacement, if oil saturation ahead of
the foam bank is great enough to kill
foam, foam may still displace oil if oil
drains out the gridblock at the lead-
ing edge of the displacement front fast
enough for foam to build. Whether this
would occur in reality depends on the
traveling wave at the displacement front,
where oil is displaced as foam arrives.
Whether this would happen in the simu-
lation depends on how well the simula-
tor, in a single gridblock, represents the
traveling wave.JPT
www.aapg.org/gtw/2014/houston/index.cfm www.aapg.org/gtw/2014/houston/index.cfm
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Geosciences Technology
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EOR166232.indd 65 12/17/13 9:13 AM
P has shown, by use of its
reduced-salinity (RS) water-
injection technology, that incremental
increases in oil recovery can be
achieved across length scales associated
with coreflood experiments (inches),
field-based single-well chemical-tracer
tests (feet), and field trials (interwell
distances). This paper discusses the
process undertaken by the Clair Ridge
project in getting RS enhanced oil
recovery (EOR) adopted as a Day-1
Clair Ridge Field Overview. Contain-
ing more than 6 billion bbl of oil in place,
Clair is the largest oil accumulation in the
UK continental shelf, and it lies 142miles
north of the Scottish mainland and
35 miles west of the Shetland Islands in
132155 m of water.
The Clair A platform is a lightweight-
steel-jacket development that was de-
signed to be economic across the range of
expected reservoir outcomes. The main
risk at startup was whether waterflood of
the fractured reservoir would work.
More than 5 years of production
data indicate that the reservoir produc-
tion mechanism in Clair Phase 1 is work-
ing. There is evidence of displacement of
oil from the matrix by a combination of
viscous sweep, gravity drainage, and im-
bibition of water from the fracture net-
work into the matrix.
Success at Clair Phase 1 has paved
the way for a much larger Clair Phase 2
development. The next phase of develop-
ment will target roughly twice the oil in
place of Clair Phase 1 in an area that has
generally shallower and thicker reser-
voir, known as Clair Ridge. During devel-
opment, various EOR schemes were stud-
ied. Gasflooding of the reservoir would
be hampered by adverse relative perme-
ability factors. These can be improved
by enriching the gas with heavier com-
ponents such as propane and butane;
however, there is not a large source of
these materials in the basin. Modeling
has shown that the open fractures are ex-
pected to provide a shortcut between gas-
injection and production wells. Alterna-
tives such as CO
flooding and polymer
flooding were also considered and reject-
ed. Clair is a waterflood reservoir, and
recovery depends on sweeping the large
areas of matrix rock between the conduc-
tive fractures.
What Is RS EOR? RS EOR can be defined
as waterflooding of a sandstone oil res-
ervoir using water with total- dissolved-
solids (TDS) content of less than
2,0008,000 ppm. The RS-flood TDS
threshold shows some variation across
different reservoir/fluid systems, with
consistent enhanced recovery below the
lower end of the range and varied effect
within therange.
Full-reservoir-condition RS EOR
corefloods have been performed on
many reservoir systems across the
world. All tests have shown similar char-
acteristics, with increased oil produc-
tion at water breakthrough and a de-
crease in remaining-oil saturation at the
end of the waterflood tests. RS EOR re-
covers additional oil after both second-
ary (RS water injection from Day 1) and
tertiary (RS injection following higher-
salinity-water injection) waterflood ap-
plications. Figs. 1 and 2 show typical
secondary and tertiary responses to RS
EOR, respectively.
The mechanism for release of addi-
tional oil has been inferred from labora-
tory tests. Organic components in crude
oil are attracted to surfaces through a
mechanism explained by the Derjaguin-
Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory of col-
loid stability. The mechanism by which
polar organic species in the oil become
attached to charged surfaces involves, in
several cases, cation bridges. RS brines
are able to break the organic-molecule at-
traction to the surface by exchanging the
divalent cation for a monovalent cation
such as sodium.
Selection and Description of Mem-
brane Technologies for RS-EOR Fa-
cilities. Facilities studies considered
numerous desalination technologies
and identified the most suitable, prov-
en technology for the desalination of
seawater offshore to be membrane de-
salination protected upstream by mem-
brane prefiltration to minimize effects
on weight and space.
Membrane desalination relies on ion
rejection by reverse osmosis. The process
requires application of pressure to the
seawater feed to drive water molecules
through semipermeable ion-rejection
membranes, overcoming the osmotic po-
tential of the seawater and generating RS
permeate and more-concentrated reten-
tate (or brine) streams. Upstream, mem-
brane filtration provides the high lev-
els of suspended-solids, organic- matter,
and bacteria exclusion necessary to limit
fouling and maintain operability of the
desalination process. The filtration-
UK Field Benefits From Reduced-Salinity
Enhanced-Oil-Recovery Implementation
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
of paper SPE 161750, Low-Salinity Enhanced Oil Recovery, Laboratory to Day-1
Field ImplementationLoSal EOR Into the Clair Ridge Project, by Enis Robbana,
SPE, Todd Buikema, Chris Mair, SPE, Dale Williams, Dave Mercer, Kevin Webb,
SPE, Aubrey Hewson, and Chris Reddick, SPE, BP, prepared for the 2012 Abu Dhabi
International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, 1114 November. The
paper has not been peer reviewed.
EOR161750.indd 66 12/12/13 1:26 PM
membrane efficiency is maintained by
regular, frequent backwash cycles.
Robust Laboratory Analysis
RS Coreflood Testing. In support of de-
ployment of RS EOR in Clair, a num-
ber of corefloods were performed. These
tests were conducted at full reservoir-
temperature and -pressure conditions
with live fluids.
Core Characterization and Selection.
Intact core pieces were scanned routine-
ly with computed tomography to aid se-
lection of plugging points and to ensure
minimal heterogeneity (especially frac-
turing and lamination). The plug sam-
ples were cleaned by miscible solvent
and had their permeability and porosity
measured by flow-through methods.
Acquisition of Initial Conditions. The
samples were set to initial water satu-
ration by the porous-plate method, and
the samples were then loaded into a test
rig and degassed by injection of refined
laboratory oil. The samples were then
saturated with live (i.e., gassed) recom-
bined Clair oil. The samples were aged
for 3 weeks, with weekly refreshes of the
resident oil.
Coreflood Experimentation. For sec-
ondary recovery, the samples were
water flooded with RS brine in an
unsteady-state mode at a low rate of
approximately 4-cm
/h injection in the
laboratory. During this test, oil produc-
tion was recorded and saturation was
monitored in situ. At the end of the test
sequence, the RS brine was displaced
with a doped brine to obtain good in-
situ saturation endpoint data. The bene-
fit associated with RS EOR in the second-
ary mode was then assessed by running
a regular coreflood using connate brine
on a sample cut from the same core piece
and exhibiting properties that were as
similar aspossible.
Experimental Results. Plugs from the
main field experienced significant bene-
fits from secondary flooding across both
of the permeabilities tested, with a shift
of 5.5 saturation units and 7.9 satura-
tion units in the two tests. These benefits
were observed at residual oil saturation
and as an increase in dry-oil production.
Evaluation Efficiency
Having seen evidence of a material RS
EOR oil response from special core
analysis of the Clair rock/fluid system,
it was recognized that an upscaled view
of the expected Clair Ridge RS EOR
incremental-oil-recovery profile would
be required to justify the incremental
capital expenditure associated with RS
An initial sensitivity study covering
RS EOR residual-oil uncertainty, capil-
lary pressure uncertainty, and reservoir-
description uncertainty confirmed that
reservoir description had the largest ef-
fect on RS-EOR incremental oil recov-
ery at Clair Ridge. Although a full-field
model (FFM) of the Clair Ridge existed,
2-day FFM run times and the wide range
in underlying reservoir-description un-
certainty combined to drive the project
toward adoption of sector modeling to
investigate and upscale Clair Ridge RS-
EOR oil-recovery predictions.
Sector-Model Description. A range
of 48 reservoir-description types were
defined as plausible across the Clair
Ridge structure by combining possible
joint and subseismic fracture descrip-
tions. RS-waterflooding performance
across this range was evaluated using a
single-porosity sector-model volume cut
out from Clair Ridge. The sector model
contained a producer/injector pair at
reservoir-scale interwell spacing. Across
all reservoir-description types investi-
gated, fractures and matrix were both
Fig. 2Typical coreflood responses, tertiary. HCPV=hydrocarbon pore volume.
Fig. 1Typical coreflood responses, secondary.
Pore Volume of Water Injected
1400 ppm
RS flood
High-salinity flood
High Salinity
Oil Plateau
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
28,000 ppm
1,400 ppm
Oil Plateau
Oil Production vs. Throughput
0 10 20 30 40 50
HCPV Injected
High Salinity Low Salinity
0.74 HCPV
0.82 HCPV
EOR161750.indd 67 12/12/13 1:28 PM
The effect that this range of reser-
voir fracture/matrix descriptions could
be expected to have on RS EOR incre-
mental oil recovery was investigated by
simulated waterflood of each reservoir-
description type. BPs Top Down Res-
ervoir Modeling technique was used to
build a sector model for each reservoir
description and then to execute separate-
ly both a high-salinity and an RS water-
flood through that same reservoir de-
scription. Comparison of RS waterflood
oil-recovery performance against high-
salinity-waterflood oil-recovery perfor-
mance allowed an incremental RS EOR
type response to be generated for each
reservoir description.
Sector-Model Results. Fig. 3 shows in-
cremental RS EOR recoveries for the 48
models at end of field life ordered by in-
creasing recovery. There is a positive RS
EOR incremental oil recovery from 98%
of the reservoir descriptions tested. The
average incremental oil recovery across
all descriptions is clearly positive.
Further investigation into the below-
average recovery cases seen in Fig.3 con-
firmed that low-recovery cases are asso-
ciated with matrix-dominated reservoir
descriptions where the fracture density
is low and the fracture network poor-
ly connected. In such reservoir descrip-
tions, injectivity is pressure limited and
the flood-front progression under both
high-salinity and RS waterfloods is slow.
When such matrix-dominated reservoir
descriptions are waterflooded across an
interwell distance, the arrival time of in-
cremental RS-EOR oil is delayed to the ex-
tent that it is only just beginning to mani-
fest itself at the end of field life.
Sector-Model-Results Upscaling. On
the basis of core, seismic, and log data,
a Delphi analysis (a systematic approach
that started with individual experts
views that were subsequently discussed
and revised to achieve a consensus
view) was completed by members of the
Clair Ridge subsurface team to define
the volumetric significance (within the
Clair Ridge reservoir) of each of the 48
fracture/matrix descriptions considered
in the RS-EOR sector-modeling study.
Normalized RS-EOR incremental-oil-
recovery profiles from each of the 48
sector models were then combined on a
volume-weighted basis into a single nor-
malized rock-volume-weighted (RVW)
-type response.
With the aim to reinject produced
water, an evaluation was conducted to
determine the optimal location and tim-
ing for injecting produced water and RS
water across the various reservoir com-
partments. Produced-water reinjection
and RS-waterflood injection can be con-
sidered to be mutually exclusive for a
given water-injection well. Therefore, un-
derstanding where produced water can
be disposed of across the field defines
the injectors that will not take produced
water and, by implication, the injectors
that can take RS-waterflood injection.
Having understood the sequence of
Clair Ridge reservoir segments to ex-
perience RS waterflood, a Clair Ridge
upscaled RS-waterflood incremental-oil-
recovery profile was created by apply-
ing the normalized RVW-type response
to the underlying high-salinity-flood
oil-recovery profile associated with
each Clair Ridge segment to experience
RS flooding.JPT
Fig. 3Sector RS-EOR recoveries in ascending order. IR=initial recovery.
-Dominated Recovery
Distribution of RS-Flood Responses at 2050
Reservoir Descriptions
Matrix-Dominated IR Case
Fracture-Dominated IR Case
Av 14.5%
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The Woodlands, Texas, USA
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Register Now!
EOR161750.indd 68 12/16/13 7:42 AM
actors such as hydraulic gradients
in the horizontal completion,
geologic and fluid variations in
the reservoir, and well-placement
issues can produce very poor steam
conformance in steam-assisted gravity
drainage (SAGD). Using proportional-
integral-derivative (PID) feedback to
control steam injection can lead to
improvements in SAGD. Inflow- or
injection-control devices (ICDs) can also
improve SAGD performance. This paper
examines detailed wellbore simulations
of a SAGD process in which wells are
equipped with a combination of ICD
completions and feedback control to
determine the physical mechanisms
and outline practical procedures to
determine an improved ICD completion
and feedback-controldesign.
SAGD is the most extensively used pro-
cess for development of the bitumen re-
sources in western Canada. Fig. 1 shows
the concept of this process in which two
closely spaced horizontal wells are placed
such that the upper well injects steam and
the lower producer collects reservoir flu-
ids that drain mostly by gravity from a
constantly evolving steam chamber. Ide-
ally, the steam chamber evolves uniform-
ly along the entire length of the well
pair. However, the actual pattern of SAGD
well pairs shows very irregular steam-
chamber development along the lengths
of most of the pairs in the pattern.
For many years, SAGD operators in
this region have been evaluating methods
to improve conformance along well pairs.
One such method is to install dual-tubing
strings in the injector and producer. Pre-
scribed injection and production rates
from each tubing string may be deter-
mined from a reservoir-engineering
analysis of the formation around the
pair, but such analyses are often inexact.
In order to prevent the steam chamber
from touching the lower producer, which
would then remove hot steam instead
of using it more efficiently in the upper
reaches of the chamber, the injection and
production rates are usually set to main-
tain a prescribed temperature difference
between fluids exiting the upper injec-
tor and entering the lower producer. This
temperature difference, also referred to
as a subcool because it is set to be sev-
eral degrees below a water saturation
temperature, may be controlled at both
the heel and the toe of the well pair by use
of the ability to inject and produce from
the two tubing strings that are landed at
these points. However, setting these in-
jection and production rates to reflect
the current state of the reservoir and
current subcool is difficult with conven-
tional reservoir-engineering analysis. To
improve on this, a proposal was made to
use a feedback controller to monitor tem-
peratures of produced and injected fluids
automatically, with a target subcool at the
heel and the toe of the well pair. By tar-
geting the same subcool at the heel and
the toe, two objectives are accomplished:
(1) achieving the subcool prevents steam
from entering the lower producer, and
(2) both toe and heel halves are encour-
aged to produce uniformly because both
are targeting the same subcool (i.e., if
one-half temporarily operates at a lower
or higher subcool than the target, steam
injection is decreased or increased, re-
spectively, in that half to compensate).
Another method to improve confor-
mance is to install carefully constructed
ICDs in either the injector or the produc-
er, or in both. When placed in the injec-
tor, these devices can equalize the out-
flow of steam from heel to toe better,
regardless of variations in reservoir mo-
bility properties.
PID Controller
For the dual-tubing cases examined here,
the short tubing string in both wells is
landed at the heel and the long tubing
string is landed at the toe. Two separate
controllers are used for the heel and toe
tubulars, each with its own error term.
See the complete paper for the controller
and error term equations.
When a controller with an error term
is used to control the injection rates of dual-
injection-tubing strings, each of which is
targeting a specified subcool to the near-
est region in the lower producer, the ob-
jectives of meeting a subcool target and
of improving conformance are both met.
Steam chamber uniformity is improved
because each controller operating on dif-
ferent regions of the well pair is attempt-
ing to achieve the same specified subcool.
ICD Design To Control
Conformance, Subcool, and
Unwanted Water/Gas
For this study, a high-temperature ICD
design was chosen that combines a sand-
Simulation of Flow-Control Devices With
Feedback Control for Thermal Operations
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
of paper SPE 163594, Advanced Wellbore Simulation of Flow-Control Devices With
Feedback Control for Thermal Operations, by Terry Stone, SPE, Schlumberger
Information Solutions; Carlos Emilio Perez Damas, Schlumberger Calgary Regional
Technology Centre; Glenn Woiceshyn, SPE, Absolute Completion Technologies;
David Hin-Sum Law, SPE, Schlumberger Calgary Regional Technology Centre;
George Brown, Schlumberger Fibre Optics Technology; and Peter Olapade and
William J. Bailey, SPE, Schlumberger-Doll Research, prepared for the 2013 SPE
Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 1820 February. The
paper has not been peer reviewed.
EOR163594.indd 69 12/12/13 1:23 PM
control screen with a choke that is de-
signed to give a linear production or in-
jection profile throughout the length of
the horizontal wellbore. These devices
are installed in 7-in. base-pipe joints,
each with a length of 46 ft. Each joint
is equipped with flow-constriction noz-
zles. Flow across the nozzles produc-
es a Bernoulli relation (pressure drop
vs. flow rate). Fig. 2 is a schematic of
the device, including dimensions, outer
screens, flow paths, and a picture of
Case Studies
Four cases were run. These included com-
binations of dual-string injection with
PID control and wells equipped with
ICDs. The first case, PID injector/ICD pro-
ducer, was configured with an injector
containing dual 3-in.-inner-diameter (ID)
tubing strings landed at the heel and toe
and in which steam-injection rates to the
heel/toe strings were PID controlled with
a specified subcool target. The producer
was equipped with ICDs and, hence, con-
tained only a single 6.3-in.-ID tubular
with no additional tubing string landed
at the toe. For the second case, PID in-
jector/dual-string producer, the injector
and producer both contained dual-tubing
strings. The injector was PID controlled
by a heel/toe subcool target, and the pro-
ducer produced equally from both heel
and toe tubing strings. The third case,
ICD injector/ICD producer, contained
both injector and producer fitted with
ICDs along their entire horizontal length.
Again, there was no additional tubing
string landed at the toe for this case. The
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NOETIC JPT HALF PAGE JAN 2013_2.indd 1 2013-12-10 5:27 PM
Fig. 1An overview of a typical SAGD process. Shown are the location of the well pair relative to surface facilities (left),
a cross-sectional view of the evolving steam chamber (center), and a plan view of a pattern of well pairs demonstrating
nonuniform steam-chamber development along the well pairs (right).
Steam Injection
Oil Well
EOR163594.indd 70 12/12/13 1:24 PM
fourth case, dual-string injector/dual-
string producer, was a base case in which
the injector and producer both contained
dual-tubing strings, steam injection rates
were constant and equally split between
the heel and toe strings, and production
was split also between heel and toe.
One of the benefits of installing ICDs
in an SAGD injector is to allow a higher
heel injection pressure, which means that
there is higher enthalpy delivery to the
reservoir for a given mass rate and that
steam quality increases across the nozzle
because of the pressure drop.
At 2 years, temperature and gas-
saturation profiles are similar between
the three casesPID injector/ICD pro-
ducer, PID injector/dual-string produc-
er, and ICD injector/ICD producer. ICD
injector/ICD producer displays a slightly
greater coolness in the midregion and
lower gas saturations although with simi-
lar chamber growth near both ends, pos-
sibly because injection and production
are both occurring only at the heel, while
the first two cases have injection at both
the heel and the toe. All are showing
a good degree of uniformity along the
length of the well pair.
By 7 years, the two PID-injector
cases are showing equivalent steam-
chamber growth along the entire length
while the ICD-injector/ICD-producer
case is showing slightly less growth near
the toe. Temperatures in the first case
(PID injector/ICD producer) are looking
somewhat cooler than those for both the
PID-injector/dual-string-producer and
ICD-injector/ICD-producer cases be-
cause the PID controller in the former
is just beginning to hit its subcool target
at this time (7 years) and the second PID
case will achieve this shortly after.
By 12 years, the first two PID cases are
showing cooler steam chambers than the
ICD-injector/ICD-producer case because
both are achieving their subcool targets.
The two cases with dual-string pro-
ducers, dual-string injector/dual-string
We offer innovative engineering consulting to understand how your completions actually work.
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NOETIC JPT HALF PAGE JAN 2013_2.indd 1 2013-12-10 5:27 PM
Fig. 2Schematic of the ICD, showing overall linear dimensions, outer screens,
flow paths, and a picture of the nozzle.
Base Pipe
Boss Ring (Cover)
Media + Shroud
5 ft to >38 ft 4 ft 4 ft
Port Plug
Fluid Flow
EOR163594.indd 71 12/12/13 1:24 PM
producer and PID injector/dual-string
producer, show very large, uncontrolled
subcools up to approximately 5.5 years,
while the two ICD cases show controlled
subcool throughout the production cycle.
The PID-injector/dual-string-producer
case does eventually start to control the
subcool. The base case, with dual strings
in both injector and producer and no sub-
cool control, shows very low subcools at
times greater than 5 years, but this is be-
cause the steam chamber is touching the
producer at these times. The case with
ICDs in both injector and producer ex-
hibits very low subcool at times greater
than 5 years; but, again, the steam cham-
ber is getting close to the producer. The
PID-injector/ICD-producer case shows
good subcool control in the early stages
and the ability to achieve a subcool target
in the later stages.
At 2 years, the two cases with PID
injection, PID injector/ICD producer
and PID injector/dual-string producer,
show similar pressure profiles around
the well pair except that the case with the
ICD producer shows flatter profiles than
the case with the dual-string producer.
This is expected because of the bene-
fits of the ICDs in evening out inflow to
At 7 years, the PID-injector/ICD-
producer case is showing lower pres-
sures because the PID-injector has al-
ready begun to achieve its subcool target,
which the second PID injector case has
not yet accomplished. Pressure profiles
for the other two cases, PID injector/
dual-string producer and ICD injector/
ICD producer, are very similar.
By 12 years, the two PID-controlled
injection cases are showing comparable
low pressures around the well pair, while
the ICD injector/ICD producer case is
showing considerably higher pressures
because steam has broken through to the
producer and is causing higher pressure
drops across the ICD nozzles.
Fig. 3 presents a comparison of cu-
mulative steam/oil ratio for the three well-
pair configurations and the basecase.
The results suggest that a hybrid meth-
od of using feedback- (PID-) controlled
steam injection from dual- tubing strings
with a producer equipped with ICDs may
have several benefits. First, there are re-
duced capital and operating expendi-
tures because there is one less tubing
string in the producer. Second, an ICD-
equipped producer provides a more-even
inflow, which results in better- controlled
subcool throughout the production cycle,
particularly in the early stages after
switch over when it is more difficult (or
impossible) for PID-controlled steam in-
jection to achieve a subcool target. Third,
later in the production cycle, the ability
of the PID-controlled injection to force a
specified subcool target appears to keep
the steam chamber farther from the pro-
ducer and improve the economics of
theprocess. JPT
Fig. 3Comparison of cumulative steam/oil ratio for three SAGD well-pair
configurations and the base case.
Time, days
Cumulative Steam/Oil Ratio vs. Time
ICDs in Injector/Producer
PID Injector, ICD Producer
Dual-String Injector, Producer
PID Injector, Dual-String
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
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EOR163594.indd 72 12/16/13 7:44 AM
aturally fractured reservoirs
(NFRs) contain a significant
amount of remaining petroleum reserves
and are now being considered for
water-alternating-gas (WAG) flooding
as secondary or tertiary recovery. The
authors face the challenge of reservoir
simulation of WAG by building models
at various scales, starting with pore
scale and expanding to an intermediate
scale and then to reservoir scale. They
show how pore-network modeling and
fine-grid modeling where the fractures
and matrix are represented explicitly
can be used to increase the accuracy of
numerical simulations at field scale.
A significant portion of the worlds re-
maining petroleum resources is located
in NFRs, including supergiant fields in
the Middle East. A detailed understand-
ing of the recovery processes involved in
extracting hydrocarbons from NFRs by
use of enhanced-oil-recovery techniques
is key to increasing ultimate recovery for
such reservoirs.
Waterflooding has been used with
various degrees of success in NFRs. For
unfavorable (i.e., mixed- to oil-wet) ma-
trix wettability, however, waterflooding
can be ineffective.
Gas/oil gravity drainage (GOGD)
provides an important drive mechanism
that can be effective irrespective of the
rock wettability. In NFRs, fractures in-
crease the exposure of the injected gas
to oil in reservoir rock, which renders
GOGD more effective than it is in unfrac-
tured reservoirs. Consequently, gas in-
jection has been applied in many NFRs.
However, because the gas mobility is very
high compared with that of water and oil,
so is the risk of bypassed oil and gravity
override, which can lead to very early gas
breakthrough. This is particularly true
for NFRs.
WAG flooding combines the mer-
its of the two injection fluids on mac-
roscopic and microscopic scales while
stabilizing the injection front, delaying
breakthroughs, and, therefore, leading
to increased oil recovery compared with
continuous water or gas injection.
Reservoir simulation of WAG injec-
tion is very challenging because a repre-
sentative three-phase saturation model is
required to predict relative permeability
and capillary pressure as water and gas
saturations increase and decrease alter-
nately. Three-phase relative permeability
and capillary pressure data are extremely
difficult to measure experimentally. Even
if experimental evaluation becomes fea-
sible, an infinite number of saturation
paths can occur in the reservoir. This ne-
cessitates the use of empirical, or inter-
polation, models to predict three-phase
relative permeability and capillary pres-
sure from two-phase experiments.
In NFRs, capillary pressure and rela-
tive permeability functions have a major
effect on fluid exchange between ma-
trix blocks and fractures. Predicting the
effects of the interplay of viscous, cap-
illary, and gravity forces is challenging
because fluid flow is viscous-dominated
in the fractures while transfer between
fractures and matrix blocks is dominated
by capillary and gravity forces. Because
most of the oil is contained inside the ma-
trix, capillary and gravity forces can be
more important in NFRs than in conven-
tional reservoirs.
This capillary-/gravity-driven ex-
change between fractures and matrix
is commonly modeled by use of
dual-porosity or dual-porosity/dual-
permeability models.
The authors use a novel pore-
network model to predict three-phase
relative permeability and capillary pres-
sure functions of arbitrary wettability to
model fracture/matrix transfer processes
during WAG flooding. While it is difficult,
time consuming, and costly to obtain all
hysteretic two- and three-phase relative
permeability and capillary pressure func-
tions experimentally for the same rock
sample, pore-network models can gener-
ate a complete saturation function for the
same pore structure.
The authors attempted to preserve
small-scale recovery processes at the
field scale to ensure that they were well
represented in porosity models. There-
fore, they introduced a stepwise upscal-
ing procedure (Fig. 1) to preserve these
processes across various scales.
Pore-Scale Displacements
To Predict Saturation Functions
The authors three-phase pore-network
model accounted for all observed mi-
croscopic displacement processes during
three-phase flow, such as multiple dis-
placement chains, layer formation and
collapse, or film flow. The pore- network
simulator has been benchmarked against
published three-phase experiments
for sandstones and micromodels of
To generate relative permeabili-
ty and capillary pressure data, the net-
work was initially saturated with water
followed by oilflooding to simulate a
primary-drainage process. Then, a series
Multiscale Simulation of WAG Flooding
in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by Special Publications Editor Adam Wilson, contains highlights
of paper SPE 164837, Multiscale Simulation of WAG Flooding in Naturally Fractured
Reservoirs, by Mohamed Ahmed Elfeel, Adnan Al-Dhahli, Sebastian Geiger, SPE,
and Marinus I.J. van Dijke, Heriot-Watt University, prepared for the 2013 EAGE
Annual Conference and Exhibition/SPE Europec, London, 1013 June. The paper has
not been peer reviewed.
EOR164837.indd 73 12/12/13 1:22 PM
of waterflooding (imbibition) simula-
tions followed until the network water
saturation reached a predefined value, at
which gasflooding commenced (Fig. 2).
The Intermediate Scale
A fine-grid model was constructed to in-
vestigate the effect of three-phase relative
permeability and capillary pressure on
matrix/fracture transfer for a gridblock
scale of 505050 ft with 27 (333)
matrix blocks that are 121212 ft each.
This resembles the classical but highly
idealized sugar-cube array (Fig. 3). This
model allows for results from the pore
scale, in the form of relative permeabil-
ity and capillary pressure tables, to be
brought to the continuum scale where
fractures and matrix are present. To sim-
ulate WAG cycles, the fractures were in-
stantly filled with water or gas when
modeling recovery from the 27 matrix
blocks. Matrix blocks were assigned two-
and three-phase data. For the fractures,
linear relative permeability was used and
zero capillary pressure was assumed.
During the first two water/gas cy-
cles, recovery predicted for all empiri-
cal models reasonably matches recovery
predictions for the pore-network-derived
three-phase relative permeability and
capillary pressure. This is because the
total average oil saturation is relatively
high and, hence, close to two-phase rela-
tive permeability and capillary pressure
curves. However, empirical models pre-
dicted that oil recovery continues to in-
crease in subsequent WAG cycles where-
as the pore-network-derived functions
predicted no substantial increase in oil
recovery after the first two flooding cy-
cles. This is because relative permeabil-
ity and capillary pressure functions from
the pore-network model cause water and
gas phases to displace each other but do
not recover additional oil, leaving the oil
phase undisplaced.
WAG-Flooding Sensitivities
On the basis of the pore-network-derived
saturation functions, the authors con-
sidered a series of sensitivities to WAG-
flooding-design parametersWAG-cycle
duration and -cycle orderas well as the
effects of altering the matrixwettability.
Cycle Duration. For the nonviscous-
dominated flow between matrix blocks
and fractures, the authors observed that
the overall WAG recovery exhibited little
to no sensitivity to the WAG-cycle length.
However, the results also show that the
shorter the WAG cycle, the higher the
speed of recovery. This is because most
of the oil is produced during the first two
Fig. 1Stepwise procedural upscaling of recovery processes in NFRs. Colors represent different phases (red=gas,
green=oil, blue=water).
Fig. 2Saturation paths during gasflooding at different initial water saturations
after water imbibition into a water-wet sandstone. Color legends show relative
permeability values of oil, water, and gas phases, respectively, from left to
Fig. 3Fine-grid model used to simulate fracture/matrix multiphase transfer
(green=oil, blue=water; left). Top view of the model (top right) and cross-
sectional view of the model (bottom right) show the oil saturation in fractures
and matrix.
Pore Scale Intermediate Scale
Reservoir Scale
Oil Saturation
EOR164837.indd 74 12/17/13 9:21 AM
water/gas cycles because of a combina-
tion of water imbibition and gas gravity
drainage. During later WAG cycles, little
additional oil recovery is achieved when
using pore-network-model-derived rela-
tive permeabilities.
Cycle Order. The order of WAG cycles
also has an effect on oil recovery from the
matrix. At first, oil displacement by spon-
taneous water imbibition occurs faster
than GOGD if the matrix is water-wet.
Then, recovery by water imbibition be-
gins to diminish because of the reduction
in oil-phase mobility as water saturation
increases at the boundaries of matrix
blocks. Gas-gravity-drainage displace-
ment continues to increase and eventu-
ally outperforms recovery by spontane-
ous water imbibition. The difference in
recovery profiles during gas and water in-
jection for the WAG cycles is an indication
of the competition between the phases.
This is because, when gasflooding occurs
after waterflooding, the average initial
water saturation is high. Hence, oil recov-
ery is slow in the beginning because gas
displaces water first. The water cycle fol-
lows the sameexplanation.
Effect of Matrix Wettability. The rock-
matrix wettability has a significant ef-
fect on recovery from NFRs. To study
this effect, three-phase relative perme-
ability functions, capillary pressures, and
saturation paths were recomputed with
contact angles adjusted to represent oil-
wet rock. As expected, water/oil capillary
pressure values were negative in the oil-
wet case. This dramatically changes the
efficiency of water injection for recover-
ing oil from matrix blocks; capillary forc-
es act against water entering the blocks.
However, gravity forces, because of the
density difference between the water and
oil phases, enable the water phase to start
displacing oil in the matrix blocks from
the bottom up. Recovery from water dis-
placement by gravity alone in oil-wet res-
ervoirs is significantly less than that from
the combined gravity and capillary forces
in water-wet reservoirs. However, water
gravity displacement in an oil-wet res-
ervoir is a cocurrent displacement and
does not lead to the trapping of oil inside
blocks by the low-oil-mobility region.
Discussion and
The application of three-phase satura-
tion functions showed that the empir-
ical interpolation methods to estimate
three-phase saturation functions, which
are commonly used in standard indus-
try simulation practice, overestimated
oil recovery during late WAG cycles by
an absolute difference of 25% compared
with physically consistent and pore-
network-derived relative permeability
and capillary pressure functions. The au-
thors suggest that the reason for such a
tremendous difference is the more accu-
rate representation of intrapore displace-
ment processes in relative permeabili-
ty and capillary pressure functions that
are computed from pore-network sim-
ulation. A sensitivity analysis revealed
that water imbibition during the water-
injection cycles in WAG flooding creates
a region of low oil mobility around ma-
trix blocks. At such low oil saturations,
empirical interpolation models over-
estimate relative permeability, predicting
more oil to be released from the center of
The sensitivity analysis also showed
that recovery speeds up with decreas-
ing length of WAG-flooding cycles but
that final recovery always converged to a
similar value. Final recoveries were also
similar for cases in which the order of
the WAG cycles was changed. Surprising-
ly, continuous gas injection in water-wet
rocks yielded higher oil recoveries com-
pared with WAG flooding, whereas con-
tinuous water injection recovered less oil
compared with WAG. Hence, the authors
concluded that water imbibition has an
adverse effect on recovery from matrix
blocks if gas is available for injection. This
is because of the low-oil-mobility region
at the fracture/matrix interface.
The authors point out that the results
cannot be used to evaluate WAG-flooding
success in general because viscous dis-
placement is not taken into consider-
ation. The question, therefore, remains:
Will heterogeneity in the viscous flow
field, arising from nonuniform fracture
networks, dominate recovery or will un-
certainty in the fracture/matrix transfer
prevail and control the overall recovery
behavior during WAG? JPT
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EOR164837.indd 75 12/17/13 5:38 PM
Jesse Lee, SPE,
is chemistry
technology manager
at Schlumberger. He
holds a PhD degree
in chemistry from
Yale University and
conducted his post-doctoral research
at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. Lee joined Schlumberger
in 1997 in Tulsa as a development
engineer, focused on the development
of polymer-based fracturing fluids.
During 200010, he managed new-
product development at Schlumberger
product centers in Sugar Land, Texas,
and Clamart, France. At Schlumberger,
Lee is responsible for developing
technical collaborations and managing
relationships with external chemical
companies. He is a member of the JPT
Editorial Committee.
Recommended additional reading
at OnePetro: www.onepetro.org.
OTC 24092 A Mature Southern North
Sea Asset Considers Conversion to
Wet-Gas Operation, Which Requires the
Development of Compatible and Novel
Chemistries for Flow Assurance and Asset
Integrity by J.F.L. Garming, Nederlandse
Aardolie Maatschappij, et al.
SPE 166300 Reducing Brownfield
Development Costs Through Improved
Drilling Practice and Enhanced
Understanding of Wellbore Instability
inWeak Formations by N. Stevenson,
Statoil, et al.
SPE 160429 Innovative Solution
Successfully Recompletes Problematic
Well in Malaysia by Chris Elliott, Petronas
Carigali, et al.
Sustainable growth in oil and gas production must stem from a combination of new
discoveries and optimized recovery from maturing fields. Therefore, development
of mature oil fields has been, and will increasingly be, an attractive subject. Conse-
quently, there is a large number of published studies describing the methodology of
mature-field-development practices. However, it is also evident that optimizing the
production of mature fields presents great technological challenges for the operators,
who must manage production decline over the short term while increasing recovery
factors over the long term. There are opportunities for quick wins, but, for long-term
growth, a coherent strategy that integrates elements of technology, people, and pro-
cess must be established.
A significant amount of information is available that covers almost all aspects of
managing mature fields. It is critical to have access to the relevant information and to
use the right tools to improve decision cycle time. This allows the operators to cor-
rect course in a timely manner and to avoid implementing changes in a compartmen-
talized fashion. It is straightforward to establish processes and follow best practices,
but having people with multidisciplinary expertise is the glue that holds all the pieces
together. Many in the industry have stressed the importance of properly developing
experience and capacity for innovation. However, promoting the culture of innova-
tion requires patience, which is challenging for public companies that are under quar-
terly pressure.
It is exciting to see that there is no shortage of technological advances, but it is
safe to say that there is still plenty of room for key enablers to continue to evolve and
to synergize with each other. For instance, chemistry, as a basic science, could play a
bigger role in the overall scheme and perhaps, in certain areas, should take the lead-
ing role. Nature has designed countless examples of well-choreographed chemical
reactions that support the complexity of life. It is conceivable that such intelligent
chemistry can also be developed to broaden the role of chemistry in terms of manag-
ing mature fields. I hope to see more and more chemistry-related publications in the
coming years.
The decline of a fields production curve is inevitable; good preparation helps to
control the process. I remember reading this statement from one of the majors: Prep-
arations for field maturity must start with first oil. In parallel, one must also keep in
mind that social responsibility, especially the environmental aspect, should be one of
the key considerations while establishing the development strategy.
Again, this is where chemistry can bring significant value. For instance, precise
fracturing technology that uses less proppant is a good example of new technology
that exhibits uncompromised performance that is one step in the right direction. I
hope you enjoy reading the selected papers for this months feature. JPT
2MFWRFocusJan.indd 76 12/12/13 8:34 AM
he new channel-fracturing
technique is capable of increasing
fracture conductivity by up to two orders
of magnitude. The channel-fracturing
technique allows development of an
open network of flow channels within
the proppant pack, enabling fracture
conductivity by such channels rather
than by flow through the pores between
proppant grains in the proppant pack.
The successful implementation of
the channel-fracturing technique in
brownfield development is described
in detail with the case study of the
Talinskoe field in Russia.
The Talinskoe section (for simplicity, re-
ferred to herein as the Talinskoe field) is
part of the medium-sized, mature Kras-
noleninskoe field, located near Nyagan,
Russia. Exploration of this section began
in 1982. It has more than 5,000 wells
completed either in the Middle Juras-
sic Tyumenskaya suite (Formations JK2
through JK9) or the Early Jurassic Sherka-
linskaya suite (Formations JK10 through
JK11). More than 1,500 wells have been
fractured hydraulically. Approximately
60% of all wells are idle, mainly because
of water breakthrough (the average water
cut throughout the field is 90%). Most
hydrocarbons are found in the Sherka-
linskaya suite, but, currently, water cut in
many wells producing from the JK10 and
JK11 formations already exceeds the eco-
nomic limit. These wells are recompleted
to produce from shallower formations in
the Tyumenskaya suite.
The Tyumenskaya suite is character-
ized by a complex geology. It is an argil-
laceous facies with sandstone sublayers
and lenses. Because of low permeabili-
ties in the Tyumenskaya suite, most of
the wells cannot be produced commer-
cially without stimulation. To enhance
well productivity in such conditions, the
greatest possible fracture length is re-
quired, but it is not always possible to
achieve targeted half-length because of
geological limitations and formation
mechanical properties. While designing
for the greatest length possible, the en-
gineer is frequently limited by low-to-
moderate stress contrast between the
target formation and the barrier separat-
ing the target interval from the possibly
It is usually not a problem in low-
permeability reservoirs to achieve tar-
get dimensionless fracture conductivity
(DFC) greater than 2. But this does not
always provide the best productivity re-
sults. Thorough analysis of the 3-year
fracturing campaign in Nyagan showed
that an DFC greater than 1520 should
be targeted for this region. Lower DFC
values result in lower productivity. Lack
of control over fracture-height growth
(with the subsequent reduction in frac-
ture width) is a possible reason for pro-
duction underachievement.
Current fracturing practices in the
Talinskoe field aim for height-growth
control, longer effective fracture half-
lengths, and enhanced fracture conduc-
tivity. For these purposes, several differ-
ent fracturing technologies and pumping
techniques were implemented. All of
these technologies have demonstrated
different levels of productivity increase.
But all of them have a significant draw-
back: The screenout ratio increases with
a decrease in fluid viscosity and an in-
crease in operational complexity. In the
period between 2007 and 2009, when
these technologies were implemented,
the average screenout ratio for Talin-
skoe field was 12%. Screen out affects
production in several ways. When all the
designed proppant is not placed in the
formation, then the fracture geometry is
compromised, possibly by a lower DFC,
incomplete zonal coverage (the entire
net pay is not covered), or smaller skin
improvement (shorter fracture length).
In addition, fluid and gel recovery might
suffer from lengthy workover opera-
tions, which may reduce the retained
A trial campaign for channel-
fracturing technology was conducted on
the Tyumenskaya suite. The campaign
was aimed at increasing fracture con-
ductivity and effective fracture half-
length without an additional risk of
Channel Fracturing
The concept behind the new fractur-
ing technique may be described in one
word: channels. The homogeneous prop-
pant pack is replaced by a network of
flow channels (Fig. 1); now, the frac-
ture conductivity is created not by prop-
pant, but rather by channels. Proppant
is now grouped into clusters, support-
ing fracture walls from closure around
Channels are created by a spe-
cial pulsing pump schedule and a clus-
tered perforation scheme. In contrast to
the conventional pumping schedule, in
Channel Fracturing Applied
in Mature Wells in Western Siberia
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
of paper SPE 159347, First Channel Fracturing Applied in Mature Wells Increases
Production From Talinskoe Oil Field in Western Siberia, by Rifat Kayumov,
SPE, Artem Klyubin, SPE, Alexey Yudin, SPE, and Philippe Enkababian, SPE,
Schlumberger, and Fedor Leskin, SPE, Igor Davidenko, SPE, and Zdenko Kaluder,
SPE, TNK-BP, prepared for the 2012 SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration and
Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, 1618 October. The paper
has not been peerreviewed.
MFW159347.indd 77 12/12/13 1:38 PM
which proppant is added homogeneous-
ly with incremental increases in prop-
pant concentration, the new technique
adds the proppant in short pulses. The
proppant pulses will create the prop-
pant clusters. The clean pulses (pulses
without proppant) will promote the for-
mation of channels. The last step of a
treatment requires continuous addition
of proppant, as in a conventional treat-
ment. The goal of this step, referred to as
the tail-in step, is to ensure a stable, uni-
form, and reliable connection between
the channeled fracture and the wellbore.
It is important to design the tail-in step
so that it is short enough to prevent it
from having a significant negative im-
pact on the overall fracture conductivity.
As for the perforation scheme, it is nec-
essary to create clusters of perforation
shots separated by nonperforated inter-
vals. These clusters will separate prop-
pant pulses into smaller slugs and will
promote uniform distribution of prop-
pant slugs across thefracture.
The special modeling workflow
comprises proppant-transport models
to calculate the placement of proppant
slugs. After the proppant slugs (conglom-
erates) are placed, the fracture walls will
bend around the slugs (Fig. 2), which
will reduce the effective volume of the
channels. To model this phenomenon, a
special fit-for-purpose mechanical model
was developed and integrated into a com-
mercial fracturing simulator. If the width
profile of the channels is known, fracture
conductivity can be calculated. The de-
veloped engineering workflow thus al-
lows us to relate what is performed at
surface to what is obtained in the frac-
ture. Furthermore, it allows optimiza-
tion of the fracture design to ensure that
channels will stay open.
Many successful case studies of
channel-fracturing implementation al-
ready have been published; some of
them are based on hydraulic fractur-
ing in ultralow-permeability reservoirs,
and others concern low- and medium-
permeability reservoirs. Regardless, all
authors show significant productivity in-
creases in the wells with channel fractur-
ing compared with offset, conventionally
stimulated wells. These studies proved
the benefits of this technology; how ever,
all of them are related to gas and gas/
condensate reservoirs.
Before initiating the pilot channel-
fracturing campaign, a similar experi-
ence was reviewed carefully. A previously
presented case study with the channel-
fracturing technique implemented for
medium-permeability oil formations in
western Siberia in newly drilled wells of
the Priobskoe field yielded two impor-
tant conclusions:
1. The performance of the wells
treated with the new technique
was 10 to 15% higher than that
of wells receiving conventional
2. The productivity index of the
wells treated with the new
technique was stable for 2
years, confirming the existence
and reliability of the channel
In addition to extraordinary fracture
conductivity, improved fracture clean-
up, and increased effective fracture half-
length, there is another valuable bene-
fit from the implementation of channel
fracturing in Talinskoe field: a mini-
mized risk of screenout. Currently, more
than 6,500 stimulation treatments with
channel-fracturing technology have been
performed worldwide, and only three
screenouts have occurred, which yields a
success rate greater than 99.95%.
Candidate Selection and
Design Considerations
Several criteria and considerations were
applied in the candidate-selection pro-
cess. One of the main objectives, besides
those that relate to the technology itself,
was to find candidates with several repre-
sentative offset wells that were hydrauli-
Fig. 1A conventional propped fracture (left) with respect to channel-
fracturing technology (right).
Fig. 2Channels narrowing around proppant slugs.
Conventional Fracturing Channel Fracturing
f effective
f propped
f hydraulic
f effective
f propped
f hydraulic
= =
Open Channel Open Channel
MFW159347.indd 78 12/18/13 8:19 AM
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cally fractured by use of conventional
technologies and had enough production
data to make correct comparison analy-
sis. In addition, wells were screened on
the basis of the following requirements:
Cased-hole wells with no
perforation in the target interval
to allow cluster perforation
Well deviation of less than 15 in
the target interval to minimize
risk of misalignment of fracture
plane with the wellbore
A certain degree of rock stiffness:
ratio of Youngs modulus to
closure stress at greater than 275
Net height greater than 6 m
Lowest possible lamination of
the pay interval with a minimum
number of separating shale or
argillite streaks
No additional risks of breaking
into water-bearing formations in
case of fracture-height growth
Channel fracturing is beneficial in
two ways. First, the presence of clean
pulses around proppant structures and
fibers inside slurry provide bridging-
free flow, which leads to increased prop-
pant penetration inside the formation.
Second, enhanced fracture permeability
enables faster and more-complete re-
covery of the fracturing fluid during well-
cleanup procedures through channels,
which results in increased effective half-
length and unhindered hydrocarbon flow
during production. A specially developed
module in the commercial simulator was
used for the designing and optimizing
of channel formation. The effort was
made to design treatments that ensure
fully opened channels through the entire
length of created fractures with maxi-
mum possible conductivity.
After thorough candidate screen-
ing, with several stimulation and pro-
duction specialists involved from both
the operator and the service company,
five wells showed the best possible com-
pliance with the screening criteria de-
scribed and were chosen to be stimu-
lated with channel-fracturing treat-
ment (Wells X268, X118, X473, X430,
and X373). Chosen wells were distrib-
uted across the field. All were treated
with water-based fracturing fluid with
(25-lbm/1,000-gal) guar- polymer
loading and borate-type crosslinker. A
16/20-mesh intermediate-strength prop-
pant was used as the main treatment,
and 3 tons per job of 12/18-mesh resin-
coated proppant was used as tail-in mate-
rial to ensure maximum conductivity in
the near-wellbore region and control over
proppant flowback at the same time. All
treatments were pumped as per design
without screen outs, despite a very ag-
gressive schedule, proving the reliability
of proppant placement in pulsating mode.
Production Analysis
Analysis of production is based on the
productivity-index value normalized
on the net-pay thickness. For each well,
the productivity index was recalculated
from daily-liquid-production data, with
applied Vogels correction for produc-
tion below bubblepoint pressure. Net-
pay thickness was derived from log data.
A robust permeability value was not
known for most of the wells, so it was not
used for further data normalization. The
productivity index at or above bubble-
point can be simply calculated as a ratio
of liquid production to applied draw-
down. Wells in the Talinskoe field pro-
duce with electrical submersible pumps.
It is a common practice to keep bot-
tomhole pressure below the bubblepoint
pressure. (For a detailed discussion of the
production-analysis process, please see
the complete paper.)
Normalized productivity-index val-
ues for the five wells treated with the
channel-fracturing technique were av-
eraged into a single curve and com-
pared with the averaged normalized
productivity-index curve from eight off-
set wells after stimulation with conven-
tional fracturing treatments. The pro-
ductivity of wells treated with channel
fracturing was significantly higher than
that of wells stimulated with conven-
tional fracturing. Note that because of
the low number of treated wells, nor-
malized productivity curves suffer from
noise induced by imperfections of
daily production-measurement data
from each well. But the general trend is
obvious: Wells treated with the channel-
fracturing technique display signifi-
cantly higher productivity-index values
during the entire production period cur-
rentlyavailable. JPT
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s a field matures, there is a
crucial need to focus on
integrity-related issues such as
hazard prevention and mitigation.
During the initial field development
of D fieldoffshore Terengganu in
Malaysia, the well design was fit for
purpose to meet production needs.
However, extension of production
requirements contrary to earlier
plans, a production-driven operational
philosophy, and irregular well-integrity
surveillance have compounded integrity
issues. To rectifythis trend, a field
redevelopment was based on a number
of concretesteps.
Field Overview
D field is an oil- and gas-producing field
that saw its first hydrocarbon discov-
ery in 1981. After a series of apprais-
al wells and the formulation of a field-
development plan, the fields first oil
production was realized in March 1991.
The fields primary production is oil
from multistack major reservoirs X1 and
X2, with 30 to 70% CO
D field has a total of four producing plat-
forms, consisting of one main platform
with three satellite platforms. The pro-
duction streamlines from the satellites
undergo separation processes at the
main platform before collection at the
floating storage and offloading facility.
Currently, the field is oper-
ating with a total of 218 completion
strings. The main platform consists of a
separation-process unit, a water-
injection module, a gas-injection mod-
ule, and a produced-water-treatment
system. Dedicated gas and water pipe-
lines run to each satellite platform,
meeting the requirement of water and
gas injection to the reservoir as part
of the reservoir-management plan. In
addition, enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR)
implementation is being assessed as
part of the effort to increaseproduction.
Problem Statement
From 2010 to 2012, a 60% decline in
daily production rate was observed,
largely as a result of integrity issues.
Operating under a wide range of CO
concentrations in hydrocarbons poses
a challenge in the initial material se-
lection for well completion, which can
in turn greatly affect well integrity
and life span. Furthermore, the early-
optimization philosophy for water and
gas injection led to the use of one well
slot with dual-utility well completion,
which complicates well intervention and
deteriorating well-integrity assurance
because of the difference in operating
temperatures between the two strings
in awellbore.
Extensive diagnostic surveys and
well-integrity logging were conducted
from 2010 to 2012 in order to determine
the condition of subsurface well integ-
rity and safeguard the production and
reservoir-management-plan require-
ments for the EOR project. To ensure
deliverables, the team has adopted a se-
ries of systematic guidelines to diagnose
well integrity.
Subsurface Integrity
Rapid Increase in Water Cut. From the
key observation wells, the team noted
a steep increase in water-cut percent-
age; in one example (Well AA), this per-
centage rose from an initial 18 to 80%
within 2 consecutive years of monitor-
ing. From this observation, the team has
initially estimated that leaks in comple-
tion strings most probably have occurred
because of an operating strategy of si-
multaneous water injection and oil pro-
duction in one well slot in most of the
D-field wells.
Sudden Drop in Oil Production. In
again considering the example of Well
AA, the steep unexpected increase in
water production has caused a significant
reduction in oil production. This was be-
lieved to be caused by the increase in hy-
drostatic pressure in the annulus that sig-
nificantly reduced the oil column in the
production strings overtaken bywater.
Abnormal Pressure Profile. Here we
use the example of Reservoir X-3, which
was simultaneously produced from the
group of six observation wells that had
shown a stable pressure profile in the
course of 7 years of production. It is im-
portant to note that Reservoir X-3 is not
the main producing reservoir in D field.
X-3 is a natural-depletion reservoir, a
term used by the team to describe a res-
ervoir with no water-injection support
from the injector wells to maintain the
pressure. However, the reservoir pres-
sure monitored from these six wells ex-
perienced a steady decline that ended in
1998, but in 2001, the pressure increased
by 200 psia, with a steady increase until
the end of 2007.
This phenomenon is probably
caused by production-tubing leaks in sin-
gle or multiple wells concurrently pro-
ducing from and injecting to the other
Mature-Field Subsurface Integrity:
Holistic Diagnostic Approach in Malaysia
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
of paper SPE 165634, Mature-Field Subsurface Integrity: Formulation of a New
Paradigm Through a Holistic Diagnostic Approach for D Field, Malaysia, by
Wan Rokiah Ismail and Almag Fira Pradana, Petronas Carigali, prepared for
the 2013 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Health, Safety, Social Responsibility,
and Environment Conference, Lima, Peru, 2627 June. The paper has not been
MFW165634.indd 82 12/12/13 1:38 PM
reservoirs in D field. The injected water,
intentionally dedicated to support other
reservoirs, has traveled to Reservoir X-3
because of leaks in completion strings,
which in turn caused high water produc-
tion recorded from the reservoirs pro-
ducing wells.
High Casing Pressure. Daily surveil-
lance on well parameters such as flow-
ing tubinghead pressure, production-
casing pressure (PCP), intermediate-
casing pressure (ICP), and flowing pro-
duction-string-head temperature allows
the team to identify anomalies in well
conditions. Early signs of communica-
tion between casings can be detected if
PCP (Annulus A) exceeds 2,000 psi and
ICP (Annulus B) exceeds 300 psi. The
communication between casings is fur-
ther confirmed by bleeding off the pres-
sure at the respective annulus and moni-
toring to see if the pressure builds up in
the annulus by more than 50% within
24 hours after the attempt. Communica-
tion between casings is treated as a high
health, safety, and environmental prior-
ity. Should the situation be encountered,
the well is required to be secured and
tested further to confirm the existence of
leaks, and remedial action is to be taken.
Well Intervention
In place of the requirement to perform
field-performance analysis and reser-
voir studies by operating per a con-
sistently optimum-condition reservoir-
management strategy, the D-field team
has initiated and executed routine
reservoir-data gathering in all of its 170
wells, which further confirmed the ex-
istence of poor well integrity after 20
years of production. For a detailed dis-
cussion of these findings, please see the
complete paper.
Well Workover
Once the well-integrity condition is con-
firmed through surface data and well-
survey data, the condition is then eval-
uated. If possible, internal patching
(completion string and casing) will be
conducted to rectify the integrity issues.
However, in order to secure the wells
safety, ensure continuous production,
and ensure reserves recovery, a work-
over is required should the well present
conditions indicating that it is beyond
rectification, such as multiple holes and
leaks in the completion string, annulus
communication, and packer leak caus-
ing crossflow betweenreservoirs.
Therefore, with multiple wells expe-
riencing severe well-integrity issues be-
yond rectification and in preparation for
a future EOR program, a massive work-
over campaign was carried out between
2009 and 2012 in D field. In the course
of the workover campaign, the down-
hole condition was confirmed further
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Foamer Pumped
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foam conformance
modier, an incremental increase
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has persisted for more than 6
Fig. 1Condition of retrieved completion strings.
Production String
Showing Ring
Worm Corrosion
MFW165634.indd 83 12/12/13 1:39 PM
on the basis of the completion string
and well accessories retrieved to surface
from various wells (Fig. 1). Internal and
external corrosion can be detected on
the major completionaccessories.
Casing Integrity
On the basis of the severely corroded
condition of the completion string re-
trieved during the workover activity, the
casing integrity becomes suspect. The
team has initiated and executed a series
of casing-integrity tests to ensure the
ability of the casing to withstand pres-
sure during production with no potential
hazard to the environment. In addition
to the casing- injectivity tests that were
performed to ensure casing reliability, a
series of cased-hole logs with sonic and
ultrasonic capabilities was executed to
ascertain not only the integrity of the
casing but also the bonding quality of the
cement behind the casing.
In one example from Well DD, the
interpretation result of the surveys cor-
rosion mode was able to show a sig-
nificant degree of metal loss ranging
from 30 to 50%, mostly located near
or between the fluid-entry points at the
perforation area. In an instance from
Well EE, the ultrasonic interpretation
of a significant portion of the casing re-
vealed the disturbing occurrence of a
microannulus filled with gas (from the
reservoir secondary gas cap) in the ce-
ment above the main production zones.
To ensure the safety of the environment
with respect to the hazards caused by a
potential leak of production fluids, the
team decided to perform a remedial
squeeze cementing on Well EE, resulting
in a major improvement in the cement-
bonding quality.
However, the poor casing condi-
tion in Well DD made that well particu-
larly hazardous for a new recompletion
in the same slot. Hence, the team put
forward a plan to reuse the slot by per-
forming a plug-and-abandon operation
in the existing wellbore, starting from
the poor-casing section and extending
to the bottommost depth of the origi-
nal slot, followed by a sidetracking of a
new target above the abandoned section
to secure and deliver the remaining re-
serves of the well.
Controlling the Corrosion Rate
Corrosion is inevitable. Therefore, the
only possible control that can be ap-
plied in a completion string is control of
the corrosion rate. The corrosion rate
increases as the temperature, pressure,
and stress increase during production.
Corrosion will occur with the appear-
ance of an anode, a cathode, and an elec-
trolyte, which promote the oxidation
and reduction processes of metal.
A high concentration of carbon
dioxide, together with high-water-cut
production, promotes the formation of
carbonic acid. The acidic substance will
then react with iron to form sidetrite
scale, forming a protective film on the
walls of the completion string because
the scale is nonconductive in nature,
thus preventing galvanic corrosion oc-
currence. However, crevice and pitting
corrosion will occur when carbonic acid
is formed. Additionally, the presence of
will cause embrittlement, which in
turn results in stress-corrosion crack-
ing, causing mechanical failure of the
completion string (Fig. 1).
There are also biological factors
to consider in corrosion-rate con-
trol. Injection-water quality should be
monitored for the presence of sulfate-
reducing bacteria (SRB). SRB metabolize
sulfate ions of an organic carbon source,
thus introducing hydrogen sulfide (H
into an H
S-free system. This will then
accelerate the occurrence of crevice cor-
rosion in the completion string. Fur-
thermore, other factors can influence
the corrosion rate, including an erosive
production environment and the selec-
tion of completion metallurgy.JPT
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MFW165634.indd 84 12/16/13 3:32 PM
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ICO Indonesia is the operator
of the Sanga-Sanga production-
sharing contract (PSC) in Indonesia.
Against a backdrop of of 46% annual
base decline, VICO generated and
implemented an integrated and
aggressive work program called the
Renewal Plan. This is an integrated
approach between reservoir
management and technology
application. This plan proved to
be an efficient example of better
reservoirmanagement for optimum
development of mature assets.
The Sanga-Sanga acreage is located on-
shore in the Mahakam delta, East Kali-
mantan, Indonesia. The acreage is lo-
cated within the Kutai basin, which is
characterized by the Samarinda anti-
clinorium, with a series of highly pro-
lific anticlines. Hydrocarbon accumu-
lations are most often located within a
series of mid-Miocene upper-delta and
delta-plain sandstone reservoirs, and
are principally characterized by four-
way dip closure or two-way structural/
VICO Indonesia has been explor-
ing and developing this PSC acreage ac-
tively since 1968. There are seven pro-
ducing fields (Fig. 1): Badak, Nilam,
Semberah, Mutiara, Beras, Pamaguan,
and Lampake. These together produce
385 MMscf/D of gas and 14,500 B/D
of liquids from 420 active wells, which
have mixed wellbore completions (sin-
gle, dual-selective, monobore, dual-
monobore, and horizontal). The sur-
face facilities supporting the production
include four main production centers,
12 gathering stations, and more than
After 40 years of production, these
fields have now reached a fairly mature
stage; most of the penetrated reservoirs/
tanks have been depleted from origi-
nal pressures. Coupled with the annual
production decline, this condition has
resulted in significant challenges to de-
livering a continuous economic and ef-
ficient field-development strategy while
maximizing field production.
Renewal Plan
VICO carried out a reserves-reassessment
studyan integrated approach involving
reservoir management and technology
applications conducted by a multidisci-
plinary team. The seven components of
the Renewal Plan are described in the fol-
lowing subsections.
Securing Base Production. Secur-
ing base production is one of the keys
to achieving a production target. Well
monitoring and surveillance are the
primary methods by which base pro-
duction is secured. Previously, VICO
wells were monitored by frequent pro-
duction tests, mostly depending on
In the Renewal Plan, automated
real-time monitoring well surveillance
of wellhead-pressure and flow-rate data
on each well was impemented. This
real-time wellhead surveillance (RTWHS)
transmits the data from the wellsite to
the VICO server; then, it is stored in a
data base. Operators and production en-
gineers could monitor the behavior of
the well in real time. This system has
proved to minimize well downtime, lead-
ing to aggressive well reactivation.
This installation has also become
standard for new wells. Currently, 90%
of VICOs active wells are equipped
Aggressive Drilling Plan. The multidis-
clipinary team concluded that remain-
ing potential reserves are high, even
though the PSC acreage has produced
70% over 40 years. New well develop-
ment can be carried out by means of
conventional-well, grid-based-drilling,
and cluster-drilling methods.
Previous VICO completion design
used single-/dual-string 2-, 2-, and
3-in. completion with multipackers
installed for single/multiple perforation.
This led to commingled production from
several zones, reducing the maximimum
potential of each individual zone. The
single 4-in. monobore offered bet-
ter reservoir management and a single
production tubing, with the annulus ce-
mented up to surface. The downside of
the 4-in.-monobore completion, how-
ever, includes less flexibility to catch up
with the deliverability target.
A dual 3-in.-monobore comple-
tion was implemented, and flexibility
of the production strategy was achieved
by use of long strings for maximizing
reserves recovery, and short strings
for optimizing production. This dual
3-in. monobore has become a stan-
dard well completion in VICO Indone-
sias portfolio.
Aggressive Rigless Development.
While maintaining base production, op-
timization of existing wells is the prior-
ity for meeting the production target. To
that end, on a routine basis, the multi-
Optimum Development in Mature Fields:
Sanga-Sanga Assets, Indonesia
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
of paper SPE 158716, Renewal Plan: Efficient Strategy for Optimum Development
in Mature FieldsA Success Story From Sanga-Sanga Assets, Indonesia, Andre
Wijanarko, Bambang Ismanto, and Robhy Permana, VICO Indonesia, and Italo
Pizzolante, Eni, prepared for the 2012 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and
Exhibition, Perth, Australia, 2224 October. The paper has not been peer reviewed.
MFW158716.indd 86 12/12/13 1:37 PM
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Pages 65, 89
Aramco Services Co.
Page 33
Baker Hughes Inc.
Page 37
Pages 2, 81
Cansco Well Control
Page 101
CESI Chemical
Page 83
Page 31
Department of Chemical &
Petroleum Engineering
Page 16
Dragon Products, Ltd.
Page 4
Friedrich Leutert GmbH & Co. KG
Page 75
FMC Technologies
Page 11
Greene Tweed
Page 17
Pages 5, 59
Page 13
Mewbourne College of Earth &
EnergyUniversity of Oklahoma
Page 15
Mohawk Energy
Page 8
Page 29
National Oilwell Varco
Page 47
Noetic Engineering
Page 71
Page 25
Packers Plus
Page 7
Pennsylvania State University
Page 111
Cover 2
Rushmore Reviews
Page 41
Pages 3, 21, Cover 4
Solvay Novacare
Page 19
Page 9
T.T. & Associates Inc.
Page 75
TAM International
Cover 3
Trican Well Services
Page 23
Weatherford International Ltd.
Page 85, 93
Wellbarrier AS
Page 97
Page 87
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120 JPT JANUARY 2014
2829 January 2014 HoustonAAPG/
SPE Deepwater Reservoirs Geosciences
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1011 February 2014 MoscowDecision-
Making Under Uncertainty
1619 February 2014 LimassolEAGE/
SPE Workshop on Subsalt Imaging
1619 February 2014 Kota Kinabalu
Innovative Technology for Reservoir
Surveillance to Improve Reservoir
1620 February 2014 BangkokSPE
Managing Complex Capital Projects in the
21st Century: Paradigm Shift in Project
1819 February 2014 AustinSPE
Production Chemistry and Chemical
2326 February 2014 Phuket
Underbalanced Drilling, Managed Pressure
Drilling, and Well Controls
2425 February 2014 MuscatSPE
Mature AssetsLearning from the Past,
Planning for the Future
2425 February 2014 Dubai
Completion and Stimulation of Maximum
Reservoir Contact and Complex Wells
2426 February 2014 DubaiReservoir
Nanoagents: Taming Complexities on Road
to Deployment
45 March 2014 LondonSPE Effective
WaterfloodingAn Integrated Approach
47 March 2014 KyotoNanotechnology
& Nano-Geoscience in Oil and Gas Industry
56 March 2014 BakuSand
Management in Poorly Consolidated
912 March 2014 BangkokSPE
Hydraulic FractureBuilding on the Past
to Create the Future
912 March 2014 LangkawiSPE EOR
Stimulation: Are We There Yet?
1112 March 2014 San AntonioSPE/
AAPG/SEG Pore Pressure Workshop
1719 March 2014 DubaiPetroleum
Economics: Optimizing Value throughout
the Asset Life Cycle
1920 March 2014 LondonSPE
Petroleum Reserves and Resources
EstimationPetroleum Resources
Management System (PRMS) Applications
Guidelines Document and Case Studies
1820 March MoscowSPE/EAGE
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1920 March 2014 GuadalajaraSPE
25-27 March 2014 LyonCementing,
Filling the Gaps
2627 March 2014 LimaSPE Oil and
Gas Facilities
3031 March 2014 BasraIraq Field
Development Experiences
12 April 2014 AustinSPE/ASPE
Downhole Precision Tools in HPHT
Applications: Filling the Gaps
69 April 2014 Kota Kinabalu
SPE Formation Damage Mitigation &
810 April 2014 BanffLand Well
Integrity: Current Challenges
46 February 2014 The Woodlands
Hydraulic Fracturing Technology
1012 February 2014 HoustonArctic
Technology Conference
2527 February 2014 ViennaSPE/
EAGE European Unconventional Resources
Conference and Exhibition
2628 February 2014 Lafayette
International Symposium and Exhibition on
Formation Damage Control
46 March 2014 Fort WorthIADC/SPE
Drilling Conference and Exhibition
1719 March 2014 Long BeachSPE
International Conference on Health, Safety,
and Environment
2526 March 2014 The Woodlands
Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention
Conference and Exhibition
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31 March2 April 2014 MuscatSPE EOR
Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia
1 April 2014 CalgarySlugging It Out
13 April 2014 UtrechtSPE Intelligent
Energy Conference and Exhibition
13 April 2014 The WoodlandsSPE
Unconventional Resources Conference
2 April 2014 BergenSPE Bergen One
Day Seminar
89 April 2014 MadridSPE/
IADC Managed Pressure Drilling and
Underbalanced Operations Conference
and Exhibition
1216 April 2014 TulsaImproved Oil
Recovery Symposium
1416 April 2014 Kuwait CityOilfield
Water Management Conference and
1718 April 2014 DenverWestern North
American and Rocky Mountain Joint
2124 April 2014 Al KhobarSPE-
SAS Annual Technical Symposium and
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2328 February 2014 Newport Beach
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1720 March 2014 Abu Dhabi
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Shale and Tight Gas Reservoirs
16 June 2014 San DiegoExploiting
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27 July1 August 2014 Newport Beach
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Mobility Oil Recovery
SPE Annual Technical Conference and
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Deadline: 27 January 2014
SPE Artificial Lift Conference &
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Deadline: 3 February 2014
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Deadline: 6 February 2014
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Deadline: 12 February 2014
Find complete listings of upcoming SPE workshops, conferences, symposiums, and forums at www.spe.org.
SPEEventsJan.indd 120 12/16/13 7:30 AM
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