Carbonate Petrophysics Course philosophy Draw material from a variety of sources SPWLA, SPE, AAPG, leading edge, etc Service Companies Carefully reference every source to allow Client follow-up Illustrate issues with actual data to every degree possible Include parameters and equations Facilitate seamless Client application of course material Distribute spreadsheets to allow Client "What If" calculations.
Carbonate Petrophysics Course philosophy Draw material from a variety of sources SPWLA, SPE, AAPG, leading edge, etc Service Companies Carefully reference every source to allow Client follow-up Illustrate issues with actual data to every degree possible Include parameters and equations Facilitate seamless Client application of course material Distribute spreadsheets to allow Client "What If" calculations.
Carbonate Petrophysics Course philosophy Draw material from a variety of sources SPWLA, SPE, AAPG, leading edge, etc Service Companies Carefully reference every source to allow Client follow-up Illustrate issues with actual data to every degree possible Include parameters and equations Facilitate seamless Client application of course material Distribute spreadsheets to allow Client "What If" calculations.
Carbonate Petrophysics Course philosophy Draw material from a variety of sources SPWLA, SPE, AAPG, leading edge, etc Service Companies Carefully reference every source to allow Client follow-up Illustrate issues with actual data to every degree possible Include parameters and equations Facilitate seamless Client application of course material Distribute spreadsheets to allow Client "What If" calculations.
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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that the course aims to integrate concepts across disciplines and scales to facilitate interpretation of wireline data for field development and depletion. It also discusses delivering course materials in digital formats with exercises and spreadsheets to allow for flexible application and experimentation.
The main objective of the course discussed is to integrate concepts across disciplines and timeframes to arrive at a calibrated interpretation of wireline data that can provide insights into wellbore trajectory, reservoir boundaries, fluid properties, depositional environment, and time-lapse monitoring.
Some of the deliverables mentioned are digital PDFs of the presentation, exercises that can be worked on during or after class, a manual related to the presentation, and spreadsheets to construct graphics and allow for flexible modeling.
Carbonate Petrophysics
High Permeability Grainstone:
P t h i l dG h i l 30 pu Limestone Petrophysical and Geomechanical Issues in Carbonate Oilfields. Austin Boyd J erry Lucia Rudist: Middle East Well Evaluation Review#15, 1994 Schlumberger g GeneBallay@Gmail Com Gene.Ballay@Gmail.Com WWW.GeoNeurale.Com WWW.DediLog.Com R. E. (Gene) Ballay, PhD Carbonate Petrophysics Course philosophy Draw material from a variety of sources SPWLA, SPE, AAPG, Leading Edge, etc Service Companies Carefully reference every source to allow Client follow-up Illustrate issues with actual data to every degree possible Include parameters and equations Facilitate seamless Client application of course material Distribute spreadsheets to allow Client What If calculations Do Not Champion any particular Tool / Technique Discuss strengths and weaknesses Carbonate Petrophysics Course objective Integrate across discipline and scale and timeframes Wireline (and LWD) measurements are typically the basis for fi ld d l t d d l ti field development and depletion Ultimate objective is an integrated / calibrated interpretation of that data of that data Wellbore trajectory and reservoir boundaries Produced fluid properties and rates: both oil and water Reservoir Depositional Environment and subsequent diagenesis Basic Wireline Data Time-lapse reservoir monitoring with Visual Core Descriptions diagenesis Wellbore Images: R ti C D t wireline tools Wellbore Images: Rock character and reservoir geometry Routine Core Data Special Core Data Carbonate Petrophysics Course deliverables Digital, Key Word Searchable PDFs Presentation Exercises Can be worked during class or used as Question / A i Answer review Manual R l t dt th P t ti ( b ) T t B ki l t d Related to the Presentation (above) as a Text Book is related to a Classroom Presentation Spreadsheets usedtoconstruct supportinggraphics Spreadsheets used to construct supporting graphics Illustrates exactly how exhibits were developed AllowClient What If variationsasneedarises Allow Client What If variations as need arises Carbonate Petrophysics Course time-line Three day Suitable for abbreviated Time Frames Five day Includes additional Tool / Technique Theory & Illustrations Both options assume a basic comfort level with Wireline / LWD measurements and discipline integrated petrophysical analyses Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics Gus Archie introduced the world to the term petrophysics in 1950. Thisfundamental visionwasfollowedbyacarbonate 1950. This fundamental vision was followed by a carbonate classification system in 1952 in which he commented in discussing the petrophysics of limestones, it is necessary to first classify them necessary to first classify them, the field application of petrophysical relationships in limestone can be much more difficult than in sandstone becauseof variationsinpore size sandstone, because of variations in pore size distribution. This course begins with a contrast of sandstone and carbonate depositional environments, diagenesis and routine log signatures. Basic capillary pressure techniques are then introduced, thereby setting the stage for the Lucia Petrophysical Classification. p y f 2008 Robert E Ballay, LLC Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics The Lucia System recognizes that if one is to characterize the relationship between rockfabricandpetrophysical parameters, thenthe pore space must be classified asit rock fabric and petrophysical parameters, then the pore space must be classified as it exists today, in terms of petrophysical properties. The focus is then on petrophysical properties and not genesis. Keyissuesare Key issues are interparticle vs vuggy porosity separate vs touching vugs In addition to basic porosity (magnitude) determination, one should thus also consider pore size and pore type. Common porosity tools (density, neutron and sonic) are introduced, and then p y ( y, ) , contrasted as a means of achieving this objective. Image logs and nuclear magnetic resonance are investigated as modern alternative vuggy porosity identification options alternative, vuggy porosity identification options. Vuggy porosity affects not only rock quality (porosity vs permeability), but also the Archie m exponent, as is illustrated with laboratory measurements and thin sections 2008 Robert E Ballay, LLC sections. Cementation exponent models, for estimating m as a function of vuggy porosity content, are developed and evaluated. Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics In the years since Archies ground-breaking work, a number of so-called non-Archie (ie non-resistivity-based) formation evaluation approaches havebecomepossible (ie non resistivity based) formation evaluation approaches have become possible Each methodology is developed and then evaluated, with actual carbonate data Pulsed neutron Dielectric Borehole gravity meter Nuclear magneticresonance Nuclear magnetic resonance Since NMR is the most commonly used alternative, it receives the most attention Basic NMR is followed by Carbonate NMR Carbonate NMR addresses two key carbonate limitations pore size coupling vuggyporosityof sufficient sizethat surfacerelaxationnolonger dominates vuggy porosity of sufficient size that surface relaxation no longer dominates the tool response In addition to non-Archie formation evaluation, the Specialty Sonic offers Shear Wave identification / orientation of fractures andStoneley Wave permeability estimates identification / orientation of fractures and Stoneley Wave permeability estimates 2008 Robert E Ballay, LLC Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics Additional, supplemental tools / techniques that are investigated in the Course include Visualization byCT Scan Visualization by CT Scan Laboratory determination of mineralogy (XRD/XRF/etc) Laboratory measurement of porosity Pressure profiles Quick Look formation evaluation (Sw from resistivity ratio, etc) D bl D t Pi k tt Pl t Double Duty Pickett Plots Bulk volume water and / or Permeability grids, superimposed on routine PP Grids of constant BVWvalues canbedisplayedonthePickett Plot Locally appropriate permeability relations can be super-imposed on the Pickett Plot Grids of constant BVW values can be displayed on the Pickett Plot BVW=Constant, for a specific Rock Type, will generally identify water-free production Pickett Plot (m=2.0/n=2.0) 1.00 BVW = Constant 080 1.00 BVW=0.015 At a specific porosity, increases in resistivity infer increased permeability (lower Swi => better rock quality) At a specific resistivity, lower porosities infer lower perms, and hi h S i Pickett Plot (m=2.0/n=2.0) 1.00 Sw=1.00 Sw=0.5 Locally appropriate permeability relations can be super-imposed on the Pickett Plot 0.10 P o r o s i t y Sw=1.00 Sw=0.5 Sw=0.3 Sw=0.10 BVW=0.015 BVW=0.03 BVW=0.10 000 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 S w BVW=0.03 BVW=0.10 Increasing Grain Size higher Swi Perm estimate is only valid far above the transition zone Linear extrapolation to left of Sw=100 % line (graphic at right) is for visual reference only 0.10 P o r o s i t y Sw=0.3 Sw=0.15 Perm=0.1 Perm=1.0 Perm=10 Perm=100 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 Resistivity 0.00 0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 Porosity Grids below the Sw =100 % line are for visual reference only 0.01 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 Resistivity Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics Day 1 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 915 45 Course Introduction 915 930 15 C b t S d t Day 2 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 945 75 Sonic in Carbonate (+Exercise) 915 930 15 Carbonate vs Sandstone 930 945 15 Break 945 1000 15 Thin Sections 1000 1045 45 Lucia Petrophysical Classification 1045 1100 15 Break 1100 1200 60 Lucia Classification (+Exercise) 830 945 75 Sonic in Carbonate (+Exercise) 945 1000 15 Break 1000 1100 60 Carb Rhob / Pef (+Exercise) 1100 1115 15 Break 1115 1145 30 Carb LWD Rhob / Pef 1145 1200 15 Carbonate Neutron 1100 1200 60 Lucia Classification (+Exercise) 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1400 60 Capillary Pressure (+Exercise) 1400 1415 15 Break 1415 1500 45 Rock Quality and Cutoffs 1145 1200 15 Carbonate Neutron 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1345 45 Carb Neutron (+Exercise) 1345 1400 15 Break 1400 1500 60 Identification of Vuggy Porosity 1 00 1 1 1 B k Limestone generally clean, throughout LS GR activity was essentially all Carbonate versus Sandstone 1500 1515 15 Break 1515 1545 30 CT Scan with Carb Examples 1545 1615 30 GR in Carbonate (+Exercise) 1615 1630 15 Review and Feedback 1500 1515 15 Break 1515 1615 60 Specialty Sonic in Carb (+Exercise) 1615 1630 15 Review and Feedback In the clastic world, GR activity is often (but not always) a result of clay, and therefore indicative of a decrease in rock quality In carbonates its not uncommon to find the GR being driven by uranium, in a fashion that is not necessarily indicative of rock quality Th f i dth i t dhi h GR i l Trend parallel to LS line, but offset Pef is qualitative, not quantitative Higher GR corresponds to better quality limestone and increase in dolomitization Black points are invalid data (ie ignore) y y uranium Dolomite is higher non-uranium GR activity Did dolomitization occur in rock which was depositionally different? Uranium The presence of uranium, and the associated higher GR, can signal stylolites, fractures, super-perm and / or general increases or decreases in quality and / or mineralogy One key distinction between sand and carbonate is then the utility and meaning (or lack thereof) of SP / GR response has been removed! Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics Day 3 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 915 45 Phi / MineralogyfromCore Day 4 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 900 30 Q i k L k T h i 830 915 45 Phi / Mineralogy from Core 915 945 30 XRD/XRF/etc Mineralogy 945 1000 15 Break 1000 1045 45 Resistivity Tools & Constraints 1045 1100 15 Archie's 'm' Exponent 1100 1115 15 Break 830 900 30 Quick Look Techniques 900 930 30 Pickett Plot 930 945 15 Break 945 1030 45 Pickett Plot (+Exercise) 1030 1045 15 Pulsed Neutron Log 1045 1100 15 B k 1100 1115 15 Break 1115 1200 45 Archie's 'm' Exp (+Exercise) 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1345 45 Cmnt Exp Variations & Pore Geometry 1345 1415 30 "m" Estimates From Vuggy Porosity Ratio 1415 1430 15 Break 1045 1100 15 Break 1100 1200 60 PNL (+Exercise) 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1345 45 PNL Log-inject-log 1345 1400 15 Break 1415 1430 15 Break 1430 1500 30 "m" Estimates From Vuggy Porosity Ratio 1500 1530 30 Archies n Exponent (+Exercise) 1530 1545 15 Break 1545 1615 30 Low Resistivity Pay in Carbonates 1615 1630 15 R i d F db k 1400 1445 45 BH Gravity Meter 1445 1530 45 Pressure Profiles (+Exercise) 1530 1545 15 Break 1545 1615 30 Correlation Techniques 1615 1630 15 Reviewand Feedback Carbonate - Diagenesis includes ...dissolution Surface example of 1615 1630 15 Review and Feedback 1615 1630 15 Review and Feedback Environmental scanning electron microscope images, scale bar is 100 mm at left and 200 mm at right. Ontheleft, a crystalline dolomite with = 47% and m = 1.95. Ontheright, amoldic bioclastic packstonewith = 36% and m = 3.27. This large variation in m illustrates the importance of rock texture on petrophysical l i p how carbonate reservoir rock can be modified. One key distinction between sand and carbonate is that of clay ff i In many regards, akey distinction between sand and carbonate, is also one of accounting for clay conductivity short circuits versus variations in pore system tortuosity associated with changes fromintercrystalline / interparticle to vuggy porosity. evaluation. Electrical Properties of PorousRocks by CarlosTorres-Verdn, University of Texas Eureka Springs, Arkansas effects versus pore size distribution Five Day Carbonate Petrophysics Carbonate Bluffs along Steel Creek, NW Arkansas Day 5 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 945 75 Image Log (+Exercise) 945 1000 15 Break 1000 1030 30 Dielectric Log 1030 1045 15 Wireline "m" Estimates Compared to Core 1045 1100 15 Break 1100 1200 60 Basic NMR (+Exercise) 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1315 15 Basic NMR (Hydrocarbon Effects) 1315 1400 45 Carbonate NMR 1400 1415 15 Break 1415 1500 45 Carbonate NMR (+Exercise) 1500 1530 30 Core Calibrated Wireline "m" Estimates Ozark Mtns Road Cut, SW Missouri 1500 1530 30 Core Calibrated Wireline "m" Estimates 1530 1545 15 Break 1545 1600 15 Daily Review and Feedback 1600 1615 15 J erry Lucia: Here is how it works 1615 1630 15 Course Summary 2008 Robert E Ballay, LLC Uncertainty in Archies Equation Where to spend time, and money, in search of an improved Sw estimate Identifying the Biggest Bang for the Buck They produced AttributeSensitivityAnalysis,continued Chen & Fang performed a differential analysis of Archies equation to allow an In Depth look at uncertainty in Sw, as a function of input attribute values and respective uncertainties in search of an improved Sw estimate Identifying the Biggest Bang for the Buck yp generic charts to facilitate locale specific evaluation Their results Ingeneraleachattributemayhaveanindividualuncertainty Asasecondillustration,consider a=1.0,y a =0% Rw=0.02,y Rw =4.4% R t =40,y Rt =1% Phi=0.20,y Phi =15% m = 2 0 y = 10% Their results have been coded to an Excel spreadsheet, to facilitate locale m =2.0,y m =10% n=2.0,y n =5% Chen&Fangsgeneralizedchartat rightreveals C m >C Phi >C n Exhibitfollowing A 20 f d di i h specific, digital evaluation H.C.ChenandJ.H.Fang. SensitivityAnalysisoftheParametersinArchiesWaterSaturationEquation.TheLogAnalyst.Sept Oct1986 At ~20 pu, for stated conditions, the saturation exponent is a relatively minor issue Identifying the Biggest Bang for the Buck Chen & Fangs Identifying the Biggest Bang for the Buck Chen & Fangs results have beencoded to an Excel spreadsheet, to f ili l l ifi di i l l i Supplemental Discussions g results have been coded to an Excel spreadsheet, to facilitate locale specific, digital facilitate locale specific, digital evaluation AttributeSensitivityAnalysis,continued Therelativeuncertaintiesareafunctionof themagnitudeoftheporosity Droppingporosityto10%alsoaltersthe orderoftheuncertaintiesand requiresa complete refocus on where Biggest Bang For These same relations may be coded into nearly any evaluation completerefocusonwhereBiggestBangFor TheBuckistobefound a=1.0,y a =0% Rw=0.02,y Rw =4.4% R t =40,y Rt =1% Phi=0.10,y Phi =15% m=2.0,y m =10% n=2.0,y n =5% Attribute Uncertainties Specified Individually Light Green Cells require User Specification Light Blue Cells are calculated results y y petrophysical s/w package, to facilitate foot-by-foot evaluation At ~10 pu, tortuosity in the pore system is far more important than n variations H.C.ChenandJ.H.Fang. Sensitivity AnalysisoftheParametersinArchiesWaterSaturation Equation. TheLogAnalyst.Sept Oct1986 Thegeneralizedchartandspreadsheet,both indicate C m >> C Phi >>C n Exhibitfollowing Light Blue Cells are calculated results Individual Best Relative Un Attribute Uncertainty Estimate On Sw(Arch a 0.0% 1.00 0.00% Rw 4.4% 0.02 4.40% Phi 15.0% 0.10 9.00% m 10.0% 2.00 21.21% n 5.0% 2.00 2.24% Rt 1.0% 40.00 0.01% Sw 22% Sw^n 5% Sw^n=0.367 is an inflection point Monte Carlo Modeling with Excel Monte Carlo Simulation of Sw(Archie) One issue of interest is the dependence of Sw upon individual attribute values / uncertainties With the values specified at right Sw(mean) = 0.353 (Sw) = 0.030 350 SwDistribution With illustrative applications to Reserve Volumes and Sw(Archie) There is a 95% likelihood that Sw is contained within + / - 2 Monte Carlo simulation allows one to determine for any possible input distribution, and to therefore identify where the biggest bang for the buck in reducing Sw 50 100 150 200 250 300 F r e q u e n c y pp ( ) Monte Carlo with Excel Monte Carlo with Excel Histogramwith100samples uncertainty is at Exhibit following 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 5 0 0 . 1 0 0 0 . 1 5 0 0 . 2 0 0 0 . 2 5 0 0 . 3 0 0 0 . 3 5 0 0 . 4 0 0 0 . 4 5 0 0 . 5 0 0 0 . 5 5 0 0 . 6 0 0 0 . 6 5 0 0 . 7 0 0 0 . 7 5 0 0 . 8 0 0 0 . 8 5 0 0 . 9 0 0 0 . 9 5 0 1 . 0 0 0 Bin Supplemental Discussions Excels RAND() will provide the random numbers required for the multiple, Monte Carlo passes. Multiple passes are required and one must ensure that sufficient passes have been done to result in a representative simulation In general, one expects a uniform distribution of random numbers, between 0 & 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 g p & 1 The population distribution associated with 100 samples cast into ten bins has discrepancies ranging from 6 => 14, about an expected mean value of 10, or about 40% The population distribution associated with 500 samples, cast into ten bins ranges from 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 60 70 Histogramwith500samples Multiple passes are required and one must ensure that sufficient passes have been done to result in a representative simulation Exhibit following 500 samples, cast into ten bins ranges from 40 => 65, about an expected mean value of 50, or about 25% This indicates that at least 500 samples, and ideally more, are required for the Excel Random Number generator simulation 0 10 20 30 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Precision, Accuracy and Uncertainty What Are The Differences And What Can We Do About It? Statistical Definitions and Illustrations Accuracy vs Precision Examples from Every Day Petrophysics Data Normalization Simple linear models x on y, RMA and x on y Pitfalls associated with routine displays Depth oriented and logarithmic ModelingandForecasting Stochastic systems and Monte Carlo modeling Normal, Log Normal and Triangular Distributions Monte Carlo with Excel GeoStatistics and the Variogram IllustrativeApplications Modeling and Forecasting An Alternative (or supplement) To Experience Illustrative Applications Statistical Definitions and Illustrations Accuracy isthedegree of correctness whileprecision isthe Statistical Definitions and Illustrations Precision isusually characterized in terms of thestandard Supplemental Discussions Accurate, but with Accuracy is the degree of correctness while precision is the degree of reproducibility. Precision is sometimes thought of as two components: Repeatability: the variation arising when all efforts are made to keep conditions constant by using the same instrument and operator, and repeating during a short Precision is usually characterized in terms of the standard deviation of the measurements. One standard deviation encompasses 68.3%of the measurements, two sigma 95% and three sigma 99.7%. Accurate, but with , Low Precision time period. Reproducibility: the variation arising using the same measurement process among different instruments and operators, and over longer time periods. , Low Precision Precise, but with Low Accuracy Accuracy is the degree of correctness while precision is the degree of reproducibility. Precise, but with Low Accuracy Three Day Carbonate Petrophysics This three-day course is application-oriented, and designed for Petrophysicists, Engineers, Geologists and Team Leaders who are comfortable with integrated geology / routine & special core - log interpretation and require an understanding of the complexities of open-hole carbonate log analysis. The Course begins with a contrast of carbonates and sandstones, followed by reservoir classification accordingtotheLuciaPetrophysical ClassificationSystemandcapillarypressure classification according to the Lucia Petrophysical Classification System and capillary pressure. Individual logging tools (both routine and specialty) are introduced and carbonate responses are illustrated with actual data. Archies exponents are discussed within the context of both his original measurements, and carbonate specific results. The concept of bulk volume water is introduced within the context of a Pickett Plot, and then related to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the combination of pore size and irreducible water saturation saturation. Basic NMR, and carbonate specific NMR issues are introduced with laboratory measurements, numerical simulations and actual wireline data. In addition to NMR and other non-Archie approaches, the course will address laboratory pp , y determination of mineralogy (XRD/XRD/etc), porosity and CT Scan visualization, which play important supporting roles in carbonate evaluation. YOU WILL LEARN TO recognize the key distinctions between carbonates and sandstones ithi th t t f d i li dd h h f ifi within the context of modern wireline measurements, and draw upon the strengths of specific tools / techniques to design a cross-discipline formation evaluation program that will best characterize a specific reservoir 2008 Robert E Ballay, LLC Three Day Carbonate Petrophysics Day 1 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 845 15 Course Introduction & Overview 845 900 15 Carbonate vs Sandstone (+GR Exercise) 900 950 50 Capillary Pressure (+Exercise) 950 1000 10 Break 950 1000 10 Break 1000 1050 50 Lucia PP Classification (+Exercise) 1050 1100 10 Break 1100 1200 60 Routine Sonic in Carbonate (+Exercise) 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1330 30 Density & Neutron in Carbonate (+Exercise) 1330 1420 50 Identification of VuggyPorosity 1330 1420 50 Identification of Vuggy Porosity 1420 1430 10 Break 1430 1445 15 Light Hydrocarbon Issues (Wireline & LWD) 1445 1530 45 Specialty Sonic Applications (+Exercise) 1530 1540 10 Break 1540 1610 30 Rock Quality & Cutoffs 1610 1620 10 ResistivityMeasurements 1610 1620 10 Resistivity Measurements 1620 1630 10 Summary Day 2 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 930 60 Archies m Exponent (+Exercise) 930 940 10 Break 940 1030 50 Cement Exponent Variations and Pore Geometry 1030 1050 20 "m" Estimates From Vuggy Porosity Ratio 1050 1100 10 Break 1100 1200 60 "m" Estimates From Vuggy Porosity Ratio 1200 1300 60 L h 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1345 45 Archies n Exponent (+Exercise) 1345 1400 15 Low Resistivity Pay in Carbonates 1400 1410 10 Break 1410 1450 40 Pickett Plot 1450 1510 20 The Non-Archie Toolbox & Fresh Water Challenge 1510 1520 10 Break 2008 Robert E Ballay, LLC The Devils Promenade, SW Missouri 1510 1520 10 Break 1520 1620 60 Basic NMR (+Exercise) 1620 1630 10 Summary Day 3 Start Stop Duration Topic 830 950 80 Carbonate NMR (+Exercise) 950 1000 10 Break 1000 1020 20 Core Calibrated Wireline "m" Estimates 1020 1050 30 Dielectric Log Three Day Carbonate Petrophysics 1020 1050 30 Dielectric Log 1050 1100 10 Break 1100 1120 20 Wireline "m" Estimates Compared to Core 1120 1200 40 PNL 1200 1300 60 Lunch 1300 1315 15 PNL 1315 1400 45 Pressure Profiles (+Exercise) 1400 1410 10 Break 1410 1500 50 Image Logs (+Exercise) 1500 1520 20 CT Scan 1520 1530 10 Break 1530 1550 20 XRD/XRF/Mineralogy 1530 1550 20 XRD/XRF/Mineralogy 1550 1610 20 Phi / Mineralogy from Core 1610 1620 10 J erry Lucia: Here is how it works 1620 1630 10 Summary Now thats a Vug! Whispering Dell is one of seven sink holes at Ha Ha Tonka (SW Missouri) formed by the ceiling collapse of a large cave. The full page view is of the sink hole from the ridge above, and the insert shows the spring outlet (49 million gallons per day). Carbonate Petrophysics Client Considerations My First, and Top Priority, is to ensure a-priori that the Course meets the Clients expectation. The focus of the Course is on carbonate matrix issues, and not fractured reservoirs. Course Content issues for Client Consideration are summarized following please read and consider carefully Carbonate Petrophysics - Client Considerations Material is delivered to the Client in two forms The Manual, which plays the role of a text book The Presentation, which is drawn from the Manual, but expanded upon and optimized with respect to fonts and color codes Modules for the basic techniques typically begin with an introduction to the physics behind the actual measurements. This is a conscious and deliberate decision, based upon my experience as both a practicing petrophysicist and as an instructor. Many times I have discovered that eventhosewithseveral yearsof experience arenot awareof someof thebasic even those with several years of experience, are not aware of some of the basic physical principles, and have thus compromised their use of the measurements. I realize, however, that there are audiences which are not interested in the Basic Ph i d ibl t i I t d ti t B i T l / T h i Physics and possibly not even in an Introduction to Basic Tools / Techniques. Please review the default set-up to ensure it satisfies your objectives. Continued in following exhibit Continued in following exhibit Carbonate Petrophysics - Client Considerations Not all modules (Field Studies, for example) in the Manual are covered in the ( p ) presentation, but rather are included for future review and reference, when the basic tools and techniques have been developed in class. There may be audiences which are application oriented. Please review the default set-up to ensure it satisfies your objectives. Most of the modules have an Application Example included, which can be worked in class, or reviewed in class or left for the attendee to review in their leisure. I have f dth t f lk lik t h bl t k d th d t f th found that some folks like to have problems to work, and others dont care for them (and in fact disapprove of spending course time in this manner): I typically ask this very question in the Introduction Phase. Its preferable, however, to know the preference in advance KeyIssuesare: advance. Key Issues are: Are they the kind of problems that you are looking for in the course? Shall they be reviewed or worked in class, or left for attendees to review at their leisure. e esu e. Please note that allowing time for problem solving will mean less time for technique presentation, as the time allocated in the course schedule will be adhered to in either situation. My First, and Top Priority, is to ensure a-priori that the Course meets the Clients expectation. Please work with me, in advance of scheduling the course, to ensure that every requirement has been considered. R. E. (Gene) Ballays 31 years in petrophysics include research and operations assignments in Houston (Shell Research), Texas; Anchorage (ARCO), Alaska; Dallas (ARCO Research), Texas; J akarta (Huffco), Indonesia; Bakersfield (ARCO), California; and Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. His carbonate experience ranges from individual Niagaran reefs in Michigan to the Lisburne in Alaska to Ghawar, Saudi Arabia (the largest oilfield in the world). He holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics with double minors in Electrical Engineering & Mathematics, has taught physics in two universities, mentored Nationals in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, published numerous technical articles and been designated co-inventor on both American and European patents. Mississippian limestone At retirement from the Saudi Arabian Oil Company he wasthesenior technical petrophysicist intheReservoir was the senior technical petrophysicist in the Reservoir Description Division and had represented petrophysics in three multi-discipline teams bringing on-line three (oneclastic twocarbonate) multi-billionbarrel (one clastic, two carbonate) multi billion barrel increments. Subsequent to retirement from Saudi Aramco he established Robert E Ballay LLC, which provides physics - petrophysics consulting services. Chattanooga shale p p y p p y g He served in the U.S. Army as a Microwave Repairman and in the U.S. Navy as an Electronics Technician, and he is a USPA Parachutist and a PADI Dive Master.