Matlab Dip in Brief
Matlab Dip in Brief
Matlab Dip in Brief
Abstract. This note prepares initial information for starting with Matlab
DIP toolbox. the note contains an abridged list of instructions with their brief
comment quoted from Matlab.
2. Frequent Instructions
image Create and display image object
imagesc Scale data and display as image
imshow Display image in a MATLAB figure window
imtool Display image in the Image Viewer
dicomread Read a DICOM image
dicomwrite Write a DICOM image
imfinfo Return information about image file
imread Read image file
imwrite Write image file
double Convert data to double precision
gray2ind Convert intensity image to indexed image
grayslice Create indexed image from intensity image by thresholding
graythresh Compute global image threshold using Otsu’s method
im2bw Convert image to binary image by thresholding
im2double Convert image array to double precision
im2uint8 Convert image array to 8-bit unsigned integers
ind2gray Convert indexed image to intensity image
ind2rgb Convert indexed image to RGB image
rgb2gray Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale
rgb2ind Convert RGB image to indexed image
imcrop Crop image
imresize Resize image
imrotate Rotate image
imtransform Apply 2-D spatial transformation to image
makeresampler Create resampling structure
maketform Create geometric transformation structure
reshape Reshape array
roipoly Select polygonal region of interest
bwboundaries Trace region boundaries in binary image
bwtraceboundary Trace object in binary image
edge Find edges in intensity image
entropy Entropy of an intensity image
corr2 Compute 2-D correlation coefficient
imhist Display histogram of image data
mean2 Compute mean of matrix elements
std2 Compute standard deviation of matrix elements
histeq Enhance contrast using histogram equalization
imadjust Adjust image intensity values or colormap
imnoise Add noise to an image
medfilt2 Perform 2-D median filtering
ordfilt2 Perform 2-D order-statistic filtering
wiener2 Perform 2-D adaptive noise-removal filtering
conv2 Perform 2-D convolution
filter2 Perform 2-D filtering
fspecial Create predefined filters
imfilter Multidimensional image filtering
freqz2 Compute 2-D frequency response
fwind1 Design 2-D FIR filter using 1-D window method
fwind2 Design 2-D FIR filter using 2-D window method
dct2 Compute 2-D discrete cosine transform
fft2 Compute 2-D fast Fourier transform
fftshift Reverse quadrants of output of FFT
idct2 Compute 2-D inverse discrete cosine transform
ifft2 Compute 2-D inverse fast Fourier transform
iradon Compute inverse Radon transform
radon Compute Radon transform