Theory As Maternal Environment
Theory As Maternal Environment
Theory As Maternal Environment
Many well-known psychoanalytic theorists and veteran analysts speak of working with patients in a manner free
from intellectual constraints and predetermined theoretical inclinations to allow for greater spontaneity, aliveness,
and realness in the consulting room. Arguably, this becomes possible only after a beginning stage during which
theory has been made use of and internalized to such an extent that the analyst’s own subjectivity as an analyst has
developed. Only with an internalized theoretical sensitivity and the development of a creative, subjective “therapist-
self” can one practice ostensibly free from theoretical notions in the moment-to-moment interactions with patients.
In illustrating the ways in which theory facilitates the development of the trainee, the present discussion draws upon
the work of Winnicott, whose developmental theory highlights the environmental functions provided to the infant
before and during the emergence of subjectivity. While Winnicott’s emphasis is on the real mother and her
attunement to her infant, my emphasis is on the analogous functions that a beginning therapist’s relationship to
theory can provide in the service of developing a new kind of subjectivity — that of the self-as-therapist.
The beginner’s relationship to theory has critical ramifications for developing the capacity to tolerate, and develop
within, his role as therapist. As an object relationship, the therapist’s relation to theory is not an interpersonal one
and is thus not subject to the same aspects of humanness inherent in relations between people. However, the
experience of the trainee in relation to theory and the functions that theory can provide can be one of attunement or
misattunement. In Winnicott’s terms, the trainee’s relationship to the environment of theory can be considered
“good-enough” or “not good-enough” as an important facilitator of development.
Like the mother, theory is both external (a real object existing outside of the subject) and internal (an object
represented intrapsychically). Theory can provide a holding environment akin to that provided by the mother and act
as a transitional object in ways made possible by its holding functions. Further, like the mother’s care that enables
the infant to develop a potential space in which subjectivity and objectivity thrive, a relationship to theory can
similarly provide an internal mental space in which the trainee can grapple with the clinical field. A healthy
relationship to theory, then, enables the therapist in training to inhabit his role in meaningful and genuine ways,
providing him with a capacity to “play” and to be uniquely creative and generative as a provider for his patients.
At the same time, however, just as some maternal environments do not meet the needs of the developing infant,
certain ways of relating to theory do not facilitate optimal development in the training clinician. The development of
such capacities as engaging in Winnicott’s transitional realm, developing and thriving within potential space,
playing, and creating can be thwarted by “not good-enough” relationships to theory. In such cases, what might be
called a False-Self relation to theory develops; potential space is foreclosed and compliant knowing reigns, or theory
is rejected outright.
This paper is intended to stimulate our collective thinking about how and to what ends we make use of theory as we
develop within our role as therapists. While the analogy between Winnicott’s infant and the therapist in training is
not seamless, it nevertheless provides a fruitful way of thinking about the development of a psychoanalytic
professional self. A trainee’s engagement with the environment of theory is one of the pivotal aspects of his
development within this new and challenging role.
1 Winnicott's first phase of absolute dependence is unique to the beginnings of life. This dependence is so extreme,
drawing an analogy between it and a novice psychotherapist is not particularly useful.
2 The term "himself-as-theory" is used here because, at this stage, the therapist has not yet internalized a sense of
himself-as-therapist, but, toward this end, he is in the process of introjecting the embodiment of theory. This is akin
to describing the infant's internalization of the good-enough maternal environment as internalizing "the infant-as-
3 In discussing false self relationships to theory, I am assuming that the trainee has managed to develop and thrive
as a True Self in his personal life. In other words, he is not globally restricted to what Winnicott (1971b) describes
as a compliant, deadened existence.
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Allison Wenglin Belger, Psy.D.
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