LEED GA Flashcards
LEED GA Flashcards
LEED GA Flashcards
Use standard 8 1/2 x 11 In your printer dialogue tell your printer to print double sided, pages 2 through 49. If your printer cannot print double sided: Open your printer dialogue. In your print dialogue tell the printer to print odd numbered pages only, starting with page 3. After this is complete turn the printed odd page ashcards over and reload in the printer face up. In your printer dialogue, tell the printer to print even number pages in reverse order.
The connection between a site and the surrounding community is referred to as ____________?
The total square footage of all buildings within a particular area is referred to as ____________?
Certied (40-49 Points) Silver (50-59 Points) Gold (60-79 Points) Platinum (80+ Points)
Development Density
Community Connectivity
What is imperviousness?
LEED Online
New buildings OR existing buildings with signicant HVAC or envelope modications. Building types include: Ofces, institutional buildings, hotels, and residential buildings with 4 or more stories. Owener must occupy more than 50% of the building.
Single-family homes. Low-rise multi-family homes. Production and major remodels of existing homes.
For situations where the tenant does not occupy the entire building.
When would the LEED for Building Operations & Maintenance rating system be applicable?
Is a building certied under the Building Operations & Maintenance rating system required to have previous certication?
What is the minimum performance period for Building Operations & Maintenance?
Sustainable Sites Water Efciency Energy & Atmosphere Materials & Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovations Regional Priority
Three months.
To reduce the impact of a new building or major remodel on the surrounding environment.
Low-emitting and fuelefcient vehicles are dened as vehicles that are classied as _______?
What is blackwater?
Either designation by a government agency OR an ASTM E1903-97 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Prime farmland Wetlands Flood prone areas Undeveloped land within 50 feet of Any habitat for a body of water threatened or endangered species Land that was a public park
Banks Schools Laundry Services Churches Libraries Parks Senior Care Facilities Post ofces Theaters Hardware Stores
Community Centers Pharmacies Restaurants Small grocery stores Supermarkets Daycare centers Fire Stations Fitness Centers Museums Beauty Salons
Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) by the California Air Resources Board or have achieved a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for an Energy Efcient Economy (ACEEE)
Potable water.
Materials that have been harvested, recovered, or manufactured within 500 miles of a project site.
Achieving signicant, measurable environmental performance using a strategy not addressed in the Rating System
SCAQMD Rule 1168 GreenSeal GS-36 Standard for Commercial Adhesives Requirements.
Design or Construction.
Locate near mass transit Limit parking Encourage carpooling Promote alternative fuel vehicles Offer incentives Support alternative transportation.
Renewable Energy can be generated on-site (using wind, solar or other forms of power) or purchased through renewable energy programs.
Choose locally adapted plants. Use xeriscaping. Select efcient irrigation technologies. Use non-potable water. Install submeters.
To reduce the amount of energy used, and to reduce the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere.
For LEED purposes, how long does it take for renewable materials to grow or raise?
LEED requires you to follow what guidelines for construction IAQ management?
Name some ways to help control the amount of airborne contaminants in the encironment.
Which credit topic refers to indoor air quality and thermal comfort, lighting and acoustics?
10 years or less.
Use permanent entry systems that can be cleaned (such as a system of grates) Use exhaust systems to create negative pressure in areas with potential sources of pollution Install new air lters with a MERV rating of 13 or more for incoming and outgoing air Provide sealed, temporary storage for hazardous waste (ideally outside)
What is a VOC?
Use daylighting Install operable windows Give occupants thermal controls Give occupants ventilation controls Give occupants lighting controls Conduct occupant surveys to ensure occupants are content with their environments.
A Volatile Organic Compound. A VOC is an off-gas from many materials, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpets and particle board.
The International Code Council International Plumbing Code 2006, Section 604: Design of Building Water Distribution Systems.
The LEED for Green Building Design & Construction Reference Guide is applicable to which rating systems?
The LEED for Green Interior Design & Construction Reference Guide is applicable to which rating systems?
The American Society for Heating, Refrigeration, and Air conditioning Engineers.
Air leakage rates using fan pressurization. Its used in the Indoor Environmental Quality credits.
LEED for New Construction & Major Renovation LEED 2009 for Core & Shell Development Rating System LEED 2009 for Schools New Construction and Major Renovations Rating System
The LEED for Green Building Operations & Maintenance Reference Guide applies to which rating systems?
The LEED for Homes Reference Guide applies to which rating systems?
In the United States, buildings account for the highest proportion of what?
LEED 2009 for Existing Buildings Operations & Maintenance Rating System.
Additional vehicle use, excessive energy consumption, and other environmental effects.
Wildlife habitats.
The use of natural resources, and they can lower operating costs.
Energy usage.
Federal, state and local government agencies have adopted more ___________?
The General Services Administration requires that all new federal government buildings achieve what?
Lower maintenance cost, less energy usage, high occupant satisfaction, lower CO2 emissions.
Building owners, operators, architects, planners, engineers and contractors to develop innovative solutions.
The U.S. EPA conducted a study and found that on average, we spend how much of our time indoors?
The LEED rating systems were created by the USGBC for what reason?
GBCI manages all aspects of the LEED professional Accreditation program. What are the three levels?
Transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentaly and socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.
Location and planning, sustainable site development, water savings, energy efciency, materials selection, indoor environmental quality, innovative strategies, and regional priority.
To provide a framework for meeting sustainability goals and assessing building performance.
The LEED for New Construction rating system addresses the full design and construction of what type of building?
The score for each LEED credit is estimated based on the carbon footprint for __________________.
A buildings carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with its _________________.
The land use planning of entire neighborhoods, including buildings, infrastructure, street design and open space.
Where can the team upload information and documentation on a LEED certication project?
If a question of issue arises on a LEED certication project, a team can submit __________________?
LEED Online.
Projects can reduce transportation impacts by using a variety of practical strategies like _________________?
Projects located in a highdensity location can easily utilize what type of transportation system?
A browneld.
Transportation, Site selection, Site design and management, and Stormwater management.
LZ4 areas are major metropolitan areas with high activity. These areas generally have a lot of light, and commerical districts fall into this zone.
Providing alternative modes of transportation, encouraging walking and bicycling, providing fueling facilities for alternative fuel vehicles, and reducing the number and lengths of automobile trips.
What is a pollutant?
Dene xeriscaping.
Occupants who have control over their temperature, airow and lighting have what?
The exterior surface of the building: Walls, windows, roof and oor. This is also known as the building shell.
A method of using only native, adaptable and low-water plants for landscaping.
Controllability of systems.
Whats a CxA?
Compost Encourage reycling Size the building appropriately Implement a construction waste management plan
The use of CFC refrigerants. It also encourages phasing out HCFC refrigerants.
Commissioning Authority
Establish design goals Size the building appropriately Use free energy Insulate Monitor consumption
Sun and wind can be used for heating, cooling, daylight and energy.
What is the calculation for determining greenhouse gas emissions per capita?
Which have lower irrigation efciencies: Overhead spray systems or drip systems?
LEED recognizes smart locations for building, which fall within a 1/4-mile walk of _______________?
British Thermal Units (BTUs) of energy Kilowatt-Hours of electricity Therms of natural gas Gallons of liquid fuel
Bus or streetcar stops, and Indoors for restrooms and 1/2 mile of rapid transit stakitchens tions, light or heavy passenger Outdoors for landscaping. rail stations, ferry terminals or Industrial uses. tram terminals.
What is a footcandle?
How many review phases are required under the LEED for Homes rating system?
LEED for Neighborhood Development has two credit categories that arent applicable anywhere else. What are they?
British Thermal Unit. This is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 lb. of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit.
Third-party certication through the independent Green Building Certication Institute (GBCI. org) assures that LEED buildings are constructed as intended. GBCI includes a network of ISO-compliant international certifying bodies, ensuring the consistency, capacity and integrity of the LEED certication process.
How much does it cost to take the Green Associate exam if you arent a member of the USGBC?
Did Langdon nd green buildings to cost more in the long run, or less than traditional, non-green structures?
How much does it currently cost to register a project that is less than 50,000 square feet under LEED for New Construction for USGBC members?
What is the recertication fee for Building Operations & Maintenance Certied Buildings?
There are six available, but a project can only achieve four.