Weekly Official Assembly Ceremony Script
Weekly Official Assembly Ceremony Script
Weekly Official Assembly Ceremony Script
SCRIPT Attention to all the pupils and friends. Please be quiet and settle down because the ceremony will begin shortly. At easeAttention (3 ! (*Please make sure all the teachers are ready and the pup ls are !ueu n" up n l ne#$ #ow$ we are going to sing the school song$ the %edah state song and the #ational anthem. &e will sing together with music. Members of the floor$ please be ready and stand up properly. 'han( you to all of you for respecting all these three songs. #ow$ we are going to recite the Pled"e o% the Rukune"ara. Maka kami rakyat Malaysia berikrar akan menum ukan seluru! tena"a #an usa!a kami untuk men$a ai $ita%$ita tersebut ber#asarkan atas rinsi % rinsi yan" berikut&
S n" n"
MC Prefects on duties
Ke er$ayaan ke a#a Tu!an Kesetiaan ke a#a Ra'a #an Ne"ara Kelu!uran Perlemba"aan Ke#aulatan (n#an"%(n#an" Kes) anan #an Kesusilaan
MC Pupils
Introduct on
Please be seated to all the teachers. 'han( you At ease *ismillahirrahmanirrahim +'he, honourable$ the -eadmaster of .e(olah %ebangsaan /lu Mela(a$ Tuan &a' (d# Su) ) n &'# &ash m* 0ur dedicated$ 1irst .enior Assistant 'eacher$ (adam Rad ah ) nt Tal )* .econd .enior Assistant 'eacher$ (adam Ar)aayah ) nt A)u +akar*
'hird .enior Assistant 'eacher$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, * 0ur respected teachers and all belo2ed friends. Assalamualai(um &.*.' and a 2ery good morning 3 bid to all the teachers and fellow friends. 'han( you to Al4Mighty$ Allah .ubhanahuwataa5la$ because with -is blessings$ we are here today for our wee(ly assembly ceremony. 6 Teacher On Duty-s Speech #ow$ 3 call upon this wee( teacher5s on duty to gi2e a speech. 'han( you to 888888888888888888888 ('eacher5s name! for the speech. 9 Pr .e / Cert % cate G 0 n" #ow$ 3 call upon 888888888888888888888 ('eacher5s name! to lead the pri:e gi2ing ceremony. 'han( you to 888888888888888888888 ('eacher5s name! for completing the pri:e gi2ing ceremony. #ow$ 3 call upon the -eadmaster<1irst .enior Assistant 'eacher<.econd .enior Assistant 'eacher<'hird .enior Assistant 'eacher to gi2e a speech. 'han( you to 888888888888888888888 ('eacher5s name! for the speech. #ow$ 3 call upon my fellow friend$ to recite the prayer. 'han( you to my fellow friend for the prayer. As the end of this ceremony$ 3 would li(e to than( to all the teachers and pupils. 'hen$ all the school prefects are requested to do the disciplinary inspections. &e may dismiss. 'han( you. DIS(ISS MC 'eacher MC 'eacher5s 0n 7uty
MC Pupil5s on duty
Clos n"
Pre are# by& Disciplinary & Prefect Committee, Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Melaka, 07000 angka!i, Ke"ah Darul #man$