DeepConeThickeners Brochure
DeepConeThickeners Brochure
DeepConeThickeners Brochure
EIMCO Capabilities
Paste Disposal Flowsheets Capability Systems Engineering Testing Controls Pumping Construction
Paste thickening was initially developed by Alcan International to improve disposal methodology for high-volume, low solids red mud tailings from alumina production. This development program resulted in over 50 Alcan paste thickeners in use around the world in alumina. In 1996 EIMCO (now a part of FLSmidth) entered into an exclusive license agreement for the use of Alcan paste thickening technology in non-alumina applications. FLSmidth also provides Deep Cone Paste Thickeners to Alcan within the alumina industry. Since 1996, over 40 EIMCO Deep Cone Paste Thickeners have been designed and sold for thickening red mud, copper tailings, lead/zinc tailings and other mineral tailings for surface disposal, mine backll, and countercurrent decantation applications.
unit operation at the same time as the overall operation of a subsystem or a complete plant.
Rake Drive & Mechanism Rake drives are key components of conventional and hi-rate thickeners but in paste thickeners, they are absolutely critical.
High mud depths that cover the entire rake structure coupled with high viscosities as the underow reaches paste consistency means that drives must be designed to meet unusually high continuous torque requirements. No company can match FLSmidth experience in providing heavy duty, high continuous torque, long life drives. EIMCO drives use multiple pinions, deep gear faces, precision bearings, oil bath lubrication and strain gauge high accuracy torque measurement to provide the ability to meet this demanding service. These drives can be powered with either hydraulic or electric motors. The rake drive transmits torque to the rake mechanism that is designed to keep the thickened solids owing toward the discharge and to assist with releasing water from the paste bed. The rake system is designed to minimize drag and to prevent the formation of doughnuts, islands and rat holes that cause process upsets.
High Unit Loadings EIMCO Deep Cone Paste Thickeners accommodate up to 20 times the solids mass ow and 10 times the hydraulic loading of conventional thickeners. This is accomplished by optimizing solids concentration for feed dilution, chemical addition and oc formation while minimizing oc degradation. These benets are achieved by using the patented EIMCO E-DUC feed system. This ensures adequate feed pulp dilution, efcient chemical dispersion, rapid occulation which results in maximum settling rates. Process Controls FLSmidth can design and supply the control system required for the paste thickener system. FLSmidths control systems have the ability to optimize a
Testing Services FLSmidth can conduct bench scale testing to screen potential applications and provide equipment sizing. Pilot Deep Cone Paste Thickeners are available for on site testing to verify laboratory results and conrm sizing.
Maximum liquid recovery for water conservation Disposal by stacking not ponds Total tails backll disposal Minimum installed thickener area Minimum disposal volume Transportable by pumps Minimum liquid expressed after deposition Highest CCD washing efciency Minimum pipe plugging problems during shutdowns and upsets
Further Information FLSmidth is the recognized leader in this important revolution in sedimentation technology. We also offer worldwide sales and service support; global reach, backed by local expertise. FLSmidths full equipment life-cycle support before, during, and after delivery make the EIMCO Deep Cone Paste Thickener an attractive choice. To nd out how Deep Cone Paste Thickeners can help you, please contact your local FLSmidth sales representative.
Minerals Processing Technology Center FLSmidth Salt Lake City, Inc. 7158 S. FLSmidth Drive Midvale, UT 84047-5559 USA Tel: +1 801 871 7000 Fax: +1 801 871 7001 Email:
Copyright 2010 FLSmidth A/S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth is a (registered) trademark of FLSmidth A/S. RTA settler-washer technology presented with authorization of Rio Tinto Alcan This brochure makes no offers, representations or warranties (express or implied), and information and data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time.