International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print),
ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
SUBMERGED ARC WELDING PARAMETERS ESTIMATION THROUGH GRAPHICAL TECHNIQUE Aniruddha Ghosh Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Govt. College of Engg & Textile Technology, Berhampore
Somnath Chattopadhyaya Dept of ME&MME ISM, Dhanbad, India
ABSTRACT: In submerged arc welding (SAW), selecting appropriate values for process variables is essential in order to control bead size and quality. Also, condition must be selected that will ensure a predictable weld bead, which is critical for obtaining high quality. In this investigation, mathematical models (based on multi regression method) have been developed and side by side Prediction through artificial neural networks has been made. A comparative study also has been done. Based on multi regressions and a neural network, the mathematical models have been derived from extensive experiments with different welding parameters and complex geometrical features. Graphic displays also represent the resulting solution on bead geometry that can be employed to further probe the model. The developed system enables to input the desired weld dimensions and select the optimal welding parameters. The experimental results have been proved the capability of the developed system to select the welding parameters in SAW process according to complex external and internal geometry features of the substrate. Keywords: submerged arc welding, multi regression method, artificial neural networks, Graphic displays. Article outline: Introduction Experimental procedure International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), pp. 95-108 IAEME, IJMET I A E M E International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
96 Model development, Results and Discussion 1. multi regression method 2. artificial neural networks 3. Graphical representation Conclusion INTRODUCTION: In the early days, arc welding was carried out manually so that the weld quality can be totally controlled by the welder ability. The welder when welding can directly monitor flow pattern in puddle and make immediate adjustments in welding parameters to obtain a good weldability. To consistently produce high quality of weldability, arc welding requires welding personnel with significant experience. One reason for this is need of properly select welding parameters for a given task in order to get good weld quality which identified by its microstructure and the amount of spatter, and relied on the correct bead geometry size. Therefore, the use of the control system in arc welding can eliminate much of the guess work often employed by welders to specify welding parameters for a given task (Ref.1).in addition of specific importance is the development mathematical models that can be employed to predict welding parameters about arc welding parameters about arc welding process with respect to the work piece and bead geometry to develop a robotic welding system. The submerged arc welding is one of the major fabrication processes in industry because of its inherent advantages, including deep penetration and a smooth bead (Refs.2, 3).Critical set of input variables are involved in this process which are needed to control. For this reason , in the application of SAW, engineers often face the problem of selecting appropriate and optimum combinations of input process-control variables for achieving the required weld bead quality or predicting the weld bead quality for proposed process-control-variable values (Ref.4) .For automatic SAW, the control parameters must be fed to the system according to the some mathematical formula it may be come from multi regression method or artificial neural networks or any other suitable and efficient method to achieve the desired results (ref.5).These important problem can be solved with the development of mathematical models through effective and strategic planning, design and execution of experiments. Already many efforts have been carried out development of various algorithms in the International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
97 modeling of arc welding process using various technologies (ref.6, 7, 8 and 9).Multiple regression techniques were used to establish the empirical models for various arc welding processes(Ref.6,7).However ,the regression techniques cannot describe adequately the most of the arc welding process as a whole. One of the artificial intelligent (AI) techniques, a neural network as a tool for incorporating knowledge in a manufacturing system is massively interconnected networks of simple elements and their hierarchical organizations. These processes are characterized by welding parameters due to lack of adequate mathematical models to relate these parameters with bead geometry (Ref. 8, 9).While numerical techniques such as finite element method (FEM) also have several limitations. The potentially viable processing routes are numerous and, therefore, various intelligent systems are necessary to identify optimal processing parameters (Ref.10).Now, it is possible to make this selection with the help of a computer, and complex simulations become an effective memory for choosing the welding parameters. Also, arc welding requires a steady hand to keep the electrode at a constant distance from the part being welded. At the same time that the hand has to move at constant speed, it has to adjust for distance, as the electrode shortens. This operation requires hundreds of hours of practice, burning expensive electrodes. There are many systems that simulate a welding machine and permit significant saving in consumables. The selection of welding parameters for a given welding process is based on experimental methods and human qualifications according to fabrication standards and empirical rules (ref.11).This papers represents the development of intelligent system to obtain detailed information about the bead geometry in relation to the welding conditions, and to provide the welding engineer with sufficient information to design the most economic and reliable welded components for a given set of fabrication conditions. Experimental Procedure: Process in Action
Figure 1 MEMCO Semi Automatic Submerged Arc Welding machine at the workshop of the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
98 Specifications: Input voltage supply- 380/440 volts Welding speed Trolley-30 to 1200 mm/min 3 Phase,50/60 Hz cycle, Air cooled Wire feed speed-100 to 8000mm/min Output current 600 amps Wire diameter -2 to 5 mm Duty cycle 100% Head movement vertical/horizontal -135 mm Open circuit voltage 56volts, 35Kva Deposition rate- 4 to 6 kg/hr Flux hopper capacity 12.5 kg Wire flux ratio-1:1 Flux used: ADOR Auto melt Gr II AWS/SFA 5.17(Granular flux) Electrode: ADOR 3.15 diameter copper coated wire Test Piece: 300 x 300x20 mm square butt joint Weld position flat Electrode positive and perpendicular to the plate Process flow chart:
SELECTING THE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The experiments were conducted as per the design matrix at random to avoid errors due to noise factors. The job 300x300x15 mm (3 pieces) was firmly fixed to a base plate by means of tack welding and then the welding was carried. The welding parameters were noted during actual welding to determine the fluctuations if any. The slag was removed and the job as allowed to cool down. The job was cut at three sections V-Groove preparation on Shaper Machine Face Grinding on Automatic Grinding Machine Cutting of 20 mm Mild Steel Plate by Gas Cutting
Welding by Submerged Arc Welding Cutting of Samples by Power Hack Saw Grinding of the Face where further study is to be carried out Carbon coating on the surface Removal of wax and cleaning of surface Wax Coating of the Ground Surface Study of bead geometry, estimation of dimensions of bead geometry International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
99 by hacksaw cutter and the average values of the penetration, reinforcement height and width were taken using venire caliper of least count 0.02mm
Figure 2 Bead geometry, P-Penetration, H-Reinforcement height,W-Bead Width Table-1: Observed Values for Bead Parameters Heat input(kj/cm) Wirefeed rate(cm/min) Penetration(mm ) Reinforcement height(mm) Width(mm) 6.15 60 3.4 1.5 13.5 12.31 60 3.5 1.7 10.2 6.15 120 4 1.9 15.6 12.31 120 4.7 2.3 11 3.20 60 3.2 1.2 10.2 6.40 60 3.24 1.4 8.3 3.20 120 3.3 1.8 9.9 6.40 120 3.52 1.5 9.2 MODEL DEVELOPMENT, RESULTS & DISCUSSION: Multi regression model: The response function representing any of the weld bead dimensions can be expressed as y=f (Q, F).The relationship selected, being second degree response surface, is expressed as follows (Ref.12): Y=b 0 + b 1 Q+ b 2 F+ b 3 Q 2 + b 4 F 2 + b 5 QF.Where Q=Heat input, F-Wire feed rate. Table-2: Regression coefficients of model Sl.No. Coefficient For the case of Penetration For the case of Reinforcement Height For the case of Width 1 b 0 6.9714 1.2218 88.1254 2 b 1 0.0601 0.0852 2.6686 3 b 2 -0.1081 -0.0111 -2.1975 4 b 3 0.0079 -0.0016 0.1816 5 b 4 0.0008 0.0001 0.0161 6 b 5 -0.0015 0.0000 -0.0708
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
100 Checking the adequacy of the developed model: (a) The adequacy of the models was then tested by the analysis of variance techniques. The calculated value of the F ratio of model developed does not exceed the tabulated value of F ratio for a desired level of confidence (selected as 95%). (b) Adding a variable to the model will always increase the value of coefficient of multiple determination R 2 , regardless of whether the additional variable is statistically significant or not. Fulfillment of above condition means model is adequate. Here models are adequate. Table-3: Calculation of Variants for Testing the Adequate of the Models Bead Parameters SS R SS E DF R DF E D F T MS R MS E F 0 R 2 Whether model is adequate Penetration 84.22 6.48 6 1 7 14.03 6.48 2.1 6 0.9 2 adequate Reinforcem ent height 14.16 1.061 5 6 1 7 2.36 1.061 5 2.2 2 0.9 3 adequate Width 826.83 17.9 6 1 7 137.8 17.9 7.6 9 0.9 7 adequate Where SS T is total sum square,SS R is sum square due to model (or to regression) and sum square due to error or residual.DF-degree of freedom. Development of final mathematical model:
The final mathematical models developed are given below. The process control variables are in their coded form. Penetration, mm= 6.9714+0.0601Q-0.1081F+0.0079Q 2 +0.0008F 2 -0.0015QF -----------(1) Reinforcement height, mm=1.2218+0.0852Q-0.0111F-0.0016Q 2 +0.0001F 2 ------------ (2) Width of weld bead, mm =88.1254+2.6686Q-2.1975F+0.1816Q 2 +0.0161F 2 -0.0708QF ---------------- (3) These mathematical models furnished above can be used to predict bead geometry by substituting the values of the respective process parameters. Conducting conformity tests: To determine the accuracy of the mathematical models developed, conformity test runs were conducted with same experimental setup. After collecting experimental results a comparison was made between the actual and predicted values of bead parameters, and the results are 97% accurate. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
101 Artificial neural networks: Two primary elements make up a neural network-processing elements (called nodes or units) and interconnections. The network mimics the human brain, which contains more than 10 billion (biological) neurons. Hence, the processing elements in ANNs are also called artificial neurons. An ANN node model of a biological neuron is shown in Figure 2. W 1 Transfer function
Inputs W 2 Output
W 3 T J Weights
Figure 2 Artificial neural network node In this model, the j-th processing element computes a weighted sum of its inputs and outputs yj according to whether this weighted input sum is above or below a certain threshold Tj: y j = f( )- )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4) Where the function f is called transfer function. The most commonly used transfer function is the sigmoid (S-shape) function. A typical sigmoid function is: f(x)= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(5) Other types of functions such as hard limit, symmetrical hard limit, linear, and hyperbolic tangent are commonly used. Neural Network Structures: The structure of the neural network is defined by the interconnection architecture between the processing elements. The basic types of structures are feed forward and recurrent nets (shown inFig.3). Others are combinations of the two types (Multilayer feed forward network and Multilayer recurrent network).
Figure 3 the structure of neural network employed for the prediction of bead geometry.
Sum of (x i w i ) International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
Rules adopted for learning: The primary training method commonly used is Error- Correction Learning. It is a form of supervised learning where the weights are adjusted in proportion to the output-error vector, . The output error from the k-th node on the output layer is defined as: =d k c k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------(6) Where d k is the desired output and ck is the calculated output, for the k-th node on the output layer only. The total squared error on the output layer, E, is: E= = - ) 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------(7) Knowing E, we can calculate the change in the weight factor for the i-th connection to the j-th node, Wij: w ijnew - w ijnew = ijnew = j a i E ----------------------------------------------------------(8) Where j is a linear proportionality constant for node j, called the learning rate (typically, 0 < j < 1), and a1 is the i-th input to node j. Neural Network Design With more than 40 functioning models to choose from, it is important to know which models have had the most success and to understand their similarities and differences. After choosing the model, you then have to decide the number of hidden layers and the nodes for each layer. The sizes (number of nodes) of input and output layers are fixed by the number of inputs and outputs used. The sizes of middle (hidden) layers are determined by trial and error. It is better to choose the smallest number of neurons possible for a given problem to allow for generalization. If there are too many neurons, the net will tend to memorize patterns. The number of neurons may be dictated by the number of input training examples, or facts. In other words, the number of training examples should be greater than that of trainable weights. In an ideal world, having 10 or more facts for each weight are required. For instance, in a 10101 architecture there are 110 (= 10 x 10 + 10 x 1) weights, so you should have about 1,100 facts (example data). BACK PROPAGATION NETWORK: The back propagation neural network (BPN) is the most widely used feed forward neural network system. The term back propagation refers to the training method by which International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
103 the weights of the network connection are adjusted. The calculations procedure is feed forward, from input layer through hidden layers to output layer. During training, the calculated outputs are compared with the desired values, and then the errors are back propagated to correct all weight factors. The whole calculation procedure (for a three- layer BPN) is summarized as follows 1. Randomly assign values between 0 and 1 to weights Wi,j (l) for each layer, l. All input-layer thresholds are assigned to zero, i.e. T i,1 = 0; all hidden- and output-layer thresholds are assigned to one, i.e., T i,3 = 1. 2. Introduce the input Ii into the neural network, and calculate the output from the first layer according to the equations: x i = Ii + Ti,1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(9) a i ,1 = f (x i ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(10) Where f ( ) is the transfer function mentioned in the previous section. 3. knowing the output from the first layer, calculate outputs from the second layer, using the equation: a i2 =f[ ----------------------------------------------------------------------(11) 4. Given the output from the second layer, calculate the output from the output-layer, using the equation: a i3 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (12) y i = a i,3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(13) Steps 1 to 4 represent the forward activation flow; that is, the given input values Ii move forward in the network, activate the nodes, and produce the actual output values y i
based on the initially assumed values of interconnecting weights, W i,j (l) and internal threshold, T i ,l. Obviously, the initial calculation will not produce the desired output values (d i ). The next few steps of the back propagation algorithm represent the backward error flow in which the errors between the desired output d i and the actual output y i flow backward through the network and try to find a new set of network parameters (W i,j (l) and T i ). 5. Now back propagate the error through the network, starting from the output layer and moving backward toward the input layer. Calculate the gradient-descent term ( 1,3 ) using the equations: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
104 x i3 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (14) i3 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (15) 6. Knowing the output-layer, 1,3 , 1,2 has been calculated the gradient-descent term for the hidden layer (layer 2) using these equations: x i2 = ---------------------------------------------------------------- (16) i2 = --------------------------------------------------------------- (17) 7.Knowing the deltas for the hidden and output layers, calculate the weight changes, Wi,j , using the equation: Wi,j(l), new = + Wi,j(l) ,old Where h is the learning rate, and a is the momentum coefficient. The momentum term is added to speed up the training rate. The momentum coefficient, a, is restricted to 0< < 1. 8.Knowing the weight changes, update the weights as: Wi,j(l), new = Wi,j(l), old + Wi,j(l), new ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------(18) One iteration has now been completed. This feed forward calculation and error back propagation procedure is repeated until the sum of errors is less than the specified value. This is the whole learning process for the neural network. The new weight factors are calculated from the old weight factors from the previous training iteration by the following general expression: [W i ] new = [W i ] old +[learning rate][input term][gradient descent corrected term][momentum coefficient][previous weight change]--------------------------------(19) Table-4: Predicted parametric values through neural network Heat input(kj/cm) Wire feed rate(cm/min) Penetration (mm) Reinforcement height(mm) Width(mm) 6.15 60 3.3 1.4 13.0 12.31 60 3.5 1.6 10.3 6.15 120 3.8 1.8 15.1 12.31 120 4.5 2.2 11.2 3.20 60 3.2 1.2 10.1 6.40 60 3.3 1.4 8.8 3.20 120 3.2 1.8 10.3 6.40 120 3.6 1.5 10.0 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
Table-5: % of error for prediction through neural network For the case of Penetration For the case of Reinforcement height For the case of Width 3.66 5.94 3.70 -1.32 6.49 -0.98 4.09 7.84 3.21 4.26 4.35 -1.82 -0.10 0.00 0.98 -1.34 -1.31 -6.02 2.10 1.97 -4.03 -2.27 0.00 -8.70
Figure 5 Comparison between predicted and experimental values of output parameter GRAPHICALLY PREDICTION: Graphically prediction technique is a new and very simple technique; previously it was not seen in any literature. It is more appropriate technique w.r.t regression and neural networks model. In this technique by taking input variables with in there range at first values of out put variables values have been found out then it has been graphically plotted with the help of MATLAB-7. By clicking on these graphs, values of variables can be gotten very quickly. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
Figure 6A:Change of Penetration w.r.t change of input variables Figure 6B: Change of Reinforcement height w.r.t change of input variables
Fig.6C: Change of width w.r.t change of input variables
Figure 6 Change of output variables w.r.t change of input variables. Value of input & output variables have some limit. Limit of output variables can be detected through this graphically prediction technique. For any welding machine, input parameters have some range. Beyond this range, particular machine cannot work, it is practically true but theoretically variables values can be calculated beyond these limits. The output parameters values beyond the input variable values range can be calculated through multi regression method, artificial neural networks, but their have no practical visibility. Suppose output variable value is selected whose corresponding input variables International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
107 values are beyond the range of input variables. So it is not applicable. In this method, the range of possible output variables can be predicted and corresponding input variables values can be easily predicted so there is no chance of above mentioned mistake for this method. This graphically prediction technique gives maximum, minimum range of possible output and input variables, side by side only just clicking on the graphs idea of variables can be gotten quickly and accurately. It is the main advantage & difference from other methods of this method. CONCLUSION: The performance of the developed system has been tasted experimental for certain welding conditions for a particular bead dimensions. The experimental data were proved a clear correlation between welding parameters and the weld bead dimensions, and showed the geometrical features. The neural network model is capable of making bead geometry prediction of the real-time quality control based on observation of bead geometry and for on-line welding process control. In this paper a graphically prediction technique has been described which can able to give maximum, minimum range of possible output and input variables, side by side only just clicking on the graphs idea of variables can be gotten quickly and accurately. It is the main advantage & difference from other method of this method. REFERENCES: 1) G.E. Cook, Feedback and adaptive control in automated arc welding system. Met. Construct.139 (1990), pp. 551 556. 2) P.D. Houldcroft (1989), Submerged Arc Welding Abington Publishers, U.K. 3) Annon. (1978). Principal of Industrial Welding. The James F.Lincoin Arc Welding Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio. 4) S.Balckman. (1981).Welded fabrication of subsea pipelines in the North Sea. Welding and Metal Fabrication. 5) N.Murugan, R.S.Paramar, S.K.Sud.1993.Effect of submerged arc process variables on dilution and bead geometry in single wire surfacing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 37:767-780. 6) J.Ravindra, R.S.Pramar, Mathematical models to predict weld bead geometry for flux cored arc welding. Met. Construct.192 (1987), pp. 31R-35R. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), ISSN 0976 6340(Print), ISSN 0976 6359(Online) Volume 1, Number 1, July - Aug (2010), IAEME
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