Aproach To The Calibration of Callipers

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Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design,

Editors: J.F. Silva Gomes & S.A. Meguid, P.Delgada/Azores, 26-30 July 2015



vs DIN862:1988 STANDARDS
Isabel Perfeito(*)
CATIM - Technological Center for Metal Industry, Porto, Portugal
Email: isabel.perfeito@catim.pt

In the context of dimensional metrology, the caliper, apparently one of the simplest measuring
instruments is one of the most used in industry, in any of its sectors. Since a large number of
these callipers are calibrated in accredited laboratories, these devices are part of the
calibration work routine of dimensional metrology laboratories. Recently, due to the
replacement of the calibration standard DIN862: 1988 for the ISO 13385: 2011, the
calibration laboratories were forced to update their Accreditation Annex. The aim of this
paper is to describe the main changes in callipers calibration based on the current standard
(ISO 13385: 2011), in comparison with the discontinued standard (DIN 862: 1988), in order
to assist the understanding of concepts, certificate validation and internal calibrations.

Keywords: dimensional metrology, callipers, calibration, DIN862 standard, ISO13385


Measuring instruments, as good as they are, always have an associated error because they
cannot be manufactured absolutely free from errors. Best accuracy of the measuring
instrument usually means more difficulty of manufacture and consequently greater the
associated costs to the manufacturing process. In this perspective, measuring instruments
must be selected according to the required accuracy of measurement.
The management and monitoring of measurement equipment which is part of the calibration
process becomes vital.
In Metrology when discussing issues related to equipment calibration, it is important define
concepts such as "traceability" and "calibration". Metrological traceability is defined as
"property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a
documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement
uncertainty." (2.41, VIM - 3rd edition).
To ensure traceability of measurements, all measuring equipments must be calibrated to
traceable standards, national or international standards, according to the recommendations of
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), so our measurements can be related
to the International System of Units (SI).
According to the definition of metrological traceability, the calibration is an essential
requirement for monitoring and measuring and control equipment for organizations which are
certified by ISO 9001 and/or accredited by ISO/IEC 17025 standards.

Quality Control and Metrology in Engineering

Again we can find in the Internacional Vocabulary of Metrology, VIM, the definition of
calibration "operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation
between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement
standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a
second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result
from an indication.” (2.39, VIM - 3rd edition).
It is through calibration that we can evaluate the metrological characteristics of the
instruments and we can validate the results of the measurements, because they depend on
these characteristics. The lack of this knowledge can lead to an incorrect assessment of the
conformity of a product, when based on a measurement parameter.
The calibration procedures for measuring instruments they shall be based on national or
internationals standards.
A standard is a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or
characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and
services are fit for their purpose.
There are several International Standards to apply to the calibration of callipers however these
current standards are referenced in the standard ISO13385:2011 published by International
Organization for Standardization (ISO). To this approach were selected for comparison
current Standard ISO13385: 2011 and redraw Standard DIN 862:1988.
The field of application of DIN 862: 1988-Requirements and testing, applies to universal
callipers and callipers for depth measurements. This standard makes no distinction in the
calibration method of these two types of callipers.
The ISO 13385: 2011 consists of two parts as follow:
• ISO 13385-1:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional
measuring equipment - Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological characteristics.
• ISO 13385-2:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional
measuring equipment - Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological
In the current Standard for callipers calibration (ISO 13385: 2011), we can find a set of
measuring tests that evaluate their metrological characteristics with special attention to the
interior measuring jaws, compared with the previous standard (DIN 862: 1988 ). The
selection of standards gauges required for calibration also suffers an adjustment due to change
/ increase of tests to perform. Unlike the previous standard the indication of the maximum
permissible errors are not included in ISO 13385: 2011.
It is expected that the calibration certificate of a universal calliper which could previously be
calibrated according to DIN 862: 1988 and at this moment can be calibrated by ISO 13385-1,
requires a new approach because there is an increase of measuring tests which will be
described in this work.


The calliper is a measuring instrument that can make several types of measurements such as
external, internal or depth measurements. Its operation is based on the movement of a slider
which moves along the calliper beam. We can find callipers with measuring ranges variables.
In general we can classify as small callipers those whose measurement range reaches 300 mm
and as large callipers those whose range exceed 300 mm and can reach to 2000 mm.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design,
Editors: J.F. Silva Gomes & S.A. Meguid, P.Delgada/Azores, 26-30 July 2015

Regarding types of indication devices we can find callipers with analog indication, vernier
scale or circular scale or digital display.
On callipers with analogue indication, vernier and circular callipers, we can find scale interval
of 0.02 mm and 0.05mm and in digital callipers indications of 0.01 mm.
Currently there are numerous types of callipers for many different applications.
Typically, it is possible to distinguish three types of callipers by the design of their jaws:
• Independent jaws for external and internal measurements
• One only jaws with two measuring faces for external and internal measurements
• Jaws to depth measurements
To a better understanding follow images and nomenclature above.

Fig. 1 - Example for a design for a calliper for external, internal and depth measurement

Fig. 2 - Example for a design for a calliper for external, internal measurement with a fine adjustment device

Quality Control and Metrology in Engineering

Fig. 3 - Example for a design for a calliper depth gauge (slider with locking screw)

Fig. 4 - External measurements Fig- 5 - Internal measurements Fig. 6 - Step or depth measurements
Inherent to the construction of the calliper as a measuring instrument, there are errors that we
must consider when we make measurements with this instrument.
Although detailed evaluation of these errors it is not the aim of this work, their appointment
and knowledge of its existence is important to minimize measurement errors that may occur
when used in everyday life and during the calibration process. It also helps to understand the
measurement methods used in calibration.
We can name the principle of Abbe (Abbe´s principle) which states that maximum accuracy
may be obtained only when the standard is in line with the axis of the object being measured.
Calliper, except calliper depth gauge, does not comply with Abbe´s principle. In order to
minimize such errors, measurements shall be made with the standard gauge or workpiece held
as close as possible to the beam. It should also be ensured that there is no excessive clearance
between the main scale and the slider in order to ensure that the measuring faces of the
external measuring jaws are parallel. Note that in case of callipers depth gauges they are not
affected by this error (Flack, 2014).
In analogue callipers (vernier and circular scale) another type of construction errors to
considerer is the parallax error. Usually the graduated face of the main scale and the vernier
callipers are not in the same plane and therefore the apparent alignment of these two
graduations will vary slightly depending on the viewing angle. The best way to avoid it is take
the measurements viewing the scale directly above the graduation (Flack, 2014).

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design,
Editors: J.F. Silva Gomes & S.A. Meguid, P.Delgada/Azores, 26-30 July 2015

Another factor that may influence the measurements is the measurement force that the
operator carries out the measurement. There is one type of calliper named by constant force
dial calliper, especially to make measurements on materials that deform easily but in general
the other types of callipers have no force control device. The force measurement can vary at
each measurement, especially if performed by different operators. The speed at which the
slider moves on the beam when excessive, can introduce measurement errors. We can
minimize the errors if we gently move the slider on the beam and do not apply excessive force
measurement. Wherever possible, measurements should be at the nearest position of the main
scale (Flack, 2014).
Due to type of jaws, we can point out the errors caused by crossed knife-edges. These errors
can be significant when small diameters are measured (<5 mm) and therefore the
measurements must be made in the center line of the diameter that we want to measure.

The aim of the calliper calibration is evaluate the metrological characteristics of the
measuring instrument. Errors are determined by calibration and are presented in a calibration
In order to be able to do comparison between the International Standards ISO13325: 2011 and
DIN862: 1988 this document will be referred to general and some aspects relevant to
understanding of the calibration process, however will be more relevant the differences
between the two Standards. . The terminology adopted and the design features are similar in
both Standards as have been described in the previous section of this paper, the focus of this
approach will be directed to the metrological characteristics.

Scope / Field of application

The DIN 862 applies to a maximum measuring range of 2000 mm to analogue callipers and
circular vernier scale resolutions of 0.1 mm, 0.05mm and 0.02mm. For digital callipers
applies to 1000 mm maximum range, resolution of 0.01 mm.
The ISO 13385 standard is more inclusive in the field of application, is indicated for analogue
callipers (vernier scale and circular) and callipers digital display. This standard has no
limitations with regard to the resolution of the calliper to calibrate.

Metrological characteristics
General conditions
As a good practice is essential to keep the measurement equipment in good condition and
keep it clean so it can fulfill their function correctly. Callipers are not exception. Over time it
is possible that the calliper starts to show some flaws in its operation such as clearance
between the slider and the beam, problems at the lock devices, lack of flatness and / or
parallelism of the measuring faces and many others that can interfere with your performance.
The clearance between the slider and the beam should allow the slider to move smoothly in
the beam along its entire length.
When the slide calliper is clamped, with the locking screw or locking device, the indication
obtained cannot be changed. In the digital calliper shall not change more than one digital step.

Quality Control and Metrology in Engineering

In both DIN 862 e ISO 13385, the results are directly influenced by deviations from flatness
and parallelism of the measuring faces. Therefore the requirements for straightness, flatness
and parallelism of the measuring faces are specified separately.

Zero setting
The zero setting is made with the jaws for external measurements closed.
The digital callipers should be able to setting zero at any point in its range.
The vernier callipers have a fixed zero point. The analogue callipers with adjustable circular
scale should be able to setting zero at any point in its range.
Due to the different design features of the measuring face of the calliper depth gauge, the zero
must be carried out with the aid of a measuring plane.

Measurement of errors
DIN 862:1988
With regard to the measurement of errors, DIN 862 considers that the measurements for
determining the measurement error must be in random points along the length of the
measuring jaw in different positions of the measuring range. The measuring force applied
should be the same in both directions of travel. Consider the positive direction the same
direction that is used to set zero.
The measuring standards used must be gauge blocks according to DIN 861-1 and gauge rings
in accordance with DIN 2250-2.

Fig. 7 - Example of test method to determine limits of error

ISO 13385:2011
About the determination of the errors, standard ISO 13385 determine that the test methods
recommended should evaluate the performance of the calliper throughout its measuring range.
The errors of indication apply to any type of indication of callipers when the setting zero is
performed with the jaws of external measurements closed. The errors of indication do not
depend on the callipers range.
The methods described are not the only valid test methods but their use is recommended by
ISO 13385.
The error of indication shall be determined with appropriate standards or with appropriate
measurement uncertainty. For example, gauge blocks according to standard ISO 3650.
To better understand which are the main differences in methodology between DIN 862 and
ISO 13385 a step by step approach will be carried out.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design,
Editors: J.F. Silva Gomes & S.A. Meguid, P.Delgada/Azores, 26-30 July 2015

ISO 13385:2011 - Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological characteristics

Parcial surface contact error, E
This is the error of indication when the measuring faces of the calliper are partially used. It is
determined by the difference between the indicated reading and the calibrated value from the
measurement standard.
To determine this error, measurements can be made in measurement standards with small
faces, for example gauge blocks at different positions along the jaws and in any position of its
measuring range.

Fig. 8 - Example of test method to determine parcial surface contact error, E

Repeatability of parcial surface contact error, R

The repeatability of parcial surface contact error can be determined by measuring, for
example, a gauge block at any position of the measuring faces for external measurements and
at any point within the measuring range of the calliper.

Fig. 9 - Example of test method to determine repeatability of parcial surface contact error, R

Line contact error, L

This error can be tested by measuring a cylindrical measurement standard, for instance a
cylindrical pin, of a small diameter at different positions along the jaws, perpendicular to
plane of jaws. It is not need to test this error in more than one position in the measuring range.
This error it is determined by the variation over two or more readings.
The importance of this test method relies on the fact that it is possible to detect worn
measuring faces of used callipers.

Quality Control and Metrology in Engineering

Fig. 10 - Example of test method to determine repeatability of parcial surface contact error, R

Full surface contact error, J

Full surface contact error can be tested by measuring a measurement standard, for example
gauge block, which covers the whole measuring surface of the jaws and is determined by the
variation over two or more readings.
Once again it is not need to test this error in more than one position in the measuring range.

Fig. 11 - Example of test method to determine full surface contact error, J

Error due to crossed knife-edge distance, K

Dedicated exclusively to the type of knife-like jaws, this error must be determined by
measuring a setting ring gauge with a nominal value not exceeding 5 mm. This error it
depends on the clearance between the measuring faces and the thickness of the knife-edges
faces. This error it is determined by the difference between the indicated reading and the
calibrated value from the measurement standard.

Fig. 12 - Example of test method to determine error due to crossed knife-edge distance, K

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design,
Editors: J.F. Silva Gomes & S.A. Meguid, P.Delgada/Azores, 26-30 July 2015

Scale shift error, S

This is the error of indication when using measuring faces other than measuring faces for
external measurement. Full contact of the measuring faces must be provided. Scale shift error
includes error of form of the measuring faces for depth measurements and change of the
direction of measuring force. It is not necessary to test this error in more than one position
within the measuring range.
Test method may be to measuring a gauge block (full contact measurement) with the faces for
external measurements, and then measuring a setting ring gauge with the same nominal value
with the measuring faces for internal measurement. This error it is determined by the variation
over two or more readings. It is very important to use the gauge block and the setting ring
gauge of the same size.
Note that for callipers with crosses knife edges, scale shift error must be performed using a
setting ring gauge with diameter not being less than 5 mm.
This same method can be used to test the scale shift error between measuring faces for
external measurements and the depth measuring rod.

Fig. 13 - Example of test method to determine scale shift error, S

ISO 13385:2011 - Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological

Parcial surface contact error, E
This error may be tested using a pair of measuring standards with small faces, for instance
gauge blocks, when in contact with the surface plate according to ISO 8512-2:1990, grade 1,
at different positions along the base, at any point within the measuring range.
It is determined by the difference between the indicated reading and the calibrated value from
the measurement standard.
Form deviation of the measuring surface of the base is including.

Fig. 14 - Example of test method to determine parcial surface contact error, E

Quality Control and Metrology in Engineering

Repeatability of parcial surface contact error, R

The repeatability of parcial surface contact error can be determined by measuring, for
example, a gauge block at any position of the measuring face of the measuring base and at
any point within the measuring range of the calliper depth gauge.

Fig. 15 - Example of test method to determine repeatability of parcial surface contact error, R

Maximum permissible error

After calibration it is necessary to perform the analysis of the calibration certificate and
proving conformity or nonconformity with specifications of the measuring instrument and in
this case specifications are usually given as maximum permissible errors.

The DIN 862 provides limits of error, G, function of the measured length, l, and are to be
determine on the basis of two equations. These equations determined G, apply for conditions
where the direction of the force applied during measurement does not change. Where it does
change and for measurements with the depth rod the values obtained for the limits of error are
to be increase by 20 µm.
Unlike DIN 862, ISO 13385 does not quantify the maximum permissible errors. To prove
conformance and non-conformance with specifications applies ISO 14253-1.
Uncertainty of measurement shall be conformed according to ISO 14253-2 and ISO/IEC
Guide 98-3.
The manufacturer shall specify maximum permissible errors information for the calliper
metrological characteristics permitted by specifications.

To better understand the concepts of this approach follows a practical example application
indicating which the tests are carried out for calibration according to DIN and calibration
according to ISO.
The standard gauges used in both calibration are similar but due to some recommendations in
ISO 13385-1 should be used a few more standard equipment including ring gauges with
specific nominal values and pin gauges.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design,
Editors: J.F. Silva Gomes & S.A. Meguid, P.Delgada/Azores, 26-30 July 2015

Fig. 16 - Tests arrangements for callipers calibrated by DIN 862:1988 e ISO 13385-2:2011

Fig. 17 - Tests arrangements for callipers calibrated by DIN 862:1988 e ISO 13385-1:2011

The callipers calibration according to the ISO 13385: 2011 compared with DIN 862: 1988,
allows, in general, a more detailed assessment of its metrological characteristics.

Quality Control and Metrology in Engineering

Although the number of tests have increased, they are easy to perform. Considering that ISO
13385: 2011 does not indicate what the maximum permissible errors for determining the
acceptance criteria.

From a practical point of view it is intended that this approach assist the transition to the
current calibration standard essentially on the analysis of the calibration certificate
development of acceptance criteria for calipers that can be determined based on the process
where the calliper is used.

[1]-Flack, David, Callipers and Micrometers, NPL Guide No.40, Issue 2, 2014, p.6-29.
[2]-ISO 13385-1:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional measuring
equipment - Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological characteristics. International Standard
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
[3]-ISO 13385-2:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional measuring
equipment - Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological characteristics.
International Standard Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
[4]-DIN 862:1988. Vernier callipers; requirements and testing. German Standards, Berlin,
[5]-ISO 14253-1: 2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by
measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 1: Decision rules for proving
conformity or nonconformity with specifications. International Standard Organization,
Geneva, Switzerland.
[6]-ISO 14253-2:2011. Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Inspection by
measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment — Part 2: Guidance for the estimation
of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equipment and in product
verification. International Standard Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
[7]-NP EN ISO 9001:2008/AC Fevereiro 2010. Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade –
Requisitos. Instituto Português da Qualidade, Lisboa, Portugal
[8]-NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Requisitos gerais de competência para laboratórios de
ensaio e calibração. Instituto Português da Qualidade, Lisboa, Portugal
[9]-JCGM, BIPM, JCGM 200:2012. International vocabulary of metrology - Basic and general
concepts and associated terms (VIM), JCGM, 2012.


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