Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda
Date of Birth: 29/03/1971 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Area of Specialization: Youth Studies, Economics of Education, Social
Language Competency: Spanish, English, French (reading).
Address: Ayacucho 551, (1026) Ciudad Autónoma Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Phone: (+54 11) 5238-9370
Mobile: (+54 11) 941 77-4558
Fax: (+54-11) 4375-1373
2008 Academic Coordinator of Youth Research Program, Latin American
School of Social Sciences (FLACSO) Argentina.
Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological
Research of Argentina (CONICET).
2007 Ph D. in Social Sciences, Latin American School of Social Sciences
(FLACSO Argentina) Advisor: Dr. Rene Bendit.
2002 MA in Social Policies, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Advisor: Daniel Filmus MA.
1999 Diploma of Specialization in Planning and Management of Social
Policies, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1996 B.A. in Sociology (Lic. in Sociology), University of Buenos Aires,
of Education, Argentina
1998- Graduate Research Fellowship, Initial Level, National Council for
2003 Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET-Argentina).
2009 Academic Coordinator of Post-Graduate Program: Juventud,
Educación y Trabajo: Nuevas tendencias y desafíos. Modalidad
Virtual. (Youth, Education and Work: New trends and
challenges. Virtual modality) - Latin American School of Social
Sciences, Argentina)
2001- Assistant Professor, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires,
2008 Argentina teaching “Economics of education” at the MA
Programs in Education.
2003- Assistant Professor. University of Buenos Aires, teaching
2008 “Economy for the Labor Market”.
1996- Assistant professor in Daniel Filmus MA. University of Buenos
2003 Aires, teaching “Sociology”.
A) Books
Bendit R., Hahn M. and Miranda A. editors (2008): Los jóvenes y el
futuro: procesos de inclusión social y patrones de vulnerabilidad
en un mundo globalizado. Prometeo Books. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Miranda A. (2007): La nueva condición joven: educación,
desigualdad, empleo. Octubre Foundation of Buildings Workers.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Filmus D., Kaplan C., Miranda A. and Moragues M. (2001): Cada vez
más necesaria, cada vez más insuficiente: la escuela media en
épocas de globalización. Santillana Publishers, Buenos Aires.
Argentina. (along with translation into Portuguese).
Miranda A. (2008): "Job integration of young people in Argentina". Bendit
R. and Hahn-Bleibtreu M. (eds.): Youth transitions: processes
of social inclusion and patterns of vulnerability in a
globalised world. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Germany.
Miranda A., Otero A. and Corica A. (2007): “Cambio y situación social de
los jóvenes en Argentina”. Papeles de Población Magazine No.
52. Research and Advanced Population Studies Center.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Miranda A. (2006): “La condición joven”. Studies on Youth Magazine
"Acceso Directo". Rosario Borough. Argentina.
Miranda A., Otero A. and Corica A. (2006); "Educación y empleo: la
situación histórica de los jóvenes en Argentina, 1970-2001".
Question Magazine No. 11. School of Journalism, Universidad
Nacional de La Plata. Argentina.
Miranda A., Otero A. and Zelarayan J. (2005): “El empleo de los jóvenes
en la Argentina contemporánea”. Magazine on Social Security
Studies, from the International Association of Social Security.
Regional Office for the Americas, No. 96, Buenos Aires. Argentina
Miranda A. and Otero A. (2005): "Diversidad y desigualdad en los
caminos de los egresados de la escuela secundaria". Mexican
Magazine of Educational Research Vol.10, No. 25. Mexican
Council for Educational Research. Mexico FD. Mexico.
Miranda A. (2005): “No tan iguales, no tan distintos”. At Mercocities
Seminar: Integration and Involvement of Youth in the
Mercocities. Income distribution in Latin America.
AUTHORS: General Management of the Buenos Aires Government
Youth and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Filmus D., Miranda A. and Otero A. (2004): “La construcción de
trayectorias laborales entre los egresados de la escuela
secundaria”. Claudia Jacinto (coord.) ¿Educar para que trabajo?:
discutiendo rumbos en América Latina. La Crujia publishers-
redEtis. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Filmus D., Miranda A. and Zelarayan J. (2003): “La transición entre la
escuela secundaria y el empleo: un estudio sobre los recorridos de
los jóvenes en el Gran Buenos Aires”. Studies on Work
Magazine No. 26 Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Miranda A. and Salvia A. (2003): ¿Trabajar, estudiar o dejar pasar el
tiempo? Cambios en las condiciones de vida de los jóvenes en el
Gran Buenos Aires. Makiwski Sara and Villena Sergio (coord.): Los
jóvenes en América Latina: miradas desde Argentina, Chile
y Nicaragua. Young researchers series Working Document No. 1.
FLACSO - Mexico.
Balardini S. and Miranda A. (2003): “Juventud, transiciones y
permanencias”. Makiwski Sara and Villena Sergio (coord.): Los
jóvenes en América Latina: miradas desde Argentina, Chile
y Nicaragua. Jóvenes Investigadores (Young researchers) series
Working Document No. FLACSO - Mexico.
Miranda A. and Otero, A. (2002): “Modelo para armar: los dilemas de los
jóvenes frente al trabajo en el Siglo XXI”. Proponer y Dialogar:
temas jóvenes para la reflexión y el debate. UNICEF-United
Nations for Children’s Fund. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Miranda A. and Salvia A. (2001): “Transformaciones en las condiciones
de vida de los jóvenes en los noventa. Estimación de
Determinantes a través de regresiones”. Crisis y metamorfosis
del mercado de trabajo Part 2: Methodological contributions and
other proofs. Cuadernos del CEPED (CEPED notebooks) series, No.
5, School of Economics Sciences-University of Buenos Aires. Buenos
Miranda A., Otero A. and Corica A.: "Trends in education-employment
passage in the Buenos Aires suburbs, Neuquén and Salta”,
submitted at the 8th National Congress on Work Studies.
Argentine Association of Specialists on Work Studies. Buenos Aires.
August, 2007.
Miranda A. and Otero A.: "Approaches to youth condition from education-
employment passage: newly graduates from tertiary schools”,
submitted at the XXVI International Congress of Latin
American Studies Association (LASA), Montreal, Canada.
September, 2007.
Miranda A.: "Labor inclusion of young people in Argentina", submitted at
the International Youth - Research Meeting, Viena, Austria.
December, 2006.
Miranda A.: "Successive approaches and vulnerability in the education-
employment passage", submitted at the International Seminar
"Tertiary school at discussion", organized by OSDE Foundation
and FLACSO. Buenos Aires. June, 2006
Miranda A. Otero A. and Zelarayan J.: “Segmented labor inclusion and
education distribution among Argentine urban youths: analysis of
the last 20 years”, submitted at the Latin American Studies
Association XXVI International Congress. Puerto Rico. March,
Miranda A. Otero A. and Zelarayan J.: “Education distribution and
employment inequality: youths in the contemporary Argentina”,
submitted at the 7th Congress of the Association on Work Studies.
Buenos Aires. August, 2005.
Miranda A and Otero A.: “Building labor trajectories among youths
graduated from high school”, submitted at the Latin American
Studies Association XXV International Congress. Las Vegas,
Nevada. October, 2004.
Filmus D., A. Miranda and J. Zellarayan: “Transition between tertiary
school and work: study on post-high school trajectories of youths in
the Buenos Aires suburbs”. ALAST Congress, La Habana. September,
Miranda A.: “Notes regarding the school, employment and family
metamorphosis”. V Meetings of the Sociology Career, University of
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires. November, 2002.
Filmus D., Miranda A. and J. Zellaran: “At the labor market: Does
knowledge occupy place?: tertiary school graduates and first year of
labor inclusion”. ASET Congress, Buenos Aires. August, 2001.
Miranda A. and Salvia A.: “No more than shadows: Transitions in the
youths’ living conditions during the nineties”. Commission on Youth
Research of CLACSO Meeting, San José de Costa Rica. December,
Balardini S. and Miranda A.: Youths talk about experience of government
school”. Youth Research Group of CLACSO Meeting, CLACSO,
Buenos Aires. December, 1999.
Filmus D. and Miranda A.: "Latin America and Argentina during the
nineties: more education, less jobs = more inequality”. Commission
on Education and Society of CLACSO Meeting, Recife. November,
Balardini S. and Miranda A.: “Youth, transitions and permanences”,
submitted at the Meetings on the Poor, Poverty and Social
Exclusion, UBA/CEIL, Buenos Aires. August, 1999.
Miranda A. and Salvia A.: “North of Nothing: youths and exclusion during
the ‘90s”. III Meetings of the Sociology Career, University of Buenos
Aires. November, 1998.
Miranda A. and Salvia A.: “Exclusion of youths during the ‘90s: There are
more youths all over the country. Current problem which will echo in
the future”. First Congress Internship of the Poor and Poverty.
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. November, 1997.
Miranda A. and Salvia A.: “Exclusion of youths during the ‘90s”. ALAS
Congress. University of San Pablo. August, 1997.
collectively organized by the INET, World Bank, IIPE UNESCO and
FLACSO, on July 8th, 1999.
- XVIII CLACSO General Meeting and Commemoration of 30 Years of its
Foundation: Balance and Prospect of the Social Sciences in
Latin America and Caribe. Narrator at Concurrent Workshop No. 12
Involvement and youth political spaces. November, 1997.