Nano and Micro PTFE
Nano and Micro PTFE
Nano and Micro PTFE
Jayashree Bijwe and Mohit Sharma Abstract Carbon bre/fabric (CF) is a privileged reinforcement for advanced polymer composites in tribological applications where performance is primary criteria rather than the cost due to the combination of distinct properties such as high specic strength, thermo-oxidative resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity along with self-lubricity etc. However problems associated with its chemical inertness and surface lipophobicity towards majority of matrix materials need special attention, as these directly affect nal properties of a composite. From tribological point of view, surface engineering of composites is very much advantageous in addition to brous reinforcement. This chapter reports on the newly developed technique to modify the surface of carbon fabricPolyethersulphone (CF-PES) composite with Polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE) micro and nano particles; to improve the tribological properties. Prior to the composite preparation plasma treatment was employed for CF surface modication to promote ber matrix interfacial adhesion and mechanical interlocking which further improves nal composites strength and wear resistance properties. Both the treatment methods; rst for ber surface alteration and secondly for composite surface, proved benecial to enhance composites performance. The inclusion of nano scale PTFE particles on the surface of a composite proved to be more efcient than the micro-scale PTFE particles to improve tribo-performance of CF-PES composite.
J. Bijwe (*) Industrial Tribology Machine Dynamics and Maintenance Engineering Centre (ITMMEC), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India e-mail: M. Sharma Leibniz-Institut fr Polymerforschung Dresden, e.V. Hohe Strasse 6, 01069 Dresden, Germany e-mail: J. Paulo Davim (ed.), Tribology of Nanocomposites, Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33882-3_2, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 19
essential but generally expensive. Since tribological composites need high performing surfaces from friction and wear point of view, use of these expensive materials in the bulk is not essential always. SLs being low surface energy materials if added in the bulk of composite, improves tribo-performance at the cost of signicant deterioration in the strength apart from unnecessary increase in the cost. It will be wise use the SLs only on surface rather than in the bulk or implement the concept of graded composites in which surface, subsurface and bulk are tailored judiciously with various matrices and reinforcements in such a way that the desired performance can be achieved with adequate cost. (For dry bearings, surfaces should have very low , low wear, high thermal conductivity, low expansion and high counter face friendliness, fatigue resistance while bulk should have desired mechanical strength and high thermal conductivity). Interestingly no such efforts are reported in open literature though peripheral information is available in few patent forms [3, 4]. Figure1 shows the schematic to signpost the judicious importance of each constituent for surface designed advanced polymeric composites which nally attributes to enhanced tribological performance. A little is reported on the exploration of concept of surface engineering of polymeric bearings [5]. Bijwe et al. [5] prepared surface-tailored composites based on commingled yarns of carbon ber and Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) using autoclave method. The composites were surface modied with micro sized particles of graphite, MoS2, copper and PTFE either in isolation or in combination in different proportions in the top fabric layers rather than their inclusion in the bulk. PTFE in various forms, such as particulate (micron sized), wool, short bers, long bers, etc., was used to investigate benets endowed by the surface modications. Among all SLs PTFE proved
most promising. The long PTFE bers on the surface proved most benecial as compared to other forms to improve tribological performance of composites without appreciable loss in the strength. PTFE ber inclusion removed the stickslip problem associated with the unmodied surface; reduced from 0.6 to 0.12 and enhanced the WR approximately by 70 times. The placement of SLs however, was done manually and proper technique was not evolved in these preliminary studies.
Nano and Micro PTFE for Surface Lubrication Fig.2Fiber architecture of 22 twill weave carbon fabric [20]
The quantication of advantages in tribology due to variation in size of llers (nano-sub-micro, micro etc.) is essential. Unfortunately it is not addressed in the literature and needs to be investigated in details. Recently authors have reported on such efforts using PTFE as a solid lubricant for surface modication, Polyethersulphone (PES) as a matrix and carbon fabric (surface treated and untreated) as a reinforcement [19] and the essence of the ndings are reported in the subsequent sections.
1.37g/cm3. It has a good thermal stability and high continuous use temperature (up to 200C). PES has a glass transition temperature (Tg) of 215C and a melting temperature (Tm) range of 300380C. It has high hydrolytic stability as compared to the other transparent thermoplastics polymers. 2.1.3 Selection of a Solid Lubricant: Polytetrauoroethylene PTFE is a white colored thermoplastic crystalline polymer with a density of 2.2g/cm3. Its Tg and Tm are 20 and 321C; respectively. Due to the robust nature of molecular bonds in its structure; PTFE is highly resistive to UV radiation and most of the chemicals except alkali metals and elemental uorine. It retains these properties over a very wide range of temperatures. For surface modication of composites, three sizes of PTFE (micro- 400450nm, sub-micro- 200250nm and nano- 5080nm) as conrmed from FESEM studies (Fig.3) were selected.
to be successful [22]. The carbon fabric modied with this Cold Remote Nitrogen Oxygen Plasma (CRNOP) technique this was used for reinforcement. Unmodied CF was also selected to quantify the benets due to surface modication of fabric. (The work involves two surface modications; rst that of bers and second that of surface of a composite with PTFE.)
a compression molding machine to a temperature of 380390C for 20min under a pressure of 7.3MPa. The composites were then cooled in a compressed condition and then cut with the help of diamond cutter for different mechanical (as per ASTM standards) and tribological characterizations. This composite was treated as a composite with unmodied surface. Two such composites were developed containing CF with and without CRNOP treatment. 2.3.2 Novel Technique for Surface Modication of Composites A modied impregnation method was used to develop surface tailored composites with PTFE of different sizes. The surface designing was done for only top two layers. PES and PTFE powders in a selected composition (2wt % of PTFE in PES) were mixed in a high shear ball mill using zirconia balls in an alcohol media for 16h. Batches prepared with all PTFE powders were dried in vacuum oven for 2h. The dried mix was then probe sonicated in an ethyl alcohol medium for 20min to achieve more homogeneous mixing and de-agglomeration of NPs. The solution impregnation technique (discussed in Sect. 2.3.1) was then used to prepare two prepregs for the surface. The sequence of applying temperature and pressure was optimized (temperature from 280 to 380C in the steps of 20C and pressure in the steps of 1MPa up to 6MPa). At higher applied temperature and pressure, matrix bleeding and displacement of bers were observed. Hence, the two tailored prepregs with eighteen untailored prepregs were compression molded under optimized conditions followed by natural cooling under compressed state to the ambient temperature.
Fig.5High resolution FESEM (Mag. 150K) micrographs of a carbon ber a before treatment b after plasma treatment [19, 20]
compression molding, groves on the ber surface acts as duct for polymer melt to ow and hence melt trapped in between the ridges. Hence, ber-matrix mechanical interlocking with treated bers is better.
Fig.7Raman spectra of the untreated and plasma treated carbon bers [22]
while that of plasma treated bers, presence of oxygenated polar functional groups was observed. Ether, carboxyl and carbonyl groups were observed corresponding to wave number range 9501,200, 1,6501,710cm1, respectively. These functional groups were responsible for improvement in adhesion between the matrix and fabric.
Fig.8HRTEM images of carbon bers; a untreated, b plasma treated bers; c and d are their corresponding auto correlated images, respectively [20]
the crystallite size is reduced, and the activity of the graphite crystallite boundary is improved [33, 34]. Figure8 supports this by indicating the increased ID/IG ratio, hence induced distortion (reduced crystallinity) due to treatment to CF.
Fig.9AFM images of carbon bers; a untreated b Plasma treated indicating increase in surface roughness from 114 to 264nm [19, 20]
Fig.10SEM (15K) of impregnated bers; a before treatment b after plasma treatment [20]
The analysis from all surface characterization techniques revealed that the plasma treatment on ber surface altered its original inertness of and led to enhancement in ber matrix adhesion, which resulted in improved performance properties of their composites as discussed in subsequent section.
Table1Details of unmodied and PTFE modied PES-CF composites [19, 20] Designations of compositesa PESCFU PESCFT PESCFTN PESCFTSM PESCFTM
aPES CFUComposites
Av. PTFE particle size (FESEM studies) (nm) 5080 200250 400450
with untreated CF PESCFTComposites with treated CF PESCFTNComposite with treated CF and nano- sized (5080nm) PTFE on the surface PESCFTSMComposite with treated CF and submicron sized (150200nm) PTFE on the surface PESCFTMComposite with treated CF and micron sized (400450nm) PTFE on the surface Table2Physical and mechanical properties of CF-PES composites reinforced with untreated and plasma treated CF [20] Properties/materials Fiber weight (%) Void fraction Density (g/cm3) HDT ASTM D648 (C) Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa) Toughness (MPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Flexural modulus (GPa) Interlaminar shear strength(MPa) PES 1.37 204 84 3 60 112 2.8 PESCFU 67.50 0.47 1.52 227 744 65 4.1 692 54 36 PESCFT 68.24 0.37 1.54 233 778 76 4.3 835 68 46 % changes due to CF treatment 21.3 1.3 2.6 4.4 14.4 4.7 17.1 20.6 21.7
had almost negligible effect on the HDT values of the composites (1.52.5%). Composites containing plasma treated CF proved superior to those with untreated CF conrming the improved ber-matrix adhesion as a result of treatment due to the increment in ber matrix mechanical interlocking.
was measured after cleaning ultrasonically with petroleum ether followed by drying. The pin was slid against a mild steel disc (Ra values range 0.10.2m) at a constant speed of 1m/s. After the experiment, pin was again weighed with an accuracy of 0.0001g and weight loss readings were used to calculate the specic wear rate (Ko) of composites. as a function of time during sliding was recorded with the help of viewer software. The specic wear rate (Ko) was calculated using the equation: W m3 N1 m1 K0 = (1) Ld Where; W is the weight loss in kg, the density of pin in kg/m3, L the load in N and d the sliding distance in meters. The experiment was repeated for three times and the average of two closest values of weight loss was used for specic wear rate calculations.
4.2.2 Tribological Aspects of PTFE as a Solid Lubricant PTFE has a peculiar morphological and molecular structure and has a high molecular weight inert uorocarbon compound which demonstrates mitigated London dispersive forces due to highly electronegative F- atoms. In PTFE molecule, CF forms non-reactive and instantaneous polarized multi poles. With the increases in surface contact, the polarizability increases due to the dispersed electron clouds hence closer interaction between different molecules. Tribological point of view, this is the most exploited solid lubricant in various amounts and sizes in the bulk of the composites barring nano-size, in general. In PTFE uorine atoms are close enough to form a smooth cylindrical surface against which other molecules can easily slide. At larger scale, the long chains of PTFE orient on the counter face surface during sliding creating a ne coherent transfer lm. The transfer lm creates a low shear-strength interface with the bulk PTFE material [43]. Hence the interaction is between PTFE lm and the PTFE in composite leading to least possible adhesion and hence very low . This lm transferring ability depends on the size and amount of PTFE particles apart from operating conditions.
4.2.3 Tribo-Characterization of Composites The essence of performance of composites is shown in Table3 which elaborates on the inuence of two modications (plasma treatment to the CF and PTFE on the surface of a composite) on WR wear resistance and . Overall WR of the composites was in the range 4.8 to 7.81014Nm/m3, which is rated as quite high and was in the range 0.060.25 which is a desirable range for such composites. In all the cases with increase in load WR and decreased appreciably and these are the general trends reported in the literature.
Table3The essence of CF-PES composites performance due to treatments (plasma treatment to the CF and PTFE on the surface of a composite) [20] Composites Limit Wear resistance (WR)x1014 Nm/m3 load* under load (100N) (N) 2 4 6 7 8 9.5 PESCFU PESCFT PESCFTM PESCFTSM PESCFTN 700 700 800 900 950 6.5 7.2 7.5 7.6 7.8 6.4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 5.6 6.0 6.4 6.5 6.6 5.2 5.3 5.7 5.4 5.6 F F 5.0 5.1 5.4 F F F F 4.8 Coefcient of friction () under load (100N) 2 4 6 7 8 9.5 0.25 0.21 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.19 0.18 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.18 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.14 F F 0.12 F F 0.11 0.09 F 0.10 0.08 F 0.09 0.07 0.06
Inuence of Plasma Treatment on Fibers The plasma treatment led to increase in WR and decreased (Table3) of CF-PES composites which is a signicant improvement. As compared to the untreated ones, values of treated CF-PES composite lowered by ~15% with almost equal increment in wear resistance. The treatment to the bers led to the increase in the surface roughness and inclusion of functional groups which resulted in more bermatrix adhesion as discussed in the earlier section; leading to more resistance to peeling off or breakage of bers during sliding and hence lower wear.
Inuence of PTFE Modication on the Surface and Size of Particles The and WR were highly inuenced due to PTFE modication rather than size of PTFE particles on the surface. PTFE inclusion improved the and WR of composites to ~33 and ~14% respectively. Table3 summarizes the trends in improvement (Fig.11) due to various PTFE modications on Tribo-performance parameters (, WR and limiting load). The incremented limiting load value has established the efcacy of PTFE surface modication, the limiting load for PESCFU and PESCFT composites was up to 700N, while for tailored composites it was from 800 to 950N. For PESCFTN composite (tailored with 5080nm size PTFE); limiting load value was 950N with WR4.81014Nm/m3 and value0.06 conrming potential of nano-PTFE. Sliding wear performance of the composites improved with decrement in the size of PTFE llers. Well spherical nano llers provide high interfacial area between the llers and matrix. This leads to a better bonding between the two phases and hence better strength and toughness properties [6, 44]. Topographical smoothening and a rolling effect due to the inclusion of nano-llers at the surface is the reason for improved friction and wear performance of PESCFTN composite. It is of utmost importance that the NPs should be uniformly dispersed to get the best property prole. To avoid agglomeration the minimum wt % of llers is to be
Nano and Micro PTFE for Surface Lubrication Fig.11a Coefcient of friction; b specic wear rates as a function of increasing load for all surface designed series of composites [19, 20]
used. In literature on polymeric NCs generally 23wt % of nano-llers is claimed [4548] to be the optimum amount. The main feature of PTFE NPs which inuence the wear performance is their huge interfacial surface area. It was desired to see the service life of the designed surfaces. The CF-PES composites (without and with PTFE particles at the surface) were slid against steel disc till the steady state friction value starts uctuating at high friction torque. This signposted the limiting life of modied composites when few or no PTFE particles left on its surface for replenishment of transferred lm on the steel disc. Higher the limiting time, more is the tribo-utility of the surface. In the long experiment at 700N load, the limiting sliding times for the composite surface without PTFE, with micro sized PTFE and nanoPTFE were; 8.33, 17.7 and 21.3h respectively; indicating benecial effects of PTFE on the composite surface [19]. For PESCFTN composites, the transfer of thin tenacious PTFE lm on the steel disc surface was effective in maintaining steady values for long time.
Fig.12SEM micrographs (500) of surface designed composites after wearing; a PESCFT, b PESCFTM and c PESCFTN; d, e and f are their respective high resolution FESEM images (75k) at 700N load at 1m/s speed (permission required) [19, 20]
Figure 12 shows SEM and FESEM micrographs of worn surfaces of surface designed composites. The bers were fully covered with the nano PTFE llers. PTFE layer is efciently transferred on the counter surface and sliding is between PTFE layer on the composite surface and thin tenacious layer transferred on the counter surface. The existence on nano-llers (Fig.12f) and micro scale (Fig.12e) is clearly visible with high resolution FESEM images of worn composites surface, which were absent for composites without tailored surface (Fig.12d).
5Concluding Remarks
Surface designing of PESCFT composites with micro, sub-micro and nano-scale PTFE llers improved the overall tribo-performance of composites; though the reduction in was signicant rather than the wear resistance. The idea of
surface treatment of a composite with solid lubricants to safeguard the composites from an un-intentional reduction in strength properties and increase in the cost (if solid lubricant is employed in the whole composite rather than the surface both factors viz. strength and economics are affected signicantly) proved successful. Surface designing enhanced limiting load values of composites signicantly from 700 to 950N, limiting running time from 8 to 21h; reduction in (from 0.12 at 700N load to 0.065 at 900N load) and WR (from 5.2 to 5.6 1014Nm/m3 at 700N load) especially in the case of PESCFTN composite. The increased surface area of contact due to the inclusion of nanoPTFE at the composite surface was responsible for enhanced tribo-performance of PESCFTN composite.
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